G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1 1 Atmospheric Reservoir All hydraulic systems need a tank to feed oil to the pumps. The oil that circu- lates in the circuit goes back to the tank to be pumped again for another cycle. Even though a hydraulic system usually has only one tank, this symbol can be used in many places in a diagram. It replaces the use of return lines to simplify the diagrams. Àãààð ìàíäëûí õàäãàëàõ ñàâ Á¿õ øèíãýíèé ñèñòåì¿¿äýä íàñîñûã òîñîîð õàíãàõ áàê øààðäëàãàòàé. Òîñ íü òîéðãîîð ýðãýëäýí ººð öèêë õèéõ ¿åä äàõèí øàõàãäàí áóöàí áàêàíä îðäîã. Ãýñýí õýäèé ÷ øèíãýíèé ñèñòåì íü èõýíõäýý çºâõºí ãàíö áàêòàé áàéäàã áà ýíý òýìäýã íü äèàãðàì äýýð îëîí õýñýãò õýðýãëýãääýã. Ýíý íü áóöàõ øóãàìûã àìàð õÿëáàð äèàãðàì áîëãîí ººð÷èëäºã.

Lab 01

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Page 1: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Atmospheric Reservoir

All hydraulic systems need a tank to feed oil to the pumps. The oil that circu-lates in the circuit goes back to the tank to be pumped again for another cycle. Even though a hydraulic system usually has only one tank, this symbol can be used in many places in a diagram. It replaces the use of return lines to simplify the diagrams.Àãààð ìàíäëûí õàäãàëàõ ñàâÁ¿õ øèíãýíèé ñèñòåì¿¿äýä íàñîñûã òîñîîð õàíãàõ áàê øààðäëàãàòàé. Òîñ íü òîéðãîîð ýðãýëäýí ººð öèêë õèéõ ¿åä äàõèí øàõàãäàí áóöàí áàêàíä îðäîã. Ãýñýí õýäèé ÷ øèíãýíèé ñèñòåì íü èõýíõäýý çºâõºí ãàíö áàêòàé áàéäàã áà ýíý òýìäýã íü äèàãðàì äýýð îëîí õýñýãò õýðýãëýãääýã. Ýíý íü áóöàõ øóãàìûã àìàð õÿëáàð äèàãðàì áîëãîí ººð÷èëäºã.

Page 2: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Pressure-Sealed Reservoir

All hydraulic systems need a tank to feed oil to the pumps. The oil that circu-lates in the circuit goes back to the tank to be pumped again for another cycle. Even though a hydraulic system usually has only one tank, this symbol can be used in many places in a diagram. It replaces the use of return lines to simplify the diagrams.Äàðàëò òóñãààðëàñàí õàäãàëàõ ñàâÁ¿õ øèíãýíèé ñèñòåì¿¿äýä íàñîñûã òîñîîð õàíãàõ áàê øààðäëàãàòàé. Òîñ íü òîéðãîîð ýðãýëäýí ººð öèêë õèéõ ¿åä äàõèí øàõàãäàí áóöàí áàêàíä îðäîã. Ãýñýí õýäèé ÷ øèíãýíèé ñèñòåì íü èõýíõäýý çºâõºí ãàíö áàêòàé áàéäàã áà ýíý òýìäýã íü äèàãðàì äýýð îëîí õýñýãò õýðýãëýãääýã. Ýíý íü áóöàõ øóãàìûã àìàð õÿëáàð äèàãðàì áîëãîí ººð÷èëäºã.

Page 3: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Check Valve

The check valve allows oil fl ow in one direction and blocks it in the opposite direction.

Õàâõëàãûí ò¿ãæýýÕàâõëàãûí ò¿ãæýý íü òîñûã íýã ç¿ãò íü óðñãàæ áàéõàä ýñðýã ç¿ãò íü óðñãàõã¿é õààæ áàéäàã.

Page 4: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Pilot-Operated Check Valve

The pilot-operated check valve acts like a regular check valve when the pilot is not activated. By supplying the pilot with pressure, the check is held open and the valve lets oil fl ow in both directions. The pilot-operated check valve acts like a regular check valve when the pilot is not activated. By supplying the pilot with pressure, the check is held open and the valve lets oil fl ow in both direc-tions.

Pilot èèã äàìæóóëàõ õàâõëàãûí ò¿ãæýý Pilot èèã äàìæóóëàõã¿é áàéõ ¿åä íü pilot-operated õàâõëàãûí ò¿ãæýý íü ýíãèéí àæèëëàíà. Pilot èèã äàðàëòààð ä¿¿ðãýõýä ò¿ãæýý íýýãäýæ õàâõëàãà 2 ÷èãëýëä òîñûã ÷èãë¿¿ëäýã:

Page 5: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Fixed Throttle Valve

A fi xed throttle valve restricts the fl ow going through a line. The fl ow going through the valve sets the speed of the actuator located further downstream.

òîãòìîë òîõèðóóëãàòàé õàâõëàãàÒîãòìîë òîõèðóóëãàòàé õàâõëàãà íü øóãàìààð óðñàõ óðñãàëûã õÿçãààðëàäàã. Õàâõëàãààð óðñàõ óðñãàë íü äàðààãèéí óðñãàëûí äàãóó áàéðëàñàí õºäºëãºã÷èéí õóðäûã òîõèðóóëäàã.

Page 6: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Non-Return Throttle Valve

A non-return throttle valve works like a fi xed throttle valve in one direction but the check will allow free fl ow in the opposite direction.

¿ë áóöàõ òîõèðóóëãàòàé õàâõëàãà¯ë áóöàõ òîõèðóóëãàòàé õàâõëàãà íü òîãòìîë òîõèðóóëãàòàé õàâõëàãàòàé àäèë ÷èãëýëýýð àæèëëàäàã áîëîâ÷ ñààä òàâüáàë ýñðýã÷èãëýë äýõü ÷ºëººò óðñãàëûã íýâòð¿¿ëíý.

Page 7: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Variable Throttle Valve

A variable throttle valve works like a fi xed throttle valve. In addition, it allows the specifi cation of the opening percentage. The setting of the opening percent-age can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram

Õóâüñàã÷ òîõèðóóëãàòàé õàâõëàãàÕóâüñàã÷ òîõèðóóëãàòàé õàâõëàãà íü òîãòìîë òîõèðóóëëàãàòàé õàâõëàãàòàé àäèë àæèëëàäàã. ̺í ýíý íü õàâõëàãûã õýäýí õóâèàð îíãîéëãîõûã òîäîðõîéëäîã. Õàâõëàãûã çàñâàðëàõ ýñâýë æèæèã ñõåì äóóðèàëãàõ ¿åä õàâõëàãûí îíãîéëãîõ õóâèéí òîõèðãîîã õèéæ áîëíî.

Page 8: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Variable Non Return Throttle Valve

This is a variable fi ne throttle valve assembled in parallel with a check valve. Õóâüñàã÷ ¿ë áóöàõ òîõèðóóëãàòàé õàâõëàãà. Ýíý áîë õÿíàõ õàâõëàãàòàé çýðýãöýý áàéðëàñàí òîõèðóóëàã÷ õàâõëàãà ãýíý.

Õóâüñàõ áà áóöààæ íýâòð¿¿ëäýãã¿é òîõèðóóëàã÷òàé òàòóóð(õàâõëàãà)

Ýíý áîë òîõèðóóëãàòàé õóâüñàõ õàâõëàãà áºãººä çºâõºí íýã òàëðóóãàà íýâòð¿¿ëýã÷ õàâõëàãàòàé çýðýãöýý áàéäëààð õîëáîãäñîí áàéíà.

Page 9: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Pressure and Temperature Flow Control

The fl ow regulator is used to control the rate of passing fl uid.

Äàðàëò áà òåìïåðàòóðûí óðñãàëûí óäèðäëàãà. Óðñãàë òîõèðóóëàã÷èéã óðñàí ºíãºðºõ øèíãýíèé õýìæýýã õÿíàõàä õýðýãëýäýã.

Óðñãàëûí äàðàëò áîëîí òåìïåðàòóð óäèðäàõ

Óðñãàë òîõèðóóëàã÷ íü óðñàí ºíãºðºõ øèíãýíèé õýìæýýã õÿíàæ ò¿¿íèéã òîõèðóóëàõàä õýðýãëýãääýã.

Page 10: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Spring Loaded Check Valve

The spring loaded check valve is used to allow oil fl ow in one direction and block it in the other direction. However, opening the check depends on a suf-fi cient pressure being supplied to the valve so that the check can compress the spring. The spring loaded check valve is used to allow oil fl ow in one direction and block it in the other direction. However, opening the check depends on a suffi cient pressure being supplied to the valve so that the check can compress the spring.

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G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Fine Throttle Valve

The fi ne throttle valves or also throttle valves with diaphragms function inde-pendently of the viscosity of oil. The weak infl uence that temperature has on it comes from the particular shape of the opening of the throttle. The value of the diaphragm can be selected in the Properties dialog.

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G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Non-Return Fine Throttle Valve

A non-return throttle valve works like a fi xed throttle valve in one direction but the check will allow free fl ow in the opposite direction.

Page 13: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Variable Fine Throttle Valve

Fine throttle valve for which the diaphragm is variable. The diaphragm can be adjusted during editing and during simulation.

ßìàð÷ òîõèðóóëãàòàé õàâõëàãàíä õóâüñàõ õýìæèãäýõ¿¿í áàéäàã.Îðö íü õýâ çàãâàðûí òóðø áà õÿíàëòûí òóðøèä òîõèðóóëäàã.

Page 14: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Variable Non Return Fine Throttle Valve

This is a variable fi ne throttle valve assembled in parallel with a check valve.

Õóâüñàí ººð÷ëºãääºã ìàø íàðèéí ¿ë áóöàõ òîõèðóóëãàò õàâõëàãàÝíý òîõèðóóëãàò õàâõëàãà íü çîãñîîõ õàâõëàãàòàé ïàðàëåëýýð áàéðàëäàã.

Page 15: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Pilot to Open Spring Loaded Check Valve

The piloted operated check valve open behaves like the regular check valve. The only difference is that when the pilot pressure is positive (non-zero), the check valve is opened and the fl uid can fl ow from port 2 to port 1 (the pressure at port 2 must of course be greater than the pressure at port 1).

Ï¿ðøíèé à÷ààëëààð øàëãàõ õàâõëàãûã íýýõÁàéíãûí àæèëëàñàí õàâõëàãà íü íýýæ àæèëóóëñàí õàâõëàãûí àæèëëàãààòàé àäèë áàéäàã. Ãàíö ÿëãàà íü ãýâýë õýçýý øèíãýíèéã ýñðýã ç¿ãò äàðíà òýð ¿åä øàëãàõ õàâõëàãà íýýãäýæ 1 ýñâýë 2 ¿¿ð ð¿¿ ÷ºëººòýé óðñàõ ÷èãëýëèéã íýýæ ºãäºã. ( äàðàëò íü 1 áîëîí 2 ¿¿ðèéí àëü òîõèðîìæòîéä îðíî )

Page 16: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Pilot to Close Spring Loaded Check Valve

The piloted operated check valve close behaves like the regular check valve. The only difference is that when the pilot pressure is positive (non-zero), the check valve is closed preventing the fl uid from fl owing in any direction.

Ï¿ðøíèé à÷ààëëààð øàëãàõ õàâõëàãûã õààõÁàéíãûí àæèëëàñàí õàâõëàãà íü õààæ àæèëóóëñàí õàâõëàãûí àæèëëàãààòàé àäèë áàéäàã. Ãàíö ÿëãàà íü ãýâýë õýçýý øèíãýíèéã ýñðýã ç¿ãò äàðíà òýð ¿åä øàëãàõ õàâõëàãà õààãäàæ õàâõëàãààð ÷ºëººòýé óðñàõûã õààæ ºãäºã. ( 0 áèø áóþó ýñðýã ÷èãëýëòýé ¿åä )

Page 17: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Pilot to Close Check Valve

The piloted operated check valve close behaves like the regular check valve. The only difference is that when the pilot pressure is positive (non-zero), the check valve is closed preventing the fl uid from fl owing in any direction.

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G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1



Filters purify the air by blocking the solid contaminants. They are available in various fi ltration grains and are used in various places in a pneumatic circuit. Where air moisture condensation may form, a fi lter with an automatic drain must be installed. The condensate accumulates in the fi lter’s bowl up to a cer-tain level. A fl oater then activates the opening of the fi lter drain and the conden-sate is expelled. The drain closes when the bowl is empty. From left to right you can see the Filter, Filter & separator, Manual drain fi lter, Manual drain coalesc-ing fi lter, Auto drain coalescing fi lter, and the Coalescing fi lter. From left to right you can see the Filter, Filter & separator, Manual drain fi lter, Manual drain coalescing fi lter, Auto drain coalescing fi lter, and the Coalescing fi lter.

Page 19: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1



The heater is usually used before a cold start to reduce the viscosity of the oil and to avoid cavitation in pumps.

Õàëààãóóð Õàëààãóóðûã ãîëäóó õ¿éòýí òîñûã õàëààæ øàõàõ çîðèëãîîð õýðýãëýíý.

Page 20: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1



A cooler is used when you need to lower the temperature of compressed air. A cooler is usually located at the output of a compressor, before the conditioning units.

Õºðã¿¿ð Õºðã¿¿ðèéã øàõñàí àãààðûí íàì äàðàëòûí òåìïåðòóðèéí ¿åä õýðýãëýíý. Õºðã¿¿ðèéã ãîëäóó øàõìàë á¿òýýãäýõ¿¿íèé òºëºâ áàéäëûã õýìæèõýä õýðýãëýíý.

Page 21: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Fluid Cooler

The liquid coolant is generally water. There is heat transfer between oil and wa-ter.

Øèíãýíèéã õºðãºã÷ íü èõýâ÷ëýí óñ áàéäàã . Òîñ óñ õî¸ðûí õîîðîíä äóëààíû ñîëèëöîî ÿâàãäàæ áàéäàã.

Page 22: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Air Cooler

Based on same operation as the fl uid cooler, the coolant is air. Oil passes through an air-forced radiator. This system is less effective than the previous one but easier to implement.

Àãààðûí õºðãºëò øèíãýíèé õºðãºëò õî¸ðûí ã¿éöýòãýõ ¿íäñýí àæèë íü èæèë .Òîñ íü ðàäèàòîð äàõü àãààðûã áàéíãà àëáàäàí ãàðãàäàã. Ýíý ñèñòåì áîë õóðäàí ¿ð íºëºº áàãàòàé áîëîâ÷ õÿëáàð áàãàæ õýðýãñýë þì.

Page 23: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1



A cooler-heater makes it possible to maintain the temperature of the oil between a minimum value and a maximum value.

