lm lIN CLASS IS LARGEST ' EVER HAMILTON HIGH SCHOOL SETS A NEW MARK AS TO NUM- f BERS THIS YEAR. fHaamiltbn, May 19.-(Special.)- The largest class ever graduated from the Hamilton high school will receive diplomas at the Lucas opera house Friday evening, May 22. The class numbers 19, and will be the last to complete the high school course from the present high school building, as the 1915 class will graduate from the new high school building being erected in Pine Grove addition. The memebrs of the class follow: Leona Sontag Cape- hart, Frederick Lyman Carpenter, Olive Edna Carpenter, Mary Lea Chill- cott, Ila Lee Doran, David Clark Gray, Edith Marguerite Hall, Lysle Robert JHodson, Kathryne Priscilla Jones, Anna Mary Kligle, Ethel Letitia Latchem, George Henry Murray, (Ter- aldine Margaret O'Hara, Mary Frances Pauline O'Hara, John Jay Southwick, Frances Welliver Theis, Earl Thorne, Myrtle Mae Wanderer and Leora May Wyant. The graduating class will be ad- dressed Friday evening by Rev. Har- old H. Griffis of Missoula, who will take as his subject "The New lonno- clasm." The entire program for the evening follows: M usic .................. .............. School rand Invocation .............. Re. J. W. IHeyward ,Salutatory .............. Mary Lea Chillcott MI lc ...................... igh School tOctette ia) "Blow, Soft Winds." (h) "Wiegenlied." 'Address, "The New Iconoclasm"...... .-....... Rev. IT. II. Griffis of Missoula Music ...................... School Band Valedictory .......- Myrtle Mae Wanderer Awarding of diplmoas ........ W. T. Tyler Music ................... High School Chorus (a) 1 "The Clang of the Forge." (hb) "Our Old High." Benediction ..................Rev. O. W . Jones L__IN HAMILTON I Hamilton, May 19.-(Special.)- "Articles of incorporation for the Sula Cemetery association have been filed with A. J. Hork, county clerk and recorder. The trustees of the associa- tion, as named in the articles, are three in number. Miss Bethel Irwin left today for Ohio, where she will attend a re- union of her graduating class. She will spend most of the summer visit- ing in the east. Mr.l and Mrs. J. N. Taylor left yes- terday for Chicago, where the former will attend the general presbytery of the Presbyterian church, as a dele- gate from the Butte Presbytery. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor will visit relatives in' the east before returning to their home here. Mrs. Agnes Timmons has filed suit in the district court against A. H. Downing, as administrator of the es- tate of George Orr, for $300 alleged to be due the plaintift for care given the deceased. E. ('. Kurtz is attorney for the plaintiff. Funeral services over the remains of Samuel Brown, who died yesterday at his home near Grantsdale, were held this afternon. The local baseball team will cross bats with the Stevensville team in that town Decoration day. A lively contest is expected. An effort will be maide to arranRge a game with the Bonner team in this town soon. CLINTON NOTES (linton, May 19.-(Special.--Judi. Stephens of 1Mlissoula was in ('linton Monday on business. C. F. Hughes went to Missoular Mon- --- dav'-to do so-mSe-e shopping. -. --- Bessic Thomson had the misfortune to break her left arm last Ilhursday. Mrs. HIollensteiner is not better at this writing. Phil Richardson of ltavenna was In Clinton Sunday. Mont Thomson is in Butte on lbusi- ness. Nellie Ward lspent a few days at home the latter Ipart of last week. Margaret Peers andl Sid Peers and wife of Missoula lspent Sunday with their parents at c'linton. Dan )aily was in Clinton for a few hours last Friday. tRalph c'ion of R:tvenna intok in the circus at lissu l la la .t Friday. (ttlo Swartz \till c'elebrate his 18thI blirthdilay at his htnme, east of town, Saturday night. All are invited to be present at his hollle t' enjov the upc- casion. CARPENTER KILLED. e;'nite, May 't,.'- Charles leinharl, a thl' le\'atir shaft if lii' lienlessy ilu- c.x iibuildin. andl was ilited. IN ONE MINUTE! CLOGGED NOSTRILS OPEN- COLDS AND CATARRH VANISH Stops Nasty Discharge, Clears Stuffed Head, Heals Inflamed Air Passages and You Breathe Freely. Try "Ely's Cream Balm." Get a small bottle anyway, Just to try it-Apply a little in the nostrils end instantly your clogged nose and stopped-up air passages of the head will open; you will breathe freely; dcllness and headache disappear. By morning! the catarrh, cold-in-head or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. and stch misety now! Get the small be of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any L# store. Thig sweet, fragrant FOES FROM WITHIN THREAEN PLOT. IN CITY AGAINST HtJERTA . . . . . . . .... . :.. . ... r "::`:'";ii.:?.::;::;:i~~i::iijiG,;.hX~ht: "i~i": ;; ......... .. :::.... :....i. .. ,"...V.rO'? r . ::::. -- _: ..... _. .": .::::: :::. ,: ..... :.. .. : .d .' .. .:i::.. ... i:i.V.::.... .. :: Latest pictures from Mex:ce City; Huerta's house and Washington's statue in the dust. Itere are two pictures that hov\ just reached this country from lI ',xico. having escapled the 'censors at .iMexico C('ity. 1tppetr photograph shot•ws Iuerta's holluse in ('Cale Alfiiionso Her- rera. Iluerta never lives in the presi- dential castle at I'hallpltpecici: lie only goes there once a monllth to give a re- ception to the diplotmattic corps. Ihuerta's house is constantly gularded, and recently a Imach]ine gun was placed oil the roof. The lower picilulr shows the statue of Washington, w\hich was torn down by a mllob in Mexico city and taken to the bacr ylrd of a police station, where it now lies oin its back in the dust. No one is allowed to see it. The photo was taken friot the top of a wall. Rebellion Breeding. V'era ('rn'z, May Iti.