3$3* WniiW* iK-W^-ifr ir i &.T. notsrecewed S afuidly nofa%i$ie-t»mce ^~~^stelay-ana change of a^drejw. Mm all Catjholics, r , _ _., , _, T _, fa* the name j of the Nlun*. of contributor wj.tfaiiel«Tif desired. ;tion» should? be ad- RTAN, Bhatne* i Manager. J to agent* "nnlcai thejrnajw crc- tyua ''' SUBSCailFTipN RATES;! ^«r Y«M, in A.«brssui» uitcoad MJlfiAY clus nail ^piittJfr** AN.; V t a k t y * C&uifch Chlendiif. ^ouS—laa tiie (Octai ei of T St- l-StJohaxsiL -s9-ii 2,1B92 John C^s^-OcEfcEfcsre of tjie Htfyly Innocents - &—^¥$gi|of tlU&pijphany. ; piphany ©f our lljoard. ! $=-Gf tbie Gdtave OTithe Epiphany. CtSe Octave. ! ' ' Octave- j |. IT, tairf ?&IE|: THpfiGfftfs. B|lwto[oB tibfe thjflbMd. 1 of a ^BKWw-ear-! W"e iknow not whether l^mMmm: tar lis j ow'•.or! sorrow. f-ear&iojfc look; into, the Jriiture kficw a| twelyie-iaomth. We can* team ftom the Jeap that passed . lessons! wJbSidi will RS&fttservice-to us in the ye^r that |ce|pa0. RefiecjfcLOTis on the m- ftsb of thepaat will mike us *iA.*__. ^ ftitdreu The 1 New ^hiVa* long been timtei for? good resolu- $tefc>[ resolves 'for Jnjfrove- Nl&d^ OIL that day are made offtidicqle. lit shjouil$ not All: skoilld. endeavor: fe live L dddng the. new year,; than tia^eflived in tne old. Let featfthe g»ast as it comes up vskt thp caL ofimemory. $E&seet wiiereiii ^ve have erred -errors fbr the fu- iifc m? m sea? ] lav© i been. wanting in w JO' tfabse arouutd xm, we #be,HBkbid no longer If $sm l>een ; uncfc aritable, our ted can be made more beau- jfegp tfile practice of that great e 4re ijew, ^ery;few t who fbia soine, quality in, their ^hielf could. be i improved Mae a|re perfect!. Never- \? we shcfuld ajl aim at per- team BISBLQP* JLOUBSLIN. Rt.. Hev. John Ik^ughlin, first Bishop of Brooklyn, died at Ms- home, corner of Clermont and' Grand avenues, Brooklyn, Tues- day afternoon. Next to Arch- bishop Kenrick, who was bom in 1806, and recently celebrated the j golden jubilee of his consecration as a bishop, the deceased prelate was, at the time of his death, the oldest member of the Catholic Hi- erarchy in the United States. He was born in the parish of Clanduff, County Down, Ireland, in 1*17. When nine years old. He came to this country with his parents, who settled near Albany. His early education was reeeiyed in that city and in a school near' Montreal. He began his ecclesiastical studies in Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, Balti- more, .and was ordained a priest by Bishop (afterward-Archbishop) Hughes, Oct. 1M84H. The young priest was stationed at l T tica for two ye^rs and was then made assistant at the old Mott street Cathedral. He and Bishop Hughes became fast' Triends, and in 1848 the latter made Father Loughlin his Vicar-General. In 1850 he was consecrated",- Bishop of the diocese of Brooklyn, by the Most Rev. Cajetan Bedini, the Pope's Nuncio, who was then on a visjj; to this country. Personally the Bishop was re- 'markable for his simplicity of life. It is related that he could inot be persuaded to occupy the handsome palace, built for him in Brooklyn a few years ago, until nearly a year after its completion. He possess- ed a remarkably humorous dispo- sition and many stories are told il- lustrating his love for a harmless joke. His character was one which, it may be said, was grand in its simplicity. May his soul rest in peace. PARDONED. isevei his new know I ticiak,! years bjr aman of "W«tt- s^ and &m capable of decisions witfe light- li& iquicfaiesd. His course .o(t hpen eikpejy free from ef- is to b£ hoped that, in le as senator, he will be s for tribkeiy as a poli- ,n ability as* a statesman. KIND WORDS. Tt e ukrHoiiia JOURNAL is to havej new quarters jafter the first of Janila™, The Iwnes wishes it all manner if success.—[Daily Times. The (MTHOLIC JOURNAL issued a very intpresting and profusely il- lustrated Christmas number, which whitfh could not fail of being ap- preclatep by its readers. Besides an ujnuspal amount of miseellane- reading matter, some good ous stories, Appropriate for the season, enrifhecf the cohiumas.— \Th&JkiTy. CATHOJ tlOELj ntimi and deseirv* with A NDSOME .NUMBER.—^The :|c JorjBJMAli, of this city, did jjtsefl proud in its holiday edi- isWed Deieember 19. The berlwas one of twelve pages was hlled with interesting read- ing jnatier. The JOURNAL is a goocL exponent of Catholicity and the success it is day Tpnes. meeting APQSWLATE OF THE PRESS. convention whose delibera- tion^ Wi|, undoubtedly, result in muci^ benefit to Catholic literature is thkt referred to on our front page,. purely tlbey do a laudable work who endeavor to spread the truths of|our religion by means of CatMic JwokSj papers, etc. Those who attend this convention will be furtiering a noble object. All Catholics should take an interest in such movements § 1 t- BAST SIDE POST OFFICE f-y In respduse to the; appeal of all Rochester's ex-city treasurer is . Easisiders iand the urgent request now a free man, having received, Qf ^ CATHOLIC JOURNAL, the his pardon last week from (lover-'i p J oiBce a e partment will soon es- nor Hill, to whom a petition for, tabl { all a b^ch office for the ae- such pardon signed by a large l comkodatiiri of the'people living number of Rochester citizens w a s j on &, eastlside. The branch will presented. When rumors of the | be i^ cated n ear tne corner of Qj^. intende<l pardon were m circulation I ton L^d Eajt Main streets. gave r\ some weeks ago, this paper its opinion on the matter. That opiaion remains the same to-day. We thought the full term light punishment for the otfense com- raitted. We feared a pardon would have a bad moral eifect, we think so still, a* gerfection' so .fully j ^ 0 w that the pardon has been »^e|in^helifb'of|theDivine|g rantet i < i t i t t 0 b e hoped that lhe r - - •'. . 'recipient will make amends for his ove 4E, if ; we k e in njortal | past ha d conduct. shbuid; make our peace i Tne pardon appears to please 3d tod start the ."new; year I some - of ()Ur ( , itv r()n temporaries. ele^r conscience. ' This may Jud ^ ng from \ he hea(l lines an d [year on 4arth for many < wor a s 0 f welcome used .. v one pa- per m announcing it. one would suppose some great hero were about to honor our city with a visit. Speakingr DEATH FtnJUU I -DURING' h ^N-Y SHINING MARKS im YEAR4m. Un^lMolrersd Ck a. ni| London, wnl ri^n; born 1810. S. Inj Salt. Lake Cit; elL opera, singer; 7. Xn( Boston, Gen. States attorney 10. In) Paris, Baron 17. 1x4 Waanington , stfteaman and h 20. 14 San Pranci EUvwaiij born. IS 2i* Iij New York ei thje noted b; 2B^ In("NewYark "Wfillianx Windo: any; born ]M, urn Kts, Aixtltarr. En-rentors^ Afitor*. Sin^ecB sund 'Bmwm JfrnmrnA to "the try." TABX. ' am. fHnglalfPi, the hiatb- ao. London, itator^ barn.: 8L la Paris, Meiseo IDU la N e w York cltjr. 1st, author and 1 13U Id Washingtozu commander U . S . l i hi New York city, mfan, general U 18*. id St. Pa.nl. Sen. nor of Minnesota^ H> InBelvidere,N tn IWaahlngiton. 4' from Maryland; 28a Hi Washington, t4>rfrom0i 8, Ik London* Leo: Jjew Vorker. M. Id Berlin, Dr. olio leader; born 17. hi Romo,Princ^ Bonaparte's bro 20- ija. N e w York ci ajotor; born 1838. 2L In Waabitigtorw bornlBOr. 23. Ik New York ftutiioreee; bora InJEamlra. N . Y . . son; born 1811. 8T. in. Lotdsville, borulSlD. 20. I n N e w York bora 1828. 80. tn London, Eari In the noose of born 1800. '*S -IMP i 111 gyp ;i Emma Abbott Wetber- r n 1850. lee DevenH, ex-United eral; born 1820. .usaman; born 1809. George Bancroft, the rian; "born 1801. King Kn.ln.bn.Tm. of Harvoy B. Dodwortiit iter. j s\iddenly, a t a banquet, secretary of the tjreas- t Kles Bradlansh, F.rfgHsh 6r, famoofl painter; born ames Kedpath, journal- uror; bora 1882. David D. Porter, jjl^ born 1S13. tTooaKfiehSlior- FT- Sibley, first; gover- irnlSlL Oen. Robert McAUlater. E. EL Wilson, senator rn 1821. n. George Hearst, sena- bornl81fl. Jerome, well known Iwigf Windthorst. Cath- $12. Ferome Napoleon, son. of Jerome; born 1822. |f, Lawrence Barrett, the en. Joseph E. Johnston: Mrs. Vlncenssa Botta, the 80. ^Governor Locins Robin- J. A. Ekin, U. S. A-: ;jy» Dr. Howard Crosby; pranvUle, Liberal leader, : born 1815.. 8KU atorj forkoitr,L*wisr xne srjeet"rmiTrniad;,boi n lfK d t y i , fia*; D. CL Viae mtMethbdi*t; bornl8« .Italy, Q«n. Trmnmn, . WoraeatMr; ;boK»:iaP-:. ^bomllKtt.- j Baw John H. Lick,, a 2B. InN ( Third Ial New b>ck, TMJMWmA dentNl 81. In bornl8»*j ITOTHniKR.. 2. In Grand) Rapids, Mictu, in. Mlaonio Dr. JohnjJ. Jenninga. In.Oolor*db Springs* Colo M B. W.Steele, lam* nalist; born 1851. L In Naabyilbx ex-Governor A-S.Markmvot TenneBaele; born 188ft, In, New YQrlc city. Right Rev. Mgr. born a. In BridE noted Ic In: s t . A l l Smith., of 3. InWaftI port. Conn-, Alfred C. TTobba, bornlSll Vt., ex>Gx)yernar Gregory J. Vermont.. lgtou, Gen. Horace Boughton^o* .as. lords (len. Albert Pike, poet,au- Masoo; born WOO. Phineas v T. Barnnnx, .0. Right Rev. Richard p of Cleveland; born 2. In Washington, thor and prorairi T. In Bridgeport, t oj Bhowman{ born. 13. In St. Augustine, Gilmonr. R. C. \> 1824. 14. In Washington, born 1230. In New York, Ci Jt. Qeorjje H. Mackenzie; chess player. 1 20L,In Clinton, N. F , Rev. Hanry Darling, ' president of EJU a. LLCon college? born 1S23. Jen. Francis B. Spinola: t/L In Berlin, Field uaxsnal (Joant von Moltke; I "M> regret \o observe^ in a recent o l this P&koe^attynd GKf/m- "V^e should ] ive us though SO. ^^jmmdEiks^kT \INSULT. It would pppeian-by the decisions handed down by the court of ap- peals^ Tuesday, that the Democrats willjhave cefntroi of both branches of tm\ legislature, The decision of the cour4 ruling the Republican candidate ir| Steuben county o u t a s ineligible, ii just. When members of a political party nominate a man for c nice wljo is not eligible, tjiey have t5hemse|lves to blame if the office is lost! to tne party through theii defiance of law. So long as lawsi are on (the statute books, they should be observed. If they) are unjiAt, tuej should be repealed. 28. In Ohaslatteavil % Va-, Gen. A. L. Long, of the Confederate! service; born 1827. J(lAT. 2. In London, Banbt Sullivan, the tragedian^ barn 1824- i, In New York city, Charles Pratt, the oil magnate and pi ti](&nthropist; born 1R31. 