Life times nov dec 2014

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Message from Pastor Aaron

My wife and I enjoy watching ‘Grand designs’, a program on Channel 5

about building modern houses with ground breaking architecture and


What really strikes me about this program is the determination and

passion of the builders and what they are able to achieve in the end when

sometimes it seems all the odds are against them. Watching this program

makes me appreciate that to achieve something extraordinary, you must

be prepared to break the mould and do unconventional things.

Occasionally when we look at our circumstances, it seems God’s design

for our lives is unconventional compared with the lives of those around

us. It sometimes seems we are heading in the opposite direction of where

we ought to be. One such life was the life of David; soon after he was

anointed king over Israel, he found himself not in the palace but in a

cave. He became a fugitive instead of a figurehead in the land he was

destined to lead.

Everything about his life was unconventional and I am sure he must have

on occasion been tempted to take matters into his own hands and

orchestrate his way into the palace. When an opportunity came for him

to slay Saul, then king of Israel, he resisted temptation and chose to trust

in God instead of thrusting his sword into Saul’s torso. God’s plan was to

develop in David a unique kingship that was grander than any Israel had

ever seen. The trials, troubles and squabbles in David’s life were all part

of God’s grand design to make David into a king that will transform

leadership for years to come.

Life can be fraught with many a challenge but “we know that in all things

God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called

according to his purpose” [Romans 8:28]. With faith, love and

perseverance you can achieve something monumental that will be a

testament of God’s grand design for your life.



The Hub is our city centre base

intended to be a place of blessing

for those in the church as well as a

resource and platform from which

we can serve and impact our City

and local community.

Strategically located at Unit 15b,

Roper Close, the building is within

easy access to the high street,

Canterbury West train station and

along a main bus route serving the

heart of the city. As well as using

the space for much needed ministry

within the church, we hope to

introduce bespoke programs that

will help the church spread the

gospel to our community.

Scripture reminds us that “the

Harvest is plentiful but the labourers

are few.” I therefore ask that you

pray for the Lord of the Harvest to

send in more labourers. I also ask

that you all step forward and offer

your service in the Lord’s harvest

field and in helping us minister

God’s love and Grace to our city .

Here are some of the programs

that will be running from The Hub; I

hope you will take full advantage

of them and where possible

volunteer to help run them.

Café Church

Every 2nd Sunday of the month.

Cre8ive Youth Night

Every 4th Friday of the month

Daughters of Destiny (Women’s

ministry) – Dates to be announced

Ignite (18-25 evening service) Every 2nd Thursday of the month

(term time only)

Inspire Dance Academy (Dance classes for under 18s) – T.B.C

(volunteers needed)

Men of Integrity (Men’s ministry)

Dates to be announced

New Life Choir

Every Monday evening

Prayer and Praise Service

Every 3rd Sunday of the month

Relate & Married/Engaged Couples Gathering

Every last Sunday of the month

Shake to wake (family sing/dance along with brunch) Every 2nd

Saturday of the month

Firm Foundations Discipleship Programme - Six week course every Monday. October - November, February to March and

June - July.

Pastor Aaron


5 Things


Can Learn

From The

ALS Ice Bucket


Most of us will have seen the ALS

ice bucket challenge on social

media where celebrities all over

world have been involved in

drenching themselves in ice-cold

water in support of this cause.

Incidentally, I’ve seen that people

are also doing an ice bucket

challenge to fight Ebola, the deadly

disease that has killed many people

in Africa and round the world.

There are a lot of things we as

believers can learn from the ice

bucket challenge but let me share

just a few points to challenge you.

1. The challenge to wake up to

evangelism and discipleship

The ice bucket challenge is good -

even the Bible says we should

support those in need

“For there will never cease to be poor

in the land. Therefore I command you,

‘You shall open wide your hand to

your brother, to the needy and to the

poor, in your land.’

(Deuteronomy 15:11 ESV)

I believe if we can challenge

ourselves to spread the good news

that we have been commissioned to

by Christ (Matthew 28:18-20),

making disciples for Him and

baptising them in the name of the

Father, Son and the Holy Spirit it

would be of infinite and eternal


Imagine the ALS challenge was an

evangelism tool or programme!

Millions would have heard about

the good news, millions would have

been saved - so we should use every

opportunity that we get as

believers to bring the good news to

a fallen world.

