The Open Window, page 5 Lesson Test Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. for The Open Window _____ 1. Which of the following is a true statement about Framton Nuttel? A. He is ill, resting at home. B. He and Vera are good friends. C. He will return from hunting within the hour. D. He agrees to deliver gifts to Mrs. Sappleton from his sister. E. He has just moved to the area and doesn’t know many people. _____ 2. Vera tells Framton the window is open because A. her aunt is waiting for her dead husband and brothers to return from hunting. B. her aunt likes to hear the sound of her husband and brothers hunting. C. her aunt’s husband died when he fell through the window three years ago. D. her aunt’s little brown spaniel is lost and needs a way back into the house. E. her aunt is waiting for her dead husband and brothers to come back from war. _____ 3. Which of the following words is the best synonym for conveyed in the sentence “Mrs. Kellar conveyed her displeasure with raised eyebrows”? A. disguised B. discussed C. confirmed D. explained E. exhibited _____ 4. The story suggests that Vera A. is a polite and studious young girl. B. is an honest, if annoying, young girl. C. is a shy and nervous young girl. D. is a creative, if mischievous, young girl. E. is a truthful and self-possessed young girl. 1 © EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 1 Assessment Guide — SAMPLE Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Date e: : _ _

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The Open Window, page 5

Lesson Test

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

for The Open Window

_____ 1. Which of the following is a true statement about Framton Nuttel? A. He is ill, resting at home. B. He and Vera are good friends. C. He will return from hunting within the hour. D. He agrees to deliver gifts to Mrs. Sappleton from his sister. E. He has just moved to the area and doesn’t know many people.

_____ 2. Vera tells Framton the window is open because A. her aunt is waiting for her dead husband and brothers to return

from hunting. B. her aunt likes to hear the sound of her husband and brothers

hunting. C. her aunt’s husband died when he fell through the window three

years ago. D. her aunt’s little brown spaniel is lost and needs a way back into the

house. E. her aunt is waiting for her dead husband and brothers to come back

from war.

_____ 3. Which of the following words is the best synonym for conveyed in the sentence “Mrs. Kellar conveyed her displeasure with raised eyebrows”?

A. disguised B. discussed C. confirmed D. explained E. exhibited

_____ 4. The story suggests that Vera A. is a polite and studious young girl. B. is an honest, if annoying, young girl. C. is a shy and nervous young girl. D. is a creative, if mischievous, young girl. E. is a truthful and self-possessed young girl.

1© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 1Assessment Guide — SAMPLE

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Datee:: ________________________________ ___________________________ ________

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33© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 1Differentiated Instruction for Advanced Students — SAMPLE

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________

On the Rainy River, page 137

Independent Author Study: Tim O’Brien

Build Background

Tim O’Brien’s short story, “On the Rainy River,” is part of The Things They Carried, a collection of stories about the Vietnam War. Several of these stories were based on O’Brien’s own experiences as an American soldier who was drafted for military service in 1968. Although many consider O’Brien primarily a writer of war stories, O’Brien’s stories go beyond the war experience to reveal the human experience: the struggle between right and wrong, courage and cowardice, hope and despair, and truth and illusion. In “On the Rainy River,” O’Brien writes about a moral dilemma that he faced in his own life: whether he should serve his country despite his own antiwar beliefs or face the humiliation and shame of being branded a draft dodger. Although the conflict was real, the circumstances of the story were not. This blurring of the lines between truth and fiction—or, as O’Brien calls it, “happening-truth” and “story-truth”—is called metafiction, a technique that O’Brien uses throughout this story as well as other stories in The Things They Carried. To understand this literary technique, read O’Brien’s explanation for his creation of “On the Rainy River”:

“None of it’s [this story] true. Or very little of it. It’s—invented. No Elroy, no Tip Top Lodge, no pig factory…. I’ve never been to the Rainy River in my life…. But, although the story I invented, it’s still true, which is what fiction is all about…. It’s for getting at the truth when the truth isn’t sufficient for the truth. The pig factory is there for those dreams of slaughter—they were quite real inside of me. And in my own heart, I was certainly on that rainy river, trying to decide what to do, whether to go to the war or not go to it, say no or say yes. The story is still true, even though on one level it’s not; it’s made up.”

In this writing assignment, you will use O’Brien’s metafiction technique to create “a true story that never happened.”

Get Started

The title of the short story collection The Things They Carried has a double meaning: On one level, the title refers to the many objects that the soldiers carried during the Vietnam War. These objects included pocketknives, gum, malaria tablets, C rations, mosquito repellant, can openers, and Kool-Aid packets, as well as weapons and mine detectors. On another level, the title refers to the things that humans carry within their hearts and minds: love, compassion, memories, responsibilities, burdens. To play off of this idea, ask yourself the following questions and write your answers on a separate piece of paper:

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Datete: _______ ___________________________________ ____________________________ __

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LEVEL V, UNIT 134 © EMC Publishing, LLCDifferentiated Instruction for Advanced Students — SAMPLE

• What objects do you carry every day in your pockets, wallet, backpack, gym bag, or purse?

• What emotions do you associate with these objects?• What stories surround these objects? • What do these objects say about you as a person? Next, choose one of the objects as the basis of your story. Think of this object as the trigger that initiates the storytelling process. For example, if you carry a favorite photograph in your wallet, you have a treasure trove of ideas to work with for your story. If you carry a favorite object in your pocket, you have the basis for an interesting story as well. For example, if you carry a souvenir such as a key chain, you could write a story about your memories of the trip where you purchased the key chain, or you could write about the meaning of a particular key that the key chain holds. No matter what object you choose, you will need to show a struggle or internal conflict that you experienced and that you associate with the object that you carry. You will also need to show how the impact of that experience shaped who you are. Finally, you will use metafiction to tell your story, blending actual events with embellished details to make the story interesting.

Connect and Create

For this writing assignment, follow the format of “On the Rainy River” to tell your own story. Here are your writing guidelines for the first draft of your story:

I. Introduction: Begin your story by confessing what object you carry with you at all times and hint at the emotion that you associate with that object. Just as O’Brien reveals the ending of his story in advance, briefly discuss the insights you learned from the experience represented by that object.

II. Body: Introduce a flashback to the incident and then relate the rest of the story in chronological order. Use vivid details to embellish the story and make it interesting for readers (use of metafiction). Be sure that the incident shows an internal conflict or struggle.

III. Conclusion: Finish your story by revealing what decision you made, path you chose, or lesson you learned. In other words, explain how that incident shaped who you are. Offer an explanation as to why you continue to carry that object.

Check and Reflect

Exchange your story with another classmate to get his or her reaction to your story. Be sure to correct any errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar that your classmate marks on your paper, and write a final draft of your story. When you have finished the assignment, answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper:

1. How do “the things we carry” offer insight into our identities?

2. How does the use of metafiction or manipulation of the actual events help the writer approach difficult memories?

3. Does knowing that O’Brien used metafiction to relate his ethical dilemma in “On the Rainy River” change your feelings about the story? Explain.

bject as

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35© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 1Differentiated Instruction for ELL — SAMPLE

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Datete: __________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

ABOUT THE STORY“The Open Window” tells the story of a man who pays a social visit to a family he doesn’t know and gets a surprise.

MAKE CONNECTIONSHow would you characterize a successful social visit?

ANALYZE LITERATURE: CharacterA character is an individual who takes part in the action of a literary work. Authors use techniques of characterization to create a character. Such techniques include showing what a character says, does, or thinks; showing what other characters say or think about him or her; and describing the character’s physical features, dress, and personality. As you read, keep track of your conclusions about the characters of Vera and Framton in the graphic organizer that follows.

, page 5

A Short Story bySaki

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LEVEL V, UNIT 136 © EMC Publishing, LLCDifferentiated Instruction for ELL — SAMPLE


Draw ConclusionsAs you read, look for the quotes in the left-hand column of the following chart, and consider them in the context of the story. From each quote, draw conclusions about the characters of Vera and Framton. In the right-hand column of the chart, write conclusions about the characters.

Character’s Words or Actions My Conclusions About Vera and Framton

1. “My aunt will be down presently.”

2. “...would do much towards helping the nerve cure which he was supposed to be undergoing... when he was preparing to migrate to this rural retreat...”

3. “‘Her great tragedy happened just three years ago,’ said the child...”

4. “To Framton, it was all purely horrible.”

5. “The doctors agree in ordering me complete rest, an absence of mental excitement...”

6. “Framton shivered slightly...”

7. “Framton grabbed wildly at his stick and hat...”

8. “‘I expect it was the spaniel,’ said the niece calmly; ‘he told me he had a horror of dogs.’”

9. “Romance at short notice was her speciality.”


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37© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 1Differentiated Instruction for ELL — SAMPLE


Key Words and Phrases

Read each key word and rate it using this scale:1 I don’t know this word

or phrase at all.2 I’ve seen this word or

phrase before.3 I know this word or

phrase and use it.

Words and Phrases in Context

Read to see how the key word or phrase can be used in a sentence.

DefinitionWrite down what you think the word or phrase means. Then use a dictionary to check your definition.

PracticePractice using the key words and phrases by completing the following sentences.

engulfen • gulf(in gulf>)verb

1 2 3

Flames engulfed the house and soon all that was left was the foundation.

Some feelings that can engulf people are...

ghastlyghast • ly(gast‘ l7)adjective

1 2 3

Shari thought the pictures of the war were ghastly; there were too many dead bodies.

TV news that is ghastly includes reports on...

delusionde • lu • sion(di l2> zh@n)noun

1 2 3

Milton was under the delusion that Amber loved him, but she never even said hello to him.

Serious delusions include...

conveycon • vey(k@n v6‘)verb

1 2 3

The letter was meant to convey to parents that students’ cell phones would be confiscated.

The best attitude to convey in class is...

imminentim • mi • nent(im> @ n@nt)adjective

1 2 3

The animals knew that a tsunami was imminent and they went up into the hills two days before the villagers.

When danger on the road is imminent, it is advisable to...

ase Practice


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LEVEL V, UNIT 138 © EMC Publishing, LLCDifferentiated Instruction for ELL — SAMPLE


“My aunt will be down presently,1 Mr. Nuttel,” said a very self-possessed2 young lady of fifteen; “in the meantime you must try and put up with me.”

Framton Nuttel endeavored3 to say the correct something which should duly4 flatter the niece of the moment without unduly discounting5 the aunt that was to come. Privately he doubted more than ever whether these formal visits on a succession of total strangers would do much towards helping the nerve cure6 which he was supposed to be undergoing.

“I know how it will be,” his sister had said when he was preparing to migrate to this rural retreat; “you will bury your-self down there and not speak to a living soul, and your nerves will be worse than ever from moping. I shall just give you letters of introduction to all the people I know there. Some of them, as far as I can remember, were quite nice.”

Framton wondered whether Mrs. Sappleton, the lady to whom he was presenting one of the letters of introduction, came into the nice division.

“Do you know many of the people round here?” asked the niece when she judged that they had had sufficient silent communion.7

“Hardly a soul8,” said Framton. “My sister was staying here, at the rectory,9 you know, some four years ago, and she gave me letters of introduction to some of the people here.”

He made the last statement in a tone of distinct regret.“Then you know practically nothing about my aunt?”

pursued the self-possessed young lady.






1. presently. Soon, in a little while 2. self-possessed. Confident; composed 3. endeavored. Tried; attempted 4. duly. As required; sufficiently 5. unduly discounting. Improperly disregarding 6. nerve cure. A doctor’s recommendation to cure a nervous, or psychological condition 7. communion. Sharing of thoughts 8. soul. Person 9. rectory. A residence of a parish priest

Culture Note

Letters of introduction served as a kind of social résumé in the nineteenth century, the period when this story is set. They stated the newcomer’s family connections, qualifications, reputation, and interests.

Note the Facts

Does Framton Nuttel know the niece or her aunt?

Analyze Literature

Character What do you learn about Framton?

Is he a social person?

A Short Story bySaki

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“Only her name and address,” admitted the caller. He was wondering whether Mrs. Sappleton was in the married or widowed state. An undefinable something about the room seemed to suggest masculine habitation.

“Her great tragedy happened just three years ago,” said the child; “that would be since your sister’s time.”

“Her tragedy?” asked Framton; somehow in this restful country spot tragedies seemed out of place.

“You may wonder why we keep that window wide open on an October afternoon,” said the niece, indicating a large French window that opened on to a lawn.

“It is quite warm for the time of the year,” said Framton; “but has that window got anything to do with the tragedy?”

“Out through that window, three years ago to a day, her husband and her two young brothers went off for their day’s shooting. They never came back. In crossing the moor to their favorite snipe-shooting10 ground they were all three engulfed in a treacherous piece of bog.11 It had been that dreadful wet summer, you know, and places that were safe in other years gave way suddenly without warning. Their bodies were never recovered. That was the dreadful part of it.” Here the child’s voice lost its self-possessed note and became falteringly12 human. “Poor aunt always thinks that they will comeback some day,they and the littlebrown spaniel that was lost with








The Girl by the Window, Harry Morley.

10. snipe-shooting. Bird-hunting 11. bog. Wet, spongy ground 12. falteringly. Uncertainly; unsteadily

engulf (in gulf>) verb, swallow up

Analyze Literature

Character How does Vera react after describing the tragedy?

Culture Note

Moors are infertile boggy areas covered with grasses and sedges. They are common in England and, along with other clues, tell the reader that the story is set there.

Read Aloud

With a classmate, read Vera and Framton’s exchange aloud, beginning with line 34 and ending when the aunt comes in. Be sure to use your voice to express the emotions that are suggested.

Think and Refl ectWhy do you think Vera is asking this question?

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LEVEL V, UNIT 140 © EMC Publishing, LLCDifferentiated Instruction for ELL — SAMPLE

DURING READING them, and walk in at that window just as they used to do. That is why the window is kept open every evening till it is quite dusk. Poor dear aunt, she has often told me how they went out, her husband with his white waterproof coat over his arm, and Ronnie, her youngest brother, singing, ‘Bertie, why do you bound?’13 as he always did to tease her, because she said it got on her nerves. Do you know, sometimes on still, quiet evenings like this, I almost get a creepy feeling that they will all walk in through that window—”

She broke off with a little shudder. It was a relief to Framton when the aunt bustled14 into the room with a whirl of apologies for being late in making her appearance.