8* In London, Mn Mi H. P. Blavataky, theoeo* phiat; born L83L ;i 111, In San Diego, Call, Aloniso Taft, ezHKore* tary of war, etc ^JbornlolO. 281 In Detroit, sndt eply, Judge 8. M. Breckin- ridge, of St. Loal^, advisor of the Brigga hcoresy committ s4 in the Presbyterian as- sembly; born 18 £ 801 In New York dfy. Dr. Fordyce Barker, eminent physici ab; born 1818. 811. In Sheepahead |bay. Prentice Mnlford. journaliat and 1 Kjjturer. JjUHt 0. Near Ponghke«!p|ie, N. Y., Dr. B.J. Loe- atng, historian; born 1818. (. In Providence, i oiGovemor Henry Lippitt. of R h o d e Tnlanf ; born.lSlS. f. In Ontario, Caaada, Sir John A. Macdon aid, premier of Canada; torn 1816. H. In New York cjlty, Charles Fisher, the act* or; born lSlfl. IS. In Cornwall, N. bornlSil. 2L In Indianapoiiai ex-Senator Joseph EL Mc- Donald; born lilQi ! 22. In North Ada^n% Mass., Professor Georga inventor of nitroglycerin; l'exaa. In OttawaJ UlU.. John Hassock, an orlghrt- abolititinistt born 1808. 10, I&CorMftUlflttfova, iSootim Hon, Samuel Chipmani a n o l d Freemason; born 1790. IX. In Pf\ iilaji elpbia, MoTiragB Babmaon, noted Civil engineer; bora 1801. 12. CoL Donh Piatt, journalist; born 1819. 15. In New York city. Dr. John. Clarkson Jay, conchQlogist. 17. In New lYork city, Rear Admiral George " H. Cooper. U. S. N - , r e t i r e d ; b o r n 1S2Q. 19. In Riponi Wis^ Jedsdiaix Bcxwen; .born 1818. In PliiladelpMa, W. J. Florence^ actor; born 188L 23. In Waltham, Maw., Kerr. Thomas H1H. es- president of Harvard; born 1818. 23. In lrvin|gtonrOn-the-Hudson, Mrs. Cyrns W. Field. la Indianapolis. Gen. A . P . Hdvey, governor of Indiana; born 1S20. 2A. In Boston, Col* Gardner Tufts, philanthro- pist and educator; born 1828. In Paris, H|arl Lrtton, author and diplomat; born 18311 27. In New York city. Commodore Roucken- dorff, U . S . N~, retired; born 1810. DHCEMBEB. 4. In Parlay Dom Pedro EL, ex-emperor of jBrazdi; born 1825. in Westport, Conn., Daniel C. Birdsall, law- yer and editor; born 1S3A. In Fort Randal^ S. D.. Col. Joseph S. Conrad, U. S. AA born 1833. 8, In Boston, Col. W. W, .Clapp, journaUsf, •bornl836L In Palatine Bridge, N. Y., ex-Governor M. JL. Stearns, of iFlorida; born 1830. Id Cairo, Smile Bayard, painter: born 1837. 10. In .Chicago. Joseph O. Glover, public-man; born ISO;- 16. In Philadelphia, Samuel Murdoch, actor •and elocutionist; born ISIS. POLITICAL POINTS. JAJfXTABY. 9.: Governor Thayer, of Nebraska, refused to .torn over nla office to Boyd. 14^ The U. S. senate passed the free coinage bilL 16. Ex-Governor Thayer surrendered office under protest. 80. Election of Dr. J. H. Gallinger to succeed Senator Blair, of New Hampshire. ZL New York elected Governor Hill as sena- tor. 28. Wisconsin elected ex-Secretary Vilas Onifr. ed States senator. Senator Ingalls* Buoceasor elected in the per* son of Judge William A. Peffer. SL. Resignation of Prime Minister Crispi fol- lowed cabinet crisis in Italy. PHBRtJART. 5. Proclamation at reciprocai trade relations between the United States and Brazil, 17. South Dakota elected Rev* J. H. Kyle United States senator. MARCH. 13. niinoia elected Gen. John iL Palmar United States senator. M. Mowbray, born 1835. In Bangor, Me., president; born Aecording to a cablegram which applications f o r i appeared in|i3a.turda.y's papers and pardons, we venture the opinion j whiop we reproduce in another col- that if tke law requirc<l them to be I utonl tb© Pfp© has conlerreo 1 the article lini which ihereniarks I published in the papers ofi the lo- i Order of the Cross of Christ on the *_.— TTtl I it i i • _ _ * _ ^ _ _ A 1 l • Jj 1 * 1 l . * 1 'It •' 1 i f* * f \ FT 1 JTOI-T. Hannibal HamHn, ei-vice IS€0. 18. In Boston, Edward. Burgess, yacht de- signer. 26. In Waterbury, IVti, ex-Governor Paul Dfl. Hn^a.m J of Ve rrnont; born 1799. 28. In Lake Rolanc ^ Md., Samuel Sands, an old newspaper m a x ; b o r n 17S8: he first pot in ^Snalflby Pop<h leo |confcerniig the arai poorer question, at the Itaifflonaistory, iare fcoinmented on i\u —eeined., |e fall to| see why the Democrat be soiregar(|less| of the feel-. [pi its i iBan3 r (j?athblic readers .reproduce su<ih-articles. All lalljr papers have a large num- f,mmSi$t Catholic sn'bscrjbers. It is ^idleiidy an. injustice to such patrons v^h£n the coIpMiis of ji paper they ^Jhtelp|snppoTt| are oiaen^d to articles ^c|a |F|tiek ttotrtlers ocef of those for ^ f "yyii^ni. they have die I greatest ~re- *%g^ are refferted ;ohi| an insiilting W$p We kold that secjular papers, il^aaEtttdin^on.all creepsaii^classes '^sn^m^tenanee, shoold ! avoid jie|pig; religious q^estioii^ in a JEB^peK^iat will ground the feel- e ranting of any & * i^"-2^M g; jm$l &£ m portion-of tpieir readers fc^HbehesiEacisjno^ so unforlunate fe' as to be^fi^sedi w$k jmneh 1 bitter- "pBittflt amjaag.'-^retnfejerr[oi the | M e r - x, Li _ . 'ioissfe fiarjttWHiy and tp f pteasipg de>. w411 oe- opposed to the gr: particular pardon a chance to ob tain signatures for a petition agaihst favorable action. * But as all this would be. interfering with the power granted -the governor,. it might not be possible to accomplish it without amending the constitu- tion. cality in whjch the crime has been \ Arcflbishopj of Aix. Our Holy committed, at the time they are j Father shows his courage when oc- presented to the governor and, at! casion requires. Should the trou- fsaaimer jdi^res^ect^ful ai^d in- j least, a few weeks before action is i ble with ti|e French government to thej vkierable; head of the j taken upon them, we woul4 ne ^ ^ ea( ^ as thefdespatch intimates, to Jle church, iTh^ offending | of less dissatisfaction when one is ! a seriaratioil of Church and State, is-takenifroto the Chicago < granted. Such a plan would pre-; the rgsult Would be beneficial to ?, a pip<j)r njrted! for its un-1 vent the employment of secret me- the iJburcn in France. If, as in &s&iathie !treatment of fques- I thods by those seeking pardon for i our countryl the clergy could be in which the Cattlolic Church, their friends. It would give those i indettendenf of the government, THE RETIRING GOVERNOR. David B. Hill is no longer gov- ernor of, . the Empire state. His term has been a stermy one. He has been the target of as many bitter attacks as any man who ever fiHed the executive chair. He has riiet them all calmly and wijlh, ap- parent mdiiffierenee. Men less re- solute Would have shrunk "from some of the fierce onslaughts that were made on Governor Hill; po- liticians less vigilant would have falleat into the pitfalls dag bjs Jus: be politieal enemies. Whatever his foe& msy say of hini, they cannot dispute the fact that the their lot w( one. '' ild be a more pleasant Wk J . I SCAKTIAN, the well- known Iris| actor, is hopelessly in- sane and his death is sai d to be a question Sof only a short time. The thotisaiids who have be^n de- lighted will his charming songs will j learn | of his misfortune with sincere regiet. Wfe are §leased to notice that D. V. jMurply, Esq., for the past year withjthe law firm of Loek- W^OO<IL and ffioyt, of Buflfelo, has formpd a eppartttership with Chas. H. 4-verjy pf that city. We pre- brlgjitfutitrefor Mr. Mnr- his jchosen profession. ee deaths in Kochester 19 How 1 many of those -thjrele souls werepiepared to •( <-• '- &ajj&^BS&afe&'2t :: -Mv.- "^ -- ' ^-" : -it»> "^si'y m^^-^W^W^m ^ ^ - ^ Vi, J. K. E'.mmett, the actor, type the inaniiqcript of the "Star Spangled Banner."' In Monlpelier, fli, Oen. P, P, Pitkin; born 1S3B- Near New York city, F. C. Havemeyer, sngat DTtanuiaotTiror, born 1806. A08O&E. IP. In Amherst, N. 3S-, Mia. U. K. Sawteiie, MasBachusetts' first woman lawyer. 12. In Cambridge, ld|sei, HOD. Jomee Russell LotTeil. poet a-n. 1 d i p l o m a t ; b o r n 1S1P. la Poland Spring s, M&, Oeorge Jones, editsoi New York Tlnu m born 1812. 114. In Nashville, MM. Jamea K. Polk, widow of President Pollti born 1813. 87. In Woitenavill},|Ma88., ex-Senator S. O. Pomeroy, of Ka naas; born 1815. OCBKB. T. In Mobile, Dr. W. W. A. Spotswood, sur- geon United SJajtes navy before the wan born 1800. 9. In Paris. Maj. 4- M- Bundy. editor New P. Grevy, of France; born York Mail and Ex-PresidBnt Jul 1818. IS. In N e w York cilty, Marqxris de Chambrtm, eminent Frenoi lawyer and diplomat; born -1831. J In Boston, Dr. Gk orge B. Loring, ex-minister toPortngalanc Jex-commisaioner of agri* culture? boralilT. 18. In Roonestor, I j Y„ Qen. Isaao F. Qninby, veteran of thelfregnlar army and of the civil war; born J82L. In New York ci ty, CtoL F. A. Conkling, ex ' state senator Ind ei-congressman; born IBIS. | 19. In Newport, Bi L, ex-Oongreaaman W . L . Scott, at Penna rTvania; trarn 18S8, At the Americ m legation, Santiago, ex- President Bain aceda, Chili, by suicide. & In Lexington* | :y.. Dr. B. Grata Bruce, the turf authority;! born 132Z. SSw In Saratoga, EBiv. Drw S.D. Burohard;barn 1812L I 2T. In Potoei, Wi$ . SamneL Morris, an Iowa pioneer; bormi ao. | In Louisville, Hon. Harvey M. Watterson, father of CoLipCenry Watiteiaoni 90. In. Brnssela. JG en- Bonhunger,. by suicide; bornlKft 1 6. In Tymdon. Hl( JitHon. W. H. Smith, first lordof<1ihet: in the house In Stuttgart, ( temberg; born T.to..Br%Mo; Parnelli ) mteJBP | States:; bom 15. In Ravens™ OOTOBiUC y and |;overnment leader conunonstborn 1825. ixnany, KUag. Carl of' W^ur^. 1823. England, Charles Stewart; 1S46. Joseph M. Saylor, old-> dergynxam im the; United Yaw Gtal^W. H. F. Lees, Lee; bomlaag.. vernorSamnalW Hale, ""»afiB:>nmp *««'~«~«"™»!aej 19.! ExpuMon of Queen Natalie from Serria. JGXiT. 2.1 W. EL SUnmons appointed commissioner *>£ j patents.. A. Loudon Snowden appointed minister to 1 Greece. 1S.I President Camot's life attempted by a ' hmatio. 28.! Appointment of Senator Faasett as collector of the port of New York. 80.- The imprisoned Irish members of parlia- ment—O'Brien and Dillon—released from Galwayjaii .| SXPrXMBKB. L Spanish reciprocity treaty went into ef- fect. 6. Recognition of the Chilian junta by the ., United States government. O0TOBBB. L| Railroad bridge near Prague blown up in .-.' an attempt to kill emperor of, Austria. 