.,.: . "- ' .. -- ... .. . , . . . '.r .' L Ii ,. .. ' r Y' \ ) I t . . " ": , . . . .,. .. _- ---"''r.'-'' ",' . . . I. t. "- ''', . . . . .. . . ." . ".' '.' •••••• ... 0' '.' '., •••• '. o. .... .e. .. . ," t.: ............. ; •.•...• <Ii 0'· ... '. .. •• ' .,' .. :.. :.. ° 0 : .... .".. .. ' .. f ... .... .. .0..· . .. .. .". .. ... ... , ............ •• ,./ " '\. I.) .,'-,,""'. ; '\' \0" ' . . , . ,- / .. r e " .. o " - ImeS BtB .. .- ... ,/'. S e rver e" . , ' . /. -...... . .' ." ," , . .. .. '.( \ ,,.' 't . ,. " .' . ;-- , r''' I .. ...., .. .. ;,' '" " '\ ' .. " j. \.,'" '. '. '<.' ,". , '\ . ..... I' , '. , \ " '.. '" ( , If) ..' ·HIE HOME PAPER FOR THE RURAL MUNICIPALITIES {)F GREY, SOUTH NORFOLK AND VICTORIA IN MANITOBA-PUBUSHED IN TREHERNE . ........... _. . \). . < 'f' .. " . . \,.. '. t' " . , (I) "", --' . " .... ___ . __________________ ---'---'-______ --'-_-- ..... -, _---'----'- ________ ---:- ____ ___ -_ .. _-- .--'-",' -'-.'.-.---'--- - . VOL..XXV.- NO 17, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24th, 1924. R. J. RICHARDSON, PUBLISHER, MANITOBA SUBSCRIPTIONS, $2:00 PER YEAR I , , \. PPP Q"'hWt:UZ,*ii Wffii-X?kW¥ « MIt", Hi! tWW& lec." .. ' • 9'fWZl THE B,G BONSPIEl.: IS AWAY L'AST YEAR'S WEI}THER I '. . S KAT E SAN D S L E:I G H S , / We have·a fine assOI;tment of Skates, Sleighs, Hockey Stick3, Pucks, Snowshoes etc. a1 prices in keeping with the We will be glad to show them I I d / . to you r.n to quote you prICe3. .. . . THE & BAxDWArtE STORE JOHN POLLON, Prop!ietor.· Trellerne's annual classic curling Figures brought.ln bv \VlIIett eyenl Is nearing c",mplellon, wIth five from tho 'l'l'chcl'Ile Dom!nlon IIleteol'D· vlsiling a)ld ten local rinks compet· Service station show' the fol· , lull' In UlI; muln Severnl IItdles' lowing facts Imit year's ronks, Including u goodly number or "eMher. vl"ltors. will compete In the "IIUX!l. . Tho total \lrecillitfltlon for the yeur was 15.56 or aboul 3 Inches lary" evenl on lcrlday n 19b l. less than lhe a vernge [lJlloun l. It \V!tH The varloull "Ialtlng rlnl,8 ato divided as folloW8;- Jun., 1.00' In.; 8klpped by Messrs. Dudge of Il0\1III111, I' b l' 'e., .20 In.; Mal'., 1.6,) Ill.; A\lrll. of TIathwell, Wuods of Elm l.2'/ In.; May, 1.23 In.; ,I lin,?, 2.82 In:; Creel" Knight of ntver, and .Tt:ly, 1.81 ill.; Au[{., 1.13 In.; SPilt., 1.05 I It. l{ennedy of Glenborn. . In.; Oct., 1.11 'n.; Nov ... 29 In.; Dec., Local rinks lire sl:JPlled. by Messm .. ·12 in.-II totlll nf 15.56 'Inches. Corbett, Goodman, RUillon, Syer, Dal.. 'fhe culdest day iu 1 !l23 was on .Tan· AsK , .' GREEN TEA 11401 .' ,. .ii. FiN e:::.l¢ Ai jtti ... ••• i£ibll!:'Il#PIE"Sl •• Lelt: l'nu, Cl egg, J. S. PaIJl1or, It. P , 11IIo:.r,son Little. 17th lind 22nd, when !l5 degrees was __ ..,...,.., .... __ -=...".,.'"""',.,..,...-, .... ,.,...,..._' ...• 'I he. vlslUng rlnl{8 nre not so mUll· roglstored. '['he lI1axlmum anti mini. 'orous as was anticipated, _but ,11 big mum tempemtul'Os for each month Ir,...ou green tea you will be satis. fied with no other blend. - Try it today . . . " .' \ ) \ I .• , ,. I. .... • I I , . ; . . '., . , ,. , ). .;, , . , . , 'r, j. .. ' '\ . , -, ( , jl , • IP '. f time Is "be;ng had" by nll. Close nnd were ns follows:- i overtime games been features, . January-17,th, 46 above; 5th, 35 be· __ IB!!I::JI 1 nnd It has· pl'CJVon thul "There'l:) low zero. § I many a. slfp--." Kearns"[s .tho only Feb.-28lh, 35 above; 31'(1, :14 below. .. I Milk" and Crealr1 .' iSltlp who has not yet been defeated: . Mur.-1Lt, 40 above; 18th, 28 below. Lll 6"6\ e . Apl'1I-28lh, 70 above; 21111, 1.<'1'0. r II 1111 U c:l '&.i' ;:J Vi II a';ld has lI1alntamcd lhis dlstincti.'ll May-26th and 27th, 88. 121h, I -LET US DELIVER YOUR MILK RIGHT TO ,YOUR DOOR'- 10 QUARTS FOR A DOLLAR thoughout I.he regular schet\ulo. ,Tllne-22I1d, 93 nbove; 28th. 37 above .---------- .... :.-.--- 1 Tonight the social event taltes plar.m .TuIY-l7th alld 22nd-95 above; 2nd ,/ , at lhe 'Movie I·fall, whon It Is expected IJntl 30th, 44 above. : that much good tobiwco w!ll be ruined Aug:7"'30th, U I above; 2·1th, 32 Itbove and that many sandwiches will be pal" Sept.-3rd, 92 above; 13UI, 22 above : talten of, It Is oven ruiiJOro'd thaI. 73 30lh, ? Iwove, JO)1I1 Couller and George Graham are Nov.-5th, ubO\ e, 21st,.3 above. . going to sing a duet! Dec.-18th, above; 31st, A CURLER'S NOTES ___ .Tacl' SmIth mude motoring history In lhls section on the 17th or .Talllmry, Mllc:-"Thls trltm goea lo Rath:\j'c\1 when he drove from \Vlnnlpeg with and poll/ts easl." , Dr. Lnmont's Overland car. The tem· --- -- .. -_.. . . - --:.. - - . - _. -- - .---- -- Visiting I C,urlor; "VI'e1l, I want to' porature. was 39 below zero, ........ ••• .. •••.• O .... ... O •• ()O •• •• ••• .. O.6 talte a train thltt gets,tel Elm G,ree;" undor orGlnnry circumstances the i " i and I don't cure 'which way h pomts." tr[(I would have been Impossible. " . - . I ••• With' a fine grll(lo of 011 In Uta engl D.Ql l.1l..1 Ir-"PJ I . . . St. dlaude Is nl. thll and using kerosene for Ihe- radiator; t VV' U !fU 'Splel.by one curler, Bob. Purleer. however, .MI·. mndo lhe In i . I... : '1'1 I tI tI I fOllr hours, Includjng stops to warm I h<lve <In active demand for all furs an" It means extra tllCrc B wei Ion y Illl'eefrgend eme!! n U(l." MI's. Smith Illade tho trl\l with .,1' ' .... Ie ree t w 10 Call { a 01' to come .T' I' '. I tl I 11 II I I dollars In your pocket to'llct my prices I am always ·pay. v ' ,tC \, am l.9Y c m enge Ie w 10 e Ina THE HIGHEST PREI'lAILINO-PRICES. I: .ao Uwy called upon lhe vII· 'wlde a trip on that '\.. , Inge for reinforcements. I . ·dal.e next·year. -: H 1.0 E SAN D TAN N I N G :- - • • • . . .. I r ---- i " -Joe Palmer, old time skipper, lhrows: If you want to sell, I. can pay you Fxactly what they arc a wlclted rock. Shorty Metcalfe Just TELEPHoNE CARDS FREE worth, or If you want thc\" tanned, I can guarantee you the.. leans over and Inys them there. ·\1 ._- bcst .. work In the least time, for BLACK HARNESS LEA- "-The Times' has Ill'lnted telepllolto .. THER, LACE 'LEATHER, RAWHIDE, or WARM WINTER • • • ROBES. -, I Among'lhe "big noises" at the.Bon. cards, up·to·dato to .January 15, with· \ Write for my reliable Price List SE. spiel, one cannot overlool' G out·;advertislng, which will be dlstrlb· i ' eorge buted free-tO ali telephone subscl·l· FRANK MASSIN Syer. . bel'S. living In town have al - '. . '. :.: . •• . readJo.: received theil·s .. Country sub· Sweet Cream always Qn hand ..... . ' 40c. per Quart I PHONE 89 1 - / MAKING HISTORY / WHITE ENAMEL FRAMED ORS Good' Glass 9xll inches ....................... 75c. II x 13 inches .................. :: .. 85c . 12x 15 inches .. r ................ $1.00 , , GALVANIZED TUBS in 3 sizes Heavy'and well-made. $2,20 - $2.40 $2.60 - DURiNG THE MONTH O,F JANUARY WE ,WILl. GIVE YOU BACK 20c. ON EVERY $1.00 WORTH OF ENAMELWARE YOU PURCHASE. Don't .Iet your Horses slip, when you can get RED-TIP NEVER-SLIP. CALKS All sizes - Also Taps. " NOW IS THE TIMr;; TO OiL YOUR HARNESS , Bring in your can for a sup- ply of our Harness Oil, a!" save 40 cents on a gallon. - BOX BROS., Ltd. : 'Phone 111 Treherne .i . . I . Nels ... Kearns has his gq. may obta:n theirs' at UIO • . B R.A .• . ....... t. E .2961.. good, an? as this goes to, p.ress;, 'f,lmes 0 ; ___ ... ___ ....... IIIII!' .. IIDIBI!lMllil:ll_l'idiIIiliiElIIIIIIlll!I!l-_Rd,'D .. .• .•. ,.,; .. .• ... ... -, / -.;',' •.•• f: :::'." ' ... ' .\., ' , . '''-. : .' , . '., \. .... . .I . "' ... ,: -._ .. >. u ."" .' '.' , : \ ....... .;. ';' " " •• UNION·.CHURCH 'NOTES The,·Rathwell·rlnk has promised . ," ...... .,: . Agnes.rAyres .-, ID tTbe . Ordeal''- . , '. . . I '. WHEN one·.of the world's grhtest nov5!lists writes' his first· original ht."r" . for -the screen-when .be,au- tiful Agnes Ayres R\!lYS the heroine V'fllage a cup. of some kind. Jim .The congregat:onal meeting· of TrC" was in Box's hardware .looking around ... · be\·ne. Union Church will be jleJd on . .' •• '. . 'fuesday evening, .Tanuary 29th. I I Tjle· Gie.nboro had .hls Is exp'octed that a brier report will order for dinner at the' hotel .some be given "fJ'om each departmen t 01 time before. But now' lhe ,,(altress the church concerning the wo·l, done stOO[\ behind his chair wllh a perplex. slnre the beg)nn!ng of the uni.on, I' em ed frown on her fall' face. .Tuly 1st to Jan. 1st. . I "A penny for yO\{r thoughts: illY On .Sunday next, the 27th-Inst., Rev. · deal'," s[tid Ule curler. T. B. WHson, the pastor, will Ilrcrlch I "[ 'was just wondering whether yon und conduct bolhl services.' In the · were' a hard.boiled egg or a stewed evening th'e stliJject of th'e. sennon · chieken," she replied. will be "Alhletics and Relig!on:: The I •.• • !'ll,urlers ure Invited' especially to be i Rev. T. B. Wilaon will preach a' spe. pl;esent. \. ,,\ clal sermon for curlers,' at tbe Union Sunday. school every. Sunday be- Chm'ch next Sunday night. 'Even a Immediately, at the close 0 curler may be benO tted by a good SCI'. the morn:ng service. I · nlon and should malee It a point to , ,.....:..---- INDIANFORD ,BRIDE.ELECT' . · be present. - ./ I , \ SHOWERED '[ RATHWELL CURLERS WIN . : .t· ". DISTRICT PLAYDOW-NS 'On Thursday last a very p(ettr show· I ·:· , , I er .was given In honor of 1\1Itis Edith \ . Ori:oclr (a brlde·elect or l!Wlith) / Make'Up yout Mind to ComfortaBle . \ the rest of the Winter. Statistics prove that by Jan- uary I M you have yet 63% of the heating season'·' aheqd of you. We offer you the best va!ue for yo'lIl' Heating Dollar. If you let us' serve you in'the· past, we believe,we:can count on you for a custom:r. If not, we solicit your orders, confident of .being able :to fully you, i , . As a result ol distrIct curllng at the \:lomb oflMr. all.) Mrs. Will. Fer. games between last '.Frlda y . evening, rls ... About 331 guests were present In .between Rathwbll.and Rath· .splte of 'tho weather. 'Games well quail lied Ito entet links In the Gnd played until t1 '. MarlbOl'ough' Big Vnl1ey ev- rival' of the bride, whon she wns ents at the Winnipeg DonsJllel, )\'hil() folded und led into the parlor by t1 e . Treherne\wlll be represented In, thll hostess: Miss I Hlta Harland CORON A LUMBER COMPANY' LIMITED Jerry trophy. .", , Lohengrln's, Wedding )IIar9h until P I · The of the galnee (ol1ow.- Miss Orrock was seated In 'un 'J I Phone 57 / headliners Na- . A .. 11" gel and'Edna Murphy in the' cast- , ... trdphy: -. Treherne. chair all .drit.ped In whito, Oed th '. L. JOHNSON,' Manager TREHERNE D, COibett. 6. J5. RU/;h 'whlte ribbons under IL prettily doco· i _______ a_li!l! __ '.' .. 12, .. 16.,. 'Io· rated arch of. white wHh streamers. ... cfl8 ne ,s2/L!.f . mthe· THEN ONLY' Coan·you expect enter; paramount 1?ibbu..re 'different '-. {I r; he ." like "Jl-ie;Ordeal" I .' ) ! ". Photos of the Slar free to all patrons at Elm CreeIt anlHl'ehehnE!, . ,.f , ,. ., - .. I I. , ' COMED,Y :-. ':Tin){nights in .. \... .. " . ... , SHERLOCK:HOIJIjES:'-{'A Case.of IdentitY'': . .'. .' .,. I 'J.', I' ( , • . "l t . , ' .,... . . . I A very dainty lunch was then serv· 1 01 t1.teJel,! C\ R. eq and- the remainder of UIO .evenlng r --_ ... ------- .- ..- -- _. · Parsons got ll,p boltol or was well enjoyed In music reclt lions' • ' by a score of 9-· 12.' i d I I ,a , Mr. J..itz' rink defeated Geo. Curry's ng,. Al1 precent ,hud a delight quaJ·tolte In tile Dig ·Val\ey Coal event . ) by a score or 12-9, " . , . . , .FORMER- TREHERNE . . \ RESIDENTS CELEBRATE - . "',"'- ." GOLDEN WEDDING -Ono day, not long since, a man of . " . OUI' district WitS out hunting, Durlnif' the .daY,,1l ralnstorF ·came. on' .• In .. or: der keop",:dry- he .crawled Into. a e.n . the ml£·b)3gan .. to I 'until , You: cl!o!l'n or R hrceclf1. "hltt fino premium \\,'11 11" I!\CII (reo llj aU wlJO curoL u" Student. oC lhe .... Coldbe-t,,= whllo d,iek:!,..nr e",,, nro .tlll, nv.,II"hle. 111 u. few lIIondls the}' will, more UUtll puy for the eost oC thl. l)crsou,,1 trulnlnll' In cornlllcrci,d JluuUr)' .. I:-ecpll1g, Georgu "'.' J' Miller,' Cnmo"N uxpert. will tencll. )'OU how to make ,11 l!ouecC8."I OIJl of lJOultr)·. kcr.plng-how 10 bcc..'Onu! Imlrpcndcnl In Ul0" f."'TcatfNl or outdoor OC!up:ltlonll.\ ·rhls Coursu I , Is upprnv.ud by 2 GnYcrnrhcnbi' nnd' 12 " CollCKl'!!. It '" lhr. 0111)' Cllurse ' . . ,..rlllell, expres.ly for northern conditio"•. ' ;. ". InvoatlJ;'ato thl. oppertunltw . ," . no own,' I' \ .. ., ... .. •• : MIt •• •• ••••••• •• '" f. •• tI' •••••••••••• 11 .. ··:.·'· •• ,,- •••• .:;" 0 ' •• '. ... . • • '. iii' .';: ........... . ".. '. .0.· . . \ I , i I ! 1 i I I I ·1 : , \. . I J .1 , I . : .' ' . . •• .' .. ' .. .. - .... . .. •• ••• WI •• .0 ••• 0 '.'