Õºðã¿¿ð õàëààãóóð

Õºðã¿¿ð õàëààãóóð íü òåìïåðàòóðûã õàìãèéí èõ áà õàìãèéí áàãà õýìæýýíèé õîîðîíä áàðèõ áîëîìæòîé áàéäàã.

Page 24: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1



The thermometer displays the temperature of the oil in the tank. Therefore, it is fi tted on the external wall of the tank and is usually integrated with a level gauge.


Òåðìîìåòð íü òîñíû òåìïåðàòóðûã äóãóé òºìºð ñàâàí äîòîð õàðóóëäàã. Òèéì ó÷ðààñ ýíý äóãóé òºìºð ñàâ íü õ¿ðýý ãàäàðãóóãààð òîíîãëîãäñîí áà õýìæ¿¿ð íü ¿ðãýëæ íýãäìýë öîãö ò¿âøèíòýé áàéäàã.

Page 25: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Differential Pressure Gauge

The differential pressure gauge makes it possible to measure the relative pres-sure between 2 points of a pneumatic system.

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G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Integrating Flow Meter

The function of the integrating fl ow meter is to count the volume of fl uid run-ning out through the control on which it is inserted in series. This component is not simulated.

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G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1



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G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Level Gauge

The level gauge is used to transmit the fl uid level in a tank.

Ò¿âøèíã õýìæèã÷.The level gauge is used to transmit the fl uid level in a tank.Ò¿âøèíã õýìæèã÷ íü áàíêàí äàõü øèíãýíèé ò¿âøèíã äàìæóóëõàä õýðýãëýãääýã.

Page 29: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1



Device used to mesure speed.

Òàõîìåòð.Áàãæààð õóðäûã õýìæäýã.

Page 30: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Torque Indicator

Returns the value of the couple at the shaft.

Ýðãýëòèéí èíäêàòîð.Áóëíèé õîëáîëòûí ýðãýëòèéí õýìæýý

Page 31: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Motor 1-Direction

Available torque for the shaft is directly proportional to the difference in air pressure between the input and output ports.

The output port of a one direction motor is usually connected to the exhaust and, the air fl ow being important, it is fi tted with a muffl er.

The angular transducer is useful only for rotary actuators (motors). To use this transducer, the corresponding checkbox must be selected in the component properties of the motor, once the box is checked a new variable will be cre-ated in the variable manager. These transducers permit the user to measure, at all times, the position, rotation speed, and external torque at the shaft of the component. These values are stored and updated in the three corresponding variables that, in turn, can be used by controllers, internal logical variables or certain input components.There are two types of external torques that can be specifi ed by the user: a driving torque that will affect the shaft at all times and a resistive torque that will affect the motor only when the shaft is turning.There are three ways to specify these torques:-By fi lling the value in the basic component properties for the resistive torque.-By defi ning the curves for drive and resistive torques.-By assigning two internal variables, one for each force.

2 òàëûí àæèëãààòàé õºäºëã¿¿ð Òýíõëýã äýõ ýðãýëòèéí ¿åèéí õ¿÷ íü îðîëò ãàðàëòûí õîîðîíäîõ àãààðûí äàðàëòûí ººð÷ëºëòòýé øóóä õàìààðàëòàéØóóä õóâàðëàã÷ çºâõºí ýðãýäýã òîëãîéí äàìæëàãóóäàä àøèãòàé. Õºäºëã¿¿ðèéí àøèãëàõ õýñýã äýõ ñîíãîãäñîí õÿíàõ ñàëáàðò ýíý õóâàðëèàã÷èéã àøèãëàõ íü òîõèðîìæòîé òóñ ñàëáàðò íü øèíý ººð÷ëºëò¿¿äýýð øàëãàãääàã èõýâ÷ëýí òýäãýýð õóâèàðëàã÷óóä õýðýãëýã÷èä áîëîìæèéã îëîãäîã áºãººä ìºí áàéðëàë , ýðãýëòèéí õóðä õýñãèéí òýíõëýã äýõ äîòîîä õºäºëã¿¿ðèéã õýìõèõ áîëîìæèéã îëãîäîã òýäãýýð õ¿÷èí ÷àäàë íü ýðãýëò , øàëãàã÷ààð àæèãëàëäàãäàæ áîëîõ , äîòîîä áîäèò õóâèðàë ººð÷ëºëò ýñâýë çàéëøã¿é õýñã¿¿ä ãýñýí õîëáîãäîõ 3 õóâèðàë ººð÷ëºëòºíä õàäãàëàãäàæ áàñäàõèí øèíý÷ëýãäýæ áàéäàã. - Ýñýðã¿¿öýëèéí ýðãýëòèéí ¿åä çîðèóëñàí õýñýã äýõ ¿íýëãýý - Ýñýðã¿¿öýëèéí ýðãýëòèéí ¿å áîëîí æîëîîíä çîðèóëñàí òàõèð øóãìèéí òàéëáàð- Õ¿÷ áîëãîíä íýã áàéõ õî¸ð äîòîîä õýñãèéí õóâèàðëàëò

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G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Motor 2-Direction

Available torque at the shaft is directly proportional to the difference in air pressure between the input and output ports. The two-directions motor can function in both directions, depending on the direction of the air fl ow.

The angular transducer is useful only for rotary actuators (motors). To use this transducer, the corresponding checkbox must be selected in the component prop-erties of the motor, once the box is checked a new variable will be created in the variable manager. These transducers permit the user to measure, at all times, the position, rotation speed, and external torque at the shaft of the component. These values are stored and updated in the three corresponding variables that, in turn, can be used by controllers, internal logical variables or certain input components.There are two types of external torques that can be specifi ed by the user: a driving torque that will affect the shaft at all times and a resistive torque that will affect the motor only when the shaft is turning.There are three ways to specify these torques:-By fi lling the value in the basic component properties for the resistive torque.-By defi ning the curves for drive and resistive torques.-By assigning two internal variables, one for each force.

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Rotary Actuator

The rotary actuator is used to transform pneumatic energy into alternating rotary movement. It works like a pneumatic motor with the difference that the shaft movement is restricted to a fraction of a turn. Rotary actuators are available in various models which have a rotation varying between 45o and 360o. The rotary actuator in Automation Studio has a rotation of 180o (half-turn). Available torque at the shaft is directly proportional to the difference in air pressure between the input and output ports.

Ãàíõàõ õàðèóëàã÷Ãàíõàõ õàðèóëàã÷èéã õèéí ýíåðãè 纺ãäºæ ýðãýëäýõ õºäºë㺺íèéã ýýëæëýõýä õýðýëýäýã.Ýíý íü ÿã õèéí õºäºëã¿¿ð øèã àæèëëàäàã áà ÿëãàà íü ãîëûí õºäºë㺺íèé ýðãýëòèéã õýñýãýýð õÿçãààðëàäàã.Ãàíõàõ õàðèóëàã÷óóäèéí îëîí òºðëèéí çàãâàð íü ýðãýëòèéí 45°-360° ãðàäóñûí õîîðîíä ººð÷ëºõ áîëîìæòîé áàéäàã.Ãàíõàõ õàðèóëàã÷ íü ‘Automation Studio’ äýýð 180° ãðàäóñûí ýðãýëòòýé áàéäàã (õàãàñ ýðãýëò).Ãîëûí ýðãýëò äýýðõ áîëîìæ íü îðóóëàõ áîëîí ãàðãàõ õîîëîé äóíä àðãààðûí äàðàëòàíä øóóä ïðîïîðöèîíàë õàìààðàëòàé.

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G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Fixed Displacement Pump

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow. Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

Íàñîñ íü øèíãýíèé ñõåìèéí ãîë öºì íü þì. Íàñîñíû àëü àëèíààð íü äóëààí áà öàõèëãààí óðñãàë óðñàõ áºãººä ìîòîðîîð äàìæèí ìåõàíèê ÷àäàë áîëãîí õóâèðäàã. Õýðâýý íàñîñ íü òîãòìîë õóðäòàé øèëæâýë áóöàõ óðñãàë íü ºãºãäñºí ýðãýõ õóðäòàéãàà àäèë áàéíà. Õýðâýý íàñîñóóä íü õóâüñàõ õóðäòàé øèëæâýë áóöàõ óðñãàë íü ýðãýõ õóðäòàéãàà èæèë áàéõ áîëîâ÷ ãàð÷ áóé óðñãàëûã ººð÷ëºõ áîëîìæòîé. Ýíý íü íàñîñíû ìåõàíèçìààð ýðãýõ á¿ðòýý íàñîñîîð øàõàãäàõ òîñíû ýçýëõ¿¿íèéã ººð÷èëäºã. Íàñîñ íü õóâüñàõ õóðäòàé øèëæñýíýýð ìàø ºðãºí õ¿ðýýíèé óäèðäëàãûí ñèñòåì áàéõ õýðýãòýé áîëäîã. Õàìãèéí ò¿ãýýìýë õýðýãëýäýã íü ãàð óäèðäëàãà áà äàðàëòààð òýíöýòãýñýí óäèðäëàãà þì.

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Variable Displacement Pump

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow. Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

Õóâüñàìòãàé ñóóðüøóóëàëòàò øàõóóðãà

Øàõóóðãà áîë ÿìàð íýã äàðàëòàò øèíãýíèé õýëõýýí ç¿ðõ íü áàéíà. Ýíý ìåõàíèê ººð÷ëºí õóâèðäàã ìîòðîîð õàíãàãäñàí, ýñâýë öàõèëãààíû ýñâýë õàëóóí óðñãàë óðóó. Øàõóóðãóóä íü õóâüñàìòãàé áàäàëòàé áàéæ ÷àäíà. Øàõóóðãà õýðýâ ñóóðüøóóëàëòàé áàéâàë , íèéòý÷ óðñãàë ºãºãäñºí ýðãýëò õóðäòàé ÿã èæèëõýí áàéíà. Õýðýâ øàõóóðãà ñóóðüøóóëàëòòàé áîë ýýëæëýí ñîëèãääîã õóðä áà íèéòý÷ óðñãàë òýãø ÿã èæèëõýí ¿ëääýã. Ýíý ìåõàíèçìûí øàõóóðãûí ýðãýëòýä òîñûí ýçëýõ¿¿í ÿíç á¿ðèéíýýð øàõóóðãàäàãääàã. Òýíä øàõóóðãóóäûí ñóóðüøóóëàëòûí õÿíàëò ñèñòåìèéí òîãòîëöîîíóóä ºðãºí áàéíà, ýäýëæ áàéñàí èõýíõ ìåõàíèê óäèðäëàãà, áà äàðàëò õÿíàõààð õîõèðîëã¿é áîëãîñîí.

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G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Unidirectional Variable Displacement and Pressure Compensated Pump With Drain

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow. Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

Íýã ÷èãëýëèéí õóâüñàõ õóðäòàé äàðàëòààð òýíöýòãýñýí óñíû õîîëîéí íàñîñÍàñîñ íü øèíãýíèé ñõåìèéí ãîë öºì íü þì. Íàñîñíû àëü àëèíààð íü äóëààí áà öàõèëãààí óðñãàë óðñàõ áºãººä ìîòîðîîð äàìæèí ìåõàíèê ÷àäàë áîëãîí õóâèðäàã. Õýðâýý íàñîñ íü òîãòìîë õóðäòàé øèëæâýë áóöàõ óðñãàë íü ºãºãäñºí ýðãýõ õóðäòàéãàà àäèë áàéíà. Õýðâýý íàñîñóóä íü õóâüñàõ õóðäòàé øèëæâýë áóöàõ óðñãàë íü ýðãýõ õóðäòàéãàà èæèë áàéõ áîëîâ÷ ãàð÷ áóé óðñãàëûã ººð÷ëºõ áîëîìæòîé. Ýíý íü íàñîñíû ìåõàíèçìààð ýðãýõ á¿ðòýý íàñîñîîð øàõàãäàõ òîñíû ýçýëõ¿¿íèéã ººð÷èëäºã. Íàñîñ íü õóâüñàõ õóðäòàé øèëæñýíýýð ìàø ºðãºí õ¿ðýýíèé óäèðäëàãûí ñèñòåì áàéõ õýðýãòýé áîëäîã. Õàìãèéí ò¿ãýýìýë õýðýãëýäýã íü ãàð óäèðäëàãà áà äàðàëòààð òýíöýòãýñýí óäèðäëàãà þì.

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G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Bidirectional Fixed Displacement Pump With Drain

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow. Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

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Coupler with Check Valve

The coupler with check valve is used to plug and unplug easily and rapidly a component to the pneumatic pressure source (compressed air). The socket of the coupler has a check valve that closes as soon as the coupler is unplugged, and allows an air fl ow when the socket and pin are connected. The pin does not have a check valve so that air contained in the component to which it is connected may be evacuated when the coupler is unplugged.

Õî¸ð òàëûí ýðãýëòòýé òîãòìîë õóðäòàé óñíû õîîëîéí íàñîñÍàñîñ íü øèíãýíèé ñõåìèéí ãîë öºì íü þì. Íàñîñíû àëü àëèíààð íü äóëààí áà öàõèëãààí óðñãàë óðñàõ áºãººä ìîòîðîîð äàìæèí ìåõàíèê ÷àäàë áîëãîí õóâèðäàã. Õýðâýý íàñîñ íü òîãòìîë õóðòàé øèëæâýë áóöàõ óðñãàë íü ºãºãäñºí ýðãýõ õóðäòàéãàà àäèë áàéíà. Õýðâýý õóâüñàõ õóðäòàé øèëæâýë áóöàõ óðñãàë íü ýðãýõ õóðäòàéãàà èæèë áàéõ áîëîâ÷ áàñ ººð áàéõ áîëîìæòîé. Ýíý íü íàñîñíû ìåõàíèçìààð ýðãýõ á¿ðòýý íàñîñîîð øàõàãäàõ òîñíû ýçýëõ¿¿íèéã ººð÷èëäºã. Íàñîñ íü õóâüñàõ õóðäòàé øèëæñýíýýð ìàø ºðãºí õ¿ðýýíèé óäèðäëàãûí ñèñòåì áàéõ õýðýãòýé áîëäîã. Õàìãèéí ò¿ãýýìýë õýðýãëýäýã íü ãàð óäèðäëàãà áà äàðàëòààð òýíöýòãýñýí óäèðäëàãà þì.

¯ë áóöàõ õàâõëàãàòàé õîëáîîñ¯ë áóöàõ õàâõëàãòàé õîëáîîñûã áºã뺺òýé áîëîí áºã뺺ã¿é, õóðäàí áîëîí óäààí õèéí äàðàëòûí ¿¿ñã¿¿ðò õýðýãëýäýã./øàõàãäñàí àãààð/. Õîíõîðòîé õîëáîîñ íü øàëãàõ õàâõëàãà õààãäàõ ¿åä íýýãääýã áà àãààûí óðñãàë íü õîíõîð áîëîí øààíòãóóäûã õîëáîäîã. Øààíòãàíä íü ¿ë áóöàõ õàâõëàãà áàéäàãã¿é áà àãààðûí äàðàëòààð õîëáîãäîæ õîëáîîñ íýýãäýõ ¿åä øèëæèãäýíý.

