Y"1" XX11.N* 6it339. NBW-YOR&. riilDAY, MARCH 0, 1863. PRICE THREE CENT& FROM WASHINGTON. «a» Ui.FcKNLYSANMALiih'hiTlO-N *.> f ATRiOTiC SPEECH BY ROBERT 1. WALKER Ufe Rcíerencf to Ik Work of Congress, op Stirring Speecb-sby Otfter foi_t.ei_.eii .? 111 IIIOTIII SESSION OF THlim. ? T«__i Tecifcif«-. Relative to Salt Manufacture »,11 ixl 1 Kt-i.tli to 'ltii« K. Y Tribune. Wxiirvui-ov, Trum.».- Mud. .', Ml COL, FOHM'Vf. ItnCl'TION. i'.' t nu T lield iii« ¡'.nnnal lereptïon aie-rtle k. it:.fir. of l'',ut.;«c«t» ut bl« lion»« ouNew-Jer».'"/ ¦BOOMI '..?: cv. nilli-.'. Ali""- i, Li.niired neinbt-iP ti (.«»j.*«»« Tatviiier offirera and fîeiir-rali», were prea- | BMatBJ tbern **.(.( retary Seward, UM Se< retflrv «-Í ve latfrtar, Mi. Mobur, l^tmtltiyQttmti : ii'. H-Mil,, Imán, lit'»- .('ih!"»»'»»'. Fttt I . lie. «nd nearly «U ila Senator«, -»nrinir ti'«* .cvctTi.', Hol p.-, /.Walker, io reapanaf io n var .a*UB_mi «kqi oatlj mt- "«, '.>' .*. .**"< ^S "' lnii-1.it,ii thé groo! «Maaiiiwt ti that XXXVi-M CfngreaK Ile pronoun, ed lb:« OoaftCH the moat nu rl ¡ii nmievrii'ln! lu tlip history tftht brimen ian ii ti ¡ NM-M-tad ibut, liovat-vi-r iiiueb »eveial of i.. ¦.>taitii iui>-l!: la ÜbcomM- am! ,ici.i,utit»'l, yu il_i ii. im,ut tb«> would be fully viutiicHti-J. Al i. ¡«ter period, (iov. Wolke: tioke directly un tie hu i.iiiipatiou '|,i»lvii, «nil it.l.lre«ied 1 i-neelf io ide Ilt-ider-Siitt« men mmptMrn, Binung tbeu. (leo. Iifi'i.e. t,f The Umitmm Join nal. Alter <i, v. Walker Lud »pol. ii Hot. Hick» followed in mpfjitjtedatm^y ohm tptteh, ¡ti wbkh hoootaaa»! IX« Hri'Ufjttt IfM-dt nun aiuwfd ula deierr.iinrrtion ii atoad l,v il.e Ii g of ihe I'uiouHl all Lazard», eoine art «. h :: nt, «Dii if .slavery Hood in Hie wh« of tbe B|BB»i?BTl-T Iff 1-t I'niuu, Savory ii.net gi.. Üen- »loi 1 iriti nexi (¡raised tLe courage and i 'inaieieit y « ; m. n a,eii t.ov. Jink«, anil, »¡"»-king foi i. on« mettent. .«''I i liai lin- ¡State and M-MoH vron'tl i ..id hi li AdiiT.i í'ratit'ii and tht wai to tbe ' I .ei < -«-i- tjeeretar*/ 1'iliiir. biiiig call«-«! um, »poke li pt). li" with ti-fwaV ongiuiility anil eat«-, throwing' it w '..gi t putt liiP gttti htmttt of li.« -.Hy, au'i piov-1 hg tliHt ¡nan .iuiitij, 'lim t.. me Cab net Mm i're.-i- deni t-MBM a «tro-g and wiee niau. Hie lion. PtOHM K't - fail thai in the provident-« of (.mi, l.iwcv. r nu.' li titi« war ¦ gilt 00-4 u»*m life anil :n ¦ r< ¡my, tbe _tal»«l». «tooti before tbe wo.Id ibe greatest of Abolitionist» uo.l that il Siaveiy * otiabed it wnild le by their own band». S.»iatt,r king » lut-eerfor, the H»>_. K. I>. Morgan, wa« j repent i, -.og the lally p»:t of UM evening. Ti ». « nt«?r- lalaatt-» lt_tt_gtiil.iV'lo.k in iii- Morning, will i ¡eil by t¡n>re wbo wie re-« tit a « onie renee neetitjg of th« W-Mtt Uki MOOt Otrfteol », vithttf of t!,e war to tbe end. i in i ( i um BaVnOati Tie Sonate did nothing hi i-..\«*rutii«- gooaio- lo» .* »x.t-it tr> rei'ini to ho l'r» ¡dent tbe pr-ntliufi -..reinatloii». .lou h1'.»r u.e .- 'irnnTiit tbt» 1'ie-i- ioot « I'rivaie S'Titlary Orrir4 I t}\ fa | t, isbtrol _3CiM«f(» rt'P'aiiiin^r i-ow aMathniioM. Had than beeu re-tn'd in tun« thmj ooul.! not bavr b«r«ii a. ted nr-rn l-MN I' io« aa yet no ( «'inniittp'-«. It ia nut t. ely tbai Iho St-nate wil' «p«rd r',ii.i,:eiab!e in.» i. iîif«-it»v.inK Mr. S'iiiici » pin; fiiioii lo r_. 1-ody tbe law ot .Inly «.', pren ribin. an ad.itional «*tl ».f offiie ii « mmling rule oj tbe bod*. Tbe n-telt-ele-'i-d Sol .'i-e, incl'itiir.K Mr Boaatt Id «elf. I.nv« taken | art in tie -O-daoot lei"re taxing thiaoaib, wheoh iLe law gay»- mutt be nil-Kti*«.! y ev«iv | »-roon, OXOtft tht l'reiidtnt, in tbe »ature (f -ho Tii't-l rvíit.-f», "before ente-ring a;on t'.i »lnt'e» «'I I.if lli.-e." Seuat',ri; Wall ¡«lid '1 .tj, e m-, m M ir teiatn waboui taking ibe oatb, but uutm* l-*re if the Lower lloiiae. «tooti in«iu«e tbe pooiBft » ' I* t law bave been rrtjiiiifd to take it. hi i,alor Abtbony . n-eoiution, by wLicL tbe Vice- Pn lident j t«, tem ia au'tioii/vtl it lunn the Cunijiil- lee«, wai prier« «1 wita t',e diatiw-t ui)«ier»tauiliiit' that tbey r-b:il! le i on« luted al tl.e btsm Btt-kM, except ll.Bl iLc T... BBM-M b-MU bo tilled np, and that tbey .ball for/iLuo an bntod only duung (Le pfettal »err'oii. In «on.« (¿uai'erï, bowtvt-r, i" n.. « Icnt'cd tlat tbe CoMtaHtoOO, wbkb aje to Le1 B-n- iticd t'-rcoiT,'W, will not be t-liang'-d diiiii,^- li XXXVIIIiL CongrcK. Till M.V.-H«tM'*IIIHl: CAatTlSS. BOOMI, C'laik m.d ltir-barowou bave fa'oue io New- HkixiiIi re to take pan in the eanvae». Hej rOBOtt-r l ve \V;.v I Bl-BO will a a" i¡-»-kk ill tbt OroaltO SkiK- UK« or Itrkt before the election. lliMAl.l.MIVll. (Il V.1.NA10K uti». f*. ,._i, r Hale wiu» iu bib «eat to-day for lb» lirai lu.» «ince In« illii'M. He La« lort fifty ponnda of tttl. mid Li» bair. nxXfM Of MUf nu nu. 'Ibt Wife of t..i- lion. Jobii T. I'otter ia lyiug »t tLe point of death. Tilt HAU. W l III«.IMA I «.Mi». JoLu llauxliaiat, (JilLcil F. Wateou, ai.d Win. 1. -toremin Lave been appointed C iiinnjiwioneii for Vin.-,tua uudei Uie law providing fir tLe »ale of laLdi on v.bitb tbe dire«', tax ban rot boen paid. « OIXBCTO-M i.O.M lltMi.l). Tli« Lame» of tbe following colleclore wl.o weir (<.i f.rii.(.<i before (be cloie of tue BoatBaM, bett» no' t-e«.tj publiiLei': Jame« C. Oir, Firet I>ietiict, Vir¬ ginia Ki.jab W. Mnipliy, rSecjnd »tritt MiO-Mli, and 0to. 8. Ileiiu.in, LooJ__|_Mi 'i ax vu iMd.v MSIMTtTl i<» Tin: mam i m um (»I ««ALT. Tfce fcllowiiig «¡tr-i.iori lina been Made: »'.. a J Tkbxii hy Oki'ii in«t j . Oint a te ImikMi llrrivn. i l' »»I. »i.ii.v ..¡» ,.,,.' ) Bia ll»e »ait niariuf»rtnrera of Svraeme »nd tiber town« in yonr Dietrict, wbo tttmpy iii<lividn_i w*:ka, ble< ki or fi«id», Lav« formed a OOnonUotl Ur m rtaitigeueial pur^oiea eouieri.iny ibe iiikiea'1 of Hhl«___ioi Bariolai tnrer». lh« i(ueation ari»e»i whetLer îl.eie »avérai proprietor» and maker» of aalt kre ht irealttd individually under tLe F*.it* law at ii.aiiuiatiureiH. Jt ia t_i,den>l,.o»i. liom Ibe repreoouialiona nade to tLi» tillie«, thai tbe oorpo ration lia» control o. all »ale», and eceointa bv di-ri- rjt-nde *»r otherwiaa, to tbe individual proprietor«. TU» dfaMMMtOMBt do»-« u«»t i bange tbeir loiulilion. 'J Ley ara-ti,« ma_iu__rtiirer« .,1 n.t rail. 'Jbey are *»M,tr« ttnanta in »eveialiy of tba i«-*jteiii\e treadotl wlikb Uie y occupy. -LecorrJotatitjufort'.e j.uipoae <»IHiiikini. aaleot tbe a. -t, anti ir.:_»a_¡Liig tie gcnei.l buhi-.o», iuu»t o.- re- K«trd»-'i Iho ttjoom of .Le «e\<-r,ii j.iopn. tun. J am ÍLe/ef. reoi opiiioB tim« Um proprMton«. tba blixrk« an- field« are to I«* <-ova, di red bh n.anufaetiirer«. It to, «« far aa I kn«m. iM-MMtial to tbo OowBiiMBaal wLeV'i» r lb« tax«*« l-fvie-J OB tbe eal. aie paid bl Hie tadividual propiietova or by Hie ,-orj'oraiion. Until farther núviited, it tony well to i.,. , tbi« u. tLe aiti'/ji of tb« M-tfet ('-'.(<-n,.,l tliiit-gl, | will cbwrve taO-MT, tbai ».» «"»i»vidual {iropiielm ne« da -ut ©ne Jicti.io for L-tani"-*»cta(iuK ripon hmi bMbo ireiniBOH, wi'houl icgara 1" Tsm tit*ui i_(in.f. Bal Ü Le inariufHit'jrat. r-alt .Jf«*-» 4_l-BMB»]*»tM_É_i_. bo j luu*- take Jiienie at, » ' \(Jattio/m.tui«_r lor eaeb l-lao» «/Lera Le c__T.«t cn «-'*«' h«*4»*1-**»* oiHiauc^- lainuii. Very rtii».ct.'ullir, C T t-WHjt J1 riler ( i/r_i.,i«»lon»r «.Mr W'.. Cx»t,aa, v|i«»«*a».r. fa\*iMV>ttdH V DUtrlrt, »'j'»».!!« N y COM.1!l>M(»M.R OP INITHNAI. BKVtNt K. leeeok 3, Lewi» cf WVotrheeter, Pi_u»yi»onio, ivbovvill laakaklj ka the appointed Cotuiniaeiou r if itittrrnul l.pvetitie, ivas here to-day. i hilf Ji.vntr. or aki/osa. TTrriinjilaaaaim Goodwin of Maine will proba- !-bj be appointed ChiefJustice of Ariroia. si KVCkOR '.IM-KAL OP MINNWOTA. i:i-Co..t.'reei»mftn Aldri« h of Miuneeoia is talked o! as ita Survivor Orne'ah IMHAN A(.fNI I«,R ARI/.OSA. ' Col Poeten of Connecticut, n reiideut for sttue ..em» of Anzou.1, ie a prominent (andidute foi ite iiid-ar. Agi-ut. M.Llif« Poll Tilt Hlll'I'l.WAS. The de'eiaii ion of Chippewa Indians to-day waited upon the ll.i). 1-im.Xewtnn^Comiinr.iioner of Agri¬ culture, mu1, vveie fi.ti.iehed a vailctyof Breda for t*a_BB.BJ in ti »-ii leriitoiy. They BB] rested much grutiiii'-itieii willi Ike nu Ji'rou« protl ,. te of the »oil on eililitiou in ihe Dejartnunt c»f Agrir* iltni-e. DEATBB Of soiDiKUS IX «WkSTITAL. The t.)ll«»\viii_ soldierg bave died in the htOpitai» |n nn.l fir.iiintl «Vfishington «mre onr laut report: .'. Itt.,.-t..r. te«-, a. li M. I>. T, (¡. Kenton. D, "B I. V" Lu,, I), HI l'a K. J lirJfevert, B, Mleb. P. heii.y. li, «3 M. V. .1. Baaata, li Beott'i f»u- 1" Minnina i:, I'«. I ran. I -, ii. Y A D. tt'hbe'i, A, l18 NY. J H. Cereeraa. A. M M H. .it¿ V. !, ruhet ,E,H S. J. A Juli»., A, .'7 N". .1. Ii ,.. iot Q M ...I«. J (' ( ..na H. IXN Y. W. 0. Allird. K, Vio N. Y. J. l.Tali-, 1 4D l'a. C. S M»,»eil. A, 1 Me Ai!. S Ratais B, M. Y. C, It,., n». I». Il Mr. 1) r Tullí. B, .*.*>.'. J I 1 Va. J K Bah "-r D 14.'« l'e» SI) l)i.ir»i.»n A.UN.H. K ta-npbol1. R, Üt l'a. AV Kul.ikn.. I!. IM l'a. N. Menicl. Il 4i l'a. J L .-"v. K. i.. t Mu.. «lil Bell, t, 1 .Vd. Car. N ii.ti.«.» *»«i t; M. D h. MoAllistai 0, Il ..!«¦.. Win Ulch, »mi«, de «-> M. I», il I'.».». I..>.t'er Q. .M. O A !.. .\i»| e. li 1 l'a II Lie.. .1 »tairii». (J, I Me. Min. Ii. «Vrlgut. I, i-' t.. M. II.-kl..». IL N M (. I... O. J»' k»on, contract uu-.r >,..,, .'fe, Y r. ( öd», D, 11 N li J i Vought if .Vleh. D H >er, (, Il (J. R] A Hr«d." I .<» Mut -. Mayo, li, Il it. lui. ¦'. li a.i .».n KÜ.VV Lleut. J. (ou«, I ', Il lid. J. Hr lint., L, 4 1 ». I «t [AU n.'.. »t n re'iitiT» le ¦!. r.trj *uldi*r* ri,»y oh ino. fej »'tin»aMag »pt Maria, >i of i «¦ <i- ». 0 .Irret*, ».'»arlington | I.XAMIMM» M Itere*.- APPOINTE!». Tht loll'iwipg l.xamiuing .Surgeon« have been a**» pointed by the CoHiiuiteioner of l'enaions: In Mu .; i..- le» t di»»» l)r M H Correr. SearaB-rtille. 0 " Di IV i. D. Met!reg .r. .-lenL'ei:»: e Oldtg, i)i. lit M m a», lew« CMr, lew*. 11.-. Wai 'II Thoi'iiioii, V».'*, arl lit»-. f). Alexander Jackton. l'Wn.- ih Mttt (Pi ila A »io. ¡»tel Pre«». 0) AiHiM.Kiv. ThnritikT Mtici. î If* I lit. MSAl I KIN IN I Ali. A teWruiu rfceived brie fton. lingham Young sni> a iuee'ipg iras hell'in the 1 abertiucle to peti¬ tion the Pl*atidenl IO remove Oar. Harding and' Jodgei Waite Bul I'.ali. ínni appoint good men in iLur place*. Ho000*0! **The majority of the Fed¬ eral li <«-r» Hiul o'her |t*ratlot*Mfl «00 acting huuuo- n-utilv. I-'intr. thir- if uppear» that I hief JaOtMol Kenny baaretary el Btete 1'u'lei, and superintend« eiit o'. leJlhli ainitirr Dot/OTO ted "led in li.e com¬ plinlent» ('oii|rn-»e ! .u tiltr>|»'e'hi r fuiled la pi'tnote. Li lej.'ieliitlon iiny m«-..«nre f..r fjniet BgJ the dimücc- lion in that Territ i;, let.vi_g that duty to the Kier uliie llepitrtineiit. lill. tllAK(,l.!*t ALMNM 1 OMVl-MdM It lilli 1.0- W AV. TLe pr.nted report ol the .Select Committee on the flkaigoe prefiníred aajfeiaM the COB-»»deBÍt»aM of the i a'» t.' ( lût. e Ho.i.uni, will B4 Oix-oiupaiiied by a ..¦'.»».. and explanatory »taleu.«i.t from that ger. tleu.ai.. lill. MU ( '(»MMl-i-IOM n Ol' I.VIlllNAl. . lll.LME. ga JoaetV J. iMWia of I", u..-) .-.lin'., it ia general.y lei.eved, at ni lo lioiniltated |0 <he Senate ai »in Bo» tot to COM 'maioiitr uf liiternitl Keveline llontwell. i»i;i»rn mi vi ni TO "'»ililli!'- "alalino -lill. AltM-4. It,a i'mvoe-i Mine!.ni ha» ieaued au < tdi r for- hiddiiif»" eulie'od men of the army from weariiii» aid«* ant M of any kimi will in the limita t f Weeli tag; tJD, ext epting when their tlutiea re'|iiire tbtm. The ri',.e-'i, -.