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The Educational�Scientific Complex 'Institute

for Applied System Analysis' (ESC ‘IASA’) of

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

(MESU) and National Academy of Sciences of

Ukraine (NASU) was created after Decision of

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in December

1997, on the base of Chair of Mathematical

Methods of System Analysis of National Technical

University of Ukraine «KPI» and Institute for

Applied System Analysis of NAS of Ukraine and

Ministry of Education of Ukraine.

Creation of Institute of double submission (to

NAS of Ukraine and to Ministry of Education and

Science of Ukraine) was connected with embodi�

ment of conception of science and education inte�

gration, having the aim of carrying out the pioneer

scientific research in the country and training of

special purpose of highly qualified specialists for

NAS of Ukraine and other branches of national

economy in the field of applied system analysis,

modern information technologies and computer


Scientific research work in the Institute is the

inalienable part of specialists training. Scientific

departments (of Mathematical Methods of System

Analysis, Applied Nonlinear Analysis, Numeral

Methods of Optimization, and Information

Recourses) which have glorious scientific traditions

operate in the Institute.

In 1959, the Department of Synthesis of the

Sensor�Based Systems under the direction of pro�

fessor V. I. Ivanenko, was created in the Institute

for Cybernetics of AS of USSR on initiative of aca�

demician V. M. Glushkov. Direction of researches

is theory of casual processes control and its applica�

tion in chemical and defensive techniques. Since

1996 this department, under the name of

Department of Applied Nonlinear Analysis, mingles

with the Institute for Applied System Analysis, and

the correspondent�member of NAS of Ukraine

V. S. Melnik becomes its head.

The Department of Numeral Methods ofOptimization was founded in the Institute for

Cybernetics of AS of USSR in 1964. Development

of researches of mathematical formalization of dif�

ferent classes of extreme problems, their theoretical

basis, especially developments of numeral methods

of their solving was the purpose of department's

founding. For many years the department has been

headed by academician B.M. Pshenichniy.

The Department of Mathematical Methods ofSystem Analysis was founded in the Institute for

Applied System Analysis in 1996, under the direc�

tion of academician M. Z. Zgurovsky with the pur�

pose to carry out fundamental and applied research

in the field of system analysis.

The Chair of Mathematical Methods of SystemAnalysis (MMSA), which forms part of the

Institute, was created in KPI in 1988 by the

initiative of academicians Y. L. Daletsky and

M. Z. Zgurovsky and by participation of academi�

cian V. S. Mikhalevich.

The Scientific Research Institute for Inter�

disciplinary Research (SRIIR) was created on ini�

tiative of academician A. I. Kukhtenko in 1990 in

Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, on the basis of scientif�

ic research sector of MMSA Chair. The main direc�

tion of SRIIR activity lied in carrying out the large�

scale searching and fundamental research of inter�

disciplinary character in further scientific direc�

tions: mathematical, physical chemical and engi�

neer methods of environment protection; systems

of artificial intellect; fractal theory and its applica�

tion in physics, chemistry and material sciences;

theory of catastrophes and bifurcation; synergetic

and 'chaos' etc.

In SRIIR, there was brought out the engineer



Director of ESC �IASA�Academician of NAS of Ukraine

Professor, DSc Mykhailo Z. ZGUROVSKY

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realization of sci�

entific research

developments in

different branches

of industry, taking

into account the

needs of internal

and world market,

scientific techni�

cal developments

and different

types of program

products intro�

duction, founda�

tion the banks of

new develop�

ments, taking into account the marketing and state

of the world market.

Ideological bases of interdisciplinary research,

progressive scientific directions of SRIIR proposed

by A. I. Kukhtenko, scientific developments and

educational process combination served in future as

the basis for educational scientific complex

'Institute for Applied System Analysis' creation.

In 2006, the Chair of Computer Aided DesignSystems (CAD) and the scientific research Instituteof Information Recourses 'INFORES' which were

fruitfully working at the Faculty of Electronics of

NTUU 'KPI', formed part of ESC 'IASA'.

Transition is caused by the desire of both sides to

join efforts in the field of high�quality training of

computer science specialists and carrying out com�

mon scientific complex system research. In 2007

'INFORES' Institute was re�organized into the

Department of Information Recourses.

In 1985, the CAD Chair, under the direction of

head professor A. I. Petrenko, began training spe�

cialists of new speciality 'Computer Aided Design

Systems', whose name was changed hereafter,

according to the international practice, into

'Information Technologies of Design'.

Now more than thousand and a half of students

study in the Institute.

Bachelors and Masters training is carried out

from 2007/2008 academic year by directions:

'System analysis' (specialities 'System analysisand control', 'Systems and methods of decision mak�


'Informatics' (speciality 'Social informatics');

'Computer sciences' (specialities 'Systems of

artificial intelligence', 'System design').

Faculties that work in Institute: System Research;

Pre�Institute Training;

Course Training;

Secondary Higher and Post�DiplomaEducation.

The Faculty of System Research was created in

2007 on the basis of MMSA and CAD Chairs, the

last one changed its name to the 'System Design'

(SD�CAD). Experienced scientists and pedagogues

of NTUU «KPI», V. M. Glushkov Institute for

Cybernetics of NAS of Ukraine, Institute for

Information Registration Problems of NAS of

Ukraine, Institute for Mathematics of NAS of

Ukraine, Institute for Space Researches of NAS of

Ukraine and National Space Agency of Ukraine are

occupied with reading lectures, carrying out practi�

cal studies, directing the diploma works.

C o m p u t e r

l a b o r a t o r i e s

equipped accord�

ing to the most

modern princi�

ples have all the

condit ions for

c a r r y i n g o u t

practical studies,

in particular for

carrying out the

e d u c a t i o n a l

c o u r s e s o f

CISCO Network

a c a d e m y f o r

design, construc�

tion and admin�

istrating of local

and global networks, as well as certain activities

connected with modern integral�performed micro�

systems design, and analytical accompaniment of

bank activity, etc.

Employees of Institute take part in the interna�

tional programs of Tacis, EDNEC, Intas etc.

Common with IIASA (Austria) the Institute is

engaged in applied research in social economic

problems of the state. At active participation of

Institute and at support of technical committee of

NATO, there is a work being carried out of planning

and creation of international computer network of

educational and scientific establishments, the

URAN system. The 'INFORES' Institute took

part in execution of projects of European


By participation ofAcademician of NAS of UkraineProfessor V. S. MIKHALEVICH

(1930–1994)the ММSА Chair of is created

By participation ofAcademician of NAS of Ukraine

Professor O. I. KUKHTENKO(1914–1994)

Scientific-Research Institutefor InterdisciplinaryResearch is created

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C o m m i s s i o n

C A L M A P �

TACIS і Сoperni�

cus�INCO, proj�

ects of Scientific

Te c h n o l o g i c a l

Center of Ukraine

(STCU), project

with Intel firm

t h r o u g h t h e

Ukrainian Rep�

r e s e n t a t i on o f

Civil Research

and Development

Fund of the USA

(CRDF), direct

contacts with Panasonic, General Electric firms,

and the South Korean SeoduLogic firm, etc.

On initiative of Institute, with active common

work with UNIDO (Austria), the state scientific

program 'Technological Foresight as System

Methodology of Innovation Development of

Ukraine' was carried out.

The international scientific journal 'System

Research and Information Technologies' which is

included to the list of professional scientific edi�

tions of Ukraine, is been published in Institute.

The institute is the organizer and coorganizer

of many scientific conferences and seminars, in

particular, it annually carries out International sci�

entific�practical conference 'System Analysis and

Information Technologies'.

The fundamental and applied research is real�

ized in close connection with the educational

process. The results of scientific development are

direct ly introduced to the educational process as

lectures for students, in this way the question of

forestalling e d u �

c a t i o n i s

b e i n g s o l ve d .

Theoretical train�

ing of students

merges with prac�

tical activity in

scientific subsec�

tions of Institute.

I n P o s t �

G r a d u a t e a n d

Doctorate De�

p a r t m e n t o f

Inst i tute, have

their studies the

scientists of physical mathematics and technical

branches of sciences on specialities: 'System

Analysis and Optimal Decisions Theory',

'Mathematical Simulation and Numerical

Methods', 'Systems and Processes of Control',

'Information Technologies', 'Computer�Aided

Design Systems' etc. High level of training of

specialists in Post�Graduate and Doctorate De�

partment of Institute is confirmed by numerous

successful dissertations and scientific schools

creation: of Infinite�dimensional Analysis

(founded by academician of NAS of Ukraine

U. L. Daletsky), Optimization Theory (founded

by academician of NAS of Ukraine

B. M. Pshenichny), Computer�Aided Control of

Technological Processes (founded by professor

V. V. Azhogin), System Analysis and Theory of

Decisions Making (under the direction of acade�

mician of NAS of Ukraine M. Z. Zgurovsky),

N o n l i n e a r

An a l y s i s a n d

Theory of Dyna�

m i c S y s t e m s

(under the direc�

tion of corre�


ber of NAS of

U k r a i n e

V. S . M e l n i k ) ,

C o m p u t e r

Design (under

the direction of

p r o f e s s o r

A. I. Petrenko).

Special purpose training of students of senior

courses foresees the obligatory participation in sci�

entific researches which are executed by the scien�

tific departments of Institute and at the place of

future work. As the experience of practical activity

of our graduating students has shown, they work

successfully as system analysts, circuit design engi�

neers, mathematicians, programmers, local nets

administrators, economists, in establishments of

NAS of Ukraine, state organs of management of

different levels, in particular branch of the research

institutes, in commercial firms and banks.

The high level of training of specialists in the

Institute provides the highly skilled collective of

professors and scientists, having among them one

academician of NAS of Ukraine, one correspon�

dent�member of NAS of Ukraine, 16 professors

and 47 doctors of sciences.


Founder of Scientific Schoolfor computer-aided controlof technological processesProfessor V. V. AZHOGIN


Founder of Scientific Schoolfor infinite-dimensional analysisAcademician of NAS of Ukraine

Professor Y. L. DALETSKY(1926–1997)

Founder of Scientific Schoolfor theory of optimization

Academician of NAS of Ukraine Professor B. M. PSHENICHNY


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Deputy director of educa-tional work, Dean of theFaculty of System Research

Professor, DScViktor D. ROMANENKO

Tel./Fax: (+38044) 236-39-87E-mail:[email protected]

Deputy director of scientificwork, Head of theDepartment ofMathematical Methods ofSystem Analysis

Professor, DScNataliya D. PANKRATOVA

Tel./Fax: (+38044) 241-96-47E-mail:[email protected]

Deputy director of scientificwork, Head of theDepartment of AppliedNonlinear Analysis

Correspondent-Member ofNAS of UkraineProfessor, DScValeriy S. MELNIK

Tel.: (+38044) 241-68-40E-mail: [email protected]

Academic secretary

Senior researcher, PhD

Olena E. KIRIK

Tel.: (+38044) 241-68-42E- mail:[email protected]

Head of the Chair of SystemDesign, Head of theDepartment of InformationRecourses

Professor, DScAnatoliy I. PETRENKO

Tel./Fax: (+38044) 280-90-46E- mail:[email protected]

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Account financial departmentTel.: (+38044) 241-68-43

Head of the Personneldepartment


Tel./Fax: (+38044) 241-68-48

Main accountant


Tel./Fax: (+38044) 241-86-60

Supervisors of deaneryТеl.: (+38044) 454-97-01

Address of the Institute:35 bild., 37, Prospect Peremogy, Kyiv, Ukraine

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Carrying out the educational activity on

training Bachelors and Masters by directions

'System analysis', 'Informatics' and 'Computer sci�


Scientific training of higher qualification

personnel (candidates and doctors of sciences).

Development of methodology of system

analysis, mathematical methods and program tools

for carrying out the complex analysis, technological

foresight and forecasting of state problems of

social, economic, ecological economic and techno�

logical direction.

Development and introduction of informa�

tion technologies for solving large�scale interdisci�

plinary tasks in the sphere of economy and social

economy, credit financial sphere, analysis of global

changes and determination of environment defense

measures, mathematical design of complex physi�

cal processes and fields.

Creation and realization of new methods of

statistical and econometric analysis of dynamics of

financial economic processes, forecasting of non�

linear nonstationary processes.

Development and realization of program

technical complexes on the basis of modern elec�

tronic computer and program systems including

Internet, for solving problems of applied system


The fundamental and applied research on

the most actual questions of science and technolo�

gy, which are directed on solving problems of

national economy in close connection with educa�

tional process.

Development and introduction of modern

methods of solving badly determined and hard

nonlinear problems of mathematical simulation of

complex technological objects containing parts of

different physical origin; parallel calculation organ�

ization in distributed program technical complexes;

using Internet by specialists from different organi�

zations and countries as environment for common

optimal computer design.

Giving services of high technological tech�

nical objects design (Microsystems, for instance) to

the remote users which excludes the necessity of

keeping the respective program tools at every

organization, and gives Ukrainian developers possi�

bility to take the worthy part in the world market.

