LIONS of 5M8 NEWSLETTER May 2020 www.Lions5M8.org GreeƟngs Lions: I want to rst apologize for the late newsleƩer. Lion Lori was waiƟng on me to complete my part and I was distracted by everything going on with work, personal, and my Lions life. The COVID19 work/ stay at home order has created extra work for me – seƫng them up at home and supporƟng them throughout the day and evening. If your club needs assistance with using technology , please call me and I am willing to assist you as well. CongratulaƟons are in order for Lion Terry Bailey, District 5M8’s 20202021 1 st Vice District Governor and to PDG JeThompson, who will be the District Governor again this coming Lions year. District 5M8 leads the mulƟple in many categories and I hope we can conƟnue the momentum into the new Lions year and make it a great year for our two new incoming leaders. COVID19 has made the world realize that technology was available to conduct business and meeƟngs, but there was a lack bandwidth in some areas and many did not know how to use the technology. For Lions, having meeƟngs can be done with any of the online meeƟng providers; Zoom, Goto, etc. I hope your clubs have been able to take advantage of the online meeƟng spaces in order to conduct business. I have received a few calls regarding membership. They include things like I sent an email out to a member but have not heard back regarding club business. Keep in mind that members may not look at their emails on a regular basis and if you have not heard from them, a phone call inquiring might be the answer. Try not to rely on just one form of communicaƟons if the situaƟon calls for majority to help decide on club business. Speaking of membership, it would be nice if the District could nish the year out on a strong push for new members and to reach out to members that you have not heard from in a while. The COVID19 pandemic has created new opportuniƟes for Lions to “Serve” their communiƟes. For example, I know one club that did a contactless food drive to bolster their local food shelf; it was an amazing success. Are there families in your area that might benet from a donaƟon of food? Reach out to both members and nonmembers and survey your community for ways in which Lions can help. AŌer all, this is a perfect Ɵme – Where there is a need, there is a Lion. DG Mike and Lion Pam

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May 2020 www.Lions5M8.org

Gree ngs Lions:

I want to first apologize for the late newsle er. Lion Lori was wai ng on me to complete my part and I

was distracted by everything going on with work, personal, and my Lions life. The COVID‐19 work/

stay at home order has created extra work for me – se ng them up at home and suppor ng them

throughout the day and evening. If your club needs assistance with using technology , please call me

and I am willing to assist you as well.

Congratula ons are in order for Lion Terry Bailey, District 5M8’s 2020‐2021 1st Vice District Governor

and to PDG Jeff Thompson, who will be the District Governor again this coming Lions year. District

5M8 leads the mul ple in many categories and I hope we can con nue the momentum into the new

Lions year and make it a great year for our two new incoming leaders.

COVID‐19 has made the world realize that technology was available to conduct business and

mee ngs, but there was a lack bandwidth in some areas and many did not know how to use the tech‐

nology. For Lions, having mee ngs can be done with any of the online mee ng providers; Zoom, Go‐

to, etc. I hope your clubs have been able to take advantage of the online mee ng spaces in order to

conduct business.

I have received a few calls regarding membership. They include things like I sent an email out to a

member but have not heard back regarding club business. Keep in mind that members may not look

at their emails on a regular basis and if you have not heard from them, a phone call inquiring might

be the answer. Try not to rely on just one form of communica ons if the situa on calls for majority

to help decide on club business.

Speaking of membership, it would be nice if the District could finish the year out on a strong push for

new members and to reach out to members that you have not heard from in a while. The COVID‐19

pandemic has created new opportuni es for Lions to “Serve” their communi es. For example, I know

one club that did a contactless food drive to bolster their local food shelf; it was an amazing success.

Are there families in your area that might benefit from a dona on of food? Reach out to both mem‐

bers and non‐members and survey your community for ways in which Lions can help. A er all, this is

a perfect me – Where there is a need, there is a Lion.

DG Mike and Lion Pam

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Immediate Past District Governor Jeff Thompson will once again be participating in this fund raising event! If your Lions club or you would like to sponsor him please send checks to Lion Tom McCarthy, 23535 735th Ave, Dassel, MN 55325. If gambling funds are used make payable to the U of M Foundation with Childhood cancer in the memo. Ini-tial foundation name had MD5M instead of MN so had to go through a formal name change. 501(c)(3) name had to be changed so that is still in process. Individual and club

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Watkins Lions Club

6th Annual

Golf Tournament

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Kimball Golf Club

11823 Co Rd 150, Kimball, MN

11:00 AM – Registration

12:00 PM Shotgun Start

Entry Fee: $50 For Non-member of Golf Club

$40 per Member of the Kimball Golf Club

4 Person Scramble Best ball

Build your own team

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Minnesota Lions Diabetes Founda on Update COVID‐19 and Diabetes