An ALS or Ebola challenge alone

wouldn’t fix the problems of this

world but only Jesus can. Believers,

let us challenge ourselves to make

Jesus known to all



2. The challenge to do good

“If there is a poor man with you, one

of your brothers, in any of your towns

in your land which the LORD your

God is giving you, you shall not

harden your heart, nor close your hand

from your poor brother; but you shall

freely open your hand to him, and

shall generously lend him sufficient for

his need in whatever he lacks.

You shall generously give to him, and

your heart shall not be grieved when

you give to him, because for this thing

the LORD your God will bless you in

all your work and in all your

undertakings. For the poor will never

cease to be in the land; therefore I

command you, saying, ‘You shall

freely open your hand to your brother,

to your needy and poor in your land.’

(Deuteronomy 15:7-8, 10-11 NASB)

This should be a wakeup call to

believers to understand how

important it is to do good. The

Bible commands us to do good to

others but why do we find it

difficult to do so? When was the

last time you gave your service to

a good cause or donated to a good

cause? We as believers should be

the ones teaching the world (and

not them teaching us) how to do

good because our God is a good

God We mostly give to people

that we know but it shouldn’t be

that way. You will never know

how your goodness to a stranger

can turn his or her life around.

The parable of the Good

Samaritan comes into mind here

(Luke 10:25-37).

3. The challenge to boldly

declare your faith to the world

“You are the salt of the earth; but if

the salt has become tasteless, how can

it be made salty again? It is no longer

good for anything, except to be thrown

out and trampled underfoot by men.

“You are the light of the world. A city

set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does

anyone light a lamp and put it under

a basket, but on the lampstand, and it

gives light to all who are in the house.

Let your light shine before men in such

a way that they may see your good

works, and glorify your Father who is

in heaven. (Matthew 5:13-16 NASB)


People that are doing the ALS ice

bucket challenge boldly identify

with and show their support for

this cause. Most Christians

however are hiding in their shells;

many of their friends don’t know

they are believers. I am not

saying we should be walking

about with inscriptions boldly

plastered across our faces or

holding placards professing that

we are Christians (Lol). However ,

in our talk, character and in all

the things that we do, say and are,

we should display Christ to the

fallen world and let God be

glorified in everything we do.

4. The challenge to count it all

joy when you suffer for Christ’s


“Count it all joy, my brothers, when

you meet trials of various kinds, for

you know that the testing of your

faith produces steadfastness. And let

steadfastness have its full effect, that

you may be perfect and complete,

lacking in nothing.”

(James 1:2-4 ESV)

The ice bucket challenge comes

with its own suffering of getting

wet and enduring freezing cold

temperatures but as it has been

the observation, it is all done with

joy. If the world can go through

this “pain” of getting soaked and

frozen to donate to a good cause,

how much more are we as

believers willing to suffer for the

sake of Christ? This should

challenge us to think about how

far we are willing to go and suffer

for the sake of Christ.

Even though the ALS ice bucket

challenge brings about the pain of

getting wet and feeling all cold

and comes with the benefit of

supporting a good cause, on the

flip side, suffering and enduring

the pain of life’s challenges for the

sake of Christ will be of an even

greater eternal value or worth.

...Continued on page 11


Youth & Sunday School meet every Sunday morning and all our workers

are DBS checked.

Every third Sunday of the month .

Join us for an extended time of prayer,

thanksgiving, praise and intercession.



Baptism Service: 7pm, Wed. 5th November. St Andrews United Reformed Church. Watling Street.

Family Brunch: 10:30-12:00pm, Sat 8th November: @ The Hub. Hosted by Praisers, Men and Women's ministry) Shake to wake up with Song and Dance for all hosted by Praisers, followed by brunch.

Reach Out Week: Sun 9th—Sat 15th November:

Youth Night: 6:30pm, Fri 28th November @ The Hub. An evening of socializing, fun, games and inspiration for 11-18’s.


Christmas Ball: 6:30pm, Sat 6th December. St Stephen’s Junior School. Hales Drive.

New Life Carol Service: 10:30am, Sun 7th December. @ Woolf Lecture theatre.

INSPIRE Leadership Gathering: 7pm, Friday 19th December @ The Hub.

Saturday 20th December: Men’s & Women’s Ministries Meetings: Times and venues to be announced.




