Lights of the Holy Quran...Page 2 of 7 Monotheism: Part 3-4: Allah's Signs in the creation of Winds (For More Files Please Visit) {}Page 2 Among His signs is the blowing of the winds

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Page 1: Lights of the Holy Quran...Page 2 of 7 Monotheism: Part 3-4: Allah's Signs in the creation of Winds (For More Files Please Visit) {}Page 2 Among His signs is the blowing of the winds
Page 2: Lights of the Holy Quran...Page 2 of 7 Monotheism: Part 3-4: Allah's Signs in the creation of Winds (For More Files Please Visit) {}Page 2 Among His signs is the blowing of the winds

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Page 3: Lights of the Holy Quran...Page 2 of 7 Monotheism: Part 3-4: Allah's Signs in the creation of Winds (For More Files Please Visit) {}Page 2 Among His signs is the blowing of the winds

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Monotheism: Part 3-4: Allah's Signs in the creation of Winds (For More Files Please Visit) {www.quranictopics.com} Page 2

Among His signs is the blowing of the winds.

} 64 { 03 -سورة الروم

و تبتغوا م من ضله و من ايته ان يرسل الرياح مبشرت و ليذيقكم من رحمته و لتجري الفلك بامره

۰۰۴۶و لعلكم تشكرونAnd of His Signs is that He sends winds to herald good tidings and that He may give you a taste of His Mercy, and that ships may sail at His command, and you may seek His Bounty and give thanks to Him.

} 4 - 0 { 64 - سورة الجاثية

و ۰۰۴و في خلقكم و ما يبث من دابة ايت لقوم يوقنون ۰۰۳ان في السموت و الارض لايت للمؤمنين

و ما انزل الله من السماء من رزق فاحيا به الارض بعد موتها و تصريف الريح اختلاف اليل و النهار

۰۰۶فباي حديث بعد الله و ايته يؤمنون ١تلك ايت الله نتلوها عليك بالحق ۰۰۵ايت لقوم يعقلون

Behold, for those who believe there are (myriad) Signs in the heavens and the earth and in your own creation; and in the animals which He spreads out over the earth too there are Signs for those endowed with sure faith; and in the succession of night and day, and in the provision that Allah sends down from the sky wherewith He gives life to the earth after it had been lifeless, and in the change of the winds: (in all these) there are Signs for people who use reason. These are Allah's Signs that We rehearse to you in Truth. In what kind of discourse after Allah and His Signs will they, then, believe?

} 66 - 60 { 46 -سورة النور و ١خلله من يخرج الودق فترى ركاما يجعله ثم بينه يؤلف ثم سحابا يزجي الله ان تر الم

سنا يكاد ١يشاء من عن يصرفه و يشاء من به فيصيب برد من فيها جبال من السماء من ينزل

۰۰۴۴الابصار لاولي لعبرة ذلك في ان ١النهار و اليل الله يقلب ۰۰۴۳بالابصارن يذهب برقه

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Monotheism: Part 3-4: Allah's Signs in the creation of Winds (For More Files Please Visit) {www.quranictopics.com} Page 3

Allah sends the winds that stir up clouds.

Do you not observe that Allah makes the cloud move gently then joins its pieces together: then gathers it into a mass of thick cloud: then you see that rain-drops fall down from its midst: and He sends down hail out of the high up mountains in the heaven: then He smites with it whom He wills and turns it away from whom He pleases: then a flash of lightning from it dazzles the eyes. He alternates the day and the night: there is indeed a lesson in it for those who have observing eyes.

} 446 { 4 - سورة البقرة

بما ينفع ان في خلق السموت و الارض و اختلاف اليل و النهار و الفلك التي تجري في البحر

بعد موتها و بث فيها من كل الناس و ما انزل الله من السماء من ماء فاحيا به الارض

۰۰۱۶۴و تصريف الريح و السحاب المسخر بين السماء و الارض لايت لقوم يعقلون ١دابةSurely there are countless signs for those who use their common sense; they can see in the creation of the heavens and the earth, in the alternation of the night and day, in the ships that sail the ocean laden with cargoes beneficial to mankind, and in the rain-water which Allah sends down from the sky and thereby gives life to the earth after its death and spreads over it all kinds of animate creatures, in the blowing of the winds and in the clouds which obediently wait for orders between the sky and the earth.

} 44 - 64 { 03 -سورة الروم الودق الله الذي يرسل الريح فتثير سحابا فيبسطه في السماء كيف يشاء و يجعله كسفا فترى

و ان كانوا من قبل ان ۰۰۴۸يستبشرون فاذا اصاب به من يشاء من عباده اذا هم ١يخرج من خلله

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Monotheism: Part 3-4: Allah's Signs in the creation of Winds (For More Files Please Visit) {www.quranictopics.com} Page 4

ان ذلك ١فانظر الى اثر رحمت الله كيف يحي الارض بعد موتها ۰۰۴۹ينزل عليهم من قبله لمبلسين

۰۰۵۱و لىن ارسلنا ريحا فراوه مصفرا لظلوا من بعده يكفرون ۰۰۵۰ يرو هو على كل شيء ١لمحي الموتى

Allah sends the winds that stir up clouds and then He spreads them in the sky as He wills and splits them into different fragments, whereafter you see drops of rain pouring down from them. He then causes the rain to fall on whomsoever of His servants He wills, and lo, they rejoice at it, although before that they were given to despair. See, then, the tokens of Allah's Mercy: how He revives the earth after it is dead. Verily He is the One Who will revive the dead. He has power over everything. But if We were to send a wind and then their tilth has become yellow, they would become ungrateful (unbelievers).

