^ ------------> Cib.Editteri ;/-:^T® yOL. 18, NO. 7 i IlGIVES-EXMi OFllliPlON Former Idaho Prison Inmate S o u g h t As Kidnap Suspect 'Was Legally Eligible to Pardon,’ Miller Declares (By ■»« Ai*od»trt Preu) BOISE. June 29 W illiB tn Mahan, former Idaho prison inmate, now sought in* a no> tionwide manhunt os a sua- ,^pect in the. kidnaping of '^G eorge Weyerhaeuser, ninc- ycar»oId Tacoma. Washing- ton. boy, "woa legally eligible 'and entitled to a pardon” • when the state pardon bpard freed him Mtrch 33, 1033, Altomey ___ . n,rt »■ Min^r deeJarea. here tonlthU , Mr. MUler, &tnembec vltb Qorer- nor Rou and SecreUry of SUte FrankUa Olrvti. ot Ute bo&rd whleb aeted oa Mahan'a appUcation, made hla itatemeat at'lhe eonciusion of an exhausUre ivo-weeka Investlsa* tlon b; bU office Into the clrcum- atances lurroundlng Mahan'a re- lease. The attoniey teneral aet forth a secUon of Idabo lav prtcludea the pardon board from taking Inlo con- alderaUon prisoners' previous penal recotdi wben sr&nUzis d e m e n t: this pertain* only to pardona and not to paroles, be declared. Smed Time In MMtana Mahan bad served Umo In prison In Montana before bo' was received In tbe Idabo InsUtuUon. The governor and Miller voted to Uberate him; OIrard opposed them. Evidence uncovered here by Fed* eral Department of JusUce operat- ives that Mahan «-as named as wanted for robbery In a “detainer" wblcb auerledJy had been filed by Washington sUle offlcUU with the varden'a office at state's prlAon here prior to hts release, prompted Mr. MUler to nota that: ''Washington stata official* mlghb ...^wver have appeared to claUa Ma- r i a n . Tbere U no record of their arriral bere. Aumnnore. Jt 1* JWt .tte ba*loa**-ot U» pardoa boards but la potily • mtaUUrlal fonctloii of^ltae warden to attend to sueb matters. Also, Qkrtit* ;a» .law eo Mahan'a detenUoa by tha ^niden vouJd haw beea only • aatter of comity between *Ute*. U be had hem held.- .... - ....Mahan had aerved more than the minimum time here In state prison, to vhlch be vas Mntenced for robbing a bank at Rathdrum. (Coatlnued on. Page 3. Col. 1) IGHTS and I SHADOWS In Day’s Events <By Tbe Anoclated Pre**) --------Molherj-Come-Home^^- --------- OAK PARK, m.—Pour "young- ftera." only a veek old howled all ni(ht. for tbe retum of thetr mo- ther. Tbey vere the puppies of “Wire," a fox tenter, owned by WU- ------- Uam-Ooellt*. vbo said the mother failed to return after being let out of the baaement Ust night. Pariiltology— iONNCAPOUS - Pb0*Ui0g0Ql- JQ * pacrorchls cause* poultry to lay ^ t f t shelled en* In early summer itn e Amertcan AssocUtlon for the M Advancement of Science vas told ''X yesterday. Thit “jav breaker-dls- - eaa* U cauied by eaUng drason fUes.' Tba cure Is simple—keep tbe layers cooped up durl^ the last week of May aod lhe first of June. KindneiB Paya— ---------_ c a iCAQO--m«t_your livestock vltb klminess. especUUy vhen shlp- Ptng It to tba sUugbter house. Dr. H. PrettoQ KMkln*. vet«1narUa. »ald yesterday. BruUes. caused by rough handUnt. must be cut from carcams. be aald. causing Urge an- nual losaca. Pavilion Colla Throng At Nearly 400 men. women aad chfldrea vere plunged more than 30 feet Into tbe sballov vaten of Hunlock cnek at Croop-a glen this i aftemoon when the old bam dance! partUon in vhieh a ‘baby, contesi" j vas being conducted, coUapsed. I More than 100 were injured. T tu t i no one was UUed amaicd officera; vho hurried to the pUce vhen the: aUrm waa gtren. ^ * i The ln^trl(a of aever^ of thOM: crjcht In the colUpee are conald-; r«d grave. Frcm a yet undetmalned cause, probably too heavy a weight remlt- >' uie Inm tbe larire attendance at ■ ' the eontcat, the entire structure pluccfd from lu eminence tnu the. creek, toailng men. women and ehUd.Tn Into a screaming, vrith-' 1 ^mais. pantg enwifd aa pirenu cried cut Jor tbslf children ana~6therToved'i "m m tMABWD w arn Kpnm or :■ ABBOCUCTO w TOP I Bring Dea IN To Many rte Storm’s Toll In Japar Bot Ravage Europe; to (ByTluAuc *es Nature’s dread manifestatii and terror in many parts of Wind and flood'killed-W-ln nadoes and thunderstorms ra\ under Mexico and the Hawaiin ed fearfully lest Mana lioa, thi camo active. Japan’s richest industrial ai cities of Kyoto, Osaka and' Kobe, suffered heavily in •f" storm winds und raging floods that did damage estimated at n |llj)OO.OW or more. It Kfa the re- rd Sion’s second disaster In less than sey 10 monUis. A typhoon kUled 3.M0 rwJ. there last year. \ ^ I Portugal, iUiy, i-Tftnwana-oer- er- many all were visited by death In ate the ahape of cloudbursU, elcctrlcal Icb alorm* and record heat. An unde- tde termlnled' number of Portuguese of died In winds and floods, which laid ;a- woate crops; nine Itullans succurob- m- ed to sunstroke aj| sulfocatlng west I Japanese M As Taun Italy Sets Aside !m. I Billion Lire F o r ' | it; i Military Expense e“ ROME, June :o — lUiIy, by gathering ber force* for posAlble lhe hostilities inlli EilCooU. wlH ion spend an additional billion lire led (about $82.00-\000l on her colon- ks, mrmy. navy and air force dur- Ehb ,!ac tba lin t tU months of tbe la- ~cootixg~ye*r;----- ^ • ^ Ttit OfflcUl gaaett^ today an- ^ nooaec* this expenditure had becD: budgeted In addition to the ^ OrdiMxy defense budget and tbe speeiil «aBi'O('WV|0.C00.000'’»ie Itenlto MumUnl ■& last' & renovaUen ,ot JS H ^ ^ Uori'seerUJ defenses, ot Tbe new approprUtlon wUl be lad divided a* follows: S00.(«0.000 lire for Uw colonies, isoooo.ooo for lan arU tlon. lOO.OOU.OOO for the navy ate and 3SO.000.000 for tbe army. »d ________^_______________________ im. :tllPITIEKPEC lS ' SPnSESS IDN Governor Declines to Allirm Or Deny Report ot - --------Early-Cali------------- S BOISE, Jnae » ol that a specUl *e»lon of the atate tJ: letUUtsre will be called In a pro- ler cUnatlon ifl be Uraed by Cnvtr- ner Boca next week leaked out bere ieday. Asked If they were well founded, .the governor replied: ol- "I cannot aay at thU Ume." lay Aaked If be had heard rumor* to ier that effect, he said: he “Yea, you can say I have heard sld rumora." u- He did not deny them. ' Tlie AssocUted Prea* adurces of cr* Information came from aiunlly re- of lUble tnformanU ouuide the sute- house. T h ^ declined to be Quoted, IncTeaalnc P tm ar* During the past few weeks, since JMe. ch.rtm r. K.^lKh ni1.d In IP- Third district court here that the 3r. state cannot go Into munlclpallliei UI. with popuUUoni of more than 2.- by 500 an4«pend federal money for 1m- «» proving the motor traffic arterlra .n- r (Continued on Page 3, Col. 6) lapses Under ; ‘Baby Contest’ “arrbflH. tw wt Ce~strugnllns' to waTe- nd themselvea. an When county detecUve* arrived It of required more than an hour to qulel 3UI the victims of the cra&h. ■ce! Along the banks of the creek are »'f j Jacgtd rocks, and upon these many . (person* were dropped, utl The coUapse occurred while fhe ;ra< Judging of babies at the tir^t an-> be J nual ouUng of the NanUeoke and lUacovcr branches of the Lu»me [ County Unemployed league vas tn 3!:progma. The hyttertcal hundreds «ho vere : caught ta tbe colUpae and escaped Injury were running vi;C!y about •t* through the park vhen officers ar- rtved. All wert Seefcftig reUUres or « frtend*. • I Emergency calU brought ambu-- 0 . iances aad doctora from all nearby, «• tovna. I IJov such a coUapie should oc-' ut cur and yet cause no deaths was. as ed'ooe-om iei sam. -cne»ptate«Me.~— r- ACCVRAT WIN idsd Siiafees- tths, Terror ^ Countries ,n 71 Dead; Tornadoes ;; Mexico Shaken socisted Press) lions spread death, destruction f the gIol>e yesterday. 1 west Jnpiiii, stifling heat, tor- ivaged Euro|)c, the earth shook nn islands and obser%-ers w atch- he famed Hawaiian volcano, be- area, that nround the populous I winds sent iliermomentcra to record } highs: llirre persons died at Nlmes. I Prance, where the. thermometer cUmbcd ,to IJO degrees fahrenhelt, while IlKhUng killed six In east 5 Prussia. \ ,No' casualties were reported. That I which Ruve the Uauullans their - worst shaking of years caused two e slides In (hv flrcplt of Mnuna Loa!s 1 Kliauea crater, but observer* pecr- - Ulg anxiously Into lls depths could t detect no sign of Increased actlvliy. love Seen it To Soviet ‘Invasions’ Charged With Provocative Purposes I MOSCOW. June M (JlV-OftltUl RnaaUn nev* agency dUpatehea today.eharced Japanese and Man- choakiian infantry, eavalry .and gsnboats with three new vlala- tlona of (he slberUn-Mancbou- knan fronUer. despite recent pro- teaU-acalnst'-iimlUr— IncidenU. lodged at Tokjo jBoe 11. Tbe dlspatebra aaserted tbe -io- • TMloBs" Of Soviet territory were "wllb elearty provocative aima." <4ipyriSht. lOas. Amoclated Preaa) y TIENTSHfrChinn.-Jtmc-za- —Foreign military obser\-ers her^ watching the Japanese army clutch north China ever tighter in iU mailed fist, said totlny thoy believed Japan’s motive was preparation for pos.siblc war with Soviet Rus- sia. ‘ They credited the army’s InsUtence on the drmllliArlmUon of I Hopcl province lo li& dc.ilre for nb- (Contlnued on Page 9. Col. fl) 1 Key Boys Se : m THE FI.TING KET baya of Merldiai latemlfd l« keep oo gotag la Um 1 ' avajr as U neared tbe rererd. In (I tent Bp (B thrm. Ihe tvo are 7 — FVvdHrigbtf-tbea «r1nnlngly »eae< . i i r g - A N ASSOCIATEdiPB EAI^i TW m FALLS, IDAHO; SUNDAY r., , 1 ' ■= s= = ^^= s= ss= liinif nrii nu zt I "TffiSW NITP s i OTlDWir 's Democratic House Prepares For Showdown on Presidenl’s Demand Foij >n -- ‘Death -SentenceV-Clause (By Tho AssocUted Press) h WASHINGTON. JuiMj 29— Ripped wide open by internal insurgency over President Roosevelt’s demanded “death — sentence” for utility holding companies, the Dcmocratic cs. house adjourned a bitter ses- ler sion today on the verge of a :u, vote that will test administra- tion strength Monday, leo The big test vUl come on a teller lat the senate approved provUlon lo ^ outlaw utility holding companles'ln *'9 seven years for the house IntersUte I commerce-.provision leaving their -f: fate to the s;curltles «)cchange com- 1“ mlulon. It will be offered by Representa* live Elcher (D-Iovrn) M lhe Inter- state committee. A neord vote on the amendment win ba Impoaslblo nt thts stage but administraUon i men nre preparing to check the ' t DemocraU as they file through the counters. White House pressure may be used.on the dissenters. Move For Showdown .H To bring the Issue to an early aliowdown. the house agreed to side- track all olher business Monday and meet at 10 a. m. with a view to finally disposing of the bill by Tues- day. Then It would take a Uiree-day recess over the Fourth of July.' iaI ^ Throwing their influence back of B. President Roose%'elt's demand yes- terday that tho house accept the "dealh senienoe" provUlon, senate , a. administraUon leaders Informally | notified house DcmocraU they , ,1a would lovejo klU the l^lslailon un- , less It wa* adopted. B- ThU caused tome constemaOon ' re in the ditlded Democratic forces. > During the day’a heated debate the ' president's name often vas bnnigbt I ss) up. Republican independenu and ^ .09 .progreaalm- announoed ihelr sup- I >rs "death sentence." ' i»e ------------------ Dynamiters Crack ; Levee In Arkainsas ' or ’ . ------- , 0. UTTLE nOCK. Ark.. June 20 -Dynamite set off by unldenltlled 1 persons today cracked open an Ar- ; kansaa river levee soulh of pine | of Bluff, allowing flood waten cov- , erlng a wide area in Arkntiaas i ^ counly to flow back Into the main . stream. Set Endurance Mark and ___ S L _ I I. Mmb aUn. MtetelppL broke tbe vertd'* nigbt 1 M bapn of tuylnc Bp another week. Th a Ibe anatsr,! bslev, made by tt ft«a M:brr te r^rh etber. Al (letl) « BMl I f TbaU^________________ PRESS NEW SPAPER-CO«i m B/ A B O R N IN G , JUNE 80, 19S6 . = = = f= If Than In Old Days ■A i_ioi^aELEa^JuDe.ttJ«= __ I I The litiman rice really U craiier I than tl used lo be, a noted psy- L cbUtrisi said today. He «-as Dr. Gordon B. HsaUl- ton. former ncuro-psvchlatrlst at es tbe \-eterans* state Humeopathle ... Society convention hero "In ithe" pail'decade, and par- m -J tlcuUrly in the past live years," ll '’"r Dr. mmilton said, "tfce general *■ Bft level of sanity has - gone. down. ^ — TSnversly, ciwes of -Inferiority -| oompkx, melancholia meuru- | , thenU and piycho-neuroses have Jncreawd shAiply. ■ al V °''' »» believed ,f m depression was reaponslbJe. ^And even dIcUtors, In hU e*U- ttatlon, are a result ol "a mental lg Mate." Dr. Hamilton added.* Fl ic . V -n,^. i^.jng In several countrle* 8- (o dictatorships U rteflnliely a a Bwntal state, caused by world - economic coneitlons. I*. U a weak- ening of Individual minds to a 'tnass ;e\-el.' Luckily, the world ler n)Ua just 40 .Jar in one direction, ' then ll roUs fack agr.ln'' ^ . In! In ,, sir HMICHIGiMUIiOER J . -SUSPECT lE S IE O ;? '• _____ Ok ha Policc to Question Man fn sei Slaying of Prominent an Attorney at Detroit ro> ______ lee rly DETROIT. June 2» -(/IV-A man le- who poUce aald they are eerUla < nd la wiUUm Lee FerrU waa retumed jo to (« Michigan tenight to faee qat«- q,c u- tionlng In the slaying ef Heward . Carirr Dickinson, promlneat New^ York allomey and nephew of pic of Chlrf JusUee Charle* Evana pie JlBjrbra, i he Dickinson’s body was found Thurs- ‘t* dsy moming in Rouge park here. It Hy bore iwo bullet wound*, cither of ” ‘fy which would havo been faUl phy- • ‘J «• slclanssald. ______ _ _ The sujpcct told Porl Vrtyne, lh- ,on dlana. police, who arrtsted him at a . noon today aa he ei)U>ed a hotel },e where three youiig w « n n compan- / lht lota w*re regUtwed, that he iru al nd Art ReaaaU of Kansas C'ty. Mlchi- ©f ip. gwratate pftllce offlclaU *nW rt»i»- y g erer> that hU fingerprints checked pai with records of Ferris. coc The women said they were Loretta e<i Jackson, 37. and Floule Jackson. 34, nig sl5tCT*. and UUlan Wlnha. 34, They i lg also were relum?:! to Mlclilgan. cor Rsshed Aeroaa SUtr Line , Michigan su te pollee tind officcr* ^oli ed from Detroll bundled the four Into -j nuiomoblles and nished them aoross ne th; sUto line, to a slate police bar- (he racks a t Jonesv'llle, Michigan, as JU soon aa It was Seamed that they (ContUiuedon Page 3, Col.5) Jl id Stay Aloft ________ |Se J . the fin ii sta r— dr a use SUI J bee ^ clai ^ ~ ' I fm aw j hU ____ f- J IIO offl alae bus Ity, moi •bt radonaee Bark of SS3 boc^ Tbey; It . Their ^aae U (hava abore draatatg j trti <j tbe bay* t>,-..->:‘t m vllh a caiocr* I gufc tl) va* snappvtf by Fred ealla* a saaek. j woti ______________ W tE T E SILY 1 *« yr • g~^ joL^mi] To Keei NEWDISIUBBIliES M DFF1CEI18 TO- ouoi mines ' FloMIng Breaks Out Across State Line As National n Guardsmen Restore Ortler y In Kansas Sector of Field n _____ Jt (By Tlie AaiocUtcd Preas) Ing broke out In picket lines In’the H strike-troubled lead and sine mines 1.1 of northeastern Oklahoma todsy as order was restored by national guardsmen in the Kansas sector of the trl-sUite field. Oklahoma officers seised Ifl load- ed rifles and shotguns and fotjr pUtoU In a pool haU a t HockcrvUle, Al Okla. Owen WalU, assUUnt attorney general, -who led five state operallves In the raid, said IS Oklahoma mines are being picketed In-the atrlke of union miners for better working t conditions and recognition in col- leeilve bargalnUig.. ' Plenty ot Unreal j d Oovernor E. W. MarUnd ordered * 10 df his 13 slale highway patrol-1 ®J men; to the Oklahoma area of the Mlssourl-Kansas-OUahoma fleld. "We've had three fIghU on the plckel lines thU morning. There U plenty of unrest,'’ Watu reported. ”' Seven workers arrested after a }*; clash wllh pickeu at Plchcr were charged with rioting. They plead- { ed innocent and bonds were set at 1:000 each. , ““ J4o charges’had been filed'against ^ four plckeu-arrested at the same Ume. , ^ . Troopa ratral Streeto ] Approidmstely 900 Kansas naUon-' "i 11 tuardsmen patroDed the atreeU am of^galfna and guarded the Eagle-.— P lu e f Mining'and Smelttng com-1 . pany .'after, rtaculng 38 besieged I company guarda who had been fir- p rd on: IfltenDlttently through last Sj The guards took refuge tn th o . ' company office after strike aympa-1 I Ihlters bkxked rvopenlng of-) the I plant yesUrdsy wlih cluba and pU- i toU. - I Tvo machine gun* pfotected th e' imejter. one commana«ng a Wew ot rt the highway approach. JURIflMUD -OPTllllflFFICIllL-^ n Secretary ol State Con- fi victed ol Issuing . '■ Bogus Claim —— . th SALT LAKE CVtY, Jane Zt un Sl( —MUton 11. Welllnc «»rr«tar7 of ] aUU. vas-feOMd gollljr late lodar <bl< by a jBry of elgbt men of IwBlng a 1Pc frandBlenl laUry cUira for a wo- j M 0ian not emplojed by Iiic aUle. | Cr The retdlct came, mote ,lhan; an 14 hours after u-.e ca»<* was given to un the Jury, and eirht dajs after the | first testimony was taken In the r:tuaUonal caae. 1tb Check for fioo 1 h» Secretary Wellmg vas brought to fn trUl on a charge of authorizing a ag check of IlOO for Mt*. Qn:da Rich- fo< srds, wife of lUtoId P. fUchards, a tormer employe the molor vehicle 5* iJepartment of the »eerrtary of en lUte's ofJlee. The official "had con- en lended lhe che^S »-as re.nun^ratlon wl ror Mrs. Richaid** asabtinrr to ber lh nusband during road tnpa. but the »e »Ul« charged th** secretary gave the ' lei Iraft to Richardv vho had it in- ' dl; ilorsed aiul relumed tw WelUng __ where the morxy vaa evmtually — ised to help defray exp^ca of en- ^ lertaliUng vliitlng aerrvtaries of S iUt« wbo wtre hene f^r a c«i/cr- ^ tnn. ! Welling cont<n:ded also th st he' . lerer sav the check afler It had; >eea lumed ov<r lo Rlchartls. but: Jw employe on the other hand de-' ] Oared Mr. WelUiig had asked that t be Indorsed by Mrs. lUc^nrds and ^ -etumed ,fo hlat. As comi<ensaUon or this set. Richards declared the lecTeUfy of su te told nL-n to "ped” iU expense account to the extent of ^ i IlOO to make up the money which he urx raoted to go to~Mra. Richards. : in« Penalty la QBesUen ,pi Mrs. RJeharda. who often accom- ' ■ ] >anJed her husband on field trip*, pie lenled ahe ever aaw the check or Xal h ai ahe lador»e<i It. Richards said tht » look It to another employe in the cou ifflee and had him write hU wtfe'*. 1 lazoe oa the baek. Mm. Richards hcj dao denied tbat ahe antsted ber too jtisband olher than through curios- bU ty, and thst ahe never sought re- ml< nuneraiion. . by ImmedUtely afler the venllct was shi eturned. it was a matter of guess, dn ness again as ui what tbe penalty I rould be. None In the rjurlroom at be late would hatard an opinion. ,^*U< I TO] NEV AlTOrr BURKAO OF 0iaC0L»T10HB 3:B^at01!S in is trM im !p Coal Mil W orkers’ Executive Ci President’s R eq u est I - - Of W age, H ours W alkouts Postpone d (By Tbe ABsoda WASHINGTON. Jun« 2 9 — 3 the United Mine Workers, tonij strike set for tomorrow ntght e Roosevelt. Lewis agreed with Duncan K< Virginia, spokesman for Appalac tho hiines in operation at presen July 31 If operatora accepted. Ke: ' — *th rmnfiniitffir irnp f"* rlullllnulilir r ' i m oecflME ' wl Al and Fred Key Pass 600- j Hour Mark to Improve Iu World Record S V* ' MERIDIAK, MUa.. Jnne M W> ^ ; Weathering tempeat and overcom- " , Ing ri(«. Al and Fred Key. Uie long i‘f distance MeridUn fUera. loday f” ' winged (belr way pa«( 600 ftoM of ausUlned endoranee night. The recognUed official world rec- ' ord waa pa^d Tburaday atumoon re] at 3:13:M p.m. iCST) on Ihelr 33rd fci day of continuous flight over and ov around the Meridian airport and a ng new world rtcord was aet an hour later. . ' > But a new world record did not satisfy the Intrepid Hlers. and the brothera.coomed on in IheU- atlempt to surpass the S47-hour flight of Dsle jsckson and Porest- O'Brien' which'waa-not offlclally-rBcognUed K becaute of an improper barograph. I Plane In Good CendUlea- ^ I Tha broUier* assorted tbe endiir- „ ance plane. "01* MUs." waa *tfll per. I (OonUnued p n Pa«o a. C o L ^ . '. 'siiiiTiryp! lOHPBnDEE eo; vie Picket Unes Prevent Ef- forts to Unload Vessel At San Francisco - ] SAK FRANCISCO, Jnne 29 (/T) —Sallon today look Bp tbe one- ^ -ihip-titom a«—b»Mr”whicK has* threaUned lo flare inlo a re- ftewal of last year's bloody vater- front strike, after aaolher mart- i L,, ilm> anion -vltbdrev lu pIfkeU ! In tbe Inlerrsl* of peace. ^ Longsliortmrn. vho had prcvl- otuly refused to pa-u throush the' picket line*, again tumed back as ^ the ssltors appeared to press the siege. ........ _ . 1 The temporary llfUng of the I blockade on the Canadian steamer| .... 1 Point Clear came vhen lUndolph __ 1Mcrlvetber, secretary of the Marine ] Engineers Brneflelal a.v«)rtntlon.| ! announced vlihdiawal of that ].. ’ union's pickeu. I rkkeU Form Lines ' Before longsiiorcmcn could t>c put. I ta Work unlofldlnR the vewtel. vhlch jhas brrn tird up slnee IU arrival: from lirituh Columbia nuie -da)-!* ago. thr sailor pickets arrived and rn: farmed lines. 1 . Tlioma.1 o. Plant, pmldcnt of lhe; « ; Ban FrancUTO winrrfrotit emplny-l ers' ontanlrnlion. which lm ihrent-' ened lo termlnalc the nfcrermrnt' which enilrd last yr«r » KtriK- unlrwi' p,;. the I»otnt CIrar »-.•(.» unloaded. re-| Tti »e»-ed hU chant*' th»l radical union I „n- ’ leartm vere rrsponsible for thel n,: ' dUpute. ! rio Sun Dance Call ; To Petition ' FORT HALL. Idaho. June ' Wi When the sun seta behind Uio »eii- ii« em ranges loT.orroa-. sick and ail- Ii;k ing Indian* ct Uie SIkaIiorc and plr Bannock tnbes will gatticr lu a .< wUlow enclo^ure cn Fort Hall Indl* slir an rraerrallon to brcin Uielr crutl-, Ung three-day »un dance, importun- lea Ing the a-.i;rcod lo-firtve tr<e evU'wa; spirit from ihtir brokrn bodies. spi The slghtle".*, the aging, the cnp- S«i pled, lhe aehing come with unp^iat ha^ faith the ercal iptrit vlU br.ng 0;J them relief if they but ahov iheir £ courage and enduranc«\ln thtsda&cr., of To Ihe monotonous thumping of oto bca»7 sUcks upcm the skin-covered dar tom wsaa. the aeud chantmg of ical blanketed squaws and to the rylh- cm mle notes of shrill vhUt:rs earned iho by the dancers, the aUlng Indues He Bhufne back and forth viUuH a the drcxUar willov.sheUrred arena. «lt: In the center o: the enclosure a fra taU pole is icpped by a bundle of — sucks acd the skuU of a buffiQo. « fODAY; Partly Clou^~ iV S ..^ 14 PAGES — 6 CENTS s ^ e ld - ^ S H H S s H ines Qpen-:- Calls Off Strike t Follow ing Ck)llapse rs N egotiationB _________ i d ‘At Least 30 Days’ . kxUted Pre**) - John L. Lewis, pwsfdent of , jnight called off the soft coal ' it at the request of President ; Kennedy of Charleston, West alachian producers, to continue -sent wages and hours .through Kennedy had bo T>ower to bind -♦the operators to any agrec- mgnts. but he predlcted,..they ------- ' would acccpt It. ~ Annoueee New Ttnee SecreUry Perklni announoed tho ' , new truce shorUy after nine o'clock. She had been In a long confercnie wllh LevU and Kennedy. Less Utan nine houn before. Lewis announced Uut be v u sending out strike ordera to fl.000 locaU embrac- -Ing, he said, about 430,000 mlnen. The strike order foUoved eoltapee of , vage and hour negoUatloAt. Tbe operaton offered a SS-Uour veek and present wages until AprU t. nexl year. The mlnen demanded a 30-hour week and a ten per cent pay bicrease. MUS Perkins told reporten: “Mr. LevU and Mr. Kennedy vbo represent the operaton tn the con- ference have been talking things over vlUi me ttiU aftemoon aad ' again thU evening. 30-Day postpeneneol "We hare come to some under- standing that I tbougbt ought to be made clear. I have consulted the prealdent and ve believe It Is appro- priBte and vise for the United Mine. _ Worken to post^ne a itrike call' ' Sor at least 30 days iHth enorU In - lha'meantlmrt8TCiiar«Tet«onable------ -- afreeid^t In.Uu publle Interest. . \We'$elleT«thlscai) be.dana.7 . . -labor depart- ment chief tdmed to LevU abdask- ed him If he accepted. Th* burley LevU said: "The mine vorken vlU aeqoieaee In the vUh ef the president u ex- pressed by the secretary of Ubor and notify bur memberahlp to remain at work fo^SO days under vages and . condlUona heretofore exUtlng, pro- viding of courae. that the openton' will acquiesce." ' '•We are doing thU for the presi- dent and not for the opentors.** - - Uaked Wllb UgbUtUa ---------,- President Roosevele twice before In recent months averted threaten- ed soft coal strikes by last mlnuto ploas-for extension of the-fgM -35 ----- woge»hour contracts. The last ex- tension was granted to give congress time to act' oo the Ouffey coal sta- I blllmtlon bill to set up a "Uttle .^RAt^-fof-tho lillitmlnons Inctintry. I Tliat measure still U before a ways '' and mcana subcommUtee, and has not yel been called up In the senate.' *nie wage and hour negoUaUotu are closely linked with thts fight, since - -«>eme-ffperatora-contet>d-iu-enact--------- , menl U nccessary to guarantee them I aufflclcnl income to pny even pres- I ent wages. I The bill's appeamnce on Preal- - dent Rooicvelfs "must" Ibl of legU- - latton. these operators offered to renew present wages and hours unUl nf-xl April 1. OpponenU of tho measure likcwUe offered lo mln- rrs the 8.inie Icrms. althoUBh they ; served uoUce of aa Intent to test its------- cnnslllullonallty as soon as it Is enscted. . * Tlie miners, hovrver. held out for ' A 30*hour week insiend of the prrs- ] ent 35 hours and 'p.-iy Increase* aver- nRlne 10 per ernt. j Thene basic fisures were llltle dis- et:s*rd In the nvoUatlons. hovever. j TJje operators were unabJe to agree [ nmonc th‘‘ir.»el(e* on vage dlffer- eiiiiaU between and vlthln the va- ! rlous producing dUtrlcts. ills Indians »n For Health 'Wlthla these sticks-and the akuU the great >pirii ce:i;es lod«ell dor- inu tlie ilancr anJ listen lo iho p:r«i of U:e daniiag braves. Ar. Indian br,ivc, bk:«lEir hi* slir.ll, ;.-ajhfr-dr<krd willow wbist>. • . f(oii) Uie etiva of the areaa , tf.a.ird the po>. head uplifted lO- war'd the resurg pisce'Of the-grrat ------- spirit. OUiers foUov ths leader. Seme crune out An crutches. Some hkve bacdage* over their eyes. Othfrs are bent vith pain. But lhe dance takes poucsaioa ■ , of the sick Indians- Soon the b ^ - otoamis music seems to eatratico ^he dancer*. They move with a nwchaa- ical moUon. The man with the cnitches u suddenly insptrrd to Shov the grest spirit ba U bnve. He discards thea aad dances to the'pole and back. !!« continues • Ithout lhe aid o f'h is supports frcmlb en oa. Some ot the oiben iCoatioucd oa Page 3. 0*L 2) - - -

liinif nrii nu I joL^mi] s i OTlDWir - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_TF62/PDF/1935_06_30.pdfThrong At ‘ Nearly 400 men. ... Prance, where the

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^ ------------—

> C ib.Editteri

; / - : ^ T ®yO L . 18, NO. 7 i

IlGIVES-EXMiO F l l l i P l O N

Former Idaho Prison Inmate S o u g h t As Kidnap Suspect

'Was Legally Eligible to ■ Pardon,’ Miller Declares

(By ■»« Ai*od»trt Preu)BOISE. June 29 W illiB tn

M ahan, form er Idaho prison inm ate, now sought in* a no> tionwide m anhunt os a sua-

, ^ p e c t in th e . kidnaping o f '^ G e o rg e W eyerhaeuser, ninc-

ycar»oId Tacoma. W ashing- ton. boy, "woa legally eligible

'a n d entitled to a pardon”• when the s tate pardon bpard

freed him Mtrch 33, 1033, Altomey___ . n ,rt »■ Min^r deeJarea.

here tonlthU • ,Mr. MUler, & tnembec v ltb Qorer-

nor R ou and SecreUry of SUte FrankUa Olrvti. ot Ute bo&rd whleb aeted oa Mahan'a appUcation, made hla itatemeat a t 'lh e eonciusion of an exhausUre ivo-weeka Investlsa* tlon b ; bU office Into the clrcum- atances lurroundlng Mahan'a re ­lease.

The attoniey teneral aet forth a secUon of Idabo lav prtcludea the pardon board from taking Inlo con- alderaUon prisoners' previous penal recotdi wben sr&nUzis d e m e n t: this pertain* only to pardona and not to paroles, be declared.

Sm ed Time In MM tana Mahan bad served Umo In prison

In Montana before bo' was received In tbe Idabo InsUtuUon.

The governor and Miller voted to Uberate him; OIrard opposed them.

Evidence uncovered here by Fed* eral Department of JusUce operat­ives tha t Mahan «-as named as wanted for robbery In a “detainer" wblcb auerledJy had been filed by Washington sUle offlcUU with the varden'a office a t state's prlAon here prior to hts release, prompted Mr. MUler to nota that:

''Washington stata official* mlghb ...^wver have appeared to claUa Ma­r i a n . Tbere U no record of their

arriral bere. A u m n n o re . Jt 1* JWt. t t e ba*loa**-ot U » pardoa boards but la potily • mtaUUrlal fonctloii of^ltae warden to attend to sueb matters. Also, Q krtit* ;a» .law eo

Mahan'a detenUoa by tha ^n id en vouJd haw beea only • a a t te r of comity between *Ute*. U be had hem held.-

.... - ....Mahan had aerved more thanthe minimum time here In state prison, to vhlch be vas Mntenced for robbing a bank a t Rathdrum.

(Coatlnued on. Page 3. Col. 1)


In Day’s Events<By Tbe Anoclated Pre**)

--------M o lh e rj-C o m e-H o m e^ ^ ----------OAK PARK, m.—Pour "young-

ftera." only a veek old howled all ni(ht. for tbe retum of thetr mo­ther. Tbey vere the puppies of “Wire," a fox tenter, owned by WU-

------- Uam-Ooellt*. vbo said the motherfailed to return after being let out of the baaement Ust night.

P a r ii l to lo g y — iONNCAPOUS - Pb0*Ui0g0Ql-

JQ * pacrorchls cause* poultry to lay ^ t f t shelled en* In early summer i t n e Amertcan AssocUtlon for the

M Advancement of Science vas told ''X yesterday. T h it “ja v breaker-dls-

- eaa* U cauied by eaUng drason fUes.' Tba cure Is simple—keep tbe layers cooped up d u rl^ the last week of May aod lhe first of June.

K indneiB P ay a—---------_ c a i CAQO--m«t_your livestock

vltb klminess. especUUy vhen shlp- Ptng It to tba sUugbter house. Dr. H. PrettoQ KMkln*. vet«1narUa. »ald yesterday. BruUes. caused by rough handUnt. must be cut from carcams. be aald. causing Urge an­nual losaca.

Pavilion Colla Throng A t ‘

Nearly 400 men. women aad chfldrea vere plunged more than 30 feet Into tbe sballov v a te n of Hunlock cnek a t Croop-a glen this i aftemoon when the old bam dance! partUon in vhieh a ‘ baby, contesi" j vas being conducted, coUapsed. I

More than 100 were injured. T tu t i no one was UUed amaicd officera; vho hurried to the pUce vhen th e : aUrm waa gtren. ^ * i

The ln^trl(a of aever^ of thOM: c rjch t In the colUpee are conald-; r« d grave.

Frcm a yet undetmalned cause, probably too heavy a weight remlt-

> ' uie Inm tbe larire attendance a t ■ ' the eontcat, the entire structure

pluccfd from lu eminence tn u th e . creek, toailng men. women and ehUd.Tn Into a screaming, v rith - '

1 ^ m a i s .pantg enwifd aa pirenu cried cut

Jor tbslf children ana~6therToved'i

" m mtMABWD warn Kp n m o r :■ ABBOCUCTO w


I Bring Dea IN To Manyrte Storm’s Toll In Japar Bot Ravage Europe;to (ByTluAuc

*es N atu re’s dread m anifestatii and te rro r in m any p a r ts of

W ind and flood'killed-W -ln nadoes and thunderstorm s ra \ under Mexico and the Hawaiin ed fearfully lest Mana lioa, thi camo active.

Japan ’s richest industrial ai c ities of Kyoto, Osaka and' Kobe, suffered heavily in

•f" s to rm winds und raging floods t h a t did damage estim ated a t

n |llj)OO.OW or more. I t Kfa the re­rd Sion’s second disaster In less than sey 10 monUis. A typhoon kUled 3.M0 rwJ. there last year. \^ I Portugal, iUiy, i-Tftn w a n a - o e r - er- many all were visited by death In ate the ahape of cloudbursU, elcctrlcal Icb alorm* and record heat. An unde- tde termlnled' number of Portuguese of died In winds and floods, which laid

;a - woate crops; nine Itullans succurob- m- ed to sunstroke aj| sulfocatlng west

I Japanese M As Taun

Italy Sets Aside !m. I Billion Lire F o r ' | it; i Military Expensee“ ROME, June :o —lUiIy, by gathering ber force* for posAlble

lhe hostilities inlli EilCooU. wlH ion spend an additional billion lire led (about $82.00-\000l on her colon-

k s, mrmy. navy and air force dur- Ehb ,!ac tba l in t tU months of tbela - ~cootixg~ye*r;----- ^ •^ T tit OfflcUl gaaett^ today an- ^ nooaec* this expenditure had

becD: budgeted In addition to the ^ OrdiMxy defense budget and tbe

speeiil «aBi'O('WV|0.C00.000'’»ie Itenlto MumUnl ■& la s t '

& renovaUen ,ot J S H ^^ Uori'seerUJ defenses, ot Tbe new approprUtlon wUl be

lad divided a* follows: S00.(«0.000 lire for Uw colonies, isoooo.ooo for

lan arUtlon. lOO.OOU.OOO for the navy ate and 3SO.000.000 for tbe army.» d ________ _______________________im. —


Governor Declines to Allirm Or Deny Report ot

- --------Early-Cali-------------

S — ■BOISE, Jnae » ol th a t a specUl *e»lon of the atate

tJ : letUUtsre will be called In a pro- ler cU natlon ifl be Uraed by Cnvtr-

ner Boca next week leaked out bere ieday.Asked If they were well founded,

.the governor replied: ol- "I cannot aay a t thU Ume." lay Aaked If be had heard rumor* to ier th a t effect, he said: he “Yea, you can say I have heard sld rumora."u - He did not deny them. '

Tlie AssocUted Prea* adurces of cr* Information came from aiunlly re- of lUble tnformanU ouuide the su te -

house. T h ^ declined to be Quoted, IncTeaalnc P tm ar*

During the past few weeks, since J M e . ch .r tm r . K .^lKh ni1.d In

IP- Third district court here that the 3r. sta te cannot go Into munlclpallliei UI. with popuUUoni of more than 2.- by 500 an4«pend federal money for 1m- «» proving the motor traffic arterlra .n- — r

(Continued on Page 3, Col. 6)

lapses Under ; ‘Baby Contest’“arrbflH. tw wt Ce~strugnllns' to waTe- nd themselvea.an When county detecUve* arrived It of required more than an hour to qulel 3UI the victims of the cra&h.■ce! Along the banks of the creek are »'f j Jacgtd rocks, and upon these many . (person* were dropped, u t l The coUapse occurred while fhe ;ra< Judging of babies a t the tir^t an-> be J nual ouUng of the NanUeoke and

lUacovcr branches of the L u»m e „ [ County Unemployed league vas tn 3 !:progm a.

The hyttertcal hundreds «ho vere : caught ta tbe colUpae and escaped Injury were running vi;C!y about

•t* through the park vhen officers ar- rtved. All wert Seefcftig reUUres or

« frtend*. • IEmergency calU brought ambu--

“0 . iances aad doctora from all nearby , «• tovna. I

IJov such a coUapie should oc-' ut cur and yet cause no deaths was. as e d 'ooe-om iei sam. -c ne»ptate«Me.~— r-


WINid s d S i i a f e e s - t t h s , T e r r o r C o u n t r i e s

,n 71 Dead; Tornadoes ;; Mexico Shakensocisted Press)lions spread death, destruction f th e gIol>e yesterday.1 w est Jnpiiii, stifling heat, tor- ivaged Euro|)c, the ea rth shook nn islands an d obser%-ers w atch- he fam ed Hawaiian volcano, be-

area, th a t nround the populous

I winds sent iliermomentcra to record } highs: llirre persons died a t Nlmes.I Prance, where the. thermometer

cUmbcd ,to IJO degrees fahrenhelt, while IlKhUng killed six In east

5 Prussia.

\ ,No' casualties were reported. That I which Ruve the Uauullans their- worst shaking of years caused two e slides In (hv flrcplt of Mnuna Loa!s 1 Kliauea crater, but observer* pecr-- Ulg anxiously Into lls depths could t detect no sign of Increased actlvliy.

l o v e S e e n i t T o S o v i e t

‘Invasions’ Charged With Provocative

PurposesI MOSCOW. June M (JlV-OftltUl

RnaaUn nev* agency dUpatehea today.eharced Japanese and Man- choakiian infantry, eavalry .and gsnboats with three new vlala- tlona of (he slberUn-Mancbou- knan fronUer. despite recent pro- teaU -acalnst'-iim lU r— IncidenU. lodged a t Tokjo jB oe 11.

Tbe dlspatebra aaserted tbe -io- • TMloBs" Of Soviet territory were

"wllb elearty provocative aima."

<4ipyriSht. lOas. Amoclated Preaa)y TIEN TSH frChinn.-Jtm c-za- —Foreign m ilitary obser\-ers h e r ^ w atching th e Japanese arm y clutch north C hina ever tig h te r in iU mailed f is t, said totlny thoy believed Jap a n ’s m otive was prepara tion fo r

• pos.siblc w ar with Soviet Rus­sia. ‘

They credited the arm y’s InsUtence on the drmllliArlmUon of

I Hopcl province lo li& dc.ilre for nb-

(Contlnued on Page 9. Col. fl)

1 Key Boys Se


mTHE FI.TING KET baya of Merldiai

latemlfd l« keep oo gotag la Um 1 ' avajr as U neared tbe rererd. In (I

tent Bp (B thrm. Ihe tvo are 7 — FVvdHrigbtf-tbea «r1nnlngly »eae<

. i


E A I ^ iT W m FALLS, IDAHO; SUNDAYr., , 1 ' ■ = s = = ^ ^ = s = s s =

liinif nrii nu zt I

" T f f i S W N I T Ps i OTlDWir's Democratic House Prepares

For Showdown on Presidenl’s Demand Foij

>n -- ‘Death -SentenceV-Clause

(By Tho AssocUted Press) h W ASHINGTON. JuiMj 29—

Ripped wide open by internal insurgency over P resident Roosevelt’s demanded “death

— sentence” fo r u tility holding companies, th e Dcmocratic

cs. house adjourned a b itte r ses- ler sion today on th e verge of a :u, vote th a t will te s t adm inistra-

tion stren g th Monday, leo The big test vUl come on a teller

lat the senate approved provUlon lo outlaw utility holding companles'ln

*'9 seven years for the house IntersUte I commerce-.provision leaving their

-f: fate to the s;curltles «)cchange com- 1“ mlulon.

It will be offered by Representa*— live Elcher (D-Iovrn) M lhe Inter­

state committee. A neo rd vote on the amendment win ba Impoaslblo nt thts stage but administraUon i men nre preparing to check the '

t DemocraU as they file through the counters. White House pressure may be used.on the dissenters.

Move For Showdown .H To bring the Issue to an early

aliowdown. the house agreed to side­track all olher business Monday and meet a t 10 a. m. with a view to finally disposing of the bill by Tues­day. Then It would take a Uiree-day recess over the Fourth of July.'

iaI^ Throwing their influence back of B. President Roose%'elt's demand yes-

terday tha t tho house accept the "dealh senienoe" provUlon, senate ,

a . administraUon leaders Informally | notified house DcmocraU they ,

,1a would lovejo klU the l^lslailon un- , less It wa* adopted.

B- ThU caused tome constemaOon ' re in the ditlded Democratic forces. >

During the day’a heated debate the ' president's name often vas bnnigbt I

ss) up. Republican independenu and .0 9 .progreaalm- announoed ihelr sup- I >rs "death sentence." '

i»e ■ ------------------

Dynamiters Crack ; Levee In Arkainsas '

o r ’ . -------,0 . UTTLE nOCK. Ark.. June 20

-D ynam ite set off by unldenltlled 1 persons today cracked open an Ar- ; kansaa river levee soulh of pine |

of Bluff, allowing flood w aten cov- , erlng a wide area in Arkntiaas i

^ counly to flow back Into the main . stream.

Set Endurance Mark and

___ S L _

I I .

M m baUn. M tetelppL broke tbe vertd'* nigbt 1 M b a p n of tu y ln c Bp another week. Th a Ibe anatsr,! bslev, made by tt ft«a M :b rr te r rh etber. Al (letl) « BMl I f T baU ^________________

P R E S S N E W S P A P E R - C O « i

m B /A B O R N I N G , JU N E 80, 19S6 .

= = = f =

I f Than In Old Days■A i _ i o i ^ a E L E a ^ J u D e . t t J « = __I I The litiman rice really U craiier I than tl used lo be, a noted psy- L cbUtrisi said today.

He «-as Dr. Gordon B. HsaUl- ton. former ncuro-psvchlatrlst a t

es tbe \-eterans* state Humeopathle . . . Society convention hero ■ "In ithe" pail'decade, and par- m

- J tlcuUrly in the past live years," l l '’"r Dr. m m ilton said, "tfce general *■ Bft level of sanity has - gone. down. ^— TSnversly, ciwes of -Inferiority - |

oompkx, melancholia m euru - | , thenU and piycho-neuroses have

Jncreawd shAiply. ■ a l V ° ' ' ' »» believed, f m depression was reaponslbJe.

^A nd even dIcUtors, In hU e*U- ttatlon, are a result ol "a mental

lg Mate." Dr. Hamilton added.* Flic . V -n,^ . i^.jng In several countrle*8- (o dictatorships U rteflnliely a a Bwntal state, caused by world

- economic coneitlons. I*. U a weak­ening of Individual minds to a 'tnass ;e\-el.' Luckily, the world

ler n)Ua just 4 0 .J a r in one direction,' then ll roUs fack agr.ln''

^ . In!In ,, sir


“ '• _____ Ok

ha Policc to Question Man fn sei

Slaying of Prominent a n

Attorney at Detroit ro>______ lee

rly DETROIT. June 2» -(/IV-A man le- who poUce aald they are eerUla < nd la wiUUm Lee FerrU waa retumed jo to (« Michigan tenight to faee qat«- q,c u - tionlng In the slaying ef Heward .

Carirr Dickinson, promlneat New^ York allomey and nephew of pic

of Chlrf JusUee Charle* Evana pie JlBjrbra, i

he Dickinson’s body was found Thurs- ‘t* dsy moming in Rouge park here. I t Hy bore iwo bullet wound*, cither of ” ‘fy which would havo been faUl phy- • ‘J« • slclanssald. ______ _ _ ‘

The sujpcct told Porl Vrtyne, lh - ,on dlana. police, who arrtsted him a t a . noon today aa he ei)U>ed a hotel },e where three youiig w « n n compan- / lht lota w*re regUtwed, that he i r u al nd Art ReaaaU of Kansas C'ty. Mlchi- ©f ip. gwratate pftllce offlclaU *nW rt» i»- y g

erer> that hU fingerprints checked pai with records of Ferris. coc

The women said they were Loretta e<i Jackson, 37. and Floule Jackson. 34, nig sl5tCT*. and UUlan Wlnha. 34, They i

lg also were relum?:! to Mlclilgan. cor Rsshed Aeroaa SUtr Line ,

Michigan su te pollee tind officcr* ^oli ed from Detroll bundled the four Into -j

nuiomoblles and nished them aoross ne th ; sUto line, to a slate police bar- (he

racks a t Jonesv'llle, Michigan, as JU soon aa I t was Seamed tha t they

(ContUiuedon Page 3, Col.5) J l

id S t a y A l o f t ________


J. the


i istar — dra



J bee

^ clai

^ ~' I fm aw

j hU____ f- J IIO



•bt radonaee Bark of SS3 b o c ^ Tbey; It . Their ^ a a e U (hava abore draatatg j t r t i <j tbe bay* t>,-..->:‘t m v llh a caiocr* I gufc tl) va* snappvtf by Fred ealla* a saaek. j woti______________

W t E T E

S I L Y1

* « y r • g ~ ^

jo L ^ m i]To Keei

NEWDISIUBBIliES M DFF1CEI18 T O -ouo i mines'

FloMIng Breaks Out AcrossState Line As National nGuardsmen Restore Ortler yIn Kansas Sector of Field n

_____ J t(By Tlie AaiocUtcd Preas) “

Ing broke out In picket lines In’the H strike-troubled lead and sine mines 1.1 of northeastern Oklahoma todsy as order was restored by national guardsmen in the Kansas sector of the trl-sUite field.

Oklahoma officers seised Ifl load­ed rifles and shotguns and fotjr pUtoU In a pool haU a t HockcrvUle, Al Okla.

Owen WalU, assUUnt attorney general, -who led five state operallves In the raid, said IS Oklahoma mines are being picketed In-the atrlke of union miners for better working t conditions and recognition in col- „ leeilve bargalnUig.. '

Plenty ot Unreal j dOovernor E. W. MarUnd ordered *

10 df his 13 slale highway patrol- 1 ®J men; to the Oklahoma area of the Mlssourl-Kansas-OUahoma fleld.

"We've had three fIghU on the plckel lines thU morning. There U plenty of unrest,'’ W atu reported. ” '

Seven workers arrested after a }*; clash wllh pickeu at Plchcr were charged with rioting. They plead- { ed innocent and bonds were set at 1:000 each. , ““

J4o charges’had been filed'against ^ four plckeu-arrested a t the same Ume. , ^

. Troopa ra tra l Streeto ] Approidmstely 900 Kansas naU on-' "i

11 tuardsmen patroDed the atreeU am of^galfna and guarded the E agle-.— P lu e f M ining'and Smelttng com-1 . pany .'after, rtaculng 38 besieged I company guarda who had been fir- p rd o n : IfltenDlttently through last S j

The guards took refuge tn th o . ' company office after strike aympa-1 I Ihlters bkxked rvopenlng of-) the I plant yesUrdsy wlih cluba and pU- i toU. - I

Tvo machine gun* pfotected th e ' imejter. one commana«ng a Wew ot r t the highway approach.

J U R I f l M U D-OPTllllflFFIC IllL-^

— ’ n

Secretary ol State Con- fi victed ol Issuing . '■

Bogus Claim ™—— . th

SALT LAKE CVtY, Jane Zt un Sl( —MUton 11. Welllnc «»rr«tar7 of ] aUU. vas-feOMd gollljr late lodar < bl< by a jBry of elgbt men of IwBlng a 1 Pc frandBlenl laUry cUira for a wo- j M 0ian not emplojed by Iiic aUle. | Cr The retdlct came, mote ,lh an ; an

14 hours after u-.e ca»<* was given to un the Jury, and eirht dajs after the | first testimony was taken In the r:tuaUonal caae. 1 tb

Check for fioo 1 h»Secretary Wellmg vas brought to fn

trUl on a charge of authorizing a ag check of IlOO for Mt*. Qn:da Rich- fo< srds, wife of lUtoId P. fUchards, a tormer employe the molor vehicle 5* iJepartment of the »eerrtary of en lU te's ofJlee. The official "had con- en lended lhe che^S »-as re.nun^ratlon wl ror Mrs. Richaid** asab tin rr to ber lh nusband during road tnpa. but the »e »Ul« charged th** secretary gave the ' lei Iraft to Richardv vho had it in- ' dl; ilorsed aiul relumed tw WelUng __ where the morxy vaa evmtually — ised to help defray e x p ^ c a of en- ^ lertaliUng vliitlng aerrvtaries of S iUt« wbo wtre hene f^r a c« i/c r- ^ t n n . !

Welling cont<n:ded also th s t h e ' . lerer sav the check afler It had; >eea lumed ov<r lo Rlchartls. but:Jw employe on the other hand d e - ' ] Oared Mr. WelUiig had asked tha t t be Indorsed by Mrs. lUc^nrds and ^ -etumed ,fo hlat. As comi<ensaUon o r this set. Richards declared the lecTeUfy of su te told nL-n to "ped” iU expense account to the ex ten t of ^ i IlOO to make up the money which he urx raoted to go to~Mra. Richards. • : in«

Penalty la QBesUen ,p iMrs. RJeharda. who often accom- ' ■]

>anJed her husband on field trip*, pie lenled ahe ever aaw the check or Xal h a i ahe lador»e<i It. Richards said tht » look It to another employe in the cou ifflee and had him write hU wtfe'*. 1 lazoe oa the baek. Mm. Richards hcj dao denied tba t ahe antsted ber too jtisband olher than through curios- bU ty, and th st ahe never sought re- ml< nuneraiion. . by

ImmedUtely afler the venllct was shi eturned. it was a m atter of guess, d n ness again as ui what tbe penalty I rould be. None In the rjurlroom a t be la te would hatard an opinion. , *U<




OF 0iaC0L»T10HB

3 : B ^ a t 0 1 ! S i n i s t r M i m !p Coal Mil

W o r k e r s ’ E x e c u t i v e C i

P r e s i d e n t ’s R e q u e s t I

- - Of W a g e , H o u r s

W a l k o u t s P o s t p o n e d

(By Tbe ABsodaWASHINGTON. Jun« 2 9 — 3

the United Mine W orkers, to n ij s trik e s e t fo r tom orrow n tg h t e Roosevelt.

