INSTITUT PENDIDIKAN GURU MALAYSIA KAMPUS BAHASA ANTARABANGSA, LEMBAH PANTAI, 59200, KUALA LUMPUR BORANG MAKLUM BALAS KERJA KURSUS (PROJEK/AMALI) Nama : SAIFUL AMIR BIN AB AZIZ Angka Giliran Pelajar : 920712035239 Tajuk Tugasan : Task 1 (b) Selection of technique and activity play script Pensyarah : Mdm. Rekha Jayantilal Kursus / Mata pelajaran : PISMP TESL JAN 2013/LGA Tarikh Hantar : 2 nd MARCH 2015 Tarikh Diterima ( Diisi oleh pensyarah): Pengakuan Pelajar Saya mengaku tugasan ini adalah hasil kerja saya sendiri kecuali nukilan dan ringkasan yang setiap satunya saya jelaskan sumbernya. Tandatangan :____________________________ Tarikh : _2 nd MARCH 2015______ ( SAIFUL AMIR BIN AB AZIZ) Perincian Maklum Balas Tugasan Pemeriksa Moderator (jika berkaitan) Kekuatan Kekuatan: Aspek yang boleh diperbaiki: Aspek yang boleh diperbaiki: Tandatangan: Tarikh: Tandatangan: Tarikh:


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Tajuk Tugasan : Task 1 (b) Selection of technique and activity play script

Pensyarah : Mdm. Rekha Jayantilal Kursus / Mata pelajaran : PISMP TESL JAN 2013/LGA

Tarikh Hantar : 2nd MARCH 2015 Tarikh Diterima ( Diisi oleh pensyarah):

Pengakuan PelajarSaya mengaku tugasan ini adalah hasil kerja saya sendiri kecuali nukilan dan ringkasan yang setiap satunya saya jelaskan sumbernya.

Tandatangan :____________________________ Tarikh : _2 nd MARCH 2015______ ( SAIFUL AMIR BIN AB AZIZ)

Perincian Maklum Balas TugasanPemeriksa Moderator (jika berkaitan)Kekuatan Kekuatan:

Aspek yang boleh diperbaiki: Aspek yang boleh diperbaiki:

Tandatangan: Tarikh: Tandatangan: Tarikh:

Pengesahan Pelajar Terhadap Maklum Balas Yang Diberikan Pensyarah

Saya mengesahkan bahawa maklum balas yang diberikan oleh pensyarah telah saya rujuk dan fahami.Catatan (jika ada)

Tandatangan Pelajar : Tarikh :

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LGA 3043 E

Task 1 (b) Selection of technique and activity for play script


INDEX NUMBER : 920712035239



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Task 1 (b) 1

Select one suitable technique that can be used to teach using the adapted play script.

Based on the adapted play script, the technique chosen is tableau. Basically, this

technique requires a student, or students in groups to form the static image of a scene within

the play script. It can be used to encourage pupils to be more focused on a scene within the

play script. Tableau also can be used whether the characters are in a position or action. Using

this technique will allow pupils to be both creative in expressing their ideas and response.

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Task 1 (b) 2

Identify and describe two suitable activities that can be carried out using the selected

drama technique.

Activity 1 : Still Images Procedures

Refer Appendix:

The King of Kites play script

1. Teacher introduces the play script to pupils.

2. Pupils read the play script with guidance from teacher.

3. Teacher introduces the characters in the play script.

4. Teacher shows pictures of scenes from the play script

using multimedia presentation.

5. Teacher model examples of a scene within the play script

from the picture shown.

6. Teacher divides pupils in groups.

7. Each group is assigned to conduct one scene from the

play script.

8. Each group needs to come with characters movement and

expressions that shows a particular scene within the play


9. Pupils from each group present their scene to the whole


10. Pupils discuss which particular scene the tableau


11. Teacher gives guidance and feedback.

Activity 2 : Procedures

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Flashback and Flash forward

Refer Appendix:

The King of Kites play script

1. Teacher introduces the play script to pupils.

2. Pupils read the play script with guidance from teacher.

3. Teacher divides the pupils into pairs.

4. Teacher instructs pupils to create a freeze frame of a

scene from the script.

5. Pupils act out the scene by making still images.

6. Teacher claps hand to change the pace of pupil’s

movement from one image to another.

7. Pupils move silently in slow-motion to where their

character was a few moments before.

8. Teacher claps their hand for the second time.

9. Pupils move back to their original image (present


10. Teacher repeats the same steps and does a flash forwards

and moves to another scene.

