Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS) 1 Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS) Written for children By Sakina Hasan Askari

Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS) - Shia books for children · Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS) 2 For my grandchildren Muhammad Ali Nur-Fatima Sakina Zahra Zahra Aadil Fatimah And

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Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS)


Let’s learn aboutImam Ali (AS)

Written for childrenBy Sakina Hasan Askari

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Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS)


For my grandchildrenMuhammad Ali

Nur-FatimaSakina Zahra


FatimahAnd many more to come


This book is to help youto learn aboutImam Ali (AS)

About the AuthorSakina Hasan Askari (nee Sakina Nurul Hasan Jafri) completedher M.A. (English) with honours from Osmania University,Hyderabad, India. She then obtained M.A. in English Literaturefrom the University of Leeds, U.K. She taught for many yearswithin the U.K. school system and is a prolific author. Raising herchildren and grandchildren in the West, she had felt a need forbooks for children to learn about Islam.

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Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS)


ContentsIntroduction..........................................................................4In MakkahFamily Tree...........................................................................6Birth in the Kaaba................................................................8First to accept Islam........................................................10The Night of Hijrat..........................................................14In MadinaThe Prophet’s Brother.....................................................18The Perfect Marriage......................................................20Praised in the Quran.........................................................23Praised by the Prophet....................................................27Fearless in Battle..................................... .........................29Ghadeer e Khum.................................................................33The Saddest Year.............................................................39A Quiet life.........................................................................43As Caliph..............................................................................48In Kufa.................................................................................51Ali’s Knowledge...................................................................61Martyrdom................................................................... .......65Shias of Ali.........................................................................75Sayings.................................................................................77Salams................................................................ ..................78Wordsearch........................................................................79Glossary...............................................................................81

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Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS)



Imam Ali (AS), excellent in every way, isour first Imam. His name means the VeryHigh. He was created by Allah with thesame light as the Prophet Muhammad(SAW) himself. He is the best example ofthe teachings of the Holy Quran.

At every stage in the history of Islam,the name of Ali (AS) shines. From hisbirth in the Kaaba to his martyrdom inthe Masjid e Kufa, he lived only for Allah.

Love for Imam Ali (AS) is a sign of truefaith (eeman) and enmity towards him is asign of a hypocrite (munafiq).

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In Makkah

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Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS)


Family Tree

The family tree of Imam Ali (AS) is thesame as that of the holy ProphetMuhammad (SAW). It goes back to theProphet Ibraheem (AS) through his sonHazrat Ismail (AS).

Both Prophet Muhammad (SAW) andImam Ali (AS) belong to the family ofBani Hashim from the tribe of Qureish,Their grandfather was Hazrat AbdulMuttalib (AS). Who had many sons,including Hazrat Abdullah (AS) andHazrat Abu Talib (AS). Hazrat Abdullah(AS) is the father of Prophet MuhammadSAW and Hazrat Abu Talib (AS) is ImamAli’s (AS) father.

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Hazrat Abu Talib’s (AS) real name isImran. He was kind and generous, alwaysready to help the needy. He looked afterthe Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) asthe best guardian. He was a believer andsupported him in spreading the messageof Islam.

Hazrat Fatima (AS) binte Asad is ImamAli’s (AS) mother. She came from thesame family as the Holy Prophet. Shedeclared her faith in Islam and lookedafter the Prophet with love and care.

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Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS)


Birth in the Kaaba

Imam Ali (AS) is the only person ever tobe born in the Kaaba, the house of Allah.It was Friday 13th of Rajab, thirty yearsafter the Year of the Elephant. HazratFatima binte Asad was circling the Kaaba,praying. She leaned against the wall ofthe Kaaba to rest. Suddenly, there was aloud crack and the corner of the Kaabawall opened. She went inside and the wallclosed behind her.

Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib, the Prophet'suncle saw this miracle. He and hiscompanions rushed to the gate of theSacred House, which was locked. Theytried to open it but could not. The newssoon spread throughout Makkah.

Imam Ali (AS) was born inside the holyKaaba. Hazrat Fatima binte Asad stayed

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inside for three days. On the fourth day,she came out and Prophet Muhammad(SAW) was waiting outside. He took thebaby from her arms. He kissed him andnamed him Ali.

The baby opened his eyes and recitedverses from Allah’s holy books. TheProphet said, "O Ali! You are excellent inthis life and in the hereafter.”

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First to accept Islam

Imam Ali (AS) was the first to follow theHoly Prophet and accept Islam. Imam Ali(AS) says, “He took me in his lap when Iwas a baby and I was always with him. Ifollowed the Prophet step by step as ababy camel follows its mother.”

He was the first to offer prayers behindhim. “During those days, Islam was thereligion of only the Prophet and his wifeHazrat Khadija (AS).” Imam Ali (AS)says, “I was the third of the trio. Nobodyelse in the world had accepted Islam.”

For three years, the Prophet (SAW)preached Islam in secret. Then he wasasked by Allah to call his family to Islam.“Invite your relatives” (Sura Shu’ara, v204). A party was arranged. This wascalled the Dawat ZulAsheera. Imam Ali

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(AS) helped the Prophet. Nearly fortypeople came. They were surprised to findthat although there was not much food,they all could eat as much as they wantedand there was still plenty left.

After the meal, the Prophet told themthat he had been sent by Allah as aprophet for all creation. He promisedthat whoever was ready to help him tospread Allah’s message would be hissuccessor. Three times he asked thequestion, “Who is ready to help me?”

Each time it was only Imam Ali (AS) whostood up and promised to help.”O RasoolAllah, I shall assist you and shall fightagainst anyone who opposes you.”