Lewis agreed w ith Duncan K< Virginia, spokesman fo r Appalac tho hiines in operation a t presen July 31 If operatora accepted. Ke: — ' — *th rmnfiniitffir i r np f"* rlu llllnu lilir r ' i m

oecflME' wl

Al and Fred Key Pass 600- j Hour Mark to Improve Iu

World Record SV*

' MERIDIAK, MUa.. Jnne M W> ^ ; Weathering tempeat and overcom- " , Ing ri(«. Al and Fred Key. Uie long i‘f

distance MeridUn fUera. loday f ” ' winged (belr way pa«( 600 ftoM

of ausUlned endoranee night. ‘The recognUed official world rec- '

ord waa p a ^ d Tburaday atum oon re] a t 3:13:M p .m . iCST) on Ihelr 33rd fci day of continuous flight over and ov around the Meridian airport and a ng new world rtcord was aet an hour later. . '

> But a new world record did not satisfy the Intrepid Hlers. and the brothera.coomed on in IheU- atlempt to surpass the S47-hour flight of Dsle jsckson and Porest- O'Brien' which'waa-not offlclally-rBcognUed K becaute of an improper barograph.

I Plane In Good CendUlea- ^I Tha broUier* assorted tbe endiir- „ ance plane. "01* MUs." waa *tfll per.

I (OonUnued p n Pa«o a. C o L ^ . '.

'siiiiTir yp!lOHPBnDEE

eo;“ vie

Picket Unes Prevent Ef- forts to Unload Vessel

At San Francisco- ] SAK FRANCISCO, Jnne 29 (/T)

—Sallon today look Bp tbe one- ^ - ih ip - tito m a « —b»Mr”whicK has*

threaUned lo flare inlo a re- ftewal of last year's bloody vater- ’ front strike, after aaolher mart- i L,, i lm> anion -vltbdrev lu pIfkeU !In tbe Inlerrsl* of peace. ^

Longsliortmrn. vho had prcvl- otuly refused to pa-u throush th e ' picket line*, again tumed back as ^ the ssltors appeared to press thesiege. ........ _ .

1 The temporary llfUng of the I blockade on the Canadian steamer| .... 1 Point Clear came vhen lUndolph __1 Mcrlvetber, secretary of the Marine ] Engineers Brneflelal a.v«)rtntlon.|! announced vlihdiawal of tha t ] .. ’ union's pickeu. ■I rkkeU Form Lines' Before longsiiorcmcn could t>c put.I ta Work unlofldlnR the vewtel. vhlch jh a s brrn tird up slnee IU arrival:

from lirituh Columbia nuie -da)-!* ago. thr sailor pickets arrived and rn: farmed lines. 1 .

Tlioma.1 o . P lan t, p m ld c n t o f lh e ; « ; Ban FrancUTO w inrrfro tit em plny-l e rs ' ontanlrnlion. which l m ih re n t - ' ened lo term lnalc the n fcrerm rnt' w hich enilrd last y r«r » KtriK- unlrw i' p,;. th e I»otnt CIrar »-.•(.» unloaded. r e - | Tti »e»-ed hU chant*' th » l rad ical un ion I „n-

’ le a r tm ve re rrsponsible for th e l n ,: ' dU pute. ! rio

Sun Dance Call ; To Petition' FORT HALL. Idaho. June ' WiWhen the sun seta behind Uio » e ii- ii« em ranges loT.orroa-. sick and ail- Ii;k ing Indian* ct Uie SIkaIiorc and plr Bannock tnbes will gatticr lu a .< wUlow enclo^ure cn Fort Hall Indl* slir an rraerrallon to brcin Uielr c ru tl- , Ung three-day »un dance, importun- lea Ing the a-.i;rcod lo-firtve tr<e evU'wa; spirit from ihtir brokrn bodies. spi ■ The slghtle".*, the aging, the cnp- S«i pled, lhe aehing come with unp^iat ha faith the ercal iptrit vlU br.ng 0;J them relief if they but ahov iheir £ courage and enduranc«\ln thtsda&cr., of

To Ihe monotonous thumping of oto bca»7 sUcks upcm the skin-covered dar tom wsaa. the aeud chantmg of ical blanketed squaws and to the rylh- cm mle notes of shrill vhUt:rs earned iho by the dancers, the aUlng Indues He Bhufne back and forth viUuH a the drcxUar willov.sheUrred arena. «lt:

In the center o: the enclosure a fra taU pole is icpped by a bundle of — sucks acd the skuU of a buffiQo. «

fODAY; P a r t l y C l o u ^ ~

i V S . . ^14 P A G E S — 6 C E N T S

s ^ e l d - ^S H H S s Hines Qpen-:-

C a l l s Off S t r i k e A« t F o l l o w i n g C k ) l l a p s e

r s N e g o t i a t i o n B _________

i d ‘At Least 30 Days’ .kxUted Pre**)- J o h n L . L ew is , p w s fd e n t o f , j n ig h t ca lled o f f t h e s o f t coa l ' i t a t th e r e q u e s t o f P re s id e n t

; K e n n e d y o f C h a rle s to n , W e s t a la c h ia n p ro d u c e rs , t o c o n tin u e -sen t w a g e s a n d h o u rs . th ro u g h K en n ed y h a d b o T>ower to b in d

-♦ th e o p e ra to rs t o a n y a g re c -m g n ts . b u t h e p re d lc te d ,. . th e y -------

' w ou ld a c c c p t It. ~Annoueee New Ttnee

SecreUry Perklni announoed tho ' , new truce shorUy after nine o'clock.

She had been In a long confercnie wllh LevU and Kennedy.

Less Utan nine h oun before. Lewis announced U ut be v u sending out strike ordera to fl.000 locaU embrac- -Ing, he said, about 430,000 m lnen.The strike order foUoved eoltapee of , vage and hour negoUatloAt. Tbe operaton offered a SS-Uour veek and present wages until AprU t. nexl year. The m lnen demanded a 30-hour week and a ten per cent pay bicrease.

MUS Perkins told reporten:“Mr. LevU and Mr. Kennedy v bo

represent the operaton tn the con­ference have been talking things over vlUi me ttiU aftemoon aad ' again thU evening.

30-Day postpeneneol

"We hare come to some under­standing tha t I tbougbt ought to be made clear. I have consulted the prealdent and v e believe I t Is appro- priBte and vise for the United Mine. _ W orken to post^ne a itrike ca ll ' 'Sor a t least 30 days iH th enorU In -lha'meantlmrt8TCiiar«Tet«onable------ --a f re e id ^ t In.U u publle Interest. .

\W e'$elleT«thlscai) be.dana.7 . .-labor depart­

ment chief tdmed to LevU abdask­ed him If he accepted. Th* burley LevU said:

"The mine vorken vlU aeqoieaee In the vUh ef the president u ex­pressed by the secretary of Ubor and notify bur memberahlp to remain at work fo^SO days under vages and . condlUona heretofore exUtlng, pro­viding of courae. that the o p e n to n ' will acquiesce." '

'•We are doing thU for the presi­dent and not for the opentors.**- - Uaked Wllb U gbU tU a ---------,-President Roosevele twice before

In recent months averted threaten­ed soft coal strikes by last mlnutoploas-for extension of th e -fg M -3 5 -----woge»hour contracts. The last ex­tension was granted to give congress time to act' oo the Ouffey coal sta-

I blllmtlon bill to set up a "Uttle .^RAt^-fof-tho lillitmlnons Inctintry.I Tliat measure still U before a ways

'' and mcana subcommUtee, and has not yel been called up In the senate.'*nie wage and hour negoUaUotu are closely linked with thts fight, since

- -«>eme-ffperatora-contet>d-iu-enact---------, menl U nccessary to guarantee themI aufflclcnl income to pny even pres- I ent wages.I The bill's appeamnce on Preal-- dent Rooicvelfs "must" Ib l of legU-- latton. these operators offered to

renew present wages and hours unUl nf-xl April 1. OpponenU of tho

■ measure likcwUe offered lo mln- rrs the 8.inie Icrms. althoUBh they

; served uoUce of a a Intent to test its-------cnnslllullonallty as soon as it Is enscted. .

* Tlie miners, hovrver. held out for '' A 30*hour week insiend of the prrs- ] ent 35 hours and 'p.-iy Increase* aver-

nRlne 10 per ernt. j Thene basic fisures were llltle dis-

et:s*rd In the nvoUatlons. hovever. j TJje operators were unabJe to agree [ nmonc th ‘‘ir.»el(e* on vage dlffer-

eiiiiaU between and vlthln the va- ! rlous producing dUtrlcts.

ills Indians »n For Health'W lthla these sticks-and the akuU the great >pirii ce:i;es lod«ell dor- inu tlie ilancr anJ listen lo iho p:r«i of U:e daniiag braves.

Ar. Indian br,ivc, bk:«lEir hi* slir.ll, ;.-ajhfr-dr<krd willow wbist>. • .

f(oii) Uie etiva of the areaa , tf.a.ird the po>. head uplifted lO-

■ war'd the resurg pisce'Of the-g rra t-------spirit. OUiers foUov ths leader.Seme crune out An crutches. Some hkve bacdage* over their eyes.Othfrs are bent vith pain.

But lhe dance takes poucsaioa ■, of the sick Indians- Soon the b ^ - otoamis music seems to eatratico ^he dancer*. They move with a nwchaa- ical moUon. The man with the cnitches u suddenly insptrrd to Shov the grest spirit ba U bnve.He discards th e a aad dances to the 'po le and back. !!« continues • Ithout lhe aid o f 'h is supports frcmlb en oa. Some ot the oiben

iCoatioucd oa Page 3. 0*L 2) •

- - -

^ ^ • C ' . ’P A O g .T W ig . ■. ■■

I T i i e i i i m ip - —‘Bfa" Foiir'-Neutral-Whl

— -Smallar-Concems =Wage

I,.. -", , . ’ - - I,OHICAO O r - t o r - t t - M V ^

'■i' : -M r row - luU t« U u MeUat ■ . A T iuvIr tvo aepn n u j ]

. u a n m o l 'a o b u i AAA p n m C - "*T «»»—' . Wltb the next ImUUment «f tl

eoUecUonj, (rom which f a r a v f a paid eors'bof m <1 eottoa btnatti

■ 4loa Julj' :i. MTcnl o( the Injua ' . UOD prooeedlw u«Uog to b tr lu

ther u x peymento were •eheduli for hearing In Ictfertl court* oV' the country Monday.. 6 o a e et the concema ask a n fond ol laxci alreadjr paid. Ooren la n it orxiclals have eitlmated thi nearly <900.000.000 la proeenlz taxea bara been coUected te date.

8 oo» a t Attack At 'Watblnitoa iazm admioUtn

tloo •utkoritlea icotted a t tbe trip: headed attaek on the taxes as c h ifn d rtifflors of wlde«preaditmu eontempUted agHnit tbelr paymex war* apread by oppoaenu aeeklo defeat of AAA amendmenta.

- . • The Uc OhJca«o flmii o r ArxBOU W>r«AW nirfahT mn^ flwirt. whip, tum in approxlmatelr t lW ).000 montb to tho AAA, took a o atapa to ward wUhboidlng any suma due.

' ' Swirt aad company announeed I **wlU pay all proceulnc taxes ;du

, a t th s end of June for wblch ex tcmlona hare nor been granted."

Tor tbe suing packen. U w u aati unofficially In trade Quarters ber the petition of tho Rothblum Pack log company filed In 6an'7rancUci yeiterday probably summarlced tb general atand.

Ne n o d s Afmilablo I t u t ecocom alleged tb a t contlU'

ued eofcrcement ef tbe AAA ta: paymsnts would run 11 out of boal- aess. I t aaaerted It M no fundi

' available for tbelr payment *»««■ ao t beea able te b o n w money foi tha t purpoee from tee Reeoostnie- tlon Finance eo rpo^tjn .

I ta d s authorities bere explained • tbe tax necessitated extenslTo ered* U a* M na ot tb s p m e iie d meal a u s t 'bo beld by the packer^ aa loni aa six mooths. Tbey aald the bi| eoneems were able to arrange tbij wblle smaller ooea could not at-aS times.



(Oentlnuod frem Page One)

Ida., ec tOsm> la cash u d lecarl-r tlea tbe attoraey icoend mid.

n a lebbexT eeeutxtd. prison ree* crdf showed, after Waablngtoa authorltiea had Indicted blm 'for tbe robbery ol a baak a t Ceatnlla, Waab...«nd bad released blm uatU trial e a a US.000 baU bend.

B.' X. Ibom as was warden and Tom Crlbblns'O t Boise was clerk a t tbe Ume M ahaa tiled hta appll* catloo and wben tt was acted oo >7 the board.

A t tbo tlfflo ef bis release. Oeorge--------- Rudd of Parker.-Ida, was-wtrdea

and Tony Phelan was clerk, wltb CrtbUns aa bia asslstcBt.

Attempted to Bseape n i y ~ xeeard," MUler daelared.

>rblcb was prepared by ‘Zbemaa aod Crlbblns. sbowed M abaal ooa* duct wa* fair:* tba t be bad bMa la tba dungeco for 'attempting JaU deUreiT.'*** .

................... TUa U ii prw iaM tba t anyInmate tba t eeeapos, er attem pu to escape, ionfetta any aad aU deduc* tlons for good bebavlor to wbleb ba a lg h t bave beea entitled, bat fe r sucb offeaso.

------------ ”Aeeerdlagly.-M abaa-bad-!ere«feltod bU right lo deductloas.

-n»* penalty for nbbery Is lm- prtsoemant for ae t less tbaa five years aad-may extend (0 Ufe. Tb*

. stat* of Idaho has what Is kaown--------as tb* iDdctsmlaata scat«nc« lav.

wblch mean* tba t tbe Uw provldu an uncertain period of tlnw ot aervlce dependeot upoa tb* conduct or th* incarcerated persoo.

---------- .."Mahaa.-»»*-was sentenced to a‘flat 30 years* and a t the Um* of his appUcatloQ pardon release bad actuUy served In exeeu ot five

• >-eai».Matter of Cevrteey

'Investigation now thaton or about «drember 19. 1937. Warden Wheeler reeelred notice tha t Mahan w u w u te d In tbe su te of Washington. InlennaUoa tba t there waa -sotk* to bold' Ma­haa probably never eame to tbe k n o w ie ^ ot the board. I t U not a m atter tba t eoneems tbo board Inaamueh as H Is addressed lo tbe warden and U solely a m atter fer his eonalderatloa » prlion*cr by cfio officer for tnaepaimU sUUs Is a m auer or coeiUy. •••

"1 assume, trom what Z have taad la tb* -pma. tbat maay per- aons may have gotten tb* tmpres. aloo th a t becauae Mahan waa re-

' laaaed abort o t tb* aiVycar pertod Ch* **ntene* lspo**d. tb a t th*

.board or pardoaa had dlarvoJdcd o r IgDocvd tb* *eat*ac* «atlraly.

■Boch, bowarsr. Is doc th* case. w«s«t« v u lagally

------- ^^tW od-to-pardoo-wt-tb* time th*- beard ae ttd opea bis appUcatloa.

,-WbT b* was not beld aad de> Ukvod te tb* Waahlngtwi aotbcrl. tJas U ao nmch a aystary to tb* aMah«CT e t tb* board aa to aay otbota..— . .

CIta* lAw^ r rn U M i - I t «10 b* obeetrad tha t tb* pea-

. aJty fe r robtteiy is a e t leaa thaa fiva 9MB. aad may eztead te Uf*. Ooa flC'tba proTlakca U

sHttanes taw Is as tol> leva: *X& aQ caaea w tea tb* maxS-

^ staB-acnteaec. ta tbe dlacretlon or ' tb* e o m . may Tw ror nr* o r a v

Bmabar or yeata. th* c o m fiapetfagMstanc* fi» % 1W 1H1HH1

ifiilp g g i R aX r h ro w tc A a x p o b , io d a t aw r lL U t o m o r b o w - m steb*> Fan

etoody ■ uday i Moaday , ta lr ai

W hile --------- ^—/ sigh., and low. temperatures y*

ISfi— ta rd i^ asxrepoctad by. tbe atemi t<wut.we«tb tt^ )> * * g f ja tq d e i i* 44 degrees;, ther* w u .a t m e • p r^p lta iloa , a s m i t b ^ ' v lad a i

- Uw-roky-was cloudy; ^banm atr pressure a t 0 p. a . was U M laebi

„«H. aad the htmtldlty rang*, TO to i t BB> per «ent of saturation.

*rec«. . . ■____ . ‘)f the — —

Light Showers On 5Sft ' Northwestern Coasr fu r- — —iduled Tha western lew preuuie troug

over has deepened oonsldersbly and 11 nortbem . extremity has advaace

i re* somewhat to tbe eastward. I t la fol ivem ' lowed by a moderaUly slreng.'co(

tha t high enuring over the Oregon eoasi »..i«y Ziower temperatures have resuVC' U. genexaUy west of the continental dl

vld^ ai^d Ught shower* hav*' oc cuned la Oregon. Washbigton ani

^n iA western Montana and sprinkle* c “ JS2 rain In Idaho. Widely seattar*

traces ot rain have iUao oeeorrsi la th* and eastern sUteiA moderaU high over tho o as tS portion ot th* country is attend ed b f cooler Umperaturea.

CUCIL _________ rii.i Mini rrir TTil•00 a BaiM .....— as m t a w; “-?Si2sr‘-=S- s s as?

iitiMu _ ~ s s u JS eunarliu'i Em.S2 S i S2."; MUB«ap«lli *« 40 a a r

New.Terk - J S n j* ctondyM u s s j i . — ' s s “i - a K ,"ha— rottiM* — a » M HkiaiS!!i.-£Sl; - S S !¥&,eUco S u Pi«D __*s M M deaay I the ma*Ko u S4 je cKsr

!« .■ =» a ’t‘ a .Twin M li _ e s 4S T . Ctoadjr

jy j , . WuiitBHea -W t» T Qm dr

Sun Dance Calls Indiani i “S S • To Petition .for Healtl)’ ror --------JUC. . (Continued ftom Pag* Ona)

je rk 'th e bandages from tbelr eyes, hoping to se* from behind'th* cat- aracU tba t oovet them.

Tb* stoopUig dancers stand erect ^ Aad tb* dane* goes on.

Tb* sweating, half-naked Indians reat ooculonaUy for brief periods. Tbe WblU m aa makes them de this. I t used to be tbe dancers would ge 00 untU they dropped.

Oreat crowds sw am to tha raser* vatloo to wltaass this novtr-to-bo-

I forgotten daace. Indiana from otber . ' rcsenraUoos in Nevada aod wyom- ON lng o m e to watcb the '‘m iraelu”

ot tbe great spirit.> Caraa Kxplalaod^ Tbe numerous '‘cures*' achieved at a rl- tbe danee. medical authorttiea aay. ? . deubUcsa ar* dua to tbe lac t tba t

ree« tbe dancers, by abiUinlng from rtoa food and drink and through • the tbe penplraUon created by tb* exer-

Ula, cla*. expel many ot tbe poison* mtu from their bodlea. thua Improving

their physical condltloa and Aa the dance oomu to an end lerk a great te u t is held. Usually the ipU- menu Includes barbecued beef and1 by such modem delicacies as ttAnat-

oes aod waUrmelon.>rge After the braves have bad their dan fU l.-tbo-squaw»-dlnB-oa tb* re- vltb mateder.

Ttie d a u of tb* daae* waa ad­vanced tbU year to permit th*

red. farmer-lndlaas from interrupting maa thalr farming operatloaa .eo- the WB- Pourtb ot July aad agala fo r the m a daae*. IW a year tbey are corabln- JaU lng tbe two evanCs, tbu* abowlnc

tha w tiiu m .n t h ^m y pressea wtta th* a ^ o t 'clvlng t b ^ s to lands aor* atUnUoa tbaa they lue- hav* in th* p u t •Jlcb ___________ •

r COMMUTES fiEPOr- B flNiyHLCELEBIIWltaw, • ' ~ ' ■ ■

“ B m a . Jun* W -A BMtlng Of tb* tuet committees tor Buh] Pmo*er day

cetehratlon, to h* h*ld July 34. waa0 a .........................hU ---------------------— ----------------------

»4se 30-year senUoee. whU* It doe* aot five cocfortn to th* Indetermlaau *en-

Uno* law and U erreDteaa. la not void and would be construed to

ii* t mean tha t It w u tb* maximum 937. t*na lapo**d aad tb a t re*ort to uce th* Uw would dlscloa* tb* mini- the mum, which would b* tlv* years. Uoa Tb* ecnteac*. then, c t Mabaa. kla- when maasurtd by legal eonstruc- tbe Uoa. v u *not less tban ftv* aor ao t more tbaa W yean.*MLTd ‘ In other vords. tt tbere U anv lbe ambiguity or uncertainty in t ie le r matter of tbe arnteno*. tb* w»rden

ion- or the pardon board would look ta t e t h e U w u 4 o o t t o t b * comaUt- or meat. •••"

Mr*. MUter d ted a number otl lATe supreme court dortalooa to tusu in l 9tx - bU vlewpotnt .. I rea- _ ____ _______ |


2 2 — — B ]

1 DAISs J U L Y 3riWa.

S — A '

i S H A D O



— Search ExIetidj-lnto Easle

g : Arizona Wh6n:_PoJlce ® ^ f ^ = = p i o r u p ^ c i u # S =tad' —■■■:--------- ■ — ..................^ B O U R O O K T ttttrJk f lr trc f i ^ —Tb* ••arch fe r rea r n U dn

^ -m iael* (eorlsi* oxtcadod lat e*at*ra A rfuaa today wbea Nei

^ ;^M««>o*stot* palto* plafcM-wpelM wbleb. tbey saU, led t b e a to.be U*T* t t peestbl* tb a t Bir, aad Mr O*org* Uritts aad Mr. and Mn Albert Deberer were slala be

s f «v**a IprlagerrUl* a ad St. /ebai Arisona.

igb E. J . Houae, chief o f tho N< lU Mexico sUU poUee, a rrtr td be

ced toalgbt wltb four of hla offleer* a :ol- ter tracing th* missing teuriaU' ai ool tomobll* from Quemado, Nev Mex uL CO. te 6 prtngervUl*. Arlaona.

dl- Macblna IdeaUfied 'lb e New Mexico ottlcers had U

e f car, found in DaUas, Texas, wll rtd them, seeking to hav* I t ldeatlfl« red Klonf the highway, lea. A rv lce sU tloa operator a t Qui A m aw IdenUfled U u machine an Id- -tom officers i t bad stopped a t h

s t a , ' ^ May 31. Tbere wero foi^ p a a U , be aald. .____________

^ ^ foUowlng oay. tbe servlc tr . s titloa operator aald, tb* ear. v lt |r only a young man la I t return* Z and again stopped for gasoline.

At S p r ln ^ U le offleen said the leamed that a man. correspon dln

J to Uie description given by tbe ser vice sUUon operator, bad eaUn a a resU uraat and cashed a traveler

I , check.ijr Nev Mexico officers also sald'tha

a beer botUe found in the car a DaUu had beea checked aad It

ijr serial aumber rerealed I t bad beei 7 ahlpped to SprlngervUle.

/ Came Prom Weat

[h Ottlcers aald Ujey were told Om r the young man came from the ves

when he stopped a t SprlagervUle. _ Ib e y expressed the opinion tha M the tourlsU may hav* be*a slala o! t . th s highway between eprtngtrvUli

and S t Johns, vh lch extetxdr fa : t miles through an area of extinct vol

canlo craters. I t eu lly vould .b 01 possible. It vas said, to hid* thi U. bodlea In on* of tb* many lov era' Ii. Ur* a abort dUtance from tha b l ^ ' Id vay.

0.- R. McDovell. superlnteadeni r- of the Arlcona highway patrol a- brought tv e of bU offlpers t< u SprlngervlU* today U aid la tbi )- saarcb. Sheriff* depuUes from Nav- t” .ajo and Apache counU* also plan­

ned to Join tho bunt tomorrov.

It ---------------------- :—

!t Hall Storm Leaves3 Trail Of Damage!! COUNCIL, Idaho, Juna 39 * terrino haU atorm whleh awept the

souUtem part of Adama qounty last a nigh t today had left a traU ot

damsg* esUmated la tbe thouuads o t doUart.

Oardenir'vsr* beaUn dova’ by tbe lr ooiUugbt and a great deal of young .. fruit on Uie trees of tb* famous

Mesa apple orchards destroyed. [. Wltb 0 0 * e f Um bast prosp*cUve4 crop* la.years, dam age 'te U>s e r-

chards v a s estlmsted a t 500 carloads,5 of fru it le » ~ i ■

Lf held a t tbe office of Lee Howard'en

lr in charge of tbe aweUng aad beard 7 \-artous reporu trom tb* different

committees 00 tbelr program.H. OOK, ehalnnsn e t th s parade

committ** reporUd U u t a mlnature _ parade w«Jld.bt.j»JdJn.CQaJuacUQB

.wlU» th* gemral parade. Three Judg** ar* te be a*l*ct*d for the

• aUaatur* pai«d* aad tbrre aeparaU U ludgoa toe Uw general parade. Busl- ^ Mas m*a have ce8S*nt*4 lo h a «

tloaU la ,U>* parade*. A .caavau U being completed today ta r^ a rd s to

^ th* floaU ot th* business houaoa. , Th* Orange* hav* aUo beca ukod

lo *nt«r fioaU aud I t U expected to bar* thre* baad* la th* parad*.

= BUhop Roy Wood reported thal a he w u securing a speaker tor the

Q to b* b*ld and tb* prtaes to be given „ in «*eb event.o Oral Luk* reported Ujat th* pe- l. geaat had beeo aeat tor and that t, week oa thU wUl begin within the a. next week. OUa erotib t a ra a report> oa the a d m tu tn c ckf tbe ccUbratlon.IT BaUoUag te r the queen who wlU

ruU over tb* o*i«bratlun wiu cloe* J oa Tue*lay evening. Ju lr 2 At tha t >e time all bsuou wlU be counted to n deteraln* th* queca tof the day. k OtrU who ar* up tor lb* hcnor are:

Jean McKay, Ruth Runroo. Paye StalUngs. Alla Curtta, bva Laraea

It Helen VoeUer. Joan Oeer. H au l n CItntoa, Vlvtaa Swlger. JuanlU B<h

nar. Marx HUl and Mlani* P a lt

I G — — 2

^ C E Sd and 4 thI I —



TC' Reporter Tries J D — i n - V a i n t r G e t - ^

[J jj Spider to BitiAUARI1.LO, Texas, Jua*' 39 v o

. __ "Tbere U a e us* tempUng f s u ac stern longer."-sa ld '0 «oe-Ele,~Amami fiewipaper. rflporUr. a tte r ttylagJc

6 30 minutes today to fore* »' veoon

h a n d . ' ....................................------------rta.'feroclotts-looklng.-elght-lcs

^ ged-Uuect.refused to b iu . apparent iy preferring tbe diet of fUcs upa which It bad been fed fo r the lai several days.

V” . In ih e presence o t a physlclat e l ^ -driver a newspspennaa, and severs witnesses, th* reported teased, coax ed and *queeted tho ‘'black widow,

be- but aU to no avaU.>bas, T],, «p|({ar scampered about tbi

reporter's band, crawling lo and ou u . _ ot bU flngera splaoing a wsb.

£10 clOMd bU baod UgbUy bve] " 5® the insect tried to aagertt by knock'

[T... I n r it about wltb a pencU, twt stU ‘ 11 wouldn’t blU.

Elo denied lhat he waa nervoui but Ills haads shook, u tbe spldu crawled about.

Tbs pbyslclao said It waa poulblt i the but not probable th a t - l ^ spider bl( wlUi the palm ot the hand wltbout ihi

titled reporter knowing i tBut d o vas not discouraged. Uc

Qyg. lald that he would try to get a more aggreulve aplder and try. i t agsic

. w|, next week—u "a almple bit ot med- leal research.-

Several deaths Imve’ beea *ttrlb-

Id various parU ot the country te- “ “ « ■ ____ ________ __ .

I ’l: Politicians Still ni: AhgryAftejcClash '2 On Field Of Honortha t /f m PARIS, June 39 V f^A pU t^ duel U r early today.between Pierre CbUppe,

president o t . th e Paris municipal council, and Pierre Oodln, hU prc<l- ccessor, lett Godin allghUy wound­ed la -th e thigh. Tonight tho two

U u t men were sUU angry a t each other, vest Tl^y met tecrclly a t dawn on the le. esUU ot Mme, Coty, widow ot Uie tb a t miUlonalre perfumer, lo tbe Bols de 3 on Boulogne. They sUpped otf 39 paees. vUle Seconds gave the word. Botb tired ■ for —and missed.vol- At tbe second exchange, Oodln I .be fired, again mUilng, CbUppo look tbe more time, bU buUet struck Oodln

cra- in the |hl<h. Oodln fell. Tbey lelt Igh- the field unreconcUed., Oodlo w u

taken to Mme. Coty'a )iome. where Sent bU-wound v as prenouaced super- trol, JlcUl. iI to ChUppe, a Corsican,who v u pre- tho reel ot police unUi last Pebruary's

(av- SUvUky-s rloU, Is unofficial mayor lan- of P«uU u th* result of hU detest

of Oodln for presidency ot th* coun- cU.

'Contributory to the duel v u Ihli letter from Oodln to ChUpp*:

".You ver* known to b e 'In 'bed trembUng and sobbing February 6,

J c 1034. (date ot the bloodlett rioting) and you caU yourself tbe ’man ot

. February « , . . . the man whose prln- ^ dples and moral conceptions did i~ " more Ihaa anylhlng else ta corrupt ‘■fj nnd dishonor the Prcnch odmlnU-

uauon.-na. ------------------- ^ I

SJ Bartender Leads In “ Beer Guzzling Eventtlve’ ■ ■■ 'e r . MILWAUKEE. June 39 (/P)-PIo)-d

VeretU, a red-headed Pr.«ichman, who Ups. tbe bram a l 310 pounds, and makes hU U\-lng u a bartender.

— ouutrlpped early competitors In the •q- Milwaukee beer cuszUng contest to-M«- n fh t- «tv»^ Of suds In 37 seconds. ',n l Of tb* flrat 30 contestanu, Erv

Schneider, a city employe, vbo U tOe ooeond place, wl*.li an e]«p*ed time of u „ I m louu 39 seconds, fur behindla a V*r*tU. _________ ______

~Diliikirig"Ta ib* um * best wlUi tbe VatetU snd Schnclder, w u Mrs.

AlUa . Emck*, 60-year-oM grand- otelber of 19 children. The 390- pound wcinaa found tne paee loo

I Jx fast aad v u unabU to Unish.


^ LONG BEACH. Callt.. June 39 0P> I —lb * daughUr ot Dr. PraacU, Tewa*«jd. founder ot -the Townsaad]


- - U S E D; » SOLD WITH AN “C

^ i ’31—CH EV . PA N EL ^ TOI'S i 'SO—CH EV . SEDAN, re ryQM t ru n k . ’35 liccntieJ*t 'S O -C H E V . COACH, ex tra*0 UcenM ............ ...............


S ! '3 0 -N A 8 H DeLUXE COA^ a*i d ltion, tid e raouats. 6 al

h ea te r, built-in tra n k . ’ ♦34—C H E V .T R U CK M ^ , 1!

s s B lw 'O TersU e~ltrei, fcffs.p la tfo rm body. ’35 Uc*

BOTTOM LIST * 2 9 ^ H E V . COUPE. ro M r *29—DeSOTO SEDAN, 6< y

'35 Ucense ___________'29—DODGE l>eLUXE S E I

hoU terr. «ld* motxnts, *29—DODGE TRUCK. I

dotjr t i r e # ___________'2 9 -F O R D TRUCK toi

o n l y __________________*31—CH EV . TRUCK, m toi

- body _____.*29-C H E V . P IC & U P, doM *27—BUICK SEDAN, ex lr* *27—BUICK COUPE, m s tu


G L E N G ..I ^ E V l t Q L E r

ID A H O , S U N D A Y M O R N IN G , JU N

NEiiij$e:5oo,ooo,ooom - -------

‘JSite -Treasui7-Ciilleot8l52-Cents - ■ Fof Every Dollar of '

-■ WASHINGTON.—Jmw-39-^vn —“{X® After coUecUng 83 ceaU for every } last rfftiur ipent,* tbe treasury today

cloaed IU books upoa tb* tiseal year' ,>rttb-k defldt of-asarly W#X).000,-

tveral ^ lU i two days* traasacUoas sUU =0*^; to be reporUd lo detaU, expandl- aow, tures exceeded revenues by »3.473,-

OOOMO u compaied with ».8ai,000,- ' 000 for aU but two days ol tbe fU- «*' cal year of WJ4.

The decrease in tbe site of the over ^ ^ue to a Jum p'In re-“ iM official ,•w* estlmaUs, and less-lhaa-planned

Revenues totaled 13,789,- , 000,000 u compared, wim M W ,000.-

plder OOQ ^ budget bureau *•* 1Umates o f .$3,711,000.0()a.

“ '“ f On k bssU of cenu coUected for , *■ doUara spent, tWa year shoved ao • increase of eight cent*. L u t year ,

that tigura w u 44 'cent* coUecUd !- for each doUar expended. .

The cost of running the govern- I m enul departmenU, termed “gea- ! ersl" expenditures by,, tb* treuu ry * ns distinguished from emergeoey J

Uib- autlMi-a lell v lth tn revenue/, a point i which admlhUlratlwi'spokesmen re- pcatedly hav* emphasized.

ThU w u true regardleu of tb* [ tact m at during Uia year, expendl- tj

I tures Uuough:Uie agricultural «d- " Justment admlnUtraUon, previously

, classified u emergency, were ahlft- :h ed to the "general" category. Tbeae

aggregated «Ue,000,000.'o r --------------------

.luci MICHIGAN.' MURDER £ ;js SUSPECT ARRESTED f,red- ' 1)1tnd- (Continued Prom Page Ooe) ^

hjp® woUld otter no objection to extradl- J the ‘ ■U,. PoUce Commlsslonor Henrich .

. H. Plckerl of Detroit aail DaUcUv* ^ ■ee, Chlet Pred 'W. Prahn, hastened to ,,

Wayne but' arrlvad half an -ij hour after the police escort had de- ^

)din parud for JoncsnUe wllh the four ^ oole prisoners. , • lc>f[ln Tho OfficiaU overtook tbe party g, j(l( o( Joncsvllle. and, a tU r quesUoning w u suspect and the th^ee women, ~ ,ere proeeeded to DettoU.KT-- PriUur said FdtrU told h lm .tb a t -

he hsd hlUh-hlked 'fum i-OetnWt-iO- ,re. K ansu City l u t Tueaday. ibe day ry't before Dickinson w u sbot to death, lyor and bad gone from tbere'to Chicago, • feat before b* came to -P trt Wayne, ua- P taha said FerrU claimed-to hav*

travelled by Inururbaa from Ohi- Ihls cago to Port Wayne, but tald 'aa I0 -

vestlgaUoa shoa-cd there w u no tu­bed Ururbaa servleo a t ib* house b*> e, named. ,ng) - Refuses to Discos* SUylag

of Oflicers said FVrrU vctild nol tn - discuss tho slaying on the trip from did Port Ws>-ne. and confined hU con* upt Krsacion to remarks about the uea- lU- tlier snd the wenery. He denied

knowing the lhrc<! young %'omen ar- I Irested'wlth him, they said

Prahn said the glrU told ottlcen tbey hUch-hlkcd to Fort Wayoe

V several da>-s ago. They wete reguur- I t ed a t the hotel a.-t the "Mv«r Slsurs"

theatrical troupe.Loretta Jscksoii. who a.lmlt(ed the

•n msn who w u wVtt them tabled him'* d j ' self Oeorge Swcltaer, an a l lu tor

Ferris, w u Ul &3 the Jjvmey here lh» and twice talntrd from mrvousoess. to . pollc;: n ld . and officer* had little

opportunity lo queetlon them en __rouU.

Err Bergt C. B. MiU*r, who with two u other o ttlcm *KorUd tbe women M

c t ta r u JonesvUle, said M lu Wlnles r,A had Uld Uwm she did not know.

FerrU, know nothing ot how Dlcktn- iOT son~met b ird*aih.'aad v m t wim m*

Jackson sUters *‘Just tor the ride.**><!' — . —M)-too pension pUn. w u raporUd n*a>

deam trom pnetimoaU la a hospital here toolght

She U Mrs. Marilyn Penaock, 19. n i Dr. John L. Wales, attending phy­

sician. u ld sh* a u admitted to tb*VPi I hospital UU Prlday alght. su ffe - icU.tng from influetua wbleb developed nd jtn to pneumooU today.

I C A R Sr “ O K G UARANTEE** rO N , new f ln U h . *35 Uc. . 4 2 3 S ery ro o d co n d itio n , K a rl-K een

.......................... - ................... $ 2 7 5t r a good m o to r, r / t r y c lcan . *35 - ................... - ............ ; . . . $ 2 7 5P E , h a d b e s t o f caW . ’35 U centc .

5A C H , 6 eyL, e x t r a goo d con- 6 a im o e t n ew h e a r y d u ty t lre a .k , *35 U c e n se ___________ S m1. 157 .W.B.. d n a l t l r e a , 7 a im o e t T f iO lS n W A llrT W R H lttlO B e d ,- —U c e n s e .......................... ........ . $ 8 7 8I S T S O L D A S I S(•g o o d , lo o k s b a d , *35 Ue. $ 1 2 8(-cyL, n e w f in is h , good ru b b e r .

________________$ 3 0 0JE D A N , D A 6 -cy U le a th e r np -t» , n e w t l r e a ------------------ $ 2 1 8 -^ -to o , m o to r n m a g ood , h e a r y I

to o . b e e t ra c k , m r e a l b tq r f o r II (om h e a r y d u ty U rea , p la tfo rm__ ______________________ $ 2 8 0lo a e d c a b ________________ $ 1 3 8t r a good f o r -------------------- $ 1 0 0s te a l » l ___________________$ 8 0: TER.M S S A V E S $ |

.J E N K IN S_ Q L D S M Q g IL E _ _

JNtlSO . 1985



II tcooUoiiW-ytwa page: ooe)

beta brougbt to bear by various or-.. gaalaaUoos aad . ladivldujai vbo a .b aw jir j^ Jh e .fo v e ra e r to eoaveno : Uw legteUture aad amend-tb* *UU

highway laws to penalt tba state to

“ m a t'v u i oot omervta* b* avaUable.- r Judge-Koelapb'a roUa* v m la tb* . Jfaaipa.gubvay.ea**.----- --------------- The sUU blglivay department la t tba t loataoee. bad already eloaed a J- coalraot v im a Balt U k o City com- . paay for construcUon of a raUway

aubway a t a cost o f» l8«.«)0 ta led- U eral fuads... A suit v u brought to prohibit . the s u u from dolag so, aad Judge . KoeUch susUlaed tbo plaintiffs, a . group of Namp* resldenU la that


’ , 8*eead Of Y*ar1 »• » 'I «coad so fafU jU year. '* At th* ood of tb* l u t regular ses- I

slon aji apodal ssasloa ot 13 days ' v u bald to flaUb uooompUted .• buslneas, .uoeompietea ,

Tbe federal goverameot requirea I■ m at a te rta la per ceat of lu aUo- i e a U o o s^ sUU* for highway pur- ; poses b<t used In dUes to provide

vork for uasmpleyod vbo -are In . the c e o t^ ef popuUUoo. PaUuro ot . . tho aU t^.to comply, eliminates ll « , from coulderaUoa ta Uie distribu- , tloa of rte h funds, hlghvay offlelaU : here ha»e explaloed.___________^ ^


Police Chief S. B. Elrod u ld last ^ night tba t Jack Monroe, M, Ploche, Nevada, transient vbo vas arrest­ed early Friday moming, had con­fessed tha t he bad atUmpted a rob­bery or me Texaco Service su tlon O at the comer et Mala avenue aad ct Third street e u t UU Thursday it n igh t ' . b]

Monroe v u removed to Twin ti FalU couoty JaU but charges have w nol yet been tiled. He vas IdenU- U tied by Dorian Putiler, urvloo sU ­Uon attendant u the man who S< pointed a gua a t him and demand- U ed money. PuUler kicked me door ui In me asuU aofs face, mroalog him si out ot tb* sUUon. |o<

A d v a n c e d P rin c ip le c i T *m pe C on tro l— S lo -cyc l* M ecbao ism ' C o a s l r u c t l e a F e a t u r e s S e t J S to a d o rd T e r P ro p e r F o o d P resej

■ Q ln iln a te S p o llsv e

lng slo-O'cle mechaniim. Stewart-wamc

F in e C o s s iru d le a —O p e io llnv E c In S*f*ty-Zone ReftlgeraUon, Suwwt

ment of Uies* Important futurt*. •parUlng bemity, Stewart.Wacner w bu SSSgS^and d& kacy Uiat Satet/Zow eratlon dsmaoos. /T U fin*st lawUtln* m a t e r i j l ^ Ui

t o T p S d lS n * ta Su ji|p i« .tifleany s<*e*£>« mat dm i

AU W eftb -w h O e^ io aT m lea i

p o r o ^ In teW b u roundsd csvaer cuUy kept clean. I t b u p n r ^ lu < •xmoQ]^ and it s ebroyf Jt

Conie In aod se* thU rtmailcabU New-T; trie R c b i^ to r . Get a ( m dooonatnt down.pa>-ment and long, easy tarns.

W ^ d f U ____ ,StfER-lO IIE raOCOWTWIlT

Liberal R E

Moon’s PailDISTBl


ROBERTS HDW . STC . ____________ AMER


Playboy-Of-Rj In Compar

" W A BaSfaiO H . Juo* 38 MV-Uax Baer, Uio pUyboy e( ptifltttm, pro-

" elaimloff blmsaU "a very fertuoato ^ young maa,''Indeed," todAy vsa

r ' ‘Nev'York.----- ------------« -_ C a U la f . back-over hla iboglder " .tQ.ali aad *muii7 .to e e m n a r "ov*r

to tb* bet*l a ad v*U bar* a party,**. m e nevly deUtfoned baaTyvslght

champloa aad bU brtdi arrangwl to

Tbe marriage ceremony, pisita for vhleb ver* a surprise uoUl tb*

’ early boura of thU momlng,' v u performed bi midaftentoon by Jus-

T Uce P. Dleklnsea LetU of m e DU- trict of ColumbU supreme court. Members *ef m e Lotu household peek*d through tbo vlodowi of m elr

It own home to catch gUmpsea of mo : X, ceremony. H alf a hundred newi- i . p a p ^ e a and phetographera walUd n outside. ' ’ .


le .a (Cootlnued Prem Ope)

II fo rm l^ tmootbly.

Is Today Juat ^ l e r a retueUag eon-- mst. Che p i ia O batUry hiirat.lnto ,*

fismes, but Al Key, a t the centroU, «QuieUy-imut off m e IgolUeo. pulled d dowii a 'ttrr-uUdgQlsber~aad~t>u(r ■out me U a u . The plane dropped to i

, wimia 300 feet of m* atrpart be- ^, fore be fav* her me gua again. ^

AAA Amendments ; Reported To Senate j

— Jt

WASHINOTON, June 39 CT) - Ji1 I>evUed 1a aa effort to meel posalble iiI coQstltuUonal obJecUons and carry- u t lng i a amendment designed to

block culu to • rccoTcr proceasUig u I tazc^ U » AAA amendnuota loday > were ordered favorably r e p ^ d by. me senato agricultural eommlttee. a

ThU new deal m euure to give b'I SecreUry Wallace broad aumority d. to -ordar" cooWoUed markeUng f< r under - growera - processors agree-1 ament U sUUd foiL^oaU acUoo elo e tt week. «

m m m o r s a p r a

p . , a . u , . B T a x a w a H T - i i

sm—Fine t A N e w . ' .

cipteofcold ■their azou* f

amcrbrtngsour home— _______;_________npid detiy*

Ecoaomy'^'^/ rart.Wainer /U u ^ fM v . / ,.-AjW evenr- / — '-------------thrachlev*.> ^bineuof .ibulUlnm*Zone Relrig-

I th* qukt. tisretomain- akally .Tbe ■

llbecliUUttg ■ r ~ " “irtuUtionU I

ea ce t ■!very worth- besandde*- '>rmnt spill.b o lU e s .^ H .

raers snd U U operating

v-TypeElee-tn to a .L o v

^ K / s t :

H. A. Terms—1



Etiqg Marries;: irative ^cre<^

8 s e r ;a 3 ,> W r t iy ro - dreeaed b r u a ^ - vbo tmtfl tbU ato aternlag v a s n ta a g a r ot'VM WU- rsa Urd-boui-dp^ - y p j ^ - B M r ^ ------

y.** around tb*m after tb* ceremony.[ht m e niwlyw*d* obUglngly kUeed to agala aod again,

ter Tho brld*,vore a vU U dresi v im ' a hlu* T*tt e ad a tate* brim aud bat

ma of blue. Buy, vbo reoenUy lost hU ii* -beavyveight UU* to James J. Brad- r u doek, vore a vhlto Uaen suit aad a IS- blue tie.U- MeanwhU*, m* botol a t ..which. . _ irt. M lu SuIUvaa vorked, set eut “to ]ld bunt for aooUiar manager-for lu sir coffee shop. OfflclaU aald sho had ho aegleoted to give, ooUoo uatU loday rs- and thst mey wished *1>eopie ed vou ld a t rua off and get married

m u vay ." '.

PICTUilESTraflF. V „ PBOPffllBSSE jn. A pholognpblo survey giving aa to. **»Plaoe vl*v of M cM ayr fUU .

*ast of. HoUUUr, v u msde yester- )d day I7 Reed W% AUen of the sUU uf aeroaautlcs department and Lionel M A. Dean, chalrmaa of Twlo FaUs

Chamber of Commerce airport ' commltue.

H i* pictures wUl be developed• and v m b* forwarded W tb t war ‘ department in Washington, D. C.,

u the tlrat major move la secur- • lng a federal a ir base for Twla

e FaUs county u outUned by Twin TalU county planning board.

Jack Pry, aeronkuUcs engineer, U - in Waablngtoa a t th* present time le In an effort to secure several of ’- me govemment air basea for Idabo.

« UTAH COLLECTS tt,4M,0rr < y WITH SALES TAX FOR TEAR y SALT LAKE CITY, June 39 OFt-»• A total of l3,4M.0e7.11 w u pUed up* by Dtah's 3 per oent sa lu tax dur- y ing tb* year ending today, a report g for m * UX commission showed.:• Th* tlgur* represenU aa lacrease0 of |7«9.»a3M o^-er me fUcal year

^ 1933-1934.

0 8 ^ — ; : ^ , . - - T — - ■.


eM J^O T t

r - w a B i n a i /

J L11 l r

rE W A R TIB R N E R! E u c n i i c m x T s i a n u o o B

Low Kiates_II

nituri) StoreGEOT

W EL H Y STORE, BoM DE STORE, Gooding1 Fana_______

,■ a fc • I

Boii-ypfiioinsni'Eii!— taw—Errtnroement— Bepar^7

munt Sends Out Ageny/; To'Issue Licenses ,

Agenti of the sUte l*w enforce- mem department ta TwUi w- morrow will be»ln recelvinB ■??»- cftUoDi and conducting examlna* tloni ot tppUcanU for llcctw# under Idaho'* new driver's » « n « l»w, which U to go Into effect July 1.• During K limited period provided

for this work, tiie« agent*‘of the law 'enforcement department tvo.ot whom htve been assigned' to Uils district. WlU be a t the sheriff's of­fice in Twin Falls on Monday and Saturday of each week; at Barley on Tuesday. Rupert on Wednesdays, Jerome on Thursdays and Buhl on Fridays. . . .

In preparation for this work, 1« men named by the law enforcement

^ department and all of the su te trattle officers were called to Boise

' ^ tor two daya schooling that cloKd yesterday. In '^ a rg e of the school were Emmlt Ptdat, commissioner of law enforcement, and three physici­ans. Instruction regarding required examinations of apollcants dealt JargeJy wltJi tcsU ot vision, Kon-

-------miiB Cwper, BUte - tt» fttc-offleefrssld here last evening .

A M-cent t n is to be eoJJeelcd tor eaeh operator's llccnse Issued.

• Operators' licenses are tor two yean, and chautfeurs’ llcens(;a for only one year.


KNULL, Juna ag —Knull Home Betterment claas met Priduy after­noon a t the home ot Mrs. T. M. Baird with 33 otembers respondinR to roll call with menni of removing stains. Miss Mngdalent Clemenui. home demonstration agint, dlscuued relaUonshlp ot pictures nnd imall tumlture to the w-sIU ot .a house. Mrs. 8Unley SttlckllnB. Mrs. Delbla

. Coont*. Mrs. 3. 3 . P trso a . Mrs. E, J . Colbert. Mrx. Qrc«k B'dck and Mrs. Albert Victor were guests Mrs. Walter Fender and Mrs. H. L. Wal­ter Mslsted the hostess In serving.

Mr. and'M rs. A. n k e ot-MoJco«^ ha*.-c been rlslUrg at the A. P. Rouch home.

- - -M lH -M arJorl^K oIm an retumed > ^ > 00)0 this week ^ te r a 'llx 'veeks

*Vri«t with triends and relatlvea lo . Minnesota.

'M r . and Mrs. O, 0 . Victor and dauchtera Marjoile and Virginia left Friday* momtnv tor PoriUnd aod ^ t ( ( e for a rlit: of sU reebi' dur­ation. ■ — . .

Mr. and Mr*. V. E. 'Morran are vacationing In Yellowstone psrk.


BUHL. June Jfl - Home Culture club met a f th e home of Mrs. O. R, vn\M . rtlday afternoon with Mr*. L. a . Lacy and Mrs. P. C. Bun u asiUtant hosteoMs. Mrs. , Fred DIerckson. prtslclent o f ' the clijb, was In charge ot the mceilnK. U was voted to sena fruit to Uk ChIU dren's home tn Uoise and the club

• decided to make some toiletry bsgs tor the children lo iisc al the Mc- Clutkr IteaJth -CMjnp. FoU«%'lne the

spent and the hoMr.ues ser^Yrl light refreshments.

• David McClioky returred on-Fri­day morning from ChlcjBo where he ha.1 been atendltig medical school.

- ■ He will go 10 Casesde on Mondsy.where he will enter work In'tlie lor- n.:*.

Mm E>-a L«r<on relinned from w uhm gton on Saturda* moming where ah« spent :he pa*; two weeka

^ m n g friend*.FrsnK FUher. srcompanled by his

■ .V fo .Mr*. JUrry Smith And iJ " M lu Kst«> PUh--'. are kaUns Mon- j

. « day for a rlu : In Snckine with i ' friends and relative*. j


JEROME. June :3 -A m irruse ll- een»* wm iwued here tttds*- to Pfli* > B<r. PerrjTlile. MUsour;'‘»nd MLm; v«LetU L-H«rl«ci, of J^jome. ;


BERUN 0* —One-tou •*..‘1 of Der* lin’i 4.3iSMO inhabltanvi are mo« than 50 n a r s old A new.cffleisl re­port »ays‘ deaths and a low birth . rate durisK the World wsr are re* . j>ncrjiible tor th « lir t« prtiportion' of teildenU ef advanced .vfsrs. ,

nead««artcn fpr nr« wotlt*. Cook'tj OrlT* lan . earner O ty psrk.—Adv. I


A nd m o st a ll di^ca.<cs can my c

H our^ 1 t(

rh o n c

V- DR. D. R. JC h i r o p i

~ Office 534 3rtM o m in p H ours I

■;1 ■ Al]


-the ^



Id- - o H B H k s

B f l B Rin* • ,



bla .

ich . .

Md = s s s s = = r = = = = ^ Meks ■ —I" , Woman Jailed


iiN IIs hbhe

rl-. .MRS. EVERKTT ST. PETERShe (above) and her hutband w ie« o l ,___________ ________________ ll_ly. -— - - - -

’ ‘ d CHEF’S ” ! I ALAP BOWI.

C'Tlt?y. cnrn-hr and r«H»l. t A« InviEoratlnc. hraltliful !

Il- and tanry a-- » bri%k b rr^ r.Ux > ThU SpeelaS Vrtrlabk-L-i ; .Meat Salad Rnhlir * '

t Grill Cafe* spn«rr to h«i weathrr ealinc prsb1em».T ry Thi.« Z e s t f u l

n( . . .

4 5 c ; :!l. S e rv ed . \ n v T im e ■th O P K N I) .\Y ande. N K JU Ton' U rH L E U S


SINUS TROUBLE, j RHEUMATISM:an bc corrcclcd when iiiidvr !y cjtre. !1 to s r . yj. ;

one 311 1 ___________

. JOHNSON i p r a c t o r

3rd Avc. E aat s by Appointrncnt



L-h .

among (he atrike leaden arrested fellowing the bloody battle in Eu­reka. CalifomU. wli^n lumber mill strikers and workers clashed. 8he. was allrerd (o'have been an «*Uatorw.7^ Photo. i

■ • • ' lee Cream, pt. :0e. qnt. 35c. Cook's . Drive Inn, cor. Cily park.—Adv.

