Ethereal Energies www.etherealenergies.com Kabbalah Reiki Manual 2005 1 Kabbalah Reiki Kabbalah Reiki Kabbalah Reiki Kabbalah Reiki Manual Manual Manual Manual Offered by: Ethereal Energies Kristen C. Dietz www.etherealenergies.com [email protected] Member: International Natural Healers Association and The Global Reiki Association (I would like to thank Jessica Galbreth for her permission to use her artwork as my logo. To see her artwork, please go to her website: http://www.enchanted-art.com/welcome.htm ).

Kabbalah Reiki Manual 2005

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Kabbalah ReikiKabbalah ReikiKabbalah ReikiKabbalah Reiki Manual Manual Manual Manual

Offered by:

Ethereal Energies

Kristen C. Dietz

www.etherealenergies.com [email protected]

Member: International Natural Healers Association

and The Global Reiki Association

(I would like to thank Jessica Galbreth for her permission to use her artwork as my logo.

To see her artwork, please go to her website: http://www.enchanted-art.com/welcome.htm).

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What is Kabbalah Reiki?

Pastor Tabitha Trimble received this form of Reiki during a prophetic dream, perceived as one

source to connect all forms of Healing/Reiki modalities to the Creator.

“All things were created to work together as a whole.”

Quoted from Pastor Tabitha Trimble

This form of Reiki uses the Kabbalah and tree of life charts, using the sacred names of God to heal

the body on all levels and dimensions.

By using various tools of healing such as Prayer, Colors and Sounds to align and balance the

whole Chakra system, by chanting the Sacred Names of God and by using Reiki symbols and

hand positions.

Since 1996, Rev. Dr. Tabitha has created five Reiki courses, which are: Ascended Master Reiki

©, Kabbalah Reiki ©, Spiritual Ray Reiki ©, Trinity Medical Reiki ©, and Violet Path Reiki ©.

Rev. Dr. Tabitha Trimble has been Ordaining Minister and Pastoral Pastor with the Church of the

Creator, master healer, RN, Reiki Grand Master and Karuna Master for over 33 years and has

been instrumental in preparation and certification of nearly 500 healers including 256 Reiki

Masters. Rev. Dr. Tabitha offers “unique hands-on training” and we offer an in-depth Ministerial

program that leads to ordination. This ordination will allow the practitioner to legally provide

comfort of the healing touch, as ministering to the sick and dying is under our Constitution and the

separation of church and state.

Please visit our websites:

Cosmic Reiki – www.cosmicreiki.tripod.com

Grail Lighthouse – www.graillighthouse.tripod.com

For more information about our programs, please contact us by phone: (904) 733-9657 or by

email: [email protected]

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Introduction to Kabbalah:

This is your invitation to experience “a personal initiation into the secret teachings of the

Kabbalah”. This class is unique and will open her mind in your soul to a whole new world of

experience. The Kabbalah is an oral teaching revealing the secrets of each path as a key into your

soul. I will reveal the paradoxes of this world and the higher worlds of light. A little class marks

the crossing the threshold into the world of light out of the world of darkness (fear, chaos, etc.)

rather than letting circumstances of life initiate us in a haphazard way, we choose to undertake the

great work as a self initiation. One can watch everything and see nothing. In this class he began to

become “the SEER” (one that can see) as you connect to your soul. Kabbalah at is like a breath of

fresh air into your Soul.

What is Kabbalah?

Kabbalah is a secret system that has been used by the mystics for over 4000 years to be in touch

with the creative powers of their soul. From their experiences these great mystics created such

works known as the Bible, Zohar, Sepher, Yetzirah plus thousands of writings, in an attempt to

waken the humankind from their sleep. The Kabbalah that is not like any study that you have ever

done before. It will foster a personal interpersonal and spiritual awakening deep within your soul.

We will use the tree of life as a roadmap into ourselves to clarify what makes us what we are in

synthesis of the different aspects of ourselves in a more holistic way.

How is Kabbalah used in everyday life?

