LAHORE the heart of Pakistan City District Government Lahore 13th to 15 th December 2004

LAHORE the heart of Pakistan City District Government Lahore 13th to 15 th December 2004

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Page 1: LAHORE the heart of Pakistan City District Government Lahore 13th to 15 th December 2004

LAHOREthe heart of Pakistan

City District Government Lahore

13th to 15th December 2004

Page 2: LAHORE the heart of Pakistan City District Government Lahore 13th to 15 th December 2004


Area 1772 Sq.Km

Population 7.2 million

Profile • Lahore - second largest city of Pakistan. • Many historical monuments • City is also known for its beautiful gardens mostly laid down during Mughal Empire and British Raj.


• The City District Government is headed by the City Nazim. • Assisted by District Coordination Officer (DCO) as the Administrative head. • Departments are grouped and placed under Executive District Officers, who are subordinate to the DCO .

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Major Environmental Concerns

Air Pollution Water Contamination Solid Waste Disposal Hazardous Waste Disposal Noise Pollution Municipal Sewerage Waste Disposal

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Air Pollu


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Vehicular EmissionsM



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Burning of Municipal Solid Waste

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Cottage/ Major Industrial PollutionM









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Air Monitoring Data of Lahore March Air Monitoring Data of Lahore March 20012001





m3 )


CO ppm

NO2 ppb


WHO/ USEPAStandards

- 150 50 09 107 65

Azadi Crossing

125 850 25 1 90

Qartaba Crossing

214 456 11 _ 58 82

Chauburji Crossing

58 430 4.7 3.1 41 _

Charring Crossing

328 1100 4.7 7.2 50 78

Based on 24 Hour Monitoring Source: EPA Punjab

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PM10 (Ug/m3)



NO2 ppb




- 150 50 09 107 65

Azadi Crossing

167 882 29 3 89 75

Qartaba Crossing

192 640 47 3 67 82

Chauburji Crossing

135 534 23 3.1 71 78

Charring Crossing

321 963 41 7.3 71 78

Source: EPA Punjab

Air Monitoring Data of Lahore, October Air Monitoring Data of Lahore, October 20042004

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Air Quality Monitoring

• One Air Quality Monitoring Lab (Mobile) is available with the Punjab EPA.

• Lack of Air Monitoring Equipment

• No readily available data for the Air Quality

• Most of the assessments are made on visual assessments

• Winters are worse when smog and fog engulfs the city.

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Effects of Air Pollution• Health Problems

– Bronchial Irritation–Heart Problems–Anemia –Asthma–Eye Irritation–Reparatory Diseases –Serious consequences relation to new born and unborn babies.

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• Lack of Awareness about the Environmental issues in general as well as the adverse affects of poor Air Quality and the Remedial measures amongst:– General Public– Politicians– Vehicle Operators– Managers

• This Non- Awareness especially pertains to the Air Pollutants i.e. PM10, SO2, CO, NOx.

• Absence of permanent monitoring facilities.

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Political Will• Lack of Political Will:

– For the Enforcement of the Environmental Law

– For the Sustainable Policy on the Environment

– For Environment Friendly Projects

– For priority based budgetary allocations to the Environment sector

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Sustainable Development

• More priority on the Infrastructure Development

• Less or NO priority to the Sustainable Development Policies

• No Environmental Impact Assessment for the major projects

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Vehicular Problem/ Pollution• Lack of proper Transport

Policy• Weak coordination mechanism

between various stake holders associated with Transport

• Transport Policy/ guidelines which are not Environment friendly

• One nuisance replaces another nuisance – Tonga/ Horse carts were

replaced by Motorcycle rickshaws which have brought more nuisance and air pollution to the city.

Motor-cycle Rickshaw- Bigger NuisanceMotor-cycle Rickshaw- Bigger Nuisance

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Motor-cycle Rickshaw- Bigger NuisanceMotor-cycle Rickshaw- Bigger Nuisance

Two Stroke Rickshaws are major Two Stroke Rickshaws are major source of Vehicular Air Pollutionsource of Vehicular Air Pollution

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Transport Policy:

Motorcycle and Auto- Rickshaws are the most Polluting and Unsafe

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More Traffic on the Roads and still More Traffic on the Roads and still NO PLANNING OR NO PLANNING OR PROPER POLICYPROPER POLICY

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Two Stroke Vehicles• Major source of Vehicular Air

Pollution • No Policy to check the

emission of Two stroke vehicles

• No equipment for the annual passing of the two stroke vehicles

• No investment has gone into the fresh research of the two stroke manufacturers

• Local Manufacturers of Two stroke rickshaws rely on old and obsolete technology.