T h e m o s

Y o u g o l f b e t t e r

w itb

~ ~ B 'A T A JIU D


i ■ ^

In cA r i s to c r a t o f

M asU

I chevM H H■ U U H niCES

Chevrolet. I

r NEWS, T im FALL^, IDAH 0,


f ■ " '.i «• • - v ’ •>

\ - .

■w ff


M FIA (/T*s-B'ilRarl« chlm s the r i lowest rate .of l^rgltlm .tcy In t h e | j , in w’ortd. governmcn' fUures* hhowlng

ile&s U un 13 Mi:h chtldrv-n In each ^ ' 1000 o f the po[*ui*;tlon. «M le in thtf , _

' post tlve .vears I‘.w Uwn 2 per cent of the births oct-.irrcd out o t wed- « lock. I El

St f in e ly b

■JlL^r----- ' ' ■ """..

' N

all w ays — •F t h e l o w - p r i i e fi

fer De Luxe



^YS 1

s i■ -iv',- r . Uw

V , • •> bridjInte

-;. •' ..'-r- I'osit■-* ■ V • '.i/-:'.';. ^ from

' . v j - .pleto nlng.


■ ■ ■ \ - A '* '- 5 ; deliv\ and

• ■ ‘ ■ Thtlve ,


■ Fm n Th

fi i io r Uon

' legal Scott

J l' ' •■ •.............. died•••' • fromr '.'•■> ......... ■ Nnsii

• ' ■ • • • alte r

^- . ■ ■■ ^ brotJ;


t BAN ANTONIO, Tex. O n -R u - »idolph EjtRleharrtt. city ‘jiiile r, had itt-n i,' * part of hi* ear b lticn o ft wlien « >ided J jU »»d n ha lt foot u : ; | transient 3 I ■ wijlgblng 215 r«n nmoV' Several!. nltche.^ wetv iaken to f.-uten th e ' Cook

|E«Kle'hardt ear ir. place. jAdv.

b a l a n c e d I


— / 7 ^ ' ■■

' i' , ;

r o r re r llv

f i e l d ' I - ' " - -r i « ; i u _ ro if , r rv ^ il . i(, l.alancc.w a r i t fo m h in r f hiXtiry

L tu e is nuit>tanrlms >n th in thercw n/w f . . f it s K n n

■ I I H H its T u fre t.T * i|> c-iin>tni H I c o n lrn lln ! l ira k r* . . ; m

. ^ 1GLEN G. J]

;0.1935 - '

WfiDSPmiN “ ClGEJTBiGEimplo-yc-foi^evoFal—YeaFsJH Named, to Succeed Late M

ChHrlefr-E. -fdwards, -401 Fourth- I H -eiiue c3it, employe iof the Twin j^ E tlls-Jerome iiitercounty Orldgo ( K mpany the sms'. se\-eral j-ears, has -en appointed superintendent tor H « t-onivniiy in charge of the | H ldgc'. oi>erntl«iii, lo Siiccred the B le E. It. Sherman who filled this H »iUon (or more tlian aeven years om th<* (Ime the bridge wvs com- etod. It wns learned here this ere-

HWeird of the nppolt.tment ^thnt me trom Bnicr C. 8t)on£ ol Sent- N |)rv.ti(leiu ot the company, was tlivercd ycat;rd»y to Mr. Edwards Id to FVnnk’L. Stephan ot local uiw t for the orldge company. The'nppoinlnunt wns mnde etfec- >e July 1 next. IOther employee of tho company 1 iK.iKfd In operation of thn brldtro H | « Ous D. Jc}inson-und F. H. -nnklln;;both o t IV ln Fslls. » '•;Thr npiwlntmeiit tollo^-ed Mr. ’ [■ ' lorts’ recent visit here In ronsultn-;>n with the brlr.ge compuny’s local j U h ual advisors, He left returning to* H j inttle last Tujrdny. ■


BUHL. June 39—Puneral services r Arthur Cllttord Stat<*n. 3<,. who rd .It Salmon.. Idiiho. on Jutie'35 ■ jm Kfo't ed {(■'■vr. wtre h«'id .it tUe mireiie churcii In Dohl. Fridsy j ■ ■ teriioon with Rev. BrMks Moorv! flclatln;. j ■Mrs. MnybeUe Baughnjan and Mr*. ■ ■ igene Battehmnr sanir a duel. "Tlw , inrly Whl ic ci'.V." and Mt.-a Uletta I lomfK-^n snni» a solo. "Over the II. " Mi-'s Fem Thompwn was ti'.e compiuiuit. Pfllbearcrs were Oen |^ H orlcy. WvA Worley. Fr.ir.cls Cam- Ack. Sheldon Pulley, Pnul Cam- nek and Dewey Webb. Interm ent: > H | IS In tlic Twill Fnlls ectretcry. \Mr. Staten Is iurvlved by his wl-1 I*'. Mrs. Themm Sta'en, nnd n ’ lall ;oa. Elvln Arthur, his liitlier. ’ hn C. Stalcn: sl* Mj'«-r*. E dna; pcks nntl Jnne WefVs of Idaiio ill.s; BerUia 'Panner ntid Mary aters of Salmon; HUdn Duvall and racc Wright oC Duhl; also four MRH otliers, lennard Slstei;. Leo Sla- ti,u:hatlcy sta ien and Karry'Sta- —

Mr. SUten was bom at Swan Val- I-. Idaho, in tOOl and came to Buhl th 'h ls pnrenu where he has re-i swi led slnre until lie went lo Salmon ll yenr to mine

Root neer on lap, coldest in town. ^ |, Mk Drive Inn, comer City psrk.— I Iv. • , I

low -pricec

t i r halaneed in nlJ p arts, in o/7 r«. riir new M a»trr D e L use flhev- cr<! A alue nio^t imprea«ivrly in the r^-with/mr/»«<T3. T he M aste r Dc t he fceoJiXv o f iU flody {ij F ish e r. . .

nre . \ r t io n Kiile . . . in th e so/rfv of ru riion and w eatherproof cable- fn the ptrjormartee and eeonom^ o f

0 \n r r i t t i In* Jri/nitJ prieta ra



Mrs. Sewell in Court ‘ BIE



1 3 ^

' prosA ' «cho

j M . ' . Chrli'chui

: o'clo ; It




IRS. BLANCHE SEMELL (lower) .weaJJhy Bererfy H«l». CaJIfornU, socUIUe - a n d - m o lf ie r ^ f = B if ^ fifweU. Ilg«re In the recent “wife- swap” divcrrre trial, haa gone to court to accuse Henry Gntlmsm (upprrl. aeir-irtyled "/Insnefii] [ wiurd,'* ef iwlndlinc her-out . af JH.690.—/.I’/ Photos.

d c a r e v e


n itn n in r-F lam e ralvr-in-head et D c l . i n r C iierro lrt »iiarr« the)(e I

ic no iith rr car o f it« price. I t »liar e I o p rra tin sco -t* v itli no o ther CA . ' T ooH ti lfn« l>raiitifii{ inotor ra r

>f ! <.f tlie lo u .p rir r f i e ld - «/»• J< f 'tJ •• m r «n«T hu ill ' I '•f CTIKM "*tlT MDT'>n rO>fPANYf <O^C. .'f. .tf«nn

J i w H 1 ^■ t f r i i i V M sT A iiu n ■ i

. oi<

• ......■■ ■ - i . ■ ' : : : m

____ .P A O E -ra B E E ,.^^.;|


OOODINO. June 2#^Tb« 'elo«n* * ’ ‘program ot the Baptist dally n e a - ------tlon Biblo achool tra* glnrn a t tbe church Friday tilght a t 8 o’cIk Ic. I t consisted ot worship, program-aefaeotiaaemblr p l i i r b r prtmaryfles------ --partment. grqup song ov prUnarr . ahd beginner*. BlbK^drtll by Junior - • depariTuent.—Slots drill by intw ^^—

medUte department. All h a h d w o ^ ...: . and noteboolc work wo* cn .display lh the church 'bn^meht. A Urge audience was present.

The toUl enrollment ot the school wns 65. '


OOODINO. June 39—The doting program ot thr Union T*catlon school conslstini.ot the-Methodbt. Clirlstlan. Episcopal and ftnU coiU l Churches will be l» ld Method­ist chuiTh' Sunday evenW a t f o'clock. *

I t will consist Ilf demonslrattons of the work done snd tlie exhlblU ot iiand work. T in Intermediato de­partment will give « fJiort Bible play entitled "A Search fnr a Tr«a- <UK.'' A totnl enrollment h u been lie pupils with 14 teachers and as- slstw ts.

Pop-All fUvors, lee cold. Cook’s Drice Inn, cor. c ity park—.Adv.


m o v e d :

Don’t ForRcl. MEN F rayed cuffs, snagB, rip s and tea rs all re ­paired In tho one price

o f , , . .^ « 3-Plccc Men’s 9 A SUITS

C A U , 437A U , THIS W EEK

<’ ■ 10r« DISCOUNT.On Cash ?nd C arry

L a F r a h l c ’ s. X32 2nd St. East

Former Thomets LocAtlon Joe U F ^ - H. C. HowcQ

e r b u i l t

Sfaurr tU tjuju Tem d rn jin e . The new' M aste rt^e fine q u jli tr fealnrea w j t h _______*1iam its low pricr* aod lowr CAT of r/im parable qiiality -________ra r i* to own (he a r in o c T ^

yinWv balarw dlote-prU rJ

,tNY. PCTBOIT. M ianC A X<nn Va2u*


A * -7\ ■ M H ' K i m ■iUUfl '-iBun

<! " •■y

) l d s m o b i l ^ 7 : ^ I z :

— _________ : C

B ^ S £ 2 = ^ = = = = = = = = = = = = =- - - : \ , p — ^ ^ ------------------ :------- tec

PALLS DADliY NEWS ««•:i-. .-••-■ -i:_______ ___________— — I---------—- bui

Mvrlr-lodid m t r mernto? e*cfpt Monday, by lb*; v. . .-Iwto pan* Nem PtiMlihIng ’Co.. ine, Tirla ___

'T~~- ■ E rtabiuted 1904. ^

f e ‘ h" . - ^ "T rfi/ ; SUM OaiPTlONKATrS ■ ^

- ByC*?rlet drePtymbla to Adrwjco . **11

; Th(


r . ' ^ u j : = = = 5 «^ i - th .

^ •O neY etr----- o f,ipnifM>tt np ASSOCIATED PBg88 am

mi« A*0BcUted P«M u exclusively enUUed to— tbo ti» for publlatlon of »U '

endit«d to It. or not otbenriu credlUd to UUa to-U»o loaJ DOW. pabUihed b o r ^

■.AU^bti or ropublletUon o t »pcel»l dUpitchea • h tttto alw rtittTcd.

, , .w a .u a , / u « i c u t e i i r r m . ~ ;.Member Audit Bumu ot GlrculiUont. aa i


Torfc Chlca«o. 6*n mncUeo.______________ guit•ntt Wews Msume* no flnancUl r**ponslbmt»

for erron Ja adrertlMBtfnU but in cuef wher* **thf paper ti at Unit a coireoUon of tbat part

-- ; ' wfll be publUbed wlU>out charge. ................. almli_ _ AU noUcea required by law or by order of

court of competent JurUdlcUon to be publUbed P‘« iweekly; wUl bo published in Uje Wejlneaday wominub ot Uila paper punuaat to SecUon S3-108 L wUba A. iwa. u added Uiereto by Chapter IM. i m brouSession Lawi of Idaho. m d


, I t Is alwaya a little B tartllnir to us of i'His “P " t m odern a^e to find th a t th e sam e problems I th a t afflic t us now also afflicted m en In },oqj, ' iancieiit times. In ono o f P lin y 's letters ap- loiie ■* p ea r a t once rcferenc# to two o f 'th e g rea tes t agaii

Bcourffcs to which ag ricu ltu re Is subjected, and a suggestion th a t would mean mu'ch i f ^ ‘

I i t m ighflbe follow ed: ,' •I “A storm of hail, I am inform ed, haa doeu

. destroyed all the produce of m y estate In agtii • ; . Tuscany, while th a t w hich I have on th e wttk " ■ o th er side of tho Po, though“it 'h as prov-. i : cd -ex tre m e ly 'fru itfu l th is season, y e t

fro m .th o excessive cheapness of every- ;>^th infir,4um «-tO :«m all accoun ti-Jd jvL aurve

>. ch tinc sea t is th e a in d 9 j>oases8lon which j . ? yields mo any. retU rn. I have nothini: th

thero bu t a house 'and gardens, and the»■ aands lie ji^ s tb e y o n d js till, however, m y c»ree c sole profit- comcs thence. F o r there. I

cujtivate, no t m y land (since I have •*“ * r none), hu tjnyi.m ind,-arid fo rm m any a O” *' , cbmpoaiUon. A s In o th e r p laccs I can'

show full b a rn s ; so th ere I can display a well stocked bookcase. L e t mc advise' *

.\; ou then. If you 'Nvish fo r an evcrproduc- • li \ ’e fa rm , purchase som ething upon this

c o a s t” the 1Im provem ents tp the jqind can bu t rarely

be converted into food and clothing, c ither in P liny’s day, t^vo thousand years ago, or ours. B u f th e p ersbnal'p leasu rcs to bo dc- in rived therefrom sUrcly a re w orth as 'm u ch ‘n»o

— as-m any-of-our-preJent-day-neccM ltics:-------A nd who can toll—perhaps a little sober

study and m editation by all o f us would havu b rin g a solution to our m ateria l problem s; eii*n w hereas the p u rsu it of dre«m.s only aggra- ««>«>

th a m ________________________________ and INobo


slldeiJ u s t w hat benefits will re su lt from ex tra boa«

education If th ere .arc no e x tra Jobs in which to exerclse .it Is n o t exactly c le a r b u t P res- ; ident Roosevelt will use f | f ty million d o i- , *p„oS la rs fo r the purpose of supply ing education ; bt. to, youth and when the education is co m p let-; a ; cd jobs, he prom ises, will be found. • •. T hus the P residential program m e enters j still another phase,and an In teresting one. i mtor No, one will quarrel w ith the r ig h t of young ; »nd

• people to an elJucatlon .tnd th e pure altru ism of the proposition Is sure to render it a t- trac tive to a g rea t many bu t It may bc point-ed out th a t fo r the past two y ea rs high achool ih j^ and collcge enrollm ent h ss been increasing is no by leaps and bounds unii! populations of cd- ucational institu tions are probably aa g reat t ^ a y as they ever were. Scholarship funds o f all kinds o ffer financial aid lo those in .nd

— Bced-trf-It-O pportun lty fo r young people t F 'm u . work th e ir w ay through school and college

• w as perhaps never greater. -----T his w as no t th e case t w o r three years

ago and it m ay n o t be th e sltuaUon two or ___-^ ■ h re ^ e a r s - h e n c e .- J u s t a t prcscntrtrow cver—

i t would seem th a t there is less than ord inary ' Jo' — need fo r^ th e expendltura' o f government-:— fu n d a 'fo r '’-the education o f youn^ m en .and by v

women.------- ytn

Or“ wt t

GARM ENT LA BELS E ffo r t is ^ i n g made through the various ;

consum er groups, p a rticu la rly women’s or- Ri ^ranlzations, to crea te a label to identify mer- | chandise" producCd“ u n d er’ wholejome“ w ork~r ing conditions. T he N RA label on’ women’s garm en ts became a .s o r t o f shopping guide. , anxi N o t e%*ery ahoppcr looked fo r th e label in or- • der to be su re th a t dress o r coat or o ther gar- md m ent had been m ade u n d er decent w orking

“ condltlona and a t decent pay . B ut many did ^ look fo r it *nd”fcraj|■^^o^>uy7^'K cn~tr^.'^: ^

■ mlaain*. { -S uoB a label as is,now planned would pro- o; i:

- i - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :_ _ -_ _


t ^ e buyer, m anufactu re r and w orkm an. I ts use is recommended by th e princip les o f good business as well a s hum anity.— -----

-----------NA1*URE TAK ES A HANDAlore and more i t is becoming apparen t

thatthe^bU B iness-o tjrepzC urtallm ent Is be- Trifc ta k m rove^ b y N at urcJ Tb iren tla l^ra insT , accompanied b r l« 3 S ^ n i f e ; ln 'th e erstw hile [' drouth regions of the m iddle w est are- cur-ii tailii^g crop production in alm ost every line, 't The fa c t is being reflected In th e w h e a t m a r - ‘| k e t as well as In the p /ices of o ther ,products 1 u o f.the soli. ^

iPor awhile a t least there should be less of „ the-'p low lng-u 'nder’^-procedure.- The-w ealth - u o f a people is no t m easured alone in the am ount of gold coin and bullion In the F e d - ; y. cral trea su ry . ®

c s s s s a a a i B B i v «)THE ALASKA riONEEBS TURN BACK (j

(Mpicow Qtar-Mlrror) i ti6ome o( Uje Alaskan colonUts—moved from their

marginal landi to a new empire In the far north as p aa experiment In rehabiuiauon .under the lederal . g, {overnmeaVl* program of retiring worn out lands aiid I & putting &elr owners on more fertile soU—are <1U- 1 * iuited wllh the layout and are.retumlng to the •‘civil- | Itallon'* of the United States. |

The Star-Mlrror U not surprised. Rosy pictures are q (sisuy ptlaeed in one's mind of new lands ta d new ec Places. Idaho, aot ao mnnv y tf f f *go, t*eiBsa_MLnL_£S ilmllarly rosy plotures In the minds of Brooklyn. N.If., ijookkeepers, clerks and warehouse employees. The jlclure took seed—the ferlUe valleys of Idaho, the ronderful IrrlgaUon canals tbat new reservotra filled vUb water, the health and calm ot farm life—all these pi irought a “caravan” that was foUowed dsy by day Fi n (he nation's press as It eame westward. In motor cc :ars and vans. ‘

But an Idaho farm did not prove as euUy tUlable i [„ IS a 10 by 30 garden In the backyard of a Brooklyn J ipartmen^ house. You did not. just plant your crop, I um on the water, wait tmtll lale summer and harvest I C. Soon the families so transported abandoned their hi lomesteads, abandoned their “erops," pocketed tbelr ' er osses, went to Uve with relatives and hoped for Jobs 1 gain In tbe elty. ] “We suspect tha t the Alaska ‘'pioneers of 1S3S'' would i

« glad to bave bsck their farms-on Mlehlgan's sub- lu narglnal lands. And the govemment agencies wUl ' e<l Ind th a t what looks wonderful on theoretical paper I B< loesn’t always work out so well, when slacked up l '” gainst tha realities of human nature a n d ' human ) ^ ■’eaknesscs. i or

---------- ■ Ij _ ___________ rAROLe.AB.uKa-----------------------------

- - - r -‘iOmaha ’W orld'H erald)............ " — - [". toThe eraeklng of the Weyerhaeuser kidnaping case

aUes, as se many of the recent speclaciiUr criminal | a reu s have done. quesUens relative to current pHson ! arole systems. President Roosevelt states the ,prob- | sm tucclncUy and clearly In hU telegram to Attorney I Jeneral Cummings. ., ^•Xvery decent citUen U interested in'humane parole / th

ystems whieh aeek rehabUllatlon of offenders, but a t rl< lie same Ume we should seek to prevent abuses of a arole, especially In cases ot habitual criminals.’* 'It, Is not the principle of parole whieh has earned '

lie bad repute Into which it U comUig, but the ad- |' ilnistraUon ot it. The abuses of which the president peaks are negative rather than of deltberato Intent. ' nc 'hey constitute errors ot omission rather Ilian .com- j tOi lUiion. lotIn too many InsUncA it U evident Uiat the grant- 1

lg ot paroles U more or less a matter of admlnUlra- ive rouUa«-*A-board-made-up ot-busy men-wlth many ; qi ther in le re iu meets a t stated Intervalj. AppUeaUons | pii K paroles come betore 11 In batches. The sppllcanU, | Hi avlng served minimum sentences, are automatically , to ilgible for parole. The warden testifies as to thelr^** ood behavior in prison. Applicants appear penitent ; = nd sure th t r can wake'tood If elvfn inn thfr —robody appears la opposition. Parole granted. “ According to the law ot averages a good many ac- ,

aally do tu ra out weU, but a large percentage back- lldes', or never was really penitent a t all. A.parole oard can hardly be expected to be 100 per cenl cor- Kt, b ut there U evidence to support the belief th a t the ercenUge of error U unnecessarily high In many In- lances. Habltu.*!! ottenders, habitual violators ot srole, are among the benetlclarles. They should not, e.A good many possible improvements ot parole sys-

ems suggest themselves. Perhaps a central clearing lOuse of Informstlon, in whieh crlmlnaU are thor- ughly Indexed, would help. There are exclunges of ifonnailon now. but appaivnUy not as sjrttcmalic nd as informing as U desirable. The employment of rained pracUcal psychologlsls on parole board sUfIs -ould p.*obably'be an advantage. But perhaps, the reaiest need U 'better supervUlon ot the benetlciarles I t parole during ihe period of probation. After all. hese persons are tundamentsllylmoral defectlvet. It I not watching alone they need, but a Und ot helpful ratehfulness.There m utl be smons the 4S stales some in which

arole systems sre fairly well admlnUtered wuh a easonably low pfrcenlage of failures. A study ot them nd Ihelr methodt would be adv»nt»geouj to all'ih« . est. . .


Oiek: •■Thii liniment msltes'my arm sm an.”Josn; • Why not rub-wme on your hesd?"

Some very amusln* repo«s a.-e *ent lo Washington IT the owners of tfte mtle “Claw 3“ railr*ads.~c»e— luciuon tha i lm to be answered esch month 11: -JIave•ou had-any collljlons?" ■ ......................- --------------------

Ono ,m «n»te save the answer: -How th t devil can t t hare coliuioni when ■•# have only one train?'"

Sam: ~IXuen hcah, boy. jes* w&tt kind o' Uti U you >een llTln'?"

Rastus; "Oh. ordinarj. >es' ordinary Samr “Well, ij yo* pulls any mo‘ aces c---t o’ yo shoe.

ou' ordlns.-y lift »' tMn' to ta«ture.~______ ...

"Now. we will engrave the young lsdj"s name Inside he ring, i: you Ukt. »t no extra cost," said lhe Jeweler. ! inxlous lo make a aale. 1

“WeU.* said the cautious younc man. “U It doean't , » st anything yo-j ra^ iit ;usi put m to my beloved' ; md lei It go al thst." j

w*ife—Henry, you must ha«e um Uodlord eome and .ee tor hlmseU the d a n a te tbe rains have doeie to >ur ceilings, so me leaiu can'bc ilxed. -

I tea ry -1 don\ tfare to. If *e ooee le t blm In he’d j rff aU the dam*t< the children « i t« done lo the rw t 1 >: C:e_boviK.i^n4J:Cd_Uiro«-u*^i,----- ------------------ 1—

,Y N E W S , T W IN F A L L S , ID A H C

5 NEWS INT a k e n From th e T w in

29 Y ears Ago ,JUNE ______

»t ; ' ' I. .. L

ALL SET FOB r o u k n i ’The program ’ for the Glorious ■

. Fourth U practlcaUy completed. Ali m ■Uhe committees have to do U lo pull I 111 a tew sulnga and the task U tin* wl

■ Ished. Tommy Jimmy woods has a in Inumber of Japanese athletes In iln

. training and promises an exhlblUon wl ,; of Jui Jitsu tha t wlU drive. Uio pop- ot

i-ulace'w lid-w ith excltemenLrArnold [l« iFrankeU has worn out three pairs,to ' of shoes looking for a- greased plic- '

’ ! He found several but they were dead ‘ to ones. ;hi

The trouble'wlU begin when tlie ! special train arrlvea aboul 10 o'clock. - iri Immediately after the arrival of the ’ ev train the parade wUl be formed and ! lh

Ithe march to the park wUl besln. lo . : Rev. R. D. Osterhout ot Twin FalU sn

will be the orator ot the day, M ajor' ni' ' Reed being unable to be present on

: account of hU liavUig previously “c-1 »1 I cepted an Invitation to cclebr.-iic !of I with hU old (riencU a t Soldier. Tlic im- I band wiU perform IlberaUy du rm s' be the morning hours and there will cli

I be glee choruses and other numbers,! Ball games, athletic contests, a band I concert, a dance and titewarks iriJJ ,conclude the activities, i__________ [_yi

-------- inoARRIVE FROM COLORADO ;hu

Mr. and Mrs. Max W. Kuniiely.; parcnU ot Mrs. Walter F. Pike, have arrived from Colorodo and liavel'^ practlcaUy decided to locate In *min | FalU. Mr. Kunkely U desirous ofi communicating with someone who| 1 intends to move household goods frc

I from Colorodo with a view to mak- lni ' ing up a carload shipment. j In1 , ;■ -------- , ,wi

SAGEBRUSH RIDER VISITS I . I Mr. and Mrs. Jam es H. Pierce are I . here from their home In the ea st)-

I end ot the county, i t U 34 years since .',i I Mr. Pierce i \n i rode through the ^ {sagebrush of Cassia county and no p., I man haa labored harder for lU wel- i l I tare. Mr. Pierce u a stockman who ,(j, lu known wherever there U kno«l- a., 'edge ot Idaho. He U noted for hU ” , {genlaUty and liberality and hU part , , , In the upbuUdIng of Idaho forms a ,

' portion of the state's hUtory. He . ' ) was astounded a t the progreu msde i,.I on the Twin FalU tract. {J®

I LEAVES FOB vA'AIIFranlc D. Klmball^rfUl le»ve to-ls*;

m orrow-for'Salt Lakeland Eureka Fal to spsgd the Fq^rth.

I BEGIN WORK ON DEPOT ] Kimberly—Flags were flying and-^“' general good cheer reigned ihrough-1 ™ out Kimberly on Wednesday when 11?”

I the first work was done on the depot.’ An O. S. L. carpenter crew under I ,'the management ot Mr. Brady a r - |" ^ " rived Tuesday, evening. Tlie crew U ;

a large one and will rush the work I to completion. The building will be ; 130x300 feel. , QE

I WINS OLOBE TROPHV. Peter J. Holohan returned Wed- I nesdsy from Walla Walla, where he the

j took part tn the annual tournament yot I of the Northwest association a l !ae< 1 which all lhe crack trap shooters ot i a b the west were in Attendsnee. Pete "1

,was In, fine form, wtnnlns ihe rlchlum ;Ol0be trophy, the Individual cham -;of ] plonship and high overuce medals. I bee Hd lied P. A. Dryden of WMIa Walla Air

' tor the trophy and won m the shoot | Loi .:.olf a tu r a sensational conUst.____Jdlr

' ' ' ■ And It


1-------------------------- --


:WIN FA LLsIrvin Falls News F iles

16 Y ears AgoJU N t^ -1 9 1 9 - ^

............. ___________________3CITY WELCOMES “OWN« Jldcl

_________ ________________________ - WhlJ , In the opinion ot SO men, former il members ot the Ttvln FalU milt and 11 band of the Second Idaho regiment,. wiio arrived here last evening, no 1 improvement could have been made i j ln the reception accorded them ;) when they set lool on the streeu . ot..Twla-^alU .alur,an-abscneo-of■ lwo'year»"dCirlng"whlch Uiey"'spcrit

B tour whole montlis under sheU tiro . I and contributed in no amaU measure J ‘ lo the wmnlng of the World war for

'humnhUy. t ■ Tired and dusty After a long, hard

. trip, the returning nriUlerymen last ( ’ evening scattered like quail whea J 'lhe tram waa brought to a stop be- ijlo re reaching the suUon. The band s 'struck up a lunc and a hundred or r ’ more Elks assembled for their Inlii- - O;I mory ceremonies later In the eve- wnii . I nine’fell In line, but there were nonecl of the rclumrng service men to be . Aeen In the line of march, “niey hod " f f 1 ; ' been gathered In by relollvcs and o" r close mends. Dl

II . ENTERTAINS CLUB ' [ t^ e i ij -Mrs. Ernest StetUer entertained

I ^ n a'l*her'^om e*ln^^^a»m * n v T I hundred was played. Mts. Lee SU l- “ O'" : tier. Kimberly, the MUses MacFar-

'•lane of Tennessee, and Mrs. Mac- ;. Farliinc were guesw of the club.

11 VISITS AT WELLESLEY. Rc11 Miss Beatrice Ostrander relupied J**®I from the east Thursday after spend- ‘V ‘‘* ■ Ing several months In Y JiC .A . work iln Cmcago, and Inter goUig on to , Wellesley to attend commencement.

1 THORP BECOMES MNEDICT 1 Al noon June 30 Lieutenant JohnC, “n iorp .aod-Mtoii.NeUe L..Djll|cs will be Joined In wedlock, the Uev.Aaher H. Brand, pastor of Uie First P' PresbyUrlan church to oftlcUte.The ceremony will be pertomied a t Anthe residence ot Uie Bev. Mr. Brand, of 7tSeeond street and Fifth avenue prolinorth, and witnessed by Mr. ,and the >&lri. C. E. BooUi. Florl'

Lieutenant Thorp recerilly re- far 1lumed from service in France, where uppa:he saw plenty of active service. He comnwas mustered out ot service a t Fort RahvD. A. Ruuell. Wyoming, during the to w

I past week^ and returned *0 Twin ot co iF a U s ^ lth -tha-eontlngent-of-Twln- mldsi

FaUs service men Frtday evening. volun.. -------- Wall*

CALL FOR RECRUITS day c AuthorlUet in charge of the Twin airpli

; Falls military recruiting su tlon have yank I received Inslructlons to recruit for rounc 1 military service on the’MexIcan bor-1 obllvl dcr..Branches of the sen-lee thus Ukes

I open are: Infantry, cavalry, field .artillery, engineers, medical corps, “; signal corps, olr service and quarter- imnster corps.



LONO EATON. England (/!>-As unimi Uie result of a vojue for lacc among propr young Amerlean women. Derbyshire candl laee mamifncturcis a r j experiencing VlllaR a boom. nrous<

T»'t5lhand.i are now working full by nor I Ume and ihousandi of do'.lars worth denly jof ortJers- tor-unllnlsheu -laee have. cd slo [been placed. II It rumor.-d that one ' turne I American firm I* to buy a factory In light I Long Eaton and make Imr there for thoro Jdlreel export. Next.

I t ’s A B i g ' R u s h Order, To(

------ ---------------------------- topyrtgh:, 1935. bj

\ •

! 8 0 , 1 9 a . - -

New York I - ^ a y ^ D a y H :_ _ B y O .^ a .M c IN T Y R E

-NEVLYOBK. july.l-D U ry:A Iuch. Iddledy over a screed from Gilbert Vhlte in Prance.-And he usetl the ford eplUiumetlc which I never aw before. Meaning oentual. aUo the W K S j T S B M a . potey from

WUllam R o s e *‘«ly | | | | | | p

hU^ tSig/°n “Ying. a pack ot mU

V ^^603' yapping, opti jumping into my- con lap and trj'Ing thoi to lltik my face, llor B ut n o n e of A consequence: So to 1

E e S S E i S ! ! ! g a z e d out of tuu O. O. ivteintyro window. After a slye hlle Mrs. Arthur Somers Roche Cer tme and all in a donmpour to drive a fa Bout the park and lenmed her boy chlr :ffrey has become a newspaperman due 1 the Journal. JunDinner on a docked barque and

gentleman fascUiatcd me with lies ot Major Yardley, who de- >ded messages m Japanese and T. usslah during the war without »_»i rowing'a'word of e iin e r iw riig c .- ome and tound Harry Leon Wll- >n's grand autographed omnibus x Id elccWd td'read'*'Ruggles" again "opi Id did unUl * a. m. P*”

- . — I inspReports como from London lhat le veuran David Wark Griffith likely lo reesiablUh himseU con-

Icuously in the cinema world wllh s filming of the old classic, "Brok-I Blossoms." An indication of his JXf; rectorial sUndlng In the oldjrld was symbolised by a two hour = terview to which reporter# sub-eted him on arrival In England. r,,P ' ley don't forget genius so quickly perfidious old Albion.

■“ frierArthur BrUbane In the tlrst flush don

70s U nol only America's most a piolUlc JoumalUt. he has become conce most traveled. HU zig-zags lo sans orlda, to the coast and various r polnu are aceompUshed wllh H<porenUy no more bother than the ly oimmuter’s dally trip lo aad from a seihway. HU acquired adapilblllty & mi

wriU wherever he may be U, ana:course, responsible for such calm Afte

Idst-constant. glddyap. AnoUier. cdrcluminous writer,' the late Edgar of uallace,' was able to w rlu any hour; drewy or night, on train, shipboard or Ing J-plane. Sinclair LcwU, too, can expli nk out hls typewriter In any sur- indlngs and Immediately become Ballvlous to the world. H. G. WelU appees to scribble aboard ship. lank:

_____ ■ P»d<f^ersonal nomination forHhe slli^k- bit of press agentr}' of the decade ,

2lay Morgan's ballyhoo for the gf ’, rmandle'STtlrst-voyace.-j— • -

_____ ren»tt was told by a gentleman of brok!impeachable veracity in an ap- q{)prlale surrounding—the shadowy y j -:dle-llt corner of n Greenwich jtq*., lage grill. He, a sculptor, wasmsed In the dead of the night mostaome vague prickle of terror. Sud- Amelly the door of his bedroom click: yearslowly-wlUi Use u m e click of the jf^w ■ned knob. He flashed on theht and *pranB from the .bed. A -xiie)rough aeareh revealed nothing, jsnoXI. moming a Persian cat tha t <jay :

________ ___ Atl

'00 ' * V I wothlni

a ^ —

a ^ i delni

'----- « r yrane

. b ; Tbe K\w Yerk Tribune. Ine. , rega


(Copyright, MeCluro Nen

r - ^ J ^ B a y ^ e k e f fat

w h 'o irh 'o rorrerw m T iriH riw tsen i- aesalan-ot.congreas. '.They - convince him tha t Industry U slowly reaching the convalescent sUge wbere It can "take” strong medicine, zrrery phy- m slcUn knowa tha t wben the paUent gets too healUiy he baUcs a t tbe spoon. ' (Ju

On any eapllal curbstone you can arrange 'an argument over theories = as to how far we have yanked, our- nu. selves out ot the depression. Pessi- mUls put it a t 39 per cent. New Deal ot optUnUU boott It to SS per cent. The correct-figure probably Ues-bstween o« thoae computations. But admlnUtra- - tlon Ruessers streui the bright spou. *

A Well Streei none too friendly to the While House seems to scent tuture Improvement. Despite succes- slve shocks. It remains confident. Certam heavy Industries are hItUng a fast gall. AutomobUe, woolen, ma- [*lne goods ond electrle power pro- ductlon wiU run unusually high for June, offsetting sUel and cotton de- Clines. ReUli sales and new con- struetlon continue slrong. ' ‘1““

TABLES. C aplul U still In mourn- ng and hiding. I t may emulate thetroundhog^tUr-«>n8Tew-<iuiU.:4 f lto Jt sees no shadows it may stay out of IB hole. That U the admlnUtralion’s sope. Meanwhile offlclaU are pre- “ w sarlng recovery charts'designed to »y nsplre a betUr feelliig among the eaders and Issuers. Ih ey are sup- B m e d to mark how tar we have ~ bi :llmbed from the bottom of the de- Uo' >re^on.

The toUowmg tables give the index igures on certain basic factors the vhlch reflect Industrial health. Tliey

tion, * '' " ' nnd

Jept near a bedroom window wns , ® ound stiff In death. Boot

— preiAdd laternatlonai mj'sterles: A

rlend sent Tom Geraghty m Lon- lon an American Sunday paper with I package ot pipe tobacco cleverly oncealed therein. Paper arrived ®‘

HendrUc Willem Van Loon reccnt- y and for a very, high figure began ^ . series ot hU porcelain essays for . magazine he had never seen, "nie **"“ nangem enl was made by hU agent. 8” ’ Lfter the t in t article Van Loon dis- O Tored.U .w as^.below .stairsjttort «*;« if unusual trashmess and he wllh- rT '' irew ImmedlaUly. " It was like play- ng Beethoven In a honky-tonk)’* he xpL lnri.

Bagatelles: Robert Benehley’s first ppearanee on the stage was as a tnky. poUeeman In a Harvard Hasty 'Qddtng Club ottering . . . Causten irowae, Seattle newspapemian. j'.’f*: fiikes de luxe sling shots as a hob- y . . . Bob Ripley U considered one f the swlfust squash players In he f^euopolU . . . Gertrude Law- ence has emerged from Bankrupt- “ , y. an almost fatal Ulness and a roken romance as the star In one "J''® f the biggest hlU of.her career . . .Uy Pons's favorite breakfast U tewed rhubarb and a cup of strong •a . . . BUly .Gaxton has had the lost continuous engagemenU of any •merlcan acUr In the paat five ears . . . Henry James thought rew York the most-deUsUble"clty "J“|;1 the world-----Dr. Alex Munthe, " ,n ie Story of San Michele * author.I now so blind he cannot dUUnguUh ay from n l g h t _ ^

After a halt hour's ponder. I've

wouldnX have room' to say any- ling more anyway.

(Copyright, 193S. - McNaught Syndicate) q ^ |

Guiding Your H.

Child rBy


' ‘COLLECTINC* SIGNS by*By AUee CU riua RlehmoDd barr

The speed sign a t the side of the Msad read St miles an hour. Once It readad said 33. but some bright child "R<(ad used « bUck crayon to fill In fordpaccs. and no doubt thoughti him- Life'elf i-er>' clever tcr doing It. Ih tha t i-er.'amf boy'a room was a collecUon of mlltIgns stokn-^lrom about the coun- manpyslde. S\oi*ot tbem were "Private Lem •rowrty* afid 'T o Let" slg rj. but here was a scattering of roftd wam-igs mixed m. FIfi HL< parenu. while not encourag-

:)g him In hU hobt^y. nude no ob- pctlon* to It. "All the children areclng ll Jus: now. It is a rrgular Oiad a t this age." serviHad the ehlld.'en's hobby been noor

olectlng purses, or teaspoons, or The<ad they muiU.Wed the neighbors' Oooihrubs or small trees, the parents act :•ou'.d no: have been so coaiplalaani. towr:uch things are private property. fleUnd to Uke thero or Injure them U Ml^alins or vandalism.- Slgas.-^for Beweme obscure reason, are not in the ih*ame clas'. They are fair game for Beuny passerby, a trophy if stolen. And a pr9 change the wording, or mfanlng Inte I the height of humor. und;The custom U as old S3 the hlUs. mon

10 doub*. the care man * chUdren Tl id th r same thing in the dswn of rli-ji une. But neve’r l ia « th ire been so bear nany signs, or iigrv of sueb lm- Tun o runce to public welfare as today. S. M Tm .parruu sh a v k v the spoUs of «U P hetr children's depred«ilona wuh lodf om plsuirce. are rr--tiec:..-g an lm- B. o r.an : aspect of trainins the younc. Oe«'The care of roia.*:gas U as much SUt' p an or civics in thU day 0.' au-

omobUes as t.*i ca.*e of parts and -.jid*. S.-liools A.-.d hoiae* shoukl Tl f»d Ul tn a to ewldren. On dienhc:e si;:iJ depends to a Urg« W w x*.<n: the r afeti ef the p-jbllc Col- ccUa; or cbaag-cg U>em miyl«n5T3SH« tr y gcod ipor: but i: U 's h w au*d » n d a la a a i ' t^icf:, a a i ihe-uM ta *^ b egarded a» such. the

WHIRLIGIGfD T H E NEW S)Newspaper SndlcaU )

ideplet our eeonomlo aUte for-lKS'a fat m o n th a ,1 9 U 'a black monthi. for ey iy 18M and tb s-rsffla to for

1933-1«35 represent 100’ exoept for ' farm prices, which are based on the yean 1000-1914: • '

rtc i'y Fael'y Pact'y ra m Co*(of Btnploynent - Prod't P ^ a PtIcm Liv.

‘SJ ‘1 ‘J! S3lS3i ... TM l«4 ei.T n 7IJ(juBt) ti.o m « .( 110 i].a

' SAL£S.~Tl}ese figures aIso~fu^r^ nlsh the key to tbe suddea switch from the Ickes to the Hopklna theory . ot govemment spending. Plans a t Washbgton these days are basedon forcing recovery before November____of 1030. That's good politics.

The admlnUtraUon believes that lU recovery program will click If there resulU only a slight business Utt from the atoremenUoned IsveU.But the stimulaUon musl make it­self felt durUig Uie alow summer and early faU months. The Ickes publlo works building means too long a lagtL between federal spending and la* r creased purchasing power. The Hop-' klas plan U expccted to creau a quick demand for goods. ■

T3ie automobUe Industry's expe­rience taught that lesson to the ad­minlstraUoa. Tbe bMrlest sties were

tobacco ehe'cks had fumUhed buying power. The Immediate aim U crea- Uon of cor.sumers' appellu and abil­ity to buy.

BREAK-UP. AdmUiUUaUon foes • - a n d friends—see many Implica­tions in President Roosevelt's uxa- llon propoaal which they overlooked ot first. I t Impresses them now as the keystone—or capstone—of a far- reaching a tu ck against concentra­tion of socUl, financial; Industrial nnd poUtlcal power.

Besides breaking down large for­tunes tho program would ^ te e a premium on smaU corporations.,They would pay lesa taxes, for one thing. Should IndusU-y find it ad- vanugeous to break up Into smsUer financial and physical un lu many of Mr. Roosevelt's dreams would come true—dreams which seem In no way relaUd to the problems of taxa­tion or ot InduilrUl size.

Labor, for Instance, can deal more advanUkgeously—for ju e lt-w ith a small Industry than U can with a great corporation. Smaller unlu— and even larger onea—might seek lower co ju fo r land and labor , by ^ . emigrating lo towns in the country.That might boost tho President's pet progrsm tor a class seml-rursl t i t j ^ sernl-mdustrlal-Dr. Tugwell's idtiW And "horse-and.buggy" lnduslrlal-< u u could not wield th'e political power wbich they enjoy now.

FOODS. AAA expcrU say that hleh prices for pork wUl last tlirougli this year and longer for beet. Vou can raise and market a pig faster I than you can a cow. '

But consumers' advUers Insist that a family can still buy a good meal a t talriy cheap prices. hUny house­wives don'l need ihU InformaUon— they get It a t the markel—but thwe who shop by 'phone or on ihe run may nol be wise lo It. Lamb U filll very cheap, and plentiful aupplle. coming Into the market should keep the price down. For the rest of the meal lhe housewife ahould buy to­matoes and fresh vegeubles gen------ -erally, cereaU, fresh fru lu , potatoes and flour. All those producU are fill­ing. plentiful and fairly Inexpensive.

About all the consumer can get from Washington these daya U ad­vice. The consumer agencies- aup-

authority under NRA.' Now they have less.


HAILEY, June 39—Hailey Dvle club members were the guesU of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Rutherford. Thurs­day. a t the Mascot mine. Four cant \ made the grade lo the mloe. >a brief business seuion the p rogn is was opened by r. roll caU aBSWt:M • by a doicrlptloii of *'My Mosl fi&-V barrsMlng Moment."

Mr. Rutherford waa callrd upon t e r read exlracU frum hU new book. "R«cofle«lon.v" and Mrs. Ruther­ford aang ''Oh Sweet -Mjalery of Life'* and “By the Bend of the Rl- i-er." Luncheon waa aerred by a com- mlltee composed of Mra. A M. Fried­man. Mra. Margaret Boone and Mr«.Lena HonU.


OOODING. June 30—Funeral services were held here Friday after­noon a t the BaptUl ehurch for Fre<? Theodore Furclit. 84. pioneer of Ooodlng and the agent for the Carey aet hind a l the opening ot Goodlr.c towiuiu. Rev. Aloert E. Beasley of­ficiated a t the servlees.

Mrs. J . T. rc u r io n and Mrs A. E.Beasley-sane-*'Jn-lheLand-W b«r«-------U» n o ttt .Never Fade' end Mra. Beasley arjic ’■ScrmetljDe." "niet* was a profualon o t beautiful tlorml piece.'. Interment wax tn Bmwrwd ce mete r r ~ under the direction ot the Thompson

The Odd Fellows lodge gsi-e the rlfiallsUc aerrtces a t the grave. I^U* bearers were XX L. StilMn. P. *• Turner. J . a . Crcw. H. A. Clevelsnd. a. M. Raienbaua: and Ward Meyer, all pioneer meaxhesiof U-x L O. O. F. lodge. Honorary paUbearcra «-ere T. -.B. Huffman. .V M. CramWeti. Oeone P.ice. A. J. Lueke. A- B.S'.ater and J. A. Joumey ^

OPERA a w S E.NCOBE.« FLORENCE. Italy Opera aa-

dienwa got ln‘.o s-jch row* here **» whether thert Ciould ^e an encore ^ben wme a ^ wm T

auM aa efflct tna t n® n traben a?* *U> bc repeated, ac matter bow long the applatue. ''

O ' ■


Basis' Accumulating for New Record Credit

— Expahsloiv~~~ '

WAAKntOTO^. Juna a t (/F)»Zdl« baak fond* touched « toverlns iJl- ttm« pe&k l u t night, iiurounded by % bltt«r dUputo over method* of PMventlni their poulble trmiultlon Into a nioaw»jr credit boom.

CIo#eIjr tUled. the trewury'* vw t ROld hoard climbed as&ln to a. new

^ to the receipt of the loat ahlpmenU of that meUl acquired. <n the gov­ernment’s reccot tally to the defense of the frane.

_ _ _ Capital for which Jr.?_member banka of the ^ e r a l R c » n e ayatem could find no aceeptabln borrowers flood a t a point offlclali) eAtlmated a l B little more than m o o .000.000. All reserved on deposit nt tlw re> ser\-e banks toUlled $5,039,000.000. The sold stocks agffresa'.cd tS.lOO.*

. 000.000. Both fl?ii«s shoxcd big In­ly creases for the post week.

Battle Royal NeanMeanwhile tho omnl’ju* bunklns

bill, by which the administration hopes to provide a stronB.y cenlrnl-

• iMd control over the proccM of _____ Lurning JhB.?3^_0jW,«M«<».ja_re^

approved by a benatc binklng sub­committee and neared * parliamen­tary battle royal on the sci'nte floor.

o r the *9,030,000,000 resene de­posits, approximately one half can­not be touchcd by the member banks. They afe required by law to keep a pereenUjo of their own deposits on

' deposit with the resen-e banks. The other half—the exc*ta above such reaerve requirements—th««y may tap a t (tn/tim e.

Most econombts agree tha'.. once tbe snowball of k credit boom starts rolling, the excess 93.900.000,000 would be multiplied by 'cn In crcdlt on thts basis, the exccai reserx’cs would furnish the source ot 939,000,- 000,000 In credit or some 93,900,000,- 000 more than all the.comblhed loans and investments of the member banks during the hey ilay of tlie 193S boom.

The banking bill, the administra­tion contends, nould provide checks assuring kn- orderly transformation

'from excess reserves to credit and would establish controls- that could be used to prerant a repetition of the disaster of Octobcr. 1629.


RUPERT, Juns 30—Plans for Ru- perfs seventh annual two-day rodeo and Pourth of Ju!y"celcbratlon are now complete and th i b!-gMt fron­tier show ever held heir Is to be itUged July 3-4 v-lth an all-profes- slonal'performanie.

Pi;ofcuionat riders, bulldoRscn, and cAlf-ropers fiom alt pnrU of the northv'cs'. and professional bucking horjcs will be uud . according lo ro­deo manapers.

Joe Erickson's Atrlng of buckcrs.____ numbering 30. have earn<^J the rcpu-

latlon“'or~belns~<iut4Undlng~wilh' some of the b « : hlgh-ptJ:l;lnK. stiff- legged bucking rirsh In the wild west arenas wltli one' horse. Chubb. tKver

. having been successfully rlden.The horses are expec*.«d to arrive

In Rupert by tre:ght and lr. be taken-------- tu llie ludeu gniunils. uiw of-the-

best parks of the kind In (he north­west. SaCurday.

Besides the rodeo allrActlon. Ru­pert merchants are going to give

___ away IlOO l»i c u h a t the rodeogrounds Wednesday aflemoon. ,

"They are signing up snd It looks like w-e are to.have a t tehst 3i pro­fessional riders here for the two d»ys," arena mjnsger-Jlm Dell said Thursday.

Rupert high school banrt.vltl be on ■ hind with concerts and .»css Kell.

A '- rodeo clown wllh his Irlck mule f from Livermore. California. Is It^icd ^ . among the allracMons wh;)e ba.'eball

games are Khed-uled for eich morn­ing.


PARia (/V) —Slranse dishes re- i-ealed to ParUlaa gourmMs the gas- j trenomlc rejources of Pr.ince's colo­nial empire a t lhe annual binquei of the Nstlonal Acclim»:ailon So­ciety.

Their appiutes whetted by hy- dromel cockuils made or hon^y. »hiM wine and Bromatle p’snts. the diners «ere regaled with hors d oeuvres rangins from Algerian an­chovies. riah eggs and smoked rein­deer to lobsters from th«’ 5?ed 6ea.

The tltti n t t r t i was s.isrk'8 stom­ach with bamboo ihooU l r the Indo- Chinese style. Stag rjoplled the roasl. and the principal i-egeuble wss described on the menn as “Poure Ssbe Btriror," but it tsst«.d good.

Buffalo mUk cnee.^ a rd various unfamiliar fruit W h 'a s tr.ango«t«ens coBtiuded the rn'Jil.____________^

C l i i ® l m g © = = =

L O L L Y R O P SfnslsBl lee C rraaMitk ChpcAlate Coating

( S t A T n m Milk ITotfaeli' TAMLLA. CHOCOUTE.

5T ^W B ER R T M«a«f*etwed By



‘Air Tunnel IU Plottec





ber r _________ ~


MO. * * \ \J9.» \In- •

lb- llonol-jlu. luv.' >3u:hl tu minimise th ;n- Uonoluin in ^ildnuv. To make the n« •or. broken llnr) nn ll« llr.\t riighi lo Ilor 3e- of second flijhli.

I;,' SAN niANClSCO r.n -T h cy 'rt:!y J plotting “air tunnels" between Cnll-1Q„ fornla and the Pnclfic 'Islands along

the line of Pan-American projectedIgl, commcrclal plane roule to China,tnp T h is , an ofdchl of ttie company;

inys. explains the B'hy nnd where-1ice tore of the rlgzag nnture and other |rts peculiarities of the exploratory}00 flights of the huec clipper ship,dlt As further factor of safety, pre-k’cs ilmlnnfy to'WmuKtirnllng regular fly-O.- Ing between lhe iwo continents, the j•Ol* Clipper crews linve developed blindins flying unlll they can mnke wateraer inndlngk In dnrknew as deep ns "the:lie hisldc of n cow."

The "lunjiet" between Atnmeda ■'■J" nml Hftwnll/* nn ImaRlnnrj- lube 200 ■■*“ miles wide. 'lO.OOO feci high and 2900lon ‘•nd — . — -----------=uld --------------- ------------------------------ 1—

ROOM FOR R l....... Fihc''01d l*iccw te n d I


1" 3 ^ ' K - • n i lin- i f f Ibe ;



tr- H ^ H P r A < £ S ^ f l K r . .


^ The WeUh drexier I* pnPrepared by The nworaCon Cfab of ' i

“* Ncw York for Tlie Twin Kalli Dally " x ™ J

'ks ^g. The pieces In t^ils dining room nre t xo very tine old ones nnd Jndoubiedly lid their beauty and m';llown*M give the *]

room lu distinction snd charm, B u tj' without question, mucli of thal

,If charm could be rccurrd •/•:ih repro- ' c(j ducilon.v If cq-M I* ft dcciOing factor. •

Tlie wr;H hnvf A n*l.irnl pla.-.lrr i tlnl.ih. At the «mdows nre Mmplc, ; white curtaln.^ or very ::^1•r m .i'.'* ' r)*l lo pefmJt .winjr Ih ' v)rw. On ■' the floor U an oriental rue in deep.

>s , , — ~.

R ea l E s ta te T ra n s le r s0-el '0- ] rvaU lied by the int. .

, TIU* G u ra a ls Cotapanry * _______________________________

rRIDAY, JUNE 2*, 1939 >rs Deed — John Scnec.-tl lo J. Z. n- Pcrscnelle. »H> U i 3< block 8 White n- and' CallahBn'.^ Golden Rule addi­

tion to Twin Falls.n-o-

winied to lonc^'rbe brtck ho'ii-v? j aurance. Cool in s-jmmer. w»rm ir •JIGN Tr NOW AVAUABLE^'

ModemlsBlWn Credit for Home I Bt'lLD WITH Bl


.................. .. ........


ils’ To Pacifi d By Huge Ci i f ;

_______the ha»ra« nf raclflc flying by chartli nceoCiry obser\-atloni. Ihe Clipper Hew anolulu. jn d ru t graceful S's on (he mco

long. It will be completely i• I plotted when the company's navlgn- ,t ion hnie observed, analyced and <I charted westher and air condltloiis •

[on (he SOO-mlle Isne a t altitudes \I ranging Irom near the ocean surface [jto about three miles In height. 81ml- 1

;[lar tunnels will havs suo'eyed i,1 between the various other Islands f

before th# route Is opened. 'Wllh each zone mapped and fa- i

' mlltar to the rilera. forced detours c I up to any rensonable distance off

I jthe direct course will not take lhcm-<I Into strange areas. They will bc con- i

vcrsant with air, weather and war <' ter conditions and having been c

trained to alight on the surface InI daylight or dark. In fog, clear weath- 1I er or storm, th rhazanl.^ -lfts stated,- \I will be little greater than that of <

USTIC HOUSE ■Dislinclion And C harm «

I t____■ • \


B|B|| ’'t

iractlcal and decoralUe.■ cich colors.

