Keep Your Home California Foreclosure Prevention Programs Joint Oversight Hearing Assembly Housing and Community Development And Banking Committees March 14, 2011

Keep Your Home California Foreclosure Prevention Programs Joint Oversight Hearing Assembly Housing and Community Development And Banking Committees March

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Page 1: Keep Your Home California Foreclosure Prevention Programs Joint Oversight Hearing Assembly Housing and Community Development And Banking Committees March

Keep Your Home CaliforniaForeclosure Prevention Programs

Joint Oversight Hearing

Assembly Housing and Community Development

And Banking Committees

March 14, 2011

Page 2: Keep Your Home California Foreclosure Prevention Programs Joint Oversight Hearing Assembly Housing and Community Development And Banking Committees March


Keep Your Home California Program Objectives • Develop programs that help prevent avoidable foreclosures for eligible low

and moderate income homeowners

• Programs designed to address one or more aspects of the current foreclosure crisis:

Financial hardship when combined with negative equity impacts homeowner’s ability to help themselves

Cannot refinance loan to obtain better terms

Unable to sell their home


Change in household circumstance such as death, illness or disability

Recent or upcoming increase in their monthly mortgage payment that will result in financial hardship

Help homeowners that need help to reinstate their delinquent loan

Help homeowners that can no longer afford their home

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• Four programs currently offered by Keep Your Home California– Unemployment Mortgage Assistance

– Mortgage Reinstatement Assistance Program

– Principal Reduction Program

– Transition Assistance Program

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Estimated Program Assistance

Program Allocated Program Dollars

Projected # of Households Assisted

Unemployment $875 million 60,500

Mortgage Reinstatement $129 million 9,200

Principal Reduction $790 million 25,135

Transition Assistance $32 million 6,470

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General Homeowner Eligibility Requirements • Own and occupy home as primary residence

• Meet low and moderate income limits (120% AMI)

• Complete and sign a Hardship Affidavit – document reason for hardship

• Mortgage loan is delinquent or in imminent default

• Adequate income to sustain mortgage payments after reinstatement and/or modification, according to participating lender guidelines

• Up to $50,000 of assistance per household

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General Property Eligibility Requirements• The property must be located in California • Property must be owner occupied, principal

residence• Mortgage is the first lien loan • Current unpaid principal balance of first

mortgage cannot exceed GSE limit (currently $729,750)

• Property must not be abandoned, vacant, or condemned

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General Property Exclusion Criteria

• Homeowner owns property other than the primary residence being considered for assistance

• Additional exclusions applicable to PRP only – effective 4/4/11

– Loan was originated after January 1, 2009

– Homeowner has consummated a “cash out refinance,” including a cash out junior lienStreamline refinance - OK

Junior liens obtained to purchase home - OK7

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Unemployment Mortgage Assistance (UMA)• Provide assistance to homeowners who have experienced involuntary job

loss and are receiving California EDD unemployment benefits

• Provide temporary benefit assistance in the form of a mortgage payment subsidy for maximum of six months

• Monthly benefit up to $3,000 or 100% of the first lien mortgage loan PITIA, whichever is less

– Maximum per household assistance is $18,000

– Benefit assistance does not include servicer corporate advances or fees

• Servicer to provide homeowner with 3 months of additional forbearance, as allowed by investor guidelines; can precede or follow UMA assistance

• Designed to complement other foreclosure prevention programs including HAMP UP and proprietary forbearance plans

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• Assist eligible homeowners with reinstatement by providing payment assistance for first lien mortgage loan

• Benefit assistance up to $15,000 per household - homeowner participation is limited to one-time payment

• Can be combined with loan modification that may or may not include Principal Reduction Program

• Can follow UMA if homeowner hardship is not cured during unemployment benefit assistance period

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• Help homeowner attain affordable monthly payment with goal of 31% front-end ratio

• Benefit assistance up to $50,000 per household, less monies previously received from other KYHC Programs

• Designed to work in conjunction with standard HAMP and proprietary loan modification programs, including HAMP PRA

• One-to-one financial match from participating investors provides homeowners with a maximum first lien principal reduction up to $100,000.

