i diJtc. i»M -.^K ^5or79ZZZjZ2Zl..„ pf|enmg~Jj K^Sfandfl H ) L , (Saturday), July 4 ^Vrflsidcnt Synfirman ^K fla aoftened~hlB oppo- '^ H Koreap . teucff ^Knd th^e is new'hopo H em cnt; it-was reported ^^k~KorMn~UUaniumt-^sald- ^^^^^dsnL^Elsenl^<!'’s ^ B l P uu eoToy. “havo WC8IT tlie better. ^Klluntlon hu made a. n- st7lde.’’~Uis~tnromai]t~ ^■^U.-H.-SImi>Uo*1 ^ K iik t Bhee Utd mado con-' ^ B leut ttim'*^s iiap^ tbat -H H ^ ■ a { u 'th e .better''>‘«n>uld |H loday. when Rhee la ex- iMm nnlvjiffalnvlthitobei^ ^■ usU tant aecretaiT of aut« ^ ■ r . Elseohover sent to Kp- ^K uro roiirUi of-^/uly mes. |^ l ^ H le d on aU OhrlsUaos' and - In. Korea t«_ pray mB ^ ■ e and warned the Amerl- ggiSg ^ K l e aealnst the. continued ^W f cOMTnii"*"" -------• ___ Hx:l.linKl J i* Y « a«y of rJWJ- Korea and eald: ‘X’» ' to Invite oU liberty lov- . Join with UB In 7 1 1 - ^^■or a'speedy conclusion of 11 ^^B^HBlTlit th* g;fu<l>«« com-. *** ^H^etslon.’' ------------------ -----and fiercer, messase to a Columbia, broad- ^^Ernspondent. It waa an In> ^^H es day meuase to Amerl- • „ ^ ■ le 'ln which Rhee aald Ws . ^^fcuon to continue to'fight tWO T ^ ■ a n unity waa Inspired by In < ^ ■ tu r e ot'clvUIzatlon. he aald. way- , bangs- on .'how well and day t America takes up the irnncn challenffe. ff never - abandon the the .1 ^ H h a ir way/' Itheo aald. “I M urb you,' my American friends. Korean peopls'_wiU--sevei> the-or^8fa^J>^-eb ^ e ^ ^ ^ ^^grim nnh ' , , - Palls. ---------- 5| -- -■ =---------- -Martin ■mandedHby-fSS K ich Soloiis 31” ^ B - a e im n n y . -Jiily .3. OB— 9' H o t the West German.par-. de/lnl^ ^M ^ft^^tc^tctnng^ anU«. ^Btr-aerm an relations today " ^ B ln g a debt eettlement and ^cDi return of the Saar. ~ froi ^■nR-a-ffttlnat-Ohancenor' -whero- ^ A d e n itu e r in thelrVnosTBIt-' •ftPPM'C ^■tiiKrench-temper -sseh-ln- in^-Texj ^Kyear-old bundesUs (lower tuTe a ^»h6-Oannana.tMlc.revenge were ai ^ B e d French economic ex- enitAhl of-their occupation xone. ' Bays ^Hraymeni Refused . . tnck .t ^ftiue.refujied. by .H8..to.l35. H d approve repayment of of eeonomlorald given by l^f. ®“ ■ich-to-thelr-tone-between ^ ■ i M f l , Pft>TOent.wBsUo have ^B<n3cs(as approved the re- 'he debt BBroemcnt try a; ii^ y ’"'I'Ti I .ni"! ^fcjura D m iM p i ...... grs‘; ^^poe-itog. responded by vot. ^ B lu tlo n that it considers th j .••-BftyR, ^»!S«P?LA51e.pwtlbl-<3?ri rvSU ia^ i3 ^ *"'• to the a curve from the rest of 'West road n • --t.— - .......... . - througl -ItTtruc ^»riTOcnt.l)ut4tg mines nnd Two w ^ ■ a r e incorporated Into tho had n the CeiTltwy^^ be d e S ^ y a • German peace ohar ^ ___ : ___ •hp'.-a- _ ...... - marrle< ^peihPtomise^ » Italv Cahinpf p • ^^^^fliC -A rctde De Oos- ^■w'-aiblnot-ind-end.^-Q^, ---------- ^B ^'^P - ^ - '‘t-Qace-a form J . - ^ Sn -nane P«I- '"*nrf ._. M ' rodeo • 1 ^ S^Kegl^l t ThxeeEjm'ed.a iy4 an ipo^ uce- opo ted mth irer’s □t— vere- :6h> t£>t tate Kp- les. erl- ' ! _____ E*amlnln* the meckaje.of a 1M7 BnJcl _____lbO-fih»hQnfl.lRll8 _road:cotizJMdM_are.. ' of —Fred-BalIft~Twln Falla, and Ronnie Itawle; - -both Eden;:sndGean'Harris,'Dnms, Ore. (( 3ov- , • . * * .* * ’3 l"wo Cfa^hesl i Three Yout ;An^(^dorly 7nan*was-injufcdxritic Vy" In critiwi »■ dria,. La., whoso one and one-half tc aid. way 30 at 11:45 p.m. Thurs- ------- and day about five miles cast of Hansen and. 100 feet Bouth.of «>e —A-tracterrlrtTerryaul-etqt er.’*iW- - Palls, was first bn the scene. As*- slsted by -other passing motorists, h g -tyi|d ~n~ J 1 - ° -Martin-Tecetved-B' compound-frac- : T | " | [T ---- ture-of-tl>e~left-foot, .MvcrB-acalp. J ■ Injuries.and shock, according: to of- nn~ fleers. • — " - I | I c Martin was headei^ west when his ' *• truck crashcd through ’the guard n n_ rail. Cause-ot-tho accident wo .5 not I definitely toiqwnrBut Bays said tne • _ _ Injured' niari nieriUoried' someUiing T.-n i52S*i!StS‘;H fK ff“ ------T -ra™ Say Mu»inf-to_seatti8 ^ ^ « GeorRc md McDonald sold the man was moT-^- TTniti>d _. ing from LouUlana to Seottlo. Wash., nor' -Whero-ho was-to-Joln.-hla-son. .Ho .return 5It_- •ftppai'entiy-hsa "jJurchMca-tho-trucir -In- inJrcxas,.It-was-loaded-wIth-furnl- ^aimo-O ffer tul-e and household goods 'Which _Vi.h nge were scattered from the top of tho .**!}, ex-' 'embSihkment-to the bottom. >ne. ' Bays estimated damaRe to tho h r truck.and cargo at 11, 000. He said ,hV»r'^ the bed'sldesTorthlftruck were tom- “ f off, but most of tho damage wos to . v„ the cargo. Damogo to the guard ' ..1 j-all.and.poslawoa,estlmatcdnt$100 . .y'fjf” „vo After first aid treatment by Bays, ° ”■ more than three hours to clean up “"5. J ®®" debris acattercd at the crash, scene. °>®°‘ * '% _HQspltnllzed_aft«rZn^wly_M- f “ “ * iJt' ■5aiJtnffTleath'whon-th£lcJIJ47 Bulck convertible .went off the SHoshob*---- 1 "? lollsJoad about a fourth of a mile “ ®"i, soutJi-ortJie'Brado were Qion- if!~Tf ent try,' 23, and Jim Grant, 20. •both « « Edon, and Ocan Har^, 03, Biyiu, yd^-thel^^coi^ltioM^ ” Newljry, pouilblu brokcn*liDxk, -fair; -rapatr. Grant, broken hip, good, and Harris, phlna head cuts, good. - to n " 'Ot- . Car Missed Curve _ Lieu ih* :;:^ayR,'.Jchnson_andJUffionald In*. that_l er—•vcsUgated.-Beyrsald-thrxnnnlBsed- -intott the a curve about 1:16 am., wcntoff the -would 'est toad and troveied about 3M feet fitness - - - through weeds and a .swamp before nearly tttf- -itTtruck-n-bouldBT-and-overtumrfi- -land-j ind Two wheels-were-toTtPoff-and-ono.