-i»cn fur thie )ei to ee< ure the public BBBea, anti preeerre the froperty el the Qe*n laaMal from lou ihr Baffe the iitg '('eme Tit io¡i«tierr of . nrtleaa atiil tit j rile ¡pleil toiilifis. ( n.VM L-i HI ( (e(,.M/.l |i The 1'.eli lent hu rccognired Di n Munnin. Alvarez < otigul of Kpain at Netv-York, an I lion Juno ile Alini/iiiina Kau «M.rtár¡, Vice-Coniil if **«{,fc!ii at Hew<*Orloaae> llUll.l.I.IO.S IHK i mi Nie. Hi. Krank ItteerO ha« been auihon/eii to MBBtM0 for the libnuy of ('oiigie«.a a t olli.tiou of BO) nu.eula on the Be bell, un htm il» ««iii.in« in-enn !. «a»-. ntnti; ki iitKi. iiAitiiAiti i ii - »lui aurl *tl anira **hot Donn for l.oyaltj le the I'nion In llnbiin» t llandrel llluoil-lloiinil« 1 »i d te Hunt lloví n I ni Propli llnudi i «la of I iiinilii « l»rl»i ¦! «»ut la 1'irnli of Nlnrt nilón. W'a.ataOfOB, JfiuildlT, Mai i. Int. i. The f.jllo*iiiig hah been forwarded to the bead- (íuartera of tie urrny : l!n.tl« PltTltli 1 i-r CnhlsiH, Min., Jan, í( lí'1 CaItíiní 1 have the honor to eiiLii.it a few of the outrages ('.¡umitwd apea citizen» of Alabumu by the Confederate troops. While all ti eil lenders,' from the IVcid» nt down are BBBaUBBJ of (heir ear- rying on titi* wai in w<< -dunce uith the laviB that g.ivem it*' ti» in such crises, and are (Largiiij, upon otu tr<« peell lundi of deprnl'iuotir ami <»utiw>»« »-. 1 thiiiri a a few umplu liu it- might pal ikOM to blueh, and make those panic», ami out prcae aud * eoj>!e, who are MrfMlliBf the ellorts of Davis to cito a »t.jj'iiiu iijioii ut, .? i... u. -1 of the work they age doing. 1 will fate- merely what 1 kt.ow to I e ti ne. Abe Chuadi ami Mr. Mitchell nero hun¿' two week« ego for laeln/« 1'iiioii men, 'I'he-y were on the Haekleboii Sett'c me ut, Mariou County, Aliibuma. Mr. Uni''.» 'uk i.nd his daughter, of »he »urne, conitty, were Loth »hot for the »nine cuue-e. The. Inn i »\ «t iiitltttitly kill. d. The former if »till alive, but ii ill jn oi.ftbii die. I'eter Lewes, lind tbrre of lue neighbor**, rajaja hiiiiK-'l down by 0MB hundred bloodbound« and cap- tuied. The liouoe« of Al' tnr. l'ain.ir, WeleLv, William», . ml ile three Wellman», wet« bunted orer their bead«. Thewi.rnrti and children wi-ie tuiuedout of do«, is and the community was noiifted that, if, tiny l!Ioui.-.1 the ni togo into other bou-»oe, or fed or baibotetl them in any mininer, tliey would be «ervod ilia rame. Mr. reitigon, Haif-gjal ike aeae*ft» ituii MountaiL,, wa« shot. 1 hil now fulling «oin«. 100 ol fbear- fiimllit«, who, w.tli iLeir wtuii-n «nd childi en, «onie giay-liuircd men, ai«J even iiipph» un »rut'Let», wvtt driven out, and found flteir nay ki re througft the ivoudi«' ai.'l Li n.-iy», wiibo,it food or sheller. AH Ihir ".vin doLe iutvllie rimjlo reo*oii thbt Mit*** ive re Ur-ion met», er ib.J. Il.iy Lad Ln^hirs m i»iai.\<» iii car armje. TLe siateuiemi of iUm jh i le eaj »)a,ttt le*/opd¡ belief, did we not ha?« the evidence before n«. 1 aro informed by them that there are hundred« of loyal men and women in the wood« of Alabama, waiting fur an oj>|»ortiiuiiy to e«ca)K». I ani, ifipn f ni j. join rvhadli at .iirint. (> M liOlMrK. Uri|B.lt«i-ne'era'. ( lit II M. St» i na, A. A ('-i. Meuipblr .Rlllrl 111 Kim Hi. ANO VIIIMTV. Tin- l.oaa of the littlinntiln l"rono»inci*«l I iiii»««i>-iir; .1 he tunal 1 ¡ni»_.«-d mu Heady Krui..' ihr tViilrr. NMMH TDiidiy. Minh 3 W3, i ii» CatUt f(Jur»div, Ma (lit I Tli« Iudiauol« wa« cur tu.ed under circumstance» that lead to the belief «be w hi .uniecc «»arily surren¬ dered. Laut Kiiday the Indian jin and (¿ucen of (be Weit were discovered under (bo g'ni« at \V»rrenton, bntb in a rt,lui.ti. ti foi ctTiitivo tortita» The mkneaa in tin army It in.reaaiug. Tb«ran»l beswern the Miirit»»ii pt River and Fake Pruvidrin e finiahed. Vic waUr ia nut vet 1ft iii. r ::«>*! tuf trtiioi nu rofOriK ll< t ii «a .1 id. Mt i r.ii<l tim, I eui 'h'« 4 ui pa. ritJ.clal Dill«.cl> t». I he N. Y. I ,,. in.« lilt, a,' x,li Bat liar a 1 IIB roTimxc. 1 i. .-..,>, Mi.-rii :. Ma I TI« lotead 'den. Cou<h'») Corp« wa« reviewed lo-iiH) b) (ion. Hooker. Nier di.l a more delight¬ ful day dawn. Hie bud «bine« bright, clear, and warm: t'»e field» and road« are tiri, and all thing» favorable foi a f ne dit] lay 11 the corp». In the ab* «euee ol iii ii. ('ouch, <î«u. Hancock wa« ia coin. mund. I'., birt order lb« «evt-ml diviiioii» were dmivn np in Older on high ground, ni . l«rge oj/en Held, at ''s 0 do k. Tbe «c«n waa DiKpiificenl The bright nt-w banner», «¡reaming by the «,de (f the old battle-iiddled flag», gra> *"uily gave tbair fold« to tl.e Lreere. The music from tbe Lamil» f 1.nded w ide ovt r Urn field thtough the clear, «till air. and (La whole nene via» (Mt of beauly arid grandeur. At lui <'«.<xk ti.« (V.nnnander-in.CLiaf of the an.7, attended by bia »(MT, rod« ( n the tield wheie the iiiip» vi ¡ib toruiol in column- of bii^ade«. Coin« nu .'.- w 11 tua millier j iii tbe cífreme right, (len. II""«' r lode along in fun', and te.ir of OBOl brigade, closely iatitti lag all the men and aiou'.er- uieuir, rho Qeaaral t ,ok«fav tahlapaaitloa on hieb «i, ii':, fend the whole rorp« 1 aaied brfoii'biui in review. Tin » \,-i..' ¡ ,.;..., MtWata Mala I erad-tabla appetmet, ard ti.« mvIom paataoj ft fe 11 ai.iirr bi.lily c"iiij 'liu.in'.ary to tbe (Mirre in comu.aud. (it'll. Hooker eijressed I.¡ti.»elf weli pleji.eil «A ih (I ». -,ii.|;,,|i (lu- i 'iiri.ai.d, M «tw-l with the tppearam« uuc) betuvinr of tbe »tveí« regiiuriiir. ? 11».¡t«i tiini I.«-¦»nil Otil.r I ill/1-11» Pre* lill, ii. .( (ioin % lalO-BBJ I 11 im pi Iii «i. in« un nuil ll-.il. 1.« . I.m king 111«. «ipli.tr Dil.»»* ( iiiii¡ilinn mril Orrlir It-.1»«. ili»| I.« 111»I al Abai me 11 uri fur* louyliB. Ta II« A««, t.. «<i I'i.ii lla.nat aiati-... A, « r-i T. Ka, Hal k t. \PÍX (i. 1 1 tal Cid, ra .v... I»», contain» tl.e falbrW__g¡ I Ititi 1,1, 1 "I. laOMI It« ». HI lol hi- allowed to le¬ rn:.i.. vM'tiintb, Iii «¦».,. ami » »' hit trmy wllbaat a ).Mii il f !.. UM rr--<,al-..l«r-l.al-(;»iiei,,l. | ,,i,;. 11 nu i.L ti. .-» MillcaaaaallaarbpatBOtM wubin lb, .1 .'..a ., aiidi» (" 11 luougLl balure (Ue I'tovyat- Mairl.m-«., u.ral for .'m de. ;. 10.1 on .1 .,,,1 Iii in, r'l BJJ ¡«¡ I r i-I tl.r f<. HuW llig r»_.tiiri.t» and li.tt-r i'-a gi'.ei rMMMOOfth. aaOOMlt} of a'rong e»«rti"HH '»n tat I'&it of every officer an I mem1 er lo I ring tlieiu U\ tv tbe ro] Ot a'a«e of «in- i| line and rl!., ,.¦ ) Kofartbot ¡tai«« of -barato «iH toftfaatedto tL. »e C"ii.man !», ami all "ft, «ra alien! tl.eie.it,:. mini lu ir,all««l m ti li I le»»,*» rev.,k»d. I to ti«!«*-, iii»' tralbt ian.tr, ni tfae illili.11.¡i bli'.Uriel tV l).~ ITtk IM I 1. .'"-i. «Ml ¦..i ni, I h. t".h. : .ti. M I''.'.: »1 :i I 1 II | Ml .-¦¦i- lb l.'ith I.VIi UM. ,.-» ti, -mi It-Ik, I", ,..».,'a. -.i » f.lk I t-la-aai j/it Main, i.i.i-'.ti \ . LiK-ii»» li lit ¦««» .-I I ,it, . 1 »h New Tink. Braal, a, Uti. S»w «lull, |-ii.ii..i.uiri ». Untar» t , lit S-w tait H«-'--»'» il'i» ti. lil Miiv.ii. toa« . It« .«.« a, 'al Nat. Jar»»- |l«ian.»r'i. Il.uiiv I lit r*.t.t ». itii.li MtCaHaai'i U.i*t/ I». i»i hiaaailvaala, li».., i.-m Ohio. J0I.1..0:.'», M I'" mt 'ti 11, l'l.. |t t'I, li.llir« 1 iii thom tort tiittiiiuii «11 .-i.. li.« to! own.g regiment« ai i batteries a«, |*-»ritig, from ll.c n,*i ii.-u re|xjrt»( i<, I.ave earned In^li cullin.emlatit'U fioii, iiiuiici-ting «»flkeii, ii 11 left lo tbe diarntton of tbe corra («MMBMtdata, having ra gani to iii« riiicit-nry of lim ..inn anil», to increase ti.» I««vi ¦ "I aboOBOt and lurluugbi to ÜMM tom u.aiida f r 'be li «-tx dava foi own g tbe laatlat tLia order to three, imtead of two, enlisted uicn fur .very l«Hl ¡ |«o_OBl for 'Inty, ami three oftbe» iuitead of two, piuMtrtl ia li. nitral Order No. J: Ri-.l »i.t.-l.t. Id ititi 2'ti, Mihi, t,rji»l<.| )0th nil I'.ti. Halaai Mr» sa »I -'.'» f-rki »th Naw-Jir««--, Illili Venu . ylvii.i« (1 V. |m intln, 11. I l«l v.,,...... H.'t.fl .- r li M«ii.r »|,; .. A, lit lil...ii» !.:,..I Ar mel... H. lal KI.- I- Mai.tl, lil/i'J I. K, IIB I' 0 Hu.I.'«, 1), l»t Nett-Ycl, lal'Oiar'i, /. I.t Il|,i,.e li lud, Hii.,lu,|,i.'i, fjth I'. .-»., Ha»i«ii'i, <". in vu,... i. ,0, Mailla'l! A. lit ».(«.ii I. .. » V «l- ?». ,1 .Nat-I,"I. Hat. n . J, N.» Va,,k, . . K. lit I', b., um.iu. i, li» :«»..-1 ii. lilli, ii, ... I.- i-. I..-I Tlie ('oii.mHi.du.ent of the Cavalry Coria will tin- cora mut» tbe leave» and furlougb» áulhou_ed uuder (.men.I <i.fi-i So. ii, to it,.ii ii'« ol bia t um..mil, BOgh '-ful in <!,»'i| line, «iii it-Hi y care of arm». ei|i¡i|,iiieut-, «iiininl», «ka» It i-vi»'cImI that all i-ouiiiiiiiiilii.^ olhten ol corM »tul oivision« will di«* ai i'ii.ii« and lefuae leaves au«! furiougba to tbo«e irg.un-: tr ot batt, nea which lue illili!.: iy ill iiiited. All etmtttt una enliateii im 11 ubaent yoi I the (...i lui of iii« « r loOrv-00 OBI furlough mud be tni-l by C uit-.Maili.il. All nilli if v. ill contine their traffic to tin« regiment |0 «vi h li t. «-V nu- 11 j,1 0111 lui! and br|i ng. i l,r gooda aud prot'Tiy «I ibtot Ibaad imliiuig iliii onlii will lu oiiliat lad, ii|on proof 1 hereof. Suilura whu ure the i-auiea or ordoto of oftjceia to f rot tire traiii- pottattaa. or purcli«»« >md »eil lontiabaml m ti« Kb, Will be subjected to toe ram« ¡teunlue». -.? Iii b. I Invii.ion of li. lll-rliv. hi»o» it. liai»li 11,, 1 Meaa» li (i.t, i.v mu, Mi-i-iv, Mao h I Ubi. (¡eorgt 1>. l'rtnlic« liiiící through Cincinnati to¬ day, «ii roule (oi KafOfMi On >al ud», lit- paid H H for gold in IiOUiavillc. Ile prod» t«, from loiiiive iufoij.iit.tin h i.ie pataat-it-i, that tim lUbabtia Hioiiiig into Keiitu, ky in oveiwheluii'ig number«,1 aud lUal tb» y will have romnl.to pO-MM-M -Wt_-f tin aroaaal noiiih. ai huailn-iiltii Li«coalictlona are not 1 it!¡ied¡ but oth« r j artie», i ¡vii and mill litry, wlio cliiii.i la bo ( j o.llv 00 well .tolled, an eoafidoat <>f an ioMtadiala iiiva«ion by Ibtaaatbai will ooatpol i.t'ie. um« to rL-tieal lo the (Hilo Uiver, win. b, to tbe Couti du.itir», W"il!d ha moie adían-' ta^ioue tlitiii a battle. Prentice Iih» bl» iidwce» from m.¡1,1, 'ni.ni,;.' Boaroooj ibataCoto do not be tvptioad, if more «tartbiig inlelligcncf iban bee y«t be« .1 eeiii you should com«jit mu hour. (on,* linn- h;ih ii« t BOM entirely restored through¬ out C«ntral Kdi'u-ky. Kefugnia uro dill aniviug hera Hum Lexington, l'ai in anl ('ynthiana. II ink ti» uni .'. j y .¦:..[ .tul,,-. Lave no1 returned ibi-ic1 ii»-| ..»na ii um lina city. (Jen. Ljtlt mitad here to-d»y from Murfree». I nu», and reporte heavy rain« aud mid h_MI «J«*.'»». Va to-aaaooat can to atado at ptataat. 'Ibeemniy! are forltfad at '1 _U__MM_I und Paobtti. lhere Ml no doubt tui-l lh y bave be« u hWfJBjf if« ufo;v»iJ. ? (Jin. BtUar » leen invited to bU'Ik-bb the »iii-, zane 01 jNewark', .u reilly te lb» tteenl »p«»*'h of ib« Dca. jV» Vai'ti-difclam j ICO tV TUR NO1 J H HT AIM-:» POM. MEBNIO.-41 OP TUP POKTlPICATIOatS. -A» lii.iHi Viear ol Mirri mr* Tourey*« liiiiif- ferent.-*-. Anilely ol n flat m1 Illili i r flow He ana Iii huff« d. Tue following correa' otidinee between Com- rtiiiudcr Craven and .Sciietaiy of iheNavyToucey te the Kail |a»Bl shows with whut ¡iidilTeieucA., ii nothing vroinf, the latter regarded a *M**ajaa*»toB %t piotcct Southero fortiliiatioi)« fiom being tkmWti by Rebelt,: I". ti Su «at ti Mem»»«, Key Weat, No» 15. ÍMO Sir,: I havo tho honor lo inclose tu you u copy of a letter I have received from Capt. M. C. Mci;.'», U. S. Kngineers. lleliet ing that in the present plorahle condition of allai « iu ibu Southern State«, the interest« of ihe General Government will be beat subaerred by taking aut.h meaaure» will prevent the poaeibility f the i-eizure of these, atrotigholda by any band ol law leis men, I (oosider io my duly to guoid ogoinst ihat contingency. I will therefore sail to-iuoirow for the Tortuga«, and have adriacd Lieiit.