Succeeding in a sector in continuous change Leading Organisations Through Change Grevillea Consultants Paul Hegerty www.grevilleaconsultants.com.au

Leading Organisations Through Change...Succeeding in a sector in continuous change Leading Organisations Through Change Grevillea Consultants Paul Hegerty Presentation by Paul Hegerty

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Page 1: Leading Organisations Through Change...Succeeding in a sector in continuous change Leading Organisations Through Change Grevillea Consultants Paul Hegerty Presentation by Paul Hegerty

Succeeding in a sector in continuous change

Leading Organisations Through Change


Paul Hegerty


Presentation Notes
Presentation by Paul Hegerty for LASA NSW State Conference, 7 June, 2018
Page 2: Leading Organisations Through Change...Succeeding in a sector in continuous change Leading Organisations Through Change Grevillea Consultants Paul Hegerty Presentation by Paul Hegerty

Take home message

When dealing with disruption and innovation,

change management

is the difference between struggling and thriving.

Page 3: Leading Organisations Through Change...Succeeding in a sector in continuous change Leading Organisations Through Change Grevillea Consultants Paul Hegerty Presentation by Paul Hegerty

1. Sector Context2. Business Case3. In Practice4. Resources

Today's Journey

Page 4: Leading Organisations Through Change...Succeeding in a sector in continuous change Leading Organisations Through Change Grevillea Consultants Paul Hegerty Presentation by Paul Hegerty

Planning and practicesthat help people and organisations

adapt to and embracethe new things they have to do or use

“Change Management”

Page 5: Leading Organisations Through Change...Succeeding in a sector in continuous change Leading Organisations Through Change Grevillea Consultants Paul Hegerty Presentation by Paul Hegerty

Think of changes past,changes present,

andchanges yet to come.

Relevance for a changing sector

Presentation Notes
Consumer directed care Single Quality Framework Media interest and advocacy Growing workforce pressures The boomers are coming! New regional place allocations
Page 6: Leading Organisations Through Change...Succeeding in a sector in continuous change Leading Organisations Through Change Grevillea Consultants Paul Hegerty Presentation by Paul Hegerty

Limited research into change management in the sector

Proquest search results, peer reviewed, 1990-2017“Change Management” and “Aged Care” (1 June, 2018)



Presentation Notes
Note: nothing before 2000 specifically about change mangement in the sector Total result was 134 items. A search for peer reviewed change management articles in the same period has 26,602 results. Mostly change management is just mentioned in the context of the primary topic, eg. a leadership development program, a new clinical program, or a broader health care context. Shanly (2007) p. 701 - “While there have been a number of surveys and inquiries related to workforce issues in the industry over recent years (Department of Health and Ageing, 2002; Wheeler, 2002; Richardson and Martin, 2004), the main thrusts of these have been around the recruitment and retention of staff. There are no published surveys or other studies that have examined the role and functions of facility managers, including their role in the management of change.”
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• Limited change management• Part of Manager's role• Generic approach• Varied use across organisations• Self-taught, limited support• High levels of stress

10 years ago in the sector

Presentation Notes
2007 (Chris Shanley) - Use of change management limited Understood as a management role A generic approach to change Variable investment across organisations, not nuanced to different situations Managers self-taught, with some support Managers felt high levels of stress
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“% of Target” linked to change management




0 1 2 3

Average % of expected value


Number of levels where change was done effectively


Presentation Notes
LaClair and Rao, Helping employees embrace change, The McKinsey Quarterly, 2002. Note current Prosci data - Prosci, Best Practices in Change Management, 2018: % of respondents that met or exceeded project objectives with: Poor CM - 15% Fair CM - 42% Good CM - 77% Excellent - 93%
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“Objectives met” linked to change management



77%93%% of respondents

met or exceeded objectives

Level of change management effectivenessPoor Fair Good Excellent


Presentation Notes
Prosci, Best Practices in Change Management, 2018:
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Image: Venturaartist

Whatever improvement or innovation you are implementing,

If you want to look your board/CEO/staff in the eye,

You have to demonstrate well implemented change management.

If you're serious...

