Kinematics of thrust sheets within transverse zones: a structural and paleomagnetic investigation in the Appalachian thrust belt of Georgia and Alabama Germa ´n Bayona a, * , William A. Thomas a , Rob Van der Voo b a Department of Geological Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506, USA b Department of Geological Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Received 5 May 2002; received in revised form 12 September 2002; accepted 1 October 2002 Abstract Deformation styles of orogenic belts change along strike across transverse zones (TZs); hence, the kinematics of TZs is indispensable for three-dimensional restoration of thrust belts. We investigate the causes of deviation in strike of fold axes and fault surfaces in two TZs of the southern Appalachians using structural cross-sections and paleomagnetism. In the Rising Fawn TZ of Georgia, hanging-wall lateral-ramp folds yield paleomagnetic rotations and variation in magnitude of thrust translation. Plunge of folds, differential slip, and rotations are associated with lateral-ramp geometry and along-strike variation in the rheology and thickness of units that host lower and upper detachment levels. In Alabama, the internal geometry, strike, and paleomagnetic rotations of the Helena thrust sheet change across the Anniston TZ. These differences resulted from movement of the Helena thrust sheet over different footwall blocks and sub-de ´collement basement graben structures, and from differential slip along an oblique ramp. Rotations of thrust sheets within TZs occur where a thrust sheet was translated over: (1) an oblique/lateral ramp with contrasting rock strengths at lower and upper detachment levels, (2) a transverse basement fault that separates contrasting basement structural domains, and (3) intersections between frontal ramps and transverse structures. Because of the local causes of rotations in lateral structures, paleomagnetic and structural analyses of TZs are necessary for understanding the kinematics and restoration of both single thrust sheets and large-scale curves in thrust belts. q 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Thrust-sheet rotation; Transverse zones; Hanging-wall plunging folds; Lateral ramps 1. Introduction The southern Appalachian foreland thrust belt in Alabama and Georgia consists of late Paleozoic (Allegha- nian), large-scale, northeast-striking, northwest-vergent thrust faults and associated folds bounded by undeformed strata on the northwest and by the Talladega slate belt and Appalachian Piedmont on the southeast (Fig. 1). The trace of the southern Appalachian thrust belt defines regional curves around the Tennessee salient and Alabama recess. The regional-scale curves are interrupted by transverse zones (Thomas, 1990), where thrust-belt folds and faults either end or curve abruptly in contrast to the curvilinear regional northeast strike (Fig. 1). Understanding of the geometry and kinematics at lateral terminations of struc- tures is indispensable for three-dimensional analysis and restoration of fold and thrust belts (McCaig and McClelland, 1992; Allerton, 1998). This article reports our investigation of the kinematics, especially thrust sheet rotations, at along- strike terminations of fault-related folds and at an abrupt curve of a thrust sheet. Lateral terminations, local thrust-sheet rotations, and variations in the amount of shortening of fault-related folds have been attributed to (1) a lateral decrease in magnitude of slip (a displacement gradient) along a frontal ramp, (2) presence of a lateral/oblique ramp, or (3) a combination of a displacement gradient and the presence of a lateral/oblique ramp (Fig. 2)(Apotria, 1995; Allerton, 1998; Wilkerson et al., 2002). Although geometry of the footwall fault surface differs among these models, lateral terminations of fault-related hanging-wall folds may have similar plunge patterns in map view and cross-sections (cross-section A–A 0 in Fig. 2) (Wilkerson et al., 2002). The footwall fault-surface geometry 0191-8141/03/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0191-8141(02)00162-1 Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 1193–1212 www.elsevier.com/locate/jsg * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Bayona).

Kinematics of thrust sheets within transverse zones: a ... · Deformation styles of orogenic belts change along strike across transverse zones (TZs); hence, the kinematics of TZs

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Page 1: Kinematics of thrust sheets within transverse zones: a ... · Deformation styles of orogenic belts change along strike across transverse zones (TZs); hence, the kinematics of TZs

Kinematics of thrust sheets within transverse zones:

a structural and paleomagnetic investigation

in the Appalachian thrust belt of Georgia and Alabama

German Bayonaa,*, William A. Thomasa, Rob Van der Voob

aDepartment of Geological Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506, USAbDepartment of Geological Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA

Received 5 May 2002; received in revised form 12 September 2002; accepted 1 October 2002


Deformation styles of orogenic belts change along strike across transverse zones (TZs); hence, the kinematics of TZs is indispensable for

three-dimensional restoration of thrust belts. We investigate the causes of deviation in strike of fold axes and fault surfaces in two TZs of the

southern Appalachians using structural cross-sections and paleomagnetism. In the Rising Fawn TZ of Georgia, hanging-wall lateral-ramp

folds yield paleomagnetic rotations and variation in magnitude of thrust translation. Plunge of folds, differential slip, and rotations are

associated with lateral-ramp geometry and along-strike variation in the rheology and thickness of units that host lower and upper detachment

levels. In Alabama, the internal geometry, strike, and paleomagnetic rotations of the Helena thrust sheet change across the Anniston TZ.

These differences resulted from movement of the Helena thrust sheet over different footwall blocks and sub-decollement basement graben

structures, and from differential slip along an oblique ramp. Rotations of thrust sheets within TZs occur where a thrust sheet was translated

over: (1) an oblique/lateral ramp with contrasting rock strengths at lower and upper detachment levels, (2) a transverse basement fault that

separates contrasting basement structural domains, and (3) intersections between frontal ramps and transverse structures. Because of the local

causes of rotations in lateral structures, paleomagnetic and structural analyses of TZs are necessary for understanding the kinematics and

restoration of both single thrust sheets and large-scale curves in thrust belts.

q 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Thrust-sheet rotation; Transverse zones; Hanging-wall plunging folds; Lateral ramps

1. Introduction

The southern Appalachian foreland thrust belt in

Alabama and Georgia consists of late Paleozoic (Allegha-

nian), large-scale, northeast-striking, northwest-vergent

thrust faults and associated folds bounded by undeformed

strata on the northwest and by the Talladega slate belt and

Appalachian Piedmont on the southeast (Fig. 1). The trace

of the southern Appalachian thrust belt defines regional

curves around the Tennessee salient and Alabama recess.

The regional-scale curves are interrupted by transverse

zones (Thomas, 1990), where thrust-belt folds and faults

either end or curve abruptly in contrast to the curvilinear

regional northeast strike (Fig. 1). Understanding of the

geometry and kinematics at lateral terminations of struc-

tures is indispensable for three-dimensional analysis and

restoration of fold and thrust belts (McCaig and McClelland,

1992; Allerton, 1998). This article reports our investigation

of the kinematics, especially thrust sheet rotations, at along-

strike terminations of fault-related folds and at an abrupt

curve of a thrust sheet.

Lateral terminations, local thrust-sheet rotations, and

variations in the amount of shortening of fault-related folds

have been attributed to (1) a lateral decrease in magnitude of

slip (a displacement gradient) along a frontal ramp, (2)

presence of a lateral/oblique ramp, or (3) a combination of a

displacement gradient and the presence of a lateral/oblique

ramp (Fig. 2) (Apotria, 1995; Allerton, 1998; Wilkerson et al.,

2002). Although geometry of the footwall fault surface differs

among these models, lateral terminations of fault-related

hanging-wall folds may have similar plunge patterns in map

view and cross-sections (cross-section A–A0 in Fig. 2)

(Wilkerson et al., 2002). The footwall fault-surface geometry

0191-8141/03/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

PII: S0 19 1 -8 14 1 (0 2) 00 1 62 -1

Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 1193–1212


* Corresponding author.

E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Bayona).

