Embry Hills church of Christ Page 41 Lesson 8: David Becomes King Readings 2 Samuel 1:1 - 5:25 _____________________________________________________________________________ A. Introduction Second Samuel recounts David’s reign as king of Israel (about 1010–970 B.C.). As promised to Abraham, during David’s reign Israel’s borders were extended roughly from Egypt to the Euphrates. While David had many successes, after his sin against Bathsheba and Uriah (ch. 11) both his kingdom and his own family fell into chaos. His son Absalom led a bloody rebellion against him. Nevertheless David, author of many of the Psalms, was a man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:22), a model of deep, heartfelt prayer and repentance. The Davidic Covenant of chapter 7 establishes the eternal rule of David’s line, with its ultimate fulfillment in the coming of Jesus Christ. The author of 2 Samuel is unknown. Historical Summary A. Report of Saul’s Death (1:1-16) B. Lamentation for Saul and Jonathan Song of the Bow (1:17-27) C. David Anointed King of Judah (2:1-7) D. Ishbosheth Made King of Israel (2:8-11) E. Israel and Judah at War (2:12-3:1) F. Sons of David (3:2-5) G. Abner Joins Forces with David (3:6-21) H. Joab Murders Abner (3:22-30) I. David’s Mourning for Abner (3:31-39) J. Ishbosheth is Murder (4:1-12) K. David Reigns over All Israel (5:1-5) L. Conquest of Jerusalem (5:6-16) M. Philistines Defeated (5:17-5:25) B. Report of Saul’s Death (1:1-16) 1. What news did the young Amalekite man bring to David (3-4)? 2. How did the young man say he knew of Saul's death and what proof to he give David (5-10)? 3. What did David order be done to the young man and why (14-16)? 4. Was the man truthful and why would he lie (1 Samuel 31:4-6)?

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Lesson 8: David Becomes King

Readings 2 Samuel 1:1 - 5:25

_____________________________________________________________________________ A. IntroductionSecond Samuel recounts David’s reign as king of Israel (about 1010–970 B.C.). As promised to Abraham, during David’s reign Israel’s borders were extended roughly from Egypt to the Euphrates. While David had many successes, after his sin against Bathsheba and Uriah (ch. 11) both his kingdom and his own family fell into chaos. His son Absalom led a bloody rebellion against him. Nevertheless David, author of many of the Psalms, was a man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:22), a model of deep, heartfelt prayer and repentance. The Davidic Covenant of chapter 7 establishes the eternal rule of David’s line, with its ultimate fulfillment in the coming of Jesus Christ. The author of 2 Samuel is unknown.

Historical SummaryA. Report of Saul’s Death (1:1-16)B. Lamentation for Saul and Jonathan – Song of the Bow (1:17-27)C. David Anointed King of Judah (2:1-7) D. Ishbosheth Made King of Israel (2:8-11)E. Israel and Judah at War (2:12-3:1)F. Sons of David (3:2-5)G. Abner Joins Forces with David (3:6-21)H. Joab Murders Abner (3:22-30)I. David’s Mourning for Abner (3:31-39)J. Ishbosheth is Murder (4:1-12)K. David Reigns over All Israel (5:1-5)L. Conquest of Jerusalem (5:6-16)M. Philistines Defeated (5:17-5:25)

B. Report of Saul’s Death (1:1-16)1. What news did the young Amalekite man bring to David (3-4)?

2. How did the young man say he knew of Saul's death and what proof to he give David (5-10)?

3. What did David order be done to the young man and why (14-16)?

4. Was the man truthful and why would he lie (1 Samuel 31:4-6)?

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D. David Anointed King of Judah (2:1-7) 1. Where did the Lord send David after the death of Saul (1)?

2. What message did David send to the men of Jabesh-Gilead (4-7)?

C. Lamentation for Saul and Jonathan – Song of the Bow (1:17-27)1. Where was the news of the death of Saul not to be announced (18-19)?

