Listening(p.51) Answer key for Exx 1---2: 1 2 3 4 5 6 C B A B D C By: 刘刘刘

Listening(p.51) Answer key for Exx 1---2: 1 2 3 4 5 6 C B A B D C By: 刘超英

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Page 1: Listening(p.51) Answer key for Exx 1---2: 1 2 3 4 5 6 C B A B D C By: 刘超英


Answer key for Exx 1---2:

1 2 3

4 5 6


B D CBy: 刘超英

Page 2: Listening(p.51) Answer key for Exx 1---2: 1 2 3 4 5 6 C B A B D C By: 刘超英

Answer key for Exercise 3: (p.51)Answers Other details



The Nile

It is in North and East Africa. It's 6,695 kilometers long, it is about 300 kilometers longer than the Yangtze.

The Caspian Sea

It has an area of 371,800 square kilometers. It's a saltwater lake. The Caspian Sea is about four or five times larger in area than the second largest lake (Lake Superior in North America which is the largest freshwater lake).

Page 3: Listening(p.51) Answer key for Exx 1---2: 1 2 3 4 5 6 C B A B D C By: 刘超英



The Pacific Ocean

Mt Quomo-langma

It represents 45.9% of the world's oceans.

It is in the Himalayas. It's 8,844 meters high. It was formed 60 million years ago. The Nepalese call it "Sagarmatha "which means "goddess of the sky".

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The Blue Whale

The cheetah

An adult grows up to 35 meters long and weighs up to 130 tones. It is much larger than the largest land mammal which is the African elephant (One African elephant specimen was 3.96 meters tall and weighed over 12 tones).

It can run at 100 kilometers an hour on level ground. But it can run at this speed only over a short distance.

Page 5: Listening(p.51) Answer key for Exx 1---2: 1 2 3 4 5 6 C B A B D C By: 刘超英

• Examples of questions about the topic (p.52) "animals" are: Category--- animals

1 What is the largest carnivore on land?

(the polar bear)

2 What is the largest reptile in the world?

(the saltwater crocodile)

Page 6: Listening(p.51) Answer key for Exx 1---2: 1 2 3 4 5 6 C B A B D C By: 刘超英

3 Which marine mammal is the rarest?

(the Yangtze River dolphin)

4 Which insect is the most destructive?

(the locust)

5 Which is the fastest land bird?

(the ostrich)

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Complete the dialogues with the correct nouns below. Then check your answers with a partner.(p.52)

1 A: Would you like me to help you with your maths on the weekend? B: Oh, that'd be great. You've helped me so much this year. How can I show my ___________?


wisdom appreciation regrets conception


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2 A: I don't understand why Ian is so rude to me all the time.

B: Look, I don't think he means to be. I just don't think he has any _________ of being polite.

3 A: I love talking to older people. They seem to have so much ________ .

B: Yes, I know what you mean. My grandmother always gives me great advice.



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4 A: Do you have any ______ in your life?

B: No, not really although I'm sorry that I didn't get to know my father very well before he died.

In pairs, complete the crossword puzzle with new words from the Student’s Book.(p.53)

1 marathon 2 bid 3 champion 4 conventional 5 virtue 6 accomplish 7 reality 8 amateur 9 profile 10 wage 11 struggle 12 unfit



Page 10: Listening(p.51) Answer key for Exx 1---2: 1 2 3 4 5 6 C B A B D C By: 刘超英

Match the subject on the left with an ending on the right to make correct sentences. (p.53)


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1 Listening to English programmes on TV

2 Anybody who can help my son improve his maths for $10 an hour

3 What you need4 Whether she can run in t

he marathon5 To climb to the top of Mt

Qomolangma6 Will the person who took

my exercise book7 Smoking8 Polluted water

• is one of the major causes of lung cancer.

• is an issue that must be discussed by governments.

• is a good way of improving your English.

• would be a very courageous thing to do.

• please contact me on 45683992.

• depends on how fit she is.• is a red scarf for your black

overcoat.• give it back please?

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In pairs, complete each sentence, starting with the phrase in italics as the subject.

1 Playing sport is _____________________

2 The man who robbed Mrs Davies has been _________________

3 A good friend is ____________________



important part of school life.

caught by the police .

one who sees you through

bad times as well as good times .

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4 Whether he will be a lawyer or not depends on _____________________

5 Whoever comes late for work must __________________________________

6 To reach your goal is _____________


how well he does at school .

stay late until the day's work is done .

one of the most

exciting things you can do .

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Translate the following sentences into English .(p.54)

1 大山里静谧的氛围是我最喜爱的。 The peaceful atmosphere of the mountains

is the thing I love the most.

2 参加比赛给我很大的成就感。 Participating in a competition gives me a gr

eat feeling of accomplishment.