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I • , , \.

PPP Q"'hWt:UZ,*ii Wffii-X?kW¥ « • MIt", Hi! tWW& lec." .. ' • 9'fWZl THE B,G BONSPIEl.: IS AWAY L'AST YEAR'S WEI}THER Fl~CORD I '.




We have·a fine assOI;tment of Skates, Sleighs, Hockey Stick3, Pucks, Snowshoes etc. a1 prices in keeping with the tim~and ~cason. We will be glad to show them I

I d / . to you r.n to quote you prICe3. ..


JOHN POLLON, Prop!ietor.·

Trellerne's annual classic curling Figures brought.ln bv ~Il'. \VlIIett eyenl Is nearing c",mplellon, wIth five from tho 'l'l'chcl'Ile Dom!nlon IIleteol'D· vlsiling a)ld ten local rinks compet· 10~:cII1 Service station show' the fol·

, lull' In UlI; muln evcnt~. Severnl IItdles' lowing facts /~I'egardlng Imit year's ronks, Including u goodly number or "eMher. vl"ltors. will compete In the "IIUX!l. . Tho total \lrecillitfltlon for the yeur

was 15.56 fnche~, or aboul 3 Inches lary" evenl on lcrlday n 19b l. less than lhe a vernge [lJlloun l. It \V!tH

The varloull "Ialtlng rlnl,8 ato divided as folloW8;- Jun., 1.00' In.; 8klpped by Messrs. Dudge of Il0\1III111, I' b l' • 'e., .20 In.; Mal'., 1.6,) Ill.; A\lrll. II1~son· of TIathwell, Wuods of Elm l.2'/ In.; May, 1.23 In.; ,I lin,?, 2.82 In:; Creel" Knight of C~'Press ntver, and .Tt:ly, 1.81 ill.; Au[{., 1.13 In.; SPilt., 1.05

I It. l{ennedy of Glenborn. . In.; Oct., 1.11 'n.; Nov ... 29 In.; Dec., Local rinks lire sl:JPlled. by Messm .. ·12 in.-II totlll nf 15.56 'Inches.

Corbett, Goodman, RUillon, Syer, Dal.. 'fhe culdest day iu 1 !l23 was on .Tan·

AsK , .'


• • .'


.ii. FiN ~ e:::.l¢ Ai jtti ... ~tM:r.mt7.l~1!00It1ll"II.IS;a:d ••• i£ibll!:'Il#PIE"Sl •• ;:;;;ilC!l5~"1Z2S!:Is:IJuil'!lli1!11!1llifili!ot:i5jb(!;,1JI¥BIl!III9itl:-SlII'IltWIII!I:NSm!o:l'!!'jllZ_ Lelt: ~~en l'nu, Cl egg, J. S. PaIJl1or, It. P ~1~.1~·c ~~!~r. Wl,;~~c \I;~t~~~:'~~:;,s d,~.~I:'~C.~lu~~ • , 11IIo:.r,son IIn~1 Little. 17th lind 22nd, when !l5 degrees was

......,~ __ ..,...,..,.... __ -=...".,.'"""',.,..,...-,....,.,...,..._' ...• ..".,....~....,.,....,_"""'~=...,...,...,.-.-...",,= 'I he. vlslUng rlnl{8 nre not so mUll· roglstored. '['he lI1axlmum anti mini. 'orous as was anticipated, _but ,11 big mum tempemtul'Os for each month

Ir,...ou e~jo". green tea you will be satis. fied with no other blend. - Try it today . . .





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f time Is "be;ng had" by nll. Close nnd were ns follows:-i overtime games h~ve been features, . January-17,th, 46 above; 5th, 35 be· __ IB!!I::JI 1 nnd It has· be~n pl'CJVon thul "There'l:) low zero. § ·~'.45UWAW¥eii9·i.-!'r.~ilW!*.~MY.Im&&!Qi4C3&~,Rrn:r~ I many a. slfp--." Kearns"[s .tho only Feb.-28lh, 35 above; 31'(1, :14 below. .. I Milk" and Crealr1


iSltlp who has not yet been defeated: . Mur.-1Lt, 40 above; 18th, 28 below. ~.SoneOr Lll ~r-.a W~. 6"6\ e "l-,n~t~ . Apl'1I-28lh, 70 above; 21111, 1.<'1'0. r II 1111 ~ In~ ~ U ~ c:l '&.i' ;:J ~ Vi II ~

a';ld has lI1alntamcd lhis dlstincti.'ll May-26th and 27th, 88. 121h, ~7. I



thoughout I.he regular schet\ulo. ,Tllne-22I1d, 93 nbove; 28th. 37 above .----------....:.-.---1 Tonight the social event taltes plar.m .TuIY-l7th alld 22nd-95 above; 2nd ,/ , at lhe 'Movie I·fall, whon It Is expected IJntl 30th, 44 above. : that much good tobiwco w!ll be ruined Aug:7"'30th, U I above; 2·1th, 32 Itbove and that many sandwiches will be pal" Sept.-3rd, 92 above; 13UI, 22 above

: talten of, It Is oven ruiiJOro'd thaI. ~ct.-Gth, 73 ubov~;. 30lh, ? Iwove, JO)1I1 Couller and George Graham are Nov.-5th, 6~ ubO\ e, 21st,.3 above.

. going to sing a duet! Dec.-18th, 'I~ above; 31st, ~4 ~elow.

A CURLER'S NOTES ___ .Tacl' SmIth mude motoring history

• In lhls section on the 17th or .Talllmry, Mllc:-"Thls trltm goea lo Rath:\j'c\1 when he drove from \Vlnnlpeg with

and poll/ts easl." , Dr. Lnmont's Overland car. The tem· --- - - .. -_.. . . - --:.. - - . - _. -- - .------ Visiting I C,urlor; "VI'e1l, I want to' porature. was l~roUlHI 39 below zero,

........ ~ ••• ~ .. ~.O •••.• O .... O.~ ... O •• ()O •• ~~ •• <&(,.~ ••• ~ .. O.6 talte a train thltt gets,tel Elm G,ree;" n~d undor orGlnnry circumstances the

i " i and I don't cure 'which way h pomts." tr[(I would have been Impossible. " . - . I • • • With' a fine grll(lo of 011 In Uta engl

D.Ql l.1l..1 Ir-"PJ I ~S· . . . St. dlaude Is ro(lrcsent~ll nl. thll and using kerosene for Ihe- radiator; t 1'i"Q~ VV' ~ U !fU 'Splel.by one curler, Bob. Purleer. however, .MI·. Sllll~h mndo lhe ~."Ip In

i . ~'" I... : '1'1 I tI tI I fOllr hours, Includjng stops to warm

I h<lve <In active demand for all furs an" It means extra ~ tllCrcB wei r~ Ion y Illl'eefrgend eme!! n U(l." MI's. Smith Illade tho trl\l with .,1' ' .... Ie ree t w 10 Call { a 01' to come .T' I' '. I tl I 11 II I I dollars In your pocket to'llct my prices I am always ·pay. v ' ,tC \, am l.9Y c m enge Ie w 10 e

Ina THE HIGHEST PREI'lAILINO-PRICES. I: .ao Uwy called upon lhe l~rench vII· 'wlde wOl'l~I/1.o'mlllte a trip on that • '\.. , Inge for reinforcements. I . ·dal.e next·year. • -: H 1.0 E SAN D TAN N I N G :- - • • • . . .. I r ----

i " -Joe Palmer, old time skipper, lhrows:

If you want to sell, I. can pay you Fxactly what they arc a wlclted rock. Shorty Metcalfe Just ~ TELEPHoNE CARDS FREE worth, or If you want thc\" tanned, I can guarantee you the.. leans over and Inys them there. ·\1 ._-bcst .. work In the least time, for BLACK HARNESS LEA- "-The Times' has Ill'lnted telepllolto

.. THER, LACE 'LEATHER, RAWHIDE, or WARM WINTER ~ • • • • • ROBES. -, I Among'lhe "big noises" at the.Bon. cards, up·to·dato to .January 15, with· ~ \ Write for my reliable Price List SE. spiel, one cannot overlool' G out·;advertislng, which will be dlstrlb·

i• ' eorge buted free-tO ali telephone subscl·l·

FRANK MASSIN Syer. . bel'S. Per~ons living In town have al

• - '. . '. :.: . • •• . readJo.: received theil·s .. Country sub·


Sweet Cream always Qn hand ..... . '

40c. per Quart

I PHONE 89 1 -



WHITE ENAMEL FRAMED M~RR ORS Good' Glass 9xll inches ....................... 75c. II x 13 inches .................. :: .. 85c . 12x 15 inches .. r ................ $1.00 , ,


Heavy'and well-made.

$2,20 - $2.40 $2.60


Don't .Iet your Horses slip, when you can get


All sizes - Also Taps.


YOUR HARNESS , Bring in your can for a sup­ply of our Harness Oil, a!" save 40 cents on a gallon.

-BOX BROS., Ltd. : 'Phone 111 Treherne . i . . I . Nels ... Kearns has his quartet~e gq. ~nrlbers may obta:n theirs' at UIO

• . B R.A ~.~~~' I\'I.~N: .• . .......t. ~ ~.~N E .2961.. I~g good, an? as this goes to, p.ress;, 'f,lmes 0 m~e. ; ___ ... ___ ....... IIIII!' .. _II\!I_.II:III:Ii'::I!H_IIF!:>~!!LlIJtI~.-_e!ll':lIM\IIiiE!' IIDIBI!lMllil:ll_l'idiIIiliiElIIIIIIlll!I!l-_Rd,'D

.. ~~.,t>,~..!~~.-:~~~~~:~ .• 't~.; .•. ,.,; .. ~~ .• ~.~.~ ... ~~;!~~" ... ~~·~~~l'rc}'ftii':f~~:;J;~~~~,2p~di?~~~:EII~·,· ~:::.,,'." -, / -.;',' •.•• f: :::'." ' ... ' .\., ' , . '''-. ~ : .' , . '., \. .... . .I . "' ... ,: -._ .. >. u ."" .' '.' , • : \ ....... .;. ';' " " •• UNION·.CHURCH (Trehe~ne) 'NOTES

The,·Rathwell·rlnk has promised th~I' . ,"

...... •

.,: ~io,. .

Agnes.rAyres • .-, ID

tTbe . Ordeal''-. , '. . . I '.

WHEN one·.of the world's grhtest nov5!lists writes' his first· original

ht."r" . for -the screen-when .be,au­tiful Agnes Ayres R\!lYS the heroine

V'fllage a cup. of some kind. Jim SI~lth' .The congregat:onal meeting· of TrC" was in Box's hardware .looking around ... · be\·ne. Union Church will be jleJd on

. .' •• '. . 'fuesday evening, .Tanuary 29th. I I Tjle· Gie.nboro cu~ler had gl~'en .hls Is exp'octed that a brier report will order for dinner at the' hotel .some be given "fJ'om each departmen t 01 time before. But now' lhe ,,(altress the church concerning the wo·l, done stOO[\ behind his chair wllh a perplex. slnre the beg)nn!ng of the uni.on, I' em ed frown on her fall' face. .Tuly 1st to Jan. 1st. . •

I "A penny for yO\{r thoughts: illY On .Sunday next, the 27th-Inst., Rev. · deal'," s[tid Ule curler. T. B. WHson, the pastor, will Ilrcrlch I "[ 'was just wondering whether yon und conduct bolhl services.' In the · were' a hard.boiled egg or a stewed evening th'e stliJject of th'e. sennon · chieken," she replied. will be "Alhletics and Relig!on:: The I •.• • !'ll,urlers ure Invited' especially to be i Rev. T. B. Wilaon will preach a' spe. pl;esent. \. ,,\ clal sermon for curlers,' at tbe Union Sunday. school every. Sunday be­Chm'ch next Sunday night. 'Even a gIn~lng Immediately, at the close 0

curler may be benO tted by a good SCI'. the morn:ng service. I · nlon and ~II should malee It a point to , ,.....:..---­

INDIANFORD ,BRIDE.ELECT' . · be present. - ./

I , \ SHOWERED '[ RATHWELL CURLERS WIN . : .t· ". DISTRICT PLAYDOW-NS 'On Thursday last a very p(ettr show·

I·:· , , I er .was given In honor of 1\1Itis Edith \ . Ori:oclr (a brlde·elect or thl~ l!Wlith)


Make'Up yout Mind to

B~ ComfortaBle . \

the rest of the Winter. Statistics prove that by Jan­uary I M you have yet 63% of the heating season'·' aheqd of you. We offer you the best va!ue for yo'lIl' Heating Dollar. If you ha~e let us' serve you in'the· past, we believe,we:can count on you for a custom:r. If not, we solicit your orders, confident of .being able :to fully ~atisfy you,



. As a result ol lh~ distrIct curllng at the \:lomb oflMr. all.) Mrs. Will. Fer. games between last '.Frlday . evening, rls ... About 331 guests were present In .between Rathwbll.and ~r~hetne, Rath· .splte of 'tho ~overe weather. 'Games well quail lied Ito entet links In the Gnd contes~vere played until t1 '. MarlbOl'ough' a~d Big Vnl1ey C~)!11 ev- rival' of the bride, whon she wns ~~I~~' ents at the Winnipeg DonsJllel, )\'hil() folded und led into the parlor by t1 e . Treherne\wlll be represented In, thll hostess: Miss I Hlta Harland JllaY~d CORON A LUMBER COMPANY' LIMITED Jerry ~O\llnson trophy. .", , Lohengrln's, Wedding )IIar9h until P I· The losult~ of the galnee (ol1ow.- Miss Orrock was seated In 'un 'J

• I

Phone 57


Df~~) withsu~h headliners a~.Cormid Na-. A .. 11" gel and'Edna Murphy in the' cast-

, ... Marlborou~h trdphy: -. Treherne. chair all .drit.ped In whito, Oed th '. L. JOHNSON,' Manager TREHERNE Cleg~ D, COibett. 6. ~o~al J5. RU/;h 'whlte ribbons under IL prettily doco· i _______ a_li!l! __ '.' 11521!1~ .. ---2ilIlillCllllll'mil/lil~Dm_EIIiI.-: ~:~Ik' C~sweil 12, .. ~cF allau~ 16.,. 'Io· rated arch of. white wHh streamers. ~" ...

cfl8ne,s2/L!.f . mthe· THEN ONLY' Coan·you expect enter; paramount 1?ibbu..re tajn~ent ama~i~gly 'different '-.

{I r; he Grd~CL~ ." like "Jl-ie;Ordeal" I .' ) ! ". ~ •

Photos of the Slar free to all patrons at Elm CreeIt anlHl'ehehnE!, . ,.f , ,. .,

- • .. I I. , '

COMED,Y :-. ':Tin){nights in a,Hallr.o~m",'· .. \... .. " . ~ ...