Happy Spring from the Minnesota Lion’s Diabetes Founda on (MLDF)! For the MLDF, like other Lion’s events, and almost everything else, everything was cancelled or de‐layed. And while it would be nice to discuss other items, COVID‐19 is the forefront of everyone’s ac ons and needs to be discussed as it relates to diabetes. Therefore, this month’s ar cle will focus on the risks and facts around diabetes and COVID‐19. Please note that the items contained with this ar cle come directly from the American Diabetes Associa on (ADA) and in no way should be considered medical advice. This is a small sampling of ques ons posted by the ADA. Are People with Diabetes More Likely to Get Coronavirus? There is not enough data to show whether people with diabetes are more likely to get COVID‐19 than the general popula on. The problem people with diabetes face is primarily a problem of worse outcomes, not greater chance of contrac ng the virus. In China, people with diabetes had much higher rates of serious complica ons and death than people without diabetes. Do people with diabetes have a higher chance of experiencing serious complica ons from COVID‐19? People with diabetes do face a higher chance of experiencing serious complica ons from COVID‐19. In general, people with diabetes are more likely to experience severe symptoms and complica ons when infected with a virus. If diabetes is well‐managed, the risk of ge ng se‐verely sick from COVID‐19 is about the same as the general popula on. When people with dia‐betes do not manage their diabetes well and experience fluctua ng blood sugars, they are gen‐erally at risk for a number of diabetes‐related complica ons. Having heart disease or other com‐plica ons in addi on to diabetes could worsen the chance of ge ng seriously ill from COVID‐19, like other viral infec ons, because your body’s ability to fight off an infec on is compromised.

Are the risks different for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes? In general, we don’t know of any reason to think COVID‐19 will pose a difference in risk between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. More important is that people with either type of diabetes vary in their age, complica ons and how well they have been managing their diabetes. People who already have diabetes‐related health problems are likely to have worse outcomes than people with diabetes who are other‐wise healthy, whichever type of diabetes they have.

Will COVID‐19 impact my access to insulin and other diabetes supplies? Leading manufacturers are repor ng that COVID‐19 is not having an impact on their current manufacturing and distribu on capabili es for insulin and other supplies at this me.

Please be safe, healthy, and follow all guidelines imposed by our governmental bodies. Also, please reach out to your health care provider for more specific answers to your COVID‐19 ques‐

ons. Finally, while we are all under social distancing guidelines, being outside doing yard work, walking, biking, etc. are all s ll valid ac vi es we can con nue to do to help stay healthy and keep blood sugar levels under control.

Your 5M8 MLDF Trustees – Lion Diann Bellmont ([email protected]) and Lion Kim Stommes ([email protected])

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Due to the continued guidance from the Minnesota Department of Health and the CDC, we have made the difficult decision to cancel our D-Feet Hearing Loss Walk on June 6, 2020. We appreciate your support and understanding and hope you will join us next year on June 5, 2021.

Although our walk is cancelled, our mission to promote hearing health and the Lions Children’s Hearing Center continues. Donations can be made on our website at: https://www.5mhf.org/ or by mailing a check to:

PDG Mike Vos, Treasurer 20472 371st Avenue Green Isle, MN 55338 Please make checks payable to: MN Lions Hearing Foundation

Sincerely, 5M8 Trustees Lion Lori Steinemann Lion Bob Harms MN Lions Hearing Foundation Board

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COLD SPRING HOME PRIDE LIONS SPONSOR BLOOD DRIVE Cold Spring Home Pride Lions sponsored a Red Cross Blood Drive at St Boniface Parish Center in Cold Spring on April 6th. CSHP Lion Rita Hennen reports 116 pints were collected surpassing our

goal of 99 pints! Our next drive is July 27th at St Boniface Parish Center. Many of the donors signed up to donate

again and almost all appointments are filled already!

The Avon Hills Lions has Adopted County Highway 52 near St. Anna. We will be doing the clean up on Sunday, May 3 at 1 p.m. Anyone who would like to get out, exercise and social distance are welcome to join us!

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Please take note of where your collec on pails / boxes are located and let us know

of any changes to the address in the box above, I update monthly or as we get no‐

ce. Thank You for all you do.

PDG Joe Steinemann

President MN Eyeglass Recycling

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5M8 is very excited to welcome these new Lions to help us

“SERVE” our communi es and world. We look forward to

working with you, side by side and striving to make a differ‐

ence while having fun doing so. The list of new members is taken from the Lions Interna onal reports. If a new

member is not listed yet, it is due to when Lions Interna onal receives the new

member informa on from the club.

Lorelei Finley Sandstone Quarry Lions Club

Susie Maas Richardson Township Lakes Lions Club

Chuck Maas Richardson Township Lakes lions Club

Barb Roth Sturgeon Lake Lions Club

Shawn Wigg Sturgeon Lake Lions Club

Andrew Dubois ` Swanville Lions Club

Lion John Moriarty Avon Lions Club

Lion David Hopkins Hinckley Lions Club

Lion Rochelle Deboer Kanabec Lions Club

Lion Allan Donnay Rockville Lions Club

In memory of

Our fellow Lions


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More informa on to follow in

upcoming months

Dear Registered Northern Pride Lions Forum

a endees,

We are happy to let you know that the North‐

ern Pride Lions Forum has been rescheduled!

The new dates are October 30‐31, 2020, in St.