-Com. Stanley to guan! this place. I need not «ey to you, Sir, that 1 have adopted titi« a.kBB.H only fioui calm ».rid m.tttue de'ti era« ti in, and ni'h great hope I ! :t t B y Batffl HMJ* BO! be riLli/id. but ti.Li our country may yt-i loeovei Mom the i gitutioii whit h it-«ui* diettiihiog it to it» center.. ) ran ateure ron that I will proceed with the, titmor-t citruiusj ection, am) io »ni h a way ti» cunno! e-Jt/e "fíente, nor ¡.rovoke cavil. Will you be pleased lo furui-li me with n.»mu tiona for my liifiire ¦. uidni.ee, under the nnforaaeen and n.elincholy »into of afta'*».. Very lei-irrt'ully ynur obrdl.B' in Tint T. All». ( ItAIKN. Ll.nl ( ..,,.,1.11,.'ii,» lleo. Ilttc TutCBI Mecirttry ol tlir N*»y. h-iT UriT, ria, .Vot. |.\ lien loa. T A. Catrial. ( ommonti'.nj .N.tiuf ./ rrt al hey ii eil. iyiii The uew» received by Hi« «¡earner I«... el in¬ dica ee »neb a »Liie of excitement among a portion of tie ¡ inp.e of the 1'uited State» that it appears to me proper that eome pretoutione thonld be taken to pre¬ vent an attempt by aou.e emull expedi'ii'ii to ttiit upon Fort Taylor or lou Jefferson. The first, 1 undera"'.»I, eontaini a couti'lerable mp' ly ol auiiu'iuitioit and ton.« gun»-. Fort JetTer- .on, al Lit«* Toiliig.tc, ia without. gtiLior auimunitioii. I look for no ea-M-Jitioa authoi.ü.d by the oousti- tu'ed authori'ie» t/f any Si«;»-. I of any small par!yof li.cll aliAlo'le I" eu.lT' li the 'titi. 101.t »e.'liong Of the i.i'in i kjBat '¦'! a tempting huit iu either of tl.ee-- iiiiporfani Li: tie»**;». 1 BananS» to-day a note to Cant. J. M. Hreiiuan o' _M Itt AriiiUty, who, with men only fit lor duty, ii »i'ti.oii. d ut the Key Weet barracks, tailing hi» i.reuiioii to tl.i» »ubjrct, and I beg leave rer| (dimly to BtT»**Baal to you the propriety of ... dis¬ posing of the Ndihl force» under your command, while ex. it ne the I«..-" attention to make the nieces» tjf any BBCk expedition ¡iiiLo»»:».le. 1 o»»« ti.» boaet tj be, tit, v. tj leepa Ublly, V. UT OljrU.»l.t ».iT»nt. fe) .Mt..(LI (»ptair. of l-"giri*er*, li charge if Kurt J»:len-,n I" ?. *'i»i*»e*i V< Hi»»» Rrt M'aar. Not. 1«, Ifttn. 8m: Hv an olMcinl romuvjinieauon from Capt Meig», C. 8. Bne^neore, my attention ¡i called to the ..!.,¦ .'"d c iidiii'iti of Fort Tay mr, which coin-' mao'»Hil» harbor. I |a»**»OM yu « copy of the letter of Capt. Meiga. W'hatever be the lemlt of the iii-uo now ruiaed Hgiitt »t the (ii lierai (¡.veruini ut by the people of a ten Southern Htaie», ti.,- importaL.-e of tl.0],oii«at tl.is|l*ce «cl th.- Tortupn», cannut bo rat,mated, mu mending B they d.. the eui mené of the Gulf ol Mette... I therefore deeui it my duty lo edi .I you MtMOtk« "fa.Ml ululer your command forthede- f»iiSe of Fort Taylor, while the Mobnw!. will hold the Forlrea». It no'. 'i4t»»»ary lo «dvi«o au otf.cer of )uur fe.*» creii"ii of the extit me delicacy id tl.i- |o-iiions 00» ctipied here BJ the oft. eera ra* the 1'iiitetl tjaatBR \\e mu»t beware ol' giving ai» estant by whn.li to Barns, ¡t the OOMetteBB nt MMM, while al the same tine «.¦ iiiiial tiru. v diet-barge our dntiea under the law» Ike I'nited tka- ». Feivcufiy iriittii.g iLa: Ike wi mid»of our count. \ may y«t t>e he..led, I »iij, ie»l».-' u.« yoi! ! »,!,. t lerrti t, 1 Al'U«. CRAVEN, Lleel Cot.noaliaf. I! ut -Cainii.aod ig f tlAMUM Ctin BOB ling I '. !4. ttrltmr '""* Nati IlarAMiai-iT Not 24, Ii-eo 8ih: 1 love lOieived your leiler of the l'»th iu.t., with Ince «ure». Tho Depailmeut doe» not, from any information ia it« poraeeoiou, doora it ne«.'« tuny t. ut »ou ahould re¬ main at the TVrtugae to guard Fort J«ftei»on. You nill, thorei'.re proceed to your ci inning ground. I ti r»ii''c,luliy, your oltJin t .. :»»..t I Ton B1 Li» .1 T. A- M < «tu «m, cornu.uLdi-g I. ti. iliBu.ei Me lii»l,Kijtt'iil,fii- »1«t. rneiil. Of I'lB. tVmil. PBOtaOBBO« H I li'.-ida», Marri .1, Mel Gen. Wool arrived Lere al'.*| o'clock tin*. Mniatag. anti was greeted by a large tim ng Bl the Kainui- h' 'i.e. A «ulule wo» ala. Mr««!. '1 General ad- .!i.'»*¦» d the niultitade, and proceeded to the BOBtB> llouae where theGeueral Ateembly wa« in »eetiim. lie iitited each llouiH! atidaddii-aed i'. Iii ti.ti. |ii'i,i erded by steamboat to Ml wport. He return»; In re to-Uight. |>i alrui lion al a « »imper Ortl.r Cul am l, Oin-, TLtnidiy Miri'i C, I' ii Tht im » edllunol ollie« wa» mobbed lo-iiight I.» IM soldiers. The conipoeing r«.. in», in another building, were undi-imbi-d. Gou.]Coop<-r called tut the military te r«at« re order. Tbe C'aae of Col. Bl Igt r. Iii TiMuar, Xtiurid»y, Matul. I, |M Col. Ualgei, (.,» nu'm uiai-ler, In.« U-en ordered lo Cailiilet li'ir.H'k» for trial by (out.-Martial on i hing. « I retired by the Senate Committee. Itrevci Col. J ann i I' I'oliiild» »li take« hi« pla. C. --¦*>-- Fiiimh Xoiicis or Awi lui an (íl« t LArin.. We tiamliite from the Almunac'i du *%-**»*.tel yVfrn tn¿ui, the following paragraph contained iu un ttb»iiact of events of the war io ibu failed Stute»: Kerr». A.r. Mti?.-'fl.» Pederil tioopt an. ml.led »t llirret'a croailhe l'oti-uin'. aud 'l.i . In.I eugageiurnt 0 aafj «Ulli lo» Mil 27.Tlio F.d.itli roti.iniiided byOoa Link», »ipe- . (.i ...d »li it reverie. Ia.| recroii the Putouiac, »"d l».l birk ..¡'"n »I ilil»in»l»ul|. Mai :.' *ud di.A gn-at lil' » ii fouglit m ... HicbiliOlid on th». met diy ¦'.» ni',.11(11». reaialaa with the! ,nfeder»te«, nu the irciid d»y tiny «a**«t.atOO ... ,-..!. a 1- lo**, »id «I,«i,dun Corinth. Aller mia dayl of l.loody lighting BOOB III' 'mioiid lJuoe H lu . 'i '. 1 -.:»i..., .u.,. nnc.'.l by 11. ir. «n, reltie be'.ue the ( tinfodt tate army, wlii h, wl'h re i.-nfoiceaii ut« niuilit by Oin» iia«i.r-l«rd »al I«, k.u-i li«»e I,, ii r:.«.. 1 lo 111'ki« men. 'llieytike putiliuu on the Jim. . Uiver, 17 n.ile» :...i, Lbirleiteo. We leuru from the cover o/ the book which lui« fumielicd lite foregoing gerne, that " the Central Coii.iii.t'i« of Irimiiry ItiHtiu. lion lu the City of 1'arir) lion p_n.«.l the mmtftUiA J'ttiortujue du th« ¡«et of booka proper tv be giren ne jin >0 the j ni* "le «4'boola. - (lIA.tlBI.'K OP CO.tlllKRI'R. The M«lxl t-iriil«»« »inp_i-i-.nl l.ettrr« from rW«*r»»r.ar»r« Wellra and fUward. The i eg ular moulin1«/ meeting of the Cbambei ol' Comme«" wa« 1 eld yesterday aiternoon, President TrRiT presiding. About thirty member« were I regent. Al'er the. iriiiisfiction of some routine hu«.nee», election ot members. «Vc, Mr. tlMMf, Societary of the Chamber, rend the following letter«: Nxvt DBrxi.TMivT, rta. 91, IH»>3 Sut: T k.tre hid" th» honor to rec« va tlie n.eotoriil ot the I li»u,l.er ot Ommattttat of th« 21«'. in«t, tiaii.tniit"! by yuu nutter dita of the Ka, nalli'i ti,» »eu M iiit'jietiide of (¡ia i, i.»ii,i.-i. iriiic; fioiu th» pre.ent .late of on, n«tl.n.«I .(fun with irrt.ed rfeMl and pirallcil (I ii»«r» upo:, (ha .ei» ar.il Hi« BilliB-Wlj i'i»a otheri n ay «re la«| le Baa» i UM BBMbsi ¡ 'hit tliB-'iauil'sr ot l'ouiui«r,'e hal r»pea e.'ly in-- iBorixlii di i.Lrrt.a a-id til«-cull ff tlepirtiii»tii| on tb» n i- jsct, but vti'thi ut tia». retult wMel, 'lie u i.|iiift r> f t'.e I'.- (»reid «t Maka »'d ihaiorlou« r»«nl(l to n.| reher.aiad t.) th» aatiaa it !¦. -«¦. in »*«¦ al sny Ma-i-B ut. iiiii nrg hf li,:« Hepirtu,.-i>t tbe BBBBB-lf of li one« "rdarl | lo ti.e .. i'»i ... n.-taa.f., (ne Manoa-» sod rsmidy ilo ,., » »kip- ,. vv.i at .ui'iirj aaaboafa, ai »1 lurth.-i rai i«:le? thal t m1 i.atio (raft ricient force i,e ititinned In (lia Vi.i Klv«r. .( IM SM Irim* In ti,« S ,und to roiiiiinrri tilt upp. each lo lue ., f. R».iir<iig i..o.t fully th» rii»tiiitud»> ol tr.e int»ro.'» a' »ilka in Saw I" vi I au «ii th« ooB-i-Oaae-M »nd probibiliUn Bl¬ indad ti lu ti « h ruior'il, It weat- a «ratifie»»! .n to (lia ll»r«tttri»i M i aMai arprabemlo-: mid to inrr.i.li tin* vs.ie'i «« if-ne«'»'; r,i.,v :.-,«,l we bid them unri_| lojoit Kutti.» u -i.ii,*r. «I ita« ( auib»/ <f l ouitus'.j« CluliOt be nii»w»r» tb»t st lim j,.ii.-fu..- oui who!« n«.al 'ona li put lara« fWii : ir'.'.t o| »ri'loai or fia» «.'», . ,.' i«n(I.e«rr: ¡«cr- a, lb» hada, arl» y inii't o: lb« Habel "«1 plr-td' - .ul ar» iiÍkii«. i. 14«no1 pea«-batta« rnaariarlaHat» wowM .!»>)-« tn ,t.i« r«ir th<- Hasey ot iii« irjv.ee fn»ltb«r of tb»,et to n* ip»rt. », i ve», »vt hi.li'. ilalaclilBf n.v.'leiir'i nd |'iilho||. from tlie ,,p»-,iioui lu »huh »bay »reii.Uiied. un in. ii irim m»nt i in it' i i«i«t,i j-iirr-u in t ,i- Bala» Hu., ot New ^ vit. or 'o (u«'d tlif BaM H'vrr «.:. »M «»me of th» praiacta- expeditloni loitimala thei« nil» be v»««f r»':-v.-'i i-orti pr»|.| t ii uy. HI i.uld a forel»n wn taUfl-M it it uiiy t:,rt_- pal arhaiiie ol >«HS» i»(Utl lo Ih« ri,,,v,-ineu«« «i.d .»». liar.» ot ur tai» Uelu c- rre»j ou.ling »ith ti.» ...»».liioo« of ¡h» ,, an srv|___l l)nrlr,| »It. «iii-, ri»» o', oat ti, n.< i»ie _fl_ ii'*>l tb»ra have b»«B >w «BBBW. . wli.B tb.r« bivi- rttvt Win .vii »*.«»;, lu lb« Im bor cr NavtVufk i»..t-, for inin«,li-ta larviea. or t-'i'i ....-..! ti, It, .. ¦.. -ti, j I..- piou.,,' .' ii.iJ- avaiiaiil«. At i,,i (i-n* I«« »I . I»»i trtri -tit b»en a_n led ul cf the -onái- tiOB ol ti lu»« lu Sew. York «rid I (nut it will ilwiyi bl «l*rt> Ui.l mr Iii* pn :-¦ ii u cf tint ind of ««her expo-id pine« on tlie ... «it. HieeoamitiBleatlaa »t Oom. Wool, «lludin-; toihe bmbbbi rill o' tit* C1wa bar <f Con nure, on the «nbj». '. of tbe ile- f._l«« ti New-York, hu bo' Baaareceivedal tblillepaitme.it I «m. very rripa. Cully, your oi,e_ient iarv.nr ( ifrEON i\'r:i.l.f-*t, taecreu-yofthaNav* fe Jett Atari* -.aram jr, Secrtt_rv,_r. I HOM MU. «HVAKP. I»»PthT»KXT or StxTB, ) WxllllBoTON, Mit,.li ', IT I Hu: I liri recaivtd with «atlificioD. >our Inter of tbe 21 th liiliB.e, B-d the pdatedasaj of tri- i i.,a.»"t'i¡i« of tlie ( bl ber er ('e.i.in'r a f tlie .*!¦_(« efXe« -Vo.-k, al a IO-B__ me.'.lnf on lb« IM u''lmn. relative to the "r-ontliiaej plr». ciai of re.»«!, ii ..»ii eut in (..»at hiidin, upou Am urtu oouiu.-roe " tvl.l.li -eiiinpanlud It. In -,'i .r, I hsv« to ni form you tint I wi!', » .iii p.«nur«, tliitribiite cupial ul tbe prore» ''ng», - I.»'- tit-j lar« .¦¦ -I- d to u.«, lu lb« manner .ui|»«(id and (hi» the etiurii of th« (»avirnmeit f"r the pre- laaaiaB vt »«.J ,.« iu ,n. .- arlll not be Intermitted. I aui. *.r. nu. very obaduh t »er»*,ait, W ILI.fAM li. SKWAKT). JoB»i Aiint Stu«!«« jt-.tiee. ke. 11 on rni "HUM LtHCOia. »'»». riva Mi«i:ov, j lV'i.HiBU-rti.v, y-'o. U. UtJX j MvDaaafiai Ia« Ftaat-aM -tratM-MMaaaaaaHa-l» He :>¦ pt of »OBI fiTor yt-.tardiy. co venn» t... raaaat reeo* luli iel otthe I'bsu.liar of CaaiBHrc« la tegird to the occupi- lion of th« Kio »irinf*» irorlier. tiijln.y -.iii;ii,ii»«ii-il»ill'',t, JOHN HAV. Joaa At ii in -iivr mi. j., Mecietuiy, te. A letter from .Mayor «Ipdyke wa» re_<l ftclaiiowl- ad|t-Bg tbe receipt of the mémorial of th« ('bamber to Hu- Harbor 1 'ef.-.i e I omnii.ai.ia. « Mr. Si m «m> i-' j "i «eil tliuton behalf of the ('barn* her be attendeil the «tatirtic-il Oonvantioo in Wash- i.iK'i ii. wbich tlouvention adjonrnad to re-ronven« in thi« city on ibe Jd of .May next. ÛB motion the use of the Chamber wa« proffered to the ttxiet T. 1 at Se« retarv r.ad the folloiviin» letter relative to Ibe tnlniit'i n.ei of IbacaaaJ« betwaen tb« Valley of de Mis«i«ei|«| i and tbe Atlantic and in reiraril to the (,'oDv«uti"n t«> be hebl at C'liicaBO m .lune next, to coiiKider li e «re¡il rational, ciinmer, ml and mil¬ itai v bcBeli.a to to -toiaai ÉOJM »neil enlurj/emeni: V\x«»iis.,t.).v. Mir»l. I IWiJ. Bia I iniloie yoi . pi le ta.l copy «r tbe call for s NaUaaal CMtraattei (:...-, f.,t aa'arila« ti.« eaaala I ( ¡«tie epl!-,htai>*»d and tmlv nation..! hi.nlwr of t'onituere« of N.u |fo*i WI I «I'P.tti.ie tl.a 11.4,0 t,i,.a of ti. ia iiioveuiant. and give It li« nd ti.O 1-01 er,'it'ii 1 t.f if axe ««veral oiber -.