Page 2: Kinematics of thrust sheets within transverse zones: a ... · Deformation styles of orogenic belts change along strike across transverse zones (TZs); hence, the kinematics of TZs

in the model of displacement gradient has only a frontal

ramp; in contrast, in the other two models a lateral/oblique

ramp in the footwall serves as a cross-strike link between

offset segments of a frontal ramp. In all three models, the

ramps connect lower and upper stratigraphic levels of

detachment. Lateral/oblique ramps are a common character-

istic in thrust belts (Boyer and Elliott, 1982), and among the

possible causes of locations of lateral/oblique ramps are sub-

decollement basement faults, pre-thrusting deformation of

cover strata above basement faults, and/or along-strike

variations in mechanical stratigraphy (e.g. Thomas, 1990).

Cross-strike alignments of lateral/oblique ramps, transverse

faults, and displacement-transfer zones comprise transverse

zones in thrust belts (Thomas, 1990).

Identification of lateral/oblique ramps in a thrust belt is

indispensable because hanging-wall strata and pre-existing

structures (e.g. cleavage, fractures, lineaments) are extended

or shortened, and such structures together with paleocurrent

directional indicators may be rotated with respect to

regional orientations (e.g. Apotria et al., 1992; Wilkerson

et al., 1992). Wilkerson et al. (2002) evaluated separately

each of the following criteria to determine whether a

plunging hanging-wall fold is related to a displacement

gradient at a frontal ramp, to a lateral/oblique ramp, or a

combination of both mechanisms: (1) angle of plunge of

hanging-wall strata, (2) angle between hanging-wall cut-off

lines and fault strike, (3) angle between strike of hanging-

wall stratigraphic contacts and fault strike, (4) stratigraphic

separation diagrams, and (5) abrupt change in strike of a

fault. Other criteria from cross-sections and geologic maps

may be used to identify the mechanism of lateral

terminations of fault-related folds. At an oblique/lateral

ramp and in the direction down plunge of hanging-wall

strata, translation of hanging-wall strata continues along-

strike but at an upper level of detachment. In the

displacement-gradient model, translation decreases down-

plunge of hanging-wall structures toward the lateral

termination of the fault (Fig. 2). Identification of a footwall

lateral ramp in map view is indicated by drape of hanging-

wall beds and the thrust-fault surface over footwall lateral

cutoffs (cross-section B–B0 in Fig. 2) (Thomas, 1990). In a

three-dimensional restoration, the footwall lateral cut-off

must match the equivalent hanging-wall lateral cut-off (e.g.

Thomas and Bayona, 2002). A fundamental characteristic of

lateral/oblique ramps is the contrast in lithology between

units that host lower and upper levels of detachment, and the

ramp. We apply various structural criteria and paleomag-

netism techniques to determine the mechanisms that caused

the lateral termination and deviation in strike of plunging of

folds in the composite Clinchport–Horseleg thrust sheet in

Georgia, as well as the abrupt change in strike of the Helena

thrust sheet in Alabama (Figs. 1, 3, and 4).

Paleomagnetic studies considering the regional kin-

ematics of thrust belts have emphasized that knowledge of

the pre-existing configuration of foreland basement uplifts

and continental margins, as well as genetically related

variations in stratigraphy, is essential for the understanding

of the geometry of the thrust belt. Paleomagnetic investi-

gations of the central and southern Appalachians (e.g.

Schwartz and Van der Voo, 1983; Kent, 1988; Stamatakos

and Hirt, 1994; Stamatakos et al., 1996) and tectonostrati-

graphic studies (Rankin, 1976; Thomas, 1977) have

concluded that the curvature of the central and southern

Appalachians was inherited from the older rifted continental

margin of Laurentia. Studies in the Wyoming–Idaho and

Sevier thrust belts have documented curvature in response

to either the buttressing effects of uplifted basement-cored

blocks within the foreland or to differential propagation

caused by along-strike variations in pre-deformational basin

geometry, or possibly both (Grubbs and Van der Voo, 1976;

Schwartz and Van der Voo, 1984; Eldredge and Van der

Voo, 1988; Montgomery, 1993; Paulsen and Marshak,

1999). In the Appalachian thrust belt in Alabama, different

types of thin-skinned transverse structures evolved in

response to a transverse basement fault and differences in

Fig. 1. Structural outline map of Appalachian thrust belt in Alabama and

Georgia, showing location of transverse zones (TZ) and study areas

(modified from Thomas and Bayona, 2002).

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elevation of the top of basement (Thomas and Bayona,

2002). However, it is not clear whether locations of

transverse structures in the thrust belt in Georgia are also

influenced by relief of the top of basement and location of

basement transverse faults.

Published paleomagnetic data from Ordovician and

Silurian clastic rocks in the southern Appalachians indicate

that paleomagnetic techniques may be useful to constrain

vertical-axis rotations of thrust sheets. Watts and Van der

Voo (1979) and Morrison and Ellwood (1986) documented

at least two components of magnetization in Ordovician

rocks with directions, after correction for the tilt of the

strata, that are west-northwest/upward and south-southeast/

downward. Positive fold(tilt)-tests have been obtained for

the west-northwest/upward component of the Upper Ordo-

vician Moccasin-Bays Formations (Watts and Van der Voo,

1979). The well-defined south-southeast/downward magne-

tization component documented in the Silurian Red

Mountain Formation in Alabama (Perroud and Van der

Voo, 1984; Hodych et al., 1985) has been associated with a

late Paleozoic remagnetization that also affected other

Appalachian strata; however, time of folding relative to time

of remagnetization varies across and along the strike of the

Appalachian thrust belt (Stamatakos et al., 1996). The

remanent magnetization in all these studies is chemical and

carried dominantly by hematite (Watts and Van der Voo,

1979; Perroud and Van der Voo, 1984; Hodych et al., 1985;

Morrison and Ellwood, 1986).

Because a pre-folding component of magnetization is

a requisite for the analysis of thrust sheet rotations, we

Fig. 2. Schematic block diagrams and strike-parallel cross-sections, showing two possible mechanisms to explain the lateral termination and plunging of

hanging-wall strata. Cross-sections A–A0 and C–C0 apply to both models, whereas cross-section B–B0 only applies for the model of lateral/oblique ramp. A

third mechanism is a combination of a lateral/oblique ramp (left) and displacement gradient (right) mechanisms (see fig. 8d of Wilkerson et al., 2002).

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Fig. 3. Geologic map of the composite Clinchport–Horseleg thrust sheet in Georgia (upper page) (modified from Cressler (1974) and Chowns and Carter (1983)) and four representative structural cross-sections

(lower page). Faults are labeled in capital letters. Abbreviation: RFTZ ¼ Rising Fawn transverse zone. Site 0 is from Morrison and Ellwood (1986), sites 1 and 2 are in the Dalton area, sites 3–5 are in the

Hamilton Mountain area, and sites 6–8 are in the Horseleg Mountain area. Three strike-perpendicular cross-sections (A–A0, B–B0, and E–E0) are shown here and (along with C–C0 and D–D0, not shown) are the

basis for construction of strike-parallel cross-section X–X0. Intersection points between cross-sections at the top of unit 2 are restored to palinspastic positions and used to delineate the shape of line X–X0 in

palinspastically restored position. Horizontal linear distances between corresponding present and restored locations of intersection points are plotted as the translation distances in Fig. 10c. The cross-sections are

based on outcrop geology and six seismic reflection profiles.

