--AiAmerican sol- diers ianlti resident, s of Vera rlluz, na- tive and foreignl, listplyttly keen inter- est in reports from the capital today which tend to supplirt the theory that in effotrt will be made at an early date to unseat I'resilenit Iluerta. None of these reports is definite, but lnion whose close relatiolnxwith the utithorities at the Mexican capital have caused them to be regardedt as a reliable source of inforimation, aire conl- vinced of the existence of a plot em- bracing officers of tile Mlexican army as well as politicians. The greatest fear in the capital, refutgees as5sert, is not that thie plot will be carried thro.ugh, but that this may not octicr biefore the Z;nita for-tis enter the city and Ilref'ipitate serious trouble. Gernlilts who arrivedl from Puebla IN MINERAL COUNTY LOCAL ISSUES AREWARM COUNTY-SEAT HONORS AND PROSPECTIVE OFFICES EN- GAGE ATTENTION. Iran Mountain, Maty 1l.--(Spellal.) -- The fight for tile new Mineral c'ounty seat halls lnow tiegtln in earn- st, I)Deltorgia, St. Tegis, SpIring ( titlh, Superior and Alherton all desire the colunty seat and each anlldl overy man Sswtking--tl t t- goortr:naturett--tl-t-d--i termined a\\ly for his particular to\wn, Iut all are in onle accord whe n it comes toi the welfare of the countly. Iton. I ougal McCormick of Missoula was in this locality today Ipresumably looiking over thle polliticnl situation andl possibly franititg :1p cltallid alltes for state senlate tandt holse of representa- ti\'is for Mineral county. I1 KliI'sey, t tprominent ill Miner:al culnty affair-:, weint to St. Regis Sat- A. I'. iJohnston went to il titise Flrl- day tol escort thei \Wallace t i;nod lloads boosters into Siuperior, tihe cioutiity Mliss I1:hl itishce, teacher -it Albcr- ton, spent Sitndlait with friends. Everybody Satisfied. ,i-eryiwhere people are tatking F'oley Kidlney Iills, andt arc so satisfied they urge oithers to take them also. A. ''T. Kelly, 1Mclintosh, Ala., says: "I recom- mecndl them to all wtho stiffer from tkitldney troules and tu-lintlllhe, for they Siare fine." Host thini you 01 in take -for backache, wetak back and rheuma- tism. Missoula. Drug ('.--Adv. f2, report that apprehension if a Zapata t victory there is even greater than in I the capital. Mlany foreign owners of hig stores in Puehla have closed their doors and are leaving invoices with t the German consul. At Mexico ('ity the capture of Tamn- i pico by the constitutionallsis s has been t admlitted by the governmlent newspa- pers, lint they declare that this \\ls acomnpllished with the assistance of the American marines. Much Suffering. Mexico City, May 1.--The situation i in the capitall is considered serious, L. and it is feared tlhat a rising will e- c cur within a few days. The resignation of the minister of t cOnlnlnll illc: foll, .]OS lItrit Lo IDno, t ilas born accepted, bIut his successor c has not 01ccn nlamlitLed. The telegraph wires to San Luis r Potos , have been cut and It i hbelieved CITY COUNCIL HASI AN INTERESTING SESSION HAMILTON'S MUNICIPALI FATH- ERS DIG UP NUMEROUS SHORT- COMINGS FOR INSPECTION. lan..ilt..on, M ay 1l 1.-(S .. i.itll--- An adjilournld mnitling of the city council was l(l]l last evening, when• it was voted ti advertise fir lids for the lightinig of the city for 12 molnths. J1hidlafor 2,_ 11 dn.LA-4.L arciglt~ -will- be asked for. It was stated at the mcetilng that the Missoula Light & Water company had offered the city the following rates for are lights: $1.501 each fir 32 lights, $t c: ch for :5l lihtits al d $7.50 each for 40 ligi ts. The city is pilyinlg for 32 arcs it pres- enlt. Alderman Steil called the council's attention to the fact that .o license montey had Ibeen collee']ctd front ltle light, telephone or tlegr'n]h companies for tWO years ailtholli tIhe Iollney hiid i b'eeII collected btforo that titille. HI0 intilmlatel It: the city treasurer had not been doing his ditty in not ctl- lctinrg tils Iit\mu-y. ''hii' cit"y ir su•rlier a\\'s n11o1 present at the Ilnetting biit ('ity ('lerk IRouse, inftrntled thie cotlin- oil that City "]'l',rousurtr ti'rush had hiOer advised by formln r City \Attlrney Johllnson I:that the license t1nbhl not be collected. Al.ermnt Steib alis called attention to the fact that nIo iinew ordi- nancoes had been colpied into the ordi- In lince th nik for ilerly two yeal rs, Stilt- ing ti t tlhe city 'employ t lit, city clerk to d-l this work and that hl shouil att'lnd to it. The city clerk came •h:1k with the :assertion that formlnr ('ity Alttornelly Johnsonl had1 il- ways ktept tle h)ook so lthat the clerk could find 1o 1litne to do thte copying. lie flrthllr declared ilt:it ihe could now find tiune as Mr. Johnson woulld lhave tno further need for the btlok. The commlllittee on town