} 44 { 44 -سورة الحجر

۰۰۲۲و ما انتم له بخزنين ١و ارسلنا الريح لواقح فانزلنا من السماء ماء فاسقينكموه

We send fertilizing winds, and then cause rain to descend from the sky, providing you abundant water to drink even though you could not have stored it up for yourselves.

} 9 { 04 - سورة فاطر

١ موتهاو الله الذي ارسل الريح فتثير سحابا فسقنه الى بلد ميت فاحيينا به الارض بعد

۰۰۹كذلك النشورIt is Allah Who sends forth winds which then set the clouds in motion, which We drive to some dead land giving a fresh life to earth after it had become dead. Such will be the resurrection of the dead.

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Is there any god associated with Allah (in these tasks)?

We present the same phenomenon over and over again

before them so that they may learn a lesson from it.

} 43 - 64 { 44 -سورة الفرقان

لنحي به بلدة ميتا و ۰۰۴۸و انزلنا من السماء ماء طهورن ١ ارسل الريح ا بي بين رح تهو هو الذي

۰۰۵۰فابى اكثر الناس الا كفورا ١و لقد صرفنه بينهم ليذكروا ۰۰۴۹نسقيه مما خلقنا انعاما و اناسي كثيراAnd it is He, Who drives the winds to be the harbingers of His mercy: then He sends down pure water from the sky so that He may revive the dead land, and quench the thirst of many of His creatures from among beasts and men. We present the same phenomenon over and over again before them so that they may learn a lesson from it; but most people decline to adopt any other attitude than of disbelief and ingratitude.

} 47 { 7 - سورة الأعراف

حتى اذا اقلت سحابا ثقالا سقنه لبلد ميت ١ يرسل الريح ا بي بين رح ته الذيو هو

۰۰۵۷كذلك نخرج الموتى لعلكم تذكرون ١فانزلنا به الماء فاخرجنا به من كل الثمرت

And it is He Who sends forth winds as glad tidings in advance of His Mercy, and when they have carried a heavy-laden cloud We drive it to a dead land, then We send down rain from it and bring forth therwith fruits of every kind. In this manner do We raise the dead that you may take heed.

} 46 - 43 { 47 - سورة النمل

لكم ما كان ١فانبتنا به حداىق ذات بهجة ١امن خلق السموت و الارض و انزل لكم من السماء ماء

امن جعل الارض قرارا و جعل خللها انهرا و ۰۰۶۰بل هم قوم يعدلون ١ءاله مع الله ١ان تنبتوا شجرها

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امن يجيب ۰۰۶۱بل اكثرهم لا يعلمون ١ءاله مع الله ١جعل لها رواسي و جعل بين البحرين حاجزا

امن ۰۰۶۲قليلا ما تذكرونن ١ءاله مع الله ١المضطر اذا دعاه و يكشف السوء و يجعلكم خلفاء الارض

تعلى الله ١ءاله مع الله ١و البحر و من يرسل الريح ا بي بين رح ته يهديكم في ظلمت البر

قل هاتوا ١ اللهءاله مع ١امن يبدؤا الخلق ثم يعيده و من يرزقكم من السماء و الارض ۰۰۶۳عما يشركون

۰۰۶۴برهانكم ان كنتم صدقين

Who is it that has created the heavens and the earth and sent down for you water from the sky and then We caused to grow therewith orchards full of beauty whose trees you could never grow. Is there any god associated with Allah (in these tasks)?" Nay, they are a people who are veering away from the Right Path. Who is it Who has made the earth a place of resort, and has caused rivers to flow in its midst, and has placed upon it firm mountains, and has placed a barrier between two masses of water? Is there any god associated with Allah (in these tasks)? Nay; but most of them do not know. Who is it Who heeds the prayers of the distressed when he calls out to Him and Who removes his affliction? And who is it Who makes you inheritors of the earth? Is there any god associated with Allah (in this task)? How little do you reflect! Who is it Who guides you through the darkness on land and sea? And Who sends winds as heralds of good tidings ahead of His Mercy? Is there any god associated with Allah (in this task)? Exalted be Allah above whatever they associate with Him in His Divinity! Who is it Who creates in the first instance and then repeats it? Who is it Who provides you with sustenance from the heavens and the earth? Is there any god associated with Allah (in these tasks)? Say: "Bring forth your evidence, if you are truthful."