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Plugs are used block fl uid fl ow. The two plugs on the left are used to plug distributors’ ports, The plug on the right is used to prevent fl uid to fl ow in a pressure line.

• ÒàãëààÒàãëààíóóäûã øèíãýíèé óðñãàëûã õààõàä àøèãëàäàã. Ç¿¿í òàëûí õî¸ð òàãëààíóóäûã äàëàéí áîîìòóóäûí õóâààðèëàã÷ òàãëàà áîëãîí àøèãëàäàã. Áàðóóí òàëûí òàãëàà íü äàðàëòûí øóãàìûã øèíãýíèé óðñãàëààñ ñýðãèéëýõèéí òóëä õýðýãëýäýã.

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Air Filter

The function of the air fi lter is to fi lter the air inhaled by the tank. During the operation of the circuit, the oil level in the tank varies according to the needs.

• Àãààð ø¿¿ëò¿¿ðÀãààð ø¿¿ëò¿¿ðèéí ¿¿ðýã íü: áàêíààñ àãààðûã ø¿¿ëò¿¿ðò ñîðæ, äîòîãø òàòäàã. Ýðãýëòèéí ÿâöàä òîñíû ò¿âøèí õýðýãëýýíèéõýý õýìæýýãýýð áàêàí äîòðîî ººð÷ëºãääºã.

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Almost all pneumatic components need to be lubricated to work correctly and have a satisfactory life span. The best way to achieve this is to install a lubricator which will allow constant and automatic lubrication to the correct level. Oil is atomized into the compressed air fl ow and the resulting oil mist is then trans-ported by the air fl ow to the component requiring it. It is important to try and install the lubricator as close as possible to the component/system that requires lubrication so that oil mist condensation is reduced to a minimum.

• Òîñëîã÷ Áàðàã á¿õ ïíåãìàòèê èæ á¿ðäýëèéã òîñîëñîí áàéäàã. Ýíý íü çºâ àæèëëàõ áîëîí õàíãàëòòàé àæèëëàõàä íü õýðýãòýé áàéäàã áàéíà. Òîñëîã÷ ñóóëãàõ íü àâòîìàò òîñîëãîîã çîõèõ ò¿âøèíä òîãòìîë áàéëãàõ áîëîìæèéã îëãîäîã. Òîñ íü àãààðûí óðñãàëààð øàõàãäàæ öàöàãäàí, ¿¿íèé ¿ð ä¿íä òîñíû óòàà íü àãààðûí óðñãàëààð 纺ãäºí øààðäëàãàòàé õýñã¿¿äýä î÷äîã. Ýíý áîë ìàø ÷óõàë òóðøèëò áºãººä òîñëîã÷ ñóóëãàõ íü ñèñòåìä îéð áîëæ ºãäºã. Òîñîëãîî íü òîñíû óòààã àãøààæ õàìãèéí áàãà áîëòîë íü áóóðóóëäàã.

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Pressure Indicator

A pressure indicator has a window in which an indicator changes color according to the presence or the absence of pressure. A very light pressure is suffi cient to activate the pressure indicator.

Äàðàëòûí èíäèêàòîðÄàðàëòûí èíäèêàòîð íü äàðàëòòàé áîëîí äàðàëòã¿éãýýñ øàëòãààëàí ºíãèéã õóâèðãàäàã öîíõ áàéäàã. Ìàø áàãà äàðàëò íü èíäèêàòîðûã àæèëëóóëíà.

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G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Shuttle Valve

The shuttle valve has two inputs and one output. Air fl ows from the output if one or both of the inputs are under pressure. Air can fl ow freely in the opposite direction if none of the inputs are under pressure.

×èãë¿¿ëýã÷ õàâõëàãà×èãë¿¿ëýã÷ õàâõëàãà íü õî¸ð îðö íýã ãàðöòàé. Îðîëòûí íýã þì óó õî¸ð íü äàðàëòûí äîð áàéâàë àãààð íü ãàðàëòààñ óðñíà. Äàðàëòûí äîð îðîëòîíä õîîñîí áàéâàë ýñðýã ÷èãëýëä àãààð ÷ºëººòýé óðñíà.

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Variable Sequence Valve

The sequence valve is usually located on the supply line of a cylinder or on a branch of a hydraulic circuit that is isolated from the main circuit. When the pres-sure in the main circuit reaches the set pressure of the sequence valve, it opens and lets oil fl ow to the cylinder or to the branch of the circuit. This setting can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram. The sequence valve allows oil fl ow in only one direction. Its use is therefore limited to places where oil always circulates in the same direction. The sequence valve is usually located on the supply line of a cylinder or on a branch of a hydraulic circuit that is isolated from the main circuit. When the pressure in the main circuit reaches the set pressure of the sequence valve, it opens and lets oil fl ow to the cylinder or to the branch of the circuit. This setting can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram. The sequence valve allows oil fl ow in only one direction. Its use is therefore limited to places where oil always circulates in the same direction.

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Piloted Sequence Valve

The piloted sequence valve is usually located on the supply line of a cylinder or on a branch of a hydraulic circuit that is isolated from the main circuit. When the pressure in the main circuit reaches the set pressure of the sequence valve, it opens and lets oil fl ow to the cylinder or to the branch of the circuit. When the pilot is supplied with pressure, the valve pressure setting can be modifi ed. This setting can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram (for more information, see section 1.4.2 Adjustments during Simulation on page 16). The piloted sequence valve allows oil fl ow in only one direction. Its use is therefore limited to places where oil always circulates in the same direction. The piloted sequence valve is usually located on the supply line of a cylinder or on a branch of a hydraulic circuit that is isolated from the main circuit. When the pressure in the main circuit reaches the set pressure of the sequence valve, it opens and lets oil fl ow to the cylinder or to the branch of the circuit. When the pilot is supplied with pressure, the valve pressure setting can be modifi ed. This setting can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram (for more information, see section 1.4.2 Adjustments during Simulation on page 16). The piloted sequence valve allows oil fl ow in only one direction. Its use is therefore limited to places where oil always circulates in the same direction.

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G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Variable Pressure Reducing Valve

The pressure reducing valve is used to control pressure in a hydraulic circuit. The spring preload can be modifi ed with an adjustment screw, and determines the pressure that will be maintained at the valve output regardless of the input pressure, as long as it is equal to or greater than the set pressure. This setting can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram

Äàðàëò áàãàñãàõ õàâõëàãà Äàðàëò áàãàñãàõ õàâõëàãà íü ãèäðàâëèê õýëõýýí äýõü äàðàëòûã óäèðäàõàä àøèãëàãäàíà.Ï¿ðø íü ýðãèéã òîõèðóóëàí ººð÷èëæ ÷àääàã áºãººä äàðàëòûã òîäîðõîéëäîã.Ãàðàëòûí õàâõëàãà íü îðîëòûí äàðàëòûã òîõèðóóëæ çàâàðëàäàã áà ýíý íü àíõíû äàðàëòòàé òýíö¿¿ þì óó èõ áàéíà. Ýíý îð÷èí íü õàâõëàãûã çàñâàðëàõ áîëîí äèàãðàììòàé õàðüöóóëàõ ¿éëäëèéã ã¿éöýòãýäýã.

Page 47: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Variable Sequence Valve

The sequence valve is usually located on the supply line of a cylinder or on a branch of a hydraulic circuit that is isolated from the main circuit. When the pres-sure in the main circuit reaches the set pressure of the sequence valve, it opens and lets oil fl ow to the cylinder or to the branch of the circuit. This setting can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram. The sequence valve allows oil fl ow in only one direction. Its use is therefore limited to places where oil always circulates in the same direction. The sequence valve is usually located on the supply line of a cylinder or on a branch of a hydraulic circuit that is isolated from the main circuit. When the pressure in the main circuit reaches the set pressure of the sequence valve, it opens and lets oil fl ow to the cylinder or to the branch of the circuit. This setting can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram. The sequence valve allows oil fl ow in only one direction. Its use is therefore limited to places where oil always circulates in the same direction.

Page 48: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Variable Piloted Sequence Valve

The piloted sequence valve is usually located on the supply line of a cylinder or on a branch of a hydraulic circuit that is isolated from the main circuit. When the pressure in the main circuit reaches the set pressure of the sequence valve, it opens and lets oil fl ow to the cylinder or to the branch of the circuit. When the pilot is supplied with pressure, the valve pressure setting can be modifi ed. This setting can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram (for more information. The piloted sequence valve allows oil fl ow in only one direction. Its use is therefore limited to places where oil always circulates in the same direction. The piloted sequence valve is usually located on the supply line of a cylinder or on a branch of a hydraulic circuit that is isolated from the main circuit. When the pressure in the main circuit reaches the set pressure of the sequence valve, it opens and lets oil fl ow to the cylinder or to the branch of the cir-cuit. When the pilot is supplied with pressure, the valve pressure setting can be modifi ed. This setting can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram. The piloted sequence valve allows oil fl ow in only one direction. Its use is therefore limited to places where oil always circulates in the same direction.

Page 49: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Sequence Valve with Check

The sequence valve with check is usually located on the supply line of a cylinder or on a branch of a hydraulic circuit that is isolated from the main circuit. When the pressure in the main circuit reaches the set pressure of the sequence valve, it opens and lets oil fl ow to the cylinder or to the branch of the circuit. This setting can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram. The sequence valve with check lets oil fl ow in both directions. The check allows the oil to fl ow freely from the output to the input when the pressure at the output is greater than the pressure at the input. The sequence valve with check lets oil fl ow in both directions. The check allows the oil to fl ow freely from the output to the input when the pressure at the output is greater than the pressure at the input.

óãñðàà õàâõëàãèéí øàëãàëòÓãñðàà õàâõëàãûã øàëãàã÷ òºõººðºñæèéã ãîë óðñãàëààñ ÿëãàæ àâäàã ãèäðàâëèê òîéðãèéí íýã ñàëáàð þì óó, öèëèíäåðèéí íèéë¿¿ëýëòèéí øóãàìàí äýýð ãîë÷ëîí áàéðëóóëíà. Ãîë óðñãàë äàõü äàðàëò óãñðàà õàâõëàãèéí äàðàëòàíä õ¿ðýõýä ãîë óðñãàë íü îíãîéæ, òîñûã öèëèíäåð þìóó, óðñãàëûí òîéðîã ðóó îðóóëæ áàéõ ¸ñòîé. Õàâõëàãèéã øèãøèæ äóóññàíû äàðàà ýñâýë äèàãðàì çóðãèéã äóóðèàëãàæ õèéñíèé äàðàà óãñðàëò äóóñíà. Óãñðàà õàâõëàãûã øàëãàã÷ òºõººðºìæ íü òîñûã ç¿ã á¿ð ð¿¿ óðñãàäàã. Îðîëòíû äàðàëòààñ ãàðàëòíû äàðàëò èë¿¿ ¿åä, øàëãàã÷ òºõººðºìæ íü òîñûã ãàðàëòààñ îðîëò õ¿ðòýë ÷ºëººòýé óðñàõ áîëîìæ îëãîíî.

Page 50: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Variable Counterbalance Valve

The counterbalance valve is used to counteract the effects of a driving load that could be applied to an actuator. A load is said to be driving when the resulting force applied to the actuator is applied in the same direction as that of the actuator motion. For example, a force that pulls on an extending cylinder rod is a driv-ing force. The counterbalance valve is also used to decelerate a moving actuator. Like almost all pressure controls, the counterbalance valve only lets oil fl ow in one direction. If fl ow is needed in both directions, the valve has to be fi tted with a check. The pressure setting of this component can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram The counterbalance valve is used to counteract the effects of a driving load that could be applied to an actuator. A load is said to be driving when the resulting force applied to the actuator is applied in the same direction as that of the actuator motion. For example, a force that pulls on an extending cylinder rod is a driving force. The counterbalance valve is also used to decelerate a moving actuator. Like almost all pressure controls, the counterbalance valve only lets oil fl ow in one direction. If fl ow is needed in both directions, the valve has to be fi tted with a check. The pressure setting of this component can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram.

Õóâüñàã÷èéí òýíö¿¿ëýã÷ õ¿÷íèé öîðãî

Òýíö¿¿ëýã÷ õ¿÷íèé öîðãî íü õºäºëã¿¿ðèéí æîëîîäîæ áîëîõ à÷ààíû ¿ð íºëººã ýñýðã¿¿öäýã. À÷àà íü õºäºëã¿¿ðä ¿¿ñýõ ¿ð íºëººíèé õ¿÷òýé èæèë ÷èãëýëä ¿¿ñýõ õ¿÷èéã æîëîîäîæ áîëîõûã õýëíý. Æèøýý íü, ºðãºòãºãäñºí öèëèíäð ñàâààí äýýð ¿¿ñýõ õ¿÷ áîë æîëîîíû õ¿÷ þì.Òýíö¿¿ëýã÷ õ¿÷íèé öîðãî íü ìºí õºäºëã¿¿ðèéã óäààøðóóëàõàä àøèãëàãääàã. Áàðàã á¿õ äàðàëòûí õÿíàëò øèã òýíö¿¿ëýã÷ õ¿÷íèé öîðãî íü òîñûã çºâõºí íýã ÷èãëýëä óðñàõ áîëîìæèéã îëãîäîã.õýðâýý óðñãàë 2 ÷èãëýëä óðñàõ õýðýãòýé áàéñàí áîë öîðãî øàëãàãäàõ áàéñàí. Èéì á¿ðýëäýõ¿¿íèé äàðàëòûí òîõèðóóëãà íü äèàãðàìûã èæèë áîëãîõ ýñâýë öîðãûã çàñâàðëàõ áàéæ áîëíî.

Page 51: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Counterbalance Valve with Check

The counterbalance valve is used to counteract the effects of a driving load that could be applied to an actuator. A load is said to be driving when the resulting force applied to the actuator is applied in the same direction as that of the actuator motion. For example, a force that pulls on an extending cylinder rod is a driv-ing force. The counterbalance valve is also used to decelerate a moving actuator. Like almost all pressure controls, the counterbalance valve only lets oil fl ow in one direction. If fl ow is needed in both directions, the valve has to be fi tted with a check. The pressure setting of this component can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram The counterbalance valve is used to counteract the effects of a driving load that could be applied to an actuator. A load is said to be driving when the resulting force applied to the actuator is applied in the same direction as that of the actuator motion. For example, a force that pulls on an extending cylinder rod is a driving force. The counterbalance valve is also used to decelerate a moving actuator. Like almost all pressure controls, the counterbalance valve only lets oil fl ow in one direction. If fl ow is needed in both directions, the valve has to be fi tted with a check. The pressure setting of this component can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram.