“I hope Vera has been amusing you?” she said. “She has been very interesting,” said Framton.

“I hope you don’t mind the open window,” said Mrs. Sappleton briskly; “my husband and brothers will be home directly from shooting, and they always come in this way. They’ve been out for snipe in the marshes today, so they’ll make a fine mess over my poor carpets. So like you men-folk, isn’t it?”

She rattled on cheerfully about the shooting and the scarcity of birds, and the prospects for duck in the winter. To Framton, it was all purely horrible. He made a desperate but only partially successful effort to turn the talk on to a less ghastly topic; he was conscious that his hostess was giving him only a fragment of her attention, and her eyes were constantly straying past him to the open window and the lawn beyond. It was certainly an unfortunate coincidence that he should have paid his visit on this tragic anniversary.

“The doctors agree in ordering me complete rest, an absence of mental excitement, and avoidance of anything in the nature of violent physical exercise,” announced Framton, who labored under the tolerably widespread delusion that total strangers and chance acquaintances are hungry for the least detail of one’s ailments and infirmities,15 their cause and cure. “On the matter of diet they are not so much in agreement,” he continued.

“No?” said Mrs. Sappleton, in a voice which only replaced a yawn at the last moment. Then she suddenly brightened into alert attention—but not to what Framton was saying.









13. ‘Bertie…bound?’ Line from a popular song 14. bustled. Move briskly or showily 15. infirmities. Physical weaknesses or defects

oof coat over his ang, ‘Bertie, why do you


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ghastly (gast>l7) adjective, horrible; frightful

delusion (di l2>zh@n) noun, a false belief or opinion

Analyze Literature

Character Is the reader privy to Framton’s thoughts?

How does he react to the aunt’s belief that her husband and brothers will return today?

Analyze Literature

Character Which part of the cure for Framton’s nerves was trampled on by Vera?

Culture Note

In England, “tea” is traditionally served in the late afternoon. The term refers to the beverage of tea as well as its accompaniments, which may include scones with jam and clotted cream, and small cucumber sandwiches.

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convey (k@n v6>) verb, make known

Note the Facts

What is Framton doing?


41© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 1Differentiated Instruction for ELL — SAMPLE

convey (k@n v6>) verb, make knownk

“Here they are at last!” she cried. “Just in time for tea, and don’t they look as if they were muddy up to the eyes!”

Framton shivered slightly and turned towards the niece with a look intended to convey sympathetic comprehension. The child was staring out through the open window with dazed horror in her eyes. In a chill shock of nameless fear Framton swung around in his seat and looked in the same direction.

In the deepening twilight three figures were walking across the lawn towards the window; they all carried guns under their arms, and one of them was additionally burdened with a white coat hung over his shoulders. A tired brown spaniel kept close at their heels. Noiselessly they neared the house, and then a hoarse young voice chanted out of the dusk: “I said, Bertie, why do you bound?”

Framton grabbed wildly at his stick16 and hat; the hall-door, the gravel-drive, and the front gate were dimly noted stages in his headlong retreat. A cyclist coming along the road had to run into the hedge to avoid imminent collision.

“Here we are, my dear,” said the bearer of the white mack-intosh,17 coming in through the window; “fairly muddy, but most of it’s dry. Who was that who bolted out as we came up?”

“A most extraordinary man, a Mr. Nuttel,” said Mrs. Sappleton; “could only talk about his illnesses, and dashed off without a word of good-bye or apology when you arrived. One would think he had seen a ghost.”

“I expect it was the spaniel,” said the niece calmly; “he told me he had a horror of dogs. He was once hunted into a ceme-tery somewhere on the banks of the Ganges by a pack of pariah dogs,18 and had to spend the night in a newly dug grave with the creatures snarling and grinning and foaming just above him. Enough to make any one lose their nerve.”

Romance19 at short notice was her speciality. ❖

16. stick. Fashionable walking stick 17. mackintosh. Waterproof outer coat 18. Ganges…dogs. Ganges—river in India; pariah dogs—stray dogs, outcast and rejected by others 19. Romance. A made-up story








imminent (im>@ n@nt) adjective, coming soon; threatening

Note the Facts

Which social conventions did Framton neglect?

Culture Note

The Ganges is a river in India. During the height of the British Empire, many men went to India to make their fortunes. Vera is imagining that Framton was one of these men.

Why would someone make up a story to shock another person? Is it wrong to do so, or is it a harmless joke? What should the storyteller keep in mind about the listener?

&& W



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LEVEL V, UNIT 142 © EMC Publishing, LLCDifferentiated Instruction for ELL — SAMPLE


READING CHECK 1. What is the relationship between Framton and

Vera? A. They are cousins. B. They are friends. C. They are living for a time in the same area.

2. What is Framton’s diagnosis? A. He has asthma. B. He has a nervous condition. C. He has cancer.

3. What story does Vera tell Framton? A. that her uncles died in a bog three years

ago B. that her uncles went to India where they

were attacked by wild dogs C. that her aunt is sick

4. What does Framton do when he sees the men come back from the hunt?

A. He leaves in a hurry. B. He asks a lot of questions. C. He yells at Vera for lying and makes her cry.

5. “Romance at short notice was [Vera’s] specialty.” What does the author’s description of Vera reveal?

A. She is imaginative. B. She is insensitive to what others may be

feeling. C. both A and B

VOCABULARY CHECK 1. Vera says her uncles were engulfed in a

“treacherous piece of bog.” What happened to them, according to Vera?

A. They sank into the bog and died. B. They walked unsteadily. C. They survived a bad accident.

2. To Framton, Vera’s story is a ghastly topic. What is the best way to describe what happened to Vera’s family?

A. Something horrible happened. B. Something frightful happened. C. both A and B

3. The author says that Framton has a delusion about total strangers liking to hear about his ailments. How serious is Framton’s delusion?

A. It is of a tragic nature. B. It is of an annoying nature. C. It is of an unforgivable nature.

4. Framton thinks that Mrs. Sappleton is delusional when she sees the men returning from the hunt, and he wants to “convey sympathetic comprehension” to Vera, so he turns to look at her. What is another way to say the quoted phrase?

A. He wants to show her what his infirmities are. B. He wants to try to shoot snipe. C. He wants to let Vera know he feels the

same way.

5. An imminent collision is barely avoided when Framton leaves the Sappleton house abruptly. What does imminent mean?

A. coming soon; threatening B. not severe C. horrible; frightful

were engulfedbog.” What happened to


CCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKwere enguuuuuuuuuulfflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflfededededededededededededededededed iiiiiiiiiiiin nn nnnnnn a dddddddddddd

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43© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 1Differentiated Instruction for ELL — SAMPLE

ANALYZE LITERATURE: CharacterWrite a paragraph about the characters of

Framton and Vera, being sure to provide answers to these questions: Considering Framton’s medical diagnosis, why did he react the way he did when he saw Vera’s uncles return from hunting? Did Vera intend to be cruel, or is there another explanation for her behavior? Are Framton and Vera compatible or incompatible characters? How can you tell?


Draw Conclusions

1. Think about Framton’s nature and what the doctor told him to avoid. How does the cure for Framton’s “nervous problem” affect his reaction to Vera’s story of the “tragedy”?

2. Look at the graphic organizer you completed. What is Vera’s most important character trait, in terms of her storytelling? (Consider what the author shares about her at the end of the story.)


AntonymsAn antonym is an opposite word. Write the

letter of the correct antonym on the line next to the matching vocabulary word.

______ 1. presently

______ 2. bustle

______ 3. infirmity

______ 4. imminent

______ 5. self-possessed


Subject-Verb AgreementThe subject and verb in a sentence must agree.

If the subject is singular, choose the singular form of the verb. If the subject is plural, choose the plural form of the verb.

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb(s) in parentheses.

1. Mr. Nuttel, new to the area, ________________ a social visit to Mrs. Sappleton. (pay, pays)

2. Her niece, Vera, _______________________

Mr. Nuttel and ________________ him a tragic story. (greet, greets; tells, tell)

3. Vera’s uncles, avid hunters, ________________ engulfed in a bog and never returned. (was, were)

4. Mrs. Sappleton __________________________ to the hunters as if they will return any minute. (refer, refers)

5. Mr. Nuttel, who believes Vera’s story, __________________________ from the house. (bolts, bolt)


A. non-threateningB. saunterC. laterD. strengthE. not confident




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LEVEL V, UNIT 144 © EMC Publishing, LLCDifferentiated Instruction for Developing Readers — SAMPLE

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: ______________________________________________________________

The Open Window, page 5

Guided Reading Questions

As you read the story, write the answers to the comprehension questions below.

Page 6

1. What are Framton Nuttel’s feelings on formal social situations?

Page 8

2. What explanation does the girl give for the open window?

Page 9

3. What does Framton think is a good topic of conversation?

Page 10

4. What does the last line of the story explain about the girl?

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45© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 1Differentiated Instruction for Developing Readers — SAMPLE

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Datetee::::::: _ ___ ________________________________________ ____________________________ __

The Open Window, page 5

Use Reading Strategies: Make Predictions

Before Reading

Make Preliminary Predictions

When you make predictions during reading, you are making guesses as to what the reading is going to be about. Before you read, make predictions based on clues from the Before Reading page and from what you already know about the topic. Read the Build Background and Reader’s Context sections on page 5, and pay close attention to the details revealed about the story. Use this information to make one or two preliminary predictions about Framton Nuttel, Vera, and the plot of the story. Write down your predictions in the first column of the chart below before you begin reading.

Prediction Chart

Guesses Evidence Adjustments

During Reading

Revise Predictions and Make New Predictions

1. Begin reading the selection independently. Look for details that might confirm or refute your preliminary predictions and write them in the Evidence column of the Prediction Chart above. Also, as new information is revealed in the text, continue to jot down new predictions about future story events in the Guesses column.

2. When you come across information in the text that confirms a prediction, write down those details from the text next to your prediction in the Evidence column and note that it proved true. When you find that a prediction you made is wrong, use the story details to revise your prediction or to make a new one in the Adjustments column. By participating in this process, you will be able to evaluate the effect that making predictions has on your reading experience.

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LEVEL V, UNIT 146 © EMC Publishing, LLCDifferentiated Instruction for Developing Readers — SAMPLE

After Reading

Analyze Your Predictions

When you finish reading, review the predictions you made throughout your study of the selection. Think about the information that led you to make your predictions and the details that confirmed or refuted them. Analyze the process by answering the following questions:

1. Were the incorrect predictions misguided, or did the story have a twist or surprise?

2. Did your predictions become more “on-target” as more story details were revealed? In other words, did you have to revise fewer predictions toward the end of the story than you did in the beginning?

Work with a partner to discuss your prediction-making experience. Compare your record of predictions with your partner’s record. Discuss how the prediction-making process affected your reading experience.

Fix-Up Idea: Read Aloud

If you are having trouble making predictions, you might benefit from hearing the selection read aloud and working with others to make predictions.• Work in a small group or with your entire class to read the selection aloud.• Make and revise predictions as you read.• Keep a good written record of your predictions as you work through the


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47© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 1Exceeding the Standards: Vocabulary & Spelling — SAMPLE

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Dateteteteteteteetetett :::::::::: _ __________ _________ ______________________________________


Word Study Notebook


Keeping a word study notebook is a convenient way to log new words, their meanings and their spellings, as well as prefixes, suffixes, word roots, and other concepts. You can use your word study notebook to write down words that you have trouble remembering how to spell. You may even want to set part of your notebook aside for vocabulary play in your own writing. When you record a new word in your notebook, include its definition, pronunciation, and origins, along with an example sentence or drawing to help you remember it. Here is a sample page from a word study notebook.

Word: miasma (pl. miasmas or miasmata)

Pronunciation: \m8 az> m@\

Origins: New Latin, from Greek word miainein, “to pollute”

Definition: Unhealthy, polluting vapor or fog

Sentence: The miasma of tobacco smoke in that coffee shop makes me ill.

Build Vocabulary

avaricious (<a v@ >ri sh@s) adj., greedy, especially for wealth

Many observers thought that the financial crisis of 2008 was the result of avaricious stock brokers, bankers, and insurance executives.

Avaricious is the adjectival form of the noun avarice and is ultimately derived from the Latin word av7re, which means to crave. One of the most well-known avaricious characters in literature is Ebenezer Scrooge, from Charles Dickens’s 1843 classic A Christmas Carol. People who are willing to injure others to gain or maintain wealth are characterized as avaricious. Sometimes the word avaricious is used to imply that a person has an obsession with money. Other times it is used to suggest that a person’s focus on wealth verges on madness. Synonyms of avaricious include greedy, covetous, and rapacious.

As you learn more and more words, you will also

become a better speaker and a better writer, able to express yourself more easily and vividly.


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LEVEL V, UNIT 148 © EMC Publishing, LLCExceeding the Standards: Vocabulary & Spelling — SAMPLE

Try It Yourself

Browse through a magazine or newspaper until you find a word that is unfamiliar to you. Use the space below to create your own word study notebook entry for the unfamiliar word. To find the correct definition and pronunciation, consult a dictionary. Hint: You don’t need to write down all the definitions of the the word—just the one that seems to fit the way it was used in the original sentence.





Example sentence:

Just for Fun

Who or what is a doomster? What does it mean to commit verbicide? You might not encounter or use such quirky words very often, but it is fun to know their meanings. Create entries for the following words, or peruse your dictionary for other odd words to add to your word study notebook.


What Did You Learn?

Start keeping track of new words you encounter in reading or listening. Write the words on the lines below. Then, use these words to begin your word study notebook. Keep using your word study notebook to record new words and their meanings. Every week, review the words and choose a few to incorporate into your speech or writing.