property was instrulcted to get the corpora- tion law hooks, twhich cost the city neally $1 lo, from Mr. Jolinsln andli t urn thllml ovr to the presenlt city attorney. It was voted to tralnsfer the city's ShInchelis from the lHavalli park to tile celolIltery. The city clerk was in- structled to notify If. S. Iord to con- e strllct the sillphon crossing at the north s end of North F'ifth street at once. Feel Dull and Sluggish? Start Your g Liver to Working! a It beats all how quickly Foley Ca- thartic Tablets liven your liver, over- come constipation-make you feel d lively and active again. J. L. Mc- y Knight, Ft. "Worth, Texas, says: "My disagreeable symptoms were entirely S removed by the thorough cleansing L Foley Cathartic Tahlets gave me." They're a wonder. Missoula Drug Co. -Adv. that the federals in that district have been defeated. The constitutionalists, it is reported, are abolut to attack Guadalajara, capi- tal of the state of Jalisco. There is great distress among the poor of Mex- ico, and the rich families are dis- tributing free meals daily. FOR INJURING FENCE. HIamilton, May 19.--(Special.)- James Haddix and Rplecrt Landing, charged with tearing down and injur- ing a fence and gate on property not belonging to them, were brought be- fore Justice of the Peace Peshick. The two men pleaded not guilty and their trial was set for June 1.' The fence in- terfered with by the two men is lo- cated on the Bass t'housand-Acre ranch, Manager Culbl.rtson having made complaint to C unty Attorpey Taylor. KNIGHTS CONCLUDOE THEIR COUNCIL SESSION KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS WILL MEET NEXT YEAR WITH THE HELENA LODGE. Kalispell, Maiy 1.---(Special.)--The stiat c iouncil of the Knights of Co- luhmblus concluded their meeting here i last night, with a reception and dance. The bulliness session (:hose Helena as I!the I.ntining.I•tRceA 1IL 915, Maty 17-19. John J. ('Neil of Itutte was elected state deputy and tie other officers were re-elected as follows: Robert E. Crowley, CGreat Falls, state secretary; P. M. I-lalloran, Anaconda, state treas- uror; W. F. Sheehan, Lewistown, state advocate; C.. A. Mllityre, Bozeman, state warden. As d(l.gates to the au- premne council in St. Pa.ul in August; George P[. Joyce of I llena and John O'Neil of Butte were named with J. M'. Moriarity of lIlorina and T. K. Kehoe of lBillings as alternates. The btiu-iness meeting wias considered un- usually sucleessful is each of the 12 councils ill the state was represented and there was a; full attendance of state officers. MOIESE NOTES Maiese, May U1.- (Special.)-Owing t, thlic storlnn Su Iyi the meeting of he held at the soulth Moiese school hIouse by it. W\. New:man, state Sun- day school mlissionary, was postponed until at later date. Mr. and MJrs. Allen Maryatt of Ham- ilton are uestls of John Keown. Mrs. Maryaltt is a sister of Mr. Keown. Earl Schoonvc er and sister Edith came from I'hilipsblrg Monday aft- ernoon and will spend the summer in th•e valley. The rounty cuntmlissioners were in the valley last week. They instructed the te\\ road supervisor, Amos Bur- rill, to begin work on the roads. The equipment was shipped and received by Mr. tlltrrill Tuesday. .Only repair work will be done at present. A team bel(onging to Amos Burrlll ran away Saturday while working in the field. Ralph Iurrill was driving and turned too short, upsetting the harrow. The horses became fright- ened and got away. One horse was slightly injured. The Farmers' Society of Equity held its regular meeting Saturday night, May 1s, at the club house: Charles Austin has traded hjs ranch in sou:th Mloiese to Thomas Street of Missoula for property in Park addi- tion, Missoula. The two famtiles wiff illove next week. Earnest Barton went to St. Aitthony, Old Glory or All Last year The Missoulian distributed about 600 flags for Decoration Day and Fourth of July We have just received 'another shipment, Bull Dog bunt- ing. Seams double sewed, fast colors, moth proof, strong grommets-good for years to come. These flags are 3x5 feet in size. We also have 7-foot joint- ed poles, brass ferules, with ball and rope. While they last: Flag Only 45 Cents Flag with jointed 7-foot pole, ball and rope .................. 5......... .... 85 Missoulian Publishing Company Idaho, last Thursday, where" Mrs. Bar- ton Will join him the latter part of this week. Jay Meredeth returned Monday from Missoula, where he has been attend- ing the county high school the past two semesters. Mrs. Nettie Gerald was a visitor in Missoula Tuesday. Miss Hazel-Barton went to Missoula Friday to have some dental, work done and returned Monday. Pearl Snider won in the spelling contest at the Mission last Friday and will go to Ronan, May 22 to compete with the winners of the other schools. Mrs. W. J. Fullerton has been on the sick list this week and made a trip to Dr. Resner's Thursday for medical treatment. Orrin Wellington lost a cow in a peculiar way last Tuesday. She got her head caught in a large can, be- came frightened and ran into the river, where she drowned in spite of the efforts of several men who tried to rescue her. OANDRUF YI HEADS BECOME HAIRLESS Scalp Dries-Chokes Out the Hair. and Prevents Its Growth. If you want plenty of thick, beauti- ful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, for it will starve your hair and ruin it if you don't. It doesn't do much good to try to brush or wash it out. The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dis- solve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at right when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the ,finger tips. By morning, most if not all, of your I dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely I dissolve and entirely destroy, every single sign and trace of it. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop, and your hair will be silky, fluffy, lus- 1 trous, soft and look and feel a hun- dred times better. you can get liquid i arvon at any drug store. It is inex- pensive and four ounces is all you 1 will need, no matter how much dan- I druff you have. This simple remedy never fails.-Adv, WHITEWASH. Washington, May 19.-The house to- I day passed the Rucker resolution. 1 which, in effect, exonerates the dem- I ocratic congressional committee of 9 charges that it violated the corrupt - practices act in assessing senators B and representatives for campaign con- tributions. FATAL NAP. Butte, May 19,-(Special.)-Tony i Fozekoes of Toledo, Ohio, asleep on - the track near Whitehall this morning T was run over and killed. The engineer did not see the form of the man uri- til he was on top of it. AUTOIMOBIL LAPS DOWN BANK TO SMASH MRS. SOMES AND DAUGHTER ARE SERIOUSLY HURT WHILE MEN ESCAPE. Dixon, May 19.-(Special.)-A. G. Somes and family met with a serious accident Monday afternoon when their automobile plunged over an embank- ment just beyond the Frank Campbell farm. It is thought that the steering apparatus broke, as Leo -omes, who was driving, was unable to guide the - 1 machiner,-whieh -plunged -over the em--- bankment, striking in the irrigation ditch and standing nearly on end. The occupants were hurled 20 feet. Mr. Somes and son, Lee, were unhurt, but Mrs. Somes and daughter, Blanche, were seriously injured. They were brought to Dixon in automobiles and Dr. Coats summoned from Plains. It was found that Mrs. Somes had two ribs broken, one hip badly wrenched and an ankle broken, while Miss Blanche's nose was broken and her ankle severely wrenched, if not broken. The injured ones are at the Overland hotel here. C. W. Brady and family and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Brady left Monday for their new home near Grass Range, in the eastern part of the state. They were driving overland. George O. Thompson arrived here Sunday from Taylor, N. D., and is considering locating here. G. A. Menard left last week for Camas, where he expects to operate his car this summer. John L. Snider, Jonas Lindberg and George H. West of Dixon, Conrad Ohl- sen and Samuel Beeman of Sloan and Mrs. Powell of Hamilton made final proof before United States Comminis- sioner Whiteman the past week. O. T. Johnson, who is an old soldier, was visiting his daughter, Mrs. Mid- dlernist, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Somes and daughter, Blanche, and Mrs. Madsen visited at Paradise Sunday. Mrs. Ronning, with her baby, accompanied them home and returned to Paradise Monday after- noon-Just soon enough to escape the auto accident in which her mother and sister were injured. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Campbell moved to their rooms over the hardware store Monday. Miss Marie Huotte returned to Butte Monday. Hugh Nixon of Youngstown, Ohio, is visiting at the home of his uncle, J. D. Bowser. He plans to take a homestead here. - Mrs. Hurd and Miss Mary McKay of Butte, mother and niece of Will and Maurice Hurd, are visiting here. Mrs. Bertha Jensen arrived here Sunday from Missoula and is estab- lishing her temporary home at the agency, where she will act as cook. V-A-U-D-E-V-I-L- - { BIJOU 300 Maine state pennants free to lady patrons to- night. DEIHL AND CARSON COMEDY SINGING. ECCENTRIC DANCING. Charlie Hasty THE ORIGINAL "HOOSIER BOY" One of .the best comedy character Acts on the stage. Hearst-Selig Weekly The latest news picture Up-to-the-minute scenes from Mexico and all parts of the world. Comedy "CURING A HUSBAND" Dramatic "THE FATAL CLUES" ni E n OE or cFIRo r Matinee Daily 2 to 5 Our Mutual Girl Chapter No. 15 With Walter Dam- rosch and at Lord & Tay- lors, a most interesting number. 2 - Reel American Fea- ture "In the Moonlight" Featuring .:Winifred Greenwood and Ed. Coen, in a strong dra-• matic subject. TWVICE-A-DAY CLA88FRIED WAN1 ADS BRING YOU QUICK RIWSULT~ d balm dissolves v by the heat of the / nostrils; peni.trates and heals the in- flamid, swollen membrane which liies the nose, head and thro:t; clears the air passages; stops nasty discharges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comes immediately. o Don't lay awake tonight struggling s for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils d closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh d or a cold, with its running nose, foul mucous dropping into the throat, and y raw dryness is distressing but truly ur needless. Put your faith-just once-in "Ely's 11 Cream ~1alnm' and your cold or ca. y tarrh will surely disappear. it Missoula Drug Co., Agts.-Adv.