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initially conducted a paleomagnetic sampling in the

Upper Ordovician Greensport and Sequatchie Formations

in Alabama in order to establish areas and units in which

an Ordovician component of magnetization could be

isolated. These units consist of red shales and siltstones

with thin interbeds of fine-grained sandstones; the clastic

facies pinches out gradually northwestward into a

dominantly carbonate succession (Drahovzal and Neathery,

1971; Carter and Chowns, 1986). The Ordovician and late

Paleozoic directions of magnetization reported previously in

the southern Appalachians were isolated in cores from the

lower red, fine-grained sandstones and sandy siltstones of

the Greensport Formation. These beds crop out in our study

areas, and they were the target unit for paleomagnetic

sampling of this study.

2. Methods

Construction of strike-perpendicular and strike-parallel

cross-sections, as well as a map of the top of basement, is

constrained by surface and subsurface data. Balancing of

strike-perpendicular cross-sections and palinspastic restor-

ation of thrust sheets are explained in Thomas (2001) and

Thomas and Bayona (2002).

A total of 140 paleomagnetic cores, collected at sites

numbered 1 to 16 in Figs. 3 and 4, were analyzed for this

study. 130 oriented cores were collected using a portable

drill and a magnetic compass at sites 1–16, and the

remaining 10 cores were obtained from three oriented hand

samples collected in sites 13, 14, and 16. Site distribution

was designed to permit the application of a fold(tilt) test to

Fig. 4. Geologic map of the study area in the Helena thrust sheet (left page) (modified from Osborne et al., 1988) and four representative structural cross-

sections (right page). Faults are labeled in capital letters; folds are in capital and lower case (a ¼ anticline; s ¼ syncline/synclinorium). Abbreviations:

MTN ¼ Mountain; ATZ ¼ Anniston transverse zone. Stratigraphic units 3 and 4 are not differentiated in the thin imbricate thrust sheets in the Coosa deformed

belt. Site 9 is in the northeastern segment of the Helena thrust sheet, sites 10–12 are near the transverse fault, and sites 13–16 are in the southwestern segment

of the Helena thrust sheet. Three strike-perpendicular cross-sections (G–G0, I–I0, and J–J0) are shown here and (along with F–F0, H–H0, and K–K0, not shown)

are the basis for construction of strike-parallel cross-section Y–Y0. Intersection points between cross-sections at the top of unit 1 are restored to palinspastic

positions and used to delineate the shape of line Y–Y0 in palinspastically restored position. The cross-sections are based on outcrop geology, seven seismic

reflection profiles, and one deep well (AY—Amoco No. 1 Young, section 34, T 13 S, R 4 E, St. Clair County).

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assess the likelihood of the magnetization being representa-

tive of the Ordovician geomagnetic field and to determine

whether rotations had affected different strike domains of

the Helena thrust sheet and of plunging folds in Georgia.

The scatter and scarcity of exposures of the Greensport

Formation, intense outcrop weathering, and significant

deformation limited selection of sites. The Upper Ordovi-

cian Greensport Formation was sampled at sites 2–16, and

the Upper Ordovician Sequatchie Formation was sampled at

site 1. Standard 2.4 cm diameter cores with 2.2 cm height

were progressively demagnetized in an Analytical Service

Co. (ASC) thermal demagnetizer, and natural remanent

magnetization (NRM) was measured with a three-axis

cryogenic 2G magnetometer in the field-free room at the

University of Michigan. All of the specimens were

subjected to thermal demagnetization with cooling to

room temperature in zero magnetic field. Increments of

thermal demagnetization were ,50 8C from 300 to 500 8C,

,30 8C from 500 to 600 8C, and ,20 8C from 600 to

680 8C in an attempt to resolve intermediate- and high-

temperature components of NRM for each core. Com-

ponents of magnetization were calculated from Principal

Fig. 4 (continued )

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Component Analysis interpreted with the aid of orthogonal

demagnetization diagrams (Zijderveld, 1967). We used the

IAPD2000 software of the Geological Survey of Norway to

run all the paleomagnetic calculations of this study.

Mean magnetization directions were calculated using

Fisher’s statistics (Fisher, 1953), giving unit weight to

field- or laboratory-drilled cores. Local incremental

fold(tilt) tests were used to determine the timing of

magnetization with respect to deformation. Because of

local rotations, incremental inclination-only tilt tests

(McFadden and Reid, 1982) allow accounting for the

statistically significant clustering of inclinations at

different steps of unfolding. The significance of the

fold(tilt) test followed the criteria of McElhinny (1964)

because of the limited number of sites per limb.

Corrections for plunge were not made because of the

limited number of sites and the very low angle of plunge

(,58) in folds that yielded a positive test. Upon

establishing the approximate age of magnetization, a

reference declination was calculated from the Paleozoic

apparent polar wander path of Laurentia in order to

estimate the magnitude and relative sense of rotations.

Even with the limited sampling distribution, comparisons

of mean paleomagnetic directions of structural domains

within each area allow a statistical documentation of the

significance of local thrust-sheet rotations.

3. Structure of the thrust belt and basement

3.1. Lithotectonic units

Appalachian thrust-belt structures encompass a Paleo-

zoic succession spanning Cambrian to Pennsylvanian strata.

For cross-section construction, Paleozoic strata are divided

into four units: a basal weak unit (mostly Rome and

Conasauga Formations, unit 1), a regionally dominant stiff

layer (Knox Group, unit 2), a heterogeneous carbonate–

siliciclastic Middle Ordovician – Lower Mississippian

succession (unit 3; this unit includes the Greensport–

Sequatchie Formations), and Upper Mississippian–Penn-

sylvanian synorogenic foreland deposits (unit 4). The

regional decollement is within the basal weak unit above

Precambrian crystalline basement (e.g. Thomas, 1985;

Thomas and Bayona, 2001).

3.2. Regional structure, configuration of the top of

basement, and timing of deformation

Along- and across-strike changes in thrust belt geometry

are closely related to basement structural relief beneath the

thrust belt (Fig. 5) (Bayona, 2003). The northwestern

(frontal) part of the thrust belt is dominated by broad, flat-

bottomed synclines and large-scale, northeast-trending,

asymmetric anticlines. Structures immediately southeast of

the frontal fault-related folds exhibit dramatic changes both

along- and across-strike at transverse zones (Thomas and

Bayona, 2001). Top of basement beneath the leading

imbricate faults is shallow and flat, but it abruptly drops

southeastward across basement faults into the deep

Birmingham graben, a subsurface structure documented

by seismic reflection profiles (e.g. cross-section I–I0 in Fig.

4). In Alabama, the depth of the regional decollement, as

well as the amplitude of thrust ramps, increases abruptly

southeast of the Big Canoe Valley fault and Peavine

anticline (Fig. 4), which are positioned over the down-to-

southeast boundary fault system of the Birmingham graben.

Tectonic thickening of graben-fill strata controls defor-

mation southwest of the Anniston transverse zone (Gadsden

mushwad in Figs. 1 and 4) (Thomas, 2001), whereas ramp-

and-flat geometry of the thrust belt dominates northeast of

the Anniston transverse zone. Shallow imbricate faults

dominate the thrust belt in Georgia, where the top of

basement dips gently but irregularly southeastward. Plun-

ging folds in intermediate imbricate faults have irregular

orientations that contrast with the straight, northeasterly

strike of leading imbricate faults (Fig. 3). Southeastern

trailing thrust sheets consist of duplexes that involve units 1

and 2.

Along-strike changes of the structural configuration of

the top of basement are concentrated at northwest-striking

basement faults, which offset northeast-striking basement

faults (Fig. 5). Transverse zones of the overlying thin-

skinned thrust belt geographically coincide with the offsets

of northeast-striking basement faults (Figs. 1, 3, and 4).

Tectonostratigraphic analyses in a palinspastic map of

Lower and Middle Cambrian strata indicate a complex

distribution of rift-related deposits across these northwest-

and northeast-striking basement faults (Thomas et al., 2000;

Bayona and Thomas, 2001).