Think about how you want to use

your word study notebook. Then, take some time to organize it. For example, you may divide it into different sections—one section for new vocabulary you encounter, one for common prefixes, suffixes, and word roots, one for words that you often have trouble spelling, and one for fun words and word facts.


Here’s a one item to get you started

on the “Fun Word Facts” section of your word study notebook:

One of the longest place names in the world is probably that of Llanfairpwllgwyngyll-gogerychwyrndrobwyll-llantysiliogogogoch, a town in northern Wales. It is called Llanfair or Llanfair PG for short.


Every week, review the entries in your

word study notebook. Try to incorporate these words into your speech and writing.


rd. To find the correctionary Hint: You don’t


nttttttttttttilililililililiilililil yy y y y yyyyoou f fffffffiiiniiniiiii d dddddddddddddd aaa aaaa wwwowwowowowowowwwwwwwww rrdrrrdrdrdrdrrdrrdrdrrdrdrrd ttttttttttttttttthahahahhahahahahahaahahahahahahatttt ttttttttttttcreate yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoururruuuuuuuuu o oooooooooooooooownwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwn w wwwww ww ww wwwww wwororororororororororroorroro d dddd ddddddddddd

d thhhh cocooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrecececececececececececttttttttttttttt

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49© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 1Exceeding the Standards: Grammar & Style — SAMPLE

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Datete: _____________________ __________________________________________________________


The Sentence and Its Functions

The Sentence

From the time you entered school, you probably have been speaking and writing in sentences. In the English language, the sentence is the basic unit of meaning. A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought. Every sentence has two basic parts: a subject and a predicate. The subject tells whom or what the sentence is about. The predicate tells information about the subject—what the subject is, what the subject does, or what happens to the subject.

examplesentence The talented cabinetmaker | carved the legs of the cherry table.

(subject) (predicate)

A group of words that does not have both a subject and a predicate is called a sentence fragment. A sentence fragment does not express a complete thought.

examplesentence fragment Mr. Lamont. (The fragment does not have a

predicate. The group of words does not answer the question What did Mr. Lamont do?)

sentence fragment Put the football team. (The fragment does not have a subject. The group of words does not answer the question Who put the football team?)

sentence fragment Through its paces. (The fragment does not have a subject or predicate. The group of words does not tell what the sentence is about or tell what the subject does.)

complete sentence Mr. Lamont put the football team through its paces.

E X E R C I S E 1

Identifying Sentences and Sentence Fragments

Identify each of the following groups of words as either a complete sentence or a sentence fragment. Write S for sentence or F for fragment.

_____ 1. Can help you see trends, discover facts, and uncover patterns.

_____ 2. Learning to interpret graphics will help you to understand how things work.

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LEVEL V, UNIT 150 © EMC Publishing, LLCExceeding the Standards: Grammar & Style — SAMPLE

_____ 3. Available on the Internet.

_____ 4. Digital photography is a method of making images without the use of regular film.

_____ 5. A two-part process that starts with an image.

_____ 6. Media refer to systems of information.

_____ 7. Send this message into cyberspace!

_____ 8. Along with rhubarb and fresh strawberries.

_____ 9. Alan sautéed the asparagus tips in butter and garlic.

_____ 10. Sliced the portabella mushrooms while the pan heated.

E X E R C I S E 2

Understanding Sentences and Their Basic Parts

Some of the following groups of words are missing a subject or predicate or both. Tell what part is missing, then revise the sentence to include the missing part. If the group of words contains both a subject and a predicate, write sentence.

exampleHeavily after the rain.(subject and predicate missing; Tree pollen fell heavily after the rain.)

1. Carmen had slept near a drafty window.

2. Felt stiff the next morning.

3. After a hot shower.

4. Thought she should avoid sitting in one position.

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5. The soothing muscle ointment.

6. She weeded the garden and transplanted several plants.

7. Needs to take a break and rest.

8. Throughout the hot, steamy afternoon.

9. The next day she was much better.

10. It is really uncomfortable to wake up with a stiff neck.

E X E R C I S E 3

Using Complete Sentences in Your Writing

Write a paragraph for a student health newsletter describing a minor ailment or illness you have experienced, such as a sore back or allergies. Describe your symptoms. What caused the problem? What did you do to treat it? Make sure that each sentence in your paragraph contains a subject and predicate.

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Functions of Sentences

There are four different kinds of sentences: declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory. Each kind of sentence has a different purpose. You can vary the tone and mood of your writing by using the four different sentence types. Read the example sentences aloud and notice how your voice changes to express each sentence’s different meaning.

• A declarative sentence makes a statement. It ends with a period.

exampleJudy isn’t sure she wants to move to Boston.

• An interrogative sentence asks a question. It ends with a question mark.

exampleDoes she like visiting the city?

• An imperative sentence gives an order or makes a request. It ends with a period or an exclamation point. An imperative sentence has an understood subject, most often you.

example(You) Tell Judy that Boston is a wonderful city.(You) Please reassure her.

• An exclamatory sentence expresses strong feeling. It ends with an exclamation point.

exampleJudy is moving!

E X E R C I S E 4

Identifying Different Kinds of Sentences in Literature

Identify each of the nine sentences in the literature passage as declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory. Note that some sentences are embedded inside other sentences. In these cases, identify both sentences. Write your answers on the corresponding lines below.

example“The paw!” she cried wildly. (exclamatory [within declarative])

1The man sat up in bed and flung the bedclothes from his quaking limbs. 2“GoodGod, you are mad!” he cried, aghast. 3“Get it,” she panted. 4“Get it quickly, and wish—Oh, my boy, my boy!” 5Her husband struck a match and lit the candle. 6“Get back to bed,” he said unsteadily. 7“You don’t know what you are saying.” 8“We had the first wish granted,” said the old woman feverishly. 9“Why not the second?”

from “The Monkey’s Paw,” page 14W. W. Jacobs

LEVEL V, UNIT 152 © EMC Publishing, LLCExceeding the Standards: Grammar & Style — SAMPLE

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E X E R C I S E 5

Understanding the Functions of Sentences

Identify the following sentences as declarative, imperative, interrogative, or exclamatory. Then revise each sentence according to the directions in parentheses.

exampleIs it warm enough for swimming? (Change into a declarative sentence.) (interrogative; declarative, It is warm enough for swimming.)

1. Clarice, you can do it! (Change into an interrogative sentence.)

2. How many of the visiting professors will dine with us tonight? (Change into a declarative sentence.)

3. Sidney can see how carefully the chair was constructed. (Change into an imperative sentence.)

4. Do it now and get it over with. (Change into a declarative sentence.)

5. The guests waved sadly from the car windows. (Change into an interrogative sentence.)










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LEVEL V, UNIT 154 © EMC Publishing, LLCExceeding the Standards: Grammar & Style — SAMPLE

6. How much does that vase cost? (Change into an exclamatory sentence.)

7. Can you imagine how long it took to make! (Change into a declarative sentence.)

8. Paula cried when she broke her finger. (Change into an exclamatory sentence.)

9. “Stop, thief!” Mrs. Pembroke yelled at the blue jay. (Change into an interrogative sentence.)

10. Get a blanket! (Change into a declarative sentence.)

E X E R C I S E 6

Using Different Kinds of Sentences in Your Writing

Write a descriptive paragraph about your best friend for the school yearbook. Include physical traits and personality characteristics as well as a description of a memorable moment you shared with your best friend. Your paragraph may beeither serious or humorous. Use all four kinds of sentences in your paragraph. Then take turns with your classmates reading your paragraphs aloud. Consider how the four kinds of sentences make your paragraphs more expressive.

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55© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 1Exceeding the Standards: Speaking & Listening — SAMPLE

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Dateteeeeeeee:::::::::: _ ___________ ______________________________________________________

Speaking & Listening Workshop, page 205

Present a Horror Story

Select a Story

Think of a horror story to share with your class. Perhaps you have been inspired by one of the selections in the chapter. Use the instructions in this lesson and in the Speaking & Listening Workshop on page 205 of your textbook to prepare and present a horror story of your choosing. Once you have selected the story, record its title below.

The title of my horror story is

Map Out the Story Line

To help organize your presentation, fill in the graphic organizer. It is important to keep your story short and spooky. If your story is too long you might lose the audience. Plot out the beginning exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Once you have filled in the graphic organizer, use it to prepare and practice your horror story presentation.

After you plot the story, think about the best way to start and end the story.

My catchy opening line is

My closing memorable line is

Exposition Resolution

Rising Action Falling Action


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LEVEL V, UNIT 156 © EMC Publishing, LLCExceeding the Standards: Speaking & Listening — SAMPLE

Visualize the Story

You will improve the delivery of your horror story if you include colorful details that will help readers visualize the action. List sensory details that will enhance the spookiness of your story.

Sensory Details Chart

Sight Sound Taste Smell Feel

Create Mood and Tone

Experiment with mood and tone to make the delivery of your horror story more effective. Consider the following techniques and choose one that you would like to utilize in your presentation.• Volume: speak louder and louder until the end or speak softer into a whisper• Rate: speak faster and faster until the end or speak slower to create suspense• Tenseness: speak more and more tense and stiff until the end or stiffen your

body and posture as you speak• Pitch: speak higher and higher in vocal tone until the end or lower your overall

pitch in key parts• Contrasts: find times to contrast volume or rate or pitch or body tenseness.

The mood and tone technique that I will utilize is .


Practice makes perfect. Use the following checklist to determine when you are ready to present your story. When you can answer “yes” to all of the statements, you are ready to present your story to the class.

Yes No

1. ____ ____ The story is engaging.

2. ____ ____ I can tell the story straight through without forgetting any important details.

3. ____ ____ I know this story well enough that I do not go off on tangents when I deliver it.

4. ____ ____ I can tell this story so that the listeners will create images in their minds as they listen.

5. ____ ____ I know what parts of the story to emphasize for effect.

6. ____ ____ I create an effective ambience for my horror story.

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Deliver Your Presentation

Use the following checklist to evaluate your presentation and the presentations of your classmates.

Criteria Strongly Agree

Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

1. The story was an appropriate length. It was not too long or too short.

2. The story had a strong opening and closing.

3. The story contained vivid descriptions.

4. The storyteller used voice, eye contact, and gestures effectively.

5. The story was spooky.

Evaluate the Horror Story Presentation

Evaluate yourself using the rubric found in the Speaking & Listening Workshop on page 205 of your textbook.

Content Clear chronology—beginning,

middle, and end Strong opening and closing

sentences Simple vocabulary and sentence

structure Vivid description

Delivery/Presentation Appropriate volume, enunciation,

and pace Effective intonation, stress, and tone

to create mood Effective eye contact, facial

expressions, gestures, and body language


Your presentation will be evaluated on these elements:

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LEVEL V, UNIT 458 © EMC Publishing, LLCExceeding the Standards: Writing — SAMPLE

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: ____________________________________________ ___________

Use Literary Techniques

A technique is a method used to achieve a desired effect. An artist uses a certain technique to achieve a three-dimensional effect in a painting. A carpenter uses a technique to fit two pieces of molding together at a corner. Writers use techniques to get readers to understand their works and, sometimes, to act on those thoughts. While technique is no substitute for the substance or content of your writing, knowing techniques that work can strengthen your writing. This lesson will help you master some literary techniques that can draw readers’ attention to the sights, sounds, and meanings of words and can highlight the ideas or points being conveyed.

Learn from a Model

William Shakespeare was one of the best at employing literary techniques in his poems and plays. Note how in this excerpt from Act III, scene ii, of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, he uses a number of techniques to have the speaker, Mark Antony, move his audience.

from The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears! I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.The evil that men do lives after them,The good is oft interred with their bones;So let it be with Caesar. The noble BrutusHath told you Caesar was ambitious;If it were so, it was a grievous fault,And grievously hath Caesar answer’d it.Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest(For Brutus is an honorable man,So are they all, all honorable men),Come I to speak in Caesar’s funeral.He was my friend, faithful and just to me;But Brutus says he was ambitious,And Brutus is an honorable man.He hath brought many captives home to Rome,Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill;Did this in Caesar seem ambitious?When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept;Ambition should be made of sterner stuff:Yet Brutus says he was ambitious,And Brutus is an honorable man.You all did see that on the Lupercal

Uses parallelism to emphasize ideas

Repeats key word, honorable, and key sentence, “Brutus is an honorable man”

Uses rhetorical questions to allow audience to judge Brutus

Uses alliteration: “sterner stuff”

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59© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 4Exceeding the Standards: Writing — SAMPLE

I thrice presented him a kingly crown,Which he did thrice refuse. Was this ambition?Yet Brutus says he was ambitious,And sure he is an honorable man.I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke,But here I am to speak what I do know. You all did love him once, not without cause;What cause withholds you then to mourn for him?O judgment! thou art fled to brutish beasts,And men have lost their reason. Bear with me,My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar,And I must pause till it come back to me.

Use Parallelism

Parallelism is a rhetorical device in which a writer emphasizes the equal value or weight of two or more ideas by expressing them in the same grammatical form. Here is an example: “We came. We saw. We conquered.” Writers use parallelism to emphasize ideas that are closely related. Readers and listeners can more easily grasp and remember ideas written in parallel construction. One very famous example is from the Gettysburg Address: “government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Another example is from John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address: “Ask not what your country can do for you; but ask what you can do for your country.” Copy two examples of parallelism from Antony’s speech.

Use Repetition

Repeating key words and ideas is a good way to stress important points. Besides “Brutus is an honorable man,” what other words does Antony repeat?

Use Rhetorical Questions

A rhetorical question is one that a writer or speaker asks without expecting an answer. The writer knows what the answer will be and uses the question to focus the audience’s attention on a specific point. When Antony asks, “Did this in Caesar seem ambitious?” the people in the audience are likely to say “no” to themselves. Getting the audience to think “no” for themselves is more effective than if Antony had said, “That’s not an ambitious act.” When he asks, “Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill?” the people are likely to be thinking “ours.” The rhetorical question makes it seem as if the audience, not Antony, is coming up with this idea. Copy another example of a rhetorical question from Antony’s speech. What effect does this question have on the audience?

