LIGHTHOUSE NETWORK Middle East ‘Net’ Conference Visionaries: Tom and Teresa, with a team of leaders from Middle East nations Larnaca, Cyprus, Tuesday - Friday, 21-24 May 2013 Having just attended an amazing conference of leaders and founders of Houses of Prayer from all over the Middle East I am overflowing with things to tell you. Because of the dangers to various people who attended I have omitted details and the photos are deliberately general. Firstly, I found it very difficult being alone and from the ends of the earth because the Middle East 'Net' Conference has been held, in various venues for the past 13 years, and many, if not most of those present, have been meeting each other over that time, during which they have built up strong and loving relationships. General view of a conference session. Ministering to a Middle East Leader. Vision and Focus The vision and focus of the Lighthouse Network has been "to raise up a relational network of worship and prayer leaders from across the Middle East (national and missionaries), called ' the Net.' It is being purposefully developed to encourage and support those ministering in this area.” It is their desire “to see this net expanded to include people from many other nations of the world who have a heart to see the peoples of the Middle East reached for the glory of God.” “Through united, persistent worship and intercession, we are convinced that the spiritual strongholds within the Middle East will be brought down and those who dwell in darkness will see the Light of The Lord Jesus Christ.” The further vision of the Lighthouse Network is "to see established a House of Prayer and Ministry Centre in Cyprus that will help to facilitate the House of Prayer Movement across the Middle East region, especially along the Isaiah 19 Highway, as God works within the Middle East to bring about the final, great harvest-- and prepare for the return of His Son, Jesus, the Messiah."

LIGHTHOUSE NETWORK Middle East ‘Net’ Conference ... · dwell in darkness will see the Light of The Lord Jesus Christ.” The further vision of the Lighthouse Network is "to see

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Middle East ‘Net’ Conference

Visionaries: Tom and Teresa, with a team of leaders from Middle East nations

Larnaca, Cyprus, Tuesday - Friday, 21-24 May 2013

Having just attended an amazing conference of leaders and founders of Houses of Prayer from all over the Middle East I am overflowing with things to tell you. Because of the dangers to various people who attended I have omitted details and the photos are deliberately general. Firstly, I found it very difficult being alone and from the ends of the earth because the Middle East 'Net' Conference has been held, in various venues for the past 13 years, and many, if not most of those present, have been meeting each other over that time, during which they have built up strong and loving relationships.

General view of a conference session. Ministering to a Middle East Leader.

Vision and Focus

The vision and focus of the Lighthouse Network has been "to raise up a relational network of worship and prayer leaders from across the Middle East (national and missionaries), called ' the Net.' It is being purposefully developed to encourage and support those ministering in this area.” It is their desire “to see this net expanded to include people from many other nations of the world who have a heart to see the peoples of the Middle East reached for the glory of God.” “Through united, persistent worship and intercession, we are convinced that the spiritual strongholds within the Middle East will be brought down and those who dwell in darkness will see the Light of The Lord Jesus Christ.” The further vision of the Lighthouse Network is "to see established a House of Prayer and Ministry Centre in Cyprus that will help to facilitate the House of Prayer Movement across the Middle East region, especially along the Isaiah 19 Highway, as God works within the Middle East to bring about the final, great harvest-- and prepare for the return of His Son, Jesus, the Messiah."


During the conference a prophetic Ground-Breaking ceremony for this Centre was held on the beach where we were staying.

Prophetic Ground-Breaking for House of Prayer and Ministry Centre on Cyprus.

Testimony of Visionaries Tom and Teresa, the visionaries (see in the centre of the photo above), among a number of others, testified how they had worn themselves out over many years of committed ministry until they went to Kansas City IHOP, and came under the anointing there, which brought them into a new level of the rest. They learned more about Houses of Prayer which provide the centres of worship out of which has come a deeper understanding of the Lord's heart for these End Times. As with others, this redirected their focus and transformed their ministry. They brought a team of young people from IHOP Kansas City to help run the conference, to teach the Harp and Bowl model and to lead the worship.

All male team leading worship.

Leaders Tom and Teresa with Kansas City

IHOP Team.