Then the Holy Prophet (SAW) turned tohis guests and said, "O' my people! This isAli, my brother, my minister, and mysuccessor among you. Listen to him, obey

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him!". The people there laughed and said“O Abu Talib! Your son would rule you.”Hazrat Abu Talib (AS) replied, “If mynephew commands so, I agree”

The people of Makkah did not likeProphet Muhammad (SAW) calling peopleto Islam and started making life difficultfor him. Imam Ali (AS) acted like abodyguard for the Prophet. When theMakkan boys started throwing stones atthe Prophet, Imam Ali (AS) used todefend him and fight against them.

Finally Prophet Muhammad (SAW) andthe Muslims were forced to leave the cityand live in the valley called Shob e AbuTalib. Life there was very difficult. Theyspent three years suffering hunger andhardship. No one would even sell food tothem. When finally they were allowed toreturn to Makkah, they were much poorerthan before. Their health had suffered

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too. Soon after Hazrat Abu Talib (AS)and Hazrat Khadija (AS) both died leavingthe family very sad. The Prophet called itthe Year of Sorrow.

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The Night of Hijrat

After spending ten years preaching Islamthe Holy Prophet (SAW) was forced toleave Makkah, in the dark of the night.This is called Hijrat (Migration) and theMuslim calendar begins with this date(A.H.).

Allah revealed to His Prophet (SAW) ofthe plan against him as enemies circledhis house planning to kill him the nextmorning. Allah ordered him to leaveMakkah the very same night.

Who could he ask to sleep in his bed in hisplace? It had to be someone brave andsomeone who was ready to put his own lifein danger. Imam Ali (AS) asked, "If Itake your place, will your life be safe?""Yes", replied the Holy Prophet. Hearing

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this Imam Ali (AS) bowed down his headin the sajda before Allah as a sign ofthanksgiving.

He lay down on the bed of the HolyProphet Muhammad (SAW) and coveredhimself with the Prophet’s green blanket.During the night, many stones and arrowswere aimed at him. Stones hit him in theback, but he did not turn in his bed. Thisact of bravery was praised by Allah in theHoly Quran (Sura Baqarah: v204)

In the morning, the enemies dashed into

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the room with daggers in their handready to kill Muhammad (SAW). Theythrew out the blanket. They wereshocked to see Ali instead of Muhammad!The whole night they had been watchinghow Ali (AS) slept like the Holy Prophet,with a stone for a pillow. He turned in hissleep just like the Prophet would do. Nowonder they mistook him for the Prophet.

They were furious and wanted to kill him.But when they found he was ready todefend himself, they gave up the idea.

Imam Ali (AS) stayed in Makkah forthree days. He returned the things backto the owners who had left them in trustwith the Prophet. Then taking the ladiesof the holy household, he brought themsafely to join the Prophet Muhammad(SAW) in Quba, near Madina. The Prophetcame forward and hugged him. They thentravelled together to Madina.

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In Madina

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The Prophet’s Brother

Imam Ali (AS) helped the Prophetthroughout his life in Madina. Soon afterhis arrival at Madina, the Prophet (SAW)created a bond of brotherhood betweenthe Muhajirs (refugees, who had comefrom Makkah) and the Ansar (the helpers,who were from Madina). Having a brotherto help was a great advantage.

The Prophet (SAW) chose Ali (AS) as hisown brother, He looked at the face of Aliand said, "O Ali! You are my brother inthis world and the Hereafter". It wasImam Ali (AS) who resembled the greatfounder of Islam more than anyone else.

Imam Ali (AS) was handsome, strong andattractive. He had a smiling face andbright eyes. His voice was clear and loud.

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He was good natured and kind. He likedsimple food and usually had barley breadand salt. His clothes were modest, thekind that could be available to even thepoor.

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The Perfect Marriage

Imam Ali (AS) was chosen to marry BibiFatima (AS), the Prophet Muhammad’sonly daughter. When Bibi Fatima (AS) wasready for marriage, many rich men ofMadina went to the Prophet and asked forher hand but he refused them.

When Imam Ali (AS) gave his proposal,the Prophet was pleased. He asked hisdaughter Fatima (AS). She stayed quiet.The Prophet (SAW) said, “Her silence isher consent.” The wedding was arranged.Imam Ali (AS) and Bibi Fatima (AS) weremarried on the 1st of Zilhij, 2 A.H.

Imam Ali (AS) sold his shield for 480dirhams and used the money to pay forthe wedding, food for the guests and forperfume. Many people of Madina came to

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the wedding feast. The Prophet (SAW)prayed “OAllah, Giveprosperity toboth of them.Give prosperityto theirprogeny.” Hegave the hand of his daughter Fatima(AS) in the hand of Ali (AS) and blessedthem.

It was the most perfect marriage. Theyblended very well with each other. ImamAli (AS) and Bibi Fatima (AS) led a happy

and contented life.They gaveeverything theyhad to the poorand the needy,while theythemselves oftenstarved. They had

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two sons: Imam Hasan (AS) who was bornon 15th Ramadan 3 A.H. and Imam Hussain(AS) who was born on 3rd Shaban 4 A.H.A third son Hazrat Mohsin (AS) was astill birth. Their two daughters were BibiZainab (AS) and Bibi Kulsoom (AS).

Bibi Fatima (AS) had a slave called Fizzato help her but they shared the workequally. If Bibi Fatima (AS) was ill, Fizzawould not be allowed to work if it was herday of rest. Instead, Imam Ali (AS) wasseen grinding oats, lighting the oven,baking the bread and looking after thechildren.

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Praised in the Quran

Many many, many ayats of the Quranwere sent down to praise Imam Ali (AS).