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3 在电话上谈话几个小时是我不能理解的事。

Speaking on the phone for hours is not something I can understand.

4 到奥运会上去比赛是我的梦想。 To compete at the Olympics is my dream.

5 她为学校所做的一切使学生和教职员工非常感激。

What she did for the school was greatly appreciated by the students and staff.

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Answer key for Exercise 4: (p.56)

Article Record/s Category




biggest pig Natural world

largest suit of armour

History and society

biggest strawberry cake

Amazing feats

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D 1





largest afforestation project

Natural world

fastest commercial maglev train

Travel and transport also Science and technology

longest continuous motorcycle ride with the rider standing on the seat without touching the handlebars

Sports and games

fastest mask-changing Arts and media

oldest man alive Human body

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Suggested answers to Exercise 5 (p.56)

B What is the suit of armour made of ? In which country was the armour worn? What was it protecting the elephant against? How far could an elephant have walked in such heavy armour?

C What were the dimensions of the cake? How was such a large cake baked? How did the organizers serve so many people with the cake? Did the cake taste good?

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D The afforestation project: What area did the afforestation project cover? Where in China was the project carried out? What was the purpose of the project? Has the project been successful?

The train: How fast can the maglev train go? Where in China is the maglev train used? How many carriages can the train have? Where and when was it made?

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The motorcycle ride: Who rode the motorcycle? How old was he / she? Had he / she tried to break the record before? How much practice did he / she have before attempting the record? Where did the record attempt take place? How far and how fast did the motorcycle go?

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E How did Mr Peng Denghuai change the masks? How much practice did he have before he attempted the record? When did he start using silk masks? Does he make the masks himself ?

F What were Joan Riudavets's secrets to such a long life? Did he ever leave his village? How many children, grandchildren and great grandchildren did he have? How old was he when he stopped working?

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Answer key for Exercise 2:

1 F 2 B 3 D 4 A 5 E 6 C

Suggested answers to Exercise 3:

Do’s• Choose a category from the Guinness Book.

• Choose a category that others will be interested in challenging.

• Contact the Guinness office before going ahead with your record attempt.

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• Train for your event, build up your training slowly.

• Do a trial run.

• When you are trying for a record and you have a problem, try and fix or work with the problem.

• Ask some friends to go with you to encourage your efforts and to offer advice.

• Make sure you have proof of your new record.

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Don'ts• Don't choose something unless you're

certain it's a category.

• Don't train too quickly.

• When you are trying for a record, if something goes wrong, don't give up.

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• Sample dialogue (p.57)

B: Tell me, what's the record you've broken?

A: I broke the record for being the fastest person carrying a 25 kilo bag of potatoes.

B: Wow! How far did you carry the bag?

A: It was only a kilometre.

C: Sounds like a long way to me! How long did it take you?

A: Three minutes and ten seconds.

B: You're kidding!

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A: (laughs) No, it wasn't too difficult.

C: Why did you choose that particular event?

A: I know it seems strange but I wanted to do something different to the usual kinds of events.

B: Well, it is certainly that! Tell me about the kind of training you did to prepare yourself.

A: Well, I got up each morning at five and jogged up and down hills with the sack of potatoes on my back for two hours without a rest. I did that for six months.

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B: (nodding head while listening). Gee, that sounds almost impossible to me!

A: Well, it felt impossible sometimes but I always had a great sense of achievement when I stopped !

B: Yes, I'm sure you did. How did you prepare yourself mentally for the event?

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A: When I was training and felt like I couldn't go on, I would just keep telling myself I could do it. I also would choose a spot a long way ahead of me and keep my eyes fixed on that. (B nods while A is talking.)

B: Did you have many people at your attempt at the record?

A: Oh yes, I had some friends, my family and a few colleagues from work. That was really important.

B: Oh yes? Why was that?

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A: Well, when you try to break a record, you need all the encouragement you can get. It helps to know people really want you to break that record.

C: Of course. And did you eat the potatoes afterwards?

A: (laughs) No. I never want to see another potato in my life!

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• Sample Writing


Scott Blake set a new world record yesterday by being the fastest man to carry a 25-kilo bag of potatoes for one kilometre. Scott, 17, covered the distance in three minutes and ten seconds. The young man had been training for six months before attempting the record.

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His training programme involved jogging up and down hills early every morning for two hours non-stop with a sack of potatoes on his back. After the event, Scott joked "I never want to see another potato in my life!"

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Answer key for Exercise 5:

1 To finish a really good book always gives me a great sense of satisfaction.

2 The person whose company I enjoy the most is my best friend Natalie.

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3 Whatever you do for this project will always be appreciated.

4 Whether my daughter comes top of the class or not does not concern me.

5 Swimming every day is my only form of regular physical activity.