Isaiah 19:23-25 Highway They believe that all of this ministry activity is vitally involved in preparing a “Highway


of Worship” from Egypt to Assyria and including Israel, which will result in a blessing being released upon the whole earth! Isaiah 19:23-25. I had not seen so clearly that this Isaiah 19 calling, like Aliyah, is one of God's major End Time strategies for ushering in His Kingdom on earth. The person who I thought expressed this most powerfully and succinctly, was a New Zealand woman, and who, with her husband has a House of Prayer in one of the places most forbidden to believers. (I am learning not to name countries.) She is well known to the people who attend this conference, comes into Israel frequently, and blows the shofar VERY strategically. She has just taken a team to worship around the borders of one of these nations! She said that where she is, they need to spend four to five hours daily in worship to enable them to stand against the spiritual opposition. She is convinced that the sound of the Bride worshipping will bring in the Kingdom of Heaven and the Government of God to these dark hostile places. And God has even arranged for a high local dignitary invite them to worship in his presence!

Map of the areas spoken of in Isaiah19:23-25, see legend on map.

World Shakings

Another thing absolutely stood out for me when hearing the stories of the precious leaders from Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey Jordan and a Gulf State, as well as from those ministering to the hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Turkey, and Jordan. In all of these places where times are dark and getting darker, the shakings are God's true, right and just judgments to deal with the principalities and powers behind the evil forces, in order to bring the nations to "kiss the Son" and to release millions upon millions into the Kingdom. “This understanding will sustain us in the shakings.”


“Massaging In” the Foundational Values During the conference a session was devoted daily to expounding the five foundational values of the Lighthouse Network--which the leaders believe "The Lord has clearly directed those in 'the Net' to embrace and live out together":

1. The Glory of God and the Finished Work of Christ; 2. Intimacy with God-Through Worship and Intercession; 3. Genuine relationships with One Another-and Reconciliation; 4. Honouring, Experiencing, and Releasing the Holy Spirit's Presence, Power,

and Creativity; 5. Fully Committed to the Fulfilment of Isaiah 19.

God’s Prophetic Call on Cyprus The one thing I was sure about when I went to this conference was that, at some stage, we HAD to pray for Cyprus. It is SO encouraging to find that one is on the right track--the Lord's track! From the very beginning all could see that God's eyes have turned powerfully upon Cyprus. Apostolic ministries, for one reason or another, are being moved to Cyprus. The number of Houses of Prayer, Hotels, Guest Houses and Bed &Breakfasts is astonishing!

Larnaca, Cyprus

Ancient church where Lazarus was

buried the second time, 30 years after his first resurrection!

It is plain that, as Cyprus turns to the Lord, and as the huge and ancient historical spiritual wells there (Acts 4:36, 11:20, 13:4-12) are redug, it will be a Mediterranean centre, a place of refuge and restoration and a meeting hub for the saints from the Middle East as well as a training place for missionaries and intercessors.


The Israel Connection Of course, the believers from Islamic nations cannot come to Israel and Israelis cannot safely visit their nations, so in Cyprus they can outwork the relational beginnings of the Isaiah 19:23-25 Highway. There was a powerful group of Intercessory leaders present from Israel as well as a well known and respected Israeli Pastor and his wife.

Middle East Leaders repenting for their nations and

praying over Israeli Pastor and his wife.

In addition it was prophetically spoken that there will be a Godly triangle of Israel, Cyprus and Antioch. Unlike Damascus (Is.17:1) the Lord is apparently going to protect Antioch from destruction. Points of Interest At this conference, every day began at 9am with a half hour of Prophetic Silence i.e. listening to The Lord. The doors were locked at nine on the dot and anyone who was late was not admitted--like the Foolish Virgins! Afterwards there was an opportunity to report prophetic insights which the Lord had revealed.

During the 3 hour break at lunch time, opportunity was given to any delegate for a one-hour ministry session, divided into three 20 minute sections of prayer for 1. physical healing, 2. prophetic words, and 3. healing for non-physical needs--the last session a mini Sozo session. Needless to say, I put my name down and found it worthwhile! There was also a representative of the Healing Rooms present at the conference. As he said, Healing Rooms or some form of healing ministry goes so well together with Houses of Prayer.


Local Churches and Houses of Prayer One profound question raised by a woman from Lebanon which set everyone thinking was the relationship between Local Churches and Houses of Prayer. A mighty Korean pastor who has planted a huge network of churches across Central Asia, testified how he went, exhausted, to Kansas City IHOP, wept in the prayer room and received understanding that God had taken him there to give him an End Time Word for the Church: “The Lord is doing a new thing by raising up Houses of Prayer in order to make the Church jealous! He wants every Church to be a House of Prayer!

Passports and Visas

In these times, one of the major hindrances for the saints will be visa and passport problems. Oh, the stories I heard of how people in this part of the world juggle their different passports and pray for visas to get where God wants them!

A wedding at the conference venue at the end of the conference!

Cynthia Lothian June 2013