Because ot the rustic type of house, the decorator, Mrs. Oeorge Talmey,

■ has selected a raiher hesvy. rugged style of furniture. The draw-top re- feclory Uble Is v?;y practical for this

l.'.mall dining room. The handsome t WeUh dre-*aer is practical and decor- , alive.

i An Interesting note it *he use of >!dc lighting fLt;t:res of ronlempor- ,iry design with period fiimLihlngs. Dc:au.'< of thrlr unobstnisli-en-.w. Ihey do not conflict with the resl of the inlertor.


Flowers Rent AnTwherr.Member FlorisU Telegraph

Dellrery Associationrbone 1631 We OeUreT i



KNOWN i);ii:d that nice brlek ho)ne you hare r needs less pslat, less fuel, less In­ia winter.-Tsk* advsnUge o rU i# Federal I.6ani.

BRICK — 9EE t:)(

i AND SAND CO.rkMM 171

. •. >

r N E W S , T W IN F A L L S , ID A H O ,

iic Isles j Clipper Ship


-7 - 7 rc

r r ^ _ , n.• tl,


■ ^ 01

‘ c - ^

' - j 1^

irtlng "’air lunneU'* from Alameda to lew B xlgsag course (Itfdlcaled above by MconU fllshl. (Solid line Indicates route Q

ly over-land flying.t- , Four years of siudy of Pacific id ocean weather preceded the actual u exploratory flights. Op the first es westward trip to jinw nll. the Clip-:e per flew a meandering course cross- t»1- lng and recrosslng the greal circle toid route and "Mercator's line." the coIs former being the course taking ad- Pi

vantage of the earth's curvature 3tt- which ships usually follow,, and the Strs other a straight projection. MIf Reluming from (hat trip, the ton-winged boat described about 130- loi- mile arcs, cutting graceful ■•S's.” to Pilr ?over a wider plane than on the nl in outward trip.in On the Alameda-Hawnll-Mldway m1- Itlnnd trips, speclnl attention to ele- jcd,' vBttons below“ 4000*and above 8000- Wiat was plsnned. bi_________________________________ _ th----------------------------------------------------- Tl“ JOBS AS JAIL BIRDS th

GO BEGGING IK LISBON IsLISBON-(;iV-TlM Portueuesc gov- in

ernm ent. v a n u Jailbirds, ottering MJ them T9 cenu x day and their food de

with a gtiaranten lhat thty will nothave to work. ta

The prisons In which they will be cIiconfined form part of a rcconstruc- latton of the .capital as ll was 300 Tlyears ago, one of the attracUons o t ofthe "elty festival ' now be:ng held. co

But th t Jall-btrds a n not proving Tlso easy to catch. Plenty of real prl- th soners In Lisbon'* penllen'.larles have offered thelr serv'lces. but the gov-

, ernment has d'.rllncd these offer.'. — because the facsimile Jal has lath and plaster walk*,. 1


comparbor.i ma<;<* public here show Dcnmnrk wlUi ttic largest propor­tional number of radio lisKncrs In , Europe. TJie country Is crcdlied with | a radio public equalling 10 per cent.,

-- of Its populntlon eompared-»llh-H,73 i tor England. 113 SA-edcn. 10.98 Hoi- I hind, 9 .« Norway, :,oi Italy and JH) ■ Spain. J -

--------------------1- ^ ........

Jl1 1 *

" H • %



t I


] N o t only fro m th e :I c c n t j do y o u p a y fo r

- ‘ y o u r ow n clothc.-*, BUTte rm s o f h ea lth , b eau ty • Thou.<«an(!s o f women v a n ta p c s (b o lh (iconomi .«ervkc . . . T K Y IT TO IT FR O M N O W O N . .


_________________ 3 C i .b .

T R V P R IM .P Il A n d C o m p le te •'K in ishcd’',?'


> • ' .

1 0 , SU N D A Y M O R N IN G , J U N B 30,

IDEXPEilOllESprlilDlCOWEDr------------------------- ---— •— I—

V arious P ro je c ts In 1 9 3 4 1

P ro g ra m T a k e $ 2 ,0 8 1 ;= “ ^ ' ~

. p o o U. S . F u n d s £

■noisE. June « (JD-j ' h . 'stem - ^ m.T. «aie dtrect.-.j of hlghwaj's,’ re- ^ ported today Uia'. tlie Id*ho departr ' . mpiit of public works spent *3.081,000 9 of fpdrral funds on various road pro- • i Jrot.'. In what is technically known as rt,: the 183« progrnm

I H TIis-at^uht-iiicludesf-Jobs-lhBi — fe . 1i,ive bien fllll.^nfd and those now ffi

brliii; completed, lie expl ilned. ■or lhe amoun-.. |tOB,000 was spent'

on market roads. 1383.000 In munlcl- ^ p;i::'.les and JI.IOP.OOO tm tederal aid

- ro,.ih:--------------- -----------------Hie work Included grading and

snnel-surfnclns Qs.3 miles of seeond rond nnd 79J nlles of federal aid hlshwsy, a total of 14M miles ot ncw construction and recenstnic-

’ Ilon; 190.000. ««iil for bridges; IM3,- OOO on grade eroulng el'.mlnatlon:1.4 miles of roadtlde beautification; ^ one mile Of concrete psi-lng and 13 _ miles of oiling. '

SWKDISH ANTS LOSE HOARDurANIlED, 3 « d e n (/7 —Some i

3Cao copper colps. dating from the _ C _ ii.'lLf«>iun:._wc>cJouncLln_an.Bni _ j p . lore II.V. «orlim.'n pl.nU n; 1

Ufcs nenr hc-e.x > *


C O N /E N E AT BU RLEY S J 'Ic . -------- strucI BURLEY. J u re ,30 - Methodist Esft Episcopal ^ d society met. In the Ibllll;. cliiircti •■social ronms Thursday, the hnll*. two losing dlvlhlons In a lontest en- One lortalnlnR tli^ winning divisions. A threee comblnstlon >'but|ness and mtucal direet- program waa gven. piano solos by the 1 e Jfin fiatnion, Carol Hariwter and reach e Ssmh Denman and vocal solos by thed

Maxine Salmon nnd Barbara Pat- : ler.son:-A box lu;ich was ren-ed fol- ------- loalng the progrnm. Mrs L. M. ovem0 Pusher wns the chalrmnn of the win- j , e nlng division. ^

Presbyterian M lsslonur society :»i y met Thursday a . the home ot Mr.n. Stock• John Elfer nt her country home In Mr. I WWif Bmei»on’'dmrlet.~Tlie regular THC

buslneu meeting was Iteld under home . the dlrveilon or Mrs. Edna Mills, park ■ Tho lesson «-as on South America, tng.

the West Indies and the Philippine Islands, the enllrt group partlelpat- *£

• inc In-the dbeiisslon-of-the-lcsson.1 Mts, C. L. Bnrclpy was In charge ot v ,.,h 1 devotlonals. ,t Mra. George H. SchoJer enter- ,

talned tiK girls of her Sunday sehool , ,u |. ,e clas.« at' nn out-door pl;n!c on the .• lawn ot her home, Friday evening.3 The affair wa.% given for the purpos* - qj. r of making plans for the Saw-tooth

conference to bc( held July 9 to 17.: The evening was spent socially after ^ , p

e Rev. nnd Mrs. C. O. Arras had as

1 r—


S la ts , S lrnps- B ucklcs.Cnnvas R ep a irin g o f All

, , K inds,i! TH O M ETZ T O P A N D I . BODY W O R K S ;] N c .\l D oor in U n ion M oio r 5 _ Co.


C A S H IN G >ENSIVE----- jhfc sU m lp o in l o f Hollar.s a n d o r th e priv ilcR c o f w ash in jf L T . also you p ay a n d p a y in ,» ty an d lci.surc t im e . . . —men have learned o f th e ad- omieal a n d .nocial) o f la u n d ry T O D A Y .A N D Y O U ’L L U S E

' SERVICE - :AN Y DAY OKT IIE W E E K ! ___________

•P R E S T _____tJ’'_ S en icc B y T h e P o u n d i

U N D R V 6 c d ^ A N E R S

I .

0 ,1 9 3 5


I '


B •1—1 t —

E - 5 , - d 5 ls d ALow roOi llnea and ccntral chim-'elthe; y distinguish ihls Eng'ich cottsse,! Mollle 11.1 square de.ilgn allows for tllate5 most economtcnl type of con- Bajruction. l^llch'Bspeclalty desirable Is the access- Brllllly ot varloai rooms trom the omnKllwnys. gray-On- the second floor, each o t.the door,ree bedrooms and the bath open may i!«etly on a half. On the U m ftoor, Oots kitchen and lli-lng room are ilu l.'iched trom the front hall, while proxle dining room can be entered from Inga

tm lght gueaU Thursday niglit, Mr. tuU • d Mrs. r . E. Mult and their daugh- : :»nd husband. Mr. ano Mrs Fred ockbrldge of Tacomn. AVnshlngton.J a#tui r. Mull Is-a cousin of Mrs, Arras, ti ie-'TMrty"w'ere~?n T(jnci-” unh<H ' ~~xh me in Tncomn trom Yellowstone given rk where they have beeh vacation- d ,y e »• of thEpworth Leaguers of lh« Method-

Epto«opBl- vhureh-gare-anrJcc-ChrU•am social on the lav-n of the sthodlat church. Prlday night. In-rlduBl tables w«re set on the lawn Myen d the league membera ser%-ei\ thejles and conducled cnr aen-lce a l . . y , s curbing In front of the churchlere Ice cm m , cake and pie a-la- MC>de, coffee and tea was ser\'ed. A Ust 1ilto furnUhed music tJ> the occa> belles>n. The proceeds ot the social wUl dealllIp to defray the exiyinse Incurred negrcconnection with the summer Instl- and i

D r i\ e o^ o i c

before j a t

X f y o u axe judging th e Fo the b a s i rc f price, yo a arc 'n i m istake o f y o u r car-buying i —w ith a V-8 engine in a low* — b u shattered al! "p ricc cIj

“ W h e n you sic bchind th c T F ord V-8 (th e . only ca r w cnginc selling fo r less -that aiid fceJ its trem endous sm ooth-flow ing p ow er . . . ■ p ro v e to yoursefr tha t th e bs


f .


. . . -prosp* 1 ^ ^ Ithres)

/ • * • , : night-'{a ‘ invui

S J w a S t o w C H i ^ coofijLeotii

S9PSSiiS4 • Prea g S g a B IV ‘( . j U f f a l K a un:

^ I the *isliare

£ marrl

'nil* *"8iie'


— — ; Aft ; wlfe'i main will the >

»p“- • JiS

—- _ U'.ic1=fa’ his Ic T c I l u i u m_ ■ ^ 4 -S -lllf tW p ] ktJ i J fully

■■ ' ; ^ THther room. WhalMost of the rooms are crAss-nn- Isiilnj lated. riv&UBaaement stairs extend from the an a ichen, w hich la spacious priceBrlek or variegated stone Is ree-nmended tor the exterior, with ------'ay-weathered «ood fot th* front ■ ■ jor. The cente.* terrace In Uie rear " ay be cIoKd or open.ConstrucUon cosu of (Ms pnc- u l , ■j'«t attractive home, are ap- Tj.j ■oxlmately 90000, Including plumb- g and heating.

--------- onlU to be held at Camp Stearmnn,301-e Ketchum.The league held a rummage sale , the Nu-W«y Piumblns shop o n ; iturdn)-,, the proceeds of same to d t ^ lnslltute^__ ‘ ' ' - _An oI7 fssFloned bos supper V u ^ ven a t the ChrUUan church F ri- / ly evening, by the Endeavor society ^ ; tho church. Oames featured the ilertalnment of the ewning. Miss brlstJn*-8ower»-hB¥lnr chArgc.of. _ < r « games. The boxes were auctioned f to the hlglwsl bidder by J. E. ......

' N*IVINOSTONE'S'SERVANT DIES MOMBASA, So. Africa (;1!)-Thet s t link wllh Dp.vtd Uvlngstone U illeved to have been broken by the sath here ef Matthew Wellington.•gro aervant of the great txplorer I Id missionary.

DneQ u r i i O B I

yOJlDO» StDAN ' V .

' - 5 7 5 A1 r o n.Detroit )

— . ibJ ip*n

you buy an t any p ric eF o rd ca r b n , th is n c w F o rd i5 arm a k in p th e f r o n t . . . w h p n yoi>g life . F o rd a F o rd 's ex tra -Ia rgiw p r ic c d c a r cal-1-w hecl b rakesc lass” ideas. th a t h e re is a c

, ju d g e d o n th e basc -^ h e c l o f a - --------' - •

w i i h a V - p Th.-»t’s-w hy w c sa j h a n $ 2 ,3 0 0 i_ _ a » y c a r a t amy p ri.J w e ^ c h o f F o rd V -8 's ." A ph, . w h e n y o u a d e m o n s tra to r tor b a c k scat o f o b lig a d o o . . . n o

I MOTOIr F O R D Dealt________ _______


— ; -. - H iP A G E FIV H .:#3

student Shares ' Scholarly Poet’s d

‘Mental Prison’ ;UAblSON. WlSn Juo«39 o r > - A ^

irotpecUve bride stood oa tb« ' hreshold of the ‘-phobic prison’* to> .. light, ready to help beat down (ho nvblble walla whlcb for yean bare . onfloed Pittfeawr WllUam. Blgry..-.; .eotiard ot tha UtUverdty of

Pretiy- ar.year-eld.orace Oolden.— - , unlverslly graduate student,' was he aecond -womsin~who-ebOAe—Ip -t hare Uie ''menUl prison" wllh the ibltc-halred scholarly poet. Their narriage b Kheduled for toaor- ow.

••It wUl not be a prison for me." -

len.Tlie 90-ycar-old professor said.

She^s not only a poet—she can ook too.**

Mtut Samalo a t Hena __After a private" cermony. t t e

life's duty It was said wlU be to re- naln a t home so that Leonard never vlll find 11 empty, or experience . hc strange fears and lerrora cf a dlsUnce phobia." which h u beld ilm within an area ot six square ilocks from Ills home more than 30 'Cars.

Last aiitumn, however, he extend- d "hb bent" by venturing Into the - leart of downtown Madison. SUice' hen the barriers have been reced- ng graduaUy. The poec recentlj' u fd Ils condition w u Improved but iddcd lha t by no means w u ho ulty r e c o v e r e d . ________ ;________

THORSKAVN, Faroe IsUnds UPh- Vhale hunting hat become a flour- »lilng Industri' for Faroe' Islanders. Iv&llng aneep raising In providing in abundance of meat a t a retail irice of two cents a pound

YES, HONET,This ia 8 COW, but you won’t • see. her any more, beotuse we’re going to trade her in on a new


:Glva Bt kn oppertnaltr to talk wllh yqo U a n n g e terms.



ny car3is a s easy r id in g as th e

I y o u feel th e security o f la rge , p o s itiv e mecham* ikes . . . then y ou rcalixe a c a r th a t can n o t be basis o f p rice .

s a y —‘"B efo re y o u b u y .p rice , d r iv e o n e o f o u rk p h o n e ca ll ^^-iil b r in g r to y o u r h o u se . . . oo n o charge .

R CO.ller

____________ —

PlliiOIIE:CCCR i O T O l i

g i Additiopil ;‘ForcM_ to_B f | -S;^^Eiilist« inn So il.Con-'~

,V- l in coojenrtUott corps cimpa and V;' tbe expamlOQ ot one alreadjr estab<

Uabed Are expected lor Idaho • betireen July 9 an i'IB , CapUin P.

' J . '-P odd. Botw dtotrtct commander

‘ The c a a ^ mto designed to t ld In ■eU erorion work, Oapwln Dodd «*ld, and *'wlU be pUced where they wUl do tbe most good for lhe fa m e n= of-id tb o ." -- •' .......................—

T h e exact location o( these ctmps U ao t known yet nor Is the Ume tor

/- their esUblishment dedded." he said, “but the approximate sites »re

^ la the Pocatello district, aardenia, “■ Lewiston, Oeorce WWjbt, in the Pa-

- louse dUtrlct, and a t Uoeeow.. •“Tlie cainp a t Moscow is not new

■ ' but U belnf expanded because o l ^ tbe amount o t work to be done.in

tba t secUon, Each camp will Uke , care ef approximately 300 men. r ' “We bare received . no definite

word as to when these camps will ba pUced in operation but X expect them to be started some time be>

■ tw eeft=JBlr«andl5:"

^ I S I N i M N D S '■

lETIlTillZEtTONr - "HAZSI.TOJT,'JUn* S#-Past Noble

' Ortnds* club of the Bebekab lods* was entertained a t a picnic luncta-

. eoo a t the bome- of Mrs. H em r Bel* r mont. n u rsd o y afum oon. After

. a abort .bu jinm meeUng tbe aft- ; ' ' emoon was spent lo playing bridge, tV . High scores weot to Mrs. J . a .; Beaxy os Eden a&d Ur*. Clank Duon

' " of Baseltop. Mrs. Art SUtUr, Mr».HatUe Z^rons, Mr*. Dickenson and

V' ' Mrs. Simeon Hopper reoeired bou* Lr ■ queU of rose buds for bi«b score of

e«eh Uble.Memben of UM Monday Might

. bridge club met Triday evening a t ' Uu bome bf M n. CUra Ouno. Hlgb

— 'U o tP w i(v a irw trA a rm T 3 B is = - sey, and low score by Mra. Art SU t-

• , ter. •'Mrs. IValter Sartln and baby

daughter left Prtday momini^ fo r

: to inakeiT. tbeif -bome. Mta. Sartln baa beenr r w s a i i i r 'n j r p i » ' ' r a - 6 n t f f . " ^ u H t V^7’ber~tlu«nu..M r.-.mnd M rs.;w alter

VownKBd of MIlMr, aod h f r many V- ■’ Haieiton fdends. •>■r.' : .fiaseltOQ Garden.club was ent«r-

: talned n t « garden party la t the ' bome of Mrs. B,'W . Reiman. Tues-

' day afternoon. About; 80 member*.. w cren r^ t.C o n t^ W fx s} )e U la tU l

’ p i l c e S r t ^ n - 'w e n ,UT«./-£m m a . Longeoberger.' Mr*.* Jobn Hobn-

hoist, M n .. A t t . ^ t t e r . M n . Ora l<eabo. Mr*. Ouy Dlson, Mr*. Rum lUrsen. RetreehmenU .were served after a business meeUng conduct­cd by Uie president, M rs,-M . A. KeUey.

A miscellaneous shower in honor of M n. Paul Procknow was given

. by M n. Harre Lance a nd Mrs. 0 .J. Rugh of Eden a t the bome o t M n.

. Procknow a t H a t to n . Oames were < • plsred and a light lunch was served-

^Successful sewing club m et Wed- — .nesday a t ttw .hom e of Miss BeUi

’ Simmons. InstrucUons about but* tonboles. darning and Joining u p e

' were presented. There was also dis­cussion ot a pUy to be given In the near future, ^ e e n Lorain, Sens cozad and. Beth Simmons, program

pro(^am: “Silver Haired Dafldjr of Mine." sung by Belli Simmons; | Jieadlng. V l^lnia Vaugn; “Isle ol Caprt." sung by llene Cozad; read­ings, Rutb Kennedy and Katherine MUler: atory, Eunice. Boyd: poem,

-----Id a Mae Boyd; story. CaUierlneCopUn: and an accordlan aelec- Uon, Fay Lorain, accompanied by EUeen Lorain. Oames and refresh- m enu were enjoyed.

The annual Sunday evening “Oo : to Church" service o t the Frontier ' Orange was held e t the Oreenwood ! scbool house last Sunday evenUig. ! Rev. H. J. Heynolds. Twin FaUs,

. conducted the service and talked on “LUe U ■ R*ce." ,

The winntr’a class waa enter­tained Friday aflemoon a t a lawn party a t the home ef Buelah, Vlr- gtnla aad Jsy Budd. Contesu and ' rcUy games were plsyed by ihe .

• class.Memben ot the relief society of

lha I . O. S. chureh gave a tu r l i , shoirtrr last Thursday afternoon for Mrs. Kynim rew n sn .

Mr*. M. A. K«ney. Glenn Kelley , snd Margaret Andrews spent Inu

■ week end a l Easley hoi spvlnj*.Tbe Friendship club m et s t thej:

.home of Mrs. Wearer Thundsy > aflemoon fer a rtsuU r bimrcss 1 discussion. A U n e numtMr of m tm - '■ ben were present In sddlUon t o ,

‘ four guests. Due loathe abidnce of tbe lecturer. M n. Ora Lesbo,CoUlns look charge- of the pro-

■ gram.Sewart Ounn has obulned a p o - ,

sitlon as Instrucicr In lhe Hager- mao grade school- . ,

Ralph Ounn bas accepted th e ' i


i TWIN FAU Serpc0Un«. CosfelU. Ii.


. \ r o r tX .lR DA.NCC MBsSeby



O P E N A I R ]?------------- -------------------- _Tw n _ F A u

i - H H•Billie Burke andWJll







the Orpheam slarUng today. BlUle Bi

‘Nit wits’ Now Sh


u rf t-

ofAn Dprearteu Wbceter and Wool

heading today's ^ g ra a ^ .a t (be B«X} a t -------------i * ___________ldaho_THeat£r_“■ FT. >. '.i '

tsy ’



:t-A-'Orcnc .rs.:reId-

po Ctalra -Trevor aad Edmaad Lowe b Sheep,- exciUnc film ef advenatre ai

tie Tom Brown. Eagene FallelU. AdrUnw OM featares oa Ihe Idaho’s program are, ja newe.

iiEBFCllMll'S ! E POMSTflSPEIlKIc- _ _ _

BUHL. July 28 (Special lo The "• Kews)-The Buhl Chureh of the '

Naxarene has engaged Dr. A, 0 . | ' ' Henrlcks. pastor of the First churcn ^ of the Nazarene, Sscramento. Call-' ” fomla, for a revival campaign b i - 1 *• glnntng Tuesdsy evening. July 3,'

and closing Sunday, July 14. IDr. Henrlcks Is nol only a leading i

paslor and e\-anjelUt of hU thurch ^ but U an educator as we«. He haa ! ™ served as president of Pasadena eo l-:

lege. Passdena. Calltomla, and Tre-1 vecca Nazarene coUeee. NashvlUe, Tennessee. He ws> also assocUted

- with Dr. P. F. Bresee. founder o t the ; Church or the Hszarene. 3S ^ a n !

rtr ago.WendeU O. Henrlcks. son of Dr.

Henrlekj. talented singer, wUl ' hsve charte of the music.

Nszarene churches adjacent to u I Buhl plan to co.operate wllh Bev.- ; Bcooks Moore. Buhl Nazarene pas-

tor. In the senlces, which wiU be: hfld every evening a t _i _o|cloek-__

lo ; ;-------------of poslUon as Instructor ot the sav- t*. enth and elghlh grades and prln- t>- eipsl of Cnnyonslde schoot near

Jrrome. Earl Dr 'son has succeeded o - , Mr. Dunn In (esclUng lhe seventh T- snd (I jh lh : gndes a t lha DUon . , Khool where Mr. Dunn has beea

h« ' employed for the past four years.

I X I L E B R A T I O N I I L E D A N C E SALLS. tDAHO . Hams. Neis«wiakrrt. Etc. FRESHMENTS I - )

m n > A V rji : iS T T H '~ —OLD TIME DANCE ‘

Mask br i-THE HAPFT TTTE-'-------------

(First fan Um« sppaaraae* ot !________O.T. wla4*n)r a P. M .. . . and LAST 'Ti l l 't h ec q u HO.ME I

JO A n T w a y f a s t inDNIGRT ^

R A D I O L A N Da u A j p j i i u — = ;

S ‘


I Boners ..aLPntoum ’ .

vhlch Q ^ns ft four d*^ cngagcm^ea^ a l Barfco beads tbe anpporting cast

howino at ths Roxy '

oisey featare comedy. “Nil Wits,“ ia xy theater.

^W ow -Sho> ving:^— — -

beading tha brUlUat cast la “BUek aad romaaco on (he hlgh.seas, wllh a« Amea aad H erbert Mwidln. Added ’, a mttslcal. a aovelty aad Movielone

I Coatinneas ShomFrom 1:30 P. Mf

; ---------TODAY! ----------I ThriiU! Romance!

I w O lX m iiiiiriig' i i T i i n i iI I IBIW.1 Tllll lifll Hi ' L J IIIITI...IITIIg I

Tlllllllg IIIP.

^S H E E ^I '« I will

J f B B I in B l l « £ T IE90B

. p ^ B S l n r a c r n u n il l t l l l l t IHlS

I V W I itagfiT ■ m i l f i l l l u i u i f r

-r^tU SICA L


; NETvs

i WED.-THUR!. .IDIXTS:I ■*t*LT 4 ' - — ^1 s r ic iA i .: .......

, { j | | i i ^ B ^.C .H £ l& 5 » ZW8->[TT? ^


•• ' ' -------


Comer Sbosboae aod Fourth ' William Basil Young, minister CM5 a. m .^ !h u rch Mab-

li-.OOli. nu — P j^ Jc wotahlp.

'hvwhS»*Or,^ungw1uof*«clat«Ihe — -would ba-gUd-to-grtat-aU -of-bla-

parishioncn and friends a t this aervlce.

8:30 p. m.—The Epworth League, will meet io lU regular devotional:

~ **#-00 p. m. M onday-Dr. PrankUn M. Wilson, for 30 yean a missionary in IndU. his U bon having Uken him to AUahabad, DeUU. Lahore. Aligarh. Cawnporo. Mussoorie,and

U oh lirw U rdeliver a colored rtere- optlcan lecture enUtled, “ lb e Mass Movement in India.” l^rplcal In ­dian costumes wlU be aliown. There

1 will be no charge, but an offering J will be Uken.

I CHURCH OP TBE BRETHREN .I Third avenue and Pourth street Is north

" i f c . H.~Hinegardner, pastor- 10:00 a. m.-r6unday school. Miss

Hempleman. superinUndeot.11:00 a, m,—W onhlp serviee. pl-

ano prelude, six hand pUno num ­ber by Miss VlrglnU KerUn, Miss :Evelyn- Brewer -and~Merl>ndTEd^ wards; specUI chorus number “The

__ Hand tha t waa Wounded For Me."sermon by me pastor on tne theme, ' “Men and tha'M aster,"

7:00 p.. m.->DepartmenUI meet- ' Ings. I

8:00 W onhlp service. A songa- logue. “The Span of Lite." wUl be

. given _wlUi Rev. c . H. Hinegardner J as the reader. The story cenU n '

• around the life of Robert Bryce. ' Those taking p a rt In the musical ‘ numben Include' Miss Lols Ed­wards, pUnlst. Mtss Ethi? Moon and • Miss Florence Craig, aololsU and Miss Ruth MUler. Miss Evelyn Brew- ‘ er. M iu VlrglnU KerUo. John Troz- tl. MtTland Edwards. Victor Mel- ’ ton, Mr. Troxel and Verne Melton. M n. a . H, Hinegardner is the dl- lector;

*■ tm iTED BRETHREN CHURCH ' i Rev. B ertha B, Olover, pastor

10:00 a. m .-S unday sehool. Earl ‘— Draper, superintendent;--------------: *

11:00 a. m.—Song serviee, sermon by the paslor. Sermon topic, "Our ‘ Individual Responsibility.’

7:00 p, m,—Christian Endeavor ,- led-by-Mla»-Fnuwe»-Onham:---------

, 7:«s p. m.—PrWse se rrl« . sermon | '_ ^ Rev. Cherry CUrk._____________ *

“ 1:00 p. m,“ Wedne»day, midweek prayer serviee. ^


' F ifth avenue east and Third street Rev. Ludlow ot Flier, ruling In

during Rev. Ida Olson's absence. .I t0;00 a . m.—Sunday school. , I • .11:00 a. m. — Morning wonhlp - ' hour. 1

7:00 p, m.—Crusader service In , ' eharge of Helen and Robert Peck.

8:00 p. .*n,—E\angelUUi serviee. • , 8:00 p. m .-F rlday-D etper teach-

Ing mesiage. by a. C. Pwk. j,

FIBST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH g a . L. Clark, p u to r s

10 a. m.—Church sehool conducted by Gaylord OJen. CUsks are pro­vided for all.

11 a. m.—Momlng worship houK _ Organ num bcn_by_c._E. Calvert:

"ConsolaUon," •-MotrlsonT-'"'The •M Church In the Wildwood." PltU; l Lh ••Allegro," Schuler. Anthem '•Sing ;d Allelulla Forth." Buck. Directed by t w C. E. Biggs. Mn.-NeUle Ostrom wUl t

I ! ------SHOWS TODAY AT 1.

I JOE-K SAYS:-P I ___T a l I knea .tas t i t ,« u ‘’cuiledtr

I a eoBttembU >M*en'af cssiutlon, knawr* Pon't l*t rurlMUy ctt job b **rs7' 0 rr’* sioaf wita th* ci«o<t t ib

---------- UNCLE 3<K ID D IE S ^

, 10c m i lT O D A Y ! A BIG CO

A hu-.a~aCold chills and hot are blended in a per symphony of burps in

I goofy m urder drama



m r t H t

F r a d K a a t l n g , B

O r a b U , , I v « l y n B

' . . . ( W k H h o d « f .hr OefoeA)- M di J.mmr,Mch




^ |Lion T rfflii

S h - j . ^ B R ^ m V B ^ , . 5 W ',^ ^ W -A

^hn Mgh th tlr fffr hi* **i*rd Ma~ •

Manuel King. 11-year-old 'J * ls o n of W. A. (Snake) King, wUd :“ ^ Y n I a t tT - d n ie r r a n d - M r d ^ o - b r ^ “ “ only ChUd Uon trainer to tba world.

This summer U Manuel's s e ^ d sea- f ““ lson oa the road with his troupe of

10 Uons and TTlxle. hH.dog._________=FF=I-lUw-ifc*better-ttjBn-tncyeie-n<t^ '

lng," Manuel explained, "and you ought to see my blcyclcl" <

Manuel also prefen the Uons to hU air rifle.

in d -------------PUyed-W ltb-Csba- ---------His career as a lion tratoer cam* |

about by chance, when be waa per- I “ ■ milted 10 play a l th eubs whelped | 5” by two lionesses on bis father's wUd tog animal farm. TYlxie, a Belgian shep-

• herd, became a foster mother to Uu cube, Uken from their real moth- e n lest Uiey ba desUoyed to a fit

e t of temper. . ^

UtM^lion t n ^ r v h M 1 ^ ^ r^’h t " Uss sleeve bean testimony to the dan­

gers ot hU profession, was employed pl- 10 iraln the eubs, he noUced how m- .^Unuel lingered" around the cagea.[Iss Sadly lhe lad regarded h b recent _ ;d^ peism ow uken 'from lirm .Tie "Would you like to train them?" ^ e." OiiUfoyU^art^,^^ ^

' the elder Ktog's permission OuU- ” et- foyle began to trato both the cubs. "

and the lad.IB- "It's fun," Manuel aald, "but 1 pli be have lo quit when I*m 31. All my a ier money U gotog toto a n annuity bond, Tt >rs Bnd the bond says If I don't QUlt bo ee when I get to be 31, l don't get tbe yij salary." - th'^.1 Father, son. OuUfoyle and a cou- ca: ad I . ■

w % lng "I ShaU Not Pass Again'This Isti a .iW ay," Efflnger. Sermon by Uie pas- |w« rt.U or, "America'* Future." i :

u J BETHEL.TEMPLE CHURCH i J j . B. M. David, pastor I 8:45 a. m .-S unday school. B, K.

: ' AUdrltt, supertotendent. i»t11:30 a . m.—Morning wonhlp, A

devoUonal ser>*lce of Joy. worship: P*'' - and -pn lse -Sarmon - by-the- p«stor<— r-'*

3:M p. m.—Bethel Temple broad-' ' ^ csjl over K T F I.. - ‘po

6 p. m .»Young people’s meeUng. e - 7:30 p; m.—Evansellsilc service. A — Lliva-and-profllauJe-eervir*^ music- — m ian d gospel preachtog. Sermon by

! the pastor, prayer for tho sick. ^ n ^ T W i d ^ ^ ^ r i n i ^ w ,

Saturday, 3 p. m. — ChUdren's churcb, to cbarge of Mrs. Elvera n . strand and Mlsa Velma Forbes. jq

a iU R C H OF THE NA2ARENE ^ i ^ L. D. SmlUi, pastor cit'

9:45 a. m.—Sundny school. H. 0 . q|q , GIvlns, to charge. Large ChUdren's 'P choir., 11 n. m.r-Momlng worship and ^ serm<B. Special slngtng and music.

3 to 4 p. m.—The Sunshtoe Oospel Hour o « r KTFI. 8

'* 7 D. m. — Young people's meet- suj lng, Ml&s Fairy Rayborn to charge. 1

8 p. m.—Evening worship. Evan- ^ H gcllsUe service. Stoglng and music,

sen-lee. &tn. L.'D. Smllh in charge. ~


iK A. W. Barbezat, pastort : 10:00 a . m. Sunday school.^--- ile Lesson: Liberty under Laa*. Rom's; 14. { ig Golden Text: I l U good neither>y to ea t fleah. nor 40 drtok trine, nor Ul to do'anythtng whereby thy brother

r 1. .■!, 5. 7 AND 9 P. M .------

Nltr that kin*4 lh* Clf’ bul atl»r tioB. •>rM» w&i ll Ih* t«t wanted b>SB b«rort you (tl-ysor ihira e> ihV TlBln a t . -

E JOE-K'S -----------— — ADULTS


s i n t h i s

« rA (r> W ' .

ZN tNAPSHOTS - TWO NEWS T .w iT C T w a tiE ofTT r a i r E a r - . .

N E SO, 1985 : ’

ing Suits Sb arrCycling C

^ Maaaet I t lagi l I 'yea r ^ H -Brnwn n '11 read Uila aammer with hU troupe of 1 aad (below) patting Dyna througb'hci

pie ot helpera planned ta travel In ’ ei a luxurious house car buUt for a 'a : Texas mUllonalre- and recenti}' bought by King. t<

Tha Kings seem unperturbed a l h the thought ot Manuel's tovading a w cage of lions whUe his schoolmates gi

stumbletb or U offended or U made siweak, Rom 14:31. Ji

11:00 a. m'. Momlng W onhlp. Sermon by the pastor.

No eventog servlees. We wUl Joto Swltb Uie M. B. C. church a t Pller Bto r their Voung Peoples meeUng Ea t 7:19. Also church serviee a t 8 tto'clock. Rev. Logan, evangeUst wUl ei preach. C an wUl leave tbe Ta-lnFalU.chur«h.about-7:00.for FUer------ <

8:00 p. m. Tuesday. Rev. JohnLogan will be with us to begto a T iwo weeks' evangellsUc campaign.

Rev, R. P. Douglass, pastor ® —I)i45 a. m-Suaday_schooL.Qeorge. Warberg, superintendent.

Momtog serviee a t 11 a. m. Re­porU from the naUonal Northern Baptist convenUon, which has been in session to Colondo Springs. colo.. will be given.

Eventog sen-lce will be ta the f' city park, the f ln t ot summer un- tUon sen'iccs. ”

CHRISTIAN CHURCH Shoahone and S ix th .S treeu

W. E. Andenon. minister 9:45 Bible School. Frank Slack,

superlniendent.10:45 Lord's Supper and sermon

III R eady F o r 1 • I,uxiii<lous N

| R o li ' ^ D C U B T I | k T H O M■ H ^ i U E BURH AU50NM

[ ^ • ^ n o u o a r a n a a t CTji w uwn BAxn» ta


ixth-Grader Or Shooting

st 10 tieaa. Is ihowa (above) wtth Lee, her paces. I

1 ’ enter confectlohertes, movie houses tI ' and baU parks. , r "The fln t thing I did," said OuU- «

toylc, "was to InstUl toto him a v t healthy resec t for the Uons. so he i would always be on guard against t:I getting hurt." dS = = = ^ = = : ^ ^ ^ = -

subject: "The ChaUenga of Jesus." / Junior Endeavor. '

7:00 ChrtsUan Bidtavor.8:00 Union Park Service. AdJuUnt

Stack ot SalvaUon Army In charge. Brass QuarUt as special mualc. W. ,, E. Anderson, preacher, speaking on the theme: "The Meantog of Lib- " erty," ■


Third avenue north a t Second atreet “VlQlor E. Newman, reclor ,___ ^

Second Sunday a f le n T iiilly .—Moratog pniytr-and-termomH~ir I’o'clock. ^

— BT.-EDWARD’S CATUOUCFather H. E. HelUnan. pastor ^

Sunday masses a t 7 and 9 a. m, f Week day masses a t 8 a. ”Communion Sundays: F tn t Sun- ®

day of the monlh for men; second *' Sunday tor women; third Sunday for young people; fourth Sunday for ® children. '

IIVIMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Fourth avenue and Second sUeet

easl . ,,Rev. M. H. Zagel, m inister a

10 a. m .-Sunday school. ^11 a. m.—Divine worship : g p m. Tuesday-^Monthly meet-

wmf Yon Soon! I New Seats! •E arly This Week | |

fas A lready Begun!

N SnPWOKH ■" S a > ~ u n r i u T B

r-jiPl O r p h e i i i n . R e c e i v e s

C a r l o a d _ O f C h a i r s

y of sow etiulpm ut, arriviid'lB Twin Pan* Saturday for InstallaUon to

_ Orpheum theater.I seattog experU arrived from Salt I Lake City Saturday evening to be- 'I . gto th«_lmmedUt« Inttallalton ot r th f tf new ebaira which are expecUd.I_; to -greaUy-UMprove tha-oomfort-pl-:::-

I ^ ^ o ^ w a U ^ arT ’of tha Utest da—I — ylgTt ‘ Thglr is sU-stegl______I With the backs being finished In I moh«lt «od tm n f t- lo tto n m n 1 » - I iher> Tbe entire ^ a l r U tinlshed to I . a soft shade of green wiUx Uie aisleI : : s a a U = to -* = ^ o d M n litU = m o ttf= W tfi=I green and aUver color scheme.I In addlUon to r«-seaUng tha *n- I tire main floor-with these chain,I the Orpheum b also tosUUtog an. . alsle-UghUng sj-sUm- wblcb-Js-ex-:---------

pected to adequately Ught tba enUra ' mato floor area.

Tha entire InslalUUon wUl be car^ ried on a t night, eliminating tbe ne- eessity of clostog the theater, and It U expecUd th a t all work wUl be . completed not U ter than Tuesday..-

j Ju l y fo u rth to b e

In celebrauon of the Fourth of >July, Radioland has scheduled ' two special dancea and enUr- talnmpnt a t th« hallrtym July

- «-ana-B,-bolh"eveoU'^icheduled'to begto a t 8 p.‘ m. and conttoue unui Ui«. “wee hours.'* Tbe Ambassador

« nlng and Ptiday evening the almoe- phere will b« enUrely "old Ume,“

. the ce leb n to n danctog to ths wln- ntog mualc of the Uappy Plve, old

^ time group to their f ln t full Ume appearance a t RadloUnd, Friday

1- eventog a specUl vaudeviUe show ft wUl' be open a t B p. m.

contelH, serpenUne. nolsemaken. i t homs, haU and novelUet wlU be -

distributed a t the Fourth of July . danee.


5' BOISE, June 30 (/f>-Lester More- house of SUr. former Bolsa police-

. man, who reoenUy pleaded guilty to a eharge Of vlelattng the sU U liquor oontrol act, tod»y began eervtog a

f four-month aentence in the Ada ■ counirja lirH e wflrsenunced earUer"^"— '

,f to the week but wa< given untU today to wind up his affalra

------ WhetrtiiB'eaie crigtoaUy came up,I- he-pleaded inaooenoe-on thrgrcMnds-----------

that the liquor ael was u n c o ^ tu -

^ Ju ilge uSarles P. Koelsch sustato- ed 'the sUte'a demurrer to tbe plea and held the aci waa consUtuUonal ^ to so fa r as tbe prisoner w u eon-'

.. oemed and ih a t Morehwie had so rt right to kueh m defense.J Wednesday—Registry fer Holy

communion.^ The meettog of Uia Ladles’ Aid

la postponed w U l next waek,

“ tog of V. pTs! ■The regular quarUrly meeting of

thevollng memben wUl be hcW next Sunday.

> ■i— .i. I

T a k e s ’ ® " -

from now to tha 4lh of Julyl Price* you never bellevo poa- slblel Values you-never ex­pected to see! Quality Su- premel In the tJaed Cars— a t "The Sign ot a Safe Buy." ^

’34 Ford DeLuxe Ckiupe. nm Jt 17,000 miles and U very Irfood. ThU week's special, Vonly --------------— — M75 ^

•34 Ford DeLuxe Fordor Se­dan. Low mUeage. tlnUh like new. Tires aU new.

ThU week's specUl only »4B5 '33 Ford DeLuxe pordor Se­

dan. New motor, new Ure*. l l 's ready for Uie trtp overU ,. 4 t h ----------------------- MM

•30 Cher.-Coupe. I t 's good and you"U be proud to ownIt ---------------------------------4195

•31 Ford Tudor Sedan. An­other oae of our specials I thU week aad It’s as goodas the cash a t ---------- ;-----8350

■35 Ford DeLuxa Fordor Se­dan. Complete wllb Ucense. run 3J00 mUea aad yon . aave 8135.00 on UiU.

•31 Bulck Sedan. Model 8-«T,New Urea, extra good fta- Ish. Oood for thousands ofmiles. T ry t t o u t------------- 8379

•31 DeSoto Stx Coupe. It's• perfec t-an d -It-b aa to -be------------------

good when wa aay it'a per­fect ______ _____________»a#

• a Buick C oope----------------817S•39 PontUc Coup*------------- 8175•39 PonUae S e d a a ------------- 8339•29 Ford Truck ---------------- % 75•39 Ford Truck --------------- IBS■30 Ford Truck ----------------81M•31 Ford Truck. B. B------------8375 -■31 Ford Truck------------------->395•33 Ford Trock __ _______J435

Casb e r Terms Teu WUlDo B ette rU t—■ -4 (


I rM T roKD ------- .


T. J. Lloyd, Director, Out- lines RehabUllatlon

______BOISE. June 1*9 W ^A *umm*r7. . newi'Klter ^mwUUiIio'Eincnrency

Relief admlnUtmtlon, ^!caMd. to­day by T. J. Uoyel. director o f w ba- bllltatlon. Bhond 418 aetl\-« caws

— ^m-f^tii-«nHT«fflin-TtinTy-niTni‘flt.vfin= Information re |« d in * Uw Krrtce.

U w tehablllUUon dlvtolon, which wUl be under » ncw resfttlement program after July 1. wJlb Uoyd aa

------ •oilnrdlrectorrls-lntcndfld-to-takothe cxpcrlenced Und fAjmer. who. because of unfortunaw eondiHaiu

‘ flndB h lm x lf on rellet rolU, and place him on an acreage with auffi* d e n t capital goods and equipment tha t he may become «lf*s«pportlng.

'T h« discouraged and dcapondent farmer on rclinf finds hlmwlx in tha t condition o«cause of former » • peri«nccs and nhabllluitlon gU'es

^ him a new outlook on life,” .Uoyd aaidi "wr.Aiuonre'uuuimiuii u bJot

'- V supplied to his growing children,' along with an opportunity for the'

whole family to resume.Its rightful____ poiltlon In society."_______________

EaconraglngRepoita '

Un«ter <hc rfhablimUon program S7S0 IndlTldUQl c>irdens ar<d lo com* munlty gardens ha%’e bc<n planted.

' The Individual gardens. one>thlrd acre In site, ore expected to produce enough to pro\-ldc the average fam­ily with scasonrl produce »nd can­ning produee.. Community gardens, on which i«- lief worker* worked out thelr.budg- ets. are located In 16 countlcs and range In abe from ff 'c to 22 acres.

C u ll community garden Is te t up separately a s ‘an lERA jrork pro­ject. Tbe produoe obuln«d Is tumed to th« commodlly distribution divi­sion to be disburaed ns surplus com­modities. or to be routed. into pro­duction center^ lor canning or dry­ing. following specification.^ prepared by Jhe women's work dlx-lslon, the k tie r shows.

wmingness of farmers to cooper­ate with the lERA haa been shown wllh the rccelpt of numerous lellera a5Bnj^b<Jul'lhA'>-onc~ttmr reports from thOM who are now under ils supen-tslon ar! most encouraging,

____L lo ilw ld ,__________ ____________Dry Ian'S areas not practical for

inteniU'e farming and high re n ta l ' are blamed for the leas optimistic

reports from northem Idaho._______

----M issionary F rom

In d ia S peaks H ergDr. p . M- Wilson, for M .jcar*

' a mUsIonary-ln India, Jtho U ap-' peartng a t churches In Idaho In the In lerttl ot the India "parish ab­road," will give an interesting sl^re- optican lecture, on India Monday evening a t 8 o'clock a t the Metho-

* dist Episcopal church.He wtll be assisted by members of

the EpworCh League, who wili ap­pear In exoUcally beautiful coetum- es, brought from IndU by Dr. WU­son. The public Is Invited to be presnt. No admission fee will be charged, but a free will offering will be taken.

C o m i n g E u e n t c

Cama'tlon club > will entertain nl the annual picnic Tuesday evening a t Harmon park.

Business and Professional Women------wlU-attcad the-annual clutf.picnic

tomorrow ewnlng a t the home of f Mrs. Ada Waiklncton Purell. Mem- / bera are requested,lo meet a t the city park a t 6:30 p. m. FOr lranii>orta- Uon phone Mrs. FTank Bellevii:^. ‘

/ a « - j . “

\ j 1 ie tVayjMe club wjjl meet *• ( the home of Mrs. L. C. J.ones Tues*day aflemoon. Each member a ^requested lo bring or send Uetns for *the While shower and canned fruit ” for the McClusky health camp.

---------------------------------- liBuslneu and Professional Wom- e

en* club will hold a picnic meeting .Monday evening at the home of Mra. ‘Ada Waiklngton Powrll. ^rfmbers ■ meet a t the city psrk s t 6;Mo'cIock for tranjportatlon.


50cT vkey er Steak Simday Oloner


T w i n F a U s -

_ H a i I e y 1

S t a g e L i n eAnaocmcca I t 's j

^ New Summer I J STAGE U N E .. .■ . . . KETCHUM t« STA ^LK^ ;I Moaday aa4 FTWay—■ Retiuntflf Ttu*. mad Sat.■ eeaneeUag a t Ketehjaa wIiL '

- H I Twin ralla-iUiley Stace. lc»T. | H anrlrlnr e s rrgniaf |■ ■ aehedalea.■ I For FBrther InformatioB ■ I PbaiM t t s . . .H I rVION DEPOT . . .J l . . . TWTN FALLS ;

H I h i h ^ ------------i

j VANBOUNC---- -- (B iM nr:


^ t- iHO°3Q5” liJB^


ses Ifoe

ent Jjfiy** yX— Iv fa

Ike r ^ y r i n , ^ t TCT 1ho. N>ns fc>J s5LuJnd yjit - y U

tig. 1 ^ ' ■ ' i / /

K "**" / 1 \ - - i ^5*' ^ ^

S MAKE THIS MCZ Tw in F a lls Dail


1 ' ' j i ' i ^

^ ^ O e i E T Y -lg

Phone in t - ;c>f R EC EST RlHDf: TI- HOSORED AT SHOWER \y Miss Prances' Thompson enter- !. talned Friday evenfng at a cleverly■ appointed bridge party and «hower

ill honor of Mrs. Wllllam Wrislu. f,, formerly Mlis Dorthea Cres.n, Ml^* 1-■ Viola Cooke won the prlr^ for high

1 score a l bridge ond MLw Audrey « “ Hlnkie the low score favor, llefrc^ll- ^

ments were sened. ----- --- bThoie pre.'icnt In addition lo tlie "

lionoree and the hOJtcs* »rrc Mls.v- li es Audrle Hinkle. Barbara Thom- b

k I . ' .

Insure Yonr Auto[ W bere Yon Can O ct the

P rotection of an I “A -EX C ELLEN T’* P O U C l I 'S A tta r h j Beafa la*araiM« OnM<


j *“ ^ i N S U R A > 'C E ^ « * ^


r a y a a w e r i ) ByTkfcTaA '

W b K ^ ^ -o

i i y

ODEL AT h o m e ]ily News Pattern. I



fry C y in n c d /fJ a m STlte liatlering shirtwaist style is

so popular and prevalent ono might suspect the danger of monotony un -1 tu Annc Adams shows you how to "do ti)(ng&'‘ with itf Study pattern 3338. sec how perfectly simple I t Is to moke; yet whot a lot of diversified Interest Is achlcvcd with clcvcr Imn- d l ln ^ q t_ th e strlw s. The simple yokc-a!ccve“<that m aybe'shbrteK asj In the bnck view) continues down into the bodice forming a pleasing

-contrastrcross^cutrpM lteurperrenif the same Interesting trick on the vertically striped skirt. Still another optional'feature la the trim collar akctched_on amall view. Choose atriped shirting, silk or sccrsucker.

Pattern 2338 Is avaUable In sizes 14, 10, 1^ iO. 33,‘ 34. 30, 38.'40 andi 43. Slse 10 ukea 3H yards 36 Inch fabric. lUusiroted step-by-step sew­ing Instructions Included.

Send n t ^ t N CRNTH (DO >n celw er »tvnn« (caiaa pteftrredi (or ttsU Aao* Adam* p«it«ra. Wrlu .plklnl» mmt. iddrroa and iiTli Dumbtr. Bl BURE TO aXATK SIZE.

AND NOW . . . ANNR ADAMS 8VM- MEUI rATTCRN 800K IS nCAOVI 0«- iween t&eii nv en M« (ertjr paita ef ^'ucmiUOK ruhlon m ta . BrcrrODe'* ! rrablrm !■ MlrM-Uii Brld* wltb Trouurau Tnubm —Matroa «iu> Wcishtjr Problem*—much "datM" Jun­ior lUir TOU at max—andCvcrr- ont OD VaeauonI Noi.ealr wUl jour •rcrr (tlt«b M a amarUr oo*. but you'll rind rou'v* dmlopM a diw dmart Polnt-oNVKw atter dUesUng tb* atworbina •p*eiaj tM dim l SEND POR ' YOUU c o r t TOOAVt p r ic k o r book nm X .H CB!*TH. DOOK AKO PAT­TERN TOOETIIEIl. TlTO(Tl-nV*-AddrM* order lo Ttl* New*. ratl«tB

Dept, Twla fall*.

^ e L U B S j

: i L . _ _______________ . j•pon. Miriam McFall. Marie Ilaasch.' Viola Cooke. Vivlnn FeamMcr. Jean Uacon. MUllcent Qdrldge nnd Irene - Hollies.

n o v E n s o n s h :-{TTESDs i.A \y;y s o c i a l

Mr*, c . Ben Rom. state organUer,' : W.V1 a dUtlngulshrd cuest at a lawn I ^oclal and pot luck dinner of mem>! bers of the supreme ForcM Wood- j man Circle Frtday evening aX the • home of Sirs- Edllh Neeley. K im -, berly. Mra. Rosa announced that she :_ • ______ — \



• M. F. G E n R lG " .■ Shoihone

M. F. Ct^LLET Rupe^

WOOD A nVRAM ____________ Gooding




l>. N. ENRLEDRIGHT n i e r .