2. What was the relationship between Saul and Jonathan (22-23)?

3. What was the relationship between David and Jonathan (25-26)?

E. Ishbosheth Made King of Israel (2:8-11)1. What actions did Abner take at the death of Saul (8-10)?

F. Israel and Judah at War (2:12-3:1)1. What happened at the springs of Gibeon (12-17)?

2. Who chased Abner and how fast was he (2:18-19)?

3. Did Abner offer good advice and was it followed (2:20-23)?

4. Can Mahanaim (Abner) and Hebron (Joab) be reached in a night's time (2:24,29,32)?

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G. Sons of David (3:2-5)1. How many sons where born to David while he was king in Hebron (2-5)?

2. Which names do you recognize?

H. Abner Joins Forces with David (3:6-21)1. What caused Abner to join forces with David (7-12)?

2. What did David require to make a covenant with Abner (13-16)?

I. Joab Murders Abner (3:22-30)1. What was the purpose of Abner's visit according to Joab (22-25)?

2. What actions did Joab take (26-27)?

3. What was David judment/statement about Joab's actions (28-29)?

J. David’s Mourning for Abner (3:31-39)1. What burial arrangements did David make for Abner (31-32)?

2. What did David lament for Abner (33-34)?

3. What actions of David persuaded the people he had nothing to do with Abner's death (35-37)?

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K. Ishbosheth is Murder (4:1-12)1. What was Ishbosheth's response to the death of Abner (1)?

2. How did Mephibosheth become lame (4)?

3. Who killed Ishbosheth and how was he killed (5-7)?

4. What did they bring to David (8)?

5. What was David's answer and what action did he take for the murder's of Ishboshheth (9-12)?

L. David Reigns over All Israel (5:1-5)1. What reasons did the tribes of Israel give for following David (1-2)?

2. How many years was David in Hebron and how many years did he reign over Israel and Judah (5)?

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M. Conquest of Jerusalem (5:6-16, I Chronicles 11:6)1. Who did the men of Jerusalem think could defend their city against David (6)?

2. By what means was the city taken (8)?

3. Who was able to capture Jerusalem (1 Chronicles 11:6)?

4. Who build David a house of cedar (11)?

5. How many sons were born to David in Jerusalem (13-16)?

N. Philistines Defeated (5:17-5:25, 23:13-17)1. Who did David inquire as to if he should go up against the Philistines (18,23)?

2. What did David long for when he saw the Philistines in Bethlehem (23:13-17)?

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Gibeon David had returned from the slaughter of the Amalekites 3 days before hearing of the death of Saul.How long would it take the young Amalekite to go from Mt Gilboa to Ziklag and does this seem reasonable?

Mark with an "X" Mt Gilboa where Saul died and mark with a circle Gath and Ashkelon where David's song said the death of Saul should not be proclaimed

Mark with a star the 2 capitals of Hebron & Mahanaim

GGiibbeeoonnAAmmmmaahh JJeerriicchhoo

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Lesson 9: Reign of David

Readings 2 Samuel 6:1 - 9:13

_____________________________________________________________________________ A. IntroductionThe cessation of the long-pending rivalry and the prospect of a strong monarchy under David must have afforded sincere relief and satisfaction to all the well-disposed in Israel. With the nation reunified David focuses on strengthen the land physical and spiritual. He captures Jerusalem and establishes it as his new capital and brings the ark to the city. He builds a house and wishes to build a house for the Lord. He defeats the Philistines and remembers his covenant with Jonathan.

Historical SummaryA. The Ark Brought to Jerusalem (6:1-4) B. Uzzah and the Ark (6:5-15)C. David and Michal (6:16-23)D. God’s Covenant with David (7:1-17)E. David’s Prayer of Gratitude (7:18-29)F. David’s Victories (8:1-14)G. David’s Officials (8:15-18)H. David’s Kindness to Mephibosheth (9:1-13)

B. The Ark Brought to Jerusalem (6:1-4) 1. In whose house was the ark and who drove the new cart (3)?

C. Uzzah and the Ark (6:5-15, I Chronicles 15:11-15)1. What did the people do while ark was being moved (5)?

2. What happened at Nachon’s threshing floor (6-8)?

3. What was David's reaction to the death of Uzzah (9-11)?

4. What did David learn about how the ark should be moved (I Chronicles 15:11-15)?

5. What did David do during the second attempt to move the ark to Jerusalem (13-15)?

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E. God’s Covenant with David (7:1-17)1. What did David want to do and what was Nathan's initial response (1-3)?

