Susquehanna River Basin Commission Susquehanna Large River Assessment Project Publication 261 September 2008 Report by Jennifer L.R. Hoffman Section Chief, Monitoring and Assessment www.srbc.net SRBC • 1721 N. Front Street • Harrisburg, PA 17102 • 717.238.0423 • [email protected] Printed on recycled paper

Large River Assessment 2007 Report · Susquehanna Large River Assessment Project Publication 261 September 2008 Report by Jennifer L.R.Hoffman Section Chief,Monitoring and Assessment

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Page 1: Large River Assessment 2007 Report · Susquehanna Large River Assessment Project Publication 261 September 2008 Report by Jennifer L.R.Hoffman Section Chief,Monitoring and Assessment

Susquehanna River Basin Commission

Susquehanna Large River Assessment Project

Publication 261September 2008

Report by Jennifer L.R. HoffmanSection Chief, Monitoring and Assessment

w w w. s r b c . n e tSRBC • 1721 N. Front Street • Harrisburg, PA 17102 • 717.238.0423 • [email protected]

Printed on recycled paper

Page 2: Large River Assessment 2007 Report · Susquehanna Large River Assessment Project Publication 261 September 2008 Report by Jennifer L.R.Hoffman Section Chief,Monitoring and Assessment

INTRODUCTIONSRBC has been performing biological

assessments throughout the basin sincethe late 1970s. When USEPA introducedthe first version of the RBP manual(Plafkin and others, 1989), SRBC adoptedthose methods for use in its interstatestream monitoring program and itsrotating subbasin surveys. However,neither the previous nor current RBPmethods (Barbour and others, 1999)used by SRBC in the aforementionedsurveys accurately depict the biologicalintegrity of the basin’s large rivers:the mainstem Susquehanna, Chemung,West Branch Susquehanna, and JuniataRivers. Thus, in 2002, SRBC initiated apilot project to determine proper methodsof biologically assessing the large riversin the basin. From this pilot project, staffdetermined that a combination of rock-filled basket samplers and traditionalRBP methods was the most effective andconsistent collection method for samplingthe Susquehanna River (Hoffman, 2003).

In summer 2005, staff collectedbiological and water quality data at 25stations on the mainstem SusquehannaRiver and at the mouth of its majortributaries using the methodologydescribed above. During summer 2007,staff changed the methodology to mimicthe methods drafted by USEPA for theNRSA (USEPA, 2008). The results aredescribed in the sections below.

Although the NRSA data collectionincludes fish, physical habitat, toxicology,and other parameters in addition tobenthic macroinvertebrates, SRBC staffchose to focus efforts on benthic

macroinvertebrate sampling. Benthicmacroinvertebrates were used to assessbiological conditions for several reasons.Benthic macroinvertebrates are sensitiveto a wide range of stressors, have a widerange of documented pollution tolerances,and are found in a wide variety of habitatsthroughout lotic systems (Flotemerschand others, 2001a). Additionally, SRBChas background macroinvertebrate datafrom various sites on the large rivers ofthe basin from subbasin surveys andinterstate streams monitoring, as well asthe previous river assessment studies.

Basin GeographyThe Susquehanna River Basin is the

largest river basin on the east coast ofthe United States, draining 27,510square miles. The Susquehanna Riveroriginates at Otsego Lake, N.Y., andflows 444 miles through New York,Pennsylvania, and Maryland to theChesapeake Bay at Havre de Grace, Md.

The study area for this surveystretched from Sidney, N.Y., to Marietta,Pa., and encompassed every subbasinin the Susquehanna River Watershed.A total of 25 sampling stations wereestablished as follows: seven in theUpper Susquehanna Subbasin; one atthe mouth of the Chemung River; 10 inthe Middle Susquehanna Subbasin; oneat the mouth of the West BranchSusquehanna River; five in the LowerSusquehanna Subbasin; and one at themouth of the Juniata River (Figure 1and Table 1). Downstream of Marietta,Pa., the river flows through a series ofimpoundments and could not besampled using the methods in this study.