One day Imam Ali (AS) was praying withthe Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) inthe Masjid-e-Nabi. Abeggar came andbegan to ask forcharity. No oneanswered. Imam Ali(AS) was in rukooh,while offering namazat that time. He gavea sign to the beggar to look at his finger,

on which was a ring. Thebeggar came forward and tookImam Ali's (AS) ring from hisfinger and left the place.

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The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) hadnot yet finished his prayers when theangel Jibraeel came with the verse, “YourWali (Guardian) is Allah and HisMessenger and those who believe, thosewho establish prayers and pay zakatwhile they are in rukooh. (Sura Maidah:v 55). This verse is known as Ayat eWilayat.

Another ayat sent in praise of Imam Ali(AS) is known as Ayat e Najwa.

People kept coming to the Holy Prophetand talking to him one to one, taking uphis time. They wanted to impress othersto show how close they were to theProphet. Allah sent an ayat (SuraMujadila v 11) asking them to offer sadqabefore approaching the Holy Prophet tospeak in private. Now no one came to theProphet except Imam Ali (AS). Ten timeshe gave sadqa and ten times he spoke in

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private. Imam Ali (AS) is the only one inhistory to have acted on the orders ofthis ayat known as the Ayat e Najwa.

In the Quran, Imam Ali (AS) is called the“Naba ul Azeem” (Sura Naba: v1) whichmeans the “Great News” that people willdiffer about. He is also called the HablulMateen which means the strong Rope ofAllah in the (Sura Ale-Imran, v 103).

Imam Ali (AS) alongwith Bibi Fatima (AS)and their sons, ImamHasan (AS) and ImamHussain (AS) hadjoined the ProphetMuhammad (SAW) under the Kisa whenthe ayat e Tatheer (Sura Ahzaab, verse33) was sent down.

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The verses of the Sura Dahr were forImam Ali (AS) and hisfamily, where Allah praisesthem for their generosityas they gave their food tothe poor, the orphan and

the captive.

By bringing Imam Ali (AS) with him inMubahala, the Prophet (SAW) showedeveryone that he considered Ali (AS) himas his Nafs (Self). Watching the glowingfaces of the Panjatan e Pak, theChristians decided to withdraw from thecontest. They agreed to terms set out bythe Prophet, who appointed Imam Ali(AS) to settle the details.

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Praised by the Prophet

No one in the history of Islam shares thewords of praise that the Holy ProphetMuhammad (SAW) used for Imam Ali(AS). For example he said

“If all the trees were pens, if all the seaswere ink, if all the jinn and men wrotethem down, even then the merits of Aliibne Abu Talib (AS) could not becounted.”

“Ali and I are from the same Light"

“Ali is from me and I am from Ali."

“Ali is the first person to believe in myProphet hood and will be the first personto meet me on the Day of Judgement.”

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"I am the city of knowledge and Ali is itsdoor. He who wants to gain knowledgeshould come through the door."

"I am the store-house of wisdom and Aliis its door."

“Whoever wishes to see Adam in hisknowledge, Noah in his piety, Ibraheem inhis patience, Moses in his strength, andJesus in his worship and devotion shouldlook at Ali ibne Abu Talib."

"He who loves Ali loves me and he whohates Ali hates me."

"O Ali! You are the leader in this worldand the hereafter.”

“Ali is with the Truth and Truth is withAli.”

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Fearless in Battle

In Madina, the Holy Prophet (SAW) wasforced to defend himself in many battles.Imam Ali (AS) was the first to offer hislife in jihad. In every battle he carriedthe alam, the banner of Islam.

He was the hero of the Battle of Badrand brought the first victory to Islam.In the battle of Uhud he saved the life ofthe Holy Prophet(SAW). A cry washeard from the sky,Lafata illa Ali la saifilla Zulfiqar. "Thereis no braver youththan Ali and nobetter sword than hisZulfiqar."

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During the Battle of the Trench(Khandaq), also known as Ahzab, it wasonly Ali who was ready to go and face theenemy. The Prophet helped him mount hishorse and said "Today total eemaan(faith) is facingtotal kufr(disbelief)."People saw Alireturn as thevictor, shouting“Allah o Akbar!”The enemystarted runningaway. No wonder the Prophet said “Onestrike of Ali (AS) on the day of Khandaqis superior to all the worship of thehumans and jinns till the Day of Qiyamat.”

In the Battle of Khaibar, he was brilliant.When others had failed for forty days,Imam Ali (AS) was given the command. Hemarched to the fort and defeated the

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Jews easily. He broke open the door ofthe fort all by himself and carried theMuslim army inside. Within four hours, hehoisted the flag of Islam on the biggestfortress of Arabia. No wonder that Ali(AS) is called Fateh e Khaibar (Khaibar’sConqueror).

When Makkah was taken by the Prophetwithout a fight, itwas Imam Ali (AS)who helped theProphet (SAW) toclear the Kaaba ofidols.

In Hunayn when theMuslims started to run away from thebattlefield, it was Imam Ali (AS) again,who saved the life of the Holy Prophet(SAW).

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In the Battle of Tabuk the Prophetplanned to go and left Imam Ali (AS) inMadina to protect the Holy household.Some hypocrites, who had been planningto loot the Prophet’s house did not likethis and started spreading false rumoursabout Imam Ali (AS). The Holy Prophet onhearing this said O Ali You are as Aaronwas to Moses except that there is noprophet after me”

Imam Ali (AS) proved to be the hero inevery battle. His jihad is indeed the bestexample. But as Ali (AS) fought againstthe enemies, those who were not trueMuslims were jealous of his success. Theydid not like him to be above them inmerit. But Allah chose Ali (AS) to be theImam. Allah wanted to provide security toHis Message, to continue till the day ofQiyamat.