, SHERLOCK:HOIJIjES:'-{'A Case.of IdentitY'': . .'. • .' .,. I ~ ,-~' ~. 'J.', I' •

( , • . "l t . , ,~, '

~~.. .,... . . . I A very dainty lunch was then serv· ...",="";========="...."'="".,.~="""===_===,,,;=~'~"='-1 01 t1.teJel,! RObln~on. C\ ~ntr R. ~'. eq and- the remainder of UIO .evenlng r --_ ... ------- .- .. --- _.

· Parsons got ll,p boltol or ~fl.·_Ca~we.1 was well enjoyed In music reclt lions' • ' by a score of 9-· 12.' i d I I ,a , Mr. J..itz' rink defeated Geo. Curry's ~~I t~::;' ng,. Al1 precent ,hud a delight quaJ·tolte In tile Dig ·Val\ey Coal event . ) by a score or 12-9, " . , .


- . "',"'- ." GOLDEN WEDDING -Ono day, not long since, a man of . " . OUI' district WitS out hunting, Durlnif' the .daY,,1l ralnstorF ·came. on' .• In .. or: der keop",:dry- he .crawled Into. a

e.n . the ml£·b)3gan .. to I 'until


You: cl!o!l'n or R hrceclf1. "hltt fino premium \\,'11 11" I!\CII (reo llj aU wlJO curoL u" Student. oC lhe ....

Coldbe-t,,= ~o\t[tnJ C9ut~~ whllo d,iek:!,..nr e",,, nro .tlll, nv.,II"hle. 111 u. few lIIondls the}' will, more UUtll puy for the eost oC thl. l)crsou,,1 trulnlnll' In cornlllcrci,d JluuUr)' .. I:-ecpll1g, Georgu "'.' J'

Miller,' Cnmo"N 1>outtr~ uxpert. will tencll. )'OU how to make ,11 l!ouecC8."I OIJl of lJOultr)·. kcr.plng-how 10 bcc..'Onu! Imlrpcndcnl In Ul0" f."'TcatfNl or outdoor OC!up:ltlonll.\ ·rhls Coursu I , Is upprnv.ud by 2 GnYcrnrhcnbi' nnd' 12 " ~ "grku~l"rnl CollCKl'!!. It '" lhr. 0111)' Cllurse ' .

. ,..rlllell, expres.ly for northern conditio" •. ' ;. ". InvoatlJ;'ato thl. oppertunltw . ," .

no own,' I' \

• • .. ., ... .. • •• • : • MIt •• •• •

••••••• ~';7 •• '"

f. •• tI' •••••••••••• • 11 .. ··:.·'· •• ,,-• • • • •••• • .:;" 0 ' •• '. • ... .

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, '


" ,



• mE HOME PAPER FOR SOUTH NORFOLK The Times-Ob;erver, 'rreheme, Man.-$2.00 per'Year


i\SMITH'S STORE NEW,S ~~~ --1'hcrc ~re many pleasant faces now ;:; , .• ' , .'. since the cold snap has abllted. It

~,:: • 'I The House of (')uality .:. Wll3 hard on the coal bins.' 'I' ~ :!I but there I); plenty on hand. 'I' '.' -0. Putcraon has left ltllthwel\ for :::... :~: tho west ,yhol'e lie ht-\q sccllrel! .nn 01; A ~.' -, evatol' I)osltion. We are sorry tQ

~: S k k· B·::: lose hnn.

:"l.': toe ta 109· argalns I ,',:::': -MI:. 11' t.Creery ED' 'It thc ". )~l{ end ,', ':' w;ith friends at Carmlln. , ,I, ':' -Chas. Kitching has relul'Ite'\" Irom ,I, 'j' a Vl31t to thc clly. . : .l. ...., .:. ., '.' --Dou't fOl'get the Ladies' Leap,\ ("le' .

:i: STOCKTAKING always r~veals a large quantity of :!: bnil on Fcb. lJt.. Glb~(m's fmit:: piece'

:1: goods we 'cannot afford to carryover until another :i: orchestra will supply the muglc: ,I, ,!. -Misses Scaullnell und lIlill'lull :1: year. This year will, be no exception, except,that· :1: wme paBSCngers to CYillCHS nlvcr on

:i: there will be an unusually large amount of goods of :i.: ~[oTnday·s II t b I • I d" tI I f I' -- Olll ,camme was awes ,OUlIl

',I.'. every escnptlOn 1" t we must c ear. out 0 t le store ' •. i'. -, pas.enger on Monday. :i: at very low prices-and it's up to you, our customers, ::: -The LadleB' Curling Hinks arc 'go,

:l: to reap the harvest in these cent-saving 'and dolInr~' :!: Ing slrong. I 1 ~,'" saving opportunities., :.i.::. -0. Mason Is s!, IWlng at Tre lcme •. Ltlnsplcl with II rlnl, composcd of J. ~: ':. I .. , Smith, W. '1' .. Smith and D. Mason ,II' 'i' \','e trust they wlil uphold thc spirit •• •• ,I. ~ .1, of thc game Ilt least. ',I, ,;, -Mrs. "'. McClelland Is rCllOrted as

I •• '" ••

• :. .:. H~lner:ng from pneulllonia. ,', .:. .. I l I -Dr. Lamont paid 1\ vis t a Olll'


He'stored to Health By Taking ',' " F ruH:a~tive,s "


Made of Fruit Juices, and TonicG 'fhc,most COil vinci nil' proof of Ihe

lrttt' worth of" I'rllit·u·ti\,ps·' u.s n 1l1l',1I('illl' fol' \\,(Il1l~n Is f01l1l,1 in the 1,,1 11'1'S wrilll'n by them to\" Fl'Uil-:\­ti\'C"s". For'instnnec "

"I 81111'1'1'1'<1 Idlh nil lhe srmplolll. of f('lIlul~ I Wl1hl(', pllins low ,lawn itl Iht' hack Illid si,l"s, constipalion '1II1! constllnt Ill·adaehc. A doctor nlh·j~f'tl 1111 npp.rlltioll. r ~ta)·tpt1 taldlll! "1*'I'tlit·:!·tj\'('S" IUHl this rl'uit 1II('.1ll'ino completely relicle,] llle of nil my mi~ery".

Mrs. 111. .T. (lOHSE, Vl1nCouI'cr" D.C.

Wc. II hox, Ci fOI $2,;;0, trilll si7.1' ~;:;c. "t tlpnl .. "s 01' fl'om Fl'Uit'IHil'cs Limitc,], Ot,tn\"l. Out.

::'~:II::.':, Sml-th Br'o' ,thers'- ~:.~,::.:~:. t""n on 'I'u()sday with his auto. .1

• CALVIN C_HU_RCH REPORT "Ir;==~rH:~: ~_.n_.~i'h_el:~ '-11 ,I,' 'i' 'rhe annual meetings or the ,V,~I.S _

,:i,.' Rathwell, Man'. Phone' 39 :1.: Mis.;lon Uand, Sunday School and the A griz;:!y Le.ll' bal'llecuc will be ,!, I I , ':' C.G·VI'· were held rocently and all re· 0;1C 0[, tl.e featl'red of th~ Winter • : •• : •• :.t: .• : •• : •• : •• : •• : ••••• ~ •• : .• : •• : .. : .. : .. :,.: •• :,.: ... : •• : ... :,.: •• : .. : •• :": .. : .. :,.: .• : .• : .. : .. : .. : •• : •• : •• : •• : .. : ... : .. : •• : •• : •• : .. : .. : •• : .. : •• : •• : .. :' I)ol"l~ weJ'e ,"CI'Y encou I'aging, r Alten- C:tl.'n; val t1 t B:t~f fin Fe ... l'cu.r y.

_ww is'jA: u~> .swaM' 6*iUsr." _a! db •• g:rm:rua;sQl5M

U'NDERTAI{ING Funeral Directing ,. Flowers for Funerals etc. I have moved my Undertaking Parlors to my home on Griffith St. (Phone 131) where I carry a fine line of Burial Caskets and 'Funeral Supplies. I Flowers for all occasions from J. H. Cull Flowery, Winnipeg. ,

MONUMENTS: -Representing Howard Patchett, Carman. Don't buy a Monument until you have seen me. \

A. H. POL LON ., - ' · , T R E H,E R N E

<lancc aad contributions show a can· s:del'llble In creane over last ycal' nnll a gll~atcl' wlllmgness 10 IIssume new tn.H,S anti obllballons arc among the encouraging teature~1 noletl. The lin­anetal returns we}'e as tollows: , .. _

W.M,S. '1111\111, Uffcrlll~, $~G,UO; sent

Ten C!ln:lrliun U:1d thrc~ United States tennIS h:\\'~ alr .... l ,y ent<'red fOI' tlle t '. tern Inler,_:,Lonal Dog D"l'by, \\!.:.!l v,ill be rt n (1011'ing the \Vintcr C: .. rni'.r-ni in Que~..::c, i'..!b­rU4ll'Y ~l, 22 and 2:1. '

to Uen'i!l'al ~oe!cty, $l6G.OO. 'Pl'06'l'C:;S nnd LrI::rht prO~:1"ct~ i:'1 Sunday SCIIOOi. '1'0 ta I Heceipt", ~hc ,I~ve!~pnlellt of ,~"diunl ~lliphate

$I~G,OU. COIlll'ibutetl to M'ssions, $ Jr., III ~,skat.!hEwan is r~,)orlrd by the ~IIRslon Band. Scut to Gencral so., f,c:r.c:lU of LalJor a,ltl J,l.iusLric l.

1'1 $",1 00 ' ..,O(IlUlll s:;,ljJllatc re~ovcl,.,d from c elY~ ~,' I', ,. Sa~k.\tch("v";:!ll d:!po~its is n~'\V l)f'itl~

C,("I.J.- Conllibnt('d to SUIlPolt of I ute" in '110 1'1,"11 I" ,tu- f 1,'" t 'j' 0 I' U i, r... c..C • cog , ... .:J n I~a~hlet"ll CaHweJl, $!!7.uO. 0 ttl' H R.!u'liff. Work Doard, $10.00, X" t

U!Ilccrs [or 1924 al'e:- • A ~p6rt of t:1C British Oo{um');a W. M. S. Industrwl COllllll'~"lOn Uepanlllent

Presidcnt, Mrs, "'. 'I'. Hamilton; "haws 10311S to industries a:nnullti:lp,' 'lC$!'awY"'P;IN1b&llitWl i Y A&G~i:l.~Il"3!!!i!Il!'RAImUlZidl'li-Ii['II!KUIW:J!IIlI!i'J=ISl'lIz:ag&1lo: .. r.I ... Il"""'I1IIlIl!l!iitt#3MIlIilIAtII'.IlI'mk1'l~JitIClI!la4t!. __ = T roas u rer ,'" I\[ 1'8. 1(. Cox: Sec l",cta I'y , lt~ ~ 1,17 a, G~·1 he 1'n b I ad n g G U P 1:\ n ts.

Mrs. J. J... 8111i th; Sccrclary Home '~rny!1len I f\ ave hn~n .... " do' on prin~ipal by G5 inrlu,~ric3. Total 1'0-

~1!1l'I~~~ ~)II.Y;."""""""(c.'l;_~_r.r6:.~~~~lI'!Im~ llelpcrs, Mrs: Brigg~,; l\le!lsengcl' Sec, paymenls allluulll to ::;lDl"~,-,, lot ~~1'..ti.lilGl';1>{'-"!imo~~¢}'i.;myr;'ffi'!.1W!g'rR:"\'~~ "'1""""", 1111'S. Oco. Smith; Strapgl'rH wh:~h' $71,2-15 was interest.

Sccrelary, Mrs. A, Tracey; Supply \.



Sccl'elary, Mm. 11. Sharpln. For the purpose of cxtendin'" Sunday ~chool. ,'" Canadian trude in Grec~e, Turl;,'y

Superintendent, J. L. Sinith; ~\8SS!S. nnel the 8astcrn Mr,literrnneHn, W. r '1' McL. Clnrl:e, Canadian 'rrac:e Oom-lanl Supt., .1. A, )rapcr; Sec.· reaH, ., \

mlSSJOner at Hilan, Itll}y, has been .lack co:~; A;si~tant Sec. 'freas., 1\1- i'llstructl!d to visit the::;e cOi.lntrics

I bcrt Smith; Organist. H(;I~n lrorbc", and ,report on ''the opportunitie3 fOl' Mission Band I:he s:r:e of Canndian goods. '

LccH.1el\ 1\11'6. K. COXj Pl'l"::ll1pnl. t\.

lI!ary Smith; Secrc!!u'y, Pearl '1'rad;': 'D. Galvcrt, noted guide I!nd 'l'rcnsui·er. Grace Smith. • of H:liny Hh'er, \'/ho l1:1s

c, ' C. G. I. T. ,! i111l,C~ towards bnng:n:r to'lr-, • J' lll' nil parts of the Unit~d

. .

• • .' I •


AUCTIONEERING! I guarantee satisfaction. Sal'~s con,

ducted illlywhm'c, Call' (JU revers!' ticl,cl. Farm lands for sale. W. E, STAPLES Treherne

Licensed Auctioneer

LICENSED AUCTIONEER nale~ may be arrunged at the Time!,

Olllce, '1'lehcl'Ue, or hy telephone all re\'orse tlc.llOt. I gUlII'aulce 8alistac' !Ion. W.·TURNER ' Holland Man. --l·~- --- . -- - ----------

LICENSED AUCTIONEER I I;Ullmntee sallblacllOIl. Sllles con·

ductnd anywhere. Dates can be lIr· ranged III my SllOp.

Phone 16

las, Sharpe Rafuwell

Liv8FY Stable

A first,c1ass Llvcry and Fl'('((

nU~lI1ess; goorl and rollablu Horges; styllsil lUgs; evcry­thill~ up't<?,dllte.

Prompt nnd ob!\glr<: :-'en'lce, Sppl'ial attcnllon to COllllllor· claiR .

Phone 117

------------------J, I:L Snlith

PhOne t 17

,-----.. ..,....~----...

.~ •• : .. ; •• : ... : .. :, .: .• : •• : •• : •• : .• : •• : •• : .. : •• : .• : •• : •• : •• : •• : .• : •• : .. : ": •• !. ~ ~


I :j: MEALS AT ALL HOURS ::: .'. Purity Ice Cream, Sunducs, etc. :=:

,.1. Ice.Cold Drinks from Fountain .!, ~ . .;. or in Bottles 'f-: ~ :!: Fine boxed Chocolates & Candy :1: .:. Tobacco - Cigars - Cigarettes ,'. ~ ~ u ~ :i: GEO. SHIN G, Pro p, :l: + t ':' TREHERNE MAN:TOBA '.'

I'·' .:. .. :.,: .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. :,.: .. : .. : ... : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. :,,: .. : .. : .. : .. ~.


DR. J. LAURIE LAMONT, B.A., Man. :'I,lJ. Ch. fl., grlmburgh Physician nnd ;;l1r~(jon

Provincial Coronet Ofl1cc, Brondway Phonc ~,I

------.--~---- - "--DR. J. A. CHRISTILAW PhYSician and Surgcun.

:,llInlloba ?l1!'dh!nl Collego Grno/uato. Ollice: Ol'itllth St. Phon-l In


Office on Broadway St. Treherne Houl's 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ev'ery week.day.

Telephone 100

DR. G. A, BOWMAN V.S" B.V. Sc. /10'101' Ur,ulullto :lOIOllIO UniverSIty

Ullke In SHlith's !.l\'cry Siable, Bloauwuy. '['l'ehel uu, i\lau.

nesiclencc Pholle· No, 33'


R. C, PAI1S0NS, B.A. \

lJarnSI!!r, f.lC.

