Prenume şi nume: SIMONA MADALINA DRAGOMIR Data şi ora: 27.06.2011 09:26 Denumire: Limba şi literatura engleză Starea: Completat Rezultatul: 100 din 100 puncte Test terminat în: 25 minutes, and 1 second out of 1 hour. Instrucţiuni: Întrebarea nr. 1 2 din 2 puncte On the epistemic interpretation modal verbs evince the following syntactic patterns: Answer Selected Answer: they can occur with the perfect infinitive Întrebarea nr. 2 2 din 2 puncte Identify the aspectual class of the underlined verb phrases: a). accomplishment b). activity c). state 1). John is losing temper. 2). James drank himself silly. 3). Samuel owned two apartments. Answer Selected Answer: 1b, 2a, 3c Întrebarea nr. 3


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Data şi ora: 27.06.2011 09:26

Denumire: Limba şi literatura engleză

Starea: Completat

Rezultatul: 100 din 100 puncte  

Test terminat în: 25 minutes, and 1 second out of 1 hour.


Întrebarea nr. 1 2 din 2 puncte

On the epistemic interpretation modal verbs evince the following syntactic patterns: Answer

Selected Answer:    they can occur with the perfect infinitive

Întrebarea nr. 2 2 din 2 puncte

Identify the aspectual class of the underlined verb phrases:

a). accomplishmentb). activityc). state

1). John is losing temper.2). James drank himself silly.3). Samuel owned two apartments.Answer

Selected Answer:    1b, 2a, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 3 2 din 2 puncte

Specify which of the tenses listed under a-c can be used with the adverbs indicated in 1-3:

a). only with the future perfect tenseb). only with the present perfectc). with both the above tenses

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1). yet2). by this time next week3). alreadyAnswer

Selected Answer:    1b, 2a, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 4 2 din 2 puncte

Choose the appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets:

a). the simple past perfectb). the simple past tensec). the past tense progressive

1). How long had he lived here when the war (break) out?2). John (be) a writer for five years before he became a teacher.3). While he (pump) the bicycle tyres a man looked over the garden wall.Answer

Selected Answer:    1b, 2a, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 5 2 din 2 puncte

In adverbial clauses of time the present perfect is used with one of the following values:Answer

Selected Answer:    the future perfect tense value

Întrebarea nr. 6 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the interpretation that may be assigned to the modal verb in the sentence below:

We can meet one day after work.Answer

Selected Answer:    suggestion

Întrebarea nr. 7 2 din 2 puncte

Page 3: Lle

Specify whether the underlined predicates form grammatical or ungrammatical predications:

a). grammaticalb). ungrammatical

1). Harry is keeping an eye on the kettle.2). It is being quite windy today.3). Your books are lying under the shelf.Answer

Selected Answer:    1a, 2b, 3a

Întrebarea nr. 8 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the aspectual classes listed in a-c to which the underlined predicates belong:

a). achievementb). activityc). accomplishment

1). John taught linguistics in a college. 2). They left the country two years ago.3). She wrote her significant novels in her youth.Answer

Selected Answer:    1b, 2a, 3c

Întrebarea nr. 9 2 din 2 puncte

Choose the appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets:

a). the past tenseb). the present perfect

1). Since you (explain) the main point to me I could solve the problem.2). I will call you after my parent (leave).3). He (abandon) the cause many years ago.Answer

Selected Answer:    1a, 2b, 3a

Întrebarea nr. 10

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2 din 2 puncte

Specify the value of the modal verb in the sentence below:

      Could I leave now?Answer

Selected Answer:    asking permission

Întrebarea nr. 11 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: He painted the door with a new brush.                    Answer

Selected Answer:    Prepositional Object

Întrebarea nr. 12 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions in the sentence: There are two mistakes in your translation.Answer

Selected Answer:

   Dummy Subject, Existential BE, Deep Subject, Adverbial of Place

Întrebarea nr. 13 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the subcategory of the underlined verb in the sentence: He galloped the horse up the hill.        Answer

Selected Answer:    causative transitive

Întrebarea nr. 14 2 din 2 puncte

Which is the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence The reports were believed false.Answer

Selected Answer:   

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Subject Complement (Predicative Adjunct to the Subject)

Întrebarea nr. 15 2 din 2 puncte

In the following sentence, My mother carved the chicken, the underlined constituent is: Answer

Selected Answer:    ‘Affected’ Direct Object

Întrebarea nr. 16 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the subcategory of the underlined verb in: The river floated the raft. :Answer

Selected Answer:    transitive-causative

Întrebarea nr. 17 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions in the sentence: Nothing could stop him from saving that woman.Answer

Selected Answer:

   Subject, Predicate, Direct Object, Prepositional Object Clause

Întrebarea nr. 18 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic functions of the clauses in the complex sentence: It was announced that the police were trying to catch the thieves red-handed.Answer

Selected Answer:    Main Clause, Subject Clause, Direct Object Clause

Întrebarea nr. 19 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the embedded clause:She cabled that she would arrive on the 18th of July.Answer

Selected Answer:   

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Direct Object Clause

Întrebarea nr. 20 2 din 2 puncte

Finite clauses contain a finite verb phrase whose head is a verb obligatorily marked for:Answer