«. to be iddi d to (ha tau out lilli ur»d Dot dii»y «iliou. \ »ty re.piatiii ». you. o'.rdn-i.t larviii, i*IAAi N. ARNOI.I». Um fiill«>winr_ ratalatloa offired hy Cutt, girt, \ el:. Heil coiisiileuit.le iliscu»HÍon Uti Uti Till tb« y.se jtiv.-i t.ai.uiitta«b*lB»trt!cti«dtoin- quile »1.J i-| ,1 ».,it neil i.e., :f »uy, »r» proper to ba i.l pt. I by till« (barlil cr 111 re«|-ct to to in porliat »u lucí- d.,, ., »Burlfaa C«aa-wta« ¦. Ito raeaal deitiu.tlon ef tli' i)ii|' '1 <Ji' Hell ty a pint« iii «J out aud luppltrdtn li.¡I.I. pott». <a;t Ntl '.i.'«»i tb» Cbalraaaa tolako iaMMa___la »clio- .'ii tlie s'lbject, and »ta'e.i Iii« bel ef (bat if IbOOB even»* were coniiuned a general war uj on lb»- lnMli mu- vi. ubi lake lace lor the (uolcitiou of o,ir tun.iii« ree. 1 11 e a. : .'il> bo tlougltt, «bould le takoa on tie ; 1,11 ol ttie Aliifiuili mei chante to call tbe at ten, ."ii if lirilieh in. re >anti to li 11 lu I, and ii Mit« bl» babel, tii.it I.t "in «lit'i l.in(i;».i ti ,-rcnauiH waa J raopoad u> ii uioet beartil.v. lieu. Wiiii.'iii wa«i*lt«l «au« ii a resolution hid beru mi 1..«in. td. and ibe ( bamber owed it to itself lo haap 1 «.:.tb« >, ubli.-, the ooadaet of tin- gi-etv* es1 commercial louuiiy in tbe wurbl, and ii« ti. it- ineui ol ti e cimneiio of American n;.i chant«. Ile .aid na bad :-. < ,u-,| a i.-iu-i f.oin Baglaad which coattintil tb»- , braaa, Euflaad at wai wltu you wiiile yo are at poaet ^,1»% liiiijlao'!." Mr. C-UtTIHp»» eupiiortcü ttic iejol,.tion, aud .aid ti at the iit'etr.» lion of il,v _¡...,b Hell Lad brought tit- |r¡>attci« alu.i>st to OW own doora. BJ that «ln| waa ewaad by aa o__oar of thaChaaihat, Mr. Luvt th«'» took tlie loor. Mid «aid that he Imd ttpa Dtlj baoa hoatd in the Cbaatbot danoioeiog Qraal Britain Id al'owiuK p_r__i-tl veejel» to be titled »-ol ul her noil» ttt W- Mraoat wairiiig iitou Ibe ¡teaitlul <oiuiuerce ol'oui country. He titi i,, racial ti.o lairodactioa of thi» roaoloihM. He tell titi- «tiliit- na be »lil tofata UM deoiedatloiia ot tbe privatcei, anil lu» vtcvt« WCIO Bat M i'unlitid iu Ihe least bv ibu los» of the Job Hell. Ho felt that um et li nu ougut to be doll«: to t revtiil Bahai i eitel« being built »ti I u_lai.«l, M I ich tiiiuiiietaii« bnd al ttiiucti')' to in, Graai Brita-a'oactioa m the mat-1 tei wat ou« o' abaolat« lajaatlea «n! »raaf, buu j'i- racv auch aa we have »ullered alloc Ki not be ullowed ,,ny louder. [-.pplOMBt.] Naotralit» um» not ob- ni'iinl ¡If-, in' bud been Violated. CotMoralng the loaa of th«' .l«u ob Hell, be would iuf.trui Um Cliamlter (bal all ot tli<- kow tut not fall on bim. Kia (boaaand «d Um hean- t tei oa that vessel, belonged lo pait-M 11» l.uiilaud and Frame, which Im lie uiaiiti« Bad for the uralilicalioii of those wbo rejoice- in i»ic deitrtictiou ol the Jacob Hell, of wl om there wat uot a few in thi« » .ty. [Apptaaataj i I be FBI it » ¦ » runiarked thi.I we were meeting war in dugui*«-with all tne I'luuder on one side, »mi we t-otlti not sutler ui< ira ibun we wert» domg if we wen in oo.u ccntlict with l-.n^laiid. He lavore.ltb. pMHfaai Um resolution. 1 ne iiuestiou wa« ulled und the re«oliiiiuu adofted, j and UM »'ibj-cl n-ferrotJ io (he «.'iiimiittve on the j Alabama. , , Mr bi 'k aalW the «tlention of the < bamber |0 the inoveinenl in litvor ot liptod-Mlto «anal»; Horn the M.aeiaai|'l»i to lb« Atlantic in order to «.Ivaticf thi» !_i»ririilturiil interests of the West and tecoijiiiicudc I UM Cto-ttorla aid the cuta|»riee. ile otleiedu iireumble ami w:ib the ftMMW-Bg weolutiout .,11 ide siil|."-t wbich were adopted. Kwall«- ibit t lismuer ol ( ouiiuerce of New-Yoik, raitaratliiathe imit.iun« lue) li»»o l.«retc>lt,i« axpreaird, ol I.!, i.e..* ¡y «*.«. 'I *..' on- tmtmily ic.e|t the tn- ,,,,((,,. linn extea,led by if '»'»" » i'oitivuol the .National l.eililsture. Hmstoed, Hat foi Itof-rfBMaf balai duly npreiented in i4idL.miauti.il. at ouni.ltteeot txenty |fo OMMMBM 01 tbli b.. Iv la »['pointed bv tin- i'ie«ld«i.t wlio.e (f-CM .'.utj it .bill l »maa! to ibe Couvai tion Bat b authentic iulorm». Maa ni«} »'-":l -«¦ *'' " t0 Iur111.i1 a. to tha nicetiiiy, value ¦nd co.t 0! il« l'iupo «d woik. and (bit tvlisuater uni ( oui- uiitlea »bull bt« C uvi.t d on du« uoue«. hve uf theil number .I all con«tituta a «ino.uni, lod tbit ubi t'ouiuiitteo bl eiupuw- ar« i to hil any vucauuaa lu their number. Mi'»»r«. I'erit, Astinwull, Hierwirth, Duer, (Irin¬ nen, how, J tatt, Marshall, Miuturo, «S'y« and lilc- aton were _yyo_atad a (.'mnniittee to taka actiou rela¬ tiva to the UCBlructloD of the .lac«ib Hell. The Com¬ mittee were empowered to cooi.«f>-«to with t_« L)o»r«J of llndei writer». Tha Hoard H et adjonrMd. ¡THE WAR IN TEj\NES8EE. Advance of Yan Dorn Toward Franklin. --aa»- Dar Form Mr it mid Drive the litiirU Bark. 'TOE FIOHTIXG RENEWED HEIT DIT. SRIRDIISH NEAR NOLINSVILLE. GALLANTTRY OF TENNESSEE SOLDIERS. Na-bviu.b, TTiiiri'ay, Mtrch I, MB Hie enemy, auder Von Dora, advanced again totrard franklin yeeterday. The Uuioa fci-c««! alan advanced rix jni«» «nd drove tbe Kebelo kock. Fire men were wonndcd. The Rebel» loat IS killed. The fi.i/lit wa» renewed this morning. N». particularo have been rui-civ«-.*. Twenty-three mea, of Col. Jackson« Tennessee Rcfiiinent, ivbile on pieket duty west of Nolane» ville, «vue attacked by U Confedératecavalry, who tried to surround and capture them. The itjiiues* seeaiie, after twenty minutes' lighiiug, compelled the Rebe!« to enr-eiider, took the whole fku-tj pm» oneil), .-iitd ni lived iu this cf.y to-night. Rci-u:'or<e.icul» roe den. li.) »rt at F rank lia line be.-n «ont forward, HBaB-BBitly large to deeiroy or rapture \_u Horn's command. It ia repotted that about 1,000 hVbcl cavalry are in the vicinity 01 Harpeth tvioals wail.ug u> aUoek «eeamei-s ou the river. Tbe Hon. Conno'ly F. Tiíj/ií, Judge of the United ..»tafe» Illetrict Court, had ordeied that BOattoicey, proiator, orotbei pennon, who baa not taken ¡he ootb lo rapport the Constitutiou of the Lulled 8 .tit» will be permitted to manage or conduct caeei in thte Co'll!. l-eu. Iteaiirnn» an Deni riere. ( .i'v. Ramsey of Miueeota, trnnumitteti to tba TaegialHture the follofing d.»'«-**«! hw General Uo'ecrani: Mcararrtunao, Keb. 16, ISO»), To G ove'nor Rameey I tbinR it duo to thotw who sullor in the field as well tloae who f-ot ilie billi at home and mu the i i k of being «-»,11. d out to de. feud home and national life, that olldeeer-ira t-hould be returned to duty. All dtiaaaa are íotereated in tliia. Those who oppooe it favor perjury and rti«- .'.ili'y, bi.«viiii»c a man who ague« lo serve bia country, lake« wage« and even bounty money, tvod violate« hi« oath of service by deoeiting, a per¬ jurer and a rase .ii, und probat iy a coward. tVkr should not tbe lacgielit'uie pas« a law dit- frani hieing and disquallfiiug from every office, all deserters al foi other inln'moti« crimes. IV. ii. ROa-FCRA** *. MiJoMj'ii «ral (.'oiuanodlt g. The Military II »beti«-! orpaa Caae. ion ut.-!'" »or me «BTWSEB COU i.oo"iis im tri . oi.nr. IbAMorU or thb Cn r Jt i-e«, 1 .Ntvr-ïnK/, March a, l8«, i Col. Loomí:.--Deir ¡Sir: A writ of hakea« «orana a ». ni -ed hy uie. directed IO you, to p.'oduee the body of Edward (>. Mit urtu btforo mo. Heretofore you liav. luvirilbly I.»J ti.e ourUty to Obey m»' will«, ead e* e rnotlen ia now buforo mt, io r.gtrd to «a ti'«, iiiieii», I addreti you to forai you of thii fact. of coutte. I »in i.¡i.] ¡j g id» i by toe itatute» ia theo« ''.»toi. »nd I »tu mo»t »niton* .. avoid any ae'.loo in lb« matter that would be unpletiiot to «rou, foi whom I enterte.»}, tbe highett re«D.c' I liucerelr truit «onie return iiiaj be I1I-.J-- to It. »« it I* a matter that 1 ceoDot, lo my ititUctal capai'ttj. «told »djudk-illBg apon. Viauri, u.n.t raapertfuUy, JOU.U li. McCVNN. 1 uki ton i Bl», N. Y. 11., Martnji, À. 3 ina. J. Ii. Mi ( i>>, City Judjt. I Sir: The Colonel commanding diitxti me to ne» knowledr» rece'pt tod thark yon for yonr eoqrteotii letter of til» dite. You ire eoinct In np;'0tl'g th»t foi Loeoi'.* doei net la- '.ed to d.iobey any civil pgoeaaa lu th.» «eae, however, 'Ueie teeiut to be a rBÍiuuderitaa«iiug. Coi. Loo.J» h»» no4 leen «et».-J »»ith jonr writ, t J bil kuewledge, ead done net kuow the uaroo of Hie tuau r-«-, ire-l. An eiiVelope. bavii.g the . e«r ..co of » .»tier, end announced o letter, «ii lUii.it »t inn. «t the fjueral a few diyi »«ere, ead tb< igh he uia« have aaupoted it to be a writ, li» did col know it, ead did int recelvo It. oer mu he iuforuied ibot It we« o writ I «m f tidier du- (»J to toy tl.i' if tho writ it «.ni hy aaail or otherwlie' It will be du ; and proniprlv »tlrnded to. foi I.oo'iiii hu never yet f.i.ed to rtipeet eud obey ike p-oceii of your Couti, aid had he »»i- butt irifoniied that .he piper wat » »v rlt he would litre received «'id eb*yed tL By orJ-r of Col. LOU Ml**. Bru rrrs S ..... l*t r.:« .- lui .Pott Sagt * lfanj od» pieito.i mu t.-.I to lervu the »»nt le peitoii 1.0 in .»l Lire * i> it-.i io to de from tb» be»t!t|U»rleii 01 iii I «- I triment of ¦..... K«*t. Ketueclfi'tly, vom otediect, S. LDt til » Col. Vi lof. LoiSDMUdlBg. liou J II. Mill WO. Ctr Judge, N. Y. ( Ht«IlllR nr TH« ClTT Jl I,«.», J Nsw Vol.»., Much, !,I6(.3 I Col. I.oo.mi.».¿»tur mt : I am in receipt of your couiiuuulcaiion oit!.:» ¦!.:. lu »t ".«.-r te luiue of Hie 3d mit. ; and would *»y feted jour explanation ii entirely tatwfactory, aid iba» lum,... "lately opon tti recci; t 1 rained the eeuatol ia the ina'.t'.r vii tb« SherüJ to no'.'.. ! to «ppea before mo, foi the pirpote of vacetiitg the BtUchaient l.itied egali.t um. 1 lie tua, 'luient »ti« U.ued by n.e upon the anliievit cf the j.«.»ou »ho tll.g.i thtt he irrveJ the wnt wtii.it you »nd ipon motion of connel, I .»ed u;.n tie aihdavit of teivice, ¡in I 1 lu! n <!l« 'lim i- 'bl matter, the itttute being eim- pttlioij in their i-a-tl. I ii.t.i, io»»»-, upon your letter, m\tttt ti i' ti order be eotrred »-»eating the attainment. Thete conflict» of autbvrily b«t»»eeu the clvli end n Hilary power. I ».«.., »o 'ii »I ii me lie, eetlduoualj endeavored to iv.'i J ; anti it hit !'-*n Oij cooiUut elort. ti »Il militait gee« tieuteo who licva b»*n b«f jr« uie wiil be«l aie Wl.a»a, to I trie;»e liie be»t feeling» of amity bitweeu tbe eflie.ri of tba .liiuy »nd N»tj »nd tloi«, of the l»w, believiug th.t. avfe bel g properljr luaUlned in bil légitimité »pbere, Ibe t irngih of th» (¡overumeui eau be moie iLoroegl.lj tuiUb ri ia it-iitii-g dowu tlui uuuattiial Iteleülvu. l\ ith etturai«.** -I my great r-»»i*ect. I »io your» tru'y, JOHN U. McCLNN. A Main« Si»«-..isi.)M»r.«-F. 0. J. Smith of Tht Vo-iitand Adiertuer, and member of the Maine legislature, ho« jual delivered hioisel/ of a tremen» dou« «peech of three days' length. He sees v.iioiie of commercial wealth and greataees in a Union of Maine with the (. auaJa» under Drilisb proteclion and Government, and looks forward to the time when Maine can " oiount the winga of hope and go back to ike mother Government!" From Albany. Albany, Thurtdtj-, March fe, IiaO. The I »en.oerata held a cuueus this atlernoon, and determined to nain..' three members of the party OB their choice for uiemben of ihe Committee lo invei* tigate the chargée of corruption against Speaker Cal- licot, and passed résolutions denying the right of Republicans to name all the members the Com¬ inillo«. The caite of Mr. Keoa, ^'T^U' b*ï_ //.,,,/ wit., the. gufç ssäjs S ha eneinv. Tho Court-Martial ilude bim no4 ioilyofgivingintelligcuceto theeuemr, áli-eeily S? »Jirecily, 'roi being a spy, aiid tar lily indoreee _!. ooaree to Ceo. ellerman by clearing bim cn other charge« and specification«. It eenMneee biak lo be seat without tbe Heparinaent, and not to te (urn ander penally of imprieer-nent.