2. What was God's attitude about having a house of Cedar (4-7)?

3. What has God done for David during his life (8-11)?

4. What covenant does the Lord make about David's descendants (12-16)?

D. David and Michal (6:16-23)1. What did David do after bringing the ark into the tabernacle he had set-up in Jerusalem (17-19)?

2. How did Michal greet David upon his return and why the response (16,20)?

3. What was her original feelings toward David and why the change (1 Sam 18:20, 19:11-14, 2 Sam 3:14-16)?

4. How did David answer her and what happen to her (21-23)?

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F. David’s Prayer of Gratitude (7:18-29)1. Who was David to have this thing done (18-19)?

2. What more could David say to the Lord (20-21)?

3. What had the Lord done for Israel (22-24)?

4. What was David's prayer to the Lord (25-29)?

G. David’s Victories (8:1-14)1. List the nations defeated

by David (1-14)?

2. What items did David

dedicate to the temple


3. Who did David credit his victories (Psalms 60)?

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H. David’s Officials (8:15-18)1. List David's officials and their positions (16-18)?

I. David’s Kindness to Mephibosheth (9:1-13)1. What question did David ask for the sake of Jonathan (1)?

2. Who was able to help him (2-5)?

3. What actions did Mephibosheth take before David (6, 8)?

4. What was David's action and response to Mephiboseth ( 7, 8-13)?

J. Selfless and Selfish Heart

Person Selfless Heart Selfish HeartDavid

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Lesson 10: David and Bathsheba

Readings 2 Samuel 10:1 - 14:33

_____________________________________________________________________________ A. IntroductionThe establishment of David and his men’s insistence that he no longer go personal into battle (2 Sam 21:17) means he makes a fateful decision to stay home. From this comes the temptation of watching Bathsheba bathe and the reminder of David's rule is full of conflict and trouble. While we learn of David's actions to have a man killed so he can take his wife we also learn of David's heart turning to seek forgiveness.

Historical SummaryA. David Defeats Ammon and Syria (10:1-19)

B. David, Bathsheba and Uriah (11:1-27)C. Nathan's Parable and David's Confession (12:1-15, Psalm 51)D. The Death of David's Son (12:15-23)E. Solomon is Born (12:24-25)F. Rabbah is Captured(12:26-31)G. Ammon and Tamar (13:1-22)H. Absalom Muders Ammon (13:23-33)I. Absalom Flees to Geshur (13:34-39)J. Absalom Returns to Jerusalem (14:1-24)K. David Forgives Absalom (14:25-33)

B. David Defeats Ammon and Syria (10:1-19)1. What did David do at the passing of King of Ammon (2)?

2. What did the princes of Ammon advise Hanun and what did it lead too (3-6)?

3. What were Joab’s plans for fighting the Ammonites and Syrians (9-12)?

4. How effective was his plan (13-15)?

5. What was the result of the second battle with the Syrians(16-19)?

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D. Nathan's Parable and David's Confession (12:1-15, Psalm 51)1. What two people are described in Nathan's parable (1-4)?

2. What action of the rich man made David so mad (5-6)?

3. What was a charge made by Nathan (7-10)?

4. How was David to be punished for his sins (11-15)?

5. What was David's response (13)?

6. What will the Lord not Despise (Psalm 51:17)?

C. David, Bathsheba and Uriah (11:1-27)1. Even though it was time when kings went to battle what did David do (1)?

2. What actions resulted from David's idleness (2-5)?

3. What was David's original plan to hide his sin with Bathsheba (6-13)?

4. What actions of Uriah foiled David's plan (6-13)?

5. What was David's second plan to hide his sin with Bathsheba (14-21)?

6. What did David do at the end of the time of mourning for Uriah (26-27)?

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E. The Death of David's Son (12:15-23)1. What did David do when the Lord struck his child with Bathsheba (15-16, 21-23)?

2. What did the servants fear when the child died (18-19)?

F. Solomon is Born (12:24-31)1. What two names where given to the child born to David and Bathsheba (24-25)?

2.Based on 1 Chronicles 3:5 suggests how many sons were born to David and Bathsheba before Solomon?