The foreland thrust belt of Alabama and Georgia records

both forward and out-of-sequence thrusting (e.g. Thomas,

2001). Geologic map patterns of the trace of the Rome thrust

sheet (R in Fig. 1), a flat and shallow structure, indicate at

least two events of deformation along the Horseleg fault

system, and an out-of-sequence break-back of the Helena

thrust sheet. In Georgia, the Rome thrust fault truncates

folds in the footwall, and the fault surface is folded coaxially

by the footwall folds (e.g. labels for sites 6–8 in Fig. 3)

(Cressler, 1970). Truncations of southeast-dipping strata

and local structures by the Rome thrust fault also are

mapped in Alabama, northwest of the Helena thrust sheet

(Dunaway Mountain and Peavine anticline; Fig. 4)

(Osborne et al., 1988; Garry, 2001). These observations

suggest an event of folding prior to the emplacement of the

Rome thrust sheet; subsequent folding tightened the Rome

footwall folds and folded the Rome thrust sheet in Georgia.

In Alabama, translation of the Helena thrust sheet broke

upward through the trailing part of the Rome thrust sheet,

disconnecting it from hinterland thrust sheets (Thomas,

2001; Thomas and Bayona, 2002).

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4. Structure of the Clinchport–Horseleg composite

thrust sheet and location of sites

Several strike domains of folds and faults have been

mapped between the northeast-striking Kingston fault and

the Rome–Coosa faults in Georgia (Fig. 3) (Cressler, 1974;

Chowns and Carter, 1983; Coleman, 1988). From north to

south, the Clinchport fault cuts up section from a thick unit 1

to a thin unit 1 and, farther south, to the base of the stiff unit

2, forming two south-plunging hanging-wall ramp anti-

clines. Two south-southeast-plunging, asymmetrical anti-

clines (sites 1 and 2 are in the northern anticline; Fig. 3)

diverge from the south-southwest-striking Clinchport fault

between the two ramp anticlines (Cressler, 1974). The

Clinchport fault extends southward at the base of the stiff

layer (upper-level detachment) and ends in a south-south-

west-plunging fold. A north-striking, asymmetrical anti-

cline and syncline (sites 3–5 in the syncline; Fig. 3) are in a

trailing imbricate thrust sheet. South of the south end of the

Clinchport fault, east-northeast-plunging folds diverge from

the northeast-striking Chattooga fault within the Rising

Fawn transverse zone (Fig. 3). Detailed mapping indicates

that the folds plunge into the transverse zone (Coleman,

1988). These asymmetrical folds are the surface expression

of the blind Horseleg fault system. The Chattooga and

Horseleg faults are detached within unit 1, and the Horseleg

Fig. 5. Map of depth below sea level to the top of basement, showing traces of subdetachment basement faults, structural relief of the Birmingham graben, and

relationship between position of transverse basement faults and transverse zones (TZ) in the thin-skinned foreland thrust belt. The northeastern segment of the

Helena thrust sheet restores northeast of the Anniston transverse zone. Note contrasting geometry of the Birmingham graben on opposite sides of the Anniston

transverse zone and offsets of the northeast-striking basement fault system at transverse zones. Lines X–X0 and Y–Y0 (from Figs. 3 and 4, respectively) are in

palinspastic position. Locations of Clinchport and Horseleg lateral ramps along line X–X0 correspond to changes in elevation of top of basement across

transverse basement faults. Line Y–Y0 restores near the southeastern shoulder of the Birmingham graben.

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fault cuts up section along strike, in a short distance from

south to north, to upper detachment levels within units 2 and

3. Sites 6–8 are located in the easternmost of the east-

northeast-plunging asymmetrical folds.

A strike-parallel cross-section illustrates lateral changes

in detachment levels and the geometry of hanging-wall and

footwall lateral ramps (cross-section X–X0 in Fig. 3). The

northeastern end of cross-section X–X0 shows the plunge of

two hanging-wall anticlines above a flat fault surface

(Clinchport fault) and the southward up-section rise of

detachment level from unit 1 (weak unit) to the base of stiff

unit 2. The southwestern end of cross-section X–X0 shows

high-angle, south-dipping faults (Horseleg fault system)

with three hanging-wall plunging anticlines and an abrupt

southwestward deepening of the top of basement. Palin-

spastic geometry of line X–X0 is concave-to-the-hinterland

and asymmetrical, suggesting more shortening toward the

extremes of the Clinchport–Horseleg thrust sheet and less

shortening near the center (at cross-section C–C0 in Fig. 3).

5. Structure of the Helena thrust sheet and location of


The Helena thrust fault is characterized by a large-scale

curve across a transverse fault, which divides the Helena

thrust sheet (HTS) into northeastern and southwestern

segments (Fig. 4) (Thomas and Bayona, 2002). The Helena

fault in the southwestern segment has an irregular north-

easterly strike (sites 13–16 in Fig. 4). Within the Anniston

transverse zone (ATZ), interference folds and accommo-

dation faults are in the southwestern segment (sites 11 and

12 are in opposite limbs of the syncline in Fig. 4), and strata

in the northeastern segment form an anticline associated

with the transverse fault (site 10 in Fig. 4). Eastward across

the ATZ, the Helena fault bends gradually to an eastward

strike, and the Helena thrust sheet is truncated on the east by

the Coosa fault (Graham, 1999). The basal detachment in

the northeastern segment cuts up section eastward along

strike from unit 1 into the basal part of unit 2 (east of site 9 in

Fig. 4). Along the east-striking fault, beds in the Helena

hanging wall dip southward, forming the shallower of two

down-to-southwest plunging steps that account for

,4000 m of relief in the deep Coosa synclinorium in the

HTS. The transverse fault in the HTS is aligned with a sub-

decollement transverse basement fault that divides the

Birmingham basement graben into a narrow graben on the

northeast from a wider and southwest-deepening graben on

the southwest (Fig. 5) (Thomas and Bayona, 2002).

The strike-parallel cross-section Y–Y0 illustrates geo-

metry of footwall lateral ramps and the location of

transverse faults (Fig. 4). The two down-to-southwest

plunging steps of the Helena thrust sheet follow the

geometry of two southwest-dipping footwall lateral ramps,

which are within two different footwall thrust sheets

(Dunaway and Peavine) and at different stratigraphic levels.

The stratigraphic level of detachment is generally within

unit 1 and persists southwestward along strike, indicating

that draping over footwall lateral ramps causes the plunge

in the hanging-wall beds. The trend of line Y–Y0 in

palinspastic position indicates a northeastward increase of

shortening with an abrupt increase eastward across the

transverse basement fault.

Subsurface mapping beneath the Helena thrust sheet

indicates abrupt changes of elevations of top of basement

and footwall deformation across the ATZ (Figs. 4 and 5)

(Thomas and Bayona, 2002). Footwall thrust sheets in the

foreland of the southwestern segment of the HTS and

southwest of the ATZ are deformed and dip northwestward

within the wide Birmingham graben. In contrast, a nearly

undeformed footwall thrust sheet overlies a generally

shallower and narrower graben northeast of the ATZ. The

northeastern segment of the HTS is deformed according to a

ramp-flat-ramp configuration of the corresponding footwall.

