Morse Snarls at -Special Holiday Congress Parley I WASHrNGTONr Sepf, 7 (U P l)— Coiigrcsa met li> k)T- |_traordinnry Labor day «e.sflion todily, hoping to clean u]) major businilHs lliis'wcck. Bui Sen. W ayne .Morse, D., Ore,. - immediate resumed his delnyiiiff tactics in the .'tennie. As iJie senate convened, Democratic-Louder Lyndon B; John - son introduced a resolution expressint; conBrcss’ ‘'deep rciiiiiation'and appreciation of. the basic roIe Tliat labor America Leads Drive in -IXnited-Ito-i^^^ Send Mission Group to Laos r ... .. : ..... ........r —: ------r - r -------- ------------ ■and.. - IINITKU NATIONS, .NTY., Scp[-. 7 t.Pj-Tli'f U n ittrsi.iica siicurlieadt'il a nuive to* day 10 call on the U. N .sccunly ctiuiiuil l<i .«c‘ti(I a fact-findiiiK' mission to tmuliletl Lao-< The.U. S. dclcgatioii iind.scvrrnLnUitr.'i.were.t'xpecLed tp submiL-a-rcxoIdtioii-proiK)-;. int: such a mission to the cftiincil nu'i'tinn on Laos' jilea for ii U. N.-i-nu‘rj;ciicv force tn meet any-asffrcssion from C.immunist North Veil Nani. North Viet Nam c;iriy today said it luid asked the U. N. to reject Uius’ reijuust for a I,’. N. forci' and branded it ii- loBal. "The Kovcrtimenl of thf doiiKj^'ratie llnpubliL- of \'iet Nam is highiv indiKnant "It ollf llia'ri'hu' (leei^' "■ seatcil root of t!ie present ten.sion in Laos is the inter- ference of the Uniti'd Stales aiTncd-at*tumin;r‘ltiircnuir iry Inin one «r lls nuliian- bn^M aiiiJ iciloiiKly liiu-mniinR the pcaCC of Vlct-.Vatn.":_ NorKi Vii-t Niini i.s not a incm' bcr of the Unlloil Nivlioin. tllP SllVli'l Ullldll r liould vctc llic re.'oliilloii :i fnct-fliia' JnR inliNlun. llic .Kpotistirn could fct nil cincTRcncy M'l.vKm of llie pcncrnl n'vcmblj; wiili 2< hours by of iiiiy seven of ilivircoim . DU Uic council. .iliyloinnlj iiild_Uiey-lmd word the Soviets hatl driifieil n resolullnii of tlu'lr own fftvorlnc revlvnl of the dormnni Cnnncllnti' Indlnii-I’olMi Inlfrnniionnl coii' irol ci>minlki,iori /or Liiov, n prod- uct of ihe 105< Geneva confcr- liari’i-lUL-illa lor pcace nnd in* depentlcnee iti Frciicli Iiidoclilnn. Laos o|i|io.scs UiLi plun, So docs the Uiilled Smies and UrlUiln. The council wn» U> hesMk .. port frum Sccrclni-y Ocncrnl Dug Hnmmnrakjold on n teller he Death Trend Must Slack OffitQ Avoid IlyThe Auoclaled PreM 2 A fiiMl-min'iiij: dealh loll on Ihe'hiKhways climbed today as the nation entered the * hust 21 hours of a ffriin Labor day week-end. The national .safety council called for a definile improvoment in niolorinK beliavlor an'd said the loll might othcrwisc'approach F Its aii-umu liiKlu The loll'llus niuniinK'ran r a than ’a"sbre aJiead ot the count fo t' -Johnson 80UBht,_unanimous consent to limit debate i the resolution to three min- utes pcrsenator.-Morsc killed - ihi< move by obj«tjnr-#nd refus- uDPfd We debate limit to 15 mlii- joKHson "Mld"leiatri-or-both narttM In (he house snd senate »t:e In agreemenl on Ui» »peclal Lsflor day resolullon and had promised speedy consideration of It.' Morse, however, continued Jils ‘-psrllamenlAry '-war- Aimed d( leadership hopes (or ad- Jt-brSepL-ia,--------- was opposed to the alt's meeUnj on Labor day in the lint place, and came equipped lo ciTiy out his pledne lo read a three-volume work on the iljnlfl- csnce of the holiday. — TETteMltfmefin it.^n»txaBor diT session In 17 years. Jolimon _jil4 he_ was "golnit to ask Uie KSile lo 'stoy In tesslori until mld- Eifht ffmecess.iry to complete ac- U3I' on a pending farm surplus :a,,->aau»m_____________ :_______ Morse went alonf; with John- san'A request for "Iht usual mom* Ini hour for Introdi/cUon 'Of blltn, ni^itttOM and mrAorlnU wlUi Un.lon o n ^a .................. , 0 exceed tliree mlnuics/' But he bIoc>:fd Johnson’s proposal lo p a« .ttiroush.the.cMendor.oLuiioppoject Plane Launched With Zero Launcher aneJ^a^iicl Ad air force FIM Saper Sabre leapt leto tb» ilr^wlth (he aid of a reekel booiter eniine failennl benealb the plane. In a (eit at lleloman «ir (erce bate. New Mesleo. to prere (hat emcrxencr takenrfi -fnjm-itrpUne bemb ihetteri ai'ereasIblerThe-jtfwarraieninooiHynb a Uundilhs plalform inilde" ihelter. No noway waa used. The air /aree calli the eiplotjve (akeoff a lero Ieo{(h launch. lAF wlrephoto) ' ■:—------- -------------------------------------- if (he adjournment gwl.and mo 'it seosltms. Into .next week, wfttn ' t I*remler Nlltlia iQirujhchev . . i^ rs and houig ........ _i want to close up shop and (I cut of tm-Q before Khnishchev u SeptrlS to'BToW'tbrtlckllsti ,-jUoa of js'heUier to Invite him j) iddreu » Joint ^ lo a of coa- qiw> ttBtll tfU^mldnlfrhrsgtnr: r. Usrealened to bloct any ac'- Labor Leaders Bitter Against— Business inTDaB^Dajn'aM .. - . ____jmess ctched the Labor day statements of union leiidara today'as they pictured labor dcfcndinBTiitself affalnst a powerful onalnught by , btsr.'iniBifiose. On .the olhcr.lioiid, President.Gisi^how«riBfiuedftstatementstn:sain?thc giant feains mndfi hv Amnrlfjin.lnhnrJii-thft-twantW h^flnt.«ryrj^ . ... - P.-Mitchcllr-agn:eing:wlth:thc:~ " ' * 5done..vba objected^ IT day session, had a two«fold with hi* reading. He o-*how-hla-dislllce-of-tbe e nform bill pasted by con- u last week and to dramatize Is dltplessure with what he iden Johnson's "dlctalorlal" i *eo»nt. senate plAijned (o resume deUls on a.bill to'extend the fann . u dlspoul program. The law- msitn have agreed to j strict tlm( Umlutlon on eohsldenitlon. wtilel) might sidetrack Morse’i foot-dnfn!ln(t moneuyeta. _______ _ .V. -TOim m (he house-approved bill to per- mit President Elsenhower to hike iDlertst rates on Berles B and H t savings bonds. Leader States TNo Chance of HildngBonds WASinNGTOK, Sept. 7 W^—6en- ate Democratic Leader Lyodon B. Jqhnson of Texa.i served notice oday there Li practically no chance thl3 session to remove the. celling t» ■long-term government l>onds, I President Eisenhower urges. Sen. Prescott Bush.- IL. Conn, raised the Issue by announcing he tilGHtlCHTSTn P*n'1-Labor leaders bitter ' Ubor day ipeeche*nJrsr -Is IJnltcd Nations <lrlve for death count , is high. Senator Morw wnt nuM to snarl adjouma- ment drive. Boy 'shot In “quick IS ilal proposal as an amendment to I bin raising the Interest rate •E'* nnd “H“ savings Iwnds. ‘Ben. Clinton P; Anderson. D., N. M.. at once declared this would financial pot- teiiM Si""” '''''’ I ®-Puckel steals show in Pnn-Amerlcan games. Pair of golfers fight for Magic Val- ley amalcur title. _P»«e- - - «nan-p— la Idaho. Man Is Held ^ ^ Ig n m c n tfo r murder charges tiXt- J- » , was killed and Esteban w *“ wound- .Johnson'aald that after coiwul- igreed" only the savings bond bill could.Bet tiirouBh-thU-ye#r.-------- This blit passed the house lut week and was cleared by the sen- ate finance commlt(«e Saturday. If thla tot through coMrw.- the move fo rw a rd and try to raise the low economic stattis of the migrant farm worker, - T a'fl- lMUa' mil----------------------- latwr lead- ns they inea to mushU un'- Ion atrength on the nation’s 55(h day. One iisue- to union demands for higher wages, an issue emphasljcd by the aleel strike. Today "might as well be called nntl-lnbor day." said James B. Carey, president of the Ihtcrna- tloniil Onion of Electrical Workers and n vice president oC 'the AFL- cto. Bub the AFL-CIO 90 Diners Treated For Food Poison TE31REU* Tex.. Sept. 1 WV-Ten pensoM were hospltallied after od poisoning at the Terrell luntry club hit between B5 and diners Saturdnynlght. —Ono-of. thB-fltnen,- um-Doict, 38, or Terrell, died earjy Sunday but-ft-prH'ate phj-slcliin aald Dolce died Of a heart atuck. The ph>-slclrui who examined the lajorlty of the cases said InvesU- gatlon indicated spoiled chickens caused the poisoning. About no persons attended the dlnnirr-wtllch-inirtea-lhBrena'iif the club’s summer seasoa. record eight hour*. 30 minutes aft«r leavlnff Toltyo. The old record —'■'[Une hours, 33 minutes. worker* Day" In a move to help the 500.000 steel workers who hav been on strike for eight weeks —Oeorge-Meany.- presldent-of-tht APL-CIO. said labor would hove lo fight big business with a nea prerrAhr^r^ueairoiTand ^liuea power. -Dig buslnm-lendgj nrg'dolng en and destroy our trade union movement,’'-Meany said In A itatC' ment.' W ^ter R«uihfr,j)rcs:!lcnt of.the tJnlted Auto Workers andan AFL. CIO vice president, said In (rouble In Amerlc«.~ This has happened, he continued, iT»e«*us«--tlanfr-«»fpor«t[ona-j«*m West, Soviets ToStarlTalk -Of Disarming WASHINGTON. Sept. 7 (U P D - The Doited SUtcs. Russia, Britain and Prance have oRrctd to resume their long-dead disarmament talks aimed at ending the tense and costly cold w ar weapons race'. The big powers decided that 10-natlon dlsarmnmcntcommlaslon Bub the AFL-CIO officially —composed of five we»tcrn andliva lamfd.th^ay-i^ppflrt-the-atcctJ COTHTmnisr'countrlcs-ihould. start ivated'by-Miflsli" pollclej which deny WOfkVrn, farm er, ^nd cohsuraers their fair share of the increased producUvlty mode pos- sible by our developing technolojry.’' Eisenhower's statement, released y the White House in his absence, said "One cannot look bock over Ihe past Labor days without a ■■ '-ness of the bn»ad negotiations soon. U. S. olflclals viewed Russia's decUlon to take .part In the new talks as partlinilarl; significant be- .me on the eve of Soviet .. ..iklta p ............................ to the uniied Stj Tliey said prealdent Elsenhower comidere<nil.'iarmnmtnno~ttnita ment .talks lost night. They s.ild ;he commission' was expected begin work soon. East and.-West.havo been unable Efforts Made Eoi^Slbwing AicaTDrivcrs the companibic period last year. "We ask every driver lo act as his own traffic offi- cer," thc'Fnfotj’'councit'Rald ■nnd la Rcc_cpt_pcrsonsI raponsl- bllUy-/or-^rcvtivtinj Miilllple deaths conlrlbiiled to the fatalities tiiroughout thm oll- the L.ibor dny week-end trnfflc by ustnB nid:ir. , - Seventeen drivers wcrc'cltcd'tor speedInK In n 55-mlle an hour between midnight Saturday and 4‘B.m.-Sunilay onc"nna-cmc-half mllM (.outli of Hollister; Tliose-clled and. tlielr speeds W. Elite*!. Twin Pnlls. £.irl Wjird Mnnn. Kinsman, Intl., 6': Kmcry O. Turner, Sacra- mento. .74; Nolau L. FIX, :.1>ln Falls. C5; Zelcla Floyd, Twin F,t11 j, ■5; DcWlKht Jl, Skelton, Durlry, n;.-Harley W. Winn. Pocatello. 73. - Ooiiflkl D. BllllnRMey, S.'vcrn- mcnto, BO; Sue Vlick. Buhl. GS; Carl M. A/hiiiend, Corral. 80: Lyle lst«r Klmmphiin Pntiyu. OtficerDcuies l-Vnilcr, Eden, 75: George JI. Daw Twin Falls, 73. I., Knlfhl. FI' Troop Action TorHelp Laos NAHA. Okinawa, Sept. 7 (UPI) —U.—3.-mlln,ir7-nuthortiic3“ hcrc denied toda^'any knowledge of m r' iinivi'inrnt:Dfjnlliniii3unDllci and troops from thls AmericAJt Is- Ittnd bastion to support the Lon* tliui gaycromenLJn- lU_Jitt«le ogainat rebel forces, Ale force Ueut.' Col. Bernard Petcn/Oktaawft mlUtJiry Informa- non coordinator,' sold ho luiew Jenkins, Wendell, 73: W. H. Corn-ln. Jr. Goffsion. N. H., 68: -------'W/Hftrdln. glTHEerlyTflS: ----- Droy O. Harding, Richard Burns, 6,-D,- lAieekert.-James-Oerke and ^ n k Mosta«n. _ _ _____ nu.v>'Teemnn,'35rnogcrsdn. wa.i tlDO.and casts andjutnitnctd .JIC«||U«I»4 . a r<t< X. C*lB>a the Philippines on standby orders. Tlis UUrd marine division, i manded by Maj. Oen. Robert Luckey. Is Stationed here nnd is ‘lEe’Heturns To^-SrAftCT -Eur^eJiip —WAgHgfOT OW, SgpL~^*tlti President Elsenhower returned here today from » triumphant policy-makln7 . swIcb through ............ Euror' weather ii marines from Okinawa landed Cinrk field in the Philippines u part of an emcrgeacy task force. Several marine camps hero wen de-wrtcd'or nearly Because ................................. laadT thu'Prcsiaent canceled his pli>n_toJunch_therojj-lUi .Icelandic .Instead, the chief executive's yellow-noM^ Jet airliner sped him ' Washington.via..Gander, New- at Uielr desUnatlon. 1 tho troops arrive Phne-Seardr Party Reaches Mountain Top The 'Pre&ldent looked relaxed and *un-t<inned After his three-, day galfln( racatloa In Scotland. Ha took the vacation to rest up after ti series of conferences with European leader*—a tour which U»4loot«(»«al>«<H>Re^-th«-t< ' est Jobs of his presidency. After lonf and lntlmat« talki with' West Germany's Chancellor Konrad Adeiuiuer and Brltald's Prtme-MlnlstCT-HflTold MacmllUn Ike went to Paris to « « PrtaJ- dent Charles de Onulle. Death Toll Non-bontlng drowning*___ 37 MLvelloneous .................... S5 TOTAL ____ ___________’<48 Idaho Counts =Oiie^Dead j n ^ Labor Traffic dny. Four died Jn, a crnshs«ven mllM WMl of Flndloy. 0.. Sunday nfter n brondslde plleiip at nn in- li'rwcllon. sintc troopcrs.sald one: Of the' iiiito.s i)iowed"inreush’'tt' stop sign at Uic crossroad*. Tlir count was moving nt a mle of more ihnn five dend from traffic accidents oh'hdur. Typical summer weatl ny United F rtu Iatcn%atlonaI Idaho state police patrolled the Gem slate highways In full force tnrtny—thr final nnp of thf» long___I fjibor day Week-end—In hopea of preventinj any further traffic deaths. A .delayed re'^rt Saturday 'we- nlng bsought word cf one holiday dealh. th a fo f Clnylon O. Bailee, 34. ClatklA. He was killed late Fri- day night S'Jien his ear missed a curve Insldo the city limils of Clarkia. la flhoshone^countx " ' . of the holiday. Mil- lions came out on the highways. Youth, 16, Is Shot- - In— Draw”T ^ ra ^ i^ CASTLEFORD. Sept.:7--PracacingJ^quIcK:araSv.’'7 w itH ^ ■unloaded" pistols Sunday morning resulted in a bullet i wound for 16»ycy-^ld Jerry Love, route 1, Twin Falla.' . Deputy’Sheriff Wayne Uankinn reports. Love waa iistcd ' In “fair” condition Monday by Attendants at Magic Valley . Memorial hoBoital. L o v c^ d trfu companions were a t tho Bnliniccti-llocircroHaliHfriiorthWest orC ^tlcford, w aiting — iai^;a-maa-t0rtake4hrjn.t<x.BriinMiu,Thcy-i * - ’ ’ “ pistols to practice fast draws. Later tho pistols were reloaded for target pfai:tla‘:-S tid d m ily PUYALLUP. -WftBh., SepL 1 fTIPTt—Thrr(» tnfmhfra o' .fOt-Ull there tcday by a heavy log cap and hip-deep sabw.- ....... The Utest report from a civil air patrol spokesman at Thun field hero said the trio was forced retum to the llJQQ-foot and-oonalant-lL..._________ _ condition of our-people. tn-the Jeal wages they receive, and In the benefits they enjoy." "American labor has advanced contlnuousty to new heights of ac- compllshment," Elsenhower tlnued. NehHreomitreiriF OnRed “Doings” a Ferelxn Mlpirt»p Tfh.mpu- 7 t«-BrlUln made a new but-tppmnUy'vain 1 .OllrAGQ, 6i enapM ^ North ciatnij ecn^rTarwhcrtan Prime -Minister Nehni -told- mflla'i parliament today Xhe -Chinese in Tibet “hare done many things that I don't approve of." HU-commeat.-KltlioBt eUbom. tlon, came In answer to questions 'nbet **1 don't suppose it is neces- sary to hive ft precise leffal charge *- hoia~rperaan m pruon.- --------- - The aim of the new comml____ Rill be to make some headway to- rard solving such touchy problems xs ending production of fLulonable weapons materials, trimming cur* ■eht atomic stockpiles and conven- Jonal military forces and setting up a system to prevent surprise Hlhcc the London talks broke down two years ago, the United States, Britain and Ru.ula have made some headway at Geneva to- ward devising a system to police an atomic test. ban. They foiled, however, to come up with methods of lessening-the-donser of surprise PoiiStJn in Barley :^s€laii«sf^Person8^ SINOAPORE, Sept. 7 I,n-Seven persons have died and 35 are dangerously III afK r eating cooked Ixarer planes from Ft. Lewis /to handle the drop, but that the fe ...........- preventing them from ____ out the maneuver. Pt Tlie wreckage had been the ob- ject of a five-day tcM-ch. It was dl.<covfrt(l_Sunday morning, on Point. Success .at-the-HJOQrioot. level. The wrvckage Is that of a plane ,-htch was missing last Wednesday with two Seattle filers aboard, HoroW Horn. 40, and Charles Car- men. 39. They had been flybg medical supplies to a group'of Klenllsts'on the'mountain, one fit wMpIi <rii« ill iinrt hm Since died. "OinfivUut CuUean. he shook _Hli_flnal_wonla_or_Lonl.Allsa. who had lived in n wing of his ancestral home during Elsenhow- er's visit, were: "U's been Jiut 18 holes imder. threatenlnff skies, The President's decision to re- tum to Waohlnston was not motl. vated, Hsgerty sold, by any special political development. ~The President.has kept In close touch with developments in Laos through dally reports from Wash- Itiglon.'But he' h a d 'n o t received any new information' since Satur- day, Hagerty sold. them yelled “draw." Love- and Denny Klrsch, Ifl, 134 Ostrander slreeirdreWlhtlr-pliWtt.'Tnrsch'* UQ'WU loaded. The bullet-entered Lore's blad- der and Inlwtlnes. According to tho attending phy'old^ the .33 caliber long rifle bullet will not be removed. The doctor sold the b u lle t Is “Inaccessible" and it lodged In the lower abdomen. He said damage to the Intestines has been repaired. of. Mr. and Mi Love, underwent surgery shortly after 11 am. Sundav, He was brought to the hospital by a Buhl ambulance. -Bob KlTKh, 18, was with the two other boys when the accident occurred. All three boys were prac- f« t draws.wltb.eajpty.guns. being loaaed,lor target prae- Lovs. Purlher InraUgatloa - U i made. Solohs May Act S^QfcHousing M l North Laotian. l^esPiUage ;Red-HeI3.Are —VmmANE,-Laoa. 6ept^t_(»-.. Mountain tnbespeoide from the hlgtUands of northern Iao< bare pillaged and. rosed v U la ^ re- cently overrun by ptt><onununUt rebeU, Minister ofllnformatlon 81- Hft CTtiunpnmlt mid UOsa.___ 'Men, wctnen and children camsy - i down from the hills andJooted tho vUla8es.“ ha said................... ... ItiB raiders, mostly from the and Meo tribes, h it villages In the Nam Wa river vaHey. 81- touk sold. ThU U .Just below the winding borderof-North-Viet-Nam— r where Pathet Lao rebels struck aJ> Tex., indicated today congresi wou^ act on a new housing bill before adjournment. He told newsmen be h c ^ an agreement would be worked out between senate and house leaden to brl^ up a bill that could be Quickly approved. — ; ----- lea-nf.ccnteunlit. Vletmlnh.troops_^ supported the rebels at»re Sam Keuii hU withdrawn to the fron- tier «"'! chances of'attack on the town had .diminished................ Calls Holiday “Anti-Labor” HEimifETrA. Okla., —A top union leader, IS "anti-labor ds} Labor d New York Police Continue to Round up Memheraof Gangs l_lb j via radio atMut an hour after they left B o ^ field at Seottle Wed- ■'TOTr Ihey j^ere heard from. The «teCkage was sighted by three-man crew in a search plane at-lOJS aji. Sunday. Aboard tha plane were Horn's son, Tim Horn. conUnued today their roundup of youthful hoodlums in the stepped- ------------------------- ottirarwavt of violence hlgbUshled by last week's wanton kllllns of two youngsters by memt>ers of youth he did cot think New York's juvB' Pile tiroblemi uniqiif “T don't thlnk'.N««>-York City has said. "I think really we ought to, all of us. understand that this Un't a New Yorlc City, or New York pmhlwf JlOT IS It a nstloniJ problem.” »y£hiiiclELeaders_i ^V^5sit=^ke’^ JAPAN'WONT FIGHT .-TDKYO—Bept.-T- UW-Japan'a forelgn-minlsler,—Aliehlro—Pujl* yama,-sald today Japan will not ta k e ^ rt In any mllltai NEW YORK. Sept. 7.MV-A num- ber of United SUtes Protestant: leaders'wlir meet with Prwldent , ----- Jvlty went 'on. 03 New_York Gov, Nelson A. Rocke- feller prepay to.mcct.toinprrow with clvlix religious and •social agency. leaders - on - the .4ioodlum problem. Amftnj thit nuftitlonf tht - ........ to take up are the ----------------ii- y o u m ? _ the streets, esptelally at night .............. ..... - ........... ■I think they are rlghUy eon» cemed about lt,.and 1 think thU concemis.a v^.lsiportant.lactor in brlnjitjg about the action which 4i-aMd*d-to-«top tblo^trand-whloh has been mounting, of tncreaain* r ipeech.- 3ames B. Carey, president of tha IntemaUonal Unlcn of Slectrlcal« Radloand Machine Workers CIO) also had some licks for James R. Hoffa> president of the ‘Team- sten union. In a speech Caity termed-IJie. recently passed Landrum-OrUfln lal^ m ‘'class'l^lM U6B,' aiTWt v- r-Agslnat. “IlM democrallc labor move* ment Wouldnt be saddled with this oppressive leglslaUon today If .1 Carey charjed that-reactionary bl« business and industry w e pro. • TDkUif the clasa wir. Bvldenee of : ~ such a war, he said, huhid -------- centroUon ot i^ U i and 1 l i u . UCUJ » VICUUI Ul iVCU s ajggr^on', The minister said con-

America Leads Drive in Death Trend Must -IXnited-Ito-i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF198/PDF/1959_09_07.pdfand Prance have oRrctd to resume their long-dead

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Page 1: America Leads Drive in Death Trend Must -IXnited-Ito-i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF198/PDF/1959_09_07.pdfand Prance have oRrctd to resume their long-dead

Morse Snarls at - Special Holiday

Congress ParleyI W A S H rN G T O N r S epf, 7 ( U P l ) — C o iig rc sa m e t li> k)T- | _ t r a o r d i n n r y L a b o r day «e.sflion to d ily , h o p in g to c lean u])

m a jo r businilHs lli is 'w c ck . B u i S e n . W a y n e .M orse, D ., Ore,. - im m ed ia te re su m ed h is d e ln y iiiff t a c t i c s in t h e .'tennie. As

iJie s e n a t e convened , D e m o c r a t ic - L o u d e r L y n d o n B ; Jo h n ­son in tro d u c e d a re so lu tio n e x p r e s s in t ; conB rcss’ ‘'deep rc i i i i ia t io n 'a n d a p p re c ia tio n o f . th e b a s ic ro Ie T lia t labor

America Leads Drive in -IX nited-Ito-i^^^ Send

Mission Group to Laosr ... . . ■ : ..... ........r —:------r - r -------- ------------

■and ..