Page 11: Leading Organisations Through Change...Succeeding in a sector in continuous change Leading Organisations Through Change Grevillea Consultants Paul Hegerty Presentation by Paul Hegerty

Some support provided Not always useful outcomes RAC staff doing change Culture not changing

In the sector now

Presentation Notes
Some support provided: Change management included training for implementing partnership care model Hutchinson, A., Rawson, H., O’Connell, B., Walker, H., Bucknall, T., Forbes, H., … Ockerby, C. (2017). Tri-focal Model of Care Implementation: Perspectives of Residents and Family. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 49(1), 33–43. Not always getting useful outcomes: IT/paperless systems introduction still generates change problems Yu, P., Zhang, Y., Gong, Y., & Zhang, J. (2013). Unintended adverse consequences of introducing electronic health records in residential aged care homes. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 82(9), 772–788. RAC staff doing change: One study shows RAC staff show higher rates of implementing clinical change Cunningham, N., Pham, T., Kennedy, B., Gillard, A., & Ibrahim, J. (2017). A cross-sectional survey using electronic distribution of a questionnaire to subscribers of educational material written by clinicians, for clinicians, to evaluate whether practice change resulted from reading the Clinical Communiqué. BMJ Open, 7(5), e014064. http://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014064 Culture not changingIn Canada, research indicates residents do not experience person centred care, in spite of decades of moving to it Donnelly, L., & MacEntee, M. I. (2016). Care Perceptions among Residents of LTC Facilities Purporting to Offer Person-Centred Care. Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue Canadienne Du Vieillissement, 35(02), 149–160. http://doi.org/10.1017/S0714980816000167
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Change happens in phases






Presentation Notes
People move through the phases at different times but should all meet up in consolidation. Begin - change can begin in many places, from strategic planning to an individual contributor's or customer's experience. Aligh - remember Kotter? Build an alliance? Shape - This is where people usually think change begins but this is primarily the main design and planning phase Implement - This is what poeple think change is but it is just the build and roll out project/tasky phase Consolidate - Can continue for 18 months after people think the change is over. It embeds and normalises the change
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Change is layeredPlan


Individual contributors


ExecutivesCommunicationAction for changeBusiness as usual

Presentation Notes
Supervisors can make or break change as they have rich connections, communication and influence at multiple levels of the organisation.
Page 14: Leading Organisations Through Change...Succeeding in a sector in continuous change Leading Organisations Through Change Grevillea Consultants Paul Hegerty Presentation by Paul Hegerty

The scale of change variesIndividuals - high risk during transition between roles

Local work areas - ground up innovation and improvement

Whole of organisation or sections -systems, culture, structure, vision, movements

Presentation Notes
Individuals - Important for the high risk of leaders moving between roles (cf Watkins, Gabarro and others) Local - Key for cascading or benchmarking proactive change processes (cf Strebel) Whole - Need high quality coordination and emotional reasoning (cf GENOS)
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Situational Analysis

Agenda Construction

Tracking and Monitoring

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Project ≠ Change

Consolidation Phase

Shaping the Design

Quality of resources

Supervisor skills

Training during change

???Emotional reasoning

Dealing with resistance

Common pitfalls

Presentation Notes
Yellow: Phase related pitfalls Change management is not part of a project. A project is a component of change. Designing or procuring solutions that don't match the capacity of the organisation or the end user's reality Neglecting the consolidation phase, especially the quality improvement from the critical feedback. Green: Capability related pitfalls Not procuring top change management skills for complex/sensitive change but leaving it to a project officer or by-the-book operator Training is different during change - the trainers end up spokespersons for the change as 'offical roles' attached to the change Change disrupts stability so the required supervisor skills are different to match the uncertainty people are facing Blue: Socio-emotional pitfalls Avoiding or rejecting resistance. Resistance is your friend that helps communicatoin and quality assurance/improvement Move beyond the technical and expand emotional resoning to incorporate the socio-emotional dynamics of change.
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Consultant/Advisors:• Assess needs and plan• Train, develop and coach• Design and edit communications• Facilitate reference groups/events• Monitor progress, resolve issues

External Support

Presentation Notes
External consultants/advisors in change management can: Review organisational needs Develop change management plans Train and coach leaders Build staff resilience Review and edit communications Facilitate reference groups Facilitate sensitive events/consultations Monitor and audit progress Provide solutions for emergent issues Provide operational coaching, advice and support For individual leaders Leaders in Transition framework for coaching (available through Grevillea Consultants) For team led improvements For facilitated processes - Refreshing Care for evidence based change (from Grevillea Consultants) For major organisational change BASIC 8 (facilitated by Grevillea Consultants)
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• The Towards Organisational Cultural Change (TOrCCh) Toolkit

• Prosci or other training

Internal resources

Presentation Notes
Note - Prosci is project support trianing
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Make the stress that managers face a thing of the past for this


Help the sector to flourish

Do something

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Succeeding in a sector in continuous change

Leading Organisations Through Change


Paul Hegerty


Presentation Notes
Presentation by Paul Hegerty for LASA NSW State Conference, 7 June, 2018