6. Paleomagnetic results

6.1. The multivectorial magnetization

Thermal demagnetization of Greensport Formation cores

uncovered all three magnetic components previously

isolated in red Ordovician clastic rocks of the southern

Appalachians (Fig. 6). A low-temperature (A) component

has a direction parallel to the present Earth’s field with

unblocking temperatures ,300 8C; a secondary (B) com-

ponent has unblocking temperatures from 400 to 590 8C; a

characteristic (C) component has persistent directions at

temperatures .590 8C and unblocking temperatures up to

680 8C. The A and B magnetic components were isolated in

the Sequatchie Formation (Fig. 6i); however, the cores

(except one) do not decay uniformly to the origin,

suggesting the presence of an unresolved high blocking-

temperature component. The C component was isolated in

cores from all 16 sites; however, the C component was

uncovered in less than three cores of the total of the

demagnetized cores from sites 1, 4, 5, and 14–16. The B

component was isolated in cores from 15 sites; however,

four sites 3, 9, 10, and 12 have only one core with

component B. Resulting site-mean directions are listed in

Table 1.

6.2. The characteristic C component

The C component has a dominant west-to-northwest and

up (C1) direction, but east-to-southeast and down (C2)

directions were isolated in sites 1, 5, and 11 (one core per

site; Table 1). Incremental unfolding in Horseleg Mountain

(sites 6 and 7) and Glencoe areas (sites 11 and 12) yields a

significant positive fold(tilt) test for the C1 component (Fig.

7a and b). In Hamilton Mountain (sites 3–5), the maximum

clustering of inclination data is reached at 100% of

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unfolding, but the test is not significant at 95% of

confidence. In equal area projections, site-mean directions

for the C1 component show a good clustering of upward and

shallow inclinations after correction for the tilt of strata and

an ellipsoidal distribution of the declinations in the north-

west quadrant (Fig. 8a and b). The tilt-corrected mean

direction of all the sites for the C1 component

(2968/ 2 19.68, k ¼ 26.5, a95 ¼ 7.98) is similar to the

directions reported by Morrison and Ellwood (1986) for

Ordovician beds in Georgia (Sequatchie Formation,

3108/ 2 258, k ¼ 93.5, a95 ¼ 88) and by Watts and Van

der Voo (1979) for Ordovician red beds in Tennessee (Bays

Formation 3108/ 2 108, k ¼ 62.2, a95 ¼ 9.88; Moccasin

Formation 3218/ 2 118, k ¼ 42, a95 ¼ 4.58). Paleomagnetic

directions from sites 7 and 8, which are located on the

steeply dipping (more than 708) northwest flank of the

Horseleg Mountain anticline, are used only for the fold(tilt)-

test. High degree of internal strain and out-of-plane

deformation in steeply dipping strata (e.g. Stamatakos and

Kodama, 1991a,b; Apotria et al., 1992) may cause distortion

of magnetization vectors.

The C2 component in demagnetization diagrams shows

an antiparallel direction with respect to the C1 direction

(e.g. Fig. 6g), and directions for the C2 component have a

greater cluster after tilt correction. We tentatively interpret

C2 as of reversed polarity with respect to the characteristic

normal-polarity C1 component, in view of the Laurentian

apparent polar wander path. Because the C2 directions are

so few in number (one core per site; Table 1), they have not

been used in our analysis of rotations.

6.3. The B component

Sites with intermediate blocking-temperature com-

ponents are divided into three groups, which yield directions

B1, B2, and B3. For the B1 component, site-mean directions

before tilt correction are to the south-to-southeast and with

moderate downward inclinations (Fig. 8c). The mean B1

direction after tilt correction shallows, but the site means

spread out in the southern hemisphere (Fig. 8d). Fold(tilt)

tests of the B1 component thus indicate a post-folding age of

magnetization (Fig. 7c). The mean direction of the B1

component before tilt correction is 150.18/29.88, k ¼ 41.3,

a95 ¼ 6.88. The B2 component was isolated in sites 6 and 9

Fig. 6. Representative Zijderveld (1967) diagrams of magnetic components before tilt correction; open and solid squares are vector end points in the vertical

and horizontal planes, respectively, and adjacent numbers are temperature in 8C. Diagrams (a)–(h) are from cores of the Greensport Formation and diagram (i)

is from a core of the Sequatchie Formation. Demagnetization of core M4 (Glencoe area, near the transverse fault) is shown in two diagrams ((g) and (h)) to

illustrate the antiparallel directions of C2 and C1 components. Components A, B1, B2, B3, C1, and C2 are labeled along the appropriate segments in the

demagnetization diagrams. Component C1, which is used for analysis of rotations after tilt correction, is isolated in demagnetization diagrams (a)–(f) and (h).

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and has a lower unblocking temperature (,430 8C) than the

B1 component. Directions of the B2 component before tilt

correction are to the east-to-southeast with moderate to high

inclinations. After tilt correction, the B2 direction of these

two sites moves toward the in-situ site-mean direction of the

B1 component, possibly suggesting a pre-folding age of

magnetization (Fig. 8e and f). Sites 6 (eastern flank of the

Horseleg Mountain anticline) and 9 (northeastern segment

of the Helena thrust sheet) have map patterns that suggest

more than two events of deformation (see discussion of out-

of-sequence thrusting in Section 3.2 on timing of defor-

mation), but a more significant number of cores is needed to

corroborate this suggestion. The third group includes two

sites on the northwestern flank of the Horseleg Mountain

anticline, where the directions of the B3 component are to

the southwest with moderate downward inclinations

(Fig. 6c). After tilt correction, the direction remains to the

southwest but with very shallow inclinations. We interpret

the B3 direction as a possible composite direction of the B1

and C1 components. The south-to-southeast and downward

direction of the B1 component corresponds to the well-

defined late Paleozoic event of remagnetization.

Table 1

Components of magnetization uncovered from the Greensport Formation (sites 2–16), Sequatchie Formation (site 1), and Sequatchie and lowermost Red

Mountain Formations (site 0; Morrison and Ellwood, 1986). N/No ¼ Number of cores used in the analysis/number of cores demagnetized; DD8/D8 ¼ bedding

azimuth of dip and dip angle at the site; D8/I8 ¼ site-mean declination/inclination; k/a958 ¼ the Fisher (1953) precision parameter/half-angle of 95%

confidence about the mean for sites N . 2. Ranges of low and high are temperatures at which the component becomes persistent and its maximum unblocking

temperature, respectively. Sites with cores from oriented hand samples and cores drilled in the field are: site 13 (four cores from two hand samples, six cores

drilled in the field); site 14 (two cores from one hand sample, seven cores drilled in the field); and site 16 (four cores from one hand sample, three cores drilled

in the field)

Site N/No DD8/D8 In situ Tilt corrected k a958 Temperatures (8C)

D8 I8 D8 I8 Low High

C1 component (pre-folding)

0 Ringgold gap 24/27 314.7 240.3 310.2 225.3 93.5 8 .500 650–700

2 C (Dalton) 7/9 235/57 274.4 31.5 269.2 215.5 22.7 12.9 590–640 680

3 Deast (Hamilton Mtn) 10/11 289/37 296 20.2 295.8 216.5 17.1 12 450–560 680

4 Dwest1 (Hamilton Mtn) 2/7 96/16 292.9 226.8 291.3 211.4 – – 590 680

6 Geast (Horseleg Mtn) 12/12 144/34 324.2 254 324.1 220 36.4 7.3 300–640 680

7 Gwest1 (Horseleg Mtn) 4/5 320/78 281.7 64.6 304.4 28.1 79.9 10.3 590–640 680

8 Gwest2 (Horseleg Mtn) 4/4 319/70 287.7 40.5 293.6 222.8 87.9 9.9 560–620 680

9 Canon gap (N. Helena) 10/12 205/32 305.8 230.5 320.6 220.2 156.4 3.9 430–560 680

10 Alexander gap 6/7 201/42 269 217.7 287 227.7 34.6 11.5 460–620 680

11 E. Glencoe 10/10 194/33 286.7 215.1 294.6 211.2 166.8 3.8 580–640 680

12 W. Glencoe 11/11 70/43 303.9 249.3 283.4 217 86.6 4.9 490–600 680

13 Greensport gap1 6/10 163/27 301.6 233.5 308.7 212 32.6 11.9 490–580 680

14 Greensport gap2 3/9 170/16 279.9 243.6 292.1 236.5 210.5 8.5 600–610 680

15 US231 gap-1 1/9 139/20 274.6 243.6 284 228.1 – – 430 680

16 US231 gap-2 3/7 145/24 286.8 239.8 294.7 219.8 1265.3 3.5 430 680

C2 component (pre-folding)

