Insights and opportunities in social media January 24, 2011

Lecture jan 24 2011

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Insights and opportunities in social media

January 24, 2011

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Questions from Last Week?

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Assignment 1: Sharing

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Participating in Concertvs

Participating Alone

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Theory-induced blindnessand

The Fundamental Attribution Error(actor/observer bias)

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Social Production and

Personal Definition of Value

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Napster as Opportunity

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Opportunities In the Social Graph

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Love Where You Live

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Ensure you are prepared to enter the social space


Align social strategy with

marketing objectives

Ongoing optimization

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✔ Will the brand get credit/credibility?

✔ Is it about information/explanation OR conversation?

✔ What is the investment in time, money, and effort required?

✔ What is the tolerance level for transparency and openness?

✔ Is the target well defined as it relates to their participation in the social space?

✔ Are we clear in what we want people to do?

✔ What is the value we are bringing to the conversation?

Use social media when you can actually be social

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Potentially 3 levels of social media practice

PlatformWhen you need a large-scale solution for the company at large on an ongoing basis (e.g. Southwest Airlines)

Brand activationWhen you need quick build-up and ongoing momentum for a brand (e.g. a branded Facebook page)

Campaign specificWhen you need social media to support or further a campaign (e.g. Dove Real Beauty)

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Campaign Specific

“How do we use social media to enhance the creative idea?”

Develop social media executions to enhance a campaign• Social monitoring: Conversation snap shot• Insight mining to inform strategy• Social Strategy development (objectives, barriers, message, channel)• Influencer identification, outreach, and activation• Content calendar• Measurement & Metrics• Determine moderation plan

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Brand Activation

“How do we use social media to _______?”

• Align with Brand Marketing Plan goals and objectives• Identify campaigns and initiatives throughout year that can benefit from

Social Media• Develop Social Media Campaigns for each identified opportunity that

specifically delivers campaign objectives and enhances campaign momentum

• Social monitoring• Production/Technology development• Ongoing Measurement & Metrics; periodic, campaign specific, tied

to ROI goals

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“How and when do we use social media effectively?”

• Develop an enterprise-level, holistic go-to-market social strategy• Identify key issues and initiatives that can benefit from social media• Identify internal champion• Determine roles and responsibilities and strategic partner integration• Determine moderation plan

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A few rules of thumb

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Rule 1

Listen Before You Act

Identify key issues

Determine who is influencing the conversation

Helps develop your strategy

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Rule 2

Develop Internal Processes Before Engaging

Identify who is ultimately responsible

Assign roles and responsibilities

Know legal implications

Determine how and when you can respond

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Rule 3

Plan Ahead

Have content ready to go (content strategy/calendar)

Be ready for worst case scenarios

Identify how to best align with objectives for the year

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Rule 4


Set up a system for regular reporting

Should be both from listening and your activity

Help the organization learn and optimize

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Rule 5


Stay in the know on what is happening in the social graph at large

But, don’t jump on just any new trend or fad

Be quick but rigorous

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Strategic thought starters

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Series of thoughtful trade offs

Solves a real problem

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Components of Social Media

Community Network

Formed around people’s passions

How people connect and talk about their passions


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Your Conversation is Already There

~3.5MM Messages about “Health”

~630K Blogs that mention “Oatmeal”

~140K Blogs that mention “Heart Health”Over 500 “Heart Health” related groups on Facebook

Over 500 “Oatmeal” related groups on Facebook

Sources: Google Analytics 2008, MotiveQuest 2008, Facebook 2008

Who’s having these conversations

Where Quaker is relevant

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“I just want something tasty to get me through the day that doesn’t drag me down.”

“Try and eat some carbohydrates… I usually have oatmeal with fruit about a ½ hour before my workout, and I have plenty of energy.”

Source: Anthropology Study, Health, Wellness, Food Sites

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“I have a vested interest in staying healthy for the long term…it is a constant fight but one worth winning! Keep up the good work all!!”

“Everyone has some motivating factor… What’s yours? Mine’s avoiding heart disease.”

Source: Anthropology Study, Health, Wellness, Food Sites

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Nourishingmy environment

Rallying and directing social



Nourishingmy community

Information sharing and encouraging


Good for ME

Nourishingmy self

Information collection and


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Recipes Advice Activities Tracker

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Scenario 1

Your company is launching a new product that is out of the norm for what they usually do (e.g. Gatorade is starting to sell shoes) and you need to generate credibility.

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Scenario 2

Your company is launching a new product that is close to what they already do (e.g. Cadbury has come out with a new candy bar) and you need to generate excitement.

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Scenario 3

The spokesperson for your company’s recent (and successful) ad campaign was just arrested for drug possession. Your company sells children’s educational videos.

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Scenario 4

You’ve just opened up a new restaurant and you need to get the word and excitement out about it.

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Scenario 5

People in your loyalty program are either inactive or, worse, are even starting to opt out. You need to refresh and rejuvenate your list.

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Assignment 3: Developing a Social Media Program

• Objective: Develop a social media strategy• Could be implemented• Budget may not an issue (imagine you had all the money you needed)• Incorporate all you’ve learned throughout the course• Should be for a limited engagement rather than an ongoing platform• Will be a presentation – use whatever mediums you feel appropriate

15-20 minutes to present (includes setup time) but QUALITY over quantity10 minutes for Q&A

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Assignment 3: Presentation1. Background

• What is the brand, company, organization, etc. that you are creating this for? • What is the problem you need to solve for and why does it matter?• What is the overall objective in addressing this problem? Why?

2. Motivation• What motivation(s) are you tapping into? What is the consumer behavior/desire you want to

support/enrich/further/etc.?3. Opportunity

• What is your overall strategy? How will you capitalize on existing motivations?4. Listening

• What is the approach you will take for listening? Monitoring? Moderating? Don’t have to do both, but need to know why you would use.

• How will you use information you get from listening? (e.g. crisis management, insight development, influencer identification, etc.) Why?

5. Means of Connecting• What are 3 tactics you would employ and how they would work specifically for your strategy? (Develop

a Facebook page VS Develop a Facebook page that allows people to share fantasy football stats with their network and can pull directly from their fantasy football sites.) How do they work? Why would you use these?

• Who will you connect with? How will you identify and work with Influencers?• What does your internal social media process or logistics look like?

6. Rallying• What do you ultimately want your ‘community’ to do? Why?

7. Measuring Success• How will you measure success?

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TACTICS (a partial list)• FB page• Content calendar• Apps• Mobile link• Ratings and rankings• Influencer outreach• Content seeding• Twitter feed• Community development• Wikis• Contests• UGC