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Liver Flush

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Page 1: Liver Flush

=—■■ —-2nd Da¥-—-"=

8:00a.m. Wake UpCall

Whan you wake up at & a.m.. take vour 3'" dose of Epsom salts {8

ounce mixture from the night before). You may have to use the bathroom

several times. That's normal. Expect diarrhea in the morning. Use a flashlight

to look for gallstones in the toilol with the bowel movement. Look for the

green, kind since tin is 15 proof that they are genuine fialtitones, not food

residue. Only bile from the liver is pea green. The bowet movement sinks, but

gaflstOnes float because of the cholesterol inside Count them rill roufihty,

whether lan or green. You wil! need a total of approximately 2,000 stones

before the lEver is dean enough to rid you of food allergies or back pains

permanently. You may need to do the cleanse a lew more times to gel rid of

psoria&is, or other food allergies.

The first cleanse mey rid you of them for a lew days, but as the

stones from the rear trawl forward, they give you the same symptoms ail

over again, You may repeat deanses at weekly intervals. Never cleanse when

you are ill.

Congratulations I

Hey, you did it! You've taken out your gallstones without surgery,

you tan r;o back to bed if you're still tired. You deserve it!

lO;00 a.m.

Two hours later, at 10 o'clock, take your 4!h and last dose of

Epsom salts (the 8 ounce mixture from the night before). Again, you may

have to use the bathroom several times, That's normal. Use a flashlight tc

look for gallstones in the toilet with the bowel movement. Look lor the green

kind since this is proof that they are genuine galfstcnes, not food residue-

Only bile from ihe liver is pea green, The bowel movement sinks, but

gallstones float because of the cholesterol inside. Court them all roughly,

whether tan or green. You may need to do the cleanse a few more times to

get rid of psoriasis, or other food allergies.

I2:Q0p.m. Breakfast/Lunch

After 2 hours, at noon, you may start to eat. You may eat regular

food, but keep it light and low-fat. Raw fruits and vegetables are best. The

simpler Ihe belter. By dinner, you should feel totally recovered, and feeling a

little "lighter."

The Happy Conclusion ;-)

You'll start to notice an immediate difference. You'll be amazed

lhat all them little "buggers," the gallstones, were once inside you. They're

real They're nasty, And they're gone! From your liver, and especially from

your gallbladder. What'fl start to happen within your liver, is thai if you h^e

more gallstones there (prettf lifcely), you'll feel them starting to shift around.

It's 3 pretty weird feeling (but not painful), and you'll get to be an expert on

where your liver is located, and how it's "feeling." It rounds strange, but

a few f lushei, you'll f,et to be "friends" with your liver. That'i it. Ciaa!

Deuces Wild!"(A once-a-week, overnight protocol)


(9511 852-4034

Preparation far the Cleanse—===========

Supplies Needed:

4 tablespoons (1 tbs/807. juice)

Kcup (4 ounces)

1 large (yields 2-4 oz, juice J

4 ounces

16 ounces {2 x ftoz.}

To mix the Epsom 5att Mix

25 ounce of larger [empty)

Epsom salts

Olive Oil

Pink Grapefruit (fresh and ripe

Classic Coke (or 1 grapefruit]


Liter Jar/Plastic Battle with Lid

Plastic Sports Water Bottle

==========—=Commerits On The Ingredients^——"""

Epsom Salts

You can get this in any grocery stare. You can gei either the small

or large container. This is very inexpensive, and lasts. You'll be doing multiple

cleanses, so rt won't go to waste. This \i actually an "acquired" taste (yeah,

right!). Von can chase this down with a little water. That's all- If you hold your

breath, and drink it down real last, you won't taste a thing.

Olive Oil

Any variety will do. Virgin, Extra Virgin, Crispy [just kidding). The

iighter varieties tssle a little better, and will go down much "smoother," First

cold'prfssed extra virgin olive oil is the "healthiest" of the cfive oil family,

and is the one I prefer.

Classic Coke [Any Cola Will Do)

It's ihe phosphorous/phosphoric acid [actually orthophosphoric

acid) that's the active ingredient here. Any Cola will work, I actually prefer

the taste cf Classic Cake best, and it just works better. Sounds like a

commercial, doesn't it? The phosphoric acid will help dissolve and loosen up

the stones, especially if they are compacted in your liver.

If you prefer [for those of you that don't drink soda), you can

substitute the cola with the juice of another whole [pink) grapefruit. That

will be a total of two whole pink grapefruits in the mixture- This will change

the flavor of Ihe "mixltire," but will work just as well,

Pink Grapefruit

The riper and "redder" the belter. I like the Rio Star variety the

best. Any kind will do, BiH make sure it's either red or pink. Make sure you

strain out the s-ecrfs, pulp and other roughage The grape!ruii must be freshly

, so please don't pre-squeeze, or buy packaged grapefruit juice. The

Page 2: Liver Flush

enzymes in the freshly lUrced (pink, ripened) grapefruit lasts only about 10

minutes, so1 would stiRgest thia lo be the last ingredient to be "readied" for

the mixture. Ok? Ttiese enzymes react in your liver, and are !he active


Apple Juice

ll your hudgttt allows it, lie best woultf be frpj.h-pressed, un-

filtered, organic apple juice. Il\ not absolutely necessary to ro totally first-

class, and if you like the bottled varieties, then go for st. Mot only does this

make the Epsom wits go down much easier tasie-wisc. bui u does double

duty with the emulsifying .action Ikirida like roto-root^r) of the malic acid on

the "ratty gunk" that's trapped under high pressure in your liver.