1 B (Dalton) 1/14 105/35 119.2 31 117.2 23.2 – – 560 680

5 Dwest2 (Hamilton Mtn) 1/3 109/24 117.5 17.2 117.2 26.5 – – 620 680

11 E. Glencoe 1/10 194/33 103.9 10.1 109.5 8.5 – – 20 580

B1 component (first group; post-folding)

1 B (Dalton) 8/14 105/35 148.8 39.3 138.1 11.4 87.6 6 100–300 500–590

2 C (Dalton) 4/9 235/57 149.6 23.9 167.6 9.2 22.8 19.7 300 560–590

3 Deast (Hamilton Mtn) 1/11 289/37 144.6 46.9 198.3 66.5 – – 400 560

4 Dwest1 (Hamilton Mtn) 6/7 96/16 142 23.3 138.5 11.8 58.5 8.8 100–200 500–590

5 Dwest2 (Hamilton Mtn) 2/3 109/24 143.6 20.7 141.1 0.5 – – 200–300 560–590

9 Canon gap (N. Helena) 1/12 205/32 143.3 20.1 149.1 3.2 – – 400 560

10 Alexander gap 1/7 201/42 170 15.2 168.9 221 – – 300 580

12 W. Glencoe 1/11 70/43 134.7 37.4 117.3 12.2 – – 250 400

13 Greensport gap1 4/10 163/27 151.2 27.5 152.5 1 57.3 12.2 200–300 430–580

14 Greensport gap2 8/9 170/16 157.8 31 159.2 15.3 116.8 5.1 200–300 490–580

15 US231 gap-1 8/9 139/20 154 30.4 152.1 11 181.2 4.1 200–350 460–560

16 US231 gap-2 4/7 145/24 160.4 38.6 157.4 15.3 333.9 5 340 530–560

B2 component (second group; pre-folding?)

6 Geast (Horseleg Mtn) 8/12 144/34 132.6 56.8 137.2 23.2 20.1 12.7 20–200 300–400

9 Canon gap (N. Helena) 3/12 205/32 107.7 32.8 128.3 31.1 129.9 10.9 20 400–430

B3 component (third group; transitional direction)

7 Gwest1 (Horseleg Mtn) 4/5 320/78 239.2 16.1 247.7 25.3 414.9 4.5 20–200 500–640

8 Gwest2 (Horseleg Mtn) 4/4 319/70 242.8 46.6 276.5 5.3 23.7 19.3 20–300 400–590

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6.4. Comparison of structural-domain mean and reference


The ellipsoidal distribution of site-mean (C1) declinations

(Fig. 8b) is expected because the sites are located in structures

with deviations from the regional structural strike and may

have experienced (sub)vertical-axis rotations. The lack of sites

in structures striking parallel to the regional trend and the

irregular distribution of sites within selected structures limit

the usefulness of the C1 mean direction as a local reference

declination. An alternative is to calculate a reference

declination using the APWP of Laurentia for Paleozoic time.

The general agreement of the C1 site-mean directions

(2968/ 2 19.68) with other established Upper Ordovician

directions suggests that the characteristic magnetization was

acquired shortly after deposition. A precise age has not been

reported for rocks of the Greensport Formation; however, a

late Middle to early Late Ordovician age (early Mohawkian)

is constrained by conodonts from the underlying carbonate

unit (Hall et al., 1986) and radiometric ages from

K-bentonites in the overlying unit (Kunk and Sutter, 1984;

Kolata et al., 1996). Paleomagnetic poles for the Ordovician

have been calculated from Lower Ordovician and upper-

most Ordovician units (see Van der Voo (1990) and Mac

Niocaill et al. (1997) for source of data). A reference

direction (3098/ 2 288) for the thrust belt in Georgia and

Alabama was determined using the Middle–Late Ordovician

paleopole position of Laurentia calculated by Mac Niocaill

et al. (1997) (paleopole ¼ 218N, 1488E). The reference

paleomagnetic direction (3098/ 2 288) is very similar to the

tilt-corrected site-mean C1 direction of site 0 (3108/ 2 258;

Table 1; from Morrison and Ellwood, 1986), and the mean

C1 direction from this study (2968/ 2 19.68), supporting an

age of magnetization no younger than latest Ordovician.

Site 0 is located in the Kingston thrust sheet (Fig. 3), a

structure that follows the regional strike of the thrust belt in

northwestern Georgia.

Opposing senses of rotation and slight flattening are

observed in different structural domains in the Clinchport–

Fig. 7. Results of local incremental inclination-only fold tests for the C1

component ((a) and (b)) and B1 component (c). These diagrams plot k

(squares, an estimate of the degree of clustering of inclination data on a

sphere) and CR (triangles, a critical ratio above which k values become

significant at the 95% confidence level) (McElhinny, 1964) versus percent

of unfolding. (a) and (b) show a positive fold(tilt) test for component C1; (c)

is a negative fold(tilt) test with a decrease of k during incremental


Fig. 8. Equal-area plots of site-mean directions for components C1, B1, and

B2. Open (solid) symbols are points in upper (lower) hemisphere.

Paleomagnetic directions of C1 component show a good cluster after tilt

correction (b); the ellipsoidal distribution of C1 directions suggests

deviation of declinations by rotations. In contrast, the directions of

component B1 have a good cluster before tilt correction (c). Note the closer

similarity of components B2 after tilt correction (sites 6 and 9) to the mean

direction of the B1 component (see text for discussion).

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Horseleg thrust sheet (CHTS) and in the Helena thrust sheet

(HTS) (Table 2; Fig. 9a and b). The southeast-plunging fold

(site 2) and north-striking fold (sites 3 and 4) in the northern

CHTS have counter-clockwise (CCW) rotations with greater

magnitude of rotation in southeast-plunging folds. In contrast,

the northeast-plunging fold (site 6) in the southern CHTS

shows clockwise (CW) rotations. A significant difference

between declinations (in contrast to similarity in inclinations)

exists between southeast- and northeast-plunging folds

(DDsd ¼ 54.98 ^ 15.58; DIsd ¼ 4.58 ^ 14.88; Table 2; Fig.

9a). The declination of site 9 in the northeastern segment of the

HTS indicates CW rotations. The sites near the transverse fault

(sites 10–12) as well as the sites in the southwestern segment

(sites 13–16) indicate CCW sense of rotation, with greater

magnitudes in sites near the transverse fault. The mean

declination and cones of 95% confidence between north-

eastern and southwestern segments of the HTS (DDsd ¼

20.58 ^ 108) plot apart and on opposite sides of the reference

paleomagnetic direction (Table 2; Fig. 9b).