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Ghadeer e Khum

It was the last year of the ProphetMuhammad’s (SAW) life. It was the 18th

day of the holy month of Zilhij. TheProphet (SAW) with nearly 120,000Muslims was returning from Makkah afterHajj. Theyarrived atGhadeer Khum, aplace midwaybetween Makkahand Madina. Itwas acrossroads from where people would go indifferent directions to return home.

Suddenly the Holy Prophet (SAW)received a message from Allah throughthe angel Jibraeel which he immediatelyconveyed to the Muslims. “O OurMessenger! Deliver what has been sent

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down unto you from your Lord; and if youdo not, then you have not delivered HisMessage; and surely Allah will protect youfrom men."

The Prophet then asked his muezzin Bilalto call out the words of the azaan,“Hayya ala khairil amal” (Come to thebest of actions). Those who had goneahead came back. Those who werefollowing behind came forward. When allof them were gathered, an area undertwo trees was swept and cleaned. TheHoly Prophet (SAW) led the Zohr andAsr prayers in the hot summer sun.Everyone prayed behind him.

Then a pulpit was made with camelsaddles. The Holy Prophet (SAW) gave along sermon, in which he said: "I amleaving among you two most importantthings, to be obeyed: the Quran and myAhlebait. They will not separate from

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each other till they reach me on theFountain of Kausar".

For more than an hour he spoke to thepeople. He asked if he had delivered themessage of Allah. “Yes! Yes!” they replied.

He asked if he had more authority overthem thanthemselves. Heasked if he wasthe master havingcomplete claim onthem. “Yes! Yes!,“they repliedagain. Then heasked Ali (AS) tocome up. He heldAli (AS) in both his hands, raised himhigh, so much that all the men and womensaw him clearly.

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He then said Mun kunto Maula fa hazaAli un Maula. Ofwhomsoever I am theMaster, Ali too is hisMaster.” He raised hishands in prayer:”O Allah!Be a friend to Ali’sfriends and an enemy tohis enemies, help thosewho help him and betray those whobetray him."

Allah sent the angel Jibreel again. Thenthe Prophet (SAW) recited the ayat: "Onthis day, I have perfected for you, yourreligion, and have completed my favour onyou, and have chosen for you Islam, asreligion”

The Holy Prophet (SAW) then came downthe pulpit, did sajda e shukr to thankAllah. A tent was put up for Imam Ali(AS) where people congratulated him as

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"Ameer ul Momineen" (The Commander ofthe Faithful). Everyone came to give theirhands in bayat to the Imam and promisedto obey him as their Maula (Master).

Believing in a Maula is a blessing and theday when the Maula was declared, theblessings were completed, made perfect.The day was declared as Eid. People wereasked to convey the message to thosewho were not present there, so thateveryone knew that Imam Ali (AS) wasthe successor of the Prophet. The newsquickly spread everywhere.

A man called Haris ibn Numan heard themessage of Ghadeer and angrily came tosee the Holy Prophet (SAW). He said:"You say "Ali is the Master of whom I amMaster”. Is this order from you or fromAllah?" The Holy Prophet said: "By Allahwho is the only God! This is from Allah,the mighty and glorious."

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On hearing this, Haris turned back andsaid: "O Allah! If what Muhammad says iscorrect, then fling on us a stone from thesky” He had not yet reached his camelwhen Allah a stone struck him on his headand left him dead.

Haris was punished by Allah himself inthe same manner as King Abraha had beenpunished when he had come to destroythe Kaaba.

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The Saddest Year

The 11 A.H. was the saddest year ofImam Ali's life. He lost two of his bestcompanions: the Holy Prophet (SAW) whohe loved like a father and his dear wife,Bibi Fatima (AS).

The Prophet (SAW) after his return fromHajj was ill. He fainted. His daughter andmembers of his family started weeping.When he woke up, he told his companionswho had gathered around him, "Bring pen,ink and paper so that I may write a willfor you that will keep you on the straightpath."

Some of his companions wanted to, butUmar ibn Khattab stopped them, sayingthat the Prophet (SAW) was confusedand that the Holy Quran was enough forthem. People started to argue loudly. The

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Prophet of Allah was annoyed and askedthem to go away and leave him alone.

It was the 27th of Safar, 11. A. H. Thenthe Prophet (SAW) called Imam Ali (AS)and said: "Ali! After me, when hardshipsface you, then do not lose patience.When you find people running afterworldly gains then you busy yourself inthe way of Truth and Allah." TheProphet’s condition got worse.

Imam Ali (AS) says "During the lastmoments of the Holy Prophet his headwas resting on my shoulder and his lastwords were “Salat, Salat” (prayers,prayers).When the Prophet (SAW) died,his head was on my chest, and his lastbreath blew over my palms and I passed itover my face.”

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Imam Ali (AS) gave Prophet Muhammad(SAW) thefuneral bath. Hecould hear theangels weepingtill the body was

buried in the grave. First Imam Ali (AS)offered the prayers for his dead bodyalone and then Muslims in groups cameand offered the prayers without anyleader (Imam).

While Imam Ali (AS) was busy with theburial of the Prophet, some peoplegathered at a place called Saqifa, anddecided that Abu Bakr should be theFirst Caliph. Imam Ali (AS) was asked toagree to this decision. He refused.

Later Bibi Fatima (AS) was refused herright to her property in Fadak.

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Though Imam Ali (AS) had decided toconfine himself to his house yet his housewas burnt down. His beloved wife, BibiFatima (AS), was hurt. The baby she wascarrying was still-born. The house was fullof smoke and the children werefrightened. When Imam Ali (AS) wasattending to his wife and children, he wastied with a rope and dragged from thehouse.

Bibi Fatima (AS), after the attack on her,because ill, very ill. She could hardly waitwithout help. Details of the last day ofher short life are sad. She called ImamAli to her side, and said: "Ali, my dearhusband! My troubles will shortly be overand I shall meet my father. I am sorry topart with you….. Let my death notdishearten you, you have to serve Islamand humanity for a long time to come.Promise me Ali!"