10| 53 rebels killed in political riot, Uruguay. ' 2L, Henry "W. Grady monument unveiled in , Atlanta. NOVUXBBB. Si Elections in 12; states; Democratic govern- ors elected in Massachusetts, N 6 *^ York and Iowa; Ohio elected Major McKinloy, Re- pablican, o^er Governor Campbell; Re- pnblican staXe ticket elected in Pennsyl- vania. The national congress of Brazil dissolved by President Fonseca. 4u Secretary Red field Proctor appointed Unit- ed States senator from Vermont, rioe Ed- mTrhdw. resigned. VK Renn ociattrm by ez-Eing MTt«n of Iris rights to the Servian throne. \Si Appoiatmontof OoLC. Q. Gibeon M Ben* ator Crum JMaj-y(«.r»r). vice W ilunn. deceased. PSCEKBXR. 7j CougresQ convened. & House of representatives elected Hon. Gh&raes F. Crisp, of G-eorgia. spsaJcer. lfil President Harriflon appointed Hon. Wil- liam D. Putnam of Maine, Nathaniel Ship- man of Connecticut, George M. Dallas oi Pennsylvania, Nathan Goff of West Vir- ginia, William H. Taft of Ohio and Wil- liam A. Woods of Indiana judges of the United States circuit court. PERSONAL MISGELLANY. riage. 28. OapttO'Shea obtained a divorce. 20L Dr. JBriggs disapproved bv Presbyterian, general assembly. JUflM. & Union Theological seminary directors sus- tain Dr. Brigga. ming in the baccarat slander case in Lon- don. SL Henry Ward Beecher statue' qnyeBed in Brooklyn. 25. Marriage of Parneil and Mrs. O'Sb**. JUIiT. 1 BSmneror William of Germany arrived in Emperor WD Tffnpln.nri III "Stojaewall" Jackson statoe onveiled in Lexington. Va; AXJQOBK. 8. G. A- R. elected John: A^ Palmar com* manlier in chief; Detroit^ , 8. Mary JAr^f^^rt^gTmnAamxtffittmapzaeV^srmaifmint Lincoln, married to .Charles. B. Ianam in London. . 4 Cityof New Yjarkroedered to | pay inventor Jamea Knibbainearly 1&JXWXO back royal- ty On Are engine patent. | ' OCTOBHR. 3. A daughter born to ex-President mil Mra Olev^Iandi, of Mrs. Frank Leslie^ ia New to W. C. K. Wilde, of the London Tel- of theequestrlinitatueof Gen. tn Lincoln park; CbTrajpi ohs^fibeyaa ALL SORTS OP MOMi I-Skmxl - WonndAdKhea, Neb. IX nepredationa^. liv. Sarrendakof the>rnn^ns pjne>:J:_:. rmmsarjXBX;., i, ReKuing i»artTtook SminextJ ed mine in Na3ticok«; i. President signed iateraational bSL | Passagftof the French: upolia^ioni 8. Many mountaineers woonded " ate fight near CumberlBindJGap, M*. In New Orleans severai thj lynched Dl Mafia prisoners;^ 30. NewOrleai^lrnchinff denounced i by Itaf- iansinJ^ew York. APKIXv. 0. Grand Army of the Republic celebrated ijts quarter centennial. - . 1 . & In Washingtocu^eentennial of the; United States patent o€fi»e celebrated- 19. Baltimore welcomed reterans Massachusetts, who theyj mol April 19.1S51. , 22. 36L victims of grip reported, in. Hi city In !M hours. 84. Ben. AH arrested for tne mrLrdeici Brown in New York;. case • the Kipper'8 work. / 8T. Ground broken for Gen. ! Gtn merit in. Biverside park, ^iw MAT./ 5. No indictments found b y N e w . grand jnry againHt^ lyncfaera of Majftst p r i s - oners. / i United StAtesofflfiiaJA seized Chilian steain- er Itata. at San Diego. OaL 7. United States marshal oil the I | t a t a -EJet asjiore add steamer left port. SL Metropolitan Museum of! Art opened |or first time to Sunday viBitora.. JUKB. L Brooklyn bridge promenade made free. 6. Hydrophobia induced by a cat Ml e cauied the death of Richard S. Bartineii^i: Asb^ry Park, N.J. 84. New York jury acquitted the Nbw T<4rk and New Haven railroad directors in the tunnel disaster case. juxr. 1. Operation of international cop: begun between the United Si France, Belgium, Switzerland Britain. 7. In Sing Sing prison. Smiles, We and Jugiro were killed by electricjity. 30. Militia drivenfromBriceville(Te] by strikers. AUGUST. 4. G, A, R* opened its 25th natioi ment in Detroit. 19. Bennington battle monument SKPTKMBKB. . 14. World's, long distance rj beaten by New York Central which ran 441 miles in 7b. and 22. Settlers permitted to occupy nei Oklahoma. OCTOBBS. j 8. Ecumenical council of Methodism, heljl its second session in Washington. 19. Bind of Chicago cabinet makers' strike. NOVEMBER. 8. New York police arrested 91 persona i n a n opium den raid. 17. Death of Henry Strattonjthe In a dimemusejam hi New York, 18- 8 children devaprred by wolvee, "" ton, Minn. f 22. In jump fronji Brooklyn brfc McCarey killed^ 23. Republican national Minneapolis foir convention of DBGXKBKR. 2. United States cruiser New Yorjfc lauhched tn Pniladelpnia. 1L Labor riotatQI-eeted Butto, Colo.; 7 striken wounded. ! • ~ v 15. E. M. Field, sok of Cyrus W. Fijeld, alleged defaulting member of the firin of Lindley, Wiecters & Co., jirresited. -W«EZ;» GEO. IiEAl||aaw.inymantnaw«sJ *•& j.- '. ROCHESTER S3BOarWH*& UKi^ a^eiiiE- - Carriage*, aiwi wmtj^mmsb, PARRg M ? ^ G ^ C O ^ a^j States. '• I Cftilr K«fi!t«r* I RT- .«*- Main, u?' s | Catararaw rL«OIia*ft|^^Wes|Alaia*. p Confi«eti«n«ry% ZIMMERMAN, 86 E. Mam. * Wfer.T.IAMSJk- VrS£B3sm& COi, CWBolaiwiley ;o6 M11U ', <Sie»atu MwonfteroxwrK VESMrL.TTEA.'S Corset Parley « 7 j « i mmkmj KooataJt i MRS; H . S M A U N G , Custom Cor»«t Parlor. i4» iiraixT.... i0 _ '' CI|pari and Tbtoawoa*. 4. I': ! day faster lew B risn- Francis selected Field, EVE&m troops ins argent rowni d. trooj» and li New York piesbjieiy committee con- demned Rev. Dr. Brigga for heterodoxy. Hi. Russian czarowitz attacked, by fanatic in 15, Emperor William thrown from his car-4 *• Adjniral, Monttj elected president of philL FOREIGN JANOABilE. , 38. Soldiers wounded several civilians dctrin* riot in Weymojith, England, j % " ' Sardou's play '^erniidor" was Mei?upted by a mob in Paris. ! 8L Attempt made {to start repuldio by] three revolting regiments in Oporto, Porte gali S^KBKITAilY. 2L Egyptians at T p k a r k i l l e d n e a r l y ijOOO of Osman Digma's soldiers. - SAHOH. 26. Revolutionists I and government .fought at Iutriojue. 26. Battle of Tara^aca, Chili. APBIL. 23. Chilian torpeda cmiaera: cruiser Blanco Encalada; 150 u Portugui 4 at Delagoa biy, Af rica. 28. 40 insurgents krtled by troops during polit- ical rioting in Itort-au*Prihce, jHayti. | JUNE. _ '. j 4. Admiral McCamn, U. S. N^ neceive i sur- render of Chiliin transport Itata ai i Iqui- que^CbilL I 9. Attempt of Chilian vessels j to bo tabard Iquique. ! ! JULY. 12. Chilian govvinimentshot 3 emissaries for conspiring to destroy torpedo boats. > 25. Olandio Vicuna declared president o f Chill hy electoral college, Axxausr. SI. 3,000 killed and wounded in battle be tween Chilian insurgemts and government troops near Valparaiap. 23. InsiTEgexxts -rictozloTis in tile battle c f V « l - paraiso. I 28. Yalparaiso capturedtoyinsurgents inter* rinc battle in which casualties were 1,000. StePTEMBBR. 5. Switzerland celebrated the 600th aiinivBtw aary of independence. J 2L 21st aaniversarY of tne Italian army's en- try into Rome celebrated by the Italpans. joOTOBBB. IS. Collision occurred between U.S. saihbrs and natives at Valparaiso, in which several of the former were killed; diplomatic nego- tiations have since been entered into) on the subject. 90, French officer knd 8 natives massacred by Madagascar bajndlts. 1L New ehilian formerly vest congress assumed powers in junta. 19. £5,000,000 of Russian loan taken by Roths- childs, j exportation formdVten by a. Russian wh czar. 23. Resignation MONROE ^&A& CO.;i8 State. | ClothilAS* STAR CLOt^IX© C04 4^-4« Siatev Cs|rp«ta and Draparieak HOWE & ROGERS, SOr State. H. B. GRAVES, a6a State. , Cliifta, savers Immym- «*» GORMLY BROS., 67 SUt«. : ' DMtiata. WALTER & BEEBEE, 929-9^Wildsr Bld'f, Biniaa- and X.nmebi B m m a J . J. ELLIOSTT^ 95 E . xnmin. POPULAR DINING IIALL, l5a Stata. L Pre—MJafcTa. . ^ IG, 447 E. Maim MISS KNO^R, 39.Statepoom 713. MISS SEXTON, *73 E-main, Room 6. I Drii^pjarte*- " G. H. HAA|s r 105 E. Main. A. C. DllUjtaf, i6>E|itav*, feEO. HA^Ir, 558 States '• Electro-Tharmal Batna, DR. O. CLARK SPRAGUE, 916-9.7 Wilder Bid 1 ' FnruHme. H. B. GRAVES, a6a Stabs. L. DeYOUlfG, us State* C A, ROCJ^kV«lXi, io»Stat«. : ' 6 ¥wm & 10 MLJrBpemvMi A^DLO^^^S^E^-maut: g i n i t t a»d:<ay>«aaisaiOM:a FRANK ALDRICH 4 CO., aos State. 'RWSMB& **" CHRIS. it. P. SxEKI E. W. BUD0, 420 S t a t e d door &omR.W.Oi«* W. H. HASirrrJGS, 40a State, Harneas and: Hors* Tiinxiaiiins fi<Mda> A. V. SMITH * CO.,,x«S State.. § Hair Worav MISS S. C. MERGES, Sa Osburn HOBae-Bnt. : I Hotels. NATIOilA^ HOTEL, |cor. W. main and Plf^ moatb.-iii.ve. THE POWERS HOTEL, 36 WestmsiB. CITY HOTEL, cor. E. main and Franklin. NEW OSBiiRtf HOUsk 104 Sfl. SU-Etal* CLINTON AOTEI^ cor. Court *. St» Pa«L f ' - • f Jeweliara. JAMES M. N O L A N , 146 E. Main. ina^llment Clotblng. Mmamm^ JtTDSOU <fe %sb0H\ s «n«J 7 Mmnforfc I Iniurajice. PHCENIX ^XJTUAL U E E , 406 Powcra Slock. J. C. COPE#USID f «S» S o u t h S u f t m U I Lnm|»*r. ' : HARDWOOD XXTSSBM^L CO., 133 "W«afcA»«i G. W. & t. S. CROUCH, 3at So. St. F«U. HOLL1STER LUMBER CO.. Lim. roa Nertk Goodman^ - L. M. Oms A CO., r4*Kmai»v J AS- G. A-US'-tXIS, 5 » W . TVfaiTi. GU5TAVE|kLBER^,.^.'3rronfc; G. H. DAGGptrSaS&*& HEWEH. '.&g;0^344,Xak«: ave*,; t u U p j g n n y GEO. Bi Ik. i^ft^i ;*lf J DR. O. C DR.H: 343 State. Mjedtcavt gteetrtclaaiai. Da Fonseca, dicti,tor of RT\HQL ABOBU pugilist; beatea^in San from-San Franqisco to byZoeuayton. MAX. 13. George Godfrel Francisco, by ST. A walk of 238 New York end* 13. Kentucky Deri 15. Tenny won SL Corbett and rounds to a won by Kingman. handicap; tim %> SkVL in, pugilis&i, fought 61 at San J jrun. 16. Jake Kilraiu defeated by Frank SiaTin, in Hoboken, N. J.t ] ~ : Suburban handicjap won by| Iinantaksj; tima, 5fc0T. 28. Tale won*mil(» ra<»finmHarvazd " ' j JUXT. I L ReaHiratian-gt^kea; wortlt ^aoyOOOi -yraa.by Potomao afcSSyepahead 7. The Goelet cn^ hi the Isfew-Yoricj club's aimnal race off Nap putt #on| brtha " Gf-loriatttai.- Yachts Thalia and Yelall in the Cowear^ceaof tlw^oyal3Ta«&tol^ » . Futurity stakeSf wortJtfJ?i00a^.w«t.jbyr..Hi« 1 Highness 8. UhiveraftftofKi detiial ' M^Tsist on.th« ?aeht fbotjbai^taapss: K-SPHAGUE, ol£-9ifr WilderJBH He L A N D I S , 9O4.90$-Wild«r«fit43jrj !CenJumt;TallorK$ ' STREET Bi©^5*511 StabR '' . « Mimiexy^ IOUN, 43 State. . Knaie Storaa. ' ' Nnrs—., DIREGTORY FOR NURSEg, Mary Z. Shrrmaiii Rfgiatiar^ VST. O. OAES&Ci c; DEN ROCHES 39 Statfc mi. H . R . US. J AS, MILLERS' DR. HELE: Poel CROWLEY, com. State *J9rows^ .om:,*m*.: H. L^NDIS, 904-905 Wild«r Bk»e Priatora. WM. Rn CASPAR t#a i&^mm mm %**<- ^.1 &