Although both the CHTS and the HTS have contrasting

internal structural domains, a moderate to weak correlation

is recognized between variation of paleomagnetic declina-

tions and structural strike domains (strike test of Schwartz

and Van der Voo, 1983) (Table 3; Fig. 9c and d). An

excellent correlation (slope ¼ 1) is expected in curved

orogenic belts that were originally straight (e.g. the

Cantabria–Asturias arc; Weil et al., 2000); moderate

correlations have been interpreted for some primary curved

belts (e.g. Schwartz and Van der Voo, 1984; Stamatakos and

Hirt, 1994). A total absence of declination variation may

indicate absence of rotations or magnetization acquisition

after rotation. Local rotations and a moderate to weak

correlation between strike and declination deviations may

be related to more local effects, such as detachment level

Table 3

Calculation of declination deviations (D–Dr) and strike deviations (S–Sr) for the strike test of Schwartz and Van der Voo (1983). The reference strike (Sr) and

reference declination (Dr) are given in Fig. 9c and d. Declination error is shown for sites with N . 2 (see Table 1)

Site S8 S–Sr(8) D8 D–Dr(8) D error (8)

0 Ringgold gap 15 2 310 11 8.8

2 C (Dalton) 145 248 269.2 229.8 13.4

3 Deast (Hamilton Mtn) 199 6 295.8 23.2 12.5

4 Dwest1 (Hamilton Mtn) 6 27 291.3 27.7

6 Geast (Horseleg Mtn) 54 41 324.1 25.1 7.8

9 Canon gap (N. Helena) 115 55 320.6 25.6 4.2

10 Alexander gap 111 51 287 28 13

11 E. Glencoe 104 44 294.6 20.4 3.9

12 W. Glencoe 340 280 283.4 211.6 5.1

13 Greensport gap1 73 13 308.7 13.7 12.7

14 Greensport gap2 80 20 292.1 22.9 9.1

15 US231 gap-1 49 211 284 211

16 US231 gap-2 55 25 294.7 20.3 3.8

Table 2

Differences of declination/inclination between structural domains (DDsd8 and DIsd8) in the Clinchport–Horseleg thrust sheet (CHTS, Georgia) and the Helena

thrust sheet (HTS, Alabama). Site ¼ list of sites within each structural domain, n ¼ number of cores used in calculation of the tilt-corrected mean

declination/inclination (Dsd/Isd) of the C1 component for each structural domain. The confidence limits for structural domain declinations (Dsd error8 and Isd

error8) and the difference of declinations and inclinations (DDsd error8 and DIsd error8) follow the criteria given by Demarest (1983)

Structural domain Site n Dsd8 Dsd error(8) DDsd8 DDsd error(8) Isd8 Isd error(8) DIsd8 DIsd error(8)

Between assymetrical folds in the Clinchport thrust sheet (Georgia)

Southeast-plunging fold 2 7 269.2 13.4 215.5 12.9

North-striking fold 3, 4 12 295.1 11.0 215.7 10.6

25.9 17.3 20.2 16.7

Between southeast- and and northeast-plunging folds in CHTS (Georgia)

Southeast-plunging fold 2 7 269.2 13.4 215.5 12.9

Northeast-plunging fold 6 12 324.1 7.8 220 7.3

54.9 15.5 4.5 14.8

Between northeastern and southwestern segments of the HTS (Alabama)

Northeastern segment 9 10 320.6 4.2 220.2 3.9

Southwestern segment 13–16 13 300.1 9.1 221 8.5

20.5 10.0 0.8 9.4

Between the southwestern segment of the HTS and sites near the transverse fault

Sites near the transverse fault 10–12 27 288.5 4.3 217.2 4.1

Southwestern segment 13–16 13 300.1 9.1 221 8.5

11.6 10.1 3.8 9.4

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stratigraphy or a complex three-dimensional geometry of

the thrust belt (i.e. oblique/lateral/frontal ramps, transverse

faults, several detachment levels); we believe this to be

applicable to our study. Consequently, the local curvature of

structures in the HTS and CHTS may be the result of

rotations about (sub)vertical axes (e.g. Apotria et al., 1992).

7. Discussion

Our study focuses on local structures, the strike

deviations of which are not transmitted to either leading

or trailing thrust sheets, but they are within transverse zones.

Consequently, internal deviations within thrust sheets are

related to changes in internal configuration of thrust sheets

in palinspastic position, such as stratigraphic pinch outs and

three-dimensional trajectory of ramp/flat surfaces, and this

internal configuration of thrust sheets is primarily controlled

by sub-decollement basement faults (see Section 3.2).

Differential slip along the Clinchport and Horseleg

faults, as indicated by the concave-to-the hinterland restored

geometry of the strike-parallel line X–X0 (Figs. 3 and 10), is

related to the contrasting rheologies (or rock strength)

between detachment levels in lateral ramps and to geometry

of lateral ramps. In map view, the two sets of studied

plunging folds within the Clinchport–Horseleg thrust sheet

are in hanging-wall lateral ramps. Deviations in structural

strike of the plunging folds record the deflection of the

regional transport direction at lateral structures (i.e. out-of-

plane deformation; Apotria et al., 1992; Wilkerson et al.,

1992; Apotria, 1995) and accommodate the differences of

displacement between the lower and upper detachment flats.

The southward change of detachment level along the

Clinchport fault from a weak layer to a stiff layer is

interpreted to cause differential slip and CCW rotations

(Fig. 10, Dalton area). In the Horseleg Mountain area, the

northward abrupt change in detachment level from unit 1 to

units 2 and 3 causes differential slip and CW rotations.

Kinematic models of deformation at oblique/lateral

ramps predict that deflection of tectonic transport trajectory

increases with dip of the lateral/oblique ramp (Apotria et al.,

1992). Deviations in fold axes and paleomagnetic declina-

tions in the Clinchport lateral ramp support this interpret-

ation. The relative magnitude of CCW rotations is greater in

structures that formed at the hanging-wall lateral ramp

cutoff (i.e. south-southeast-plunging anticlines, sites 1 and

2) than in structures that formed at greater distance from

the lateral ramp (north-trending folds, sites 3 – 5)

(DDsd ¼ 25.98 ^ 17.38; Table 2). The Horseleg lateral

ramps cut at higher angles to bedding (30–408) than the

Fig. 9. Equal area plots ((a) and (b)) showing structural-domain-mean directions for the C1 component (see Table 2) and the reference paleomagnetic direction

for Middle–Late Ordovician time. See text for discussion of rotations. Strike tests ((c) and (d)) of Schwartz and Van der Voo (1983) consist of declination

deviations (D–Dr) from a reference declination (Dr) of site means of C1 component plotted against strike deviations (S–Sr) from a reference strike (Sr). Data

from Table 3. Each diagram shows a linear regression line, slope, and correlation coefficient (R). Dr values were chosen so the regression line crosses the origin

of the plot; Sr is the strike of cross-sections X–X0 (c) and Y–Y0 (d). These two diagrams show a moderate (c) to a very poor (d) correlation of these two


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Fig. 10. (a) Cross-section showing along-strike changes of thickness and stratigraphic units in hanging-wall lateral ramp cut-offs in deformed stage (see Fig. 2 for location of line X–X0). Plunging folds are on the

upper detachment flat (e.g. Dalton area) and on the lateral ramp (e.g. Horseleg Mountain area). (b) Cross-section showing along-strike changes of thickness and stratigraphic units at hanging-wall lateral ramps.

Note the difference in flat dimensions and ramp-flat angle between Clinchport and Horseleg lateral ramps. (c) Map showing relationship of differential shortening and (sub)vertical-axis rotations to the geometry

of lateral ramps and lithologies at detachment levels. Note the linear match of strike-perpendicular cross-sections A–E between cross-sections and map view. Calculation of translation distance is explained in

Fig. 3. Paleomagnetic declination in the Kingston thrust sheet (Morrison and Ellwood, 1986) is shown in the upper right corner.

