E. L. LV.SCn Z Bshl

W; S. McGOWTN Bohl

R. A. ANDERSON 'Bofky j

L. A. FBENCn Rspert

___- L

:iY N E W S , T W m P A L L S , ID A H C

L, *Rain MachineI Sugar-

S u p p le m e n ta ry I r r ig a f io n Sy!F ly , C ontro ,

fiUDDlementlng Irrliatt^n through! * - -ditches for»esi»ertmentftl-purpoeee ' ^ - and-tn-lltfr-bell<‘f'thBtritz«iU-a»sist: •

. Invasions, the Amalgomafed Sugar <

- Joining its Twin Fnlls p iin t a port- < !q abtff "rain machin;," tlutt h u been i \ In operation only Uic past four daya. • i t : = C o n B U tm ^ f-= l« = B Iir- iw l’rtnt±< ? sprays drawing water from irrlga- iII tlon ditches and operated by a dtsUl-

»te-bumlng engine . and pump, i1 the machine, iii operation yesier- ' I- - day-ln-a-fleld-tff-beets,-waa-spray- - f ing the pUnts over a radius of S0x040 i [, feet wllh the eqj'.vBicnt of one hwh :

of rainfall e « 0 ' hour. Revolving ! t»-ice-a*niinute. each sproy was j sending out wator under 96 pounds \

f preasure over n rsMllus ot 3S feet. i L Operated largely as an experiment 1

this season, sprayc are to be used on ' ' one-half of an flght-acre fteld of ,

beets, the other half of the field be- ( s. Ing Irrigated in tno ordinary manner i = . ^maig a m a t^ J> Sugar company manager. exp)aln«l. <

He expretsed cu^ifldenee that the <


“* Arrangemenu have i>fen-com- 71 plated for the Union clftirch aerv­

loe a t the band shell In the city park for tonight a t 8 o'cloclc when

I Dr. W. B. Anderson.-pasior, of lhe ■ First Chrlstlsn church will delhw ‘

—' a patriollc address. Music Is bc- »D ing furnished by an InslrumcntaV J r- qujrtet. lnaU i! crinelcnw nt«-ea-' *

ther tho ser^’lcc wUi bo held in ono ot .the nearby churcltes. announces I Adjutant B. *r. Stack, who bas charge of arrangements.

Is would altend the national conven- [ ;ht lion of the organization to be held • n!-1 July eleventh In New York City. . to Mre. C. W. Pool resigned as secre- . m tnry and Jfr*. Fuller wn* appointed , to by Mrs. Rom to flll'the position. Mrs. ed Vnughn Thompson and Mrs. W. . n - Boren, Ti.'ln Pulls, were guests. I’l e _______ - T = ^ . ______ _ .^ lp A T lH d T /C PnOGKAM ng PLA.\\\E O AT S U r i 'E i : rjn' “ Members of the Bnpll,sl Young <= he people's cabinet were guests a t a " ier picnic supper Priday evening a l the f nr bungalow. Miss Mae Scott, sponsor, ■' Ofi. ,waa.ln-charge.,ot.,tha.aiippcr. M la £ . Marjorie Sweet, president, conduct- e *s ed a business session. Plans wefe c >’<1 made for a patriotic program to be c ch presented during the regular busl- a

ness session this evening, ^

B* ItECESTLV .M A nniEP p>u COUPLE VISIT H E R ^ fju • Mr. and Afrs. a . F. Melanl. who ,

were married' TlJursday_M Reno. ■ 2; Nevada, are tlie house guesU of ■ of Mr. and Mn>. Ed OL\on. Mrs. Melanl e's jwas formeriy Mlsa EUle Dee Olson.S They were accompanied to T»in B- Falls by Mrs. Carl Borgen. Mrs. B or-' 7- gen and Mts. Melanl are dsugh- “J ler* of Mr. and Mrs. Olson.IW . . . ___ . _ .. . .b * -------------- ' ■ . ■ .

f i B a e a |' P A B C OI Is A lw ay s i

i - F l P s t - I n - Q u a H t y - !No m atter what the Job. Pabco .

, wUl aen-e you better, at.no extra I ) coit.

I T rr PABCO Neat Time!

i H o m e" LL’MBKR AND COAL CO.'


r . j " n I

l - i


D is tan ce , the? J : co nsidcrfltion ol

p o rlan cc . Ko m

J'®'’ >■i h e .'i ta tc to call t:

. n e rd , a n d a s fo r— — w ill n o t b« concei

\d scpar.ntinK milc5.

O u r equipm en ' \^ r l.nrly co m p le te ;

1 c a lb fro m a n y c y i Ih c iitm o * l di.'pa




le’ Showers impany’s FieldsS y s te m in U se ' to W a rd O ff

i tro l M o is tu re .

gh overhead irrigation wouli be espe- iea ' eilUy— aiua5 lfr-^ ln -a ry ^ eas« it^ h = ist wardlng~«ff-4lt«-att«ckH^of-«hlt«- -

41 i« r-w h lo h r-b e -* ld r-« u a» -» tt> - ;ar dam.tae to plants that arc wet. id i _l8upplera«ttflng_ordlaao-_mclhodi _ t rt- o f Irrigation, Mr. Tallman suggested; ^ e» loo. ihe orerhOA'i systen w«Jd bo ■

a- moLture.il- Tlift dcvlces Is to be uMd In Irrl- ip, gatloii or the company's hay fields os 7 - a'd! us In beet fields, y - —Installed by the-Consoltdnt«d-Wa* - 40 gon and Machinc companyot Twin eh FalL<t. tbe “rain nmchlnc" includu a ng low.lift centrifugal pump and en- as glne mounted j n a truck or traUer, ds 1000 feet of four-inch movable pipe

wllh connecUons for drawing water p l nt frem the ditch, tn d the 10 big re- I Ml TOlvlng sprays. The engine, E. W. I of Apgood, manager for the Oonsfll- l «• dated’Wagon.andMBchlnt company, .b ,er pointed out. burns low-cvst dUtUat*. __ ed jeerojcne or d tn ^ oil, Inrelring an i37 expense for luel as loa^ H Bifl to“ lJ p he cents a gallon. . ' *

y ' ■— Jepa thee BURLFi*, June 29 — Francisco q '" f Gbges was.sentenced by Judge T. .v,n . Bailey Lee this moming to serve ,v from len to fifteen year* In the Ida- . . ho .Mate prison for the slaying of

his father, Pete Olages. Olsges vas BX . convicted o l second degree murder '*• by a Jury In dU tritl court her* Prt­

day morning. B Olages begla senrlng MOt«Qe« be«

3 for lhe killing of tha aged Stan near* tior ly 13 years after the crime vaa c o n - abn milted on a farm u n mUea from a Burley. The Mexican w u arretted tun

y In Osden after the skeleton of hit ed ^ father was found buried on the ^ farm esrly l u t spring. ^

HAPPY F IV E W IN S ._____ O R C H E S T R A X O N T E S T

Tne Happy Five "old tlnri" « iir^chM irCRUpirtTliy 'popiaaTTOlir^ 'J aeeliimed as Idaho's best Old Time

^ orchestra Friday e\-entng a t Radlo- ,r land, and aa such wera accorded a

prise of »!05 In c a ^ and a sum m ^U engsgcm enO o play each "Prtday ^ ennlng a t the Ksdloland ballroom.)e Several b;-oadca^t cngogcmenta were 1-. also Included In the “a'ln.'*

The winning orchestra wUl open the summer engagement next, Fri­dsy. July i. the H-cond .nlfht of the FoiL'th of July rclebrotlon at Radlo- land, Twla Falls.




j C O S -tS !


I Re-Treads, Be.treads will ea t year tire nT -toirnea«y'ln-hl1fwtlhTJ9Tan1-- —^I flee la safety or perfonnanee. y

] Try Re-lrtada a«zt lime, youll j' bf more thaa udstied . I


m Sreond Wett

t NEED j

hese d ay s , i.* a o f sm a ll im -

' m a t te r w h e re <•. you need n o till 115 in t im e o f 2 ^ ^fo r o lir p a r t , w cic e rn e d o v e r th e I

■nen t i. p a r tic u - f ^ t e ; w c a n s w e r i .ly d i. 'tan ce w ith ^i.'p a tch .

RTUAFY.INCh iU .W a n a f« r.•.•TWIHFAlLS.t(U)40HT P H 0 N £ I 4 0 0

80, 1985

Woman Saves Lad I

PLUNGING fully eloihed Inio a deep poo foraia, Mr*. Frieda Deerlng (right) n lalKn, Jr> leeater), aon e f a San Franc lag. recovering from a severe illness,

. boy's mother. Mrs. E. T, Mcolalsen.—


JEROME. June 39-C hapter E. P .! prli B. o„ met with Mrs. James S. Keei ma in the country Friday evening, ten do nembers a»etidi»g. A Aiiilneu and o»o

About 75 mcmbars nnd gueaU of ~ lerome Grange cnJo)-ed t. pknlc a t ■■ he county fairgrounds last evening. 3ames piovlded entortainment fo r I .hose presen.t


BBRUH (;r>-Nazl oeriiorship haa K«n stretched to Inclucie all publlca- ioiu^rtB ted la Germany and sold

A new order from tho relch lltera- iire chamber rc4)ulres booka intend­ed for foreign sale. In German or


M o I * - '

sumM P'“‘“

THERE'S only o ne w sy you ci enthusiasffl N o rg e ow n ers t

R efrigeration. T h s t is to oun M ost ow ners w ill te ll you th s t f sre fa r beyond th e ir expectation:

A nd h e re 's th e reason . T he N o rg e is th e p s r t y o u 'n e re r see R oU ator cold-m aking m cchanisii slow ly m oviog p s ru , the H ollat m ake m ore cold than y o u 'll e re little c u r re n t , Is a lm o s t ev e r improi'es u-itb utr.

O nly N 'o r g e h a s t h e R otia im p o rU D t t h s t s ta te m e n t is b< n f r ig m io r . See tb e N o rg e .

N O R G E tO R P O R ADUiiioB o f Boxg-'BTiraer Corporatloi


Claude E_______Kostci xoiLAToit aznuco tA iio

Ata CdNDtTioN'ras • v m :

— —ra

— -______________________ I . '__________

J F r o i h p r o W ii i h g r TR


i m

’ iS!

I . __— ___ T I /

poo) in a creek near I^enlfUld. Call- > rescued elght.year-old Emil Nleo- ranebeo newspaper artist. Mrs.‘D*er- ess, la ibewn betog thanked by lha - m Photo. ■'

In advanee, ot sliipment to the min­istry of propaganda.—Thls-wm-maka-momufflcalfthv — printing In Germany on antl-naii fl material or of learned book* which „ do nol reflect loo per cent nazl phll- MOphy.___________j___________

IFYOUCONTEMPLi WE CAN FURM inWe bave several choice bui 5-R(>oni raodern hous« east ]

F.C.ORAVE!160 Jlttln Ave. No.

O H W V T H A t..*

y jS 5 < V a « A T H A T .

f pfiiaCt

I can und cn tso d the rs have foe Rollator :n d y iu r itl f .I t N orge sdvsntsges

be best part of the ^see. I t 's (he famousism. U*ith but threella to r has power torrer need, uses *ery | Bvcflasting. acjually 3 t : - -

)lIator. Learn how before you buy a ”. j

' LR A T IO N —iU on ,D «ro it.M iib lg sa ■ m " ' ' ' ■■

G~ El^ ju ia X i/y u - V y

Brown Mu!T10H-. jLia»ic.*ASiii»S-*_ra0TWT0R n •IlIRLATOa OIL Bl-I.VEXS • CAS ANO

^ p Xq e ' s ^ ^ ^


, .-I-'- ■oooD m d, June a»-i\} data B .:

IC CMledie, tax eoDector, r^orta;.-' ;';!; cnnvnt t u coUaetlnu anunmted to* ‘$vk;b4om. o t the h r r pbw»o biju. ' - t in th* highest tax was paid by the Oregon Bbort Line raCroad. and vmogatad' to The idat»*~T ~‘

8371M: the-Padfle-Prtilt Bcpress! ' aaaiia, an.4 tho Mountain Btatoa Telephone and Telegraph compaay. IW J3. __________________ '

f!^ VACATION ___


Pemanenta that can rtaOy take It. Xneludfag abampeo. lem­on rinse and v a n set 10% ett oa aU better prieed vavea.

Zrenlnga b7 appointment. n p « n m tn D _

I d a h o B a r b e r _____ _

a n d B e a n t y S h o p■ m Mata E. ^ PbOM «M

•LATfiBUlE.DINO,SH TOU A MITb u M n ff b t o / o r Mlik ■ u tp a r to f d tr .9 8 ;S 0 0 .0 0 .

V 8& 80NP h o n t 818

iSiT jB

111,00 •

f lt ' : •!• I , K - !

' !'!■ . M - '

)TKC ROLUTOR . . , Smmik « 17. roUiog /« rrr ^

harritJ tethn.

Lisic Co.» STQ5U.»_AWOIAT!0«_____________iNO ELtCraiC RANGU -

p j p A G E E lO H T

I|R £A D Y M 4 Iy : ■ . . , 9 Y C O m A U K S;i^:.^^,^.:_(ConUDueil Fros; U 4l. lu u e ) ..

: ■ tTK O M IBt to ec4«’ to mt* JU n e l/a sd t e r OUA;* f n »

MooiWk «ld«ir. B st Mpott, Ih* ilr» ,v ptaM p M . k not dMd. sDd «n«r

— : — vew *-7*n-heT etnm i-te-L eB d«B - I t hmomm a te a m rr (bat ZmH*

—^— —«aJ-Rg»-MBtfaw»-<hgTj« M iteE te : cnaU* Bex ta bold bta Job. Tbej

. s n ftboat (» more Into « fU t lent tb«B h r Atberr. (or whom Rox ■ laow iaw oit.

~Chipiifl® 'NEW JOB

Tbo m fin ln r «{i«r Rex Moore and hto' wifo dltMd v lth blm. M u k Al-

.bery dbeovered tb* t Tounc Mr*. UOOTO had eome back to work, and aent a messa«« t« ask ber to oome to hla orfloo.

“I aald JOU were to at«7 iw»jr un­to you wero *eUkd," he told her In tbo m oo th , autocmtlo voloe that went with hll orienUal type.

• Albery. Zt wa* euHy done yeaterday. Everjthlnir la lt>e flat 1* ao eon-

— — w n ie n r« J4 '» rv am irtn ry o u -h tT e - been oo w ty kind to ui."

■•Not a t all. 1 wanted yotir hui- ' band near by. He and I haw aome

very Important plans to make. And

youns cou>1n' when be came Into the• bualncis. but he ha* Bone orer to tho Vnlted States for aix monthi. You are more than welcome, Mra. Moore."

He waa thlnUac tha t she did not look aa happy us ihe ought to. Last n i(h t, s t dinner, be had thought how beautUul ahe was. But rery quiet Of course. It mttst b a n been a i r e t t ahock to her. Aod, though Joy doevit kill. It may frlih ten a sensltWe na­ture.

R tx Moot* he bad not understood a t all. He could make eo conuct with him. The young man seemed entirely withdrawn: his eyea, his

. words, hla very self. Ke erldentiy would not speak of his experience a lter hla crash.

To his wtfe he seemed abrupt, though frlendly-so friendly as to be

____ almost artificial. But, alone with Al--------- be^The"was fiJrbrT)la:w7buriling

a hard bargain ftc bad driven for his excluijv* aenrlceil The fellow had seemed to thlak of nothing but the mooey. Not a Mt like Rex Moore of the old days. '

, - - Albery waa more and more driren• to the conclualon th a t hU aocldent

bad cauaed a alight kink Id his mind,

A!be(7 felt hla new dliUk* ef tb* airman growing, as h* wstcbed him with his wife. The aeene came back to him when, on th a t flrxt night, bo had troken tb* newi to him o f hto wife being lo Londoo a n i employed b y th e f lm .

How Incoaprahnulbt* h* had ■emed. How otfhasd his m anner had been, almost inhuman. Thinking It orer, he wondered If Moote waa dis­appointed to fad she was In England. Xt almost looked like It. Perhaps he would ra ther the had been In Aus­tralia. Perhapa he had formed olher tlea. Two yeara was a long Ume for a man to live alone.

Aod how excctilvely anxious be had been to avoid all publldtyl

Albery looked now « l lAurle'a pale,: e*ppem\'»-faoe.4l«r-*y«s-wer* a h tn -

lng, but they did not look like tbe eyes of a happy wlfle. H li own dark one* glowed with sympathy.

"You were dcttrmlnea to eome back to work?" M asked. "Your hus­band was not »ur« about It."

--------- ."Oh.-yesr-Mr,-Albery»-I-eouMntBlVe up my work." As lAurle spoke, she becatAe a t crce her animated. Interested buslorxs self.

" I tm glad ot It. I think you are «iw , too. After all. Moore wUI be away a good-dexi. Thxt*! tncTttabte In his Job. And I'm happy to find he's as keen as t n r . Mrs. Moore, I have a proposal to make to you. If you »p-eej It will work In very welL

"M lu Dixie mme back loo soon. I'm atrald. Her Ulness hss left her heartnt Impaired. I MSt ber to a specialist, and he has ordered a cure and a compleie rest, t t will Uke about three months. So I wondered

. If you would care lo lake her place• acaln. I t »-ouId suit me wry well in­

deed. Your work waa m « l satUfac- tory. ViT;at do you say?"

"Oh, Mr. Alberyl" U urie waa taken aback. Of ccurse-. It waa a rM . a big rue In the cfnee. Aod she hsd found it moU Iriterestlng.. Bul she w»s of two minds.

A little voice cw p Inilde her aald —■'Ho. don t tAke Jt o n r She L-«d nol »!)• rrraote«» Idea why. Except ; that, perhspf, she had a t t;m«« r»lt I ; sllghllr uneomfortable when she «as 1 with Mr. Alberr. Bul th»i »-as rldlc- U>Ji. 1 ■

Her b-itlnes* mind piwhed th e |, doub: aside snd rrasp«d*>»Kerty a t! t.*>e chance. "1 can't ^«y how proud I am lha*. j-ou should, find me suit- . able," she tsld In her wnrm. throb­bing voice.

"T hafs seiUrd, then. Yoa“U bffln I• tomorrow. p!easc" Ite was strictly

buslaesa-Uke. No one would ImagLne' tba t his heart was beating fast and the blood palstac la hls-.vtlns. Not ereo bis ows secret mind admitted th a t he was tn lore w ith this gul and waa detcrmlaed to take her from . Rex Moore, la oae way or In aaolher. , sooner o r later. |

" I t will be rul!ab> lo sever*! ways." he added klodlr. “Doing my personal uork yo-. will be mor« in

' rhe zone of your'hosbasd's Job. AH hll work with me Is entlrelr confl- i dMitlsI. Bo .we .*hall In wyy a l l ' i Ihree be vorking tocether" . ■ !i

II waa a wonderful pkc« of luck. i : snd Tet Laurie wa^ in the grip o! an ,' ur,comfortable menUI depression, {, Uke a varJO premonition of eril. as i , ihe went back in her own otnee for | :

-------thr !ast ttme:------- ;------------------------ pT hat rseniog. wbea she le.". Work. ]

___ belosglr>gs from her lltlle fUi, ten . 11la g Um laadlaijy th a l the wo'.Ud’ :

r o r ro iTBCT—

oon* lo oov aad th«o to ae* thai m n «r«rytIUngvMaU Tight m n Tb* good vomaa vas aaturallj ■Qg*- gxfltfld and hiint»ng_ vlth.curlfwlty

t o r j hadrbi^n.m m igh to -aay 'th it-b c i Or» bnsbaod, tb*'ram oua a ln a u , bad N«r eem* baek from tb* d*ad. aad thal loqr- thay-vw -BioTlartetnporaray-lnta vl* another flat, aa her* v u oot large

liey But v u keeplog It on u IC w u for ent Um remainder of her lease..UX Sbe hailed a taxi and w u drlvea

to tb* MW fla t In Obelsea, ao t on the Em baaknwntt.but.ln.a j»lewant side stTMt, wllh trees en eltber side,

- and with a view ot tbe tlver from a bay window In tV big front Uviog

and room.Al- (Oopyright 1PM. Coralto ta n to n )

aod (Continued In Next H*u«)

^ —MURTAOOH.. JuneMoorman entertalntd the W. O. T. V. a t ber home Thursda> with Mra. Prank Bradthaw u assUUnt hoet-

’» • ess. Twenty members were preaent. Mrs. P. H. Wlnsiar w u Jn charge of Uie tuunaui and Kra. Anna Brw w

th« led devollonaU. Mrs. Prank Brad- ^ ahaw sang “Wlilsperlng Hope" and

Ihl. |^]i v u ansaered with current *” • evenU on th* liquor <i,uesUon. Re-

freshmenU were served and garden not flowera were used In profualon to ■ast decoraU.

Twenty-flv* vomen honorpd Mrs. Marl* Taylor with a ahoww Thura- day aftemoon a t th* bom* of ber mother, Mrs. Emma Egbert, a t Mor- taugh Uke. U ttle Ooleen Wold sang “I Don’t W ant to PUy In Your Yard,"

Md Beano w u enjoyed during th* after- act noon and lc* cream w u served.Md Mrs. Edith Bates and Mrs. Ooldle hU Tolman enterUlned the vlslUng Itly committee on the L. D, S. relief ice soclely, a t the Balea home Tuesday

aftemoon. Amon^ those present wer* ipt, Mesdames Laur,i Peek. Xenna Eg- be bert. Margaret Boyd. Ida Bronson,

M. Mable Egbert, MUlle Perkins, Geneva lng Moyes,-Ootdle-TolmanrEdlth-Batea,-

p ^ |n« A«1«miinn Murtlw *TV»tm»Ti bis Minnie Moyes, EUiel Bebert and. a d Marl* Taylor, Reporta -irere gl>-en, the th* afternoon w u ipent sxlally and of loe cream a a d cake w u lervod.

Thirty-two members of th* Olen- ren dale group of th<» Ladles Aid met at cat the home of Mrs. Sam Thoroton, Qd, FMday, v lth Mt*. Arthur Metiser u

aasUtant boateu, and enjoyed tbe ^ foUowlng program arranged by Mra. ilm J. R. Sturgeon and Mra. Oeorge Kk Hartley, Group rtnglng; prayer. Mrs. be Anna Ervin: scripture readlog, Mrs. bto Hartley: two voral duets. "Just An red Old Dusty Trunk In tbe Attle" and

"A LltU* Sail Boat," Mlat Norma tad U*9tbeck and Tlvlao Kestbeck; Miss lad Dorothy sturgeon read **A UltU It Boya SoUtoquy"; "A U ttle Brown

U- Baby," read by M lu Norma Hest- Id. beck: and KenneUi Brlggf read "A he Boy Wllh Two Paces." u - The M urUugh group of the Ladles »er Aid enjoyed an aftemoon swimming r a * t the ArtesUn natatorlum, Prtday.

Mrs. W. I t Slckafua and Mra A. M. he Hoowr were ho.itessca. serving re-

frcihments. I l » u decided durUig ■le, the afternoon that their annual plc- n - ijjc-wouId-be^heiJ ln AntslBn.- July he 11. Plfteen members were In at- rk tendance.

Mrs. John Bland and daughter ne Geneva telum .v. home Monday IS- momlng after a ten daya* trip lo

Argonia, Kansas, where they visited a t M rr-and~M r«.-W llllam-Blaad-«nd te, other re la tlra . They aUo visited fd. Clarenoe W arner Jn Booker, Texu.

Wilfred Bland accompanied them on re the trip but remained in ArgonU be v iib hU grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. tie William tUand, to spend bis vaca- nd uon. M n. H. R. Brown of Calumet,> I Oklahoma, caow with the Blands to If visit her daughter Mlsa Ru'.h Brown ilL aud her brother, John OlmUead who m. u Ul.ier Mr. arwt Mrs. O. L Carmea and a Mr*. Carmen's suter, Mrs. LydU

ire Munsen. retumed Monday from a ke trip to tlM YeUowstone national park

and wre spending the week In HateU ■«« ton a t their hon«e before Mrs. Car- n- m tn returns to ner work as operator ■c- o f the local telephone exchange.

Mr. and Mrs. Leory Clirlstofferson ^ and Mr. and Mts. Catr.n Puckett M. returr>ed to their homes Monday •d alter jpendlnx «nc arek end fUhlni he nnd hiking m the mounU'ns.

Chester Boren and Pred Oarner, Jd both of Leonard. MLsscurl, arrlred »d Jm { jTpek to rIsJt reJaUrw Mr. Oar- Pt I M r U a brother of Mrs. Pn*. Cockrum •It ' and Mr. Boren l» s relative of Ernest u l Qroo-nlnr.c- Mr. and Mra. W. R. Siekafus and

iMr. and Mr«. Lee Vlnelng and son , hej Junior snent t* r t of ihis week m l, at [ Rocky Bar %-lsitlng tbe nets famllr ' ud who moved th* re recenily from | ; It- Muttsush- ■ • Ib- Ed»m Corler of Twin Tails spent j

lour dajs here with his mother. Mrs. ; ^Con B:icfc. anc hll gr?ndmolher. ,

■In I Mrs. Mae Dean He refjm ed hoae:; :ly. WedoeKlay. ,ine Miss Eleanor Hoberts retunwd tol nd her home here Wednesdar after at-1 'Ot tending the tTUh State A sn rjlja ra l', *d college at Logan ■ od Mr. and Mrs. OUrer Jchnson snd | im ton O’.lrer. Jr.. hare »pect the pa.»t rr. ,*wi: m the Sawtogth coun-

I try at thf" E S. True cabin on Biker •' ■*: creek and at Ssl.iion C::> They *11! ’ I ay return Sunday. .in Word mms treelx-ed here br Mr?, r . ' e : H. W lni>r of rse marrlaie or Miss * :i- CUra Egathun tc C. H. Broeksmith | i l l 'o f Nashua, Mon’-ina, where M m E - '

in lh u n h u UU£U ia. h l;h schoo; . k . !:cr the past twu reaa . TT* coun> i m | s u m n ie d a t the E g c h u n home « n ,{ui Msdlion. South Dakoti. Miss EI- i u I gatbun taught'ln the Mur*-tugh hUh or I ichob! for two Tears before going to j

^ a ih u a . 1k. ] Ivan Moyea. only soa of Mr. and

>111 hasn in Ijt l- 'ih e Twlrt--P*Va -?w»pin; jinee June ( id 16. w u operatec upon *gsic Pndsy ,


L A D D I E S - W A N Ti '*• S U S C E snO N PRIVAT ^ -A B O U T M R S . 1

— — Mlg — = B S B ® > 3 W; = FA TH ER ;—“ --------- A N D -7— h — ------'S R U TH IESt o ------- mOTMER— U j --------n ____ V l ^ N C .


« --------- C A ^ Y ---------

L ^O R C H Y SMITE----------- -..I

■i * O n n U f t ’THft HUACAN* ArSm BSN M CN r IN Tl

U ‘m ftH A N M O P /1 ’ IMCOMPSTWrS, ^

* " scoaow MAKB5 ^

— S e ^ S u i ^ e o P T H e ' ^ [; .p ip p ic u u Y eefoR S t ' ‘



" - f V/HATC.>AR *<OyR JII' /CHtSF ts COOKINO N I 1

y HAS BALMY. Jl NBSWkH .^MqLLSP -Ci-----^


\ Thit map reprcicnU busi Ju ly , 1 935 . i»u* oJ "N

■ M ' — - I i I---

‘ Bu*ln«as CondlUons Al of June tDUtneution Jn May wa* held down

by Inclement weather, particularly ■! In. western areas. Ilesiy rainfall,' broke the weitem drouth and fa- ! vored larter food production but ; delayed rlsmlng. Strikes retarded '

1 automobile production and cut down I 'lumber produetlon in the PacUlc, northwest, Bltumlnoui eoal produe*:, non for June wai llkealse menaced. Stock markets In May did the Unrest ‘ builnrss in more thsn a year but ' early price advances were ihaded ' liter. The Dun *t BrsdMreet price ;

I Index lu.-paised four-year peaks de- :

on both i:der!o rm a,«o ‘.l mrectlon-r' He was stw n a blood transfusion to itrengthen hin, for lhe operation, >

Mrs. J. I. Tolmsn and her daugh- , ; ten . Loa and Inei, entertained Mrs. , I Oai-id Richardson and rh'Idren. Da- ' vld. Jr_ and Oav. M rv Hyrum P.ck- , ett and Ml&s Der.a Pickett, Saturdsy aflemoon. Mrs. Richardson and chll- ; ' dren will l^ave Sunday for th e ir :, home In rort:ana.. M».*R. H.*IU.-nbo ree«lT*d word. Satu.'day ef the ceath of her moth- i er. Mri. Martha Keed. ta Plaid. Ml»- , soart ‘ I

Olenn Briggs and C jn a Ro*e' ip»nt Thiifi/«»y- «r 4 »vjr}»T tn <!>gdtn ' where they dlelUeied a load of wool.

Mr. and Mr*. Leonard Okleberrr ' • aua su.!s Jonn w ia je r r r 'a n a

Gertnul: lU ll rn tirsed Sunday from . ' a reek'* trip camping at ’Jjc E S. 1

C '


s r - LETS GO OU731DE..1M fT ^ THINK VOUR. DADDY j l M' n s T'SAV S O M E T H lN -m FE /ATE-LIKE TO JE>, RAVMOND^^ ■ \

- -TE

^ P -lF H - ________________

w « r t ^ u p ? - 4 o M i i

THMB FANcy DUO*/ J 'S S f S jS S ,

f r j o i e m e s ?

7 ONUY - m e I Z( e e s T P e R M v (

I WHUT^ | | |

Business Map

"F/i I

business condllient in evety stile o f t! ''Natioft.*! Butincti," offlclil publicitio:

Chambcr oF Cemmerc*.

; j . —UI.'U4T~}-

:splte iharp reacUotu in msny farm » ^n product*. Hides, leather and textiles >

' showed chief strength. Orsins sold *“ a t the loweit of the season with com■ selling higher than wheat on occa-. sloru. Raw cotton lost two month's

galna. Weitern packing eentera re- ° ^ , ported record low recelpU and , *'

-strikes- against high prices closed,^ man>- meat shops. I«t ‘ Increases In bank clearings and p ut deblia in May were amotu the larc- e rd est’of the year. April forrlgn trade n ce ihowed itnporu exceertirjr exports.'b e- Net railway earning? exceeded the^p

n .'T rue cabin on Biker creek I tin Mr. and Mrs iu :ph Day and ' n, daughter Bobby Jo and Mrs. Rose |

t Hedrick left Mmdsy for the W y I ’* cabm a t Warm fpri.-.cs where ? irs ,!*; Day hope* to tx-rt-nt her health. [ «

.Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tvanr.en and ; j;■ family of n ic r aere fje rls a t the ^

1’ Loyd D aru hos« 5un«*ay, K!*! Mlsa Slilrley T>c*nnen of n k r Is i ^

; spending t t r wvr't as g-J'Jt of her • q. coujin M usToa Moh In Ar.esJan. ijj

'«- Jay BT.tler or S.Vltry irrtred by bus Saturday to rlslt ha crandpar- ,

»• en ts. M r. sn d M.-S M. Peck.I — __ ___ w

le ' • ‘ ^• Trrt.ANTfC Wtp-ni« * i.>1. R ^ ^ A V I K , Iceland - - The d T binh rate m IceUnd u decreasing'. iL1.-TU UR.->«n iuis-iDJu tr* n iu m rla . w u a ib o u s in d in h sb lian ts .b u * ^ .a 5 has aom -rc-ppcd to - j b

........... ' 'I ■



I K u u iT N s ' IH E raO E M I.IKI i S l v Iu V HAS PtemvopiK


^ RCAsoM NO A rre t


J W E O H — w e '> ^ 'O U C X K I - \J n ( PCMANOOUAH XHOTOOXti 1

JO B 9 OACK. . ^ T O V ^ , ^ !

lO T ✓ T u s 'YOUn r . ^ r k n o ^ M

sf the Union *s shewn in IItion oF the United States I

■ J ' . I

m isme monlh of the two prec-diir, ||| I •s >rars. llfl

^ The Map | |Agricultural and crop surplm re- r{[

.* Bions dl»play more white whi> in- Idustrial areas lake on a InUe shaU- |

■ The Barameter j ||' The Barometer of Busine.u wl-.icl: jl i

d ■ paused in Aprll. moved sllghtlv low. i;||]:- er In May. The line for lhe n»r 'il|le months portrays a leisurely retreat -l]!s. ' bul the current level fully 'equals the Ile peak of last year. ;|

' k e r b s -f a u r e w ed d in g Ie CEREMONY AT BURLEY,

BCRLEY. Jun-; Zfl—A prelty hoa-x l | weddmg took pUte a t ihe home o! I

i the brides par-r.w in Burley. Sun- (lli * ,day . June rS. aheii Miss Victoria ji<

I Amanda Paure was married fo A-Vx fi * ' Kerbs. The Rer. Fred BiDje. pastor I r 'o f ■ the Pilgnra Congregational |{

[church of Paul rejd the cereiceny. I I I '* Tbe bride wore a gewn of white i i

!silk crvpe and a rell of si;k t^ t and (}|l I w u attended by her sister Misi j I Mixtne Paure..Emanuel Kerbs a t- l|

« ! dinner w u »errpd,lmtr>e<iau:ly fol- | |I lowing the ceremony. I Kll

t-.on a.farm .-ln ihc Sprlnsdale CQm-:||i| imuniLj. ■

IE 30, 1936-


m ............

L x .V I 'l I ^

. D A Z :


, 1 ^ ^ * to r T u e g e is A> o u r w n A x : /S 3 n h e r b i t

'Jmm i K i ?




CASTLEFORD, June » - E v * r y - ‘ «Roman's club of C ulkford met ««rhursday at tho home of Mr*. J. M. Ar rhomas, with M*s. A. A. Vogel u -ulitlng. The n«-w prealdent. Mrs. dwJohn Duun', presided. *'li

Mrs. A. E. Kelier. chairman of thearogram. had u her topic, "riowers ■:,n the Home.” and she ga\< several plcstiggestlons for flower comblnaUons Sp

“ N f W

' 'W AN '


I IT’S A FACT!'m en t be£o

Eor only 4c pe nex t tim e! Mo

I ' - PHC

i. w X n tCI.ASS

----------------------------------- TJWN


B y J . P . M o E V O y a i

.Z Z L I N G D U D S T O D U I

M M C T K W T M e ) n[NS UP rH6 WOOKtl ^221/S AN AHMAKA < p y ^) IS UNOSRMIHIN&'

^ ----------------- N

u well M the correct and Incorrect ar way for arrangement of flowers In J i decoration. fai^M n. E. W. Kioj'on read a paper oo “PlaaU Ul the Home." Mrs. L. K. Heiaelholt gaw m talk on -Japanese Art In Flower Arrangemfnt." Club members answered lo r-i’l call by .... describing some scene of beauty whleh had left s lastln; imprc'-ilon , on their minds. J

■rhe next mte:ing will b^ the club on picnic to be held at the Tho>ui«nd mi Springs ranch a : the home of Mri M:

rST T T ^



1 0 , 0 (KT, PER LINE PER Rl

'! You can p lace you r Core 40,000 people in ie r line. T ry a NEWS fo re re su lts , less cost

, ' I -

iON€ 3 2 FOR i





M peofXE <SfflT BiOWN 7 0 VB IT S -/-T H S UNIFORMS }i

i M A tte TO O A zzte w b A- m ■ POPVLACB WH/L6 IVfi J j i

B yH A H F iS H E R

, J A I » ^ C A T S IS O N C O M K A N 'r t

I and Mri. Guy Putman, on Sunday,I July 14. Club member* and their

famlllei WlU participate (n a pot-luck '. dinner.

WED AT rOCATELLO' BURLEV. June M ~E;heljn Vlr- , einla O’NenT. diuRhter of Mr. and

Mrs. S. Picsion O'Ncal. f.irmcr Bur­ley realdcnis nnd Oerald M Whitnry of Mowow »-ere nmrrled If. Pocatello

I on Sunday. Junc 16. The couple will make their home In Motaow whera

, Mr. Whitney u cns.ig-d In bustpcss.



ir advertise - in The News - 'S ClassiCIed 1st.


aSOR-: :' LENT! IL WS!-------------------- p !


HDIUiSSIi : wiiiEiilnOaTii

__________C o n s e c v a t l o n _ a n c L : £ l a i i i i i

.............. : . i ' ' ..........F u n c t i o n s ‘ '

B O is a Jim o a# — A Jc meeU ns o t th e newly c re ate d ct v a te r co tuervallon a n d p la n n boards here th U a tle rn o o n w as t by Q o y em o r_ n o M ._ a n _ ex _ o K I m em ber of bo lh . lh a t to ih e m i fa ll th e 'b lw e s l th ing l e d uod<

. In idaho—coiuenB U on o r w ater. • M em ben o f th e « t « r board

’ T om D e-C o u n e y of Caldw ell. \ p rejJdent: J a n r t s K e j ja r d of. E m e tt. e«cuUVB oecrelary i N.

. S h a rp of F iler. Jam es H ea th Id ah o TalU. F ra n k D avla of R

• b u rs BRCt E vans o f Malad WIU Simona of Dolse Is c h a lra

' o t th e plaimlAiT board, a n d R- ‘ , ' Shepherd o t Jerom e, W alle r Cli

^ ' o f KclloKB. E ueene Cox of Lewlst n n d HuBh M acC oshan o t Pocat*

. a re m embers. C lark a nd Cox. *

presen t a l todny's m eellng.Joe Wood of OoUe w as n a n

consultant., All took th e oa th s of offiee a

fo n n a lly assum ed ih e lr o fficia l f i .. .c u o n s today.

lfl8~n6xt*session of iliB 'iC(u uuai v l l l be a t .th e Bovemor's offlee9 a . m . Ju ly 13.

Bond Issues A nthorU ed . T he w aler board 's functions I

d u d e acquisition of p roperty ih rou Issuance o t bonds to be repa id those who benefit from th e boar w ork: Im provem ent In proJecU

- e lim ina te w aler losses, a n d th e ge era) advancem ent o f Id ah o rec: m allon.

T he p lann ing board 's tasks I elude m aking o t surveys o t i s u ie 's resources, p lann ing of sai

.tsU on, lilghways, parks, m u n ld p a lies a n d s im ilar functions.

R . J . Wood of Boise, n am ed tod a s head of th e w orks progress a m in istration pro jec ts division by L; Hood, Id ah o d irec tor o f th e Wl appeared betore tho boa rds lod10 explain tlw WPA program I

_________ r o n itn ir t lo n .o f soms-C 3- rw r v oin Idaho for conscrvallon of w al T h e ; a re expected to c u t appro: m ately M.000.000.

■' The WPA a n d th e boards are function i«eether.

O ne of th e f irs t ta sk s o t t tM sid to consider, th e govem gr e p ;alned '{onJghl. will be e o n scn a ll' o f the 800.000 acre fee t of w a te r a i

t f being used during nonc-lrr lgaU m o n tlu fo r dom estic purposes.

• Such purposes could be ta k en ca . f o t w ith wells a n d springs, h e said.

"T he wnler th u s saved could lucd for developm ent o t 130.0

' ncres o t p ro d u c in g -la n d s whli would re tu rn on avcrflge o t > income a year o r S4.S0O.OOO.

•T he work of these boa rds w grow a n d th e courscs they are CBke w in be determ ined ns tin

•goes on. They have Im p o rU n t fun lloiis to perform for lhe benef.t p r ts e n t and fu iu re generations.”

BR€VITI4ESS ister Vfsiu— Mr*. P e jr l D oien i

I Rockford. lll lnou . u th e guest of hi sister, Mrs. U H . Benton.

GDMt of .MlM L e l |b l« n —M iss Be: lh a M syer of Bou* is iKre lo r a brll T tsll w ith .Mtss D orris U lfh '.o n pri(

I to leaving for P o :tlsn d .

I D angbU r VisUs—Mrs. J . J . Bye da u g h ter o t M r. a n d M rs. H . i

'• S«-eet, a n d husband and fam ily ai ------:— *gue^ a t.th e Sw eet h o m e '

M inister RetQm»<-Dr. W . K. Ar derson, p u to r of th e C hrlslla church l^ re . n a s re tu rn e d hoir

• from a bujlncss irlp to Chicago.

Arrive 'F o r VUlt — Mr». Myro .‘ \ Davis a n d son. C urtis Davla an

v t family. A urora. llKnol.'. i r e vLMiln ^ ■ Al tlie home of Mr- and M rs. F . 1

"S' Sanders, Fou rth .avenue n o rth .

Leaves far Easley — M tis LolSle^Tns le tl la^i evening for Eas ley h o ; jprlngs to sp e n d -lh e sum m er w lih Mrs. R uvell W eaver an fam ily a i the W es’.-er sum m er cabir

R eturn To ' f U h - M r . a n d M r O tto I tu r te r an d daugh ter. Edrl: S a n Pranclsco. w ho for th e pas tw o w eciu have been house guest o t Mr. And M rs. Vo>- Hudson, hav re lu m ed to ih e lr home.

*>Tsilor lo io r r t—.Mr». 8 JS. Will llngham . Inglewood, C alllo rn ia .'w h

'I Is v lsltm g h er dau g h ter. M rs. B. ^ H olt, w as In jured In a la ll dow n lh

• sta irw ay Priday evenlcg a a d Is coa• fined to h er bed.

R etu rns From Sehool—Mlas Ernes u n e W hit«. s tu d e n t a t 2>anta Mon le a Junior eoUcse. accom paoted b: M ra. W ayne Jo h n so n a n d Ton W hite, arrived hom e th is week fron Beverly HUIs. CaUfo.-nla.

> l* tu la Colorado — M rs. J . s B a m h a rt has goti« to B oulder. C«!

• orado. lo Tlslt b e i m oU <r. M rs. J Pau*. and h er son. Jam es B a m h a rt who U a iten d ln s sum m er school ai tho UxUverssty of Colorado.

Arrive P fo n W ash ta r to a—Dr- 11A. Rodenhlser. p la n t pa tho lcv tst. ac- co-T.panled by i tr* . Bodenhlaer. ol

. \Va.ihtcglon. D. C , b a s a t r l red fco ^ - a visit a t th e hom e of O r. a s d M ra

; — NOW OPEN —

- — T IM E u t - Off SboiteB .—

U - ^ T h e C oU™ . 2 . .

ro n e o f th e -a ig o r I w i t i J n ' lh a ----------- t lW P tlfn : -A W a d j 11 U being J

■ - ba ted th roughont th e U nd a s tl _________resB lt e t lh e lup rem e c o n rf s d

I Jo in t S hall i l sU nd, o r d o « It ne< d (U te changing? ThU is th e seeond a n n ln g th ree dally artielea dbeusaing ti a s t« d history ef th e con troversial doeiofftelo nifp i ^ ■ __________________

m will ______undone w i l l i a m S . W HITEit« r. W ASHINGTON l/r t-T iit ceasel ird a re a ttem p ts of » cen tury and a ha lf i ' change tlie eonatlluU on h n -e resu »» ir ' o '‘crwh«'-mlng proportionN* V. f tiiu rcs , b u t lh a t h is to ric documc

l tn of now a grave • 'perhapa"-In th e : 1 J * ’ program , m ig h t t*evcr-hi

*“ “ • been w rllien bu t fo r th e grea t co ilrm a a prom ise of 1167.

R- S- T he convention th a t a rgued C lark Philadelphia* for th e b e l '.tr p a rt

iw lstoa th ree m on ths and a h a lf ba r cateU o averted dlsastro ;u Atllur? In a r

* h o betw een big ami ll t t ie s in tca as. congreaslonal r.-prescnlatlon, T a rgum en t raged :o r th ree weeks I

nam ed fore some o f th e m ost po^T rfu l dc ga les In th e m eellng—such flgu:

:e a n d a s J u n e s M idlscn of V 'rg ln ia a tl fun* G ouvem eur Morris o f Pennsylvai

- g a v e In.

:ice a t T h s larger s la te :, such as V lrgli and PennsylvanU . wante.1 a rcpi sen ta tlo n In congress com portt

ns In - populaU on: th o sm alle r or irouBh l« ld ou t grimly la r eq u a lrep rc K n t

Wy tlo n In th e se n a it. In th e end , th w ard ’s rx c h in g e th e la rjcU to sa tts tac tlon o f bigge sen* delegations a n d th e fac t tl:m la * house could origlnAte mon

bills. - •A no the r s e r io u con flict develop

if lh a O'’**’ 'h e m ethod ot elec ting th e P n , , . , 1. id e n t and th e iwwer to be g ran l

d ^ l l > ^ n Influential body In th e co

today« » d - B r i d e A w a r d

' W PA - _____ - . " — :


pr cx- vatlOQ - TSOWgaUon

n care laid.

^30.000. M ..- w hich f.,

' ■ " j p v "S will I j K " ; . '' Jire to l f l . ' ' '

tim e H * ' . 1 'fu n c - H t - - ' . / - *>

o t H - . 7 ' “ i'm . - :

enIf her

;B < r.brief

JA C K DOYLE, th e f lgh le r lrom *li h is bride o t a few m onths, th r fc

Bycr, one-round knorkoot of Phil ra a in o te and six • r ro n r ti lo poili

yJ . M . WaUace betore going, to Ooze

A n- M o n u n a .Lsllan ■ ■ -home D lsnU ied—P rank 8«bal

la . Jr.. T w in PslU . a n d ' M tss Alic , V anH outen. K im berly, surg ical p*i

finH dism issed trom th,,,„® T a in PalU county general ho*ptu

Mrs'. J . H . Peterson a n d v jn , H srel ton . h a v t also been dU m i.vfd Iror the hoepltal.

Lois ------ -Lodge M etnorU ^^K nlghls of Py

th ia s sn d I^-th isn S U te ii will m ^ for Jo in t m em orial K rv lees th is s n em oon a t 3:30 oc lock a t the Lrsloi

M rs. = = s = = = = !d rb .

P L E NWill-1

■ M O

To Buil4,r \ / * • *^ Refinai

Hcf. D .c o l . H e r e a r c t h e a d v n n U j rc ^ »• J . A a s o e U t i o n :

M o d e rA te c o « t.’ * R c u o n s b l c i n t e r e s t

1 C o n v e n ie n t m o n th ) :•• n . , t o y o u r incorrw -.• ■«*! N o r e n e w a l c l ia r p c !’t e b ro k c ra tT P . t i t l e - •en rch54 L e t c x p U i n o i ir rl.-in

z jS p B fc I _ — w I e d e r a

------------------------l i j A N O - l .O A N

___________ TW IN FA LLS DAI]

anstitution—Amendments Show Stei

th ed e .

■eed I o fIho


«icsa If to su it .)n of nent,

r e - have Kim^

i tn o f

trely row

is^to,T h is i b e . le le .;u tts



Jam es M adison o t V irginia w a eonitU nllen>fram Ing eonventlon th e figiit betw een large a n d small

theyx g e r , ventlon w anted him chosen b ; I gg e ris en a i« a ad some fough t long b th a t I vainly for a provision requiring jn ? y ; th rec -foa rilis vol\s o t conpre**. ra t

| e r lh a n tw o-thirds, to o w r ld e >ped! veto.>r«s. I The clause prohib iting s ta te Is' nl-.'d I Im pairing th e ol>Ilgallons o f con trs eon- [ was adopted only a fte r I t apparent

d s V i c t o r I n B o u t

^ f f i

‘Ireland, w ai rew arded In th is fasiilon t farm er Ju d llh A ilrn o t th e tnovie*. a (ti I>onatn In New V ork. I t look D ojie onl

llth o ff D onato.—<.r, rh o t.

« • ' Memorial ha ll, going fro 'n -th e re I ;T w ln F slU cem eiery. Tho*« wh 'hai-e c ars a re re^ uetted to lu m is

^ j / i r s n j p o r u t i o n -lice ------ •—

R etu rns To K a n s a ^ M r . ' . D . 1 J.1C0U.N. S t. F ra n ce , K sn s ji , lel ye»terd»y m onung for h e r hom

'* * a tle r spending th e pa.M m on lh w ll 0™ h r r son, V em Jennings, Bay Jcn

r t r .g \ upd Bmil Jenn ings and fam i ■ Iv. S sn Praneiaco. visiied he re i th e s«me-,tlme.

pet . •ri- A rrlie Por Ssm m er — M rs. O leion McGinn. Miss JacqueUne McGln;


> N E Y ,

Improve or nee Your omea o f b o r r o w in g f r o m y o u r lo c .il

1 r i i t r * .lly e a « r p . i y m e n t s j u i t c d ‘ .

c> o r f u t u r e e x p e n s e f o r h. r r c o r r f in j i o r o t h e r f e e ? , n 'b f f ^ 'rp .e lo ^ in jr y o u r lo a n .

m Sa v in g .s____ ____N -A S tO C f A T I O M .^ --------- !-------------

.. -"—I - ' -


—B a tt le g ro mt a l e V s . F e d e r a l F i g l i t s F b

was nne of th e powerfni delegates a t Ih on of 1187 who took a prom inent p a rt I la ll s ta te s over congressional repre ien ta tlo i

i; t h e , h a d been lost; th e numb^'r o f sta te g but necessary to adep t am endm enls wa tng a se t a t th rcc -fo u tth s over cotislder r a th - ,a b le support tor a requlrcnw nl o ide a i u n an im ity ; a p io iractcd fig h t wa

.necessary before the ie n a te wa : la w s ,'g ra n ted power lo am end money bllla i t r a c i ' th e poa-er o f th e P resident to m ak ren tly . appoin tm ents a n d ir c a tlr i appeare

nnd Boyd M cG inn arrived her th is week from California lo spen

____ the- sum m er w ith Mr*. McGinn"i r n , pnren ia . D r. and Mrs. T . O. Boyt 1 ^ |T . O. Boyd. Jr., and tnmily a re ex

^from th e const.

— Applies (o r r e rm it—A,CAtllnR yes V Uerdiiy applied to r a p rrm ll lo erec

' fl 93000 dwclllnc on F ifth av rn u * ' \-f ts l in th e Sen ior addliion. Tin J. dw elling u lo be 34 by 33 teet it

d im ensions a n d Mr. E stling also re__; quested perm ission to move a M b;

18 fool building from Woek 133 i. th e site of th e proposed house.

I A t License Counter — Tli.-ce mar- r iago llce:,5cs were iMucd a l T«vlr

P a ils county r« o rd e r 's office yes. t« rday . A ppllcsf't* a-erv Jo h n Valcj o f L aJu n ta . Colorado. -hU'1 Freda PU h o t Buhl: Carson r . and M yrtle Jcjwon, Loth o ' - '. i i F u l ls Jo seph 11. £ e a \e r. jr.. und KuDi Bellvllie. boili , i T w in I'alls,

M innlck R e ta m t—W. A. Minnlck county surveyo/i rei.um eil ye.-iierdnj f ro m 'E n n is .' M ontana, wlicre h t vtsited a slite r . M rs. Joe Evnn*. H«

[w as nccompanlc'd on lhe t r ip by lu; iin o th e r , Mr.«. M ary M innie*, s iu bro thers, Clifford nnd Kennci!

t>D nnlck. nil of U nion. Oregon. .Miv- iM U drcd E v an s a niece. hctoii)|>Hii-

jled th e p.irty to Tw in K ilK fo: i , .short v ljii, TlJp m other nntl, broth- 'e r s p lsn to Iravc for th f lr liom r if

_____ O regon today.

I V isit in Io w a -M r. nnd Mrs. L. O Cow an lefi yesterdsy nri<^rnooi»-\)3

>n by m o to r fo r Sioux Rapids. Iowa t< a f te r v is it M r. Cow an's parent.^. Mr. an< only. M rs. H ., R. Cowan. T hey will b<

Joined a t S a lt Lake City by Ml^; s . E . Hawley. Los AnRcle.^. and Mrs W . J . W ilson., MUfQrd..Ulnli..sjalcr!

^ {q- o f M ra. H- R. Cowan. Tliey w in’ bi ,.h o a w a y .tw o »eek.v

rrm h • •Illin a ti G ursls—Mrs. C liarles Oc.

den . .Mr. and -Mrs. Claire O gden nnc In fa n t daueh tc r. a n d Mrs. O gdrn'i

f - .%Litcr. a ll of S t. Augur,tine. Illliinln nnd MIS.S Oracp .Stoddard of DuMi-

wUh guesls of .MrsJ e n - —« ■ — ! ■_ -—am i-


a in n i

JU L Y 3 -I S e e t h e be>^t b r o n c r id e n i

J o e E r i c k w n '* f.ii n tC K IN C ; C O N T K S T S .

N O V K M Y R . \ C E S R o d e o P e r

$ 1 ,0 0 (S E E L E jvS K E L L . H O L

BALL.Gi___ __. ■ 3 u Jv t t h — “ i i r i ' E f i ' W I T T H C . \ R M V . \ U R I . \d m i .v .!o n to R o d e o . 50c

_ _ ; ^ _____________________________ N

I ------ Plan to S

^ - - -

D A H O , S U N D A Y M O R N I N G . J U K I

ind AgainFor Power

” ■ “M nhl Of A m cn d in cn tll"CuC Federal' Power

~ IV.VKIilNCTON I4-) —AciHndniaU « » • br<n lor th f most p»rt ilMlra- r<t la rn lrlc l. nol cn larir. Che powtr ll Ihe (tdcrml fo ttm m rn i.

Thr r in t l tn (1711) i t l up a blU ■t rlfht* (or thp Individual; ih i

— -tiem jtn-nm riH 'n te« 'Jii(lleW p«w =“ t r lo lh t Uitilcd a u i r i in itilli sss ln it a lU te b j c ilii tn i of ethtr lu i t t ; thfl tw tlfib ( 1WI( set up a c lsddrd «lrctoral vote ty tltm : lha thirifcnth. Courtttnth and (Ittcentb (IIW, ISU, liT t) prohltalied ra n

. . dlterlmlnailon and gave th t otcro Ihc «oit In tha aouth; the ttslM alh (1*1}) approTfd lh* ((daral Income (ax; lh t •tren ttrn tti ( I t lJ ) proTld* rd for MpuUt-ciflelloB ol u n s te r f; lhe rlflitrenth <»>«) breucht pro- hibltlon: Ibe nineteenth ( l t n ) wo­man tu r tr a it : the twentieth (ItU ) abollihrd -lame duck" aeatlona al roncret* and tbe t«e n iy llr« t <ll)l) rtpealrd th e .n itie n a l prohlbltloa.