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A Quiet Life

After the death of the Prophet SAW andBibi Fatima (AS), Imam Ali (AS) led avery simple and secluded life. Some askwhy the Imam did not fight openly for hisrights when they were denied. It wasbecause he loved Islam as much as theHoly Prophet (SAW) had loved it. Hecould not, therefore for the sake ofworldly power put Islam in danger. Hechose to be patient. This was the jihad enafs of the Imam.

In the beginning,Imam Ali (AS)spent his dayscompiling theverses of theHoly Quran asthey were revealed to the Holy Prophet(SAW) of Allah.

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Imam Ali (AS) always guided the peopleand helped them. A dua which the Imamhas taught us is called Dua e Mashlool.One dark and cold night, Imam Ali (AS)and his son Imam Hussain (AS) with a fewother people were doing the tawaf ofKaaba. Suddenly they heard a desperatecry. Imam Ali (AS) sent his son to findout who it was. Imam Hussain (AS) founda paralytic man, who he brought to hisfather.

The man said “My name is Manazil ibnLahaq. As a youth I was very sinful andspent my time in wrongdoing. My fathertried to stop me but I would not listen. Iused to hit him. Once when he did notgive me money I asked for, I hit himreally hard, twisted his arm and snatchedit away. My father was so shocked andhurt that he came to the Kaaba andcursed me. That very moment I suffereda stroke and lost the ability to walk.

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My father returned home. I pleaded withmy father to pray at the Kaaba again toask Allah to restore me back to health.He agreed to my request in his love forme. But as we were coming back here, hefell from his camel and died. Now, peopletaunt me and I am very sad.

Imam Ali (AS) wrote a dua for him andtold him “Read this dua with wudu tonight.Allah will accept your prayer. Come andsee me tomorrow” The next morningManazil came to see the Imam. He hadthe dua in his hand. He kept saying “ByAllah this dua has ism e azam, (Allah’sgreat names) Last night I repeatedly readthis dua by the Kaaba, raising my hands.Then I went to sleep. I saw the HolyProphet SAW who rubbed his hand overmy body, saying “Take good care of theism azam”. I woke up and was amazed tosee that I was healed.” This dua can beread to cure any illness.

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In spite of the denial of his rights,whenever Imam Ali (AS) was consulted bythe caliphs, he did not refuse, and like atrue Muslim, he offered his sincereadvice. The second Caliph, Umar, oftenused to say “If it were not for Ali, Iwould have been ruined”.

The Muslims had no calendar of their own.Sometimes the year of the Elephant(Abraha’s attack on Kaaba) wasconsidered as the beginning, at othertimes the Battle of Fujaar (a battlebetween Arab clans). When Umar askedImam Ali (AS), he advised that theMuslim era should begin with the Hijrat,(the Prophet’s Migration from Makkah toMadina). This was adopted and we haveIslamic dates as A. H. (After Hijrat)

Sometimes his good advice was not actedupon. There was a large library atAlexandria in Egypt. It contained

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thousands of books on many differentsubjects. When Egypt was conquered,orders were issued to burn them. WhenImam Ali (AS) heard this, he tried tostop them. He told them, "These booksare treasures of knowledge and they donot contradict the Holy Quran. Knowledgeis an asset for human beings and abirthright of man. It should not bedestroyed." But they did not listen toImam Ali’s advice and burnt the books.

For nearly twenty five years his rightswere denied as Abu Bakr, and then Umarand then Usman became the leaders inMadina. In one of his sermons Imam Ali(AS) says that although they knew hisposition was like the axis in a handmill, soimportant that without him, things wouldnot work properly, they ignored it. Theresult was that people went off the RightPath, away from the true teachings ofIslam, as taught by the Prophet.

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As the Caliph

In 34 A.H., after the death of Usman,nearly 25 years after the Prophet’sdeath, the people realised, "We know nofitter man to be the leader than Ali.”They gathered at his house with sucheagerness that they were pushing andcrushing each other.

Imam Ali (AS) says “At that moment,nothing took me by surprise, but thecrowd of people rushing to me. Itadvanced towards me from every side likethe mane of the hyena, so much so thatHasan (AS) and Hussain (AS) weregetting crushed and both the ends of myshoulder garment were torn. Theycollected around me like a herd of sheepand goats.”

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Before Imam Ali (AS) took charge of theState, the condition of the country was ina hopeless condition. The common peoplehad been kept ignorant about the trueteachings of Islam; away from religionand piety.

But the people did not realise that ImamAli (AS) would make them follow the pathlaid down by the Holy Prophet (SAW).The task had not been easy then. Nowafter 25 years it was even more difficult.

Imam Ali’s rule was truly Islamic and hisevery action followed Allah’s command. Hewanted to establish the truth anddestroy falsehood.

Imam Ali (AS) had to fight three battlesto establish order as Caliph. The first warwas the Battle of Jamal, near Basra, in 36A. H. It was so called because Ayesha,one of the wives of the Prophet and

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leader of the opposing army came to thebattlefield riding a camel. Muslims foughteach other for the first time. Talha andZubayr, who had been the companions ofthe Prophet broke their oath with ImamAli (AS) and joined her. They weredefeated by the Imam.

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In Kufa

Masjid e Kufa, Iraq

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Imam Ali (AS) moved to Kufa in Iraq andmade it his capital city. The holy Ahlebaitmoved to Kufa with him. Kufa was a morecentral place from where he could be in

touch with thedifferent partsof the Muslimstate. TheImam lived notin a grandpalace but a

simple house right near the Masjid. Wecan still see this house when we go forziarat.