lm lIN CLASS IS PLOT. IN CITY AGAINST HtJERTA · In lince th nik for ilerly two yeal rs, Stilt-ing ti t tlhe city 'employ t lit, city clerk to d-l this work and that hl shouil att'lnd

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Page 1: lm lIN CLASS IS PLOT. IN CITY AGAINST HtJERTA · In lince th nik for ilerly two yeal rs, Stilt-ing ti t tlhe city 'employ t lit, city clerk to d-l this work and that hl shouil att'lnd





fHaamiltbn, May 19.-(Special.)-The largest class ever graduated fromthe Hamilton high school will receivediplomas at the Lucas opera houseFriday evening, May 22. The classnumbers 19, and will be the last tocomplete the high school course fromthe present high school building, asthe 1915 class will graduate from thenew high school building being erectedin Pine Grove addition. The memebrs ofthe class follow: Leona Sontag Cape-hart, Frederick Lyman Carpenter,Olive Edna Carpenter, Mary Lea Chill-cott, Ila Lee Doran, David Clark Gray,Edith Marguerite Hall, Lysle RobertJHodson, Kathryne Priscilla Jones,Anna Mary Kligle, Ethel LetitiaLatchem, George Henry Murray, (Ter-

aldine Margaret O'Hara, Mary FrancesPauline O'Hara, John Jay Southwick,Frances Welliver Theis, Earl Thorne,Myrtle Mae Wanderer and Leora MayWyant.

The graduating class will be ad-dressed Friday evening by Rev. Har-old H. Griffis of Missoula, who willtake as his subject "The New lonno-clasm." The entire program for theevening follows:M usic .................. .............. School randInvocation .............. Re. J. W. IHeyward,Salutatory .............. Mary Lea ChillcottMI lc ...................... igh School tOctette

ia) "Blow, Soft Winds."(h) "Wiegenlied."

'Address, "The New Iconoclasm".......-....... Rev. IT. II. Griffis of Missoula

Music ...................... School BandValedictory .......- Myrtle Mae WandererAwarding of diplmoas ........ W. T. TylerMusic ................... High School Chorus

(a)1 "The Clang of the Forge."(hb) "Our Old High."

Benediction ..................Rev. O. W . Jones


Hamilton, May 19.-(Special.)-"Articles of incorporation for the SulaCemetery association have been filedwith A. J. Hork, county clerk andrecorder. The trustees of the associa-tion, as named in the articles, arethree in number.

Miss Bethel Irwin left today forOhio, where she will attend a re-union of her graduating class. Shewill spend most of the summer visit-ing in the east.

Mr.l and Mrs. J. N. Taylor left yes-terday for Chicago, where the formerwill attend the general presbytery ofthe Presbyterian church, as a dele-gate from the Butte Presbytery. Mr.and Mrs. Taylor will visit relativesin' the east before returning to theirhome here.

Mrs. Agnes Timmons has filed suitin the district court against A. H.Downing, as administrator of the es-tate of George Orr, for $300 allegedto be due the plaintift for care giventhe deceased. E. ('. Kurtz is attorneyfor the plaintiff.

Funeral services over the remains ofSamuel Brown, who died yesterday athis home near Grantsdale, were heldthis afternon.

The local baseball team will crossbats with the Stevensville team inthat town Decoration day. A livelycontest is expected. An effort will bemaide to arranRge a game with theBonner team in this town soon.


(linton, May 19.-(Special.--Judi.Stephens of 1Mlissoula was in ('lintonMonday on business.

C. F. Hughes went to Missoular Mon---- dav'-to do so-mSe-e shopping. -. ---

Bessic Thomson had the misfortuneto break her left arm last Ilhursday.

Mrs. HIollensteiner is not better atthis writing.

Phil Richardson of ltavenna was InClinton Sunday.

Mont Thomson is in Butte on lbusi-ness.

Nellie Ward lspent a few days athome the latter Ipart of last week.

Margaret Peers andl Sid Peers andwife of Missoula lspent Sunday withtheir parents at c'linton.

Dan )aily was in Clinton for a fewhours last Friday.

tRalph c'ion of R:tvenna intok in thecircus at lissu l la la .t Friday.

(ttlo Swartz \till c'elebrate his 18thIblirthdilay at his htnme, east of town,Saturday night. All are invited to bepresent at his hollle t' enjov the upc-casion.


e;'nite, May 't,.'- Charles leinharl, a

thl' le\'atir shaft if lii' lienlessy ilu-c.x iibuildin. andl was ilited.


Stops Nasty Discharge, Clears Stuffed

Head, Heals Inflamed Air Passages

and You Breathe Freely.

Try "Ely's Cream Balm."Get a small bottle anyway, Just to

try it-Apply a little in the nostrilsend instantly your clogged nose andstopped-up air passages of the headwill open; you will breathe freely;dcllness and headache disappear. Bymorning! the catarrh, cold-in-head orcatarrhal sore throat will be gone.

and stch misety now! Get the smallbe of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any

L# store. Thig sweet, fragrant


. . . . . . . .... .:.. . ... r

"::`:'";ii.:?.::;::;:i~~i::iijiG,;.hX~ht: "i~i": ;; ......... .. :::.... :....i. ..,"...V.rO'? r . ::::.

-- _: ..... _. .": .::::: :::. ,: .....:.. .. : .d .' .. .:i::.. ... i:i.V.::.... ... ::

Latest pictures from Mex:ce City;Huerta's house and Washington'sstatue in the dust.