Kabbalah can become a very useful tool for people who work with others as therapists, counselors,

healers, artists, etc. It will even be more powerful as a tool when applied in a more direct way for

spiritual development. Kabbalists are explorers of the spirit: they push beyond the boundaries of

Orthodox thinking and traditions to pursue a common goal, which can be a direct experience of

their soul through fundamental universal principles.

Beginning Kabbalah

Scanning the Kabbalah chart:

He does not matter if you can read Hebrew or not, it does not affect the powers of letters. The soul

recognizes its inner force of creation as part of its essence. Visually scanning the 72 letter name

helps arouse an abundance of spiritual forces much like the visual mantra. The shape of the letters

operates like a key that it is a door. Heber letters opened the door to the soul. This also allows us

to begin to reach a fuller potential of our conscious mind. Our subconscious begins to absorb the

power that is emanating from each word; therefore it begins to set into action are conscious reality.

As our eyes games the shapes of the letters a resonance is created between the light and our Souls.

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When the two (soul and light) are within proximity of each other by scanning, meditating or

reciting the letters the resonance is created in the energy is duplicated with them the soul. The

internal change is created through DNA power of the 72 letter name. the unique sequence of letters

act as conditioning agents helping to control are reactive nature. The letters can give us inner

strength and discipline to apply a resistance to cease our reactive nature so that we can become

more proactive. Our reactive nature is what keeps one trapped within the confines of our reality.

Thoughts become things. “you now have been given the tools to transform your reactive nature, a

set of tools that is as old as time itself.

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Sacred Emanations: The Sacred names of God

Abba Nartoomid—Father of Wisdom


Adoni—Bezek—Lord of Lighting

Adonai H’artez—Lord of Earth

Adonai Shalom—Lord of Peace

Adonijak—Jehovah is my Lord Adonikam- My Lord has risen

Adoniram Adoram—My Lord is exalted

Adoni- Zedek—Lord of Justice

Ahaziah—Jehovah holds sustains

Aloha Umma—Purple pyramid; protection of God

Ammi Shaddi—Children of the living God

Elohim— Hebrew God

Yod Hay Vod hay—Jehovah Lord God

Eh Hay Eh or Ehey Asher Ehyeh—I am that I am ( God gave to Moses at the burning bush)

El Shaddai—God Almighty

El Eliyon—Most High God

Ha Shem or Baruch ha Shem—Blessed is the name of God

Shekinah—Hebrew for Holy Spirit

Shekinah Rauch Ha Quodesh—Divine presence of the holy Spirit

Barukh Ata Adonai- Blessed is the Lord

Eli Eli- My God, My God

Sh’ Mah Yisreal Adonai Elohainu Adonai Chad- Hear O Isreal, the Lord our God, the Lord is

the one

Rauch Elohim—Spirit of God

Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tzebayoth—Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts

Moshe, Yeshua, Eliahu—Moses, Jeaus and Elijah Shaddai El Chai—the Almighty Living God

Melchizedek - God’s Most High Priest

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The Zohar gives us a formula for making requests to God: we should begin by praising God and

then present our petitions to him. When petitioning God, it prescribes, we should “say in precise

terms ”: what we

require so that there is no possibility of this understanding. God wants our prayers to be specific.

At the end of each prayer, there is an invitation to add your specific needs or me petitions on

behalf of loved ones, your neighborhood, community and world. A powerful prayer or is from the


century rabbi Joseph Tzayach.

Ascending the Tree of Life through the Names of God:

Ehyeh, Aher, Ehyeh, Crown me (Kether)

Yaweh, Grant me Wisdom (Chokhmah) sometimes spelled Hockhmah.

Elohim Haim, Grant me Understanding (Binah)

EL, with the right hand of his love make me great.

Elohim, From the terror of his judgment, protect me (Gevurah)

YHVH, His mercy, Grant me Beauty (Tiferet)

Adonai Tsebayoth, Watch me forever (netzah)

Elohim Tsebayoth, Grant me Beatitude from His Splendor (Hod)

El Haim, make me covenant my Foundation (Yesod)

Adonai, open my lips and my mouth will speak of your Praise (Mulkhut).