-I?do-C tho had not been found lato Prldoy hfL morning. Thfcar turned completely - I « d two feet of water. The cor wos de- -r-Plve 3ed mollshed. iSP '‘CO Charges are pending against New- Ihe.-fl __ hry.-aaallot-Who wns.to-hflve.been dninke - married flundsy. Bay# llatcd-spced Cedi-': ^ aa tho likely cause of tho accident, pint of et ^ air on ‘ ^ SS 'IT' ^ d ^ r 'u ie ^ flM ^ ^ n T a lls coun«r. .fair." J fair at Pllcr.Sept. 2 . 3, 4 and-«.- of age tmiomiirT?arkff.--co«nty-^air:boartl. falrgre secretary, nsporta premium lists for accomj ho the 31st annual county fair have _/niui «“! been printed ond will be mailed to Ptlday prospective exhibitors within the day T ati- -nttiTTewfl5y*rPrirea-iowitn(r#io,ooo —Pair npt will bo awarded winning exhibitors. pWn. net A .rodeo will-bo lield-at-8 p. m. Xehma th*. rfnr jmr>i nf »> 1 >'^fnllr rinV^ Of thB: ThOmO ■Be ^5E^^ei^lSIJDir=^«^ 0fl^iar 1*nren «l- entry lees wlU be dlstribuled among Castlof rodeo.-winners. Stack wlU,bo -tur- -Grove. --- ; -- 1=^^^ leglo^I. Newspaper Serving ' ■ t Ity »i»«l __________________ _______ red aijCfiny^rilbl^ D( a 1M7 Bnick cenTertible which o ^ n ra e d after i EtldM_ar.e.Jc/t.to.riiht,.)OepattJheriffJ)a.^M< mnie Itawley, Eden. Injured were the driver, GI jm», Ore. (6Uff photo-engT^itlng):.....................- _ .* * . * * ^InJumEiapl "^ouths; Damage ifodxritically. and-three-youths-were hos) , iiyg\vin FallB-COuntyLlast Thuradav nit Memorial ho9pital Is WiUiar ne-half ton Chevrolet trudr.limded'witlT^ irs- I- ■ - ' I ------- Perfect G a Mi ~*T»erfect;’ the weathepnan.de- ^aR' ,dared. “Perfect weather; pertoct -f^- prediction.” ~ ,tfi --Your^AP reporter didn’t Uko . . _ d g ^Ote'woatherman'a copklncM.-but 1 hoUday ahd the next flvp ■uS ; iQontlnued fair and wanner: John ^ 'high teopcratures ranging fronv Introd* ^ M^Ji2.^iiJo.7aJiiisesrLJii »»«pi .and -63.’* phases i,t“ (Probably) becaus. ,Heaj« .T^ _ - --------- - oomnu ^TEanEs~Grmi~ S £ To French on p,..__T?'_qpps;Move^§ ling ta ip e H , Formoso. July 3 niv- troleur 'CtiliiBso'uuUonsSiil Tvnlnu'AlUiiiteT ThztUni ’ George Yeh . today thanked the deem t ■X 7 nIle<J-States-^ind-^cnch_20vem^ the na menta for- thetr assistance In tho “it i i" 2. from_lnterm«jt ln_ado^ h^ve.-tl China of aiOOO troops orOeneralis- hisibrii ■“* 8lmo Ohiang-Kal-ah^?B-“lo 9t-hAny."- -tlmuTt -Yeh-dld-not.spcclfy the form ot ucts.!* “ “ Americare assistance, but Informed pUw a: Murcea.-aald he was referring lo million iv5 u- 6- "BOOd offices" during the .curreni “i?, three-yeor-old Pranco^Jhlnese talks .In 1 oa the repatriation of tho soldiers, selton ‘ d (The U.S. state.doportmentsaid 100 yesterday It had no part In the -V.' shift of ti^o-troops, ^though It-had- f “"8 - ^en l^orm^of theplan.Aspo^^ and Ohlnese 'naUonatlst govern- •ne ment arrangement, and the.Dnlted ., 'ejj States had nothing to do with it or llclf °{}? ment for Its decision _to release .'JLTI ^ :the:dlsarmed-naUonalU>-tfoops-"for. humanitarian reasons.'* j ms, Tho orjny began dUpersing the poR '■ ' >yut ^ tlonal S f island stronghold. Addition of tho " ^ I T ' Jt— .repatriates will honif. nationalist ^he-f« TtB. Chlna,’s first line combat stnngUi inf on to n ^ l y 300,000 men. A 00- Lleut.-Oen. Chang Yl Ting said bo souj Ul- :that-before:. absorbing the troops ed. set sed -Into-tho-Krtny the defense'ftilnlstry Iind,"i the -would “look Into - their physical . The. reet fitness.” The' troops were held for In Wat lore nearly four years on Phu Quoc Is- Itls oi ledr -land-off—tha-«outhwes«. coast-of appUa oho. Jndo-Chlna... •• _____ ,the.S& day ' —^—- district tely PAY FINES IN BLOOD . atruotl( de- ^ n v e men bought their way out of T j ^ i Jail Thursday with blood donations. IClBi 9w- ‘Xhe.-flve. all serving sentences.for . cen drunkenness, were freed by Mayor . ^ ced Cedi •Thompson^tcr. each gave. a snt. pint of blood to the Red Cross. ___ —> ; ----- at Idal day th: a a x J t e a d y f f tt t ’z r r z ggrS Jes. nlshikl»0:«rl-Ku.khUpn,-ia«jnett .os,- crBcpt.- - .a.-; S aF^l^ ^ t^.^A^chllSen i.- of age-wlll-be admlUM free to the ard fairgrounds-and-Co-tho-rodeo.wben — for accomponied by thoir parents. ave Thursdoy will be "east end dayt" to Prlday •‘west end day" and qatur- tho day "north aide day." ' •• 000 — Fntr-board-dlraotors-,are-CurtU. ., urs. Eaton. Twin PaU*H>mldent; H. W. -LAW ■m- i-ohtT^pn, Buhl, vlcfl , president; V^thi the- Thomas. Speedy. Twin Foils; Parris' 'doy lir »lor I j a m n r ' « a n s « ; --^ u j F - . KIByon,' Iranaoe jhg Castloford; ■W . W. Reed. Flier: C. D. nUIe 11 ur-.Grove,'Kimbe^,jradwki_^ _ • Beach, >Ie D em olisfi^ ^ Hdle: Shosh ^ay ol are b 0 H B S K ^ H .tators and~^ chairn HMHb G H B Lcfirioi araed after golnjLerf the road leadlnr to ^red^b riffJ)a.i.McDonalil,.JJin_NQrb^^^;_ • le driver, Glea Newbry and JGn Cnini, volley' 1 ....... ........ ----- :— tho-'We * *' *. . .* " emlle derlv Man7~^gjl :ageIs,.Heavy ,||3 i-werehospitaUzed.aaathejresiflt.of woiicot uradav night and.early Friday. 