Itere are two pictures that hov\ justreached this country from lI ',xico.

having escapled the 'censors at .iMexicoC('ity. 1tppetr photograph shot•wsIuerta's holluse in ('Cale Alfiiionso Her-rera. Iluerta never lives in the presi-dential castle at I'hallpltpecici: lie onlygoes there once a monllth to give a re-ception to the diplotmattic corps.Ihuerta's house is constantly gularded,and recently a Imach]ine gun wasplaced oil the roof.

The lower picilulr shows the statueof Washington, w\hich was torn downby a mllob in Mexico city and takento the bacr ylrd of a police station,where it now lies oin its back in thedust. No one is allowed to see it. Thephoto was taken friot the top of awall.

Rebellion Breeding.V'era ('rn'z, May Iti.--AiAmerican sol-

diers ianlti resident, s of Vera rlluz, na-tive and foreignl, listplyttly keen inter-est in reports from the capital todaywhich tend to supplirt the theory thatin effotrt will be made at an earlydate to unseat I'resilenit Iluerta.

None of these reports is definite,but lnion whose close relatioln xwith theutithorities at the Mexican capital

have caused them to be regardedt as areliable source of inforimation, aire conl-vinced of the existence of a plot em-bracing officers of tile Mlexican armyas well as politicians.

The greatest fear in the capital,refutgees as5sert, is not that thie plot willbe carried thro.ugh, but that this maynot octicr biefore the Z;nita for-tisenter the city and Ilref'ipitate serioustrouble.

Gernlilts who arrivedl from Puebla





Iran Mountain, Maty 1l.--(Spellal.)

-- The fight for tile new Mineral

c'ounty seat halls lnow tiegtln in earn-st, I)Deltorgia, St. Tegis, SpIring ( titlh,Superior and Alherton all desire thecolunty seat and each anlldl overy manSswtking--tl t t- goortr:naturett--tl-t-d--i

termined a\\ly for his particular to\wn,Iut all are in onle accord whe

n itcomes toi the welfare of the countly.

Iton. I ougal McCormick of Missoulawas in this locality today Ipresumablylooiking over thle polliticnl situation andlpossibly franititg :1p cltallid alltes forstate senlate tandt holse of representa-ti\'is for Mineral county.

I1 KliI'sey, t tprominent ill Miner:alculnty affair-:, weint to St. Regis Sat-

A. I'. iJohnston went to il titise Flrl-day tol escort thei \Wallace t i;nod lloadsboosters into Siuperior, tihe cioutiity

Mliss I1:hl itishce, teacher -it Albcr-ton, spent Sitndlait with friends.

Everybody Satisfied.,i-eryiwhere people are tatking F'oley

Kidlney Iills, andt arc so satisfied theyurge oithers to take them also. A. ''T.Kelly, 1Mclintosh, Ala., says: "I recom-mecndl them to all wtho stiffer fromtkitldney troules and tu-lintlllhe, for theySiare fine." Host thini you 01 in take-for backache, wetak back and rheuma-tism. Missoula. Drug ('.--Adv.


report that apprehension if a Zapata tvictory there is even greater than in Ithe capital. Mlany foreign owners ofhig stores in Puehla have closed theirdoors and are leaving invoices with tthe German consul.

At Mexico ('ity the capture of Tamn- ipico by the constitutionallsis s has been tadmlitted by the governmlent newspa-pers, lint they declare that this \\lsacomnpllished with the assistance ofthe American marines.

Much Suffering.

Mexico City, May 1.--The situation iin the capitall is considered serious, L.and it is feared tlhat a rising will e- ccur within a few days.

The resignation of the minister of tcOnlnlnll illc: foll, .]OS lItrit Lo IDno, tilas born accepted, bIut his successor chas not 01ccn nlamlitLed.

The telegraph wires to San Luis rPotos , have been cut and It i hbelieved





lan..ilt..on, M ay 1l 1.-(S ..i.itll ---An

adjilournld mnitling of the city council

was l(l]l last evening, when• it wasvoted ti advertise fir lids for the

lightinig of the city for 12 molnths.J1hidlafor 2,_ 11 dn.LA-4.L arciglt~ -will-be asked for. It was stated at themcetilng that the Missoula Light &Water company had offered the citythe following rates for are lights:$1.501 each fir 32 lights, $t c: ch for:5l lihtits al d $7.50 each for 40 ligi ts.

The city is pilyinlg for 32 arcs it pres-enlt.

Alderman Steil called the council'sattention to the fact that .o licensemontey had Ibeen collee']ctd front ltlelight, telephone or tlegr'n]h companiesfor tWO years ailtholli tIhe Iollney hiidi b'eeII collected btforo that titille. HI0intilmlatel It: the city treasurer hadnot been doing his ditty in not ctl-lctinrg tils Iit\mu-y. ''hii' cit"y ir su•rliera\\'s n11o1 present at the Ilnetting biit

('ity ('lerk IRouse, inftrntled thie cotlin-oil that City "]'l',rousurtr ti'rush had hiOeradvised by formln r City \AttlrneyJohllnson I:that the license t1nbhl not becollected. Al.ermnt Steib alis calledattention to the fact that nIo iinew ordi-nancoes had been colpied into the ordi-In lince th nik for ilerly two yeal rs, Stilt-ing ti t tlhe city 'employ t lit, city

clerk to d-l this work and that hlshouil att'lnd to it. The city clerkcame •h:1k with the :assertion thatformlnr ('ity Alttornelly Johnsonl had1 il-ways ktept tle h)ook so lthat the clerkcould find 1o 1litne to do thte copying.lie flrthllr declared ilt:it ihe could nowfind tiune as Mr. Johnson woulld lhavetno further need for the btlok.