ABSTRACTIn 2002, the Susquehanna River Basin

Commission (SRBC) conducted a pilot study todetermine appropriate methods of biologicallyassessing the large rivers of the SusquehannaRiver Basin (basin). Based on the results of thatsurvey, SRBC determined that a combinationof rock basket samplers and traditionalRapid Bioassessment Protocol (RBP) methodswas the most efficient and consistent collectionmethod to sample the Susquehanna River.These methods were implemented in the2005 Susquehanna Large River AssessmentProject (Hoffman, 2006) at 25 stations onthe mainstem Susquehanna River and at themouths of its major tributaries: the WestBranch Susquehanna River, the Juniata River,and the Chemung River.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(USEPA) has developed a field operationsmanual for the National River and StreamAssessment (NRSA), detailing data collectionmethods for both wadeable and nonwadeablestreams (USEPA, 2008). During summer 2007,SRBC staff collected macroinvertebrate andwater chemistry data at the same 25 stationsas above using the draft USEPA riverassessment protocols.

Composite benthic macroinvertebratesamples were collected at each station fromthree D-frame net sweeps at each of 10transects. Field and laboratory water qualitysamples and overall observations of the sitealso were collected at each site.

Eight of the sites were designated asnonimpaired, 14 sites were slightly impaired, andthree sites were moderately impaired. Only 38 outof 667 laboratory and field water quality datapoints exceeded standards or levels of tolerancefor aquatic life, indicating that the SusquehannaRiver contains fairly good water quality.

For future river assessment projects,SRBC plans to continue data collectionusing slightly modified USEPA collectionmethodologies, possibly incorporating fishdata collection at selected sites. Staff alsowill be considering alternative methods forassessing physical habitat and determiningways to assess the reservoir system at thelower end of the Susquehanna River.

SRBC staff preparing a macroinvertebrate sample at Sidney, N.Y.


Page 3: Large River Assessment 2007 Report · Susquehanna Large River Assessment Project Publication 261 September 2008 Report by Jennifer L.R.Hoffman Section Chief,Monitoring and Assessment

METHODSField and Laboratory MethodsData collection

During August 27-September 27,2007, SRBC staff collected D-framemacroinvertebrate samples on themainstem Susquehanna River fromSidney, N.Y., to Marietta, Pa., and at themouths of its major tributaries. Fieldchemistry measurements were taken ateach site, and chemical water qualitysamples also were collected for laboratoryanalysis. Macroinvertebrate sampleswere labeled with the site number, thedate, and the number of bottles used.

Chemical water qualityWater samples were collected at

each sampling site to measure nutrientand metal concentrations in the river.Field water quality measurementsincluded water temperature, dissolvedoxygen, conductivity, and pH. Temperaturewas measured with a field thermometerin degrees Celsius. Dissolved oxygenwas measured with a YSI 55 meter thatwas calibrated at the beginning of everyday when samples were collected, andconductivity was measured with aCole-Parmer Model 1481 meter. ACole-Parmer Model 5996 meter that wascalibrated at the beginning of eachsampling day and randomly checkedthroughout the day was used to measure pH.

A list of laboratory parameters islocated in Table 2. Laboratory samplesconsisted of one 500-ml bottle of rawwater and two 250-ml bottles of acidifiedwater. One of the 250-ml bottles wasacidified with nitric acid for metalanalyses. The other 250-ml bottle wasacidified with H2SO4 for nutrientanalyses. Samples were iced and shippedto the Pennsylvania Department ofEnvironmental Protection, Bureau ofLaboratories, Harrisburg, Pa., for analysis.

MacroinvertebratesBenthic macroinvertebrates (organisms

that live on the stream bottom, includingaquatic insects, crayfish, clams, snails,and worms) were collected for analysisduring this survey. Staff collected benthicmacroinvertebrate samples using aD-frame kick net with 500 µm mesh. A

Figure 1. Large River Assessment Sampling Site Locations

Station County/State USGS Quad Latitude Longitude Site DescriptionNumber

SUSQ 394 Chenango/N.Y. Sidney, N.Y. 42.3113 -75.4199 Susquehanna River near Sidney, N.Y.

SUSQ 365 Broome/N.Y. Windsor, N.Y. 42.0747 -75.6351 Susquehanna River at Windsor, N.Y.

SUSQ 356 Susquehanna/Pa. Great Bend, Pa. 41.9612 -75.6620 Susquehanna River near Oakland, Pa.

SUSQ 344 Broome/N.Y. Binghamton East, N.Y. 42.0347 -75.8017 Susquehanna River at Kirkwood, N.Y.

SUSQ 327 Tioga/N.Y. Apalachin, N.Y. 42.0653 -76.1426 Susquehanna River near Apalachin, N.Y.