1 Is WiUiam J. Martin, §0^ Alcxiin- S T Jded'witlTluriiiture went olf TilghV o o ^ ---- 1 -------- ^ ‘ebono- Gas-fcdHstry -' S -Conffol Eyed , f^ —In-Price®ike^^ am Introduced legislation to set. up ^ gi., fia sweeping federal control of all pfiki«oriho-Bl-and~|ka-industry- because of the recwt.price increases, niaxcd .Hraelton Is a fh,» h'min^ ^ ^ [ ^ omong tho major, oil companies ------whloh-boottod gaa.ani nil prlccvla tho faco of a. reported petroleum ....... ™3essdton’s-biU-would- crcate-.a national petroleum commission with „ Jf * au«J0 rity to regiilato "producUon, • refining; distribution Knd salB'of pe- (W— troleum'and potrolcum'products, Jn- ‘ Iffler ThsUnf-TiatnTnh-gasrTy-itato^ the deem necessary for tho protewon of -V'-L'J em^ the national security and economy." , - * tho “It is admitted," ho Mldr“Uiat wa '-—TV ?Si9:. hn^.-thO-8teRt<StJ}rPraslj.e5SElM^ —: BUS- Wlwry, very high rotes of produc- s\y."- -MonrgnbstgntlBl' invBiitodeyorrrods'------- a of uctB,!acc^ to largo foreign sUp- ' mM pUes ond production copadty of ontr ; to mlllion-'bttrrels-a day In excess of WAE the current production. Gen. I ■niw "In tho face of these foots,** Hes- day hi iers. selton said, “tho Industry now hos secret greatly increased tho coat of main- Sen. Jc U,. .tainlng na^onal defense, tho oper- Ident"] j,.d. atlng . chorges -of manufacturing, McC tronsportatlon; and ogriculture. nnd list ce tJraaJ economy." volved ilted ., . ------ posed i IS £!rQupaDenxMii___ S M ervention:;in Powfet HeSrings S ' J*e PORrUA^^D. July'3 WV-THo No- tq. Jlil y f " to l K> ,n ■tne teuerai powei'-conuniaston-near—thB— iit igta ing on Snake-river dams. thini i A OO-day-driay in the hearing will said b6 sought if the peUUona are grant- #„rthei oops. ed. 8 atd .0..01ragLPMddaon.-Port> HnaTAttomey for th rW o groups. Ileal . The-hearing la.echoctaied to open for In Washington, D. C.. nert-Tuosday. 1Is- I t la on tho Idoho Power company's • • ,-of appUttUon-to-build-three dams on the. Stoke. The aasodaUon and the J 5 3 ] districts' favor. Instead, federal cbn- . atruotlon of a dam at Bella canyon. SJ Idaho (JoUege to ^ - G etM iK tary U nit POCATBtiO, July 3 OB—Sources altuoUt ---- at Idaho State college revealed to- July.z day that ISO liaa been selected by Safety, —_ thfl anryy riftpftttmtnt for_conver=; auditor __^ slon from a reserve offlcera’ traln-^ —^Aft« . Ing unJ{~lo, a military science pro- mission gram. ' mitteo -**' "^ThB purpose"ofthr-progrnmrw:" tm-the- i^U l cording to I80-Pnisldent.'.cari Me- ond-dl *??r branch after graduaUon And~funn- ' He t , 1 ^ er'training in thot hronoh. . dlUarai TROTCrtralnlng -al-JSO-Hw/fori- dty-wl nierly.'beon done qn a specialized depo^ti basis.- - ' oelghbc . ' ' ■—^ ------ . *nie I Irtls- RACS- POSTPON E D____ oh art! . W. . LAWBjEi/6 E,‘VMBM.,''juiy 3 («V- '^OataK ent; v ^ th e r forced postponement Pri--. “ irrls day until Saturday of the women’s yon." Iranaoonunentai -iir- raco—a-!T,B7H» ^^MTK- I. D. Mile lUght-from': Lawrence 40-Long membei • Beach, Calif. r ..— : , . BoancU, K __ ■ RussiaiK ^ Upris ■; . "BERLIN, July 3 (U.PJ-^PoliBh troo eaat-of -the.O’der-N ies 80jriyers, it w.a 'ff— —^ThB-JiorthwcBt-Gcrman-radio-said MagicValley: M Week-End ( .. As R.URcrt.Bw.ung Into, the aecbnd Hailey-opened its- two-day event an< m i Shoshone,-Goodins:, Jerome and Buhl .. 'Hailey, Bellevue.and Ketchum ar ^ay of the celebration. Frenzied act are belnff eretited along the --------- H H Jine of m airh fo r the,_flpec-‘ . 1 ^ .tatorsV- Mrs, .James,Heyman l-ll M B and-WrsT Dell-Nioholaonrxo-- ' chairmen of tho American flB Legion, auxiliary, s^nsjuicd < parade, said floats have been en- iny to tered but-that more are expected. tinp ___ Jlue..sklea-grceted.:all .of-Magin .evimn <rant, volley'Friday. and eveiyonft_hflpcd heriw.. — :— thO'weatherman-would continue to . a yli smllo ' for. tho remainder of 'the vtvaflki ^ week-end. A cool b ^ eze accom- tho first s ^ o n ot the rodeo got mBfa ----- T-* Tmdo-WBy-durlng tho 'aftemoonr~|j^TOte ___ Rupert will present the second on irV " session of Its rodeo Prlday night and time fl T _y final show on Sattmlay. A flreiworks and A: ' di^lay'^U 'be touched'off .'ait Lake- Andi iflt.of Wollcott.Sunday cyenini^ the fix rtV.______ Parades will be featur^ft^allev. ftxrtti Buhl’and Jerome Satui^y while , .rQflopB_wUl_tttkft_ih8_spotlight. in fJiBfi’ jGooding. Rupert and Hailey, sho- T— —. flbono-wlU havo a program durinr -A . ^ tho day fo; children and a fireworks i r . display In the-evening. GoodlngT ~/7% I ' . celebroUon.wlU be centered around .. an' amateur rodeo at B p. m. at the Goodinr -county fairgrounds. - .The . events are open only, to amateur. eowboys. Kent Glover will be ..the will be presented In the aflemooa a f W0Ul( .’.t “ softWl game -wlU Powe -S be played, in the m^enlng profes- q„_,, fllojillmcatUnB^jnatdjeB-illUbo -§f™“ adUStry hgjd. The celebration will be cU- night nuuccd byLftJtreworka display. ■ ' . l^-Sti be preBcrilid“ln”toe. afternoon and idaiK P^irJn a softball gome 1s scheduled. Flro-' o f th< SSS’ •TOtarwlll-be:?etroff-iirHhe-ove-' cate, a _ In'conJuncUon with the celebri^ TO^n: in wi'ih tlo n 'a t Holley SotUKliiy' night, Bun- Bu lucUon. Ita lQft.'camlval g„^t rofpe- . ^ficial'^Has SlakTErac^of^S produc- _____ _ . V___ . ______• (Sen X T ~ 1 \b ssin p a sl 8 TS, ' of one ^ ita."Vlt cess of WASHIKGTON, July 3 tin-Atty.