Realization of wide international connec�

tions in the field of education and science.




Session of academic council of the Institute

Solemn meeting on account of State Prizes handing (2006). In the centre, there are President of Ukraine V. A. YUSCHENKO and President of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Academician of NASU B. E. PATON. Among the prize winners, there are director of IASA Academician of NASUM. Z. ZGUROVSKY and deputy director of IASA Correspondent-Member of NASU V. S. MELNIK

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Faculty of System Research

Head of the Chair: Academician of NAS of

Ukraine, Professor, DSc M. Z. Zgurovsky.

The basic task of Chair of MMSA is training of

new generation of system analysts able to decide

intricate interdisciplinary problems in different

spheres of science, techniques and development of

the state.

System analysts are specialists on strategies of

much�staging processes realization development,

where at every stage it is necessary to make decision

taking into account risks, possible compromises

and prognostication of scenarios of future conse�

quences of the accepted decisions. The working

tools of system analyst are monitoring, designing,

system analysis, technique of foresight and prog�

nostication, risk analysis, operation analysis and

decision�making theory in the complex systems,

games and conflict theory, etc.

Integration in Institute for Applied Systems

Analysis of educational and scientific directions of

activity enabled to realize methodology of training

of intellectual persons of practical orientation,

whose educational level fits the international stan�

dards. This methodology is based on:

1) multilevel organizational coordinating sys�


2) process of selection, training, retraining and

employment of graduating students.

The organizational coordinating system has:

its own faculty of pre�institute training,

which cooperates with middle educational estab�

lishments (lyceums, high schools, schools) in dif�

ferent cities;

educational�scientific complexes in Ko�

lomia (Ivano�Francovsk reg.), Smila (Chercaskiy


system of organization and effective

methodology of studies in the Institute;

system of professional adaptation on the

basis of internship, beginning from the third

course, in the leading ministries, scientific estab�

lishments and enterprises with which Institute

cooperates by system of agreements on collabora�

tion. In this system, continuous process of giving

possibilities of self�realization to the youth acts,

from pre�institute training to placing in a job.

Methodology of studies in Institute is oriented

on prognostication of market specialists' demand

and dynamics of scientific and technical progress.

It is based on such principles:

Educational and teaching methods in

Institute are oriented on forming of fundamental

education of high level which provides rapid adap�

Studies in the computer class

Passing the exam for Bachelor�s degree

Institute library

Chair of Mathematical Methods of System Analysis (MMSA)

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tation and effective activity in many spheres of

intellectual activity;

On the base of this fundamental education,

there is carried out a special purpose preparation of

specialists of increased demand in the field of infor�

mation technologies design, foresight and prognos�

tication, decision�making, and economic, finan�

cial, social, organizational and technological

processes control.

Methodology of studies in Institute has two


1. Forming of education, oriented on master�

ing the theory and methods of knowledge and cur�

rent operating

i n f o r m a t i o n

management for

p r e p a r a t i o n ,

making and

practical organi�

zation of deci�

sions, taking into

account the situ�

ation estimation

and peculiarities

of environment

and processes.

2. Forming

of professional

knowledge and

skills for working

in competitive

spheres of activity (science, business, economy,

financial sphere and the others).

These approaches to organization of educative

activity in Institute provide accumulation of such

knowledge and such ability to use it, which does not

depreciate with the change of spheres of activity,

and provide adaptation of specialists to the variable

terms in production, economy, business, finances

etc. Along with this, preparation method 'speciality

– service' scheme is ousted with preparation

method 'professional education – professional


Fundamental disciplines of physical mathe�

matical cycle take important place in the curricula

of Chair of MMSA of the Institute: mathematical

and functional analyses, linear algebra, theory of

probability, mathematical physics, which are stud�

ied in far larger volume, than on other engineering


Exploring of complicated physical processes

and fields, technical, economic and social systems

is connected with large volume of calculations and

thus is impossible without the use of modern super�

power computer

techniques and

new informa�

tion technolo�

gies. So then,

the study of

methods of sys�

tem analysis,

s i m u l a t i o n ,

facilities of cal�

culations, infor�

mation systems

and technolo�

gies is the major

part of studies

on the Chair of

MMSA of the


The curriculum of Chair of MMSA contains

modern courses of statistical analysis of economic

processes; decision�making theory; bases of artifi�

cial intellect and its application in macro economy

and business, theory of risk, econometric analysis,

macro economic and social systems information

providing, bank business software design, business

and financial systems. Modern methods and hard�

ware of information protection systems in comput�

er networks, bases of cryptology and cryptographies

are studied also.

Speciality of 'System Analysis and Control' is

oriented on study of complex physical technical

processes, fields and systems of different nature.

On this spe�

ciality, Chair of

MMSA trains

students in the

sphere of theory

of systems,


methods and

p r o g r a m m i n g

facilities of

design and opti�

mization of

complex physi�

cal processes,

optimal and

adaptive con�

trol, develop�

Vice-dean of educationalmethodical work


Vice-dean of organizing andeducational-pedagogical work

Associate professor, PhDA. P. YAKOVLEVA

Vice-dean at work with foreignstudents and extramural form ofeducation, Associate professor



Faculty of System Research

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ment of computer�integrated systems of planning

and management, numerical methods of mathe�

matical physics, mathematical methods of automa�

tion of progressive

technologies. The

knowledge given

is of system char�

acter, and allows

establishing sys�

tem connection

and features of

d i f f e r e n t

approaches to

design and opti�

mization of com�

plex physical

processes, fields

and systems of

different nature.

B e g i n n i n g

from 1999/2000 academic year new specialization

'System Analysis of Financial Market' is intro�

duced, on which students get knowledge on mathe�

matical design and statistical analysis of economic

processes, economy of transitional period design,

methods of financial mathematics, technical analy�

sis of financial market, corporate finances.

Since 2007/2008 academic year new special�izations ‘Foresight and forecasting in strategicplanning’, ‘Risk�management in competitor sys�tems’, ‘Nonlinear analysis and control of complexdistributed systems’, ‘Information managementand automation of business processes’ are intro�duced.

Beginning from 2007/2008 academic year newspeciality 'Systems and methods of decision mak�ing' (specialization 'Human�machine systems ofdecision making') is introduced.

'Intellectual Systems of Decision�Making' spe�ciality provides training in the field of decision�making theory in the complex interactive econom�ic systems; methods of analysis, management andprognostication in macroeconomics and at the levelof the separately taken enterprises, banks and

exchanges; design of economic processes; planningof information technologies; creation of complexinformation and expert systems for elements ofmacro economic systems.

Beginning from 2007/2008 academic year spe�ciality 'Systems of artificial intelligence' (special�izations: 'Systems of artificial intelligence in eco�nomics and financial sphere', 'Intellectual tech�nologies and systems in manufacture sphere' isintroduced.

'Social Informatics' provides training in the

field of mathematical simulation theory and prog�


Faculty of System Research

President of National Academy of Sciences of UkraineAcademician of NASU B. E. PATON and Academician of

NASU M. Z. ZGUROVSKY hand the Master�s degree

Associate professor, PhDO. L. TIMOSCHUK

cares about placing in a jobof graduating students

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Faculty of System Research

nostication of the social economic and political sys�

tems development; application of computer tech�

nologies in management, sociology, state adminis�

tration; intergovernmental relations development

prognostication; methods of labor market analysis.

Since 2002/2003 academic year, there was

introduced the 'Network Computer Technologies

in Social Informatics' specialization which provides

training in the field of software for computer net�

works, modern Internet technologies, standard

network information technologies (CISCO).

Beginning from 2007/2008 academic year, new

specialization 'Sustainable development and global

control' is introduced.

Pioneer specialists from foreign universities

take part in lectures. Thus, professors from Royal

Technological University (Stockholm, Sweden),

Polytechnic University (Catalonia, Spain), and

Technological University (Delft, Netherlands)

within Tempus (Erasmus Mundus) project teach

the course on sustainable development, its global

perspectives from the point of view of industrial

ecology, energetics and technology.

Educational activity in Institute, except Chair

of MMSA, is carried out in the branch of Chair of

MMSA in the International Scientific Educational

Center of Information Technologies and Systems of

UNESCO in Ukraine, where the citizens of

Ukraine and other countries have the possibility to

get Master's degree of second higher education on

'System Analysis and Control' and 'Intellectual

Systems of Decision�making' specialities.

Professors and students of Sustainable Development Course

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Head of the Chair: Professor, DSc

A. I. Petrenko.

The main task of CAD Chair is training of spe�

cialists in man's creative engineer activity comput�

erization, which is displayed the most brightly in

new objects and technologies of artificial environ�

ment design and creation. The idea of 'Information

Technologies for Design' speciality is using of mod�

ern computer technologies (mathematic modeling,

graphic and text processors, data� and knowledge

bases, computer networks, expert systems and deci�

sion�making systems, multimedia information

technologies, Internet information recourses) at all

stages of individual or collective optimization design

and development of new objects and processes, such

as forestalling exploration, action principle choice,

design of sketch and technical projects, all�round

engineer analysis and project optimization, prepa�

ration of constructing documentation and control

information for computer�aided enterprises.

With it, modern element base of information

technologies as Microsystems (System�in�a Chip

and System�in�a Package) is chosen for applied

branch where CAD methods are used in the most

effective way. Thus, students even during the study�

ing process have the possibility to try their forces in

designing satellite with weight of several kilograms

only, instead of habitual several hundreds kilograms

(even with its functioning widening) or designing

nano�probe laboratory which, being under control,

moves in the man's vessels and not only diagnoses,

but also cures him.

Specialist in the field of information technolo�

gies for design is summoned to solve the following

functional tasks in organizations and enterprises:

development of new ways of computer using

(electronic commerce, multimedia systems, med�

ical diagnostic centers, information searching sys�

tems, computer�aided design, in�built systems);

development of effective ways of computeri�

zation tasks solving (programs of mathematical

proofs and conclusions; of symbol calculations, of

LIS modeling, etc);

development, introduction and using of pro�

gram tools (development of networks and net serv�

ice, friendly interface, safety problems, mobile con�

nection, computer graphics and games);

organization infrastructure planning and

management (Net configuration, calculating envi�

ronment management, design and realization of

information systems, development and application

of databases, information search software design,

communication software installation, installation/

renewing of computers and computer software, etc).

More detailed information about Chair can be

f o u n d i n t h e I n t e r n e t on i t s s i t e :

http://www.cad.ntu�kpi.kiev.ua. Information tech�

nologies in organization and carrying out the educa�

tional process are widely used at the Chair, Web�site

with electronic educational materials on all the dis�

ciplines is created.

Training of students is realized on interdiscipli�

nary base by joining the components of engineering

and science while solving computerization tasks and

forming computer additions. The curriculum of

fundamental and special training is built taking into

account the international standards (first of all,

common recommendations /IEEE/ Curricula'04)

for studying computer tasks, and provides (in addi�

tion to advanced physic mathematics cycle of fun�

damental training disciplines) consolidation of

knowledge and skills of future specialists of base


1) Computers and computer sciences: data struc�

tures, methods of their proceeding; computer archi�

tecture; operational systems; programming lan�

guages and CASE�technologies; information tech�

nologies tools (data� and knowledge bases; graphic

and text proceeding; expert systems; electronic

methods of modeling, publishing systems); user

Students of the Chair


Faculty of System Research

Chair of System Design (SD � CAD)

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interface; local and global computer networks; sep�

arated systems and Grid technologies, information

Internet recourses; multimedia and network collab�

oration (group design); data defense, etc.

2) Computer�aided design: numerical methods

and algorithmization procedures, theory of schemes

and systems; basis of CAD forming; analog systems

design and optimization; digital schemes design;

architectural functional synthesis on the base of

VHDL technologies; methods of design of ordered

VLSI, micro processor systems design, methods of

diagnostics of computers and VLSI, artificial intel�

lect in CAD, parallel calculations in CAD, etc.

3) Information community technologies: distant

learning systems; virtual reality systems; author

multimedia systems; enterprise support systems;

information organization management systems,

including large program project management, etc.

There is practiced also reading of some disci�

plines of educational plan and diploma project

defense in English. Regular probation of Chair

Masters is carried out abroad, in particular, in

Germany, in Frankfurt�upon�Oder, Kotsburgh and

Manderburgh universities, in scientific research INR

Institute in Frankfurt�upon�Oder (Germany), etc.

Curriculum is pointed at development of fol�

lowing personal qualities amongst students in the

process of education:

ability to solve tasks in large subject field,

including the skill of formulating these tasks in

mathematical or other forms, and to use mathemat�

ics and the other tools in their solving;

deep knowledge and ability to use new sci�

entific and technical results or data;

project competency, beginning from specifi�

cation making, choice of different alternative deci�

sions for project, analysis of variants and their esti�

mation from technical, financial and human points

of view, and ending with technical design, system

manufacturing, its testing, test variants estimation

and writing report on the project;

sociability and aptitude to collaboration,

including ability to express one's thought clearly

(orally or in written form) as well as ability to work

in collective via Internet;

competency efficient for executing inde�

pendent technical/scientific development or

research work;

Ability to use modern computer tools for

enriching and improvement of knowledge, commu�

nication widening, project competency strengthen�

ing, and perception perfection.