SUSQ 312 Tioga/N.Y. Bar ton, N.Y. 42.0400 -76.4464 Susquehanna River at Bar ton, N.Y.

SUSQ 300 Bradford/Pa. Sayre, Pa. 41.9819 -76.5065 Susquehanna River at Sayre, Pa.

SUSQ 271 Bradford/Pa. Towanda, Pa. 41.7627 -76.4393 Susquehanna River at Towanda, Pa.

SUSQ 256 Bradford/Pa. Wyalusing, Pa. 41.6705 -76.2786 Susquehanna River near Wyalusing, Pa.

SUSQ 234 Wyoming/Pa. Meshoppen, Pa. 41.6099 -76.0509 Susquehanna River near Meshoppen, Pa.

SUSQ 219 Wyoming/Pa. Tunkhannock, Pa. 41.5351 -75.9502 Susquehanna River near Tunkhannock, Pa.

SUSQ 207 Wyoming/Pa. Ransom, Pa. 41.4594 -75.8524 Susquehanna River near West Falls, Pa.

SUSQ 192 Luzerne/Pa. Kingston, Pa. 41.2500 -75.8845 Susquehanna River near Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

SUSQ 174 Luzerne/Pa. Nanticoke, Pa. 41.1774 -76.1085 Susquehanna River near Shickshinny, Pa.

SUSQ 157 Columbia/Pa. Mif f l invi l le, Pa. 41.0405 -76.2945 Susquehanna River near Berwick, Pa.

SUSQ 149 Columbia/Pa. Catawissa, Pa. 40.9935 -76.4369 Susquehanna River near Bloomsburg, Pa.

SUSQ 138 Northumberland/ Danvil le, Pa. 40.9422 -76.6011 Susquehanna River near Danvil le, Pa.Pa.

SUSQ 122 Snyder/Pa. Sunbury, Pa. 40.8182 -76.8420 Susquehanna River at Hummels Wharf, Pa.

SUSQ 106 Snyder/Pa. Dalmatia, Pa. 40.6517 -76.9226 Susquehanna River at McKees Half Falls, Pa.

SUSQ 94 Dauphin/Pa. Halifax, Pa. 40.4958 -76.9516 Susquehanna River at Montgomery Ferry, Pa.

SUSQ 77 Dauphin/Pa. Harrisburg West, Pa. 40.3358 -76.9125 Susquehanna River at For t Hunter, Pa.

SUSQ 45 Lancaster/Pa. Columbia West, Pa. 40.0365 -76.5239 Susquehanna River at Marietta, Pa.

JUNR 2 Perry/Pa. Duncannon, Pa. 40.4258 -77.0159 Juniata River at Amity Hall , Pa.

CHEM 3 Bradford/Pa. Sayre, Pa. 41.9607 -76.5324 Chemung River at Athens, Pa.

WBSR 8 Northumberland/ Lewisburg, Pa. 40.9679 -76.8797 West Branch Susquehanna River at Pa. Lewisburg, Pa.

Table 1. Large River Assessment Station Locations3

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three-kick composite sample was collectedat each of 10 equidistant transects along aone-kilometer sampling reach. Alternatingbanks were utilized for each transect.For example, transects two, four, six,eight, and ten were sampled on the rightbank, while transects one, three, five,seven, and nine were sampled on the leftbank. Multiple habitats, including bottomsubstrate, woody debris, undercut banks,and macrophytes, were included in samplecollection. Sampling was conductedin a 10 meter area surrounding eachtransect, to a depth of 0.5 meters.

Each sample was preserved in thefield in 95 percent denatured ethylalcohol. After sampling was completedat a given site, all equipment that camein contact with the sample was rinsedthoroughly, examined carefully, and pickedfree of algae or debris before samplingat the next site. Additional organismsthat were found on examination wereplaced into the sample containers.

Subsampling and sorting procedureswere based on the 1999 RBP document(Barbour and others, 1999). In the laboratory,composite samples were sorted into 300-organism subsamples, when possible,using a gridded pan and a random numberstable. The organisms contained in thesubsamples were identified to genus(except Chironomidae and Oligochaeta),when possible, and enumerated.

Data AnalysisChemical water quality

Chemical water quality was assessedby examining field and laboratoryparameters. Limit values were obtainedfor each parameter based on current

state and federal regulations orreferences for aquatic life tolerances(Table 3, Buda, 2008).