Baptism Service: 7pm, Wed. 5th November. St Andrews United Reformed Church. Watling Street.

Family Brunch: 10:30-12:00pm, Sat 8th November: @ The Hub. Hosted by Praisers, Men and Women's ministry) Shake to wake up with Song and Dance for all hosted by Praisers, followed by brunch.

Reach Out Week: Sun 9th—Sat 15th November:

Youth Night: 6:30pm, Fri 28th November @ The Hub. An evening of socializing, fun, games and inspiration for 11-18’s.


Christmas Ball: 6:30pm, Sat 6th December. St Stephen’s Junior School. Hales Drive.

New Life Carol Service: 10:30am, Sun 7th December. @ Woolf Lecture theatre.

INSPIRE Leadership Gathering: 7pm, Friday 19th December @ The Hub.

Saturday 20th December: Men’s & Women’s Ministries Meetings: Times and venues to be announced.



There are several ways to serve and

participate in the life of the Church on a

regular basis. Contact any of the ministry

leaders below to see how you can get


Admin & Comms: Caroline Agoi

[email protected]

CONNECT Groups: Joanna Addison

[email protected]

Men’s Ministry: Ps Shadreck Chikomba

[email protected]

Missions & Outreach: Nicholas


[email protected]

Multimedia: Pastor Will White

[email protected]

New Life Choir: Josh Sebu

[email protected]

New Life Drama: Lanre Kassim

[email protected]

Prayer Ministry: Ronke Adeyanju

[email protected]

Sunday School: Judith Stephenson

[email protected]

Welcome/Hospitality: Akua Berko

[email protected]

Women’s Ministry: Violet Chikomba

[email protected]

Worship team: Pastor Will White

[email protected]

Youth: Lanre Kassim

[email protected]

are a GREAT place for developing meaningful

relationships as you CONNECT with GOD, with

OTHERS and with the VISION for the Church.

We encourage everyone to take part, grow and reach out as a blessing so CONNECT

today! Groups launch mid October and will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at

different locations across the city led by the following leaders:

Amanda Naude & Rebecca Odunaike

Caroline Agoi

Daniel Acheampong & Sheyi Kuyinu

David Kasule & Jennifer Amani

Francis Darko & Christine Ofosu-Ampadu

Jed Nkansah-Yeboah & Aaron Thompson

Email [email protected] or contact [email protected] for more information on joining a group


Joshua Sebu & Bukunmi Taiwo

Justice & Joanna Addison

Linda Mathe & Andrew Bonsu

Nii Noi & Kafui Osuteye

Shelly Anne-Fung & Abigail King



5.The Challenge of time

Remember also your Creator in the days

of your youth, before the evil days come

and the years draw near of which you

will say, “I have no pleasure in them”;

before the sun and the light and the

moon and the stars are darkened and the

clouds return after the rain, in the day

when the keepers of the house tremble,

and the strong men are bent, and the

grinders cease because they are few, and

those who look through the windows are

dimmed, and the doors on the street are

shut—when the sound of the grinding is

low, and one rises up at the sound of a

bird, and all the daughters of song are

brought low— they are afraid also of

what is high, and terrors are in the way;

the almond tree blossoms, the

grasshopper drags itself along, and

desire fails, because man is going to his

eternal home, and the mourners go about

the streets— before the silver cord is

snapped, or the golden bowl is broken, or

the pitcher is shattered at the fountain,

or the wheel broken at the cistern, and

the dust returns to the earth as it was,

and the spirit returns to God who gave

it. Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher;

all is vanity.

(Ecclesiastes 12:1-8 ESV)

“And just as it is appointed for man to

die once, and after that comes judgment”

(Hebrews 9:27 ESV)

It takes time to prepare yourself for

the ice bucket challenge and you

have an ultimatum of 24 hours to

take the challenge or face the

consequences of donating a $100.

We all have a limited time on earth

therefore how we use our time on

earth is really important. We can

learn from the ice bucket challenge

to value the precious time God has

given us on this earth. Spend your

time on earth wisely, doing things

that are of eternal value or not

things that will fade away. Our life

on earth is to prepare us for eternity.

Who you serve and how you spend

your life will determine your place in

eternity. Heaven or Hell depends on

what you spend your time

worshipping-the things of the world

or God? Remember your creator

whiles you have breath.