(~mccs: Hallway A, 0., 'l'l'£!hl'lllU, l\lnn. ~'''JCllLll' [ur Lh" CHlla"lall !Jauk 01 ClllUlUCI CU, lhult t't llalllliton, and 1I.e ~llIlllcll"'"lY oj Sunlh !'.udolk.


I Barrister, SolICitor, Notary Public, eta.

Phone A7701 134 C. P. R, Building Winnipeg, Man.

I Rathwell Agent for Ontario Loan &.

Dcbcntul e Company I :'Ioney 10 loan at 8 /IeI' cput. on Jm,

IIJl'O\'Cd FlLrm 1'lopcrty. At Hathweli r,n \\'~dJlCodHr of cvury wC"I,.


8ilrl'ls~er: So; i oltor, Notary Publ ic etc. Ol/ices at Trehcrne and Rathwell

--'.,---- -~------

ReL Phono BI323 _, Phone N7445 J. W. MORRISON, LL. B.

Burrister & SoliCitOr­Notary Public, Etc, SpeCIal Examlnel'

403.5, Huron & EI'I. Building WINNIPEG fllANITOBA


J. COULTER ll'jl'c ltl~Ul'allCU Ag-ont

'rl'U'~1I EHNN - .. .. 1\[AN.

ALFRED MARTIN Hpul E!lltLlO, ~lUllh.the ,lull IOtil1l unco

Agllut. ItellreHenlin); s(Jl'oml or tllIJ Ill'Ht Loan anti !llHlIlt&.llCO CUJu"auluM. COlllLUU:J' blouor. 01"l"ILa~ Dl'Oaliway.

FIRST IMPRESSIONS are usually 'I<,sti~g, any vou 5houlcl no more think of represent­ing your Business with ill-arrange-a, "pool;I;": printed stationery than with an uncouth,,' 'inpiperienced salesman. The psy,!:hologi-"

J.ead~r, l\IrA. W, '1. Ham'ltcn, Prc;.., Ident, LOrJlIl Sinclalrj Vice· Pres" h'erle' to the L.,kc of the Wood,1, i

I Gill'" Secl'etar", Alina ForLes,', .hl·,!'cll&., lita't'e3

h bhat the tourist traffic this I.

W. J. WALDON AGent fOI' Mutuill Life Assurance Co"

of Waterloo, Ont.,

cal elfect would be the same. ' to

THE SNAP and vi,tality of "distinctive" printing registers imtant approval., A.k

.. - .-, a user.

SHIFT 'your priMing troubles over to shoulders-they are a pleasure to us.


, '


JIllJl1f)1 ces TREHERNE • •

, ,


- --.------ -T- - -- - • - -~. --~---- - -- _._--

WATERING STOCK cnn be hud fOl: less than seven "0'''''· ... '

(Dominloll gXIlcrlmenJul FtU'lll Note) 'rhe vulue oJ' u water HUlijJly tv

stock Is wholly depcndont Ullon 1I1l avallllbility. It~ value dncl'OlIscs with Ihe (lI!11cully the stoci, has1il gotUng lit It. AI Hoslllcrn Expcrimentlll stu· 1I0ll' severnl mcthods IlllVO been used in wllter'ng feedcl' steers In dlffcrent HQ,1I~On8 lind the vllrillti6n itS jUdged rrom the tlPllaat'ance or thc clItUe WIIS very marked., \

, ~'he first ycar the stecrs were fcd, Ilt the Stullon, .• lhe wllter supply lit rorrnls wus Illlltll'(Jll"t() and the ~atUc had lo ~e drlvcn half a miie to'1l creek whcre they drunk tram II l,lole In tho Ice. 'rhey suffered frolll the exposur" ami storllls und (11(1 nol seem to (\J'ln Ie su!llclent fO]' their requirements, Bu· sldcs the lIctuul lImc spent In tl'lwe: ling to and' rl'OlIl thc wlltm' hole, they seellled to lose nearly un haUl' artel getthig buck to lhe corrals setllllig down to rumlnllt!on. Mrhcn Iln)lIdequllte wllter supply was secure, they, were watered once' dlllly. ",Thl!! WIIS u slIvlng In lime lind catlie en·

nut the method wn'lI not alto· sallsfnctory, I)ocuupe' the 'ani·

around\ the trough till dl'un\{ between 30' and 40

";1 I~ required lilOI'U thim lin

und suell' a heater Is sumclent n tr~lU!>h thc size ai' a \'d'!!On tank. If prollcrly attended twice dally this 'wlli burn n hlindrctl pounds or caul In two woel,s, 1t will nlso bUM! wood but re' quires ljlore frcquent attcntlon.




, 'j 1 as greatly exceecletl all, pre- I I~d:th Sharpln; Prcss Secre~ql1!,,'Ilia~y 'lind anticipates a greater

GOUld. '. ____ (.: i i:\~~tcCd ::::e:e;;:i: ~hipped ft'C'm II 'lJR N N_.;"~:~.:P4~~ r.ann.];!!!! rts during thc crop year, 11 - 1, 1922' to AuguGt 31,

'i fOR "{;)UIl ' ,totalled. 55,000,000 bushels. meant total handlings of ap-

~ "~"l~':' at ely '110\000,000 bushels, ns .Q;.;;,., tI. . .11';'" twas' necessary for thc grain to Wholosnma Ylf.mh~ ss,\ Lhroilgh the elevators at lake

ports IUld at porls of exit ..

, MATCHETTVILLE , 111i55 Marion Towne, of Berlin,

N,r-I., who in three ycurs since shc first, put on a ski, has acilieved

. -Mr.·,and l\1l;s. Ted Llltchllm, ... A .. A'\ me't!'rough her daring and grace-visitors lit the hallie;- of Mrs. jumping, has expressed her de-Gmhum on Sun~ay last. .. " aire to 'compete \vith Canada's' best --:rhe rands are In bad ,shape, girl sld jumpc\'s lit the winter sports Some ,mlxturcs o,re alright, :Qut san carniya!.in Qucb'cc on l~cbruary 2 ' , lind snow Is one of the worst-just 'and 2·1th, .-Il'l'ing which time ---A good time for gelling i,ee: she, w:Il' mal:e oxhi~;tioll jUlllPS.

fellows. Icc Is a sure crop-In Further indications bhat t<he ye:!r toba, so let us mal{C,the best ps'~"or ,J!J23, will create a record in ocean while It's,golng. ',Lraffic are, shown by figurcs givcn

/ \.,." ' :.' out at thc headquarters of the Cana-, "BEACONSFIELD NEWS dian < Pacific' Steamships. Bookin!;s

;-; for. wcatbound sailings were excep--PetCY Anstex arrived l,lq\np' ~ ~ionll)ly larg~, while ~hose for S!lil-WinnIpeg last Friday, , ,:;,': , J1lgs, to the QI,? Country for qhrlst--'-J. C., Doyle Suporlntendlmt 'of JlJI( ,mas and the New .. Year werc 11l ud-

, " \, ' ! ,of, the trufllc of any previou3 ~loJls, gave a vel'y'lntcJ'csUng, jl(ldre~s' year. ' last Sunday, Those who tbbltght I~ '.' best lit ho~e by the.llre surel)'lmlss~«( The Ca11:'ary Boaru\ 'of Trade i3 a trent. ,He told us consldernlJlc' !Iho\ll taking in,ercst in the ,proposal of the enrUHIUul{c In Japnn, lie' havlng British interests" which in-heard un eye witness of the, first onf' ' t,he utilization\ of western glye his story In T~roiit,o n rp~~ ,",'vee Its r.tt'aw fllr the manufactUl::C or paper·

• and ot~er products, and is getting ngo. ' ... . ~!: ~ \ I t 11 b' " . f t' . th t -We are gilld to'See, or fcel: llle1',vJnrl iI pas:." 11l onna'lon WJ rC.J1CC

\ ' \ ' \' to the development of, industric3. In the Routh a~a'n. Last ,~~~ ~j gay,o of thousands' of tons ai' us enough north·weat stuer fpn ,a)Vhl1e. arc burned in the prairic3

, "\ i" year, which it 'is olaimed han ~ i., \ . I I , , , • I ,commercIa va ue . .f) .! I ' , ,. ,;' ~ ...., } . ~EETING' St:' Jovite, Quebec, hns been chos~n

, : j ; i; , I I once more as a .movie 'location, and :8r.l'rillrd,(~1i,ir()h ,held thell" nimUl\1 haye, been made by

j'\""'U or and Alma for of of vps, '

that Last

\\'ash Ice, FOR SALE, Phonc 75-1·2

A. F. Dowie • • •

FOR SALE I Choicc lIay. Apply to

171' J. S. I'almcl' • • •

SEED WHEAT FOR SALE n,eglstllJ'cd ~ltll'quls In any suanllty.

at 12c. o\'er I,'ort WJIIlam price:;, Samples may bH Reen. lind ordcrs gl\"cn to the following agcnts:-

'1·rcherne:-.Tohn Couller, n. .r. MIII~ Hath well :-G. '1'homes, and Drupel'

Bros. ' St. Cliludll:'--AlbeJ't Paqu:n. Elm ere,ele-O, '1'. S60le, and W. A.

Bates. F. NORTllEY, Glcnboro


Seven Sows, due to farrow In Fcb· j'uary hnd March. Phone 92·3 Harry F:ngllsh

• •• Times Unel's always brine: rOllulls, When used by chlldl'en OJ' adults!


In the matter of the Estate of William Duncan Jones, 'late of the Village of Treherne In the Province of Mapl. toba, retired farmer, deaeased: All clnlms IIgainst the above estate

must be, sent to Frnncls J,Jenry Mit· chell, Glenboro, 'Manitoba, solicitor for the Executors, on or before the 21s1 day of February, A.n.,]924.

Dllted at Glenboro: Mnnltoba, this 17th day of January, A.D: 1924.' " '. CHnrS,TIAN~'W1ECHMAN, ' .. 'JOHN':'KAY'I, CAMPBELL, 7·18·9', .. Exeeutors

,- Per', F. ~ H7~1.rilchall. thclr Sollcl

and COl1tinental Casua:ty Company

> ._----------n,e Fal'mers' Mutual Fire InRurance

CompanY~f F'ol·tagc la Prall'le foJ' I he VlIlago or 'l'rllhetllO anll north , also 10J' th" "Hlngo of Hnillwoli and sUlToulldlnh distrIct. j;:U<l111re af

JAMES HIRD .':-Ine 7~, Ring 5 Agent, Treharne --.- - .1

J, J. FAUCHERE -Agent 1'01'-

The Great West Life Assurance Co. The Royal Fire Insurance CJ .

The Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurilnce , of Portage.

, Money to Loan on Farm Property.



~I""IR Fl'lday oil 01' bolore Ihe full moon at the 1I1aHonic Hall, 'J'roherne. VlslLing Hrutllreu conlillily welcome. R ~v TIm. ,John Coultor, SperAI",,!,

V. W. Bro. n. P. 1I101'1'150n, W. M .

, ,

IND. ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS 'I'ruherne Lorl!:e No. 4-1 lIleels In Ihe Mawnin Hall eVl'ry 'I'hurHIIIlY o\'enlng u.t S p. lIl. All Odd fellows In good dlantlinc: IIJ'O welnOlllo. ..

John Corbett, N. O. H. A. Adulr, Sec.

DOVE REElEKAH LODGE, NO. 62 Meets the 2nd and 4th '1'nesday or

caou month' In the Masonic L1all, at 8 p. m. Visiting Lrcllll'en and sisters always wclcomc. ,

M 1'8, C, Iionselwood, N. G. Miss VCl'llU Stinson, SecI'etal'Y

~' L. 0.' L. No. 1730

Meet. first Tuesday evert g Month, In the


Y,lslUng breUll'en welcolDe.

~;~~~:~:~;O~;f~cll,cce.eold' water: From tlleh'

"~",';A to bo hody HIGH


nnd cold lin I

, • • . , •

, . , '. '. "


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•• • , • ••

• • • •• .' ,

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.. ~"i ___________ .'ia __ "'_II!II" ___ " __ " __ 1II! I TH E U.i",M. CONVENTION

'" I, I':' '.:1.' AT WINNIPEG

P ete S • ' The Farmers' ParlIament Is once rlDi1log ervlce' 'more/a tiling of the past. Numerically. - tile Convlmtlon was a lIttle smaller

You don't have to live in Treherne to secure the advan-tages of having a pri~ting plant i~ your town. ' \

" , You can have as good a printing service as thougli' the'

Times Office' were as near as your mail box. We'make a feature of handling business from out Qf T reherne, and supply a g;eat many stores and offices in surrounding towns where there is no printing plant, with office systems, stationery, etc ..

, We have a splendidly equipped plant, and can give you

first-class work and good service . . \ ,

-- When you require anything in the printing line, it will be to your advantage as well as ours to simply place your order in the mail and leav1 the 'rest to us.

" I Job Printing ordered by mail will be sent C.O,D.' to all customers. .


The Times Printshop, Treherne • , t

than In imst 'years. 'but was big enough Jdr its purpose. 'I'he c'ehalnly were "nough auu to' spare' of vocallsts. They hobbtlu up IIUU uown lIke the keys of a cOl1cerUpa~ Sometimes as many as three. or ~our were on theIr feet at Ollce, reauy to UO or 'dle for their local:

WIlen I.left Elm Creek. I was told by a 'friend of mine who halls from ,'I'rellct·oe. that I was not to save the furmei's too much. Bless yOur heart! They needed no saving - OAch .man was ub'le to save himself. The varIous reports lof the heads of departments raised no enthusiasm. but when thrown at the meeting for discussion. lhe scene was changed. One after an. otile~ go up to show the local bnCl. hallie ihat he was on the job for weal or woe.

Englishmen predominated. each one fully wound UP' anu eager to speal,

/11:8 piece. 'l1lere were a lew Scotslllen and 1I·lshmen. but they were too slow. By the lime they gOt on IIltllr leet and had their throats cleareu for Ilcllon. an Engllshmnn would be half through telling the Convention all about It. anu_th~ would quietly SUbside with a "What's the use." expression on th faces.. .

Gilbel·t \~TeJr. the, chief of the Mac.

I .. j '--..;...D_OG_··_DE_R_BY_R_A--:..C_E_R-..,.S ;.;.;.....INor-'-T_R_AI_N_IN-'-G,."--,

Donald Clan, I'~ad lhe 50 ,odd resolu. llons. Gilbert has u grent voice and t

cOlUmandlngJpresence, and by sheel 1'0rce of his personalltY-'llnd II. Jach DelllPsey·frown he managed In every case lo' say what he 1111d lo say before the gladiators with their tongues hlnged"ln 'lhe middle und bolh end~ I going. could get u right start; but In every case they made up lhe lost ground 'In short oi·del'. '

At the beginning of evCl'Y session. H. G. ,'fhornton of Little Souris had U8 nil singing like almost any bird you Il)te 10 mention. Crom canaries to ql'ows. lIe InvarIably slarted about It

lone and a hulf either lower 01' h.Jghel than lhe plano. and at leust two jUmps aheud. but· nobody minded that. They were out to enjoy the fun undo they uld. I

On ''lIuesday evening Mrs. T. W. Mc. Clelland and Mr. T. W. Knowles 01 Emerson wero .prosenled with lhe Murray' cup as the best dehuters' Ir, Manitoba. Bot)! re~led to the fine comilllments paid them.

A. C. McCullough told us all about the lUl'key debacle and hoped so, e 01 us would raise a few next year. even If the pr,ee was small this yeur. Then we.had ·Mr. Fo'rke'tell us something


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UNION 'BANK OF CANA.DA -59th Annu~l Statement, 30th NovembcJo, 102:) ,

l'ItO'"I 'I' AXD LOIiIi ,\CCOUX'I' Balance to credIt of accoun.t., 30th Nov.emb.r. 1922 ................................ $483.176.[j5 Trnnsferred to Contingent Reso,'vo Account. 19th Juno. 1923 ............ 331.910.6U

. $ 'Net Prollts for tho Year. aft.r doductlllg oxponses or mnllagement.

