Khare Packaging as a Tool to Gain Competative Advantage Zandu Balm and Amrutanjan

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  • 8/16/2019 Khare Packaging as a Tool to Gain Competative Advantage Zandu Balm and Amrutanjan



    1. Introduction

    2. Company profile3. Literature review

    4. Rationale of Study

    5. Ob ective of !tudy

    ". #ypot$e!i!

    %. Re!earc$ met$odolo&y

    '. (ata analy!i! and interpretation

    ). *indin&

    1+. Conclu!ion

    11. Limitation

    12. Su&&e!tion!

    13. Reference14. ,ppendi-

    a. ue!tionnaire

  • 8/16/2019 Khare Packaging as a Tool to Gain Competative Advantage Zandu Balm and Amrutanjan



  • 8/16/2019 Khare Packaging as a Tool to Gain Competative Advantage Zandu Balm and Amrutanjan




    /ac0a&in& i! t$e !cience art and tec$nolo&y of enclo!in& or protectin& product! for

    di!tribution !tora&e !ale and u!e. /ac0a&in& al!o refer! to t$e proce!! of de!i&n evaluationand production of pac0a&e!. /ac0a&in& can be de!cribed a! a coordinated !y!tem of preparin&

    &ood! for tran!port ware$ou!in& lo&i!tic! !ale and end u!e. /ac0a&in& contain! protect!

    pre!erve! tran!port! inform! and!ell!.In many countrie! it i! fully inte&rated into

    &overnment bu!ine!! in!titutional indu!trial and per!onal u!e.

    $e primary role of pac0a&in& i! to contain protect and pre!erve a product a! well a! aid in

    it! $andlin& and final pre!entation. /ac0a&in& al!o refer! to t$e proce!! of de!i&n evaluation

    and production of pac0a&e!. $e pac0a&in& can be done wit$in t$e e-port company or t$e obcan be a!!i&ned to an out!ide pac0a&in& company. /ac0a&in& provide! followin& benefit! to

    t$e &ood! to be e-ported

    /$y!ical /rotection /ac0a&in& provide! protection a&ain!t !$oc0 vibration temperature

    moi!ture and du!t.

    6ar0etin& /roper and attractive pac0a&in& play an important role in encoura&in& a

    potential buyer.

    • Convenience 7 /ac0a&e! can $ave feature! w$ic$ add convenience in di!tribution

    $andlin& di!play !ale openin& u!e and reu!e.

    Security 7 /ac0a&in& can play an important role in reducin& t$e !ecurity ri!0! of !$ipment.

    It al!o provide! aut$entication !eal! to indicate t$at t$e pac0a&e and content! are not

    counterfeit. /ac0a&e! al!o can include anti7t$eft device! !uc$ a! dye7pac0! R*I( ta&! or

    electronic article !urveillance ta&! t$at can be activated or detected by device! at e-it point!

    and re8uire !peciali9ed tool! to deactivate. :!in& pac0a&in& in t$i! way i! a mean! of lo!!

    prevention./ac0a&in& $i!tory

    In early day! t$ere i! le!! need for pac0a&in& eit$er for tran!portation or !tora&e. ;efore t$e

    creation of pure pac0a&in& material! people u!e many of t$e natural t$in&! to ma0e a ba!0et

    for pac0a&in& to protect product! from contamination from environmental dama&e from

    t$eft or from any ot$er dama&e. $ey u!ed woven &ra!!e! animal or&an! or t$i! type of

    t$in&! for t$at. ;ut t$e!e day! we are u!in& paper product! &la!! product! metal product!

    and /la!tic product! for pac0a&in&.

  • 8/16/2019 Khare Packaging as a Tool to Gain Competative Advantage Zandu Balm and Amrutanjan


  • 8/16/2019 Khare Packaging as a Tool to Gain Competative Advantage Zandu Balm and Amrutanjan


    and our printin& department provide! you better printin& 8uality accordin& to your


    Some More Types Of Packaging

    If you $ave ever wondered about $ow t$o!e product! are pac0a&ed and t$e different type! of

    pac0a&in& you $ave found t$e ri&$t place.

