Kaju Kanda

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  • 7/29/2019 Kaju Kanda


    food-n-more.blogspot.hu http://food-n-more.blogspot.hu/2013/03/kajukanda-little-cashew-treats-to-bring.html

    Kajukanda: Little cashew treats to bring back the child in


    Hi to all of you af ter almost a whole year. Many of you might even have tro uble remembering who I am

    and I cannot say I blame you. Anyway let be jog your memory a litt le. I am Anupama, and I blog about all

    the delicious things (if I may say so myself ) that I make in my litt le kitchen. I have been on a year long

    break for various reasons that I wouldn't want to bore you guys with. But I am back. Believe me I have

    missed by blog just as much as you all have. I was desperate t o get back into the blogsphere on so many

    ocass ionsin this last year, but it was just o ther commitments that I had taken up myself that wouldn't let


    Now my intention to come back to my blog was always there, but two things t hat kind made my resolve

    to blog again even stronger were:

    1. Firstly f riends started talking about my blog in the past tense. Oooooh how scary and sad that was!

    2. Secondly avid readers of my blog and even a couple of new neighbours who unt il recently did not even

    know that I had a blog, kept asking me to update. It was really touching. It made me realise how much

    people liked what I posted.

    So here I am back in action. What I have today and what you see in the pic above are two kinds o f treats .

    Chocolate Squares and Cashewnut and Rose Flavoured Squares, which are called Kajukanda in Marathi.

    I'll tell you more about the chocolate squares in my next post. But t his one is f or Kajukanda.

    Many of you must have enjoyed Kajukanda as kids and some of us enjoy it even as adults. They are litt le

    bites of sugary delight that are hard to resist.

    Now Kajukanda is so ld by the truckload in mos t f oo d sto res, but I of ten wonder how much of real

    cashews actually go into them. Seriously sometimes they taste more o f peanuts than cashews. So when

    my mom came up with this recipe of homemade ones, I jumped.

  • 7/29/2019 Kaju Kanda


    The f irst batch she made was a trial and it disappeared in a matter o f minutes. Ever since she makes

    them every so of ten. As she is a Grandma to three kids (not all mine.... god f orbid :)), who constant ly

    crave sugar in all its f orms, she has ample oppo rtunity to make them. Believe me, once you t ry these

    homemade ones, you will never buy the store variety. They are easy to make, not at all time-consuming

    and def initely heaps tas tier.

    So here goes

    Grease a 8" x 10" tray. (Dimensions of tray are approximate)


    2 cups f inely powdered plain cashewnuts (I used an ordinary teacup. You can use any other cup,

    but then st ick to the same for measuring the rest o f the ingredients .)

    1 cup sugar

    3 drops o f pink food colour

    1/2 a tspn of rose essence (Available in all f oo d stores)

    Water to make a syrup


    1. Place the sugar in a heavy bot tom pan.

    2. Pour just enough water over the sugar t ill all the sugar is just about submerged in the water. Do

    this very gradually, so you don't end up with t oo much water in the pan.

    3. Switch on the heat on low simmer.

    4. Let the sugar disso lve and the syrup come to a boil on a low simmer till you have a hard ball

    consistency syrup. This took me about 8 t o 9 mins. But that can change depending on t he amount

    of water you add to the sugar and also the heat sett ings of your hob.5. A more assured way of checking this is to put a drop of hot syrup into a glass o f water. The drop

    of syrup should form a hard ball in the water. This is the tricky part in the recipe. So it's best to

    keep the heat on low simmer throughout the recipe, so you don't overdo the syrup.

    6. Once your sugar syrup has reached the right consistency, add the cashew powder and the rose

    essence to it.

    7. Cook further for approximately 3 to 4 minutes, or until you see the mixture leave the sides of the

    pan. All on low simmer.

    8. Pour the mixture into your prepared tray.

    9. Give the tray a couple of gentle bangs on your kitchen platf orm to get a smooth to p surf ace. Don'ttouch the mixture with your f ingers.

    10. The mixture will set in a few minutes .

    11. Cut out squares the size you want.

    12. Store a tight lidded container.

    As there is no milk in this recipe, Kajukanda keep well f or a reaso nably long t ime. But in warm weather

    they can be sto red in the f ridge too .

  • 7/29/2019 Kaju Kanda


    Enjoy !! And save some f or your kids to o :))

    Coming up next are Chocolate Vanilla Squares