Intore.t due dep~ltors. reserving for Interest and exchunge. und muklng ful1 p"ovlslon ~o,' nl1 bad and doubttul debt •• hnve


amounted to ............ _ ...... _ .. : .................. u ................. _ ................................. .. ,- 1.033.432.16 $1.184.697.01 'Vhlch has boon appll.d as follows: ,

Dividends 144. 2%%; 145. 2%%; 146. 2%; 147. 2% ......................................... $ ContrIbution to Officers' Pension l:;"und .......................... _ ....................................... . 720.000.00

10.000.00 137.622.28 3t7.074.73


'Vnr Tnx on Bank Nolo ClrcullLtion. and nose,'vo for Illcome 'l.ax ............... . Balance of Prall ts cnrrled torwnrd ..... _ ............................ _ ..................... _ ..... _ .......... .

LI,\UILI'I'IEIi Capl tal Stock : ............................................ _ .......................................................................... $ Rest Account .................................................................................................. $ 1.7[j0.000.00 Balanco of Prolll and La •• Accounl carrl.d. (or"'ard........................ 317.074.7:1

• Unclnlmod Dlvl<l.nds ............... 1 ............. _ ................ _. __ ............................ 6.160.68 Dlvldond No. 147. pnynblo lSI Dec.mbor. 1923.................................... 160.000.00

Notes of tho Banle In Clrculatlon ............................................................ .. D.poslts' not bourlng Intero.t ................................................................ ..

.DeIJo.lt. beILrlng Illlerosl .......................................................................... .. AtiVlll1CCS undel" tllO li'lnnnce Act .......................................................... .. BIlIIlIIC •• dllo to olho,' Hanks In Canadll ........... , ............... , .................. .

10.3[j7.660.00 28.179.661.01 67.441.[j89.77

666.760.01 BnlllnceR due to Hnnks nnll Bnnldng Correspondents elsewhere Ihan In Cunaua........................................................................................

----- 116.734.805.01 Letters of CrMlt outstalldlng............................................................................................ 1.329.993.91 Llabllltl.s nol Includod In Ihe tor.golng ................................................ )"..................... 1.666.00

ASSETS Gold und Sliver Coln ......................... 1 .......................................................... $


DomInion Oovernmenl NOles...................................................................... 8.977.191.00 / ... \ 10,085.387.90 Deposll with lI11nlstor of Finance tor I purpose. of tho Circulation l"und 396.000.00

Delloslt In tho Conlml Oold R090rves ....................... ,............................... ...................... 2.800.000.00 Noles of olhor Hank............................................................................................................. 748.216.00 United StuteD nnd olhor l"orolgn Cul'rencles................................................................ 42.7111.27 Cheques on other Banles ..................................................................... _............................... 4.192.661.66 Blllnnces duo by olher BailIe. In Cllnnda ...................................................................... ( 97.614.22 Bnlnnces due by BUllics and Danklng Corl·oHp·lrts cl~cwhel'o than In Canndn 1.818.672.22 Dominion nnd Provlnclnl Gov't SccurIties not cxccedlng mnrlcct value........ 16,194.856.,13 CUllndllln Municipal Securillo •• lind British. Forelg" and Colonlnl Puullc

SecUl'ltles othe,' than Canadlllll. not excoodlng mllrkol valuo...... .................. Railway and athol' Bond •• DchentUl'es and Stocles. not .xceodlng m')('1 valuo 3.505.471.06 Call und Short (not oxceedlng 30 days) Lonns In Cann,la. on Bonds. Douen.

turon nnd Htoclts ............................................................................................................. . Call ond Hho,·t (not exceeding 30 dOY9) LOlln9 .180whoro thlln,ln Canlldu .... .. Domand Loan9 In Cnlludll securod by grain ............................................................... . 462.181.61

9.407.471.93 57,877.689.11 Lonns to Govornmont. and Munlclpalltlos ......................... :::.:...................................... 7.219.529.68

Othe,' Cu," ont Lonns Ilnd DI9counts I" Canllda (le9s rebate of IlIlol'esl)...... 53.488.949.19 Olhel' Cunellt Lonn. and Discounts clsewhe"e than In Cunndll (los. robale of

InlorOsl) ........................................................................................................................ \2 •. 184.830.73 Renl"l~"tatc other thlln Bllnk P'·omI80........................................................................... 262.866.811 Mo,·tgages on nonl' Estnle RaId by Ihe Bnnle.................................. .......... .... ......... 407.529.60 Non-Cul'ront r~onns. cstlmntcc1 108s lJrovldcd tor...................................................... 701,266.64 nnnic PI'cmIRoR, nt not more lhnn COHt. lesR nmounts written otT.......................... 2.377.507.39 f,lnhllllioR of Customor8 under Lellorft of Crodlt. ns per contrn............................ 1.3~9.993.94 Shnl'CS un<1 honds or nnel 1onn.s to controJloll comllnnlcH .................................. ~..... 2,1~9.71 too Olhel' ABsOt. not Included In tho foregoing................................................................ 9.777.23

NO'l'E: Bon,'s of the Gnnndlnn Renlty Corporation. Ltd .• to the oxtenl U~~.29!).679.311 ot $2.560.000. secured on premlseR lensod to'tho Bnnle. are In the,hands o[

I the Pnblle, ,'hr.so Bon'l~ do 1I0t nppoar In Ihe nbove Stntomonl. ns the Bnllie Is not dll'eclly l1able therefor.

W. II. ALLAN. l'reA/hlent., J. 'V. II,UIILTON. General ~llIn.lI:er. A UIJITOIIS' lIEl'OIlT TO TilE SIl,\l1Ir.1I01.nl~lI!i1

'Ve hnve nudllod the abovo Bnlnnce Sheot and comp,,,.<1 It with the boo Ie. and Vouchers at Head Ottlce alld with lhe certl/led relurns f"om the Bmnche.. I

'Vo have cheelced lhe cash. nnd verlned lho s.curillos "epreHonllng tho Invostment ofijthe Banle. nt ItR Chler OlOee nnd prIncipal Branches. Ilt a dllto olho,' thnn lhat of lhe veri ca­tlon nl the Chler Ottlco on tho 30th or Novemu.l'. !Jl23. and found that they woro III agroe­ment with the entl'leR In the hooles of the Banle relntlng thereto.

We rellort thllt wo hnve obtained all the Intormatlon nn,1 o"plnnnllons we havo 1'0-qulrerl. thnt I" our opinIon the trnnsnctlons at the Bnnle which hnve come under 0111' no lice hove been withIn the powers of tho Banle. and that In 0111' opInion the above statoment discloses the true condltloll of the Dank and Is ns shown hl' the haoles of Ihe Bnnk.

T. HARRY WEBB. Fl. S. READ. Au',lItors.

" .

, , A .I

• • i ,...,

\ f


.of lite at Ottawa. und the HIJn. Johu Brllclren addressed an audience that hadn't u hostile voice among tilCm. Among the farmers the Hon. John is considered just ubout right. /

Then we must have u new Presldenl .fOl· 1924. Colin tilled the bill s" wei he just naturally stayed on lhe job. ,~-------------------------------

of the IIl'm of OEOnGE A. 'l'OUCIIE & CO. Wlnllipeg. Dec. 19. 1923.

• • • .. ...

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J ~



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• • • • • ' .

. with Alphabetical Poole as Vice. C. M. Elliott. the manager of the

·\V1ulit.t Pool told us ull about the WQ"'Ir. lng's' of It; and Incidently cleared up few stray: points. Of courlje til ere was " a discussion.' My. My! Evel'ybody thought he had IL' strangle·hold on tile contract. But most of us were quite satlstled that the 1 pool should have a trlul. anyWay. " .. ' \ : r . ,MI'. CI'erar was to speak on some ' Cunadlan problems,) but .was Ottawa. ma~lng some ' fOI' the ovel·worli.ed newspapers tc , .





, I \ .

There is .noi ;unceriainly about , ,

, -., I I

• , • guarante~d by the Domiiliott

Goyernment.. . IS


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·imell.Qbsety,er:<lrrehl!rile; Man.~$2.00 pe~Ye~ , ." THE HOME PAPER FOR VICTORIA AND GREY ~~--~----~------------~~~--~'~--------------~----------------~


• . , . \

. '

7Uhy·Fo~ PredoIninate~

• • •

-Proof that Ford predominates is to be fo\.tnd in the fact that 50 per cent of all cars in Canada are Fords;

I .' , Ford'predominates because it supplies the essen­tials of adequate, economical transportation. '

Ford has been .the· pioneer in. the automotive i~­dustry; has blazed the trial in every fundamentally sound transportation'principle.

Ford service is an outstanqing example of Ford predominance. Authorized Ford serv'ice is to be found wherever motor cars are used-always capable, business-like and prompt. , More than 4,000 service assurance of this.

, - J stations in Canada' are

See Any Authorized Ford' Dealer



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• • , .


, '



.\ , , ~.



are not as good as reasonable wages and·steady employment, The grealest

(Written by a Member) hope for Manitoba Is that the people are aware of the problem and arc lie·


On Monday, 1MI': 11, B. Grlffi~hs, ler\nlned to solve It. He felt that the l;clrntllOllt • member for Russell, Government sllould spend economical·

reply to the Speech "from Iy and efficiently and that the Depart· ,; ... - ,He spoke'.!n a very ealrn.,stl ment of Marketing ought to be cI'caled mlllllier and with deep appreciation ot He closed with a promise that the

problems facing Manitoba. Government would meet the proble!'1 . The next speaker was Mr. Muirhead of the closed schools an,1 solve It, n~

from Norfolk. ,His. was more a partl· they propose to solve olhel' probl<.'m~ san speech, congratulating the Gov· [acing the people of Manitol,a, ernment on their bY'election snccesses All the Committees ha"3 nC'o!n or· , '1'he next speaker was Hon. T. C. ganlzed and the Chal!'mt"l "JlPointl'ci, Norris, who, In one of the ablest ad and It lis expecte,l thai b: next wel'k dresses that he has evel' delivered III the Honse will get dOW.l to real bus I· tile' House, dealt wltll the dllrerent ness. IlUbUc quesUonll of the day. He point· Our next letter will deal ed out that. the Dominion Government general legislation nl'\J,:oIv could assist the farmers by taking the forward. .

WIPI lhe br,mgn t


duty .olr fal'm Implements. The Gov· ernment could. assIst the farmel' by

for cheap agricultural crt: dlts. He warned the administration .that unless they carry forward the pOlicies 01' the Liberal Party, they

I would be condemned at the next elec· tion. He slloke strongly In favor 01 I!'arm Loans, Rural Credits and tile Provincial Bank, and advIsed the Gov· ernment to keep these liS sepllrate In·

ASPIRIN Beware of Imitations!

• •



"Pape's Gas,

Diapepsin" Indigestion or


L .... ~~~~ Sto,?:.a~~l'l1 1.111 ....

InsllLntly I Stomach corrcded I You ne,'cr fL'CI the slightest distrCHS from indigestion or IL PoOllr, Ileidl gassy stom, neh, after YOIl ent IL !nhlcl of "Pnp"'~ DinJlepsin," The moment it rellches thl) stomlleh 11\1 SOllrness, 11Illllitmce, henrt· hllrn, gn.s\'.~, pilipiintioll IIl1d pllin tlis· IIppellr. Dnlggit>lH gllllrllntco clleil p"ck· Il"G to rorl'pct. dirtcsLion nt oncc. ]~Ild

b . '" YOllr slomllch tronble for few ccntfl,

,I Here'~~d~here -II ~ stltutlons. He WIIS gilld that the Gov·

ernmen.t had fought the express com· , panles lind hoped that th'e day would

'{loon dl\wn for IIsslstllnce In rllilway

Quebec dly is IIgum bc"oming the MccclI of win.cl·-loving touriats. Ar-l'UIIg'l'l.l1lents for lhl' Corthcomintr , I n

J~ate8. : ' ; . The next speaker, was John 'Queen, leader of tile :t:abor Party. Mr. Queen was· not In lils 'usual'good (orm. His

l'Ul'lll\'A, nrc n.:mring completion llnu

, ';J.lurts.,?~ all kineis. incl. ding tobog­un s airllg 0:, th~ four-tr:ltk "helte

JII lJufierin Tennce, u,'e in full ':3wing.

was strongly SOClllllstic, IInli he delighted, to hell I' the l'rovln· cllli '1'rellsurer say thllt there would bl a deficit this yellr. He urged that Jill'

. , mlln rights clime before the rights ot capital.' He promised the Government the sUllport or' hIs pllrtY'j( they would Increase the expenditures, especially In I'eglu'ds to Motilers' Allowllnce. He WIIS afrllid that the Government WIIS following th'e policy of all cllpl tallstic

The mill!. W"ut:1Cr prevailing In QUe-bl'C until, rect'ntly great:y hin­.iere~ lumbering operut:ons ill the province. This situation, according to :III'. Piche. Chief Forester, hnd ucen adjusled, however, by Illte falls uf snow, and thc totlll cut hila ueen

ad m In Is tmtions. . '1'he next speaker was Major F. G.

Taylor, leader of the Conservlltlve \ Pllrty. In opening his remarks he con·

grll tuillted the mover and secondel' on their IIddresses. He agreed wltll a great delll that the leader of the Lib eral Pllrty had .stated, ~ut said that on genei'al principles the Governwent 1I11d failed to cllrry' out II single Illank In their platform. In the election In Mountain tile only IInswer the Govel'll' lIIent gave to crIticism was, "Well, we found, the province In heavy debt, lind what can we do?" His anJlwer would be that when the Govel'nment took of· fice they knew of this debt, and pro· mlsed In their- cllmpalgn literature to relieve the province of Its burden: but Instelld of doing thllt they hlld placed '$2,000,000.00 more tllxes on the people of Manitoba. He eXPI'essed the vlew'thllt tile Speech from the Throne did not gIve a full legislative PI'ogl'lIm lind trusted thllt the" . Governwl'!nl

Unless yon see the "Dnyer Cross" on pllckage or all tnblets you nrc not gL-!.· ting the gcnuine llll~· .. r Aspirin proved Sllfo by milliolls 'Inti prt'Ncribe,1 by physicill1l8 over lwellty·three YCIl"" for

Coltls Rontlllcho 'l'()Qlhacho I.UIII bllgo Neuritis 'BheUIIIJltiRm Neuralgia. Pnin, Plliu

Accept ,knayer TnbleLs, of J\spirill" only. ]'~ach unbrokon pnckll!;e COli til ills proven directiolls. TIllntly huxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drllg' gists Illso seIl boLtlt'S of 21 ,,1111 lOll. Aspirin is the tl'lldc II1llr1c (r"gi"tered ill Call1ldll) of Dllyer lIfllnuf""llll'e of ~rOllO­lIeetiCllcitlester of H"Ii'·\'li,·"cill. WiI lie it is well known lh"L' Aspirin nWlllIS D"yer mllilllfllcturc, to ns"ist till' public Ill(llill"t .imitlltiolls, the 'r"hlels of TIllyer Com pliny wiJI h" "tllll1l"',1 wi4h lheir gencr"l trude mllrk, tim "Buyer Cross."