Speciality 'Information technologies of devel�

opment �System Development' includes such spe�

cializations: 'Collective computer development in

the Internet environment', "Grid technologies for

science, education and business', 'Management of

large scientific�technical projects'.

Demand for such specialists is great. The Chair

of SD�CAD possesses special contracts with well�

known Melexes (Belgium), ZMD and IPH

(Germany), Mental Graphics (USA), ProFIX

(Ukraine) firms for common training of specialists

on computer design, and the firms give Chair the

unique equipment (for instance, world�famous

design systems Cadence), special stipendiums for

students, possibility for probation and post�graduate

study abroad, and also the guaranteed placing in a

job in branch offices of these firms in Ukraine or in

common enterprises working in Ukraine (IBM,



Faculty of System Research

Future specialist on computer networks

Assignment of the agreement on mutual work withTrento University (Italy) delegation

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Intel, Siemens, Apple, Sumsung, Microsoft і ін.)

and directly abroad. As project procedures are of

invariant character in the most cases, the CAD spe�

cialists are able to adapt quickly to the other branch

applications of computer design methods, including

creation and adaptation of systems of economic

financial direction, with the fact that many of

Chair's graduates have placed in a job successfully as

the example, in such companies as: "Samsung�

Ukraine", "TEXVER" PAKKOtm , "Mark Essen",

"Viaduk�Telecom", "ProFIX", "Lan�Telecom",

"ProcreditBank", "Young&Rubicam", "Deutsche

Wertpapierservice Bank", IBS (Information

Business System and Telecommunication), ACT

(Achievements of Computer Technologies),

"Megatek", "SUN � Ukraine", "IBM�Kyiv".

Faculty is

created in 2001

with the pur�

pose of giving

possibility to

people who

already have

higher educa�

tion, to get the

second higher

education on

new speciality

that has consid�

erable demand

at market of

labor. The cycle

of studies is

counted on two years. On graduating, specialists

get the diploma of Master's degree of NTUU

'KPI' on computer sciences on 'Intellectual

Systems of Decision�making' and 'Information

Technologies of Design' specialities, and also

Master's degree of NTUU 'KPI' on applied

mathematics on 'System Analysis and

Management' speciality.

'Intellectual Systems of Decision�making'speciality connects fundamental knowledge of

computers and finance�economic sciences,

allows to master modern mathematic methods of

decision�making, system analysis and technique

of prognostication for practical activity in econ�

omy, business and financial sphere.

'System Analysis and Management' specialitywas created in 2004. Basic direction is training

system analysts in state management, econom�

ics, financial and bank sphere on the base of use

of leading information and computer technolo�

gies with system analysis and operations analysis


'Information Technologies in Design' speciali�ty is connected with training of high�qualified

specialists able to apply computer technologies

in design of computer systems, their program

tools and other high�technological know�how,

taking part in projects performed collectively via


Educational programs and organization of

educational process are oriented on theoretical

and practical training of specialists for solving,

with the use of modem methods of information

computer technologies, actual tasks for making

effective operative and strategic decisions in the

field of practical economy and business, man�

agement and marketing, financial, bank and

insurance activity management in the conditions

of incompleteness of information and taking

risks into account. The educational process pro�

vides training of intellectual persons armed by

modern methods and technologies for working

in the conditions of competition.

The curriculum consists of four large cycles ofdisciplines:

1. Information computer technology. 2. Methods and systems of decision�making.3. Economy and finances.4. Mathematical economy.Cycle 1 gives computer education and pro�

fessional skills of practical work.

Cycle 2 provides training in the field of

analysis, prognosis and decision�making in

Dean of the FacultyProfessor, DSc


Faculty of Secondary Higher and Post�Diploma Education

Graduating students from China and Vietnam

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FPT is the

subsection of

Institute the pur�

pose of which is

the professional

orientation of

students, with the

purpose of capa�

bilities and skills

finding, making

based recom�

mendations con�

cerning the

choice of future

profession, and

preparation for

taking part in exams ahead of schedule.

FPT is founded in 1998. Faculty carries out the

qualitative selection and fundamental training of

young people for entering IASA as well as other insti�

tutes and faculties of NTUU 'KPI', that is why the

leading specialists of IASA, NTUU 'KPI' and other

educational establishments, namely professors, doc�

tors of sciences, associated professors, candidates of

sciences, experimental teachers, work at the Faculty.

The plan of training of listeners foresees audito�

rium studies as well as knowledge verification by rat�

ing measures (individual attestation works from on

separate sections of mathematics, physics and plan

attestation control works).

After graduating listeners of Faculty have a right

to take part in the finishing complex attestation test�

ing (examination). These measures are developed

and conducted with the Center of Testing and

Monitoring of Knowledge of NTUU 'KPI'.

Taking into account experience of computer dis�

ciplines teaching in Institute, with the purpose to

increase the level of university entrants training,

there was accepted the decision about introduction

of course of informatics for listeners which wish to

enter IASA on the scientific council�board.

According to their desire, on faculty there are carried

out the courses of informatics in computer class, and

computer testing is introduced.

According to the results of all rating measures,

the best listeners on competitive basis (within the

limits selected by institutes and faculties of NTUUU

'KPI') will be recommended by academic councils of

faculties to take introductory tests in the form of


The annual mathematical Olympiad organized

by IASA together with FPT favors the qualitative

selection of talented young people.


Faculty has such an organizational system of

studies, which allows schoolboys of Kyiv and other

regions of Ukraine to find the suitable forms of stud�

ies according to plan of pre�institute training.

Training coursesDeep preparation on competitive disciplines is

oriented on the requirements of IASA and other

institutes and faculties of NTUU 'KPI'. There exists

the form of evening studies for the students of 10th,

11th forms. Tel.: +380 (044) 454�97�02.

Let's pay attention to the fact that programs of

training of students of 10th forms are developed to

co�ordinate their subsequent studies in FPT and in

11th form.

complex situations with the use of information

and computer technologies.

Cycle 3 gives modern education in the field

of economy.

Cycle 4 The knowledge got in the cycles 1,

2, 3 is used as base for forming modern profes�

sionalism in the field of economy and finances.

All cycles are based on methodology of com�

plex theoretical and practical training tested by

practice of a few thousand highly skilled special�

ists, which work successfully in Ukraine and in

other countries.

The Faculty of the second higher education

of Institute has a highly developed modern labo�

ratory base for carrying out lessons, in particular,

specialized computer classes incorporated in

local areas networks. It is created, and functions

now the INTERNET network, through which

the distant education with the use of modern

information technologies designed by leading

Institute scientists will be carried out. All stu�

dents which study at Faculty of the second high�

er education have the possibility to work on�line

in the INTERNET. Peculiarity of studying in the

Institute is that alongside with fundamental

knowledge oriented at training of high�qualified

research Masters, skillful in creative work, stu�

dents master by there choice knowledge and

practical skills in the filed of high information

technologies which are of considerable demand

at modern labor market.

Dean of the FacultyProfessor, DScG. G. VLASIUK

Faculty of Pre�Institute training (FPT)

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Training departmentStationary training of young people who already

have secondary education gives possibility to study to

people who have an interruption in education and

want to raise their level of knowledge to enter the uni�


External studiesConnects internal and external forms of studies,

gives possibility of training to enter the university,

independently of residence.

Department of lyceums and specialized classesFundamental training of students on the base of

leading lyceums, high schools, schools, with the

method of FPT (on the proper agreements).

Department of intensive studiesThere is profound training on competitive disci�

plines for university entrants from other places of

Ukraine. There is Saturday form of studies for stu�

dents of 11th forms.

Application reception on all departments is from

May, 15.

FPT courses begin from September – October.

Training department for foreign citizensOn FPT Faculty study foreign students who

intend to enter the higher educational establishment

of Ukraine on directions:

1. Engineering.2. Medical biology.

3. Economics.Duration of studies on the training department

for foreign citizens is 1 year.

Together with Management of International

Connections of NTUU 'KPI', the Faculty accumu�

lates experience with foreign students not only from

training department but also with students of the first

course. From 2003, the set of foreign students on the

first course of Institute on speciality 'Computer

Sciences' is carried out.

FPT has the licensed volume of training to entry

to higher educational establishment (600 persons) and

works jointly and by unique rules with Institute of

Monitoring of Quality of Education of NTUU 'KPI'.

All listeners of faculty are provided with necessary

methodical manuals on competitive disciplines and

informative sheets with current information.

The material base, for acquisition of skills of work

with modern information, computer and mathemati�

cal technologies, is created on faculty. A computer

class is equipped with 20 computers which are incor�

porated in unique network, and also with comfortable

educational furniture. Developed information com�

puter structure gives possibility both to teach and to

control the studies of listeners by the computer testing.

Almost 75% students of Institute graduated from

the FPI, and this is the index of efficiency of faculty's


FCT carries

out the studies of

students of IASA

and other insti�

tutes and facul�

ties of NTUU

'KPI', and also

schoolboys, lis�

teners with sec�

ondary, middle

higher education

who wish to get

deep knowledge

on certain course

programs of for�

eign languages oriented on possession foreign lan�

guages, business etiquette, good manners and profes�

sional qualities.

For today FCT offers the multilevel system of

foreign languages studying.

One of the main tasks of Faculty is to do all the

best for the maximal improvement of educational

process, for overcoming the language barrier of lis�

teners. FCT offers the study of foreign languages

with the effective programs which are developed by

methodical council, and contain works of Faculty

professors, the best achievements of Ukrainian and

world practice. In the process of studies, there is used

modern literature of Great Britain, the USA,

Germany. The faculty has a video hall, where the

courses of videos, features films from English�speak�

ing countries, are demonstrated. Thus, the passive

study of language is realized, with purpose to get the

skills of its understanding. Teachers were passing

internship in Great Britain and Germany, and now

they have the possibility of experience exchange with

the colleagues from universities of these countries.

They create situations which motivate the active

study of language. The efficiency of studies depends

very much from their actor and director skills to cre�

ate psychologically convenient atmosphere.

Individual approach to every listener is the

important moment in the work of Faculty.

Studies on FCT open to listeners new possibili�

ties in their personal life and career make them desir�

able specialists in the most prestige organizations.

Dean of the FacultyL. M. HRAPATA

Faculty of Course Training (FCT)

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Head of the Department: Professor, DSc

N. D. Pankratova.

The department carries out fundamental and

applied research in the field of system analysis as

the applied scientific methodology intended for

research of complex interdisciplinary problems of

different nature. Methodological and theoretical

basis of formalization and decision of interdiscipli�

nary problems concerning different subject branch�

es are formulated from the position of systems

approach. There are developing methods of system

problems formalization, their leading to the solv�

able form in the real terms characterized by multi�

tude of contradictory aims, and different types of

vague nesses and risks. Computational algorithms

and procedures of decision of practical problems of

interdisciplinary character are created for the row

of applications which belong to scientific technical

and social economic spheres of man's activity. In

particular, methodology and applied technologies

of information and knowledge�based societies are


Along with the use of theory and methods of

system and scenario analysis, decision�making,

technological foresight, strategic planning, the

wide introduction of complex interdependent sys�

tems of the different setting, which function in the

conditions of vague nesses, and sets of conflicting

aims and risks, is carried out.

Department of Mathematical Methods of System Analysis

The institute carries out fundamental and

applied research in the field of methodology of sys�

tem analysis of complex objects and processes of

social, economic, ecological economic and techno�

logical directions; scenario analysis, prognostica�

tion and foresight of complex systems behavior tak�

ing into account the multivariable risks, decision�

making in such systems with the lack of informa�

tion; theories of optimal control and differential

games; methods of nonlinear analysis and optimiza�

tion; theories of the uncountable dynamic systems;

methods of evaluation and management of nonlin�

ear systems with up�diffused parameters; guided

Marks processes, theory of information analytic

systems, large databases management, modern

methods of solving badly determined and hard non�

linear problems of mathematic modeling of com�

plex technical objects, methods of parallel calcula�

tions in supercomputers; use of Іnternet as the envi�

ronment of joint optimal computer�aided design by

specialists of different organizations and countries.

Basic scientific researches of institute allow

providing of:

innovative development of large companies,

branches of economy and state on the whole with

the use of methodology of technological foresight,

scenario analysis and strategic planning;

reliable functioning with guaranteed safety of

complex interconnected systems of different


providing remote users by service of designing

high�technological technical objects.