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Page 1: Library of CongressY"1" XX11.N* 6it339. NBW-YOR&. riilDAY, MARCH 0, 1863. PRICE THREE CENT& FROMWASHINGTON. Ui.FcKNLYSANMALiih'hiTlO-N«a» *.> fATRiOTiC SPEECH BY ROBERT1. WALKER

Y"1" XX11.N* 6it339. NBW-YOR&. riilDAY, MARCH 0, 1863. PRICE THREE CENT&




Ufe Rcíerencf to Ik Work of Congress,op

Stirring Speecb-sby Otfter foi_t.ei_.eii.?


T«__i Tecifcif«-. Relativeto Salt Manufacture

»,11 ixl 1 Kt-i.tli to 'ltii« K. Y Tribune.Wxiirvui-ov, Trum.».- Mud. .', Ml

COL, FOHM'Vf. ItnCl'TION.i'.' t nu T lield iii« ¡'.nnnal lereptïon aie-rtle

k. it:.fir. of l'',ut.;«c«t» ut bl« lion»« ouNew-Jer».'"/¦BOOMI '..?: cv. nilli-.'. Ali""- i, Li.niired neinbt-iP ti(.«»j.*«»« Tatviiier offirera and fîeiir-rali», were prea-r» | BMatBJ tbern **.(.( retary Seward, UM Se< retflrv

«-Í ve latfrtar, Mi. Mobur, l^tmtltiyQttmti: ii'. H-Mil,, Imán, lit'»- .('ih!"»»'»»'. Fttt

I . lie. «nd nearly «U ila Senator«, -»nrinir ti'«*

.cvctTi.', Hol p.-, /.Walker, io reapanaf io n var

.a*UB_mi «kqi oatlj mt- "«, '.>' .*. .**"< ^S "'

lnii-1.it,ii thé groo! «Maaiiiwt ti that XXXVi-MCfngreaK Ile pronoun, ed lb:« OoaftCH the moat

nu rl ¡ii I« nmievrii'ln! lu tlip history tftht brimen

ian ii ti ¡ NM-M-tad ibut, liovat-vi-r iiiueb »eveial of

i.. ¦.>taitii iui>-l!: la ÜbcomM- am! ,ici.i,utit»'l, yuil_i ii. im,ut tb«> would be fully viutiicHti-J.

Al i. ¡«ter period, (iov. Wolke: tioke directly un

tie hu i.iiiipatiou '|,i»lvii, «nil it.l.lre«ied 1 i-neelfio ide Ilt-ider-Siitt« men mmptMrn, Binung tbeu. (leo.

I» Iifi'i.e. t,f The Umitmm Join nal. Alter

<i, v. Walker Lud »pol. ii Hot. Hick» followed in

mpfjitjtedatm^y ohm tptteh, ¡ti wbkh hoootaaa»!IX« Hri'Ufjttt IfM-dt nun aiuwfd ula deierr.iinrrtion

ii atoad l,v il.e Ii g of ihe I'uiouHl all Lazard», eoine

art «. h :: nt, «Dii if .slavery Hood in Hie wh« of tbeB|BB»i?BTl-T Iff 1-t I'niuu, Savory ii.net gi.. Üen-»loi 1 iriti nexi (¡raised tLe courage and i 'inaieieit y« ; m. n a,eii a« t.ov. Jink«, anil, »¡"»-king foi i. on«

mettent. .«''I i liai lin- ¡State and M-MoH vron'tl

i ..id hi li AdiiT.i í'ratit'ii and tht wai to tbe '

I .ei < -«-i-

tjeeretar*/ 1'iliiir. biiiig call«-«! um, »poke li pt).li" with ti-fwaV ongiuiility anil eat«-, throwing'it w '..gi t putt liiP gttti htmttt of li.« -.Hy, au'i piov-1hg tliHt ¡nan .iuiitij, 'lim t.. me Cab net Mm i're.-i-deni t-MBM a «tro-g and wiee niau. Hie lion.PtOHM K't - fail thai in the provident-« of (.mi,l.iwcv. r nu.' li titi« war ¦ gilt 00-4 u»*m life anil :n

¦ r< ¡my, tbe _tal»«l». «tooti before tbe wo.Id a« ibegreatest of Abolitionist» uo.l that il Siaveiy * otiabedit wnild le by their own band». S.»iatt,r king »

lut-eerfor, the H»>_. K. I>. Morgan, wa« j repent

i, -.og the lally p»:t of UM evening. Ti ». « nt«?r-

lalaatt-» lt_tt_gtiil.iV'lo.k in iii- Morning, willi ¡eil by t¡n>re wbo wie re-« tit a» a

«onierenee neetitjg of th« W-Mtt Uki MOOt Otrfteol», vithttf of t!,e war to tbe end.

i in i \¡ ( i um BaVnOatiTie Sonate did nothing hi i-..\«*rutii«- gooaio- lo»

.* »x.t-it tr> rei'ini to ho l'r» ¡dent tbe pr-ntliufi-..reinatloii». .lou h1'.»r u.e .- 'irnnTiit tbt» 1'ie-i-ioot « I'rivaie S'Titlary Orrir4 I t}\ fa | t, isbtrol_3CiM«f(» rt'P'aiiiin^r i-ow aMathniioM. Had thanbeeu re-tn'd in tun« thmj ooul.! not bavr b«r«ii a. tednr-rn l-MN I' io« aa yet no ( «'inniittp'-«. It ia nut

t. ely tbai Iho St-nate wil' «p«rd r',ii.i,:eiab!ein.» i. iîif«-it»v.inK Mr. S'iiiici » pin; fiiioii lo r_.1-ody tbe law ot .Inly «.', pren ribin. an ad.itional«*tl ».f offiie ii « mmling rule oj tbe bod*. Tben-telt-ele-'i-d Sol .'i-e, incl'itiir.K Mr Boaatt Id«elf. I.nv« taken | art in tie -O-daoot lei"re taxingthiaoaib, wheoh iLe law gay»- mutt be nil-Kti*«.! yev«iv | »-roon, OXOtft tht l'reiidtnt, in tbe »ature

(f -ho Tii't-l rvíit.-f», "before ente-ring a;on t'.i»lnt'e» «'I I.if lli.-e." Seuat',ri; Wall ¡«lid '1 .tj, e

m-,m M ir teiatn waboui taking ibe oatb, but uutm*l-*re if the Lower lloiiae. «tooti in«iu«e tbe pooiBft» ' I* t law bave been rrtjiiiifd to take it.

hi i,alor Abtbony . n-eoiution, by wLicL tbe Vice-Pn lident j t«, tem ia au'tioii/vtl it lunn the Cunijiil-lee«, wai prier« «1 wita t',e diatiw-t ui)«ier»tauiliiit' thattbey r-b:il! le i on« luted a« al tl.e btsm Btt-kM, exceptll.Bl iLc T... BBM-M b-MU bo tilled np, and that tbey.ball for/iLuo an bntod only duung (Le pfettal»err'oii. In «on.« (¿uai'erï, bowtvt-r, i" ,» n.. «

Icnt'cd tlat tbe CoMtaHtoOO, wbkb aje to Le1B-n- iticd t'-rcoiT,'W, will not be t-liang'-d diiiii,^-li XXXVIIIiL CongrcK.

Till M.V.-H«tM'*IIIHl: CAatTlSS.BOOMI, i« C'laik m.d ltir-barowou bave fa'oue io New-

HkixiiIi re to take pan in the eanvae». Hej rOBOtt-rl ve \V;.v I Bl-BO will a a" i¡-»-kk ill tbt OroaltO SkiK-UK« or Itrkt before the election.

lliMAl.l.MIVll. (Il V.1.NA10K uti».f*. ,._i, r Hale wiu» iu bib «eat to-day for lb» lirai

lu.» «ince In« illii'M. He La« lort fifty ponnda oftttl. mid Li» bair.

nxXfM Of MUf nu nu.'Ibt Wife of t..i- lion. Jobii T. I'otter ia lyiug »t

tLe point of death.Tilt HAU. W l III«.IMA I «.Mi».

JoLu llauxliaiat, (JilLcil F. Wateou, ai.d Win. 1.-toremin Lave been appointed C iiinnjiwioneii forVin.-,tua uudei Uie law providing fir tLe »ale oflaLdi on v.bitb tbe dire«', tax ban rot boen paid.

« OIXBCTO-M i.O.M lltMi.l).Tli« Lame» of tbe following colleclore wl.o weir

(<.i f.rii.(.<i before (be cloie of tue BoatBaM, bett» no'

t-e«.tj publiiLei': Jame« C. Oir, Firet I>ietiict, Vir¬ginia Ki.jab W. Mnipliy, rSecjnd I» »tritt MiO-Mli,and 0to. 8. Ileiiu.in, LooJ__|_Mi'i ax vu iMd.v MSIMTtTl i<» Tin: mam i m um

(»I ««ALT.Tfce fcllowiiig «¡tr-i.iori lina been Made:

»'.. a J Tkbxii hy Oki'ii in«t j


Oint a te ImikMi llrrivn. il' »»I. »i.ii.v ..¡» ,.,,.' )

Bia ll»e »ait niariuf»rtnrera of Svraeme »ndtiber town« in yonr Dietrict, wbo tttmpy iii<lividn_iw*:ka, ble< ki or fi«id», Lav« formed a OOnonUotlUr m rtaitigeueial pur^oiea eouieri.iny ibe iiikiea'1of Hhl«___ioi Bariolai tnrer». lh« i(ueation ari»e»iwhetLer îl.eie »avérai proprietor» and maker» of aaltkre t» ht irealttd individually under tLe F*.it* lawat ii.aiiuiatiureiH. Jt ia t_i,den>l,.o»i. liom Iberepreoouialiona nade to tLi» tillie«, thai tbe oorporation lia» control o. all »ale», and eceointa bv di-ri-rjt-nde *»r otherwiaa, to tbe individual proprietor«.TU» dfaMMMtOMBt do»-« u«»t i bange tbeir loiulilion.'J Ley ara-ti,« ma_iu__rtiirer« .,1 n.t rail. 'Jbey are*»M,tr« oí ttnanta in »eveialiy of tba i«-*jteiii\etreadotl wlikb Uiey occupy.-LecorrJotatitjufort'.e j.uipoae <»IHiiikini. aaleot tbe

a. -t, anti ir.:_»a_¡Liig tie gcnei.l buhi-.o», iuu»t o.- re-K«trd»-'i a» Iho ttjoom of .Le «e\<-r,ii j.iopn. tun. J amÍLe/ef. reoi opiiioB tim« Um proprMton«. tba blixrk«an- field« are to I«* <-ova, di red bh n.anufaetiirer«. Itto, «« far aa I kn«m. iM-MMtial to tbo OowBiiMBaalwLeV'i» r lb« tax«*« l-fvie-J OB tbe eal. aie paid bl Hietadividual propiietova or by Hie ,-orj'oraiion. Untilfarther núviited, it tony b« well to i.,. , tbi« u.tLe aiti'/ji of tb« M-tfet ('-'.(<-n,.,l tliiit-gl, | willcbwrve taO-MT, tbai ».» «"»i»vidual {iropiielm ne« da-ut ©ne Jicti.io for L-tani"-*»cta(iuK ripon hmi bMboireiniBOH, wi'houl icgara 1" Tsm tit*ui i_(in.f. BalÜ Le inariufHit'jrat. r-alt .Jf«*-» 4_l-BMB»]*»tM_É_i_. bo jluu*- take Jiienie at, » ' \(Jattio/m.tui«_r lor eaebl-lao» «/Lera Le c__T.«t cn «-'*«' h«*4»*1-**»* oiHiauc^-lainuii. Very rtii».ct.'ullir,

C T t-WHjt J1 riler ( i/r_i.,i«»lon»r«.Mr W'.. Cx»t,aa, v|i«»«*a».r. fa\*iMV>ttdH V DUtrlrt,

»'j'»».!!« N y


leeeok 3, Lewi» cf WVotrheeter, Pi_u»yi»onio,ivbovvill laakaklj ka the appointed Cotuiniaeiou r

if itittrrnul l.pvetitie, ivas here to-day.i hilf Ji.vntr. or aki/osa.

TTrriinjilaaaaim Goodwin of Maine will proba-!-bj be appointed ChiefJustice of Ariroia.

si KVCkOR '.IM-KAL OP MINNWOTA.i:i-Co..t.'reei»mftn Aldri« h of Miuneeoia is talked

o! as ita Survivor Orne'ahIMHAN A(.fNI I«,R ARI/.OSA.

' Col Poeten of Connecticut, n reiideut for sttue

..em» of Anzou.1, ie a prominent (andidute foi ite

iiid-ar. Agi-ut.M.Llif« Poll Tilt Hlll'I'l.WAS.

The de'eiaii ion of Chippewa Indians to-day waited

upon the ll.i). 1-im.Xewtnn^Comiinr.iioner of Agri¬culture, mu1, vveie fi.ti.iehed a vailctyof Breda for

t*a_BB.BJ in ti »-ii leriitoiy. They BB] rested muchgrutiiii'-itieii willi Ike nu Ji'rou« protl ,. te of the »oilon eililitiou in ihe Dejartnunt c»f Agrir* iltni-e.

DEATBB Of soiDiKUS IX «WkSTITAL.The t.)ll«»\viii_ soldierg bave died in the htOpitai»

|n nn.l fir.iiintl «Vfishington «mre onr laut report:.'. Itt.,.-t..r. te«-, a. li M. I>. T, (¡. Kenton. D, "B I.V" Lu,, I), HI l'a K. J lirJfevert, B, 0» Mleb.P. heii.y. li, «3 M. V. .1. Baaata, li Beott'i f»u-1" Minnina i:, 4» I'«. I ran. I -, ii. YA D. tt'hbe'i, A, l18 NY. J H. Cereeraa. A. MM H..it¿ V. !, ruhet,E,H S. J. A Juli»., A, .'7 N". .1.Ii ,.. iot Q M ...I«. J (' ( ..na H. IXN Y.W. 0. Allird. K, Vio N. Y. J. l.Tali-, 1 4D l'a.C. S M»,»eil. A, 1 Me Ai!. S Ratais B, M. Y.C, It,., n». I». Il Mr. 1) r Tullí. B, .*.*>.'. J

I 1 Va. J K Bah "-r D 14.'« l'e»SI) l)i.ir»i.»n A.UN.H. K ta-npbol1. R, Üt l'a.AV Kul.ikn.. I!. IM l'a. N. Menicl. Il 4i l'a.J L .-"v. K. i.. t Mu.. «lil Bell, t, 1 .Vd. Car.N ii.ti.«.» *»«i t; M. D h. MoAllistai 0, Il ..!«¦..Win Ulch, »mi«, de «-> M. I», il I'.».». I..>.t'er Q. .M. OA !.. .\i»| e. li 1 l'a II Lie.. .1 »tairii». (J, I Me.Min. Ii. «Vrlgut. I, i-' t.. M. II.-kl..». IL N M (. I...O. J»' k»on, contract uu-.r >,..,, .'fe, Yr. ( öd», D, 11 N li J i Vought if .Vleh.D H >er, (, Il (J. R] A Hr«d." I .<» Mut-. Mayo, li, Il it. lui. ¦'. li a.i .».n KÜ.VVLleut. J. (ou«, I ', Il lid. J. Hr lint., L, 4 1 ». I «t

[AU n.'.. »t n re'iitiT» le ¦!. r.trj *uldi*r* ri,»y b» ohino. fej »'tin»aMag »pt Maria, >i of i «¦ <i- ». 0.Irret*, ».'»arlington |


Tht loll'iwipg l.xamiuing .Surgeon« have been a**»

pointed by the CoHiiuiteioner of l'enaions:In Mu .; i..- le» t di»»»l)r M H Correr. SearaB-rtille. 0 "

Di IV i. D. Met!reg .r. .-lenL'ei:»: e Oldtg,i)i. lit m» M m a», lew« CMr, lew*.11.-. Wai 'II Thoi'iiioii, V».'*, arl lit»-.f). Alexander Jackton. l'Wn.- ih Mttt

(Pi ila A »io. ¡»tel Pre«».0) AiHiM.Kiv. ThnritikT Mtici. î If*

I lit. MSAl I» I KIN IN I Ali.

A teWruiu rfceived brie fton. lingham Youngsni> a iuee'ipg iras hell'in the 1 abertiucle to peti¬tion the Pl*atidenl IO remove Oar. Harding and'Jodgei Waite Bul I'.ali. ínni appoint good men iniLur place*. Ho000*0! **The majority of the Fed¬eral li <«-r» Hiul o'her |t*ratlot*Mfl «00 acting huuuo-n-utilv. I-'intr. thir- if uppear» that I hief JaOtMolKenny baaretary el Btete 1'u'lei, and superintend«eiit o'. leJlhli ainitirr Dot/OTO ted "led in li.e com¬

plinlent» ('oii|rn-»e ! .u tiltr>|»'e'hi r fuiled la pi'tnote.Li lej.'ieliitlon iiny m«-..«nre f..r fjniet BgJ the dimücc-lion in that Territ i;, let.vi_g that duty to the Kieruliie llepitrtineiit.lill. tllAK(,l.!*t ALMNM 1 OMVl-MdM It lilli 1.0-

W AV.TLe pr.nted report ol the .Select Committee on the

flkaigoe prefiníred aajfeiaM the COB-»»deBÍt»aM of thei a'» t.' ( lût. e Ho.i.uni, will B4 Oix-oiupaiiied by a

..¦'.»».. and explanatory »taleu.«i.t from that ger.tleu.ai..

lill. MU ( '(»MMl-i-IOM n Ol' I.VIlllNAl.. lll.LME. ga

JoaetV J. iMWia of I", u..-) .-.lin'., it ia general.ylei.eved, at ni lo lioiniltated |0 <he Senate ai »in Bo»tot to COM 'maioiitr uf liiternitl Keveline llontwell.

i»i;i»rn mi vi ni TO "'»ililli!'- "alalino-lill. AltM-4.