- - dd U o Gen. Herberii Browndl, Jr.: said to- ,**Hes- day ho has “no knowledgis? of a' snake ow has secret list of communist spies which hearln ’ main- Sen. Joseph.R. McCarthy e ^ Pres- d a r." a oper- ideni Trumoh received in 104S; - oen sturing, - McCarthy said -Tuesday that-tha. oahyo] w. ond list contalnwl the namea of about jor—d the na- IM American dtUens who were In^ Trumc volved In on atomic spy ring ex- posed In Canada. ‘ wherei He sold the loto.Oanodlan Prime (C< I Minister MacKensle King handed r --------the-lWrto-Tnnnan-«fc:i-«nferonce- | —^ i n - In IMS. and-asked-Brownell-to-aaoer- • ' tain -whether Tnnnon ever passed it ' i n g g . .on_^the-justice department for In- jy^ 5n?i!d m » ^'W ''‘“ M '=»«'>r.»hlchUn. Si'S public today, Brownell sald he would. rti, »ene in try to find out whether anyone In ^>ear< i-near-- tho jQ 5 tlC(r^(fpiU'UilDiil Iuiuwb iIUT^ "nf~S , ,,, thing obout such a list. -btcot l^ W lU McCarthy said ho will wait for nlghl ' further word from Brownell before Th ^Vltllia’T«MabTinMU^-b?rdfe "pSJai his senate penaaaeat iavcstiffating ..oaJa subcommltt^^ori the matter. L____ npany'a • , • _______ __ . K S a f e t y P a n e H Jisc u s O n Ii-rig a tio n 'D : •A A summary of Iho 'wtSc done by I Ing oa * special' committee appointed to h a s oo, T n i f «Tfc with the city commission on dHves the open irrigation lateral and dlUh funds. Sources situation hero was featured in'tho ^bute led to- July, meeting of. tho Twin Foils begin- :ted by Safety, council a t tho Idaho Power open. 1 jonver-' auditorium •niursday night. -_Tho. •traln--^ —After^meeUng .wlib .the.elty-com- ■e-pio^ mission .dn7tto*prob7emZtaft^ciil£ mitteo felt an educational meeting r i ^ - and ditches was the bes“ way.Jo oU^’ ■funil-- ' He told of two meetings heid’'m TTh^^ dmarant_jJdghbQrhooda--In - thf u/for- dty'’wim' tho'-R«l Crb'»*,-clty'flttl :laliud deportment, county doctor', nnd »'Anw neighborhood leader* tjUdng-^part.- ‘nie fiieetlngs have Indinled drills , switc oh artificial respiration and other meettm '£lj^ ■^6ataieHrffi'flr9WBE«:sa5ra^eU' ^^un'a It Pri- “ safety , pwautlon*-about-lhe mtcrr . •omen’s .dltdies. «pee'd; =!T,B7Hr '=Mn;-o«rtrua#--iiiBWarUir»noth»r :yod#str 1 Long member:of'tho eoihmtttee, told tho ctriver I council Reno, Nev.,-has been work- opener. Idaho Conntlcs- ;g . .... , - '. .'.'M taW of A^U Bar* iS S iS prisi«gfrAi i-^PoliBh troop9_Joined civilianB in battlingS ijriyers. -it w.as reported tonight;__________ lan-radio'said-aerioua-clashes-have'-occtirred:! diejTSwings-Iitttr ■End of July 4 Cel< io^the second day of'it^-annu'aI”Fourth'~()fTi day event and liniBhing~touche8-were“prUfoi ome and Buhl. Ketchum arc 5ammed.with tourists and,sfg! Frenzitid activity-ls associated with the buih ig the -------------------------- : ------------------------ Fatality Men an- At Rupert «cted. RUPERT. July 3-Two Burley brothen.app t- MagIn ^rimmlng-ThuiadaT'and-eank-unoooaoious-to^ i> hoped h e r i T ^ - _____ - tinue to A meguard. M&rrlU Aaderson.-17, pulled thi of the vlvefef arUflcial resplraUon. accom- Wlnton_, pool manager, said the boys.' ideo got ■ v H n I W water for more than^O seconds m oonr-|^^lte Ru^tJltflTlepartment warcsnea-*ln BcconoP^B only resuscitator in Rupert but the madi ight ond time firemen arrived.-Wlnton bad rerived one Ireworks and Anderson the otiter. • ' ■. 'ti Lake- —^Anderson haa been employed-at the pool f the first time ho haa.had to.put his tralnln{ ;T ,„'?**i!.° -Bow h .d bciri bmtoa.__________ y. Sho- • - . • . , s i Answer^Seen li . around ..... . ....................... Power-Bams BOlSErJuly* {/rI—;^terilit<fBtori In Columbia ba^in.-to^lace the 1,! wmiirbaTbst^if the canyon are imo-wiu Power company ihstdaffof the l e d ^ SSaS: Snmua P. SturgiB, chlet of anny.M 'b o cU-. nigHt r' ................... uv i^ Sturgis-told-a-prew.copference Col L«_JW' 3 ^ ^ ^Q0Q-acre-fM t-6f: newled flWd-C -Idaho Power-compaD yT O ree pbpoBB :d. piro-- of the high Hells canyon-d«n4avored iho-«ve- -nient^iider-former-PreBW ent| ---------- Iht,” Sun- ^ u th i added: "Wotanllnd tlda substitute storage space—bat ---- where I dori’tTtnow.” . JJl He said Mountain sheep site ----- further ddMMtrcmr. would - be a — T f^ 5 possible alternate site. polnUng out - |, i t, that it wqUd notmterfero ^th th o ___ rtT ' salmon run on Salmon river as BOIS ?iSil ‘• i g f a powei'-^ommlsslon-has.not-yct.aflks. nLens) ilS t'O ed the ormy corps of engineers for site for lts."Vlews regidlng Idaho Power’s CoIUinb I—Atty.- nppUcaUon for Oxbow, Brownlee want-a .said to- and H dls canyon damsltes on the- hamper 0? of a Snake river. The PPC wlU hold a Dwor es which hearing m-Washington next Tues- that..hl te'Pres- d a y ^ glneers ' Gemero: SturgU noted that Hells tensive that'tha. oanyon'dam.-pioposed.by the.lntecL mldrtlo. were in^ .Trumon, would prpvme 03 .milUon lor Hel ring ex- rfcrt-Tt'ei: of DoOd eontror storage house-s • ‘ whereas-ldaho Power’s-Brownlw spd coi n Prime (C«atiaB*4 «b rw * s, ,j> a proje handed p ; ------------- ------- 1 to-asoer- zzzSoldiQntziz * HAILBY. July 3-Tourist lacO- Itlerat'-HaUey, Bellevue ond Ket- *^elli ., ^ chum for tho Fourth of July » hich the- colobratlon.ln Hailey Friday and tie would. padlltles at Ketchum dlsap- lyonoln ^ared two-dovsaRo whUe those iwnm7=- 'Kt Bellevue and Uailey drd~}isr -become extinct' until Thursday * wait for night.