Uses verbal irony

Uses visual imagery for effect

Uses alliteration: “brutish beasts”

Uses verbal irony

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LEVEL V, UNIT 460 © EMC Publishing, LLCExceeding the Standards: Writing — SAMPLE

Use Verbal Irony

Verbal irony is a statement in which a character says one thing but means another. For example, each time Antony says, “Brutus is an honorable man,” he is implying just the opposite—that Brutus is not honorable. Copy another example of verbal irony from Antony’s speech.

Use Alliteration

Alliteration is the repetition of initial consonant sounds. Though alliteration usually refers to sounds at the beginnings of words, it can also be used to refer to sounds within words. Alliteration is used frequently in poetry, but it can also be effective in prose. Even in silent reading, the repetitive sounds strike a responsive chord in the reader. Copy an example of alliteration from Antony’s speech.

Use Imagery.

Imagery is language that creates pictures by appealing to the senses of sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Creating verbal pictures for readers is useful in all types of writing. Ideas presented in part through concrete images are easier to grasp than purely abstract thought. When Antony says, “My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar,” readers have an image of what otherwise would be an abstraction such as “I am so upset over Caesar’s death.” Copy another image from Antony’s speech.

Your AssignmentUse Literary Techniques in Your Writing

To complete this assignment, follow the three stages of the writing process: Prewrite, Draft, and Revise.

1 Prewrite

Select an Issue, Idea, or Concept

Choose one or any combination of the following writing modes to express your ideas:• expository: to inform or explain an idea• persuasive: to convince readers to think or act in a desired way• descriptive: to give your personal thoughts and feelings

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61© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 4Exceeding the Standards: Writing — SAMPLE

In doing so, use some or all of the literary techniques explained and illustrated on the first page of this lesson. Here are some approaches to deciding on a topic for this assignment.

1. Assume you have heard a good friend gossiping about you. There is no truth to what was said, and you want to vent your feelings to your friend. Write him or her a letter explaining your position.

2. Assume you are campaigning for office in school. Your opponent is the incumbent (person who now holds the office). That person is very popular with other students. At a class assembly, you have a few minutes to convince classmates to vote for you. You realize you may have to show your opponent’s shortcomings, without appearing to bash him or her. Write your speech.

3. Explain something that is a favorite of yours. It might be a hobby, a sport, a charitable organization, a food, a movie, a group, a relative, or a holiday. You need not try to convince your readers to like the same thing. Your task is merely to explain what you like and why.

4. Explain your position on an issue that is important to you. It can be a local issue, such as something that relates to your school or town. It could be a national issue, such as immigration, the environment, or a crime. It could be a global issue, such as war, poverty, disease, or the Internet.

In whatever type of writing and whatever your subject, use the literary techniques wherever you can. List four topics you might write about, indicating the type of writing—expository, persuasive, or descriptive. Take a look at the following examples:• letter to my friend (expressive)• campaign speech (persuasive)• my favorite relative, Uncle Jack (expository/expressive) • war (expository)

Consider each topic on your list and choose one for this assignment. Since you will be working with the topic for a while, select the one you think you will enjoy working on the most, or the one that is most important to you. Write your choice on the line below, indicating the form your writing will take (expository, persuasive, or descriptive). Here is an example: “I will write about my favorite relative—my Uncle Jack. The writing will be both expository and descriptive, as I will explain what I like about him and reveal my feelings.”

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LEVEL V, UNIT 462 © EMC Publishing, LLCExceeding the Standards: Writing — SAMPLE

State Your Purpose and Identify Your Audience

Everything you write reflects your purpose and audience. If you are trying to persuade classmates to vote for you, you have to think of ideas that will move them and express those ideas in a convincing manner. If you are writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper to express an opinion on an issue, you want to write in a manner that a general audience of mostly adults will respond to. Here is an example: “I am writing about my Uncle Jack to express how I feel about him. My audience is myself, because he would be embarrassed if I actually came out and told him how much I love him.” State your purpose and identify your audience on the lines below.

Write a Thesis Statement

After considering your topic, purpose, and audience, write a statement that reflects the main idea you hope to convey through your writing. This is your thesis statement. See the sample thesis statement below: “Uncle Jack is my favorite relative because he always made me feel special.”

Gather Your Information

Jot down random thoughts and information on your topic. Keep in mind your thesis statement as you collect your information. With certain topics, such as political issues, you may want to research your topic on the Internet or elsewhere. Or you may want to discuss the topic with friends or parents, to get information. If you are writing on something personal, think long and hard about various aspects of the topic. Below is an example based on ideas that the writer has about her Uncle Jack:

Topic: Uncle Jack• when I was very young—he’d bring “nothings”• when I was older—magic tricks and jokes• there for important moments

On the lines below, jot down information on your topic.

ge you

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63© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 4Exceeding the Standards: Writing — SAMPLE

Organize Your Information

With the thesis statement in mind, consider the order in which you will present your information. If you are trying to convince an audience, you might start with your weakest argument and work to your strongest. Or you may work the other way. If explaining an issue such as the need for better environmental conservation, you may want to begin with the current situation and some statistics or predictions and work toward solutions. In the sample used so far, the writer might present information about Uncle Jack in chronological order, starting from when she was young and moving to the present. Number the items in your notes 1, 2, 3, and so on, in the order in which you will present the information.

Use the Writing Techniques

The focus of this lesson is the writing techniques (parallelism, repetition, imagery, and so on). You may have used some of these—intentionally or not—in the notes that you jotted. For example, you may have written a phrase that uses alliteration. Perhaps one of your sentences uses parallelism. But for the most part, consciously employing writing techniques occurs more in the Draft and Revise stages of writing than in the Prewrite. If you have any examples of writing techniques in your notes, or can think of any now, write them on the lines below, identifying the type of each. For example: • repetition: the phrase “makes me feel special” keeps coming up• parallelism: one time it might be a stuffed animal. Another time it might be

candy. Many times it would be a book.”

If you do not have many examples of writing techniques at this point, do not worry. You can work on these in the next two stages of the writing.

2 Draft

You have selected a topic to write about and identified the form your writing will take. You have jotted some notes about the topic, written a thesis statement, and organized your information. You have noted examples of writing techniques. Now you are ready to write your draft. In the draft, you take the information you gathered in Prewrite and write it in sentence and paragraph form. You place that information into an introduction, body, and conclusion that hold together as one statement rather than as loose bits of information.


In writing some documents, it is more efficient to work on the body first. By writing the details in the body, you get to know the material well, better than you do right now. With that added understanding, you will then be able to write a stronger introduction.

uch as

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LEVEL V, UNIT 464 © EMC Publishing, LLCExceeding the Standards: Writing — SAMPLE

So work on the body. Begin with the information you numbered as 1 in your Prewrite. Now is the time to flesh it out. That is, you may add words and details to what you had in Prewrite. For example, in the Prewrite for the model, the writer wrote, “when I was very young—he’d bring nothings.” Fleshing that out in the draft, the writer would write, “When I was very little, he’d always bring me a nothing. That’s how he described the gifts he’d bring me. My mother would say, ‘Jack, you don’t have to bring her a present every time you come to visit.’” And he’d say, ‘Oh, it’s nothing.’” Flesh out the body of your document.


Now that you have fleshed out your notes and have a better understanding of you material, write your introduction. Remember that the introduction should:• Attract the reader’s interest• Reveal the thesis

Attracting the reader’s interest varies with the topic, purpose, and audience. For instance, if you are giving a campaign speech, begin with a startling fact, a telling incident, or a challenge—but be sure what you say will get the audience’s attention. If you are explaining an issue, you might begin with a short anecdote illustrating the issue. Revealing the thesis may be as simple as writing out the thesis statement, perhaps in a slightly different form from in the Prewrite. For example, “Of all my relatives, my favorite is my Uncle Jack. He always made me feel special.” Try out a few introductions here and then select the one you think will be most effective.


Plan to close your document with impact. Your closing might be a call to action, if you want to get people to act. It might be a summary statement, encompassing in one or two sentences the essence of what you have said previously. You may circle back to your thesis statement and rephrase that. You might close with an outright expression of a feeling or idea. For example, “Uncle Jack is involved in the most important thing in my life right now—getting my driver’s license.” Try out a few conclusions here and then select the one you think carries the greatest impact.


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65© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 4Exceeding the Standards: Writing — SAMPLE

Employ Writing Techniques

Normally after drafting your document you would put it aside for a time and then revise it. In this lesson, however, you want to first try to employ some of the writing techniques you learned on pages 59–60. Go through your draft and look for opportunities to use the following techniques:

Parallelism: Look for ideas that are closely related and see if you can phrase them in the same form. For example:

Original…when I danced in a ballet recital, at graduation, and the time I hit a home run in softball

In parallel form…when I danced in a ballet recital, when I graduated from eighth grade, and when I hit a home run in softball.

Alliteration: Look for opportunities to use phrases repeating consonant sounds. For example:

OriginalWhen I was very tiny.

Alliterative phrase When I was a tiny tot.

Rhetorical question: Look for a statement that you can phrase as a question. For example:

OriginalUncle Jack is taking me for my behind-the-wheel instruction.

Rhetorical question And guess who is taking me for my behind-the-wheel instruction?

Imagery: Look for statements that can be phrased in concrete images. For example:

OriginalI’d sit with him.

ImageryI’d climb up on his lap.

Verbal irony. Look for an opportunity to state an idea using words that normally mean the opposite.

OriginalI was happy to get the presents.

Verbal ironyOf course, I wasn’t interested in the presents.

Repetition: Look for opportunities to repeat key words and phrases, even with slight modifications. For example:

OriginalHe always made me feel so special. . .

RepetitionHe always made me feel special….I still feel special whenever Uncle Jack is around.

3 Revise

After finishing your draft, leave it for a day or so. Then when you start revising, you will be more objective and see things you may have overlooked immediately after writing.


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LEVEL V, UNIT 466 © EMC Publishing, LLCExceeding the Standards: Writing — SAMPLE

Evaluate Your Writing

Read your draft and look for ways to make it clearer and richer. Use the questions in column 1 in the Revision Checklist to identify areas needing improvement. Then, based on your evaluation, revise your draft. Where it may be lacking, use the suggestions in column 2 to make it stronger. Mark your changes in pencil. An original student model and a revised version of that model are shown below the Revision Checklist.


Evaluate Strengthen

❏ Does the draft have a title that offers insight into the document?

A title should give readers a lead into what the document is about.

❏ Does the draft identify the topic in the introduction?

State the thesis or some variation of the thesis statement up front.

❏ Does the draft have an attention-grabbing introduction?

Besides revealing the thesis, the introduction should attract the readers, making them want to continue reading.

❏ Does the body of the draft present details that explain, persuade, or express your thoughts and feelings?

Use the details from your Prewrite as well as other information that you may have come upon.

❏ Does the draft have a clear conclusion? Be sure to close in a way that calls for action or stresses a main point.

❏ Does the draft use writing techniques? Be sure to close in a way that calls for action or stresses a main point.

Original Student Model

Uncle Jack

Of all my relatives, my favorite is my Uncle Jack. There is something about him that I like as far back as I can remember. He always made me feel special. When I was very little, he’d always bring me presents. My mother would say, “Jack, you don’t have to bring her a gift every time you come to visit.” And he would say, “Oh, it’s nothing.” I looked forward to those nothings. What would he bring? One time it might be a stuffed animal. Another time it might be candy. Many times it would be a book. When he gave me a book, I’d look at it and then hold it out to him. That was my way of saying, “will you read it to me?” I’d sit with him and slowly he would read the book to me. He had this great voice, and he’d act out all the parts. When I giggled at something, Uncle Jack would repeat that part over and over because he knew I liked it.

Uses title

Reveals thesis up front

Rhetorical question



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67© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 4Exceeding the Standards: Writing — SAMPLE

Uses title

Makes title more informative

Reveals thesis up front

Uses alliteration

Adds verbal irony

Rhetorical question


Adds imagery

Adds imagery

Repeats key words/idea

Uses Imagery

As I got older, Uncle Jack brought me other kinds of nothings. For a time he would do magic tricks. He’d tell me to pick a card, put it back anywhere in the deck, and then instantly he’d have my card pop right out. He put a little red ball into this little cup and cover it. When I took the cover off, the ball would be gone. Sometimes he’d reach his hand to my head and pull coins from my ears. At other times Uncle Jack would tell jokes. They were pretty corny, I have to admit, but he was telling them to me, and that made me feel special. Want an example? Question: Who wears the biggest hat in the world? Answer: The person with the biggest head. Uncle Jack never had any kids of his own, and I was his only niece who lived nearby. So even as I got older, he was always there on special occasions—when I danced in a ballet recital, at eighth grade graduation. He was there when I hit a homerun in softball. Now the biggest thing in my life is getting my driver’s license. And Uncle Jack is going to give me my behind-the-wheel instruction.

Revised Student Model

How Uncle Jack Makes Me Feel Special

Of all my relatives, my favorite is my Uncle Jack. There is something about him that I like as far back as I can remember. He always made me feel special. When I was very little a tiny tot, he’d always bring me presents. My mother would say, “Jack, you don’t have to bring her a gift every time you come to visit.” And he would say, “Oh, it’s nothing.” I looked forward to those nothings. Of course, I wasn’t interested in the presents. What would he bring? One time it might be a stuffed animal. Another time it might be candy. Many times it would be a book. When he gave me a book, I’d look at it and then hold it out to him. That was my way of saying, “will you read it to me?” I’d sit with him climb up on his lap and slowly he would read the book to me walk me through the book page by page. He had this great voice, and he’d act out all the parts. When I giggled at something, Uncle Jack would repeat that part over and over because he knew I liked it. As I got older, Uncle Jack continued to make me feel special, and brought me other kinds of nothings. For a time he would do magic tricks. He’d tell me to pick a card, put it back anywhere in the deck, and then instantly he’d have my card pop right out. He put a little red ball into this little cup and cover it. When I took the cover off, the ball would be gone. Sometimes he’d reach his hand to my head and pull coins from my ears.