Task 1 b (3)

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Justify why the technique and activities are suitable to elicit students’ response of the

play (300 words)

The technique and activities used are suitable to elicit student’s response of the play in

many ways. Firstly, the technique tableau provides one of the most flexible methods of working

the play. According to Peregoy and Boyle (2008), tableau is an excellent place to start your low-

risk physical exploration of words, emotions and concepts. It emphasizes mostly on the pupil’s

movement and non-verbal language. Hence, the pupils will feel less threaten and it will be much

easier for them to express their responses of the play as tableau does not require much spoken


Next, based on the first activity, pupils are able to express their response of the play by

acting out scene from the play script in groups. The illustration of the scene will involve the

pupil’s movement and expression. This is one of the ways for the pupils to show their

understanding of the text. Furthermore, through this activity the students will get the chance to

interact with their friends. As the pupils discuss the scene in the play script, the can share their

ideas with their friends through brainstorming. This will benefit them as they are the active

participant of the lesson. They are given opportunity to share their opinion on the text and work

in groups to present their thought.

From the second activity, the students will need to response to the text by doing some

movement. They will get opportunity to express their opinion of the text in their own definition.

Besides, they will be working as a whole and this will provide them a non-threatening

environment. They will find the activity interesting as they are not required to interact with each

other and produce any language output. It is suitable for students who do not have the basic of

English language. This will encourage them to join the activity and increase their involvement in

the play. Children usually are motor oriented in which they prefer to express their though in term

of movements and actions rather than words (Maley and Duff, 2001). Hence, this activity is

suitable for students as they got the chance to respond by doing actions.

As conclusions, these activities and technique are suitable to elicit students’ response of

the play. The students can show their clear insight of the events in the text by acting out some

actions. This shows that students’ response are not mainly observe from production of language

but also actions and expressions.

Appendix 1

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The King of Kites- Play Script

Characters: Anil, Mother, Anil’s friend

Scene 1

Narrator: Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Anil with his mother in a small

village. Both Anil and his mother were very talented. They were best at

making kites and sewing clothes. Every morning, they sat down to do their

work. One day…

Anil: I heard that there will be a big wedding in this village! (cheers in


Anil’s friends: Oh really! ( shouted with thrill) Wow! How wonderful is that !.

Anil: Oh yes of course. (Anil agreed). I am going to make twelve kites with

beads to fly them all at once at the wedding.( speaks with pride)

Narrator: However, Anil’s excitement did not last long. Her mother was not happy

with his ideas of making those kites. Anil’s mother herself had to prepare

extra shirts and saris for the wedding.

Anil’s mother: Please Anil, I don’t think you need to build those kites for the wedding


Anil : But Ma.(sighs)

Anil’s mother: Uh’ huh (muttered) You know I need your beads and ribbon to sew new

clothes for the wedding.

Anil : Hmmmmm (nooded in agreement )

Narrator: Anil ran straight to the market to buy things for his mother.

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Scene 2

Narrator: Anil’s mother worked day and night to finish the clothes. Every day, Anil

will run to the market to buy more threads for his mother. His friends knew

he was sad and wanted to help him.

Anil’s friends: Where are the twelve new kites for the wedding? (question them)

Anil: ….(wind swoshh. He did not answer)

Narrator: On the next day, Anil woke up the next morning and saw twelve kites on

the ground. He knew that all the kites were given by his friend.

Anil: You guys are the best friend ever! (cried Anil with joy)

Anil’s mother: Now quick my son, I had saved you some beads and one roll of ribbon.

Come let me help you to decorate the kites.

Anil: Thanks mom, I love you so much! (cried Anil happily)

Scene 3

Narrator: At the weeding, everybody praised Anil’s twelve kites that flew high in the

sky on the wedding day and her mother stitching.

Anil’s friend: Wow (praised Anil’s friend). You and your mother had done a really good

job Anil.

Anil: Thank you, guys. (burst in tears). I don’t think I am able to finish those

kites without your help.

Anil’s friend: Don’t worry Anil, it is our pleasure to help you my friend. You have done a

lot for the people in this village.

Narrator: They all laughed and lifted him up onto their shoulders. They shouted,

“You made them for us, Anil!” they shouted. “You are the King of


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Reference list

Maley, A. and Duff, A. (2001). Drama techniques in language learning: a resource book for

communication Activities for language teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University


Peregoy and Boyle (2008). Using Drama and movement to enhance English Language

Learners’ Literacy development. Retrieved on 1/3/2015 form

http://goliath.ecnext.com/coms2/gi_0199-11134256/using-drama-and movement-to.html.