Chant these Divine names over the person three times while envisioning their assistance.

A Prayer to Adonai (Malkhut/kingdom, Shekinah/Divine presence

“I will praise thee, O Adonai, among the people: I will sing unto thee among the nations.” Adonai

great provider of and governor of all creatures, fill me with your vigor and strength. Heal me of

maladies of body, mond and soul. Heal those less fortunate than I, especially those who suffer

from life-threatening diseases that would cut short their lives. Adonai, bring me closer to God

every day. Bestow your wisdom upon me, fill me with gratitude and love, help me to serve you

continuously all the days of my life. I offer all my devotions and my good deeds to unite the

Blessed Holy One and his Shekinah. Shekinah, Feminine Presence of God, take up thy adobe

within me. Amen”

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Prayer to El Haim and Shaddai (Yesod/Foundation) “My soul thirsts for you God, El Haim.” The Spirit hath made me and the breath of Shaddai hath

given life to me. I shall delight myself El Shaddai and lift my prayers to him. And the blessings of

the Lord shall make me rich, release your abundance upon me O mighty God. EL Haim, the living

God, I ask you to forgive me of all misdeeds I have ever committed in this life, give me power and

fortitude to right every wrong. El Haim and Shaddai, help me to overcome all lusts of the flesh and

turn my thoughts to thee, and let no harsh words utter from my mouth. Yesod transform tribulation

into joy, poverty into abundant life and barrenness into fruitfulness. Amen.”

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Above All, To Your Own Self Be True

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The Following Information was written by Victor Glanckopf as an addition to Kabbalah

reiki manual and remains his copyright.

The Ten Sephiroth Attunements/Affirmations/Master Correspondence Chart 1. Keter, the first Emanation on the Tree of Life represents Crown & Will. It is a state of

consciousness where creation merges with the veils of non-existence.

Soul Star

Affirmation: My EGO and Divine Body are one.

2. Chokmah, the second emanation on the Tree of Life, represents Wisdom. Chokmah is the

giver of the seminal spark of life which is potent only until it enters the womb of the Great

Mother, Binah. The union of the Great Father and Great Mother come forth all the images

of creation.

Right Eye Chakra

Affirmation: I see my Soul purpose.

3. Binah is the third emanation on the Tree of Life of and represents the Supreme female

principal in the process of Creation. Thusly is associated with such deities as Isis, Virgin

Mary and Quan Yin.

Left Eye Chakra

Affirmation: Divinity is within.

4. Daat represents Knowledge. Daat is the hidden sephira.


Affirmation: Resonance of the Divine

5. Chesed is the fourth emanation and represents the ruler but not Creator of the manifested

universe. It is characterized as merciful, loving kindness and greatness or magnificence.

Right Shoulder Center

Affirmation: Loving kindness to All

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6. Gevurah is the fifth emanation on the Tree of Life and represents severity and Justice. The

destructive forces of the sphere of Geburah are intended to have a purging, and cleansing

effect on the universe. Geburah represents the Creator God, who applies discipline and

precision in governing the cosmos and removes unwanted or unnecessary elements after

their usefulness has passed. Geburah is reflected in THE CHARIOTEER in the TAROT.

Left Shoulder Center

Affirmation: Correct Living.

7. Tiferet is the sixth emanation on the Tree of Life and represents beauty. It harmonizes the

forces of Chesed & Geburah. Tiphareth is the sphere of spiritual Balance.

Heart Chakra

Affirmation: Harmony of my Being is NOW.

8. Netzach is the seventh emanation on the Tree of Life and represents creativity,

subjectivity, and the emotions -- a very clear contrast to the sphere of HOD, Netzach is the

sphere of Love and spiritual passion.

Center Right Hip

Affirmation: Love Now.

9. Hod is the eighth emanation on the Tree of Life and represents intellect and rational

thought. It also represents the structuring and measuring capacities of the mind as opposed

to the emotion and intuitional aspects.