-. Dwor 11 before __ ;ni>i r MehmOnn »)11 Include a 7T«rore parade; rodeo and other evwjts' «>««« stigatlng ..oaJjflJh days. JSSd I---------- ----------------------------storage, __ ____ site far I P iscnsses;W 6rk^ i itio n 'D itch D angers done by I Ing on. the problem. A group wefT nted to Iw collected ia0W> In .public fund salon on drives with the city matching these r*w n nddlUh funds. The-gambling-houses-con- Thursd* I in'tho Wbutea another *9.000. sho said, ib river ab in Foils begin ' a program of covering the ^The \ 0 power open, laterals and.ditches. 37, Man - Tho. council .went ahead with .23. Lew iti'coai- pl“ns.-to-8et-*T3p-a-booth -at the- Lewlatoi -^teraU- —Iho.m aK ,tn go ahcod-ylth-.thft. . . . was 10. »*do after «presentaUver ---------r W- ^Boveratioraanisatloo* as«uf»Mh»- sss^ tatlve of the newly formed..Teen- ,1??^ fl - At“s 6d drills , switcliing the usual procedure, the d other meeting waajpepetuSth the_pro- raTww' 2IU1 I hMifln«M nit-lhe ifltcr^ A safety film dealing -with speed. chUd safety, drivers'and .hP*i mothsr- y»d«rtrianar~-drtvlijg:^pt»ctk»r=«Pdr told tho ctriver fnitattona vaa shown as ■'ttie. a, work- -opener..-— .. - ........... ............. ' :^ o Counties- mbwrf A^U narid rf-OlfCttUtfeM ■_ .; IB in ba ttllng Soviet soldlCTilhTKe Pollah^cc it^; ___________ havg-occurred-inthe-lart-few^aavaTwfi^TTtV ~ iPMtah BHfntoHbong^^ 4€debrationsS n’j^urth“()fT 'uly ‘cSebi^otrFfla^ es-were prUfon~BlnBlQ“day-event8:at jurists and,sightseers for the opening ®*, d with' tho building of floats and flcata •„ ~ - - ' -' - peUed. •' . mostly Oetmu )ert Swim Pool s urley brothen.BppoRntly bumped heads whQe r»on.-17, pulled thom to safe^. Iheyirere r»» ty t^ Bthaiv20 -*^ '• TMoas lent wananefl-Blnce that volunteer group.ha^ tpert but the machine was not needed. By the on bad rerived one boy by artificial inspiration' .'that 1 > ■ red rti oyed-at the pool for-two 8 eatbns-bnt:thls-iras vpolet to.put his tralnlng'to serioua praottee. Soviet man, Richard B e e ^ t o ^ one o f t o at-1 _______ I ______ , - -- - ■'Polaal Seen m Idahir § ^am^t^ag®^ -AJterhftto-^BtorageHipaeft-oftn-b^lowid; i a i j ^ Mplace the 1,800,000'aJwtfwt' -whto eiJff canyon -d^rpJoFped^q^IdiJw' "&S ffof the federal Bovctiufiert,:M*j«^to lief of army .e n g in e ^ said Tlyaradar „ conference Golumbia:Va^-'w6uld.ldse tor tb :ne^ea'fro6d-ContMl3tbra»_^W i;3t? S^three-ptppoBBd-^^riffSlttUnn^ on-dtan4 avoredby'the=interior.:departi young resWentJ---------- *■*-*> : ^ taniiifd Idaha Senator ^ Control Study- with the .......V-_ _ _ .-..- river as BOISE, July 3 t*-Bea. l>wot- 1 7 „ Kr:^' ^ -yet.aflks.nI_enBlneera.Jo "work our_.«me IJ neers for alte for fIo6 in ^ t K r t ‘tn~-tbe''i|pp«r —J J I Power’s Columbia rivw bastai nrat ■WBdon’t - Brownlee want-a political battle which i a on the. hamper tha -whole'development" U hold a Dworshak said In an Jnterrlew • a t Tues- that his bin to auUiori* tlja en- PAl i.-r glneera to'spend'^aoo^ foraa ex- fwed hat Hells tensive engiheftlrig study of the IndcM Lhe.lnte^ middle. oI'_th« Snake river'imd its dayu 3 milUon lor Hells canyon dam-Is-ln'* Joint il storage house-senato conf^nce comqilttee Pro Brownlw «pd-could lead to authorisation of offer: UB J> a project' next January. ' — eww ' .... . -**rhere are at least a dosenrsltes sm*- in Columbia basin—any bhe'bf ’ wfilcK^ghfTWmitlerrtJnin-Hellr =HIlie > fny HUiltl.pur- appOll . pose dam," tho senator said. ^ ^ ' Twwn nd •■Hells iCanyon'-Tjfcs b6gged down. Prane oi Into a pollUcal oontrorersy.’’ Indc:.' _j>wo»hafc.jald:_mapQnantslat_*.J^ giant'dam at Hdls‘canyon have hSsSS^ « goremment dam in thls-arta. ' BS Dworahak said MaJ.-Oen. Sam- jomoi icludo a '<el D. Sturgis, chief.of tha.acmy ei5gtncOTrioTd''hln»^aay=tliM«- _ were “at least-* doxex- altes which 71,9 would provide, good flood control annmt storage, Induding Mountain sheep *jhlg] site farther downstream on .Boake -"____ ' , I .IMftie Bodies Recovered feST ® L B W l^ N . July y-tB-—-Bodies yje.t N tSo fund’ sports car plunged Into Clearwater ¥> • Ina these river near Lewiston were lound U e ! jcs- con'' Thursday -on the bank of &iake i said, ib river about seven t ^ e s downstream^' ' ring the The victims were Robert Hunter, 37, Manacho. P k and Robert Bales, ,„1 with .23. Lewiston. Stewart Walker,.« , NewY i.a t the- Lewtalon,-anothcr passen4^1n the Philsd -lUm-and. -car.-wtta~rescued..but hc.dlcd.ln a _AUU .,rT-rr,..-i^ XJWtiton tuMpllair^'^ Tumrl Tflth ----- ----- ^ I - -— W f t r i n~T ~ ‘AnrMrcT -waa-a-m»a TOTm Itt^.TnggTalir 'me^^^SSTodSfiTSw’ ■ffe'i^'higb--er>'Mi:a-BewTU8h' :f“At“S.e“^ S ; . Of entomology.- ^ SeBnflWVshortTimrbafarBrrT- TUe warmest temt»ratoro of :<BbUi the >rM--r6CBtdeaijnBfi$r=i^==^ '^^26 % iTt^ Pollah^ccupled^^^^^^^^^^l It'had .been reported eazU^^^^^I the Soviets ware rushing ms lYia^ tSB-^ermim-'terTitaiy-Mirwj^^H entsrat __ _ is^occupaton pending, this' )neninir ^ dflS _ _ 1 palw Neue Zeituiuri^^^^^^^^l r \ n l number’* of the TOOtuks"-a«^^H KJXJL In-StoUn to. .email. -woiters’ revolt have been .the r PdHiy ,^ t ^e ;^^agniak lUl^loM 4epart^ younr^x^tb^^^>»ii^^^^^| nv'ctapv :oranex- fered the-.ttareB.'aj8 aelat«rMat||^^^| r 'u d its day to an Premier Joseph Uatlon of offer In no ^ .^ c fe d fii lUiiriuil^^^W Buiu-pw^ 2 ^ down. n.” Indo-Chlna to another more t a ; « ^ ^ H Z^-.f B atua^,th<^^ ministration would B ^ wU^ ahe'aoSSwtiJSS^eitii^^P m Boake jq the ease- of Jy{KChto»;^^^B A«*Ai1 between Aranoe and thfi Ibdo.06^^^^1 ClCU QciQ states, which Cambodia. —-Bodies Viet Nam call obsolete. 'htn*^"*r ~ '- I— —. — . r^BaseballTOM aiker,.4o, NewY^:5:^oio.oob'nb=^^^^^| 'er In tho