L G IIALL, l5a Stata. - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/np00020005/1892-01-02/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · bishop Kenrick, who was bom in 1806, and recently celebrated

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notsrecewed S afuidly nofa%i$ie-t»mce ^~~^stelay-ana change of a^drejw.

M m all Catjholics, r, _ _., , _, T_, fa* the name j of the N l u n * . o f contributor wj.tfaiiel«Tif desired.

;tion» should? be ad-R T A N , Bhatne* i Manager . J

to agent* "nnlcai thejrnajw crc-tyua '''

SUBSCailFTipN RATES;! ^ « r Y « M , i n A.«brssui»

u i t c o a d


c l u s • na i l piittJfr**


Vtakty* C&uifch Chlendiif. ^ouS—laa t i i e (Octai ei of T S t -

l-StJohaxsiL -s9-ii


J o h n

C^s^-OcEfcEfcsre o f t j i e Htfyly I n n o c e n t s -

&—^¥$gi|of tlU&pijphany. ; • piphany ©f our lljoard. !

$=-Gf tbie Gdtave OTithe Epiphany. CtSe Octave. ! ' '

Octave- j | .


tairf ?&IE| : THpfiGfftfs.

B|lwto[oB tibfe thjflbMd.1 of a ^BKWw-ear-! W"e iknow not whether l^mMmm: tar lis j ow '•. or! sorrow.

f-ear&iojfc look; into, the Jriiture kficw a| twelyie-iaomth. We can*

team ftom the Jeap that passed . lessons! wJbSidi will

RS&fttservice-to us in the ye^r that |ce|pa0. RefiecjfcLOTis on the m-

ftsb of t h e p a a t will m i k e us *iA.*__. ^ ftitdreu The1 New

^ h i V a * long been timtei for? good resolu-

$tefc>[ resolves 'for Jnjfrove-Nl&d^ OIL that day are made

offtidicqle. lit shjouil$ not All: skoil ld. endeavor: f e l i v e

L dddng the. new year,; than tia^eflived in tne old. Let featfthe g»ast as it comes up vskt thp caL ofimemory.