Center Left Hip

Affirmation: All Is in Right.

10. Yesod is the ninth emanation on the Tree of Life and represents the sexual instinct/

Fertility and has the function of channeling the energies of the higher down to the earth

below Malkuth.

1st Chakra


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11. Malkhut is the tenth emanation of the Tree of and represents the manifested universe,

immediate environment, the plane of physical reality. As a consequence, all “inner

journeys of consciousness” begin symbolically in Malkuth.

Earth Star

Affirmation: All is Divine.

Kabbalah Reiki Mantra Attunement


Kabbalah Reiki Initiation

This Initiation’s energy is very powerful and transformative. It clears, balances and raises the

vibrational rate of all the sephira.

This energy has been called the Kundalini of the sephiroth. This will have the effect of manifesting

divine attributes in you that have effect of spiritualizing all higher bodies.

To activate this energy place, your consciousness 8-12 inches above your head and think: My

EGO and Divine Body are one.

To activate at the highest level, perform the above procedure while looking at the rising

morning Sun for about 8 minutes.

Watching the sun and activating the Attunement is "In spirit and truth." It brings the Christ and

the Solar energies to us. When combined with these Attunements it increases their effectiveness to

a New high.

You clairvoyance will develop to a very advanced level. The sun and sephira gives us the power of

our spirit.

The sun & sephira Initiations will give you the solution to the problem of love by helping to

develop your clairvoyance to advanced levels.

This combination integrates energy from the spiritual planes into the physical body and mind.

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Kabbalah Reiki Heart Initiations & Technique & Mandala

All Souls are capable of infinite spiritual growth and most importantly the essence of a Soul's

evolution is measured by its ability to love genuinely and deeply.

The following New Tree of Life gives us one of the most beneficial Initiations and Techniques

there is!

This very ”precious pearl” will help us radiate White Light from our Heart Chakra. The best use is

to radiate White Light from our Heart Chakra when we are involved in our daily activities. This

Radiance is the greatest way to develop the most important aspects of Spiritual Development.

From the Wheel in your Heart Chakra: visualize, White Light emanating out in every direction,

while activating Kabbalah Reiki Elemental Heart Initiation. Continue this process in All of your

daily activities.

Another key is to think these words of Power on the hour: KINDNESS & LOVE


The next key is to radiate White Light through your Chakras/ Sephira, while you go through each

sephira. As you spiritually progress your faults/weaknesses get smaller, but the negative energies

never completely disappear. Perfection does not exist, only degrees of excellence.

A Soul's ability to love genuinely and deeply is demonstrated by its ability to radiate the White

Light of God/Sephira.

The most advanced Souls in the Spirit radiate White Light constantly. In order to progress and

maintain a high level of spiritual evolution, you must too.

If YOU are willing to do this on a daily basis and accept the greater ethical responsibility of being

highly evolved and helping others; you can greatly accelerate their Spiritual Development.

Kabbalah Reiki Mantra Attunements

God is love

E-lo-HEEM HU ah-ha-VAH

God’s love is also everlasting. It never ends.

a-ha-VAT o-LAM

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Kabbalah Reiki Initiation

This Initiation’s energy is very powerful and transformative. It clears, balances and raises the

vibrational rate of all the sephira.

This energy has been called the Kundalini of the sephiroth. This will have the effect of

manifesting divine attributes in you that have the effect of spiritualizing all higher bodies.

To activate this energy, place your consciousness 8-12 inches above your head and think:

Attunement: My EGO and Divine Body are one.

To activate at the highest level, perform the above procedure while looking at the rising

morning Sun for about 8 minutes.

Watching the sun and activating the Attunement is "In spirit and truth." It brings the Christ and

the Solar energies to us. When combined with these Attunements it increases their effectiveness to

a powerful level.

Your clairvoyance will develop to a very advanced level. The sun and sephira gives us the power

of our spirit.

The sun & sephira Initiations will give you the solution to life’s problem. It will help to develop

your clairvoyance to advanced levels.