    /rotective /ac0a&in& 7 o matter w$at your application !endin& out an order for your company or mailin& a care pac0a&e you will want to ma0e !ure you $ave &ood

    pac0a&in& material. ?ou need dependable protective pac0a&in& to en!ure t$at your

    product! are !$ipped !afely. /ac0a&e! !$ould be in!pected to ma0e !ure it i! protected

    from t$e bump! it i! mo!t li0ely to ta0e in tran!it.*le-ible /ac0a&in& 7 One of t$e advanta&e! of fle-ible pac0in& i! t$at you can u!e

    le!! and !till ac$ieve your de!ired re!ult!. *le-ible pac0in& include! !uc$ t$in&! a!

    wrap! ba&! and pouc$e!. One of t$e advanta&e! of fle-ible pac0in& i! t$at you can

    u!e le!! and !till ac$ieve your de!ired re!ult!. ot only doe! fle-ible pac0a&in& reduce

    wa!te a &oal of mo!t people t$e!e day! it allow you muc$ more fle-ibility t$an you

    would $ave wit$ !emi7ri&id or ri&id pac0a&in& option!.Cu!tom /ac0a&in& 7 There are many different companie! t$at can provide uni8ue

    !olution! to your cu!tom pac0a&in& re8uirement!.>$en $irin& a contract pac0a&er

    you need to be very !pecific about your bu!ine!! re8uirement to en!ure t$at t$ey $ave

    t$e capacity to meet your need!.

  • 8/16/2019 Khare Packaging as a Tool to Gain Competative Advantage Zandu Balm and Amrutanjan



  • 8/16/2019 Khare Packaging as a Tool to Gain Competative Advantage Zandu Balm and Amrutanjan



    D6,6I E F, (: /#,R6,CD: IC,L >ORGS

    "A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying todo hard things well."

    - Jeff Bezos

    $%$ T #MAMI GROUP

    Gol0ata7ba!ed Dmami =roup i! promoted by S$ri R. S. ,&arwal and S$ri R. S. =oen0a

    Gol0ata ba!ed indu!triali!t! H6ar0et iew Jeniu! ,bout Dmami

  • 8/16/2019 Khare Packaging as a Tool to Gain Competative Advantage Zandu Balm and Amrutanjan


    imani 7/roduct! under t$i! :mbrella ;rand promi!e cure. $e ran&e con!i!t! of

    O C medicine!.

    Ayucare 7, ran&e of new Life !tyle en$ancin& product! compri!in& of Sin&lein&redient $erb! food !upplement! eem E ,loe era ran&e ,yurvedic tea

    6a!!a&e oil D!!ential oil! E blend!.


    (urin& 2++% t$e company amal&amated ; 6ar0etin& E *inance Limited wit$ t$eCompany.

    (urin& 2++' t$e company ac8uired controllin& !ta0e of "".44M in Fandu /$armaceutical

    >or0! Limited and it became a !ub!idiary of t$e company. Sub!e8uently t$e company

    dive!ted it! !ta0e from Dmami Realty /vt Ltd7it! w$olly owned !ub!idiary w$ic$ i! en&a&ed

    in realty bu!ine!! w$ic$ wa! ac8uired in 2++%.

    (urin& 2++) t$e Company and t$e Fandu /$armaceutical >or0!

    Limited approved t$e demer&er of t$e Realty :nderta0in& of DmamiLimited into a !eparate company named Slic0 /ropertie! /rivate Limited to be renamed a!

    KDmami Infra!tructure LimitedK and al!o approved t$e demer&er of t$e *6C= :nderta0in& of

    Fandu into Dmami Limited.

    *urt$er to t$i! Realty :nderta0in& of Dmami Limited w$ic$ include! it! inve!tment in

    w$olly owned !ub!idiary Dmami Realty Limited and Fandu after t$e demer&er of t$e FanduK!

    *6C= :nderta0in& i.e. FanduK! non7core underta0in& to be renamed a! NFandu Realty



    Fandu /$armaceutical >or0! wa! e!tabli!$ed in (ecember 1)1) at 6umbai. $e company

    manufacture! ,yurvedic $ealt$care product! c$emical! and co!metic!. $e companyK!

    product! are !old under t$e name F, (:. $e company !upplie! ,yurvedic E #erbal

    Remedie! utraceutical ayurvedic &eneric! /lant e-tract! and $erbal co!metic e-port

    t$rou&$ t$e world.