Macroinvertebrate analysisA series of macroinvertebrate metrics

was calculated for each sample, andassessments of the sites were performed.Benthic macroinvertebrate sampleswere assessed using proceduresdescribed by Barbour and others (1999),Klemm and others (1990), and Plafkinand others (1989). Using these methods,staff calculated a series of biologicalindexes at each station. The metricsused in this survey are summarizedin Table 4. Metric 2 (Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index) followed themethods described in Klemm and others(1990), and all othermetrics were derivedfrom Barbour andothers (1999).

A reference conditionapproach was used todetermine impairmentlevels for each sample.This protocol entailsdetermining the bestscore for each metric.The 300-organism sub-sample data were usedto generate scores foreach of the seven metrics.Scores for metrics 1-4 wereconverted to a biologicalcondition score, based onthe percent similarity ofthe metric score, relativeto the best possible metricscore. Scores for metrics

5-7 were based on set scoring criteriadeveloped for the percentages (Plafkinand others, 1989; Ohio EnvironmentalProtection Agency, 1987). The sum ofthe biological condition scores constitutedthe total biological score for the sample,and total biological scores were usedto assign each sample to a biologicalcondition category (Table 5).

RESULTSWater Quality

During late summer 2007, waterquality at most of the river sites metwater quality standards. Limit valueswere exceeded for 38 out of 667 totalwater chemistry values (5.7 percent).Results from duplicate samples areincluded in the results. Most of these

Table 2. Parameters for Laboratory Analysis Reference Codes and Referencesa: http://www.pacode.com/secure/data/025/chapter93/s93.7.htmlb: Hem (1970) - http://water.usgs.gov/pubs/wsp/wsp2254/c: Gagen and Sharpe (1987) and Baker and Schofield (1982)d: http://www.uky.edu/WaterResources/Watershed/KRB_AR/wq_standards.htme: http://www.uky.edu/WaterResources/Watershed/KRB_AR/krww_parameters.htmf: http://www.hach.com/h2ou/h2wtrqual.htmg: http://sites.state.pa.us/PA_Exec/Fish_Boat/education/catalog/pondstream.pdfh: http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/criteria/sediment/appendix3.pdfi : http://www.dec.ny.gov/regs/4590.htmlj:* http://water.usgs.gov/pubs/circ/circ1225/images/table.htmlk: http://water.usgs.gov/nawqa/circ-1136/h6.html#NITl: http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/criteria/goldbook.pdfm: based on archived data at SRBCn: http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/criteria/wqctable

* Background levels for natural streams

Parameter Limit Reference CodeTemperature > 25 °C a,fDissolved oxygen < 4 mg/l a,g, iConductivity >800 µmhos/cm dpH <6.0 iAlkalinity < 20 mg/l a,gNitrogen* >1.0 mg/l jNitr ite > 0.06 mg/l f , iNitrate > 1.0 mg/l e, jPhosphorus > 0.1 mg/l e,kOr thophosphate > 0.05 mg/l l , f , j ,kTOC > 10 mg/l bHardness > 300 mg/l eMagnesium > 35 mg/l i , lCalcium > 100 mg/l mTSS > 25 mg/l hSodium > 20 mg/l iChloride > 250 mg/l a, iSulfate > 250 mg/l a, iIron >1,500 µg/l aManganese >1,000 µg/l aAluminum > 750 µg/l nTurbidity > 150 NTU h

ParameterAlkalinity, mg/la Total Suspended Solids, mg/lTotal Nitrogen, mg/l Total Sodium, mg/lTotal Nitr ite, mg/l Total Chloride, mg/lTotal Nitrate, mg/l Total Sulfate, mg/lTotal Phosphorus, mg/l Total Iron, µg/lb

Total Or thophosphate, mg/l Total Manganese, µg/lTotal Organic Carbon, mg/l Total Aluminum, µg/lTotal Hardness, mg/l Turbidity, NTUc

Total Magnesium, mg/l Total Calcium, mg/l

a mg/l = mil l igrams per l i ter c nephelometric turbidity unitsb µg/l = micrograms per l i ter

Table 3. Water Quality Limits and References


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exceedances were for total sodium, totalnitrogen, total phosphorus, and watertemperature. The exceedances are listedin Table 6 and depicted in Figure 3.