Besides, the results got at implementation of sci�

entific projects are used at preparation of on�line

tutorials of the special courses for students of senior

courses of mathematical specialities, and during

carrying out scientific researches in IASA, Institute

for Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, Institute for

Cybernetics of NAS of Ukraine, Physical Technical

Institute of NTUU 'KPI', Kyiv National University

named of T. G. Shevchenko.

Students of the Institute are drawn to scientific work andexecuting of scientific projects

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Head of the Department: Correspondent�

Member of NAS of Ukraine, Professor, DSc

V. S. Melnik.

The department carries out research on decision�

making theory in the vagueness condition, theories of

the uncountable dynamic systems, methods of evalu�

ation and management of nonlinear systems with up�

diffused parameters, nonlinear maximum problems

for differential equations and variation inequalities in

derivative, guided Marks processes, bifurcation mech�

anisms of burning of multicomponent fuels; simula�

tion and phenomenological models of dynamics of

public processes.

Department of Applied Nonlinear Analysis

Head of the Department: Professor, DSc

V. V. Ostapenko.

The department carries out fundamental and

applied research on problems of optimum control the�

ory and differential games, numerical methods of

nonlinear analysis and optimization, convex analysis

and significant reflections, necessary and sufficient

conditions of extremum in general problems of opti�

mization, models of economic dynamics.

Head of the Department: Professor, DSc

A. I. Petrenko.

The department carries out fundamental and

applied research on computer�aided design mathe�

matic tools, namely: methods of automatic forming

of an object mathematical models in the form of

algebra�differential equations or state variables

equations on the base of their netlists and compo�

nents description; implicit numerical methods of

integration, order of which is changed automatical�

ly from 1st to 6th during solving 'stiff' equations of

mathematical model with a guarantee of result's

convergence and the error defined; methods of

solving of ill�conditional linearized problems of

great dimension; new methods of parametrical

optimization of variable order, in which, in distinc�

tion to existing ones, additional terms with third

and forth derivatives are used in Taylor's formula for

of a Goal function; methods of solutions' 'centering'

in the multi�dimensioned space which raise objects'

viability at their parameters changing; methods of

combine modeling of several physical effects in the

object (for instance, electrical condition and heat

output); methods of parallel solution of mathemat�

ical model equations on supercomputers, etc.

On basis of original methods, named higher,

development of competitive CAD systems is carried

for different purposes, for instance, for perspective

Micro� electronic� mechanical Systems (MEMS)


Head of the Department Correspondent-Member of NASU V. S. MEL-NIK (left) and founder of the Department Professor V. I. IVANENKO

Head of the DepartmentProfessor, DSc V. V. OSTAPENKO

Department of Information Recourses 'INFORES'

Department of Numerical Methods of Optimization

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Project scientific manager is ProfessorM. Z. Zgurovsky.

It is proposed theoretical ground and develop�ment of methodology of scenario analysis as tools oftechnological foresight which helps to make decisionsin the field of scientific and technological politics atnational and regional level as well as at the level of sep�arate manufacture branches, large organizations andcompanies. For solving this problem, it is necessary todevelop the scientifically grounded approaches, waysand methods of qualitative analysis in the tasks oftechnological foresight, to create methods and princi�ples of modeling of future event scenarios and practi�cal procedures of expert estimation, to develop thesystem methodology of application of qualitativeanalysis methods in the development of future scenar�ios of behavior of complex systems of different nature(social, economical, technical, ecological, etc) whichfunction under the influence of substantially nonlin�ear events at all stages of life cycle, taking into accountmutual influences and connections between them,substantial uncertainty multi�factor stages and risklevels.

As the result of Project execution, there will bedeveloped new theoretical and methodologicalgrounds of methodology of system analysis in prob�lems of technological foresight taking into account thenew principles of expert estimation and estimation ofprobability of qualitative analysis methods, which willgive the possibility of guaranteed receiving of authen�tic scenarios of the future in scientific technologicaland innovation activities; with the introduction of newprinciples, there will be created new informationexpert systems as tools for decision�making supportwhile executing the complex of works on technologi�

cal foresight.There will be prepared the analytical report for

Government of Ukraine, main organs of branches ofindustry and large enterprises, for which there wascarried out complex of works on technological fore�sight with the purpose of getting recommendationsand strategy of innovate 'breakthrough' developmentof these branches of industry and enterprises.

Project scientific manager is Professor

V. S. Melnik.

There will be developed the basis of theory ofmulti�value dynamic systems in banachian spaces, themethodology of exploring global antractors of man�aged systems without the singleness of solutions willbe created. In the project, there will be developedtopological methods and methods of nonlinear analy�sis pointed at studying problems of object manage�ment and optimization, described with the systems ofnonlinear operative and differential operative equa�tions, and also with the systems of differential inclu�sions and variation inequalities in the functionalspaces. For the present class of systems, it is beingdeveloped the new approach based on theory of multi�valued solving operators, theory of multi�valueddynamic systems, and theory of topological level formulti�reflections of S+ class, high�accurate algo�rithms of finding extreme solutions for nonlinear sin�gular distributed systems on the base of modern com�puter technologies; the Faedo�Galyorkin method fordifferential operator inclusions in functional spaces isgrounded; the categorical and topological classifica�tion of multi�valued reflections is made; the systemsmethodology and algorithmic providing of complexexploring of complex singular mixed objects with dis�tributed parameters are developed.

Project scientific manager is Professor

V. S. Melnik.

There are got principally new methods of analy�sis of managed systems in unmeasured spaces andmethods of mixed systems analysis. There areexplored the conditions of solvability, and functionalanalytical properties of significant decision operatorof the systems of nonlinear operator and differentially

1. Development and investigation the theoreti�

cal base of scenario analysis methodology

Scientific projects carried out at expense of budget financing

of National academy of Sciences of Ukraine

2. Development of methods and algorithms for

analysis and optimal control of nonlinear singu�

lar systems

3. Development of analysis methods, evaluation

and optimal control for nonlinear unmeasured

dynamic systems in uncertain conditions

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operator equations in banakhs spaces, and also ofvariative inequations of parabolic type and evolutionalincluding are learned.

There is opened system research of comparativelynew mathematical object, namely, differential includingin parts derivative. For this class of objects, there are gen�eralized the Brezis method of singular indignations,method of galiorkynsky approximations and method ofdecimal approximations. We use substantially our previ�ous research on generalization of Ki Fan inequalities forthe class of mass upper semi continuous reflections intopological spaces with compact values.

There are also developed the methods of researchof dynamics of nonlinear unmeasured systems, initialstate of which does not synonymously determine theirfurther behavior. Nonlinear evolutional equations inparts derivative without unique solution, differentialinclusions in parts derivative, evolutional variationinequalities and others like that belong to them..

For the first time, there are carried out systemresearches of optimization problems for mixed sys�tems, meaning systems described with mathematicalmodels of different types (with distributed and con�centrated parameters, differential and integral equa�tions, etc).

The method proposed will be used for develop�ment of algorithms of process control in metallurgy,chemical technology, and ecology, and also at con�struction of theory of extreme solutions for nonlinearsingular distributed systems.

Project scientific manager is Professor

V. S. Melnik.

There is developed the new approach to system

analysis of public processes as optimum compromisebetween complication (accuracy) and simplification(prognostication), because the possibility to analyzecurrency of public processes and to forecast theirevolution as beginning of any initiative, especiallythe state one, has to be acknowledged as the mostcritical.

There will be formalized the system of dynamicand time descriptions of public processes as mathe�matical basis for their analysis and making prognosesof different special purpose, setting and aggregate ofcorresponding models will be formed.

Statistical information which is intending to betransformed into dynamic and time descriptions ofmacroeconomic and social processes according toalgorithms which form the functional basis of activi�ty of leaders of the proper management structures,will serve for material basis of research.

It is planned to introduce the software productsin Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, Ministry ofFinances of Ukraine, Ministry of Education andSciences of Ukraine and scientific study establish�ments.

Project scientific manager is Professor

V. V. Ostapenko.

The fundamental problems of decision ofmathematical problems, which appear in the the�ory of optimal control, differential games, equilib�rium models of economics and numeral methodsof mathematical programming are explored.Primary purpose of work is the development ofmathematical apparatus for solving designingproblems on the basis of modern theory of differ�ential equations, convex analysis, and numericalmathematics.

The scientific novelty is made with complexapproach to the design of game and optimizationsprocesses, stationary as well as dynamic ones, with

Global attractor

4. Forecasting of evolution of macroeconomic

and social processes on the basis of transfor�

mation of official statistical information

5. Numeral�analytical modeling of game and

optimization processes of different nature

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application of mathematical models in the form ofvariation inequalities.

The differential games simulate a lot ofimportant natural and ecological processes.

The development can be introduced at solvingthe row of technical problems, in particular, theproblems of pursuit or avoidance of collision, andalso methods of optimum airplane management atT/O and landing.

Other models can be applied in machinebuilding, when it is necessary to retain differentparameters of complex technological process inthe frames given.

Project scientific manager is Professor

V. V. Ostapenko.

There are explored the problems of flowdesign in networks which satisfy different conser�vation laws: the classic and generalized Kirghoff

laws. Such problems appear in the process of dis�tribution of water flows in channels of irrigatorsystems, or in the process of gas transporting inmain pipelines. The main purpose is constructionof new models of motion of flows in networks,and development of new algorithms of findingoptimum flows on the basis of linear and nonlin�ear optimization methods and methods of vari�ables exclusion.

Practical value of future results is caused bypossibility of using conceptual approaches, mod�els, methods and algorithms by scientific researchand project design organizations at developmentof recourse�saving technologies and eco�savingmeasures in the process of hydro� and gas�sup�plying system planning and at the development ofsensor�based systems and processes of operativemanagement by irrigation and gas distribution.

The way given is used for development ofresource�saving technologies and eco�savingmeasures in the process of hydro� and gas�sup�plying system planning, in particular, in theInstitute of Hydraulic Engineering and LandReclamation of Academy of Agrarian Sciences ofUkraine.


Project scientific manager is Professor

M. Z. Zgurovsky.

It is developed the tool of technological

foresight in the form of information platform of

scenario analysis, which is the complex of math�

ematical, programming, logical and organiza�

tional facilities and instruments for determina�

tion of sequence of application of separate meth�

ods of qualitative analysis, connections between

them and on the whole forming of the process

itself. The software of scenario analysis platform

will be the network information system of deci�

sion�making, and will contain special compo�

nents including mathematical apparatus and

software environment, which will realize the

technology of scenario analysis. Convenient and

flexible user's interface will permit to engage

experts in work and to get and process their deci�

sions quickly, to organize intercourse, intercom�

munication and information exchange between

each expert and examination organizer, via

Internet. The informative platform of scenario

analysis is realized as the distributed cross�plat�

form system built on client�server architecture.

A project has the practical wide use, in par�

ticular, for strategic planning of space industry

of Ukraine, machine�building complex and

some other industries and large enterprises.Architecture for information platform of scenario analysis

1. Development of informative platform of sce�

nario analysis as the base tool for technological


Scientific projects carried out at expense of budget financing of

Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine

6. Development of mathematical models and

algorithms of flows control in networks with

different conservation laws

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Project scientific manager is Professor

N. D. Pankratova.

Conception, strategy, methods, models and

algorithms of providing of guaranteed safety of

complex technical systems in the real conditions

of incompleteness, vagueness, inaccuracy and

contradiction of initial information at presence of

maximum time limitation on the cycle of forming

and realization of decisions are proposed and

grounded. The tasks of creation of innovation sys�

tem of control of safety and capacity of complex

technical systems for providing the rational level

of their capacity and guaranteed safety in the

real�time mode on the basis of system concerted

control of object functioning and monitoring,

evaluation and prognostication of dynamics of

multivariable risks and resource of possible risk of

supernumerary, critical, extraordinary situations,

failures and catastrophes, are solved.

There are created conceptions and strategies

of risk management for complex technical sys�

tems on the base of the offered mathematical

models of algorithms of system prognostication,

minimization and risk evaluation in the dynamics

of functioning of technical systems and objects

will provide prevention of emergencies and cata�

strophic situations, creating the conditions of

ecological consequences distraction and consid�

erable economy of material wherewithal and


Project scientific manager is Professor

U. I. Kaluh.

The main maintenance of work is analysis

and explanation of experimental methods of

complex geophysical researches of lito�dynamic

processes; development of rules, algorithms and

applied methods of estimation of state and relia�

bility of natural and building objects by method

of oscillation diagnostics; development of system

methods of choice of basic parameters of moni�

toring facilities of technical diagnostics (pick�

offs, electronic transformers, filter system, etc);

appropriate computer programs development,

their testing and approbation; exploring the pos�

sibility of application of mobile experimental

standard of control and measuring apparatus for

estimation of probability of risk of emergency sit�

uation appearance on natural and building

objects in the real�time mode.