$E&seet wi i ere i i i ^ve h a v e e r r e d

-errors fbr the fu-





] lav© i been. wanting in w JO' tfabse arouutd xm, we

#be,HBkbid no longer If $sm l>een ; uncfc aritable, our ted can be made more beau-

jfegp tfile practice of that great

e 4re ijew, ^ery;few t who fbia soine, quality in, their

^hielf could. be i improved M a e a|re perfect!. Never-

\? we shcfuld ajl aim at per-



Rt.. Hev. J o h n Ik^ughlin, first Bishop of Brooklyn, died at Ms-home, corner of Clermont and' Grand avenues, Brooklyn, Tues­day afternoon. Next to Arch­bishop Kenrick, who was bom in 1806, and recently celebrated the j golden jubilee of his consecration as a bishop, the deceased prelate was, at the time of his death, the oldest member of the Catholic Hi­erarchy in the United States. He was born in the parish of Clanduff, County Down, Ireland, in 1*17. W h e n n ine years o ld . H e c a m e to th i s c o u n t r y w i t h his parents , w h o se t t l ed near A l b a n y . H i s ear ly

education was reeeiyed in that city and in a schoo l near' Montrea l . H e

began his ecclesiastical studies in Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, Balti­more, .and was ordained a priest b y B i s h o p ( a f t e r w a r d - A r c h b i s h o p )

Hughes, Oct. 1M84H. The young pr ies t w a s s ta t ioned at l T t ica for two ye^rs and was then made ass i s tant at the o ld Mot t s treet Cathedral. He and Bishop Hughes became fast' Triends, and in 1848 the latter made Father Loughlin his Vicar-General. In 1850 he was consecrated",- Bishop of the diocese of Brooklyn, by the Most R e v . Cajetan Bedini , the P o p e ' s

Nuncio, who was then on a visjj; to this country.

Personally the Bishop was re-'markable for his s impl i c i ty of l ife. It is re lated that he cou ld inot be persuaded to occupy the handsome palace, built for him in Brooklyn a few years ago, until nearly a year after its completion. He possess­ed a remarkably humorous dispo­sition and many stories are told il­lustrating his love for a harmless joke.

His character was one which, it may be said, was grand in its simplicity. May his soul rest in p e a c e .



his new k n o w I ticiak,!

y e a r s bjr a m a n o f "W«tt-

s and &m capable of decisions witfe light-

li& iquicfaiesd. His course .o(t hpen eikpejy free from ef-

is to b£ hoped that, in le as senator, he will be s for tribkeiy as a poli-,n ability as* a statesman.


Tt e ukrHoiiia JOURNAL is to havej new quarters jafter the first of Janila™, The Iwnes wishes it all manner i f success.—[Daily Times.

The (MTHOLIC JOURNAL issued a very intpresting and profusely il­lustrated Christmas number, which whitfh c o u l d n o t fail o f b e i n g ap-preclatep by its readers. Besides an ujnuspal amount of miseellane-

reading matter , some good ous stories, Appropriate for the season, enrifhecf the cohiumas.— \Th&JkiTy.



ntimi and

deseirv* with


NDSOME .NUMBER.—^The :|c JorjBJMAli, of this city,

did jjtsefl proud in its holiday edi-i s W e d Deieember 19 . T h e

berlwas one of twelve pages was hlled with interesting read­

ing jnatier. The JOURNAL is a goocL exponent of Catholicity and

the success it is day Tpnes.



convention whose delibera­tion^ Wi|, undoubtedly, result in muci^ benefit to Catholic literature is thkt referred to on our front page,. p u r e l y tlbey d o a l a u d a b l e work who endeavor to spread the t ruths of |our religion by means of CatMic JwokSj papers, etc. Those who attend this convention will be furtiering a noble object. All C a t h o l i c s s h o u l d t a k e an in teres t in such movements

§ 1 t-



In respduse to the; appeal of all Rochester's ex-city treasurer is . Easisiders iand the urgent request

n o w a free man , h a v i n g rece ived , Qf ^ CATHOLIC JOURNAL, t h e

his pardon last week from (lover-'i p J o i B c e aepartment will soon es-nor Hill, to whom a petition for, t a b l { a l l a b^ch o f f i c e f o r the ae-such pardon signed by a large l comkodatiiri of the'people living number of Rochester citizens w a s j o n & , eastlside. The branch will presented. When rumors of the | b e i ^ c a t e d n e a r t n e c o r n e r o f Q j ^ . intende<l pardon were m circulation I t o n L^d Eajt Main streets.



some weeks ago, this paper its opinion on the matter. That opiaion remains the same to-day. We thought the full term light punishment for the otfense com-raitted.

We feared a pardon would have a bad moral eifect, we think so still,

a* gerfection' so .fully j 0 w that the pardon has been »^e | in^he l i fb 'o f | theDiv ine |g r a n t e t i < i t i t t 0 b e h o p e d t h a t l h e r - - •'. . ' rec ip ient wi l l m a k e amends for h is

ove 4E, if; we k e in njortal | p a s t h a d conduct. shbuid; make our peace i T n e pardon appears to please

3d tod start the ."new; year I s o m e -of ( ) U r ( , i t v r ( )ntemporaries. ele^r conscience. ' This may J u d ^ n g from \he hea ( llines a n d

[year on 4arth for many < w o ra s 0f welcome used ..v one pa-per m a n n o u n c i n g it. one w o u l d

suppose some great hero were about to honor our city with a visit.

S p e a k i n g r



im YEAR4m.

Un^lMolrersd Ck

a. ni| London, wnl ri^n; born 1810.

S. Inj Salt. Lake Cit; elL opera, singer;

7. Xn( Boston, Gen. States attorney

10. In) Paris, Baron 17. 1x4 Waanington ,

stfteaman and h 20. 14 San Pranci

EUvwaiij born. I S 2i* Iij N e w York ei

thje noted b; 2B In("NewYark

"Wfillianx Windo:

any; born ]M,

urn Kts, A i x t l t a r r . En-rentors^

Af i tor* . S i n ^ e c B sund

'Bmwm JfrnmrnA to "the try."

TABX. ' am. fHnglalfPi, t h e hiatb-

ao. L o n d o n , itator^ barn.:

8L l a Paris, Meiseo

IDU l a N e w Y o r k cltjr.

1st, author and 1 13U I d W a s h i n g t o z u

c o m m a n d e r U . S .

l i hi New York city, mfan, general U

18*. i d S t . Pa.nl. S e n . nor of Minnesota^

H> InBe lv idere ,N t n IWaahlngiton. 4 '

f r o m M a r y l a n d ; 28a Hi Washington,


8, Ik London* Leo: Jjew Vorker.

M. Id Berlin, Dr. olio leader; born

17. hi Romo,Princ^ • Bonaparte's bro

20- ija. N e w Y o r k c i

ajotor; born 1838. 2L In Waabitigtorw

bornlBOr. 23. Ik N e w York

ftutiioreee; bora InJEamlra. N . Y. .

son; born 1811. 8T. in. Lo tdsv i l l e ,

borulSlD. 20. I n N e w Y o r k

bora 1828. 80. t n London, Eari

In the noose of

born 1800.

' * S -IMP

i 1 1 1 gyp


Emma Abbott Wetber-rn 1850.

l ee DevenH, ex-United eral; born 1820. .usaman; born 1809.

G e o r g e B a n c r o f t , t h e

rian; "born 1801. K i n g Kn.ln.bn.Tm. of

Harvoy B. Dodwortiit iter. j s \ i d d e n l y , a t a b a n q u e t ,

secretary of the tjreas-t

Kles B r a d l a n s h , F.rfgHsh

6r, famoofl painter; born

a m e s K e d p a t h , j o u r n a l -

uror; bora 1882. D a v i d D . Porter ,

jjl^ b o r n 1S13.

tTooaKfiehSlior-FT- S i b l e y , first; g o v e r -

irnlSlL Oen. Robert McAUlater.

E. EL Wilson, senator r n 1821. n. George Hearst, sena-


Jerome, well known

Iwigf Windthorst . Cath-$12. Ferome Napoleon, son. of

Jerome; born 1822. |f, L a w r e n c e B a r r e t t , t h e

e n . J o s e p h E . J o h n s t o n :

M r s . Vlncenssa B o t t a , t h e 80. ^Governor L o c i n s R o b i n -

J . A . E k i n , U . S . A-:

;jy» Dr . H o w a r d Crosby;

pranvUle, Liberal leader, : born 1815..

8KU a t o r j

forkoitr,L*wisr xne srjeet"rmiTrniad;,boi n l f K

d t y i , fia*; D . CL Viae mtMethbdi*t; bornl8«

.Italy, Q«n. Trmnmn,

. WoraeatMr; ;boK»:iaP-:.

^bomllKtt.- j Baw John H . Lick,, a

2B. InN ( Third

Ial N e w b>ck,

TMJMWmA d e n t N l

81. In bornl8»*j

ITOTHniKR.. 2. In Grand) Rapids, Mictu, in. Mlaonio

Dr. JohnjJ. Jenninga. In.Oolor*db Springs* ColoMB. W . S t e e l e , lam*

nalist; born 1851. L In Naabyilbx ex-Governor A-S.Markmvot

TenneBaele; born 188ft, In, N e w YQrlc c i ty . Right Rev. Mgr.

born a. In BridE

noted Ic In: s t . A l l

Smith . , of 3. InWaftI

port. Conn-, Alfred C. TTobba, bornlSll

Vt., ex>Gx)yernar Gregory J. Vermont . . lgtou, Gen. Horace Boughton^o*



(len. Albert Pike, poet,au-M a s o o ; born WOO.

P h i n e a s v T . Barnnnx, .0.