The commlllittee on town propertywas instrulcted to get the corpora-tion law hooks, twhich cost the cityneally $1 lo, from Mr. Jolinsln andli t urnthllml ovr to the presenlt city attorney.It was voted to tralnsfer the city'sShInchelis from the lHavalli park to tilecelolIltery. The city clerk was in-structled to notify If. S. Iord to con-

e strllct the sillphon crossing at the north

s end of North F'ifth street at once.

Feel Dull and Sluggish? Start Yourg Liver to Working!

a It beats all how quickly Foley Ca-thartic Tablets liven your liver, over-come constipation-make you feel

d lively and active again. J. L. Mc-y Knight, Ft. "Worth, Texas, says: "My

disagreeable symptoms were entirelyS removed by the thorough cleansingL Foley Cathartic Tahlets gave me."

They're a wonder. Missoula Drug Co.-Adv.

that the federals in that district havebeen defeated.

The constitutionalists, it is reported,are abolut to attack Guadalajara, capi-tal of the state of Jalisco. There isgreat distress among the poor of Mex-ico, and the rich families are dis-tributing free meals daily.


HIamilton, May 19.--(Special.)-

James Haddix and Rplecrt Landing,charged with tearing down and injur-ing a fence and gate on property notbelonging to them, were brought be-fore Justice of the Peace Peshick. Thetwo men pleaded not guilty and theirtrial was set for June 1.' The fence in-terfered with by the two men is lo-cated on the Bass t'housand-Acreranch, Manager Culbl.rtson havingmade complaint to C unty AttorpeyTaylor.





Kalispell, Maiy 1.---(Special.)--The

stiat c iouncil of the Knights of Co-

luhmblus concluded their meeting here

i last night, with a reception and dance.

The bulliness session (:hose Helena as

I!the I.ntining.I•tRceA 1IL 915, Maty 17-19.John J. ('Neil of Itutte was electedstate deputy and tie other officerswere re-elected as follows: Robert E.Crowley, CGreat Falls, state secretary;P. M. I-lalloran, Anaconda, state treas-uror; W. F. Sheehan, Lewistown, stateadvocate; C.. A. Mllityre, Bozeman,state warden. As d(l.gates to the au-premne council in St. Pa.ul in August;George P[. Joyce of I llena and JohnO'Neil of Butte were named with J.M'. Moriarity of lIlorina and T. K.Kehoe of lBillings as alternates. Thebtiu-iness meeting wias considered un-usually sucleessful is each of the 12councils ill the state was representedand there was a; full attendance ofstate officers.


Maiese, May U1.- (Special.)-Owingt, thlic storlnn Su Iyi the meeting ofhe held at the soulth Moiese schoolhIouse by it. W\. New:man, state Sun-day school mlissionary, was postponeduntil at later date.

Mr. and MJrs. Allen Maryatt of Ham-ilton are uestls of John Keown. Mrs.Maryaltt is a sister of Mr. Keown.

Earl Schoonvc er and sister Edithcame from I'hilipsblrg Monday aft-ernoon and will spend the summer inth•e valley.

The rounty cuntmlissioners were inthe valley last week. They instructedthe te\\ road supervisor, Amos Bur-rill, to begin work on the roads. Theequipment was shipped and receivedby Mr. tlltrrill Tuesday. .Only repairwork will be done at present.

A team bel(onging to Amos Burrlllran away Saturday while working inthe field. Ralph Iurrill was drivingand turned too short, upsetting theharrow. The horses became fright-ened and got away. One horse wasslightly injured.

The Farmers' Society of Equity heldits regular meeting Saturday night,May 1s, at the club house:

Charles Austin has traded hjs ranchin sou:th Mloiese to Thomas Street ofMissoula for property in Park addi-tion, Missoula. The two famtiles wiffillove next week.

Earnest Barton went to St. Aitthony,

Old Glory or All

Last year The Missoulian distributed about 600flags for

Decoration Day andFourth of July

We have just received 'another shipment, Bull Dog bunt-ing. Seams double sewed, fast colors, moth proof, stronggrommets-good for years to come.

These flags are 3x5 feet in size. We also have 7-foot joint-ed poles, brass ferules, with ball and rope.

While they last:

Flag Only 45 CentsFlag with jointed 7-foot pole, ball and rope .................. 5......... ....85

Missoulian Publishing Company

Idaho, last Thursday, where" Mrs. Bar-ton Will join him the latter part ofthis week.

Jay Meredeth returned Monday fromMissoula, where he has been attend-ing the county high school the pasttwo semesters.

Mrs. Nettie Gerald was a visitor inMissoula Tuesday.

Miss Hazel-Barton went to MissoulaFriday to have some dental, workdone and returned Monday.

Pearl Snider won in the spellingcontest at the Mission last Friday andwill go to Ronan, May 22 to competewith the winners of the other schools.