—===== 1st Pay—- :;:

Prep: Choose a day like Fnd ay/Saturday overnighter combo for the flush,

since you wil! be able to rest the next day.

lln--ik j.isi, Lunch & Early Dinner

Eat as little as pebble. Low fat. Eat a lowfat breakfast, lurch, and

dinner. Eat carbohydrates, fruits or vegetables. Eat loads such iis cooked

cereal with fruit, Fruit juice, bread and preserves or Honey {ria butter or milk).

baked potato or other vegetables with ialt only. This allows the rjilo to build

up and develop pressure in the [tver. Higher pressure pushes out more


2:00 p.m.

Da not eat after 2 o'clock. If you break thi$ rule, you could lee!

quite ill later. You can drink water only, up until 4:00 p.m.

4:00 p.m.

GeL your Epsom stilt mixture ready. Mix 4 tablespoons Of Epsom

saJts in 4 cups <32 oi-\ of .lpple juice, and pour this into a jar or plastic bonle,

This makes 4 survinjjs, of 1 cup (or 8 ounces} each. Two Servings

far day 1 {evening}, and two servings for day 2 (morning),

Set the Epsom salt, mixture in the refrigerator to fit>t iCftCOld.

6:00 p.m.

Drink one serving [1 cup, or 8 ozJ) of the ite Cold Epsom salts. This

is the first of four servings. You may also drmk 3 few moutrifuli of wnter

afterwards, to chase away the taste. You will be using this bathroom in

"clear" out your bawe!s within 15-60 minutes. Go fti marly times as


8:00 p.m.

Drink the next sinfile serving 11 cup, or 9 or.) of ihe ke cold Epsom

salts. This is number two of four. You. may also drink 3 few mouthfuls or

water afterwards, to chasu away the taste. Veil will be using the bathroom to

"clear" out your bowels within 15-60 minutes. Go as many times as

necessary. In the meantime, get the olive oil and grapefruit out to wnrm up.

Then, get your bedtime chores done. Completely. The timing is critical for

success, so don't be more than 15 minutes early or late.

9:45 p.m.

Pour SS (up (4 ounces) measured olive oil into ihe empty 25±

Ounce plaiti: sports water bottle Squeeze the grapefruit by hand into a mug

or cup. Remove pulp with either a fork of spoon, Vou should have around 2

to A ounces of fresh grapefruit |Uite. Add ihisjuicc to ihe olive oil. Add the 4

ounces af cake to the mixture in the plastic bottle. The1 coke makes it taste

better, and the phosphoric acid helps la dissolve and freiMip the stones [if

youJd prefer, you cm substitute another grapefruit lor the Coke). Now visit

the bathroom one or more times, even if it makes you I<HC for your 10

o'clock drink. Don't be more than 15 minutes late.

10:00 p.m.

Close the lid nn the sports bottle lightly, and shake hard until

watery (only Iresh grapefruit juice doel this). Bfl very careful of the fizz! The

coke is carbonated, and will explode when you Ret ryady to drink the potion.

Shake j Little, then let trie carbonation escape (carefully), then repeal the

process j couple of times.

Eg ready far bed ahead of time. Don't dean up the kitchen, etc.

Drink the potion you have mixed. Take it to your Detfiidc, but drink it

Standing up Drink it down withtn 5 minutes (15 mirlutCi if you're hawing a

hard time). I usually hold my breath when I'm swallowing, breathe, and

repeat again. As soon as the drink i5 down, walk lo your bed and lie down flat

on your back wjtr your head up high on Lha pillow,,,

Lie Down Immediately!

Vou mi^ht fail lo get stones out if you don't lie down ri^ht away. The sooner

ypu lie down, The mare stones you'll get out. Lie Hal on your back, or on your

right hand iide. Whichever you'd prefer, Keep perfectly sti!l for at least 30

minutes. Think about what's happening in the tiver (an your back, on the

right hand side]. Vou may feel a train o( stones traveling along the bile ducts

like marbles. There ts no pain because the bile duct valves are open [thanks

to the Epsom »!&}.

Go To Steep Right Away

You may not Rtrt the itones out if you don't. If you have to go to the

bathroom later in then^trt, please feel free to go. We don't want to clean up

after an "accident." It would be better if you could sleep the nitjht through



We fecomrnund thai people with medium to severg conditions do the

cleanse once s week for at least two months (some people will have to do it

much longer) or once every other week for at least four months. You will be

able to tetl when you do the cleanse how much you are setting out at your

body. Afief your condition is completely cleared-, we recommend treating

your body to 3 cleanse at every change of season - or <l times per year. The

more vou do this cleanse, the less of our product vou will have To buy as

doing (his cleanse accelerates your healing.


The enzymes in Grapefruit are the most effective CtCinsCT. however if you

cannot have grapefruit you may substitute Ihe juiw ol [wo lemons for each

grapefruit Chftfc with your Medical Practitioner to ensure your medications

have no ccntr Jin dictions with lemon fuice, Tht?¥ usually don't, but it is

responsibility ro check with your Doctor first.