Biological CommunitiesBiological conditions for each

sampling site are depicted in Figure 4.All stations in this survey received eithera nonimpaired, slightly impaired, or amoderately impaired designation. Nostations were rated as severely impaired.Nonimpaired biological communitieswere found at eight of the 25 stations(32 percent), slightly impaired conditionswere found at 14 stations (56 percent),and moderately impaired conditionswere found at three stations (12 percent).

Table 4. Summary of Metrics Used to Evaluate the Overall Biological Integrity of River Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities

Metric Description1. Taxonomic Richness (a) The total number of taxa present in the 300-organism subsample.

Number decreases with increasing disturbance or stress.2. Shannon-Wiener Diversity A measure of biological community complexity based on

Index (b) number of equally or nearly equally abundant taxa in the community. Index value decreases with increasing stress.

3. Hilsenhoff Biotic Index (a) A measure of the organic pollution tolerance of a benthic macro-invertebrate community. Index value increases with increasing stress.

4. EPT Index (a) The total number of Ephemeroptera (mayfly), Plecoptera (stonefly), and Trichoptera (caddisfly) taxa present in the 300-organism subsample. The index decreases with increasing stress.

5. Percent Ephemeroptera (a) The percentage of Ephemeroptera in a 300-organism subsample. Percentage decreases with increasing stress.

6. Percent Dominant Taxa (a) A measure of community balance at the lowest positive taxonomic level. Percentage increases with increasing stress.

7. Percent Chironomidae (a) The percentage of Chironomidae in a 300-organism subsample. Percentage increases with increasing stress.

Sources: (a) Barbour and others, 1999 (b) Klemm and others, 1990

Table 5. Summary of Criteria Used to Classify the Biological Conditions of Sample Sites



Metric 6 4 2 01. Taxonomic Richness (a) > 80% 79-60% 59-40% <40%2. Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index (a) > 75% 74-50% 49-25% <25%3. Hilsenhoff Biotic Index (b) > 85% 84-70% 69-50% <50%4. EPT Index (a) > 90% 89-80% 79-70% < 70%5. Percent Ephemeroptera (c) > 25% 10-25% 1-9% < 1%6. Percent Dominant Taxa (c) < 20% 20-30% 31-40% >40%7. Percent Chironomidae (c) < 5% 5-20% 21-35% >35% Total Biological Score (d)

BIOASSESSMENTPercent Comparability of Study and

Reference Condition Total Biological Scores (e) Biological Condition Category>83% Nonimpaired79-54 Slightly Impaired50-21 Moderately Impaired<17% Severely Impaired

(a) Score is study site value/reference condit ion value X 100(b) Score is reference condit ion value/study site value X 100(c) Scoring Criteria evaluate actual percentage contribution, not percent comparabil i ty to the reference station(d) Total Biological Score = the sum of Biological Condit ion Scores assigned to each metric(e) Values obtained that are intermediate to the indicated ranges wil l require subjective judgment

as to the correct placement into a biological condit ion category

Parameter Limit Concentration # of Exceedances # of Data PointsTemperature 25 degrees Celsius 5 29Total Sodium 20 mg/l 22 29

Total Nitrogen 1.0 mg/l 4 29Total Or thophosphate 0.05 mg/l 4 29

Total Phosphorus 0.1 mg/l 2 29Total Organic Carbon 10 mg/l 1 29

Table 6. Summary of Exceedances of Water Quality Standards

All stations in

this survey received

either a nonimpaired,

slightly impaired, or a

moderately impaired


Total Sodium57%

Figure 3. Parameters Exceeding Water Quality Standards

Total Nitrogen11%






Total Organic Carbon3%




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A comparison of water quality samplesfrom the present large river assessmentproject (August-September 2007) towater quality samples collected for themost recent interstate streams survey(Steffy, 2007), Upper SusquehannaSubbasin Survey (Buda, 2008), ChemungSubbasin Survey (Buda, 2007), MiddleSusquehanna Subbasin Survey (LeFevre,2002), West Branch Subbasin Survey(LeFevre, 2003), Juniata River SubbasinSurvey (LeFevre, 2005), and LowerSusquehanna Subbasin Survey (LeFevre,2006) indicates that water qualityconditions on the Susquehanna River

between Sidney, N.Y., and Marietta, Pa.,and at the mouths of its major tributaries,are stable and generally below limits,although temperatures were greater than25 degrees Celsius at several stationsand total sodium exceeded the level ofconcern in many samples. From the dataanalysis, it appears that the SusquehannaRiver, in the stretch encompassed by thisstudy, contains fairly good water quality,with some slightly elevated parameters.