- I IN IT K U N A T IO N S , .NTY., Scp[-. 7 t . P j - T l i 'f U n i t t r s i . i i c a siicu rliead t'il a nu ive to* d a y 10 c a ll on th e U . N .s c c u n ly ctiuiiuil l<i .«c‘ti(I a fac t-fin d iiiK ' m is s io n to tm u lile tl Lao-<T h e .U . S . d c lc g a t io i i i in d .s cv rrn L n U itr . 'i.w ere .t'x p ec L ed tp su b m iL -a -rcx o Id tio ii-p ro iK )-;.in t: s u c h a m is s io n to th e cftiincil n u 'i 't in n on L a o s ' jilea f o r ii U . N .-i-nu‘rj;c iic v fo rc e tn m e e t a n y -a s f f r c s s io n fro m C .im m un ist N o r th V e i l N a n i . N o r th V ie t N am c ;ir iy to d a y s a id i t lu id a s k e d th e U . N. to r e je c t U iu s’ r e iju u s t fo r a I,’. N . fo rc i' a n d b ra n d e d i t ii- loBal. " T h e K o v cr tim en l of t h f doiiK j^'ratie llnpubliL- o f \ ' i e t N am is h ig h iv in d iK n a n t

" I t o llf l l i a ' r i 'h u ' (l e ei^ '"■ s e a tc i l r o o t o f t ! ie p r e s e n t

ten .s ion in L aos is th e in te r ­fe re n c e o f th e U n iti'd S t a le sa iT n c d -a t* tu m in ;r ‘l t i i r c n u i riry Inin one «r lls nuliian- bn^M aiiiJ iciloiiKly liiu-mniinR the pcaCC of Vlct-.Vatn.":_

NorKi Vii-t Niini i.s not a incm' bcr of the Unlloil Nivlioin.

tllP SllVli'l Ullldll r liould vctc llic re.'oliilloii :i fnct-fliia'JnR inliNlun. llic .Kpotistirn could fc t nil cincTRcncy M'l.vKm of llie pcncrnl n'vcmblj; wiili 2< hours by

of iiiiy seven of iliv irco im . DU Uic council.

.iliyloinnlj iiild_Uiey-lmd word the Soviets hatl driifieil n resolullnii of tlu'lr own fftvorlnc revlvnl of the dormnni Cnnncllnti' Indlnii-I’olMi Inlfrnniionnl coii' irol ci>minlki,iori /or Liiov, n prod­uct of ihe 105< Geneva confcr-

liari’i-lUL-illa lor pcace nnd in* depentlcnee iti Frciicli Iiidoclilnn. Laos o|i|io.scs UiLi plun, So docs the Uiilled Sm ies and UrlUiln.

T h e council wn» U> hesMk . . port frum Sccrclni-y Ocncrnl Dug Hnmmnrakjold on n teller he

Death Trend Must Slack OffitQ Avoid

IlyThe Auoclaled PreM 2A fiiM l-m in 'iiij: d e a lh lo ll on Ih e 'h iK h w a y s c lim b ed to d a y a s th e n a tio n e n te r e d t h e *

hust 21 h o u rs o f a f fr iin L a b o r day w e e k -e n d . T h e n a tio n a l .s a fe ty council c a lle d f o r ad e fin i le im p r o v o m e n t in niolorinK b e liav lo r an 'd s a id th e lo ll m ig h t o th c rw is c 'a p p r o a c h FIts a ii-u m u liiK lu T h e lo l l 'l l u s n iu n iin K 'r a n r a th a n ’a " s b r e aJiead o t th e c o u n t f o t '

- J o h n s o n 80U B ht,_unanim ous c o n sen t to lim it d e b a te i the re so lu tio n to th re e m in ­

u te s p c rse n a to r .-M o rsc k illed - ihi< move by obj«tjnr-#nd refus-

uDPfd We debate limit to 15 mlii-

joKHson "M ld"leiatri-or-bothnarttM In (he house snd senate »t:e In agreemenl on Ui» »peclal Lsflor day resolullon and had promised speedy consideration of It.' Morse, however, continued Jils ‘-psrllamenlAry '-w ar- Aimed d(

leadership hopes (or ad-Jt-brSepL-ia,---------was opposed to the

alt's meeUnj on Labor day in the lin t place, and came equipped lo ciTiy out his pledne lo read a three-volume work on the iljn lfl- csnce of the holiday.

— TETteM ltfm efin it.^n»txaB or diT session In 17 years. Jolimon

_jil4 he_ was "golnit to ask Uie KSile lo 'stoy In tesslori until mld- Eifht ffmecess.iry to complete ac- U3I' on a pending farm surplus

:a,,->aau»m_____________ :_______Morse went alonf; with John-

san'A request for " Ih t usual mom* Ini hour for Introdi/cUon 'Of blltn, ni itttOM and mrAorlnU wlUiU n . lo n o n ^ a .................. ,0 exceed tliree mlnuics/' But he

bIoc>:fd Johnson’s proposal lo p a« .ttiroush.the.cMendor.oLuiioppoject

Plane Launched With Zero LauncheraneJ^a^iicl

Ad a ir force FIM Saper Sabre leapt leto tb» ilr^w lth (he aid of a reekel booiter eniine failennl benealb th e plane. In a (e it a t lleloman « i r (erce bate. New Mesleo. to prere (hat emcrxencr takenrfi

-fn jm -itrpU ne bemb ihetteri a i'e re a s Ib le rT h e -j tfw a rra ie n in o o iH y n b a U undilhs plalform inilde" ihelter. No now ay waa used. The a ir /aree calli the eiplotjve (akeoff a lero Ieo{(h

launch. lA F wlrephoto) ' ■:— ------- --------------------------------------

if (he adjournm ent gw l.and m o 'it seosltms. Into .next week, wfttn

' t I*remler Nlltlia iQirujhchev

. . i ^ r s and hou ig ........_ i w ant to close up shop and (I cut of tm-Q before Khnishchev

u Sep trlS to'BToW'tbrtlckllsti ,-jUoa of js'heUier to Invite him j) iddreu » Joint ^ l o a of coa-

qiw> ttBtll tfU ^m ldnlfrhrsgtnr: r. Usrealened to bloct any ac'-

Labor Leaders Bitter Against— Business inTDaB^Dajn'aM

. . - . ____ jm e s s c tc h e d th e L a b o r d a y s ta te m e n t s o f u n io nle iid a ra t o d a y 'a s th e y p ic tu re d la b o r d c fc n d in B T iitse lf a f fa ln s t a p o w e r fu l o n a ln u g h t b y

, b tsr.'in iB ifiose . O n .th e o lh c r .l io iid , P r e s id e n t .G i s i ^ h o w « r iB f i u e d f t s t a t e m e n t s tn : s a in ? t h c g i a n t fe a in s m ndfi h v A m n rlfjin .ln h n r J i i - th f t- tw a n tW h ^ f ln t .« r y r j^ . . . . -P .- M itc h c l lr - a g n :e in g :w lth : th c :~ " ' *

5done..vba objected^IT day session, had a two«fold

with hi* reading. He o-*how-hla-dislllce-of-tbe

e n fo rm bill pasted by con- u last week and to dramatize

Is dltplessure with what he iden Johnson's "dlctalorlal" i *eo»nt.

senate plAijned (o resume deUls on a.bill to'extend the fann

. u dlspoul program. The law- m sitn have agreed to j strict tlm( Umlutlon on eohsldenitlon. wtilel) m ight sidetrack Morse’i foot-dnfn!ln(t moneuyeta.

_______ _ .V. -TOimm (he house-approved bill to per­mit President Elsenhower to hike iDlertst rates on Berles B and H

t savings bonds.

Leader StatesTNo Chance ofHildngBonds

W ASinN G TO K , Sept. 7 W—6en- ate Dem ocratic Leader Lyodon B. Jqhnson of Texa.i served notice oday there Li practically no chance

thl3 session to remove the. celling t» ■ long-term government l>onds, I P resident Eisenhower urges. Sen. Prescott Bush.- IL. Conn,

raised the Issue by announcing he


P * n '1 -L a b o r leaders bitter ' U b o r day ip e e c h e * n J r s r

-Is IJnltcd Nations <lrlve for death

count , is high. Senator Morw w nt nuM to snarl adjouma- ment drive. Boy 'shot In “quick


ilal proposal as an amendment to I bin raising the Interest rate •E'* nnd “H“ savings Iwnds.‘Ben. C linton P ; Anderson. D.,

N. M.. a t once declared this would

financial pot-

t e i i M S i " " ” ' ' ' ' ' ’I ®-Puckel steals show in Pnn-Amerlcan games. Pair of golfers fight for Magic Val­ley amalcur title._P»«e- - - «nan-p— la Idaho.

Man Is Held^ ^ I g n m c n t f o r murder charges tiXt-

J - » , was killed and Esteban w * “ wound-

. Johnson 'aa ld that after coiwul-

igreed" only the savings bond billcould.Bet tiirouBh-thU-ye#r.--------

This blit passed the house lu t week and was cleared by the sen­a te finance commlt(«e Saturday. If thla to t through coM rw .- the

m o v e f o r w a r d a n d t r y to ra is e th e low eco n o m ic s ta t t i s o f t h e m ig r a n t f a rm w o rk e r ,- T a 'fl- lM Ua' mil-----------------------latwr lead-

ns they inea to m u sh U un'- Ion atrength on the nation’s 55(h

day. One iisue-

to union demands for higher wages, an issue emphasljcd by the aleel strike.

Today "might as well be called nntl-lnbor day." said Jam es B. Carey, president of the Ih tcrna- tloniil Onion of Electrical Workers and n vice president oC 'the AFL- c to .

Bub the AFL-CIO

90 Diners Treated For Food PoisonTE31REU* Tex.. Sept. 1 WV-Ten

pensoM were hospltallied after ■ od poisoning a t the Terrell

luntry club h it between B5 and d iners Saturdnynlght.

—O n o -o f . thB-fltnen,- um -D oict, 38, o r Terrell, died earjy Sunday but-ft-prH 'ate phj-slcliin aald Dolce died Of a h e a r t a tuck .

The ph>-slclrui who examined the lajorlty of th e cases said InvesU-

gatlon indicated spoiled chickens caused the poisoning.

About n o persons attended the d lnn irr-w tllch-in irtea-lhB rena'iifthe club’s sum m er seasoa.

record eight hour*. 30 minutes aft«r leavlnff Toltyo. The old record — '■'[Une hours, 33 minutes.

worker* Day" In a move to help the 500.000 steel workers who hav been on strike for eight weeks —Oeorge-Meany.- presldent-of-tht APL-CIO. said labor would hove lo fight big business with a neap rerrA hr^r^ uea iro iT and ^ l iu e apower.

-Dig b u s ln m -len d g j n rg 'dolng

en and destroy our trade union movement,’'-Meany said In A itatC' ment.'

W ^te r R«uihfr,j)rcs:!lcnt of.the tJnlted Auto Workers a n d a n AFL. CIO vice president, said In (rouble In Amerlc«.~

This has happened, he continued, iT»e«*us«--tlanfr-«»fpor«t[ona-j«*m

West, SovietsToStarlTalk-Of DisarmingWASHINGTON. Sept. 7 (U P D -

The Doited SU tcs. Russia, Britain and Prance have oRrctd to resume their long-dead disarmament talks aimed a t ending the tense and costly cold w ar weapons race'.

The big powers decided tha t 10-natlon dlsarmnmcntcommlaslon

Bub the AFL-CIO officially —composed of five we»tcrn and liva la m fd .th ^ a y - i^ p p f lr t- th e -a tcc tJ COTHTmnisr'countrlcs-ihould. s ta r t

ivated'by-M iflsli" pollclej which deny WOfkVrn, fa rm e r, ^nd cohsuraers the ir fair share of the increased producUvlty mode pos­sible by our developing technolojry.’'

Eisenhower's statement, released y the White House in his absence,

said "One cannot look bock over Ihe past Labor days w ithout a ■■ ■ '-ness of the bn»ad

negotiations soon.U. S. olflclals viewed Russia's

decUlon to take .part In the new talks as partlinilarl; significant be-

.me on the eve of Soviet.. ..iklta p ............................

to the un iied Stj Tliey said prealdent Elsenhower

com idere<nil.'iarm nm tnno~ttnita

ment .talks lost night. They s.ild ;he commission' was expected begin work soon.

East and.-West.havo been unable

Efforts MadeEoi^SlbwingAicaTDrivcrs

th e c o m p an ib ic p e rio d la s t y e a r . " W e a s k e v e ry d r iv e r lo a c t a s h is o w n t r a f f i c o f f i­c e r ," th c 'F n fo t j’ 'c o u n c it 'R a ld■nnd la Rcc_cpt_pcrsonsI raponsl- bllU y-/or-^rcvtivtinj

Miilllple deaths conlrlbiiled to the fatalities tiiroughout th m o ll-

the L.ibor dny week-end trnfflc by ustnB nid:ir. ,- Seventeen drivers w crc'cltcd 'tor speedInK In n 55-mlle an hour between midnight Saturday and 4‘ B.m.-Sunilay onc"nna-cm c-half mllM (.outli of Hollister; •

Tliose-clled a n d . tlielr speedsW. Elite*!. Twin Pnlls.

£.irl Wjird M nnn. Kinsman, Intl., 6 ': Kmcry O. T urner, Sacra­mento. .74; Nolau L. FIX, :.1>ln Falls. C5; Zelcla Floyd, Tw in F,t11j, ■5; DcWlKht Jl, Skelton, Durlry, n;.-Harley W. W inn. Pocatello. 73. - Ooiiflkl D. BllllnRMey, S.'vcrn- mcnto, BO; Sue Vlick. Buhl. GS; Carl M. A/hiiiend, Corral. 80: Lyle

lst«r Klmmphiin Pntiyu.

O tf ic e rD c u ie s

l-Vnilcr, Eden, 75: George JI . Daw Twin Falls, 73.

I., K nlfhl. FI'

Troop Action TorHelp Laos

NAHA. Okinawa, Sept. 7 (UPI) —U.—3.-m lln,ir7-nuthortiic3“ hcrc denied to d a ^ 'an y knowledge of m r ' iinivi'inrn t:D fjn llin iii3unD llci and troops from thls AmericAJt Is- Ittnd bastion to support the Lon* tliui g a y c ro m en L Jn - lU _Jitt«le ogainat rebel forces,

A le force U eut.' Col. Bernard Petcn/O ktaaw ft mlUtJiry Informa- non coordinator,' sold ho luiew

Jenkins, Wendell, 73: W. H. Corn-ln. Jr. G offsion. N. H., 68: -------'W/Hftrdln. g lTHEerlyTflS:-----

Droy O. Harding, R ichard Burns, 6,-D,- lA ieekert.-James-Oerke and^ n k M osta«n . _ _ _____

nu.v>'Teemnn,'35rnogcrsdn. wa.i tlDO.and casts andju tn itnc td

.JIC«||U«I»4 .a r<t< X. C*lB>a

the Philippines on standby orders.T lis UUrd marine division, i

manded by Maj. Oen. Robert Luckey. Is Stationed here nnd is

‘lEe’HeturnsTo^-SrAftCT-E u r ^ e J i ip

—WAgHgfOT OW, SgpL~^*tlti President E lsenhower returned here today from » triumphant policy-makln7 . sw Icb through............ E uror'

w eather ii

marines from Okinawa landed Cinrk field in the Philippines u p art of an emcrgeacy task force.

Several m arine camps hero wen de-wrtcd'or nearly

Because .................................laadT th u 'P rcs iaen t canceled his pli>n_toJunch_therojj-lUi .Icelandic

.Instead, th e chief executive's yellow-noM^ Je t a irliner sped him ' W ashington.via..Gander, New-

at Uielr desUnatlon.1 tho troops arrive

Phne-Seardr Party Reaches Mountain Top

The 'Pre&ldent looked relaxed and *un-t<inned A fter h is three-, day galfln( racatlo a In Scotland.

Ha took the vacation to rest up after ti series of conferences with European leader*—a tour which U»4loot«(»«al>«<H>Re^-th«-t< ' est Jobs of his presidency.

After lonf and lntlm at« talki with' West Germ any's Chancellor Konrad Adeiuiuer and Brltald's Prtme-MlnlstCT-HflTold MacmllUn Ike went to Paris to « « PrtaJ- dent Charles de Onulle.

Death TollNon-bontlng drowning*___ 37MLvelloneous .................... S5

TOTAL ____ ___________’<48

Idaho Counts=Oiie^Dead jn ^

Labor Traffic

dny. Four died Jn, a crnshs«ven mllM WMl of Flndloy. 0 .. Sunday nfter n brondslde plleiip a t nn in- li'rwcllon. s in tc troopcrs.sald one: Of the' iiiito.s i)iowed"inreush’'tt' stop sign a t Uic crossroad*.

Tlir count was moving n t a mle of more ihnn five dend from traffic accidents oh 'hdur.

Typical summer weatl

ny United F r tu Iatcn%atlonaI Idaho state police patrolled the

Gem slate highways In full forcetnrtny—thr final nnp of thf» long___Ifjibor day Week-end—In hopea of preventinj any further traffic deaths.

A .delayed r e '^ r t Saturday 'w e- nlng bsought word cf one holiday dealh. th a fo f Clnylon O . Bailee,34. ClatklA. He was killed la te F r i­day night S'Jien his ear missed a curve Insldo the city lim ils of Clarkia. la flhoshone^countx " '

. of the holiday. Mil­lions came out on the highways.

Y o u t h , 16, I s S h o t -- I n — D r a w ” T ^ r a ^ i ^C A S T L E F O R D . S e p t.:7 - -P rac ac in g J^ q u Ic K :a ra S v .’' 7 w i t H ^

■unloaded" p is to ls S u n d a y m o rn in g re s u l te d in a b u l l e t i w ound f o r 16»y c y - ^ ld J e r r y L ove, ro u te 1 , T w in F a l l a . ' . D e p u ty ’S h e r i f f W ay n e U an k in n r e p o r ts . L o v e w a a i i s t c d 'In “ f a ir ” c o n d it io n M o n d a y b y A tte n d a n ts a t M a g ic V a l le y . M em oria l h o B o ita l. L o v c ^ d t r f u co m p an io n s w e r e a t t h o B n lin ic c ti-llo c irc ro H aliH friio rth W est o r C ^ t l c f o r d , w a i t i n g — ia i^ ;a -m a a - t0 r t a k e 4 h r jn .t< x .B riin M iu ,T h c y - i * - ’ ’ “ ’ p is to ls t o p r a c t i c e f a s t d raw s . L a t e r t h o p i s t o l s w ere r e l o a d e d f o r t a r g e t p fa i: tla ‘: -S t i d d m i l y

PUYALLUP. -WftBh., SepL 1 fTIPTt—Thrr(» tnfmhfra o'


there tcday by a heavy log cap andhip-deep sabw.- ♦ .......

The Utest report from a civil air patrol spokesman a t Thun field hero said the trio was forced

retum to th e llJQQ-foot

and-oonalant-lL..._________ _condition of our-people. tn -the Jeal wages they receive, and In the benefits they enjoy."

"American labor has advanced contlnuousty to new heights of ac- compllshment," Elsenhower tlnued.

NehHreomitreiriF OnRed “Doings”

a Ferelxn Mlpirt»p Tfh.mpu-

7 t« -B rlU ln made a new bu t-tp p m n U y 'v ain 1

.OllrAGQ, 6i

e n a p M ^ North c i a tn i j e cn ^ rT a rw h cr ta n

Prime -M inister N ehni -told- m flla 'i parliament today Xhe -Chinese in Tibet “hare done many things that I don't approve of."

HU -commeat.-KltlioBt eUbom. tlon, came In answer to questions

'nbet **1 don 't suppose it is neces­sary to hive ft precise leffal charge *- hoia~ r peraan m p ruon .---------- -

The aim of the new comml____Rill be to make some headway to - ra rd solving such touchy problems xs ending production of fLulonable weapons materials, trimming cur* ■eht atomic stockpiles and conven- Jonal m ilitary forces and setting up a system to prevent surprise

Hlhcc the London talks broke down two years ago, the United States, Britain and Ru.ula have made some headway a t Geneva to ­ward devising a system to police an atomic test. ban. They foiled, however, to come up with methods of lessening-the-donser of surprise

PoiiStJn in Barley : s€laii«sf Person8

SINOAPORE, Sept. 7 I,n-Seven persons have died and 35 are dangerously III a fK r eating cooked

Ixarerplanes from F t. Lewis / to handlethe drop, bu t th a t the fe ...........-preventing them f r o m ____out the maneuver. Pt

Tlie wreckage had been the ob­ject of a five-day tcM-ch. I t was dl.<covfrt(l_Sunday morning, on Point. Success .a t-the-H JO Q rioot. level.

The wrvckage Is th a t of a plane ,-htch was missing last Wednesday

with two Seattle filers aboard, HoroW Horn. 40, and Charles Car­men. 39. They had been flybg medical supplies to a group 'o f K len lls ts 'on the 'm ountain , one

fit wMpIi <rii« ill iinrt hmSince died.

"O infivU ut CuU ean. he shook

_H li_flnal_w onla_or_Lonl.A llsa. who had lived in n wing of his ancestral home during Elsenhow­er's visit, were: "U 's been Jiut

18 holes imder. threatenlnff skies, The President's decision to re­

tum to W aohlnston was no t motl. vated, Hsgerty sold, by any special political development.~T he President.has kep t In close touch w ith developments in Laos through dally reports from Wash- Itiglon.'But he ' h a d 'n o t received any new information' since Satur­day, Hagerty sold.

them yelled “draw." Love- and Denny Klrsch, Ifl, 134 Ostrander slreeirdreW lhtlr-pliW tt.'Tnrsch'* UQ'WU loaded.The bullet-entered Lore's blad­

der and Inlwtlnes. According to tho attending p h y 'o ld ^ the .33 caliber long rifle bullet will not be removed. The doctor sold the b u l l e t Is “Inaccessible" and it lodged In the lower abdomen. He said damage to the Intestines has been repaired.

of. Mr. and MiLove, underwent surgery shortly after 11 a m . Sundav, H e was brought to the hospital by a Buhl ambulance.-Bob KlTKh, 18, was w ith the two other boys w hen the accident occurred. All three boys were prac-

f « t draws.wltb.eajpty.guns. being loaaed,lor target prae-

Lovs.Purlher In raU gatloa - U i


Solohs May Act S^QfcHousing M l

North Laotian. l^ e sP iU a g e;Red-HeI3.Are

—V mm A N E,-Laoa. 6 e p t^ t_ ( » - . . Mountain tnbespeoide from the hlgtUands of northern Iao< b a re pillaged and. rosed v U la ^ re ­cently overrun by ptt><onununUt rebeU, Minister ofllnform atlon 81-

H ft CTtiunpnmlt m id UOsa.___'Men, wctnen and children camsy - i

down from the hills andJooted thovUla8es.“ ha said................... ... ’

ItiB raiders, mostly from th e and Meo tribes, h i t villages

In the Nam Wa river vaHey. 81- touk sold. ThU U .Just below the winding borderof-North-Viet-Nam— r where Pathet Lao rebels struck aJ>

Tex., indicated today congresi wou^ act on a new housing bill before adjournment.

He told newsmen be h c ^ an agreement would be worked out between senate and house leaden to b r l ^ up a bill th a t could be Quickly approved. — ;-----

lea-nf.ccnteunlit. V le tm ln h .tro o p s_ ^ supported the rebels a t» re Sam Keuii h U withdrawn to the fron­tier «"'! chances of'a ttack on the town had .diminished................

Calls Holiday “Anti-Labor”

H EimifETrA. Okla., —A top union leader,

IS "anti-labor ds}

Labor d

New York Police Continue to Round up Memheraof Gangs

l_lb jvia radio atMut an hour after they left B o ^ field a t Seottle Wed-

■ 'T O T rIhey j^ere heard from.

T he «teCkage was sighted by three-man crew in a search plane a t-lO JS a j i . Sunday. Aboard tha plane were H orn 's son, Tim Horn.

conUnued today th e ir roundup of youthful hoodlums in th e stepped- — ------------------------- o tti ra rw a v tof violence hlgbU shled by last week's wanton k llllns of two youngsters by memt>ers of youth

he did cot think New York's juvB' Pile tiroblemi uniqiif “Tdon't thlnk'.N««>-York City has

said. "I think really we ought to, all of us. understand th a t this Un't a New Yorlc City, or New York pm hlwf JlOT ISIt a nstloniJ problem.”

»y£hiiiclELeaders_i ^V^5sit=^ke’

JAPAN'W ONT FIGHT .-TDKYO— B ep t.-T - UW-Japan'a forelgn-minlsler,—Aliehlro—Pujl* yama,-sald today Jap an will no t t a k e ^ r t In any mllltai

NEW YORK. Sept. 7.MV-A num­ber of United SUtes Protestant: leade rs 'w lir m eet with Prwldent

, ----- Jvlty w ent 'on. 03New_York Gov, Nelson A. Rocke­feller p r e p a y to .m cct.to inprrow with clvlix religious and •social agency. leaders - on - th e .4ioodlum problem.

Amftnj thit nu ftitlonf th t- ........ to take up are the

----------------ii- y o u m ?

_ the streets, esptelally atn ig h t .............. ..... -...........

■I think they a re rlghUy eon» cemed about lt,.a n d 1 th ink thU concem is.a v ^ .ls ip o r ta n t.la c to r in brlnjitjg about the action which

4i-aMd*d-to-«top tblo^trand-whloh has been mounting, of tncreaain*

r ipeech.-3ames B. Carey, president o f th a

IntemaUonal Unlcn of Slectrlcal« Radloand Machine Workers CIO) also had some licks fo r Jam es R. Hoffa> president of th e ‘Team- s te n union.

In a speech C aity te rm ed -IJ ie . recently passed Landrum-OrUfln l a l ^ m ‘'class'l^ lM U 6B ,' aiTWt v-


“ IlM democrallc labor move* ment Wouldnt be saddled w ith th is oppressive leglslaUon today If .1

Carey charjed th a t-re ac tio n a ry bl« business and in d u s try w e p ro . •TDkUif the clasa w ir. Bvldenee o f : ~such a war, he said, h u h id --------centroUon o t i ^ U i and 1

l iu . UCUJ » VICUUI Ul iVCUs a jgg r^on ', The minister said con-

Page 2: America Leads Drive in Death Trend Must -IXnited-Ito-i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF198/PDF/1959_09_07.pdfand Prance have oRrctd to resume their long-dead


Kkdii Mme Ume du rlix the period irem 6 p m . r m » r to mUnight Moad&r.