As the result of project execution, it is

expected to get competitive method and program

of monitoring system of technical diagnostics

with the use of modern software and hardware:

mobile experimental standard of control and

measuring apparatus in complex with informa�

tion control providing for estimation of probabil�

ity of risk of emergency situation appearance on

natural and building objects in the real�time


2. System management of safety and capacity

of complex technical systems in conditions of

multifactor risks

Risk level estimation

3. System research of monitoring facilities of

technical diagnostics of natural and building

objects in complex conditions

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Project scientific manager is Professor

V. D. Romanenko.

The work is dedicated to forming the theo�

retical basis and methods for decision�making

support in economic financial processes on the

basis of authentication of dynamic parameters of

processes, forecasting and technological fore�

sight of financial risks, scenario methods of fore�

sight of extreme indignations, organization of

prognoses received by the different forecasting

methods, and on the basis of construction of

decisions tree in according to the corresponding

signs, which allows to find the most adequate

method of prediction.

In the project, there also will be created the

methodology of forecasting of variable disper�

sion of initial coordinates of heteroskedastic

processes at the different rate of coordinates dis�

cretion, that will give possibility to forecast dis�

persion for the large period of discretion which

equals to a few base periods of discretion.

As the result of use of project, the informa�

tion software for decision�making support sys�

tem for authentication of parameters of mathe�

matical models of economic processes, forecast�

ing and technological foresight of financial risks

will be created. Program complex on financial

risks foresight will be used in the risk foresight

administrations of Praveks, Ukrgas�Bank, Ukr�

soc�Bank, Forum banks, etc.

Theoretical developments on the topic given

will be used in creation of decision�making tools

at development of capital investing project, at

strategic and operation management of actives

and passives of banking system.

Project scientific manager is Professor

O. S. Makarenko.

In this project, there are formed and

explored the new models of large social econom�

ic systems, also taking into account the mental

factor. Basic tasks are the following: creation of

models which allow to study complex social eco�

nomic systems; creation of approaches to the

study of conformities of variants of systems

development and estimations of possible scenar�

ios risks; study of processes in the real social sys�

tems by the means of analysis of present statisti�

cal information; development of applications of

the geo�information systems to the social and

decision�making systems.

Especially for practical applications, there

are developed methods which join advantages of

system analysis and design with comforts of real

social data presentation in geo�information sys�

tems. So, there are developed the computer pro�

grams for examination of scenarios of migration

of population of Ukraine, for examination of

scenarios of bearing the harmful enterprises out

the bounds of Kyiv, programs for design of

motion of large people congestions in the condi�

tions of complex building and extraordinary


Project scientific manager is Professor

P. I. Biduk.

On the basis of existent Bayes theory of eval�

uation and statistical conclusion forming, it is

proposed the development of new methods of

mathematical description of processes with

structural and statistical uncertainties with the

5. Neuronal networks and multi�agent models,

scenario and geo�information approaches in

social�economical systems research

6. Development of methods of analysis, fore�

casting and diagnostics of processes with

uncertainties on the basis of Bayes theory

4. Development of methods of decision�making

support in economical processes on the basis

of parameters authentication and risks fore�


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purpose of their deep research, behavior fore�

casting, automatic diagnostics and management.

In particular, the Bayes networks proposed in lit�

erature, which are the effective instrument of

data and knowledge presentation in quantitative

and qualitative forms, will be used for descrip�

tion of static and dynamics of processes.

There will de developed the new method of

studies of network in the form of pointed graph,

and forming on its basis the conclusion with pro�

viding of network's openness for inputting new

information with the purpose to raise the quality

of result, that is, forecast or control influence.

The method belongs to the artificial intellect

sphere, and provides the effective evaluation of

probabilities of events with the help of iteration

algorithms of data and object knowledge pro�

cessing. The method proposed differs with high�

rate of network studies and high efficiency

(accuracy) of complex static and dynamic

processes exploration at the presence of uncer�

tainties of statistical and structural type.

Directions of application of the method

given are the following: situational analysis in

economics and complex technical systems; com�

puter�aided systems of diagnostics and localiza�

tion of refusals development; information

searching systems; independent unpiloted sub�

marine objects control; diagnostic systems in

medicine, etc. Introduction of results is expect�

ed on the objects of Ministry of Defense with the

purpose of upgrading diagnostics of technical

systems, on manufacture enterprises with the

purpose of determination of optimum strategies

of their development, in Ministry of

Extraordinary Situations with the purpose of

nonpermanent events prognostication.

Project scientific manager is Professor

V. S. Melnik.

In this project, there will be developed topo�

logical methods and methods of nonlinear

analysis pointed at the study of problems of con�

trol and optimization of objects, which are

described with the systems of nonlinear opera�

tor, differential operator equations, and also

evolutional inclusions and variation inequalities

in functional spaces. For this class of the sys�

tems, there is developed the new approach based

on the theory of multi�valued solving operators,

theory of the multi�valued dynamic systems, and

theory of topology degree for the multi�reflec�

tions of (S+) class.

It will be used for research of asymptotical

behavior of solving of wide circle of nonlinear

evolutional equations, the initial state of which

does not determine single�valuate their further

behavior. In particular, at the research of global

attractors of nonlinear equations of hydrody�

namic type, equations of chemical kinetics and

others like that.

Project scientific manager is Professor

V. V. Ostapenko.

Research is devoted to the mathematical

Using the method for situation analysis in economics

w – limit set

7. Functional�topological methods of analysis

and optimum control of nonlinear systems with

distributed parameters at phase constraints

8. Development on the basis of system analysis

and game theory of new distribution and con�

trol methods for limited resources


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modeling of processes in the field of ecology and

sociology, and to the development of new meth�

ods of game theory. Ecological and sociological

problems are closely connected, and their solv�

ing requires the system approach. The gaming

approach which allows taking into account the

aims of different social groups is proposed.

Ecological models are based on problems of

flows control in networks of complex structure.

The new methods of finding optimal control,

taking into account the ecological problems

which lean for game theory approaches, are


Development can be introduced in the

process of modeling the different parties fight for

electorate, industrial firms fight for markets of

sale, estimations of consequences of parliament

factions, taking their numbers into account.

Project scientific manager is Professor

A. I. Petrenko.

Aim of scientific�research work is develop�

ment of new approaches and methods of order

reduction of mathematical RLC circuits, which

describe connections in VLSI/ These approach�

es are based on macromodeling ideas with the

use of Y�Δ transformation, which allows (with

minimal accuracy losses from the point of view

of signal delay) to reduce the sizes of RLC cir�

cuit model at least on 85%. According to the

tasks size (up to several millions components),

respective calculation algorithms are realized in

the form of parallel procedures which contain

specially developed effective and quick algo�

rithms of storing, search and conversion of

information in the super�large data blocks.

Programming tools designed are integrated into

the ALLTED (Kyiv, 'NTUU 'KPI'), the native

circuit simulator, and are functioning under par�

allel PVM calculations in operational environ�

ments like Windows or Unix.

Project scientific manager is Professor

A. I. Petrenko.

In this project the new approach to the for�

mation of distant learning scripts (or scenarios)

are proposed. Multi�level Internet learning

technology is created which is realized practical�

ly as Distance Learning System (DLS) NeoCAD

(Neo – Campus ADucational learning network).

NeoCAD contains: network operating environ�

ment with Web�server and databases' server in

the center; Learning Content Management

System (LMS), which provides coordinated

work of all DLS methods as in local so in global

computer networks; methods of specialists'

knowledge level control (diagnostics).

Technology in hand develops and improves the

quality of education using methodological stan�

dards of University education basis, at the same

time reserve individuality and authority (brand)

of Institute. While programming DLS NeoCAD

the methods and technologies of Windows

Server Standard 2003 were used. DLS NeoCAD

Database was created with the help of Microsoft

SQL Server 2000. System uses the standard pro�

tocol TCP/IP of Internet/Intranet.

Information content of NeoCAD system is

created with use of Web technology and consists of:

1) Distant learning courses, which give the

required knowledge via joining graphic, text,

video and audio information and animation,

2) Knowledge getting control system,

3) Methods of working out the skills of

applying the got knowledge with the help of

built�in modeling programs.

10. Multi�levels Internet learning technology

for individual professional orientation of stu�

dents with special demerits

9. Methods and means of parallel order reduc�

tion of super�large RLC circuits models

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Project scientific manager is Professor

M. Z. Zgurovsky.

On the basis of sustainable ecological – social –

economical development concept, mathematic models

development, and global modeling of sustainable

development processes are carried out. Essence of the

concept is the obligatory coordination of economical,

ecological and human development in the way to pro�

vide the non�declining quality and safety of life from

generation to generation, non�worsening environment

condition, to provide the social progress which takes

into account needs of each human being. System syn�

chronization and balance of these three components is

the task of tremendous complexity. Besides, mutual

interconnection of social and ecological components

leads to necessity of conservation of present and future

generations' equal rights for natural resources use.

Social and economical components interaction

demands reaching justice at distribution of material

благ between the people and giving purposeful aid to

poor layers of society. And, at last, interconnection of

nature�oriented and economical components

demands the quantitative estimation of technogenic

influences at environment. Solving these tasks is the

most important present challenge to the national gov�

ernments, authoritative international organizations

and all the progressive people of the world.

The important problem on the way of sustainable

development concept embodiment is forming the

measurement system (indexes and indicators), models

and methods for quantitative and qualitative estima�

tion of this highly complex process. The main demands

to the aforementioned system of вимірів are its infor�

mation completeness and equivalence of performing of

interconnected triad of sustainable development com�

ponents. We shall estimate the sustainable develop�

ment level by the help of corresponding index Іsd

which is calculated as the sum of indexes for three

dimensions: economical (Іec), ecological (Іe), and

social (Іs), with the corresponding weight coefficients.

With using of the aforementioned measurement

systems, models and methods developed, analysis of

sustainable development condition in global and

regional dimensions is carried out.

Global threats for sustainable development are

estimated, and the strategies for people who make

decisions are proposed.

Project scientific manager is Professor

N. D. Pankratova.

Developed the new methods and systems of non�

decaying control and technical diagnostics which will

provide the substantial rise of safety and vitality of

complex technical objects and systems during opera�

tion. To solve this problem system approach and algo�

rithms developed are based on the new priority princi�

ple: opportune revelation, guaranteed identification

and system diagnostics of factors and risk situations,

and operative foresight, probable estimation of

untenured and crucial situations concerning safety

management in the process of preventing untenured

and crucial situations. Strategy of risk management

defines the main requirements to properties and qual�

itative indices of information technologies of revela�

tion, identification, estimation, classification, ranging

the risk situations and foresight of their dynamics.

It is proposed the method of opportune revelation

of risk situations, and operative prevention of their

change into the crucial, extraordinary or accidental

ones as the strategy of risk management and guaran�

teed safety providing in the dynamics of complex

technical systems functioning. The method is based

on new principles of realization of information tech�

nologies of system analysis and risk situations fore�

sight in the dynamics of management the safety of

complex technical systems

Mathematic models development

and global modeling of sustainable development


Definition of sustainable development index

Examples of scientific projects executed

on priority directions on competition positions

Development of methods and systems of non�

decaying control and technical diagnostics of

complex technical objects and systems

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Main directions of the project are in development

and introduction of information technologies and

software for untenured, crucial and extraordinary risk

situations on the basis of conception proposed and

strategy of technogenously and ecologically dangerous

objects safety management.

There are developed new mathematical models,

system approach and algorithms of system definition

of untenured, crucial and extraordinary risk situations

for technogenously and ecologically dangerous

objects in the conditions of incompleteness, vague�

ness, inaccuracy of input information at the limit of

time for forming and realization of solutions.

Project scientific manager is Professor

N. D. Pankratova.

The methods of estimation of efficiency of DSE

space projects are developed on the basis of qualitative

analysis methods. Tools of evaluation of efficiency of

DSE space projects with bringing in expert procedures

of foresight are developed on the basis of system

methodology and methodology of scenario analysis.

Due to the developed tools and methods of estimation

of efficiency of DSE space projects on the basis of

qualitative analysis methods, there are defined the pri�

ority branches of DSE cosmic information consump�

tion, agriculture and ecology and extraordinary situa�


Within the limits of priority industry, the agricul�

ture, there is developed algorithmic and applied soft�

ware for support of scientific researches in the field of

remote vegetation sounding by means of creation and

testing the new algorithms of processing spectral data

got from sensors. Presence of new approach for

remote receipt of spectral data and development of

effective approaches to their processing allows going

out on the new level of automation of task of evalua�

tion of content of chlorophyll in the vegetation leaves,

this giving the possibility of solving actual problems of


Project scientific manager is Professor

A. I. Petrenko.

The aim of project is providing of complex com�

puter�aided design of complex technical systems,

including electronic, pneumatic, mechanical,

hydraulic and other components. The system is real�

ized in the Internet sphere, and allows joining of work

of different groups of specialists for solving tasks at

different design stages.

