Legal Ethics - Ethical Question Essay

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  • 7/24/2019 Legal Ethics - Ethical Question Essay


    Arnold Arnez 02 03 16

    Legal Ethics Ethical Question

    Decolonization is Not a Metaphor

    - Eve Tuck and K !a"ne #ang $2012%


    The articleDecolonization is Not a Metaphordiscusses the issue that challenges ethical

    .asis o/ the e)istence o/ the English olonial tates' The nited tates anada Australia and

    4e* 5ealand All o/ these countries e)ist $as do an" others throughout the Aericas and

    *orld% .ecause o/ settler colonialis the active colonization o/ another &eo&le7s land and

    dis&laceent and genocide o/ its indigenous inha.itants The article is an e)&loration o/ the ter

    8ecolonization .ecause o/ the *ide arra" o/ uses and conte)ts that the *ord has .een used in

    The ter 8ecolonization has had a histor" o/ 9doestication: .ecause o/ its use in theses activist

    and even radical circles .ecause it e)cludes the notion o/ sovereignt" and ;ndigenous lais to

    the Land as &art o/ this 8ecolonization and indigenous &eo&les are onl" added in these

    discussions as another inorit" grou& This is another ove in the gae o/ settler colonialis

    .ecause it oves the discussion /ro one centered on ;ndigenous lais to the Land to

    discussions to ho* should settlers allo* other to e)ist .ased on their o*n &rinci&les and needs

    thcentur" ?e)ican olonization hinese @&en 8oor olic"

    etc% the" can still .e &artici&ants in settler colonialis .ut still not deeed as sociall" e=ual to

    the original settlers ?an" o/ these &eo&les create oveents o/ 98ecolonization: in a *a" to

    discuss their &rivilege o/ living on 4ative Lands "et seek 9ethical: inclusion in a countr" that is

    .uilt on an unethical /oundation the genocide o/ ;ndigenous eo&les
  • 7/24/2019 Legal Ethics - Ethical Question Essay


    The ethical =uestion that coes out o/ this te)t is a ver" &essiistic one' !hat does it

    ean /or us to /ace an ;ncoensura.le enactent o/ 8ecolonizationB This =uestion coes /ace

    to /ace *ith the harsh realit" o/ settler colonialis .ecause it sees 8ecolonization as .eing

    soething *ithout e=uivalent as incoensura.le The vie* o/ 8ecolonization is as the title

    &roclais as not a eta&hor This non-eta&horical vie* o/ 8ecolonization is sees it as .eing

    closer to the historical decolonizations that ha&&ened in A/rican and Asia during the 1>60s and

    the con/licts that arose *ithin these structural shi/ts rather than Cust a reoval o/ the

    !ashington7s /oot.all tea7s nae This ho*ever sees the shi/t in the *a" *e see ever"thing *e

    dee noral .ecause it no longer sees !hite ettlers as .eing the to& o/ the &"raid or even the

    e)istence o/ a state called the nited tates o/ Aerica as legitiate ;t is a =uestion that akes

    no guarantee on an" one *ho &artici&ates in settler colonialis on a structural level ;t onl"

    reall" guarantees three things' That the ettler 4ation no longer e)ists that 4ative eo&les ust

    .e at the singular and at the /ore/ront o/ this 8ecolonization and that there is no guarantee o/ a

    /uture /or the rest o/ the &artici&ants in the settler &roCect

    As a Quechua-Latino ; see a &articular vie* o/ .eing .oth a son o/ an iigrant and an

    ;ndian *ho seeks /or the end to settler violence in Dolivia and across the Aericas and *orld ;

    &ersonall" see a &ra)is o/ 8ecolonization ust have ;ndigenous eo&les at the /ore/ront .ecause

    it is the ver" e)istence o/ /oreign &eo&les on their land that akes the nited tates &ossi.le ;

    see that the e)istence o/ the nited tates as .eing inherentl" unethical and that an active con/lict

    *ith the state is necessar" /or an" ho&e /or the end o/ an active and direct violence /or 4atives in

    &articular and eo&le o/ olor in general An o.scure 8ecolonial uture *hile stud"ing the

    &ro.les o/ &ast decolonizations is necessar" creating a *orld that doesn7t recreate the sae

    unnecessar" violence o/ those &ast oveents and sees actual e=ualit"