Right Rev. Richard p of Cleveland; born

2. In Washington, thor and prorairi

T. In Bridgeport, t oj Bhowman{ born.

13. I n St. Augustine, Gilmonr. R. C. \> 1824.

14. In Washington, born 1230.

I n N e w York, Ci J t . Qeorjje H. Mackenzie; chess player. 1

20L,In Clinton, N. F , Rev. Hanry Darling, ' p r e s i d e n t of E J U a. LLCon college? born 1S23.

Jen. Francis B. Spinola:

t/L In Berlin, Field uaxsnal (Joant von Moltke;


"M> regret \o observe^ in a recent o l this P&koe^attynd GKf/m-

"V e should ] ive • us though SO.

^^jmmdEiks^kT \INSULT.

It would pppeian-by the decisions handed down by the court of ap­peals^ Tuesday, that the Democrats willjhave cefntroi of both branches of tm\ legislature, The decision of the cour4 ruling the Republican c a n d i d a t e ir| S t e u b e n c o u n t y o u t as ineligible, ii just. When members of a political party nominate a man for c nice wljo is not eligible, tjiey have t5hemse|lves t o b l a m e if the office is lost! to tne party through theii defiance of law. So long as lawsi are on (the statute books, they should be observed. If they) are unjiAt, tuej should be repealed.

28. I n Ohaslatteavil % Va-, Gen. A. L. Long, of the Confederate! service; born 1827.

J(lAT. 2. In London, Banbt Sullivan, the tragedian^

b a r n 1824-i , In N e w York city, Charles Pratt, the oil

magnate a n d pi ti](&nthropist; born 1R31. 8* I n London, Mn Mi H. P. Blavataky, theoeo*

phiat; born L83L ;i 111, In San Diego, Call, Aloniso Taft, ezHKore*

tary of war, etc JbornlolO. 281 In Detroit, sndt eply, Judge 8. M. Breckin­

ridge, of St. Loal^, advisor of the Brigga hcoresy committ s4 in the Presbyterian as­sembly; born 18 £

801 In New York dfy. Dr. Fordyce Barker, eminent physici ab; born 1818.

811. In Sheepahead |bay. Prentice Mnlford. journaliat and 1 Kjjturer.

JjUHt 0. Near Ponghke«!p|ie, N. Y., Dr. B . J . Loe-

atng, historian; born 1818. (. I n Providence, i o i G o v e m o r Henry Lippitt.

of R h o d e Tnlanf ; born. lSlS. f. In Ontario, Caaada, Sir John A. Macdon

aid, premier of Canada; torn 1816. H. In New York cjlty, Charles Fisher, the act*

or; born lSlfl. IS. In Cornwall, N.

bornlSil. 2L In Indianapoiiai ex-Senator Joseph EL Mc­

Donald; born lilQi ! 22. In North Ada n% Mass., Professor Georga

inventor of nitroglycerin;

l ' exaa . I n O t t a w a J UlU.. J o h n H a s s o c k , a n o r l g h r t -

abolititinistt born 1808.

10, I&CorMftUlflttfova, iSootim Hon, Samuel C h i p m a n i a n o l d F r e e m a s o n ; b o r n 1790.

IX. I n Pf\ iilaji e l p b i a , MoTiragB B a b m a o n , n o t e d Civil engineer; bora 1801.

12. CoL Donh Piatt , journalist; born 1819. 15. I n N e w Y o r k c i t y . D r . J o h n . C l a r k s o n J a y ,


17. In New lYork city, Rear Admiral George " H . Cooper . U. S . N- , r e t i r e d ; b o r n 1S2Q.

19. I n R i p o n i W i s ^ Jedsd ia ix Bcxwen; .born 1818.

In PliiladelpMa, W. J. Florence^ actor; born 188L

23. I n W a l t h a m , M a w . , Kerr. T h o m a s H1H. e s -president of Harvard; born 1818.

23. In lrvin|gtonrOn-the-Hudson, Mrs. Cyrns W . F i e l d .

l a I n d i a n a p o l i s . G e n . A . P . H d v e y , g o v e r n o r of Indiana; born 1S20.

2A. In Boston, Col* Gardner Tufts, philanthro­pist and educator; born 1828.

In Paris, H|arl Lrtton, author and diplomat; born 18311

27. In N e w York city. Commodore Roucken-dorff, U . S . N~, r e t i red ; b o r n 1810.

DHCEMBEB. 4. In Parlay Dom Pedro EL, ex-emperor of

jBrazdi; b o r n 1825. i n Westport, Conn., Danie l C. Birdsall, law­

yer and editor; born 1S3A. In Fort Randal^ S. D. . Col. Joseph S. Conrad,

U . S. AA born 1833. 8, In Boston, Col. W. W, .Clapp, journaUsf,

•bornl836L In Palatine Bridge, N . Y., ex-Governor M.

JL. S t e a r n s , of iFlorida; b o r n 1830.

Id Cairo, Smile Bayard, painter: born 1837. 10. I n .Chicago . J o s e p h O. G l o v e r , p u b l i c - m a n ;

born ISO;-16. In Philadelphia, Samuel Murdoch, actor

•and elocutionist; born ISIS.


9.: Governor Thayer, of Nebraska, refused to .torn over nla office to Boyd.

14 The U. S. senate passed the free coinage bilL

16. Ex-Governor Thayer surrendered office under protest.

80. Election of Dr. J . H . Gallinger to succeed Senator Blair, of N e w Hampshire.

ZL N e w York elected Governor Hill a s sena­tor.

28. W i s c o n s i n e l e c t e d e x - S e c r e t a r y V i l a s Onifr. ed States senator.

Senator Ingalls* Buoceasor elected in the per* son of Judge Wil l iam A. Peffer.

SL. Resignation of Prime Minister Crispi fol­lowed cabinet crisis in Italy.

PHBRtJART. 5. P r o c l a m a t i o n at r e c i p r o c a i t r a d e r e l a t i o n s between the United States and Brazil,

17. South Dakota elected Rev* J. H. Kyle United States senator.


13. niinoia elected Gen. John iL Palmar United States senator.

M. Mowbray, born 1835.

In Bangor, Me., president; born

Aecording to a cablegram which a p p l i c a t i o n s f o r i a p p e a r e d i n | i 3 a . t u r d a . y ' s p a p e r s a n d

pardons, we venture the opinion j whiop we reproduce in another col-that if tke law requirc<l them to be I utonl tb© Pfp© has conlerreo1 the

article lini which ihereniarks I published in the papers ofi the lo- i Order of the Cross of Christ on the *_.— TTtl I i t i • i • _ _ * _ ^ _ _ A 1 l • Jj • 1 * 1 l • • . * 1 'It •' 1 i f* * • f \ F T 1

JTOI-T. Hannibal HamHn, e i -v ice IS€0.

18. In Boston, Edward. Burgess, yacht de­signer.

26. I n W a t e r b u r y , IVti, e x - G o v e r n o r P a u l Dfl . H n ^ a . m J o f V e rrnont; born 1799.

28. In Lake Rolanc Md., Samuel Sands, an old n e w s p a p e r m a x ; b o r n 17S8: h e first p o t in

^Snalflby Pop<h leo |confcerniig the arai poorer q u e s t i o n , a t the

Itaifflonaistory, iare fcoinmented on


—eeined., |e fall to| see why the Democrat

be soiregar(|less| of the feel-. [pi i t s iiBan3r (j?athblic readers .reproduce su<ih-articles. All lalljr papers have a large num-

f,mmSi$t Catholic sn'bscrjbers. I t is ^idleiidy an. injustice to such patrons v^h£n the coIpMiis of ji paper they ^Jhtelp|snppoTt| are oiaen^d to articles

^c | a |F|tiek t totrt lers ocef of those for ^ f "yyii^ni. they have die I greatest ~re-

*%g^ are refferted ;ohi| an insiilting W$p W e kold that secjular papers, il^aaEtttdin^on.all creepsaii^classes ' ^ sn^m^tenanee , shoold ! avoid j i e | p i g ; religious q^estioii^ in a JEB^peK^iat will ground the feel-

e r a n t i n g of a n y

& * •

i^"-2^M g; jm$l &£ m portion-of tpieir readers fc^HbehesiEacisjno^ so unforlunate fe' as to be^fi^sedi w$k jmneh1 bitter-"pBittflt amjaag.'-^retnfejerr[oi the |Mer-

x, Li _ . 'ioissfe fiarjttWHiy and tp f pteasipg de>.

w411 oe-

o p p o s e d to the gr:

particular pardon a chance to ob tain signatures for a petition agaihst favorable action. * But as all this would be. interfering with the power granted -the governor,. it might not be possible to accomplish it w i t h o u t a m e n d i n g the const i tu­t ion.

cality in whjch the crime has been \ Arcflbishopj of Aix. Our Holy c o m m i t t e d , at the t ime t h e y are j F a t h e r s h o w s h i s c o u r a g e w h e n oc-

presented to the governor and, at! casion requires. Should the trou-fsaaimer jdi^res^ect^ful ai^d in- j least, a few weeks before action is i ble with ti|e French government

to thej vkierable; head of the j taken upon them, we woul4 n e ^ • ^ea(^ a s thefdespatch intimates, to J le church, iTh^ offending | of less dissatisfaction when one is ! a seriaratioil of Church and State,

is-takenifroto the Chicago < granted. Such a plan would pre-; the rgsult Would be beneficial to ?, a pip<j)r njrted! for its un-1 vent the employment of secret me- the iJburcn in France. If, as in

&s&iathie ! treatment o f fques- I thods b y those s e e k i n g pardon for i o u r country l t h e c l e r g y c o u l d be

in which the Cattlolic Church, their friends. I t would give those i indettendenf of the government,


David B. Hill is no longer gov­ernor of, . the Empire state. His term has been a stermy one. He has been the target of as many bitter attacks as any man who ever fiHed the executive chair. He has riiet them all calmly and wijlh, ap­parent mdiiffierenee. Men less re­solute Would have shrunk "from some of the fierce onslaughts that were made on Governor Hill; po­liticians less vigilant would have falleat into the pitfalls dag bjs Jus:

be politieal enemies. Whatever his foe& msy say of hini, they cannot dispute the fact that the

t h e i r lot w( one. ''

ild be a more pleasant

W k J. I SCAKTIAN, the well-known I r i s | actor, is hopelessly in­sane and his death is sai d to be a question Sof only a short time. The thotisaiids who have be^n de­lighted wi l l his charming songs will j learn | of his misfortune with sincere regiet.