Uses Imagery

Repeats key word

Rhetorical question

Has formal closing

Uses Imagery

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LEVEL V, UNIT 468 © EMC Publishing, LLCExceeding the Standards: Writing — SAMPLE

Repeats key word

Rhetorical question

Adds Parallelism

Has formal closing

Replaces statement with rhetorical question

Inserts more effective close

At other times Uncle Jack would tell jokes. They were pretty corny, I have to admit, but he was telling them to me, and that made me feel special. Want an example? Question: Who wears the biggest hat in the world? Answer: The person with the biggest head. Uncle Jack never had any kids of his own, and I was his only niece who lived nearby. So even as I got older, he was always there on special occasions—when I danced in a ballet recital, at eighth grade graduation. He was there when I hit a home run in softball. when I danced in a ballet recital, graduated from eight grade, and hit a home run in softball. Now the biggest thing in my life is getting my driver’s license. And Uncle Jack is going to give me my behind-the-wheel instruction. And guess who is giving me my behind-the-wheel instruction?

Proofread Your Draft

After you have finished marking up your draft, proofread it to check your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. You may have spotted and corrected such errors already, but look specifically for them in a separate round of proofreading.

Grammar & Style: Precise Words

Readers can more easily grasp your thoughts when you use precise rather than vague words.

ExamplesVague: He had this great voicePrecise: He had this booming voice.

Vague: She went down the street. Precise: She zoomed down the street.

A good source for precise words is the thesaurus. Just locate the vague word in your thesaurus and you will see many words with similar meanings. Look for one that is more precise than your original.

Exercise: Rewrite the paragraph below. Replace the italicized words with more precise words. Restructure the sentences as needed.

There are many things I get from school. First, it adds to the facts I have about the world. It improves my skills in reading, speaking, and writing. School makes me to do more than I probably would do on my own. While this is sometimes bad, it does enable me to improve as a person.

Now go back over your revision and replace vague words with precise ones.

ats key word

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69© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 4Exceeding the Standards: Writing — SAMPLE

Create Your Final Draft

Retype or rewrite your document, incorporating all of the changes you have noted in the draft and revision. Then check the accuracy of your changes by doing a final proofread. Before you consider your work finished, re-read your document. Ask yourself if it meets all the requirements of a quality work employing writing techniques, as given in the writing rubric below. Did you check off each item in the rubric? If not, consider making additional changes to your document.


A successful document has these qualities: Has a title that leads readers into the document Has an introduction that captures reader interest and

identifies the main thesis Has a body that provides detail meaningful to the purpose

and audience Employs a variety of writing techniques such as parallelism

and repetition Includes a formal conclusion or closing that carries impact Uses precise rather than vague words Uses correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation

Writing Follow-Up

Publish and Present

• Share your work with others in the class. Keep an unofficial tally of how many students wrote in each form—expository, persuasive, and descriptive. Make a list of the most interesting use of the writing techniques such as alliteration and imagery.


• Spend an hour watching television to see how often the writing techniques you learned here are used in commercials, news programs, and sitcoms.

• When might you see yourself using these techniques again? In e-mail? In another class?


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ACT Format: English, Reading, and Writing


Practice Test Answer Sheet

Fill in the circle completely for the answer choice you think is best.

English 5. 3. 1. 6. 4. 2. Reading 5. 3. 1. 6. 4. 2.


DIRECTIONS: The following passage is divided into numbered sections. In each section, specific words and phrases are underlined. To the right of each section are several alternatives for the underlined text. In each case, choose the alternative that best expresses the idea, that makes the text correct according to the conventions of standard written English, or that best fits the style and tone of the complete passage. If the original underlined text is better than any of the alternatives, choose “NO CHANGE.” For each question, choose the best alternative and fill in the corresponding circle on the answer sheet. Read through the entire passage once before you begin answering the questions. Also be sure to read each numbered section in full before answering the corresponding question. Consider each underlined word or phrase within the context of the complete section.

LEVEL V, UNIT 170 © EMC Publishing, LLCExceeding the Standards: Test Practice — SAMPLE

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________



1. A. NO CHANGE B. October 1st, 1924 in

Plains, Georgia. C. October 1st 1924, in

Plains Georgia. D. Oct. 1st, 1924 in Plains,







Jimmy Carter: Great American Leaderby Melbourne Harris


James Earl Carter Jr. (Jimmy) was born on October 1st 1924 in

Plains, Georgia. The town was very small, so Jimmy spent most of

his time with his family. Even at the age of six, Jimmy showed that

he could work hard. Since his family lived on a farm they sold the

peanuts they grew to everyone in town. Jimmy sold twenty bags of

peanuts in town each day, no doubt with his charm and a smile too.

2. F. NO CHANGE G. lived on a farm they sell H. lived on a farm: they

sold J. lived on a farm, they




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71© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 1Exceeding the Standards: Test Practice — SAMPLE


After high school, he served in the Navy from 1946 to 1953. His

father died in 1953 and Jimmy felt that he needed to be with his

family and move back to his hometown of Plains. He resigned

from the Navy with the rank of lieutenant (senior grade). When

he arrived back in Plains, he took over his late fathers family

farm and peanut warehouse. The business thrived under Jimmy’s

management. Jimmy became very active in Plains, He served on

boards to help the city in many different ways. Jimmy wasn’t afraid

to speak his mind. While, Jimmy opposed the law that permitted

racial segregation, almost everyone in Plains supported it.




3. A. NO CHANGE B. hometown: Plains. C. hometown, of Plains. D. hometown of plains. 4. F. NO CHANGE G. late fathers’ family farm H. late father’s family farm J. late fathers’s family farm 5. A. NO CHANGE B. Plains, he C. Plains; he D. Plains: He

6. F. NO CHANGE G. While in Plains, Jimmy

opposed the law H. While Jimmy approved

the law J. While Jimmy opposed

the law






DIRECTIONS: The excerpt in this section is followed by several questions. Read the excerpt and then choose the best answer to each question. Fill in the corresponding circle on your answer sheet. Refer to the excerpt as much as needed while answering the questions.

PROSE FICTION: This passage is an excerpt from Katherine Anne Porter’s “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall.”

She flicked her wrist neatly out of Doctor Harry’s pudgy careful fingers and pulled the sheet up to her chin. The brat ought to be in knee breeches. Doctoring around the country with spectacles on his nose! “Get along now, take your schoolbooks and go. There’s nothing wrong with me.” Doctor Harry spread a warm paw like a cushion on her forehead where the forked green vein danced and made her eyelids twitch. “Now, now, be a good girl, and we’ll have you up in no time.” “That’s no way to speak to a woman nearly eighty years old just because she’s down. I’d have you respect your elders, young man.” “Well, Missy, excuse me,” Doctor Harry patted her cheek. “But I’ve got to warn you, haven’t I? You’re a marvel, but you must be careful or you’re going to be good and sorry.” “Don’t tell me what I’m going to be. I’m on my feet now,

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LEVEL V, UNIT 172 © EMC Publishing, LLCExceeding the Standards: Test Practice — SAMPLE

1. Which of the following best describes the character referred to as “she” in the excerpt? A. an old person lying in bed and

protesting a doctor’s care B. a young person attempting to help

their ill grandmother C. a young doctor, uninterested in an old

woman’s complaints D. a ghost, trying to communicate with

the living

2. Which of the following best describes the mood, or atmosphere, of the excerpt? F. gloomy G. apprehensive H. energetic J. magical

3. What is meant by the phrase “doctor your sick” in the statement, “Get along and doctor your sick”? A. Alter your patients. B. Control the masses. C. Cheat on a test. D. Heal the sick.

4. Granny Weatherall’s reaction tothe doctor indicates that F. she respects authority. G. she is afraid of doctors. H. she is independent. J. she is in pain.

5. Granny Weatherall views the doctor as a A. peer. B. child. C. creep. D. mess.

6. Granny Weatherall’s attitude could best be described as F. irritated. G. crass. H. welcoming. J. vengeful.

WritingDIRECTIONS: Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below. You have 20 minutes to write your response to the prompt. A common proverb states, “Too many cooks spoil the broth.” This means that a project is set back rather than helped by too many organizers. Some people agree with this belief, believing that the more people that work on one project the worse the project will turn out. Others could argue that having a variety of people work on one project will be beneficial. In general, what do you believe is the best way to approach a new project: by utilizing a variety of ideas and perspectives or finding one approach and sticking to it? In your essay, take a position on this question. You may write about either of the two viewpoints given, or you may provide a different viewpoint on this question. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

morally speaking. It’s Cornelia. I had to go to bed to get rid of her.’’ Her bones felt loose, and floated around in her skin, and Doctor Harry floated like a balloon around the foot of the bed. He floated and pulled down his waistcoat and swung his glasses on a cord. “Well, stay where you are, it certainly can’t hurt you.” “Get along and doctor your sick,” said Granny Weatherall. “Leave a well woman alone. I’ll call for you when I want you. . . . Where were you forty years ago when I pulled through milk leg and double pneumonia? You weren’t even born. Don’t let Cornelia lead you on,’’ she shouted, because Doctor Harry appeared to float up to the ceiling and out. “I pay my own bills, and I don’t throw my money away on non-sense!”



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73© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 1Exceeding the Standards: Literature & Reading — SAMPLE

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Dateteeeeeeee: ______________________________________________________________

Studying Famous Characters from Literature

Build Background

From the moment they were born of the writer’s imagination, many fictional characters reflect history and society as clearly as do real-life citizens, politicians, and soldiers. In Unit 1, you meet a variety of characters that hold a mirror up to social, cultural, and political events in which their stories are set. For example:• In “Lather and Nothing Else,” a barber resists killing an enemy army captain who

has come to him for a shave.• “The Moment Before the Gun Went Off” is set in a racially divided South

Africa. It tells the story of a prominent leader of the white party in power, who accidentally shoots a black farm worker.

• In “The Masque of the Red Death,” the Medieval European Prince Prospero seals himself and his friends in an abbey to avoid the plague of the Red Death.

• “Cranes,” which is set in Korea during the Korean War, is the story of two boyhood friends, who after a long separation are reunited as soldiers on opposite sides of the war.

These and many other fictional characters are dynamic individuals with characteristics and conflicts to which generations of readers can relate. Readers tend to remember these characters, talk about them, and compare them with other characters. Think about fictional characters you have met in your own reading. Which ones come to your mind first? What makes these characters memorable?

Get Started

In this assignment, you will select a famous literary character and compare that individual with a modern fictional character or real person that has similar characteristics or that has experienced similar events. Begin by looking over this list of fictional characters that have stood the test of time:• Odysseus, in The Odyssey, by Homer (1200 bce)• Hamlet, in Hamlet, by William Shakespeare (1601) • Oliver Twist, in Oliver Twist, by Charles Dickens (1838) • Uncle Tom, in Uncle Tom’s Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe (1852)• Huck Finn, in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain (1884)• Alice, in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll (1865)• Robin Hood, in The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, by Howard Pyle (1883) • Count Dracula, in Dracula, by Bram Stoker (1887) • Anne Shirley, in Anne of Green Gables, by Lucy Maud Montgomery (1908)• Tarzan, in Tarzan of the Apes, by Edgar Rice Burroughs (1914)

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LEVEL V, UNIT 174 © EMC Publishing, LLCExceeding the Standards: Literature & Reading — SAMPLE

Circle the stories that you have read. What traits do the characters in those stories have in common? If you are not familiar with any of the characters and stories listed above, make a list of other famous stories and characters that you do know about, and describe the traits those characters have in common.

Choose a famous fictional character from the list or from your own reading. Record that character’s name below

Chosen fictional character:

What makes this famous fictional character memorable or unique?

What is this famous fictional character’s role in society?

In what time and place does this famous fictional character exist?

Can you think of characters in modern stories, novels, TV shows, or films that may have been modeled after this character? Does this character remind you of a modern literary character or real-life person? Do you know of a contemporary character or person who has had similar experiences? List as many as possible.

Review the list of similar modern characters and people you just created, and choose one to compare with your chosen fictional character. Record this modern individual’s name below.

Chosen modern character or person:

What makes this modern character or person memorable or unique?

What is this modern character’s or person’s role in society?

In what place does this modern character or person exist?

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75© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 1Exceeding the Standards: Literature & Reading — SAMPLE

Organize Your Information

After you have chosen the two characters to compare, draw a Venn Diagram like the one below, and in that diagram list the similarities and differences between the two characters. Write their similarities in the middle, combined part of the circles; write their differences in the outer circles.

Write an Essay

Write an essay comparing and contrasting your chosen famous fictional character with the characteristics of your chosen modern character or person. For example, you might compare Odysseus with a soldier returning from the Iraq War. Discuss character traits the two share that make them memorable characters. What aspects of their characters or situations make them timeless? How do their differences make them unique? How does each character represent the society in which his or her story (real or imagined) takes place? Finally, what lessons can we learn from each character?

Both Characters:

Famous Fictional Character:

Modern Character or Person:

her circles

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LEVEL V, UNIT 176 © EMC Publishing, LLCExceeding the Standards: Extension Activities — SAMPLE

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: _______________ ______________________________________ ___________

The Open Window, page 5

Collaborative Learning Activity: Perform a Skit

This lesson provides support for the following assignment from page 11 of your textbook.

Work with a partner to write a skit, or short play, about two characters in a conventional social situation who find things are not turning out as expected. Examples of conventional social situations include attending a party, having dinner at a restaurant, going on a date, or hanging out at a local club or mall. Once you have written and rehearsed your skit, act it out for your class.

Build Background

A skit is a brief, informal play that is often humorous. It is much easier to perform than a play, which is written to be acted on a stage as a full production with costumes, props, and special effects. Instead of being acted out on stage, a skit can be performed in your classroom. Like a play, a skit requires characters and dialogue (conversation between the characters). In both plays and skits, the dialogue is written in a script. Compared with a play, a skit usually has minimal stage directions. In a play, stage directions can include descriptions of setting, lighting, music, sound effects, entrances and exits, properties, and characters’ movements.