K T h x e e E jm 'e d .a RussiaiK i S S i Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · He said ,hV»r'^ the bed'sldesTorthlftruck were tom- “f off, but most of tho damage

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Page 1: K T h x e e E jm 'e d .a RussiaiK i S S i Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · He said ,hV»r'^ the bed'sldesTorthlftruck were tom- “f off, but most of tho damage

i diJtc. i»M - .—

^ K ^ 5 o r 7 9 Z Z Z j Z 2 Z l . . „

p f |e n m g ~ J jK ^ S f a n d f lH ) L , (Saturday), July 4 ^Vrflsidcnt Synf i rman ^K fla aoftened~hlB oppo- ' ^ H

Koreap . teucff^ K n d t h ^ e is n e w 'h o p o H em cn t; it-was reported

^^k~KorM n~UUanium t-^sald-

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ d s n L ^ E l s e n l ^ < ! ' ’s ^ B lPuu eoToy. “havo WC8IT

tlie better.^ K llu n t lo n h u made a. n -

st7lde.’’~U is~tnrom ai]t~

^■^U.-H.-SImi>Uo*1 ^ K i i k t Bhee Utd mado con-'

^ B leu t ttim '* ^s iiap^ tb a t - H H ^ ■ a { u 't h e .better''>‘«n>uld | H

loday. when Rhee la ex- iM m ■ n n lv jif fa ln v l th i to b e i^ ■ ■ ^ ■ u s U ta n t aecretaiT of a u t«^ ■ r . Elseohover sent to Kp-

^ K uro roiirUi of-^/uly m es. | ^ l ^ H l e d on aU OhrlsUaos' and -

In. Korea t«_ pray m B ^ ■ e and warned the Amerl- ggiSg ^ K l e aealnst the. continued ^W f cOMTnii"*""-------• ___Hx:l.linKl J i* Y « a«y o f rJWJ-

Korea and eald: ‘X’» 'to Invite oU liberty lov- .

Join w ith UB In 7 1 1 - ^ ^ ■ o r a 'sp e ed y conclusion o f 1 1 ^^B^HBlTlit th* g;fu<l>«« com-. ***^ H ^ e t s l o n . ’' ------------------ -----—

and fiercer, messase to a Columbia, broad-

^^E rn sp o n d en t. I t waa an In>^ ^ H e s day m euase to Amerl- • „ ^ ■ l e ' l n which Rhee aald Ws . ^ ^ fc u o n to continue t o 'f ight tWO T ^ ■ a n unity waa Inspired by I n <

^ ■ t u r e ot'clvUIzatlon. he aald. way- ,bangs- on .'how well and day tAmerica takes up th e irnncnchallenffe. f f

never - abandon the th e .1^ H h a i r way/' Itheo aald. “I M u rb

you,' my American friends.Korean peopls'_wiU--sevei>

the-or^8fa^J>^-eb ^ e ^ ^ ^

^ ^ g r im nnh

' , , - Palls.

---------- 5| -- -■ =---------- -M artin

■m andedHby-fSS K ich Soloiis 31”^ B -a e im n n y . -Jiily .3. OB— 9' H o t the West Germ an.par-. de/lnl^ ^ M ^ f t ^ ^ t c ^ tc tn n g ^ anU«.

^ B tr -a e rm a n relations today " ^ B l n g a debt eettlement and ^cDi

return of the Saar. ~ froi ^ ■ n R -a - ff t t ln a t-O h a n c e n o r ' -whero- ^ A d e n itu e r in thelrVnosTBIt-' •ftPPM'C ^ ■ tiiK rench -tem per -sseh-ln- in^-Texj ^ K y e a r-o ld bundesUs (lower tuTe a ^»h6-O annana .tM lc .revenge were ai ^ B e d French economic ex- enitAhl

of-their occupation xone. ' Bays ^ H ra y m e n i Refused . . tn c k .t ^ ftiu e .re fu jied . by .H8..to.l35.H d approve repayment of

of eeonomlorald given by l^f. ®“ ■ ic h -to - th e lr- to n e -b e tw e e n ^ ■ iM f l , Pft>TOent.wBsUo have

^B < n3cs(as approved the re-

'he debt BBroemcnt try a;

i i ^ y ’"'I'Ti I.n i" !

fcjura D m i M p i ...... grs‘;^ ^ p o e -ito g . responded by vot. ^ B lu t lo n tha t i t considers th j .••-BftyR, ^» !S « P ?L A 5 1 e .p w tlb l-< 3 ? ri rvSUia

i3 *"'• to the a curve from the rest of 'West road n

• --t.— - .......... . - througl-ItTtruc

^ » riT O c n t.l)u t4 tg mines nnd Two w ^ ■ a r e incorporated Into tho had n

the C e iT ltw y ^ ^be d e S ^

y a • German peace ohar^ ___ :___ •hp'.-a-

_ ’ ...... - marrle<

^peihPtomise^» Italv Cahinpf p •^ ^ ^ ^ f l i C - A r c t d e De Oos-

^ ■ w '- a ib ln o t- in d -e n d .^ -Q ^ ,----------

^ B ^ ' ^ P - ^ - ' ‘t-Qace-a form J . - ^ S n

- n a n e

P«I- '"*nrf._. M ' rodeo •

1 ■ ■

S ^ K egl^ l t

T h x e e E j m ' e d . a







erl- '!_____ E*amlnln* the meckaje.of a 1M7 BnJcl_____lbO-fih»hQnfl.lRll8_road:cotizJMdM_are..' of —Fred-BalIft~Twln Falla, and Ronnie Itawle;

- - b o th E d en ;:sn d G ea n 'H arris ,'D n m s, O re. (( 3ov- , • . ■ * * . * *

