NO.121 JULY 2010 Larry’s Newsletter

Larry's Newsletter No.121

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Page 1: Larry's Newsletter No.121

NO.121 JULY 2010

Larry’s Newsletter

Page 2: Larry's Newsletter No.121

Coventry Transport Museum .......

Last week in June and first week in July Darren, Michelle, Lewis, Jack and Georgia travelled to Spain, and were joined by Isobel and Morgan for a great fortnights holiday.

Darren, Michelle and Five Go Off to Malaga

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Coventry Transport Museum .......M o r e H o l i d a y F u n

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Coventry Transport Museum .......

S u n d a y 4 t h J u l y s a w L e a h Williamson given a Name and Blessing by her father Craig. Afterwards is was back to Lorraine and Derek’s for a family get together.

L e a h ’ s B l e s s i n g

Carl ’ s Bir thday

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Coventry Transport Museum .......

On Sunday 11th July Darren surprised us all by announcing that He and Michelle were returning to Spain via Brittany Ferry to Santander and then an eleven hour drive to Malaga. The plan for him to get a job, and then find somewhere for him, Michelle and her three children to live!!!

D a r r e n & M i c h e l l e ’ s R o a d t r i p

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On Wednesday 7th July Larry &

Lynne flew out to Fuerteventura for

a f o r tnights ho l iday. Much

sunshine, plenty of walking and a

great t ime together . What a

beautiful place as you can see on the

next few pages.

Fuerteventura Paradise for Larry & Lynne

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