Onl)’ ihfl ihlrleenth. (ourteentb. I ltltcnth. (liteen th and elthteenth are itssrded bjr m oit. autheritln ** **sy|n« In any meaiute dtyrtated ifree tha t Hi oC ibem did.

tor a tim e likely lo be vested in the . w nate.

2000 A m endm ent Propoaala S ta tea ' r ig h t were guaroed so Jeal-

cenlury l i t e r ilio t a single am end- m ent tak ing any pow er w hotever

t Ihe away, from tlw .Mates was adopted, .rt In And even then , lh e th ree reconstruc- stIoB. Ilon am en d m en tj w e n t-n o furtlw r

than to deny a s la te 's r ig h t to dls- i t i te a erlm lnate as lo r.-tce, and lo prohibit

slsvcr>'.ilder- In some 3000 ptoposals to r amend* nl o f m ent. n o t more th a n five of the 31 , w as successful a ttem p U a re regarded

w as generally u s hav ing in any w ay In* b ills: crcaK d th e pow er of th e cen tra l gov* m ak5 e rnm en t as t}i<» ex i^naes of the eared su tc s .

here Chnrle.i Ogden’s b ro ther. O an Rod- ipend enbauBh. who Is 111 a t th e hospital ilnn'fl iiere. T lity a re also v isiting Mrs. Boyd. E. F . Drown, C linrles P b h e r and e e x . Olher friends.isd a y --------------------- -----------------------------

Certify T rade N am es — T a o usedcar con .-errj. Jo h n O ’Connor o t the

yes- John O 'C onnor Usird O ar company e rect of T a in FalU. t n d th ree m en who 'cnue lire th e oa 'ners o f tlw .Tn 'ln Pall* T lie Aulo M art, placed certif ica te s ot

et in iraile nirtnc on r tco rd in T w in PalU 0 r e . county recorder’j o ttlce yesterday .14 by O wners ^of tlw la tte r lo n c em are )3 to Nei: K . L eachm an a n d PrvnlT A.

Moon, both o t Qobe. a n a Al Gaines or T*-ln Falls,

m ar- ,.H utp lla l r a t i r n l i — Ml^« Alice

yes- z a c h a r iw . I ’n ln FalLt; .Miss O lllmaei K night. Twhj Falls : Mrs, P a t Cock- i

^ ‘‘5 rum . M ilner: M ta. G uy O lln. K im- berly. a r t surgical p a tle n u a t the :

XII.''. 'x 'trin Fn lh couniy general h o sp lu i. : .Medical pa ilcnU a r t Mra, p . fl, , Sm ith . Twin PalLi: D ale S tandlee. - llo llU tcr; O. C. Johnston , Filer, and ]

nick, W llllam Vnn Luven. Tw in Falls. Miss ; rdn) nim tche Mullins. T w in Polls, accl- | ' he d e n t c .i;( . Is nlso a t lhe hospiini. 1 i 1. He -

S ta t io n -E rn e s t W hite., ' , con tracto r, yesterday applied for a . .

b u ild ing 'jw rn ilt fo r tlie erection o f ' ' a_$ i500 Gem O il c om pany;!

* . se n lc e s ta tfon n l th e c o m e r 'e r ’ l * F ou rth avenue sou th and Sccond i

.n ree i s o llh . T lie liiilldiiiK will b e ,l " 25 by 38 teel in dim ensions and will | <

”.M DON’T BUY AN! ilS . CAR lINTil. fSr ------- OURE


s . g l e n c '. j“ mj. CHEVROLET •



r.4,’ R tfp E R Tjeni. buIIdo{;KerK and ta l f rnperit In

fam ed s tr in g : o f b u c k e n a n d Ions; TS. C . \L F RO PIN C ;. B U L L D O dG i; : S E.VCH D A Y — C O N T E S T S O P E ^ P e r fo rm a n c e s S t a r t P ro m p llv a t 2 j

0 0 I N P R I Z E M <lO LLY W O O D R O D E O C LO W N . A>

GAMES — 10 O X lock Ev n r d — R U P E R T v s . D E T R O IT f;iA E l l t v.a. M O N T A N A (H A N T S . H ult

R ID E S a n d S W IN G S S T R E E T 50c

No E x tra C harge fo r Grandstand

> S p e n d A t L e a s t One D

O T! n o . IB M i _______________


(Continued Prom Page One)

solute control ot lines of commuut. cation In north China, as well aa the

- J desire to avoid trouble wljh Chlneae

5 C hina-TakeT-Coim t

• nortli C h in a -v irtu a lly -e aU b llsh cd ,- .th c -n i lllU ry —aouroeo—i» ln t« d —o u tf , Ja p an can coun t "on~noT f:in ttrrey r ' ence on h e r le ft If sho h a a to puah troops ou t Into M ongolia to f lgh l

I the Russian B ear.'Japanese dominance of Hope! and.

' t i n e a s e r exte‘nt," 'C H ohar province ! was en tering lU f in a l phases to*I nlglit, wllh army officers concen.> tratlng on the eradication of the few ' remaining articulate anll'-Japancsc , influences.I 'An nbortlve mutiny ot Chinese [ troopa nt Peiping yesterday, spokes,

men said, did nothing to Impede nchlevtment of the objccllves in

; north China..Students' Task

Withdrawal of Chinese troops objectionable to Japan fram HopcI

I hns been almost completed, the i KuomlnUDg (national govemment

ting Chinese officials replaced,.“ A Japanese consular official said le *'we nre not intensifying ..our rc>

quest for the elimination of anil- foreign teachings from-'text-books.*' announcing tha t " J a ^ e s e probab*

1- ly will be sent to ael^ools and nni*

I* gtve them true undersUndlng of sr Japan’s alms."d. ---------:• Under-Cover Invasion•f PEIPING, June 3» (,P)-A wave *' ot acute uneasiness swept Peiping,

already alarmed by yesterday’s mu* tiny of Chinese troops, wlllr n po ru

i* todny that 300 armed plalnaclothes.!1 m en. o f unannounced allegiance and d IntenUons. had slipped In to the city.I* Rigid precautionary meuures ’* adopted afler the band of mutineers ic fought their way to the very gates

of the "forbidden city.*' only to be . beaten back and scattered by loyal ' soldiers, wer« redoubled.

Mllllary authorities esUblUhed a heavy guards a t publle utilities, in- s. eluding the waUr works, the elec d trie llghl plant and the lelephone

admlnUtratlon building.- — A swarro of-poltcg~inifaK«Iiyfs . began surveillance ot railway s u ’-

lions. Police also were observing Inns and olher public places, and arresi-

^ Ing suspicious characters.“ RebeU Aeejniled PorJ Atter.effeeta of the brief rebcl-

lion were rigid curfew regulations., and xeenforeement of. the garrison• here . Som e of the rebels w ere .dead,

o thers p risoners a n d th e re s t cap-1;• tured. One group fled toward the

demlllUrlxed zone.General Wang 8hu*Chang. com.

mander ot lhe Peiping garrison, or. s dered all amusement places closed^8 ResldenU were ordered to be off the- streeu by g p. m.

Freah loyal troops moved Into J Pelptng today.,while the 31lh divlsi . ion of Chinese troops, under thn ' command of General Sung Chehi . Yaun, ousted governor of Chaluir I province, arrived In Hopei province » from Kalgan. Sung’a aoldlera werc|‘ quartered in the summer palace sU

miles w-esi of Ptlplng.It was understood Japanese mill-

tary aulhorltics—who conlcnled

f ' = = ^ = = = = = ^ = r ; be constructed of fram^and_m «tnk ' f He also applled for'a permll to move ] 1 a 16 by 30 foot frsme building, now ;, located on the proposed ttaiioa site.1 ouutde the city limits.




RUPERT’S7th Annual

R O D E OVN a l l -p r o f e Ss i o n a l


r , ID A H On th e N o r th w e s t d o t h e i r

nsr-hom ed s te e rs .:;iNG. COWBOY RACES.EN TO T H E WORLD.2 p. m. Dally

[ O N E Y\N D H IS TRICK M ULE.E ach D aylA N T S _____________ I .l l t c S ta te I.ea*:xie T e a m \T SPORTS and DANCES

Children under 12. 25c d ______________________

She A s k s Divorce

ver *icd,


>pspci "AUNT S A R A ir McNABB. 81. o t llie r a rm a , M b iou rl. m ade a Irlp to? n t__1T^Trtt r h t t ih t i l ’ fo r a dl-^ Toree from h e r U -ycar-o ld h u s j aid . band. Shs h a d been m arried lo rc- him for 6S years.—</T) Photo..11-s .“ ------------ -----------------------------------------

Uiemstlves w iih m erely observing:

mJ 'of gardm g th e tr a n s te r o f th e C h a - '

lia r Uoops lo th is a rea , bu t offered no objection. '

Jap an 's H and Seen ^

>S. Chinese q u a rte rs alleged th n l the! “ • 111- s u rr e d m utiny , in w hich the j i’t* rebels cap tured nn arm ored tr a in ’

an d assaulted th o gates of Peiping to be beaten back a fte r 13 hou rs of f ighting, h a d some connection with

y* Jap anese In n o r th C hina..;ej A theory advanced In Chinese clr- bo cles yesterday U w t th e soldiers ro-l rnj volted agalnsi Ja panese-d lcU ted o r . ,

d ers fo r Ihelr t ra n s fe r southw ard! ed lost In credibility w ith the reported n - finding aboard th e arm ored tr a in ' e . of "considerable equipm ent of Jap-1 ne anese origin." j

W —

Fun for thiS T h e c h i l d r e n h a i

^ n o w ; y o u r w h o l e ^ :

1C t h e i r g l e e ; b u n t i n g l

s t r u n g - ............... ' ■

a * ______ A D A Y T O n E M K i l l

A V l . \ C E TO R E M E !10»• • O F C O U R S E y o u WA '7

11 ■ Ebtj Tho S l u t


................ O T



I N A N E \


Good How i»:



I Mountaii I ■ ImplefiK

I ___________________TW IN F

HOUSING HEJIDTIllKS I JTBKIlTllEifi-^' BOHL. J u ne 807-H arr/ W hlttfer. ;':,r

~ z -Trtater^edentlThotising dlreii.iiii, ■jlii —

7 • s ta te d lret lo f . wet< - p rt iw i t - « T iC - - I m ecttn* ot. aU peraoM in ;e tw tcd in -

H ^Vhlttler spoko of> tlw polnU o f W m erit of th e ttnw houslr.g ac t a n d ! H * resum e o f the act l v l t o •

done in th e H e s U te d 'tb a t ' Buhl was In line fo r full support o t

> th e federa l housing loans Mayor H .\ A. DeNeol reported th a t BuW w as ! ' • In n e ed 'o f abou t J5 new h o m « a n d ■.

r'. th a t- th e tocal bunks have policies nnd «1ll consider a n d accept reason- able loans.

f T liero will be a new oftlce set up L In B uhl a t Ihc H . A. DeNeal n a i i i u u t < office on N orlh Bioadway In -

the n e a r f u tu n n h e re m nlerlals a n d Inform atlon can be received by any* '

, one Interested In th e new act.O tto P a rry Is head of 1 ^ P . H. A.

u s r working u nder h im : A rthur WUton, to Roy P4lt. S tan ley W ebber, Wea.

Puller a n d C. M. McQuenry. These com m ltleem en are p lanning a pro*

s r gram lo definitely outline a new p lo t , I plan for zoning the tow n of B uhl fo r Ing ' a re to go up

tui-' A w om en's oommlttee, haa also red , been appoin ted w hieh eu tu lsu of

;M n . A ndy Meeka. chairm an, M rs.I Ray B an bury a n d M rs. Jam ea C an*I non.

U,e T liere wlU be a meeUng on Tue*- Ihe^ (Iny e w n tn g . Ju ly 3. a t H . A. De> n ln ' N eal's office fo r bo th committees a n d Ing I o thers who aro Interested.of ____________________________________

Ith ■

•lr. FLY SPRAYr e . A l a P rlee You C an A fford too r.i rd Llveslock. fl.OO g a l; honse.te{]{ gaL B rin g y o u ’ ow a eoata laera.iln f T W IK FALLS,p . | 1-RTERlNARY HOSPITAL

he Fourthh a v e t h e i r p l a y - t e n t

e “ y a i * d e c h o e s * w i t h —

I g h u n g a n d l a n t e r n s

:m b e r -,— -\t EMBER-,— ' '


Bisbee'sStudio of Especial Charm >c« Buildinjr, Twin FaJU

^ I ^


usekeepers i b y


^ . - = — I .

l i h S t a t e s I

n e n t C o . Ii F A L L S ___________M

^ ; : ; T x s r ^ g E A T t ) R E S

SCii-bs-:'■ ";- '. r — » ' - y ---------------

S ^ t e v e i a i

Chicagoan-^lirTw b D \ ConiinuiF r e n c h A n d W a r n e k .

B u c c a n ^ r s


c b l u c e l - l p u u b o r th O-l PhlU delpbU S. B otton 1 BrackJTB S. Stw y«rk a

-- '■ c meinnau a. a t.:tP ttb e ^—

C H IC A G O . J u n c 2 9 m - L a r r y F r e n c h a n d L o n W a r

' n e k e l i t e r a l ly h u r l e d t h e C iib i• f r o m f o u r t h t o s e c o n d p la c e ii

t h e N a t io n a l l e a g u e a t a n d l n j ;' t o d a y b y t u r n i n g b a c k P i t t s

- b u r g h , i n . t w o d e f e n s iv e d u e l b e f o r e 1 7 ,4 0 0 f a n s . 1 t o 0 il tw e lv e in n in g s a n d 2 to 1 .

C h u c k K le in ’s e le v c n t l h o n w f WM th e m ir» ln b e lw « i W am eke a n d R ed b u e u In iti n igh tcap a fte r W aite H o rt 'a owi th tpw ln* e n w tn th # tn-elflh hai c o tt hUn a b rilliant duel w ith h i

■I. la a t jrear'i team m ate. F rcnch, In th ; epcner.

l l . . . • A lrtJcht P tfe n ae ________

fiparkUnK defenitva p la r th a t tan t h e ' Cub in n e r defenae h and le 4: a n U ta perfectljr In th e tv o gam es Including r ire double p laj’i , aldec th e tr h u r l i f i . Second baaem an BU­l r B erm an handled 13 astU U and a lx p u to u u lo th e opener.

F re d U nd itroo ), fo n n er • P irate, v h o m ade a g rea t c a tc h of ..O ui

t a u h n drtv* a g a trn t.th e r ig h t cen ter J • feac« to end th e aecond gam e w ith i'- t b t t r ta g n m ob b u e . a u r te d the ^ " Coba* w inning raUy in O e f ln t K fa m e toy doubling.'•/. n t i i . i u ) * (IS iD sinp ); R U I* n tu k u r ih . . oeo m «oo c m -« i i

CbicMo - .....-_«oo coo 000 o o i - i i eaoTV knd radd«n: rrtncii aDil O t>e>. a (Mod itm *:n t to t a r m XB I t H o a

. L. w a s tr «r ______ 4 0 1 0 cJ im r a u , , 4 0 I 1 <r. w*n«r r t _ _ _ 4 0 1 4 1

^ - V4U(a>a M ________4 1 2 I 2— ! I l l l

TiMTCBew 3b ■„ ... , a 0 I 1 3O ne* « — :---------- 3 0 -0 4 «Lucaa p ------------------_3 J I O !

Ttotala — — _____ M 1 *» 34 tiCU aiM • AS R K O

a a u n u .................... 4 0 1 1 1tu n s a n 3b ____ _ __ 3 t t I 2Carmfrttw tb ■■ 4 0 s 12 (

'{ K a n a ttt c ________ 4 0 4 3 <tOMitTom e t ______ 4 0 I 3 <

1 . KUlB « • ■ ----- ■ ■ - 4 1 I 1 <JUffM M ________ 3 e 0 4 ' lW » n » * k tp _ _ ^ .------- J J 0 0 J

. T o u u ----------------- 31 3 io r r un tu o u r tb _________ coo ISO 00&— 1

Er> . ctucBio ___________oil coo ooi— j/ Errei>-«OBi. T m twM L iu-Y ounc.

Tbm D ow . Htnnkn. U»rtD*(t. K niiub. nomo n w — K lda. O M rU tet-Jurta.

---------DoaMo p iiT i •—"tu o k i-w V auitua waulir: r. W aorr to or»f«: iUiman to Jurxt* to CaTBrtttti; Ju tfra to Hrr* m w CO CaiBTTtiu.

Dodgers Defeat “ ©-Men*’BAOOKLYN, Ju n e »

Z in tle Mun<o. Brookl)-n‘a mound m a u u u y , ou tp lichrd two of the O ta su * ace*. Fred r im lm n jo n a and C a r l HubbeU todajr to sa in hU ten th Tietory of th e iea»on a i Ute D odgrrt w ea S to 3 a n d evened th e aertei.

T b e box acort:Y«rt, AB R II ' O A

MOOT* I f __________4 • J 3 OCni* J* ----------------3 0 I 1 . 4D«aslBl u x . __— I 0 0 u 0Ttrrjr lb ------ . . 4 e 0 : 0OU I t ------------------4 0 t I' 0L«i»«r e f __________3 1 0 1 0XOCBIC m --------------- 4 0 1 1 3J k c k m 3 b -------------4 0 1 1 0klUkCUM • ________ 3 0 1 7 0D *tu s ______ 1~Z.~ I e 0 0 oRubbfll p . . ------ . « a # 0 0W ila tn u b t t ......... 1 0 o u 0

Tou:* ..... ....... . . h 1 *7 24 ’»• s~ S a tl(d for rtlttlm m on. in l:b .

as—B«tU4 for HuOMtl In l.h . SS«-8«tM d fer e n u in 9;&.n f^ tm AD R H Cl tB ortt r f __________ 4 0 1 4 0Jordan w -------------3 I : I JBuetlM » ------------- 4 I • J 3 aatriBp 3b ___ « a 0 B 0L«ilU )b ________3 0 1 1 3J S g S ^ , - f f r = l ! 1 S ;KO«BMk* « f ---------- 4 0 0 S 0r . c o e fae i;o 3n — a i 0 » 3i«p«a « ____________« 0 1 2 0UUBtO P --------------- 4 0 1 1 1

m u it _______ s 1 "i 31 wTora ----- ----------010 lio w - 3

B r a e U r f i_________ 000 i t i e n — 3XrrofS — Ja:t*on. T*o teM M u —

*T-*—t b m U -carar. T lu t« bM* 8«cn-nea* — .CKtt, Jmrl«n Dnu&lr r:>r — XMBtc. CHU 7»fTT. to>-r.t r ;v n - pt — HubMll.

• Win. Third straightBO STO K . Jane M .I 'r - n U h i -

h a a d * r C u r t D a«li held tht Beetor. B ra Tea to te r r a »ca:;M ed i i n i i r t to* d a ? w hen hU PM Iidelph ia team - m a u a px;l on a fox --h lt b a rras? in

. th e eecond L-.n!r.g to c^aJk u ? the ir t h M r ^ l g h : v in . >•!.

---------- D a n a a a ju e d 'a a h a lo - t. f c r theJ ta e S o j » a reg lU srtd ;n the: t « in a ln t . e»m« over a .'te r .MU«

• 'T a iP f l a o d 'D c ip h CamUll "o o o t;d ' c rtn n d e ra b ; Lr% M allon tn d HaJ

B erger t i n r e m th* only B o to n run w ith a alngle to ernt-r^

T h e box aeere:

___ _ J " 0“ 1** 1 1



= M o m a J-------------------- e-----If—9----- r —----------7

n s T u rn B a d D efensive Di ue A ll-C onq ie k e t h e



Kew York ................... 42 M .?ft— c i 5 J ^ ' L . 3 B . - j y

81. Louis ............ ........... SS 21 .ss:) — P l t t s b o r t h __________ M M JSll^ a r- B ro o k ly n ---------— ..... 29 3* AV.; . |b s 'C l n e l n i u t t _____ ___. . .U 3« .43:

j_ FhlU delphIa ............... 25 37 .40:

lU" - i r i -'' “ 'I t ts * AMEBICAN LEAOVE 'Ivu c ls --------- W’ L Pel0 i n New V ork ......... ............ 4 0 ' 13 .Sli

C lereland ___________ 38 « JW:^»-u O t t n l i ______________ 38 29 J l

C h ic a g o ______ ----------31 27 JUiB « to n ........ ....................32 38 JWw aah lng ton — ....M 3J .44<P h lU d e lp h Ia ------------ J 5 33 .411

, » « J s t . U o i . ........ ............ . ..H 41 AV.1 th e ......... —

Dftt 1* p ___________ 4 0 0 e «

— i- V i“ W tjru u u k i M -------------4 0 1 1 :

t 41 M»llon 2b -------------4 1 0 3 1

S ' ; t s . . ' . ' « r = r : : : : ; ! S S ! !Wed I n . uoor* rf ........-... 4 0 j a cB U -ljord«n in ___ 4 0 0 t

-------------? S ? 2 (> ! Uowrr I "__________ 0 0 - 0 0 t

rate, B pohw e ________ 0 0 0 0 1O ualM aefa r^ 'n P ---------- * 2 ’ S 5

th e o T ta u __ :__________ 33 t t n * I

u * .r^T io o 000 0 0 ^ 1I 1 1 E rm s — O unini. Ilailin. Two baM a 0 h iu -* Vm««. Wlboa. 8a<rltlc«a J. t>e>.' Uoor«. Doubl* pUrv-ChloiaB to Ua**

, lltl to CtmllU; Camllll lo HmIId td0 A o m u ii . Ue*|n| p iu n tr -U te fa rd tm -■

4 i{ R e d s D o w n C a r d i n a l sT 1 ! CINCINNATI. Ju n e » {4V-Cln*s 0 c ln n a tl 't Reds lo d ty took ttte lr sec*1 j ' ’ ond s tra lsh t game from th e SL I 2 Louis C ard lnati, beating off a n inth* . - in n in g th re a t to win. B to B.* t l T h e box tcore:0 A a i. L«nli AB R II o A1 o iu w t in atl . i 0 I 3 01 i O r M i t t r r ........... 4 I I J O2 0 u ’hllrhrMi 3D ......... S 1 1 0 3a 0 M«i«irii If ........,1 a 4 • 01 0 J . Coiiiw Ita ______ 4 0 a > 0t 0 Moor* r t - ................0 0 •© 4 0t --3 .iotiD «v* • - ............ . ,-4 — 1 —3 3- . 0» 3 ‘r ^ ' o i r ** _______ J 0 1 0 I- — !w »i»tr p ”'r ~ ~ r r " ' f l o o o o T » 1 0 0 0 0 >— 1 >r. coiiioj p 0 0 0 0 0I— * • ■ — _ - _'Unc. Tt>UU .. 40 « H }« 4:IUb. l> _ lu ttK l for W ilktr In tin .r t a . I CiBclnnjil AB R II O Aa to U r m ....... . . . 5 3 a 1 4l» U> RJfBi ab . . . S 0 3 3 1Hrr* aoodmaa rf .. ___ S I 3 I 0

iH m nkn If .... . S I ' I 1 0iBotioinlrr lb ............ i 1 1 • 0

,« t Campbtll e .......... 4 I . I 4 11 iKampourli i h ___ 4 I a S 2w ,_ |» o rd c r-..................... 4 I 3 3 0y**' ' JohnM>n f» . 0 — 0 0 »>und; rtifH*<in I ............ I 0 0 o - otj,e N»i*on p , t fl 0 0 0and ” 1 0 0 0 0

IKolllninworin p i o o o n^ n lh 'D rrisn in p 0 0 0 0 0

T o u u . . i i ' i i i r "i!* -n * t t.4 lor JehDMti In IM. ’r r-n 4 lt* d for r«f:aon In fllh.

^ A Bt. LouU . . . . 1 1 3 fllO 061- «1 o Cinrlnnalt 001 flJO iOt— <I .4 C irota-Oflbrrl, P 0»«n, KampourU.I 0 Two bM> hll* — UMlmlrk. n iit* . Kam*I 0 pnuru. T hrrr bat* h iu — Mrdvlck. !>*•

0 lancrr. Mrr»». Hom* nin* — t>*lanf*T. 0 OcJOOaan. UMiriek 9to!rn bM*a—Or-

1 a aattl. BacTinr*. - J. Colllna. WlnnlB*1 0 p iu h rr — S.':linc>vortn. L o in s pit*

« ^ fh fr - iv.,..T .

' “ t h e

six WI 5 ; 'Oy T il- .\ i—'i ;u i« l P rc isi , # Joe Mffialcfc of the C artU nab be-

0 cam e th e t i n t m a]or league pU yrr ‘ ^ I t o m ake 100 h lu th is season when \ g l h e bancfd ™u a home m n . t.*lple., 1 : a n d single In Hvr time* up asainM ■ — j C incinnati., *?; The stai;<lin;»-.

} ; r U t r r t AR R H Pet., Vaushan. nral*« ___IM Sl tS JS t

C.rdlrul«____: « , n j » a• VtnmU.’ In au a t . tJJ SI Sl JS4

•rn- US 44 ta J«»M-niB. f.raiB ali n i S4 S4 J U

IPY D U S T A f J p V M A f iR A J P heir F A C I^ ia E fifS T \ » ‘P O ' ^ r . ^ U « tU T K 6 N 0 f« H )K M O U > ,S lR

e E o r4 h i o o s e el ^ l G r t T K A ^ © / I M A

’A L L S :


k P i r a t e s u e ls ; Y anks u e rin g Drive

N e w Y o r k e r s C l o u

^ — H o m e r a - T o - B e a t —

) S o l o n s , 6 - 3


S t. Loola f . D etro it 3 >.i Cleveland S, C hlcaso S

Boaton 6*13, PhU adelpbU 4><N s» Y oik i . W ashlng4o»-<--------

S 5 N E W Y O R K , J u n c 2 0 ( IP i- H5 L e f t y V e r n o n G o m e z f a i l e d t

g a i n h i s s c c o n d s t r a i g h t s h u t o u t t o d a y b u t h « did", w in hi; s e v e n t h v i c to r y o f t h e s c a s o i

Iv.. a s t h e Y a n k e e s t o o k t h e h o m i ct^ x u n . r o u t e to a 6 t o 8 v ic to r} >33 o v e r t h e S e n a to r s . I t w a s th c i) ^ s e v e n t h t r i u m p h o v e r , th< I . . S e n a t o r s in e i g h t c l a s h e s th i : ^ aeason.

• G om es p itched n e a r pe rfec t bal I” fo r aeven Innings, giving only foui I ; h its while th e Y anks buUt up a lom

le a d ." 'n i e n ^ ie began to weaken = apparen tly feeling thfr h o t humU

w eather, a n d Johnny M urphy hac ^ to come to h ls reacue In th e nlnt» tT ta p rO x t tha W»ir JVnrVllmar^lK A Bum p H adley p itched th e full dis- f U nce fo r V^ashlngton holding th t 0 league le ad e n hitleas and runless0 In the , la st (our In n ln is a fte r tli( ° dam age had been done.0 1 H om e runa by B en C hapm an and0 ‘ Earle Combs, bo th m ade In ilde the0 1 p a rk , accounted for five of the 1 1 Y ankee countera: T h e o th e r camc 0 ' from C hapm an 's ting le tn th e open*

-O iiilg -tn n ln g and G ehrig'* tr ip le * l i T h e box score:.” H u h la rlo a AK R H O A

B lun* M --------------- 3 0 1 3 3• ^ M y tf*ab '* .- .':3 rrriiz : 3 0 ‘ *J I u a a u i b i f ---- --------4 0 I 3 cJ ’Travi* 3b _____' - 1 0 0 3 1^ iB e b u lu cf ________ 3 1 0 1 0‘friito ib reoa « ------------ 4 o i a i” Kuh«l lb __________ 4 I 3 10 3

KuSlnr P _____ ____ 3 0 0 3 1Dolton a --------------- I 0 0 0 0

Total* ------------------34 3 • 94 13n* s-IU tlM l (or iiaOKy In »th.

I N*w Vark AB R II n A,, .Comba If •........ ........... 4 3 3 1 05t-lnoll* 3b --------------- 4 0 1 0 1n* Chapman c f ..... .......... 4 a ■ ‘3 i o

o*nfii l b ________ 3 0 1 a 1Larzerl J b __________ 3 0 0 3 3DlcKrr e ---------------4 0 1 4 0

A Srikirk rf _______ 4 0 1 3 00 Creasitl a a ______ __ 4 I I I S0 Clomrt p _______ 4 I 0 I I3 MurphT P ------------ _0 ^ 0 0 0o ' Total* ------------------33 a io 2T i i0 Waahmslon ----------- OOO 000 O IJ- 3

. 0 N*W Verk . ............lOJ 300 00<~ a0 I Erroia—Hon*. Two bw* ,'hlt — .‘.oil*.1 ,Thr*« bM* h it — O thrls /llom * runa— 0 , Chapman. Coaba. Stol*n/ba*»—ComU. o Doubl* plar* — Bluric and Kuhtl. 0 «T*r. nUi*fT and Kuh»l; i ^ w t . Croa*

—'* ttt and Clfhrls. W lnnlnr pitcltrr —4 Uomrr.

;i Red Sox Win Two,®- Pm x-ADELPHIA. Ju n e 29 (-T)—0 T h r Boalon Red Sox c ap tured both iiendA or a doubleheader w ith Ihe J 'A ih leU cs loday. w inning th e Jlrst

.« :s a m e 6 to 4 behind L edy G rove'a o ’pilchlng and stu fsing th e ir way to B a 13 to 6 trlum pli in th e second.„ l Grove s ln ick ou t seven m em bers 0 , ol h h o Id Iram In w lnnlne th e

-- openins clash fo r h is se v en th 'tr t** um ph or th e season.

, C arl Reynolds' hom e ru n w ith two* on base in th e flrat Inning sen t

^ • i th e Red Sox off tow ard th e ir > « -I ond vicior>'.

r*l n ra t tam*; H K IC^lBo»ton - . 001 2U eoo—4 11 jr> irmiadflpM a . ___010 100 700-4 • I>( I OroTt aod r«rttll; WlUhir*, Caatrr t 'iB m to n asd B*rrr.

• Second «am*.' n«M>oa AN R II O A...U flU lo 3ir 4 ) 1 4 1

Almada rf ' .... 3 J I 3 0 a n. Johnaon It . . . . . 4 I 3 a o

n*moid* cf s 1 1 1 0. R. r*rr»ll c . . _ . s 3 1 J IW ftw r 3h ■___ _____ s 3 a a ar)ahtfT*n lb ..... . s 0 0 s a'Vfieh p . } t 1 2 I

TotaU 40 ta 14 3; la

■ * ' D. john ioo If .— - a 0 0 a 0r r ; roxx a b --------------- 4 1 1 jo a

IlKfltU 3b ________ -4 1 1 0 1. MeNair aa __________ 3 I 0 t 3

e . , W*r»u*r 3b _______3 I 1 I 3M nictlami « _______ 4 1 1 S 1

( n;»*noidrr. p . o o o o oUareum » i o o o o

i i ' c ™ ““ " ------------ 1 0 0 0 1

•J . i i - n « n for Uarriim 10 Jin ^ ii> —Bait*<l for Ca*i»r in »th.- l*n»Wn JJJ Ifll 131-13

rM:art»;phia ........... ooa ooo oo4— atrrcTt — llK iiiu . Mc.vair. War»tl*r.

^Crcnii; } Twe baj* h lu —W*Kh. Croa* In. w»rr>*r, Almtaa Ilom* ruaa—R»r-

■ no;a* W frb^ : Sacnfle* — Almaoa.• r» u r> p:ir» — Cronin. UrtUla. to , Dah:(;rfi. .LaaiQ| pKcbrT—ma4Mld«r.

1 Brownies Trounce TigersST. LOUIS, Ju n e » i-D—Rogera

Horanby s c rratie B ro v ru rega ined 1 t.*-.ftr »:moet forgo tten h itt in g skill : tod»> by e igh t paaaea.- m .-r..T .rni out . a . . . 1 in ' ui« liiina sam e of th e ir aerlea w ithI l h ' UMrtl place D etro it T Sei*-

, box « o re :U , tvnrait AB R II O AR ro» rf —_ .\ 0 3 3 1

^ f .c l ^ f r 4 O l i 3

r» - t — ? — ». - j r i : J I! 1 o ?

■ a ' ^1-1 ' B > 1 «

N E W S IT W I N F A L L S , I D A H O ,. S U N :

---------- ---- 0 i f - . 0

reakrAtttW h e

r e9 u t

tiu t-h is

Lson I 3m c L J H o r y W ^ Mt ic ir D Hth e I

th is

baU :four

S .im ld; e S m K I , , ',hadm th T il l - : H ( U ;E la k e f r o n t m u n ic i r :guw — f » e - a ^ b f t s c b i t lH r « n e ^ n H h p - l

u n d e r M ic k e y C o c h r a n e ( I d iicM a n n u a l b a t t l e J u i

iio»i«tt p ......................I 0 0 p eT t * ............ _1 i J i ith e T ouii . . . 3s 3 II }< V.

ame s*-b*u*d tor B ridm in etn.» n - : c R ....................r . “ ? tIple.-Buma lb . .....r 3 I I 10 0

.Boltrra If ... ........... 4 1 0 1 0, - ,Coi*min rf ................4 o i 4 o' Z 1 W nt ef ________ 3 3 3 3 0

J ll*nuler e __ ______ 4 3 3 3 0' J Bum rtt 3 b ________ 5 3 3 3 3, 2 Dajma a* .................... 3 1 I* 3 1

7'Andr*«a p .... _ ... I 0 o 0 0.g 'C oflm an p - .............3 0 1 0 0

, !1 't o u u ------------- ....« "# i j r i 13, t>*troii ...................ona 001 0 0 ^ 3

. i a t. Lout* . .. 021 1)0 0 3 > -s , , Crror»—Buma. ro*. Two ba tt h iu — ‘' llrmalpr- Coffman. ar**nb*rc. S u ra ttl . '

I lUcrlllcr—Coffman. Doubl* pla^a — ', - 'a*h rin i* r and Or*tnbrrs: a i f i . B*Jma '

a Rum*. WlisnlDK p iu iirr—Cotfmaa. J,L o*in t p iu h n —Drtds**.

I n d i a n s B e a t C l i is o xS ' CLEVELAND. Ju ijr 29 (,r>-The a Cleveland Ind ians rifled two home ' r u n * , a p a ir of trip les and and a

_ double off th ree C hicago p iieh en I I ‘ today 10 d efeat th e W hii* Sox. t

- 2 lo 5-i T lie Sox taUled IS hiix acslfvst

w— Cleveland'A nine. M a n asrr Jim m y | '**“ •! Dykea used fifteen m en in ili^ con- r S : : I

_ l T he box .wore;I Chlrai* \B It II O A{Radrllfl If ................ S I 7 H o:.lla jra 2b___________ 4 .0 2 2 ...1 ;.illonura lb . S fl 7 II I j

[>)_> lm m otu rf . » n i a o.■Appllhf a* 4 7 S ? 3j

4 0 t I IIh e iv w r ii e r n } t eirs t * ........... .. ® ® ® « j'■*'* p •. 3 fl « 2 3i “ S K ;■

W a^liiiton t< t 1 n I O' fl,-^ Sai.woii p 0 _o 0 0 _0 ,t r i* ' Toui« ♦« 3 IS : t la. XX—Batl*d for m*lp« in Tih ‘ ■O . x x i-n a i tM for r jc . i f r ine n t ci*>*Uad ab x ii o a

. O alatur rf 4 o o 3 0; Knift«bfKSfr •• « 1 I t a [’ Voamlk tf . . 4 t a 2 Ol

I * rampb*l1 rf . 4 0 1 0 0 '1 a , TTOt»y lb . ........... . 4 I I M 3 :». » llal* IK ..............4 fl ft 3 S '**" B*ri*r 3b . ........... 3 J I a 7 .

• rhlllloa e , .. . 4 T I 7 0 ;Hudlln P ........... 3 0 1 1 3 '

' A L, Brawn p . 0 0 0 1 0

O' Tolal* . 3< 6 S 3T IS*> Chlrato r o»> ;co 310— S3 n rrr la n d tM I'M IC f- 4 a ; xrrers-ll*rM . Ri<!c;tff. T>o ba.«« hiU

1 F IS H IN GI G O I N G S A L . M O N i

; F I S H I N G ? |' ' I 43*lb, T es t Lines.

I', F ifty Yard.4 ^ A a V U t- 30-lb. Teat Llnr*

_*• F ifty Yarcli, j ; C 'lb , T fs i n > Tirif,- o .i-e iik

: f Z T $ 2 . 0 0_ i j Sa lm on Spcari.- a S m an Sire

Salm on S p ra rt. a ^s ; ; M M aics,,. $ 1 . 0 0

-Salmon Spf!.r» a - ^L am e S!'-' ^ * * 2 5Salm on lU rp ccn a ^ ^ A !

^ , S pears, each v A a ^ OiS ! sa lm o n E * tr. ^

8-ot. J a r 4 0 caed I Salm on rw:»«. ^ * _ ikU l' S in slra e a . ' 9 -^ .^ Vim______________ 4 5 C -

n th 8 and 9-r:. r .v I"

$ 1 * 2 5 . $ 2 . 2 5 I’ * B» Sar* and T riff O or Taekle i

0 B rforr You Huy

; GERRISH’S- I - — S p o r t i n j : S t o r e F

• iy. Main \ t r '

S U N D A "U N D A Y M O R N I N G . J U N E 30. 1935

l l a c ^

; e i r d a n i c e J

h e r e A l t - S t a r s W i t t C l a s

l ic ipn l s t a d iu m In C le v e la n d m a y h o ld

( l e f t ) , a n d lh e n a t io n a l , u n d e r F r a n J u ly 8 .

: M H o m r B : Run I i ^ ’LERDEPS■ •-------------------------- R l0 . (By T be Asaoelated Prras)

i • HOME BUNS YESTERDAY-*3 W erber. Red Sox ......... ........ ...... ........ 3 ■- ■. Ilrynolds. Red So* ................. .......... I

- Tro*kT, Ind aaa ...... .... 1 'J . Votmlk, Ind ians ................................. 1 H

2» ' Higglna. A lM cllc s ............................- .1 fj,' Chapm an, la n k e e a ....................... .1 . je.Comba. Y a rk e « .......... 1 |tiK W n. Caba ___________________ _ J SI.Medwlck. C a H ln a ta --------------------- 1 B)

t ie nelaneey. C ardinals ........... ..... I rGoodman. Rrda ................................ 1 Po(

m ■•E.MIEIW 6 ?• • G reeabfrg, T lceta .. - 13 . . f

, J . Coltlna. C ardlnaU 11Jobnsen. A thletlct . 17 ' /

“'> 'in » rg fr . Bravea ...................... ......... 15 f ‘*’' ' • cam llll. r h l l l i f . ............................. 1$

] L E A G V t TOTALS Bla

0; National .................................... ....3 :4 «•*<o jA m e rifa n '__________________________—»! Tolal .......................... - ............... S44 —

>i '« — Hudlln. Appltnf. Blmmona. Thrr** I luiA* hlla — Knirkrrborkrr, Campbell. "Iltoma luua — Troakr.. VoamlK. Siolca JrbaM — nenrr. l>3Ubl* plaja — no.iur*

. ;U n d Applini: llnlr. n r r i r r and TlT»kT. T • 'P 'f te t . Kniaertincker and Tt«»»r." ' Wlnnms pntlier — Hudlln Laalof pll*0 i{hrr — Pliflp*. ___

1* ' . - --------- --

; ;

•i "Ahl .That’s the I^ O W *tifnen b a re a 't foi; o u jh t to t t s te . T b ey j^ cause tb e f a m l l j th a t* j vear* a jo Jftll k o o * 'I I W A L T E R 'S . T r y * f a

\ ;R


■ Is

Y S P Q l35 . . . ■ \

itbyRaitMarks Ir

------------------------- ----------------------------f

^ ' ' ' : ^

>ld the .largcst'crow d ever to t e B w i T B n i f r s w ^ l c a n 'l e a g i f * ; ' {“ nnkie Frisch (r ig h t) , clash in o


B la c k S o x D e fe n d

O n e - G a m e M a rg in i--------- W;

Rupert Invades Pocatello For Chance a t League ^ \

Championship 1“--------- I I

' POCATELLO. Jn n e 21 {JCr- ’ca W llh only Iwe more gam ea In th e les f l n t h a lf of th e Snake R lre r Val- fin ley leacnr, BU ekfoot will defend fot Its one*game lead In a eenteat w ith SheUey Snnday a fternoon a l : B tackfoot. : hR upert. In second place, m usl beat j f«

Pocatello lo slay in lhe running lo r the f lrat ha lf title. T h is game is tO : ° be plA>-cd f l R u p e r t. ' I •“

S lerling goes lo Burley for the ' th ird gam e of Ihe day. - •«• T he first h a lf end* Ju ly 7 w iih ' " Blackfoot p layins a t R upert. I f bo lh ' ' leama win Sunday Rames. R upert : \n t l r th e leaders by beating t h e '* * B lack-Sox In th e final sam e.

T h e sMond half continues for 10 * • a*ek* a fle r Ju ly 7. i * . . ----------------------------- ... ----

' 1 •


50cTarkr.T e r S lrak Ssnday D inner


......( /

I Kind I Like" ^fo rg o n e o bow goo d o « r T7 g o fo r W A L T E R 'S be- Qa t s ta n e d m akio/; it fifty pT 3*» bow . Y o u 'll p refer

I B rr trM f"b -rHiT.

rR T B rrO R R i« ert. l i a h a ■1 —


i L j O f V i

n All-StaCrowid Q f l< Indlicaied I Demand I

T o t a l A n d N e t R e c e i p t s

------------ — A n n u a l - e i a s s i c - J

N e w A l l - T i m

By ARTHUR BiC L E V E L A N D . (/Pj— T h e m uji

s t a r bull g a m e , a f te r , p la y in g in co u n try , t h i s y e a r m oves in to t w ith th e p ro sp e c t o f .sh a tte r in g i

■lilrftofy u f tliii «um o !ii i IiIh n m W n ltc r Davl.s, com m i.snioncr o f

m u n ic ipa l stad iu m ,'.n a id th e ad \'i n e a r ly 1 0 0 .0 0 0 p e rso n s w ill ta x s t ru c tu re J u ly 8. ’ • .'‘—

B illy E v a n s , g e n e ra l m an a - as g e r o f C lev e lan d 's In d lu n s. s a id t h a t a b o u t 5 6 0 ,0 0 0 hnd been recclved'by mid-June. He an ­ticipated a tellout of the rtaerved }||! »eau. Tlie stadium ha.i a pcrman* , ent seating capacity of 78.187, in- eluding bleachefs. Coiiitnictlon of • a special grand stand In front of * the elevated bleachers to hold n n t l j addlUonal 10.000. U contemplated 11| and the spacious siadlum ramps | offer slnndlng room for thousands' more. Davis pointed out. •

t T ota l and n e l reeripla fn r Ihe ! c laisle may. exceed tho te o f any game In hU lory ouUlde of world Vt icriea contesta. T leket sales fo r th r a l l 's U r gam e in New York In 1934 tota led U2.9S2. A fter e ip en srs were paid th e n e t am ounted to M4J22.

! Eipensea incuned by the Anierl*Can a n d Nfftlonal leagues, including ]■ traveling , a n d ho te l bllU for play* >. e ra . 'th e New York ball elub, th e I commlaaloner'a olflce, the Baseball ,, W rliera aasoclatlon, Insum ne?, In- a tallatlon of loud speakera and Olher IncldentaU. tota led t8.BS0. f,

T lie gam e's n e t rccelpia go into I a fund for old a n d Indigent players. ° I under the Asaociatlon of Profes-1 ~ 'a lona l BaU PU yers of A m erica. ' j " ' ' j DavU ta ld today th a t th e m a jo r! : leasue aces p a rtic ipa ting in th e c o n - ! e.ii lest here will find th e field " lh e l Oa finest on w hich they have ever p e r* ' Wi form ed. . G«

llogo P U y lns Field [Uti"T here's no money In 11 for tu.*' | ha

i he said. "T he clly will recclve Sl dei ' for use o f th e stad ium and a nom - Ier

Inal tum te r Incidental expensev < I B ut v e have m whale o t a n oppor- « || I Iniilty te advertise th e s tad ium — iiu I and believe yeu m e. we're tak ing !({] . advanU ge or I t. We'll ahow TUItors '

w hal clvle p r id i haa done be rr . . •'Nearly 25 m en have worked on

th e field since eariy tn M arch, D ie w ay they care fo r th e sra.'w in th e , oulfield and Infield you'd th in k it le; w at orchids." • sic

, P rank Van .D cllan. v e t e r a n frc •grounds k e q r c r - f o r th e ln d l l iu . 'was—M t ■ ' 'II

.• i . ^ I ■ • -

M ttbaniatl btMuly Sii«(.H-tM»oi iftp up per- 0«««U

ftrmama mnd kup '" '‘•n’. Hdoun ibe « » / . ^ . A A

W b e a y o u b u y a 9 4 0 0 t r u c k . . ’.y o u in i t i t OQ g o o d lo o k s , o f c o u rs e , st b e c a u se g o o d lo o k s a r e im* si p o r t a o t D o w ad a y s in b u i ld - sl l o g u p a n d m a la t a tn i o g y o u r ai c o m m e r c i a l p r e s t i g e . But o btautf U 7 f ^ » r bdtJtbont is M b rtry ia d & rr;4>« . S o , b e fo r e o j -o u b a y b e s u r e tb e b e a u ty IS m o r e t b t o p a in c d e e p . ti

W c i a v l t e y o u t o c o m e ai !o t f id s e e t h e o e w U ae o f «

^ M c VM c C o r m i c k - D e e V i n K

I m p l e m e n t s

S C T IO NAND n a t i o n a l COVERAGE

icteriesIg&amez;1 0 0 , 0 0 0

By H eavy For T ickets

i>ts For Major Leagues’,H tfaj^EstablisIr— --------ime Records »R BOSTW ICKnajo r longues' th ird annilal all- in th e two largest cities In th e .

to the nntion's largest stadium ng all attondance rccords in-the _iOUIlt l 'y . --------’-----------------------------------------------r o f Cleveland’s g ian t lake shore idvnncc sca t sale indicates th a t ax the capacity of the colossal

. assigned to groom th e "aklnfleld.", the baseline a rea w here th e e a r th 1 m u st be sm ooth and fast. ^

T he ex traord inary large field , m easures 320 'i fee t fo r ‘each foul

line and 470 feet from hom e p la te ) to th e cen ter fleld flag pole.

I Id a h o B o y R id e s

I O m a h a to V ic to r y

William Woodward's Great Thorougiibrcd Wins

Dwyer Slal<cs

NEW VORK. Ju n e »Ilam W oodward's Omalia.~bKiny------------b eaten -w hen he alepped o a l ef

; hla d itltlon lo m n la Ibe Brook*.‘ I m handicap U st week, re la m e d ' ^: lo h is own cUaa today a n d whip*

pcd five o the r Ih ree year «lda In th e hlslorle Dwyer stakea a t Aqtie- duet. Alfred G. V anderb llfa Good G able «a* second, a n d Mra. Payne

-W hltBcy'a Cheshire, th ird .I ln winning i ) x race his daddy

' e.tpiured five yurt. ago. th e aon of ilQ a lU n i Pox. ridden by W ayne .’ W right, form er lu a h o jockey, c augh t l l ,G ood G able in l.'ic s tre tch and flti- ■ \ ished draw ing a'»'ny. one and o n e - 1 1 ha lf lenElhs in fro n t o f th e V an - I I derb llt filly. Cr.eshlre was e ig h t • • -* lensth.^ to th e .••ar.

O m aha wa;t t y 7 to 10 choice lo win (he purse of M.300 a r d Increase

j his to la l earm.n^s for tn e year lo .(H3.3<0.


Aulo ton . slass. body a n d fender lepnlr, pninting, F u rn itu re uphol- slerlnc. Awnings. T ry ua flrsl. Aeroaa from Telephone Bldg. P h e n e 479.—

—Adv.— ------------------------------------------------------

« »o io-M*i i t r e a m l in e d In te r*'i(M .r.e .b . D s t iO D a I s . . . ta d tot. fr»o« s u b je c t a n y t r u c k

in tn is l in o t o th e | A • tn o s t r i f f i^ 'e x a m i-

UP n sU o n , in s id e a n d o u t- S e e f o r y o u r ­

s e l f t h e e v id e n c e o f n ig c e d s t r e o g t b a o d e o g i a e c r i n g s k il l . A a d t o m i k e y o u r ex* a m io a t io o c o m p le t e . . . p j c k o u t tb e m o d e l t h a t s u i u y o u b e s t t o d t r y i t o u t o o y o u r io w n jo b . L e a ro f o r y o u n e l f ■ iw h a t w e m ean b y In te rn a *.tio n a p s p e rf b rm -a o c e , a o d l o t e r o a t i o o i f r s Konemiati o p e ra d o Q .

— TV* ir-j**>i< » _T t I ^ C-U. a boW f*



^ d l d e iI T T *- ’' J- — 1

~ S tin ^ ^ O aCalifprniaWashingl

Coach Ky EbriBhfs Finish Close Sti

_______ Fest Ahead j- 'a r PACT. 2


fo rn la’s Poughkocpoie conqye oarsm en of apeed {ts well aa o national intcrcollcslato sprii tfme of 6 m inutes, 16.6 second

---------—The-Coi^n-Bear»-croM ed-tW ashington bu t th e race was w a te r between th e v ictor and Vania. Syracuse w as th ird .

Four-thousand persons v ho lined th e banks of th e Olympic

. Bames rowlnjr site cheered I w ildly a t the (InU h w hleh b rou fh l

lh a fo u r boaU t e r a | i th o line well . u nder th o coune record e t S m lnu tei

31J secoads e«t by th e s tu rd y Ita lU n crow Id one of th e p r e l lm ln ir tu ol th e 1993 Olympic gam ei.

W u h ls r te n w as- e leck id ' in S m laatea I M MConds. T h e tim er n o f h t S y r u a te In i r a ln a tu 19.1 •eeend i and the B ine a n d Red lo 6

V n loB te* U aecoBda f l a t

T hero was a t t s h t i t r u s s le from1----------- H it tim » tn* M H ftin T o r - ihT T o u t

boats broke from th e s ta r tin g barsc to th e f ina l sp r in t a t th e end with

I no one of the q u a rte t holding an , appreciable advanU ge.

n i | h Speed M ainU lned

T he f ln t, precise sp rin tin g ab llltj o t the O olden B e a n gavo them the M ctory. They answ ered th c c a l l f r e n th e coxswain to speed u p th e b e a t a fu ll 300 y a rd s-from " th t 'w i r o 'a n d

• ^ f ^ h e n carried t t on to th e end wUh< n ou t faltering.

I n doing so th r y so t a Jum p en th e e th e rs who p u t up a de term ined fig h t th a t availed th em a o th lng .

T ho HBskles answ ered CaUfer* n U 's eball(BC« by Im n id U U Iy aU ppIng v p th t l r b u t and-w bll* (hey coitidnH o r tr ta k e th e B e a n , (hey w er t In a position to lU r e off (he b«Ut«d n u h of Syraease aod

I F e a asy U rsU .

A fU r k lc U itr th e lr w ay in te the lead o ff th e barge, th e B ears slipped back In to th ird plaee a t th e s ta r t w ith .P ennsy lvan ia lead ing and W ashington second. A s they slowed down to steady 32-34 beat. W ashing­ton’s pow erful e ig h t moved slightly in f ro n t a t lh a 500 m e te r m ark, w ith CaU fom ia second. P rnnsyl* v .inla Ih lrd nnd 8>Taeusc fou rih .

C oach K y .B brlghfs s tu rd y m en m o^ td u p 10 a fou r foot. advanU ge a t th e h a lf way p o in t over P e n n - sylvanU . w ith less th a n . th r e e feet se p a rau n g lhe o tb e r th ree boats.

Th»y~ J«fk»yed back a n d fo rth frem ( h a t point on w llh f t n t CaU I fe ra U a s d (hen W ashlag ton in frv n t a n d Syracoso a a d P e n n iy l. va n la alw ays w llh ln s tr ik ing d is­tance . At the UOO m eter m ark C alifo rn ia bad a lead of oa ty a few taches.

Coach Al inb rlcksoa 's Huskies were tn aecond place and th e O raage Blades o f Coaeh J o n n te n Eyck's SjTSCiise e ight In th ird . T h is Is th e

_ _ ^ » y they nnlshed.

- < ^ Je a n B o r o tr a ’s

D u e l C a n c e lle d

Settlement of Incident By Jury ol Honor Pleases

French Tennis StarW IKBLEDOK. E nc.. Ju n e M tT)

, —A lu ry of honor m eeting a t P a ris lodsy decided J e a n B oro tra, F rench tennU s ta r , aod D ld ler Poullan. Par»^ sports w riu r. aee d n o t figh t th e ir propooed duel.