Òýíöâýðæ¿¿ëýã÷ õàâõëàãèéã áîðòîãî àæèëëàñíààñ ¿¿ññýí à÷ààëëàëûã áàãàñãàõ çîðèëãîîð õýðýãëýäýã. Áîðòîãî àæèëëàñíààñ ¿¿ññýí õ¿÷ áîðòîãîíû õºäºë㺺íèé äàãóó àäèë ÷èãëýëä õºäºë㺺íä îðíî. Èíãýñíýýð à÷ààëàë ¿¿ñíý. Æèøýý íü: Öèëèíäð òýëñýíýýñ õ¿÷ òàòàãäàæ õºäºëãºõ õ¿÷ ¿¿ñäýã. ̺í òýíöâýðæ¿¿ëýã÷ õàâõëàã íü õºäºëæ áàéãàà áîðòîãîíû õóðäûã ñààðóóëàõàä õýðýãëýíý. Áàðàã á¿õ äàðàëò õÿíàã÷èéí àäèë òýíöâýðæ¿¿ëýã÷ õàâõëàã íü òîñûã íýã ÷èãëýëä óðñãàäàã. Õýðýâ 2 ÷èãëýëä óðñàõ òîõèîëäîëä õàâõëàã øàëãàíà. Ýíý õýñãèéí äàðàëòûí òîõèðóóëãà äèàãðàìûã çàãâàð÷ëàõàä ýñâýë õàâõëàãèéã çàñàõàä õèéæ áîëíî.

Page 52: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Piloted Pressure Reducing Valve

The piloted pressure reducing valve makes it possible to manage fl ows and pressures higher than the non-piloted pressure reducing valves. Its behavior is iden-tical to the non-piloted valves but when it is connected to a pressure limiting device for which the pressure of adjustment is lower than that of the reducer, then the reduction of pressure is done with the pilot.

Õîîëîéä èðýõ äàðàëò ººð÷ëºëòèéí óäèðäëàãà

Õîîëîéä èðýõ äàðàëò ººð÷ëºëòèéí óäèðäëàãà íü àæèëàõ äàðàëòûí ãîðèì õýòýðñýí ¿åä õîîëîéíóóäàä èðýõ äàðàëòûí ººð÷ëºëò íü óäèðäëàãã¿é áîëíî. Ýíý àæèëàõ ãîðèì íü óäèðäëàãã¿é áîëñîí õîîëîéíóóäàä èæèë ¿éë÷èëýõ áîëîâ÷ äàðàëò òîõèðóóëàã÷ûã äîîä ò¿âøèíä õ¿ðãýõ ¿åä òîíîã òºõººðºìæèéí õààíà õîëáîñíîîñ õàìààð÷ õóâààðèëàëò íü ººð÷ëºãäºæ äàðàëò áóóðóóëàã÷ íü áóöààä õýâèéí ãîðèìäîî øèëæíýý.

Page 53: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Piloted Counterbalance Valve

The piloted counterbalance valve is normally open and has 4 ports. Port 1 is the input port. Port 2 is the output port. Port 3 is the pilot port that can shut the valve if it is receiving a non-zero pressure from the circuit. Its role is the same as the spring for the regular counterbalance valve. Port 4 allows to force the valve opening. Fluid fl ows from port 1 to port 2 if the pressure at port 4 is greater than both the pressure at port 3 AND the pressure setting.

Page 54: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Poppet Relief Valve

The Poppet relief valve is normally closed. Port 1 is the only input port. Port 2 is the output port when the valve is open. Port 3 must be connected to a tank or blocked. It is the output port when the valve is closed. Port 4 is the drain, a tank can be connected to it. As soon as port 3 is disconnected or blocked, the poppet relied valve behaves like a sequence valve with check. It becomes open when the pressure at port 1 is greater or equal to the pressure setting. If port 3 is con-nected to a tank, whatever the pressure at port 1, the valve stays closed and fl uid exits by port 3. The Poppet relief valve is normally closed. Port 1 is the only input port. Port 2 is the output port when the valve is open. Port 3 must be connected to a tank or blocked. It is the output port when the valve is closed. Port 4 is the drain, a tank can be connected to it. As soon as port 3 is disconnected or blocked, the poppet relied valve behaves like a sequence valve with check. It be-comes open when the pressure at port 1 is greater or equal to the pressure setting. If port 3 is connected to a tank, whatever the pressure at port 1, the valve stays closed and fl uid exits by port 3.

Òàâàã õýëáýðèéí õàìãààëàõ õàâõëàãàÒàâàã õýëáýðèéí õàìãààëàõ õàâõëàãà íü õýâèéí ¿åä õààãäàñàí áàéíà. Øóãàì 1 íü çºâõºí îðóóëàëòûí øóãàì áàéíà. Õàâõëàãà îíãîéõ ¿åä øóãàì 2 íü ãàðàëòûí øóãàì áîëíî. Øóãàì 3 íü øèíãýíèé áàíêòàé õîëáîãäñîí áàéõ ¸ñòîé áºãººä õààãñàí áàéíà. Õàâõëàãà õààãäàõ ¿åä ýíý íü ãàðàëòûí øóãàì áîëíî. Øóãàì 4 íü øèíãýíèé õîîëîé áîëîõ áºãººä áàíê íü ýíýõ¿¿ øóãàìòàé õîëáîãäñîí áàéõ ¸ñòîé. Øóãàì 3 õîëáîãäîîã¿é, õààãäààã¿é ¿åä òàâàã õýëáýðèéí õàìãààëàõ õàâõëàãà íü õàâõëàãûã øàëãàõ äàðààëëààð àæèëëàíà. Ýíý íü 1 äýõ øóãàìûí äàðàëò èõñýõ ¿åä áîëîí äàðàëòûí ñóóðèëàëò òýíöâýðæèõ ¿åä íýýãäýíý. Õýðâýý øóãàì 3 íü áàíêòàé õîëáîãäñîí áîë, øóãàì 1 äýýð äàðàëò áàéñàí ÷ õàâõëàãà õààëòòàé õýâýýðýý áàéõ áà øóãàì 3 –ààð øèíãýí ãàäàãøëàíà.

Page 55: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Pressure Reducing Valve

The pressure reducing valve is used to control pressure in a hydraulic circuit. The spring preload can be modifi ed with an adjustment screw, and determines the pressure that will be maintained at the valve output regardless of the input pressure, as long as it is equal to or greater than the set pressure. This setting can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram

Õàìãààëàõ õàâõëàãàÕàìãààëàõ õàâõëàãà íü ãèäðàâëèêèéí ýðãýëòèéã õÿíàæ áàéäàã ï¿ðøèéã óðüä÷èëàí à÷ààëëàõàä ýðãýëòèéí òîõèðãîî ººð÷ëºãäºæ áîëíî.̺í äàðàëòûã á¿òýýìæýýñ õàìãààëàõã¿é õîîëîéíä áàðèõ äàðàëòûã òýíöâýðæòýë òýíöâýðòýé áàéëãàõ ýñâýë á¿ð èë¿¿ óäààíààð äàðàëòûã áàðèõàä òóñëàíà. Ýíý òîõèðãîî íü õîîëîéã õÿíàõàä þìóó äèàãðàììòàé àäèë õýëáýðòýé áîëîõîä õèéãäýæ äóóñíà.

Page 56: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Pressure Relief Valve

When the pressure in the system increases above a preset value, the relief valve opens and lets the oil fl ow to the tank. This component acts only in case of an emergency, to bring down the pressure to its set value to protect components from pressure surges. The pressure setting can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram

Page 57: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Sequence Valve

The sequence valve is usually located on the supply line of a cylinder or on a branch of a hydraulic circuit that is isolated from the main circuit. When the pres-sure in the main circuit reaches the set pressure of the sequence valve, it opens and lets oil fl ow to the cylinder or to the branch of the circuit. This setting can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram. The sequence valve allows oil fl ow in only one direction. Its use is therefore limited to places where oil always circulates in the same direction. The sequence valve is usually located on the supply line of a cylinder or on a branch of a hydraulic circuit that is isolated from the main circuit. When the pressure in the main circuit reaches the set pressure of the sequence valve, it opens and lets oil fl ow to the cylinder or to the branch of the circuit. This setting can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram. The sequence valve allows oil fl ow in only one direction. Its use is therefore limited to places where oil always circulates in the same direction.

Page 58: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Counterbalance Valve

The counterbalance valve is used to counteract the effects of a driving load that could be applied to an actuator. A load is said to be driving when the resulting force applied to the actuator is applied in the same direction as that of the actuator motion. For example, a force that pulls on an extending cylinder rod is a driv-ing force. The counterbalance valve is also used to decelerate a moving actuator. Like almost all pressure controls, the counterbalance valve only lets oil fl ow in one direction. If fl ow is needed in both directions, the valve has to be fi tted with a check. The pressure setting of this component can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram The counterbalance valve is used to counteract the effects of a driving load that could be applied to an actuator. A load is said to be driving when the resulting force applied to the actuator is applied in the same direction as that of the actuator motion. For example, a force that pulls on an extending cylinder rod is a driving force. The counterbalance valve is also used to decelerate a moving actuator. Like almost all pressure controls, the counterbalance valve only lets oil fl ow in one direction. If fl ow is needed in both directions, the valve has to be fi tted with a check. The pressure setting of this component can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram.

Page 59: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


3 Way Pressure Regulator

The piloted pressure regulator has the same behavior as the regular pressure regulator except that the spring is replaced by a pilot.

Äàðàëòûã çîõèöóóëàõ (3 çàìòàé) Äàðàëòûã óäèðäàæ çîõèöóóëàõ íü äàðàëòûã ï¿ðíèé òóñëàìæòàéãààð ýñýðã¿¿öýí áóöààæ õýâèéí òºëºâ áàéäàëä îðóóëíà.

Äàðàëòûã çîõèöóóëàõ (3 çàìòàé) Äàðàëòûã óäèðäàæ çîõèöóóëàõ íü äàðàëòûã ï¿ðíèé òóñëàìæòàéãààð ýñýðã¿¿öýí áóöààæ õýâèéí òºëºâ áàéäàëä îðóóëíà.

Page 60: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Proportional Relief Valve

When the pressure in the system increases above a preset value, the relief valve opens and lets the oil fl ow to the tank. This component acts only in case of an emergency, to bring down the pressure to its set value to protect components from pressure surges. The pressure setting can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram

Ïðîïîðöèîíàëü ãàäàãøëóóëàõ valve (öèëèíäðèéí òîëãîé äýýðõè õèé ãàðãàõ í¿õ)

Ñèñòåì äîòîðõè äàðàëòèéí õýìæýý çîõèõ ¸ñòîé ò¿âøèíãýýñýý èõýñâýë, ãàäàãøëóóëàõ valve îíãîéæ, òàíê ðóó òîñ óðñàõàä ÷ºëººòýé áîëíî.Ýíý íü çºâõºí äàðàëòûã áóóðóóëæ, äàðàëòûã çîõèõ òºâøèíä áóöààí, õýò äàðàëòààñ øàëòãààëàí ýä àíãèä ýâäðýë ãàðàõààñ ñýðãèéëñýí îíöãîé ¿åä ë àæèëëàíà. Äàðàëòûí òºâøíèé òîõèðóóëãûã äèàãðàììä çààñàí äàãóó valve-èéã ººð÷ëºõ (èõýñãýõ,áàãàñãàõ) çàìààð òîõèðóóëæ áîëíî.

Page 61: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Piloted Valve

Page 62: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Single-Acting Cylinder With Spring Extend

SA cylinders (spring extend) are used when hydraulic energy is required only to retract the rod. The spring force will allow the rod to extend. This force is opposed to the rod retraction and must therefore be considered when calculating the diameter of the cylinder.

SA cylinders (spring extend) are usually controlled by a 3/2 directional valve.

A linear position transducer is integrated into every cylinder, use the sensor button in the cylinder confi gurator and select the correct sensor. A new variable will automatically be created in the variable manager. These sensors are used to measure the piston position X (%), linear speed V (m/s) as well as external force F (N) applied at the tip of the rod. These values are stored and updated in three variables that can be used by controllers, internal logical variables, and certain input components.There are two types of external forces that can be specifi ed by the user: a driving force that will affect the rod at all times and a resistive force that will affect the rod only when it is moving.There are three ways to specify these forces:-By fi lling the value in the basic component properties for the resistive force.-By defi ning the curves for drive and resistive forces.-By assigning two internal variables, one for each force.

Íýã òàëûí àæèëëàãààòàé öëèíäðèéã ï¿ðøýýð ò¿ëõýõ Á¿ë¿¿ðèéã áóöààí òàòàõ ãèäðàâëèê ýíåðãèéã íýã õºäºë㺺íò öëèíäð¿¿äýýð (ï¿ðøýí) ãàðãàí àâíà. Ï¿ðøíèé õ¿÷ íü á¿ë¿¿ðèéã ò¿ëõýí ñóíãàíà.Ýíý õ¿÷ íü á¿ë¿¿ðèéã áóöààõ õ¿÷íèé ýñðýã ÷èãëýñýí áºãººä öëèíäðèéí äèàìåòðèéã áîäîõ ¿åä ¿¿íèéã òîîöíî. Íýã õºäºë㺺íò öëèíäð¿¿äèéã (ï¿ðøýí) èõýâ÷ëýí 3/2 ÷èãëýëèéí õàâõëàãààð óäèðäàíà. Á¿õ öëèíäð¿¿äýä øóãàìàí áàéðëàë ººð÷ëºã÷ ñóóëãàõ áà öëèíäð äîòîðõè ìýäðýã÷èéí òîâ÷ëóóðààð òîõèðîõ ìýäðýã÷èéã ñîíãîíî. Õóâüñàã÷èéí ìåíåæåðò àâòîìàòààð øèíý õóâüñàã÷ ¿¿ñíý. Ýäãýýð ìýäðýã÷èä íü á¿ë¿¿ðèéí áàéðëàë X(%), øóãàìàí õóðä V (ì/ñåê) áîëîí á¿ë¿¿ðèéí îðîéä ¿éë÷ëýõ ãàäíû õ¿÷ F(N) çýðãèéã õýìæèõýä õýðýãëýãääýã. Ýäãýýðèéí ¿ð ä¿íã ãóðâàí õóâüñàã÷ààð õàäãàëæ, ººð÷èëäºã áºãººä êîíòðîëëåð áóþó õÿíàã÷, äîòîîäûí ëîãèê õóâüñàã÷èä, çàðèì ºãºãäë¿¿äýä õýðýãëýãääýã. Õýðýãëýã÷ýýñ ¿¿äýëòýé õî¸ð òºðëèéí ãàäíû õ¿÷ áàéäàã áºãººä ýäãýýð íü: çàëóóðäàõ õ¿÷ áóþó á¿ë¿¿ðò áàéíãà ¿éë÷ëýõ õ¿÷ áîëîí ýñýðã¿¿öëèéí õ¿÷ áóþó á¿ë¿¿ðèéã õºäºëæ áàéõ ¿åä ¿¿ñäýã õ¿÷ þì. Ýäãýýð õ¿÷í¿¿äèéã òîäîðõîéëîõ ãóðâàí àðãà áèé. ¯¿íä:- Ýñýðã¿¿öëèéí õ¿÷íèé ¿íäñýí õýñã¿¿äèéí òîî õýìæýýã íýìýõ çàìààð - Çàëóóðäàõ áîëîí ýñýðã¿¿öëèéí õ¿÷íèé ìóðóéã òîäîðõîéëîõ çàìààð - Õ¿÷ áîëãîíä õî¸ð äîòîîäûí õóâüñàã÷èéã íîîãäóóëàõ çàìààð

Page 63: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Single-Acting Cylinder With Spring Return

SA cylinders (spring return) are used when pneumatic energy is required only when the rod extends. Spring force will allow the rod to retract. This force is op-posed to the rod extension and must therefore be considered when calculating the diameter of the cylinder.