D utln* U st y w r t lhree-d#y hoUdsr, 420 p m o n i were killed

. b y .m o to r Vehicles. The council etUm&ted thU y « r ’i hoUd«y wouW t4ke A toll of 4S0.

Fo r c o m p w ^ n . the AsMcUted i_ J r e a j a id o HflBryex.pf ■ccidenuj

de tU u during the Aur. 31*24 week*<Dd. There were 307 dead

I' t . In ■utomoblle mUhips. 15 in boit- 'l ' H ln« .M ddenu . 71 drownlnsa that l{ : did no t InvoWe bo«u, and_7fl

from mlieellwieoui caiues. ,ThU •urvey h u t « total of <C9 dead.

jm a-recQ rt-lralllC-dM ih toU for

r t' ■

or da¥ hnllde n i[uu lenu c

both Mt In 1B»1.

I- Envoy SpendsLabor Day inSalt Lalce City

three of hi* children, ipcnt Ubo>.

— Tlie:«n>b#«*dorrhU-t*o fio iB . ten , NtUa, 18, *nd Umbreen. 14. And a loir. Meekal. 10. will Hr to WMhlngton D. C . Tuuday.

AUo accompanyins the potty a re the unbaaMdor'* aecrelaryj n . a JChan. and U n . Khan.

Astbtuador 'Ahmed arrlred in Salt lake’ City Sunday by w r. Tie h u been louring the We»tcm United Slates for the p « t month.

• •M e'M ld-*om e-of-the AmericanWeal reminded Mm ot hU home* land*

, The ambeuaadoT »ald he had hoped to be able to ace the LDS

' temple. He explained •that toun- n a d a ol LDS temples In Aiutrnllft.- Europe and Lo» Asgeles. Ie4 him to

believe that the Salt Lake City, temple could be tUlled.

When told that the temple*W«d ia t epecUl purposea- after

• conaecrauon, t?e said. "A' p l ly - Inn I t "

about Friday, about normal eUewhere w ith a few ahowcra. Tempera' lures iveraKli:x lUchlly below nonaal. l lo ro a l maximums ara 70 to BO, nonnAl mlnlmumi i i to SS.

MAGIC VALLEV—Fair today and lealsbL Partly cloody Tuesday wlUs fea tu red ahowcn and locally fo ily wlads. lU lb bolta dayi 10-B0. Low lanf(ht'43*SS. lllfb Sosday W, low Monday momlnc 4S. Barom­e ter :o.ia, • . . .

N O im im N IDAHO-Partly sunny today. Showers ton ljh t and early Tuesday. Partly cloudy and cooler iMeaday atlemoon. High today e«-7«. Low tonljhl 45-M. I l^ h Tucadiy « .7 0 .

NEW VORK. Bepl. 7 (i;pi)—Tbe tlg h e it reported temperature tbe nation ynlerday was 111 a t Yuma, A/li. Loweil today was Si dcgne* a t Fraser, Colo. _ ____

ilti. Uln. Pcp.Uttiipfala .

lln)«ai>u[l«'5L I'iuJ _ v:

Uklihonis Cur ...........- »■Om»h» . . .............. »

T Iagic Valley Funerals ^nU PERT—Funeral sertlcei for

Bam Templelon will be held a t a p jn . Wednesday a t the Walk mor­tuary chopel. Rupert, with the Rev. F. C. Zlnn of the Rup«r( D apllit church offldatlns. Con-' cludlng-rltea.wlU-be.lielil. la .U ie. Rupert ccmelery.-

HA2ELT0N - Funeral serrlcw for M ». Dorolhy O. Kidd will MS held aC 2 p, m. TVeidsy ac “ - HAzellon Presbyterinn c h u w lu rtf le Kev.'M r. Rlcnards offl-

claUog_ Friends may call a t the O rig in funeral home Sunday aft­ernoon and Monday and a t 11 - - TucAdny a t th e chutth.-'

TWIN FALLS—Funeral services fof-Dmma.M-Star-Bi-111-be.held-at 3:30 p jn . Wednesday a t the Twin Falls mortuary chapel with Uie Rer. Pflul E. Kenny otflclaUnit. Concluding rites will be held at Sunset Memorial pari: wlUi mill- tA!7 rites In cliarge of Mountain Home ftlr force_baM.:----------------

Magic Valley Hospitals

Services Held inWoman’s Memory

—OPM tfO P A U , flep t; ' t - Oerrico _ ln .,m e n io ry _ ..o f_ Mra— EUzabclli

(Beth) Berg were conducted In Joseph Payne memorial c h J ^ l

-IW d ay . “Chapel m edltitlon mualo pre-

■ r.-Orvllle Merrtll-B««t Q.JoUowea.liy.*.iIuet

Buns tiy Jo A nn and Carol l i i r - aon. Scripturei_ and p ray tt were siirea.'tha H er^.Jam es lU* Crowe. S urdell Curtis r e a d 'th e obituary followed by a voc^ M o by Wayne

: Fln&t rilea .were held-In Pleas­a n t . View CBicrtcry under the recUoa of Pi ----------

Weflley Horn, Ohester-Kom.-Har* —]er-B O R U -B u d -S m U h -an d -S U l

Bers.Flower arrangtRienta were under

'dlriwU on' o r B erh lce"ft!es _and

M SrKelU rFarrlirFncrri& s.'M : C. Carnahan, Malta: M n. Jcft Minton, H ansen: Don Amhart, SdcneMre.-^Dew^TisdBieT3olse. and EdeU WUllngham, Los An­geles. ..

DISMISSED Mrs. Norm an French and ton, ydta -Lcrr, Mrs. Robert Mofse,

.I rs , R obert-R aflland-aw t-soa. baby girl O lenn. Mrs. John Bher- reu , U A n n Young, William At- k ln s o i^ lr s . WUllam Msdron and

■R5OTfl^t«£MlI.' ftU"Ttt'lll F a r T o n y - K e b o ' and ;M r» .-W |-

Raymond Kindred, Kimberly: M argaret McKinley, Flier; Mrs. H jiym ond-aoodro-ana 'aanghter; T > . M j g Wayne Brower,

" a i 'O u d x e ase d n r

YouthNarrosdy. Escapes Death

LOWMAN. Sept. 7 CUPI) — F o u r te e n -y e a r-o ld RIek White, Boise, had only lacerntlons today .to show for hU narrow escape from

a steep bank Into the south fork o f th e Payette river.-T h e youth waa fishing w ith his

f a th e r when tie toppled down a 30- foot embankmeht Into the river about 14 miles east of here. The father, Richard N. W hite, found th e b ^ floating unconscious face

- W S o n T H T e U i-r c r a r t l ib -y iv e r a n d w ent Into th e w ater to rescue

' Sunday births Included a soi\ to- M ti-and - Mrs. Dean. Tlsdaln, Boise, and a daufihler to Mr. and , Mr«.-J«ok-FleldarFUcr. A daughter j was bom Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Kellh Farris, Filer.

Gooding MemorialVlalUng hojlr* are from 8:30 am ,

to 8:30 pm .

-iMan Disappears:: z:From:BjoiserArea

BOISE. S e p t 7 c n -8 h e rtf t‘a of- fleets aald today a EMnloh m an under tr e a tn e n t a t Tfltenina hos-

'■.mi&l liH* h t s disappeared wUh his family.

M agic Valley Memorialvisiting hours are from 3 to 4

St: Be'nCdidt’fl, JfiMWCvisiting hours-aro from 3 to 4

ttnd.7,to .fl-PJn......

Tfc3efiaTIaraerond'Eft'rrarlmm; a ll T«'ln Falls; Mrs. Jsek Flolds and Keith Schlewe. bclh Buhl;

John Butcher, all Jerome, and M S rA llim ^ a a U s. M rs.. Wendell W atson and ^Irs. H arry Frllh, oil iY«n<le)I._

DISMISSED Mrfc Lula Updcgraff. Mrs. Ray.

m ond .Ogden and son. H utxrt Kud- na7"EaVl4in>cl4n»on:“ Jtrs.~P nil Thoman and daughter and Mrs. John Roberts, all Jerome; Suzanno Ilaya and Hex Pepjwr. W tn Wen- dell; M n . Farrell Carravay and druiBhter, both 'Shoshone; Debbie BmllhTTJiHevue; M r t Janies M ar-, low and daughter. Buhl; Mrs. PhU Braekenbury and son. Falr- flftH. an^ I f rr rvm iOlU-Twln.Pall*-.


I, and M n. and 7 to 8 p.m._AD^^rrTEn

_M ra._A U co_JM 'tll,-ilrsJiineT B Wardle.- Carl Mellne.- Mrs. K. N. DrerffT-Mrsr-DonlS'Jeffs-BBd-Mrs. Max Burton, all Barlfy: Fm nk U sh rR upert: MrsrLueEttft Bnitry,' Oakley, and Mr*. EliUne Drackcn- bury. Bridge.

DISMISSED F rank Manning, .Ar*. Marie

Iloli*. Don Holden.' N!r*. LaVon Fronk, M n . Margaret Amott. Mrs.

M n . H ugh Wolfe. Fairfield.DISMISSED

Jeffery-EsUnger, Gooding; Mrs. .E. T . Wilson end daughter, Fair­field. and Mrs. Duane Clampltt and son, Hagerman.

niR TllS was bom to Mr. and Mrs.

H ugh WoHo. Fainttli

Man^Hlans Start

lers, nil Burley: Terrill Needles, Heybum: WUUam R. QuiRir}-, R u­pert;- Volla Brondhead. Declo, and Mrs. Id a Bruesch. Almo.

BIRTHS A daughter was bom to Mr. and

J W i n i ^ o k a C o j i n t x ____visiting hours Bre'lrom~io' a.m.

Cottage, Burleya.from-3:30.ta.i

Efforts Made iFor SIowiitiQArea Drivers

• riM oiiii— ________ In th e . county JailSunday when /le appeared before Justice of th e .E w e Er-Henstoct for operating a vehicle on a re­voked d r lm 's -lice n se . Teemin Kos OTTCtted by State Pauolmao J3*ln Alblston.

Tceman's license was suspended by the Castleford iustlce of the peace,. Mrs. Amo}. Williams, for drunken driving. '

Jam es 0 . Mlddlebrook.'&3. Bur* Iry, was fined |100 and costs and his license was revoked for a year by Burley • Police Judge Htnry Tucker Moodsy momtng -on a charge of drunk driving.

iUddlebrook-tt-as arrested a t 3;J08 u n d » y ,a r i« r ^ __

collision while driving ...........-«Tong side of the road In frgnt of tihrUholm’s Used Car lot In Durley. - He~was taken to jsil Sunday aftemoon in lieu of a (100 bond. The arrest was made byBurley..police—1 ________ _____

William .P. Palmer, Kagermsn,

liaturday by Jerome.Police Judge Pred Eberhardt for speeding 45 miles per hou r In a s& mile

Edward Stelly, 3B, Burley. lined tIS Sunday by Durley Police ju flBe-nenrrT xieScr fo r'ipw atng SO mttes per hour In a 3} m ils zone. ~WllHnm~ArAldBrrFlrth. y aa lln- ed tlS and given 30 demerlts Sst- urday by Jerome Police Judge Fred£berha rd t for a «..........................

Fined by K in g ................... .Peace Lynn Sherman for speeding were Donald Cochrane, PocaUllo. and Denis T ate. Ooodlng, both 111 snd costs. Judge Sberman also fined Jame* a-Davl*oiJ. Ostaloosn, la.. |!9 and cosU on a while lineviolation,-----------------------------------

Henry H. Buchanan. 41,138 Har­rison street, was cited for failure ' yield the right-of-way Sunday ev nlng ofter the iflM Ford siatlon' wagon he was driving was Involved In an accident with a 1B3& Chevro- le t.p ■ • '

0:30 p n . Tuesday a t the Moose home. A ll'm em ben ire urged lb

UNTliouglit Best AveniieIn Laos Case

WASHINOTON, Sept. 7 l^i-Rep- rescntatlves of the Southeast Asia Treaty OrganJatlon ijrced today the t;nlted Nations u the betl sve- nue m this, time for meeting Uie UoUsn crisis._Tlil3.WMjtportfdJiy_<llDloin»ilc^

- f M f-TO d-M rt-JsagC- T w in 'F a l ls , h u from Ihe lOIst Jump school a t Pt. Campbell^

-mitra lcd a t a work m « tln i of tW ftn t ward Relief •ocW Tutsday a t the LDS church. ^ prepared- will be senred. Nuu«7 c4Je wlU be provtded. •

InKton sch3>l PTA wUI hold a « e ; come tea for teschers from 4 u 5 p.m. Wednesdsy a t the home a Mrs. Robert Vsn Entelen. 13i. Msple' avenue.

--------- y-a a w ." • -----------

retary of State Douiiss Dllloa There was no word on whether

the BEATO niembert favored Ihe dispatch of a U. N. emergency force, as requested by Laos. But they were reported to be.ln lsvorof seh^lnif * f«t^rindins

BEATO representatives so said TO liave agreed tha t htre- after their defense organluilon should keep track of Laotian de­velopments in m ecdop ac Buic-to rT R th e r 'tn n n 'lie r f r ':------------

Tlie SEATO membeni 'Include me-Dnlnul-S»tiH;.Bntaln,-mncB PakbUn. Thailand. Amtnilla, New Zealand and the Philippines.

U os Is not (I niember of SEATO but does come* within Its defense

street a t 1:45 pm. Sunday to c hn i on smoke. Flfrmen found w o»« heated UUllet of grease- They moved It from the rwse turned o ff the stove. There


Tourist hotel.S m ithhart was cited for driving

without a license. The accident oc­curred a t 0:40 p n i. a t th e Intersec* lion of Main avenue north and Elghttl

(Jonyict Agrees "’oHeipSearciSee Story on Pag* I I

EAST'LANSINO. Mich., SepL 7 lft-E*-oonvlci-A lvlnJC ut«ht, der constant quesUoning for t tlirJi 24-hon r» -ln -the disappear- anc8-ofi6l«ifl-Tto^wr:Ali»rt.8oui den. agreed today to accompany stole police to "show wnero me body ISi" ' '

S la te ^ l l f p nriintsaltf K night made no formal su tc- meni. B ut he sold ^ I g h t agreed to aecom'pariy slato police imme­diately to an area s t a r Argentine where .Uie search for Souden hosbfteii-ooncentnlod............... ............._O rftn t_sald Knight apparently broke down after hours ot ijues- tlotilng fth'd'ftfler a drom atlo 'ln : tervlcw with Souden’s wife, whp

him to tell w hal had

old strike.Dlsalle, former federal price

Biiirtr. c i tn iz w Hitcireii~iitelevlslDn^latcrvlcft'" ycitcrdW- for falling to ' Intervene In Uie strike. The governor said a contlnulni; Bl/ike-rould-'harm-lhe-economy, Bui he conceded ll Ka'd done no serious dnmage so far.-' • = J^e-secretarr:said he.would-ttc- ommtnd -tlinl Elsenhower obtain n Tnft-HBrtley Ifijunclion If the


happen ri to her husbantC ^ .------

Escaped YcutlTn^ Caught in-Wreck- c o n P A x rw B sh ^ se p t^ <u p d —

Arshall R. Smlthman. j r , 10, Boise, yntr~C5Cttpcd~from~l hc~MeridlBn Jail yesterday, was captured lasl night after the car he was dri;lng sldcswlped another suto two miles south of Pullman.

Sutllhman and his p.os.wnger, Gory Lee Huddleson. were booked

P arle ra t Boise-B O IS E , 6epL..7-tUPU-TlierS2rd annual communication ot the Most" WoTTihiprui urand Lodge, ‘AP and AM of Idaho w i i r b ^ t ld a t Boise Sept. 15-17, ll nounced loday.-H erbert- H. ESjerle. Boise, grand

icaiinnneu' offlcem will be eiccted.

John D. Cunnlnghtun, executir'e secretary- pf_ the .MnMnic "Smlee assoclaUon a l wisUlnRton, D. C,' w iil-bo-tht-banqucl speaker.

Women ifi China To Drive Taxis

TAIPEI. Ponno.w (UPIi-Chi- nese women, for centuries restrict­ed to the home, will soon be driving

charges of drunkenness.N either Uie youtlis nor any o(

the lhree young women ln the sLmck by ,E5>lthman's auto hurl, Sm lthman had been held a t Meridian on a drunkenness charse.

langerof-fires- High in Forests

n oiS E . sen t. 7 (tTPn - -

Law Might Be “Used in Strike

WASHINOTON. Sept, 7 (U PD - U bor SccreUry James P. Mitchell says he would recommend that President Elsenhower mvoke the T aft-H arilcy-acl.to force an.flO- dar“ “cooltn f-pfr"p«rl»d in the steel Btflke If It continued Into October and created a notionalemergency. i _______, Ho made.the.statement uD cm o-

eratic Oov, Mike V Disolie, Ohio,

Knee Injured Larry C. Hinsz. IB, Twin FalU,

bruised a knee Sunday eveninj vhcn Uie .Harley-Divldwn motor- O-cle he was riding collided wlUi a parked IflM Ftrd scd«n omjM by -u o n ard Bower. Kimberly. The accident occurred at -P:« pm. near the intersection of Sixth sircct and Main avenue north, About“ *30“ d»magt-w*»-reported t t 'e och vehicle by Invutlgatlng city p o l lc c .___________

Fiilbright Blasts Making of Movie

y tatf

fnctured taxLn, announced Uial ti will hire 35 women chauffeurs,

Bjil the compfiny.sald thal for llielr OMi s.ifely the women will be ptnuiUed_tQ _drlvf only ' In »if daytime.

Caution Urged~^

■ R e m o te i lE a

S S I i l l s

, , , ..•om uie iiwH'-' u H 'fu M . a day scheduled J .o r release, and .headed


Twin Falls Oranee Idaho producU dinner s i Its lar meeting at 7:30 pm, Wednes- day a t th e Grange hall. Grangers will clect offlt«t». All members ure urgcd-to-otUnd and asked lo brins t covered cUiii and their own tabij

I n t l T U ^ y H l'» h a ^^ b ro k e n his leg- We ound him

UP iniilsshaclt.wlUi • brok- • leg, which he hid.set him*

West German■Succesfr=Sfets- Higher Price

FBANKFCRT. Oerminy (UPI> -T h e much-piftllelted economic recovery of West Germany has a lm .publlcUcd byproduct: Higher prices.

The economic' “miracle- n «iddea'3',fll)mion”dolla«MUiB-fed-eral gold reserve arid put Ihe na­tion back on its economic feet but the cost of living, compared io 1P50. h as aoared about 20 per cent.

Prices Noted i n' coia~cashrtnu-me«ns-the-av»

exage Germ an earning »34 a week h is to poy 81 cpnts for a pound of butter'and more'Ujan U for a pair of shoes. Coffee, a rarity In m « t German hornet cosU •pound. Some for tea.

Cigarettes coat M ccnts lor whlls good pipe tobacco is t3,S0 a half-pound. ApaitmenU rent for

FaltJrlght-denounced the novel

shaniefu l.--ll Is-highly «lUc»t of tho u . S . foreish aid program and American diplomats in Southeast

Fiilbright said that alihough the film will -effectively dlsoediriinj counlr7"-Uie'-nim"prOdueers-“hnve Uie arrogance to inslsf that the iU le-dcpttflnicnLl^M j) •

rooms, kitchen and baUi, unfur* n lsh»d-O cnnans-ahn .flUfUMllar. mobiles pay w ccntr»-g«iT6n-fDr regular giiOtlne,-70 cents for belter gnde.

Wives Working Ktany married couples hHWbHii

able to beat the high prices be- ius«-Ui»-wlfo-gocs to work.This.-how w r; hos had-its reper­

cussions, TradlUonally, In Ger- eaxns the food and a t home lo cook It

Tnickers'Fined^ForOverweightKINO HILL, Sept. 7 - Nine

ljuckers were fined by JujUce of tii'f Pesce • Lynn S heT O an .^bveelc-end lo r ov^clgh l.truck

mupn!uT^cy are StJnley R. Wardle.

meiSftnJUlirtlORnd'co-'itai'Jonn B lrtcla. Twin Fall3,-»10-and coiu: Lemon A. Thrower. We.^lvllle, Fla, s n and coils: Waltcr_W. Cox. Leroy, K nns, »M and costs; Rtch- nrd HolmRren. Salt Lake City. I27J0 and costs; Frank Finch, Roswell, N, M, |10 and costs; Robert V. Slcffort. Durley, tlS and cosu; John D, MeCroden, Nampa,S23 anfl co^t-r nn ' .. ................tn to n . Colo, 110

lookJpg'lor p lace to eat in «

ifd lo r release, »»u p inUT IhVmonntalM—

tTpiBg ln -w c o n d -flw -o f iie t fSecond s tree t w e s t . . . Hficr, p teilleld *t_her_deslc on Labor . , ru o n erecting s tree t f ijj, Monday m orning . . . Man thfti. Ing shrubbery planted 6u.-4i, morning . . . W oman putting ruct< j, parking m eter on hoiisjy _ ’lags flying on M ain ave.iue m \nirlsls from Florida soakicijf daho sunshine . . . Bulldog hiti! n« head ouC window ot tar . * f l i w y ^ 7eT -7 outn— about lack-of sleep . . . Dev o ' tops ot parked au tos . . . Lav q>„ cers preparing for heav)- -rf.,;';. trip” traffic . - . Colirse.boj.., tludenU leaving Twin KalU fJC Monday . . . Aulo with »mu~ lights under fenders and /.hlr/v ornireTdrlVlrTtrgDyn-Mutii

along s tr e e t . . . M an explaminj doesn't know much obout it.l-. rtage . . . And overheard: “i if.jy rm more exclUd about her joia ,to college Uian she I s r ’

families where Uie wife wortt.-

nU U L MAN JAILED BUHL, Sept. 7—Ernest Ahrend-

sen, 23,-Buhl.-wfta -In-Twip Falls county-JaifcrMondojfr'afletr being sentenced Saturday -by Police Judge Bernard D. Starr for being drunk. Ahrcndsen will ser\-e ^ight-day sentence. He was

I T T ltliiy b m

Japan has “okonomUyakl' or “do*tt.yoursc ltU t.c s.t a .u i.m 'l t. Waltresaes bring a tray of In­gredients nod the diner cooks his ' ' meal on n small grIIL '


JEROME, Sept. 7 - , patrolmen Investigated two _ d e n U _ S a ^ a F w h l ^ inwliti. backing vehicles. No injurlo « ■•natlBni were repOTted. '

A 1953 fiodge driven by Um Martin backed Into a is u .s-ut owned by Mrs. O erlle Taiboii i- 7:30 p, m. Saturday in the »l>j behind the courthouse, Dami«io the Nash wos esUmaled at la .

A .Jfl!9‘ Ford, owned by Slruceck had an estUnated us damages when a 1050 Buick d{|ra_ by Alvlra W. Miles backed • Saturday A fternoon-ln-tlirp lot behind Tlngwall'a. Ttie ft-ae not damaged.

Driver Is Cited F o r^ o LicciT

RUPERT. Sept, 7 — Abrtts Martlnex.-WUson -labor camp, t« died by E m esi William.', R w patrolman, for ’ having no na

1lri»nHC - - -dent on F ifth a tre c l a t C;15 m Saturday. »

Elmer Hleb, Rupert, drl>lc(____________ . . ntpprffl »Vtraffic light w hen a 1057 Fsj rirlTtn b r - MnrtincB-eoHidtd-ta- the b sc k jJ l th e j l ie ^ c a r .

Damages w eri estimated »l ta

—flTU DEN TS-EN nOltr-----—VIEW.--Sept-;^7-.Pmvleen-tiii: dren have enrolled In the fL-il grade for the cu rrcn l school ja* from the View w ard as reponed ir the first grade teacher st tfci Springdale school..’- .

-Ol'Weekly PaEer

1BAKER, Sept, 7 IR-A young

Baker newspaperman h is an- notmced plans for a new weekly newspsper to serve Nampa and

________ DISMISSED_________Je rry Anderson and Mrs. Ed'

ward Steffler, both Rupert, and

danger . was lU gh_loday_ln Uic forcsU and rangelands of south­eastern Idaho and we.item Wyo- minj:.—lh e 'tJ ,“ 8.—w enth tr'bureau reported.

forecast to fair today and

hospital Aug. 10 to r conunuiiig 1— tr eatm ent of-s - serious Uiroat-lll»-

ne u . u ity giua. o f tiw rt menufitd-him as Marvin L. U tle , 48.

I He was granted a seven-day ex­tension ot leave, bu t did no t re-

; , tu m . A neighbor called from K a- m lah Aug. IB and said he had left

, wlUi his 33-year-oId wife ond daughter.

i Man-WantsjWorfr 1' FofmS" SocietyI , BONN. Germany. Sept. 7 -k 1 . Retiring President Theodor Heu-is, I no lover of pomp, has made a bid .1 for more Informality in the proto- ; . col-rldden official society of this - - capital.

H e slapped down a suggesUon -that^only full evening dre.is or gala tmlforms be worn a t the In- ■atiguratlon TcerpUon” of~hls~suc- cessor, H tln rlch Luebkc, who takes

11 _Aitend.Ser.vic

SporUman conncii today urged-.. contmuta'Tlgil -«(mia«-foren-anii range fires even alter the Ural seasonsl storms bring snow ratn.

.Xeet-35<S0uln»_h early-auiumh ■ ttorms!