H. Ammon and Tamar (13:1-22)1. Using the reference chart on descendants’ of David and Judah identify the mother and birth order of Ammon and Absalom and their mothers (also I Chron 3:1-9). Also find David's brother Shimeah/Shimea/Shammah/Shimma.

2. What was Ammon's problem (1-2)?

3. What advice did Jonadab, son of Shimeah give Ammon in order to seduce Tamar his half sister (3-6)?

4. What was Tamar's answer to Ammon's request (11-13)?

5. What was Ammon's reaction after raping Tamar and what was Absalom's and David's reaction (15-17, 20-22)?

G. Rabbah is Captured(12:26-31)1. What critical portion of Rabbah was captured meaning it would soon fall (26-27)?

2.Based on the reference table how much would a 1 talent gold crown weigh (30)?

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I. Absalom Murders Ammon (13:23-33)1. How long did Absalom wait before killing Ammon (23)?

2. What commands did Absalom give his servants (28-29)?

3. What news first came to David and what was his reaction (30-31)?

4. What did Jonadab tell the king (32-33)?

J. Absalom Flees to Geshur (13:34-39)1. Where did Absalom flee to and why would he go there (37-38, 2 Samuel 3:3)?

2. What was David reaction to Absalom's deeds (36, 39)?

K. Absalom Returns to Jerusalem (14:1-24)1. Why would the story of the woman of Tekoa sent by Joab change David's actions toward Absalom (1-11)?

2. What did the woman of Tekoa then request and what were her reasons (12-17)?

3. Did David know who sent the woman and what was the final result (18-24)

L. David Forgives Absalom (14:25-33)1. What did people think of Absalom (25)?

2. Based on the reference info on weights, how much is 200 shekels (26)?

3. What did Absalom do to get Joab to talk to him (29-31)?

4. What did Absalom tell Joab and what was the result (32-33)?

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Lesson 11: Absalom's Rebellion

Readings 2 Samuel 15:1 - 20:26

_____________________________________________________________________________ A. IntroductionThe cessation of the long-pending rivalry and the prospect of a strong monarchy under David must have afforded sincere relief and satisfaction to all the well-disposed in Israel. With the nation reunified David focuses on strengthen the land physical and spiritual. He captures Jerusalem and establishes it as his new capital and brings the ark to the city. He builds a house and wishes to build a house for the Lord. He defeats the Philistines and remembers his covenant with Jonathan.

Historical SummaryA. Absalom's Treason (15:1-12)B. David Escapes from Jerusalem (15:13-37, Psalm 3)C. Mephibosheth's Servant (16:1-4) D. Shimei Curses David (16:5-14)E. The Advice of Ahithophel (16:15-17:4)F. The Advice of Hushai (17:5-14)G. Hushai Warns David to Escape (17:15-29)H. Absalom's Defeat and Death (18:1-18)I. David Hears of Absalom's Death (18:19-32)J. David's Mourning for Absalom (18:33-19:8)K. David Returns to Jerusalem (19:9-18)L. David's Mercy to Shimei (19:18-23)M. David and Mephibosheth Meet (19:24-30)N. David's Kindness to Barazillai (19:31-39)O. The Quarrel About the King (19:40-43)P. The Rebellion of Sheba (20:1-22)Q. David's Government Officers (20:23-26)

B. Absalom's Treason (15:1-12)1. What did Absalom provide for himself (1)?

2. What did Absalom do to steal the heart of Israel (2-7)?

3. What reason did Absalom give for going to Hebron(8-9)?

4. Who joined Absalom in the conspiracy (11-12)?

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D. Mephibosheth's Servant (16:1-4) 1. What did Ziba have for David as he fled (1-2)?

2. What did he say Mephibosheth was doing (3-4)?

C. David Escapes from Jerusalem (15:13-37, Psalm 3)1. What action did David take upon hearing that Absalom had stolen the hearts of the men of Israel (13-18)?

2. What did David tell Ittai the Gittite (from Gath) to do rather than go with him (19-20)?

3. What was Ittai's response (21-22)?

4. What did David instruct Zadok to do with the ark as he fled across the Kidron brook and people wept (23-29)?

5. Describe David's appearance as he climbed Mount of Olives (30)?

6. Which advisor joined Absalom and which one remained David's man (31-37)

E. Shimei Curses David (16:5-14)1. What did Shimei tell David (5-8)?

2. What Abishai wish to do to Shimei (9)?

3. What was David's answer to Abishai (10-12)

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F. The Advice of Ahithophel (16:15-17:4)1. What reason did Hushai give for staying in Jerusalem and serving Absalom (15-19)?

