Larry’s Newsletter NO.96 JULY 2008 Lynne, Emma, Elise & Cydney 0n completion of the ‘Race for Life’ charity run.

Larry's Newsletter No.96

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Larry’s Newsletter NO.96 JULY 2008

Lynne, Emma, Elise & Cydney 0n

completion of the ‘Race for Life’ charity run.

Page 2: Larry's Newsletter No.96

On Saturday 7th July, Lynne, Esther,

Emma, Elise and Elise’s friend Emma

had a ‘Girls Night Out’ at Zorba’s Greek


G r e e k N i g h t O u t R a c e F o r L i f e

On Saturday 14th July Lynne, Emma, Elise and

Cydney took part in ‘The Race for Life’ a 5 kilometre

run to raise money for cancer charities. The three

girls completed the distance in 30 minutes, while

Lynne and Rachael achieved a creditable 38 mins.

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Sunday Afternoon at Monkey Forest On Sunday 15th July we met Isobel and Morgan from Church, and then along with Darren,

Nanny & Grandad travelled up to Stoke-on-Trent to visit Monkey Forest. Just for a change the

Sun shone, and there was not even one rain drop!!!

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W e e k e n d F u n i n t h e S u n

Nanny booked a day off work on Friday 25th July and joined Grandad, Isobel and

Morgan for a couple of days of fun in the long awaited sunshine. Friday it was off

to ‘Conkers’, and then on Saturday we picked up Darren and then visited the

‘Maize Maze’ Pictures over the next couple of pages.

Conkers Maize Maze

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Here’s a selection of pictures from other events this month, including Lynne’s night out Go-Karting with work mates, Larry and Lynne’s weekend in Grantham and another trip to Zorba’s for Emma, Elise and friends.

M o r e H i g h l i g h t s