,,'ould tiring forward m,easures thllt Ttle editor sat In his sancl UIII, and would help to relieve the problems 01' an angry man was he, fOl' II fellow hlld

farinel's of Mllnltobll. He pl·om· brought IL colullln of stuff IIl1d Willi ted . that 'the Conservative Party' In It printed free-a column 01' stuff thllt Session would examine very CIII.·",llIdvertLsed lind boosted his private any prollosed,expendltures by the gllme;. but he IlIIdn't the helll·t to loos·

Government, as he. felt tile people 01 cn up good greenbllcks t'or the sllnlli. Manltoba")Vere entitled to Il reduction And the plltlent editor slIld lit Illst (III In expenditure. He closed. his IIddress though he seldolll \swore) _ he'd be In'exllresslng the opinion tiUlt the PIlo, double·dllnged If he'd be stung as octen Ille .of Mllnltoba' would yet succeed te. before. "You mllke lIIe Slid, you

~ solve their problems and that Mllnl~o· mllke me mild, you make lila good and ba would yet cOllie Into her own In weary. I'll print you nothing free, by due, season. 'gad. bu II nice obltUIII·Y." '1'1\0 editor

'1'he next sllellker was tile Premier, Slit In his sanctum at lIle end of a pel" Mr; Bracken.· He stated that his lid fect dlly-for six subscribers hlld

.l<lre:ss would delll largely with the ques· brought hard cllsh,thelr honest dues to lion of IIgrlculture. Two things were PIlY. And a nllm hlld stopped to l)l~dse to' be noted ,In, regar~1i to. this: thllt the Times lind say with' III pleasant

"""".thls year was the lowest In smile. "It mnks with tho library, vol' .... since 1900:, and' secondly, that school lind chul'ch In maklng'tho tO\vn

farming was Increllslng In worth while. From day to dny, In ov· I:~~~~:~~~bl~' Wheat produc,tlon this yelll' ery way It beller gl'OWS, and better; I· $23,000,000.00:1 oats $17,000 .. the W'IIY yon've worked for a piIlY'

UU'U.tIU; barley· $lO,OOO,O!)O.OO: ryo pllrk hilS mllde my boy yonI' ,2000,000.00 and flax $3,000,000.00. He .The editor Slit In his sanc w~s glad to 'note .th'at ,the dairy 111'0' ducts 01' the provlnce.had now become tum', encouraged and elated. His head 'one, of thel Important ,lndusll'les and WIIS bald and his bUnions gnlled, but the .valus', this 'year h,e, felt appreclated.-BOB ADAMS. and ' , '\ , . ---:-----


Beauty . .. ....;..._--A,Gleainy; Mass of Hair


bruLght up to nornwl. I

There nrc 300 ports IIl1d harbors on the eOllsts of Cnnutlll. Thl! ma­Jority arc, of course, smllll affllirs the big port~ not exceeding six: !Iowe,'cr, aile of Canndn'. port~, 1Ilontl'elll, ranks sixth amun!: til .. worlrl's ports IIntl third on the basis ot' export business done during th .. seven month. in which it i. OPCII,

Newsprint production in Cunnda for the elevell months ol 1923 cnd­ing in November WIIS 1,11l6,225 ton!, as compared wilh !l!l3,!l8!l tons for thl' same peoriotl in 11l22, the incrensu ucing equal to 17 per cent. Th .. estimated protluctlon lor· the yenr i. 1.270.000 tons, or 189,000 to 11K over thnt for 1922.

'Phe vllille ol Cllnadn's 1923 r:raln crop is estimated by the Dominion 13l1ronu of Statistics lit $892.572.300. Of this totnl approximately $450,000 is credited to the t:lree prai"i" prov­i.nces. ,It is interllltin~ to note that while the figure. lor Manitobll and -SaskatchrwlIn are below those or tho year W22. tho<e of Alberta are above by over $~;;.OOu,OOO .

Grnin marketed alollg the Cana­dian Plleific Raihray in 1923 totalled lR'i,G'1222.1 bushels, all increa"e or :la.:12.1.619 bushels over any similar period in the railway's history. Th. !ncrcnse in bushel. shipped was 13.­OHG.7aO, or 9.2 pOl' cent over 1922, nnd 83.1 per, cent ol the total amount markelA.'il hatl been shipped by D~­cember :lrd.

Government statistics f!stimate th_ a"rle crop of Cllnada for 1923 at 10,704,r.oO boxes, which, at an ~8ti­mated nv~rar:e ol $2 a box, makel the value a little over $21,000,000. By provinces the estimated prod!lc­tion was as follows: Nova Scotia, 1i,250.000 boxes;- British Columbia, 3,12·1,000; Ontario, 2,275,000; Que­bec. 110.000: Ilnd New Brunswick, 35,500.

A herd of 20 buffalo hi loon to bp shipped from Wainwright Park, Alta., to the Yukon, where a pme preserve is to be laid out ia the cen­tral part of the territory. This an­nouncement was made here by Rob­ert ,Lowe. or White Pus, Yukon

"ferrltory. 011 hi. way back from Ottawa, whe~ he arralilted lOT th .. IIhipment. •

• The Bnn!! WintAtr Carnival i. to bp. hcld from February 2nd to 11th, ID24, both dates inelu.ive, and wlll rUII concu'M'ently with the Banff Bonspiel, which will be held from February 4th to 9th, lnehnlve, A

" widely V'IITied and attractin pro­gramme h .. bean arranc.d, culmin­ating in a Grand Oamlnl dance, when the Carnival Qu.an tor 192' will be an."Iounce·d and croW1lad, . ,

Among the New Year'lI honors for 1924 one of tho most popular i. the award of lIhe C.B.E. by His Maj •• ty

,the King to Captaill S. RobinllOn, R.N.R., who. It will be recalled, sn , d istillgU'ished him.elf in command of th~ Canadian Pacific S.s, "Empress. or AUltrali~" durine the J apanea.

'(JJfSDBro..- and I. now eommandln, the Pacific S.s, ."Empr ... or

Canada" for that .,_el'. forthcom­ing world cruisl',

The beauties of the LaUTentian Mountains, which bave already at­

the attention of. movlne pie-

.. I::j~~;;!;,:~~;:~~:~~ •• ;a'l~re~,. continulne to 'I The latest to

~.~~~~8}~~~~ls~~t:he DII- / .tarr-...... ,"'.. l]lInr.11I Naele,

at Gray the New

A ,reature of co~oPeratlon

j:~t;;~~I~~:r~:l~;~~~d~cO' tellm,' ·.of. flv. - '. I




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• • •

,. , . . \\. The Times-Observer. Trelierne, Man.-$2.00 pel' Year ....

~------------~--~--------~------THE HOME PAPER FOR SOUTH NORFOLK

\ ., ~:":":":":":":":":":'f:":":":":":":":":":":":'.: •• : •• : .. : .. : •• : .. : •• : .. :.,: •. : .. : •• : •• : •• : .. : •• : •• : .. : •• : .. : •. : •. : •• : •• : •• : •• : .. : .. : •• :_ I HOLLAND LOCALS TREHEfiNE LOCALS .:. J ' • •• ·i·

~l~ Stock-taking ,:Specials a£ Harvie' s ~i~ -Mm. Thos. Moore visited Treh.el'~e • :. J .1. lusl week.

-Mrs. S. A. McKeaguo of Winnipeg, nl'1'.v",d 011 \Vednesday for 1\ Yislt o . II couple or ,,:eeks with her dallghte i\lrs, \'al SchweltzCl'

~ y A Y

:1: LADIES' FANCY KID and SUEDE BOUDOIR SLIPPERS ,:i: :l: Regular $2.00 per pair ............................ :.On Sale ai $1.20 :!: :l: FLANNELETTE: - , :j: :j: t 36 inches wide, colored. Regplar 35c. per yard. :i:

• •• -A . .T. Gardiner oC Cypress H.lver WIlS a bUoines8 \"sitor In town last \\ietlnesday llI;d Thursday. ,

• • •

• • • -!lI'ilS ,Helen Turnbull I of Rathwel: was a [lIlssonger to 'l'reitol'lle \Vcdnes· day and wlil remain a week with nIl·S.

( '.' . • ,

\ .' III •

• "


;~Hm;~:;H;i:mmi~:m*mm;Hiim:Hii::!H;£:mmtmi!i::H:tH:m::;~:t:m:;::iHi!:i:1:!\t:-:;::m;':!M::i::mmif:fm::;i;!u;~ m ~

m HARNESS REPAiR 'TIME ~ m ~ i!i At this season of the year, when you have lots of spare time, itl ill leok over your Harness. It may need new parts, or I'opalrlngl. ~ 'J' And In any case it should be well oiled, so as to be In good con· t: lil dltlon for spring work. ADAIR has everything for getting and l~ m Ikeeplng your. harness in good shape, and NOW Is the time to If: !~ l,; see him about it. ~~l :U • ii: . :

y y -Mrs . .Tas. H.lnn vlsi ted wlltll friends In Wlunlpeg last week, return'ng on Satlll'uay. :1: On Sale at 2 yds. for 55c. :!:

:1: LADms' WOOL UNDERWEAR-Special Price $1.50 a Garment :1: -so McClellan :11:n: a few da)'B of :1: HEAVY FLOWERED KII'tl0NA CLOTH-To Clear at 45c. a yd: :~ last weol, In Winnipeg.

~ ~

lias ~,!~.l. ADAIR'S LEA, THER G(])ODS Si-10P ~.

-Mrss. Douglas Stewnrt. who ill b I It I I \"1 I f I' :.: ( , lr.

llensclwood. , • •• cen v s ng n "nil I)og or lle :m;m::~::mmmmmmmmtmmmm:mmmm:mm!*m:m:mmmmmmm:m:mm:Uilm:m:mmmmm*m~:aE

paRt two weeks retlll'ned to Trehern :i: MEN'S FLEECE-LINED UNDERWEAR :!:. · · . II I $1 0 G . -1I:uold Curll Is spending a few :i: I In a sizes, on Sa e at ........... .................. . 0 per, arment' :!: days wllh his parents hero \)1':01' to :i: MEN'S AND BOYS' PULLOVER AND COAT SWEATERS :1: lal.Ii'~ II trIp lu ~a~!mtoon and other

:i: All colors on our Bargain Counters at 20% Discount. :l: WeS(e.'Il pulnts. •

:i: 10% DISCOUNT OFF ALL LADiES' HOSE. Call and see them. :1: • • • 1 • ·-~h s .. J. D. Scott lind son Hal'yey of

:1: MEN'S AND BOYS' HEAVY WmTER CAPS :!: 'f.cltl'lllO spont 'l'hUl'srlay With 1111'. A ~ . A I' • t t '20 0 ! D' • and JOlI·G . .T as. Hamilton. :i: rca nice aS50rlmen a....... ................... .. ... 10. I_eoun. :i: ••• ::: A FEW PAIRS OF LAmES' KlD DANCiNG rUMPS ::: -Mls. Shnrman was a passenger to :!: Odd sizes, to go out at .. ~ ..... , ......................... $1.95 per pail' :i: Sourl.1 I,lst Saturday. lit

.;- CHILDREN'S WOOL TOQUES - ::: • • • Clll'll Sl)ellt a '.' I . ·-:\11'. lind ~11'S. II. I';. :1: -In a v,:riety of co ors ............................ Sale Price, 70c. each :i: ,jew .days last week In Wlnnipbg, reo

:1: FOR SATURDAY ONLY! :1; I tUI'I1 ;:g home Sat~I1~I~y noon.

• !. 4-pounel pails pure Strawberry or Raspberry Jam. .!. -c. \'[Jechman of '1'reherne yislted

:!: " 95c. per pail :i: l:lWIl llOlwecn tJains on f-Ionday. • :. I ••• • ••

A '~ .:. ••• -11obl .. ·i' + I caewed

. 1/1I\is of Windthorst, SnslL, old acquaintances here last

• •• ~l~ JL Ao HARVllIE ~l~ week.

.:. Th C t I St T! 1I,If .!- -::'11'. and Mrs. Geo. lllllcitwell au,l :1: e en ra ore r~ Ierne, tuan. :i: Iitlie daughter SI1Il'Iey vislWd wltil • :. .:. I elatl\ e,l In town oYer the weelt end.

\Vcdnesday. • • •

I -V. E. Schwellzel' Wlts.>U passenger \V:nnl[,eg 'ruer.uItY night and will b away all week.

• • • "':".Tas. Dclgaty, wife and family of Von· otla, SaslL, are guests at the forl11er's hOUlj! hel'e. 1\1 1'. Delgnty OXllcCts to lemain in l\Ilmllobn.,

• • • • -\V. n. Palmer left last week for De· lI'olt, Mich., and Is now 111 the employ of the Ford !lIolor Co. · .... -MI·R. T •. Marlatt and two dllughtel's of Rathwcll WOI e visitors In 'rl'eherne Oil Monday .

• • * ·-C. \Viechl11an was a passenger to Holland on Monday .

• • • .f. R. Scot land \\T. Mc('re~(rr of 'rrc·

Iwrlll? and T~. Mal'lati of Unthwcll jour· neyed 10 CyprcsH River on jMonclar un,l alll'ntied a meeting pertaining to the nox' OilS weed problem. · ...

-:-.: •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : .. : .. : .. : •• : •• : •. : •• : •• :,.: .. :_.: .. : •• : .. : •• : .. : •• : .. : .. :.o:.t: •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : .. : .. : .. : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •. : •• : •• : •• :. -Rm' . .T. A. Connlo, Supt. of Missions, • • • - had ehargo or tho Union chlll'l'h SCI'

- -Dour;las Clarke ot Nesbitt vlslled I vices on SlIIlIlay and gl~ve two InRtrllc '.vlill MI'. and JIll'S. II. K Curll o\'cr live lallts on lho g1'llve l'<ow Canadian

JiiWUilD'DSm"'t.r:sgK!':l!':t1'I>J2W"wrMt&@ib&ij ii'WNW tti"MIWlWMn:tJINJ£!ii9F,SE ,.,;,.s';nnmrn . I

N~w§ --------~--~~------~----~--=-----. ' I

We are no~ asleep. Just watch our smoi{e next week. If you want real bargains come •

. ,11, week cnd. sltual ion. • • • • • • ;

'1--1\~CJOI'~' 'r .. lJotlgc, C. Dllnn'd, A. -City VIRilol'R last w(,pl{, w{'r(l 'rnn' ,I.OVIC anel J. gilgl'sh are altcntllng lV!\oon. It. P. Morrison, ThOR. Natllass

the J~lInil[l\el In ']'reherl)o. (his "/')01(. I \V. J. Illlslon and Jas. Stm:enson. • • • * • •

-J. C:mllnings WllS a Cypress RI vel \'I"ltol' on Monday. · ....

--Mrs. n. Darl,v;ctl IIn,l l'iIIl,II'f't1 1'(,. tUI'n"tl 1'1'0111 \Vinnl[>1'1I lo'l'itlay. IInvlng heen In Ihe city for about a month.

• • • ,·_·MI·. anel i\11·s . .fohn::; l1:lh r"tlllned I from ~\'mnldeg on 1\10nd,\/. -A11l0n~ th" I':aton ('l1rl~I'R hl'I''' n r

• • • Ratllnlay wns Isaac Staples, an old· • • I lImol' of lids dlst rlet. -.\II"s hate, Campbell :o\lIl'lwd ,II) •••

j';1':lIHIGn hlbt weelc. I • • •

·-1". Gilmore relurnod to \\'Illnl[>eg on ~londi!.)' ovelling.