’3 l"wo C fa^hesl i Three Y out

;An (^dorly 7nan*was-injufcdxritic

Vy" In critiwi »■ dria,. La., whoso one and one-half tc

aid. way 30 at 11:45 p.m. Thurs- -------and day about five miles cast of

Hansen and. 100 feet Bouth.of

«>e —A-tracterrlrtTerryaul-etqt er.’ *iW- - Palls, was first bn the scene. As*-

slsted by -other passing motorists,h g - ty i |d ~ n~ J 1 ■ - °

-Martin-Tecetved-B' compound-frac- : T |" |[T----ture-of-tl>e~left-foot, .MvcrB-acalp.J ■ Injuries.and shock, according: to of- nn~

fleers. • • — " - I |I c Martin was headei west when his ' *•

truck crashcd through ’the guard nn_ rail. Cause-ot-tho accident wo.5 not I

definitely toiqwnrBut Bays said tne • _ _Injured' niari nieriUoried' someUiing T.-ni5 2 S * i!S tS ‘; H f K f f “ ------T -ra™Say Mu»inf-to_seatti8 ^ « GeorRc

md McDonald sold the man was moT- - TTniti>d _. ing from LouUlana to Seottlo. Wash.,

nor' -Whero-ho was-to-Joln.-hla-son. .Ho .return 5It_- •ftppai'entiy-hsa "jJurchMca-tho-trucir -In- inJrcxas,.It-was-loaded-wIth-furnl- aimo-O ffer tul-e and household goods 'Which _Vi.h nge were scattered from the top of tho .**!}, ex-' 'embSihkment-to the bottom.>ne. ' Bays estimated damaRe to tho h r

truck.and cargo at 11,000. He said ,hV»r' the bed'sldesTorthlftruck were tom-

“ f off, but most of tho damage wos to . “ v„ the cargo. Damogo to the guard '

. .1 j-all.and.poslawoa,estlmatcdnt$100. .y'fjf” „vo After first aid treatment by Bays, °

” ■ more than three hours to clean up “"5. J®®" debris acattercd at the crash, scene. °>®°‘ *' % _HQspltnllzed_aft«rZn^wly_M- f “ “ * iJt' ■5aiJtnffTleath'whon-th£lcJIJ47 Bulck

convertible .went off the SHoshob*----1"? lolls Joad about a fourth of a mile “ ®"i,

soutJi-ortJie'Brado were Qion- if!~Tf ent try,' 23, and Jim Grant, 20. • both «« Edon, and Ocan Har^, 03, Biyiu,

yd^-thel^ coi ltioM^” Newljry, pouilblu brokcn*liDxk, -fair; -rapatr.

Grant, broken hip, good, and Harris, phlna head cuts, good. ‘ - to n "

'Ot- . Car Missed Curve _ Lieuih* :;:^ayR,'.Jchnson_andJUffionald In*. that_l er— •vcsUgated.-Beyrsald-thrxnnnlBsed- -intott the a curve about 1:16 am., wcntoff the -would 'est toad and troveied about 3M feet fitness - - - through weeds and a .swamp before nearly

tttf--itTtruck-n-bouldBT-and-overtumrfi- -land-j ind Two wheels-were-toTtPoff-and-ono.-I?do-C tho had not been found lato Prldoy hfL morning. Thfcar turned completely - I«d two feet of water. The cor wos de- -r-Plve 3ed mollshed. • • iSP'‘CO Charges are pending against New- Ihe.-fl __ hry.-aaallot-Who wns.to-hflve.been dninke

- married flundsy. Bay# llatcd-spced Cedi-': aa tho likely cause of tho accident, pint of

et^ air on ‘^ SS'IT' d ^r 'u ie^flM ^^nT alls coun«r. .fair." J

fair at Pllcr.Sept. 2. 3, 4 and-«.- of age tmiomiirT?arkff.--co«nty-^air:boartl. falrgre secretary, nsporta premium lists for accomj

ho the 31st annual county fair have _/niui «“! been printed ond will be mailed to Ptlday

prospective exhibitors within the day T ati- -nttiTTewfl5y*rPrirea-iowitn(r#io,ooo —Pair npt will bo awarded winning exhibitors. pWn. net A .rodeo will-bo lield-at-8 p. m. Xehma th*. rfnr jmr>i nf »>1>' fnllr rinV Of thB: ThOmO■Be ^5E^^ei^lS IJD ir= ^«^ 0f l^ ia r 1*nren «l- entry lees wlU be dlstribuled among Castlof

rodeo.-winners. Stack wlU,bo -tur- -Grove.

--- ;--1=^^^

leglo^I. Newspaper Serving ' ■ t

Ity »i»«l _________________________

red aijCfiny^rilbl^ D(

a 1M7 Bnick cenTertible which o ^ n r a e d after i EtldM _ar.e.Jc/t.to .riiht,.)O epattJheriffJ)a.^M < mnie Itawley, Eden. Injured were the driver, GIjm», Ore. (6Uff photo-engT itlng):.....................-

_ .* * . * *

^ I n J u m E ia p l" ouths; Damageifodxritically. and-three-youths-were hos) , iiyg\vin FallB-COuntyLlast Thuradav nit

Memorial ho9pital Is WiUiar ne-half ton Chevrolet trudr.limded'witlT^ irs- I - ■ ■ - ' I -------

Perfect G aM i ~*T»erfect;’ the weathepnan.de- —^aR' ,dared. “Perfect weather; pertoct - f ^ -

prediction.” ~, t f i --Your^AP reporter didn’t Uko . . _d g ^Ote'woatherman'a copklncM.-but 1

hoUday ahd the next flvp •

■uS ; iQontlnued fair and wanner: John ^'high teopcratures ranging fronv Introd*

^ M ^ J i 2 . ^ i i J o . 7 a J i i i s e s r L J i i » » « p i. a n d -63.’* phases

i,t“ ■ (Probably) becaus.• • ,Heaj«

.T _ ■ - --------- - oomnu

^TEanEs~Grmi~ S £ To French onp,..__T?'_qpps;Move^§ling taipeH , Formoso. July 3 niv- troleur

'CtiliiBso'uuUonsSiil Tvnlnu'AlUiiiteT ThztUni ’ George Yeh . today thanked the deem t

■X7nIle<J-States- ind-^cnch_20vem^ the na menta for- thetr assistance In tho “it i

i"2. from_lnterm«jt ln_ado^ h ve.-tlChina of aiOOO troops orOeneralis- hisibrii

■“ * 8lmo Ohiang-Kal-ah^?B-“lo9t-hAny."- -tlmuTt -Yeh-dld-not.spcclfy the form ot ucts.!*

“ “ Americare assistance, but Informed pUw a: Murcea.-aald he was referring lo million

iv5 u- 6- "BOOd offices" during the .curreni “i?, three-yeor-old Pranco^Jhlnese talks .In 1

oa the repatriation of tho soldiers, selton ‘ d (The U.S. state.doportmentsaid 100 yesterday It had no part In the -V.' shift of ti o-troops, ^though It-had- f“"8 -

^en l^orm^of theplan.Aspo^^and Ohlnese 'naUonatlst govern-

•ne ment arrangement, and the.Dnlted ., 'e j j States h ad nothing to do with i t or llclf°{}? m ent for Its decision _to release .'JLTI ^ :the:dlsarmed-naUonalU>-tfoops-"for.

hum anitarian reasons.'* jms, Tho orjny began dUpersing the poR

'■ ' > y u t ^ tlonalS f island stronghold. Addition of tho " ^ I T 'Jt— .repatr ia tes will honif. n ationalist ^he-f«TtB. Chlna,’s first line combat stnngUi in f on

to n ^ l y 300,000 men. A 00-Lleut.-Oen. Chang Yl Ting said bo souj

Ul- :that-before:. absorbing the troops ed. setsed -Into-tho-Krtny the defense'ftilnlstry Iind,"ithe -would “look Into - their physical . The.reet fitness.” The' troops were held for In Watlore nearly four years on Phu Quoc Is- I t l s oiledr -land-off—tha-«outhwes«. coast-of appUaoho. J ndo-C h lna ... •• _____ ,the.S&day ' ——- ’ districttely ■ PAY FINES IN BLOOD . atruotl(de- ^ n v e men bought their way out of T j ^ i