This combination integrates energy from the spiritual planes into the physical body and mind.

Kabbalah Reiki Heart Initiations & Technique & Mandala

All Souls are capable of infinite spiritual growth and most importantly the essence of a Soul's

evolution is measured by its ability to love genuinely and deeply.

This very ”precious pearl” will help us radiate White Light from our Heart Chakra. The best use is

to radiate White Light from our Heart Chakra when we are involved in our daily activities. This

Radiance is the greatest way to develop the most important aspects of Spiritual Development.

From the Wheel in your Heart Chakra: visualize, White Light emanating out in every direction,

while activating: Kabbalah Reiki Elemental Heart Initiation. Continue this process in All of

your daily activities. Another key is activating one Mantra on every hour.

The next key is to radiate White Light through your Chakras/ Sephira, while you go through our

seven sephira. As you spiritually progress your faults/weaknesses get smaller, but the negative

energies never completely disappear. Perfection does not exist, only degrees of excellence.

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A Soul's ability to love genuinely and deeply is demonstrated by its ability to radiate the White

Light of God/Sephira.

The most advanced Souls in the Spirit radiate White Light constantly. In order to progress and

maintain a high level of spiritual evolution, you must too.

If YOU are willing to do this on a daily basis and accept the greater ethical responsibility of being

highly evolved and helping others: You can greatly accelerate your Spiritual Development.

The Kabbalah Reiki Sephiroth

The word "Kabbalah" is derived from the root "to receive, to accept", and in many cases is used

synonymously with "tradition".

There are many alternative spellings of the word, the most common being Kabbalah and Qabalah.

Cabala, Qaballah, Qabala and Kabbalah. The reason for this is that some letters in the Hebrew

alphabet have more than one representation in the English alphabet, and the same Hebrew letter

can be written either as K or Q. Some authors choose one spelling, and some choose the other.

The earliest documents that are generally acknowledged as being Kabbalistic come from the 1st.

Century C.E., but the oral tradition is much older. Some believe the tradition goes back as far as

Priests Of The Order Of Melchizedek.

Our teachings come from a mixture of Christianity, Hermeticism, Neoplatonism and Renaissance

humanism. Over the centuries it has developed in many directions, with strong influences from

Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism but continued input from the Jewish Kabbalah has meant that

many variants are not so different in spirit from the original. The Kabbalah is a mystical and

magical tradition that originated nearly two thousand years ago and has been practiced

continuously during that time. The Kabbalah teachings have been practiced by Jew and non Jew

alike for about five hundred years. On the Jewish side it has been an integral and influential part of

Judaism. On the Hermetic side it has created a rich mystical and magical tradition with its own

validity, a tradition that has survived despite the prejudice generated through existing within a

strongly Christian culture.

The basis of the Kabbalah is a diagram called the Tree of Life. It consists of a representation of ten

spheres or regions systematically arranged to illustrate the patterns and relationships of things. The

most important thing about this diagram is that it illustrates the doctrine of emanations, by which

each sphere emanates its successor, without losing anything of itself, so that the first sphere is said

to contain all those below it in order of creation.

There are ten spheres that are called the ten Sephiroth, a Hebrew word meaning numbers, or better,

numerations, the singular of which is Sephira.

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The ten Sephiroth exist in what are called the Four Worlds. This means that Kabbalists distinguish

between four states of being, from the most abstract and spiritual to the most dense and material..

Rather like the Sephiroth, the Four Worlds depend from each other, but in a different manner. The

first of the Four Worlds or levels is called Atziluth, or the World of Emanation. Here, creative

force is seeking expression, but lacks form. In Atziluth, the Divine Source takes the first steps

towards creation. If we think of this in terms of the creation of the world, then drawing a parallel

with Genesis we can say:

"In the beginning the Earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the

deep. And the Spirit of God (or "the gods") moved upon the face of the waters."