Selected Answer:    Mood and Tense

Întrebarea nr. 21 2 din 2 puncte

Choose the correct type and function of the embedded clause: She considers it outrageous that he lied to her like that.Answer

Selected Answer:    THAT Clause – Direct Object Clause

Întrebarea nr. 22 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the type of the subordinate clause: I consider him to be a genius.Answer

Selected Answer:    Infinitival Clause

Întrebarea nr. 23 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: She became aware that something was burning.Answer

Selected Answer:    Prepositional Object Clause

Întrebarea nr. 24 2 din 2 puncte

What should you apply in order to correct the sentences below:He is here is nice.Mary had left nobody noticed.Mary will buy the book proves that she is rich.Answer

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Selected Answer:    ‘THAT’ (complementizer) insertion

Întrebarea nr. 25 2 din 2 puncte

Specify the syntactic function of the Complement THAT Clause: That he had made a mistake was clear.Answer

Selected Answer:    Subject Clause

Întrebarea nr. 26 2 din 2 puncte

In Shelley’s poem The Cloud the main structural device is the figure of speech known as………Answer

Selected Answer:    personification.

Întrebarea nr. 27 2 din 2 puncte

How does Crusoe name the island on which he was shipwrecked? Answer

Selected Answer:    The Island of Despair

Întrebarea nr. 28 2 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, what does a voice in a dream tell Winston C. Smith?Answer

Selected Answer:    ”We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.”

Întrebarea nr. 29 2 din 2 puncte

In Hawthorne’s vision, romance transforms the ordinary world into  ………. and then back into the impression of life.Answer

Selected Answer:    fairy tale

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Întrebarea nr. 30 2 din 2 puncte

In Twelfth Night, Olivia says that Malvolio ...Answer

Selected Answer:    suffers from self-love.

Întrebarea nr. 31 2 din 2 puncte

Tristram Shandy was published in Answer

Selected Answer:    the Age  of  Reason.

Întrebarea nr. 32 2 din 2 puncte

In the Preface of The Scarlet Letter, in Hawthorne’s vision ……… is the neutral territory between reality and fairy land, where the Actual and the Imaginary meet and fuse.Answer

Selected Answer:    the floor

Întrebarea nr. 33 2 din 2 puncte

In the novel David Copperfield, Uriah Heep isAnswer

Selected Answer:    one of Wickfield’s clerks.

Întrebarea nr. 34 2 din 2 puncte

In John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci, the seventh stanza abounds in………. images.Answer

Selected Answer:    gustatory

Întrebarea nr. 35 2 din 2 puncte

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The historical period to which Hawthorne often resorted in his fiction was:Answer

Selected Answer:    the colonial, Calvinist past.

Întrebarea nr. 36 2 din 2 puncte

What does Crusoe build with the sails of the ship?                   Answer

Selected Answer:    a tent  in  which  he  brings  perishable  goods.

Întrebarea nr. 37 2 din 2 puncte

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Mitch jilts Blanche becauseAnswer

Selected Answer:    he finds out about her past.

Întrebarea nr. 38 2 din 2 puncte

In Nineteen Eighty-four, Winston C. Smith works inAnswer

Selected Answer:    the Ministry of Truth.

Întrebarea nr. 39 2 din 2 puncte

What is the name that Tristram’s parents intended for him?             Answer

Selected Answer:    Trismegistus

Întrebarea nr. 40 2 din 2 puncte

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What is Crusoe planting in the place in which he first becomes a planter in the fourth year?Answer

Selected Answer:    Cane

Întrebarea nr. 41 2 din 2 puncte

In the novel The Scarlet Letter Pearl, although only a small child, embarrasses Dimmesdale by asking him if:Answer

Selected Answer:

   he will stand on the pillory with her and her mother the following day.

Întrebarea nr. 42 2 din 2 puncte

What does Crusoe consider himself to have been the instrument of what?Answer

Selected Answer:    of  his own destruction

Întrebarea nr. 43 2 din 2 puncte

The message concluding The Scarlet Letter could be: to develop one’s moral potential one must:Answer

Selected Answer:    protect one’s moral worth because it is irreparable.

Întrebarea nr. 44 2 din 2 puncte

In Hawthorne’s romance, The Scarlet Letter, Roger Chillingworth is  Answer

Selected Answer:    Hester’s husband

Întrebarea nr. 45 2 din 2 puncte

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In Shelley’s poem The Cloud, the cloud’s various transformations are presented in a/an …….. way.  Answer

Selected Answer:    materialistic

Întrebarea nr. 46 2 din 2 puncte

John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci is one of the best English …….. of all times.  Answer

Selected Answer:    ballads

Întrebarea nr. 47 2 din 2 puncte

Tristram’s father was:Answer

Selected Answer:    a  natural philosopher.

Întrebarea nr. 48 2 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, who entraps the wild dog?Answer

Selected Answer:    Sam Fathers.

Întrebarea nr. 49 2 din 2 puncte

In The Bear, the one who teaches the protagonist the secrets of wilderness is calledAnswer

Selected Answer:    Sam Fathers.

Întrebarea nr. 50 2 din 2 puncte

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The knight’s dream in John Keats’ La Belle Dame Sans Merci combines… and… images.Answer

Selected Answer:    aural and visual

27 iunie 2011 14:33:19 EEST