Use of distributed design systems by specialists of

large and small enterprises will permit to raise the reli�

ability of performing of design objects at expense of

possibility of use of arbitrary nonlinear functions

which describe the objects, finding optimal parame�

ters of object components and possible ranges of these

parameters' values.

All these works were carried on the ALLTED

(ALL Technology Designer) which is Ukrainian orig�

inal software system for the simulation, analysis, opti�

mization and design of nonlinear dynamic systems of

any type and size: electrical, mechanical, hydraulic,

pneumatic, thermal, electromagnetic, etc. or there

mixed combinations. It is applying to robotics,

numerical control machines tools, aircraft and auto�

motive industries, heavy equipment and test equip�

ment, agricultural and other applications, where dif�

ferent drives, transmissions, control units, valves,

mechatronics, etc. are used. ALLTED system testing

was held together with foreign partners by solving test�

ing tasks, written in Munich, on server situated in

The development of WEB�based CAD frame�

work for design of complex technical systems

(Project of The Science and Technology Centre

in Ukraine (STCU))

Development of method and tools for estima�

tion of efficiency of distant sounding of the Earth

(DSE) space projects on the basis of expert

procedures of foresight

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Kyiv, with the following analysis of results received in

Munich via Internet. Testing confirmed the workabil�

ity of ALLTED system, which provides reliable distant

design of complex technical objects.

Project scientific manager is Professor

A. I. Petrenko.

The main project goals are significant expansion

of Micro�Electro�Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and

VLSI circuits types, which could be designed auto�

matically, and design efficiency improvement due to

the use of new methodology and general networked

toolkit for MEMS simulation.

Modern existing methodology of MEMS design

confirms that MEMS can be only investigated at the

higher abstraction levels such as schematic and system

levels for which still accurate macromodels can be

used and that components related physical phenome�

na described by PDE could be solved using FDM or

FEM. More valuable solution is to automatically gen�

erate above mentioned macromodels by extracting the

necessary information from the detailed components

finite element models which have been built at the

earlier design stages. This can be done by using model

order reduction techniques which use Krulov�Arnoldi

method of moments (CoventorWare codes) or mode

solution decomposition (ANSYS). Then complete

behavioral model of the whole MEMS can be com�

piled in VHDL�AMS language as a system of ordinal

differential equations.

New alternative approach is proposed in this

project. It is based on the creation of schematic repre�

sentation of FEM equations and subsequent reducing

of acquired schematic with aid of modified Y�Δ trans�

formation procedure by useless nodes removal. It

allows the direct usage of existing schematic ALLTED

input interface. Chair partners on both STCU projects

are Information Registration Problems Institute

NASU and Open joint�stock company "Scientific

industrial complex "Kurs" of a part of "Kyivsky


Project scientific manager is Professor

A. I. Petrenko.

"INFORES" workers together with Bristol

University (England), Erlanger – Nurnberg

University (Germany), Wroclaw Technical University

(Poland) specialists took part in joint project MM�

EDU of European Commission Program INCO –

Copernicus, which explored the technology of creat�

ing the multimedia educational information results for

distant learning on the example of 16�hours�educa�

tional distant course in "Embedding computer systems


Main peculiarities of project:

Coordination with foreign partners the structure,

purpose and contents of distant multimedia course

including the differences of educational programs of

Computer Sciences in the countries�partners;

Choice and substantiation of necessity of use

WebCT authorware system for course development,

what was the pioneer decision on the background of

almost common use of Lotus system in the countries�


Implementation of developed distant course into

the Universities of partner countries; providing users

in the process by possibility to build mathematical

models of embedding system and experimentally

make sure that his or her decisions are correct.

European program INCO�COPERNICUS Project

MM�EDU "Multimedia in education – experi�

mental exploring of Distant Learning methods"

Thermal field of chip simulation

Development of methodology and Networked

simulating tools with orientation on micro

electromechanical systems (MEMS)

(Project of The Science and Technology Centre

in Ukraine (STCU))

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The institute is the main organization for the

SSTP 'Technological foresight as systemmethodology of innovative development ofUkraine'.

The primary purpose of the program is search,

research and use of new scientifically grounded

decisions of the system use of methods of qualita�

tive analysis of technological foresight for deci�

sion�making support in innovative development of

Ukraine, and also creation of methods of construc�

tion of possible scenarios of development of inno�

vative processes in the future concerning the repre�

sentation of the future which can not be interpret�

ed as the ordinary past continuation, because this

future will be obtaining principally other shapes

and structures unlike that ones known in the past.

It is thus considered that technological fore�

sight is the process of separate methods application

in certain sequence with the establishment of

exactly defined intercommunications between

them, which allows revealing hidden tendencies

and features of development of separate branches

of economics and defined directions of science and

technology, perspective and competition capability

of new technological decisions and scientific ideas.

The process indicated is formed by means of

universal methodology known under the name sys�

tem analysis.

Thematic structure of the program:

1. Development of system methodology of

technological foresight on the basis of qualitative

analysis and situational forecasting of tendencies

and prospects of development of separate

branches of economics, defined directions of

science and technology, perspective and compe�

tition capability of new technologies, technical

decisions and scientific ideas, revealing reasons

and factors which hinder development and

introduction of technological and technical

innovations, search of rational decisions on

stimulation of innovative development of the


2. Revealing by methods and facilities of

'critical points' system methodology the devel�

opment of state economics, intercommunica�

tions and interdependence of certain branches of

production, certain technologies and mecha�

nisms of state control of market relations which

restrain the processes of harmonious co�opera�

tion of interdependent industries and production

technologies, hinder to establish the mutually

beneficial market relations between producers

and users at the internal market, do not stimu�

late the increase of level of competition capabil�

ity of national products at the world market.

Also, revealing the 'critical points' reasons and

factors, and finding the ways and facilities to

overcome them.

3. Development of ways and methods of the

information, algorithmic, programming, mathe�

matical and other providing of theory and prac�

tical realization of system methodology of tech�

nological foresight and qualitative analysis of

innovative state development.

4. Development and explanation of propo�

sitions on the improvement and development of

normative legal base and organizational mecha�

nism of the market relationships management

with the purpose to stimulate the investing of

innovative processes and projects, and to

increase the competition capability of national

products at internal and the world markets.

5. Creation of information bases of qualita�

tive analysis methods (expert, heuristic, inaccu�

rate sets, imitation design, etc.) concerning their

use for the different information processing.

6. Development of methods of construction

of possible scenarios of innovative processes

development in the future, taking into account

the risk situations.

7. Development of methods of modern

innovative structures network creation (techno�

parks, business incubators, venture enterprises,

etc.), and also measures on their functioning

efficiency increasing.

8. Creation and introduction of computer�

aided information consulting models for deci�

sion�making support in innovative activity in

Ukraine (NTUU 'KPI', Ukrainian Union of

Manufacturers and Businessmen, Institute for

Applied System Analysis).

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B e g i n n i n gwith 1997, in Insti�tute there areopened the Post�Graduate andDoctorate Depart�ment.

In the Insti�tute, there is suffi�cient scientific po�tential for graduatestudents controland after�graduatestudents scientificadvising. Amongscientific leadersand consultants

there are such known scientists, as academician ofNASU M. Z. Zgurovsky; correspondent�member ofNASU V. S. Melnik; doctor of technical sciences, profes�sor N. D. Pankratova; doctor of technical sciences, pro�fessor V. D. Romanenko; doctor of technical sciences,professor P. I. Bidiuk; doctor of physical mathematicalsciences, professor U. V. Bogdansky; doctor of technical

sciences, professor U. P. Zaychenko; doctor of physicalmathematical sciences, professor O. S. Makarenko; doc�tor of physical mathematical sciences, professorV. V. Ostapenko; doctor of technical sciences, professorV. M. Podladchikov; doctor of technical sciences, profes�sor A. I. Petrenko: candidate of technical sciences,Associate Professor V. V. Ladogubets; candidate of tech�nical sciences, Associate Professor G. D. Kiselev; candi�date of technical sciences, Associate Professor V. Y. Sti�kanov; candidate of technical sciences, AssociateProfessor V. G. Artyhov, and the others.

In the Institute, all terms are created for success�ful training of graduate students and after�graduates.Employees of Institute, and also graduate studentsand after�graduates participate actively in the work ofscientific seminars. The Institute possesses the mod�ern computer equipment which allows carrying outthe up�to�date researches, including independentresearches of graduate students and after�graduates.

The high training level enables graduate studentsand after�graduates to arrange the scientific contactswith the universities of other countries (conferences,studies, internships) even during their studyingprocess.

Head of the Post-Graduate andDoctorate Department



01.01.01 — mathematical analysis

01.01.02 — differential equations

01.01.09 — variation calculus and theory of algorithmsand discrete mathematics

01.01.10 — operations exploring and the game theory

01.02.04 — mechanics of deformed solid body

01.05.02 — mathematical simulation and numerical methods

01.05.04 — system analysis and optimal decisions theory

05.13.03 — systems and processes of control

05.13.06 – information technologies

05.13.12 – computer�aided design systems

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The Institute publishes the international sci�

entific technical magazine 'System Researches andInformation Technologies' зfounded in July 2001.

The magazine publishes theoretical and

applied works in the wide range of the problems

connected with system researches and informa�

tion technologies. The articles are published in

Russian, English and Ukrainian.

The leading thematic sections of magazine are:

Theoretical and applied problems and

methods of system analysis;

Theoretical and applied problems of infor�


Automated control systems;

Progressive information technologies, highly

productive computer systems;

Problems of decision�making and manage�

ment in the economic, technical, ecological and

social systems;

Theoretical and applied problems of the

intellectual systems of decision�making support;

Problem and functionally oriented computer

systems and networks; methods of optimization,

optimal control and game theory;

Mathematical methods, models, problems

and technologies of complex systems research;

Methods of with systems analysis and man�

agement in the conditions of risk and uncertainty;

Heuristic methods and algorithms in system

analysis and management; new methods in system

analysis, informatics and decision�making theory;

Computer�aided design methodology and


Scientific methodical problems in educa�


The magazine 'System Researches and

Information Technologies' is included into the

list of professional editions of Ukraine.




At magazine presentation (left to right:Academician of NASU, Professor I. V. SERGIENKO,

Professor N. D. PANKRATOVA,Academician of NASU, Professor M. Z. ZGUROVSKY,Academician of NASU, Professor V. M. KUNTSEVICH)

At magazine editor�s office

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From its very foundation, the Institute was try�

ing to extend the international contacts, following

modern tendencies of globalization in public life, and

especially in the field of science and education (in

particular, possibilities and requirements of Bologna


First and foremost, the Institute realized large

possibilities given with collaboration with the

National Academy of Sciences and Ministry of

Education and Science of Ukraine, and also separate

universities and institutes. For instance, the Institute

is the main one in the line of international projects

and initiatives of the greatest international level


The Institute has collaboration agreements with

separate establishments (International Institute of

Applied System Analysis, Austrian Ukrainian

Institute of Science and Technologies (Vienna),

Berlin Institute of Bionics of Berlin TU, etc.),

Faculty of Information Technologies of Trento

University (Italy), Drezden Centre of ZMD Micro�

electronics (Germany), Melexis firm (Belgium),

International EUROPRACTICE organization

(England), and is going to extend further interna�

tional cooperation with foreign universities, institutes

and separate specialists of international level.

On the basis of NTUU 'KPI' and ESC 'IASA', it

is opened in 2006 the Centre of Supercomputer

Calculations and Ukrainian Department of World

data Centre. In territorial meaning, the Centre it is

situated in the Scientific Park 'Kyiv Polytechnics'

which is the innovative environment which joins

efforts and interests of scientific departments, busi�

ness incubators, techno park, high technological

companies and financial structures, with the purpose

of creating and introducing the high intellectual sci�

entific developments at internal and world markets.

The Ukrainian branch of World Data Centre

(UB WDC) is organized in collaboration with

Geophysical Centre of Russian AS, there is foreseen

here the collaboration of Byelorussian, Moldavian,

Russian and Ukrainian scientists within the frames of

work of World Data Centre of Science and

Technology (CODATA), which is the structure of

International Council of Science (ICSU).

In 2006, ESC 'IASA' became the Focal point of

Regional Virtual Center of UNIDO (Virtual Centre

of Technological foresight).

Director of the Institute, Academician of NAS of

Ukraine M. Z. Zgurovsky is the member of Council

of Directors presidium of the UNESCO Institute of

Information Technologies in Education (Moscow,

Russia), national representative of Ukraine in the

International Council of Science (ICSU) at UNO

(Paris, France), member of Executive Board of

Committee for data for sciences and technologies

(CODATA) at ICSU (Paris, France), member of

International Society of Engineers in the field of

electronics and energy (IEEE of New Jersey, USA),

member of Presidium of World Knowledge Network

of Education and Scientific Exchanges international

Association (EDNES, Strasburg, France), head of

the Chair of UNESCO 'Higher Technical Educa�

tion, Applied System Analysis and Informatics'.