SA cylinders (spring return) are usually controlled by a 3/2 directional valve.

A linear position transducer is integrated into every cylinder, use the sensor button in the cylinder confi gurator and select the correct sensor. A new variable will automatically be created in the variable manager. These sensors are used to measure the piston position X (%), linear speed V (m/s) as well as external force F (N) applied at the tip of the rod. These values are stored and updated in three variables that can be used by controllers, internal logical variables, and certain input components.There are two types of external forces that can be specifi ed by the user: a driving force that will affect the rod at all times and a resistive force that will affect the rod only when it is moving.There are three ways to specify these forces:-By fi lling the value in the basic component properties for the resistive force.-By defi ning the curves for drive and resistive forces.-By assigning two internal variables, one for each force.

Page 64: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Single-Acting Cylinder

Single acting cylinders are used when power is needed in only one direction. The load applied to the rod will supply the required energy to move the rod in the opposite direction.

A 3/2 directional valve usually controls single acting cylinders.

A linear position transducer is integrated into every cylinder, use the sensor button in the cylinder confi gurator and select the correct sensor. A new variable will automatically be created in the variable manager. These sensors are used to measure the piston position X (%), linear speed V (m/s) as well as external force F (N) applied at the tip of the rod. These values are stored and updated in three variables that can be used by controllers, internal logical variables, and certain input components.There are two types of external forces that can be specifi ed by the user: a driving force that will affect the rod at all times and a resistive force that will affect the rod only when it is moving.There are three ways to specify these forces:-By fi lling the value in the basic component properties for the resistive force.-By defi ning the curves for drive and resistive forces.-By assigning two internal variables, one for each force.

Page 65: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Double-Acting Cylinder

Double acting cylinders are used when hydraulic energy is required in both directions of the rod movement.

Since the rod is on one side of the piston, the areas on which pressure is applied are not equal on both sides. If you apply equal pressures and fl ow on both sides, there will be a difference in thrust depending on whether the rod is extending or retracting. Furthermore, if the same pressure is applied on both sides of the piston at the same time, the rod will extend.

A 4/2 directional valve usually controls double acting cylinders.

A linear position transducer is integrated into every cylinder, use the sensor button in the cylinder confi gurator and select the correct sensor. A new variable will automatically be created in the variable manager. These sensors are used to measure the piston position X (%), linear speed V (m/s) as well as external force F (N) applied at the tip of the rod. These values are stored and updated in three variables that can be used by controllers, internal logical variables, and certain input components.There are two types of external forces that can be specifi ed by the user: a driving force that will affect the rod at all times and a resistive force that will affect the rod only when it is moving.There are three ways to specify these forces:-By fi lling the value in the basic component properties for the resistive force.-By defi ning the curves for drive and resistive forces.-By assigning two internal variables, one for each force.

Page 66: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Double-Acting 2-Cushion Cylinder

DA 2-cushion cylinders work like double acting cylinders. However, they are fi tted with a hydraulic shock absorber that will diminish the intensity of the shock at the end of the stroke, by reducing the speed of the piston when it nears the end. With a real cylinder, speed reduction is adjusted with screws located at the ends of the cylinder.

A 4/2 directional valve usually controls DA 2-cushion cylinders.

A linear position transducer is integrated into every cylinder, use the sensor button in the cylinder confi gurator and select the correct sensor. A new variable will automatically be created in the variable manager. These sensors are used to measure the piston position X (%), linear speed V (m/s) as well as external force F (N) applied at the tip of the rod. These values are stored and updated in three variables that can be used by controllers, internal logical variables, and certain input components.There are two types of external forces that can be specifi ed by the user: a driving force that will affect the rod at all times and a resistive force that will affect the rod only when it is moving.There are three ways to specify these forces:-By fi lling the value in the basic component properties for the resistive force.-By defi ning the curves for drive and resistive forces.-By assigning two internal variables, one for each force.

Page 67: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Differential Cylinder

Differential cylinders, like all double acting cylinders, are used when pneumatic energy is required in both directions of the rod movement. The rod diameter is proportional to the piston diameter so that the area on the side of the piston, and the one on the side of the rod follow a 2:1 ratio. This type of cylinder is used in regenerating circuits where the forces and stroke speeds on either side are equal.

Differential cylinders are usually controlled by a 5/2 directional valve.

A linear position transducer is integrated into every cylinder, use the sensor button in the cylinder confi gurator and select the correct sensor. A new variable will automatically be created in the variable manager. These sensors are used to measure the piston position X (%), linear speed V (m/s) as well as external force F (N) applied at the tip of the rod. These values are stored and updated in three variables that can be used by controllers, internal logical variables, and certain input components.There are two types of external forces that can be specifi ed by the user: a driving force that will affect the rod at all times and a resistive force that will affect the rod only when it is moving. There are three ways to specify these forces:-By fi lling the value in the basic component properties for the resistive force.-By defi ning the curves for drive and resistive forces.-By assigning two internal variables, one for each force.

Page 68: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Push Driver Cylinder

The cylinder comes out when a suffi cient pressure supplies the connector.

A linear position transducer is integrated into every cylinder, use the sensor button in the cylinder confi gurator and select the correct sensor. A new variable will automatically be created in the variable manager. These sensors are used to measure the piston position X (%), linear speed V (m/s) as well as external force F (N) applied at the tip of the rod. These values are stored and updated in three variables that can be used by controllers, internal logical variables, and certain input components.There are two types of external forces that can be specifi ed by the user: a driving force that will affect the rod at all times and a resistive force that will affect the rod only when it is moving.There are three ways to specify these forces:-By fi lling the value in the basic component properties for the resistive force.-By defi ning the curves for drive and resistive forces.-By assigning two internal variables, one for each force.

Ò¿ëõýõ äðàéâåðèéí öèëèíäð Øóëóóí áàéðëàëòàé òðàíñîþñåð íü öèëèíäð á¿ðò áàéäàã. Öèëèíäð çîõèöóóëàëòûí äàò÷èêûí êíîïûã àøèãëàí çºâ äàò÷èêûã ñîíãîäîã. Øèíý õóâüñàõ õýìæèãäýõ¿¿í íü àâòîìàòààð ¿¿ñãýãääýã. Äàò÷èê¿¿ä íü õàâõëàãûí áàéðëàë x(%) øóëóóí õóðä v(m\s) áà ãàäíû õ¿÷èéã F(N)õýìæèõýä õýðýãëýãääýã. Ýíý õýìæèãäýõ¿¿í 3 ýñðýã õýìæèãäýõ¿¿íä õàäãàëàãäàæ øèíý÷ëýãäýæ áàéãäàã áà ýíý íü óäèðäëàãà áà õýä õýäýí îðîëòûí õýñã¿¿äýä õýðýãëýãääýã. Õýðýãëýã÷èä ìýäýãäýõã¿é ãàäíû 2 õ¿÷ íü: ñàâàíä íºëººëºõ æîëîîäëîãûí õ¿÷ áà íºëººëºí çºâõºí õºäºëæ áàéãàà ¿åä ¿ç¿¿ëýõ ýñýðã¿¿öýõ õ¿÷:Õ¿÷íèé 3-í àðãà.Ýñýðã¿¿öýõ õ¿÷íèé ¿íäñýí õýñã¿¿äèéã õàâõëàãààð ä¿¿ðãýõÆîëîîäëîãûí ìóðóéëò áà ýñýðã¿¿öýõ õ¿÷èéã òîäîðõîéëîõ2 äîòîîä õóâüñàõ õýìæýý òàâèíà, 1 õ¿÷èíä

Page 69: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Single-Acting Telescopic Cylinder

The telescopic cylinders make it possible to obtain a signifi cant extension with small overall dimensions. They are composed of several encased pistons one in another. The number of pistons can be 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. In this case, cylinders are described as cylinders with 2, 3, 4..., extensions. In the software, the number of extensions is 3.

When a pressure is applied to a telescopic cylinder, it is the piston with the larger diameter that will come out fi rst. When it reaches its full extension, it is the piston with the second lower diameter that will come out and so on. The re-entry sequence is reversed compared to the extension sequence.

A linear position transducer is integrated into every cylinder, use the sensor button in the cylinder confi gurator and select the correct sensor. A new variable will automatically be created in the variable manager. These sensors are used to measure the piston position X (%), linear speed V (m/s) as well as external force F (N) applied at the tip of the rod. These values are stored and updated in three variables that can be used by controllers, internal logical variables, and certain input components.There are two types of external forces that can be specifi ed by the user: a driving force that will affect the rod at all times and a resistive force that will affect the rod only when it is moving.There are three ways to specify these forces:-By fi lling the value in the basic component properties for the resistive force.-By defi ning the curves for drive and resistive forces.-By assigning two internal variables, one for each force.

Íýã ¿éëäýëò òåëåñêîïûí öèëèíäðÒåëåñêîïûí öèëèíäð¿¿ä æèæèã õýìæýýñýýð à÷ õîëáîãäîë á¿õèé ºðãºòãºëèéã îëæ àâàõ áîëîìæèéã îëãîæ ºãäºã. Ýäãýýð íü ººð áóñàääàà õàìààðñàí áàãëàãäñàí á¿ë¿¿ð¿¿äèéí íýãäýë þì. Á¿ë¿¿ðèéí òîî íü 2,3,4,5 ãýõ ìýò÷èëýí áàéæ áîëíî. Ýíý òîõèîëäîä öèëèíäð¿¿ä íü 2,3,4,..., ãýñýí ºðãºòãºë¿¿äýýð ä¿ðñëýãäýíý. Ïðîãðàì õàíãàìæèíä ºðãºòãºëèéí òîî 3 áàéíà.Äàðàëòûã Òåëåñêîïûí öèëèíäðò ºãºõºä ýíý íü èë¿¿ òîì äèàìåòðòýé á¿ë¿¿ð áîëíî.Ýíý íü õàìãèéí èõ ºðãºòãºë人 õ¿ðýõýä ãàäàãø ãàðàõ 2 äîõ àðàé áàãà á¿ë¿¿ð áîëíî. Äàõèí îðóóëñàí äàðààëàë íü ºðãºòãëèéí äàðààëëûã ýñðýãýýð íü õàðüöóóëñàí äàðààëàë áàéíà.Øóëóóí áàéðëàëûã ººð÷ëºã÷ íü öèëèíäðèéí õýëáýðæ¿¿ëýã÷ äýõ ìýäðýã÷ òîâ÷èéã àøèãëàõ áà çºâ ìýäðýã÷èéã ñîíãîñíîîð öèëèíäð á¿ðò íýãòãýãääýã. Øèíý õóâüñàã÷ íü õóâüñàã÷èéí óäèðäëàãàä àâòîìàòààð ¿¿ñäýã. Ýäãýýð ìýäðýã÷¿¿ä íü ñàâààíû îðîéíä ¿¿ñýõ ãàäààä õ¿÷ F(N)-ýýñ ãàäíà á¿ë¿¿ðèéí Õ(%) áàéðëàë, øóëóóíû õóðä V (ì/ñ) –ûã õýìæèõýä àøèãëàãääàã.Ýäãýýð õóâüñàã÷óóä íü êîíòðîëëåðóóä, äîòîîä ëîãèê õóâüñàã÷óóä, òîäîðõîé îðîëòûí íàéðëàãàä àøèãëàãäàæ áîëîõ 3 õóâüñàã÷èä õàäãàëàõ áà øèíý÷ëýãääýã.Õýðýãëýã÷ýýð òîäîðõîéëîãäîæ áîëîõ ãàäààä õ¿÷íèé 2 òºðºë áàéäàã: ñàâààíä áàéíãà íºëººëºõ æîëîîäëîãûí õ¿÷ áà õºäëºõºä çºâõºí ñàâààíä íºëººëºõ ýñýðã¿¿öëèéí õ¿÷ ãýñýí 2 òºðºëÝäãýýð õ¿÷èéã òîäîðõîéëîõ 3 àðãà áóé:• Ýñýðã¿¿öëèéí õ¿÷íèé ãîë íàéðëàãûí øèíæ ÷àíàðò óòãûã ä¿¿ðãýõ• Æîëîîäëîãûí áà ýñýðã¿¿öëèéí ìóðóéã òîäîðõîéëîõ• 2 òîäîîä õóâüñàã÷èéã õ¿÷ á¿ð äýýð íýãèéã îíîîõ çàìààð ãýñýí àðãóóäòàé.

Page 70: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Double-Acting Telescopic Cylinder

This telescopic cylinder functions like the previous one except that the re-entry of the rods is triggered by the presence of suffi cient pressure on the second con-nector.

A linear position transducer is integrated into every cylinder, use the sensor button in the cylinder confi gurator and select the correct sensor. A new variable will automatically be created in the variable manager. These sensors are used to measure the piston position X (%), linear speed V (m/s) as well as external force F (N) applied at the tip of the rod. These values are stored and updated in three variables that can be used by controllers, internal logical variables, and certain input components.There are two types of external forces that can be specifi ed by the user: a driving force that will affect the rod at all times and a resistive force that will affect the rod only when it is moving.There are three ways to specify these forces:-By fi lling the value in the basic component properties for the resistive force.-By defi ning the curves for drive and resistive forces.-By assigning two internal variables, one for each force.