Macroinvertebrate CommunitiesUpper Susquehanna River and the Chemung River

The section of the Susquehanna Riverfrom the headwaters at Cooperstown, N.Y.,

to the confluence with the Chemung Riverat Sayre, Pa., encompasses the UpperSusquehanna Subbasin. This surveyincluded seven stations on the mainstemSusquehanna River from Sidney, N.Y.,to Sayre, Pa. The river in this part of thebasin flows through mostly agriculturaland forested land with some smallcommunities and one larger populationcenter, Binghamton, N.Y. Zebra mussels(Dreissena polymorpha), an aquaticinvasive species, were found throughoutthis reach from Sidney downstream toApalachin, N.Y., during this survey andthe 2007 Upper Susquehanna SubbasinSurvey. Overall, the sites at Sidney(SUSQ 394), which was rated as slightlyimpaired, and Windsor (SUSQ 365), N.Y.,which was rated as nonimpaired, exhibitedhigh taxa richness and diversity,although SUSQ 394 had lower values forEPT Index and percent Ephemeroptera.The station at Great Bend (SUSQ 356), Pa.,where the Susquehanna River entersPennsylvania briefly before flowingback into New York State, also had non-impaired biological conditions. This sitealso had the highest number of taxa (36)and highest number of EPT taxa (19) ofany river station. The site at Kirkwood(SUSQ 344), N.Y., was designated asslightly impaired.

However, downstream of Binghamton,N.Y., conditions degraded slightly. AtApalachin (SUSQ 327), N.Y., the stationwas rated as slightly impaired, but hadpoor ratings for percent Ephemeroptera,number of EPT taxa, and percentdominant taxa. In fact, this site hadthe lowest percent Ephemeroptera ofall stations in the survey (4.8 percent).

Figure 4. Biological Conditions at Large River Assessment Stations in 2007

Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha),

an aquatic invasivespecies, were found

throughout this reach from Sidney downstream

to Apalachin, N.Y.


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At Barton (SUSQ 312), N.Y., the riverseemed to improve, as this station wasdesignated as nonimpaired. The stationat Waverly (SUSQ 300), N.Y., also wasrated as nonimpaired; this station had thehighest diversity index of all river stations.

The Chemung River empties intothe Susquehanna at Athens, Pa. At thispoint, the Chemung is nearly a thirdof the size of the Susquehanna. Staffsampled the Chemung River at Athens(CHEM 3), Pa., and found slightlyimpaired biological conditions duringthis survey.

Middle Susquehanna River and the West BranchSusquehanna River

The section of the SusquehannaRiver from the confluence with theChemung River at Sayre, Pa., to theconfluence with the West BranchSusquehanna River at Sunbury, Pa.,is termed the Middle SusquehannaRiver. During this survey, 10 stationswere sampled on the mainstemSusquehanna in this section of the river,in addition to a site on the West BranchSusquehanna at Lewisburg, Pa. Thisstretch of the river is very diverse withsections located in agricultural land,some sections flowing through forestedhills, and some portions drainingurban settings, particularly the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton, Pa., area. Abandonedmine drainage (AMD) is a prevalent issuewithin this watershed as well.

The stations near Towanda (SUSQ271), Wyalusing (SUSQ 256), Meshoppen(SUSQ 234), and Tunkhannock (SUSQ 219),Pa., were designated as slightly impaired.SUSQ 234 had the highest HilsenhoffBiotic Index of all Large RiverAssessment sites, possibly due to thelarge number of snails collected atthe site. At West Falls (SUSQ 207) andWilkes-Barre (SUSQ 192), Pa., the stationswere designated as nonimpaired,although the number of EPT taxawas reduced at SUSQ 192. The stationat Shickshinny (SUSQ 174), Pa., wasrated as moderately impaired. This siteis located downstream of the urbanpopulation centers of Wilkes-Barre andScranton, Pa., and may be impacted

by both urban runoff and AMD fromthe surrounding watersheds. The poorestscores for taxonomic richness, percentdominant taxa, number of EPT taxa,and Shannon diversity index in thissurvey were recorded at SUSQ 174. Thestations at Berwick (SUSQ 157) andBloomsburg (SUSQ 149), Pa., weredesignated as slightly impaired,although SUSQ 149 had the lowestpercent Chironomidae score in thesurvey. The station on the SusquehannaRiver near Danville (SUSQ 138), Pa.,was designated nonimpaired.