It,a i'mvoe-i Mine!.ni ha» ieaued au < tdi r for-

hiddiiif»" eulie'od men of the army from weariiii»

aid«* antM of any kimi will in the limita t f Weelitag;tJD, ext epting when their tlutiea re'|iiire tbtm. Theri',.e-'i, -.-i»cn fur thie )ei to ee< ure the public BBBea,anti preeerre the froperty el the Qe*n laaMal fromlou ihr Baffe the iitg '('eme Oí Tit io¡i«tierr of . nrtleaaatiil tit j rile ¡pleil toiilifis.

( n.VM L-i HI ( (e(,.M/.l |i

The 1'.eli lent hu rccognired Di n Munnin.Alvarez a« < otigul of Kpain at Netv-York, an I lionJuno ile Alini/iiiina Kau «M.rtár¡, Vice-Coniil if

**«{,fc!ii at Hew<*Orloaae>llUll.l.I.IO.S IHK i mi Nie.

Hi. Krank ItteerO ha« been auihon/eii to MBBtM0for the libnuy of ('oiigie«.a a t olli.tiou of BO) nu.eula

on the Be bell,un htm il» ««iii.in« in-enn !.


ntnti; ki iitKi. iiAitiiAiti i ii -

»lui aurl *tl anira **hot Donn for l.oyaltjle the I'nion In llnbiin» t llandrelllluoil-lloiinil« 1 »i d te Hunt lloví n

I oí ni Propli llnudi i «la of I iiinilii «

l»rl»i ¦! «»ut la 1'irnli of Nlnrt nilón.W'a.ataOfOB, JfiuildlT, Mai i. :¦ Int. i.

The f.jllo*iiiig hah been forwarded to the bead-(íuartera of tie urrny :

l!n.tl« PltTltli 1 i-r CnhlsiH, Min., Jan, í( lí'1CaItíiní 1 have the honor to eiiLii.it a few of

the outrages ('.¡umitwd apea citizen» of Alabumu bythe Confederate troops. While all ti eil lenders,'from the IVcid» nt down are BBBaUBBJ of (heir ear-

rying on titi* wai in w<< -dunce uith the laviB that

g.ivem it*' ti» in such crises, and are (Largiiij, uponotu tr<« peell lundi of deprnl'iuotir ami <»utiw>»« »-. 1thiiiri a a few umplu liu it- might pal ikOM to blueh,and make those panic», ami out prcae aud * eoj>!e,who are MrfMlliBf the ellorts of Davis to cito a

»t.jj'iiiu iijioii ut, .? i... u. -1 of the work they age doing.1 will fate- merely what 1 kt.ow to I e ti ne.

Abe Chuadi ami Mr. Mitchell nero hun¿' two

week« ego for laeln/« 1'iiioii men, 'I'he-y were on theHaekleboii Sett'cme ut, Mariou County, Aliibuma.Mr. Uni''.» 'uk i.nd his daughter, of »he »urne,

conitty, were Loth »hot for the »nine cuue-e. The.Inn i »\ «t iiitltttitly kill. d. The former if »till alive,but ii ill jn oi.ftbii die.

I'eter Lewes, lind tbrre of lue neighbor**, rajaja

hiiiiK-'l down by 0MB hundred bloodbound« and cap-tuied.The liouoe« of Al' tnr. l'ain.ir, WeleLv, William»,

. ml ile three Wellman», wet« bunted orer their

bead«. Thewi.rnrti and children wi-ie tuiuedoutof do«, is and the community was noiifted that, if,

tiny l!Ioui.-.1 the ni togo into other bou-»oe, or fed or

baibotetl them in any mininer, tliey would be «ervodilia rame.

Mr. reitigon, Haif-gjal ike aeae*ft» ituii MountaiL,,wa« shot.

1 hil now fulling «oin«. 100 ol fbear- fiimllit«, who,w.tli iLeir wtuii-n «nd childi en, «onie giay-liuircdmen, ai«J even iiipph» un »rut'Let», wvtt drivenout, and found flteir nay ki re througft the ivoudi«'ai.'l Li n.-iy», wiibo,it food or sheller. AH Ihir ".vin

doLe iutvllie rimjlo reo*oii thbt Mit*** ive re Ur-ionmet», er ib.J. Il.iy Lad Ln^hirs m i»iai.\<» iii car

armje.TLe siateuiemi of iUm jh i le eaj »)a,ttt le*/opd¡

belief, did we not ha?« the evidence before n«. 1aro informed by them that there are hundred« ofloyal men and women in the wood« of Alabama,waiting fur an oj>|»ortiiuiiy to e«ca)K».

I ani, ifipn f ni j. join rvhadli at .iirint.(> M liOlMrK. Uri|B.lt«i-ne'era'.

( lit II M. St» i na, A. A ('-i. Meuipblr

.Rlllrl 111 Kim Hi. ANO VIIIMTV.

Tin- l.oaa of the littlinntiln l"rono»inci*«lI iiii»««i>-iir; .1 he tunal 1 ¡ni»_.«-d mu

Heady I« Krui..' ihr tViilrr.NMMH TDiidiy. Minh 3 W3, i

ii» CatUt f(Jur»div, Ma (lit ITli« Iudiauol« wa« cur tu.ed under circumstance»

that lead to the belief «be w hi .uniecc «»arily surren¬

dered.Laut Kiiday the Indian jin and (¿ucen of (be Weit

were discovered under (bo g'ni« at \V»rrenton, bntbin a rt,lui.ti. ti foi ctTiitivo tortita»The mkneaa in tin army It in.reaaiug.Tb«ran»l beswern the Miirit»»ii pt River and Fake

Pruvidrin e i» finiahed. Vic waUr ia nut vet 1ft iii.

r ::«>*! tuf trtiioi nu rofOriK

ll< t ii «a .1 id. Mt i r.ii<l tim, I eui'h'« 4 ui pa.ritJ.clal Dill«.cl> t». I he N. Y. I ,,. in.«

lilt, a,' x, li Bat liar a 1 IIB roTimxc. 1i. .-..,>, Mi.-rii :. Ma I

TI« lotead 'den. Cou<h'») Corp« wa« reviewedlo-iiH) b) (ion. Hooker. Nier di.l a more delight¬ful day dawn. Hie bud «bine« bright, clear, andwarm: t'»e field» and road« are tiri, and all thing»favorable foi a f ne dit] lay 11 the corp». In the ab*«euee ol iii ii. ('ouch, <î«u. Hancock wa« ia coin.

mund. I'., birt order lb« «evt-ml diviiioii» were

dmivn np in Older on high ground, ni . l«rge oj/enHeld, at ''s 0 do k. Tbe «c«n waa DiKpiificenlThe bright nt-w banner», «¡reaming by the «,de (fthe old battle-iiddled flag», gra> *"uily gave tbairfold« to tl.e Lreere. The music from tbe Lamil»f 1.nded w ide ovt r Urn field thtough the clear, «tillair. and (La whole nene via» (Mt of beauly arid

grandeur.At lui <'«.<xk ti.« (V.nnnander-in.CLiaf of the

an.7, attended by bia »(MT, rod« ( n the tield wheiethe iiiip» vi ¡ib toruiol in column- of bii^ade«. Coin«nu .'.- w 11 tua millier j iii tbe cífreme right,(len. II""«' r lode along in fun', and te.ir of OBOlbrigade, closely iatittilag all the men and aiou'.er-

uieuir, rho Qeaaral t ,ok«fav tahlapaaitloa on hieb«i, ii':, fend the whole rorp« 1 aaied brfoii'biui in

review. Tin » \,-i..' ¡ ,.;..., MtWata Mala Ierad-tabla appetmet, ard ti.« mvIom paataoj o§ ftfe 11 ai.iirr bi.lily c"iiij 'liu.in'.ary to tbe (Mirre in

comu.aud. (it'll. Hooker eijressed I.¡ti.»elf weli

pleji.eil «A ih (I ». -,ii.|;,,|i (lu- i 'iiri.ai.d, M «tw-lR« with the tppearam« uuc) betuvinr of tbe »tveí«


11».¡t«i tiini I.«-¦»nil Otil.r I ill/1-11» Pre*lill, ii. .( (ioin % lalO-BBJ I 11 im pi Iii «i.in« un nuil ll-.il. 1.« . I.m king 111«.«ipli.tr Dil.»»* ( iiiii¡ilinn mril Orrlir

It-.1»«. ili»| I.« 111»I al Abai me 11 uri fur*

louyliB.Ta II« A««, t.. «<i I'i.ii

lla.nat aiati-... A, « r-i T. Ka, Hal k t. \PÍX(i. 1 1 tal Cid, ra .v... I»», contain» tl.e falbrW__g¡I Ititi 1,1, 1 "I. laOMI It« ». HI lol hi- allowed to le¬

rn:.i.. vM'tiintb, Iii «¦».,. ami » »' hit trmy wllbaata ).Mii il f !.. UM rr--<,al-..l«r-l.al-(;»iiei,,l. | ,,i,;.

11 nu i.L ti. .-» MillcaaaaallaarbpatBOtM wubinlb, .1 .'..a ., aiidi» (" 11 luougLl balure (Ue I'tovyat-Mairl.m-«., u.ral for .'m de. ;. 10.1 on .1 .,,,1

Iii in, r'l BJJ ¡«¡ I r i-I tl.r f<. HuW llig r»_.tiiri.t»and li.tt-r i'-a gi'.ei rMMMOOfth. aaOOMlt} of a'ronge»«rti"HH '»n tat I'&it of every officer an I mem1 er lo

I ring tlieiu U\ tv tbe ro] Ot a'a«e of «in- i| line andrl!., ,.¦ )Kofartbot ¡tai«« of -barato «iH toftfaatedto

tL. »e C"ii.man !», ami all "ft, «ra alien! tl.eie.it,:.mini lu ir,all««l m ti li I le»»,*» rev.,k»d.

I to f« ti«!«*-, iii»' tralbt ian.tr, ni tfae illili.11.¡ibli'.Uriel tV

l).~ ITtk IM I 1. .'"-i. «Ml ¦..i ni, I h. t".h. : .ti.M I''.'.: »1 :i I 1 II |

Ml .-¦¦i- lb l.'ith I.VIi UM. ,.-» ti, -mi It-Ik,I", ,..».,'a. -.i » f.lk I t-la-aai j/it Main, i.i.i-'.ti \ .

LiK-ii»» li lit ¦««» .-I I ,it, . 1 »h New Tink.Braal, a, Uti. S»w «lull, |-ii.ii..i.uiri ». Untar» t , lit S-wtait H«-'--»'» il'i» ti. lil Miiv.ii. toa« . It« .«.« a,'al Nat. Jar»»- |l«ian.»r'i. Il.uiiv I lit r*.t.t ». itii.li

MtCaHaai'i U.i*t/ I». i»i hiaaailvaala, li».., i.-mOhio. J0I.1..0:.'», M I'" mt 'ti 11, l'l.. |t t'I, li.llir« 1

iii thom tort tiittiiiuii «11 .-i..

li.« to! own.g regiment« ai i batteries a«, |*-»ritig,from ll.c n,*i ii.-u re|xjrt»( i<, I.ave earned In^licullin.emlatit'U fioii, iiiuiici-ting «»flkeii, ii 11 left lotbe diarntton of tbe corra («MMBMtdata, having ra

gani to iii« riiicit-nry of lim ..inn anil», to increaseti.» I««vi ¦ "I aboOBOt and lurluugbi to ÜMM tom

u.aiida f r 'be li t« «-tx dava foi own g tbe laatlat oítLia order to three, imtead of two, enlisted uicn fur.very l«Hl ¡ |«o_OBl for 'Inty, ami three oftbe» iuiteadof two, a« piuMtrtl ia li. nitral Order No. J:

Ri-.l »i.t.-l.t. Id ititi 2'ti, Mihi, t,rji»l<.| )0th nil I'.ti.Halaai Mr» sa »I -'.'» f-rki »th Naw-Jir««--, Illili Venu. ylvii.i« (1 V. |m intln, 11. I l«l v.,,......

H.'t.fl .- r li M«ii.r »|,; .. A, lit lil...ii» !.:,..I Armel... H. lal KI.- I- Mai.tl, lil/i'J I. K, IIB I' 0 Hu.I.'«,1), l»t Nett-Ycl, lal'Oiar'i, /. I.t Il|,i,.e li lud, Hii.,lu,|,i.'i,fjth I'. .-»., Ha»i«ii'i, <". in vu,... i. ,0, Mailla'l! A. lit».(«.ii I. .. » V «l- ?». ,1 .Nat-I,"I. Hat. n . J,N.» Va,,k, . . K. lit I', b., um.iu. i, li» :«»..-1 ii.

lilli, ii, ... I.- i-. I..-I

Tlie ('oii.mHi.du.ent of the Cavalry Coria will tin-cora mut» tbe leave» and furlougb» áulhou_ed uuder(.men.I <i.fi-i So. ii, to it,.ii ii'« ol bia t um..mil,BOgh '-ful in <!,»'i| line, «iii it-Hi y care of arm».

ei|i¡i|,iiieut-, «iiininl», «ka» It 1» i-vi»'cImI that alli-ouiiiiiiiiilii.^ olhten ol corM »tul oivision« will di«*ai i'ii.ii« and lefuae leaves au«! furiougba to tbo«eirg.un-: tr ot batt, nea which lue illili!.: iy ill iiiited.All etmtttt una enliateii im 11 ubaent b« yoi I the(...i lui of iii« « r loOrv-00 OBI furlough mud be tni-l byC uit-.Maili.il.

All nilli if v. ill contine their traffic to tin« regiment|0 «vi h li t. «-V nu- 11 j,1 0111 lui! and br|i ng. i l,r goodaaud prot'Tiy «I ibtot Ibaad imliiuig iliii onlii willlu oiiliat lad, ii|on proof 1 hereof. Suilura whuure the i-auiea or ordoto of oftjceia to f rot tire traiii-pottattaa. or purcli«»« >md »eil lontiabaml m ti« Kb,Will be subjected to toe ram« ¡teunlue».


Iii b. I Invii.ion of li. lll-rliv.hi»o» it. liai»li 11,, 1 Meaa» li a»

(i.t, i.v mu, Mi-i-iv, Mao h I Ubi.

(¡eorgt 1>. l'rtnlic« liiiící through Cincinnati to¬day, «ii roule (oi KafOfMi On >al ud», lit- paid H H

for gold in IiOUiavillc. Ile prod» t«, from loiiiiveiufoij.iit.tin h i.ie pataat-it-i, that tim lUbabtiaHioiiiig into Keiitu, ky in oveiwheluii'ig number«,1aud lUal tb» y will have romnl.to pO-MM-M -Wt_-ftin aroaaal noiiih. ai huailn-iiltii Li«coalictlonaare not 1 it!¡ied¡ but oth« r j artie», i ¡vii and milllitry, wlio cliiii.i la bo ( j o.llv 00 well .tolled, aneoafidoat <>f an ioMtadiala iiiva«ion by Ibtaaatbaiwill ooatpol i.t'ie. um« to rL-tieal lo the (Hilo Uiver,win. b, to tbe Couti du.itir», W"il!d ha moie adían-'ta^ioue tlitiii a battle. Prentice Iih» bl» iidwce» fromm.¡1,1, 'ni.ni,;.' Boaroooj ibataCoto do not be tvptioad,if more «tartbiig inlelligcncf iban bee y«t be« .1 eeiii

you should com«jit mu hour.(on,* linn- h;ih ii« t BOM entirely restored through¬

out C«ntral Kdi'u-ky. Kefugnia uro dill aniviughera Hum Lexington, l'ai in anl ('ynthiana. II inkti» uni .'. j y ?« .¦:..[ .tul,,-. Lave no1 returned ibi-ic1ii»-| ..»na iium lina city.

(Jen. Ljtlt mitad here to-d»y from Murfree».I nu», and reporte heavy rain« aud mid h_MI «J«*.'»».Va to-aaaooat can to atado at ptataat. 'Ibeemniy!are forltfad at '1 _U__MM_I und Paobtti. lhere Mlno doubt tui-l lh y bave be« u hWfJBjf if« ufo;v»iJ.