Deputy director of scientific work of Institute

Professor N. D. Pankratova is Academician of

International Higher school Academy, Academician

of Polish Academy of Sciences, member of

Committee of System analysis by Presidium NAS of

Ukraine, leader of the section 'Applied system analy�

sis' of the Chair of UNESCO NTUU 'KPI'.

Head of SD Chair Professor A. I. Petrenko is an

adjunct professor of Michigan State University

(USA), the Honored professor of Mid�South

University of China, a Fellow of Institute of Electro

Engineers (IEE), a Chartered engineer of United

Kingdom eng.), a vice�editor of the 'International

Journal of Circuit Theory and Application'

(England), a member of East�West Liaison Group on

Advanced Engineering Education (Australia).

Professor O. S. Makarenko is member of inter�

national scientific societies EURO SCIENSE,


Professor P. I. Biduk is member of international

scientific societies SIGMA XI, HUMAN FAC�

TORS, International Society in Nonlinear Studies.

Scientists and professors of Institute were invit�

ed for carrying out the scientific work in leading

establishments of Europe and America: Correspon�

ding member of NASU V. S. Melnik – universities of

Alikante, (Spain), Salerno, Naples, Kazerta (Italy);

Professor N. D. Pankratova – Warsaw university,

Krakow university, Warsaw Polytechnics, Katovica

Polytechnics, Bilostocka Polytechnics, Opole

Polytechnic Institute, Mountain Metallurgical

Academy of Krakow (Poland); Professor O. S. Maka�

renko – the University of Salerno (Italy), Institute of

Bioinformatics of Munich (Germany), Metallurgical

Academy (Poland); Professor P. I. Bidiuk – State

At UNESCO headquarters, Paris.Discussing the project "Higher Education Open and Distance

Learning Knowledge Base" with participation of Deputydirector of IASA Professor N. D. PANKRATOVA (right)

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University of North Dakota (USA), International

University of Jacksonville (USA), Zelenogurskyu

University (Poland); Professor V. M. Podladchikov

– Space Institute of Paris (France); Professor

A. I. Petrenko – University of California at Berkeley,

Michigan State University, New Jersey Techno�

logical Institute (USA); Concordia University

(Canada); Mid�South University and Hong Kong

University (China); Turin Technical University and

Trento University (Italy); San Moon University and

Pohang University of Science and Techniques

(South Korea); As. prof. V. V. Ladogubets –

Michigan State University; As. prof. V. Y. Stikanov –

Kobut University, ZMD and ІНР organizations

(Germany); Elder lecturer K. V. Kharchenko – Intel

(USA); As. prof. V. D. Kiselev – Wroclaw

Polytechnics and ets.

Scientists and professors of Institute get interna�

tional grants on scientific researches execution.

Institute developments on system analysis,

mathematical simulation and signal processing were

shown repeatedly on international scientific and

technical exhibitions and displays, including world

exhibitions of information technologies of СеВІТ

2000 – 2007; Ukraine – Poland exhibitions: Kiyv

2004, Warsaw – Krakow 2005, Paltusk 2005.

Scientists and professors of Institute take part

regularly in international scientific conferences

(about fifteen annually) and publish articles in for�

eign scientific magazines.

The editorial board of international magazine

'System Research and Information Technologies',

published with the Institute, includes such famous

scientists as J. Bennin (France), R. Voronka (USA),

O. Gvishiany (Russia), T. Saaty (USA).

Institute widens the international contacts in the

field of education. Students and graduate students of

Institute took part in many international confer�

ences, including those abroad. In the Institute, stu�

dents from Poland, Georgia, and Uzbekistan pre�

pared and defended their doctoral and candidate's

dissertations. For the last time, the Institute receives

invitations for its graduates and entrants to continue

education and to get a job in the universities of

Holland, Scotland, France, Switzerland, and USA.

The high international level of education, got in the

Institute, confirms also the fact that plenty of its

graduates already study in graduate school and work

in prestigious foreign universities and other establish�


Collaborators and post-graduate students of IASAat the international training seminar

�Technology foresight methods and practices for Ukraine�

Opening of the international seminar�Basic methodology and approaches of technological

forecasting in Ukraine�.In presidium (left to right): director of National office

UNIDO in Ukraine O. BRODSKY,deputy of Minister for economics of Ukraine L. MUSIN,

program manager of UNIDO T. MIAKE,director of IASA M. ZGUROVSKY,

director of British Council in Ukraine L. BIGLOW,ambassador of Hungary in Ukraine Y. TOT,ambassador of Japan in Ukraine K. AMAE,

ambassador of Great Britain in Ukraine R. BRINKLEY

СеВІТ-2006 (Hanover, Germany).Near the IASA board (left to right):

ambassador of Ukraine in Germany mr. I. DOLGOV,deputy minister of transport and communications

mr. V. HANDABURA, and Professor of IASA O. MAKARENKO

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UNESCO (Organization on the questions ofeducation, science and culture of the UnitedNations) is the international intergovernmentalorganization specialized with the establishment ofUNO. The main task of UNESCO is to favorstrengthening of peace and safety by widening of peo�ples' collaboration in the field of education, scienceand culture, and also taking root the necessity ofworld defense in the human mind.

Ukraine is the member of UNESCO from May,12, 1954. Coordination of collaboration of nationalinstitutions of UNESCO is laid on NationalCommission of Ukraine in the matters of UNESCO,the interdepartmental organ at MFA of Ukraine, cre�ated by Decree of President of Ukraine # 212/96from March, 26, 1996. From December, 1962, inParis functions the Permanent Representative ofUkraine at UNESCO.

Participation of Ukraine in UNESCO is strategi�cally oriented on favoring the widening of interna�tional collaboration of Ukrainian scientific, educa�tional and cultural institutions by providing their par�ticipation in program activity of Organization.Strengthening of intellectual potential of country andbringing it the world processes in humanitariansphere, and also the use in national interests of possi�bilities of UNESCO and international experience inthe spheres of its jurisdiction.

Participation of Ukraine in program activity ofUNESCO opens the possibilities of financial assis�tance from the side of Organization for carrying out

in Ukraine the international measures on the line ofUNESCO and realization of projects in the field of itsjurisdiction, and also scholarships, grants, equip�ment, scientific and technical information by theUkrainian specialists.

During its 105�years�old history, NTUU 'KPI'has traditions and achievements, including those inthe activity connected with the structures ofUNESCO. Presently this activity is carried outthrough the international Chair of UNESCO 'HigherTechnical Education, Applied System Analysis andInformatics' at the National Technical University ofUkraine 'Kyiv Polytechnic Institute' and EducationalScientific Complex 'Institute for Applied SystemAnalysis'.

In all, 562 chairs of UNESCO and inter�univer�sity networks now exist in the world. Their division onthe spheres of activity is following: education – 122,environment/stable development – 64, natural sci�ences – 64, world culture /rights of man – 74, socialsciences and development – 46, culture development– 40, engineering and technology – 51; connectionand information – 48, philosophy and aesthetics –14.

50 clubs of UNESCO, 38 associated schools ofUNESCO, operate in Ukraine. 12 chairs ofUNESCO are created in higher educational estab�lishments and scientific establishments of Ukraine.

International Chair of UNESCO 'HigherTechnical Education Applied System Analysis andInformatics' (IСU) at the National TechnicalUniversity of Ukraine 'Kyiv Polytechnic Institute'and Educational Scientific Complex 'Institute forApplied System Analysis' (ESC 'IASA') are created onthe basis of bilateral Agreement between UNESCOand NTUU 'KPI' in December, 1998 according toMemorandum on Collaboration between Gover�nment of Ukraine and UNESCO from November,18, 1997 within the limits of International Program of'UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs'.

The main goal of ICU activity is realization ofthe complex research program in the field of highertechnical education, methods of the applied systemanalysis, innovative information technologies andtheir application in the education system, for theanalysis of complex systems of different nature (pub�lic, technical, etc).

ICU closely co�operates with NationalCommission of Ukraine in matters of UNESCO,UNESCO European Center of Higher Education(UNESCO�CEPES), Ministry of Education andScience of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences ofUkraine, UNESCO Institute on InformationTechnologies in Education of Moscow, Ukrainian





Rector of NTUU �KPI�, director of IASA,head of Chair of UNESCO M. Z. ZGUROVSKYin Bologna University signed �Great Charter of

Universities� of Europe in the name of NTUU �KPI�(September, 16th, 2003)

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EDNES branch (International Association of 'EarthData Network for Educational and ScientificExchange', Strasburg, France), CODATA (Com�mittee on Data for Science at the InternationalCouncil on Science Questions), WIPO (WorldIntellectual Property Organization), UkrainianCenter of Distant Education at NTUU 'KPI',Ukrainian Center of Gender Education at NTUU'KPI', and other Ukrainian and international institu�tions.

Main directions of ICU work are:development and introduction of programs

for training, retraining and in�plant trainings of spe�cialists on the different aspects of perfection of high�er technical education in Ukraine and abroad, withspecial attention given to the widest, interdisciplinaryuse of informatics and system analysis;

development and application of system of rat�ing estimation of Ukrainian universities;

bringing in professors, research and adminis�trative workers, and students of NTUU 'KPI' andESC 'IASA' to the system of information and docu�mentation exchange introduced by UNESCO withinthe frames of International 'UNITWIN/UNESCOChairs';

development and introduction of the pro�grams of international cooperation in the field ofhigher technical education and, in particular, systemanalysis and informatics;

regular execution of analysis of appearingnecessities, and also conditions which determine thehigher technical education reformation process, andits orientation on educational process;

close collaboration with the proper subsec�tions of Secretariat of UNESCO, in particular, withDepartment of Higher Education and Department onTechnique and Technologies, and also withUNESCO Institute of Information Technologies inEducation (Moscow) with the purpose of develop�ment and introduction of international and nationalinnovative programs on education and execution ofscientific researches pointed at the update of systemof higher technical education with the accent on theinterdisciplinary use of system analysis and informat�ics;

organization and carrying out the confer�ences, colloquiums, seminars and others like that onthe questions of development and introduction ofinnovative information technologies into the systemof higher technical education in Ukraine and othercountries of region.

structural collaboration with NationalCommission of Ukraine in matters of UNESCO,structural subdivisions of UNESCO, analogical chairsof UNESCO interested in national and internationalinstitutions in the field of theoretical researches andpractical efforts on the development and introductionof methodology of system analysis, modern informa�tion technologies, methods of complex informativesystems design and data processing in ecology, econ�omy, geopolitics and technique, into the system ofhigher technical education;

informative and consultation support of indi�vidual initiatives and projects in the field of reforma�tion of higher technical education and its orientationon educational process, research and use of informat�ics and system analysis at all levels of specialists train�ing;

retraining of specialists in the field of theoret�ical researches and practical efforts on developmentand introduction of methodology of system analysis,modern information technologies, methods of com�plex informative systems design and data processingin ecology, economy, geopolitics and technique, intothe system of higher technical education;

publishing activity and coordinative work onintroduction of educational methodological and sci�entific developments of ICU on system analysismethodology, modern and information technologies,and methods of the complex informative systemsdesign and data processing in ecology, economy,geopolitics and technique.

As far as practically all directions of higher tech�nical education, natural sciences, technique, infor�matics and system analysis are represented in NTUU'KPI' and ESC 'IASA', these institutions act as thelaboratory of evolution experience and higher techni�cal education prognostication development, and ICU





Professor Ian SADLAK, director of European Centre of HigherEducation of UNESCO, greets the participants of internationalseminar �Higher Education in Ukraine and Bologna Process�

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accumulates this experience and represents it in theinternational crossing.

Realization of the program of development of theInternational Chair of UNESCO 'Higher TechnicalEducation, Applied System Analysis and Informatics'

provides coming of ICU into being the one of cells ofintellectual elite of high technical school of Ukraine.Cooperating with influential international organiza�tions, ICU makes fundament for the system of inter�national congresses, conferences, and seminarsaccording different aspects of support and develop�ment of higher technical education, applied systemanalysis and informatics, comprehension of modernrole of natural sciences and higher technical educa�tion in the system of the human measuring.

Substantial factor that forms the modern modelof ICU activity is influence of informative societyalteration processes.

Today, without regard to globalization contradic�tions, internationalization, integration and globaliza�tion of research and educational activity due to form�ing of new research networks, is happening in scienceand education. Projects on distant learning get thegreat meaning. In process of informative societyforming, Ukraine has the certain obligations as mem�ber of UNESCO, as well as country of the Europeanchoice. The world education forum (Dakar, Senegal,April, 2000) adopted six aims of 'Dakar ActionFrames', the major priorities of UNO strategy in thefield of education, also providing the satisfaction ofall young people and adults' educational necessitieson the basis of equal access to the proper programs ofstudies. The role of innovative information computertechnologies is more than obvious in the context ofnecessity of 'equal access to the programs of studies'

providing. The medium�term UNO strategy on the ques�

tions of education, science and culture on 2002 –2007, ratified on the 31th General Conference ofUNESCO in November�October 2001, foreseestwelve strategic aims, providing of general access toinformation and of communication technologiesamong them. Ukraine, being the member ofUNESCO on forming the system of the future activ�ity formation, 'Education for all, education throughall the life, education without bounds', also has to fol�low this strategy.