Wfe are § leased to notice that D. V . jMurply, Esq., for the past year withjthe law firm of Loek-W OO<IL a n d ff ioyt , o f Buflfelo, h a s

formpd a eppartttership with Chas. H. 4-verjy pf that city. We pre-

brlgjitfutitrefor Mr. Mnr-his jchosen profession.

ee deaths in Kochester 19 How1 many of those

-thjrele souls werepiepared to

• ( < - • '-

&ajj&^BS&afe&'2t ::-M v.- "^ --'-" :-it»> "^si'y m^^-^W^W^m

^ ^ - ^

Vi, J. K. E'.mmett, the actor,

type the inaniiqcript of the "Star Spangled Banner ." '

In Monlpelier, fli, Oen. P, P, Pitkin; born 1S3B-

Near N e w York city, F. C. Havemeyer, sngat DTtanuiaotTiror, born 1806.

A08O&E. IP. I n A m h e r s t , N . 3S-, M i a . U. K. S a w t e i i e ,

MasBachusetts' first woman lawyer.

12. In Cambridge, ld|sei, HOD. Jomee Russell LotTeil . poe t a-n. 1 d i p l o m a t ; born 1S1P.

l a Poland Spring s, M&, Oeorge Jones, editsoi New York Tlnu m born 1812.

114. In Nashvil le, MM. Jamea K. Polk, widow of P r e s i d e n t Pol l t i born 1813.

87. In Woitenavill}, |Ma88., ex-Senator S. O. Pomeroy, of Ka naas; born 1815.

OCBKB. T. In Mobile, Dr. W. W. A . Spotswood, sur­

geon United SJajtes navy before the w a n born 1800.

9. I n P a r i s . M a j . 4- M- B u n d y . e d i t o r N e w P. Grevy, of France; born

York Mail and Ex-PresidBnt Jul

1818. IS. I n N e w Y o r k cilty, Marqxris d e C h a m b r t m ,

eminent Frenoi lawyer and diplomat; born -1831. J

In Boston, Dr. Gk orge B. Loring, ex-minister toPortnga lanc Jex-commisaioner of agri* culture? boral i lT.

18. In Roonestor, I j Y„ Qen. Isaao F. Qninby, veteran of thelfregnlar army and of the civil war; born J82L.

In N e w York ci ty, CtoL F. A . Conkling, ex ' state senator Ind ei-congressman; born

IBIS. | 19. In Newport, Bi L , ex-Oongreaaman W . L.

Scott, at Penna rTvania; trarn 18S8, A t the Americ m legation, Santiago, ex-

President Bain aceda, Q£ Chili, by suicide. & In Lexington* | :y.. Dr. B. Grata Bruce, the

turf authority;! born 132Z. SSw I n Saratoga, EBiv. Drw S . D . Burohard;barn

1812L I 2T. I n Potoei, Wi$ . SamneL Morris, a n Iowa

pioneer; bormi ao . | In Louisville, Hon. Harvey M. Watterson, J» father of CoLipCenry Watiteiaoni 90. In. Brnssela. JG en- Bonhunger,. by suicide; bornlKft 1 6. I n Tymdon. Hl( J i t H o n . W . H. Smith , first

lordof<1ihet: in the house

I n Stuttgart, ( temberg; born

T. to.. Br%Mo; Parnelli

) mteJBP

| States:; bom 15. I n Ravens™


y and |;overnment leader conunonstborn 1825.

ixnany, KUag. Carl of' W ur . 1823.

England, Charles Stewart; 1S46.

Joseph M. Saylor, old-> dergynxam im the; United

Yaw Gtal^W. H. F. Lees, Lee; bomlaag..

vernorSamnalW Hale,

" "»a f iB :>nmp • *««'~«~«"™»!aej

19.! ExpuMon of Queen Natal ie from Serria . JGXiT.

2.1 W. EL SUnmons appointed commissioner *>£ j patents. .

A. Loudon Snowden appointed minister to 1 Greece.

1S.I President Camot's life attempted by a ' hmatio.

28.! Appointment of Senator Faasett a s collector of the port of N e w York.

80.- The imprisoned Irish members of parlia­ment—O'Brien and Dillon—released from G a l w a y j a i i

. | SXPrXMBKB. L Spanish reciprocity treaty went into ef­

fect. 6. Recognition of the Chilian junta by the ., United States government.

O0TOBBB. L| Railroad bridge near Prague blown up in .-.' an attempt to kill emperor of, Austria.

10| 53 rebels killed in political riot, Uruguay. ' 2L, H e n r y "W. G r a d y m o n u m e n t u n v e i l e d in

, Atlanta. NOVUXBBB.

Si Elections in 12; states; Democratic govern­ors elected in Massachusetts, N6*^ York and Iowa; Ohio elected Major McKinloy, Re-pablican, o^er Governor Campbell; Re-p n b l i c a n staXe t i c k e t e l e c t e d i n P e n n s y l ­v a n i a .

The national congress of Brazil dissolved by President Fonseca.

4u Secretary Red field Proctor appointed Unit­ed States senator from Vermont, r ioe Ed-mTrhdw. r e s i g n e d .

VK R e n n ociattrm b y e z - E i n g MTt«n o f Iris rights to the Servian throne.

\Si Appoiatmontof OoLC. Q. Gibeon M Ben* a t o r Crum JMaj-y(«.r»r). v i c e W ilunn. d e c e a s e d .

PSCEKBXR. 7j CougresQ convened. & House of representatives elected Hon.

Gh&raes F . C r i s p , of G-eorgia. spsaJcer. lfil President Harriflon appointed Hon. Wil­

liam D. Putnam of Maine, Nathaniel Ship-man of Connecticut, George M. Dallas oi Pennsylvania, Nathan Goff of West Vir­ginia, Wi l l i am H. Taft of Ohio and Wil­l iam A . Woods of Indiana judges of the United States circuit court.


riage. 28. OapttO'Shea obtained a divorce. 20L Dr. JBriggs disapproved bv Presbyterian,

general assembly. JUflM.

& Union Theological seminary directors sus­tain Dr. Brigga.

ming in the baccarat slander case in Lon-d o n .

SL Henry Ward Beecher statue' qnyeBed i n Brooklyn.

25. Marriage of Parneil a n d Mrs. O'Sb**. JUIiT.

1 BSmneror Wi l l i am of Germany arrived i n Emperor WD Tffnpln.nri

III "Stojaewall" Jackson s ta toe onvei led in Lexington. Va;

AXJQOBK. 8. G. A- R. elected John: A^ P a l m a r com*

manlier i n chief; Detroit^ ,

8. M a r y JAr^f^^rt^gTmnAamxtffittmapzaeV^srmaifmint Lincoln, married to .Charles. B . Ianam i n London. .

4 Ci tyof N e w Yjarkroedered to | p a y inventor Jamea Knibbainearly 1&JXWXO back r o y a l ­t y On Are engine patent. |

' OCTOBHR. 3. A daughter born to ex-President m i l M r a

Olev^Iandi, of Mrs. Frank Leslie^ ia New

to W. C. K. Wilde, of the London Tel-

of theequestrlinitatueof Gen. t n Lincoln park; CbTrajpi

ohs^f ibeyaa


I-Skmxl - WonndAdKhea, Neb. IX nepredationa^.

liv. Sarrendakof the>rnn^ns pjne>:J:_ : .

rmmsarjXBX;., i, ReKuing i»artTtook SminextJ

e d mine in Na3ticok«;

i. President signed iateraational bSL |

Passagftof t h e French: upolia^ioni 8. Many mountaineers woonded "

ate fight near CumberlBindJGap, M*. In N e w Orleans severai thj

lynched Dl Mafia prisoners;^ 30. NewOrlea i^ lrnchinf f denounced i b y Itaf-

ians inJ^ew York. APKIXv.

0. Grand A r m y of t h e Republic celebrated ijts quarter centennial. - . 1 .

& I n Washingtocu^eentennial o f the; United S t a t e s p a t e n t o€fi»e c e l e b r a t e d -

19. Baltimore welcomed reterans Massachusetts, who theyj mol A p r i l 19.1S51. ,

22. 36L vict ims of grip reported, in. Hi

city In !M hours. 84. Ben. AH a r r e s t e d f o r t n e mrLrdeici

Brown i n N e w York;. case

• the Kipper'8 work. / 8T. Ground broken for Gen. ! Gtn

meri t in. B i v e r s i d e p a r k , ^ i w MAT./

5. No indictments found by N e w . g r a n d j n r y againHt^ lyncfaera o f Majftst p r i s ­o n e r s . /

i United StAtesofflfiiaJA seized Chilian steain-e r Itata. a t S a n D i e g o . OaL

7. U n i t e d S t a t e s m a r s h a l o i l t h e I | tata -EJet asjiore add steamer left port.

SL Metropolitan Museum of! Art opened |or first t i m e t o S u n d a y viBitora..

JUKB. L Brooklyn bridge promenade made free. 6. Hydrophobia induced by a cat Ml e cauied

the death of Richard S. Bartineii^i: Asb^ry Park, N . J .

84. N e w York jury acquitted the Nbw T<4rk and N e w Haven railroad directors in t h e tunnel disaster case.

j u x r . 1. Operation of international cop:

begun between the United Si

France, Belgium, Switzerland Britain.

