30 November 2010 1 Copyright Content&Copy Australia www.contentandcopy.com.au

Linked In Workshop And Training Overview

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Workshop LinkedIn November 25th 2010 Melbourne

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1. What is LinkedIn?

2. Why LinkedIn?

3. The How of using LinkedIn?

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1. What is LinkedIn?

2. Why LinkedIn?

3. The How of using LinkedIn?

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To act and not react in this new business climate.

To approach warm leads and avoid cold-calling.

More business opportunities at virtually no cost.

Relevant colleagues become comfortable pro-active business developers.

Satisfied clients to introduce you to their contacts in an organised and carefully targeted manner.

Colleagues to create more cross-selling opportunities.

To be involved in modern up-to-date business development techniques.

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What is LinkedIn?

a forum for exchanging ideas;

a networking tool; and

a platform to sell your goods and


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Feel comfortable with the technology

Be able to build your personal, and your business‘s global profile

Build your network

Make introductions

Connect with 1m people in Aus. & 70 m globally

Get testimonials

Raise your profile

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According to the Optus Social Media

Report October 2010, 19% of SME‘s use

Linkedin while only 33% are aware of its


Compare this with Facebook, and Twitter

that have 99% and 93% awareness and

53% and 27% usage.



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This means that more people

proportionally that know about LinkedIn

use it when c/f other social media sites.

It also demonstrates (if we lag behind

the U.S.), the potential of LinkedIn in the

next 2-3 years will grow exponentially

Time on LinkedIn correlates with the size

of your network – Now is the time to get

on board.

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To Add Value

Help and Assist



Trust that the process will drive people to


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1. Navigate LinkedIn

2. Your Profile

3. Ensure your colleagues represent your

real world

4. Leverage your LinkedIn Connections

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1. LinkedIn navigation

2. Your Profile 3. Ensure LinkedIn represents your real world

4. Leverage your L.I. connections 5. Networking and Groups

6. Questions and Answers , introduction and invitation etiquette

7. Recommendations , online referrals

8. How to Generate Leads on Linked In with Advanced People Search

9. Market your business – using Linked In to promote your services

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Accept invitations

View messages

Compose Message


What you need to know about

accepting invitations

Don‘t give I.D.K‘s use archive if you must

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1. LinkedIn navigation

2. Your Profile

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Own a profile that truly represents you.

List your current and past

positions &education along with your

tenure there. This helps the right people

and opportunities find you.

Add a profile photo– people never

forget a face!

Add a summary paragraph. Think of it as

your professional elevator pitch.

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―Here‘s a major mistake everybody makes,‖ he said. ―Take a look at this: ‗Helena Bouchez, Principal, Helena B. Communications.‘

That doesn‘t really help you much. You‘re just repeating your position. Make it descriptive.

Amtower‘s―Leading expert on marketing to the government; consultant, speaker; LinkedIn black belt.‖

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―You need to change ‗My Website‘ to

be the name of your company or blog.

Leaving it the default does nothing to

differentiate you or pique anyone‘s

interest to click on the link.‖

For example, not my website but


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Also, don‘t be afraid to update your


LinkedIn has a powerful SEO structure;

every time you make the slightest

change, your page is crawled and

updated by the search engines.

Changes are then rolled up and sent out

weekly in LinkedIn‘s ―update‖ email. To

your network.

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1. LinkedIn navigation

2. Your Profile

3. Ensure LinkedIn represents your real


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Use webmail import to see, in seconds,

all the people you know who are

already on LinkedIn. You can then select

who you wish to invite to join your trusted


Upload a contacts file from Outlook,

Palm, ACT!, or Mac Address

View our list of your colleagues and

classmates that are already on LinkedIn.

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Post a question on Answers and tap into the experts you‘re connected to and the entire LinkedIn network. With a professional community of 80+ million, this is the perfect place for those tough questions.

Look up someone‘s profile before you meet with them. Learn their background and see who you know in common to get off to a fast start.

Search for Service Providers and select based on trusted recommendations from people in your network. Anonymous web searches to find providers are a thing of the past.

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1. LinkedIn navigation

2. Your Profile

3. Ensure LinkedIn represents your real


4. Leverage your L.I. connections

5. Networking and Groups

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Identify geographic and special interest peer and customer groups

Ie: Australian, Melbourne, networking, CEO/CMO, I.T., professional, digital etc.

Join Groups. This is powerful. This can be

prospects or people you‘re trying to recruit.

Think of Groups as targeted audiences. If you

or your brand appeals to a particular demographic, find groups that are made up of that demographic.

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6. Questions and Answers , introduction

and invitation etiquette

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Your opportunity to demonstrate your expertise

A great opportunity for business development, recommendations and developing your professional brand

This allows you to have a much bigger footprint within your network and to communicate in different ways with your 1st degree network.

For example, at least once per month ask a question about a problem you faced recently

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Recommend others you have had positive

experiences with as a colleague, friend,

service provider, or employer

As your network grows you may wish to

provide recommendations of people who

you believe have been helpful on L.I.

L.I. automatically asks them to reciprocate.

However, this is not necessary

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Do An Advanced People Search. In the upper right hand corner click on Advanced. Search for titles of people or people at companies that you may want to connect with.

Search for Companies. This is competitive intelligence. What are your competitors doing? Who should you be connecting with?

What content are they publishing? A new feature called Follow Company ―allows you to keep up with them by sending you updates through your LinkedIn account‖ and gives you something to talk about with the contacts that you find.

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Do An Advanced People Search. In the upper right hand corner click on Advanced. Search for titles of people or people at companies that you may want to connect with.

Search for Companies. This is competitive intelligence. What are your competitors doing? Who should you be connecting with?

What content are they publishing? A new feature called Follow Company ―allows you to keep up with them by sending you updates through your LinkedIn account‖ and gives you something to talk about with the contacts that you find.

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Update Your Network Status.

Do this once per week.

Remember, this is not Facebook but status updates serve a similar purpose in a business context.

Status updates are essentially mini performances. When you post a status update, you‘re giving your network information about yourself or your brand.

―Fantastic article — The Difference Between B2B and B2C SEO – Proteus SEO.‖ What does this tell me about the person that posted this? He‘s in the know. He has access to information that might help me. His status update has elevated his profile in my mind as a possible expert in this area.

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Link your profile,website, blog, content

updates, slides and video to L.I.

Ensure you join and participate in groups

and discussions relevant to your target


Understand L.I. is one of the best Seo

tools you have for your business

L.I. puts you in control of your information

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Thanks for the opportunity

I look forward to connecting with you

Jennifer Bishop Director, Content and

Copy, www.contentandcopy.com.au



Inbound Marketing Visionary,Social Media

Marketing Strategist, LinkedIn Specialist

and Trainer

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