  • 8/16/2019 Khare Packaging as a Tool to Gain Competative Advantage Zandu Balm and Amrutanjan


    $e company primarily operate! in India and al!o e-port! it! product! to :S Durope ,!ian

    and ,frican countrie!. Fandu /$armaceutical! >or0! reco&ni9ed under t$e popular brand!

    !uc$ a! Fandu ;alm Fandu C$yavanpra!$ Fandu 0eari ivan ,lma lio etc.

    $e company $a! four manufacturin& unit! vi9 Fandu c$emical! Fandu Co!metic! Fandu

    #elpline Fandu Remedy. Fandu C$emical! $a! become t$e !ub!idiary of t$e company in

    ovember 2++".


    (urin& t$e year 2++'7+) t$e company ac8uired an additional 44.2+M !ta0e of Fandu

    C$emical! Ltd a !ub!idiary of t$e company and t$e total $oldin& of t$e company in Fandu

    C$emical! Ltd. after t$i! ac8ui!ition will be )3.'4M e8uity !ta0e.

    Dmami ac8uired "'.)M !ta0e in Fandu /$armaceutical and too0 mana&ement control on

    ovember 5 2++'. $e ac8ui!ition wa! aimed at ac$ievin& !yner&etic benefit! and to

    levera&e on mutual !tren&t$!.

    (urin& 2++)71+ t$e company commenced t$eir commercial production in :ttara0$and :nit.

    Fandu and Dmami Ltd announced t$e de7mer&er of t$e realty underta0in& of Dmani Ltd into

    a !eparate company namely Slic0 /ropertie! /vt Ltd to be renamed a! Dmami Infra!tructure


    Fandu ;alm i! India ! o 1 pain relievin& balm. It i! an iconic brand of Fandu portfolio and

    become a &eneric name for balm! for mo!t of t$e con!umer!. It i! a tru!ted balm for over a

    $undred year!. Fandu ;alm i! !ynonymou! for $eadac$e body ac$e and cold remedy andcon!idered a! t$e be!t in t$e cate&ory.

  • 8/16/2019 Khare Packaging as a Tool to Gain Competative Advantage Zandu Balm and Amrutanjan


    Fandu balm i! one of t$e bi&&e!t pain mana&ement brand and available in more t$an 5 Cr.

    Indian $ou!e$old acro!! &eo&rap$ie!. It i! al!o $i&$ly di!tributed pain mana&ement brand

    wit$ covera&e of more t$an 13 La0$! retail outlet! acro!! India


    Started in t$e year 1')3 by t$e !ocial reformer ournali!t and freedom fi&$ter (e!od$ara0aN

    Sri. a&e!wara Rao /antulu =aru today ,mrutan an i! one of t$e $ou!e$old name! in India.

    $e 11'7year7old ,mrutan an brand $a! been repo!itioned wit$ K/ure #ealt$y D!!enceK a! it!

    corporate promi!e to con!umer!. $i! ma&nifie! ,mrutan anK! in$erent a!!ociation wit$

    naturalne!! !cience and tru!t.

    ,mrutan an i! now ta0in& action to focu! on t$e competency of eac$ product and it!

    application. $e companyK! current offerin&! $ave been !e&re&ated to 3 !ub brand! Gic0 Out

    /ain for pain mana&ement Relief for con&e!tion mana&ement and /urity for $y&iene

    product!. *rom RE( to brandin& retail activation to adverti!in& communication ,mrutan an

    i! po!itionin& it!elf a! a !peciali!t in t$e competitive !cenario.

    ,6R: , , H;,L6<

    Amr+tan,an i! an anal&e!ic balm owned by ,mrutan an #ealt$care. P1QP2Q


    ,mrutan an pain balm,_a_pain_relieving_balm_2013-11-27_09-10.jpg

  • 8/16/2019 Khare Packaging as a Tool to Gain Competative Advantage Zandu Balm and Amrutanjan


    ,mrutan an wa! founded in 1')3 by ournali!t and freedom fi&$ter Ga!inat$uni

    a&e!wara Rao .P3Q #e populari9ed t$e balm by a&e!wara Rao by di!tributin& it free7of7

    co!t at mu!ic concert!. Dven today t$e word! N;ombayN are in!cribed alon& wit$

    ,mrutan an on t$e lid of it! mo!t well70nown product t$e pain balm. In 1)3"

    ,mrutan an became a public limited company wit$ t$e name ,mrutan an Limited. P4Q

    M#DICA" US#S


    It i! u!ed a! a balm for $eadac$e!.