Staff collected a sample near themouth of the West Branch SusquehannaRiver at Lewisburg (WBSR 8), Pa.This site was designated as moderatelyimpaired, with low EPT diversity anda large number of midges in thesample. The West Branch Susquehannais impacted heavily by AMD fromthe headwaters to downstream ofWilliamsport, Pa.

Lower Susquehanna River andthe Juniata River

The portion of the watershed fromthe confluence of the mainstem withthe West Branch Susquehanna River tothe outlet of the Susquehanna Riverat Havre de Grace, Md., is termed theLower Susquehanna River Subbasin.Staff sampled five stations on the mainstem

Susquehanna River and one station onthe Juniata River during this survey.This subbasin contains a large amountof agricultural land and severallarger population centers, includingHarrisburg, York, and Lancaster, Pa.The final 45 miles of river areensconced in a series of reservoirs andwere not sampled for this survey.

Staff sampled the biological conditionof the river downstream of Sunbury(SUSQ 122), Pa., which was designatedas slightly impaired, with a low numberof EPT taxa. The stations at McKeesHalf Falls (SUSQ 106) and Halifax(SUSQ 94), Pa., also were rated as slightlyimpaired, although SUSQ 94 had thebest scores of Hilsenhoff Biotic Index andpercent Ephemeroptera of all stations inthe survey. However, SUSQ 94 also had adepressed number of EPT taxa, whichoffset the high scores from the othermetrics. At Fort Hunter (SUSQ 77), Pa.,the station was rated as nonimpaired,while at Marietta (SUSQ 45), Pa.,the biological condition category wasslightly impaired.

A station was located near themouth of the Juniata River nearDuncannon (JUNR 2), Pa. This sitewas rated as moderately impaired, withpoor scores for percent dominant taxa,number of EPT taxa, and percentChironomidae.

Future DirectionsSRBC will continue to sample the large rivers of the Susquehanna

River Basin as flow conditions permit. During 2003, 2004, and 2006,river flows remained too high to safely and effectively sample the river.Staff will continue to evaluate the current sampling protocol,including comparing data collected during the current survey to pastbiological surveys of the Susquehanna River and utilizing USEPA’slarge river protocols. Additionally, staff will be considering different waysto assess habitat in conjunction with the sampling effort and will worktoward securing funding to determine a sampling protocol for the reservoirsystem that encompasses the final 45 miles of the river. Additional datacollection efforts also may include fish or periphyton sampling.


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ReferencesBarbour, M.T., J. Gerritsen, B.D. Snyder, and J.B. Stribling. 1999. Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Wadeable Rivers:Periphyton, Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Fish, Second Edition. EPA 841-B-99-002. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Washington, D.C.

Brown, A.V. and P.P. Brussock. 1991. Comparisons of benthic invertebrates between riffles and pools. Hydrobiologia, 220: 99-108.

Buda, S.L. 2008. Upper Susquehanna Subbasin Survey: A Water Quality and Biological Assessment, June-September 2007. Publication 260.Susquehanna River Basin Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

_____. 2007. Chemung Subbasin Survey: A Water Quality and Biological Assessment, June - August 2006. Publication 251. Susquehanna RiverBasin Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Cooper, S.D. and L.A. Barmuta. 1993. Field Experiments in Biomonitoring. In Freshwater Biomonitoring and Benthic Macroinvertebrates. Ed. byD.M. Rosenbert and V.H. Resh. Chapman and Hall, New York. 488 pp.

Flotemersch, J.E., B.C. Autrey, and S.M. Cormier. 2000a. Comparisons of Boating and Wading Methods Used to Assess the Status of FlowingWaters. EPA/600/R-00/108. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Flotemersch, J.E., B.C. Autrey, and S.M. Cormier, eds. 2000b. Logistics of Ecological Sampling on Large Rivers. EPA/600/R-00/109. U.S.Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH.

Hall, L.W., Jr., and others. 1999. Pilot Study to Develop Assessment Methods and Biological Indicators for Tidal Streams in Maryland's Coastal Plain.Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Programs, Monitoring and Non-Tidal Assessment, State of Maryland, Department of Natural Resources, CBWP-MANTA-EA-99-1.

Hoffman, J.L.R. 2006. Susquehanna Large River Assessment Project. Publication 245. Susquehanna River Basin Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

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