The Divine mind of God, the Absolute, or in Hebrew the Ain Soph Aur (Limitless Light), through

a series of expansions and contractions establishes the boundaries of Creation. The first world is

the most subtle, and closest to the original state of non-existence, and is Atzilooth. This is called

the world of Fire, because of the lively, undefined, and almost uncontrollable nature of fire. Next is

Briah, or the World of Archetypes and forms as our human mind can grasp them. It is symbolized

as the World of Air, and is the result as a barrier world that is formed by the creation of the next

World, Yetzirah, or Water. This is the highly psychic and emotionally charged world immediately

behind the veil of material existence, or Assiah. Also known as the World of Earth, because of the

solid, concrete nature of material life.

The purpose of this map, is to show that creation occurs in increasingly dense levels of energy-

matter, from the most subtle, or Fire, to the most dense, or Earth. Within this context of increasing

density, there also arises a series of ten planes or levels of consciousness that combines with

energy-matter, known as Sepheroth, or spheres of being. They occur in a pattern of: unity,

reflection, polarity, reflection, polarity, unity, reflection, polarity, unity, and finally materialization.

This basic idea of unity-polarity-and re-harmonizing, is the basis of kabbalistic and alchemical

practices, and is derived from the observation of Nature.

Each World is a reflection to a denser or more subtle degree than the one before or after it. Each

Sepheroth is a reflection, in part, of what proceeds or follows it. However, since each reflection is

only partial, or slightly distorted, each Sphere takes on its own unique characteristics. Only the so-

called “Middle Four Sphereoth” have the ability to harmonize or reflect in total all of the energies

of creation, on some level.

“I will make the victor a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go out no more: and I will

write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem,

which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.”

Revelations 3:12

In Kabbalah Reiki we have 7 Attunements for the 7 spheres that are used in our system. The

activation of these spheres harmonizes the physical, emotional and mental bodies and enables our

ascent in the spiritual worlds.

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Attunements/Affirmations/Master Correspondence Chart

1. Keter, the first Emanation on the Tree of Life represents Crown & Will. It is a state of

consciousness where creation merges with the veils of non-existence.

Affirmation: My EGO and Divine Body are one

2. Chesed is the fourth emanation and represents the ruler but not Creator of the manifested

universe. It is characterized as merciful, loving kindness and greatness or magnificence.

Right Shoulder Center

Affirmation: Loving kindness to All.

3. Gevurah is the fifth emanation on the Tree of Life and represents severity and Justice. The

destructive forces of the sphere of Geburah are intended to have a purging, and cleansing

effect on the universe. Geburah represents the Creator God, who applies discipline and

precision in governing the cosmos and removes unwanted or unnecessary elements after

their usefulness has passed. Geburah is reflected in THE CHARIOTEER in the TAROT.

Left Shoulder Center

Affirmation: Correct Living.

4. Tiferet is the sixth emanation on the Tree of Life and represents beauty. It harmonizes the

forces of Chesed, Geburah, Netzach and Hod. Tiphareth is the sphere of spiritual Balance.

In Kabbalah Reiki, balancing, harmonizing and radiating Tiferet’s energies are preeminent.

Affirmation: Harmony of my Being is NOW.

This sphere contains four centers equally spaced in a circle. When we activate this sphere’s

Attunement, all four spheres are activated at once but we can call for two of these energies

singularly by activating these keywords:

Mem- water

Shin-fire oral teachings

5. Netzach is the seventh emanation on the Tree of Life and represents creativity,

subjectivity, and the emotions -- a very clear contrast to the sphere of HOD, Netzach is

the sphere of Love and spiritual passion.

Center Right Hip

Affirmation: Love Now.

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6. Hod is the eighth emanation on the Tree of Life and represents intellect and rational

thought. It also represents the structuring and measuring capacities of the mind as opposed

to the emotion and intuitional aspects.

Center Left Hip

Affirmation: All Is in Right.

7. Malkhut is the tenth emanation of the Tree of and represents the manifested universe,

immediate environment, the plane of physical reality. As a consequence, all “inner

journeys of consciousness” begin symbolically in Malkuth.

Affirmation: All is Divine.