• • •

is- CENT SALE! i ~ . i BUY ANY ARTiCLE IN THIS LIST AND WE WILL GiVE YOU i : ANOTHER LIKE IT FOR 5 CENTS! : ~ . ~ : • This Offer is good up to and including, Saturday, January 26th. .. : : : Men's and Boys' Fine Shirts in sizes 12 to 18. Now is t ! your chance to get a Sunday shirt for 5c. ~ : Men's nod Boys' Sweater Coats and Pullovers. ~ ~ Men's and Boys' Pullover Mitts. i i Men's and Boy~' Winter Caps, with aIld without fur ear- ~ o laps. ~ i Men's Ties t • AIl our Fine Serge, in blue, black and brown. Buy one .-i yard at the regular price and get another for 5c. ~ o .All Our Fine Fancy China. Buy one piece at the regular t ~ ~ price and get one of the same quality for 5c. : ! Get stocked up in this line for making Wedding : ,~ and Birthday Gifts. China will always please. t : I!adies' ,'md Children's Vests : i' Buy one at the regular price and get one for 5c. : 4?> Ladies' and Children's Drawers .. ~ I· ;; Buy one at the regular price anel get one for 5c, : ~ Ladies' and Children's Fleece-Lined 'Bloomers .. ~ Buy one at the regular price anel get one for 5c. i: i Ladies' and Children's Wool Scarf Sets .... Buy one at'the regular price and gel one for 5c .. ! Make Your Cows Give More Milk, t Buy one bag of our Milk Producer at 50c. and i

\I •

m. We have quality merchandise 'and -Normlln 1Ilulthews Is vlsll'ng with

-: 1~(lwin Pariwi' 1('l't on the 1·1Ih nne' Is now a member of the Canad;,,'· Dan It of Commerce staff Ilt ViI:lIen. His nll\ny friends w\llh him nil SllCCO~S In h's new position, · .,.

hid sisler, Mrs. Geo. Thomas. \

: get an extra one for 5c. more. i : TljESE PIUCES ARE FOR CASH ONLY. CASH WE MUST HAVE. of)-: ~ right . • our pnces are

Trt~lh<ertltllce' <C8ls1h "§1t<O>Tf<e w. I RUSTON,' Ge,neral Merchant /

Phone 52 I - \ ,. TREHERNE '.

• • • -A Illost enjorable and dell;;htrul ev· , I enln~ was spent at the hoino or Mr. ,I-A Iru'ge cl'Owd atlended the !Iebate, anll ;\II's. ,r. Pen'le on Jllnl.lllry 15. eel,,'

,I,n tho Mcthodlst church 1I10miay bratlng the tenth anuivcrs!ll'r or thell nl;:ht untier tho ausp'ces of the Dewa wed ,li;1 1;. ']'ho party began at half club. '1'he subject for dcbate' was: past seven, !Iml arter the suppcr thn "He.oLv'cd, that Capitai' Punishment evening was F,pont In car!l·\llllv·nf.; .;llOtiltl 'be Abolished." MI'. Dicit AI. checlters, dancing and singing. Those Inn and i\lr: CliJlortl Dlglow' handled' present were ontertalned by Misses the afflrlllative A'de In a very nble Florence an!l Hazel \Valdon: Illso ITnr·

• old Waldon, with t1W Illghlaml I~l!nr; n;ll!lUor whHe Mr. Alex 1.01'10 and olVIl'. alia' Broom Dance. Lunch was sol'vc(1

. : I <G~(Q). T. ClUlll'll'Y i 9 TREIlER~E, MAN. PI-IONE lOG i ..................................... •• 9

• • • •• '. .... • ....... f ' ••••• ' ••• , ••• " •• '.' '.ft ••• ,. 0 •••••• , ••• ' ••••••••• '.' .: •• : •••••••• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : .. : •• : .. : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : .. , __ 1

.. s. 51 "Pi", J ", •

.lull Stevenson tool, the negatlyo. Tile oii.~u..thO dancI'ng \WHlt on. ngaln until ju<J;;e~ wllre Mossrs. ~l~I~', ColpItts: fl1,}fb 'ClpER' In the, mOl'lilng. Fjveryone anel, .fohn Clal'lta lllld gllye the dec;s· I~t:t: for l)oJlle at olght o'cloelt feelim'

Canada's Cisltqries' 'production dur­ing 192:1 is ,cstlmn ted to be worLh' $40,000,000. A t the beginning of the rcar it WitS nut thought that any­thing like this mark would be reach­ed, for lhe Fordncy tarifr hnd cut deeply into exports to the United Stu tes. But as the year wore on the demand and prices generally im­proved, thus giving fiRhermen along the Atlantic l'OUst espec ioll y a much bettcr market.

, Port Arthur'S building \ permits !<>r lhe ten months ending October showed a total of $2,632,055, which Is the biggest building year in lhe history of this Ontllrio city, exceed­ing even the total for 1021, ono or lho real estate hoom yellrs.


• • .. • •

, . , - ---- -~- ----- - - - -7" - --- -:-1 --.-.-----~ , ,

R.El~1 ER'N'E ,

Flour, Mill ,

We are again making 2 grades of Flour. Our first grad~, or Purity Patent. 'is seco;ld to no~e. In addition to the above. we h~ve anothe~ grade -our St~aight grade.' Both :varieties are of pre-war quality. .

I ' We are always in the market for wheat, . W~ are gristing every day. Bring'in y~ur \~heat in qual,1tities and take your flour a~ you require it. ' . . 'j .-

, '

,- c. Wi¢.~.hrnan \ I 11a.~:. \


- ,

Your ,Batteri , <'

'Needs, Attention "No'w'" f " • ,

, , .... - ...l ,.

. 'And We are h'ere, to, do" it •. ' WET' STORAGE:-$S.OO for wint~r mOllths,

. mopth if Battery is brought ill'·fuIIY:t~harged.

DRY STORACE-$7.50, with • gua~antee '- , \ I l I

.' ,. "

Ion In' favor of the ncgaLlve. . , t'red'but happy art(\I' their jolly time . • • • j I I ~~''', \'...

(r " ' -Nm:t 1I10ndny' night Uw clDb. wm "";~';(Hda' Conference' nnd Heliglouf m~el III tlte same Imillling anti ,the m((iti!\tf!oll Convontion wlil' be hold at meettng will bo ,01' n ·I1'.I111,llle 101'111:: 1Ii~; Union, 'Ch'urch, Trehel'lle, undet Everyone Is welcome. COllle ami [liso thj.auSJllcos of the Union Church, Tro bring a friend, he~llo,. F'ebrunry Hh, 8th nnd 9th, un·

d()f Ute auspices of Dlatl'lct No. ]0 0'

/ th~ HIE.C., of Munltoba. 'rhe Dlstrlc' INSTp,~LLATION OF OFFICERS SeCl'otary Is the Rey. H. :qlekson 01 Approximatcl:r $5,000.000 will be

spent- by the Dominion Coni Com­Cyprens RiveI', and tlte program. pany to open up a now mine and

Ideul Rel\ecC1\ Lodge I·nd J;xcela:"r ",h'c!1 has been Issned, llrOIl}lsos colliery at Lingan, Nova Scotia, and Lodg", 1.0.0.F., met laRt ~ 'III, i;d[lY Rnlendld re8ults to thOde Illtel·l.lsted ill. coltHtruction of a 'branch line of rail-alight 101' the Jlurposo of Insta\1alion or' I he work. • • • I wily to the new sito hilS already been oft'lcel·s. 'I'hoMe Install'JJ '~Il· : " ,"' 'slarted. The new colliery will be

, ' Ideal 1';\LL".!t .. · • -0):1 91111r1le. tho Smith bllrn yo tel" cCJ'lipped with every, modern devic.e, J.P.G., O. Biglow, D . .Tcrrt:oy an,,: Is dead. Char\1o hus been the fu ~nd ~ !11~del town. Will be planned. III N G \ C n 'Ie I 'Fat"'" 'ol:lt atllll"by 1'01' (Inllcllte jobs In Its VICllllty. It Will h.nve a eapaclty

• " i., ar eg , ~. _.b \ \.' e .. u ~ -. of some 2 000 tons dllIly. I'.G .. A. 1'·el'l'is".T. Hoss l'Ol'lle ,flesh, fo,r mlluy years. Charlie ~ , R. S.: I~. Gal'vle, G, DJaclnve\1. Eloyed the old school hou~e lo Its The tenllt ann'InI Sid TOllrnam~nt L.S .. M. 'rhompson, IIz Curll Ill'e);onL' locat on yellrs a~o. \Vltenev· will be hel,1 at Rev<Jlstoke, I~cbl'Ual'y 'rI'eRA., M. AtlIalll, I~. Ca'n;Ipboll 1,1' 'bhere has been a job wherl) brawn &th and 6th, in connection with which lU:l.N.G.: M. Moll', H, Di·ake. t'IH\ 'llI·t!lns Illust be combiner! In 011(' sld-jorlng, toborganing, snowshoe-' L.S,N.G,. ~\ ... 1:..esllo, . A.' I"errls hor~e, qharlle ju;;Vnatlll'lllly got t1l ing, skating, etc., will be featured R S V G )l D I' S II..i·, ' d I I I I An endeavor is being made to secure . , . '..... ra \0, ' • IIruy, jobl- lIe move tIe le[l\'Y mc I nen h d [ . ,., . . l ' .,' ute atlen ance of Uno Illstrom, V.U., N. 'rllOmpson, A . .famlesln of' L la--:rhlles of I Ice Into place with a' <'! I' I . k' . , , .," "we( en s C InmplOn s I-Julllper. II~

.1.. Pllry;s, J English >' tl,l.e ,'car9fulness of a human being well as other fllllloUS sid-jumpers O. G., Sis. Biglow, A. Morrow . IIls';,teant Prlnco, (lied a' yep from both Canadn and the United Wnrd., Sis. Morrow, F ... Purvls .: toam hl\d been pon J Slutes, ' Cond., Sie. Stauffer, W. Pentland ' and dast 'l\Ionda- . - . Chap., 1\1. Mog:;ey, W. Down his old pal tn th/) Canada in 1:J2:J prodl1c~d moro, RS.S. and L.T~.S., J .. Langmnn , following his f!1~.' coa\, \!!IId, cobalt and as.bostos. t~an Gool-ge McGill \"" Is mourned by all during any oUler year slllee milling

After' Ute lnstall/lLion a dnlnty Innc11 ' - 'ho I new, hlml recurds have been,kept. 'I'he output I SOS, \\,. ( ; or coal Was in the neighborhoud· of

wns'llerved by the Rebeccns nnd for ., • • 17,300,000 tons, or 685,000 lons bet-.a coupl,e Of. hour,S carJ~ w~I'e enjoyed, ' tel' than the bn 1t previous recor(l, • pu,iishtlarH of Rulli class of th" ] , ., 'f"" regular me.ellng In n~d 2,000,000 tons over, that in 1922. PRESE'NTATION TO SUNDAY , The output of copper, nickel, cement

. ' SCHOOJf SUPERINTENDENT t on, Jan. lOllt. 'I'he meet· lind asbestos was also much above , .. ' by singing a hynui. that for thc preceding years. Gold

A'vel'y, pleasant '~£tllerl~g took dent read 'th' production :was down somewhat, but In'';,.;; on Tuesday' evenIng, when 'the The' minutes, of ,th' this waR due 1110re to n power sltort~

rflcierli": teachers and adult DIble Class then rend, and til' ege-than anything olse. , : pledge fl' .,'

l\1elluidlst'Sunday School met As a result of ef:ods.on the part IIUI:lUr DavId Evans, who' has"held members prer of Han. J. A. Robb, Minister of 1m.

J' • h Our leuder OUllce., of SbIlerlntendent of t e migration and Colonization, u 20 per U\I,daJ,:,S:eb,ool' for, tbe Illllst 27 of sevel' cent. preference rate 'on Allantic

1~~C:~~!J2~.~~~~;~i/l~n~t~e:~~':V!lIS. A .inltlate~ 1\ passages. for all British immigrants Ii: hall settling.· in Canada" been ar-ranged to come into on March 1 and un end of the main, at the' end of only

~~i'.!~ra~~~/~~'r~i~ direct :\jan,aaa ,~ Isles, coming to

CamlCla e,;porteti ~4,778,000 worth or cheese to various countries dur­ing the month of October, lin in­,)rcnse of $1,221,000, over the total vltlue of cheese exported in October, 19i:2. 'rhe United Kingdom was by iur the lar::-esL con.qumer, hIking 215.000 cwt., valued at $1,634,000.

Accordin,;: to an announcement of Hnn. E. II. Armstrong, Premier ot Nova ScoUa unci Minister of Mines, the coal production of his provinco fur this year will rallch at IcaHt 6,200,000 tons, an inc'nmse over Inst ycur's proc\uclion of 4,642,19U ton>! of more than 1,500,000 tons. 'l'nu outlook fur H)2~ is encouraging.

Tl:e Prince of Wales, un:eGH inter­fered with hy affairR of state, In­tends to make IlllnulII visits to' his Alberta l'Illlch, William Carlyle, supcrintt'ndcnt oC tho E. P. Rancoh, \ toid the members of the Canadian Society of 'l'cchnieal Agriculturists III a:ldre~sin:; them at. 'l'olonto re­cently.

- Fur tranrrs In the di~bnt rarta of Alberta, Sa~lmtchcwan lind hl'it-

,iolt Columhin, ordinllrily weeks lind months frOIl! mail s'ervice, ~re now gutting regular quotations on furs Irom the Cal!~flry llernld'. rudlo bro~c!custing service.

'rlto annual winter carnival at 'Banff, which is yearly becoming

popular; and is attracting' .m,tting enthusll:sts from all parts

tlte continent, will be held Feb­runry 2-{!, 192,1, while the B~"f! annual bQnspiel .will tak!: pl"cc Feb-

.. rUllry 4-!J.· . ,

-Accord;ng to 'estimatcR '!,I1ade by the P.t. Ro\·.· Dr. G. Extun Lloyd. Bishop of Saskatchewan, bhat prov­Inca has Toom Ior nnotlter empir~ north of Prince Albert lind North, Battleford. The,' Iiishop has j'lst completed II six weeks' tour of tho lin;tits of settlemen.t in his, diocese, covering 2,400 miles, and estimates that homes and livings for' 250,000' ~ould be provided in the country 1'''-terred to. ". ' , t. .I,. . ...


, , , , .1



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'mE HOME PP:PER FOR SOUTH NORFOLK The Times-Observer, Treheme, Man.-$2.00 per Year THE HOME PAPER FOR VICTORIA AND GREY ~--------.------------~~'----------~----~-------------------~--




I '


I ,

I-Ie~lth and Corafort "

As age acLvances our wan ts are not . many and with reasonably good

health we~ can enjoy the peaceful period of life in comfort and happiness.

But unfortunately there are certain ills which conspire to destroy the pleasure of this time in life and they are usually of a decidedly painful nature.

The kidneys' are often the first of the bodily organs to fail. Then the poisonous acids which should be eliminated by the kidneys circulate in the blood and cause backache, rheumatism, lumbago and the many ailments which make life so miserable.

There has, perhaps, never been a medicine so, well sui ted for people of ad vancing years as Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills.

This statement is founded on the many thousands of cases reported to us from time to time.

l'he success of Dr. Chase's

01.11 BOX


Liver pills is due to their direct and specific action!, on the liver, kidneys, and bowels whereby the accumulating poisons ( are quickly swept from the system and the cause of pains and aches promptly remoVied.

Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills do not lose their effect on the system as do so many medicines but can be depended on absolutely to bring about the' desired results. Used one pill a dose at bedtime as often as is necessary to kee~ the bowels regular, they relieve indigestIOn, bilious­ness and constipati6n and keep the system in healthful condition.

You wilJ notice that while the price of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills has been increased to 35 cents, the box now con­tains 35 pills instead of 25 as formerly.

Likewise the price of Dr. Chase's Nerve F~d is, now 60 cents u box of 60 pills instead of 50 cent.~ for 50 pills. Edmanson Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto.