(Jin. BtUar » a« leen invited to bU'Ik-bb the »iii-,

zane 01 jNewark', .u reilly te lb» tteenl »p«»*'h of ib«

Dca. jV» Vai'ti-difclam j



lii.iHi Viear ol Mirri mr* Tourey*« liiiiif-ferent.-*-. Anilely ol n flat m1 Illili i r

flow He ana Iii huff« d.Tue following correa' otidinee between Com-

rtiiiudcr Craven and .Sciietaiy of iheNavyToucey tethe Kail oí |a»Bl shows with whut ¡iidilTeieucA., iinothing vroinf, the latter regarded a *M**ajaa*»toB %tpiotcct Southero fortiliiatioi)« fiom being tkmWti byRebelt,:

I". ti Su «at ti Mem»»«, Key Weat, No» 15. ÍMOSir,: I havo tho honor lo inclose tu you u copy of

a letter I have received from Capt. M. C. Mci;.'»,U. S. Kngineers.

lleliet ing that in the present d» plorahle conditionof allai « iu ibu Southern State«, the interest« of iheGeneral Government will be beat subaerred bytaking aut.h meaaure» u« will prevent the poaeibilityf the i-eizure of these, atrotigholda by any band ol

law leis men, I (oosider io my duly to guoid ogoinstihat contingency. I will therefore sail to-iuoirowfor the Tortuga«, and have adriacd Lieiit.-Com.Stanley to guan! this place.

I need not «ey to you, Sir, that 1 have adoptedtiti« a.kBB.H only fioui calm ».rid m.tttue de'ti era«

ti in, and ni'h great hope I ! :t t B y Batffl HMJ* BO! beriLli/id. but ti.Li our country may yt-i loeovei Mom

the i gitutioii whit h it-«ui* diettiihiog it to it» center..

) ran ateure ron that I will proceed with the,titmor-t citruiusj ection, am) io »ni h a way ti» cunno!

e-Jt/e "fíente, nor ¡.rovoke cavil.Will you be pleased lo furui-li me with n.»mu

tiona for my liifiire ¦. uidni.ee, under the nnforaaeenand n.elincholy »into of afta'*»..

Very lei-irrt'ully ynur obrdl.B' in TintT. All». ( ItAIKN. Ll.nl ( ..,,.,1.11,.'ii,»

lleo. Ilttc TutCBI Mecirttry ol tlir N*»y.h-iT UriT, ria, .Vot. |.\ lien

loa. T A. Catrial. ( ommonti'.nj .N.tiuf ./ rrt al hey ii eil.

iyiii The uew» received by Hi« «¡earner I«... el in¬dica ee »neb a »Liie of excitement among a portion oftie ¡ inp.e of the 1'uited State» that it appears to me

proper that eome pretoutione thonld be taken to pre¬vent an attempt by aou.e emull expedi'ii'ii to ttiitupon Fort Taylor or lou Jefferson.The first, 1 undera"'.»I, eontaini a couti'lerable

mp' ly ol auiiu'iuitioit and ton.« gun»-. Fort JetTer-

.on, al Lit«* Toiliig.tc, ia without. gtiLior auimunitioii.I look for no ea-M-Jitioa authoi.ü.d by the oousti-

tu'ed authori'ie» t/f any Si«;»-. I of any small par!yofli.cll aliAlo'le I" eu.lT' li the 'titi. 101.t »e.'liong Of the

i.i'in i kjBat '¦'! a tempting huit iu either of tl.ee--

iiiiporfani Li: tie»**;».

1 BananS» to-day a note to Cant. J. M.Hreiiuan o' _M Itt AriiiUty, who, with 1« men onlyfit lor duty, ii »i'ti.oii. d ut the Key Weet barracks,tailing hi» i.reuiioii to tl.i» »ubjrct, and I beg leaverer| (dimly to BtT»**Baal to you the propriety of ... dis¬

posing of the Ndihl force» under your command, a«

while ex. it ne the I«..-" attention to make the nieces»

tjf any BBCk expedition ¡iiiLo»»:».le.1 o»»« ti.» boaet tj be, tit, v. tj leepa Ublly,

V. UT OljrU.»l.t ».iT»nt.fe) .Mt..(LI

(»ptair. of l-"giri*er*, li charge if Kurt J»:len-,n

I" ?. *'i»i*»e*i V< Hi»»» Rrt M'aar. Not. 1«, Ifttn.

8m: Hv an olMcinl romuvjinieauon from CaptMeig», C. 8. Bne^neore, my attention ¡i called to the

..!.,¦ .'"d c iidiii'iti of Fort Tay mr, which coin-'

mao'»Hil» harbor.I |a»**»OM yu « copy of the letter of Capt. Meiga.W'hatever be the lemlt of the iii-uo now ruiaed

Hgiitt »t the (ii lierai (¡.veruini ut by the people of a

ten Southern Htaie», ti.,- importaL.-e of tl.0],oii«attl.is|l*ce «cl th.- Tortupn», cannut bo rat,mated,mumending B they d.. the eui mené of the Gulf ol

Mette... I therefore deeui it my duty lo edi .I youMtMOtk« "fa.Ml ululer your command forthede-f»iiSe of Fort Taylor, while the Mobnw!. will hold

the Forlrea».It i» no'. 'i4t»»»ary lo «dvi«o au otf.cer of )uur fe.*»

creii"ii of the extit me delicacy id tl.i- |o-iiions 00»

ctipied here BJ the oft. eera ra* the 1'iiitetl tjaatBR\\e mu»t beware ol' giving ai» estant by whn.li to

Barns, ¡t the OOMetteBB nt MMM, while al the same

tine «.¦ iiiiial tiru. v diet-barge our dntiea under the

law» oí Ike I'nited tka- ».

Feivcufiy iriittii.g iLa: Ike wi mid»of our count. \

may y«t t>e he..led,I »iij, ie»l».-' u.« yoi! ! »,!,. t lerrti t,

1 Al'U«. CRAVEN, Lleel Cot.noaliaf.I! ut -Cainii.aod ig f tlAMUM Ctin BOB ling I '. !4. ttrltmr

'""* Nati IlarAMiai-iT Not 24, Ii-eo

8ih: 1 love lOieived your leiler of the l'»th iu.t.,with Ince «ure».Tho Depailmeut doe» not, from any information ia

it« poraeeoiou, doora it ne«.'« tuny t. ut »ou ahould re¬

main at the TVrtugae to guard Fort J«ftei»on. Younill, thorei'.re proceed to your ci inning ground.

I ti r»ii''c,luliy, your oltJin t .. :»»..tI Ton B1

Li» .1 T. A- M < «tu «m, cornu.uLdi-g I. ti. iliBu.ei Melii»l,Kijtt'iil,fii-

»1«t. rneiil. Of I'lB. tVmil.PBOtaOBBO« H I li'.-ida», Marri .1, Mel

Gen. Wool arrived Lere al'.*| o'clock tin*. Mniatag.anti was greeted by a large tim ng Bl the Kainui-

h' 'i.e. A «ulule wo» ala. Mr««!. '1 L« General ad-

.!i.'»*¦» d the niultitade, and proceeded to the BOBtB>llouae where theGeueral Ateembly wa« in »eetiim.

lie iitited each llouiH! atidaddii-aed i'. Iii ti.ti.

|ii'i,i erded by steamboat to Ml wport. He return»;In re to-Uight.

|>i alrui lion al a 1« « »imper Ortl.rCul am l, Oin-, TLtnidiy Miri'i C, I' ii

Tht C» im » edllunol ollie« wa» mobbed lo-iiightI.» IM soldiers. The conipoeing r«.. in», in another

building, were undi-imbi-d. Gou.]Coop<-r called tutthe military te r«at« re order.

Tbe C'aae of Col. Bl Igt r.

Iii TiMuar, Xtiurid»y, Matul. I, |MCol. Ualgei, (.,» nu'm uiai-ler, In.« U-en ordered lo

Cailiilet li'ir.H'k» for trial by (out.-Martial on

i hing. « I retired by the Senate Committee. Itrevci

Col. J ann i I' I'oliiild» »li take« hi« pla. C.--¦*>--

Fiiimh Xoiicis or Awi lui an (íl« t LArin..

We tiamliite from the Almunac'i du *%-**»*.telyVfrn tn¿ui, the following paragraph contained iuun ttb»iiact of events of the war io ibu failedStute»:


Mti?.-'fl.» Pederil tioopt an. ml.led »t llirret'acroailhe l'oti-uin'. aud 'l.i . In.I eugageiurnt 0 aafj«Ulli lo»Mil 27.Tlio F.d.itli roti.iniiided byOoa Link», »ipe-

. (.i ...d »li it reverie. Ia.| recroii the Putouiac, »"d l».lbirk ..¡'"n »I ilil»in»l»ul|.Mai :.' *ud di.A gn-at lil' » ii fouglit m ... HicbiliOlid on

th». met diy ¦'.» ni',.11(11». reaialaa with the! ,nfeder»te«,nu the irciid d»y tiny «a**«t.atOO ... ,-..!. a 1- lo**, »id«I,«i,dun Corinth.Aller mia dayl of l.loody lighting BOOB III' 'mioiid lJuoe

H lu . 'i .» '. '¦ 1 -.:»i..., .u.,. nnc.'.l by 11. ir. «n, reltiebe'.ue the ( tinfodt tate army, wlii h, wl'h re i.-nfoiceaii ut«

niuilit by Oin» iia«i.r-l«rd »al I«, k.u-i li«»e I,, ii .«

r:.«.. 1 lo 111'ki« men. 'llieytike putiliuu on the Jim. .

Uiver, 17 n.ile» :...i, Lbirleiteo.We leuru from the cover o/ the book which lui«

fumielicd lite foregoing gerne, that " the CentralCoii.iii.t'i« of Irimiiry ItiHtiu. lion lu the City of1'arir) lion p_n.«.l the mmtftUiA J'ttiortujue du th«¡«et of booka proper tv be giren ne jin >0 the j ni*

"le «4'boola. -

(lIA.tlBI.'K OP CO.tlllKRI'R.

The M«lxl t-iriil«»« »inp_i-i-.nl l.ettrr«

from rW«*r»»r.ar»r« Wellra and fUward.The i eg ular moulin1«/ meeting of the Cbambei ol'

Comme«" wa« 1 eld yesterday aiternoon, PresidentTrRiT presiding. About thirty member« were

I regent.Al'er the. iriiiisfiction of some routine hu«.nee»,

election ot members. «Vc, Mr. tlMMf, Societaryof the Chamber, rend the following letter«:

Nxvt DBrxi.TMivT, rta. 91, IH»>3Sut: T k.tre hid" th» honor to rec« va tlie n.eotoriil ot the

I li»u,l.er ot Ommattttat of th« 21«'. in«t, tiaii.tniit"! by yuunutter dita of the Ka, nalli'i ti,» »eu M iiit'jietiide of (¡iai, i.»ii,i.-i. iriiic; fioiu th» pre.ent .late of on, n«tl.n.«I.(fun with irrt.ed rfeMl and pirallcil (I ii»«r» upo:, (ha .ei»

ar.il Hi« BilliB-Wlj i'i»a otheri n ay «re la«| le Baa» i t» UMBBMbsi ¡ 'hit tliB-'iauil'sr ot l'ouiui«r,'e hal r»pea e.'ly in--

iBorixlii di i.Lrrt.a a-id til«-cull ff tlepirtiii»tii| on tb» n i-

jsct, but vti'thi ut tia». retult wMel, 'lie u i.|iiift r> f t'.e I'.-(»reid «t Maka »'d ihaiorlou« r»«nl(l to b« n.| reher.aiad t.)th» aatiaa it !¦. -«¦. in »*«¦ al sny Ma-i-B ut. iiiii nrg hf li,:«Hepirtu,.-i>t tbe BBBBB-lf of li one« "rdarl | lo ti.e .. i'»i

... n.-taa.f., (ne Manoa-» sod rsmidy ilo ,., » »kip- ,. vv.i at

.ui'iirj aaaboafa, ai »1 lurth.-i rai i«:le? thal t m1 i.atio (raftricient force i,e ititinned In (lia Vi.i Klv«r. .( IM SMIrim* In ti,« S ,und to roiiiiinrri tilt upp. each lo lue ., f.

R».iir<iig i..o.t fully th» rii»tiiitud»> ol tr.e int»ro.'» a' »ilkain Saw I" vi I au «ii th« ooB-i-Oaae-M »nd probibiliUn Bl¬indad ti lu ti « h ruior'il, It weat- I» a «ratifie»»! .n to (liall»r«tttri»i M i aMai arprabemlo-: mid to inrr.i.li tin* vs.ie'i«« if-ne«'»'; r,i.,v :.-,«,l we bid them unri_| lojoit Kutti.»u -i.ii,*r. «I ita« ( auib»/ <f l ouitus'.j« CluliOt be nii»w»r»tb»t st lim j,.ii.-fu..- oui who!« n«.al 'ona li put lara«fWii : ir'.'.t o| »ri'loai or fia» «.'», . ,.' i«n(I.e«rr: ¡«cr-a, lb» hada, arl» y inii't o: lb« Habel "«1 plr-td' - .ular» iiÍkii«. i.

14«no1 pea«-batta« rnaariarlaHat» wowM .!»>)-« tn ,t.i«r«ir th<- i« Hasey ot iii« irjv.ee fn»ltb«r of tb»,et to n*ip»rt. », i ve», »vt hi.li'. ilalaclilBf n.v.'leiir'i nd |'iilho||.from tlie ,,p»-,iioui lu »huh »bay »reii.Uiied. un in. ii irimm»nt i in it' i i«i«t,i b» j-iirr-u in t ,i- Bala» Hu., ot New ^ vit.or 'o (u«'d tlif BaM H'vrr «.:. »M «»me of th» praiacta-expeditloni b« loitimala thei« nil» be v»««f !« r»':-v.-'i i-ortipr»|.| t ii uy. HI i.uld a forel»n wn b« taUfl-M it it uiiy t:,rt_-pal arhaiiie ol >«HS» I» i»(Utl lo Ih« ri,,,v,-ineu«« «i.d .»».liar.» ot ur tai» Uelu c- rre»j ou.ling »ith ti.» ...»».liioo« of¡h» ,, an srv|___l

l)nrlr,| »It. «iii-, ri»» o', oat ti, n.< i»ie _fl_ ii'*>l tb»ra haveb»«B >w «BBBW. . wli.B tb.r« bivi- rttvt Win .vii »*.«»;, lulb« Im bor cr NavtVufk i»..t-, for inin«,li-ta larviea. ort-'i'i ....-..! ti, It, .. ¦.. ,¦ -ti, j I..- piou.,,' .' ii.iJ- avaiiaiil«.At i,,i (i-n* I«« »I . I»»i trtri -tit b»en a_n led ul cf the -onái-tiOB ol ti lu»« lu Sew. York «rid I (nut it will ilwiyi bl «l*rt>Ui.l mr Iii* pn :-¦ ii u cf tint ind of ««her expo-id pine« ontlie ... «it.HieeoamitiBleatlaa »t Oom. Wool, «lludin-; toihe bmbbbi

rill o' tit* C1wa bar <f Con nure, on the «nbj». '. of tbe ile-f._l«« ti New-York, hu bo' Baaareceivedal tblillepaitme.it

I «m. very rripa. Cully, your oi,e_ient iarv.nr( ifrEON i\'r:i.l.f-*t, taecreu-yofthaNav*

fe Jett Atari* -.aram jr, Secrtt_rv,_r.I HOM MU. «HVAKP.

I»»PthT»KXT or StxTB, )WxllllBoTON, Mit,.li ', IT I

Hu: I liri recaivtd with «atlificioD. >our Inter of tbe21 th liiliB.e, B-d the pdatedasaj of tri- i i.,a.»"t'i¡i« of tlie( bl ber er ('e.i.in'r a f tlie .*!¦_(« efXe« -Vo.-k, al a IO-B__me.'.lnf on lb« IM u''lmn. relative to the "r-ontliiaej plr».ciai of re.»«!, ii ..»ii eut in (..»at hiidin, upou Am urtuoouiu.-roe " tvl.l.li -eiiinpanlud It. In -,'i .r, I hsv« to niform you tint I wi!', » .iii p.«nur«, tliitribiite cupial ul tbeprore» ''ng», - I.»'- tit-j r« lar« .¦¦ -I- d to u.«, lu lb« manner

.ui|»«(id and (hi» the etiurii of th« (»avirnmeit f"r the pre-laaaiaB vt »«.J ,.« iu ,n. .- arlll not be Intermitted.

I aui. *.r. nu. very obaduh t »er»*,ait,W ILI.fAM li. SKWAKT).

JoB»i Aiint Stu«!«« jt-.tiee. ke.11 on rni "HUM LtHCOia.

»'»». riva Mi«i:ov, jlV'i.HiBU-rti.v, y-'o. U. UtJX jMvDaaafiai Ia« Ftaat-aM -tratM-MMaaaaaaHa-l»

He :>¦ pt of »OBI fiTor yt-.tardiy. covenn» t... raaaat reeo*luli iel otthe I'bsu.liar of CaaiBHrc« la tegird to the occupi-lion of th« Kio »irinf*» irorlier.

tiijln.y -.iii;ii,ii»«ii-il»ill'',t, JOHN HAV.Joaa At ii in -iivr mi. j., Mecietuiy, te.