Get Started

For this assignment, you will work with a partner to write a skit for two characters in a conventional social situation that does not go as they expect. You will brainstorm an idea and write a brief synopsis, sketch the events of your skit using a Sequence Map, write a script that uses dialogue and brief stage directions, and perform the skit for the class.

Brainstorm an Idea for Your Skit

With your partner, take ten minutes to brainstorm an idea for your skit. When you brainstorm, you think of as many ideas as you can, as quickly as you can, without stopping to evaluate or criticize the ideas. Write down every idea—in brainstorming, anything goes. Sometimes even ridiculous-seeming ideas can lead to productive ones. There is also power in numbers. Often two people can build on each other’s ideas and come up with something better than one person can alone.

Conventional behavior means following accepted customs or proprieties, or conforming to accepted standards. In Saki’s short story “The Open Window,” the social conventions include a formal visit, a letter of introduction, and polite behavior.

As you brainstorm, you may want to start with the ideas listed here and use them to launch your own ideas.

• attending a party• having dinner at a

restaurant• going on a date• hanging out at a local

club or mall

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77© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 1Exceeding the Standards: Extension Activities — SAMPLE

A synopsis (s@ >n5p s@s) is a statement written in the present tense giving a brief, general summary of what a literary work is about. Example for “The Still Alarm,” by George S. KaufmanMeeting in a hotel room, two friends named Bob and Ed are courteously informed by a bellboy that the hotel is on fire and likely to burn down.

Write a Brief Synopsis

Once you have several ideas, review each possibility with your partner and decide which one interests you most. Choose an idea that will lead to an interesting situation that your characters can respond to in a memorable way. Once you have your basic idea, decide who your characters will be and what personality traits they might have. You may want to give them quirky names or habits like Framton Nuttel had. Brainstorm again to get insights into your characters. Then complete the Skit Synopsis below.

Skit Synopsis

Working Title for Skit:

Character 1—name, brief description

Character 2—name, brief description

Featured conventional social situation:

What unexpected thing happens in this skit?

How do the characters respond?

Create a Sequence Map

Next, complete a Sequence Map to identify the order of events in your skit. Feel free to move events around, add more squares, and revise as you go. The more you plan your skit using a Sequence Map, the easier it will be to write the script. You don’t have to be an artist to use pictures in your sequence map. Steven Spielberg maps out his storyboards with stick figures.

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Write the Script

Dialogue, the conversation your two characters will have with each other, will make up most of your skit. You may also find that you need stage directions—information set in brackets that tells about the setting, movement or action of the characters, and any props or costumes needed to make the action of the skit clear to your audience. If you are unfamiliar with how to format dialogue or stage directions for your skit, use the one-act play “The Still Alarm,” by George S. Kaufman, on page 700 of your textbook, as a model.

Perform the Skit

Rehearse your script several times with your partner until you feel that you are ready to perform the skit for your class. Memorize your skit, or at least know your lines well enough that you can say them naturally, even if you need to refer to the script on occasion. Arrange your classroom or performance space with chairs, desks, props, or anything else you need. Here are some things to keep in mind for the performance:

Performance Elements

• Volume—how loud and soft to make your voice

• Pace—the speed at which you deliver your dialogue. A fast pace builds excitement; a slow pace creates suspense or helps your audience listen more carefully

• Pronunciation—the correct way to say a word. Practice words that give you trouble.

• Enunciation—clearly delivered, easy-to-understand speech. Practice words that you find difficult.

• Tone—emotional attitude you want to convey

• Eye contact—looking directly at your audience or fellow actor onstage

• Facial expression—using your face to show your emotions

• Posture and proximity—standing up straight and projecting confidence, with the right amount of space between yourself and audience.

EVALUATE YOUR WORK Perform a SkitEvaluate your skit performance based on these elements:

Partners worked well to complete all steps of assignment Conventional social situation was dramatized to include

unexpected event Brainstorming led to brief synopsis Sequence map and script were completed Script includes interesting dialogue and effective stage directions Partners performed skit showed strong performance elements

LEVEL V, UNIT 178 © EMC Publishing, LLCExceeding the Standards: Extension Activities — SAMPLE

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79© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 1Exceeding the Standards: Special Topics — SAMPLE

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Datete: _______________________________________________________________________

Case Study: Character

In Unit 1 of your textbook, you meet a variety of characters, including these:• South-African party leader Marais Van der Vyver, who accidentally shoots his

own son• the grieving juvenile delinquent Luis, who reaches a turning point when he finds

a VW hubcap for the funeral director’s daughter, Naomi• the scarred and shy country girl, Maggie, who fully understands and values the

heritage represented in a quilt made by her grandmother You also studied how and why authors develop their characters. In this context, character means “individual that takes part in the action of a literary work.”

The word character has another meaning. We often speak of someone as a person of character. This is a person who leads his or her life in an admirable way. It is someone who is ethical and moral and has traits that most people agree are good and noble. Many of the characters in Unit 1 exhibit these qualities—such as bravery, fairness, perseverance, and honesty. A case study is an in-depth study of one person. In a case study, nearly every part of the subject’s life and history is analyzed to look for patterns and causes or motivations for behavior. The goal is that the information gained from studying one case can then be generalized and applied to many others. For this assignment, do a case study on one character from any story in Unit 1. Start by choosing a character and recording his or her name below. Choose a character that you think has a number of strong traits.

Name of character:

Then use the following graphic organizer to record the character’s admirable personality traits.








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LEVEL V, UNIT 180 © EMC Publishing, LLCExceeding the Standards: Special Topics — SAMPLE

Explain why you think this character could be a role model for someone trying to become a person of high character.

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LEVEL V, UNIT 12 © EMC Publishing, LLCAssessment Guide — SAMPLE

_____ 5. Which of the following methods of characterization is used by Saki to develop the characters in this story?

A. showing what the characters say B. showing what the characters think C. direct comments by other characters D. describing the characters’ personalities E. All of the above

_____ 6. Why is Framton uncomfortable visiting the Sappletons? A. He is embarrassed because their niece knows about his fear of dogs. B. He knows that his sister’s letter of introduction will not be well

received. C. He is a shy, nervous person who generally prefers to keep to

himself. D. He has heard that their niece is neither polite nor honest towards

visitors. E. His sister has warned him that Mrs. Sappleton’s niece is a bit


_____ 7. Irony of situation is when an event occurs that violates the expectations of the characters, the reader, or the audience. Which of the following events from the story provides the best example of this?

A. Vera becomes emotional as she tells Framton about the death of her aunt’s husband and brothers.

B. Framton gives Mrs. Sappleton his letter of introduction even though she already knows his sister.

C. Framton enjoys talking about his ailments even though Mrs. Sappleton pays him very little attention.

D. Mrs. Sappleton’s husband and brothers come walking across the lawn towards the window.

E. Vera tells her aunt and uncle that Framton is afraid of dogs because he once had a bad experience with them in India.

_____ 8. Which of the following best describes both Mrs. Sappleton’s and Framton’s feelings at the moment the men return to the house?

A. Mrs. Sappleton is dismayed; Framton is excited. B. Mrs. Sappleton is indifferent; Framton is cautious. C. Mrs. Sappleton is happy; Framton is terrified. D. Mrs. Sappleton is overjoyed; Framton is surprised. E. Mrs. Sappleton is annoyed; Framton is scared.

_____ 9. When she tells her aunt and uncle about Framton’s fear of dogs, it becomes clear that Vera

A. is not very good at keeping the secrets of others. B. will continue to tell made-up stories to amuse herself. C. strongly dislikes Framton and never wants to see him again. D. only enjoys lying to strangers and is always honest with her family. E. feels bad about deceiving Framton and wants to make it up to him.

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3© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 1Assessment Guide — SAMPLE

_____ 10. What might be the cause of Vera’s rebellious behavior? A. the strict social conventions of the time period B. being told to entertain a nervous and boring guest C. the desire to stir things up a bit on a boring day D. the lack of an outlet to express her creativity E. All of the above


Choose the best description for each of the following characters.

A. Mrs. Sappleton D. Mr. Sappleton B. Framton Nuttel E. Framton Nuttel’s sister C. Vera

for The Open Window

_____ 11. living in the country in order to cure nerves

_____ 12. talks cheerfully about bird hunting

_____ 13. stayed at the rectory four years ago

_____ 14. hunts birds with a brown spaniel

_____ 15. tells a story about a great tragedy


for The Open Window

16. The setting of a literary work is the time and place in which it occurs, together with all the details used to create a sense of a particular time and place. What is the setting of this story? Based on the events that take place in this story, what commentary does the author seem to be making about this particular setting? Support your responses using details from the selection.

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LEVEL V, UNIT 14 © EMC Publishing, LLCAssessment Guide — SAMPLE

Unit 1: Fiction

Unit 1 Exam


Match each of the following literary terms with the correct definition below.

A. antagonist H. point of view B. climax I. prose C. exposition J. protagonist D. irony K. resolution E. mood L. setting F. narrator M. style G. plot N. theme

_____ 1. the emotion created in a reader by part or all of a story

_____ 2. the main character in a literary work

_____ 3. the one who tells a story

_____ 4. the difference between appearance and reality

_____ 5. the central idea or perception about life that is revealed through a literary work

_____ 6. the vantage point from which a story is told

_____ 7. the character or force in conflict with the main character

_____ 8. describes all writing that is not poetry or drama

_____ 9. the manner in which something is said or written

_____ 10. the high point of interest or suspense in a story

_____ 11. the series of events related to a central conflict, or struggle

_____ 12. the point at which the central conflict is ended

_____ 13. the time and place in which a literary work occurs, together with all the details used to create a sense of a particular time and place

_____ 14. sets the tone or mood, introduces the characters and setting, and provides necessary background information

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5© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 1Assessment Guide — SAMPLE

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

for The Open Window

_____ 15. Vera tells Framton the window is open because A. her aunt is waiting for her dead husband and brothers to return

from hunting. B. her aunt likes to hear the sound of her husband and brothers

hunting. C. her aunt’s husband died when he fell through the window three

years ago. D. her aunt’s little brown spaniel is lost and needs a way back into the

house. E. her aunt is waiting for her dead husband and brothers to come back

from war.

_____ 16. Irony of situation is when an event occurs that violates the expectations of the characters, the reader, or the audience. Which of the following events from the story provides the best example of this?

A. Vera becomes emotional as she tells Framton about the death of her aunt’s husband and brothers.

B. Framton gives Mrs. Sappleton his letter of introduction even though she already knows his sister.

C. Framton enjoys talking about his ailments even though Mrs. Sappleton pays him very little attention.

D. Mrs. Sappleton’s husband and brothers come walking across the lawn towards the window.

E. Vera tells her aunt and uncle that Framton is afraid of dogs because he once had a bad experience with them in India.

_____ 17. What might be the cause of Vera’s rebellious behavior? A. the strict social conventions of the time period B. being told to entertain a nervous and boring guest C. the desire to stir things up a bit on a boring day D. the lack of an outlet to express her creativity E. All of the above

for The Monkey’s Paw

_____ 18. At the beginning of the story, what game are the father and son playing?

A. checkers B. dominoes C. chess D. charades E. darts

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LEVEL V, UNIT 16 © EMC Publishing, LLCAssessment Guide — SAMPLE

_____ 19. Which of the following lines is an example of the author’s use of foreshadowing in this story?

A. “‘...it’s just a bit of what you might call magic, perhaps,’...” B. “The old man rose with hospitable haste...” C. “...a tall, burly man, beady of eye and rubicund of visage.” D. “At the third glass, his eyes got brighter, and he began to talk;...” E. “‘It has caused enough mischief already.’”

_____ 20. What is the most important lesson the couple learns in this story? A. Even distinguished guests cannot always be trusted. B. Guests should be shown respect and courtesy no matter what. C. We should always listen carefully to the warnings of others. D. Do not try to change fate, the consequences can be disastrous. E. There is a difference between getting what we need and getting

what we want.

for Catch the Moon / Two Kinds

_____ 21. At the beginning of the story, Luis’s father asks him to A. organize the tires. B. repair the old lady’s window. C. help the girl find a matching hubcap. D. repair the girl’s flat tire on her VW. E. locate a hard-to-find car part.

_____ 22. In an attempt to make her daughter famous, Jing-mei’s mother first A. gets her daughter a haircut. B. arranges for piano lessons. C. enters her daughter in a talent show. D. gives her daughter tests out of magazines. E. buys her some fancy silk Chinese dresses.

_____ 23. The author, Judith Ortiz Cofer, makes clear that Luis is a dynamic character at which point in the plot?

A. when his father agrees to hand over the keys to the car B. when Luis sees Naomi drive up in her white Volkswagen C. when the judge orders Luis to do six months of free work D. when Luis and his father sit at the table to eat dinner together E. when Luis willingly sorts hubcaps for hours until it is nearly


_____ 24. What detail indicates that Jing-mei’s mother has forgiven her for the “magic words” she said during their fight?

A. Her mother closes up the piano and says Jing-mei no longer has to play.

B. Her mother says that Jing-mei could have been a genius if she had tried.

C. Her mother backs out of room and never mentions the piano again. D. Her mother offers to give Jing-mei the piano as a birthday gift. E. Her mother says she still believes that Jing-mei can become a


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7© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 1Assessment Guide — SAMPLE

for Everyday Use

_____ 25. The narrator’s education ended after A. high school. B. second grade. C. junior high school. D. sixth grade. E. one year of trade school.

_____ 26. The climax of the story occurs when A. Dee and Hakim-a-barber drive away. B. Dee drops something in the kitchen. C. Maggie goes outside to get a dip of snuff. D. the mother drops the quilts into Maggie’s lap. E. Dee grabs two quilts from the mother’s trunk.

_____ 27. Irony is the difference between appearance and reality—in other words, what seems to be and what really is. What is ironic about Dee (Wangero) telling her mother and Maggie that they “don’t understand” their heritage?