Bmith hn.^ been adterUsing , manogcr of the Baker Democrat Herald. He Is being replaced In Uiat lob by Ttua Wheeler. 61. Lakevlew.


Lag of Sales to Japan Is Noted

- ID A H O FALLS..Bept. 7 .(U P D - There are two reasons for Ihe re- ducUon In U. S. wheat, sales to Japan , according to the adminis* tn io r of the Idaho Wheat com- mLislon.

Harold Weal said here that Uie reducUon could be blamed on the shortoga of Amerlcaa doUort in Japan and the Uend toward In­creased use of hard wheat In Ja-pnneae- bakery-products.----------- ^

W est eald tho t during Uia post

George Horn. ShosJione; Mrs. Bu- lah Sm ith, L ai Angelrs; Mrs. Bertha Horn. Mrs. Bertha l i s h , R u p e r t ; Luther Horn, Soda SprmgJi; Mr. • and Mrs. Harley Horn. Boise: Mr. and Mrs. Chester Horn. Rupert; Mr, and Mrs, Wil­liam Berg. Meridian; Mr. and Mr*. Wfil^y Horn, Mnrtaiiph' . rurju- Berg a n d M r..aadJ>irs..£mll B c if . Medldlan: Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Horn. M urtaugh;. OscAX Berg and Mr. and MriC'Emll B trg, Nampa; Mn, Bertha Dunning and Elmer Berg. Boise: Mr. and ktrs, AnUiony Berg, ar., and Mr. and Mrs. An­thony Berg. J r . Nampa.

iyJTER\TNTIO H URGED SEOtJL. Sept. 7 iifti-South Kore-

*^nrelgn Mlnit t t t ^h^inr*

rARACIIUTE STOLEN BDRLEY, sep t. 7 -A parachute

was tAkcn from a U. S. a ir force airplane Sunday while the aircraft was parked n t-the Surley alrport. An nil points broadcast was pul out for the stolen property. The federal bureau o finm tiR ailon has

U xlngton. Ky.. was named In 1775 by a party of hunters who, were encamped ,there,.wlj^en they received ncw f'abou l the 'D aU le

■ Lexington.

".More man-cau.>ed fires go oul of control when the danger appears to be gone.”

whan said today the free world should, take Immediate steps to B tlB .LttM ' ^ ia pTrt n LTnuting nnr. negoUaUons or reMluUon.C

Kodak Finishing-D A IL Y SERVICE—

- LeedonrPhotoIM 'SiraysBSTTT'- D ow intairr

Tou rely oiiTiini—for coursge, inspiraiion, {ui<l* ance and help. Inilineliveiy, you , place your tr;i« in him ~,ind your f;iilh male* pouible hii equal ilevoiio»jo sU tr


j Count en.us,Joo4— for that same desire to be iruly helpful in every possible way. We wish lo olicr even more lhan the high itic.ils, clhical practices and business intcg-

-r i ly -i \h ic h our mniihfiUiip in.NauoaaLScIi

him with demands for changes in his government

Inronned sources said they asked , him to. dismiss tM ..top military i adi-lsers.

T he army h iu.beta-threa tening; Frondlz ll goTrmment all-summerr with charges th a t It U working too closely with backers of exiled dic-

“ iJ “a a j i^ v o n ia n 4 J » I lte l4 ; ^ . l l e by tittle, he has-been fotccd

.................... ..

general practice o f Dentistry

SYRINGA BLDG.i L okcs Blvd, N o r t h - - RE 3 :J0 9 0 ^

R c5k te ftc e= ^> W 6 = fiE = 3 = 2 5 5 8 )--—


7 J 2 _ M A I N - S 0 U T H - - R u = a g

Page 3: America Leads Drive in Death Trend Must -IXnited-Ito-i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF198/PDF/1959_09_07.pdfand Prance have oRrctd to resume their long-dead

- f -


tdaiSolaycgg Labor Day Celebrations Hav<5 0iaiiged Miifh Pastors Urge Prayer While Nikita.-\^isita

H)' I nllrU rm i in lenu llonalA immbrr ot prominent clffW*

mrn ursfd A m cnw ni jfeslcr«i»y lo Kfpfi ilif vbn o( Soviet Premier Niltll.\ 8, Khiiuiliclirv 10 this couti-


C.itiliiinl Spellmnti. no ­un CHholic nrchblahop of N r- ork. tiiwlr n nvrr pulpit iippear.

. K f ,iii .full. f!:r..a..holy _hour_of prayer Se[it. M -llie . dfty Cefore KliruiJtcliev'arrivri. In the Umied Slule.' .Sivlltiintrrtlil not meiillon KlmI^lu•ll^v by nnrnr but witncd Itiiit (lie L'nllrd St.ttra oner nR»ln

irned by "mcuiters of prop.itMtiil.i "

'iulimaUMii-lh* .H cv.

SavedbTOCKTON. C»llf. Sept. 7 U'

—OJdcer J*niei'nUry, :8. w « hnvtiiK 1 dirricult lime « lth

hw Kun. A pa.wrliy, U.n id 0ush. jumped In niley'a pAirn: c»r in d radioed lor help..

Four othrr c»r» coiivrrstd on ilie scene tillliln mlnulej and


Veterans of War End Convention

BOJSK. flep l^W ^A -sroup th i t

|c(-bHl«rnM,i- frtrar-m r-esm m oft—iexperlenct of v i r iapUvliy ended • convention here Sunday.

a ; L, Bnieek ot- Csldsell » u tn iu lled I t p ruldenl of ihe Sur- vlvor» of W«te. Ou«m >na Cavltf.

Austrian Girl Is -P agean t Winner

r II.

in St. iS u ii Mo”' »nd unred,ti«n<Une«. He told the grouj liWho wlU linve.boili a float and djnlar booth.

■ Member* wwe lold Jayeees ar no«' the Iv sM t ctvtc omon luilon In the world, wllh SU.OOC

- meai6«t?-in-38-.countr)c,'t; it-ol.w' 1... «nnminCftl 'thl>t Je tt niftCk

bum Wd re«lBned a i «eventh dls" Irlrt vice prejldent and woj placed by BHi Albrlsht.

Ocne Jones led n dlscu.ulon . Biwibertlilp. Each club atlcndlnfi

- j;sled till* WM » proJjlwn. Jo n a ,oiH ihe BTOup th a t membership

— e»n b» improv«l.onljt-by-e4Ci».Ji4'. cee vorlcinit to brlnR In new mem- brn. Meal Hollenbcck, T«'Iq Falls tn^e on a well-planned orienta­tion proRram as pa rt of member, thlp atcnUon. J . R. Churchman iu{(csted members find the areas of J«>'cee activity In w hlch-jew mnnbm are In tera ted nnd In' elude them on tho*e eommltlee*.

Mrrrill Bmlth said- * membei ist-bclleve .ln_lhe_Jaycee_pro-

before he can be retained I tood member.

. J!e urged the sroup to stress cirlc serrlee, leadership tm lnlnit iwlsl contacts nnd p m o n a l im- proTcmenC.

— A-fiinHlltMlrqted the 10 phases of J»yceej.

FuneralHeld for —R oheilil-D avis

nUHL. Bept. 1 -F tjn era l sendees for nobert c. Davis were held at

.jllL ajn-Satun lB y.it the Albertson . memarlfll cliapcl w ith the -Rev.

“ ■ SraiUey. pastor of the

. fl,.offlelnlln8________ ;___ !• A duet, Barbara and Connie

KnreI.sanif two songs accompanied — by Mrs.-J..Laiby._orjainlaL


Epi^fojisl t'hiirch of the epiphany, euld It «Duld be un-C hrb ttan io r Amerlc^in^ in slnke a “ixi: niornl .Miperlorlty" ttlien K hrush­chev nrrivfs lirre.

B u f I>r.-K nn deplored efforti ' ors.inlre public "dnj-s of prsV'

i ft proieit airaln,sl thi

D urtnt (h r eonventlon Mme delegites e»en »ilted for rtce on . I h f dinnrr-mentw.— ir - R —r t t n — 8

PALEIlMO.Siniy.Sepl. 7 (UPI) Wordle of BoLie. > director, e s - ‘" 1 -A iiJirln 'i Chruiiuf .SjmrJer, uho lP '*"’" ’ ' ' yilnrted the conifji us n briineite! Some ot Ihe boys won't ea t Hce • iiitl rmii>hfd n blunUr. uas e lec ied :u a mstier ol principle, bu t I've , ^ l » Kurope enrly toduy. ] nlwsys lltad rice. If* been kind lo J

MIm Spailer, daucliter (if ajiiie, hnd I don't hold a g rudge, I f.irnne^e_hiilr.orr'!frUi_ll!!ca ji ! ii6alnst_lt."l2jr.:fl.m.Hiejilllclnl rrcnnli. ~~

doubt about her other stniiMlcs. uhlch are 37-23'i-a7.

Nicole Perrin', Frnnce, w as-iec- ond nnd Maria Buccelia. Italy, thiril In the ballollnR. which lasteduntil iwarly 4-aJn.— -------------

The contest ubi a touch one.' Tlie bosoniy clrli wore chapet'

oned ever^’where and w ere' not

PROK»:SHOIl DIES LONDON. ScpL 7 l i f - P r o f .

Knxlmer Zaranklewlcr, 5«. vice president of the International Astronautlcal federatibn and a pioneer In space exploration, died Saturday of a heart attack a t the Iniernatlonal Aatronautlcal con> g rw . lie was a doctor of mathe*

Oia'Type ofXabor Day Not ^cognizable Now]

^ ^e -inn4^ f-xstio rT Iiy^elebralton-tiiB t-X T io> lpa nsetJ-to- know ' would hardly be recopilied by us today. BeTentyteven yean, and much history, hare paued alnce (he holiday was ffn t observed.

The young labor movement- w aa-skaklog-a-stow —buUd«rinlt«- eoBiebaek from the industrial c riali of 1J73-J7. when PeUr J . Mc­Guire, prtsldeot cf the UDlt«d Urolberhood of Carpenters .aod

HOUSTON. Tex., Sept. 7 Lfi —Last week Mrs. E, D, IlnyKOOd spoke .to her huiband about perhaps piittins uwny Uieir cat named Bkunky--“flhe—e r j —so- o”d nnd'feeble." Mr.i Hnygood

•say.i Skunlcy l.% 21 years old.• But Sunday Skuiiky gave


S tu i\t~ D r a w s

C o m p lain t o f

— C lii ld O f f ic e r

..................started a cam palm to r a day honoring (beThe fln l sboir of support came from the Central Labor union,

New York, which held a parade in BepUmber, IM l The first Mon- choHn be«aDH Jl »*U midway between July 4 and Thanks-

living.Parades were held.in New_York «vei7_yev that. In IBM.

« i I jh n r d iy ._______ ____ ^_____ ___ _ _ ___A continent away. Oregon wae (be firiil i la le 'lo ensel a law'

maklBf the first Monday in September » holiday, "rhat w n ]n ISJ7.

—Oeocktnr-AJbert~Tob«ter,-Benftrd the-DlstHel-ef-O_Evnn5, .Clco.W .-.Shaddy,-Shelley--rrf~TV.>i-,»---------------------------------•“ IIOWiird"Bnd‘ WlIlardT>owdr

.Concluding .rites were held a t __Hie.Buhl.clty cemetery.

Real Estate T ransfers— TnfermUHon-FuroliheJ-by—

Twin FalU Credit and Adjustment Bureau

_ln_.ftandpa'S-d»y. Labor_day.._momlng w»j_probably taken up. w ith parkdes,'"ilU "U -m »ny-inen-> |-confa-bB 'aiiem bled carry lnc banner* and signs proclaiming the ir affiliations and their aenU- Bients..to be reviewed'by the mayor and local officials.

Hometlmes the '^n ily " .o r.labo r was ln-<Kuibt, such.as when two rival orcanlutloBS held separate parades and^Uieir routes hap- pen-ea~t5 overUp. Bklrmish e . were ner'li'flrommpn In lhose,_the

-Oder days of union development.- .....Then In tbe afternoon came th e plenlcs, and for (he kids, it Was

(he next best holiday (o th e Fou rth o( July.T odsraU Americans th ink of it m a holiday for .every one of us —

■»"day r6r remembtring and rearfirm lnr the tradlUonil Americm reaptyt j{or-h0Be«t.t0tl.-»Pd.-«b0TB.»ll..aj»aj_«et^ailde In irhlc'h to

‘Natiorrs D ay Is Wrecked by -Angi-y Cro ydBALTIMORE, Sept, 7 tfl — An

outbrcnk of roclnl tension turnedan__AU_NnUoiu_day_cdebratlQnJnto tt mob kccne at ncnrby

&fter-dark festival.Jayne nnd her husband, itickey,

H nrsltay. took bttby Mickey wltli them When they officiated ' at Blackpool's annual ceremony of swKclilns oa .tbc scatront lllumtn-

nmuscment pnrk'^utiJay.

th e boy slioulder high amid thebrlR ia I l B h u . - . ---------------------

TlieconjpJp|at.£ta;g<lgcdJ)^-llL spector Fmnk Sevlerc of the Na

. U oaa l-Sodety-ier^the-Preven tlatt f of Cruelty to Children.

ecutlve rtlreclor of the Protc council ot the Clly ol New York, said In A wniioii ihnt (he Khnwh- clicv-visii.oilca-d.a.rajc-oppo.rtunL Ity for Anicrlc.1 U> demon^trata lt<AOlrHuilji'cjtiicia^:____________

Richard C.irdlnnl Cushing, i rch - bL-Jiop of Boston nnd spiritual lender ot the nation's second larR- est Roman C.ithollc diocese, au- tlio rlad specliJ terx’lcea In all churche.y Klirines and chapels un­der his Jurisdiction during ' Uie Khruihcliev vbit. •

In •Geneva Point. N. H-. how. ever. Melliodut Bishop John Wes» Ie) '~ E of(ranm i5^ U ier 'm is te r s , meetint; for a New England area piytors' assembly, warned th a t the

make Khrushchev •' hero 111 Ru»ln" would be n "dis­courteous crte tlnc when he i lives” in the stat«.^. .

Dr. 'Juriur'M nrk,'“ 3enior-n«bbl - of Temple Enmnuel and a lending spokeJmtin_ for_J!!dnl-''m..ln_Wcsv York, ssid tha t American.^ should trea t K hw hchev as a cuest of their Eovenunent.

Budge, Senator . May Njot Tangle

-O IS E . Sent, ------- ---probably won't have lo choose be­tween ■Rpp,"Hiimer-Budgo nnd Sen: IfenryJ)wor!ihnk next year, vet­eran political writer John Corblett

i succlncUatUre for photographers.lof Warsaw. Poland.

operated Owynn O ak.inrk_3icrc - J J iO -c h lld -o I -th a L -a c e . aliouldupon by nn ancry crowd shout­

ing - a e t n ropel Knock them the head! Dnctc to Ruulnl"

They were among 40 prbfextlnR members from the Committee on Racial Equality, a blraclal group

tAke p.art In publicity stunts, es­pecially a t tha t time of night," se v le r declared.


•'IJuive talked to a number of Intimate friends of Budge who are ' opposed to his seeking th e sen­atorial nomination, TJiey oppose It

foro 0 p.m, Saturday.Jayne commented: “Blackpool U

which has picketed thc -la it flvft .a wonderful family town and I Plliri __—-I_________ _ Ia... L

**.1 I, p iiiwil I». Kl• ll»ii()»li 10 K»mli V. Wi

---------RtrmAnJ U p4n<n< lo A. C nnt»r-

UlKk-Il Tniimull AMIIW*.

!' '"rk » t,f« CtrnpT fiubdl.Man No,

_______ Mill. 7 M w a p a n 'afinance m lnbto’ admitted today th a t money shrinks.

Klyo«ht_Kobayashl. director of.a-commerclal iiujuio' agoruy. Indignantly presented a 600 yen—tlJ& —note to a bank.

“I t's raa l'e r than ' i f should be." he staled^ "I'm afraid ‘lls counTerfelt."

Measurement showed It was shorter th a n 'a new note, but valid.

finance ministry

Troops, Bases in Japan QuestionedTOKYO. Sept. 7 MV-Some of Jo .

pan’s top defense attorneys tharg- e d - to d a y - tlu t- th e -p re s e n c o -o f

troops and bases In this

Meat Firms Plan Contract Parley!

CTUCAOO, Sept. 7 tfl-T ft O Jt>r:raenc_j>MUnitrninn^without ne)v labor contracts were to' meet tomorrow with federal mediator# nnd u n io m i

Wilson and company Is operating under n conlract extension agree­ment .with the United Packing­house Workers of America and the Amalg'amated

Swltt and company, largest of a ll packers, was struck a t 13:01

. m . Friday by bath unions.The old union contracts expired

AUK. 31.The Btrlke against Swift made

lie-more than-17.000 workers in 34- d tla a- Including- Ogdsn, - UUh. nnd Boise, Ida.


........... struck and kicked a t bymob leaders after .they refused to leave the prounds and were being_____ a ,t9^'prd.Tlie TiH.liy.BBlH;tnnre county police.They and thre^ others, who left

under police escort moments Uer.-wcre charged, wllh. disorderly

mduct. ■As the two were being hauled

out by offlcen. someoije m 'tn i crowd pointed out Ivor Kmfi. 31' year-old Baltimorean who had dl' reeled the demonstration, and shouted. -L cfs get this guy."

T he mob leaders pushed him to

film. K raft's spectacl knocked o ff and a sleeve waa ripped from Ills shirt.

No Injuries were reported to the o ther-plckcts who-were attacked, Jam es .L. Lacy. 24. Waslilngton Neoror-and-’Joscph C. Ehethan, 20, Baltimore.

MILWAUKEE, Sept. 7 (U P D - I Police today were holding, a man - v h d admitted shooting QsmoU ier^

4 Orrhtr.1 SgWI»|ilon. T*lo

T-l, TlltrHf,d*TVu.t toP*rt I/il 10 anrf p.,i

'• •nUi tnd Tniil.

''S 'T O r i REPORTED. ■/KINO H T tlT B e p tr7 = M rsrS ?r • ^ c r ChrUtm«uv oolcoada. N av,

—T h ic k ^ u ft^ h in g le i■ 8 3 0

DairDanieli RoofingT w in -F a lli

Japan had forever renounced

—The-thansr-waa niade before the supreme court In the first of six

■ ‘ ■ Ttw nnjT

7 ■(UPIl—Seventeen WestIdlen who Hei'c~lnjured'by

(k.dninken driver .Saturday night out of danger, officials re-


Pvt. Ronald D, Sellers, son of Mr, and -M n .-H en ry -J r8 e llc n r« « c U Ion,. compleled_lhe automoUvc malntenatice helper coune Aufr. iU P t . Q rd.-c.iir.--------- --------

Warmly YoursSTANDARD


2 ) 5 P o u n d r P e r S q u a r i — Saverdl c o lo n to -c h o o M from

Page 4: America Leads Drive in Death Trend Must -IXnited-Ito-i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF198/PDF/1959_09_07.pdfand Prance have oRrctd to resume their long-dead

P A O B F O U B TIM ES-N EW S, TW IN F A L I^ . IDAHOin d a y , SEPTESIB ER 7,195]

r«WkM «aiu *UJ n d t r i i ttl e««o4 « r«llt. U«ka. bi tte ~

lU C K E R 'S -N A I lO S A l

w h i S l ig ig

N A T I O N A L R C r S U E N T A T I V E a w u r r - i i u u o A Y c o , . i n c .

: i l U t t r t a t w > . & * » C * H / .

£ ! B E T B Y I M C r M f o KD e a r M r . X h r u s h c b e v :

I I n a s m u c h u y o u a r e s o o n t o b e t h e g u e s t o f t h i s c o u n t r y , a n d I n a s m u c h a s t h e " d o w n -

! ' t r o d d e n A m e r i c a n v o r k e r " s e e m s t o ' b e o n e I o f y o u r p e t c o n c e r n s , i t m J g h t b e f i t t i n g o n

t h i s h o l i d a y w e c a l l L a b o r d a y t o s p e a k a i r e c t l y a n d f r a n k l y t o y o u a b o u t c e r t a i n m i s -

c o n c e p t i o n s y o t f h o l d .’ I • ' { . L e t ’ s w a r n y o u ,

w ; v i s i t h e r e y o u m a y s e e s o m e f a c t o r i e s - i ' . C l o s e d — n o t - b e c a u M ' O f - a n y h o l i d a y — a n d

- - - - - - - - - s o m e - p l c k o t - l l n e s r - a n d - m a y b f t - e v e n - i o m er - - ; : v i o l e n c e . B u t b e a w a r e t h a t s t r l k M o r e a u -

^ • ' • h a v e t h e f r e e d o m t o u s e t h i s w e a p o n I f b a r - ! ; : g a i n i n g t a l k s b r e a k d o w n .

* ( W e k n o w t h e r e a r e n o s t r i k e s i n R u s s i a , b u t i s I t b e c a u s e e v e r y t h i n g I s J u s t h u n k y *

d o r y - o v e r t h e r e , o r i s i t - p o s s i b l y b e c a u s ew o r k e r s a r e u n a b l e t o s t r i k e ? ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A n d b e a w a r e ' t h a t , e v e n s h o u l d U . S . l a b o r d i s p u t e s r e a c h , t h e s t r i k e s t a g e , b a r -

- J : - g a l n l n g - l 3 - f l t m - g o i n g - o n - b e h l n d - t h e - s c o n c s a n d d i f f e r e n c e s y i l l e v e i ) t u a l l y < b o s e t t l e d b y d i s c u s s i o n a n d c o m p r o m i s e . N o t p e r ­

f e c t l y . n o t p e r m a n e n t l y , n o t w i t h o u t h a r d - - « h i p . . .

B u t w h e n h a v e f r e e m e n b e e n p e r f e c t ?' F R E E m e n , w e r e p e a t . _ •

• l i t t l e - s t e p - f o r w a r d . W e _ h u n i b l y c l a i m t o h a v e t a k e n Q u i t e : b ' f e w s t e p s I n t h e d t r e c -

t i c e s i n c e o u r c o u n t r y ' s f i r s t s t r i k e o f P h i l a - d c l p h l a p r i n t e r s i n - 4 7 6 6 . ' s i n c e t h e f i r s t

i ' * u n l o n - < r f ' c o b b l e r s j v a s o r g a p t g g d i n _ i 702 ,; s i n c e o u r f i r s t L a b o r ' d a y i n 1883.

Y e s , M r . K h r u s h c h e v , t h e r e ’ s ' b e e n a l o t ; H O l n i ; o n I n W M l l l m M l l .

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ t h i t f t l o f u f i r J o u i U U » rineio{c. H Is Uie o U m u e ot

the lons>n&8e eftect o i (welga conip«UUoo UiAt h u be«n pruea t-

In gongftMlonal eotn-mltcee* «ad to Ihe tJnlled e u ie s U rtft commluloiL And. lor Uie

tinn ilace Ibe reciprocal trftde prtxram w u uubU ihM m ore Uitn 2S yean ago, m cra l

[labor-untonS‘tn-the-f»rm n«-nelil ■ ivcJolnrf wllh m snu factu rta In

. e » e p r o t o l « ; ~ ~_ _ _ _ A s r o U i u i l a a t l c p o l i t i c a l w p -

a * f T m M p o r t « r * o f F D R ‘ » ' n e * d e a l , t h e u n i o n a b a ^ e d ( h e D e m o c n t l e p r o e r a t n ( o r e r t d u t i l o w e r l n f at U i r i r f t x u r l r r s . T l J t y a c c e p t e d t h e a r s ^ J * m e n t t h a t A n e r l c a n e o o d i w o u l d f i n d m o r e m a r - t e t a - a h f l a d . — I f — r e - i n c T f » ^ ~ f o T g j n i _ - T > u r c h i L y n gpower

a h fta d .-lf-p r by t a m g r r products.

FOREIGN c o m p e t it o r s UNDERSELLING US U£BE AND AOBOAD — Today, they «r« dUlUw- loned. Due. to w hat D n id Dublnsky and many labor auoclatcs term “sweat shop .wagu," foreign competlton are underselllnj them In the American marlcel and throughout tlie world, The competlUon rangci from low*prlced automobiles to nimy ea'a wear.

firwnclal pollde* are bulldlrig new walla agiln<t our eiport«, w ilch .h aye.la lltn by i bmioo-doUan In the la*t three years.—In c lu d e d - tn -o u f-e ip o r t -loU l thrwgh'^fanelful bookkeeping la the 4 billion dollan of economicI' .-.-I . . ..annually for more th a n 10 year*. Obvloualy, the»e granta do no t represent an a u e t to American lobar or Induitry Insofar a« permanent enjoyment of for e ljn markeU is concerned.

OUR POSITION REVERSED ON COMMERCIAL RECIPROCrTY — In addition to causing a change In Ubor'i attitude , ourHrade-war louea have forced the manufacturera of h » r y and light goodi — automobUesv clK trica l equipment, machlns tooU.

.................... typ«wrll«ra, aewlng machines.

P o t

T O O E X P E N S I V EPot S ho u :

Oon’t know w hy everyone U to concerned about the lack of lundi

bUU^W rW &BW ayi-hlther and

tryslde.I t l setUhg ao d a r O e d r u t ^ t e

o operate a c a r th a t no one car iffont tb'drtTe ove r th e superhlgh' wayi. anyway.

( T w i n P k U i )

A N ' X I X G A l . M I N D S ?ThU one poaea a ra the r Inter-

jU ng little Queatlon one of you ■ O M J O n " " . . . . . . . . . . .