A letter from .Mayor «Ipdyke wa» re_<l ftclaiiowl-ad|t-Bg tbe receipt of the mémorial of th« ('bamberto Hu- Harbor 1 'ef.-.i e I omnii.ai.ia. «

Mr. Si m «m> i-' j "i «eil tliuton behalf of the ('barn*her be attendeil the «tatirtic-il Oonvantioo in Wash-i.iK'i ii. wbich tlouvention adjonrnad to re-ronven«in thi« city on ibe Jd of .May next.

ÛB motion the use of the Chamber wa« profferedto the ttxiet T.

1 at Se« retarv r.ad the folloiviin» letter relative toIbe tnlniit'i n.ei of IbacaaaJ« betwaen tb« Valley ofde Mis«i«ei|«| i and tbe Atlantic and in reiraril tothe (,'oDv«uti"n t«> be hebl at C'liicaBO m .lune next,to coiiKider li e «re¡il rational, ciinmer, ml and mil¬itai v bcBeli.a to to -toiaai ÉOJM »neil enlurj/emeni:

V\x«»iis.,t.).v. Mir»l. I IWiJ.Bia I iniloie yoi . pi le ta.l copy «r tbe call for s NaUaaal

CMtraattei a» (:...-, f.,t aa'arila« ti.« eaaala I ( ¡«tieepl!-,htai>*»d and tmlv nation..! hi.nlwr of t'onituere« of N.u|fo*i WI I «I'P.tti.ie tl.a 11.4,0 t,i,.a of ti. ia iiioveuiant. andgive It li« nd ti.O 1-01 er,'it'ii 1 t.f if axe ««veral oiber c» -.«.

to be iddi d to (ha tau out lilli ur»d Dot dii»y «iliou.\ »ty re.piatiii ». you. o'.rdn-i.t larviii,

i*IAAi N. ARNOI.I».Um fiill«>winr_ ratalatloa offired hy Cutt, girt, \

el:. Heil coiisiileuit.le iliscu»HÍonUti Uti Till tb« y.se jtiv.-i t.ai.uiitta«b*lB»trt!cti«dtoin-

quile »1.J i-| ,1 ».,it neil i.e., :f »uy, »r» proper to bai.l pt. I by till« (barlil cr 111 re«|-ct to to in porliat »u lucí-d.,, ., »Burlfaa C«aa-wta« ¦. Ito raeaal deitiu.tlon eftli' i)ii|' '1 <Ji' Hell ty a pint« iii «J out aud luppltrdtnli.¡I.I. pott».<a;t Ntl '.i.'«»i tb» Cbalraaaa tolako iaMMa___la

»clio- h¡ .'ii tlie s'lbject, and »ta'e.i Iii« bel ef (bat ifIbOOB even»* were coniiuned a general war uj onlb»- lnMli mu- vi. ubi lake lace lor the (uolcitiou ofo,ir tun.iii« ree. 1 11 e a. : .'il> bo tlougltt, «bould letakoa on tie ; 1,11 ol ttie Aliifiuili mei chante to calltbe at ten, ."ii if lirilieh in. re >anti to li 11 lu I, andii Mit« bl» babel, tii.it I.t "in «lit'i l.in(i;».i ti ,-rcnauiHwaa J raopoad u> ii uioet beartil.v.

lieu. Wiiii.'iii wa«i*lt«l «au« ii a resolution hidberu mi 1..«in. td. and ibe ( bamber owed it to itselflo haap 1 «.:.tb« >, ubli.-, the ooadaet of tin- gi-etv*es1 commercial louuiiy in tbe wurbl, and ii« ti. it-

ineui ol ti e cimneiio of American n;.i chant«. Ile.aid na bad :-. < ,u-,| a i.-iu-i f.oin Baglaad whichcoattintil tb»- , braaa, Euflaad i» at wai wltu youwiiile yo are at poaet ^,1»% liiiijlao'!."Mr. C-UtTIHp»» eupiiortcü ttic iejol,.tion, aud

.aid ti at the iit'etr.» lion of il,v _¡...,b Hell Ladbrought tit- |r¡>attci« alu.i>st to OW own doora. BJthat «ln| waa ewaad by aa o__oar ofthaChaaihat,

Mr. Luvt th«'» took tlie loor. Mid «aid that he Imdttpa 1« Dtlj baoa hoatd in the Cbaatbot danoioeiogQraal Britain Id al'owiuK p_r__i-tl veejel» to betitled »-ol ul her noil» ttt W- Mraoat oí wairiiigiitou Ibe ¡teaitlul <oiuiuerce ol'oui country. Hetiti i,, racial ti.o lairodactioa of thi» roaoloihM.He tell titi- «tiliit- na be »lil tofata UM deoiedatloiia ottbe privatcei, anil lu» vtcvt« WCIO Bat M i'unlitid iuIhe least bv ibu los» of the Job Hell. Ho felt thatum et li nu ougut to be doll«: to t revtiil Bahai i eitel«being built »ti I u_lai.«l, M I ich tiiiuiiietaii« e« bnd alttiiucti')' to in, Graai Brita-a'oactioa m the mat-1tei wat ou« o' abaolat« lajaatlea «n! »raaf, buu j'i-racv auch aa we have »ullered alloc Ki not be ullowed,,ny louder. [-.pplOMBt.] Naotralit» um» not ob-ni'iinl ¡If-, in' bud been Violated. CotMoralng theloaa of th«' .l«u ob Hell, be would iuf.trui Um Cliamlter(bal all ot tli<- kow tut not fall on bim.

Kia (boaaand «d Um hean- t tei oa that vessel,belonged lo pait-M 11» l.uiilaud and Frame, whichIm lie uiaiiti« Bad for the uralilicalioii of those wbo

rejoice- in i»ic deitrtictiou ol the Jacob Hell, ofwl om there wat uot a few in thi« » .ty. [Apptaaataj i

I be FBI it » ¦ » runiarked thi.I we were meetingwar in dugui*«-with all tne I'luuder on one side,»mi we t-otlti not sutler ui<ira ibun we wert» domgif we wen in oo.u ccntlict with l-.n^laiid. Helavore.ltb. pMHfaai Um resolution.

1 ne iiuestiou wa« ulled und the re«oliiiiuu adofted, jand UM »'ibj-cl n-ferrotJ io (he «.'iiimiittve on the jAlabama. , ,

Mr bi 'k aalW the «tlention of the < bamber

|0 the inoveinenl in litvor ot liptod-Mlto «anal»;Horn the M.aeiaai|'l»i to lb« Atlantic in order to

«.Ivaticf thi» !_i»ririilturiil interests of the West andtecoijiiiicudc I UM Cto-ttorla aid the cuta|»riee. ileotleiedu iireumble ami w:ib the ftMMW-Bg weolutiout.,11 ide siil|."-t wbich were adopted.Kwall«- ibit m» t lismuer ol ( ouiiuerce of New-Yoik,

raitaratliiathe imit.iun« lue) li»»o l.«retc>lt,i« axpreaird, ol

I.!, i.e..* ¡y K« «*.«. '¦ 'I *..' on- tmtmily ic.e|t the tn-,,,,((,,. linn extea,led by if '»'»" » i'oitivuol the .Nationall.eililsture.Hmstoed, Hat foi Itof-rfBMaf balai duly npreiented in

i4idL.miauti.il. at ouni.ltteeot txenty |fo OMMMBM 01 tblib.. Iv la »['pointed bv tin- i'ie«ld«i.t wlio.e (f-CM .'.utj it.bill h» l »maa! to ibe Couvai tion Bat b authentic iulorm».Maa .¦ ni«} »'-":l -«¦ *'' " t0 Iur111.i1 a. to tha nicetiiiy, value¦nd co.t 0! il« l'iupo «d woik. and (bit tvlisuater uni ( oui-uiitlea »bull bt« C uvi.t d on du« uoue«. hve uf theil number.I all con«tituta a «ino.uni, lod tbit ubi t'ouiuiitteo bl eiupuw-ar« i to hil any vucauuaa lu their number.

Mi'»»r«. I'erit, Astinwull, Hierwirth, Duer, (Irin¬nen, how, Jtatt, Marshall, Miuturo, «S'y« and lilc-aton were _yyo_atad a (.'mnniittee to taka actiou rela¬tiva to the UCBlructloD of the .lac«ib Hell. The Com¬mittee were empowered to cooi.«f>-«to with t_« L)o»r«Jof llndei writer».Tha Hoard H et adjonrMd.


Advance of Yan Dorn Toward Franklin.--aa»-

Dar Form Mr it mid Drive the litiirU Bark.




Hie enemy, auder Von Dora, advanced againtotrard franklin yeeterday. The Uuioa fci-c««! alanadvanced rix jni«» «nd drove tbe Kebelo kock. Firemen were wonndcd. The Rebel» loat IS killed.The fi.i/lit wa» renewed this morning. N». particularohave been rui-civ«-.*.

Twenty-three mea, of Col. Jackson« TennesseeRcfiiinent, ivbile on pieket duty west of Nolane»ville, «vue attacked byU Confedératecavalry, whotried to surround and capture them. The itjiiues*seeaiie, after twenty minutes' lighiiug, compelledthe Rebe!« to enr-eiider, took the whole fku-tj pm»oneil), .-iitd ni lived iu this cf.y to-night.

Rci-u:'or<e.icul» roe den. li.) »rt at F rank lialine be.-n «ont forward, HBaB-BBitly large to deeiroyor rapture \_u Horn's command.

It ia repotted that about 1,000 hVbcl cavalry are

in the vicinity 01 Harpeth tvioals wail.ug u> aUoek«eeamei-s ou the river.Tbe Hon. Conno'ly F. Tiíj/ií, Judge of the United

..»tafe» Illetrict Court, had ordeied that BOattoicey,proiator, orotbei pennon, who baa not taken ¡he ootblo rapport the Constitutiou of the Lulled 8 .tit» willbe permitted to manage or conduct caeei in thteCo'll!.

l-eu. Iteaiirnn» an Deni riere.

( .i'v. Ramsey of Miueeota, trnnumitteti to tba

TaegialHture the follofing d.»'«-**«! hw GeneralUo'ecrani:

Mcararrtunao, Keb. 16, ISO»),To G ove'nor Rameey I tbinR it duo to thotw who

sullor in the field as well a« tloae who f-ot ilie billiat home and mu the i i k of being «-»,11. d out to de.feud home and national life, that olldeeer-ira t-houldbe returned to duty. All dtiaaaa are íotereated intliia. Those who oppooe it favor perjury and rti«-

.'.ili'y, bi.«viiii»c a man who ague« lo serve biacountry, lake« wage« and even bounty money, tvodviolate« hi« oath of service by deoeiting, I« a per¬jurer and a rase .ii, und probatiy a coward.

tVkr should not tbe lacgielit'uie pas« a law dit-frani hieing and disquallfiiug from every office, alldeserters al foi other inln'moti« crimes.

IV. ii. ROa-FCRA** *.MiJoMj'ii «ral (.'oiuanodlt g.

The Military II »beti«-! orpaa Caae.ion ut.-!'" »orme «BTWSEB COU i.oo"iis im tri

. oi.nr.

IbAMorU or thb Cn r Jt i-e«, 1.Ntvr-ïnK/, March a, l8«, i

Col. Loomí:.--Deir ¡Sir: A writ of hakea« «orana

a ». ni -ed hy uie. directed IO you, to p.'oduee the body ofEdward (>. Mit urtu btforo mo.

Heretofore you liav. luvirilbly I.»J ti.e ourUty to Obeym»' will«, ead e* e rnotlen ia now buforo mt, io r.gtrd to «a

ti'«, iiiieii», I addreti you to forai you of thii fact.of coutte. I »in i.¡i.] ¡j g id» i by toe itatute» ia theo«

''.»toi. »nd I »tu mo»t »niton* .. avoid any ae'.loo in lb«matter that would be unpletiiot to «rou, foi whom I enterte.»},tbe highett re«D.c' I liucerelr truit «onie return iiiaj beI1I-.J-- to It. »« it I* a matter that 1 ceoDot, lo my ititUctalcapai'ttj. «told »djudk-illBg apon.

Viauri, u.n.t raapertfuUy, JOU.U li. McCVNN.1 uki ton i Bl», N. Y. 11., Martnji, À. 3

ina. J. Ii. Mi ( i>>, City Judjt.I Sir: The Colonel commanding diitxti me to ne»

knowledr» rece'pt tod thark yon for yonr eoqrteotii letter oftil» dite.You ire eoinct In np;'0tl'g th»t foi Loeoi'.* doei net la-

'.ed to d.iobey any civil pgoeaaa lu th.» «eae, however,'Ueie teeiut to be a rBÍiuuderitaa«iiug. Coi. Loo.J» h»» no4

leen «et».-J »»ith jonr writ, t J bil kuewledge, ead done net

kuow the uaroo of Hie tuau r-«-, ire-l. An eiiVelope. bavii.gthe . e«r ..co of » .»tier, end announced i» o letter, «ii

lUii.it »t inn. «t the fjueral a few diyi »«ere, ead tb< igh heuia« have aaupoted it to be a writ, li» did col know it, eaddid int recelvo It. oer mu he iuforuied ibot It we« o writ I

«m f tidier du- (»J to toy tl.i' if tho writ it «.ni hy aaail or

otherwlie' It will be du ; and proniprlv »tlrnded to.

foi I.oo'iiii hu never yet f.i.ed to rtipeet eud obey ike

p-oceii of your Couti, aid had he »»i- butt irifoniied that

.he piper wat » »v rlt he would litre received «'id eb*yed tL

By orJ-r of Col. LOU Ml**.Bru rrrs S ..... l*t r.:« .- c± lui .Pott Sagt

* lfanj od» pieito.i mu t.-.I to lervu the »»nt le peitoii 1.0

in .»l Lire * i> it-.i io to de from tb» be»t!t|U»rleii 01 iii I «-

I triment of ¦..... K«*t.Ketueclfi'tly, vom otediect,

S. LDt til » Col. Vi lof. LoiSDMUdlBg.liou J II. Mill WO. Ctr Judge, N. Y.

( Ht«IlllR nr TH« ClTT Jl I,«.», JNsw Vol.»., Much, !,I6(.3 I

Col. I.oo.mi.».¿»tur mt : I am in receipt of yourcouiiuuulcaiion oit!.:» ¦!.:. lu »t ".«.-r te luiue of Hie 3d mit. ;

and would *»y feted jour explanation ii entirely tatwfactory,aid iba» lum,... "lately opon tti recci; t 1 rained the eeuatol iathe ina'.t'.r vii tb« SherüJ to b« no'.'.. ! to «ppea before mo,

foi the pirpote of vacetiitg the BtUchaient l.itied egali.t um.1 lie tua, 'luient »ti« U.ued by n.e upon the anliievit cf the

j.«.»ou »ho tll.g.i thtt he irrveJ the wnt wtii.it you »nd

ipon motion of connel, I .»ed u;.n tie aihdavit of teivice,¡in I 1 lu! n <!l« 'lim i- 'bl matter, the itttute being eim-pttlioij in their i-a-tl. I ii.t.i, io»»»-, upon your letter,

m\tttt ti i' ti order be eotrred »-»eating the attainment.

Thete conflict» of autbvrily b«t»»eeu the clvli end n Hilarypower. I ».«.., »o 'ii »I ii me lie, eetlduoualj endeavored to

iv.'i J ; anti it hit !'-*n Oij cooiUut elort. ti »Il militait gee«tieuteo who licva b»*n b«f jr« uie wiil be«l aie Wl.a»a, to

I trie;»e liie be»t feeling» of amity bitweeu tbe eflie.ri of tba

.liiuy »nd N»tj »nd tloi«, of the l»w, believiug th.t. avfe

bel g properljr luaUlned in bil légitimité »pbere, Ibe

t irngih of th» (¡overumeui eau be moie iLoroegl.lj tuiUb ri

ia it-iitii-g dowu tlui uuuattiial Iteleülvu.l\ ith etturai«.** -I my great r-»»i*ect. I »io your» tru'y,


A Main« Si»«-..isi.)M»r.«-F. 0. J. Smith of ThtVo-iitand Adiertuer, and member of the Mainelegislature, ho« jual delivered hioisel/ of a tremen»

dou« «peech of three days' length. He sees v.iioiieof commercial wealth and greataees in a Union ofMaine with the (. auaJa» under Drilisb proteclionand Government, and looks forward to the timewhen Maine can " oiount the winga of hope and goback to ike mother Government!"

From Albany.Albany, Thurtdtj-, March fe, IiaO.

The I »en.oerata held a cuueus this atlernoon, anddetermined to nain..' three members of the party OB

their choice for uiemben of ihe Committee lo invei*tigate the chargée of corruption against Speaker Cal-licot, and passed résolutions denying the right ofRepublicans to name all the members the Com¬inillo«.

The caite of Mr. Keoa, ^'T^U' b*ï_//.,,,/ wit., the. gufç ssäjsS

ha eneinv. Tho Court-Martial ilude bim no4ioilyofgivingintelligcuceto theeuemr, áli-eeilyS? »Jirecily, 'roi being a spy, aiid tarlily indoreee_!. ooaree a« to Ceo. ellerman by clearing bim cn

other charge« and specification«. It eenMneee biaklo be seat without tbe Heparinaent, and not to te

(urn ander penally of imprieer-nent.