A. Maggie and her mother actually do understand their heritage, they just express it in a different way than Dee (Wangero) does.

B. Dee (Wangero) wants to take the quilts because she doesn’t understand that they are really meant for Maggie.

C. Dee (Wangero) seems to understand most things better than her mother and Maggie, who are not as educated.

D. Maggie has always felt she doesn’t understand her heritage, and that is why she doesn’t want to take the quilts from her mother.

E. Maggie and her mother don’t understand why Dee (Wangero) would want to take the quilts from them.

_____ 28. The conflict in the story is resolved when A. Hakim-a-barber says that he does not eat pork. B. Maggie and her mother quietly sit on the porch. C. Dee (Wangero) puts on her sunglasses and leaves. D. Dee (Wangero) collects to quilts from the mother’s trunk. E. the mother announces that Maggie will marry John Thomas.


Answer one of the following questions.

29. In a short essay, explain the differences between first-person point of view and third-person point of view. Note the advantages and disadvantages of each and why an author might choose to use one over the other.

30. The act of creating or describing a character is called characterization. In an essay, explain the three main techniques of characterization and provide examples of each technique from selections you have read for class.

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LEVEL V, UNIT 18 © EMC Publishing, LLCAssessment Guide — SAMPLE

from The Leap, page 118

Fluency Assessment Passage 1

WordsRead Miscues

I was seven the year the house caught fire, probably from standing

ash. It can rekindle, and my father, forgetful around the house and

perpetually exhausted from night hours on call, often emptied what

he thought were ashes from cold stoves into wooden or cardboard

containers. The fire could have started from a flaming box, or

per haps a buildup of creosote inside the chimney was the culprit. It

started right around the stove, and the heart of the house was gutted.

The babysitter, fallen asleep in my father’s den on the first floor,

woke to find the stairway to my upstairs room cut off by flames. She

used the phone, then ran outside to stand beneath my window. . . .

As soon as I awakened, in the small room that I now use for sewing, I

smelled the smoke. I followed things by the letter then, was good at

memorizing instructions, and so I did exactly what was taught in the

second-grade home fire drill. I got up, I touched the back of my door

before opening it. Finding it hot, I left it closed and stuffed my

rolled-up rug beneath the crack. I did not hide under my bed or crawl

into my closet. I put on my flannel robe, and then I sat down to wait.



































Fluency Level 4 (97%–100%) (circle one)

3 (95%–96%)

2 (90%–94%)

1 (< 90%)

Total Words Read

Total Errors

Correct Words per Minute

Percentage Correct





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9© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 1Program Planning Guide — SAMPLE

Name: ____________________________________________________

Date: __________________________


The Open Window, pages 5–11

M T W Th F

At a GlanceReading Model Pacing• Reading Level: Moderate • Regular Schedule: 2 days• Difficulty Consideration: Satiric elements, style • Block Schedule: 1 day• Ease Factors: Dialogue

ObjectivesStudying this lesson will enable students to• recognize how social conventions of Victorian England dictated the behavior of people living in

that time period• read, interpret, analyze, and evaluate a humorous short story about an eccentric group of

characters• apply reading strategies and skills before, during, and after reading a literature selection• define character and characterization and recognize these literary elements in the selection

Before ReadingFocus and MotivateChoose from the following activities to introduce the lesson:____ Launch the Lesson, ATE page 5____ Build Background: Neurasthenia, Meeting the Standards ____ Build Background Reader’s Context question, SE page 5____ Introduce Mirrors & Windows question, ATE page 6

Preview the ModelWalk-through the Before Reading section of the Fiction Reading Model on page 4. Introduce the key concepts by previewing the material on the Before Reading page. Choose from the following activities to apply these skills:____ Set Purpose, SE page 5____ Use Reading Skills: Draw Conclusions, Conclusions Chart, SE page 5____ Preview Vocabulary, SE page 5; Vocabulary, Meeting the Standards

During ReadingTeach the ModelReview the During Reading section of the Fiction Reading Model on page 4. Assign students to read the selection on pages 6–10. Model the following reading strategies and literary analysis during reading:____ Use Reading Strategies: Make Inferences, SE page 6____ Use Reading Strategies: Ask Questions, SE page 8____ Use Reading Strategies: Make Predictions, SE page 8____ Analyze Literature: Characterization, SE pages 9, 10; Meeting the Standards____ Teaching Note: What’s in a Name?, ATE page 9____ Use Reading Strategies: Visualize, SE page 10____ Analyze Literature: Characterization, ATE page 10

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LEVEL V, UNIT 110 © EMC Publishing, LLCProgram Planning Guide — SAMPLE

Make ConnectionsChoose from the following activities or background information to make connections during reading:____ Art Connection: Art Activity, ATE page 7____ More About the Context, ATE page 7____ Connecting with Literature: Geography, ATE page 9____ Mirrors & Windows question, SE page 10

Differentiate InstructionConsider the following alternative teaching options to differentiate instruction:____ English Language Learning, ATE page 7____ Reading Proficiency, ATE page 7____ Learning Styles: Auditory, Visual, and Kinesthetic, ATE page 8____ Use Reading Strategies: Make Predictions, Differentiated Instruction for

Developing Readers____ Text Organization, Differentiated Instruction for English Language Learners____ Audio Recording, EMC Audio Library

After ReadingReview the ModelReview the After Reading section of the Fiction Reading Model on page 11. Use the following activities to review the lesson:____ Teaching Note: The Writing Is on the Wall, ATE page 10____ Refer to Text / Reason with Text Critical Thinking Questions, SE page 11 ____ Analyze Literature: Character and Characterization, SE page 11

Extend the Text Consider assigning one or more of the following writing assignments and extension activities:____ Creative Writing: Letter of Introduction, SE page 11____ Narrative Writing: Personal Essay, SE page 11____ Collaborative Learning: Perform a Skit, SE page 11____ Critical Literacy: Research and Compare Social Conventions, SE page 11

AssessAdminister one or both of the following assessment tools: ____ Selection Quiz, Meeting the Standards, ExamView® Assessment Suite ____ Lesson Test, Assessment Guide, ExamView® Assessment Suite

Technology ToolsEnhance the lesson with one or more interactive activities offered in the following technology supplements:

EMC Launchpad

Interactive Annotated Teacher’s Edition on CD

Interactive Student Text on CD

Interactive Student Text Online

ExamView® Assessment Suite on CD

ETS Online Criterion-Based EssayGrader


Windows Visual Teaching Package

EMC Audio Library

EMC E-Library


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11© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 1Meeting the Standards — SAMPLE

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Datete: ____________________________________________________________________________________ _____

Fiction Study GuideCompleting this study guide will help you understand and remember the literary elements presented in Unit 1—plot, point of view, character, setting, and theme—and recognize how these elements function in the stories in the unit. After you read each Understanding feature in Unit 1 in your text, complete the corresponding Understanding section in the study guide. Try to answer the questions without referring to the text. The completed section provides an outline of important information that you can use later for review. After you read all the short stories in Unit 1, complete the five Applying sections in the study guide. Refer to the stories as you answer the questions. After you complete these sections, take the Practice Test. This test is similar to the state assessment reading test you will take this year. In both tests, you will read passages and answer multiple-choice questions about the passages.


Use this checklist to help you track your progress through Unit 1.


Literary ComprehensionYou should understand and apply the following literary elements:❏ Plot❏ Point of View❏ Character❏ Setting❏ ThemeReadingYou should know the following three parts of the Fiction Reading Model:❏ Before Reading❏ During Reading❏ After ReadingLiterary AppreciationYou should understand how to relate the selections to❏ Other texts you’ve read ❏ Your own experiences ❏ The world today

Writing❏ You should be able to write a plot analysis.

The analysis should be clearly organized and state a clear thesis that is supported by evidence.

Speaking and Listening❏ You should be able to deliver or listen to a

horror story.Test Practice❏ You should be able to answer questions

that test your writing, revising and editing, and reading skills.

Additional Reading❏ You should choose a fictional work to read

on your own. See For Your Reading List on page 204 of your textook.

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LEVEL V, UNIT 112 © EMC Publishing, LLCMeeting the Standards — SAMPLE

Understanding PlotComplete these pages after you read about plot on pages 12–13. Try to answerthe questions without looking at your book.

What is plot?

Five Elements in a Typical Plot

climax exposition falling action resolution rising action

Write the elements of a typical plot into the plot diagram in the proper location. Then write a short description of each element.

______________ :




______________ :




______________ :




______________ :




______________ :




What is conflict in a plot? ___________________________________________________________

What is the difference between an internal conflict and an external conflict?

Identify how most stories are organized. Describe how plot unfolds in this organization.


Name a device used to interrupt this organization. Tell how the device affects the organization.


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13© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 1Meeting the Standards — SAMPLE

Applying Plot to the Selections

Think about what you have learned about plot. Then answer the following questions after you have read the selections in Unit 1.

Briefly summarize the plot of “The Monkey’s Paw.”

What is the climax of the plot of “Two Friends”?

Briefly describe one conflict from each story listed. Then define the example as an internal conflict or an external conflict.

Story Conflict Internal or External?

“Through the Tunnel”

“Lather and Nothing Else”

“Catch the Moon”

Write the elements of a typical plot in the plot diagram below. Then describe how each element is used in “The Masque of the Red Death.”

______________ :




______________ :




______________ :




______________ :




______________ :




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LEVEL V, UNIT 114 © EMC Publishing, LLCMeeting the Standards — SAMPLE

Understanding Point of View

Complete these pages after you read about point of view on pages 42–43. Try to answer the questions without looking at your book.

What is point of view? How does it affect the reader?

Fill out the chart with three different types of narration, their strengths as a particular point of view, and pronouns associated with each type.

Type of Narration Strengths of This Point of View Pronouns

What is a narrator?

Write three questions that will help you determine the point of view of a story.




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Applying Point of View to the Selections

Think about what you have learned about point of view. Then answer the following questions after you have read the selections in Unit 1. Identify the narrator in each story listed. Then, indicate the type of narration the author used.

Story Narrator Type of Narration

“The Leap”

“Two Kinds”

“Two Friends”

“Everyday Use”

“Through the Tunnel”

What bias do you recognize from the narrator in “The Moment Before the Gun Went Off”?

How does the point of view in “Lather and Nothing Else” impact the story? How might the story be different if it were told in third-person?

How might the story “Catch the Moon” be different if the story were told from the father’s point of view? What different opinions or emotions might be expressed?

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LEVEL V, UNIT 116 © EMC Publishing, LLCMeeting the Standards — SAMPLE

Understanding Characters

Complete these pages after you read about character on pages 60–61. Try to answer the questions without looking at your book.

What is a character?

Write definitions of the terms in the boxes. Focus on the similarities and differences between the terms in each pair.

Types of Characters

Protagonist Antagonist

Major Character Minor Character

Round Character Flat Character

Dynamic Character Static Character

Describe characterization and explain the three most common techniques used to develop it.




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Applying Characters to the Selections

Think about what you have learned about characters. Then complete this page after you have read the selections in Unit 1. The first column tells you what type of character to look for in which story. In the second column, write the name or a description of the character you choose. Explain your choice in the third column.

Type of Character/Story Who? How Do You Know?

The protagonist in “The Masque of the Red Death”

An antagonist in “Two Kinds”

A major character in “The Leap”

A minor character in “The Monkey’s Paw”

A round character in “Through the Tunnel”

A flat character in “Two Friends”

A dynamic character in “Catch the Moon”

A static character in “Lather and Nothing Else”

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LEVEL V, UNIT 118 © EMC Publishing, LLCMeeting the Standards — SAMPLE

Understanding Setting

Complete this page after you read about setting on pages 80–81. Try to answer the questions without looking at your book.

What is setting?

What is mood?

What are examples of different types of moods that are common in literature?

What are sensory details?

Think of a place you have visited and the sensory details you experienced there. Fill out the Sensory Details Chart with your recollections of that place or event.

Place or Event

Taste Sound Touch Sight Smell

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Applying Setting to the Selections

Think about what you have learned about setting. Then answer the following questions after you have read the selections in Unit 1.

How are the settings of “Two Friends” and “Lather and Nothing Else”

alike? How are the settings different?

What are some of the sensory details that the author uses in depict the tragic scene of the acrobats in

“The Leap”?

What words or descriptions at the opening of the “The Masque of the Red Death” help to create the


Fill out the Sensory Details Chart with elements from the story “Through the Tunnel.”

Through the Tunnel

Taste Sound Touch Sight Smell

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LEVEL V, UNIT 120 © EMC Publishing, LLCMeeting the Standards — SAMPLE

Understanding Theme

Complete this page after you read about theme on pages 106–107. Try to answer the questions without looking at your book.

What is theme?

List three elements of theme. Describe how each can show the theme of the story.

1. :

2. :

3. :

The theme of a work can either be stated or implied. Define each term in the chart below. Then, think of two questions that can help you discover and refine each type of theme.

Theme Definition Questions to Find and Refine the Theme

Stated Theme 1.


Implied Theme 1.


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Applying Theme to the Selections

Think about what you have learned about theme. Then answer the following questions after you have read the selections in Unit 1.

What is the theme of “The Masque of the Red Death”?

What does the old quilt symbolize in “Everyday Use”?

What message is the author trying to convey in “The Monkey’s Paw”? Is the theme stated or implied?

How do you know?

Explain how the author of “The Leap” reveals the theme of the story.

What is the theme of “Two Friends”? Is the theme stated or implied? How do you know?

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LEVEL V, UNIT 122 © EMC Publishing, LLCMeeting the Standards — SAMPLE

Practice Test

Throughout the school years, students take tests to measure how well they meet standards in reading, English/language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Students may also take national assessment tests such as NAEP. The national tests include reading tests in which students are asked to read a passage and answer questions to test their understanding of the passage. Some passages on the reading test may be fiction, like the stories you read in Unit 1. The practice test on the following pages contains several passages, each followed by two or more multiple-choice questions. Your answer sheet for this practice test is below on this page. While the national reading test will have questions assessing many different comprehension skills, the questions on this practice test focus on the literary elements you studied in this unit. The questions also address these literature standards:

• Students identify and analyze elements of plot, including conflict and resolution and exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution, in a variety of fiction.