2. What advice did Ahithophel give Absalom (20-22)?

3. How good was the advice of Ahithophel (23)?

4. What was Ahithophel's second piece of advice to Absalom (17:1-4)?

G. The Advice of Hushai (17:5-14)1. What did Hushai think of Ahithophel's advice (7)?

2. How did Hushai describe David and his men (8-10)?

3. How did Hushai say Absalom should attack David (11-13)?

4. Who's advice did Absalom take Ahitophel or Hushai's and why (14)?

H. Hushai Warns David to Escape (17:15-29)1. How did Zadok and Abiathar, the priests get Hushai's message to their sons Jonathan and Ahimaaz (17)?

2. What was Hushai's message to David (16)?

3. Who saw the message delivered and where did Jonathan and Ahimaaz flee (18)?

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H. Hushai Warns David to Escape (17:15-29) continued4. What did the woman do to hide Jonathan and Ahimaaz from Absalom's servants ( 19-20)?

5. What did Ahithophel do when he saw his advice was not taken (23)?

6. Who came to David's aid and what does that say about David's character (27-29)?

I. Absalom's Defeat and Death (18:1-18)1. What 3 men were selected to lead David's troops (2)?

2. Why did David not go out to battle (2-4)?

3. What did David command with regards to Absalom (5)?

4. What happened to Absalom's army (7-8)?

5. Why did the man who saw Absalom hung in the tree not kill him (12-13)?

6. What reward would Joab have given the man (11)?

7. Describe Absalom's death (14-15)?

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J. David Hears of Absalom's Death (18:19-32)1. Who wished to bring news of the battle to David (19-20)?

2. Who did Joab seen with the news (21)?

3. What did Ahimaaz then request (22-23)?

4. What kind of news did David expect from Ahimaaz and would this have impacted who Joab sent (25-27)?

5. What news to he give David and what news did he withhold (28-30)?

K. David's Mourning for Absalom (18:33-19:8)1. What was David's reaction to Absalom's death (18:33, 19:4)?

2. What impact did David' mourning have on the people (19:1-3)?

3. What did Joab tell David and did he listen (5-8)?

L. David Returns to Jerusalem (19:9-18)1. Why were the elders of Judah reluctant for David to return (9-14)?

2. Where did the people of Judah meet David (15)?

3. Who was among the people who went out to meet David (16-17)?

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M. David's Mercy to Shimei (19:18-23)1. What did Shimei say to David and what was the king's judgment (19-20,23)?

N. David and Mephibosheth Meet (19:24-30)1. What had Mephibosheth not dod since the departure of David (24)?

2. Why did Mephibosheth not go with David (25-28)?

3. What was David's judgment and Mephibosheth's response (29-30)?

O. David's Kindness to Barazillai (19:31-39)1. How did Barzillai response to David's request that he come to Jerusalem (34-37)?

P. The Quarrel About the King (19:40-43)1. Who quarreled about King David and who won and why (41-43)?

Q. The Rebellion of Sheba (20:1-22)1. What argument did Sheba use for his rebellion (1-2)?

2. Who delayed sending troops and what was David's response (5-6)?

3. What was Joab's reaction to the delay of gathering the troops (7-13)?

4. Who brought Sheba's rebellion to an end and how (15-22)?

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Lesson 12: Epilogue of David's Kingship

Readings 2 Samuel 21:1 - 24:25

_____________________________________________________________________________ A. IntroductionThe section of Samuel is a compilation of events from the reign of David. We read of the more giants killed in battle, David's mighty men and read of David's praise for the Lord who has delivered him from Saul and his enemies. We also read David's last words and how the Lord is his rock, his strength. We end the book of Samuel with David's census, the judgment and how from those events the site of the temple selected.

