Know More About - Nail

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  • 7/30/2019 Know More About - Nail


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  • 7/30/2019 Know More About - Nail


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    Theres more to our nails than just the nail itself and the cuticles. When you

    understand the makeup of the human nail and what each part of it does, it

    will be easier to know how to properly care for them. Once you are aware of

    how to take care of your nails, you wont need as many trips to the nail salon

    to keep them healthy, which means you can always have beautiful and

    strong nails without breaking your wallet.

  • 7/30/2019 Know More About - Nail


    The nail is made of a tough protein called keratin, which is made from living

    skin cells in the fingers and toes. Keratin is composed of 14% water, 5%

    sulphur, 14% lipids (fats), 48% amino acids and a combination of calciumphosphates and carbohydrates. The main parts that make up the human nail

    are the nail plate, nail groove, lunula, eponychium and the nail bed.

    Lunula: Also termed as the moon, the lunula is the whitish part of your nailwhich is clearly visible to the naked eye. This part is visible the maximum at

    the thumb and it is almost invisible in your little finger.

    Nail Bed: Right beneath the nail plate is the nail bed. It is made up of twoseparate layers. The first layer is termed as the deeper dermis, which in turn

    contains glands and capillaries. The second layer is termed as the superficial

    dermis, which is present right underneath the nail plate and synchronizes its

    motion with that of your plate.

    Nail Sinus: This is a deep gash in which your nail is based.

    Nail Root: The nail root is ideally a subset of the nail sinus and is located at thebase of the nail. It is located right underneath the skin. The nail root forms the

    nail matrix.

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  • 7/30/2019 Know More About - Nail


    Nail Plate: Also known as the body of the nail, the nail plate is in reality, your visible nail.It is made from a protein called keratin and it comprises of several layers of compressedand dead cells. The color of your nail plate is pink because it contains several capillaries.The shape of the nail plate ideally depends upon the shape of the bone which is locatedbeneath it.

    Distal Edge: Also known as the free margin, the distal edge is located on the nail paintand it depicts the abrasion of your nail. The abrasion is also known as the cutting edge.

    Hyponychium: Also known as quick, the hyponychium is located in between the skinholding your finger tip and free edge.

    Onychodermal Band: Located beneath the free edge, the onychodermal band seals thehyponychium with the nail plate. It is grey in color.

    Eponychium: Often mistaken as a proximal fold, the eponychium enters the nail bed fromthe nail wall.

    The Cuticle: The cuticle is located on the surface of the nail plate. It comprises of colorless,

    dead skin. It seals the nail to your skin with the aid of the eponychium. While the cuticlecan be removed during manicure as it contains dead cells, the eponychium should beleft untouched as it contains living cells.

    Perionyx: This is the layer which covers the lunula.

    The Nail Wall: It is a cutaneous layer which is covers the nails proximal end. It alsocontains the lateral margins as well as the nail groove.

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  • 7/30/2019 Know More About - Nail


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