õî¸ð ¿éëäýëòýé òåëåñêîï öèëèíäðøóãàìàí áàéðëàëòàé transducer íü öèëèíäð áîëãîíòîé õîëáîãäñîí, öèëèíäð confi gurator -òáàéãàà ìýäðýã÷ òîâ÷ëóóðûã àøèãëàæ çºâ ìýäðýã÷èéã ñîíãî. Øèíý variable íü variable manager àâòîìàòààð áèè áîëäîã. Ýíý ìýäðýã÷ íü ïîðøèíãèéí áàéðëàë X (%) øóãàìàí õóðä V (m/c) õýìæäýã áà ãàäààä õ¿÷ F (N) ñàâààãèéí îðîéãîîñ õàìààðàëòàé áàéäàã. Ýíý õýìæèãäýõ¿¿í¿¿äèéã óäèðäàæ áîëäîã 3 variables-ò áàãòñàí áà øèíý÷ëýãäñýí äîòîîä logical vari-ables áà òîäîðõîé îðóóëàõ á¿ðýëäýõ¿¿í õýñýã. Õýðýãëýã÷ýýð òîäîðõîéëæ áîëäîã ãàäààä õ¿÷íèé 2 òºðºë áàéäàã: õºäºëãºã÷ õ¿÷ íü rod-á áàéíãà íºëººëäºã áà ýñýðã¿¿öýõ õ¿÷ íü rod-ä õºäºëæ áàéõàä íºëººëäºã. Ýíý õ¿÷í¿¿äèéã îíöëîõ 3 àðãà çàì áàéäàã. 1. Ýñýðã¿¿öýã÷ õ¿÷èéí ¿íäñýí á¿ðýëäýõ¿¿íèé øèíæ ÷àíàðààð íü2. Õºäºëãºã÷ áà ýñýðã¿¿öýã÷ õ¿÷èéã òàõèéëòààð òîäîðõîéëîõ3. Õî¸ð äîòîîä variables-ã õ¿÷ áîëãîíä íýã íýãýýð íü øèëæ¿¿ëýõ

Page 71: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Double-Acting Cylinder with multi-ports

A linear position transducer is integrated into every cylinder, use the sensor button in the cylinder confi gurator and select the correct sensor. A new variable will automatically be created in the variable manager. These sensors are used to measure the piston position X (%), linear speed V (m/s) as well as external force F (N) applied at the tip of the rod. These values are stored and updated in three variables that can be used by controllers, internal logical variables, and certain input components.There are two types of external forces that can be specifi ed by the user: a driving force that will affect the rod at all times and a resistive force that will affect the rod only when it is moving.There are three ways to specify these forces:-By fi lling the value in the basic component properties for the resistive force.-By defi ning the curves for drive and resistive forces.-By assigning two internal variables, one for each force.

Page 72: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Brake Normally Open

The mechanical brake with hydraulic control in the Hydraulic library is identical to the one on the hydraulic circuit's simulation boards. Therefore, braking cir-cuits can be simulated before they are installed on boards.

õýâèéí íýýëòòýé ÒîðìîçØèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð äýýðõ ìåõàíèê òîðìîçíû øèíãýíèé óäèðäëàãà íü òîéðãèéã äóóðàéëãàñàí õàâòàí äýýð áàéðëàíà. Òîðìîçíû äóãóéã äóóðàéëãàõûí ºìíº õàâòàí äýýð ñóóðèëóóëæ áîëäîã.

Page 73: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Brake Normally Close

The mechanical brake with hydraulic control in the Hydraulic library is identical to the one on the hydraulic circuit's simulation boards. Therefore, braking cir-cuits can be simulated before they are installed on boards.

Ýíãèéí òàâèëäàà õààëòòàé áàéõ òîðìîñØèíãýíèé ýëåìýíòèéí ñàíä áàéõ øèíãýíèé óäèðäëàãàòàé ìåõàíèê òîðìîñ íü ñèìóëÿòîð äýýðõ çàãâàð÷ëàëòàéãàà ìàø òºñòýé. Èéìýýñ òîðìîñûã áîäèòîîð óãñàðõààñ ºìíº ñèìóëÿòîðò ëàáîðàòîðèä óðüä÷èëàí òóðøèõ áîëîìæòîé.

Øèíãýíèé ëàáîðàòîðè äàõü øèíãýíèé óäèðäëàãàòàé ìåõàíèê òîðìîçèéã ëàáîðàòîðûí çàãâàðò òóðøèõàä òîõèðîìæòîé. Òèéì ó÷ðààñ øèíãýíèé óäèðäëàãàòàé ìåõàíèê òîðìîçèéã àæëûí ìàøèíä óãñðàõààñ ºìíº ëàáîðàòîðûí çàãâàð äýýð òóðøèæ ¿çäýã.

Page 74: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Gas-loaded Accumulator with separator

The accumulator is used to stabilize the pressure when there is an increase or decrease of the oil demand in a circuit.

Õèéãýýð öýíýãëýñýí õóâààðèëàã÷òàé àêêóìóëÿòîðÕ¿ðýýíä õèé øààðäàãäàõ ºñºëò áóóðàëòûí ¿åä äàðàëòûã òîãòâîðæóóëõàä àêêóìóëÿòîðûã àøèãëàäàã.

ÕÈÉÍ À×ÀÀËÀË Á¯ÕÈÉ ÒÓÑÃÀÀÐËÀÃ×ÒÀÉ ÀÊÊÓÌÓËßÒÎÐÑèñòåì äýõ òîñíû íèéë¿¿ëýëòèéí ¿åèéí äàðàëòûí äýýø äîîø õýëáýëçëèéã òîãòâîðæóóëíà.

Õèéãýýð öýíýãëýñýí õóâààðèëàã÷òàé àêêóìóëÿòîðÕ¿ðýýíä õèé øààðäàãäàõ ºñºëò áóóðàëòûí ¿åä äàðàëòûã òîãòâîðæóóëõàä àêêóìóëÿòîðûã àøèãëàäàã.

Page 75: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Spring-loaded Accumulator

The accumulator is used to stabilize the pressure when there is an increase or decrease of the oil demand in a circuit.

Page 76: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Weight-loaded Accumulator

The accumulator is used to stabilize the pressure when there is an increase or decrease of the oil demand in a circuit.

À÷ààòàé øèíãýíèé àêêóìëÿòîðÀêêóìëÿòîð íü øààðäëàãàòàé ýðãýëòèéí òîñíû äàðàëòûí ºñºëò áóóðàëòûã òîãòâîðæóóëäàã.

Page 77: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Gas-loaded Accumulator without separator

The accumulator is used to stabilize the pressure when there is an increase or decrease of the oil demand in a circuit.

Òóñãààðëàã÷òàé õèéãýýð öýíýãëýñýí àêêóìëÿòîðÝíý àêêóìëÿòîð íü õýëõýýí äýõü òîñíû øààðäëàãà ºñºõ, áóóðàõ ¿åä äàðàëòûã òîãòâîðæóóëàõàä àøèãëàãääàã.

Page 78: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Thermal Motor

Since the thermal motor is usually linked to the compressor of pneumatic systems, it must be represented in diagrams. Automation Studio also offers the option of using an electrical motor.

Äóëààíû ìîòîðÄóëààíû ìîòîðûã èõýíõäýý êîìïðåññîðûí õèéí øàõóóðãûí ñèñòåìòýé õîëáîäîã áà çààâàë ñõåìýýð ä¿ðñëýí ¿ç¿¿ëýõ ¸ñòîé. ̺í Automation Studio /àâòîìàòæóóëàëò/ -ûí ñîíãîëòîä öàõèëãààíû ìîòîðîîð õýðýãëýäýã.

Page 79: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Electrical Motor

Since the electrical motor is usually linked to the compressor of pneumatic systems, it must be represented in diagrams. Automation Studio also offers the op-tion of using a thermal motor.

Öàõèëãààí õºäºëã¿¿ðÖàõèëãààí õºäºëã¿¿ð íü êîìïðåññîð áîëîí õèéí øàõóóãûí ñèñòåìòýé õîëáîãäñîí áàéäàã, ¿¿íèéã äèãðàì äýýð çààâàë ¿ç¿¿ëñýí áàéõ øààðäëàãàòàé. Automation Studio-ãîîð äóëààíû õºäºëã¿¿ðèéã àøèãëàæ áîëäîã.

Page 80: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Manual Hydraulic Pump

The hydraulic hand-pumps are generally piston pumps. The user can adjust the pressure of the pump during editing or during the simulation by double-clicking on the symbol.

Ãàð àæèëëàãààòàé øèíãýíèé øàõóóðãàøèíãýíèé ãàð øàõóóðãóóä íü ãîëäóó á¿ë¿¿ðò øàõóóðãà áàéäàã.Õýðýãëýã÷ ñìèëÿöè-èéí òîõèðóóëãûí ¿åä 2 òîâøèëò õèéñíýýð øàõóóðãûí äàðàëòûã òîõèðóóëæ ÷àäíà.

Page 81: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Pressure Compensated Flow Divider

The pressure compensated fl ow divider (3 ways) divides a fl ow. This component is not simulated in the software.

Äàðàëò òýíöâýðæ¿¿ëýã÷ óðñãàë õóâààã÷ Äàðàëò òýíöâýðæ¿¿ëýã÷ óðñãàë õóâààã÷ íü ãóðâàí çàìòàé áàéíà.Ýíý íü Software äýýð äóóðàéëãàí õèéõ áîëîìæã¿é.

Page 82: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Pressure and Temperature Compensated Flow Divider

The temperature and pressure compensated fl ow divider (3ways) divides a fl ow. This component is not simulated in the software.

Àãààðûí äàðàëò áà òåìïåðàòóðûí õóâààãäñàí óðñãàëûí íºõºí òºëºëò Òåìïåðàòóð áîëîí àãààðûí äàðàëòûí õóâààãäñàí óðñãàëûí íºõºõí òºëºëò íü 3 çàìûí óðñãàëûí íºõºí òºëºëò áàéäàã. Ýíý á¿ðýëäýõ¿¿í õýñýã íü êîìïüþòåðèéí ïðîãðàìì õàíãàìæòàé àäèëã¿é.

Page 83: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Shut-off valve Normally Open ( 2-Way )

The shut-off valve can isolate 2 distinct lines in an hydraulic circuit. At editing time, the user can select a normally closed or normally open valve. During simu-lation, the user can change the state of the valve by clicking on its symbol.

Ýíãèéí òàâèëòòàé õààõ õàâõëàãà Øèíãýíèé ñèñòåì äàõü õî¸ð øóãàìûã õààõ õàâõëàãà òóñãààðëàæ ÷àäíà.Ñìèëÿöè äýýð õýðýãëýã÷ òîõèðóóëãà õèéõäýý õààëòòàé íýýëòòýé àëèéã íü ÷ ñîíãîæ áîëíî.Òýìäýãëýãýýí äýýð äàðæ õàâõëàãûí øèíæ ÷àíàðûã ñîíãîæ áîëíî.

Page 84: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Shut-off valve Normally Close ( 2-Way )

The shut-off valve can isolate 2 distinct lines in an hydraulic circuit. At editing time, the user can select a normally closed or normally open valve. During simu-lation, the user can change the state of the valve by clicking on its symbol.

Õýâèéí íýýãäñýí õàâõëàãûã õààõ /2 çàìòàé/Õààõ õàâõëàãà íü 2 ººð øóãàìûã òóñãààðëàæ ÷àäíà.Òîõèðóóëàãà õèéõäýý õýâèéí òàâèëäàà õààëòòàé ýñâýë íýýëòòýé õàâõëàãóóäûã ñîíãîæ áîëíî.Õàðèí ñèìóëÿöûí ¿åä òýìäýãëýãýýí äýýð äàðñíààð õàâëàãàíû ºãºãäºëèéã ººð÷èëæ áîëíî.

Page 85: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Shut-off valve Normally Open ( 3-Way )

The shut-off valve can isolate 3 distinct lines in a pneumatic circuit At editing time, the user can select a normally closed or normally open valve. During simu-lation, the user can change the state of the valve by clicking on its symbol.

Õýâèéí íýýãäñýí õàâõëàãûã õààõ /3 çàìòàé/Óíòðààõ õàâõëàãà íü õóãàöààíû ººð÷ëºëòºò õèéí øàõóóðãûí ýðãýí òîéðîíä 3 ÿëãààòàé øóãàìóóäûã òóñãààðëàæ áîëäîã.Õýðýãëýã÷ íü õàâõàëãûã õýâèéíýýð íýýõ áîëîí õààæ àæèëãààã ñîíãîäîã ñèìóëÿöûí òóðøèä õýðýãëýã÷ òýìäýãò àøèãëàí õàâõàëãûíõàà òàâèëûã ººð÷èëæ áîëäîã.

Page 86: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Shut-off valve Normally Close ( 3-Way )

The shut-off valve can isolate 3 distinct lines in a pneumatic circuit At editing time, the user can select a normally closed or normally open valve. During simu-lation, the user can change the state of the valve by clicking on its symbol.

Page 87: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Variable Flow Controller

The fl ow controller is used to control the rate of passing fl uid.

Page 88: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Variable and Piloted Flow Controller

The fl ow controller is used to control the rate of passing fl uid.

Page 89: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Bidirectional Variable Displacement Manual Pump with Drain

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow. Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

Page 90: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Variable Displacement Pump Hydraulically Piloted with Drain

The operation in simulation of the variable displacement pump – servovalve is controlled by a hydraulic control circuit constructed with components from the Hydraulic workshop. The control of the fl ow is the same as for the manually adjusted pump. When no piloting signal is present, the pressure on the two connec-tors of the pump is null.

Õóâüñàõ øèíæèëòòýé øèíãýíèé óäèðäëàãàòàé þ¿ëýã÷òýé íàñîñÕóâüñàõ øèëæèëòòýé íàñîñíû äóóðàéëãàñàí ¿éë àæèëëàãàà, øèëæ¿¿ëýõ õàâõëàã íü øèíãýí õÿíàëòûí õýëõýýãýýð á¿òýýãäýí (øèíãýíèé àæëûí õýñãèéí á¿ðõ¿¿ëòýéãýýð) óäèðäñàí. Óäèðäëàãûí ýðãýëò íü ãàð àðãààð òîõèðóóëñàí íàñîñòîé àæèë þì. Òóðøèëòûí äîõèî íü îðîëöîî áàéõã¿é ¿åä äàðàëò íü õ¿÷èíã¿é 2 õîëáîã÷ äýýð óíàäàã.

Õóâüñàõ øèíãýíòýé ãèäðàëèê óäèðäëàãàòàé íàñîíû õîîëîé. Õóâüñàõ øèíãýíòýé íàñîñíû àæèëëàõ çàð÷èì êëàïàí íü ãèäðàëèê õýëõýýãýýð óäèðäàãääàã áºãººä ãèäðàëèêèéí àæèëëàõ çàð÷ìààð àæèëëàäàã. Óðñãàëûí óäèðäàõ çàð÷èì íü ãàð óäèðäëàãà òîõèðóóëàãàò íàñîñòîé òºñòýé þì. Äõèî ºãººã¿é áàéõàä 2 õîëáîëòîí äýýðõ íàñîñíû äàðàëò áàéõã¿é áàéíà.