After the battle of Jamal, Moaviya, whowas the governor in Syria, feared thatImam Ali (AS) would remove him from hispost. He gathered troops to fight againstImam Ali (AS) who was forced to marchtowards Syria to face Moaviya’s forces ata place called Siffeen.

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In the beginning, Imam Ali (AS) tried tobring about peace. But Moaviya was proudand wanted impossible conditions. ImamAli (AS) offered to end the quarrel bypersonal combat, but Moaviya declinedthe challenge.

In spite of this, Imam Ali (AS) sentorders to his commanders giving detailsabout Jihad. He said:Never begin a war yourself.Never be first to attack your enemy.Repulse attacks boldly and bravely.Never kill those who run away.Never kill the wounded.Never take to loot and arson.Never hurt a woman or children.Never hurt the old or weak.

This battle started on the 1st Safar 38A.H. and lasted for more than twomonths. Thousands were killed. Ammar eYasir and Owais e Qarani, both famous

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pious companions were killed. Peoplerecalled that the Holy Prophet (SAW)had said to Ammar that he would be killedby rebels.

The rebels were defeated in threebattles and Moaviya was ready to fleefrom the field, when a trick saved himfrom destruction. He made his soldierstear the Holy Quran into pages, tie themto lances and raise them up.

Moaviya was also able to bribe some ofthe soldiers in Imam Ali’s army. Theycreated trouble and forced othersoldiers to stop fighting. They gatheredaround the Imam Ali (AS) and insistedthat he stop fighting. Imam Ali (AS) knewthat it was a trick and tried to make hissoldiers realize this. But the soldiersrefused to listen. A treaty was signedbetween the two sides.

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The third battle that the Imam had tofight was the Battle of Nahrwan in 38A.H. A group of men, who had foughtalongside the Imam Ali (AS) in Siffeen,now broke away and would not listen tohim. They were called the Kharijee. Theymoved away from Koofa and gathered in aplace called Nahrwan in 38 A.H. Theyfought against the Imam but weredefeated. Only nine of the more than2,000 Kharijees survived.

In spite of the battles he had to fight,Imam Ali (AS) brought important reformsto improve the condition of the people.

He set up a unit for educating the people.They were taught many subjects whichincluded Arabic Grammar, Reading theQuran, Hadees, Mathematics, Engineeringand Astronomy.

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Another important reform that Imam Ali(AS) introduced was to reorganise theTreasury Accounts. In the previous years,money that should have been shared outamong the people was taken by the rulersand their families. Now, Imam Ali (AS)made sure that money collected wasshared equally among all the people.Negro-slaves would stand in line with theArab Sheikhs and get an equal share.

Imam Ali (AS) had a very soft corner inhis noble heart for the poor, thedisabled, the aged and the orphans. Hewrote to his governor, Malik Ashtar, "Iwant to warn you about the poor. FearAllah about your attitude towards them.Remember that their welfare is theState’s first duty. "

Once he saw a slave girl weeping. Hefound out that she had bought somedates but they were not good, so her

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master asked her to return them. Theshopkeeper would not takethem back. She wasafraid of going back toher master. She did notknow what to do. ImamAli (AS) went with her to the shopkeeperand told him to take the dates back. Hedid not listen at first. Then someone toldhim “This is Ali (AS) the Caliph.” Theshopkeeper quickly apologised and wasready to give back the money. The masterof the slave girl too came running to saysorry for the trouble that he had caused.Imam Ali (AS) told them “You have nomercy for those in your power. Have you aright to expect mercy from your Lord?”

When once containers of figs and honeyarrived from Iran, hegathered orphans anddistributed them. Thechildren enjoyed eating

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the honey and started licking theirfingers. The Imam smiled.

Imam Ali (AS) was always ready to helpthose in need and would do it withouttelling them who he was. One day whenhe was passing through a street in Kufawhere he ruled, he saw a woman carryinga leather bag of water. He took the bag

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from her and carried it to her house. Shetold him she was a widow who had no oneto care for her children. He then lookedafter her children and hugged them withlove. He continued to play with them whileshe cooked.

A neighbour walked in, who recognisedthe Imam. The widow was very moved tofind that the person who had been helpingthem was Ali ibn Abu Talib, the Caliph.

To make travel easy for the people a roadwas constructed between Makkah andKoofah with milestones on the route.Gardens were planted and given to poorMuslims. Masjids were constructed bythe Imam at Khandaq (Masjid Fath) andat the grave of Hazrat Hamza (AS) inUhad. He also built a masjid at theMeeqat, near Madina. Pilgrims still use(Masjid Shajrah) at the very place asthey travel for Hajj every year.

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For the general welfare of people, ImamAli (AS) dug wells, especially for thosegoing for the Hajj. The well at theMeeqat near Madina still bears the nameBirr e Ali (The well of Ali AS).

Masjid e Shajrah, Madina

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Ali’s Knowledge

Imam Ali’s (AS) sermons in NahjulBalagha, show us howbrilliant and eloquent hewas in so many differentareas of knowledge. Hissayings show us hiswisdom. His letters giveus an idea of how he dealt with friendsand enemies.

Imam Ali (AS) was an expert in language.He taught men the rules of Arabicgrammar. He was a true master of theArabic language. Once, someone askedhim to give a speech without using letterswhich have dots. This was a very hardtask because in the Arabic alphabet asmany as 16 out of the 29 letters of thealphabet are written with dots. But ImamAli (AS) was able to do it straight away.

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He even gave a sermon without using theletter alif, a letter that occurs mostoften.

Imam Ali (AS) once said to the people,“Salooni, Salooni, qabla tafqidooni”, “Ask

me, ask me, whatever you wish, beforeyou lose me. I know even more about thepaths in the sky than those on the earth.”