• Homeowner earns principal forgiveness over time; must occupy home and maintain payment in good standing

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• Provide transition assistance benefits to homeowners who can no longer afford their home and want to avoid foreclosure; help homeowners make a smooth transition to alternative housing

• Benefit assistance up to $5000 per household; when combined with HAFA assistance is limited to $2000 per household

• Benefit assistance provided in conjunction with investor approved short sale and deed-in-lieu transactions

• Servicers to follow HAFA guidelines for allowable costs

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Servicer Participation • Program registration includes Standardized Agreement

(homeowners are ineligible to receive KYHC benefit assistance unless their servicer has signed a Servicer Agreement )

• Agreement and exhibits provide program details including: Operational Program term sheets Common Data File format and process Funding agreementPoint of contact informationCompliance, data and reporting requirements

• Servicers to dedicate knowledgeable staff to the HHF/KHYC program – unique phone and email

• Servicers may chose not to participate in any or all programs

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List of Servicers currently participating

• All four KYHC Programs– CalHFA – CA Department of Veterans Affairs– GMAC– Guild Mortgage

• UMA/MRAP only– Chase Home Finance LLC – JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA– EMC Corporation– Wells Fargo – CitiMorgage

• UMA only– BAC (advanced discussions to add MRAP and PRP)

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List of Servicers in process of on-boarding

• Navy Federal Credit Union• Midland Mortgage• PNC• IBM LBPS• Flagstar• Sun Trust• Outreach to more than 50 additional


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KYHC Centralized Processing Center Designed to perform the following functions:

Call Center Homeowner intake, processing and eligibility analysis Foreclosure Prevention Counseling

Processing Eligibility determination includes Servicer interaction

Bi-directional CPC/Servicer Common Data File transfer processKYHC Funding made directly to Servicers

Compliance, data collection and reporting

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KYHC Program Counseling• The Centralized Processing Center is staffed with Program

counselors that provide foreclosure prevention assistance to eligible homeowners and help determine which, if any, of the KYHC Program may be of assistance

• Statewide network of 37 external HUD-certified counseling agents specifically trained on the KYHC Programs. These external counselors will help the CPC provide outreach and support to eligible homeowners

• KYHC external counselors route eligible homeowner files directly to the CPC through a secure counselor portal for final processing

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Overview of Recent Developments• Full program implementation 3/7/11• Servicer outreach/onboarding continues – currently

working with 53 additional servicers• CalHFA, CalVET, GMAC, Guild on board for all 4

programs• Innovation Fund

– Three finalists under consideration– Working to satisfy Treasury requirements before


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ProductionHomeowner Action Plans by Program

Total HAP transactions (Sept 21-Mar 08) # % Reserve $ Fund $

UMA 801 48.90% $ 14,418,000 $276,489

MRAP 358 21.86% $ 5,370,000 $232,520

PRP 465 28.39 % $23,250,000 $ 190,954

TAP 14 0.85 % $ 70,000 $ 10,000

Total 1,638 100.00% $43,108,000 $709,963

(1) Figures may be slightly overstated due to duplicate records.(2) Fund $ associated with 95 transactions


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ProductionIneligible Statistics by Program

Total Ineligible transactions (Sept 21-Mar 08)

# %

UMA 304 45.31%

MRAP 164 24.44%

PRP 196 29.21 %

TAP 7 1.04 %

Total 671 100.00%

(1) Excludes ineligible reasons from counseling (2) Figures slightly overstated due to duplicate records


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Top 10 Counties


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Moving Forward• Feb 7, 2011 - full Program roll out • 5 major servicers on board, participating in UMA/MRAP• Servicer outreach/onboarding continues – currently

working with 53 additional servicers• CalHFA, CalVET, GMAC, Guild on board for all 4

programs• Innovation Fund

– Three finalists under consideration– Working to satisfy Treasury requirements before


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For more information, please visit

www.KeepYourHomeCalifornia.org1-888-954-KEEP (5337)

or contactDi Richardson - [email protected] (916)326.8082