    $e brand i! owned by t$e parent ,mrutan an #ealt$care . It i! now $eaded by Samb$u

    /ra!ad t$e &rand!on of a&e!$wara Rao.

  • 8/16/2019 Khare Packaging as a Tool to Gain Competative Advantage Zandu Balm and Amrutanjan


    "IT#RATUR# R#(I#*

  • 8/16/2019 Khare Packaging as a Tool to Gain Competative Advantage Zandu Balm and Amrutanjan


    "IT#RATUR# R#(I#*

    Packaging Materia-

    $e pac0a&in& material depend! on w$at type of product you are &oin& to !end to your

    cu!tomer. It i! very important t$at pac0a&e you are !endin& !$ould be !afe in your pac0in&

    material. Surely you would never want t$at your &ift of &la!! or your &ood loo0in& !$owpiece

    arrive to your receiver in bit! and piece!. Small item! can be pac0ed in envelop but for bi&&er

    item you need lar&e in !i9e and more !afe pac0in& material. So t$at it would not &et in to

    part! or &et wrec0ed. $i! i! one !ide of your pac0in& material on ot$er $and your pac0in&

    material !$ould $ave attractive de!i&n. ,ttractive printin& i! very important becau!e it &ive!

    fir!t loo0 to everyone. ,nd a! you 0now many per!on! are involve in !$ippin& and $andlin&

    of your pac0.

    Types of packaging materia-s

    P-astic. $i! i! t$e mo!t common pac0a&in& material and at t$e !ame time one of

    t$e mo!t difficult to di!po!e of. $e factor! common to all pla!tic! are t$at t$ey are

    li&$t !tron& c$eap to manufacture. It i! for t$e!e rea!on! t$at t$ey are u!ed !o muc$

    a! an alternative to cardboard &la!! pac0a&in& material!. ,lmo!t 1+M of our rubbi!$con!i!t! of different type! of pla!tic. $ey are a problem in landfill! a! t$ey are bul0y

    t$ey contaminate de&rade !lowly. Separated t$e re!t of t$e wa!te t$ey can mu!t be

    up&raded for t$e &ood of everyone.

    Meta-. ,ppropriate for pac0a&in& food! Hcanned food!

  • 8/16/2019 Khare Packaging as a Tool to Gain Competative Advantage Zandu Balm and Amrutanjan


    ma&net! !$ould be recycled in all ca!e!. ,luminium i! attractive li&$t !tron& at t$e

    !ame time but re8uire! a lot of raw material! ener&y to ma0e it. *or t$i! rea!on it

    mu!t be recycled. $e ma ority of can! of !oft drin0! lid! aluminium foil etc. are

    made aluminium.

    'rick carton. , li&$t !tron& air7ti&$t pac0a&in& material. Ideal for tran!portin&

    !tora&e. It! comple- compo!ition ma0e! it difficult to recycle. It i! becomin& t$e main

    pac0a&in& material u!ed for ba!ic food!tuff!. Comple- pac0a&in& material made up

    of !everal layer! of pla!tic paper aluminium. It i! al!o difficult to recycle. It i! u!ed

    mainly to 0eep drin0! !uc$ a! mil0 uice etc.

    Car/0oar/. ,ppropriate for pac0a&in& material! wrappin& preferable to Nw$ite

    cor0N. It! u!e may prove to be unnece!!ary w$en u!ed for product! w$ic$ are already

  • 8/16/2019 Khare Packaging as a Tool to Gain Competative Advantage Zandu Balm and Amrutanjan


    pac0a&ed !ufficiently. In all ca!e! t$i! pac0a&in& material i! ea!y to recycle reu!e. It

    i! u!ed in t$e form of bo-e! !$eet! corru&ated cardboard.G-ass. ,n ideal material for food! e!pecially li8uid!. It i! inalterable !tron& ea!y to

    recycle. It i! t$e traditional ve!!el in t$e $ome H ar! &la!!e! u&! etc.

  • 8/16/2019 Khare Packaging as a Tool to Gain Competative Advantage Zandu Balm and Amrutanjan


    *i&ure2. ;alm of effect of pac0a&e c$aracteri!tic! on purc$a!e deci!ionHSource own pre!entation