Cloud. The Forum will take place at the Best

Western (Kelly Inn) and St. Cloud Civic Center

as previously planned. With this new infor‐

ma on some Lions have stated that they wish

to con nue their current registra on and not

receive a refund. . If you plan on staying regis‐

tered for the event no response is necessary.

The Northern Pride Lions Forum Commi ee

will gladly refund your fee you wish to cancel

your registra on. Please reply to this email

([email protected]) if you desire a re‐

fund. If you stay registered you will need to

contact the Best Western (Kelly Inn) and re‐

serve your room 320‐253‐0606.

Thank you for your pa ence. Northern Pride

Lions Forum Commi ee

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Please send your events, announcements, and photos to:

5M8 Newsletter Editor [email protected]

“The deadline to submit Articles, pictures, and notices for the District 5M8 Newsletter is the 20th of each month

Lions All, Below is the link to Sign-Up Genius for our 2020 MN State Fair Booth volun-teers! I have kept the order of day assignments as it has been in the past and also set up three volunteer slots for each shift. Please share this link with your trustees and look over the sign-up sheet. Let me know if you have any changes you wish to implement, such as changing a district from four 3-hour shifts to three 4-hour shifts. I can make those changes and edit any volunteer registrations. Remember our Greater Minnesota Lions districts will need some help with volunteers for their first and last shifts of the day.


PU‐101s ARE




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MN Lions Eyeglass Recycling

PDG Joe Steinemann

[email protected] 320‐290‐1753

Global Service Team 

PCC Judy Loken, PDG Amy Leidenfrost, Lion Deb Bialke

PCC Judy [email protected] PDG Amy [email protected] Lion Deb [email protected]

LCIF PDG Frank Leidenfrost, Lion Carrie Shofner

PDG Frank [email protected] Lion Carrie [email protected]

Leo’s Clubs

Lion Trisha Thiel Lion Trish [email protected]

Lions John Schiel & Brad Rosenow

Lion Brad [email protected]

Lion John [email protected]

MN Lions Vision Founda on

Lion Carol Merten [email protected]

Lion Joe Musel [email protected]

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MN Lions Diabetes Founda on


Diabetes is one of the Five Lions Focus Areas.

If you want to learn more,

please contact one of the 5M8 Diabetes Chairs.

Lion Kim Stommes c.320‐293‐9338 [email protected]

Lion Diann Bellmont. C 320‐492‐1974 [email protected]

MN Lions Hearing Founda on    Lions Lori Steinemann & Bob Harms 

Lion Lori Steinemann 320‐290‐1802 [email protected]

Lion Bob Harms [email protected]


CanDoCaninesisdedicatedtoenhancingthequalityof lifeforpeoplewithdisabilitiesbycreatingmutually

bene icialpartnershipswithspeciallytraineddogs.


Facebook chair Please send your club ac vi es, fundraisers, and project pic‐

tures to

Lion Jacob Holck [email protected].

LCIF PDG Frank Leidenfrost, Lion Carrie Shofner

PDG Frank [email protected]

Lion Carrie [email protected]

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Please send your events, announcements, and photos to:

5M8 Newsletter Editor [email protected]

5M8 Leader Dog Chair

Lion Pam Cramer —

[email protected] cell 320‐249‐7686

The foundation now has a Facebook account. Check it out at: MN Li-ons Childhood Cancer Foundation!

IPDG Jeff Thompson 5M8 District Chair

[email protected]

GLT Coordinator 5M8

PDG Duane Finger (320-980-6219)

[email protected]

How are you ge ng thru your days? Is the warm sunshine and pleasant weather making it easi‐

er or be er somehow? Being able to be outside and even just having the windows open‐WOW

its made a difference here. A drive in the country over the weekend and seeing our Minnesota

farmers out in their fields gives so much Hope and Faith for the future and a sense of normalcy.

We, too, as Lions clubs need to plan for our future. Maybe marking our progress with that of

those crops as they grow might be one way to measure things? As nature wakes up around us in

so many ways, I hope you are able to stop and find some sense of joy, hope, gra tude, peace,

laughter, and brightness, in each day. As Lions, and communi es there will be a need to gather

and “Serve”. . I look forward to that and to adding events back into this newsle er. My thoughts

and prayers are for all to remain in good health. I look forward to sharing those “bright “ days

ahead with you…...Lori

Carol Breitkreutz 763.482.9465 [email protected] Duane Finger 320‐980‐6219 [email protected] h ps://www.lionsmd5m.org/lions‐kid‐sight.html ‐

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5M8 DG Mike and Lion Pam Cramer Cell: 320-630-9324 Home: 320-259-9466 Email: [email protected] 20123 Beaver Lake Road Kimball, MN 55353

Interna onal Conven on Dates & Loca ons

June 26‐30, 2020 CANCELLED

June 25‐29, 2021 Montreal

July 1‐5, 2022 New Delhi, India

July 7‐11, 2023 Boston

June 21‐25, 2024 Melbourne, Australia

July 4‐8, 2025 Mexico City, Mexico

MD5M Mul ple Conven on



Leadership Forum—Louisville KY

September 17‐19, 2020

Northern Pride

October 30/31, 2020 St Cloud MN