Historical SummaryA. David Avenges the Gibeonites (21:1-14) B. Philistine Giants Destroyed (21:15-22)C. Praise for God's Deliverance (22:1-51)D. David's Last Words (23:1-7)E. David’s Mighty Men (23:8-39)F. David’s Census of Israel and Judah (24:1-9) G. Judgment on David's Sin (24:10-17)H. Altar on the Threshing Floor (24:18-25)

B. David Avenges the Gibeonites (21:1-14)1. Why had the land had 3 years of famine and how did David find out (1)?

2. Why had Saul killed the Gibeonites (2)

3. What did the Gibeonites ask of David to avenge the deeds of Saul (4-6)

4. Who was provided to the Gibeonites (8-9)?

5. What did David do to end the drought (12-14)?

C. Philistine Giants Destroyed (21:15-22)1. How many giants from Gath fell to David and his servants (22)?

2. What was the weight of Ishbi-Benob bronze spear (16)?

3; What was unique about the giant killed by David's nephew (20-21)?

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E. David's Last Words (23:1-7) 1. What is the God of Israel like (2-4)?

2. What about David's house (5)?

3. How strong must those be who are rebellious to David's house (6-7)

D. Praise for God's Deliverance (22:1-51)1. How did David describe the Lord upon the day he was delivered from Saul (2-3)?

2. Which stanzas/words stand out to you in the Lord's answer to David's cry (8-20)?

3. Why did the Lord reward David (21-28)?

4. What is the Lord to David (47-51)?

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F. David’s Mighty Men (23:8-39)1. Name the three chief mighty men of David (8-12)?

2. What did the 3 mighty men do when the Philistines had come up the Rephaim valley and were in Bethlehem (13-16)?

3. What was David's reaction to the deed of the 3 mighty men (17)?

4. Name the second group of 3 mighty men (18-24)?

5. Who was the last man of the 37 mighty men (39)?

H. Judgment on David's Sin (24:10-17)1. What did David realize at the end of the census (10)?

2. What three punishments did the Lord offer for David's sin (11-13)?

3. What merciful punishment did the Lord decide to inflict (14-15)?

4. What was the Lord's reaction when the angel reached Jerusalem and David's reaction (16-17)?

G. David’s Census of Israel and Judah (24:1-9) 1. Why was the census done on the first place (1/1 Chron 21:1)?

2. What was Joab's question to David (3)?

3. How long did the census take and what was the number of valiant men in Israel and Judah (8-9)

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I. Altar on the Threshing Floor (24:18-25)1. What did Gad instruct David to do to turn away the Lord's wrath (18-19)?

2. Why did David come to Araunah (20-21)?

3. What did Araunah offer David (22-23)?

4. What was David's response and do you agree with David ( 24-25)?

J. Selfless and Selfish Hearts

Person Selfless Heart Selfish HeartDavid

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Lesson 13: David's Preparation for Temple

Readings 1 Chronicles 22:1 - 29:22

_____________________________________________________________________________ A. IntroductionAs I Chronicles comes to an end we see David making preparations for the temple, the role of the Levities serving in the Temple and the officials in his kingdom. These chapters stand in stark opposition and contrast to critics that say David’s kingdom was no more than a minor bandit king in the hill country of Judea who left no governmental library. Many biblical names have been found with the archeologists spade and this list of names offer hope of linking future discoveries with people in David’s administration. The lesson also ends with David’s final praise to God and his passing.

Historical SummaryA. David Prepares to Build the Temple (22:1-19)B. Divisions of the Levites (23:1-32)C. Divisions of the Priests (24:1-19)D. Other Levites (24:20-31)E. Musicians (25:1-31)F. Gatekeepers (26:1-19)G. Treasuries and Other Details (26:20-32)H. Military Divisions (27:1-15)I. Leaders of Tribes (27:16-24)J. Other State Officials (27:25-34)K. Solomon Instructed to Build the Temple (28:1-21)L. Offerings for Building the Temple (29:1-9)M. David's Praise to God (29:10-20)N. Solomon Anointed King (29:21-25)O. Close of David's Reign (29:26-30)

B. David Prepares to Build the Temple (22:1-19)1. What preparations did David make in labor and material for the Temple (1-4, 14-16)?

2. What made David believe Solomon was to build the Lord’s Temple (7-10)?

3. What charge of Moses to Joshua did David make to Solomon (11-13, Josh 1:6-9, Dt 31:7)?

4.What command did David make to Israel that was also made by Nehemiah (19, Ne 2:17-20)?