T onight, Boro tra sa id . "AU I h a « te w orry about Is beating your Biag« a lflcen i American doubles le sm a" in th e aU-EngU nd to u m a m m t being

--------p la y « d -h e r t. -B o ro u a , Whom th e ip o rU w n t« r

- h a d chaUeitged fey - le ite r a l te r a a e*char.ge of rem arks concem lng the * 'B oandin i Basque's" decision a o t lo play O avU cup s a g l u Wt;IIe cn> te rtn* th e W lmW edon tou rney , was obTlousty pleased a t se ttlem en t e f tbe

I Too Late I_____I

l .t l i l t in '.I lJ3 d T —BtiACK SEA L P tm S E ; 10 ( inches leng, 8 Inches wide, con*

U in la g a p m d m a te ly >39. keys a a d open face geld w atch wjift le tte r « In icreU on back. Retu-Tj to poUe* ^ u o n . U bera l rew ard.

li f ...

^ .... rW IN F

n Bear

arsm eiTO f~ a Nose O u t |ton Huskies' s P o u g h k e e p s i e C h a m p a

S t r u g g l e S c a n t S i x

1 n f N o r t h e r n f r a — ^

r tZ IU H B R U A N Presa Bportg W rtter)

O N G B E A C H , J u n e 2 0 (/P)— C ali', m e r o r s p r o v e d t o d a y t h a t t h e y a r e iS o f e n d u r a n c e w h e n th e y .;W o n t h o p r i n t r e g a t t a in r e c p r d - b r e a k in g ond fl.: r f - t h f - » n M h a f r f t r .t <thi»arf n f / a s s o c lo se t h a t t h e r e w a s n o o p e n m d t h e f o u r t h p la c e b o a t , F e n n s y l*

|StarsWinWith |1 Barrage of Hits Hollywood Out-Scores Oaks

a e r n Closing Innings of ‘o 6 . Coast League Game

rom COAST IJEA gU E.aT A >fPIN O Sro u rl ^ L r« t.»rgO ,M lttlon ........ ........... .... 9 3 .156w ith L m A ngoleo-------------- 1 4 .SM: H o lly w o o d _________..7 S M3

San Franclae* ----------- • I 445.SeatU e-----------------^ ...5 t AiSO aU and -------------------B 7 .417

,lllly P o r U a n d ------------------S T ^ ITthfl Saeram eot* . S JM

LO S l ^ K L U e . Ju o e 31 Un — A a n d ,h e a v y b a rr if ff e i h l t i in 'tb * c lo iln f ruh > 'in n in g s of today 'a gam* betw H n

I O aU and a n d Hollywood saw th e I S ta r s ge t th * be tter e ( th * < ng i|« «

> e n m e n t and em«rg« a a I I te 6 r te io r. la e d I n th e c l i h th m nlng, a te U l o t 7 r. ru n s wer* scored by th e tw o team s, e r - K H **Iy O a k la n d --------.001 160 O J l - < I t 0«>* HoUywood------30C- OJl ; 4 x - l l 17 Iu s . B a tts rlrs : Con’sn , Rego a n a Kies, o ff R slm ondl; H on.* a n d D ctjauwls. m d _ _ _


Tho M lUlon Reds ham m ered out Ihelr Ilfth s tr s lg c l vlc loo' over 8 sc - ram ento here iw lay w inning by a

ln g . m argin or 11 t o g , h tlv l I t H c.

Sacram ento -.410 031 OOO- I 14 I“ ‘ j* M iss ions_____ SU 000 3 U —11 16 IJ ' j B stterle s: Z lnn, H a r ts lg , F lynn " '^ j , |a n d S alk d d ;-N itch o las sn d O ulen. U goi:nn- . BE.VVEftS S, ANGELS 4fe«t PORTLAND. O re.. Ju n e » W V-

! a two-base hH by W impy W ilburn.

5,^** tw o rxm ^n^the '^T lnih* inn ing gave •_ I t b t Beavers a 5 to 4 victory over

- . ; Lo* Angele* her* ton igh t.U \..' T he score; R .H .E .

L o t Angeles _ .O IO 000 0 3 1 -4 9 0P o r t l a n d -------- OtO 010 0 0 » -4 9 0

B a tte ries: CampbeU a n d Goebel: Potedel a n d Cronin,

kies —Logt Fnuiebeo-8*«(U * n lgb t g a n t ek s pottponed. rain ._________


ED ITO R'S NOTE — T hU U the. f l n t o t a oerit* of b rief artle lrs

- J an golf by Dlek Olson, profeoslon-B Q a t a n d Inslrwetor on Tw to Falls.

: B aht. R ttp tr t a a d B w tcy cwaroes.I D k k spends moot oT kU U m a-to

. (oning Jo st bow to bold a e lab Inb y h b tnlUal arUci«.

j By D ICK OLSON; Golf a s a g a m t m ust be enjoyed sn d It c a a ooly be enjoyed w ben played -with u UlUe e ffo rt as u possible.

..•l!] F l n t I will deal w ith th e grip. „JZ th e f i n t s tep la a good, soond golt , " swing. T her* a ro th re* d lU e ttn l

grips, ony one. of w blcb m ay be used lo advanU ge. th a t pave th e way to a good swing, a swing t h s t ts made

. » up of a series o f m uscular move- „ •* m enls. e sch of th e m u jc le i so co- , ^ o rd ln sitng so as to tnske th e swtng

free, sm ooth a a d rhytlunlc..T he interlocking g rip p laces the

slub sh a ft in th e palm o l i h t left' . ! * h a n d , th e left thum b In back of

lh e r ig h t han d a n d th e UtUe finger ' ” o f «b* r ig h t hand la tc to e i ln g wUli “ * th e fo t t f ia g t r of th e le ft harxJ. TbU

pU ces th e club s h a f l In th e f ta g c n• " c f th e r ig h t hand.

T b e aeeen d type Is t h t tem l-ln -___ terlock grip w blch filffor* from the

Interlocking grip la b u l or.e way. CS& T b t thum b of th e le ft han d t s -on

f l lh* club ah aft u nde r th e th u m b .e f ‘ B th e rig h t hand . This- puU lh e etub

• g sh a f t m o n in th e f lo g c n o f both

--------------Tf a T h trd Tjp * ------- -------^ U s t ly U th e over-U p grip which ^ placaa th e s b s f i in th e f l r g t n of

10 bo tb hands. T be left thum b U oo WI* th e sh a f t u nder the righ t- thum b tty a a n d th t lit tle f ln g tr of tb e rig h t hand r i ih Ues on top of th e forefinger o f the Ai.*T} le ft b aod . T b u pU ecs tb e sh a ft dl> ard- rteU y betw««a t b i tb sm b i s d fo rt-


C rew !. I f - ' • •



li '. . ■ W m B nrcleIff





tU n d the rigors o f la terso a* aad _ tun . Hw » Mlllmm» ♦« tmylitr Mp I. freckled, n d * h a lre d , O aktaod , Cal 10 th ing to a *V allfom la Cornel** ain14 b u n t o a t of th e w est a qciari«r*eei )] Ing ha ir a a d siss llog strokes.15

S SOUTH IDA J ,RENEW KE]10 B attles royal are scheduled tI* on the north and south side:r- as eight baseball aggregation!7 Southem Idaho league compc X League leading Kim berly ac0 a t home and take on th e cel*1 la r place M urtaugh aggrega- *• tion which has y e t to win n

lesgue v|ctor>'- O n th e o the r hand the th ree second pU oe ou tfits . Buhl, H aselton and H ansen , wlU be up

' sgslR st w hat Is generally knew!) as- tough com petition.It In th e Olher S outh Side Ult.

H aselton m akes th e tr ip to H ansen a in an e ffo rt to regain some prestige

a t te r two s tr s ig h t losses w hich cui* ^ m lnated a spoUess early K ason rec* X ord. Buhl wlU croas th e river to 1 u k e on the O oodlng team and Filer n win t r s « l to W endell.1.

finger of e sch h a n d giving th e four f in g en the biggest portion o t work

— In holding th e club.T he club should be held w ith a

n- f ln n r -cwnpact-a r ip ,-* llo w to g -b o th ■e hands to coord lnstc du ring th e pro- ;r cedure o t th e swing w llh smooth,

unrestra ined acUon.B. . , . -------------

S Bonthron Decides '• To Give Up Racing

QUEBEC. Ju n e M B oo-thron , P rlnceton 'a g rea t mller, said (oday he h s d defin itely decided to give up racing.

" I have th rea te n ed to glv# up rae*

) ing a good m any tim es," he tald . " th is tim e it s tick s .'

GROW ERS’ S E C IIE T A R r DIES , ORECLSV, Colo-, Ju n e 39 i4V -

J . O. Pancake, secre tary o t th e Ns* Ilonsl Beet O ro w tn a ssocutioo .

[ died h e rt loday. t‘ ■■

=1 LASTi[ Our neist dog-’s thr« When


i THIS1 it will pa:

'• c a rs . . . J

YOU Cb, sLx huge

________ - Dodge.

Magel; J ORIGINAL E • i l — —


N EW S ^■ TVyiN FALLS. I D M I O S U N ^

Smashe■ 9 •

i n ^ v T OC o ftrc rs itititte ^

eup U an, this year h u the serrloea ot aa , DartmoKth track eeaeh-t« hdp It with* md possibly ehaUeag* ronad play tor the

CallfornU. boy wh* look* Uko tha closest since the original. Maerlec McLongbUn.

•eenlury ago wllh the same sort of flam-

AHO TEAMS BEN RIVALRYid to be waged on four fron ts , both des o f th e m ighty Snake, today [ons will bc out to tam e rivals in ipetition. *aces, w ith bu t one defeat, rem ain

l e j . t ----------------------------------------------

A m e r ic a n s R e m a inihi,

» I n T e m u s B a t t leUll. _____

^ Sidney Wood Joins Donald Budge in Quarter-Finals

At Wimbledon

= B r ALBERT WILSO.Vour (A isortsied Press S u t f W rller)„ k LONDON. Jnnt U -F o n r Am*

•rtcans rtauUaed In the chaae for , , «1mblfdoo‘B major Unnli UtU U- oU) -day -S i-slag lft-fk ld s-ln -lhe-A U ^

EngUnd cbsmplenihtp* wer* cut itb, to dgbt In th* men’s dlvUlon and

atstten la (h t womtn's.In a dsy of routine p liy th a t, pro* '

duced n s parUcular ihrllls, S idney i Wood. New York's elrv^r ..shot*, .m sk e r . joined Donsld Budge, th e

1S> Califortila rcd*hesd, tn lhe m en 's ' qusrtcr* llnaU w ith a com paratively I

on* ca iy conquest of lU rry tiopm an o f i « ld A ujtrsU s. T he two California- fem i- '■

to n;ne acrv H elen Jacobs tn d H elen I >l’lU t Moody, moved unevrnttuUy

ac* In to th r fou rih round o! women's lid . competition.

Roach Top Fona IU ak inc It unanim ous from a n 1

g A m erlcsn su n d p o ln t. John V an i V lU n and W llmer Allison, lop-seed-

ed com blnauon in doublt». rcached lop Jonn th e f in i tim e t-v.ce ihey

f aftl» 'ed in E ngland sn d m o*ed dow n <

r WEEKjighbor's young son was hroat.n asked what he was doit f.for the seat of his pants.

; WEEK)ay you to look into the pop . Sixteen of them were soii

CAN SAV€ge barrels of gasoline a y

I Auiomobi. DODGE and PLYMOlJTi

SU N D A lJ U ^ E .8 0 , 1 9 3 ^ ^

es Natio

-S ix M aiche I End O f Fir I In News 1u Pete Wray And Mel I In Best Ball BattII ------------- afeefrfito n e^I J im m y W in te r h o le r a n d ' C h a r i H -final round of championship flig I sccond annuiil Southorn Iduho bo I terday aftcnio'on when they dim■ rivals. Pete W ray and Mel CoBgi■ C ountry club coursc.I By Nirtue of th e ir victorj’, Win

I Ju ly sem i.finnl match.■ P lay ended on tho six teenth _■ hole when- the w inners hold —■ W ray and Cosgiriff th ree up ' ■■ a n d b u t two holes to go. .The m atch■ 1U S cl(uely played w ilh th e f irs t■ n lqe ending w ith W interholer and |■ Oasey leading by two holes. T h e I■ InU rest ra n nlg li w hen W ray copped I■ t h t th ir te en th wllh a p a r four, bu tI W interho ler and Casey eam e to th e I■ fro n t a n d cUnehed the m a tch on the ■■ n e s i th ree . ______B 6 l i M atches Today■ Six matohe* will bo played to - n a 4ay to oomplele th e f t n t roand ; lh* two la th o cham pionship flight, lhe tw o In th e p resident's n (g h t andrte; -4w ^ B -4h« -flt» tT < H gh tj-A l|-f< rT t-------eat round m aU hea m ost bo oempUted In. by th is evening and conseqaenUy

considerable golf will U ke p U ct on C oaatry e lab fairw ays btglo* a ln g IbU m oraing a t 9 o'clock.

^ Ta-o Cast m a tc h u are s la ted in y th e rac* fo r th e U tu la r awards.I Jim m y S incla ir, m em ber o t Inst * y ear 's cham pionsh ip U am and Uils

y«ar’>m edaU st,w U l p a ir w ith young r S h e rm an BeUa-ood' o t KUnberiy in .

a n e ffo rt to crack down on two form er Tw tn FaUs d ty cham pions,

th Z>ewiy H utchinson a n d J . O , Tool*[v son. T ha oUier cham pionship fllglit

b a u ie will be betw een a pa ir ot i” equally f a s t team s. Bob D enton,

KUnberiy. a n d L. H . V an Riper, in Buhl, will f ig h t 11. d u t w ith O tto — P a n y , Buhl, a n d P red H u th , T a t a

Palls. '. ' tn th e p realdeal’s f ligh t. Pau l y B leler a n d E. E. U le h llte r , both

of T w la F^Us, wUl m a tch strokes w ith Oeorgo Teis. T w in Falls, a ad

A K . Hyde. Bnhi. F t n t r e tu d wind*C up In th a . p residen t's cop rare

will p a ir T U Tootsoa a n d B- IL A U lnson, both .of T w in Falls, again st C art Emerson. Kimberly, ond B sd Brown, T w la Falls.

Roy F a it, D uhl, a n d H ow ard O er- i rlsh . T a in Falls, will play a f l n t j f lig h t m a tch ag a in s t J a c k K lmes I nnd G ra f Self, b o lh of T a in Palls, and th e day will be wound up as Z. V. L srson and P roc to r Spence, ’

•) bo th of T w in Palls, m ix It up *wlth u w. e c o tt, T w ta Falls, a n d Je rry

»■ FU her. Buhl.•- f

, r U)e cracit J s t i n e s c pa ir. Hldeo N l- “ j d shunu ra a n d J i n -yam ag ith l. In 1

s tra ig h t sets. Budge and O ene M ako O’ o t Los Angeles sdvanccd In the ey tam e division.>., Wood, generally rs te d th e m o tl h e form ldablo of Pred Perry 'a chal*V» le n g en , plsyed csrelessly a n d lis t- •iy lesily ag a in s t H opm sn, bu t h t had o f no rea l trouble In taU ng a 8*1. e*4. tt- 3-g. 6-3 decision over th e A ustrsl* I en lan .liy ---------------------------I 'I CHICKENS STOLEN

Ja ck Phlpp*. 110 V an Buren stree t, reported the th e f t o f seven

u t Rhode Is land Red fry ing chickens an from h is home to police yesterday.d - II. , ..I I , . .ed F a r «t«rag« for for*, f a r r a rm m ls . ry T w tn F a tli Feed * lee. F h . ISL.— r a Adv.

'I ^ * ........... .

is looking down his

oing he said he was:s.


opularity of our usisd ;oid last week..

I year with the 1935



>hal Re* ¥ ;

ISranraTtiies Marie fl rsl RoundG o lf M ee i k

— . - . rCosgrilf Eliminated

tlej Winners T o.

irlcs Casey entered th e (oml- J ig h t piny in Twin FaHs News’ o bost bull Kolf tounioy late yes* imiiintcfl a puir of determ ined ', ' Sgriff, 3 and 2 on Twin KalU ^ti

3e'i n t e r h o l e r a l i d C a a e y w il l b a t - ■ frM rtt-rf la ee i n . F e u, 11.

n r


1 3 E F 0 R E y o u i t a r t o n y o u r h ^ le t u s c o m p l e t d f I n ip e c t TOti i s n o c h a r g e f o r t h i s le r v t c e a s s u re y o u o f a la f e r a o d m o r e c n

F o r l h e c o n v e n ie n c e a n d ^ ^ ii

3 0 0 A u to S u p p ly a n d S e rv ic e Sio: o u t t h e c o u n in r , a n d th o u s a n d s ' D e a le r s a r e a l s o e q u ip p e d wli

' A u i o S u p p l i e s a n d c o m p l e D tp s r tm e n i s , t e te s t a n d le rv ic i b r s k e s , b s i t e r ie s , s p a r k p lu g s , t o p o w e r lu b r ic a t i o n a n d c r a n k <


F ire s to n e rem o v e s th e d a o g e r b y p r e v e a t i n g t b e i r m a la cau i f r i a t o n « a d h e s i . T h l i is acco i G u o 'D lp p I n g .

T H E R E A R E T H R I E Q U I S T l A N S W E R S T H A T W I I L f O L P R O B L E M O P W H A T T IR E S

lh e ( re a d l iv e m e i f r a c t i o n a n d p r o t c e f i c

sJiid d In g ? ’'


yg lv o gtOOlM blovONt ^ p re tO c t{ o A .G v « .D I# p i* tA l^ H ^ H * * l iM U * * d la o |^ ^

M ailo w ith t h o ' hlg liM t I ^c ra d o o frv b b o ra n ^ e v tlo n . I ij

I A (fu ra t» ly b o l a n ^ o a d I l l ir ig ld lj Icwp«cr«il ^ n d « o ^ know It l l p f r f tc l 00 h a m a n in g O B n 'd y r a a R

.' m ako 11. . .■•

teisi '.a; I

T i r c ^ ti T U I I S t T

-------:— Fii>(6stone-AnL . '(

Id ah o Shark '

RTS S E.• C O M P L E T E 'l o c a l A N

B aHa I

S OpalS.Hiil j Wins Golf Crown J

Kansas City Star Triumphs I In Women’s Western

Open Championship ^“ " or

CH ICA Q O. Ju n e S9 m Mnh inUliai 8 . I iiu . K a n u s C ity s ia r who h\never gripped a golf club u n til m ahe waa 37 y e a n e ld . caplnred th etls lh a n n u s l w omen’a w osU m oropen go lf toD m am tn t a t Sunset miRldgo e eun try club to d sr . b tShe adm inistered a lop*iidcd beat* at:

ing to M rs. *8. L. R c inhard l. WUin*le ik a , 111., w inning 9 a n d -7. wUh th e bo|se* h o It m a tch ending on the » t h aI green, opI Aridtnr tUtrilW tn »!<• letd nf fniir ■».1 up sh* gained a t th e tta lsh of tho Ui' n r s t eigh teen holes, M rs. Hill pUy* loi

i l » T R I P ^r holld.y trip.

,.nfo,.bl.ttlp. sa fe ty o f c a r . P takR ac* w h erea2

d s o f F i r e s w o e Sw i th c o m p le t e , w b u H M n i h * » t l e i e S e r v i c e opolU. M it 30ih,

rkc‘.“. .T X “ANGERUTS

r a u ie — I n te r n a l ^:«».pu.h.d b,

( n O N S A N D

IE S T O l U Y t w M r a n d g roattr •T in t .

\e th e fTeate$t E au lo vour c a rw r f i o n a g a i n s t N M ? « c l i l w « h

ih t d sn g e n o f iki4<


mtWTWWr o i I19F IIII ITPt t l lm i

f t* «* . •* *•»»«. f l , 1 ^ 1

W .a4ltr*au4« * *■ • I U 4 r i t f l r«r B t i« dl*.

D«lai*UM<*-■ MaBiif**. ilr<

xziir—'I S | ^ ( I

B A H E R lE S lS P A R K F L In !■ ' ***• 4 ^ Eoclil'

> t o n ^ f lm v a s T - i ir c

k n t o - C n p i A y - a M l - S e j ^

.. S . J o n e s , Kiml>erly o Super Service , Je ro ■k’s A o to S e rtic e , . B a

._________ ■ <~

S - C T , l > Q i i iA N D W A T 1 0 N A £ C ^ p g ^ , - ' ; ; j


t d theisaffl* ateady cam a th is a tt* : em oon th a t th * d is p u te d jrtM cniaF In elim inating MUa H tle n H tck i l a the Beml*ftaals.

I Jerome Juniors Crush Shoshone

3E R 0 M B .'Ju n e S9 Shosbone: ond Jerom e Jun ior A m erican Z illion team s plsyed a p rac tice .f a m e a t Shoshone, P tid ay evening, t t u Jer> ome boys w tan tag , 30-e. O u ts ta ad * . -

_ lng nlava WWW ^hB twn fhrfw h asa ' hlU by H olllbaugh a n d one by S l a - mire, both of Jpiom e.

M tlton, Jerom e p lteher, allow ed only one h it . B atU ries fo r Jerom e were M tlton . NeUon, a n d KolU* bsugh : to r Bhoshonc, B e ltu , YowtU

• and W alton.• M onday evening J a n H ansen ’s t boys will m eet Burley a t B ufley for 1 a praotloe |a m « , J a n s e n U n e t TeiT

opllmlsUo a s te th e outcom e e t

! the u a m will b* w takaned by th e• lo ts of Fallon a n d M e o la a a h a s . ..

= r = B = = c 5 r T e s = 5 = s s 9 = e 3

WnnUw c t r ^ iho dangerous Pw e’a i r e a tk M m t to n ls a tb .------------------ -------- --

e y b lo u 'o u i* |» r o o /r ' v ,

s. S S S - ' J k H

vo rttlng l> 7 a aalUt p a r h o u r ; s high a t IZO*. w ithout tlr* i rn ib U et

0 u t ~ s t f c r I / i c i n g ~ I h e a c i u f o int t o /e ty f ta tu r t s w ill th s y g lv t ' n iU a f t, tn tu moklpt ( h m th «( f c a i ( I r t i I c a n buy r*


t i i T i i i t T i M t t i i i i i i m . -- -C o r r U * tb *


t w - S H , . . .• Ir* Ib I h l i »«T W prif.

m m*1 * n l

•LIGsIbRAKE LIRIRa•c k U S o h l A « U w A * '

5 8 W * 3 «


. . . . . -1 •____

irom*. \

S m p i E s : :i p M i i M

j Y l A s s ’o c l a t e ^ .PcMSLA v e r a a » 61

li- .-l-One-lerith: of ;P.oint;,I„

% m arkets a t a glance^t ‘ . NEW T O R K . Ju a a »

' B tocki: irreguU r; le a d e n h u - J U n t

,< > B ood t: M ixed; utUtUei lower..c u rb : E asy ; micehols'Improve. F o re lso «xclum gts: Q uiet, var*

. 'tattoos n a rro w .., C o tton : S teady : we«k end U«*

, uldatlon.S ugar a n d eoriett dosed .

C U lC A aO :

,• - - W M K ! JE iaer; » d « n e e i “ n u t" •) he ld . . . .

C o m : U tte ren : general la ln i fo recail.-

C a ttle : run .t M ofi: N om inally I tea d y ; nom -

tn a l lop m o .■u L — — — '■ By n iA N K M ae » IltX E NJ (Asaoelated Preaa F in an c ia l W riter)

NEW YO RK . Ju n e 29 (AV>Zn a t' ty p ic a l, week-end sn s lo n th e stock^---------m a rk e l t< ^ y tlU M t Bit uow uw ^tf

tm der rea llz lnc a o d e re n ln s-u p . Ac- '.ttT ity m u a t n m inim um .

M ost le a d e n con tlned th e ir re ­actions to well u n d e r a po in t, a n d

• th e re w U n o evidence o f a n y rea l ‘ pressure . T b e w a n n w ea the r, a n d

' th a accompany ing tendency o t tr a d - . ■ ' «:« to aeek th e c oun try a i r from ? :P rtday untU M onday o r T uesday

k r t volume, a t 3 5 2 W shares, th e low est th la y e a r w llh th e exception

• o f M areh 90. atao a S a tu rd ay , when. 147,346 sh a re s changed hands.

F r o n t T ak ing A ppears ' Bonds traU ed a long a f te r stocks I n . a n an o w ly low er s la n t. Some

_ proO t t a k ^ appeared. In th e uliU -

Friday .W ith th e stock U pe ba re ly craw l­

in g . th ro u g h th o tic k e r a t Umes m oat m a rk e t ' o b se rre n fe l t th a t p rice changes Jacked Im p o rtan t sig­nificance. T ho A ssociated Press a v e n g e o f 60 stocks, a t 44.1. was off ooe te n th o f a po in t.

A m ong stocks th a t m anaged to ho ld th e ir h eada above w ater w ere

r . in la n d S tee l a t 0 . s . Sm elUng (• . a t ! » . A aaconda a t 24M. S outh r T T T * « lo T « c o 'B u g a r a tT SlC T C enro De

- Tmico a t S7K . X en n e co tt a t 17U V ^ i c e o f N ew . Jersey

r . . A m erican T^ilephone dropped a L .. p o in t a t-U 4 > ( a n d lesM r lo a e n In- ; eluded U . S . steel- a t S 3S . ConsoU-

: d a ted O a* a t a iK . C ase a t S 9» .• O enera l D e c lr tc a t » K . A ir R educ-

U « a t 1 « a n d D eere a t m . .

. T O IIB IQ N KXCnANOB . NTW Y O RK . Ju n e » {/TJ-PVstvlgn exchange steatur; P nuw e dem and.

cab les 8 « U : M ontreal in Kew Y ork. W 37H : New Y ork in M orttreai. lo o a a r i.

QO>'K SN»IENT BONDS NEW Y O RK . Ju n e 3D t/T)-D ond

quota tions:L iberty

4 lh 4U a M - M ------------------_ .» I0 IJ8T r e u tu r

4 U i 4 7 - U -----------------------------IUJO3U » « - 4 » -----------------------------1M J4■41 44-S4-------- ----------------------- IJJJO

. 3 ? ;s 4 6 -M -----------------------------li0 .IJ3 H s 40-43 J u n e ______________10«J83 * ii 43-47 ----------------------------- 1074#

~ 3U * 4 t _____________________ 106JO3U s 4 4 -4«___________________ 10e.l43 U i 4«*4fl----------------------------- 108.103 '. s 49-33 ......._______________ 104303« 4e-4« ___________________ 103JS3s 3 1 - U _____________________103J«

lo iJO■ W r a n n Ss 4 7 ______________103.11

Fed F a rm M tg 4 9 _________10J.70F ed F a rm M tg 3 'i s *84______ 103J8Home Ow n Ln 3j A53 ---------- 103J0Home Own L n a ^ » 39-49 ------ 100J9

BAH SILV ER ' ro sw YO RK . Ju n e » ( - * * - D sr

»lVfer n rm er . U h ig h er »t


Th* TvtA r*;i> d u u lf t Kxrkct r**> ««* u t e u m ;

U n tu c kfJcb t e u te & K s----------------------ti.2sHm tt MU&IIB. 3S0.U0 Ib * .____ I1.TSHMvf butfibffsi. 330000 tKn>oOs.M.3S PsckGw eowt. s w peuBdi----------- ItM

u s - u o p o u n d . ----------------------« 2gr- - - - SS U S3

— --------M flo ta MXOTM ltiM U a M ------««M M SSJOepfiBK Iv n te -------------------------WM

r « tt« 7 'i ! K ? S 5 U - i 5 r = = f d

------------------- .£

■ ^, O oiend tc ttie r t ’«>

- • »cetxtT% — .. . . ...................3c

. nim. Wie*"Z— _____ ll« ta SSe• s t t e t a t . cw a p r tn ___________ Ke

------------B<»ra«B«=iV. 8. 0 " « t KOftUKWi. !«o. 11____ t l : itr. B. o m t j*om «a» . Ss. U ___ ta .ua sk U s« d < .ito . u ______________ u wts « a .s « d i . 1*0. a t _____________ »2«

n > M t aan r t t s H ru . . , - t l 3 9

.>« . vT ^ r -------------------s*s

Ormaaw,Lftttier. POT t e d — w d toeCtbtMO _______________________CUTMS ^T-jratnt, t cacB ^

P0US4OrewOUt ----- -----«.^lae

I C tltfT ___________ /A ■ , (

• , 'S t b o k , M a r k e t A v e r a g e s ■

(OompU^ by Tbe AMOditetf rrcH)i n J U B « :» :^ ^I l l . lod'da n a il'd i Uur<lx Slocki

Kt* Ch*Bfo Onth —2 —.1BatUM>r -*> « 34.0 33.4 *f.i P rrr day _ .-JQ 3 34.0 334 4«j

V__ : oaaa^jg ir . . — iS j . , '. .i«.n . a n __ 3«Jfe 83=S3=3!5=1H

:e r --------:— -------T re n d O f.

S ta p le P r ic e s•er. - — ■- ■ —>ve. K EW YO RK . Ju n e 394TheAs90Ci. a r- a ted P r e u w hoksale p rlcf Index ot

30 basic com m odities today decUncd ill- to 60.83.

T h e prelvous day it wiis 60.84, « «'cek ago 69.60, a m onth Ago 70.27, a n d a year ago 63.10.'

R ange of recen t years:^ ---------------------------- 1M4— 1934 ^ 1893

H ig h .....— ......7a.<(l 733S 64.UIn , L ow ............. .. 69.14 36.10 384T1

(T he 1928 averase equals 100).

r e . COTTONNEW YORK, Ju n o 29 m - C o t t o i

w as sligh tly reactionary today, clos- Jng Ijarely steady a t n e t dccllncs bJ

, 3 to 6 points, te r) .A * SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE ^ SA N FRANCI8CO. Jac.e 20 UTh-

B u lter, eggs a n d cAecse u nc titngea . Ac- —

C m C A O O FRODUCR « - CHICAGO. Ju n e 39 w ^ P o u l t r y :

U 'd U ve. 2i trucks, unsettled : hens lOc, >*al L eghorn liens J 2 'ic ; nock frye rs 18 » n d to 19c; colorea I7c: Rock springs fad- aicW colored lec ; Rock b ro lle n 17 rom to 18c: colored 17c; barebacks 14 to Iday 18c; L ^ h o m chickens 134 to IS ^ c , th e ro o s te n 1 3 'ic ; lu rkeys 13 to ' J6 c ;

tion old ducks 4<.j .pounds up lOHc: tien. sm a ll lOc; young w hite ducks 4U

pounds up iSe: sm all 13c; old gcest 10c ; yo u n g 'M c.

B u tte r : RecelpU 17,032: steady, unchanged . •

?|!1° Eggs: R eceipts 16,630: steady, u n - [[» ; c h a n g e d .- ...................................................

Il'POTIlTflllllMETStig .ress ■" 'off CUICAGO POTATOES

CHICAGO. Ju n e 29 <;r) <U S D tb A l—P otatoes: Receipts 81 carloads:

rere on trac k 387: to U l V. S. shlpm enU Jng 863:otd slock abont steady, supplies u th Ug>>>> dem and ani) tm d lng ) |g h t; r u sa ck f< |"per ''ew t.~ 7 tlieb l(an ' round 7 U w hitM .U . S . No. 1 SOe: Id ah o R os- t e j aete V . 8 . No. 1 I1.2S: new stock.

i l m . ssppU ea liberal, dem and a n d I . trad in g UiMi A rkansas BUta T r i- t n . vm phs V. ST No. X <L30 to IL40: oU. O U a h o n a BUa« T r in n p h s V . 9 . No. . u I IL48 to fU O ; show ing decay 81.-

IS : CaU fom U long w hites U . » . No.. i IL 7«; showing, decay 8145. ;

sfLlSTOGKiBKETSIn - - - - -


5 D A )—Hogs for week 3230; eom- pa red U it FricSsy': butc:)ers lS-23 lower: la te top aiirt bulk w od*chol«: 179.213 ib. u-elghta 10.09: desirable llgh t-llgh ts 9.S0.;S: early to p 10.23; soars steotiy; ioc<t 7.S0.8.P0. Today

CaUle io r riv-e d sys 1850; lead de- . . . ttrab le 1330 lb. BraM steers 743. , j j ac tua l top ; o th e r U 07-l3M lb . g ro ss .

CIS Urgely m edium 6,75*755: tan n o loads 910-1087 lb grasaerx 7.00-23: IjQ 3 6 S :* 3 n b . g ii55“ ireller.i 575; sooff , . f young c o rs s c i 'c r ; few head 3.00: j '.g fou r loaCs me<finm lo m od ased I j g g rass cows 4.30>Tj; good bulla S.30: .45 today 73; nu rlce t nomltM.*.

CalTts: Ptor f'v-e days :.v>: com- i j o pared ls s t F riday : Aetlve, steady;

Bood-ehalw l30-:30 lb. m l m 9.00- >70 30: m edium a n a sood 258-430 lb.

calves 7.00-8.00. tjQ S heep: P o r lt\x d s j t C550; com* IJ9 p a red la st P rtday : S lsughw r classes

23*30 low er; e a r lr top 735 on two decks eood-cholce 80 !b wooled

jn f lam tu : u te Quoisble lop 7.00: bulk medj5m*fholee ’. I 'a i lb. woo!«l 6.75- IM ; good sh o m 6.00*35, o the rs 4.50-

= 3.25: me(Uum*sood sh o m yearlings g 4.00-30; good sho rn ewea 2 J5 .

P O n iL A N n LIVESTOCK P O n ri- \N D . June 29 ID tUSDAi

—KORt: Non-j. Ior day to ta l (J950; romi'.ared pnc week uso : itror.B J

J.J; to 15 h lg h 'r ; early w p carlou n o - ; H i 313 lb. 10 00: butil drtveiM 9 .60-7i:l 8.M 230-3M lb. 8 'O .B tS ; l l t h l lUhlC 8.:.'- ;

„ 0 -5 : v.w s 7 .; : . :0 ; (cr;> r ;p ::« 'u ;itv tn ly h igher, tfx nitl>?r f..*. 1

iJO heAMes d o m toB .W : te«i i l j h l ilnci.*. S « 10,00; Ie* sa les lOOO lt». IK S llj O.TS. j J S C »;:’e : N one; 3 (!a>s to ta l 3C35: j JM e alte s: rC3; c o m .jw J one w rek s jo !

rooslly tte ad y .S iP U uesit so 25 toa-cr; on bulls sn d tom e sl-.e iio rk ; closlnc

.Se trad e !*trly a ; : t \v : Bulk grasa itee.*3 -«« 4 i0-7.00: few Ic a is 7^5*8 00; i.iclad* ^ In i lew dry Jot kiada s t 7 J0 : toad J e 640 Ib . dry lo t a '.^ r s and l< lfe rs 7.83; };« bulk h e llers 4.'.v-6.00; c u lle r dairy 3^ type dowr. to 3 ,i» ;-pom s'on to med- 19: lum moetly 3.25.< 00; soud beef eows _ 4.7W.OO w .d l>et:^r: t>ulu JJfl.440 ;- . n e >«* to .4 .T i; gooi to elwlco realer*

6 00-7JM; fonunc** to medium srades' 3 .5^4J» :^;«w -»U <l(er>4 .''^S M . <:

I*} S h e e p ; No.te; 5 d&>- to iu l 6 0 0 ;' >.u spri.~.g Umbu tU alnc Mead) w l'.hj

week ago a t te r early .'trotic to ;35 h tg b e r trrnc:: >cafUaj.^ m o s tly : a:eady; ataught-.-i cwca arouiid 2 5 1

[ 2 h ighe r; bu lk apn tirer* early 6.25.50; |140 U te MUea eJO-25. medium th roa-oa t* ; i J ’ 3JW-73: medlUBi to g t»^ veariaies!

niOM!y 4 0 q .ia ; hear>-i

^ ewea li» -3 .0 0 : common Co»r. lo .75.

W? c m C A C O Ln-BSTO CK V CHICAOO, Ju n e 28 „ n f U a O A 1,

2 ; H ogs: 4000: nom inalJoM stesdy.', Ho qa o U tlo as saase a s Frtday and aUl

nom lnaL . !, C a ttle : 300: com pi-Td Prirtaj Ij m : !w ?ek: P f d 's te c r i a t:d y f j r l i r c 3 3 1

^ rT.ni->P5 9 w a ta B d 4 t i r tW lb '> * * ^ ~ " Z * loT pedi

- - 1 : ^

_;........_ i ^ r A L M D A p L ;

I x j - r y i

I J - ^ ’1.. ' •t l -------- -I J _ . . - ___ ___

t ' ^ 3fSy I

i f

M ' . i W u ^ Brr,


= .T f ld C K Ion IB7 The Auoctitcd i*T(M)

lltsh Low Clooa■?, Allt* Chslro»r» ____33'i n n a uw Mnerie»n C»n 137'i K l'j

Am I.«omo«l»**L” 13‘J I3i,i t l ' iAm R u iu tor ..... .. I4». 14‘. H».Am umeit ds n rrin . 43'« <:'• <}*•.

— Am «ua«f pf ........ iy ;f , » p < »;»<^ A m :^‘i te r Woriw .M J t l * 131, IJ»,

Anacondk Copprr .... H<. * 14 14'.«Atehuon T * t s e __4JU 41J; 4*

I,. OeiidU AHmon ...... 13 t4>, l4Ti’ * OetlUelirm titrel . . 3fi1i 39'., 3«NC, Durr Add M«eh ...... 17 . n 1718 c t i ic rsckins ..........33':, 33U sau

CsnadiMi r*cl(ie .... 10'.* iOUCaM TtireahlnR ...... 93>i 3S'i U>,

17 Cerro de Pmco 3 7 s 37>, 3 ;u” . • ! :;'■ cnryiler Corp ____ 4S1i 4S*, 4»1t

cotum 0»» dt Bee 7!, 7 ', 7<«:: ttom Bolreiiu ...... . . 30 19'i IS’>

Com Ooutbem _____ >, lU >’•'? ConMimatMl OII .... •. SU SUIt Com Ofl Oei _____ 3 '« 31 31

com Produeu ........7 •, 74*« 71y CurtUs WrlRhl ......U> , 3>. IU

' OelBwira Kudwn .....»>« 3>U 3SUUu IMnl (Is Nrm .. .10 U lOOU 101

I- C uu n iii Kodtk ......14 u t» U I 'iU_ •— - -__?■ -

r im to n e Rubber . .. I u ISS »>•Ornrrkt B eem e .... 331. -33U . 33*.oeneral Pood* ____3 U 3<<i 34U IUeiieral Moton „ 3 1a 33S 33>. :Qiidden Co ..... ......... so u 30ti » U ^aold O uit •.......... ...... 1 17 17 1Ooodrear, Rubber ._. 1 U ISU lt!k '

J Oreai Niiitb R pf . a 30<« 3i IUreal Weal S u |u . 3SU 3«U 39U

_ Ilupp uotora ------- », l u tU iD lumoti Central _ _ 14 13U II" iDl llarTcatcr •------- 43U 4I», 44u

In t Hiektl _______ _ 37», 37U 3TU* In t T»I it Tel .......... i o \ 10!, IBU* Kenneeolt Copprr _ J7 '. 17 I7U t; L ift Sl Myen -n>b d lo su im u io»U J MaitiieMa->Alkali » U - JO -j** MeKocaport T i n ___ |14I« 114U ll4U lI* UlamI Copper ------- 3U 3U 3!a'(. wrn Com ePt ------- I P , IIU tlU i4 uoatfom cry Wam _ 37U 37U 3 iu, Uotor Whrei _____ t u BU .«!•'I* NMii Motora ------- 13U l*U »au 'tj Nal Caab R»i A _ 17’, 17U 17U.. Nat Dairy ________ )e>, 18U ><U

Nat l>o»rr Ss Ught . BU » S i• N Y central ........ . n u n u 17U :f, NY Nil S( m rd ____ 4U 4*, 4 u :, Norm Amer Co _ n u . n U HU‘ NorUi raeltle ------- ib % HU H U '

r*cKai4 Moiora . . . . 4 4 4rsram PublU .... . . 4U 4U 4Ur»nne» Co ...... ..... . "4U ^*U *4U1rtnuey Co pl ____ im u 1C3U IU U I

- Bt 12.00 w llh practical top 11.85; i common natlvea and aouthwesterTi'

J 7 J0 : down to 4.30: bulk a ll ateers . selling a l 9.00<1125 w llh a^-ersge ) coal a round 9i)0 fo r week asainat 2 11.48 a t season^ h igh ttm e; all e grades a t« r a and lielfers sealing 900 . lb. down 23*50 h lrh e r ; 79t lb. year- i Ung sieera up to 10.30; }*earllng hei­

fers to 10.23 nnd 960 Ib. heavy hcl- . fera 10^5; belter grade beef cows , strong to 25 h ighe r b u t common i k inds and cultera we&k to 25 lower;% bulls weak to 23 off a n d >-calers 30- . 7S lowxr.r —ahcrprSO O O -alH U rectarcom pared . Prlday le s t w eek: S p rin g Umbs i a trong to 23 hlBher; yearlings around* 25 lower, sheep llrm ; week’s top n s­

tlre ap ring U m bs 9M : eloiLng top. 9.00; U to bu lk 8.50-73: a ll bucks out ; a t .1.00 dlK O unlc: m edium throw - . ouU dow nw ard tto m 7,00; bulk theae

6.00*30; range sorlncern. 77 lb. Ida- ho.1. n t BOO s tr .ile h t; top yearlinfs

. 8.75: bulk 313-610; na tive ewea lor I a jaugh tc r 2.00-323; week's extreme > top 330.1 — —5 OGDEN H V ^ T O C K■ OGDE.N. Ju n e M (/T) (O S D A ) -■ Hogs: 654; Loa Angeles m arket 109.1* San Prancisco psekers 327; fo r w eek.:

bu tcher claatea 10-15 lower; pack­ing towa unehsnged ; top *9.40; bulk 280-350 lb. 19.15-40; ligh t w rlgliw '

‘ ■tiioMly 38.75-9.00; light ligh ts l«.00- *'50; heavy w eU l.l bulehers »ows : ; ta.50-7.00; ligh t sm ooth kinds up • | l o t* iO ; rough h rsv ies down lO' ; j i 6 j 5 . i•1 C a ttle ; 121: D enver mnrkec 83:*' ■ :lo r apck, 1687 mefUiim 10 good lic o * a ii*>5 lower; o the r claaats '* ..leady; p scksge good m edium . .{ « e lg h i fed ateers $735; bulk com -|; m on to m edium steers 85.00*8.50:1 ) I p a rt load medlQm 838 lb. Idaho fe d ; r ‘ »ieera 56.50; medium to good heUera ;; 36.00-75; p a r t load medium 706 Ib.l » h e U e rs ' I 6i 0; common to medium I . he ifers bulked S430-6.00; few good II cows 83.30: bulk good kinds 8 4 » -1 ; 3 23; com m on lo m edium *355-r 423: cu ttera »2 j3 -3 00 good welT’.iy !. tjuw hcri t!',i;:i $3.25: baric goed.tl.nrt5 j , I4JO-5.00: common ktnda do«Tl.U>

33.75; good vealers I7JO-8.00; com -i I ; mon to medium offerli;ga 1^30- , 6.75; to o d calvca l8 i5 -7 3 0 ; com-!, ; r :e n kind.5 dowTj w J400.- _____I. I Sheep: 11J21; S t. Jo srp l) m a rk e t ,! ’238: C hicago m arke t 830; fo r week.i 144.235; uo load lo ^ U m bs sold

. 'lo ca lly : d r trem lamt>s 13-13 h ig h e r:; laheep Wteady: bulk t>eu d n r e u i: '

'lU m b a 86.00-90; few up to 87.00:1 lebm m on k inds down to 83.00; two

'j lo a d s g o o d 138*142 lb .sU u g h te r ewes|’ 32.T5; drtcTtn otfcrlQga. common to , _|^rredlamf 8I.73-2J0: tew yearllnga!

w e ih en 3335; lale P r id a j 3 Ioada i ' 91 lb. Id ah o sp ring lam bs 87M . I ; A b o rc Q U c U tlo o so n n llsh Jp m c n u ;, tr f le c i ra rla b le fre igh t benetlU o a ;

.;caiU e a n d sheep bougbt fo r re- |M U pm cct,

DENATR SH E E P III DEN%'En. Ju r.e .23 0T> lUSf>Al— J

fo od Tllaho;i j i p r i d g ^ 7JO; »i.Tted£3 to th* car s t^

.n.Y-Trawa iTm pAi


■ ir n r H o v ^■ I iS SHE. «


Penn R R -------------a3Ji 33»i 33»

l 5 ? : i i : i } n ? i . ' " L . r : : r : 1 u 1 ’*:/U ' JjmJJo Corp or A » «u «1i 8?i4 iRgynold* Tobacco „ SOU 307. 30U

I3u'sa{eway S to re s ___ 3SU SSU 3>fiMU 'tieara BotbucK ...... <43U 42 43lJU.'tJrc Nat Inv pr ...... 31U SOTi SH,i;>4 UnloD Oil ... lOU lOU 10!,IIU Bocony. Vacuum -----13 13]. 1314U south Cam EdUOn . IfiU » U ' 19UIt , Koutnern Paeiric » SU IS IB14T^-Uland Drandi ......J 3U ISU 13UISU'Hiand Oil C a ll! -----4U 33t* 3417 ; su n d OII N J ------- a u 4SU 46UUU tstewart Warner . ..11 lOU lOUOU atudebaker Corp 3U 3U 3UkJU.TcxM Corp ..............30 ISU 30i*U Tiniken Roll Bear .... 39U 3S' < 39UIIU Trans Amrr ...... . tU SUlU Union C a rb td * ------ 81U SI SIUItu Union OU Calif — 17U H li HU7U Unltrd Aircraft ____13U 13U S3UISU,Unit Oaa 4t Imp __ 14U I4U 14UlU 'u B lnd Alcotiol -----4IU 42'., 43USU U 8 Rubber --------- U U ' « ' i « UIt tr S steel ......_____ 33% « U MU ha Vanadium :i_____ I3^i I3U 13U .IU W »ifm Union ...... :. 34U 34 34 ':9U WcaUnahouae ___ __23% 33U SIU <>1 Woolworth ________ flIU eiU OIU )J * . . . CCRiT.MABKCT- .i u 'u t io n a :JU Amer Super P o w e r_____________ i r , .4!] I nunker lillt ic S u lllran _________ 3«(k <3». ic e n u BU B ecinc _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ . i l / i 8 'CUiCltlaa Servleo ......... ............................. lU ,7 I Elec nood i t Shar* :_____________ 7U, ‘S'k O re Bond 4c Bhar# p f ___________J»UI J Niagara Hudaon ..... ...... ................... 89U|Bun*hlno M in ing_____ Z _______ 17UlU iT ran a L u x ----------------__________lU ,1 4 I Unlled rounder* -----------•------------ 3’., ’7U aPE C uJrivm E tDU Sudirr. W ^envr and company.7U Elk'a.BIdg.. Twin Pall* '•U Ifolo 3U prr ie n i due l»4» . ICOU 10 U 0 » - l r rM C 3 per ren t due lMt-:i-.^..10lU*U i 4UI Idaho Pouioet . *lla 'O cl. rotatoca -SIM. Aakod -tlU I Itive*. T ro ili (TU Corp. T r r n t___ ______________ 4303 .IU Pund. InvM -------- --------------------«A 3 "I U 'Q u ar t Ine Sharea _____________ J1.47 B>U,Maryland Pund. _____________417J0 iIU I Salt Lak* M ian ji IMI. c ity Copper . . ..ti.43 to si.50 ‘lU : Walker M in in g ............... Sl.lO to it.lS <l u ; New Vork atoek*.!u ■ Am o S T 'I Klee Pow is L ia h l________________ 311lU Auburn Moiora __________________ J4 lr4U National BUCUU .......... .....................SO. . . ■ m - c . c n . ................... .

3 ;! 3.50: cholM he ld abo\-e 8.15; year- r7i* lings 4.30*3.00; fo r week: Springers r s 23*33 low er; w««{i's (op 8.6.5; week's te bu lk choice U m bs 8.00*8.35: U te top j J t 6.13: j-earllnga wvak to 25 lower, to p o ill 633 : bulk 4J0 -330 : sheep .s teady ; c 00 w eek's to p s laugh te r ewes 330; bulk , r . 2J0-3 .00 : feeders steady to weak; j ;1- fle.ihy U m bs 6.00-625; ye.trllng e n ss e 1- 4 J0 ; aged shcej) 330. . ®

ST. JOSP.PH SHEEP s.r< ST . JO SE P H . Ju n c 29 l/T) I USDA) ^ 0. . ^ h e e p : 3000 today steady top n a - j

ttves 8.13; U te to p spring U m bs 8.1S; » hiOlf_KpHf--gT«ilA natHv« a tW -H ' C

bs p la in and lig h t w eights frequently j nd 7.75 a n d below; num em tis loads o » . Idaho.t 7i0*85 itra lg h l; best y e a r - i , op Ungs 8 J5 ; o thers 8.00 and below. 's u t • — '2V. OMAHA SirE E Pie OM AlfA. Ju n e -2 9 (JT, iV B O M - '. j . 4. S h e e p : 3000; cn.npared Friday U a t;a j» week Umb* a n d ycarllnga 25-50 low- 1 or e r . aheep s te a d ) ; feedera atrong. nc c lo itng bulks follow; sorted native

sp ring Umbs 8.15; range lam bs 7 J3 - ,« 8.00; fed yearlm pa medium to choiee n 5.00*0,00: good and c‘‘.i»:re ranee feed ing Umb.< q u jte d 3-7*.*6.50; solid «

— m o 'ilh breeding t»e .\ 2.7i-3 “5r j e a r - 1 >9. Ung* ewe* up to ; J 5 . | :k .; --------k- WOOL iIlk BOSTON, Ju n e 39 ,.r, tU S D A*It* —Wool W.1 J fnuly active In th e Bw - 0 - to n m arket a.i »cll s i In some of the ” U rge p.-oducing su te a . Botlon 1 •ip houses handled aome alzeabl; trana - c’ t o ' Bctlon involving wooU sllll in th e c

J country , sn d .Jome mllla were re* i ported to be operating quite h e a v - j r

in producing sections. Ohio and v a tm ilar briKh; flcecea aold In B o s - I^

f n . to n a : 30 lo 3 lc in the g reaie f o r ; , n - .a ; r lc : l r combing 64a and flee r a n d i - ^ |4 8 a . 5Q«. U Wood. Strictly comWnB I « , 56a. blood b.'ousht 31 to 35c. Sire* i^ ja b le »eicht.» cf 64v and liner te r* '

rllo ry woola w rre told a ; prlcei*^ ra n g in s 65 lo 67c x ou red basu f o r ‘ w

rh o r t F renc.i eotnbing to 70 to 71: j ^ I f o r good to choice Preneh cemblng.

r;i r o R T L v s n II.^T irtsj PORTL.^S'0 . .:;ire :a j - . - m y lO jSiead.v. unchar.c-d . 1


OODE.S-. Jur.p r> -.\p p :o ,;..n * ;e . “ ;ly 3,000,000 or ao cl wUl be m

y ,; offered buvrra a : Mrrrioii .Mid WU- ^ j kina- auction lale. whjch will be Jjeld „ „ ' ^ t h e CcJi.vum at Ogcen. Utah, ^ iT h u r t d a y . Ju ly U . according to an .QjatutounceTT-en: by ^:4cl.-,tash. =

s ja s r - " " ’— . » ^ rI - T i t u '. r b , ;v , ^rv tc : , . r r h-M U

JQ ,th e w e t . MaclnioKh ^ a!d ,-and we f . an tic ip ate burrr:^- atienSar.c* from .

O rowrr^ who f rr sale !j s n d de 'ir,. t i r e i ; . , _ ^

v> [ I '^ e r ^ ‘ ’ Js t^ d e a by c m Ute.- than Jul;. «. ' ” l* -

) A H O , .S U N D A Y M O R N I N G , J U N E

IJffE |A IX £ y -


HOLD NEW 81Si ! i ' — ■

M in n e a p o l i s M i l le r s R e p o r t e d

■!; ■ A s B u y e r s o f F u t u r e s

I : I n C h i c a g o M a r k e t

J li 'B j JO H N I*. BOUGIIAN ' (Associated Press .M arket Edltor> CHICAQO. Junc 29 o n - S tlm u la t-

su ed by tem po»r> ' dollor-a-biishel ]i* M inneapolis quotftiions. th e Chleago n' w heat m arke t today overtopped yes-- JU terdajr’s b lack -n u i-sca re prices, b u t jl* failed to hold tho galiu .IU O olng h and in hand w ith rfew |U n u lie s of com m U 'lon hou<e purchase ]i^ o rders were reports th a t M inneapolis i l l m iilers wvre buj'ers o f wl’ e t futures.|U I Setbacks o f Chicago pricea a t th e I '* I la s t were ascribed largely to week- lU end seiiing on a big seal*! to rea llte 'U profits. •

- .W hejit, jn .Clijcag^ e lps^d iwn:0M.