Say_tW0 feuow a.a re In a 'hlxzlng down th e hTg>iway. The ellow behind th e .itc c r ln s -w h ttl uddenly detldea- he’d better put n his colored clasaea. to he u y t o Uie m y beside h im . ••Will you leer th e car ,whlle I pu l oi la»c47-Bo the fellow who U NOT sit­

ing behind th e «t«erlnj wheel

he car. Tlie e a r sipa down Into - lUe-dlp-ln-U ie-road-and-teTcral ead of catUe a re standing la U>e

o a d . - T l i » - f u y ' a l t U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


PEGLER’S ANGLE8 T O C K H O L M - I find tha t eiperleoee the f i-w lf

when I m to s w ^ b t tu U fu l for- Jhe brisk, braciog s ir of ww

U,*e toperSuire

“ 10 0( 15. ,

t,,im told.

rooo with my eye* os my work tgnorlnc sacb s l ^ t a u Ue out> lid*-my w ln d a n In tb e S tn m d ho­tel. strand m ean­ing “ s h o r e " lo t h i s c a a e , a n d e o n e r n t n o B f O B tacU of poUUcal life which rarely ared«U |hU ul. - -

T h e S t r a n d n m n r t i o n . a a j n i e t o f a c o m p l e x . »rchlp<lajo__and?*'t i l e r e a re amall _ , ----- -------passenger a h lp a " ^ “ ‘^ snd shapely achooners tied up slongride the key boUi down m front and across the water, a quar- tfr_nille_ETry r._T liey -com e-aod

,^u tu2a!r!'t^e re . w u a u»*do sbout the queen a lo es about noon'hen suns s ta r ted basc lac .to .the .

total- unconcern of every Swede wlthU) view. They Just kepi go. ing, dodging ferocious taxis and trucks which drive to the left here, u In'England, or cowering behind posts and' o the r traffic, because m eat Swedish drivers plsy lor

m e r x < S “ lo;u.elrU.dulge.because they 1 ^ ' ) ^ the senumen tal -rilca. yhlfh sbsorpUop of ifcm a mere phxeM'Of-

romantic and poeUc -taluiti and mlKblevou* valoglory,

^Vhea one <trlaki ■ el.iminf -ikosl,” one is su p p c w flrii-to r* l« S MW 'lhe leVcl «I t w e j e j —■*

l a b o r r e f o r m l e g i s l a t i o n , f o l l o w i n g e x p o s u r e - o f - c o r n i p t l o n - l n - b o t h - U b o r a n d m a n a g e *

m e n t . B u t I t ' s a q u e s t i o n o f w e e d i n g . . o u t i t - T u i n i n g - a - b a r r c l '

r e t i y g o o a T r n l tT 'r 1 I; i^ _ is n o t , a s y o u r c ru d e p ro p ag a n d is ts ^ -n - ^ p r o c la im r f tn o th e r - in e ta n c e ^ o f - th e - s u p p r e B -— r — r 's i o n o f - t h o w o rk in g m a s s e s ; ----------- I W o h a v e th e 8 a m ^ k l n d _ g f jm sse ls w hen - "com es to c h a n g in g ih e g ro u n d r u le s o f- ■ - j ». - c o U eg e -fo o tb a lL -W e -m a y -a fg u e - lik e -b ia B e a : . I a n d - ca ll- e a c h o t h e r n a m e s , b u t w e 're a ll r ~ ; I n te r e s te d i n im p r o v in g th e gam e.

' ; M a n y o th e r c o u n t r i e s a lso c e le b ra te = T = ^ = E a M r a s y r ^ i T H ^ n r w o r k e r 3 ta k e th e d a y

a g a i n s t t h e i r c o n d i t i o n s . A n d p o l i c e a r e o u t i n f o r c e ' t o s e e t h a t t h e y d o n o t p r o t e s t

t o o m u c h .W g ' T t l B W t h a l i r W a y . 1 I s a h o l i d a y f o r

w o r k e r s i n y o u r c o u n t r y , t o o . T h e y g a t h e r i n h u g e t h r o n g s t o w a t c h t h e p a r a d e o f S o v i e t m i l i t a r y m i g h t a n d t o g i v e t h a n k s t o

T T T : t - B i i r : B r o t I i f i r : f o r b c l n ? : 5 0 ' g o o d t o - t h e m ; —• H e r e , y o u ’ l l p r o b a b l y f i n d m o s t o f u s

! • A m e r i c a n s o f f f i s h i n g o r e n j o y i n g t h e q u i e t‘ . — o r n o i s e — o f o u r h a c k y a r d s . l f y o u t h i n k

i . \ t h a t s h o w s a l a c k o f u n i t y o r p a t r i o t i s m , „ • J u s t t r y t e l l i n g u s t h a t .

. . A b o v H u l l . ’ M r ^ i U i t t l s h c n e v , r e m e m b e r ; . J w h e n y o u g e t h e r e t h a t t h e L a b o r d a y w e < j J u s t c e l e b r a t e d w a s i n s t i t u t e d b y w o r k l n g r • ■ m e n t o h o n o r t h e w o r k i n g m a n , n o t a r e g i m e

— . _ , . - o r - a n i d e o l o g y . - W o r k e r s - w o n - t h i s - c o u n t r y I I a n d I t e p r i v i l e g e s b y t h e s w e a t o f t h e i r ‘ I * b r o w s . A n d w o r k e r s o f a l l k i n d s — h i u e - c o l - , , > l a r . W h i t e - C o l l a r , l a t x i r e r s , t h i n k e r s — w o r k

_ _ L j ! t o k e e o t h i s d e m o c r a c y g o i n g .I I f y o u t h i n k y o u ’ v e g o t a b e t t e r s y s t e m

• t o o f f e r , y o u ’ r e w e l c o m e t o b e l i e v e I t . I - p l e a s e , - J i J r . : J C h r u 3h c h e Y ^ d o - i i o t - t a k e - l t

Like the lobdr unions, the prospect of Increased sties abroad appealed to them in the depression 30's. And during the early postwar years Uiey prbftl-ed_ lm m ,the -.p rog ram .-..............t- - _ ^ _

Europe needed the ir miclilnery, equipment, trucks and pnnnimiT f ftodg to rebuild Shattered Induslrlei, Marshall plan money linanceJ~lhesc exf»rU“ K American workers' and taxpayers' ezpehsc.

NOtt', w ith 'm ore 'm oderh 'fac lllU u than th e U.S, K»-4w>n - a o d lower w t tu ’. thry_aie-com p{»ns

M uessfally agatnst us not only throughout, the world bu t a lto In th is country.'

Agriculture a lto suffers severely. The U £ , once dominated world m arkets for wheat, tobacco.-collon, fibers. NOW. we have lo give this ttu ff away to nibble a t our accumulntUig surpluses.__________

’ceks old and need homes, Rray a n d black itrlped.

T O iran-B erT ircnra l-230 'T ourT N avenue cast, Tw in Falls.

Better I should le t sleeping doss Ue. but th is is one Ume I want to get in th e f ln t 'w o rd on this par­ticular subject, nam ely, mourning doves.

MAT CAUSE EMBARRASSMENT TO ADMIN- ISIB A IIO N -.—_3 b C H oycrtcas,. CQinpeUtlve pres­sures may cause the admliustratlon consldera&Ie

neclally during MIklta Khrushchev's-forthcoming

The trade war and losses have led many Industrial b lgw lgijojook mPM-fftypr»bly_on.a loqMnlna_of.our commerclal-poUcles toward the fiovl'et, As A nu­tas I. MIkoyan on his recent vUlt. K hr '

miRht le a d ............- R enrd less of the admlolstraUon's atUtude. Mr.

:K 'w m h i « '» 1 a r j e a n d raaponslve audlenee for hU sales talks. He will, In effeot, appeal directly to A ttierlean 'labor ■'and “ Indus tr7 'in3 ten l" 'u f 7 tluuugli


Lleutennnt B rlnkerhotr of Uie Salt Lake police youth bureau reports th a t to Uie bett of his knowl­edge there Is today s o organized youth puig IncxltKBCO in .th e cliy._________________________

This «-as n o t true several yean ago. he said. Por time there was serious danger In the rise of the

kind of Juvenile mob violence which has plagued ao many oiher centers o f population in the counUy. AccordUig to .U eu ten an t Brtnkerholf, a police cam­paign of oonsU nt vIgUance and dlscoui ------- 1-------- .. - ot Uie rlng-Itad’ers ,havina bcrti arrested.

This doea n o t m ean, of coune, tha t Salt take City has no problema of Juvenile misconduct. Everj- city and even am p ler communities hRve.tuch.prob- lem s,'ilw ays'have, and no doubt always will have.

But Individual deUnquency Is one thing, mnsoodlumUm quite ano ther. __ _ _As experience In New York,"Los Angeles. V /uh-

iDgton and a num ber of other clUes provu, iuvenlle :«nca-ta>tt-bfceme-ft^gh tftillr

ce them . The o th e r guy st«cn the a r off the road to m iss the catUe

and the car plies up.Okay, so a fte r m while » ____

of the low thow a 'up to InvesUgaU th# accident. N either gent claims to have been driving th e car at the Ume or the crash . They, obligingly explain the circum stances and boUi are given Uckc' ' drtrtnj.-H e re 's the-«iuestion; Can two different people be driving the

car? And I f It happened toou, w hat-jreuIT you dc

•KTt TENS f o r KIDl

tendance Is down. Swedes of in- dublUbls paUioUsm and honesty My the religion U m ore tnsUluUon than a spiritua l ardency.

There U a a U te ta x , per capita, )c_Uie_JUBPort_©f ..the_thtircli.

which Is L utheran, o f coune, bi t e lecu to ■ -


(alien away.''Digest or Sweden.” a semt-ofd-

elal publleity and -propagaJias booklet, frankly says. “Church a t­tendance Is eeneraUy very low cept on Uie p rincipal religious hol­idays when m ost churches are filled. A^eparaUorj o f church and

.. HMUl tills Ume every year, someone'writes a couple of letters10 you and /o r th e Public Pomm UJ p r o t e s t - shooting— mourning dovti—T h s -I» tt« rs *^efter»lly-tay w methlng lo th e generai efftcl IKat-lHey-rfl-inorcnikrroblnrUian game birds so w hy ahoot them imy«'ay.—A t - t h e - ^ e « —o fre x p er ie n rc z l would like to p o in t ou t that Uie dove It the m osrdU flcu lt to h it of a ir the RHmrbWB, bar-none.-WiUi011 Uielr acrobatics end gyraUons. It'S a wonaffTH yone everTjlBTife' of them.

They're exasperaUn^, oitd Uwt's about as f a r as i n go^

j L

OUR BULLETIN BOARD M n. B.. Payetto—T he next time

you're In Ta-ln P 'alli, feel free to

files. “About 1S06 o r 1907- and - a t the sU rt of th e sdiool term' and "one of th e p a p ers ' Is too Indtflnlte to lie up a reporter in a. search th a t probnljly i^-ould pro-, duce no rem its anywar.-Borry.

FAMOUS LAST LINE . And there Ju it Isn't enough

Ume to do aU Uie Ih lng t Uaal luve lo be done.


Uie scrapyard and I could give y?UJi.PM(card travelog,Jiul tha t Is not wby I came h e re ' a t expense.

I came here a t v a s t expense to Inquire about th e Swedes' domes­tic poUUcs, th e ir unloru, their (ovemment and th e ir religious In sUtuUoD, which would be outra geout la U)e Dnlted e u t e s because It subsidises a s ta te church and Uie clergy thereof w ho seem to be doing a very good-job becsuse at-

[owever, few have

present system It firm ly anchored In tradition."

The Swedes I ra n k iy -a ra heavy.

drunkenness a s a serious social or-hygl«nlo*problem;-i-have-been l«ld thst In w inter I t Is necess:try to drink a alug of schnapps before f in e^ y cn tu re s_ o u l.^ L _ lh a lJs^ - dlnUout unless I t m eans lo~lmplj that after aU these centuries of

change gazes wlUi one's partner ^ mis UbaOon, After a ^ u s e Uieilug-gt»ea;do«n with a clunk.------

Bchnspp. U like ’ |,“1. palUaUng s»feinf.-a and a t a i « of anUe. At a Urge drinking eycw male U supposed to dWP the drink d£»n whole. The next one is taken by halret and Uie next by

l a i a l L - - - - - - -iQlres and Uie next o a fljhnlg obnylon . At

ally and vice versa and tha t plnln-1 tthnt htiPPtned to lU Yulia when it came nlRht-to pour. bceause-me_IllUt ilans-prtaUcc Uie same enormlUcs but with 160 proof vodka.

Tlie Swede b supposed to refrain from toBstlng hit-own wlfe under lorfelt of a pair of white glovci tor .what Reason no auUiorlty knows, and guests are e x p e c t to

up alter the hostess has drunk ir eight toasts offered by her

friends. The number depends on Ifie hostess' capacity. Anyway It-ls lmpoilte“ to-erow d-the poor girl alth so much Jumpstendy Uiat she winds up under ihe inble.

The gents go to faWe Uie Je/t of their rcspcctlve dinner parlners. U ie 'hotm iw H yrturtles-llttle-ed- dress of welcome to his beard and

Uie end of dinner Uie male cuestofhonor a n ifn e fro n iie -h o e tesa ' Is expected to bloviate In like spirit. U arlng the dining room.each-lsdr-guert-wlU-ktw .hir hw l..ess on each cheek and ssy ’Tlinhk you for the food,"

I t has struck me tha t the nopoly, churches of th is and oUier counUlea get. let us u

and l« e teal and influence. The Swedlsli LuUieran sU tc postora^re put u> ccrtoln cltrlcal Jobs such.iis

■ birtlM,

whkh-sra-not-pitocelyr-howevej.There arc 10,000 Lopps In tin

norUi of Sweden and I am told ttf my.aurprlM.ymt.alU><WBfUkey.«« Jarrcly-nomBdlc thcy-nrc.-en the avenge, more religious Uian oUier

YAii Should Get Smarter as Y o u Grow^Gld, Boyle Says_ . . . . served. "As long as war t> r , /Bv UAL BOTLE

N E W V O W trr.iffhi never know u

; . v « ismarter u y o u

f g e m T d e r r - T w may rpach a phy­sical peak a t 3 ^

side t h e -----ih a t^ ca n t swimf

home life uied to be Uic kitchear A recent survey showed H P ff,

- American famlllet now eat some a; their sSSimer meals outdoojr

winied to change ills cause his customers couldn t pro­nounce It. The Judge approved Ui# change-to Papalexlou. _

Fujiyama. Japan's famousuvlK ano. has been sacred slncc oij-

tlqully. No woman w u allowed to climb'It unUI 18M.

If the average man's beard were concentrated Into a single whisker. It would grovt' u ineiiertygyy-gThours.—_ . ——

ExecuUve ilgn: "Promptncis U the ability never to be as late a* xnrperaqn youTe gotnrte-mcet.- _A small town n the line divid­

ed Plumnel., — .— - - .- out-of Oeorgla and nearly out of Tcnncwce.. . — . •

Our quotable noUbles; "A ual Bcqualntnnce," says Kathr^-n Murray. "Is someone you know well enough to Uilk about but not

ifaving trouble learning' the names of new cars Introduced this year? Well.- back In IBM. nearly i:o new nm kM ’ w ere-pu ren -the market. AltORelher. some 2JX» different brand of autos have been made Ui-America, ranting nlpha- Iwl/caJJy from ’the ABC in WOfl. ' - Uie Zip in 1013.—Advlco-to. parosltcs:-rNcxt

Household h int i s r summer

frying pan If you fill it wlUi salt water and let It stand a while.

I t was Oscar WUdc who. ob-.

their own. Tliese are the rein, deer-chwert. Thry live In tent-i; rpuch o r the tlme,„b«lhins Is far

some urban .Bwedes Ihem -as-lafcrlori-aO -U icrB -, ha re th e o jly monster-<if rad again, way up In-Uie land of Uie mIdnlghUun, " "


terved. "As long i . ___ .g trded .as wicked, n will t . . . h«re lU fasclnaUons, When i; looked upon as vu lgar.lt >111 c.

Big DealST. LOU18, Sept. 1 ,?-Voi;rs

Kirby WcsUielmer't firs: s;, busiaess.deal was a whop[x>

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . M e "Jumping beans, cc...........

' of this year's world m a r« . his father's novelty lirn ^ WesUielmer. 21, a Harvam

-business schonl,stud eat. got-u>; Jump on -the compcutlon on » Ulp U> Mexico's 8 1 e ^ Muirt region. i

The beans were slilpped to s 61. Louis warehouse in hand, made Un contalneri by mulf bus. car, train and plane.

- ThP-branannrgTTurn n ^ in |- Dorthem Mexico. They junp because they have uiiaU ltxva« under their akin.

Party Names Candidates ill

’60 Elections-. WINONA_LAKE,_Ind,._5c5l_i_ liti-The Prohlblilon party nom. inated Dr, R . L, Deckcr. &6, t K tc .- sas City, Mo.. mlnlsUr.-for prtn. dent a t Its naU onarconvennu'a'if Winona Lake.

Prof. E. Harold-Murm, alM y . assistant dean of Hillsdale (Michi college.' was jiom lnatcd lor i t , president.

The convenUon adopted 1 pUi.' form opposing federal aid to tdj. cation and favoring rlght-lo.virt laws, cauaUon of nuclear a-balanc»d.budget-aad tax -rcd9" lion,

Tlie pnrty plans to enter I'j ticket In :0 suites In lOfiO. !i tu on the ballot In only 30 atatoig iB S d . .............................

Who’sH e?l f ”you c a n t beat ’em, IrnsnP 'em.

— T tw . . . oMoliy Of Leo A. Hoegh. ledenl - clrl l defense administrator, b sidestepping a newtroon't quo- Hon Sunday.

C ^ n R t c p h e i _O.. has been blasting the cini defense* program, implying li was UMle&i against enemy ii'

was ^ e d by the newunes: -*How-about-eritlclsm-of B te ^ n -

Ydunfi?" > ■- . - Rcplled-H oeehi-^W bat.K fc - : |B .



■favorite s o n " f o r t h e v icc p reiitJency .! N o w , t i m e w a s w h e n t h e m e r e m e n t i o n o f

^ I y o u r n a m e i n c o n n e c t i o n w i t h t h e n u m b e r •\ j t w o s p o t o n t h e t i c k e t s u B g e a t e d y o u w e r e

. s o m e b o d y ’ a u n f a v o r l t e s o n . E v e n H a r r y - A f T r u m a n . l n - C h l c a g o - l n - 1944r w l r e t l - t t - f r i e n t l

’ * ■ . b a c i c b o m e . . o n d p l c a d f l d ; = l ' C o m i ^ o a ^ < l Q W i i h e r e a n d h e l p p r e v e n t m e b e i n g n o m i n a t e d

" f o r v i c e p r e s l d e n t l ' * 'N ix o n , m o re t h a n a n y b o d y else in h ls -

' t o r y . h a 5 c h a n g e d a l l t h a t . H e 's m a d e th e . Jo b b u s t l in g . I m p o r t a n t , e x c itin g .

W a g n e r c a n t h a n k N ix o n th a t ' th e jo b is lo n g e r-a -f itc p p ln g s to n e - to -o b ilv io n :----------

iUpply work for Idle hands and, a t the tame Ume, Improve our nnUonal forosU. The otpimeDl made for the proposed VCC a re somewhat similar, plus cUlms UiRt the plan would combat Juvenile delin­quency and Improve the health of the enroltees. ~

As Senautrt Dlrkscn. SaltonstoU and other critics of-Uio proposal told th e senate, however, it I t hardto tyii hmtr th» pliin U.-II1 tz-hloo mn-hclaimed fw It. T he nation qow h^ rtaclT ed an all- limo-Wth-«f-emp5=ra«it.-whl!e-'tmmployment is on th# decline. As for curbing delinquency, the wording of the bill seems to rule out Juvenile de­linquents AS members of the corps, lor It rcQuirts enrollees to be “of good character."

And how b a six-month enlbtment going to sub- ...............— ■■■ ■ *“ healUi of boys who. accord-


F A L L o n W I N T E E _ _ _

American President0‘ASTS“

E X E R C I S E F O R A M E R IC A N S A lo t o f p e o p le a r e m a k ln R up I b ts o f ,

:*‘t H I h g 0 ^ l k l t a . K h r u s h c h c ^ o u B h t 3 Q : s e c ''lw h e n b e v i s i t s t h i s c o u n t r y t h i s m o n t h .

i s * k l n d - o f e x c r c l a e i s p r o b a b l y o f m o r e b e n e f i t t o A m e r i c a n s t h a n . I t w o u l d b e t o

I - ^ ' t h e S o v i e t P r e m i e r f o r , u n d e r s t n n d n b i y . h e w i l l b a r e l y t o u c h u p o n o u r w a y o f l i f e d u r -

> » < « h r i < > r f / ^ u r . ________V . . - l i e r e . A r t - a m i l U o n a n t L o n e t t i i n g s t H a T _ _ c o u l d g o o n a " m u s t s e e " l i s t . B u t t h e b i g

, d a n g e r i n a l l t n i s i » t H a t 1 ? e p r e o c c u p y T i f l r ^ g n l y o « T i r i t h I L y i n g o u r m a t e r l n i n b - ^ s e s s l o n s



Boy a n d .G i r l bed ro o m s in reor— Fronl k ilc h e n ' A u ia m o ttc w o sh e r — Beouliful oppoin tnS enls '

'“ Ih rcU ghou t” ' ---------------------------------- “ ------------------- -

T hat holdout against fem inine hyateru was Uie' barbershop quartet. Now that, too, ha t fallen.'

To males who have always considered tacred tn , emporium fUled with aavory odora of leaUier. liUieri and lotion.y and eouallr s.icred that indicator o f .



- r — A — ^

Was $7495

Convertible HardtopN O \ r


’ 5 0 ' H.P.- Jo h n io h M oto r ' T co -N ee T ra ile r 7 , . • •

• " W r $ 2 7 » S ~ ^ 2 5 5

) learn thtit the Soclttjs for-ih# PreservsUon and..................... ■ ■ r - a h o j r ^ r t f t ^ g r r i i r l t r = ^ t t = H E A D V —T O ‘-GO'— - •

M rs. Trader Horn Will Also Have Her Fomous RUM M AGE SALE!America has actually tnnctloned the appc.irance o f :

— o u r h o u s e s , o u r c a r s , o u r food freezers, ■ o u r p o w e r m o w e rs— a n d n e g le c t:;th e .very

f a c to r s t h a t - i n a k e a l l t h e s e th in g s posaiSle: i O u t b a s ic f re e d o m s . "

— O u r i n B te r l a tp r o s p e r i t y w o n 't Im press Mr.

K a t Red Rockt.re, of coune. golnB to Uie Rfd Rocti for the

«row. because' majes still dominate it and I t ' l l ' bound to be good. ' - . .

| - K h K f l r c h e « n i 7 ^ S„ a.'u.'’™'d e v o t i o n t o f r e e d g m c a n h o p e to. elbowing in.—Denver past, __________

SEED & FEED C O . T r u c k : to n c ._ tw in :F e l U

RE 3 - 1 3 7 3


TRADER HORN Trailer Sales4r2AddisonWest: , T W IN FALLS RE3-23SB'

Page 5: America Leads Drive in Death Trend Must -IXnited-Ito-i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF198/PDF/1959_09_07.pdfand Prance have oRrctd to resume their long-dead

M O N D a V . 3 E F T O M B E B 7 .1 0 5 3

J f o u t h C e n te i^Record Dance

Satui aya ^ hop 8 .iu rd .y wim

H l.n c l u b - -

*'*S)b O s lw '^n . lorm tily

on IhC lu»em*ry Klso h»s 'workttl with »ucli

^er»on»tlUn n Doris Day. Jeff h a n d le r . J«I Ccrey. Janel U IkH

* " m rln r* ih o ’ evealn* OiterbCfB will dw nonatritc >11 Uie 'eoofa" of Klevlslon on the YouUi Ccnlcr CT«n(l_pl»no. as well h tcaeh »uch d»ncc3 « Uie eh«-fhn. conga bunnyhop and sworil dance.

HIrWIsI'I of evening

ib li boy and slrl i^on>Md 10 serve m Hi-Fi m j IsU hu.for two weeks,-• -------------

Prizes durlnir lJie evenlns wlli Include 33 rccord -albums, pop

'coolers and Tree tlckeu to » T»'in Falls ihenler. Free pop »bo *111 b« Riven tway.

New recorda u lll be played Ihroughout the evening. The dunce «m be held from 8 only--^oimK''ters7iiii»ii.ij Ctnter or HI-FI club membership cards will be admitted,


Auotlier Labor Day WeefcEnd C a n c e r A tt a c k s A r c D iffe r e n t

I n E a c h N a tio n T h a t’s S t r u c k ,YORK, & pi. 1 (O PD —

eiiofilv aflfT police, v(,luntffr> and rrprr.iciii.-iti'

Kalians to AftenHI Tarley on SaTel?