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Clinchport lateral ramps (8–158); the deviation in strike of

fold axes within the Horseleg Mountain thrust sheet (.368)

is greater than the observed deviations in strike of fold axes

in the Clinchport thrust sheet (,308) (Fig. 3). However, the

magnitudes of deviations of strike and rotations of

paleomagnetic declination have a moderate correlation

(Table 3; Fig. 9c). In addition, the observed strike deviations

(i.e. deflection out of transport plane) are much higher than

those predicted by kinematic models (,38 in Dalton area;

,88 in Horseleg Mountain area; values calculated from fig.

8 in Apotria et al., 1992). The discrepancy in magnitudes

among paleomagnetic declinations, strike of structures, and

predicted deflection indicate that variables, such as

mechanical properties of rocks at different detachment

levels and weight of overburden (e.g. Wilkerson et al.,

1992), also play a role in rotations and kinematics of

plunging folds at lateral structures.

Location and the contrasting geometry of the Clinchport

and Horseleg lateral ramps coincide with the boundaries of a

shallow basement domain (Fig. 10). This shallow domain of

the top of basement is bounded on the north by a transverse

fault and a gentle northeast deepening of the top of

basement, and on the south by a complex system of

transverse faults and an abrupt southwest deepening of the

top of basement.

The contrasting geometry and rotations within the

Helena thrust sheet (HTS) are the result of the different

history of emplacement of the northeastern and south-

western segments across the Birmingham graben (BG), as

well as of the hanging-wall oblique ramp cut-off of the

detachment surface in the northeastern segment. The HTS

palinspastically restores almost completely on the southeast

shoulder of the BG, and the leading trace of the HTS is

broken above the transverse basement fault (Fig. 11a).

During initial northwestward emplacement of the entire

HTS, the underlying transverse basement fault partitioned

the kinematics of the two segments because of the sub-

decollement structural relief of basement and footwall

deformation. The northeastern segment, a hanging-wall

oblique ramp, moved over the undeformed Peavine oblique/

frontal footwall ramp. CW rotations and brittle deformation

(Graham, 1999) in the northeastern segment are the result of

differential slip caused by contrasting rheologies of beds at

the hanging-wall oblique ramp cut-off and reverse move-

ment along the transverse fault. In contrast, the south-

western segment of the HTS was transported passively

down within the BG following the trailing ramp (Dunaway

Mountain thrust sheet) of a mushwad structure (Thomas,

2001), and the HTS was draped over the basement

transverse fault and Peavine footwall transverse fault

(Fig. 11b). Tectonic thickening of unit 1 near the transverse

fault favored differential slip and CCW rotation in the

southwestern segment. As northwestward translation con-

tinued, the southwestern segment of the HTS broke back as

an out-of-sequence structure (Thomas, 2001), and trans-

lation over a footwall oblique ramp in unit 4 bent the

northeastern segment of the HTS to its present configuration

(Fig. 11c). Interference folds and accommodation fault

structures in the southwestern segment formed at the

intersection between the Dunaway Mountain frontal ramp

and the transverse fault; these structures record an increase

of CCW rotation near the transverse zone (Table 2; Fig. 9b).

Kinematic and mechanical models have predicted

hanging-wall shortening, such as interference folds and

accommodation fault structures, in the foreland intersection

between frontal and lateral structures (Apotria et al., 1992;

Stewart, 1993). In contrast, the northeastern segment moved

over a second footwall oblique ramp within the Peavine

footwall; CW rotations might have continued as a result of

Peavine footwall geometry and differential slip. A similar

example of vertical-axis rotations across a thin-skinned

transverse fault has been documented in the foreland thrust

belt of Papua New Guinea (Weiler and Coe, 1997), where

the transverse fault is aligned above a lower-plate fault.

8. Conclusions

Plunging folds and faults in intermediate imbricate faults

of the southernmost Appalachians have irregular orien-

tations that contrast with the linear northeasterly strike of

leading structures. We investigate the causes of deviations

in structural strike of local structures within transverse

zones using an iterative comparison of structural cross-

sections, sub-decollement basement structures, and pre-

folding paleomagnetic declinations from Upper Ordovician

clastic rocks.

Different structural domains of the Clinchport–Horseleg

thrust sheet (CHTS) and the Helena thrust sheet (HTS) yield

opposite senses of rotations. In the CHTS from north to

south, the Clinchport fault cuts gradually up section from a

weak to a stiff unit forming southeast-plunging folds. In the

southern extreme of the CHTS, from south to north, blind

faults cut abruptly up section from a weak to a stiff unit

forming northeast-plunging folds. The mechanisms to

produce hanging-wall plunging folds, variations in the

magnitude of shortening, and rotations are interpreted as a

combination of displacement gradient and the presence of

lateral ramps. Counter clockwise (CCW) and CW rotations

in northern and southern folds, respectively, indeed

document the sense of rotations predicted for hanging-

wall lateral-ramp plunging folds. The northeasterly strike of

the southwestern segment of HTS changes across a

transverse fault to an easterly strike in the northeastern

segment of the Helena fault. In the northeastern segment,

the fault cuts up section from a weak to a stiff unit (oblique

ramp) in the hanging wall. CW rotations and brittle

deformation documented in the northeastern segment

support the interpretation of rotations in response to

contrasting rheologies within the hanging-wall oblique

ramp cutoff. In contrast, the southwestern segment rotated

in the opposite sense (CCW) as it moved down within a

G. Bayona et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 1193–1212 1209

Page 18: Kinematics of thrust sheets within transverse zones: a ... · Deformation styles of orogenic belts change along strike across transverse zones (TZs); hence, the kinematics of TZs

wide, deep graben. Footwall ramp geometry and defor-

mation also controlled hanging-wall shortening and


In short, rotations in the CHTS and HTS occurred within

transverse zones as the thrust sheets moved over oblique/

lateral ramps with contrasting rock strengths at lower and

upper detachment levels, over transverse basement faults

that separate contrasting elevations of basement in the

Fig. 11. Map view and strike-parallel cross-sections showing the northwestward emplacement of the Helena thrust sheet (HTS) over the sub-decollement

basement graben structure at three intervals of time (map view), and the relationship of the position of line Y–Y0 to the subdetachment basement relief and

footwall geometry (cross-sections). Abbreviations and symbols as in Fig. 10. See text for discussion of rotations.

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Birmingham graben, and at intersections between frontal

ramps and lateral/oblique structures.

Because of the local causes of rotations in transverse

faults and plunging folds, as reported in this paper,

paleomagnetic sampling in such lateral structures is needed

to constrain the effects of local vertical-axis rotations in the

kinematics of single thrust sheets. Furthermore, documen-

tation of vertical-axis rotations allows a more precise

restoration of pre-existing structures (e.g. cleavage, frac-

tures, lineaments) and paleocurrent directional indicators

collected along transverse faults and in plunging folds. In

regional kinematics analysis of curved orogenic belts (large-

scale salients and recesses), however, paleomagnetic

samples from lateral structures must be used with caution

to separate a potential strong local effect on vertical-axis

rotations from any possible regional rotations.


This research was supported by a grant from the

Geological Society of America and a Dissertation Enhance-

ment Award from the University of Kentucky Graduate

School. Acknowledgment is made to the Donors of the

Petroleum Research Fund (33390), administered by the

American Chemical Society, for partial support of this

research. GB acknowledges Arlo B. Weil and Josep Pares

for their guidance during the paleomagnetic analysis at the

University of Michigan; Brian Cook and Brent Garry for

their help during field work; Seismic Exchange Inc. for

access to one seismic line in Georgia, and Vulcan Materials

for access to quarries. We appreciate the comments of John

Geissman, Camilo Montes, Ken Kodama and Kevin Smart,

which improved the content of this manuscript.


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