7. I n Sing Sing prison. Smiles, We and Jugiro were killed by electricjity.

30. Militia drivenfromBricevil le(Te] by strikers.


4. G, A, R* opened its 25th natioi m e n t i n D e t r o i t .

19. Bennington battle monument SKPTKMBKB. .

14. World's, long distance rj b e a t e n b y N e w Y o r k C e n t r a l

which ran 441 miles in 7b. and 22. Settlers permitted to occupy nei

Oklahoma. OCTOBBS. j

8. Ecumenical council of Methodism, heljl i t s second session in Washington.

19. Bind of Chicago cabinet makers' strike. NOVEMBER.

8. N e w York police arrested • 91 persona i n a n opium den raid.

17. Death of Henry Strattonjthe

In a dimemusejam hi New York, 18- 8 c h i l d r e n devaprred b y w o l v e e , ""

ton, Minn. f 22. I n jump fronji Brooklyn brfc

McCarey killed^ 23. R e p u b l i c a n n a t i o n a l

Minneapolis f oir convention of DBGXKBKR.

2. United States cruiser N e w Yorjfc lauhched tn Pniladelpnia.

1L Labor riotatQI-eeted Butto, Colo.; 7 striken wounded. ! • ~v

15. E . M. Fie ld, sok of Cyrus W . Fijeld, alleged default ing member of t h e firin of Lindley, W i e c t e r s & Co., jirresited.

-W«EZ;» G E O . I i E A l | | a a w . i n y m a n t n a w « s J

* • & j.- '. R O C H E S T E R S3BOarWH*& UKi^ a ^ e i i i E -

- Carriage* , aiwi wmtj^mmsb, P A R R g M ? ^ G ^ C O ^ a^j States. '•

I Cftilr K«fi!t«r*



. « * -M a i n , u?' s

| Catararaw rL«OIia*ft|^^Wes|Alaia*.

p Conf i«et i«n«ry%

ZIMMERMAN, 86 E . Mam. * Wfer.T.IAMSJk- VrS£B3sm& C O i , CWBolaiwiley

;o6 M11U ', <Sie»atu MwonfteroxwrK

VESMrL.TTEA.'S Corset Parley « 7 j « i mmkmj KooataJt i

MRS; H . S M A U N G , Custom Cor»«t Parlor. i4» E» iiraixT.... i0 _

'' CI|pari a n d Tbtoawoa*.


I': !

day faster

l e w B r i s n -




E V E & m


ins argent rowni d.

trooj» and

li New York piesbjieiy committee con­demned Rev. Dr. Brigga for heterodoxy.

Hi. Russian czarowitz attacked, by fanatic in

15, Emperor William thrown from his car-4 *• Adjniral, Monttj elected president of philL


38. Soldiers wounded several civi l ians dctrin* riot i n Weymojith, England, j %" '

Sardou's play ' ^ e r n i i d o r " was M e i ? u p t e d by a mob i n Paris . !

8L Attempt made {to start repuldio by] three r e v o l t i n g r e g i m e n t s i n O p o r t o , P o r t e g a l i

S^KBKITAilY. 2L Egyptians a t Tpkar kil led nearly ijOOO of

Osman Digma's soldiers. -• S A H O H .

26. Revolutionists I and government .fought at Iutriojue.

26. Battle of Tara^aca, Chili. • APBIL.

23. Chilian torpeda cmiaera: cruiser Blanco Encalada; 150

u Portugui 4 at Delagoa biy, Af rica.

28. 40 insurgents krtled by troops during polit­ical rioting in Itort-au*Prihce, jHayti.

| JUNE. _ '. j 4. Admiral McCamn, U. S. N ^ neceive i sur­

render of Chi l i in transport Itata ai i Iqui-que^CbilL I

9. Attempt of Chilian vessels j to bo tabard Iqu ique . !

! JULY. 12. Chilian govvinimentshot 3 emissaries for

conspiring to destroy torpedo boats. > 25. O l a n d i o V i c u n a d e c l a r e d p r e s i d e n t o f C h i l l

hy electoral college, Axxausr.

SI. 3,000 k i l l e d a n d w o u n d e d i n b a t t l e be t w e e n Chilian insurgemts and government troops

near Valparaiap. 23. InsiTEgexxts -rictozloTis i n t i l e b a t t l e c f V « l -

paraiso. I 28. Yalparaiso captured toy insurgents inter*

rinc battle in which casualties were 1,000. StePTEMBBR.

5. Switzerland celebrated the 600th aiinivBtw aary of independence. J

2L 21st aaniversarY of tne Ital ian army's en­try into Rome celebrated by the Italpans.

joOTOBBB. IS. Collision occurred between U . S . saihbrs and

natives at Valparaiso, in which several of the former were killed; diplomatic nego­tiations have since been entered into) on the s u b j e c t .

90, French officer knd 8 natives massacred by Madagascar bajndlts.

1L New ehilian formerly vest

congress assumed powers in junta.

19. £5,000,000 of Russian loan taken by Roths­childs, j

exportation formdVten b y a . Russian w h czar.

23. R e s i g n a t i o n

M O N R O E ^ & A & C O . ; i 8 S t a t e .

| C lo th i lAS* STAR CLOt^IX© C04 4 -4« Siatev

Cs|rp«ta and Draparieak H O W E & ROGERS, SOr State. H. B. GRAVES, a6a State.

, Cliifta, savers Immym- «*» GORMLY BROS. , 67 SUt«.

: ' D M t i a t a .

W A L T E R & B E E B E E , 929-9^Wildsr Bld'f, B in iaa - a n d X.nmebi B m m a

J . J. E L L I O S T T ^ 95 E . xnmin. P O P U L A R D I N I N G I I A L L , l5a Stata.

LPre—MJafcTa. . ^

IG, 447 E . Maim MISS K N O ^ R , 39.Statepoom 713. MISS SEXTON, *73 E - m a i n , Room 6 .

I Drii^pjarte*- " G. H . H A A | s r 105 E . Main.

A. C. DllUjtaf, i6>E|itav*, feEO. H A ^ I r , 558 S t a t e s '•

Electro-Tharmal Batna, DR. O. CLARK S P R A G U E , 916-9.7 Wilder Bid

1 ' F n r u H m e . H. B . G R A V E S , a6a Stabs. L . DeYOUlfG, us State* C A, ROCJ^kV«lXi , i o » S t a t « . :

' 6 ¥wm

& 10 MLJrBpemvMi

A ^ D L O ^ ^ ^ S ^ E ^ - m a u t : g i n i t t a»d:<ay>«aaisaiOM:a

F R A N K A L D R I C H 4 CO., aos State.

'RWSMB& **"

CHRIS . i t . P . SxEKI

E. W. BUD0, 420 S t a t e d door &omR.W.Oi«* W . H . H A S i r r r J G S , 40a State ,

Harneas and: Hors* Tiinxiaiiins fi<Mda> A . V. SMITH * CO.,,x«S State..

§ H a i r W o r a v M I S S S. C . M E R G E S , Sa Osburn HOBae-Bnt.

: I Hotels. NATIOilA^ HOTEL, |cor. W. main and Plf^

moatb.-iii.ve. T H E P O W E R S H O T E L , 36 WestmsiB. CITY HOTEL, cor. E . main and Franklin. N E W OSBi iRtf H O U s k 104 Sfl. SU-Etal* CLINTON A O T E I ^ cor. Court * . St» Pa«L

f ' - • f • Jewel iara.

J A M E S M. N O L A N , 146 E. Main. i n a ^ l l m e n t Clo tb lng . Mmamm^

JtTDSOU <fe %sb0H\ s «n«J 7 Mmnforfc

I Iniurajice. P H C E N I X ^ X J T U A L U E E , 4 0 6 Powcra S l o c k .

J. C. C O P E # U S I D f «S» S o u t h S u f t m U

I Lnm|»*r. ': H A R D W O O D XXTSSBM^L C O . , 133 "W«afcA»«i

G. W. & t. S. CROUCH, 3at So. St. F«U. HOLL1STER LUMBER CO.. Lim. roa Nertk

Goodman^ -L. M. Oms A CO., r4*Kmai»v

J AS- G. A-US'-tXIS, 5 » W . TVfaiTi. GU5TAVE|kLBER^,.^.'3rronfc; G. H. DAGGptrSaS&*& HEWEH. '.&g;0^344,Xak«: ave*,; t u U p j g n n y GEO. Bi

Ik. i^ft^i


DR. O. C D R . H :

343 State. Mjedtcavt g tee tr tc laa ia i .

D a Fonseca, dicti,tor of


pugilist; beatea^in San

from-San Franqisco to byZoeuayton. MAX.

13. George Godfrel Francisco, by

ST. A walk of 238 New York end*

13. Kentucky Deri 15. Tenny w o n SL Corbett and

rounds to a

w o n by Kingman. handicap; t i m %> SkVL

in, pugilis&i, fought 61 at S a n

J jrun. 16. Jake Kilraiu defeated by Frank SiaTin, in

Hoboken, N . J.t ] ~:

Suburban handicjap won by| Iinantaksj; tima, 5fc0T.

28. T a l e won*mil(» ra<»f inmHarvazd

"' j JUXT. I L ReaHiratian-gt^kea; wortlt aoyOOOi -yraa.by

Potomao afcSSyepahead

7. T h e Goelet c n ^ h i the Isfew-Yoricj club's a imnal race off N a p putt #on| b r t h a

" Gf-loriatttai.-

Yachts Thalia and Yelall i n the Cowear^ceaof t lw^oyal3Ta«&tol^

» . Futuri ty stakeSf wortJtfJ?i00a^.w«t.jbyr..Hi«1 Highness •

8. UhiveraftftofKi detiial '





K - S P H A G U E , o l£ -9 i fr WilderJBH H e L A N D I S , 9O4.90$-Wild«r«fit43jrj

!CenJumt;TallorK$ ' STREET B i © ^ 5 * 5 1 1 StabR '' .

« Mimiexy^ IOUN, 43 State. . K n a i e S t o r a a . • ' '

Nnrs—., DIREGTORY F O R N U R S E g ,

Mary Z . Shrrmaiii Rfgiatiar^

VST. O .


c; DEN

ROCHES 39 Statfc

mi. H . R. U S . J AS,

M I L L E R S '

DR. HELE: Poel

CROWLEY, com. State *J9rows^ .om:,*m*.:

H . L ^ N D I S , 904-905 Wild«r Bk»e


W M . Rn



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