U lower. Septem t>er851i*H , e o m Ti lij off lo '3 up S ep tem ber 7 0 '.i -S ,o 4 it5 'IS > i-lH down, and provisions u n - }1» changed to a rise o f 17 cents.'U B uying S ta r ts Raillea —'U S om eth ing of a tum ble In w heat |i* values he re took place a l l. ie ou tscl.

owing m ore o r lesa to cables saying Liverpool quoU tlons had m ade b u t H a poo r response lo u p ltim s th is side

U of th e A tU nlic . F re sh su tbu rsU of •• ^peeuUtlwbuy1ng•lwre.■llOwe^•er.■led " ^ Ml .to .lively rallies th a t timeg n n th e l'

C hicago m arke t u p to i** ccn ts .' H above yesterday 's apex. P e rsU ten l i 47 appreiienaion as to pou lb le extensive >/ M w hea t crop dam ege from black ru s t v u fum U hed th e m ain motive for p u r- ij AS chasing , I

C o m borrowed some stren g th from ■ estim ates lh a t eom acreage had su f- ■

3 1 fered 4 pe r cen t reduction th is ■ 741 m onth . O a is U ckfd suppoit. r.2* Provlalons reaponscd to olflcUlU* -

announced c u r.a llm en l o f the pig J = crop. , ■ . p

CmCAOO. Jtm» 39 \L~S Oprn Ilun Low Cloa* H:'s M'heat— I }9.g Juna .. .. . . jjb>P o w t. “ u 4 s ’’1 o u . M U - « u l» : Vf: Dee. ST',-U B«U SS’* S7U-U [V Corn—«: July* Biu.'*, e * i bi'u 's iu ';s e«pu 78U*^ T7U '» 78U-U (

Oer. e eu*u e iu S4U 87U-U IJu lr 37.37U 37U 38U .38U ___Srpi. 33U-U 34U 33U 33U-% =Drc. • 35U-U 38 33 3SUJ u ly * " .« • » 4B»i 4S»i 4SU

); Arpt. i a s r . 4BU-4SU 48Ua iu 3IU SIU 3 iu

ly jT u ^ ^ ................. •4* • '" Hf* '■Ti-rd- . .......................... ..... " I

' i Z . U IJ H 4I B,0(1. 13.13 13.23 13.13 I3.IS - f t|D»e. 13.83*70 13.73 13.83 13.73 ■

nellie*- , y- : juix is S 3 _____. . . . . 1 « « -j tj fl rp t. ------ ------— . ----- -- I«’S J

j ' W LV N irEO GRAIN'e W IN N IPEO, Ju n e 39 — C ash ^1- .wheat No. 1 nonherTi 8*.*;; Nd.' 5 W* no rth em 78N : Nc. 3 nortlvern 7 3 \ , M :e C ash oa ts ; No. 2 while 4 0 S -N o . 3 /* d whlt**37U.

I Jj D U LU T H .. June 29 OT,—Flax on I I

,, ! tm ek 134; Ju ly I i 4 : Sept. M 4. m

1 1 rO R T L .\N D GRAIN 1 ^n I PORTLAND. Ju n e 29 < ^ W h e a t H I-1 close; Ju ly 74; S ep tem ber 74U : ■ e D ecem ber 73 U . ■’ ! C ash Big B end B luestem 87; do V • j 13 p e r c e n t 91: d a rk h a rd w in te r . ,

1 13 p e r cen t 91U : do l l p e r cen t 7»:'*; M ft w hite w eatem w hite 73: h a n l . . f lw in te r 73H ; n o r th e rn spring 74U ; LJ d w estern red 73.6 O a u : No. 2 w hite 26.00. QC* 1 C o m No. 2 E yellow 39.73. t ' • , M Ulrun s tandard 23.00. bi

C a r re c c lp u : W hea t 22; flour 10; a

=t ' c m C A C O CASH Q R.^IN 118:

I CH ICA O O. Ju n e 29 (-P) — C ash Ll w h ea t: No saJe.i. ' jbeUJ

* i C o m : No- 1 yellow 83 to 8 3 'i c : , — :N-0. 2 - yellow 85 to 86c. ’

' i O ^ tj; No. 1 w hlt* 4 m o h s a v y ; ’ ^ ,N o. . 2 w hite 39U to '39^c.

« I N o rye. n o ba ck w h ea t |* ' Soybeans; No. 3 y e n o w T O e.-n e ! ' " i

track c o u n trr s u t lo n . ■B arley : N om inal feed 43 to 30c;

e m a lting «0c f0 4 I . ;- T lm oihy KCd; P e r cwt. 85.75; new .>1 1 crop *343.I. CTorer seed, p e r cwt. 813.29 to


* * »* 5e* . . . .

Vf. B . MASON. X t f e ^< Tra»eB«»H. U lab

; O G D E N C R Y S T A L

'f - ' ■' ■

E 3 0 , : 1 J ) 3 5 . ,

£ TH /C£ A

I THERE MS • VsOEiE.';,! S '.;. noThimg . think : we iiTQiWOafi^^J-^HaUb

Pickets Driv

P E R js I o T L N T p ic k c t s . b o lh m e n l io n n l g u a rd H m c n in T a c o m a , W p l a n t s a f t e r q tw o * ih o n th s s h u i c 5 ^ a y a n d ( r i g h t ) p Ick c lA r e

Hundreds I

V, ■ , . ■ •

r t lT H - s p c c l a l o f f i c e r s o n d u l y . W d u r i n g a r i o l w n s b u r l e d w i th o u i Ihie f u n e r a l p ro c e s s io n .- - - ( /P ) P h '

Governor Pleads Fo

a c IE T p rera llrd In f n lo n . S oulh Carolln U n p e m n a ll r had pleaded w llh 1000 bloodihed. In *hirUlr#»efc h e te addrew mlU strike Hot la w hleh Iwo m en were s

1813. I . L ard : T lerers 313 80: loose 813.72; . M i

eUJfa>17 13. ________________ ,, J.,

C o n s u l t O u r C o m p le t e j ' M o v in i r S c i^ ic e b e f o r e y o u r i “

; n e x t j o b . jN o o b l i n i i o n f o r in f o r m a *

t i o n a s to b e s t m e th o d s . ^


TRANSFER .W ith R o m L am ber C*.

______ Phot>e« 34 Of S27 ____ :

= = = 5 = 1


S O ^ ^ D O C ' W O U L D S T I L L .1 |[ C A L L A . B ■ ■ W S P E C I A U S T IF

r i D E E g L . ' ? ^ J ^ E C E S S A R

■iven Out Of Titnlipr Mill~ i ' : • . ,

■ = ^ 1 T ' . ' , . / - .

e n a n d w o m e n , w e r e j j i v e n t h e ru ; , W a s h in g t o n , a s s a w m il l o p c ra to i ih u td o w n d u e t o l a b o r t r o u b le . L e f 1 r e t r e a t a s g u a r d s m e n a d v a n c e .—

1 Attend Rites Of Slain I

, W i l l ia m - K a H r le , - - .s t r ik e - p lc k c t - k i o u t i n c id e n t , I ! e r e ~ n r e s o m e o f t h i P h o lo .

For Labor Peace S

a Dhifl

lhe dall Sna • Sl and rep< rep<

MoiHella o i


Mln Mln NClt Mill Ooo N . ; p . / Mill

filloa, a fle r C oT em ar O i'n I). J u lm i- ■ ■000 striker* th a t th e re be nn m a rv ' reM lnr the Ih m n r fotlowlne brief re sb o t U dealb.^*H«^ Photo.

1 Sweet C herrie t Are Blpa CRYSTAL SPRIN G S ORCHARD

' Flier, Idaho Ceme u d B ring T e a r Own

• . C oataloer* j


____M o r e f e e t p e r p U n ifo rm in ,s ize

A n a b u n d a n c e o f W il l n o t c lo g m

' ■ 'T/C


i l l D i s t r i c t _________________ ___

r u s h b y s t a t e p o lic e n n d n a - a t o r s .n o u g h t lo r e o p e n t h e i r L e f t : T w o o f t l i e p ic k e ts b e in g

P h o to s .

n S t r i k e r

l - k i l l c d - i n - E u r c k a r C a l i f o m i a , - -------^t h e h u n d r e d s o f m o u r n e r s in


B uffalo r iver and J a ^ o n L ake j Inflow were "baih up a little" , m - } day m om lng due to wartn w ea the r ' th e preceding day, according to a • dally report by L ynn C randall.Snake river w aterm aster.• Snake river ite ra g ; . atream now a n d d lv e rs lo n ij-e re ahotn i In the rep o r t fo r Friday la st in a dally repo rt u foilowa:

Storage, Acr« FeciJackson L a k e ..... ..................... 098,480A m erican Falla ___________ 869ioOLake W alcott .............................

S tream Flow, Second FeelM oran ---- ----------------------- - 1 ,J«» .H e l s e ----------------------------------11,100 Xa o u g h ____________________ 1.454 yr-.N e e le y ____________________ ll.WOHowell-a Ferry ..................... .. 7,400S nake R iver a t M iln e r ........... 7

D U enlons, Second FeetM ln ldoU N. 8 . ............. - ........ 1,590M inidoka 8. 8 . ____________ 1150Nniner S. S. ------ ------------------ 2J70MUner Low U ft _____ 137G oodinc Project ....................... 1,148N. S . in Ooodmg ...... .............. 8S9P. A. L a t e r a l ---------------------- 61M ilner N. S . ---------- _ j j j o

F E N D E R S — B O D I E SStra lgh teaed

A atoP a lnU ng A nte Claa*

CaBTaa T ents a ad Awnlngt

T H O M fc T Z T O P A B O D Y . W O R K S

P h a a a 72*N eat O o o rta C aU n M atar

___; r p o u n d .s i r e . ..............................o f s t r e n g t h .

r m a c h in c .

b M . C o . - g r -

. . r,

[WANT AD R A T ^B A T O _ w w : u » g j E g B j ^ -

— t t r - a m T T » e r O o f T ie r t t f = = = s r « r T h»« 4v$, per Moa per t o y - » . • •

r t r :^ £ r r 3 i ie e tm ? ? .w m ^ - ^ u .tdTtrUM^ ”’ **’ “ a«ri «< -

* P b o u S3 to r t a AdU ker


•AuWi t o I ;

BMUty efcOWi ■ ■’" " W .

rCotJ. wood. Ic« . »

* r tS m * 7 p p ii« e « — I. ■ '■' ' » 1

? S K ?." M i S 5 S = = 5 I 'fttr e»l# 8tt<tt T»-A i»n>tui >n<i V w utilM .......»«

t I •II I

Mat)«T W -- —UOTlnt. B t o ^ I I I .~.i a<PfnoatU .,—........... ..... .11 4po^iiar^ a n a ^ u w iiM ....

IU«1 ElUU tet Tf*/** ____33Rift] BlUU Wontort ....... ...........34ROOITU tor n«t>t - . _ ____ 29aalMmrn, «»*»■»» n ntujiuoni «>>■">-<8m C>*U k l ■<>««« ^winteft to **•wiloM ta «»»"« *<tr tn tfd U tf« # llM i« o u a _ _ _ 1 1 * A ro r W « or T rtrtt i _ . it -

Personals 4'Sheer CbU /on Voile Frocki.

lis e t 30 to 4Q. llJ ia .ANN E FROCK SHOP

T A ItO B SD TO M EAfiinm SD1T8.---------W J O. CletlU llg im a ^cpatftng. |

A itn k Wllka, over L D . ilo re . Phona li»8W .__________________ ^

Lost and Found 5 z i e w a m " "f o r i n f o r m a t i o n

coDceming le m ile T oy Fox Ter> r ie r . Loot T u eid iy , A ns. to L tdy .P h . a s m . BtthL

l o s t : PA IR GLASSES FR IDAV. Name **LeFlan8'’ iQ c a x . R e tu rn to

_____ lE a i . jm t t , ; ,B e i r a r d . ...................- —

X X 0 8 T OR a r o L e N f r o m h o m e ,W ; No. W tjh lng ton , nty terrie r. W hito ' ' -^llh teow n spot*. A n n fe r t to

n a a a . Ginger. P leiue P h . « 1130. E ltln e Eldre<t.

1X5ST IN MOUNTAIN HOME, 8 IL - “ ver rim bUocal B laues. end of bflw ejjeatl. tip p e d . L ibera l rew ord. •-. M n . K . W . lU ld e m tn . R t . 3. Tw in

' ^ = = s : = = = = = = '

“Beauly Shops ^ 6 iI d a h o " b a r b t o a n d ” b e a u t y J

Shop 'j perm anents 8T A V perm - o . anen t. 30ft ofX on ou r b e tter pe rm - j anent<. X renlngs by appoin tm ent. ■ Phone 434. ^

ODARANTCED* PERMANENTS $3 ' t n d sp . P h . 340. T he B eauly Box.

TU OSB' W BO EAVE E X P & R ^ O *ed ou r work know th a t our m eib* todf ta d tb a IU lt o( o u r operatora ta n fuperlor. You m ay sow have ione of onr oil wave* for a* low a* i

Crtw ford'a B eauty Salon, 113 iM ain A rt. South. Phone 1074. j

— ■ ■ ---------- 1

Announcements 6-A JT W IN .P A U i 'c O O P E R A T I ^ la C ^ 1

change are now rendy to accept ] fn ilt« t n d w eetab les fo r eann lnc 1o n th a re s . 318 Snd Avc. No. 1

■ n n 'C A U , r o k K u u L T f - r k M i a


^ L m7 i i £ B A s y H ^ c A i O T

grR SST B V 0 - j &C1Z0NA.! J M n S H J S r a

m ■

IA m i R A i :

7 \* 0 U U E A ftb M E > /A U XHOME P O R (M NNKRir

*tb t k AROUM& .\C A P A B L E O F RUWNJWG M Y



Life-OwAutos, for Sale 7

I" t i e . Like npw. S M U to e tlo r-^a to k _ «, —M le O K M ain ia ’i- a i t-g h O ifa o n t-g . —1

■ ^ - j T w i Q u i TW IN FA LLS, H A S ” ?

W onted to Buy — Baveral U to .model used e^rs, h ighest casb ; =

prices. *


-W e buy: - se ll - T r td e - (Next door to Sy le W tit« -

■ — '■ .1 I NJ

•30 Plym outh-sp t. r d s t r . ____MO■39 Pontlao a c d ._________ 148 '*3? ^ " tfm fMtrniil t r k . g o i^ in l~ ^

.■30 Chev. coach, runs good... M >■35 Dodge sedan, runs Rood._ 40 J


Six 30»5i4 'ttrei. nearly new ' w.

JOHN O’CONNOR ”816 B h S h S m i i ^ S i o M 1140 =

■ w e » iy E q u lt le t________

STUDEBAKEft SCer^ltei Vk S Cw _ J

■ O . M. c . in ick . a t o n ----------- 1M4F ord V8 aedaii. new raotor_1833 N ash coupe, eonvertsbift..',. . I g S Q . j t ;Chov. sedan. 4*1 eoadlU on_l033 W

Sales and Service [354 M ain N o.' Phooa 66 —

I I . . . . - BLWHITE’S i

• USED CARSW e Buy O ur C ars fo r C tsh

And Sell on T erm s ,1934 Chevrolet coupe, r u a ________„

Itaa lh a n 8000 m U es.___.|49& __1S32 A ubum .8 sedan, very |_ dean ....— ......... ...,8480 _ _

* nice and clean laside and O U I -------------------------------*315

1935 Ford co tch . n o t so good <116 1030 Chevrolet coceh. e x tra ‘

g o o d ......................................83551038 M u te r Bulek sedan,

nice and cleaiQ tnslde a n do u t ____________ :_______ 8375

1028 ChnTOlet coiipe, recon­ditioned --------------------------8226

1028 Chev. eoupe, license___ 81351032 Terraplane, ex tra good-8205 1020 Fninklln sedan. aU

jSorR W H IT E *^: -The Used C or M an " '

1 4 4 -^ d N . , ^

---------------------- »Auto Service, Pa^^ :j.S ,. *

AUTO d o o r " O L A S S r W W D* Ishie lds and window g ltss . Ne ?charge tor se tting glass. Bring to ” y o u r-sa sh o r 'd r m jo u r c tx In P ro te c t your health : tu v a on yourfuel blUs.'Phone 5. Mooa^i. j

0 .8 .T U R N E iC t W IN FA IX S, HASfree ticket lo Id ah o T hea tre. C all f,a t News Office. —

' • H .

Male Help Wanted 9 'I W ANT T llB IX MEN TOR LOCAL _ _

te a t n d coffee rou tes paying up qji;to 843.50 a week. N o cap ita l or uexperience needed b u t m u st be tlwUlIng to give prom pt weekly s e r- pvlee to approx. 200 families. I —fu rn ish everything. Ford - given ORproducers. W rite A lbert MlUs, 7301 1M onm outh, C incinnati. O. V

R E P . ADCOX D IESEL SCHOOL i f fP o rtland , in Tw in Falls. C an use eifew m en io work p a rt tu ition . I f rinterested or w ith catalofiue, w rlle t<Box 19. care News. A

’’T tu CAU r o s t n c L n - ’-F&oM » ^


~ — -----------

U X IE ANC» W O N T A | I j ^ 1 R T O k v a x r - m M > 9 s > 4 " o t*I S fAA Q U tT E u

A P M J R i WfTMOUT / u £■£ ^

■ ^

_ M E m ILu—

T V ^ P A L L S D A I L Y i r a

Female Help Wanted 10 p r

^ u l u a l a t home, fo r M tU D etiers. |■Ktm .» 1 5 -» *ekly,- E xp c r l w e e ^ ^ -h:aw 88ti*3teflt*m p^brln»» 'T «rtlen*- r f. I t r a . W ilson, Co..- - L o n g - B c tc h . ^

Help, Male or Female 11 ■I s m C A W ? R A ir a P A T O N ^ , lU 'setioo mushrooms c e lltr. ahed. I

W holesaler ( ten b ranch offlees) I

^ t e d ? ^ - N 4 0 *Un> I oola Ave., O h i ^ o .

« W 8 O FH C B F ^ ” t ICK - e t to Idaho T beotre fo r F red B eer. T»-ln Falls . ,

lE A L SILK ’S BUMMER LIN E — wUh apeclals Invites you to cash =

p a r t tim e, i t t l a l n g and equipm ent ^ f ree ; Bex 20>0, Boise.____________ W

Money to Loan 16 ~^ D E R U T 'F A R ic " lOANS^ " r e -

d u e a d .te 4 p e r een t. se e o r te le- phone J . W. McDowell, Tw in Falls, i z

For Sale S e ^ ~ m «d £ 1 r u m e t ' i w a t o e 8 . T v r . _ f

tro m Aahlon. a mile* sou th Klm> ^

For Sale. Mlsoellaneous 17 ”i R a r o u r n N G o f h a y i n

shook, m field or deiivered. H Ml.60. E ast end M ain.______________

XEOTRXC VIBRATOR. SCARCE- ROly UKd. A bargain . W rite Box 10, fic t r e )4ews. a

IASS SEPARATOR NEAR H A Z- F Uelton. Mrs. IrU H ettm an , R ich - Xilie ld , I d t . el■ — 1(

----------------------------------------------------- ll3. y .4 0 OU Pull trac tors. ^

1.' Model U AIIU • C halm ers ^' t r tc to r . _

1. Bolens ga rden trac tor. ' ^1. *3-38 Case K p ara to r com- „

binatlon. ,,1. 33-36 Rum ely g ra in se p a r t- *'

lo r. • • V I. NlchoU t o d S h e p a rd .b e an

combine. • _ _1. O ib u m binder. i s i3. D um p rakes. f,1. W ood w heel w agon. q 6. Oood side delivery rakes.

■■ 55

jBuy w h t t you need, b rtag baek h a w h at you have left. We l o u yon. u « brush to p u t t t on w ith tree. 9

M eM urtry Bo>ise P t ln t , 4 - — B o u r E ntm el, Floor t n d L in­oleum V arnish dries In tw o U hours—A lo tre stock of WaU at P tp e r . e<


IR S T CU TTING HAY IN STACK — to r ta le . Phooe 1337. G R

lARRY MUSGRAVE _«Buys, BeJU, -T rades- on F t n a — __ •

M tchlnery and Home' '• ■ F u ra lsh tngs___________

INE DELCO U O H T OU TFIT. 18 / un it, S3 Ampers. In good condi­tion . Cheap. Inquire E. D. Brown,R t. 1. FUer. Ph. 8J14.___________

RO P, EQUn»MENT AND BTOCK. 1? 1 m l. w est Of South P a rk bridge. ' W ight’s R anch.__________________j y<

3TCHEN SIN K S. BATHTUB. elecUie wire, pipe, chains, cable. ^ rellners, anim al tra j* . socks tn d *' twine. Idaho Ju n k House. Second Ave. So. '—

n n CAiL roK B xsin .T f* -n«D * n -^11

^ 2 JH g

’E ~ a U M P ^ —S P OK

1 V « V B W I W H lM N C e MF T H W W .N M y i O N I > E R i 'WOW M U CH L O N 6 6 R < ^IE - IW N K » VI*. C M M , / F \ *T & j r r * N O F O B / S



I ’ p '


F A I l j , r o A H O , S I

■ M i M I E . . . f l D V a i n U i


E O n i l l . l O H E II A ' ^ ^


> M. TO » P . :

ForSale, MIsoellancous 17 W(CenUDOtd ( re a rrtcMllas CeloBa)

FO R SA L E -O U T SID E OR INSIDE house p t l n t Foarteen colors. 81.75 per gallon. K rengel’s Hardware, y o u

ONB GOOD MCCORMICK £?ij j t ei'u n U'Hutui uiuueiv- uiid- a --------num ber o t good mowers a cd rtk es , re«*onably priced. t i c i


Tw in Fa lls t r ^;

ROY AUDRE. TW IN FALLLS, HAS tree ticket to Id th o T h ea u e . C tll t t News. Office.

FU RNITU RE - NEW AND USED ^ tu m ltu re o t aU kinds, coal ranges. electrle n n g e s , coal stoves, clrcu- I t io r s t n d o ther household fu ra - Ishlngs. Moon-s, P h . 5, S tore No. 1;P h . 316, S to re No, 3.________________


W e h tv e stored w ith us a quan- m«tlty of 4K In. to 8 in. sp ilt post v h

. 6 4 . foot long. T hey will go a t -------16 cents tp lece fo r loU o{ 50or more. [

1ST GRADE F IR LUMBER |3S S J J ; to r rough. 837 a thousand flotohed.O rders of 1000 f t . or more deUv-

. ered tree. P h . 0190RU. i d a i

FO R SALE - KRENGEL ALL- { fI tee l hay derrick he td t-.A lso bay ___ .c tb le . sU ag c h tin . pulleys, trips t a d o ther derrick supplies. Low price*. Kreagftl'* H ardw are.

HAY. WHEAT, POTATOES FO R 2 2 2 * tle . Phqne 0I97-J4 between 8 t n d f V .9 t . m . t n d t f t e r 8:90 p. m.

T he New Self P o U to HillerU now In use a t tb e R obert B it- stock ran c h Si m ile No. FUer on u j early potatoes. I f convenient, In ­spect the w ork I t does, then call .

** SELF M FG. -CO.T w in Palls. I d tb o

GRANITE A im MARBLE BCON- um e n u . JelUson Broa. Ph . 688W,435 M tin E . __________________ Phe

F O R 8ALEI 15 U sed Ice Boxes

All Have Been Reconditioned . . ._And Reflnlshed 3 H P

83 to 830 po£ 81 D ow n-81 Week

10 used Elec. ranges. T rade tn E x c i your old coal range, heating t o '

s w e , or clrcu la to rl Term s. _____You Save on Your P a in t BUl a t -------

MOON'S Tw lo FaUs Phona 5T rade Your Old F u rn itu re In on

New M erchtndU e- i ' ll Itm

■^IIB CAU rOK B£Sin.Tt*‘- r a o i n t J -TTIX

i L J ^ W i


Z ' r r s X 6 0 0 0 TWIN£» F O R \ t o u H tlU U P T > r o u D t D -


L y JH A T I'D MAVC T W .D YOU ' X V 4 0 U L 0 H A V C B U R N E D

__ \ j f . I

y fciM

' ‘fltstiVX^ o u ro F W^mv \uT > «Roa

. SUNDAY MOROTNG, jy N B 80, lfl

Mti gGoo

I H p

l E a a t k i W S I S E n s i

SHEEP bI i n i R E T R E V O R —

A ^__________________________________ sfife


■ WANTI horaei

Wanted Miscellaneous 17-A rEHmL E A V IN a~ T O V "w )8 ANOELES

1st. Room to r 1 lady passenger. „ *7,“ 338 4th St. E ts t . —°._ T °

IfOUNG G IR L WANTS TRANS- po rta tlon w ith famliy to o r near

J.* f S ! ' ^

n C K E T T O IDAKO THEATRE free to r a J . W elch,. Tw in Falls.CaU, a t New* O tl to .____________

rRANBPORTATlON T O KANSAS’ ’City about Ju ly 10, o r wUi furn ish cnr a n d have room for 3 passen- gers. S hare expense. E. Babcock.Bu m . m ». ________________

IfOUNO LADY TO S H A R £ sjiartm en t, phone 180. c r t f t e r 7:30, 1344-J. . O "” *


t n d lee boxes. We pay cosh. P h . j r o o > 5, Moon's.

>AINTING. DECO RA TIN O .. KAL- APART] som lnlng and p tp e r hanging. E stl- iv e i m atq cheerfuUy given. We bo any- where. Q . E. K unkle. Ph . 1306. ' FURNK

------- -- ' — Ing ro

Fruits and Vegetables,18 f u r n i i___________ ________________ _ . North,» N O CH ERR IES ON TREES. 'T— —

F irs t house N . W ash; school. P ^ ^

D AHO TH EATRE ’H C K E T FR E E _1430M to r G . E . Reece, Tw in Palis. CaU :— a t News O ffice. — O O W £

Electric Appliances 19 ^---------------------------------------------------- FULLY


ELECTRIC oparttU H P lEmerson M o to r- apt*.

GASOLINE *4 in* Brlgge a n d a trn t lon g-nv" ■. engine, "exclusively spring i mounw d"

See th e MechanismMOON’S 1211.

Phone 8 w ri te l a -----------

' ■ — ' F o f f in e

For Sale or Trade 21H P 3 PH A SE MOTOR, CEILING poddle fan . L iberty Mnrket.

IXCELLENT 30 ACRES. CLOSEto Tw in Falls. Ow ner,.130 OlhEM t.

t i l fl

Raill'os.antl Service 23-A cStT'j-------- -------- -------------- - crops,

IPECIAL BAROAIN P R IC E S . ON le l ih lusied fU dlos M o o n P a in t & Pure* an 80Iture Slore. C lote i

TtIZ CAU rOH BUVLTt-’- n o B * S - I H B c I

N O '

_r w \ —

O U S T O N E As . V J O R O o u r oi* v o o b r u t

, / Z ~ \ O H - I F I \N K t

v_ i. .

I f lS S ' ■'

3d BuysJ a d i c s . a n d . S e n i l c e - 2 3 - A j ---------BiaunB rt fiw a m coatog Celam^ (CoaUa

rive . on th a t ^ th o f Ju ly ■~------ .-irip ............. . . UtjFIRESTONE - STEW ART POUf

W ARNER RADIOS *>uUdt* low as 81J» p e r weok

FIRESTONE SWLuto Supply and Service FaiU

. Stores • ,_________ pure

- - ------ 1036p re n

M o v in g , S t o r a g e 2 4 H;. CAREFUL HANDLINO, AND ured service, g u tr tn le e * you . ^ It dtllvery. Fo rd T ran sfe r. A t " * * m e. Lum bw . P h . - a 4 r « ^ 7 T — - -----------------------------------------------¥ acre

W a n te d t o B u y 2 5 , 1 S ' ;

r a iD - OLD c o w s A M D * S J_______________ ; S S

NITURE W A N T B ^ -W S BUY • d furn itu re , ootJ r tag e s . stoves * i Ice boxes. We p ty cash Phone ^Moon's. * <PUd■-?----- ' — ¥ plow

¥ diskH o u s e s f o r R e n t , 2 7 * sprir

____________■___________-1 - ¥ e r, 1?OM MODERW-H O P BE:- U B ^ ¥ " t 8 g 7nU lied. W. O . Sm ith . W qulol

-----------------------------¥ 583.m SH E D CABIN ON WARM « j . ■ings creek. Ph . S2qM.---------------if ------- ------------------------------------- : ¥ ¥ ¥

A p a r t m e n t s ' 2 8 f o r a

m S H E D APT. W IT H K IT - p jS So ihette. Adults. P h . 560W. *'

•ET TO i D ^ o T h e a t r e i! fo r L. M. BuUer. T w in FtUs.I t t News Office. B I H

SEK EEPIN G ROOM S FO R I L A vant H old . --------

•OM FURNISHED APT. REA- 133 M able. 329 flth Ave. No. I

ITM ENT FOR RENT. 338 3RD ~ n !. E as t. n (

tUSHED APT. AND SLEEP- room .-114 M tlti Ave. N . to 40

WISHED APT. 413 M AIN “ u. *'i____S t. Ea

FLY FURNIBHED 3 -R O O M -------- -. garage. Botrt^ If desired. P h . jO M .. . ----------------------------------- g l e a i


N ISHED APT. AT BU CK o f ^ lS f c ts. 133 West. M tto . ^ J S S h i

[.Y FU R N lSttED A PT S , AT ila m e re .In n and O tsU 'H o m e . “" ‘r ■*7

456 and 971, respecUveiy.■ A ShortHAVE S E V E R A L NIC E g tn e s 1

irtm enls fo r ren t, 1 to 4-room m ents w s . w llh bath . M usgrave Broa.. U t r g t tr . lU tg . V — .......- = = ^ = ! ! - d ty . fr<5r

R o o m s f o r R e n t 2 9

m " a n d " w a r d . 131 SKV- » n“ l « h tv e au e h « th . Phone 691 o r general L___________________________ ooreilag

W a n t e d t o R e n t 31------------------------- " --------- - end'V U l« 8 K T O HOUSE, RELIA BLE >*>■• • ' pie, w ri te Box 44. c tre Newtu —

R w l ’ E S t a t e f ^ r S a l e 3 2

:oora m ^ r a house, 8 3 ^ K J'i J , E . W H IT E .

8 A L E -^ 7 lC R E S ,-cn O P -A N D -------- ----farm m achinery: 4 head

k s ; 4 eows: 35 a crrs- a lfa lf t . .: » acrea betn* and o th e r ,51, aU for 8100 per acre. D o n t ** ihU get away as It Is as good c. Cone 80 t s you wUl find anyw here. ” • U,*’’! le to FUer. Eorl M urray, F iler. f#i

- H. Our*CAU rOR R U U lT f -P b s M I I Ik Um I 11. Ann

» pu




sp — "

T 2~ ■

________ ■ 'iS~ "“ i r -

M O R E -© ( • ' r t j u - ^

i t e ; — ;l i R E O M ^ ^ '


s Under 1= B f l f l t f e L ^ - l 0 E S a I f c 3 2 : { S

prtcedlag Calona) . n e |,

!— '— S i **

RaSSr^ M o d e ^ ~u U d la p ,e l e c t r l e M 'g h ts , - u n a lac w tt« r. House room . ■ )r 2,000 h e a t. O n p tv e d Daigbw ey I m L . t r o a Tw to ■all*. O ta aupply iM O p u l- .;ts t o d pedigreed to R B D F F w rc h tie r . W i l l eon trae t S s S Z . »M h i t c h in g eggs t t t good w S n i

Hayes Hatchery j"________ ^ . w

* * * * * * * * * * *

icre t t r m n e t r Tw in ^AiUs ¥ L ., ■ ■ n ttl lo w crop, S3 te re s beans, « i—l— l a 4 barley, 14 hay. s b e eu .' 8 ¥« s tu i« , w itb 4 h e td h o n m , 7 ¥ ,nUk eows, 7 c tlves, 1 bull, 3 ¥ ]rrood sows, t n d th e feUewlBg ¥ -----------t i m bquipm ent: 9 a e tt h u . ¥ PKAVK1 test. 1 ' wagon, 1 m tn u r* ¥ F p re td e r , 1 b e tn cultTvator. I ¥ i-a—aj:; pud cu ltivator, 1 two way ¥ . 'Ilow, 1 mower, 1 rake . 1-16 la . ¥ i Ihit. 1-S u t U a i h . ; r o i . , 1 p ring too th h tr ro w , 1 level- ¥^ 1 ^ U l^ a n d j o t h e r j u t i t ^ ¥

ulck tale, p rice 8 1 « 0 0 « .'p h . ¥ D u r r ta tJ . B. ROBERTS. R ealto r ¥ |

¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ : ¥ ' ^

. 8A L 8 B Y O W N E R -FO U R * « « Kn house, m odem except h e a t. M rt. I « a e 80-M. Ployad i

— M r. Rob . Detwelle

B e f o r o Y o u S d e ^ * ^ U Y , B U I L D o r B U R N ■ ^

S e e U a ;-----------

M a in .E . rbon« .4aT

— - I <R e a l E s t a t e W a n t e d 3 4 ! ^ > «

iVZ A CASH BUYER FO R 90 * " 40 t e r n s e t t T w in FaUa. o i n n I your lu tin g if you w aa t (o ** 1. New location 330 flhoebooe . E ts t. Ph . 843, W . E . S ta g e r. Trai» »

Tmlo o

lA N E R C L A S S F E T E D -

^ T L A W N G A T H E R I N G - g ^ C

u G le tner clas* o t tb e B tp tlM •ch tn d .'th e lr te tch e r , M tj . BA- S d 0. V incent, were guesU o t I re ae .D onald Ram syer t t t law n -

r p t th e ir hom s F rid sy evening. ." lort busineas m eeting w u held, hm\m . ss 'w ere enjoyed t n d refre sh - ■

w ere served. i Btate Tirg tre t Hoys, In es Spenee, J6 a n ‘emoTwet [. V lv ltn J<dmson r« tu n « d F r i- Buhi tni ttdm a O lrl Reserve confereaoe ayelte lakes. lm tm _S . U Hue. who subm itted to 8«tw M

alor opera tion a t th a county Kiral hosp lttl W ednesdty, 1* r e - s.ntvM K clng nicely.

tn d M rs. R . S. Corteae m otor- -o ;P a u l S a tu rd ay to r » , weekvisit w ith r e u u r e * .- - '--------------. and Mr*. R upert W U lU m i* f " J S t p

Daily Cross-Woi

A CROtt tftlw llon of f ta iw rd a /a f

“«• m«<iiciB« I a I d I o I d I t H t I o I i IvjI Sonctif I o I o I n e f E M B l E l v T ^IVonl UJSd Ia n , I^TZ^^h a Id Ic Iv B Jor • DOUB lA lg l l l 5 I E M A I B I c l T IS K "'“ I m s P S L i ™^nawtr U>« IAI I ||U ^H Q |A M jl ^ H c l

purpoM I ■eonifc,n*r I G l O H G I U I N I S I I P t ^

min h<xj7 i b i e b B a i r i e tA T B P T o liof »p- I I II I I I , I M 11

parti e A K IN E P I M U Alurrew III ll |M III I II I B l 11 I»o&rda ................................ ...................

;n<Itr«loo4.but nnt 4«. Rniaii* L rr*nucipr»M»d if . ccimpikr of an place

lW *r Knctlili cr* t . T s • hCT«r clcpp»Ul* ef point

r»o hsiTM wert* «. J«wU>.e<kplK« S«. RwlrlMl L Grmln i'•«'Ph*t Sl. llut)bl»H: xreur^ S * folloq. S. at»c* <ranui* »&lat> OOWH IbSJam

•ijDr. t . Pulpy rnilis. qium(led of rr<J djr* aucb u th» S. N m tl iirr«.1«rirn«r» ehcrrr . pcaeli ». An nni:ielam*ileo , e r plum 4fna

p p j<

. fS tb

j r i | 2 4

"a ?

■ ■

■ _ 1 ______________ 1 =i I 1 I r ^ n


No. 32;S e !S 5 m 2 m 5 iS B 5 n ^>d p a g e 't b u t h t n u a> e trM .

»=— «hi»— ta, ■ rH w iH w iB nfi-|” ened w ltb « b n n u n b e r In M n j th e N owi. , - f J

P o u l t r y a n d S u p p l l e i 3 7

%RED RO O K F R ’TERS. F B . :u n .

0 5 0 ~ ~ -•W hite L g g i o m H em


iVKY T A BER 0 0 . IR O . P B O ltS ' 1 . F ire a a d t u t e lam rn ace . -

aw v tac M o a d ty to tb e lr hom e < :h tbey recen tly p u rc h ite d t r o o m on MUayoo.

j< 2 t B I « D -AT l iAglU/r O tf -------------AZELTON,. Ju n e 39—M iss A Roa r a n t » a d K a u a ltt R oblyer were ried w ith ft sim ple eeremooy, id ty , pertocm od by B ishop OUea Is home. M tr lo BuU er t n d O tenn a t c t la g t s w U atsse* w ere the ' o a e t p reseat.r t . Roblyer Se a t p rese a t e m - • d t t tbe* BftM lton e t te while R o b ly e rU w o rU a s e a th a O B T C . re ller Sum e t s t o f H taelton . young couple e x p ^ to visit th e

e -e p « re at« .m w yom lB ffeooe. . . '

—A UBM V M t U M t m r .

ir s u - .B s W u S a r .s a

. ' s i s s . - r : 2 ± s s . . ^■ • " “ " 5 . 5 ! = ! — I ” ' - - ' .'

■ ten ttbM B d a *3* l*>na 8 d e p .» .a «so ««v.p »«

innON M C T ^ tT A Q B S

~ e S f n ! -

g . . . . . . .

S e atrtvtng a t U M via. J mS £ 'S«u ta d oeodiD r « « • ( • n a . S 3 .

W «stbou4.1. .1— . . . . . 1. 1. lO M t n .

Z .■m a ;S S tB . ■-■ 8 M t B .

*°.‘n S S r % . LoinTwla raUs-Uaflty-Ketcbaiii

H ■ iiM & e kn a — I .11 1. ^ e ao p. t k m K tte&ua W on, m . p. m.“ “ • ' j s s r s s w f f i - ” " ' - " - 'm u « e t . m.a ------ --------- - _ 7S0 p. n .

Mall CloetM TMm•B all.- 'l;4e-p i'm . and 4 « - p . - » . ---------- m a l t , ---------6 p. tEL.

ord Puzzle

f*a Pusxl* »«• «<

IvjI i ‘a Il I u S f ? S I ld r '^ ' r * auid«4 \ lE lN lG lE t IS. Drl*4 plum

‘t x l i L T a >**U J n I f . OMTsttns a ti l H R I O ^ ■uiomaiis

g g k W "■ ’ S ™ '.T T t i f f l H euU■ lA lS m iY I tJ . 0**0T d B a 'c t e t ^ AxT**m«nU^2|jBL&lJEi 77. AmerlcKO1 | f C | A m „ ^ In J Ia af c T A' P M iai -A*”* ^I j r l ^ K r r P >1. X>2»«iw* lO I B lT lc l maatleallBg

im icir^ |t.» l '.wUlad lilt*a cIrcuUr

nucnt*a rona

S i s s . . "

M ‘u b . streund eovprin*tc* c&&r- Iftntj>r ap itttkwormUAMU «(. Wm P vIo. oiunuiy Ivatlri ^ l « . I «T. P lld PUbllO < nn d lth eetle^AraaiV **• t<*aT«

16 17 IS \ f

__^ ' '

''^7 . ^ ' ' , ■ ■■.n


» l I 1 M


. iTwin J;a lls,Tax lc^ bpera^

^ - " ^ Suir for $2691- - . : :

S ; A . H offnw n of Filer; wU wd M ethodist n tn h tc r , u a t t n l f u lt In tHe d is tric t com r hero ye»terdny for

■ t260L80 damiKe* from th tm T trtn FlU * persooa encas«d iri th e t u l>

. ' . .cab b tu lD w . holdttiK them to bUme Xor ik eoUHIon I f which a« ree«lTed • In lurlea a n d b is m v u dJunsted .

M amed u de fendan ts m th e su it a re M aurice MeJton. 'd r i« 'r ; H . B.

- L ons, w ho Is'e ngaged In tbe. tax icab ^ busloess, and A iu a Lucluo os*

'b u s ln e a a .T b e -coJUslon. according to tb e :

. co m p lain t occurred a t th e Intersec­tio n o f T h ird 6Tcnu« and Second a t r t e i n o r th a t 13:«0 o’clock the

- n ig h t e l lo s t AmU 30.W ben h is c a r WM struck b r 'tSo _

ta x ica b . U r . B o m n a n sa id In his ^ : .co m p la in t, ' b e . w as tb r o v n a g a in s t n

tb « . s id e o f U s m aeh loe a n d h is lbodjr:wma “tc m , c u t a n d Bruised’*; a u

. . r ib o n th e r ig h t i l ^ w u broken In . tw o p laoes, a n d h e w u confined to „lU f bed f t r fe iff weeka tb e re a f te r. ^

. • u a te ca iif lt a t iu i ib ju t w m u iu -JudglD ent fo r I3S00. to g rtb e r with «180 fo r n e d ic a l a tten tion ; and <41 JO

• fo r r e p a ir of W s car, P'. . T h e c om plain t * u d ta fte d ' a n d T

■filed b y B oybom a n d to y b o tn , a t- «

• _______________ — T

- B O R A H ’S A C H I E V E M E N T S 7

' T b U D ' T O L O C A L G R A N G E oi

■“ T“ blR ecord o f S e n a to r W . E . B orah 's ei

■ - T<w iinlU hiiient» In n«hlfa» »ft> j ( : p iled by friends o f th e S ena to r, w ere a:

r e a d b r th e se e re ta rr a t a m eeting ti o f T w in T olls a to n g e F rid ay e re - n n ln g .a t th e O dd r a io w s b a a a

-Miss E lsa o o rd es read a n English play . U r . B onner w u a tp e a k e r of tb e e ren lng . D uring th e business ses­sion , e o e m em ber w u re - ln s ts ted f t a n d a n e w ,m e m b e rw u elected. a

M ission O rto g e , • b e a llh fo l d riak . ^ '< C ock 's D ri re I n n . C orner a tT iP o rk . I t ' - ^ r . “ - - - i e s


« Ju l:


Yon w ill f in d sl c re p e s , p a r ty

m a n y wltl

S iz es a n d S ty le

VALUES TO J5.95— CLEARANCE _________

VALUES TO 16.75— C L E A R A N C E -------------

VALUES TO 19.95— CLEA RA N CE ----------

V A L U ES TO *11.95— C LEA RA N CE ________

V A L U ES TO $18.95— • CLEA RA N CE ________

SKI]W h i t e s a i

T h e ) ,

I WflKe Wiffil IS

<1 J p / f

rr ^ F■

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d •*• i t /It **». ^b m° 1 a lw ays go e a v when I 'ra p lo y in ' s t . »ith ■ is

f e e l K b a d l f l g e t b e a L ” u


a o n s E - 7 u n e r a l ,H r n c u fo r u n . ^, O sca r B ouse wlU be held th is a f te r - lot noon a t 3:90 o'c locc a t . B e th e l tls T em ple, R «r. B- M. David o f f ld a t- Pl» lng . In ten n e n tw U i be In Tw in 'T oils ^° cem etery u nder th e dlrecUon of th e ^/ T w in F a lls n io rtu sjy . „

1 D RA K E — P inal tribu te wiU b e ^ pa id U rs . G eorge A. D ^ e . e s , F iler , at

1 T uesday afternoon a t 3:30 o’clock a t dl* th e M ethodist churcb in Pller. I n - ^

te rm en t will be -In FUer cem etery. ^ T h e body, w hich now re its a t tb e ^ D rake m ortuary , will be rem ored T uesday to tb e fam ily bome w bere »

. f rien d s m ay"call between r o n d 3 w, : o’clock. ^

M ra. D rake Is surrlveil b r h e r h u s- bond , G eorge A. D rake, n «toti..I<or-

> e n I^ o k e , tw o d a u g h ten M lu O U r- . s. tee D m ka a n d - t C ^ t O f i'M P ro h et -L B a h d tw o grand :h lld ren . F iler.; a n d T I tw o bro thers , Rilcy Thompaon;* gene, O regon, ,apd E lm er T hom pw n,

S a n D le ^ , California.1 _____ ________________ hif . ------1 - t<* O B U R C H -O . C hurch wiU be pa id T ! f in a l tr ib u te M onday afternoon a t S<

a o’d o c k a t th e D rake m ortuary ecchapel, R e r. R. P. Douglass, p a s to r oto f th e B a p tis t church, will officia te, w

; In te rm e n t will be in in Tw in P a lis In'4««m ete iy . hi

lA Y F .y G l<A n n u a l E y en t to C lei

~COATS,~SVlTS,I>llE C om e P M p a re d to Si


[ M E R —

LKSs l ie e rs , clilffons, w liite s , p a s te ls ;

i tl l Jack ets .

le s Sor . ^ e r y o n e

____ $ 2 .9 8- _________$3 .98___ $ 5 .98:____$6.96L _ _ _ $ 8 .9 8


[RTSa n d C olors

---- 1 ALL S i U ^



SAieSliilDi I' dlEGyRESIMfl

— ■ . c<

Local ^ssoclatlgn, lo Dis- » M r ib u t e im ^ M M s 3 ■ : Share Holders S• ' ■- - SCA d lrldend o f two an<I one*half

pe r c e n t c n a lt .classes of T he P lrs t oiFede ra l B arings and L oan assocla- tltion’s stock for th e f irs t <Jx m onths atof tb e year ending Ju n e 30 h u been w ro ted by th e associsUon's d lrec ton ,i t w u announced la st e ren lng . w

I n add ition to th a declara tion of ISth e d lrldend , w hich will distribute nap p ro x im a te ^ 119,000 am ong saving n m em bers o f tb e siioclittlon , a sub-s ta n tU l sum w u added from ea rn - m

th e association ’ surplus *nd rcserre j i account. sc

. New L oans 170.000 . ^ S lnee receiving a c h a rte r Issued ri

la s t M arch ft by the' Federal Home q] L oan bon k boa rd , and being accepted 100 p e r ce n t u a federal savings and „ lo an association, th e loca* associa­tio n h u m ade pronrrss .in every g, phase of Jts activ ity . T here h u been tr a su b stan tia l grow th In Its asK ts a n d new loans cicdcd to ta l approxi­m ately ' tlO.OOO, H. R. a n n t , m an- bi ager, atid la s t eren lng . cc

iM u n uiM a r - w n n g g iH if i i e - n coun ts up to ISOOO by v:e F edei^ l al B arings and Loan Insurance oorpor- }ji atlon . a governm ent agency, on In- „ d lrld u a l accounts w u credited by th e m anager a n d direc tor! w ith re - x sponslbUlty fo r a m arked renewal o t g, confidence a n d tocreased s tie o f the association 's shares. «

T be new liberalized lonn p lsn re - ^ cen tly adopted by_ the (ssoctatlon h u a ttrac ted a U rge num ber bf p e r- = sons Interested In hom e ownership, tb e m anager sa id . ^


L aF rank C l e a n s snil T ailors di have moved to new a n d jarger qua r- cl te rs , form erly occupied by th e c, T hom otz Top a n d Body works on di Second s tre e t ea^c, and h ive Insta ll- S | ed new equipm ent to m<Kt detaands n o f rapidly Increasing ' business, It w u announced t u t evening. A strik­in g C alifo rn ia style' o f decoration T h u been adopted for tlie In stitu - A

A I R ’Je a r a ria r O nt E n ti re S tock 3SSES,HATS,^ETC.~ iind OUTSTAMDING to B o y T hem !


Vs p$7.95 COATS—N O W _____________;-----------$9.95 COATS—NOW _____ ____________

A L L R E M ilG O A T S A N I



U n e n , S a tin , ($1.25 t o $2.95-

5 8 c TO $SV M M ra

O riid iuny$3.95 t o $7.95

$ 1 .2 5— — —Plenty-ot-Wl

S FINAL ------

^ A IR

* ^ » E W S , - T W I N - K A U « r » A H O i

S o u t h e r n I d a h o ’ s

J a m b o r e e S c o u t s

-FnA W C L ;-T iroB «A 8 T ^

— o n e Of th e w la ie w irc r “a r e S contingent of m ere th a n -S O Boy SeouU who will a ltend th e na tio n a l

■ Jam boree a t W ashington. D .C ; dur>- > ng-A ugU 3trU -L lfe .8oojt-P ra n lt-L ?: jB pm si;= = g= iB8in w t~ *bi . - tw 6i> '-s ::

Gooding, wbo tu u acti lered a n exoel*.' le n t record du ring his 18 mo n t ^ o f ' scouting; ■ ■ I . • ■

O ther member.* of ttie de legation , o re to be Introduced fr»m tim e to . tu n e in a series o f artla>.» p repared I a t Snake R iver a rea h e a d i i t m r t^ of , w hich th b is the f l n t : -

A c h a r te r 'm em b e r o t troop s s w hlcb w u ,o rg a n ise d In D ecem ber,

’ 1999, P rank L . T h o m u te tb e only I m em ber who has no t m in e d a troop : meellng.

F rank e arned bis Seeond cU ss two mj>nt|M a f te r bew m tog s T e n d e r fw t

Ju n e . IBS4. H e w u aw anled tb e S t a r scou t ran k In Ja n u ary . 1930, a n d th re« m on ths la te r h a d earn ed enough m e rit M dges to reoelre th e Life scou t aw ard. P rank is 1« years old a n d h u served u a s s is ta n t p a ­tro l leader, a n d Ir now a pa tro l lead­er.

H e .b u sp e n t two weeks In C am p Saw tooth serving u bn^rer fo r hU troop and is now a m<tinber o f tb e troop 39 drum a n a bugle corps.

F ra n k h u quaUfled for IS m erit badges: m usic, personal b e a ltb , cooldng. ftrat a id flrMwun-sh lp . safely, d r ie s , pa th find lng ' f irs t a id to anim als, s th leu cs, public heallh , b ird study, sw im m ing,'tnuidl- c ra tt.

F ra n k U th e son of F ra n k H . T h o m u who h u served u tb e o r- gattlaer a n d sc o jtm a ste r n f troop 33, a n d Is to lead tn e Snake R lre t a re a council Jam boree con tm gent tq W ashington.

tion 's new home, th e w ork being done by U'.l B o n e n .

New equlpm enc includee a m odem

serrloe , a n d a n s to m built, power d r iren U llo rlng machliw.

I n d irec t charge o f tb o ta iloring departm en t Is Joe L aP rank , th e c leaning p la n t being opera ted by H .C . HowcU, w ho studied sy t:tbetlc d ry c leaning m ethods In .C o lo rad o Springs, a n d by j . C. Hel>er o{ Sac­ram ento.

P u r sto rage fo r f u n , fo r g a m c n ta . T w in FaOs Feed * lee, Pb . 1 9 1 ^ A dr.

s I

n e e !Jc oS ■

mtMI ___ 3

I T J ^

P r i c e

___ $ 5 .4 8___ $ 6 .9 8lAINlNG ND SUITS



, O r g a n d i e s5— NOW— -------------------

$1 .48RH A TS

O ri f j in a l ly $2.95 t o $4.95

98cn i i t e s ^ i e f t ---------- ------------

S i - ‘ I.,.;

j O r S ^ ^ A Y - M O H N T N r t , .TTTNW flf),



Store Closet

J . c . p e :

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id All Day Th^

: N Ni W N E Y C O M P f

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T O U RT h e S inest g ro u p o h a v e e v e r se e n a t tio n a l p rice ! T h a t’s


S a v e en o u g h to buji oS sh o e s a n d

Q uantiiy L4 SUITS S IZ E --------.....

6 SUITS S IZ E .......... ...12 TS SIZE 1-----

= -1 9 TS SIZE ------

2 5 SUITS S I Z E ____

18 SUITS SIZE ____


4 SUITS S IZ E ________

T h ese su its go on sa ly 8 o’clock. Mond!

B e h e re eai

No M an Ore No P h o n e Or

No ReSun( AU S a les F

D ue to th e ex trem e: oE th e s e su its , a :

c h a rg e m u s t b e t i t e r a t i o n

y w r

B U Y ^ n d J

hursday . T he

I E Y' A N T , t t t c o E p i

E i


^ T H "I oE su i ts y o u <] ra t th is sen sa -t’s a p ro m ise!_______^

a :

u y a n ew p a ir ^ . d a h a t!

Linnited...____34____ 35......... -36= . : 3 7 ^ “- '____ 38-____ 39....... ,...40 -......-1....42 •

sa le a t ex ac t- id ay m o m in g . . . a r l y ! - . . -

t r d e r s ^O rd ersm d si F in a l I

ne ly low p rice I sm a ll e x tr a e m a d e Sor ons!

rl S A M L

e "Fourth"

p O T > f d j '