Page 91: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Variable Displacement Servo-Pump with Drain

The operation in simulation of the variable displacement pump – servovalve is controlled by a hydraulic control circuit constructed with components from the Hydraulic workshop. The control of the fl ow is the same as for the manually adjusted pump. When no piloting signal is present, the pressure on the two connec-tors of the pump is null.

Page 92: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Unidirectional Variable Displacement Compensated Pump with Drain

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow. Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

Page 93: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Unidirectional Variable Displacement Compensated Pump

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow. Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

Page 94: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Bidirectional Variable Displacement Compensated Pump

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow. Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

Õóâüñàõ Òîãòìîë Àæèëëàãààòàé ÍàñîñØèíãýíèé ýðãýëòèéí ç¿ðõ íü íàñîñ þì. Ýíý óðñãàë íü õºäºëã¿¿ðèéã , öàõèëãààí áîëîí äóëààíû àëü íýã íü, õàíãàæ ìåõàíèê õ¿÷ áîëãîí õóâèðãàäàã. Íàñîñíóóä íü òîãòìîë áîëîí õóâüñàõ àæèëëàãààòàé ãýæ õî¸ð õóâààíà. Õýðýâ íàñîñ íü òîãòìîë àæèëëàãààòàé áàéâàë áóöàõ óðñãàë íü ºãñºõ ýýëæèéí õóðäòàé èæèë áàéíà. Õàðèí íàñîñ íü õóâüñàõ àæèëëàãààòàé áàéâàë áóöàõ óðñãàë íü ºãñºõ ýýëæèéí õóðäààñ óäààí ó÷èð ýíý íü áóöàõäàà ìåõàíèçìûí ýðãýëò á¿ðä òîñíû ò¿øèí íàñîñíû àæèëãààíààñ õàìààð÷ ººð÷ëºãäºíº. Òýð õóâüñàõ øèëæèëòòýé íàñîñíóóäûã óäèðäëàãûí ñèñòåì¿¿äýä ºðãºí õýðýãëýäýã, õàìãèéí íèéòëýã õýðýãëýäýã íü ãàð óäèðäëàãà áà äàðàëò ¿¿ñãýõ óäèðäëàãà.

Page 95: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Bidirectional Variable Displacement Manual Pump

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow. Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

Õî¸ð ÷èãëýëòýé õóâüñàõ õýìæèãäýõ¿¿íòýé ãàð óäèðäëàãàòàé øàõóóðãà

Øàõóóðãà áîë ÿìàð ÷ øèíãýíèé ýðã ‎ýëòèéí ç¿ðõ ‏þì. Ýíý íü öàõèëãààí ýñâýë äóëààíû äýýø ºãññºí óðñãàë ýñâýë ìîòîðîîð íºõºãäºõ ìåõàíèê õ¿÷èéã ººð÷èëäºã áºãººä õýëáýðýý àëääàã . øàõóóðãà íü õàòóó òîãòñîí ýñâýë õóâüñàõ õýì ‎æèãäýõ¿¿íòýé áàéæ áîëíî . õýðýâ øàõóóðãà õàòóó òîãòñîí õýìæèãäýõ¿¿íòýé áîë ãàðãàëò íü ýðãýëòèéí õóðäòàé ¿ðãýëæ òýíö¿¿ áàéäàã. Õýðýâ øàõóóðãàíû ýçýëõ¿¿í õóâüñàõ õýìæèãäýõ¿¿íòýé áîë äàðààëëàí ýðãýëòèéí õóðä èæèë íºõöºëä ãàðãàëò ººð÷ëºãääºã. Ýíý íü øàõóóðãàíû ìåõàíèçìûí ýðãýëò á¿ð äýõ ãîîæñîí òîñíû ýçýëõ¿¿íèé ººð÷ëºëòººð õèèãääýã. Õóâüñàõ õýìæèãäýõ¿¿íò ýçýëõ¿¿íòýé øàõóóðãàò ºðãºí çóðâàñòàé óäèðäëàãûí ñèñòåì òààðàõ áà ãîëäóó ãàð óäèðäëàãàòàé ìºí îðëóóëàõ óäèðäëàãûã õýðýãëýäýã.

Page 96: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Variable Displacement Pump Hydraulically Piloted

The operation in simulation of the variable displacement pump – servovalve is controlled by a hydraulic control circuit constructed with components from the Hydraulic workshop. The control of the fl ow is the same as for the manually adjusted pump. When no piloting signal is present, the pressure on the two connec-tors of the pump is null.

Page 97: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Pump/Motor Unit With Shaft and Drain

Moto-pumps will function like regular pumps when provided with mechanical power from the shaft. On the other hand, they will act like motors when provided with fl uid power from the circuit, therefore driving the shaft.

The angular transducer is useful only for rotary actuators (motors). To use this transducer, the corresponding checkbox must be selected in the component prop-erties of the motor, once the box is checked a new variable will be created in the variable manager. These transducers permit the user to measure, at all times, the position, rotation speed, and external torque at the shaft of the component. These values are stored and updated in the three corresponding variables that, in turn, can be used by controllers, internal logical variables or certain input components.There are two types of external torques that can be specifi ed by the user: a driving torque that will affect the shaft at all times and a resistive torque that will affect the motor only when the shaft is turning.There are three ways to specify these torques: -By fi lling the value in the basic component properties for the resistive torque.-By defi ning the curves for drive and resistive torques.-By assigning two internal variables, one for each force.

Page 98: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Fixed Displacement Pump/Motor Unit With Shaft and Drain

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow.

Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

The angular transducer is useful only for rotary actuators (motors). To use this transducer, the corresponding checkbox must be selected in the component prop-erties of the motor, once the box is checked a new variable will be created in the variable manager. These transducers permit the user to measure, at all times, the position, rotation speed, and external torque at the shaft of the component. These values are stored and updated in the three corresponding variables that, in turn, can be used by controllers, internal logical variables or certain input components.There are two types of external torques that can be specifi ed by the user: a driving torque that will affect the shaft at all times and a resistive torque that will affect the motor only when the shaft is turning.There are three ways to specify these torques: -By fi lling the value in the basic component properties for the resistive torque.-By defi ning the curves for drive and resistive torques.-By assigning two internal variables, one for each force.

Page 99: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Variable Displacement Pump/Motor Unit With Shaft and Drain

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow.Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed dis-placement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most com-monly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.The angular transducer is useful only for rotary actuators (motors). To use this transducer, the corresponding checkbox must be selected in the component properties of the motor, once the box is checked a new variable will be cre-ated in the variable manager. These transducers permit the user to measure, at all times, the position, rotation speed, and external torque at the shaft of the component. These values are stored and updated in the three corresponding variables that, in turn, can be used by controllers, internal logical variables or certain input components.There are two types of external torques that can be specifi ed by the user: a driving torque that will affect the shaft at all times and a resistive torque that will affect the motor only when the shaft is turning.There are three ways to specify these torques: -By fi lling the value in the basic component properties for the resistive torque.-By defi ning the curves for drive and resistive torques.-By assigning two internal variables, one for each force.

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Page 100: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Variable Displacement Pump/Motor Unit With Shaft and Drain

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow.

Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

The angular transducer is useful only for rotary actuators (motors). To use this transducer, the corresponding checkbox must be selected in the component prop-erties of the motor, once the box is checked a new variable will be created in the variable manager. These transducers permit the user to measure, at all times, the position, rotation speed, and external torque at the shaft of the component. These values are stored and updated in the three corresponding variables that, in turn, can be used by controllers, internal logical variables or certain input components.There are two types of external torques that can be specifi ed by the user: a driving torque that will affect the shaft at all times and a resistive torque that will affect the motor only when the shaft is turning.There are three ways to specify these torques: -By fi lling the value in the basic component properties for the resistive torque.-By defi ning the curves for drive and resistive torques.-By assigning two internal variables, one for each force.

Page 101: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Double Cylinder with Pivot Bearing

The double cylinders are composed of two cylinders and a pivot bearing. They make it possible to convert a linear movement into a circular motion. The angular amplitude of the pivot bearing can vary between ±1/12p (±15°) and ±11/12p (±165°).

The user can, using the drop-down list, select the rotation angle (+/-) Degrees of freedom of the pivot bearing. These values, multiples of ±1/12p, are: ±1/12p (±15°), ±1/6p (±30°), ±1/4p (±45°), ±1/2p (±90°) or ±11/12p (±165°).

The increments where you can place sensors is equal to the smallest increment of the rotation of the pivot, i.e. 1/12p (15°). To each one of these points, you can attach a magnetic sensor or a reference to this type of sensor.

Note: on the symbol, the black circle of larger diameter represents the reference point.

A linear position transducer is integrated into every cylinder, use the sensor button in the cylinder confi gurator and select the correct sensor. A new variable will automatically be created in the variable manager. These sensors are used to measure the piston position X (%), linear speed V (m/s) as well as external force F (N) applied at the tip of the rod. These values are stored and updated in three variables that can be used by controllers, internal logical vari-ables, and certain input components.There are two types of external forces that can be specifi ed by the user: a driving force that will affect the rod at all times and a resistive force that will affect the rod only when it is moving.There are three ways to specify these forces:-By fi lling the value in the basic component properties for the resistive force.-By defi ning the curves for drive and resistive forces.-By assigning two internal variables, one for each force.

Davhar tsilindertei tenhleg tulguurDavhar tsilinder ni 2 tsilindereer helheetei bdag.Ergeldeh hodolgoon dehi shugaman hodolgooniig dahin zasvarlaj boloh magadlaltai. Tenhlegiin ontsog orgonii hoorondiin zai 15 16 bhad hereglej bno.

Page 102: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Hydraulic Pressure Source

The hydraulic pressure source supplies an unlimited hydraulic fl ow.

óñíû äàðàëò ¿¿ñãýã÷ýíýõ¿¿ óñíû äàðàëò ¿¿ñãýã÷ íü óÿí õàòàí áàéäàã áà óñûã èõ õýìæýýãýýð ãîîæóóëæ àñãàõ, øàõàõ ¿¿ðýãòýé

Page 103: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Flow Controler

The fl ow controller is used to control the rate of passing fl uid.

óðñãàëûí òîõèðóóëàã÷óðñãàëûí õÿíàã÷èéã øèíãýíèéã äàìæóóëàòûí õóâèéã õÿíàäàã áàéíà.

Page 104: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Vertical Jumper

Pressure line allowing to jump over a line without being connected to it.

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G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


1- Connection Junction

The Connection Junction allows to connect several lines.

Õîëáîîíû óóëçâàðÕîëáîëòûí óóëçâàðò õýäýí øóãàìóóäûã õîëáîõûã çºâøººðíº.

Õîëáîõ øóãàìÕîëáîõ øóãàì íü õýä õýäýí øóãàìíóóäûã õîëáîäîã

Page 106: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Horizontal Jumper

Pressure line allowing to jump over a line without being connected to it.

Áîñîî ¿ñðýã÷ ò¿¿íòýé õîëáîãäîõã¿éãýýð øóëóóí äýýã¿¿ð ¿ñýðõèéã çºâøººðäºã äàðàëòûí øóëóóí þì.

Page 107: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Double-Acting Double-Rod Cylinder

DA double rod cylinders are used when pneumatic energy is required in both directions of the rod movement. Because there are rods on both sides of the piston, the areas on which pressure is applied are the same. At constant pressure, there will be no difference in thrust and speed whether the rod in extending or retract-ing. This cylinder may be used in circuits where it is necessary to pull and push a load at the same speed.

DA double rod cylinders are usually controlled by a 5/2 directional valve.

A linear position transducer is integrated into every cylinder, use the sensor button in the cylinder confi gurator and select the correct sensor. A new variable will automatically be created in the variable manager. These sensors are used to measure the piston position X (%), linear speed V (m/s) as well as external force F (N) applied at the tip of the rod. These values are stored and updated in three variables that can be used by controllers, internal logical variables, and certain input components.There are two types of external forces that can be specifi ed by the user: a driving force that will affect the rod at all times and a resistive force that will affect the rod only when it is moving.There are three ways to specify these forces:-By fi lling the value in the basic component properties for the resistive force.-By defi ning the curves for drive and resistive forces.-By assigning two internal variables, one for each force.

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Gas-loaded Accumulator with separator

The accumulator is used to stabilize the pressure when there is an increase or decrease of the oil demand in a circuit.

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Customized Atmospheric Reservoir

All hydraulic systems need a tank to feed oil to the pumps. The oil that circulates in the circuit goes back to the tank to be pumped again for another cycle. Even though a hydraulic system usually has only one tank, this symbol can be used in many places in a diagram. It replaces the use of return lines to simplify the diagrams.

Page 110: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Fixed Displacement Pump With Drain

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow. Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

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G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Fixed Displacement Pump With Shaft

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow. Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

Íàñîñ íü ÿìàð÷ ãèäðàâëèê ýðãýëòèéí ãîë ç¿ðõ íü þì. Ýíý íü ìåõàíèê õ¿÷èéã õóâèðãàæ õºëºëã¿¿ðèéã öàõèëãààí ýñâýë äóëààíû óðñãàëààð õàíãàíà. Íàñîñ íü òîãòìîë ýñâýë õóâüñàã÷ ýçýëõ¿¿íòýé áàéíà. Õýðýâ íàñîñ òîãòìîë ýçýëõ¿¿íòýé áàéâàë ãàðàõ óðñãàë íü ¿ðãýëæ ýðãýëòèéí õóðäòàé òýíö¿¿ áàéíà. Õýðýâ íàñîñ íü õóâüñàã÷ ýçýëõ¿¿íòýé áàéâàë ýíý íü ººð ººð ãàðàõ óðñãàëòàé èæèë õýìæýýíèé ýðãýëäýõ õóðä õàäãàëàõ áîëîìæòîé. Ýíý áîë ººð ººð øàõóóðãûí ìåõàíèçìèéí ýðãýëò á¿ðò øàõàãäñàí òîñíû õýìæýý ººð ººð áàéíà. ªðãºí õ¿ðýýíèé óäèðäëàãûí ñèñòåì íü õóâüñàã÷ ýçýëõ¿¿íòýé íàñîñ áàéõ áîëîìæòîé, õàìãèéí ãîëëîæ õýðýãëýäýã íü ìåõàíèê óäèðäëàãòàé áà íºõºí øàõàõ óäèðäëàãòàé.

Page 112: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Fixed Displacement Pump With Left/Right Shaft

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow. Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

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G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Variable Displacement Pump With Left/Right Shaft and Drain

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow. Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

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G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Variable Displacement Pump With Drain

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow. Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

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G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Variable Displacement Pump With Shaft

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow. Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

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G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Variable Displacement Pump With Left/Right Shaft

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow. Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

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Horizontal Flexible Line

The fl exible lines are generally used to connect movable components.