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E. Gatekeepers (26:1-19)1. Was there gates on the North, East South and West side of the Temple (14-18)?

2. What was the Parbar (18)?

D. Musicians (25:1-31)1. What was part of the duties of the musicians (2-3)?

2. How many divisions for the musicians (31)?

C. Divisions of the Levites (23:1-32)1. What percentage of the Levities (at least 30 yrs old) were to look after the house of the Lord, act as officers and judges, be gate keepers and praise the Lord with musical instruments (3-5)?

F. Treasuries and Other Details (26:20-32)1. Who had made dedications to the temple (28)

G. Military Divisions (27:1-15)1. How many men were in each military division (2-15)?

2. From what judge was the captain of the 12th division descended (15)?

H. Leaders of the Tribes (27:16-24)1. What was the relationship between the leader of Judah and David (18)?

2. Which if any of the tribes does not have a leader listed (16-22)?

3.Why did David only number those over 20 years and did if deflect the wrath of God (23-24)?

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I. Other State Officials (27:25-34)1. List the different possessions of King David that required oversight (25-31)?

2. Why would these positions be listed for David but not for other kings of Israel & Judah?

K. Offerings for Building the Temple (29:1-9) 1. How much effort did David make in preparation for building the temple (2)?

2, Add up the weight of gold and silver attributed to David given to the temple (4)

3. How much gold, silver, bronze and iron was given by the leaders of Israel (7)?

4. Why did David and the people rejoice (9)?

J. Solomon Instructed to Build the Temple (28:1-21)1. What conditions were put upon Solomon and the people for God to fulfill His promises (7-9)?

2. Who was the architect of the temple (11-12)?

3. What instructions did David once more give Solomon (20)?

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H. David's Praise to God (29:10-20)1. What comes from the Lord God(11-12, 14)?

2. How is 1 Chronicles 29:15 similar to Psalm 39:12-13?

3. Who had provided the abundance of items to allow the temple to be built (16)?

4. What was David’s prayer for himself, Solomon and the people (17-20)?

I. Solomon Anointed King (29:21-25)1. What did the Lord do for Solomon (25)?

J. Final Questions for 1 & 2 Samuel

1. What new item or thing did you learn in the study of the first kings of Israel?

2. Of the people we have studied what act do you consider to show the mostselfless heart after God?

3. Of the people we have studied what act do you consider to have the most selfish heart?

4. What is one lesson that you will take away from this class on the final days of the Judges and the first Kings of Israel?

J. Close of David's Reign (29:26-30)1. How is the end of David’s life described (28)?

2. Where are the acts of David recorded (29-30)?

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Kings of the United Kingdom

Saul's Family

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Rate of Travel in Biblical TimesType of Travel Speed Unit

On Foot 18 to 20 Miles/dayHorse 30 Miles/dayMule/Horse 3 Miles/hrDonkey 10 to 20 Miles/dayCamel 25 (40-45if pushed)

3 days without waterCarry 500 to 1000 lbs


Messengers/Couriers 60 Miles/dayPersian Messenger Services(like pony express

170 Miles/day

Roman Couriers 50 (5 miles/hr) Miles/dayArmies 15 Miles/dayThutmose III across the Sinai 5 Miles/dayAlexander the Great 19

45 (known to have gone this fast)

Miles Day

Source: Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible

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According to the Masoretic Text of the Old Testament Goliath was six cubits and a span tall, 3.2 meter (9 feet, 6 inches), if measured by the 18 inch cubit, and 3.5 meter (just over 11 feet), if the 21 inch cubit is used. Several manuscripts, some Greek witnesses, Josephus, and a manuscript of 1 Samuel from Qumran read “four cubits and a span” here, that is, about six feet, nine inches (cf. NAB “six and a half feet”). Some commentators point to the huge size of Goliath’s spear, “with a shaft like a weaver’s beam” and “a point that weighed six hundred shekels” (about 15 pounds) and conclude that this huge spear size argues for a nine and a half foot tall Goliath. Likewise, they underscore the massive weight of his armor (125-130 pounds) and conclude that the size of the armor fits better with a 9’9″ giant than with a 6’9″ warrior.’,

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