Some puMlble cau*es of eiincer.: counf, jfeni lo Jump n.itioiuil

buund.irir^'' in (piie ot nniioiial' dillerfiit.ti. cwici-r a i a elusic du- f»u%e rar.is with iira rt aUmenU lu th r uofld.i srrnlf.M killer*

Sincr 1900 there has bcni nil

cjpiurtd Mf*. Au if.i' SniUh’* fMnpfd inuakrj. hrr liuabnitd. Edear. tiiinouncrtl lUc aniin.iluo i lor uJf.---------- - —

Sinllh Mid !ir had jum le iini. ecf Mi* uifr borrofted WS lo buy ■the niwikry. ^

,,,p TOAnO PAILS. Sept. 1 Ifl u77r rfitghleen-ltaltonrnlfiajil•nnr^nr - .ifrtp

[Tuesday aiid^WedMMajt ______national reactor teitlng tlaUon In eaalern Idaho: Tliry nlw *1U al-., tcnd-mcetingi jn idanaTuiu.—

Tlie Iiallans are member* of _ tpeclal cbmmlllM <j[ lu i j 'i N a- ,■ tional Aj.'oclilloii for CombuiUon L Coinroi. T7 e~ 'ommmc6' ^as o r - i j ' \ Kanlzed lo study tlie Mtcty a n d j* f economics ot nuclm plants, 3 '* " ^

visit here Is pan ol a

- K a y - K e n d a i l -

D i e ^ S u S i d ^

A t A g e o f 3 2LONDON. 5ept. 7 MV-Be»utlful

Kay Kendall, who row from a . chorus line U> stardom of film and

.^ a g f , died Sunday a t the age of

The enchanUnr.' lophlstlcalcd actreis never knew she had leu­kemia—caneer of the blood—which foak her ilt». S a l her actor Rex Marrlson, knew 11 when he married her two years-aKO.-----

"Darllnit. I Jove you very much," Mlu Kendall told Harrison before dhe slipped Into uncontclousnesa.•n fiT K iraeireu n ic :----------- ^

TTie Blender Engllsli beauty

-Sbahaxl.been In poor h«alth.<0r-2d Rionlhs, But KnrrUon. tu ir of the musical "My Pnlr Lady." told her up to th e last th a t she would

Dr. Cari Goldman. Miss Ken- laU’s lone-Uma physlciui, Mid

the ( ta r 's malady wos first dias-

Doctors, who knew Harrison planned to m a ir r M iu Kendall

-ar-won-Bff-tJe^inu-dlvorcKl'rrom hU previous wife, told the actor

___about the-lUn#M,--------------^ H a . ahouxd h e r gr«at-iov»Mind- affection," said Dr. OoWman. "No one could have been more wonder­ful m an Rex was to Kay."

Miss K endall waA bom I — ajrtaniL—Her-TftmllFHSa' - -

atrlcal history (rolns back four ftneratlons. She-becan her career In the London palladium chorus U'htn ih e was 13.

iPape:On Disagreement

llsh«I a while paper on Its border troubles w ith R ed Chln i showing Ihsi the disagreem ent between the tro nations Is broader than IndU csled earlier.

---- Th» OMUlBUlt iUVHjyoutlined the delerloratJn* rela- Ilona be tw ee n -th e two govem- tntnla by detam ng notes and olhcr comm unlfjiUnni hftgfjin Jfew

■Delhi and Pelplntr alnca the sign­ing of th e Indo-Chlneie coe*Ut- ence trea ty In 1PM, ,'R ed Chinese troops still an

Ileved to be holding aevetal -v,- tlons of Indian terrltw y selxed late In Augiut.

_Sem ces—Honor- - Former Resident■ -Puneral- aervlcei for .Robert W r-O eorce Peeler whd died Thursday!1 O "- ' » tf«_ lie ldI there Sunday.

Before h# left Twin FalU nine ■ y m i ago h e WOrkM fnr th . TH.h»'

—I'ower com pany.rH U -w lfe-ta-the

Due To The Fact That The—


-W os-aosed-SuBr-&-Mbn.-

We W iff Hiavi

= I0 3 0 U )e a d lin eTUESDAY M ORNING


^ Your Convenience


Page 6: America Leads Drive in Death Trend Must -IXnited-Ito-i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF198/PDF/1959_09_07.pdfand Prance have oRrctd to resume their long-dead

Berrtc* Obb« i i ' AboUUon o( proflu h u cUml'^ ----- n tU d -a i tn y —of—th t-U d u ilq u e if : ; kniwD In Ihe W «t u 'M rrlce."I : ' InveiUgkUoiU or c u i t o m e r fII ; • complalnli dUclMtd U iit Iirce de* I’ ! pirU nent «U>n« turned ««>y peo­

ple who w asltd sokp while' the <toret bud lu te •locks of toap In the ir c elltn . Apptrently none of

■the i t a r a ' govenwient employes ~Ured whether It wm said or not.

In Cottbui one dny rcccntJy, po> ts to u were on u le in only one ihop. I tiU In t city o( 6iM0. The communlit newip»per, •■Umllser R tm dtchau ' Inm U ttted u d dU-

' Uie“ cIly*^ply~K ia“ f6rjolUh” to order polBtoei.

B m W i i ~ S a i d “

L a s t H o p e o f

Id e n tific a tio n

J t only do so t u y *eome e«atii.*, 3iit t i i i j t r n teU cuitomen to

• u y Bwty.' 'ft Schneider In • lettCT to '

«npU ised tha t the o fA oife lnR oU dtm told :C tine buy your u o u g e

MONTPELIER, sept. 7 (H -H je l u t hope for Identlfylnc • badly decompoaed'body found In aoulh- east Idaho, coroner aaya, resU with the federal bureau of InraU* ra tion laboratory In Washington,D ,C .---------------------------------------

Coroner Nile Matthewa of Bear Lake, county aald M onday^e atlll b w n t-h ea rd -rrflm -tn s-T B T T 'lo which he sent flngerprlnU. taken xrom ihe body that w u found here SepU 2. . . . . H»-««ld'0friclal9 aro-Iricllned to

believe Uie body U tha t of Ffc. Wayne Siegel, a missing marine vhOM blood-drenched car

le t four pounds of a a u sa s t^ day And I need tha t for my regular cuataoers." - __________

l i i ' large E u l flerlih 'm'arkek, the m eat counter was- simply

. closed- down when the alrl who V lj^ ro fteaT iffiln a ifls lIed V sh 'o w u p

About ISO miles froitrhere. Siegel, J t . Ripley, Minn., was to have rc> ported for duty-Aug.-u-at Twenty-

- - • iJiUf.The sheriff of Bear Lake county,

Clifford Skinner. lald last ?rlday he-w aa-lialf-convlnced-lhe-body was th a t or a sUylng victim. But coroner T aB ltheK i^d he was.uHi Able-to-flnd-«-*UMhot-wound or

i , ; j “l^euea Deutschland” ’ complained, r ,] In BiAny East Berlin ahopi it

^illhuit>een-lmi»allila-tn-gft tmikAfter B O’clock In the.momlng.

0 Idea w hat c

b U. S. JNurse Has - r ^ ? o u n d ^ l u t io n r

any other Indication of foul pla: .................................. caused Ih

_ M at«iewi said the body anncnr- ed to be that ot a young man about six feet (all, who weighed about 180 pounds and had light brown hair and excellenl teeth. He tsid ha found only one fUUng la the

Mis&America— EauLffeatheriJs J it le -S o u g h t RuleOverNation

ATLANTIO CITY. N- J-, SCpL 7 TOPI>—M iO 'Am ^ca of iBWTHgnr «d In htre-today~but her.ldenU ty won't be known unUl Saturday night.

To Aid HospitalsLOS ANOEt£8 (UFI> - LogU-

o e n . auppllw and e<iulpment to the right-place a t the right tlm e-ls Al*o a problem In hospllAls but It ha< been aolred to A.great extent

:b y ■ • ^ * ^ t8 l M l ;h a q ) l u l

; 1 Ho^llAls. throughout the nation *■ ATO copying the methods of rira .

UATvartt Lee, auperrlsor of the llo u n t Blnal central aui^ly de.

Perhaps her moat lmporl*nt tn» aovatlon U * “w d la o cart" which eoDtalns equipment and druga-for t reatment ot emeneney heart

Ueat Is aslgned a n o m a t Stnal. c, ft oart U wheeled into the ; I n a d y for instant use.

. ..l lr f t . Lee alio has

----------------aha has lUlSBUtuled ■

f c M o ra iish aP

t n y i to the specUIcatlont of: U«ht-

Dubbidobber Is

LOS ANOELES (U PD -A lrcraft worker Barge Signer thinks every p a rt ..ln_a_pl(ma_sJimildjhiiTe - n«a» .

W hen he found a amnll b it of metal In North American Aviation's

r«keV pinne which didn't have one. It bothered him.

n o v the part, an.ess& tlal in the se a l ejection system although It's only an Inch long and costs only a d lm a ..U .kna»n -u ..a tlubbldobber.

Another worker asked signer how he happened to call the pa ri a dubbidobber.

"1 don 't know,” he aald. “but U Ju»t looked-llke a dubbidobber."


th u i chopplnf wata and ellmlna*tlo c lauaftT a n d «t«rlUutloD

i-p ro b U o u .------------ --------- ;

hFriends to Fete^

WASHINGTON (U PI)-M en get In to .fcw w ..Automobile.,Mcldenu than w onen, according to a new­ly published report by- the bureauof-publlo-roads.----------------- —

The report says the accident In- vo lranen t r*t« for female drivers

•ervlca U r ta d e n or tb a Tlmn>Nt««. U it ln o a n tamlsfaed by lta« lUUeo. Any errors o r cbangei tbouid be reported to tba etatloaitself aod not the TImei-Ncws.___ ______**** * * * *


iChaoAel 11) UUNUSX

ll» XUX'U*riM I'.ur i:««n ___________l:I9.Aai bibtraliM Dtair Tbomu <ll» n u t r Kb««i 0« t

Tt)_BO*l ______

iJO T»» Dolltr i«0 Loit< ej Uf«!I0 Sttnk (o> Tonsrreir i» OtiMlu Llitt_________

New York, Chicago and CAnada regisUred for the lim U oL tbe Miss Apietica pageant.

^ r - th « first time alnoo th e nag-I started in 1021, every

But this year. In honor of the

ka. all Ihe others Joined In.The program for the week In-

clud£s_Uie^anQual Miss America parBaB--of--noBU-fimhe A tlantic city board Talk on Tuesday night, three evenings of prcllr '

- „ . ‘“ lf f= w lili,^ p p y birthday'* to Mrs. J a , Annft.jiaiy.lUibertKin Mows, be t-

■ - t* r fcnewa-tfrprlBiltlw v U o lh u a l . I • y ftsU A* “Ortodma Moses.'’ shft Is '

l i . . .M n . Mase(..-who.gftlned fame >',« In the “golden yeara" of Ufa with


0 UMit, Tint « AnirUin Otn^iUnJ ..........................I KI»k~

<100 Morr MIUiiHa III Desilu U m rdi. N m il9 V/eoit Vaoi9*eUt

-- Rf4 8ktlUB Kjjj. Tu..

tiM f i t Bo<» ^

-By-uiThe nation said giodbye to sl

msr^Odly-wlth f i . 'w tl 'p le a s a n t Desther over most of the country ' A fCtf wlflely scattered showers were forecast near' Lake Superior In the southwest.AT\d In the Ouli

ocfurred in a narrow belt Irom Ala­bama across northern Qcorcla andm w viyilnla. SKIes-were'^Mr-------the rest of the country.

trfUes can tel :ih'e:sweeln«ss of-

tajta alike to tiuffian

auasUoned-lb*-baxiker.r^l£Clded_l(is 1 safe Institution, and opened sccount.

Virginia SchoolsBenson, to ^cout

Russian MarketsWAaniNOTON. Sept. 7 (U P li- ^ _

r -Ope^to^fegroes

Benson sold th e forthcoming trip was p a rt of a long range world agricullunU trade and market de­velopment program. Benson hss T n»d ffT m rA l-trlpaT o-ireu> ljee there were opportunlUes to develop maikels rur U. S . farm products. These Included aouthem Europe. South America, Japan , SoutheutAsia, and th e Middle g ast.----------

•rne visit to the Soviet Ttoloa 1» _ courtesy trip ln..respoaso to an Invitation exteiidetf In 18S7 by Vladimir MaUkevich. Itusslan niln* b ter or agriculture. Matskevlch

lUCHMOND, V a- Sept. 7 (UPI - P w r Virginia localities reluc- Untly open the doors of their white schooU to Negro children tomor-

Fcr Ib-o, Front noyol and Char­lottesville, It wlU be the first time.Norfeik-and-Ale«ftndrtoi-oo*m8poll..tan .ctn ters with federal goverar- ment employa making up a large part of their populaUon. began token rac e-m lx l^ last Februan'- —All-four bowed- to IntegraUon tmly-ifwr loslai ba lU es'Jn 'ftderar court.


Community Farm Bureau will

sgrleultural- group toured the t


for U , S. farm j ^ u c t s . " Benson said. "Tride In agricultural prjd- ucta-glll hi» nn« nf n^ .prlma.^ In. te resu tliroughout the trip,"

. . ACTOR PASSES ■HOLLYWOOD; Sept. 7 (it^-Ed.

m und Owenn. M, a veteran of cO years on the stage and screen, died Sunday. He won an Acadtmy award In the 1847 fUm 'T h e Mira­cle o f 31th B tretl.-

PAUL K'S» e r » ic e ;

IN BACE OF UOON'B Twin Fall* RE 3 -2 2 6 0

F iler DA 6 - 4 3 0 0



_____ LAST 2 DAYSJnnWimiE JMuiam Holden

T t X V W ltilA M S

Veannie 99

AND_HER pals:

A l l r ^ E K


Clip This Check, Cash It!■CACTUS PETE'S SAND BANK OF THE DESERTJsckpot, Nevada, W e d n ^ y , Sepi, t


Page 7: America Leads Drive in Death Trend Must -IXnited-Ito-i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF198/PDF/1959_09_07.pdfand Prance have oRrctd to resume their long-dead


:^e c u r i i ^ i^ e e d -C ou gm ^ f a k e M a )o r4 ^a g H e T it^^ e n w ^ i iH s 'R e m in ^ Italian Apartment Is Tou^li

K O U K -K you »rr tim l of your Rlvfr I'o, «nd prlii■ V 10 m»kc It more suitable

fur n Mifc show t lia ii'»n asriil'ii „ cost pockft. _• ^ ' •

II U'll sritlrn b>- « lahdlora, for

CAPE CANAVERAU Fl».. Sfpl, 1 l^ -T he m tl launching

‘ combtt-rfadv AII.kfor WcflncadaynC Vaudm.

fonn«d jourcM here report.I f tjip Miol la iiuccfuJul. the . U i U U i L & i t l u a l l l i M v e l u f i r t l I

opmtlon*! bUlGllIcTnlunrcip^ [

iConriterftiFBillr Reported in East

' Allhenib •eak in nomtten, the Seourll; Seed Coacars walked off'' Inc froid left are Cecil Wllien, K arl Klelnkopf, Kd Tarlcr and Pat «)lb the ehtmplonthip of the M ajor leaKne. the b l(h eit lcarue-1n— K re p d k .-Ja back row.&rt-WenddI U n j , Mike Kreptlk, Del SU rr tb* Itoe*-N'ewi.cHy recreaUon iponiored Knothole Jeane . K a« l- M d lU ro ld U o n i. (Staff phDlo.u>m»lHf) -

Vitaraip P ^ s Win in Gii-ls’ Softball Division

— bushel— i B E A R S :.x 3 ^ ^ b u s h e l_ 3 . 4 S ^


for Tuesday and Wednesday

P E A C H t Sand PEARS

FOR CANNINGTree Ripened Eiberta


IMINIT^TEAKS^FRESH LEAN------------------ ~ ~ -----------------------------------------------


The itron t Ptnnjrwlia Vitamin PilU whipped th roufti' tba Glrli’ J a n e t MacArthur and 6aodr» ^Tii«on. In back row are Bcck Grand*wrtbatl dIrUIon of the Tlrnei-N cw s-CU yTt^mtlon ipooiored Knot- J u n . Mat; Jane C randall.'Jean A nn Smith. U nda-Pond, K a trhole le a n e ln undereatcd fathlon th i i lum m er. Kneellnr from left B rK kenrtd(crO riIIU rR oairTD d'F*nl» 'B aodr. Kot pleiured It Anno~

Karen JllkeU. WAnlU M amelll. K athryn Wride, TeoUe OUo. Fell. (Staff pholo»eBit»tint> - ............. - ..........

Appointment for l^'BuiitMah-NdtJed

BUIIL. Sept. 7-Andrcw Stall- rfcelvffl the crnnd

Tluirsdty cveninc to open (he m

•A ,jiPwnltLt«r, wfts received fmm Mrs. Eraift Ataulc. BoLie, worthy

- tiiU ii .rnalron. X cU cra_iierc_icai ‘'"•Kills the locol chaptcr to vlill nil FTKndshlp nlRln of Jerome clinpifr N'o. 6t. 8rpt, IS. nnd from Ijwiii h',i[h chnpter No, 30 for'Sepl~

. n ip nllnr om drnpcri for two _P;.si i;m iid_inatrcii:._Mri_NQra

nmke. Cnldwcll. nnd Mrs, Bul« “ M.il'jup. T iln 'F fllU . Mtmbcf* who

• iir'iiflNi Bnvnd clinptcr a i Poca- Icllo Rrtve their rtporu. They In- cIiKlrd Mr;.8Jid'Mra, Andrew Slall-

Mrs. .M .’niomnn- '" i', Mrs, Edw&rd Hartman. Mr*. C.iri iioland. Mm. Charle* Lunte. Mro.. WllUam Lamm«r>-am>-Mr».


re a d t im e s -new s w a n t -a d s !

Parking Fines- P o 8l l n B - l l —oyerUrae-parklns bonds w ith Twin PalU police Sot- urclay nnd Simdl

Conrad Installed =^FoFBuhl-Scfiool

DUllL. 'sept. 7-Joe Ed ConrwS a.vifBtBitca'-iis iau-im iii l n f ?e-

Btudenl body at Duhl

Going to SchoolVIEW. Sept. 7—aiiaron Warren.

dsuirh{cr-of-Mr. wW^Mnt.-Albert E. Warren, will leave Sept. 20 to enroll in the eollese of nursing at BrlBham Youns unlretjlty. ;—

M r. and Mm, Wllden Moffett Id w n apent the week-end with

hlA pM-cnU. Mr. and Mrs, Darld Morfell^---------------------------- --------

8erReftnt-at-nrms. Sthstor* Include Herachel Bennett. Cherry Jones imd-Btmnie-piirrotl.~wnlor elma; Jimmy Daloe. Jerry Wray and Ray Peler&on, Junior clau; Robert Bo-

Olher student body officers in- AtAlled ore Warren Dowd, vice president: Mary Jo Uirsen, aecre- Urjritrtaaurer tuid DouRlni W iiko;

Dor. Polty I r> nfid Judy Love.M ISS.M U aEL,

Prcenian. Xrcshmcm cIum.

Anierlcn'B first pmctlcal gas- oUne nutomobllo was bultl by Uie Durj-eft brothers In 1893 In BnrlnB- neid.” MMir----------- — . ■

aCfXREAM ^_ /'M lS S ..M U F F E T I!-O V E N .F R E S H . _________


Philosophy from comedian 'W; C, PlelOs: " I t Is never iunny to break anythlns. i t Is only funny to bend th ln j#.-


-N lBhl_thono-RE_3.I0374

= e s f N ' S r


. In c lu d in g

= = = = H E ^ R S ^ W ) l ? r a P l B ™

THE NEW DELICIOUS BRB^KFAST DRINK • iTrll’iB'Niiw Exim Luiije-Fam tly-S lze~Jgr^

....Rental Purchase-Rian-------------" S ee US BEFORE Y O U BUY

^H om e “of

. ^ H a m m o n d O r g a n a

I^MUSIC CENTER_____221 M ninU E iu t-

Page 8: America Leads Drive in Death Trend Must -IXnited-Ito-i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF198/PDF/1959_09_07.pdfand Prance have oRrctd to resume their long-dead

MONDAV, SEPTEJfflER 7, I s a '

|u)__MaryJ_esteiiandj_—Drjnai'd Srand lee , Vows Exchanged

BOISE. S e p t 7-M »ry D orlhci Jd le r , daughter of Mr. and U ri.

- W. T. Jc»l«r. bec*me the bride of Donald Harold SUndIe«. ton of

—ltm n d -M n r - H 8 re ld - 6 ta n d le e i Twin m u , In • rccent ceremony a t the WrlB>>t Community church here. Tlie Hev. H. H. D «ker offi­ciated for Uie nuptial r i l a ^ u g .

TSffbrWrcJio** a so»5~o/while “ *a{ln an< f^«e. I t 7*»hJoned

with K'prlnceM bodice with ap--pllque<l-lao»-nowor>-aUtht-neck<lino and a full-length ovcr»klrl of

'lace with a panel of satin down the front. A m other-of.pearttlftnl

-held her fingertip veil in place. Bhe carried .a .bcuquc l of Carol Ambltnj n » e i, Jtephanotl* and sadlna.

M n. Ben-Chlchf*t«r. Baker*- field. Calif., wai matron or honor lo r her tU U r. Nadine Talbol w u

1... .

------ eanaieliijilers,-------------

Held In-BurleyDUBLCy. Sept. 1 ~~ A ipeclal

Initiation meeting wai held by Ruth Rebekah lodRe, No. 107 Thursday evenlns at the lO O F hail. Three candidate* each from Burley and Albion were initiated, Mrs. JCM Anderwin. noble grand.

Announcement was made th a t the I lr tt regular fall meeting will bfl held Thursday. All member# a re urged to attend, A potluck din- scr-iw lU -be-seryed. a t-fi:30-{un . fflUi the re ru ia r a ie tm g tU fU ag a t 8 pin.

JU freihm entd were icrved in the 'dining rdom ljy Mrs, Cecil T ohtr, M rj, Robert Southern, M n. Bertha Mayhugh and M n . Lewis Frey- mlller; Forty-two attended from Burley and *lx from Albion.

Maid or honor. Saundra Mac W altoo.;ftlatcr-o(-tht bride, wore pink net over ta tln , with lace draped ov en ilr l and flounce ol net. Her c«r»age wo*.pf orchid car­nations.

Brldesniolda were Carolyn John- >n In »e* green crystalllne-wlth reen cummerbund and Loah Nel- >n gowned In a green sheath with

inalcliltig cummer6niidrEatn*wore a corsage of.p ink and white car­nations.

The motron of honor, Mr*. Wll' bu r 'W altcn . c h o u 'a Ua1 blue dreaamaker-«u 11 - an d - a - corufi e - oi pfni: and white camaUons.

Best man was Dean Lofthftu-^e. TetonI#, ■ nephew of the bride­groom. Uihcrs were Jamcfl Peitln- gltl, Larry. Pettlnglll, Bruce Tlio- m'oMn'and Mlckl# Poskett, all Je-

Work Meet SetaHOSHONE. Sept. 7 -A n all-day

work ineeUng will be held by tlie Rgiief

Plan* for_the e w i t were in a d r a l a meeting U bnday night a t the church.

Ben Chichester, Kim PIttpatnck,. I Robert Prabert, W. Wayne Con-

—I;____rad-Bobert-Ii^JitgD CLJnA -SlK ct f^ ^ e o o r r a i c i t u uuiersr

At th« recepUon cake was cu tI - . . ------.*nd-aerved.hy. M ra.-A .Ji^Um dley,

assisted by Mrs. Robert Stanton. Punch was poured by Mrs. Vlrglt Kennedy and'U rt.-D onald-Skarie. . Ouesta from out-of-town -In-

and family. Mr. and Mrs. i ____Kuka. Mr. and Mra. K . L. Standlee,

^ p a re n ta ot the bridegroom. Mr. antt Mrs. A. t , S Q iB Ie y ^ d lam - lly, Mr. and Mrs. James E. s ta n d -

Mr! and Mrs. Charles Standiey, ' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Standiey. Mrs.

Hasel F ltipatrlck. Mrs. Herb Boat- ngM and Mrs. Bari Boatrlghi, jtli

Also attending were Mr. and Mrs. Jam ea PItspatrlck. Pocatello;

-M r. «nd-M r». Paul-Baneroft and W anda' Bancroft, ail Sheihone! Mr. and Mrs. Ihiane Sharp, Buhl; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Brown, ail

Mariqn M artin Pattern

Nampa: Mr. and Mra. Bill Brown, ,Cal(lw«a;_M r,_and. M n, Donald Brown. Meridian, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lance. Idaho Palls. - A f te r a wedding trip to L ai Vegaa and northern CaUIomla the


-F o r her daughter's wedding Mrs. W alton chose a blue two-plcce faille drtM and wore an orchid cor- na tlon corsage. The brldtKTOom's m other selected a floral print Jer­sey. Her coruvge was pink and w hite caroatlons.

w hite dolted.nyion and canyinB.a bosket of white asters, was liowcr ^ girl. Jesse Cleveriey was rlng-

Immedlatcly a f ^ r the ceremony reception was held In the recre-


The cake wm topped w |th a minia­ture bridal couple under an arch­way entwined with white rlljbon and flowfra- I t wm n ^Itt to the couple from Mr.’ and Mrs. Millard Tocne, Salt Lake City, Scrvlns were Mrs. Allan O. Johnson. Mrs. Dorothy Nelson, Mrs. Lauren Shav­er. Oobdlng, and Mra.~ Leona aeorge.-Jeroin

DJ/uja Jo n « received the sllli. o u t bearers were small Lori Nel­son. Candle jo n « , Crain -HoMcy and K ent W emutrom.-OUt* were arronsed by Nadtne Cheney and Nbra Howard. NonI Toone. 8ait U ke City, and Linda NeLwn were in charge of the cucat book.

Everett Cox. Wendcil. was ter of ceremonies for a, procram wl;Ich Included a vocal duct by Lori and Lynda Kelson with Nora Howard as accomponlat, A . piano


Clarence Wells .and Mrs. Everett Cox. Wendell, la charge of decor- allon*.";

T he brlde'< table w aj centered w ith a three-Uered white wedding c a i» decorated w ith awans.'clusters o f . belU and pala pink roeebuds.

— G q r e - o f T Y e u r - C h l ld f e n -B y -A N G E L 0 ..P A IR 1 _

Once upon a time. Labor day depend .’ Reasonableness, t h a t ...................- •• --------- - *- while prelecting children allows

them growth In character, stature, applied Intellisence.

erally exploited. The labor unions changed ..all th a t so American workers, men and-w omen,.ar«-the best paid workers and enjoy the best living ooodlUons to be found anywhere. T h a t is as It should be.T he worker* carry the

The couple will make tHelr home a t Washington. D.C.. where Uie brldcsroora will nttend.the.Qeorse Washington— unlversJly— medical school. -He was graduated thU spring-from-Brigham-Young-UAl- verslty, Provo, afU r completing fire year pre-medical couroe. - -

I h e new tirlde Is .a 1958 gradu­ate of Ooodlng high school and at-le5aea:B Y TriM lycar.“ - - '------- --

O ut-oN tom guests Included Mrs. W. C. • Lyman. Thornton.