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Policy for Aging Vehicles

• No clear cut policy for the elimination of aging transport

• Commuter Wagons and Buses over 20 years are still plying on the city roads

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Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Programs

• Vehicles still don’t meet environmental standards even in the presence of Motor Vehicle Examiners (MVEs).

• No update of the knowledge

• Lack of Vehicle Emission Testing Equipment

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Increase in Vehicles

2000 2002 2003 2004790790 867989

9.76% increase


8.5% increase


14.3% increase

•On average 10,000 vehicles are being registered every Month

•Leasing Companies and Banks have played a major role in the un-precedented increase in the vehicles

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Urbanization of the City

• No Master Plan of the City in place.

• Lack of land use planning leading to Haphazard urbanization

• No Environmental Impacts Assessment for any housing scheme

• Ill- planned commercial Centers

• Non-sustainable policies

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Monument and Building Degradation

Badshahi Mosque under threat Badshahi Mosque under threat from the air pollutionfrom the air pollution

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Poor Support from the Civil Society

• There is little or no support from the NGOs or Private/ Civil Societies

• Public Pressure is not present

• Public interest is lacking

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Legal Problems

• Due to lack of Standards proper implementation under PEPA 1997 is lacking

• PEPA-1997 at this stage is not affective • Air Quality Standards not in place• Action is being taken under section 61 of the

Punjab Local Government Ordinance 2001• On few occasions cases under Pakistan Penal

Code has also been registered with the Police.• No legislation for Motors• No dedicated courts

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Pakistan Environment Protection Act 1997

• The powers of the Act have not been delegated to the District level hence the whole procedure takes longer time.

•Environment Tribunal has been working but without the proper NEQS & Rules, no case has been decided as yet.

•Implementation of the Act and remedial measures take too long.

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Punjab Local Government Ordinance 2001

• Section 61 states

“Damaging or polluting physical environment, inside or outside private or public premises, in a manner to endanger public health”.

• One month imprisonment and fine of up to Rs. 5,000 fine.

• In the last two years, fine of over Rs.3.5 lacs has been collected from the polluting industry.

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• Getting any Environmental law implemented is the major hurdle for any remedial measures

• In the absence of the Magistracy, Police has to play a role of implementation agency


No commitment has yet been shown by the police in any environmental field

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Budgetary Priorities

• Very less priority is given to the Environmental field in the financial sector

• Few environment related projects are given funds

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Promotion of CNG

• Over 85 stations have been given NOC in the last three years

• CNG is in demand due to economic benefits.

• Lack of policy guidelines from the Government.

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City Government’s Response to the City Government’s Response to the ProblemsProblems- - Steps TakenSteps Taken

• Road Infrastructure• Introduction of Urban

Franchised System• Raids at petrol Stations to

check adulteration of both Oil and Petrol.

• Periodic Campaigns against smoke emitting vehicles

• Setting deadline for the banning of manufacturing of Two Stroke TOWN HALL

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Way ForwardWay Forward

Installation of Air Monitoring Station

Air Quality Standards to be prescribed

Monitoring on regular basis

Proper Land use planning

Sustainable Urban Transport Planning

Stringent environmental Law to be promulgated

Dedicated staff and Courts for deterring the punishments and Fines.

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…contd. VEHICLES

Gradual induction of CNG buses

No new registration of two stroke engine vehicles

Roadworthy certificate mandatory for all vehicles

Stringent actions against smoke emitting vehicles

Introduction of FOUR stroke three wheelers


Fuel Quality monitoring/ surveillanceRegular and stringent checking of petrol pumps for adulteration.Campaign to promote CNG as an environmental friendly fuelIntroduction of low sulphur diesel.

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Better network of roads and maintenance of damaged and unpaved roadsImprovement in existing traffic engineering and planningPlantation of trees and green belts

• Public Private Partnership in Air Quality Management• Health Impact Studies• Comprehensive source apportionment studies• Strengthening technical and institutional capacity• Strengthening Air Quality Monitoring, Data Management and

Analysis• Improve understanding of Emission Sources. • Proper Legislation/ rules and Standards.

Way Forward…………………

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Strict action against the burning of the Solid Waste

Strict action against Smoke Emitting Vehicles

Strict action against adulteration of Mobil oil.Action against polluting Brick Kilns

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