Lecture Notes – Human Resource Management MBA- IInd Semester Lecture 9 – Management Devolopment

Lecture 9 MD

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Lecture Notes – Human Resource Management

MBA- IInd Semester

Lecture 9 – Management Devolopment

8/8/2019 Lecture 9 MD

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 Human Resource Management 


Prikshat Verma


Prepared For RIMT MBA Program Prikshat Verma  Management Development is any attempt to improve managerial performance byimparting knowledge, changing attitudes, or increasing skills. The ultimate aim of such

development program is, of course to enhance the future performance of the organizationitself.

The general Management Development process consists of 

1. Assessing the company’s needs.

2. Appraising the managers’ performance3. Developing the future managers.

The Context of Management Development

The context of Management Development can be thought of as various variables or

various considerations with which managers interact or in other words managers usuallyhave to encounter these issues. Managers’ by interacting with these variables construct a

social reality (the perceived managerial world) with sense and meaning. It is context,which shapes and influences the way development is formulated and enacted. Some of 

the important contextual variables are shown in the following figure: -


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1. The Individual:-While going into any sort of  Management Development program, wehave to check the dispositions of an individual working in an  organization. Theorganization while drafting basics of Management Development should take into account

the ambitions, expectations, experience, management styles and attributes of a particularperson.

2. The Team:-Secondly the organization should be aware of the relationships existing inthe organization. What type of value system the employees as groups endorse or whattype of relationships exists in different departments of the organization. It also depends

upon the size and homogeneity of ideas and value systems of employees to make amanagement program a success.

3. The Organization:-Thirdly, the organizational factors relating to the structure, culture

and prevailing politics must be looked into. The technology being used and various goalsan organization aims to achieve.

4. The environmental factors:-Lastly, the environmental factors like, economic, social,

technological and political must be considered while settling for any type of managementdevelopment program


The Management Development Program

The Management Development program is located at the very heart of the organizations’

philosophy, mission, business goals and human resource strategy. The process isintegrated and coherent across all functions and hierarchies. Management performance is

measured and development activity can be linked clearly to the organizational values andthe achievement of strategic goals. A Management Development program incorporates

the following strategies:

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1. Establishing a Corporate Philosophy of Management: - For an effectivemanagement development program, creating a framework of values, beliefs and ethical

standards is vital. It is not only, that it should be framed but, the real essence of philosophy should be communicated organization wide, at the formal and informal level

of the organization.

On the basis of these statements, management development program will try to developmanagers’ value system and develop appropriate behavior patterns of managers.

2. Establishing Corporate Business Objectives: - Corporate objectives provide visionand direction and map out where the organization will go over the next 3-5 years.

Keeping in view the future trends, according to the corporate objectives, management 

development program is aimed at synchronizing new market development strategies, new

products, changing market shares and changing nature of services.

3. Management Values and Competencies: -After establishing philosophy and strategicobjectives, the organization decides the values and competencies it requires for fulfilling

these strategies and philosophies.

4. Analyzing Existing Management Strength and Weaknesses: - Once theorganization has decided what managerial values and competencies it needs, it must

analyze its current management team to determine individual and team strengths andweaknesses. A range of methods and techniques are used –

a) Review Of personal files and records

b) Performance appraisal documentationc) Workshops and seminar with managers

d) Assessment centers

e) Psychometric tests.

5. Recruiting and Selecting New Mangers, Developing Existing Managers:- From the

analysis of strengths and weaknesses and a comparison with required competencies andvalues , the organization is  now in a position to decide its strategy for management

development. On the basis of its analysis , decisions have to be made regarding recruiting 

new managers or investing in existing managers.

6. Establishing Individual and Team Development Plans:-The information gathered

from the analysis enables the organization to formulate a set of plans for managementdevelopment .it is important that these plans are negotiated with the managers and

wherever possible take account of their personal ambitions and needs.

7. Installing Performance Measures and Feedback Systems: -if they are not in placealready then, effective performance measures and feedback systems need to be created

and introduced. These are normally linked to the agreed individual and team objectivesand involve a system of individual and team appraisal on both formal and informal basis.

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8. Implementing the Program: - While implementing the program, following pointsshould be taken care of: -

a) Have the support and commitment of top managementb) Relate to the world that managers occupy

c) Gain commitment from the participating managers and developers.

d) Offer scope to accommodate different learning methods.

9. Evaluating Progress and Performance: - This is the last but not the least important

aspect of a successful management development program. By keeping a strict vigil onperformance organization can make sure that its program is going along the anticipated

lines and if variations are there, it can be brought back to the original course of action.