~7EROM E^K »lfax-Norl3riJ«lle?! Auxiliary Patrloch Militant/- will m eet a t 8 p . m. Wednuday a t the Jerom e O dd F ellow h»U.

* * *-BU H L—MoCoUum Club wlU m’eet

W cdnesday-at-the-hom e of &ln. Henry Egglesibn with Mrs. Cl>deMcrccr assisting hosiew r**^ __

.........B O lfi^H om o- Culture club will

meet a t 1:15 p in . Friday for luncheon a t the home of Mrs. Oor- dan Van Ostran. .As. isiinR wlli bt .Mrs. Donald Hmtoii ■and—Mr*. Marie Latham . Yearbooks will be distributed.

R rCrFnlt-wlth-M rs.-D onaid Hus­ton and-M ra. Travis Brodrero a»- BlsUnR. Plans will be mode for the official visit Sept. 31 of Mn.W TM nituntltonrtiuefn:-----------

♦ ¥ *L etter Curriers auxiliary wlli

njeeL:ai;B;pjn:-pridAy;ic;U}E:hDmB of Mrs. Carl Putiler.__________ .¥__ ¥ ¥________ L

Past Noble Grandf club will m eet aC .fi-p m -Z h u n d o y ^ at the home of Mrs, 01>'nn Smith. 1935 Slgrld avenue, for a program on achool days. AU past noble grimilj


Reception Fetes , Couple Married

I r T T p m p l e R i t e S

Buin- s'pc:’-* vi!“5 Sicepuon » a held U i‘ “ ‘5LD3 recreaUon bill In Mr. and Mra. Keith Larson. TJe couple was married in J dou^e ring ccrewony^peflorwed by Pr«l--drot-W illiam ■KtipatM Aus- » the Idaho Falls U>S temple.

The new M n.' U r^JU . „ mer Coyis Lalilu, daughter r i Mr. and Mrs. John Lalilis, Buhl, ind Liriion U the son of Mr. ‘ O'* ^ E irl Larion; Salmon. In idttiUM to the bridegroom's parenis, tne cmipte‘ 'U f4corted-to-the.t*“>P*e - by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Uraen. Salmon' M r-and U rt. A1 Morsan, PiovoT mT. and Mrs. William U r , aon. Pocatello, and Mr. snd Dfsn K nuh t. Idaho Fails. A r - ding, breakfast foilo»rd the c mony a t the homeof Mr.-t-*

For the reception a f th e local church the new Mr». Urson wore her floor-lensih bridal 80»n ol white silk organta. Tlie dress fashioned In prlnces-i style lea-

caded Jacltet also was worn which featured long illy point sleevo and was accented with pesrl but. tons down the back.

Her fingertip veil of brides 11- lU»Ion-was cnu«ht tn a ttsra ol

P •br'o£adi?d-lae<-acctnted-with-8e«lpearls. The entire bridal ensemble

led pink delphinium, trimmed with a pink net bow. seed pearls and pink satin streamers.

Mrs.‘Oean Knlglit. sister of the bride, scned as matron o/ honor and chose a pink gown fashioned aner-the-brtde-s.-B he carrt«d_a boUQuet of pink and while baby aster* Ulmmed with lace and white satin streamers. Maxine Pool.- Provo, served o» a brides- mtild_.Blie wort a pinle polished cotton jthealh dreis and auo car­ried tt~Muauet or p in t and-«hlle bsljy a.iters.■-Tor the reception’. Mrr. Loiliss chojc a black street-lencth dreu. occented wlUi. uhltc polka do» and white accessories. Mrs. Larson wore a blue dreu with white ac- c csso r iti^ B a tli_ ^ 'o rt_ P ‘n>! _*o4 white carnation corsaces.

A1 Morgan. Proro. served ion. John Laill.u and Vernon

Lalilss, both brothers of tlie bride, sen'cd as ushers. Docksround music lltroughaut the receptiori

Dee^LailluT the brjde's brother.Approximntely 250 persons't

tended the reception. Tbe bride's lable. -K tta_covU £d_ffiai_a_la.« tablecloth and centered viih a three tiered white weddlne cake.

itc d ^ -p ln k -a n d


flanktdcake. Baskets of gladioli and rla- nla also tfecoratcd ilie halJ.

The bride- cut and served the coke to the Immediate family. Jeon Cox. Viola Baggett and Ar- lene Brown cut and served inc cake for suosu . Ouesta were KBt- ed I t quarte t tables which wereiovercd-wlth-whtte mblecloUi»J>aicentered with vosea of rosebuds. Serving were Pot Henderaon, Nancy Roberts. Eileen phllllps, Nelda Hitchcock. Judy Baggett. Pauline- Sm elU e.-M arie.-Y oung. Joyce Cox, KoChy C/iandlcr and Sandra O stle r .-S h irley .Larson, Ihe brldegroom’ifiister. had charge of the guest book. Phyllis Larson, also Uie brldegroom-s sister, ond Rlcke Shannon, opened and dla- piayed the glfuv

Ader a short wedding trip tliroujii“ Yellowstone - n a t i o n a l park, they ore a t home a t 180 Norili second east. Provo.

The bride *aa graduated from Buhl hiRh school In 1051. She a t-

.. tended Brighain Young university ; ( irmjoMnfHn-elemea

gmdunling 'AUg. 21'.“ Theliridegnwm - l e r T t d - t w oyears In the ‘armed services and completed a two-yea r LDS mis­sion to tlie eastern s lK lc S n irw Ill be a senior this year a t BYU and Mrs.-Larson J 'tli-scrve-aa-T ccep- l!aBi5t=rof-T»rofcs8or=Almtt-KlnR.—

Out-of-to»-n gueata were Mrs,

Hdgerman Donee Honors Freshmen

HAar/yHAN, Sepl. 7 - nen of the llagermon tiifth tchooi Mre guests to the hish school ir.a Juijior high a t the lin t dance « the loll tftm a t the gynuuiium

I lost week.Keiih Crist, newly elected licjh-

the dance assisted by A1 O lanql advbor. and other clau o l l i ^ - John Anderson, LaNona and Shirley Miller. .

n t s i c F ETTVRtnKAZELTON, Sept. 7 - Mr. tsf

Mrs. Bam Hammer ond (lij, Spokane. Woah, were hturrt recently by Mr. and Mrs, fny Cosey. Mr. and M n. Junior Uu. tin and Mr.'and Mrs. Theo and their families a t the Iluj« city park with a family picnic.

Harriet Hutchison, Logan, Dai. the bride's grandmother; Mr. 1:1) Mrs. William Hayword. Ruptn. the bridegroom's grandparoa;

•njclma PapehluiaTBi Leon Hutchison, Jerome: Mr. u i , Mrs. Al Morgan. Provo; Mr. i« w jn je a m c n iR n n a a h o -n r iT ' and Mr. ond Mrs. Williara Lirvx. Eotttello—Otlicr-gucjti.wcreJrcs- Cuhl.-Tgln-Falis.-Burley.-Poeaitit- lo and Salmon.

Page 9: America Leads Drive in Death Trend Must -IXnited-Ito-i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF198/PDF/1959_09_07.pdfand Prance have oRrctd to resume their long-dead


g^mende^oraian Battle^ Brown^0n#HoieiFor~tiead as4^alley^olf—-rQM-Ant4Gs4n l i ^ n e y C o n < S d S f c d a y r F o c ^ b S T X e a g u e• P o c a le l iy y B o b -ATncn d c r

n t T lif A*«X'l»t«d T f f ' ;______J n r n n ’ J im m y B n n v n , w h o fipcn t mm-li o f h is < im c i a s l

.season i - a in r t i n g in <‘iu‘m y t e r r i to r y w liile H cttint; it N u -T«X rfTip"^'ttlcd In to a s h a r e o f t h e lead Sum lfly »f th e T im o s -N c w a .M a g ic V ullcy ji..... _................................. .. ......... ...... ................ ..t tu T s o l f to u m o m c n t'.-T h e p a i r , w i l t i a t le a s t 11 o tlic r s y a p p in if Ht th e i r h c e b , bi'i;aH(ftional Foo tb iil! IcaKUi* re c o rd o f 1,527 vjini.-i jraincii in o n e t S f f i n a l d f l y o f t h e to u r n a m e n t t h i s m orn ing . A m ende, w h o s t a r t e d th e d a y f iv e stn)kc‘sj.-;ea.soii. i. u p to lii.s old aiitic.'*. C on la incd w liilu C le v e la n d i i ^ i n d th e pace , t o r tu r e d th e f i r s t n ine h o lw o f pl;iy S u n d a y f o r a fo u r-u n d cr-p a i- liO ^lrojjped th r e e Kuccu.ssivc e x h ib itio n s . UrdWti f o u n d h isbut th en relaxed on t h e b a c k : ; : s c r ip t S u tu rd u y a n d s c o re dsid e to c o m c in tw Q o v e r p a r ,5 ' ...v^ *in,i n .-

■t-HK.AGO. S o i> tr7 (/TlPirA K ily n a m c a T u c E c ! ‘to 3 a y s to ic t h e I’u n - A m c r ic a n show j ' f ro m th e b r illia n t sw im m e r { 'h n .s V on S n ltza .a iid t h e c ru s h in tr U n ite d S ta te .i te am a s V Olh e -t4 itr r H r e r ilc n r ^ ie n u flp h m t-h r « m t^ io g c d -H th r in r T n iir l* n d c T !b = tiC a tr D 5 W T iJ a ie ir ^ V ^M a rid n , In d .— w ound u p w ith 11 n iedal.s— nine Kold a n d tw o s i l v e r — in r if le sh o o tin s " m u c h to th e H urprise o f c — ............................ ■' ■ • • • — • - ............................

■ j^ w m a n , w ho tie d w i th D r . lo h n 'S . C hu rch , G oodinf?, in u,e r in t day. m w l to * Ittree- oief-pftT 11. Dr. caurch »bo hnd hu troublu ty liw Lowmwj

TOcltet«l to B ^->-7iv^wfty

niMt. Dr. Church won lhe groM *io-m ia eltailti»Uon derty wcond*

»d by O m t SlaimoM with RoBb fifliltn Ujlnl. W. a iSpla) P a d tird .


Meanwhile, the chmnploiuhlp br{an lo btcome cnuded am ans Uift lop te v placM. After the llrs t

*1* pUyers were grouped Jn lh« rirrt thrte plaeu. By nlghU all Sunday. 10 were w ithin

t«’o ttrokes ttunne the day to creep within two WroltM ot the lead. ■HKl with them tt’ere Ro»?b Sm ith. ,h o JMt II »trokr; Jim SincIiUr, wtio-held liU .cround. and Dr.

- Ohttfth. who dropped two Btrokea. All had H0«.

Ml were Mac Nelber, Burley. -»nd Tom Olson. • while - d u t i e s

Pirti. Burley, u id Ed FVitz. who . knoeifd off iwo etrekes, had M2*,

j . }>»yne nnd T . Carter were tied »{ »3 and Dick Owen, Oary Pord. Lynn Hansen and Ed H arper, cheeked In at 144.


£ li ic a s o ^

While the periplraUon li wiped off hi* brow.-Bratll’i Wencealau-.Malla,-center, 1« concratuUted a fte r v lnn ta r the modem pentathlon In the ran>Atnerlean tam et In Cblcaco. He chalked a total ot 0 3 8 potnta. Left li V. B. A.’* Lealle D leamaiUr, w hi wa« third with'4,311 polaU, and a t rl{bt li Georce

Hammond and B i e d g ^ ^ J E Q r _

Tennis Ci-o%m_

T he flr^t fUsht h'ad a new lead- ■-tr.ln .B,.K..(Dut>)-W hHahead. r e - =plaeini;-aair.:filinmons.-wbo-ran

into pultlnc tnwbit and aUed to an BO; Whitehead put tOBether hU

,*eeond atralght *coro of 73 - to- iu w o n - i i - i « - w u i- w i tn “ nw ooa

Masoner. who was three strokes off the pace Solurday night, plclcing

— •tiro'5tr«enaiiiantr endsanTe dty on« stroke out. Simmons, thanks to hU 89 on opening day.

lowing D. McCaadless and Don Hulbett. who mored Into third to o t with Ha: — ^

F i^ cona Is Trying.Hard to4 in=teads“

Dy The A»w>clal«d F r M. .T h e s ta t i s t ic s sh o w i t i s v i r t n n l l y im p o ss ib le f o r h im to

w in 't b o A m e ric an le a g u e b a t t i n g t i t l e . T h e s ta n d in g s show h i s t e a m h as 'B bou t th e s a m e c h a n c e o f o ve rta lting -C h icn ffo fo n ir r p e n n f tn fY c tT I to F r f tW c o n f f ’h ftan'tT rlvB inipn i'yln? to a c c o m p lish b o th . T h a n k s t o F r a n c o n a a n d th r e e o th e r

In d itv n s— V ic P Q «£r» W oodie

Nfck Moss, two strokes behind startlnc the day, erased those and added miother to con liirt ihirH iiiKut leaa a t 163. K, CMlUnone, Burley, waa two, atiokia. back, la

f k o n d place whUe J, LcMoync, n . fWeed,-«nd K. Hofrman-Ued for

third with IM. n . Sander had 168, £. Bell, n i : L. McDown, 172, and 0 . Otfreiuuii. iTtr

Other scores were Clyde H unter, oy Olku!, and Tom Punkhauser. 11IM; lU y Voyce, W. Wllde. PhD IcBobert* and R, Crockett, all

- i s i : B .-Jones-and-JncrB iU dM n; 1&2; O. liirten. Sherm Williams and Elll* Arnold, all IM. and Jerry.Caa«r;jM _____ . . - . . i

0»ry U ru n . Ooodlnir, sU y« t In Uie lead for second fllffht honore deiplte ft lo-over par 78jtu® inB . ■nie Goodinjr man owed his lentf

Ntlbu, Burley, and Von rfopklns. Buhl, moved up to pu t the prefix sure en,-holding second one stroke back a t 151. Paul EUedge and Jo h n Allen, who held second Saturday

_Wsht. eUyed In contention with -ISS-nnaAV.-s.-Pndford ftndl3uTne

6en>a were tied for fourth a t 153.Other scona were J. Davis, Ken

iJcCTaln. o . Henderaon and John n a tt. all 155: Leroy Klentle. ISO: Verl Mecham, 159: P. Walt*, 101,

ib o rsH a f a u T E f lo r tTo Bag Winto? Ale* OlmedB. the usually In- .luiitaU a-lnca, as-he labortd-w lth

_nia IcnnU and hU ttm p er-ln -a r-e ifo r t- to -c a p tu m h 8 -u rs .“ axna'

leiir tennis crown.reccnt- helped

lose ihe Oav^ cup. to -Australia ^ P l u r e hi*

loucli as he led the way Into the hlrd round. But he was having

J y t a» much trouble with his "nlUtlJlLV ' " '—w is t ." ? ’'*-

3 lm bl«don-ch»m plon-raouu<rfu: rioualy a t Uie , - • ■

luoui 1 ...................._ — -.V, veterftQ-Herble Plam .

u id sc o w lln e rh e 0 " r IJie one-

from Pasadena. ^ n in rm ip in m o

easy, a* Olmo-

150 GoBeisExpected at Boise-Touriiey

BOISE. Sept. ^ ( im )-S o m e 150 Rolfcn from .NQrlhw:sL stales arc. cxpccwit to be atlraeted for-the Idaho sla te open golf tournament w hich s ta rts Thursday a t Boise.- HUlcrest country club pro Arnold H aneke said today that already i

Norihwcaiho s t, of Uie -------- ----------top-fllgh t golfers have entered the tournam ent.

Among these are Al Feldman, Tacoma, Wash., the 1957 Northwest O pen tltllst. and Joe Greer. Yak* Jma.-WflSlL; Pacific NorthwjstPOA cham p. Others' fnclude D ie IT K ram er. Balt Lake City, the 1051 Idaho O pen champ: Harold West. Longvlett’. Wash:, former North­west Open. Northwest PGA and Oregon, Washington and Utah

,-and-Cllfr*W hltUe,


H e ld a n d J im G ra h t— th e In* , d ia n s a r e s t i l l b r e a th in g to» | gd a y a l th o u g h they“ a r e and one-ha!f games behind J W hite Sox with only 20 games to play.

J3ilfl.quartet was reaponslblc-forCleveland's 2-1 triumph Sunday. It* second stralRht one-run dec!- .-ilon over Chicago. Had the Indians lost, th o a i- ig ft tu ry ■a.-niilrt hnvn dropped eight and one-half lengths behind to certain extinction.

Blanked by D ic k Donovan through clcht Innings, Cleveland

BengaTBoos^ tJroup tFMeet— MBgic-vnitcrBennat-tsndiren' dub-wm ccadiictjts tinai meet.- Ing of the year a t 8 p. m. Tues* f la y a t the iwgerson hotel;

Reports on recent happenings a t Idaho State college win be given and actlvlUts for the year wUl be outlined.

"An UjO aiumni ana irlends' of the school aro urged 'to at* tend.

the ntnlU to anatch the same of th e fire. Poiver drove In both

w ith a two-base h it but It was Prnncoaa. who Ignited the winning thrust, with a one-out single. Ills third of thrgam e. After Rocky-Cola»lto-beeamenhciccond out, H eld kept the rally aUve with

single, setting up Power's game- w lnnlng blow.

D etroit took undisputed posses­sion or th ird place, nipping Kansas City 7-Q. .Baltlmnre.drapticdJiew Y ort Into fourth place, beaUng the Yankees S-4 and Boston edged out W ashington 2-1.-

^loner-EmesV-Or-Gnuwp-rapoit*—th«- secosd test, a closed boat, ex* am lnatlon, will b« given.

Also alated aro lectures on the mechanics of otflelatlng. which will be presented by the ret* enm referees.

Idahoan Is on Winning Team

CHXCAQO. Sept. 7 tf t-A n Ida-TTSJlh"crew sw hich won one of the 2.000- m tt f rT f lc tr t f tiiB-pm


n«llimof» Doa(ai) . ___

BOWLS 290 ' 1 BOISE. Sept. '7 (UPI) — A IS*

year*old-Bolse'bowler'rolled-a-290 game hero last night In the Boise Bowling center. Phil ^ l l t o g m isscit^B 'T Jnm ber’ ttireB bln In the first fram e .andJlien .ro llcd Jl stra igh t strikes. T he bowling center

, manaecr. Emerson Maxson, said 7 the youngster's score was tlie hlgh- j est rolled by a Junior In Boise in

the p a st five years.

Begin Todayi t c a ia w ir ^

CALDWELL, Sept. 7 (UPI» ~

Boise, nnd medalist Don Dunean, Caldwell; and Uie father-son com­bination o f- George and Mike Sweet, Parma, teed off todny in the ................. 'u r t h e'amateur Labor day golf tourna­ment.

The semifinals began a t 0:30 ijn. The finals were scheduled to

start n t 1:45 this afternoon.. Carter downed Dei Jones, . . weir. 4-3~IirUie qunrlernnals yea- terday. They were even a t the end of nine holes bu t Carter began to pull away and won the il . 12 and 13 holes as he moved out in front to stay.—C arter-and Jones both-carded 33s on the first nine and Carter finished with a one-under par 07,

ha d -tn fIghLthe way as Jio hedged Bud Hlck-

. onc-VQ.on the Ifith hole. Drni: finally caught up w-lth Hlck- on lhB 17tn hole and tied the

count after trallng by holes most o f the way.

b e a tjr e d Strlngfleld. Cal^ e l l 4-3.

sadafflrNagleF Meet in Finals

tournament. , __________________6foadard”wlilpped Ken Evans of

PaJm -Sprlags..cW T 6 and -4 Sun­day in-a semifinal. Nagler took Phil Stanton of Spokane by the tame score.■ TWay* final m atch will be 38 holes.

V w o - t u i i c h d o w n s n a t h e U rown.s won th e i r f i r s t p re- s e a so n Kaino by c d t:ii:g JvOS A ngele.s ii7-2-li

Poundii;iT tip ihe middle sweeping the finiilts. Brown rolled

I79oMliTrnnptromnf-KToUiiii-'Tiic lonricr Syracuse All-Ameriea avernKCd 81 yard.1 a cnrry Jnr-22 txlcK of the Ram drlrnse.

In ocher eamcj. the undefeated Chicn;;o lirars rolled to tlieir fourth vtctooT ihumpintr-W nsn-rv.T.-

MOSCOW. Sept. 7 tfV-Tlie, Uni­versity ol lilaho football team Inunclied a week ol' twlce-a>day practice sesMons today; as cm J . Neal (6kipi Stuhlry talked A..flcU c iul auaCefiy for.-thc-co Inge.

featcd G rrru Hay U-0. and Ct'.l- cago Cardlaala whipped Sah r rn n cisco 27-:i.

Brown icorrd on runs of 30 and tlirce yarii\. u Cleveland moved to' a 17*7 ltal{Um(> lead. De.tplle his efforts, tiic Browns needed a ' GrOM’ ncId-R.HiMfrlK^tnal-pl. to Insure the triumph. Q uarterback Dllly Wnde hit Dfl Sliofncr on touchdoAn paurs of 18 and 2S yards nnd rolled \ip 400 yards l.n the air to keep Los Angeles w ithin striking dLunnce.

Rlek Casares trlRKfred the Bears in the ir awewme display of offen­sive pOH'fr, scoring ihrcc times the ChlcaKoanS kept pace v,-.... BaltlmonTTIfrtnflnnrinflmps^as the only undefeated clubs. Ed Brown heaved three touelidown

:s. a pair to rookie end Wll- Dewvenll. Eddie LeBoron ac­

counted for Washington's points w ith tw-o scoring aerlab.

Bierlg polished off third-seeded B6b--Dwier.^Pocateliore-4rfl^^attd second-seeded Lvnn Benson. Boise. *-3. C-4 to goto the finals.

First-seeded Leon Fenwlclc. Po­catello. defending men's singles champion, was the first of. th e top-■ ‘ ff'i nicir MBim

in the-seml-flnsU of the singles compeUUon today. Tlie other m atch--p itted Wanda Rhodes. Nantpa;—ggalnst-Sllcen Schrier.B o l s e .T - 1 1 . '- . . '________l l . i —

Bierlg also plays Albert Allen. Boise, in tlie finals o t the boys' IB singles today w-hlle Hammond

n r . Trying Kellogg.-Caldwell tha Junior vets

Billings Meets

PaihAmeideaiirGame&rby- Winning 11 Medals

Vandals Begin Ttvo Practice SessionslDailv

, 'o r ie a p p a r e n t ly Liii ih e sh o o te r s . T h is f a ii tn .s tic collection o f p r i z e s wa.^ th e m a jo r ” to p ic o f c onversalio iv iiv l’atw A m c irc le s — even m ore bo th : in th o 1 5 - y o a r -n ld M iss Viiii aaltsa 's unprfctdpntcd sweep 111 five gold niodaLi nnd Uie Yanks’ liiii-voj.l of 130 gold medals. 72 sil­ver. nnd 5J broiire, 'Hie other na-


yard slrlpe nnd thinks the Junior from Cincinnati, O., Is doing credltaWc Job.

•'We're giving him practice for field goal ntlrnipl.V Stahley said Saturday alter another day of r.iln forced part Uio pricUce Insldr. —=AU}';tliii<>-»> KcM-iihlh‘ 0-yttTrt:T during the ^rason «e may go for three poiiiis."

Tlie VnndaU open Sept. 10 against Utah Slate university in Logan.

Some Golf Pm)s-Bclievc In Practice

KANSAS CTTY, Sept. 7 tPi-At least three of tlie more succcmIuI pma_on-tlic.golf.ttaU believe In tlie.

4 Goiitendei’S" For National

nirnals. 89 silver nnd lor bronie.Tut;iy. Ihe cariilviil ends

mi nueatrian show rllmaxed by ih r I’rlx des Nkll(|ns, and the im- |ircv*ive cloalng ceremonies In Sol-

old adage that practice mnkes perfect.

Dow Finsterwald. Tc<iuesta. Fla., and Bob'Qoalby,-OrysUl-River, Fla., who start today's final round in the JSO.OOOTCnnsns c « y Open as co-leaders a t 30fl. found time after Sunday's tliird round to practice more than nnnour ju illiim ng the ball off a tee.

Finsterwald. who shot a Uilrd

----- Joined by Jim rerree, anotherof-the goIJlng stable-from crystal River, In the pm'etlce session. _ Ferree nlayed his thltlUBiimUr. four-unacr-par 68 lor a total of a n . j h a t .p u t .h lm ja - f t - l le j i l l l i Doug Sander*. Miami Beath, Fla., for-ths-runner-up spot a t the start of t he final round. ~m er«"wer6~no"major casualties Sunday although Tommy Bolt d idn 't get along very well In his try for the Ryder cup team. Tom* my. who has tn win thl< tnum n. m ent io qualify for the team..ehet an even par 73 thot left hln> four strokes oft the pace a t 310.

r - m ~ . . .. tlvc-cold medal sweep by caplur- inc the 400-nieler.lxeestyle In-the Kaiiifj' record time of 4:SSJ and Inulliif; a quartet to a world rec ord lime of 4:«.« in Uic 400-meter metllry ' relay. Her ' other gold HUHlnU-were-w m ered in-.lhB-nw nnd 21X1 m eter freestyles and the 400-meler freestyle relay.

But Chris, II turned out In all of Uio' confusion was Just a piker comp.ared to Puckel. a farmer’s son u-ho began shooting a t tin cans when he wa* H.