• Students identify and analyze characters and setting.• Students recognize and explain themes and symbols.• Students identify the theme of a selection, providing textual evidence for the

identified theme.• Students describe and analyze literary elements, figurative language, and

chronology.• Students identify and analyze literary elements such as theme, characterization,

setting, plot, and point of view, and elements of figurative language such as simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, imagery, symbolism, and allusion.

Practice Test Answer Sheet

Name: ____________________________________ Date: ____________________________________

Fill in the circle completely for the answer choice you think is best.

1. 7. 13. 2. 8. 14. 3. 9. 15. 4. 10. 16. 5. 11. 17. 6. 12.







o read

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This test has 17 questions. Read each passage/story and choose the best answer for each question. Fill in the circle in the spaces provided for questions 1 through 17 on your answer sheet.

Read the passage below, and answer the questions about what you have read. Mark your answers on your answer sheet.

Waiting for RescuersDavid Heinz

John collapsed onto a shaded, mossy log and let out an exaggerated sigh. “They’re going to come for me,” he whispered. “They have to.” He tapped on his hollow stomach. The hunger pangs had been assuaged by time. Now there was only a feeling of nausea and a slight case of lightheadedness to remind him he hadn’t eaten anything normal for as long as he could remember. He began to repeat the same schedule he had formulated for his rescuers since getting lost from the trail. “One day for them to realize I’m gone. One day for them to organize a search party. Five days of searching before they give up.” Being an avid hiker, John knew the protocol used by the Alaskan Park Rangers in this particular area. After seven days the outlook changed; optimism and haste gave way to reality. A search and rescue operation became a recovery mission. John limped over and threw more sticks on his signal fire. He was down to eight matches. He had eaten his last protein bar two days ago. He had used his last water purification tablets just this morning. His body had begun to succumb to the lack of nourishment. He could feel his mind working less quickly as well. He was running out of everything—including time. John stared blankly at the fire, for how long he could not tell. Over time, he began to notice the shadows lengthening, the temperature dropping. Then he clutched his head in his hands. “You’re so stupid,” he murmured. “It was a trail. All you had to do was follow it. How could you get this lost?” As the sun began to set behind the forest of evergreens, John reached into his pocket and pulled out a small stick he had whittled and notched to keep track of time. He rubbed his finger back and forth over the smooth wood between the notches. Then he pulled a pocketknife from his backpack and whittled a groove into the wood as the sky drew dark. John ran his fingers over the notches in the wood. “One, two three, four, five, six…” John laid his head down on his backpack. At that moment, he heard a whirring noise in the distance. Chop, chop, chop…

1. What is the implication in the statement, “A search and rescue mission became a recovery mission?”

(A) The search party would stop looking. (B) The search effort would be joined by more rescuers. (C) The search party would no longer expect to find anyone alive. (D) The search party would utilize more resources in their effort.

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LEVEL V, UNIT 124 © EMC Publishing, LLCMeeting the Standards — SAMPLE

2. What is the most significant conflict in this story? (A) John against his bad judgment (B) John against time (C) John against the harsh elements (D) John against the rescuers

3. From what point of view is the story told? (A) first-person (B) second-person (C) third-person limited (D) third-person omniscient

4. John can best be described as (A) lazy and confused (B) sullen and concerned (C) spoiled and unfocused (D) resilient and optimistic

5. The statement, “Over time, he began to notice the shadows lengthening, the temperature dropping,” leads us to believe what is happening?

(A) A storm is on the way. (B) John is climbing to a higher altitude. (C) Sunrise is near. (D) The day is coming to an end.

6. What is the theme of this story? (A) If one is not careful, a simple activity can have perilous consequences. (B) Nature always defeats humans. (C) Rescuers always come. (D) Do not go hiking alone.

7. Which of the following would best describe John’s character? (A) static (B) flat (C) round (D) minor

8. What does the whittled piece of wood symbolize? (A) John getting lost (B) John’s window of opportunity for getting rescued (C) the cruelty of nature (D) John’s hope for survival

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25© EMC Publishing, LLC LEVEL V, UNIT 1Meeting the Standards — SAMPLE

Read the passage below, and answer the questions about what youhave read. Mark your answers on your answer sheet.

Breaking FlintNicholas Gregory

“You aren’t supposed to sneak up on the horse, boy,” Chet’s father declared. “Just be calm and make sure he sees you coming.” Chet’s father stood on one side of the paddock with an arm draped over the weathered wood fence. He had a subtle expression of amusement on his face. Chet felt no sense of that amusement. Carrying the halter and lead beside his leg, he crept toward Flint, a fire-breathing mustang colt. “Got to work on breaking Flint today,” Chet’s father had told him earlier that morning. “We can’t let him think he runs this place too much longer or risk that he won’t ever be anything but wild.” Chet had nearly leapt from the table. “Please, Pa, please let me do it.” Chet’s father seemed happy with his son’s reaction. He nodded slowly. “All right, but you have to agree to do everything I say. Gettin g in there with a horse like Flint isn’t a game.” “Yes, sir. But I’ll break that horse as sure as the day is long.” An angry exhaled grunt from the horse seemed to validate his father’s warning. Flint was looking at Chet; no, he was sizing him up. Just waiting until he was close enough to unleash a furious assault. “Talk to him, Son,” Chet’s father called out. “Low and slow.” Flint reared back and whinnied. “Don’t think he wants to listen, Pa.” But Chet inched closer and closer. “There, boy, I mean you no harm.” Chet reached out slowly toward the horse’s neck. The horse started just a bit as he touched him. Then Flint settled as Chet began rubbing him in short, soft strokes. “See. I told you I was all right. We understand each other. Don’t we, Flint?” Chet lifted up the lead and showed it to the horse. “Now, all I’m going to do is wrap this rope around your neck. That’s it.” Chet reached out with the lead. The horse protested, but only mildly, spitting out a blast of hot air that Chet felt against his hand. But the boy stayed steady. He gently reached the lead around the horse’s head, lowering it slowly, slowly, slowly… “Pa, look!” Chet shouted back. “I got the lead…” It felt like an earthquake. That, or a roller coaster ride with no safety bar. When the jolting ceased, Chet opened his eyes. He felt the hard earth beneath him and saw his father standing over him. Flint pranced around the confines of the pen like a victorious fighter.

9. Which of the following literary elements is present in this story? (A) a flashback (B) foreshadowing (C) second-person point of view (D) internal conflict

10. Chet’s father can best be described as a (A) round character (B) main character (C) dynamic character (D) flat character

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11. In this passage, the primary conflict is between (A) Chet and his fear (B) Chet and his father (C) Chet and Flint (D) Chet’s father and Flint

12. Chet walking slowly toward Flint as he speaks calmly represents what element of the plot?

(A) exposition (B) rising action (C) climax (D) falling action

13. Which of the following is an example of a sensory detail? (A) “Chet felt no sense of that amusement” (B) “he was sizing him up” (C) “as sure as the day is long” (D) “a blast of hot air that Chet felt against his hand”

14. Based on Chet’s character, what do you think he will do next? (A) get back up and try again (B) cry (C) tell his father to take over (D) run inside the house

15. How is Chet’s character most fully revealed? (A) through his father’s eyes (B) through anecdotes about the past (C) through inner conflict in Chet’s mind (D) through dialogue

16. What is the climax of the story? (A) when Chet decides to try to break the horse (B) when Chet drapes the lead over the horse’s neck (C) when Chet opens his eyes and finds himself on the ground (D) when Chet’s father tells him to speak calmly to the horse

17. Who is the protagonist in this story? (A) Flint (B) Chet’s father (C) Chet’s mother (D) Chet

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Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________





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The Open Window, page 5

Build Background: NeurastheniaIn the story that you are about to read, “The Open Window,” one of the main characters, Framton Nuttel, has been ordered to visit the countryside and pay social calls to strangers as part of his “nerve cure.” His doctors have also prescribed “complete rest, an absence of mental excitement, and avoidance of anything in the nature of violent physical exercise.” Nuttel’s nervous condition was not uncommon in the nineteenth century, referred to as “the century of nerves.” During this period, a number of men and women—in particular businessmen and well-to-do women socialites—sought treatment for nervousness, headaches, fatigue, depression, and indigestion. One doctor, George Beard, coined the term neurasthenia to describe this vague ailment. With little knowledge of the functions of the nervous system, Beard surmised that this collapse of mental health, or nervous breakdown, was caused by an inadequate supply of “nerve force” on the nervous systems of professionals and intellectuals and resulted from the demands of a newly industrialized society. Many cures were offered as this disorder became widespread, affecting many prominent individuals including a number of writers. To study the culturally based diagnosis of neurasthenia, work with a partner to research online the answers to the following questions. Record your responses on a separate piece of paper, and be prepared for a classroom discussion on this topic.

1. What were some of the prescribed treatments for neurasthenia? What treatment did George Beard favor to replenish the body’s “nerve force”?

2. Although both men and women were diagnosed with neurasthenia, women of childbearing years who suffered from this ailment were diagnosed with a more advanced type of this disorder. What was the name of this diagnosis, and what was the origin of this term?

3. How was the diagnosis of neurasthenia in men viewed differently from the diagnosis in women in Victorian society? How did the diagnosis of neurasthenia give rise to the feminist movement?

4. What “nerve tonic” was touted by advertisers to cure neurasthenia? (Hint: Today, this tonic is the leading carbonated soft drink among consumers.) Who invented this tonic and what ingredients were in this magic tonic that would treat such a variety of ailments?

5. Neurasthenia is no longer recognized as a medical or a mental health diagnosis. However, there are a number of modern-day diagnoses that have been traced back to this era. What is one diagnosis that may be linked to neurasthenia?

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Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________






eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: ________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ____

The Open Window, page 5


engulf (page 8) migrate (page 6) ghastly (page 9) falteringly (page 8) habitation (page 8) imminent (page 10) delusion (page 9) convey (page 10) succession (page 6) self-possessed (page 6)

What is the connection among these four things? Choose a vocabulary word from the box above that links these words or phrases.

1. Birds, migrant workers, monarch butterflies, Dust Bowl families

Things that ___________________________________________________________________

2. Flooding after the breach of a dam, a yellow stoplight that turns to red, a gathering storm, the birth of a child after the start of labor

Things that ___________________________________________________________________

3. A spelling bee finalist, an explosives expert on a bomb squad, an emergency room doctor, a world-class athlete

Things that ___________________________________________________________________

4. Quicksand, floodwaters, wildfires, grief

Things that ___________________________________________________________________

5. Mind control by aliens, superhuman powers, Y2K panic, paranoia

Things that ___________________________________________________________________

6. A corpse at a murder scene, a graveyard at night, the entrails of an animal, the mythical creature Medusa

Things that ___________________________________________________________________

7. A thumbs-up gesture, a look of sympathy, a message, a living will

Things that ___________________________________________________________________

8. A parade lineup, an heir to a throne, a birth order, a recipe

Things that ___________________________________________________________________

9. A birdhouse, a space station, a prehistoric cave, a commune

Things that ___________________________________________________________________

10. A toddler’s first steps, the movement of a light-headed person, the pace of a nervous speaker, the approach to an unfriendly dog

Things that ___________________________________________________________________

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The Open Window, page 5

Analyze Literature: CharacterizationThe act of creating or describing a character is called characterization. Writers create characters using three major techniques: showing what characters say, do, or think; showing what other characters say or think about them; and describing what physical features, dress, and personality the characters display. In “The Open Window,” the two main characters, Vera and Framton Nuttel, have distinct characteristics that emerge during their chance encounter. To gain a better understanding of the author’s fleshing out of the characters, find evidence in the story that supports the character descriptions given below.

VeraVera is manipulative and deceitful.

What a Character Says What a Character Does What the Author Says

• “Then you know practically nothing about my aunt?” pursued the self-possessed young lady.

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VeraVera is confident and composed.

What a Character Says What the Author Says

• “My aunt will be down presently, Mr. Nuttel,” said a very self-possessed young lady of fifteen….

Framton NuttelFramton is nervous, easily agitated, and jumpy.

What a Character Says What a Character Does What Other Characters Say

What the Author Says

• “A most extraordinary man, a Mr. Nuttel,” said Mrs. Sappleton…. “One would think he had seen a ghost.”


d lf d


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Framton NuttelFramton is gullible or easily tricked

by others.

What a Character Does What the Author Says

• In a chill shock of nameless fear Framton swung around in his seat and looked in the same direction.

Framton NuttelFramton is antisocial and reclusive.

What Other Characters Say What the Author Says

• “Do you know many of the people round here?” asked the niece when she judged that they had had sufficient silent communion.

What the Author Says

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Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: ________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ____





The Open Window, page 5

Selection Quiz

Fill in the Blank

Fill in the blank with the name of the character who is identified with the following action.

Vera Framton Nuttel Mrs. Sappleton

_____ 1. Arrives with a letter of introduction

_____ 2. Asks the visitor if he or she knows anyone in the area

_____ 3. Is ordered to call on a succession of strangers as a nerve cure

_____ 4. Claims that the window is open to allow the hunting party to enter the house without muddying the carpets

_____ 5. Tells a story about a great tragedy that occurred three years ago

_____ 6. Is led to believe that the owner of the house is waiting for the arrival of spirits of the deceased

_____ 7. Tells others that the visitor left the house quickly due to a fear of dogs

_____ 8. Finds out that the visitor knows nothing about the owner of the house

_____ 9. Feels badly that the visit falls on the anniversary of the house owner’s tragedy

_____ 10. Pays little attention to the visitor’s complaints of illness

Short Answer

Write your answer to each of the following questions in the space provided.

11−13. Characterization is the act of creating or describing a character. Writers create characters using three major techniques. What are these techniques?

14−15. What is irony and how does the author use this literary technique in the story?

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