I PILts,


.' l'" . ,::x{.."",.~ . • , '.. ..., "', ,-, ,~ ... i... .• ~"'l..,;s:. 'I 1'1 ".-'.fH ·4·' . .,.'!,,,' ...... _"":/, ~ ;'!!-l.;, ,- t'. i \ . l




(Continued from Last Weelt) 2. 'Il is expre~Bly provided aud ago

ree'd ·tiUlt, for all maLterB 01 acreage, bU3heiage, percentages 01' signatures lind [01' all statements of l'aC:L in .CUII' ned.oll l1wrcwlth 'and fqr detel'mining . . vrheiller 01' not by the lirst day of AV ril, A.D. 1924, signatures iJy growers 01 ,,'heat and til{) ownor~, IlUrCIUlsers,

\ share.crop llU l'chnsers, tOllantti, le:l~Ol'd ... an,i lessees ur land, wbobo wlleat acre·

age, taken !ls a whole cquals.Jorty (<\~) IJer ceI\L of the acreago 10 wileat 111

, the prQvhll!e of Manitoba In .lhe year l!J~3, IHLve been secured to lIU3 agree· ment 01' an agl cement slmil.u· .ill term~ the lLrectul'G 01 tho [UI~ocit\tlon ,h~H be the solo judgeH mill a writtell :,tatem{)nt signed by tho chairman all pOil\ted iJy the director." or lhu n~'wcl· allon shall be deemed to be, and shall be. cunol1/8ive evidence thoreol', W.lll 01' wlLhou?' notiee 10' th\~ gJ'UWt' I',

3. 'l'he assocint ion agl'co~ Lo act fib

Ul;ent, factor, lllel'cantilt) agent and ill torney.ln.fact for .the grower t,) re· Ceiye, take dcEvcl'Y of, hi-ullllp, titOl'f!, tl'tltU;POl't, llHLl'ltol, sell and fJth01 WfRO dil>pm;e of the wheat Ilrodnced allli de· li\'el'!~d to l'b by the grower,. exccptin[,. only registered seod wheat.

4. The grower covenllnts lind ag· " rces to consign Hnd deliver to the 1m

socialion or Hs ordor at Ule time and pl[lce designated by' the association all of tile wheat and the warehouse or storage receipts covering it produced or acquired by 01' ~or him ih the pro· vince of Man I toba, exccpt registorc.\L . seed wheat, during the years 19201, I 1925, 1926 [lnd 1927.

5. II Is agreed that the associaiJon I will, In tts discretion, whenevel' allli wherever possible receive and talte de· livery' of the grower's wheat at the grower's most convenient, delivery point. \

Association Sole Agent 6. The grower hereby appoints the ~

association his sole ami exclu~lve ag· . facto l' and mercanllleagent, \md

so ILS his attol'lley In fact [01' the pur· poses hereinlLflel' set forth with lull


MOTJ3ERI Castol:-Oil;-Parcgoric, Teething Drops and Soothing ·prepart.d to relicl'c Infants in arms alld Chilclren all

Constipation \V~ncl Colic

Syrups, uges of


Flatulency To Sweeten Stomach Dlclrrhea Regulate Bowels

Aid:; in the as;;ii11il~lion of Food, promoting Checrfulness, Rest, al10

N atur~l Sleep wit.hout 0piates a:. ' • ../.bJd

• To nYoi,] imitations, always look for the signature of' u:v.4, ;7-tP.-t..rv'v. P,·o·.'rn (1i",·~·t;P"" !2!:!. CRch pn('\:nge. Phy.idans everywhere recommenci it.


\Iower ami authority In Its, own name, ... _ .. -- .. . - - .. _--.-in the nun18 of the grower or othor' mmmummm:mmmmmm:mH;am:mm:smmmm:m:;mmm~1:m:m~m;~mH;m:mmmtmmmmmimmimmm~:v. wise to tl"llnsact such b\lsine~s,' and • l!i

talte SUChIUCl!On us lllillYtbefonectcl'ssary, Y-'Ji:,: 'DON'T 'STICK around the house and m incidenta 01' conven en l' le n~' m';'.' complishment thel'eof, coupl:ng such !i: "'''OPE h M h k VACATION IlPllolntment with IL dircct linuncial .f,;;.: m w en Aot er ta es a °

, interest as the common agent, factor .• AL HOTEL "t' and mercallll!e agcnt allli atlol'lloy In il; Com' .0 on' ov~i!' t the ~ENTR .!~ fuct or growers hereunder and withollt ·Hi .... _.. 0 \:.. ill

power of revocation [01' the -rull lUl'lll ill d h Q d' . w'l'th U~ ..... Boal·d by the ~ hereof: hi an av" Inner ~ ~

(a). '\'0 recell'e allli ·t alte delil'GJ·y Hi $ d" \ 1 . I $ 7 00 i~ of, handle, store llnd otherwise dis· iii week 18 to ~ 100 21-mea be {cts.. m pose of the wheat produced and lie·"!!! ' !l! ~l~:l~e,~a~ !~lr~ltthseu~~o~rl~ll~ ~~n~rl~~~~~O~ if.,**mm:m:;mm:;mmim:'il!;tmmmmmmmm::~m;,*::!m?;~:;;mmmllm::!mmmmm::v.mtWmllil::;;,mi! as the assochltion shaH in Its jullg' - .. -------­ment determine to be to the best ad· marlwt the same according to the vllntage of all the growers who hav,li terms of this ngreement 01' at its op· executed, this agreement, 01' an agree· lion to talte any legal action 10 obta!n Illent similar In tp,rllls. 1I0~ses3ion thereof 01' to have a rocel·

(b). '\'0 mingle and mJx the wheal vcr appointed with power to talto ox· received by the aSHoc'ation [rom aoy cluslve posseSSion and conLrol of 1\10 grower with whefit ur I!lw kind nllll I ea'd wheat crop and dellvdl' same to gmde delivered to 'the association by I this aSBocitlUon.. as herelnbefol'e [>1'0' OlheT' growers and, In Its discretion, vlded 01' otherwise to dispose of tho (

" .•. clean, condltloll, blend 01' process the same as a' court having jurIsdiction In

:===~===========~;\~======~~=====~~==~=~=========~= s~d,~Wect~w~s~Ule.l~sllir th~b~~flll~dlroet,lnilieevelltof I \' tile time·uelng in for.ce governing the of ilie grower 1'hlllng to fulfil on his ELM CREEK.LOCALS -Messrs: J. Wood, J. H. Kennedy and SCOTTY SUPPORTS ",," same. \" 'purt the provisions of thIs agreement


, "--llr. ILnd MrB. E. Harvie left It'ere on Wednesday for I1!1noIB, where tney bloond to rl'slde for Ule remainder of iha willer.

• • • '-loll's. Plccard arrived on 'Wednes· • aT and returned on Thursday nfter attending her uncle's. funeral. 1

• •• -'fbos. Lennon went to Regina on 'l'IlUrsay for an extended vlslit. · .. '- /

-Mr. John Drow~, aged 93 yeurs, oiled on Wednesday morning, the 16fu iIst., in the Carman Hospital, where 1Ioe had been an InmlLte for eleven

Chas. Shaw le[t Tuesday morning to ~ : THE y.'HE~h P?OL (e) .. To borrow money In the n£une or any of thenl or falling to delivCl' his attend the bonsplel at Treherne. -: of the assoplatlon anlJ on Its own IlC' wheat crop as hel'ein provided. If pos·

c , • ,. count on the wheat delivered to it or session of· such wheat crop shan be Dy long odds, Ule Wheat Pool con· on 1L1lY warehouse or stornge receipt talten by the assoclaUon by reason of

tract. was the most absorbing topic ILt or gl'llin receipt or on any accounts such breach of contruct on the part \If the Convention, and everyone was anx· for the sllle thereof or pn Ilny drafts, the grower, the association shall be WINGHAM LOCALS

I lous to hear, the discussion arising bills of lading, bills of exchango, notell. entitled to rotain out of the proceeds -.Percy Fisher arrh·ed ho?,!e /(rom therefrom. Naturally being drlLwn up 01; acceptances, orders, ¢' on any com· derived from the sale 1Ilereof, In midi· Wlnnlpeg where he hILS been for some by 'IL ,lawyer, the contract needs some mercial paper delivered therel'or and. tion to tile sums heretol'ol'e provided time geWng repairs to ono of his study. Sometimes we wonder when to cxerclse all rights of ownorsiliv for, all additional expenses Incurred In Imees which w.as hnrt somo time ago. a lawyel' 'dl'llws up' a contract on any without Ihnltation and to pledge In its connection_ therewith . It Is somewhat sllf! at prcsent, but we .', ..... _.. If he could explain it himself. UlillIe and on Its own account such (Conllnued Next \Veek)

generally use 11 lIlOusand words wheat 01' receipts 01' accounts or drafts . ,\ hope'lt will soon b~ all right again, where a hundred WOUI& be moro un· bills of Illding, notes, ncceptunces, or

• • • derstandable'. Sulilce t to say that dOJ'~ or other commerclIIl papor IlS col· --A cll1'load or coal was delivered at whon ·these AlbOJ:ta me got through, luterul tberefor. The association shall the school Monday. Everybody was it didn't look such a formldible do cu· havc the right to apply the money Sl hll1l.!.lng It, and as the DlItchman said. ment as It' appears at first reiul\ng. received \ll'o·ratl\ IImong Ithe growel'B ':l\!any hlLnds malte very mtle lert In The Wlieat Pool very nuturully wl\l who have executed this Ilgreement and the dish." raLse up a storm of oppOSition ,from delivered wheat to lit or to use lhl<

• • • tho men who are getting the largest said moneys 1'01' Ilny propel' USSOCllt· - ' bite out of the 'proceeds of the wheat t~on purpose or aetlvlly deemed by

TTho last few weeks brought us In crop. They wll! miss the ,tvough when the association to be In lIle beBt In,

- \

Learn Barbering ~ N 0 W '

The i><>sl indoor ~ \ t rnde to be had ..

•• NIce, HeM cleon Inside work nil

year round. at big pay. A lew weeks' training al &




YOUR Cream Full Weight,

And b{ Correct Tests, Assured of ·24-hour Service


CANADIAN PACKING CO. ...... ftys, suffering from frost·blllen Ceet.

'['he funeral service was held In the lllnion . church on ThurBday afternoon,

mind of winter, Incldentiy our meu· Il 'Is talton from them, and the very terests o[ Its members. . gre supply of sheaves suCfered severe fact that they. know IUs the right plan, May Accumulate Reserve Iy from pernicious 'cOnsumption. for. the farmers to udopt mukes them (d). 'fo puy or retain and deduct

• ,. • n'il the more eager to keep It from be· from th~ gross returns from the sale HEMPHILL

... ,

'Ba~ber College ~ Limited

Established \


-If ye Ed~tot takes' out.- hla 'silver Ing put Into practlce.:._' .'\ of the wheat delivered to It by the gro· mounted bUzz,.wagon anci gets himself Du;t ther.e must be co·operatlon am weI'S the ammint 'necessary to cover

I 4 II ong the farmers to malte a success of all broltCrage, advertising, ta..xes. tolls, pinched for not hav nil' u 192 .. cense it. Every single wheat grower,' whe· freights, elevator ch.arges, legal who Is to blame? Wonder If he w!ll he Is a member of the U.l?M. or vpnses !lnd all other proper charges

, , ~ w111 .tatl you on the rood to Inde· 'pendcnce and give you'an opportun-



"',' conducted by Rev. F. W. Lee. Durlal ja Uw Elm Creek cemetery. ..The )11111 bearcrn wero Messl's. J. M. Ken· .edy, A. Mmer; J. Thornber" N. Mc· J(IIY;- A. Walcbol'll Ilnd W. l\Iagnus. lIrs: . Plccard. Mr. and Mrs; Alex Drown. and Walter Drown' were tbe .Dly relallvos present, the r011ulIning • mces being at present 10 CIl,.I'lIrnla.

e' •• \..- I

-Charles Rlvors aITlved :!Iouth on Thllrs!lny. "

from the

.!luss, the ne,w cop? (Where, oh tell must realize that I t Is to his bene· such as salaries, fixe. charges lind me where wm we get tile money?- we have some very dtrrerent general expenses of the association )Jld,) plan If seiling fur prodnct than we and, In IIddition, the \ assoclat~on

• • • Imve Iiad In the past. The mqney In· delluet such percentage, nol/exceedlng -The Wlngham Sunday School vested In ,the hlgh·class cam that one (i) per cent. of the gross sellln'g Young Peoples' Society have st;\lld uround' the Grain Excha,nge and price of the wheat all.:,it shall' deem ased an organ. It Is Installed In w)lich are bought with money made In desirable as Ii commerc!al rese1'\'O to spare room which I.B a lot e.n'ler .'til r:.ulllng our grain wOllld be far 'beUer be uRed (or any ciC the oflthe purposes

Ity to get Into buslne8so for ,.ounel! :; with amnII cnpltal, running you. own. Barber ShOll, Poot Rqom, 'l'o- , baeeD and son DrInk Sland, etc. ~ ClUIh business, no accounts. big profit.. ' . Heinphlll Dorber Colleg .. al prln· cipal elliea from ~ Cooat to Canst. Lile~' Scholarship, 'raola. Trnn!fer Privileges. Free E m pi 0 y m e 11 t ~ Service.

if.iiHrUii*i*iiil:mnmmmmm~mtm:ii::i**i$;;a:nau. III AMEfllCAN PLAN $3 PER DAV 1.1 :n \ I T I I' Iii Free Auto Bus Meets A I ra ns " t:: ~i iii Good Dining Service . i ill \ ~ *

' ... , -Mr. nnd Mrs. Vinet (nee J(aUlleon AlInn) left hgre on Friday for their .borne· In Wllitl\,~, Snslt., aCter with the lattor's parents. ,

• • • , -Mr. and Mrs. 1\1. E, Staples

, /ad from Winnipeg on Friday. !' .' .. :. l ~ . .

-)Ir/ Harry Daragar visited Winnipeg •• Friday.'

• •• • -,-Frod· Darrnsar :vlsltcd his. parents qll. Saturdny und returned· to peg the slImo evening,

" • o o.

In manure BprelLders Umt' In or activities of -the association.' warm than Ule main audltol'lnm theo urn mild "malte some Ihorjl' money (0). 'fO:, settle uny and all claims colti dnys .. All we need. LOW to com· for us. l( we selLoUl' grain co·opera· for for damages or otherwise whIch

the fUl'1llshin:t or 'Ule' se',ool Is tlvely theso men will be outlof a job; m~ oceur In connection with Uw a ~et of ball'pllleS" und Imow,ng' ll1at Umt, why shouldn't banliling of the grower's wheat during

;' ... \\

,·1lGascarefs'.,' IDc" t. ' ! I


thcy klclt up IL cloud of dusL and 'try to otherwise 01' thlLt may arise btind us to' the merits of Ule new 1~;;'~'~~~;~~l!On-W!U1 the' oxerclse of

I ?' , 'I tl it "Rl'''ln .sc leme . ..' of t Ie 'powers or UU lOr Y , It Is lin unyenlable fact thnt)f.. a dog grmited. .' _

sits down on ills tall und burlts"some' ,.' May Purchase EJevators one Is go~ng 'to listen to him.' The (f)" '\'0 deduct from the' gross re·

is, true of men.', l[ a mlLn, espe· tUl'/lS from' the sale qf wheat h}lndled ILlly a strangel', comes along WIUI n by'the assocla~on for Uw grow.ers who

against the' \V1lelLt Pool, he w!l1 11I1\:e executed Ulls agreement or, upon 1l~~~~,IlI'l~t(lt.;o~;and believed: und the first obtaining the con~ent In wrlling,

s !rnnw'" of tile .subject, any group or growers, Il ~ulU out 01 It. Is a .growcr's proper proportion thero'

of not exceeding two cents (2c.) per bushel and to Invest the snme, In the discretion of the trustees of the as~O'

" .



PleaSe oenu me' free cnw\logue and 'full vatU.ulurs of your Dorber CoUl'lle.

NA!-1E .... .." ... : ............ ~: ........................... "" ..... .

ADDRESS .......... r';.~ ............. ,i .... ; .............. . ~, " ,


elation, shares of the sloclt TYPEWRI'l\ERS of nnY. (form- FOR SALE OR RENT

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Ui Hot and Cold Water In Every * :ii--- Room Hi m Pfj' :fi I :

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imi; H t 1 tij " oe ,10 i " ij'! WINNIPEG'S POPU.LAR FAM· iii· '. I III Hi ILV HO,TEL Ii! iii Centrally Located on Corner iu.= tl~ • • iii of Main and Rupert Streets .i~ m ' w lli'JAMES'FOWLlE_,r,~ P~op'lll"


for sale, 'know

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