Tlie U ^verelty ot Tennessee gnid climaxed a double-barreled exiilbltlon—in the medal winning and M io o l ln s = ty - h f i t t» n ia « r world records in the 300-metet free rine event. He won five gold medals for this,

Puckel also earned gold medals for f lrsu In prone, kneeling and su ru U a g -p o s l t^ , the overall-in­dividual chafnplonship, and i sliiu-Q of th e team championship Ho got the other five gold medals on4 two sllTtrB for similar business w ith the amaU boro rifle.

His- world records wera for shooting 1,147 out of a possible -l.2ao.on .acon is.of 3i4«prone. 388 kneeling and 3U standing, The oUier world marks were fo r firing

.a n ri.k n i tto g ,____________There was a surprise In the

«rJnuiUn£_XlnaJt._lop^Tho D..B. d idn 't sweep all 20 gold medala. T he Yanka captured 19. H ie men's p lauorm diving crown ^ r t o Mexico's Alvaro Oaxlola, » Junior a t-M ic n ig f ta n i6 -a e o re a * m ;:?D0ln ta .ln jipaeU ln« .:la»0red.I>eft. Han>er o f th a 0 . S.

o f , the aeven ch

U M h th e V. B. men's and wtni- cn 's basketball teams won cham- plonsUlpa.. Tha undefeated men's

cloaed out I t* . toumi

By The AssocUtrd Press The team th a t eventually i . . .

capture the National league pen­nan t could be Uie cheesiest cham- I plon In the n\odern major leaguehistory.-— --------

T lia t goes for Uie Olsnis, Dodg- •s. Brave^ or Pirates. I

four contenders really want It. ^ '1 ! Ju s t look how each fared In the ; ;> last two weeks. / j

San Francisco, ha#-lost elght-of- 13' a n d 'su il leads by three gsmes. •, i;

Los Angeles has lost rlght-<rf 13,~}’r~7 too ,-a n d -a re - ln -a«eond-plaee,-» —r'-r-’ h lir^ a ii io in iro n t o f W B«VesI 7'.

Milwaukee has lost seven of 13 i,i nd are In third place, two length* ' I . ';n

ahead of the Pirates. ,.i| i : lPittsburgh haa won six of I I IX

but ha* dropped four of Its laat .'>< five and traU the GlsnU by 6Ugam es.. , _ _____

AU but tho Braves lost Sunday. , Milwaukee defeated Cincinnati 8-3 but fit. Louis shu t out San Pnin- {

........................1*—»hadt<l-?Pittsburgh 3-1 and C a doubleheader from 9-0 and 5-3.

Clflcago m ^ s J

aEADT FOB sn i_________HAVngM t .* » ^ fl»pt 7 ctlPD—_

Ed Stoddard. Coeur d'Alene, and ,Skip Nagler, SpokAce,4eed'off t o - .) day in a 36-hole ahowdown for tho I Inland.:.«nplr« goU . toum aaiea t-; championship on th e Bayden lake , course. Stoddard w h lp ^ Z m j E\-ans. Palm Springs, Calif., and Nagler dumped n i l Stanton, 6po> ,,Icaoe, th e u s e UUlst, yeesterday. t ; r .1 ' Each posted a flya and four We« y t I

INDIES" -BOWLING zC l^ S S E S :Tues. & Fridays

(2 to 3 w eeks)

MernSngt .

Idaho Falls in Pioneer Finals

. . . . ‘AasocUtri P t w Biillngs, which swamped G reat

PiUls 19-0 Sunday on a th ree-h ltte r bj- rookie George' StetU r, meets Idaho Falls tonight In a bcst-of- flve series of the elass C Pioneer

fthnnyhnfitTyplayoff title.

Idaho Falls beat Boise nnd Bll* lings beat G reat toiIs I n ..................

Women Bowlers— MemberS'Of-the TwItt-JWl* women's CladcjMWllng league wiirmeel a i '8 pm . Wednesday a t the new Bowladrome, located on Easttond drive.

Dwladfome P^*yrtetor Stan

bo organlied to begin bowling when the new alleys are opened about' Sept. IS.

Thera wer« other Sunday tri­umphs for Uncle Sam, too, in men's TolleytjaD, men's feni^g, n o d r l -

PLATCBIIUItTPULLMAN. Wash, Sept. 7 I f l -

Veteran tackle Myke Lindsay hurt

unIversily'8“ nrst"gam«“6Crtmmiie Saturday. Trainer Eddie Lane said he probably would be out of prac-. Uco action through Ihe. first few, dnva o t ”

A fto rn o o n i ,

P h e n e RE 3 -2 5 5 6for regtstxatlon {ir le a n-T«ma:tt.tl>C-dMle.


playiiff aeriM to tcrmlne the finalists.

The RosstU-and'M ustangs-will play tonight nnd .Tyesdoy,, n ight In Idaho Falls, then move to Bll- lings to fin lsin t.

Sietter struck out seven nnd,ik T raH iT H r " ‘ '


Defending champion Lou North. Salt-lA ko-cityr coasted-home-alx strokes ahead of Uie pack Sunday l a . winning .tho_W5fl_Dt«li_SUitt Amateur golf.toumament.

Don Lock of Rsgo. Kans., who Is leading the class B Carolina league In homers and hitting In the vi­cinity of. JOO. was a softball player exclusively tmlll two years ago.

rilUlMirfh .

-tm®“ !>!.' tfluTr T, SIS rm ___ .

tihlcuo M . l a AB»ln M Uinl'’rhfli'llph'l/rVltUl.irriV 1

S'S.IS'Stin t. grwtest foreign Ihva-

■ ^ 'w l t h a 8-3, 8-3, 8-4 triumph " «hos» Oardncr MuUoy,

..to no -'avail


rA c ir ic COAST UA cirs


^ in e it Work — Best Equipmonf . ~

ACME MACHINE WORKS1 __ FILER-Call PAyIs 6-5005____

P U 6 U C S A I E


— A sl-h av e -so W Biy fa rm - l- T r i l l -8 e l l- in r « io d r « o d - t t io lp n ie n t- a t -P n b llc * A i

L o c a te d ! J 'l 'n illM c a s t o f W e n d e ll E le T n to R - W e a d e I l rM a h o '- a n d “ M“ m ll6 'B O O th '

HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE Ferguson tractor In good condition— _Quatter_Mirn. Ford_DlQir 3*polnt book*up

milkingTOOriE-3-yr.-oId Holstein cow. milkingBPOT—Holstelncow, 3 yrs. old. Just.lresh__PENNY—Holstein cow, 8 yrs.'old, milking RUBY-Holsteln cow, 3 yi«. old. milking WARTS-Holsteln-cn«.-3 yrs. old.-mliklng BLACK EYES—Holstein cow, S y n . old, mUUng

-LDLA-Holstdn-eowrS-yrsroId.-inllklnrAIST—Holstein, cow. 4-yrs-OlC .lnnking_____BPECK-Holiteln cQw, 3 yrs. old, milking ,

BETSr-HoUtcln cow, 3 yrs.-old. milking 1 Holstein heifer. 3 j ts . old. springing 3 Holstein heifers. 1 yr. old, aired, by Cache

Vjdley H-10 bull ' ' • . '1 HoUteln.heller, 1 yrs. old, gut- of H-Cl buQ -1 Holstein heifer. 1 yr. old, out of H-23 bull .2 .HnlsUia>jialfer-CalrA;ligwUi» "

Self 4-row beui cutter for Ferguson tractor Ferguion Spring shank renovator

'3-polnt pick-up KTaper 'Rear end manure loader with bo(«ter for FoM

tractor ____ __ _ ' • - -Disc feed ditch-leaner with S -polnfhllch '" Ferguson «-row corrugator with 8-pt. hook-up

J - W t lo n s ^ L f i i S ^ O k e .n e w , .....-3‘polnt'bookinirilitcher ............... .............. .........

SnpcritiCBMih planter

3 Holstein steer calves. S 'months old 1 Bolsteln bull calf, 3 mos. old


T-33 Milk Cooler. 8 Can, s ld topenlng

_DO G S_


4-wheel Tiibtar-Ured Tagon and.rack fovheel traUer with metal b c x - 1 4-hone tremo Charaplos potato digger, alngla row

• Oakes metal hog feeder — SUck-bottom-oomgab

■ “3 lUU eleclilii feiiieis—800-GAL. OVERHEAD GAS TANK, Uka ne« 6-ft. Towaer o ffse U ^ a . - r . . *800-gaL fuel tank -a ix ib-gair Jaflk'cans-------Land plane for tractorLarge pile of"acr*p troa - -------

-FEED-:3 Welmarlner female pups, a months, well-bred

dogs.and Just r e a t ^ ^ T l i r t l r a ln in g r~Appoxlmalety 30 tons of 1st and 2nd cuUlngs

------------------- ------ ( s o ld b 7 'a a le~ ^ t« ~-------------


LEAJmBROIVMLELOHmeri:.K bO N a n d R O E . A u c t io n e e r s

P h o n « W E 4J.1M T .I)0d ln l> . o r K B 6-2H 28 W m d tH ^ F t O n i - T O ;

Page 10: America Leads Drive in Death Trend Must -IXnited-Ito-i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF198/PDF/1959_09_07.pdfand Prance have oRrctd to resume their long-dead
Page 11: America Leads Drive in Death Trend Must -IXnited-Ito-i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF198/PDF/1959_09_07.pdfand Prance have oRrctd to resume their long-dead


Page 12: America Leads Drive in Death Trend Must -IXnited-Ito-i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF198/PDF/1959_09_07.pdfand Prance have oRrctd to resume their long-dead
Page 13: America Leads Drive in Death Trend Must -IXnited-Ito-i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF198/PDF/1959_09_07.pdfand Prance have oRrctd to resume their long-dead

^ Q ^ ^ 3iana&Hans4^lH-e(^Appcaraiic^irldalnrVisits Queen

» rational poU *111 choose jo ^ R le ly new bouse «< roniaiotu f S d« lde »h»«>fr lU cm lllaiu S L e n W lv w or HucU 06 ltake!l-» U ijc r Y'*'’'}' '■ulei BtUaIn ta r ilie nexl il 'p years.

8 or 15 are Uic favorite tir» loT volinu day.

___ W m U la n muH ,ncr ihP_Qtirfnjrffcre annotmelne cltcilon o»y. under Drlilsli cutlnm only olie c n

Tiie CoiiselVilllVfJ 11* * fitk noacr »»>« ouited Uir La borltes in 1031.

They were relum ed for a ftecom . 4f.no in 19M|____________

Arnhs Pledge Support for Rebel Algeria

____ CASABLANCA,_AIorocco, Sept.fOpl>—The Afiib LeMue coutwl IiM condemned France'* "wor o exlermlnallon” In Alserla and

' ' nlcdeed all-out diplomatic And ri- nnnclal »upporl ot the Algerian

A moUon. adopted by the'leajtue'* council of mJnlsKrs liu t n ljh t. urj.

_ ed 114 membera to jilead tho nbeU eaaie aaalnat m n c e with nauona i J v h e North Atlantic Treaty Or* { ( ^ ^ t io n and In the comlns aion of Uie un ited Nations,

II denounced French "eoncentra*

grria- I t declared the A nb Leatue vould demand the *1mmed(a(« d(s- jinich" ol InvetUgttUm to A». Bcria.-s

Representatives or the AUerlat ‘“ •’govermnracnnJBXll6'’'look p a rf ln

the climactic council meetlns thouRh not u full members of the

-_-JeBw«' — - r .„ -The motion v m pre.^ented by

—U a«u*-£M r«U ry-O enenl—Abdta . Khalelc HaMouna. I t wM approved

In- all natlona represented a t the current sealon: Jordan. LIbyn, Le-

noCKEFELLER ARUESniD ORAy, Me.. Sept. T .d lP IJ -T h e

youngtit - w t of Gov. Neljon Rockefeller o f New York

reited (o^ apeedlnit on the M.iine turnpike. It waa dbclosed ye.Mcr- day. Michael Rockefeller, 20. was stopped yeaterday by Trooper Wnr- READ T1MES-NEW5 \VANT-ADS

f DEATlt TOLL IS 10 ANCONA. Italy , Sep t. 7 LO_The

lo jsof lllerose to 30 today from a violent storm th a t mruck this Adriatic pprt Enturdgy nlRht.

iiviOTurns Back 011-Wife OF PatrolihariEAST LA.NaiNO, Mlch...SepL ..

— £x»co!ivlct AlTin Knight tun ifd hi< bark nrt the wHe'of a niWlnit ^utTxrooper Sunday nljtFl nt, »lir. jiiMdrd ftith him to tell ■ rr ttlmi h.ippened lo h sr hUAbmd.

■I’M pmy for you and forstre yuu, hul lellr' Clam Souden, 23, mntiirr of a 7.nionth*o1d baby, told Knicht.

TrcKipcr Mljctt Sw den, 39, dl»- appcirrd ln.it ‘llm riday.after solnR lo qufMioii K nijhi about a n s burglitry ni a factory.

Knlsht. 48, told Mrt. Bouden., I am Miro" for you and youri 'B_by but I can't do anything lo r ou,‘‘-Tlicn Se-c

■Thl* I,',n't any indication I'n weakenlnu." he aaul. "I’m aorry for you."

But i’olice SupU- Howard Slier, who ll.Mrned lo the drkmallc In­terview. Kt tta irp o llc e headquar- Ura liiouElit Knight wai reaching ■ breaklne- polni.

AtrtVlt-fl Viittiy In \ T jonhttn MIchlRnn cabin. Knlfiht admitted being In the irooper's car "niursday.Bul.,he. liuIsted.h6_inew..aotIilnE of Khat liiippened lo the trooper. He luid Soudrn’s service revolver. H e.ajjld.he 6ought-ll-for-|10 from - hitchhiker.

CARDINAi; WORSE HOME. Sept. 7 (U P n_T h« con­

dition of alllns rederlco Cardinal Tedeiehlnl look a turn for the worse last night. The «3-year-old Cardinal I t archprleit of fit. Peter's Basilica. He v u operated on last wefk for an InteatlnjU tU -

PontiffTraises — Heroics-of-Girl

CABTEf. OANDOU-X). I t a l y . Scpi. 7 i.^-ehirlry O'NcllI,Hie IB- yenr-old Ran friincL'cs cirl wlif. b.ip'.l7rd her dxiiiK k IkkiIih.mj re-cclTc^l.n.ftc'rctfll priiiicjoc iijrojii rope John XXIII. _31c_D 0linnr-i:»ti::i^z j;?nSiq;f tl](>. Rir;'. iK'iolc iirl. if .fu fd tifi and her liiUirr.IIITprcinl nticllciicf Ir iin . Mf cn'r R«.'ftr.v In Shlrlry «n(i » nirdal loh rr JdHipr.- -----------

Tlie P«pr «> Hliirlry midher f:ither'U itoijsli nn mtfiprottr

x lie ixm lll! cricllv rfrillrd Sliir- Irv's iifdon lii.s! M.1V ttiiri, pulled the Minik-blHrn vniinc R.'liotr niirt Biive li li i i 'ih r

of b.iptiwii brJ.iri* he died...

Workman .Siivfig^Cars .From Slide

COEUn D'ALENE, Hrpi, 7 t,ri- A iJiiirp-eyed workiiinii f.ned un­told d.im.ncfi to ftUtoMiobilM lirfi* by MoppmB lhem Upfi.re a inndMldr -Tiillfd (Iimn over If, fi IiIcIuv.iy 10.

'iniJ lum t chiiW)l bp lenmed. «.\b' the slide si.irl

Saturday nnd niniinctd to flas oncomliiK irnflle. The rond xvn.i cleared Just bffore abouL“ IS:OM cubic feet of dfbrls spread over

two I I east- of here.

S P J :C f . ' \ ( . o n - i : R


Enrolls in CourseK I W HILU Sept. 7-rv.nn, alb Ju« cnro lfS at St. Alphon- ' M h o ^ l ta l in BpUe at the x -ray

technllclan achool foe t*o yeara ot training. , J .

_M ra._lA ren_J»lyn inti tUughter - Poc iite llon isilM 'hc r parenta Mr. nnd Mra. T ed Moore, and famllv. v-

H.^LL TO OPEN "JJONN._Qcrmaiiy. 8epL-7 if— .

An ItpprcMlve concert hall, built iu.1 A memoriat to Liids'lg von Beeiuoven. will be opened T \i« . day in Bonn, where the ureal Ger­man composer born. The bulldlnR, named Beftlioven hall,— -------- e than $2200X00.


i'or «iams»[ff. **9 ub]a

lUlU «»*L mu.i «««».hi:

Errart (hagld b*.r»poru4 Incntjl. ftlilr. No *Jlo»nc« >lll U nidi fef

lacotrKt InMrlMs. r Clii<iri>4 esiri ' " Salurdaxi

•DEAOUM£MBBd.j'f •<!. - _________

ToMdari thKuxh FtiUr*- . a p.m. 0.» b.for. InitnloB. , SandtM — J p.m. Silunlaji

Quebec-Premier Taken-by Death

SlISPFERVILLE. Que.. Sept. 7 lUPD—Maurice L. Duplesals; pre­mier Of Quebec alnce 103S-and one

-oH he mosl'pOMBiful jjylitltUiunn Canada's history, died e«rly today from th e effectfl of flVfl cerebral hemorrhnges.

The .oo-yenr-old premier Canada'a blgneat province cumBeU shurtiy iiic r mianij thl.1 rem ote mining communUy. I suffered hla Xlnt a l t ic t 'T h u r

ft day-ftfter flying here fo r - »ur o f-the-m ining-derelopm enu

. e htliwd.mnlcej>ai.\lble, and had been In • conw •M ost contJnU'ously ever alnce. _____ ________

...'□uplcaals d led 'ln ft-gufst-houM operated by th e Iijin Ore comptny ot Canada and guarded around Uie clock'by members of hla provincial police and company aecurity offl-

CourtesyStressed For Russian YisitWASinNOTON. B tD L X tV E I)-

Hep. John D. Dlngell. V.. Mich., »*rae<j today th a t 5ovret Premier .Mklta K h n iih c h er would go home from hlji u . a . Tint "bitter «nd

_^lcnaied_iar beyond hU preacnt dljposlUon toward the United 6uies“ If American* threw egga« - te m a to < * -* t-h im .----------------

He M id I t v u -Im peratlre- th a t ghmilMhBT b» fecrlvrri yiarwyiirT wiy. He said if congreaa waa in ‘“ on -when th e Ruasiaii amved 'ifPt. IS I t should Inrltc him aareii.A.jolat.Bcsalon of. the a><e and house.“Although Americans need not

lorego ttipir tr»rtiiim '.iill'll ___T_

Director Snowed With ApplicationsPHfLADELPHIA, SepL 7 (fl-A

jnonih (iRO ro s te r B. Ro-ier, city iwrsonnel director, complained to

civil ( w l c o commlaaloii he ^ unable to find « • qualified

W horsesm ed by Falnnount park wards. T h e Aasoelated P r tw and ncwpapers carried the a to ^

«o.ier now rfp o r tj tha t he has ^ flv e d ft p ile of BppllcaUoni. In- « udlng eome from Ire lana.U rltilri; t.ily and Canodii. He said, how-

hM,: prohlbiu the•'•e no t «iU-^ iu ^ th ff . , tn l le d iB tf t le a _________

o n 'r th#crlflU to be used Jn the e*.

L Politician DiesAnarew Jivekioii.Mfty,.8<. onceSim of ■

A D V E R T I S I N G I S E S S E N T I A t

T O O U R P I ^ E N T L E U L WAY O F L I F Eand a d v a rtis ln g -o a n -h e lp m a k e 'y o u r fu tu re 'y e a rS 'm o re p le n flfu f Ih an avar

c tia ro u „ o . .W p h .;.,

I o f a d o e n u e m e n t 9 p r e p a r e d . b y ^ f i L , W c s t e r n - $ t a t e $ A d M r t u i n g - A g M c l e s A » w c k U o n ~

------------ M a W , ^ . . .

W t . ' *• ~

--•J m uucni a n a oomp jle-aent-to-congreM-fai-

io cllTOHiftn of the m i l l t ! ^ a f f t t l i -

c o n W c ^ of a c ^ In brlbea Irom 'im m l-

loM-makenr. He eerved about nine wrt one.haif m pntha In a federal

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Page 14: America Leads Drive in Death Trend Must -IXnited-Ito-i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF198/PDF/1959_09_07.pdfand Prance have oRrctd to resume their long-dead

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Page 15: America Leads Drive in Death Trend Must -IXnited-Ito-i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF198/PDF/1959_09_07.pdfand Prance have oRrctd to resume their long-dead

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Page 16: America Leads Drive in Death Trend Must -IXnited-Ito-i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF198/PDF/1959_09_07.pdfand Prance have oRrctd to resume their long-dead

'Twin Palls Fair Results-FHA nODVCE

n r w M Onliu ka« U ru n* WhJt* wM»t: il»m BiRU. T»]n

rkiu. nnt; nmt Loucumiutr. rtUt. ueoae. (nd

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_____ _ ___ eom: lUrrrjT*io ruu . utird.

vtiMt (riit resBdt)Bfln; caiflort IHM*. TWIL------

..m : KtotiMti Put, nicr, Moood.and Ou«oca Ilollindd. lUaMB.------(M m lloa: H»nf7- QueineU.Ml«. lint; W. U. Wud. MCDC«

U»T«. .ro»r. t

r»iti. Tint: R»» I***. Twin_rm«-» uhL (Bd noanil Todd. Tvia n UUM. MWDUCE

Tirt. M? V. W. willlioji, - TMB.riii*. fim : o«»^ n u t Kua»« ;•

•MQDd. M>d WU T««r. Kln)0«l». )l ihira. Tlirt* lic*d* r*d; I. T. Ctk^

- r •• wIifta’iuJk.v c iu or r«i f|«; um it Benmujf.

I . Twtt y j . OnrC. ^] iS Sd b»a: rw i’ iiumia i

~SmpklB (itrtn •»:Two fl.W or tloc*; nm.'

Tw:n PHU. «f»t UJd Uilnl.^~- .. Cr*«l, Twin rwu. »«copd. Thm pli I, T. Cf»0. Twin ruii. *'—Jorfl»n. Twin fwn. •<«.—. «^ a .'T w lr T MU. uiuar•ouBd pumpUa; I. T. Crt*0.

SquMb -- __.XrvTIiotBOn.

.mlod. »od Din T.rJof. Kim: tJiim. Thrr* »uaunrr: I. T. Cr»»f Mid M«oiti3. >nd Dmn JenUo.Two r*«> Iiubinfd: X. n. Hlcu,fine Crtad. »«coad. >nd Jordui,Two lOldeti bubbcrd: JonUn.

fiutS r I im I*' i * in '- MeoDd; w>d CrMd. mir

— bmin*: e m rr Jojt—1. wcrad_^u>(] !>n« t

ViV'lS i*Uwe. XlmtMrlr. *toM. mnd Itan DooiT. Duht. inlrfl. Urjwt MUnd *«uub: Lrnn Oooa.Cueumb«n (RUni c...

n»» Buu*« eutr* Mn.Vu>M N*rior. ibnxD. nnt; Dmh SmlLb. BuhL Meood. »nd im n ltor»n.

^ i s s s ”S£sr?araK"s;XaUioId* Stontmtt*. »uiu. »«cond. isd Urt. IU« Une*«»r. nifr. '

C*i»fy •• ^ Tbm otl«rr vius rooU an: Don

Mden* - ....................Thr« mld«« meloni wllh »i»m oni

miionj w*?b” il«m 'ok; jlm w llh ! ^ u W . «r»t; Mn. T. M. Knlfhu Twin

—TrMl-Kolfhtr-Twlo-J'WU.JlnU-^Wjnn ThantfMrt - a iAL •oconrf. «nd Art

, —canaw . muur-iatn».-i*»rw»-w»*«*- f - jneiaa wtM •tva « jr - o w ^ c * n » ^ ' — ---------- 1 emU louyi I. T. C»»«d,

... UcOrctof. Twin rwii. ai-Chur IL IKII. tceOBd, Uld is«ir> DiUll-

I, uid KtacfU) Pir*. filer, iblfd. -WhlU. flT» pouDdi! O dl C*lbotin

'.uhl. »rn: John UcKar. niw. - — od, knd tUldrMi nciaou, third.

Olhrr Crilai lad Irfdi I)wl*r. ilr* pounds: BKI Capfx.

HUUtQ. ft—• - " ~ • -

F U R N I T U J t E S T O R I S

B R IN G T O M A G IC V A L L E Y A M E R L C A .S M ^ ^ ^ ^ W A N T E D B R O A D L O O M CARPET^S In A M a s s -^^^ P u r c h a s e F ro m M d H A W K , P r ic e d t o f t l l .n 5 DAYS

Pppfom• -whit* t-^ »n h l:ftra t. *nd 0. O. BmU-

Durt Jtlmborlf......................nuhi. •ecoBd. fcna-t u . JUcm.

' thlnJ. TK>«ftnblU*: D.M. nc M t . . ■ «J«r. ftm: B n n Woh, DubJ. Mcond.

4sd lurmood OT)«ll, Twin r»iu. Ihlrt. Tib M n Tdlov: John lUdlock.

• - -^^^Duj-it^.»eond._ 4Bd ' "■il Twin r u u .

WUU VOM.------aufar____

............. .. L»oa UorrU. Buhl, firil:Loyd Dodwo. Klmbrrl). Mcosa. --

*ad——twiid.***!**!- ____- no6ctfc-Tw ia .?m t..uuni. .T m .ctfc - rau. oo« In top; tm n Kena. >UB(^

nni. Ult. B. W. M«OM>dI». nief. lo - •-idT »Bd Don W*UE*r. B u ^ t— -

•MOBd, ind Ou»n» nuuntr. »econrt,yfl/OOlHEAyjLHlE-lOei

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ALL W00UH0RE5QUE TWEED^'Decorativo'aird'Long Wcp'rin'g”

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[Jnm lved. It Tou-MaYe-on-Account ^A^IdTO“lrW ith 'C o rpelvNo'Pay- jnen t-lncreose .— . . r .

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