Mrs. W. J. Fullerton has been on thesick list this week and made a tripto Dr. Resner's Thursday for medicaltreatment.

Orrin Wellington lost a cow in apeculiar way last Tuesday. She gother head caught in a large can, be-came frightened and ran into theriver, where she drowned in spite ofthe efforts of several men who triedto rescue her.


Scalp Dries-Chokes Out the Hair. and

Prevents Its Growth.

If you want plenty of thick, beauti-ful, glossy, silky hair, do by all meansget rid of dandruff, for it will starveyour hair and ruin it if you don't.

It doesn't do much good to try tobrush or wash it out. The only sureway to get rid of dandruff is to dis-solve it, then you destroy it entirely.To do this, get about four ounces ofordinary liquid arvon; apply it atright when retiring; use enough tomoisten the scalp and rub it in gentlywith the ,finger tips.

By morning, most if not all, of yourI dandruff will be gone, and three or

four more applications will completelyI dissolve and entirely destroy, every

single sign and trace of it.You will find, too, that all itching

and digging of the scalp will stop,and your hair will be silky, fluffy, lus-1 trous, soft and look and feel a hun-dred times better. you can get liquidi arvon at any drug store. It is inex-

pensive and four ounces is all you1 will need, no matter how much dan-I druff you have. This simple remedy

never fails.-Adv,


Washington, May 19.-The house to-I day passed the Rucker resolution.

1 which, in effect, exonerates the dem-I ocratic congressional committee of

9 charges that it violated the corrupt

-practices act in assessing senatorsB and representatives for campaign con-



Butte, May 19,-(Special.)-Tony

i Fozekoes of Toledo, Ohio, asleep on-the track near Whitehall this morningT was run over and killed. The engineerdid not see the form of the man uri-til he was on top of it.





Dixon, May 19.-(Special.)-A. G.Somes and family met with a seriousaccident Monday afternoon when theirautomobile plunged over an embank-ment just beyond the Frank Campbell

farm. It is thought that the steeringapparatus broke, as Leo -omes, whowas driving, was unable to guide the

- 1machiner,-whieh -plunged -over the em---bankment, striking in the irrigationditch and standing nearly on end. Theoccupants were hurled 20 feet. Mr.Somes and son, Lee, were unhurt, butMrs. Somes and daughter, Blanche,were seriously injured. They were

brought to Dixon in automobiles andDr. Coats summoned from Plains. Itwas found that Mrs. Somes had tworibs broken, one hip badly wrenchedand an ankle broken, while MissBlanche's nose was broken and herankle severely wrenched, if not broken.The injured ones are at the Overlandhotel here.

C. W. Brady and family and Mr. andMrs. Everett Brady left Monday fortheir new home near Grass Range, inthe eastern part of the state. Theywere driving overland.

George O. Thompson arrived hereSunday from Taylor, N. D., and isconsidering locating here.

G. A. Menard left last week forCamas, where he expects to operatehis car this summer.John L. Snider, Jonas Lindberg and

George H. West of Dixon, Conrad Ohl-sen and Samuel Beeman of Sloan andMrs. Powell of Hamilton made finalproof before United States Comminis-sioner Whiteman the past week.O. T. Johnson, who is an old soldier,

was visiting his daughter, Mrs. Mid-dlernist, Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Somes and daughter,Blanche, and Mrs. Madsen visited atParadise Sunday. Mrs. Ronning, withher baby, accompanied them home andreturned to Paradise Monday after-noon-Just soon enough to escape theauto accident in which her mother andsister were injured.

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Campbell movedto their rooms over the hardware storeMonday.

Miss Marie Huotte returned to ButteMonday.

Hugh Nixon of Youngstown, Ohio, isvisiting at the home of his uncle, J. D.Bowser. He plans to take a homesteadhere. -

Mrs. Hurd and Miss Mary McKay ofButte, mother and niece of Will andMaurice Hurd, are visiting here.

Mrs. Bertha Jensen arrived hereSunday from Missoula and is estab-lishing her temporary home at theagency, where she will act as cook.

V-A-U-D-E-V-I-L- - {

BIJOU300 Maine state pennants

free to lady patrons to-night.




"HOOSIER BOY"One of .the best comedycharacter Acts on the stage.

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Up-to-the-minute scenesfrom Mexico and all parts

of the world.




ni E n OE or cFIRo r

Matinee Daily 2 to 5

Our Mutual GirlChapter No. 15

With Walter Dam-rosch and at Lord & Tay-lors, a most interestingnumber.

2 - Reel American Fea-ture

"In the Moonlight"Featuring .:Winifred

Greenwood and Ed.Coen, in a strong dra-•matic subject.


d balm dissolves v by the heat of the

/ nostrils; peni.trates and heals the in-flamid, swollen membrane which liiesthe nose, head and thro:t; clears theair passages; stops nasty dischargesand a feeling of cleansing, soothingrelief comes immediately.

o Don't lay awake tonight strugglings for breath, with head stuffed; nostrilsd closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrhd or a cold, with its running nose, foul

mucous dropping into the throat, andy raw dryness is distressing but trulyur needless.

Put your faith-just once-in "Ely's11 Cream ~1alnm' and your cold or ca.y tarrh will surely disappear.it Missoula Drug Co., Agts.-Adv.