Emmanuel Amponsah


I decided to get baptized at the age of 19, even though I had done it before and believed I had grown up a as a Christian. A lot of things have happened to me over my past 2 years at university, making me question everything I ever thought I believed in and who I thought I was as a follower of Christ. My faith was completely overturned and I was at a very low point in my life, probably the lowest. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I would be in

the situation I found myself in. But over the last few months I have come to know the love of God, experience his grace, which has saved and transformed me - and I’m finally starting to have a relationship with a God I thought I knew for 19 years. The journey is far from over but when they say true satisfaction and completion is found in following Christ... they really are telling the truth.



At the start of the new academic year, we launched the Love Campaign with two outreach events at Kent Uni and Canterbury Christ Church University. Hosted by the New Life Student Group committee and with help from the CONNECT Groups, the team held the three day outreach events at the universities to ‘reach out as a blessing’ to the student and staff community.

The privilege of being able to engage the student community in the city remains one that we are especially thankful to God for as the church has been able to reach countless students from all over the world through the ministry we offer on the various campuses in the city.

This September, the outreach offered students and staff the chance to explore the idea of ‘The Sweet Life’ as well as the opportunity to ‘Take A Break’ from the busy-ness of academic life to enjoy a chat and a KIT KAT.

Several of the contacts made during the outreach have started attending services and have even joined CONNECT Groups which is a fantastic testimony of the impact God can have in peoples lives when we allow His love to flow through us.

The Love Campaign will run all year round so look out for events and activities, come join in and ‘Let your light shine!’


Moving On Into A New Season Pt II

Genesis 8:22 “Seedtime and harvest will

never cease.” ———————

Have you ever thought about which season you are in spiritually? How exactly do you “move on”? One thing is certain, Jesus said, “Follow Me”, so He is on the move. If we don’t follow Him, we will miss out on everything He has for us in this season of our lives. In the second part of this article, we take a look at how to move on and manage the transitions of life, what holds us back and how we can move forward by yielding to God’s leadership and direction So how do we move on? Firstly try to establish which season you are in. Then using the soldier, athlete and farmer principles prepare yourself for the next season. Whatever you do in your current season prepares you for the next. Words and promises for your family, church and city spoken out will create. Transition can be very strange! It is a bit like doubt between seedtime and harvest. You feel a healthy frustration. Just like children returning to “big” school in September in uniform which is too big; God does the same. You feel as if your shoes are too big not to mention your jacket sleeves too long. God is challenging you to grow.

So what holds us back? Firstly, unforgiveness or offense will stop you in your tracks. In effect your “self” life is demanding recognition for being hurt. But Jesus said, “Follow Me”. Secondly, you have to let go of the past. Everything God has given you, you are to steward. This includes your children, possessions, job and ministry. There will come a time when you have to release these back to God. The bad things, it is easy to release but He wants the good things too. You cannot receive new things if your hands are full! Finally for those of you who are in Canterbury for a season, allow God to plant you here. He wants to train and equip you. Let go of your home church, so you can move on and grow. God is calling us, New Life and Canterbury to move on. He is calling us to follow Him. So be disciplined to seek Him, know what you are called to do, sow seeds for the way forward, forgive and let go. He will always lead you in the same direction as New Life and the body of Christ in Canterbury. He will never lead you in a different direction. So, in case you have missed it .. (and there is no condemnation in Christ!) He is leading His whole church into a season of worship and resting in Him. Now, watch Him do it and join in!!!!!

Rosamund Dufort


On Sunday mornings we come

together in a big two hour celebration

service to worship God and hear

dynamic teaching. We want Jesus to

be at the centre of everything we do

and we believe every service should

be a life changing experience for all

those who attend. You are very

welcome to join us; refreshments are

served from 10am.

Woolf College, The Pavilion,

Giles Lane. University of Kent.

Canterbury.KENT.CT2 7BQ

01227 827524

[email protected]

We run a minibus service all year so

feel free to hop on board if you would

like a lift to and from service on


9:45 am: Parham Road

9:50 am: Dominos car park

10:10am: Canterbury East Station

The return journey leaves campus at

12:50pm every Sunday. Please be at

the pick up points at least five minutes

before time to avoid delays.


We are here


WWW.newlifecanterbury.org l @NLCCanterbury l /NLCcanterbury