Vertical Flexible Line

The fl exible lines are generally used to connect movable components.

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Piloted Poppet Relief Valve with Drain Ìîòîðûí ñóâàãò òóñëàìæ ¿ç¿¿ëýõ õàâõëàãà

Page 119: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Variable Pressure Reducing Valve with Drain

The pressure reducing valve is used to control pressure in a hydraulic circuit. The spring preload can be modifi ed with an adjustment screw, and determines the pressure that will be maintained at the valve output regardless of the input pressure, as long as it is equal to or greater than the set pressure. This setting can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram

Page 120: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Variable Sequence Valve with Drain

The sequence valve is usually located on the supply line of a cylinder or on a branch of a hydraulic circuit that is isolated from the main circuit. When the pres-sure in the main circuit reaches the set pressure of the sequence valve, it opens and lets oil fl ow to the cylinder or to the branch of the circuit. This setting can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram. The sequence valve allows oil fl ow in only one direction. Its use is therefore limited to places where oil always circulates in the same direction. The sequence valve is usually located on the supply line of a cylinder or on a branch of a hydraulic circuit that is isolated from the main circuit. When the pressure in the main circuit reaches the set pressure of the sequence valve, it opens and lets oil fl ow to the cylinder or to the branch of the circuit. This setting can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram. The sequence valve allows oil fl ow in only one direction. Its use is therefore limited to places where oil always circulates in the same direction.

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Piloted Sequence Valve with Drain

The piloted sequence valve is usually located on the supply line of a cylinder or on a branch of a hydraulic circuit that is isolated from the main circuit. When the pressure in the main circuit reaches the set pressure of the sequence valve, it opens and lets oil fl ow to the cylinder or to the branch of the circuit. When the pilot is supplied with pressure, the valve pressure setting can be modifi ed. This setting can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram. The piloted sequence valve allows oil fl ow in only one direction. Its use is therefore limited to places where oil always circulates in the same direction.

Page 122: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Sequence Valve with Check and Drain

The sequence valve with check is usually located on the supply line of a cylinder or on a branch of a hydraulic circuit that is isolated from the main circuit. When the pressure in the main circuit reaches the set pressure of the sequence valve, it opens and lets oil fl ow to the cylinder or to the branch of the circuit. This setting can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram. The sequence valve with check lets oil fl ow in both directions. The check allows the oil to fl ow freely from the output to the input when the pressure at the output is greater than the pressure at the input. The sequence valve with check lets oil fl ow in both directions. The check allows the oil to fl ow freely from the output to the input when the pressure at the output is greater than the pressure at the input.

Page 123: Lab 01

G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Variable Counterbalance Valve with Drain

The counterbalance valve is used to counteract the effects of a driving load that could be applied to an actuator. A load is said to be driving when the resulting force applied to the actuator is applied in the same direction as that of the actuator motion. For example, a force that pulls on an extending cylinder rod is a driv-ing force. The counterbalance valve is also used to decelerate a moving actuator. Like almost all pressure controls, the counterbalance valve only lets oil fl ow in one direction. If fl ow is needed in both directions, the valve has to be fi tted with a check. The pressure setting of this component can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram The counterbalance valve is used to counteract the effects of a driving load that could be applied to an actuator. A load is said to be driving when the resulting force applied to the actuator is applied in the same direction as that of the actuator motion. For example, a force that pulls on an extending cylinder rod is a driving force. The counterbalance valve is also used to decelerate a moving actuator. Like almost all pressure controls, the counterbalance valve only lets oil fl ow in one direction. If fl ow is needed in both directions, the valve has to be fi tted with a check. The pressure setting of this component can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram.

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G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Counterbalance Valve with Check and Drain

The counterbalance valve is used to counteract the effects of a driving load that could be applied to an actuator. A load is said to be driving when the resulting force applied to the actuator is applied in the same direction as that of the actuator motion. For example, a force that pulls on an extending cylinder rod is a driv-ing force. The counterbalance valve is also used to decelerate a moving actuator. Like almost all pressure controls, the counterbalance valve only lets oil fl ow in one direction. If fl ow is needed in both directions, the valve has to be fi tted with a check. The pressure setting of this component can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram The counterbalance valve is used to counteract the effects of a driving load that could be applied to an actuator. A load is said to be driving when the resulting force applied to the actuator is applied in the same direction as that of the actuator motion. For example, a force that pulls on an extending cylinder rod is a driving force. The counterbalance valve is also used to decelerate a moving actuator. Like almost all pressure controls, the counterbalance valve only lets oil fl ow in one direction. If fl ow is needed in both directions, the valve has to be fi tted with a check. The pressure setting of this component can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram.

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G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Piloted Pressure Reducing Valve with Drain

The piloted pressure reducing valve makes it possible to manage fl ows and pressures higher than the non-piloted pressure reducing valves. Its behavior is iden-tical to the non-piloted valves but when it is connected to a pressure limiting device for which the pressure of adjustment is lower than that of the reducer, then the reduction of pressure is done with the pilot.

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Piloted Counterbalance Valve with Drain

The piloted counterbalance valve is normally open and has 4 ports. Port 1 is the input port. Port 2 is the output port. Port 3 is the pilot port that can shut the valve if it is receiving a non-zero pressure from the circuit. Its role is the same as the spring for the regular counterbalance valve. Port 4 allows to force the valve opening. Fluid fl ows from port 1 to port 2 if the pressure at port 4 is greater than both the pressure at port 3 AND the pressure setting.

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Pressure Reducing Valve with Drain

The pressure reducing valve is used to control pressure in a hydraulic circuit. The spring preload can be modifi ed with an adjustment screw, and determines the pressure that will be maintained at the valve output regardless of the input pressure, as long as it is equal to or greater than the set pressure. This setting can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram

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G.AH201 Õèé øèíãýíèé õºòë¿¿ð Ëàáîðàòîðè ¹1


Sequence Valve with Drain

The sequence valve is usually located on the supply line of a cylinder or on a branch of a hydraulic circuit that is isolated from the main circuit. When the pres-sure in the main circuit reaches the set pressure of the sequence valve, it opens and lets oil fl ow to the cylinder or to the branch of the circuit. This setting can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram. The sequence valve allows oil fl ow in only one direction. Its use is therefore limited to places where oil always circulates in the same direction. The sequence valve is usually located on the supply line of a cylinder or on a branch of a hydraulic circuit that is isolated from the main circuit. When the pressure in the main circuit reaches the set pressure of the sequence valve, it opens and lets oil fl ow to the cylinder or to the branch of the circuit. This setting can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram. The sequence valve allows oil fl ow in only one direction. Its use is therefore limited to places where oil always circulates in the same direction.

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Counterbalance Valve with Drain

The counterbalance valve is used to counteract the effects of a driving load that could be applied to an actuator. A load is said to be driving when the resulting force applied to the actuator is applied in the same direction as that of the actuator motion. For example, a force that pulls on an extending cylinder rod is a driv-ing force. The counterbalance valve is also used to decelerate a moving actuator. Like almost all pressure controls, the counterbalance valve only lets oil fl ow in one direction. If fl ow is needed in both directions, the valve has to be fi tted with a check. The pressure setting of this component can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram The counterbalance valve is used to counteract the effects of a driving load that could be applied to an actuator. A load is said to be driving when the resulting force applied to the actuator is applied in the same direction as that of the actuator motion. For example, a force that pulls on an extending cylinder rod is a driving force. The counterbalance valve is also used to decelerate a moving actuator. Like almost all pressure controls, the counterbalance valve only lets oil fl ow in one direction. If fl ow is needed in both directions, the valve has to be fi tted with a check. The pressure setting of this component can be done when editing the valve or when simulating a diagram.

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3 Way Pressure Regulator with Drain

The piloted pressure regulator has the same behavior as the regular pressure regulator except that the spring is replaced by a pilot.

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Bidirectional Variable Displacement Compensated Pump with Drain

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow. Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

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Variable Displacement Servo-Pump

The operation in simulation of the variable displacement pump – servovalve is controlled by a hydraulic control circuit constructed with components from the Hydraulic workshop. The control of the fl ow is the same as for the manually adjusted pump. When no piloting signal is present, the pressure on the two connec-tors of the pump is null.

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Pump/Motor Unit With Shaft

Moto-pumps will function like regular pumps when provided with mechanical power from the shaft. On the other hand, they will act like motors when provided with fl uid power from the circuit, therefore driving the shaft.

The angular transducer is useful only for rotary actuators (motors). To use this transducer, the corresponding checkbox must be selected in the component prop-erties of the motor, once the box is checked a new variable will be created in the variable manager. These transducers permit the user to measure, at all times, the position, rotation speed, and external torque at the shaft of the component. These values are stored and updated in the three corresponding variables that, in turn, can be used by controllers, internal logical variables or certain input components.There are two types of external torques that can be specifi ed by the user: a driving torque that will affect the shaft at all times and a resistive torque that will affect the motor only when the shaft is turning.There are three ways to specify these torques: -By fi lling the value in the basic component properties for the resistive torque.-By defi ning the curves for drive and resistive torques.-By assigning two internal variables, one for each force.

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Bidirectional Fixed Displacement Pump

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow. Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

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Unidirectional Variable Displacement and Pressure Compensated Pump

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow. Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

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Fixed Displacement Pump/Motor Unit With Shaft

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow.

Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

The angular transducer is useful only for rotary actuators (motors). To use this transducer, the corresponding checkbox must be selected in the component prop-erties of the motor, once the box is checked a new variable will be created in the variable manager. These transducers permit the user to measure, at all times, the position, rotation speed, and external torque at the shaft of the component. These values are stored and updated in the three corresponding variables that, in turn, can be used by controllers, internal logical variables or certain input components.There are two types of external torques that can be specifi ed by the user: a driving torque that will affect the shaft at all times and a resistive torque that will affect the motor only when the shaft is turning.There are three ways to specify these torques: -By fi lling the value in the basic component properties for the resistive torque.-By defi ning the curves for drive and resistive torques.-By assigning two internal variables, one for each force.

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Variable Displacement Pump/Motor Unit With Shaft

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow.

Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

The angular transducer is useful only for rotary actuators (motors). To use this transducer, the corresponding checkbox must be selected in the component prop-erties of the motor, once the box is checked a new variable will be created in the variable manager. These transducers permit the user to measure, at all times, the position, rotation speed, and external torque at the shaft of the component. These values are stored and updated in the three corresponding variables that, in turn, can be used by controllers, internal logical variables or certain input components.There are two types of external torques that can be specifi ed by the user: a driving torque that will affect the shaft at all times and a resistive torque that will affect the motor only when the shaft is turning.There are three ways to specify these torques: -By fi lling the value in the basic component properties for the resistive torque.-By defi ning the curves for drive and resistive torques.-By assigning two internal variables, one for each force.

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Variable Displacement Pump/Motor Unit With Shaft

The pump is the heart of any hydraulic circuit. It transforms the mechanical power supplied by a motor, either electrical or thermal, into fl ow.

Pumps can have a fi xed or variable displacement. If a pump has a fi xed displacement, the outgoing fl ow is always the same for a given rotation speed. If a pump has a variable displacement, it is possible to vary the outgoing fl ow even if the rotational speed remains the same, this is done by varying the volume of oil pumped for each rotation of the pump’s mechanism. There is a wide range of control systems available for variable displacement pumps, the most commonly used being the manual control and the pressure compensated control.

The angular transducer is useful only for rotary actuators (motors). To use this transducer, the corresponding checkbox must be selected in the component prop-erties of the motor, once the box is checked a new variable will be created in the variable manager. These transducers permit the user to measure, at all times, the position, rotation speed, and external torque at the shaft of the component. These values are stored and updated in the three corresponding variables that, in turn, can be used by controllers, internal logical variables or certain input components.There are two types of external torques that can be specifi ed by the user: a driving torque that will affect the shaft at all times and a resistive torque that will affect the motor only when the shaft is turning.There are three ways to specify these torques: -By fi lling the value in the basic component properties for the resistive torque.-By defi ning the curves for drive and resistive torques.-By assigning two internal variables, one for each force.

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Poppet Relief Valve

The Poppet relief valve is normally closed. Port 1 is the only input port. Port 2 is the output port when the valve is open. Port 3 must be connected to a tank or blocked. It is the output port when the valve is closed. Port 4 is the drain, a tank can be connected to it. As soon as port 3 is disconnected or blocked, the poppet relied valve behaves like a sequence valve with check. It becomes open when the pressure at port 1 is greater or equal to the pressure setting. If port 3 is con-nected to a tank, whatever the pressure at port 1, the valve stays closed and fl uid exits by port 3. The Poppet relief valve is normally closed. Port 1 is the only input port. Port 2 is the output port when the valve is open. Port 3 must be connected to a tank or blocked. It is the output port when the valve is closed. Port 4 is the drain, a tank can be connected to it. As soon as port 3 is disconnected or blocked, the poppet relied valve behaves like a sequence valve with check. It be-comes open when the pressure at port 1 is greater or equal to the pressure setting. If port 3 is connected to a tank, whatever the pressure at port 1, the valve stays closed and fl uid exits by port 3.

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Rodless 2-Cushion Double-Acting Cylinder

Rodless 2-cushion cylinders are used when pneumatic thrust is required in both directions of the carriage movement.

When available space is a consideration, you can use a rodless cylinder in which the piston is linked to a carriage. This carriage will move as the piston does. The connection between the piston and the carriage can be mechanical or magnetic.

Since there is no rod, the areas on which pressure is applied are the same. At constant pressure, there will be no difference in thrust and speed for the carriage movement, in both directions.

This cylinder is also fi tted with a pneumatic shock absorber that will diminish the intensity of the shock at the end of the stroke, by reducing the speed of the piston when it nears the end, like the shock absorber on regular cylinders.

Rodless 2-cushion cylinders are usually controlled by a 5/2 directional valve.

A linear position transducer is integrated into every cylinder, use the sensor button in the cylinder confi gurator and select the correct sensor. A new variable will automatically be created in the variable manager. These sensors are used to measure the piston position X (%), linear speed V (m/s) as well as external force F (N) applied at the tip of the rod. These values are stored and updated in three variables that can be used by controllers, internal logical variables, and certain input components.There are two types of external forces that can be specifi ed by the user: a driving force that will affect the rod at all times and a resistive force that will affect the rod only when it is moving.There are three ways to specify these forces:-By fi lling the value in the basic component properties for the resistive force.-By defi ning the curves for drive and resistive forces.-By assigning two internal variables, one for each force.

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Piloted Pressure Relief Valve

This component has the same behavior as the pressure relief valve. The only difference is that the spring is replaced by a pilot.

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Piloted Pressure Relief Valve

This component has the same behavior as the pressure relief valve. The only difference is that the spring is replaced by a pilot.

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Piloted Poppet Relief Valve