NTUU 'KPI', ESC 'IASA', UNESCO Chair'Higher Technical Education, Applied SystemAnalysis and Informatics', building the internationalactivity in new conditions, become active participantsin realization of the noted priorities during the lastyears.

On 6th July, 2006 between UNESCO Chair'Higher technical education, applied system analysisand informatics' at National Technical University ofUkraine 'Kiev Polytechnic Institute' and EducationalScientific Complex 'Institute for Applied SystemAnalysis' and Scientific Research Institute for AppliedInformation Technologies of Cybernetic Center ofNAS of Ukraine, there was made a treaty about cre�ating and organization of activity of department ofUNESCO Chair 'Higher technical education, appliedsystem analysis and informatics'.

The main goals of this forming are design, intro�ducing and development of principles of internation�al expertise of education quality and rating estimationof Ukrainian higher educational establishments'activity, promotion of realization of Memorandumregulations about collaboration between UNESCOChair 'Higher technical education, applied systemanalysis and informatics' and European Center forHigher Education of UNESCO from 25th April,2006.


Seminar by the participation of directors of basic pointsof UNESCO Institute for information technologies

in education, in the frames of UNESCO project�Higher Education Open and Distance Learning

Knowledge Base for Decision-Makers�




Creating the department of UNESCO Chair(Photo: representatives of NTUU �KPI�, ESC �IASA�

and �Euroosvita� Center)

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According to the

protocol of joint session

of Geophysical Center

of Russian Academy of

Sciences and the

Educational and Scien�

tific complex "Institute

for Applied System

Analysis" NTUU "KPI", the Ukrainian branch

of World Data Centre (UB�WDC) is founded on

the basis of ESC 'IASA' NTUU 'KPI' and is an

integral part of the Geophysical Center RAS.

The UB�WDC is a constituent part of World

Data Centers system (http://www.ngdc

noaa.gov/wdc/wdcmain.html), which is created

and supported by International Council for

Science (ICSU) (http://www.icsu.org

/index.php). UB�WDC activity is coordinated

by ICSU committee for WDC and is accom�

plished according to direction for WDC system

( h t t p : / / w w w. n g d c . n o a a. g o v / wd c / g u i d e


Collaboration structure of UB�WDC in

World Data Centers system:

The UB�WDC gather and exchange data

with other centers, distributes publications, and

sends information on demand in following


Solid Earth Physics (seismology, gravime�

try, geomagnetism, marine geology and geo�

physics, etc);

Solar�Terrestrial Physics (solar activity,

cosmic rays, Ionosphere Phenomena, etc.);

Hydrology, Hydrometry;

Sustainable Development;

Technologies of infosociety.

Creation of UB�WDC focuses on the fol�

lowing problems:

Creation of analytic system for primary

data gathering and processing;

� Search for data sources;

� Establishing of direct and reverse connec�


� Development of subsystem for primary

data gathering and processing;

Database design and development;

� Filling database with data entities;

Creation of multilingual system for data


Design and development of corresponding


Collaboration structure within Ukrainian

Branch of WDC:

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The UB�WDC is head structure in

Ukraine, which accomplishes accumulation,

preservation and processing of world and

national data presented by corresponding

organizations (Institute of geophysics NASU

(Departments: seismic danger, geothermome�

try and modern geodynamics, Earth under�

ground processes and gravimetry, physical

properties of Earth substance, geomagnetism,

etc), Crimean Advisory Council For Seismic

Danger Appraisal And Macroseisms Forecast,

Ministry of architecture and construction pol�

icy Crimean AR, Poltava gravimetric observa�

tory, Geomagnetic observatories (Kyiv, Lviv,

Odessa), ionosphere stations, National

Antarctic scientific center of MSE

(Geomagnetic observatory – Argentina

Island), Major astronomic observatory

NASU, Lviv State University (observatory

Lviv), Odessa State University (observatory

Odessa), Crimean astrophysical observatory

SRI of MSEU, Kharkiv institute of radio

electronics, etc).

According to structure of interaction of

UB�WDC mode, the primary outlet data will

be delivered; it will be processed with special�

ly designed program modules, and will be

given in the visually accessible form to the

users at different levels of hierarchy

World Data Centre Ukrainian Branch

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During the last years, the Institute annually carriesout scientific and technical international conference'System Analysis and Information Technologies' at theassistance of Ministry of Education and Science ofUkraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,National Technical University of Ukraine 'KyivPolytechnic Institute', Department of UNESCO 'HigherTechnical Education Applied System Analysis andInformatics' at NTUU 'KPI' and ESC 'IASA'.

The scientific societies of students and graduates ofNTUU 'KPI' and ESC 'IASA' take active part in confer�ence preparation.

Subjects of conference:


Methods of system analysis of complex systemsof different nature in the conditions of vagueness andrisks.

Mathematical methods, models and technolo�gies of complex systems research.

System methodology of technological foresight inthe problems of planning and strategic decision making.

Theory and methods of optimum decision�making.Problem�oriented methods of the complex sys�

tems analysis and planning in the conditions of vague�ness and risks.


Intellectual systems of decision�making (ISDM)in financial�economic sphere (micro� and macroeco�nomic systems, banks, exchanges, insurance companies,etc.).

Decision�making systems in the social processescontrol.

Decision�making systems in the technologicalprocesses control in industry.

Intellectual data and knowledge analysis; prob�lems of data and knowledge mining, knowledge bases forISDM.

Mathematical design and prognostication ofcomplex objects and processes.

Decision�making in the conditions of datavagueness (systems of unclear logical leading out).

Modern methods and algorithms of ISDM (geneticand evolutional algorithms, neuron networks, etc.).


Providing control (mathematical, algorithmic, lin�guistic, information�organizational, technical, program�ming) systems, information processing, and technologies oftheir creation.

Electronic commerce.Information safety and information protection.Highly productive OS and networks, telecommuni�

cation technologies.Data and knowledge bases as the environment of

information support of management and planning.


GRID technologies and methods of providing accessto remote network recourses (programs, data depositories,computers).

Invariant approach to design of hybrid projects,executed with application of different technologies and com�ponents.

Parallel algorithms of solution of large rarefiedequation systems, parametrical optimization and statisticanalysis for distributed calculations.

Methods and algorithms of solution of badly definedand hard problems of static and dynamics, poly�criteriaoptimization with parametrical and functional limitations,optimal appointment of assumptions, solution 'centering' inpoly�parametrical space, etc.

Automatic procedures of automatic definition ofproject parameters (time delays, frequency band, resonancefrequency, etc.), and providing their values according totechnical task.

Models and procedures of micro�electro�mechanicsystems (MEMS) and extra� large integral schemes (ELIS)design.

Methodology and methods of nano� devices andMicrosystems (System on a Chip, System on a Package)design.

Re�usage (recurring usage of results of objects andtheir components design) and intellectual property (IP)defense at network design.




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Students of Institute are very talented young

people. Among them, there are many graduates of

elite lyceums, winners of mathematical Olympiads

and competitions. The purpose of educational sci�

entific activity of the Institute is training of new

generation of system analysts, which will determine

the life of country in the future.


Student Council of educational scientific com�

plex 'Institute for Applied System Analysis' (SC) is

the organ of student self�government of Institute.

SC joins all the students of Institute. Every aca�

demic group at SC is represented by the senior stu�

dent, who is elected by students on internal meet�

ings. Chairman of SC is a member of Student

Council of National Technical University of

Ukraine 'Kyiv Polytechnic Institute', where he rep�

resents the students of ESC 'IASA' at the University


Students, who show public activity, are of high

authority among the students of Institute, or who

have proved themselves as good organizers or lead�

ers, can be elected to the SC membership.

The main aim of SC is defense of legal rights

and interests of students of NSC 'IASA', and assis�

tance to conscientious execution of their duties by


Main tasks of Student Council of SEC 'IASA' are:

assistance to educational, scientific and cre�ative activity of students;

improvement of material position and way oflife of students;

assistance to collaboration of students organiza�tions in the realm of education, science, culture and sport;

organization of leisure and rest of students;

assistanceto collaboration

with administra�

tion of the Insti�


e m p l o y �ment of students;

represen�tative office of

interests of stu�

dents of Institute at

external levels.


tives of SC of

ESC 'IASA' are

the members of

grant commission of Institute; they assist the mate�

rial encouragements of students to social and scien�

tific work.

Anyone has the possibility to appeal to SC of

ESC 'IASA' on the occasion of defense of his rights

and interests, or with suggestion to help SC in exe�

cution of its basic tasks and achievement of purpose

of its activity.

The SC of ESC 'IASA' created the monthly

magazines of 'IPSuhA', 'SPORT of IASA', organ�

ized 'Days of IASA', championship on computer

games, chess, football, table tennis, carried out

'Week of Freshman' action, organized 'IASA

Laughter Day'; it annually holds 'Miss IASA' com�

petitions and thematic parties.



Scientific society of students and post�graduate

students (SSSP) is the organization of students and

post�graduate stu�

dents of Institute,

the primary pur�

poses of which


forming ofsuccessful man, the

Institute graduate;

assistanceto the scientific and

creative work of

students and uni�

versity entrants,

creation of possi�

bilities for their

effective work and


Scientific society of students and post�graduate

students of ESC 'IASA' is the section of scientific

society of students and post�graduate students of

NTUU 'KPI'. The Head of SSSP is the member of

Scientific Council of the Institute.

Within the frames of SSSP, there operates

'System Analysis & Risk Management Group',

which consists of 14 members and approximately

60 seminar listeners. SA&RM Group is the scien�

tific society of students, and it points its activity at

scientific research and project decision of prob�

lems, mainly, in the field of bank risks. Students

who work in SA&RM Group have practice in com�

mercial banks 'Praveks', 'Nadra', 'Ukrgas�bank',

'Ukreksimbank' and Secretariat of President of

Professor, DSc V. Y. DANILOVcares about new staff training inthe �Informatics� section of SmallAcademy of Sciences of Ukraine

Scientific managerof student society �System Analysis

and Risk Management�Senior researcher, PhD


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Ukraine. The banks�partners of group give possibil�

ity to graduates study in their departments and to

place in a job there.

SSSP organizes the seminar 'Modern lan�

guages of programming', on which modern direc�

tions of programming are examined, seminars are

held, on which students who study programming

deeply, make reports.

There is organized the line of large scientific

educational measures, among which it is the inter�

national conference of students, graduates and

young scientists 'System Analysis and Information

Technologies', founded in 1998, and is carried out

annually; competition of students works 'Financial

Information and Analytical Technologies', which

takes place since 2004, Olympiads on algebra and

analysis, command ASM programming.

SSSP supports and deepens the international

connections, in particular, effectively co�operates

with the Vilnius State University.

Among the projects of SSSP, there is carrying

out Olympiads on main subjects of the Institute,

development of international cooperation, in par�

ticular, programs of international exchange for stu�


Scientific society of students and post�graduate

students and professors of Institute carry out annu�

al summer school�seminars 'Achievements of mod�

ern informatics, mathematics and physics', with

participation of pioneering scientists from Ukraine,

Russia, Germany, Holland, Turkey and other coun�

tries. The main tasks of summer school are popu�

larization of scientific work among the university

youth; giving informing about the most modern

and the most perspective branches for scientific

work, and also, about the last scientific achieve�

ments in the world; experience exchange with col�

leagues from different countries.

Intellect Club is the union of students, post�

graduate students, professors and others interested

in research and development of intellect. The aims

of club are:

Promotion to man's development according tonew demands of information age – raise of speed and

quality of perceiving and information processing,

developing of defensive abilities, creative and business

skills activation etc.

research, developing and introducing noveleducational technologies;

forming and developing science culture andethic amongst the youths.

Intellect Club 'KPI' is situated on SD Chair

premises. It is the section of Virtual Intellect Club.

In the Intellect Club, there are held meetings and

collaboration with extraordinary persons

(V. M. Bronnikov, B. V. Bolotov, V. M. Gavrilyuk

etc.). Lectures on different topics are organized:

from man's possibilities investigation to pioneer

achievements in the field on cold nuclear synthesis.

In Intellect Club the demonstration of scientif�

ic popular movies is periodically held. The educa�

tional seminar in "Research Tasks Solving Theory

'RTST' was organized.

Each member of Intellect Club can examine

his or her skills of mastering and applying the

knowledge in real projects. Tests on circuit theory,

English, programming, Web design ad so on are


Intellect Club helps to organize the students'

free time: there are intellectual games, weekly foot�

ball matches, swimming in Hydro Park, an annual

summer camp trips to Crimea.

Summer school


Freshman�s Day at the Knowledge Square