The Imam had knowledge given by Allahof the past, present and future. Once hewas passing through the ruins of the Arcof Csetiphon. He described in detail ofeach of the buildings and the life thereas it used to be lived centuries earlier,much to the amazement of his

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The ruins of the Arch of Csetiphon, Iraq

He took his close companion Kumailoutside the city of Kufa and told him thatone day there would be tall buildings witha sign of Shaitan called “Antina” on them.

He also taught him the dua of ProphetKhizr. This dua has now become famous asdua e Kumail. It is read on the night of

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the 15th Shaban. It is a wonderful dua,where the Imam hastaught us how to ask forforgiveness for sins. Itis read on Thursdayevenings. Imam Ali (AS)

has taught us many duas which are in acollection called Sahifa e Alawiya.

To his companion, Meesum he showed thevery date palm where one day he wouldhave to suffer for his love of Ali.

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In 40 A.H. the life of this great Imamcame to a sudden and tragic end. On thenight before the 19th of Ramazan, he hadiftar with his daughter Umme Kulsoom(AS). He ate very little, only some breadand salt. He spent the night reciting theQuran. Sometimes, he looked up at thesky and said:"What my belovedProphet (SAW)has told me istrue and quitenear." WhenUmme Kulsoomasked him why helooked uneasy, he said “Soon I will be inthe presence of Allah”.

As he left for the masjid in the earlyhours of the morning, the geese started

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cackling and flapping their wings.Someone wanted to move them aside butthe Imam said “Leave them alone. Verysoon the sound of crying will follow louderthan their cackling”.

When he reached the masjid e Kufa, helooked at the rising dawn and said, "0

dawn, has therebeen a day in Ali’slife when youappeared to findhim asleep?” Hegave the azan andhis voice washeard throughoutKufa. He woke uppeople, who were

sleeping in the masjid. Among them wasIbn Muljim who hid a sword in his cloakand an evil plot in his mind.

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People gathered to pray and the Imamstarted to lead the namaz e fajr. IbnMuljim stood inthe line ofprayer. Was hegoing to pray?No, he was goingto murder thesymbol of trueprayer, Imam Ali (AS). He struck hispoisoned sword upon Imam Ali’s head. Asthe Imam fell, he said:”Fuzto wa RabbalKaaba” 'I have gained victory, by theLord of the Kaaba!'

Imam Ali (AS) had always prayed formartyrdom. He smiled. How could anyoneask for a better way to die? In sajdabefore Allah, while fasting, duringRamadan, the month of Allah.

The walls and doors of the masjid shook.A black wind blew. “Ali Murtaza has been

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martyred!" cried Jibraeel. People criedout: "Oh enemy of Allah, what have youdone? You have killed the best of allpeople." Ibn Muljim started to run away.No one was attending the prayers. ImamAli (AS) asked his son Imam Hasan (AS)to lead the prayers.

Ibn Muljim was caught and broughtbefore Imam Ali (AS), who was on theprayer carpet that was now soaked inblood. He knew the blow would kill him.But when Ibn Muljim was brought beforehim, he saw that the rope was tightaround his killer was piercing into hisflesh. Imam Ali (AS) turned towards theMuslims and said: "You should not be socruel with your fellow-beings, loosen hisropes, don't you see that they are cuttinghis flesh and he is in agony?”

They brought Ali (AS) some milk, but hedid not drink it. Instead he offered it to

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Ibn Muljim. He then said to his son ImamHasan (AS): "My son, this man has givenyour father only one stroke of the sword.After me, you have the choice either toset him free or punish him. If you decideto punish him, give him only one blowwhether it kills him or not."

The wound on the Imam’s head wasbandaged and he was taken home. Peoplestarted to weep and followed him. Asthey came close to the Imam’s house, heasked that all the people leave. He knewthat his daughters, especially Bibi Zainab(AS) and Bibi Kulsoom (AS) would be atthe door. He did not wish anyone to hearthem cry.

The Imam spent the nights of 19th and20th of Ramazan in great pain. From timeto time Imam Ali (AS) fell into a coma,and whenever he opened his eyes, he gavethem his last words of advice.

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"I advise you to fear Allah, and not to runafter the world, even if it may run afteryou. Speak the truth and act for Allah'sreward. Be an enemy of the oppressor,and be a helper of the oppressed." ImamAli (AS) reminded people to follow theteachings of the Holy Prophet and theQuran.

His children would not leave his side. Hegave all of them in the care of his sonHasan (AS), who would be the next Imam.He called his son Abbas and reminded himto be always ready to defend Hussain(AS). He kissed his daughters Zainab andKulsoom (AS) on their arms. He knew thatthey would be bound with ropes inKarbala.

As the night of the 21st of Ramadanmoved towards the dawn, he died. ImamAli (AS) who used to spend all night inprayer was now silent forever. Ali (AS)

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Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS)


the brother of the Prophet, his Khalifaand successor was no more. Ali (AS) theone who supported the widows and theorphans was no more. Ali (AS), the firstImam of the Shia had been martyred.The Ahlebait mourned. The Shias weresad and wept. The widows and orphanscried.

Imam Hasan (AS), our second Imam gavehim the funeral bath. Imam Husain (AS)helped him. They covered his body in awhite cloth and together with their 18brothers they carried him to Najaf whereImam Hasan (AS) led the prayer and thenburied him. Parasa ibn Sauhan, one of hisShia, put his hand on the grave of theImam and said: I plead with Allah to blessus that we tread his footprints, act on hisexample, be friends of his friends andenemies of his enemies.”

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Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS)


As the sons of Imam Ali (AS) returned tokufa, they passed through a ruined. Theyheard a desperate cry. When they looked,they found a leper who moaned “O myfriend, why have you not come to see mefor the last three days? I have beenwaiting for you.”

Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS)approached him “who are you waiting for!He replied” I don’t even know his name.But he had the same fragrance as you. Hewould come every day to see me. He wouldwash my wounds and feed me with his ownhands. Whenever I asked him his name hewould reply “O my brother, this is a poorman sitting by another poor man.”

Hearing this, they understand that thissick old man was talking about theirfather Ali (AS) who used to help himwithout telling him that he was the caliph,the ruler. They told him “O my brother,

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Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS)


your friend was none other than Ali whowas killed in the masjid e kufa as heprayed fajr. We have just buried him inNajaf.” The sons of Imam Ali (AS) tookthe man to their father’s grave.

May Allah give us all the opportunity tosee the mazar of our holy Imam andconvey our salams personally.

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Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS)


We mourn the death of this wondrousman. We curse his murderer in disgust.We pray that we become more like ImamAli (AS) every day. In our hearts we stillcry out: Imam Ali (AS), don't go!

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Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS)


Shias of AliShia means follower, someone who followsand supports Imam Ali (AS) and theAhlebait. All the sincere followers of theProphet Muhammad SAW were Shia andbelieved in the Imamat of Ali (AS). Theyloved the Ahlebait and obeyed the laws ofIslam. They were very pious and alwaystruthful.Among these were Abuzar, Huzaifa,Salman, Ammar Yasir, Hujr ibn Adi,Miqdad, Meesum, Jabir ibn Abdullah, AbuAyub Ansari and Bilal. There was Malik eAshtar, Sasa ibn Sauhan and Kumail. Theydid not give up their support even whenthey had to suffer hardship and cruelty.

We should be thankful to Allah that weare among the Shia of Ali (AS). To beaccepted by our Imam as his Shia, it isnot enough just to say we are Shia. We

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Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS)


must try to be like the Shias that theImams have described: Shias have thesequalities:

They fear Allah and obey Him.

They praise Allah very much.

They perform salat and fast.

They obey their parents.

They take care of the neighbours,

the needy and the orphans.

They speak the truth.

They recite the Quran.

They do not backbite and speak well

of others.

They keep their promises.

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Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS)


Sayings of Ali

Trust Allah in your affairs.

Be first to greet others.

Donate for a good cause.

Associate with good people.

Respect your guest.

Make haste in doing good.

Delay in taking revenge.

Forgive while in power.

Fulfil your promises.

Don’t be proud.

Thank Allah for His blessings.

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Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS)


Salaam to our Imam

Salam on you o Ameerul momineen

Salam on you o Ali ibn Abu Talib

Salam on you o true friend of Allah

Salam on you o leader of guidance

Salam on you o symbol of piety

Salam o father of Hasan and Hussain

Salam o the first of twelve Imams

Salam o gate of Allah’s wisdom

Mercy and blessings of Allah be on you.

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Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS)

















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Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS)


Imam Ali (AS) has many titles. Howmany of them can you find in thewordsearch?ALI (The High)MAULA (Master)IMAMULMUTAQEEN (Leader of thePious)WALIULLAH (Allah’s Authority)AMEERULMOMINEEN (Master of theBelievers)ZAUJEBATOOL (Batool’s husband)HAIDER (Lion)MAZHARULAJAIB (One who showsWonders)ASAD (Lion)WAJHULLAH (Face of Allah)ABULHASAN (Father of Hasan)MURTUZA (The Chosen One)ABUTURAB (Father of the Earth)AINULLAH (The Eye of Allah)BABULILM (Gate of Knowledge)MUSHKILKOSHA (Solver ofDifficulties)

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Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS)


GlossaryAyat: verse of the QuranAS: Alaihis Salam (Salams on him)Ahlebait: the People of the HolyHousehold, Muhammad, Ali, Fatima, HasanHusain and his progeny.Alam: Banner or flag of IslamBirr e Ali: A well dug by Imam Ali (AS)for people going for Hajj from Madina.Dua: Prayer taught by the Prophet andImams.Dawat zul Asheera: the first invitationto Islam given by Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Eeman: complete faith in IslamGhadeer e Khum: The day when themessage of Islam was made perfect whenImam Ali (AS) was declared Maula.Hadees: Words spoken by the ProphetMuhammad (SAW)Hijrat: the journey of the Holy Prophet(SAW) from Makka to Madina

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Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS)


Jihad: Struggle for the TruthKaaba: the house of Allah, towards whichall Muslims turn when they pray.Kufr: Denying what is the TruthMaula: Master, one who must be obeyed.Nahjul Balagha: (Peak of Eloquence) Acollection of sermons letters and sayingsof Imam Ali (AS)Quran: the book of Allah sent throughthe Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW)Sura: Chapter of the QuranSahifa e Alawiya: A book containingduas taught by Imam Ali (AS)SAW: Sallalaho alaihi wa salam (Peace beon him)Salooni: Words meaning ask whateveryou want to Imam Ali (AS) was ready toanswerZulfiqar: Sword of Imam Ali (AS) sentby Allah

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Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS)


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Let’s learn about Imam Ali (AS)


Title Let’s learn about Imam Ali ASAuthor: Sakina Hasan AskariPublisher: Salman PublicationsFirst Edition: 1430 A.H. 2009Pages: 84Copies: 1000ISBN: 81-88823-19-8Other Books by Sakina Hasan AskariAza e HussainAza e ZainabAza e MasoomeenSana e MasoomeenZikr e Aale Muhammad

Copies available fromU.K Sakina Hasan Askari00441514285771Email: [email protected] Syed Abbas Hasan Jafri001 248 952 5151Email: [email protected] Salman Book Centre0091 4024560156/32561156Email: [email protected] www.salmanbookcentre.com