Jail Thursday with blood donations. IClBi 9w- ‘Xhe.-flve. all serving sentences.for . cen drunkenness, were freed by Mayor . ^ ced Cedi • T h o m p so n ^ tc r. each gave. a snt. pint of blood to the Red Cross.___ —> ;----- at Idal

day th:

a a x J t e a d y f f t t t ’z r r z g g r S

Jes. nlshikl»0:«rl-Ku.khUpn,-ia«jnett .os,- crBcpt.- - .a.-; S a F ^ l^^ t ^ . ^ A ^ c h l l S e n i.- of age-wlll-be admlUM free to the ard fairgrounds-and-Co-tho-rodeo.wben — for accomponied by thoir parents. ave Thursdoy will be "east end dayt"

to Prlday •‘west end day" and qatur- tho day "north aide day." ' ••000 —Fntr-board-dlraotors-,are-CurtU . .,urs. Eaton. Twin PaU*H>mldent; H. W. -LAW ■m- i-ohtT^pn, Buhl, vlcfl , p residen t; V ^ t h i the- Thomas. Speedy. Twin Foils; Parris' 'doy lir »lor I j a m n r ' « a n s « ; -- u jF - . KIByon,' Iranaoe jhg Castloford; ■W. W. Reed. Flier: C. D. nUIe 11 u r - .G r o v e , 'K im b e ^ , j r a d w k i_ ^ _ • Beach,

> I e D e m o l i s f i ^ ^


^ay ol are b

0H B S K ^ H .tators

and~^ chairn

HMHb G H B Lcfirioiaraed after golnjLerf the road leadlnr to ^red^b riffJ)a.i.McDonalil,.JJin_NQrb^^^;_ • le driver, Glea Newbry and JGn Cnini, volley'1....... ........ ■ ■ -----:— tho-'We

* *' *. . .* " emlle •

derlv Man7~^gjl :ageIs,.Heavy,||3i-werehospitaUzed.aaathejresiflt.of woiicot uradav night and.early Friday.1 Is WiUiam J . Martin, §0^ Alcxiin- S T Jded'witlTluriiiture went o lf TilghV o o ^----1 --------^ ‘ebono-

Gas-fcdHstry - ' S -Conffol Eyed , f^

—In-Price®ike^^am Introduced legislation to set. up ^ gi.,fia sweeping federal control of all •

pfiki«oriho-Bl-and~|ka-industry-because of the recwt.price increases, niaxcd.Hraelton Is a f h,» h'min ^

[ omong tho major, oil companies------whloh-boottod gaa.ani nil prlccvla

tho faco of a. reported petroleum •.......™3essdton’s-biU-would- crcate-.a

national petroleum commission with „ Jf * au«J0rity to regiilato "producUon, •

— refining; distribution Knd salB'of pe- (W— troleum'and potrolcum'products, Jn- ‘Iffler ThsUnf-TiatnTnh-gasrTy-itato^ the deem necessary for tho protewon of -V'-L'Jem^ the national security and economy." , - * tho “It is admitted," ho Mldr“Uiat wa '-—TV

?Si9:. hn .-thO-8teRt<StJ}rPraslj.e5SElM —:BUS- Wlwry, very high rotes of produc-s\y."- -MonrgnbstgntlBl' invBiitodeyorrrods'-------a of uctB,!acc^ to largo foreign sUp- ' mM pUes ond production copadty of ontr ; to mlllion-'bttrrels-a day In excess of WAE the current production. Gen. I

■niw "In tho face of these foots,** Hes- day hi iers. selton said, “tho Industry now hos secret

greatly increased tho coat of main- Sen. Jc U,. .tainlng na^onal defense, tho oper- Ident"]

j,.d. atlng . chorges -of manufacturing, McC tronsportatlon; and ogriculture. nnd list cetJraaJ economy." • volved

ilted ., . ------ posed iI S £ ! r Q u p a D e n x M i i _ _ _

S M e r v e n t i o n : ; i n

Powfet HeSrings S 'J*e PORrUA ^D. July'3 WV-THo No- tq.

J l i l y f " t o l K> ,n■tne teuerai powei'-conuniaston-near— thB—iit igta ing on Snake-river dams. thini i

A OO-day-driay in the hearing will said b6 sought if the peUUona are grant- #„rthei oops. ed. 8atd .0..01ragLPMddaon.-Port>

HnaTAttomey for thrW o groups.Ileal . The-hearing la.echoctaied to open for In Washington, D. C.. nert-Tuosday.

1 Is- It la on tho Idoho Power company's • • ,-of appUttUon-to-build-three dams on

the. Stoke. The aasodaUon and the J 5 3 ] districts' favor. Instead, federal cbn-

. atruotlon of a dam at Bella canyon.

S J I d a h o ( J o U e g e t o

^ - G e t M i K t a r y U n i tPOCATBtiO, July 3 OB—Sources altuoUt

---- at Idaho State college revealed to- July.zday that ISO liaa been selected by Safety,

—_ thfl anryy riftpftttmtnt for_conver=; auditor__^ slon from a reserve offlcera’ traln- — Aft«

. Ing unJ{~lo, a military science pro- mission gram. ' mitteo

-**' " ThB purpose"ofthr-progrnmrw:" tm-the-i Ul cording to I80-Pnisldent.'.cari Me- ond-dl

*??r branch after graduaUon And~funn- ' He t ,1 er'training in thot hronoh. . dlUarai

TROTCrtralnlng -al-JSO-Hw/fori- dty-wl nierly.'beon done qn a specialized depo ti basis.- - ' oelghbc

. ' ' ■— ------ . *nie IIrtls- RACS- POSTPONED____ oh art!. W. . LAWBjEi/6E,‘VMBM.,''juiy 3 («V- ' OataK ent; v^ ther forced postponement Pri--. “ irrls day until Saturday of the women’s yon." Iranaoonunentai -iir- raco—a-!T,B7H» ^ MTK- I. D. Mile lUght-from': Lawrence 40-Long membei

• Beach, Calif. r . .— : , . BoancU,

K _ _

■ RussiaiK

Upris■ ; . "BERLIN, July 3 (U.PJ-^PoliBh troo

e a a t-o f -th e .O ’d e r-N ie s 80 j r iy e r s , i t w.a ' f f — — T h B -J io r th w c B t-G c rm a n -ra d io -sa id

MagicValley: M Week-End (

.. A s R.URcrt.Bw.ung Into, t h e aecb n d H a ile y -o p e n e d its - tw o -d a y e v e n t an<

m i Shoshone ,-G ood ins :, J e r o m e a n d B u h l .. 'H a i le y , B e l le v u e .a n d K e tc h u m a r ^ a y o f t h e c e le b ra tio n . F r e n z ie d a c ta r e belnff e re ti te d a lo n g th e ---------

H H Jine o f m a i r h f o r the,_flpec-‘ .1 ^ .tatorsV - M rs , .J a m e s ,H e y m a n l - l l

M B a n d -W rsT D e ll-N io h o la o n rx o -- ' c h a irm e n o f th o A m e ric a n

f l B L e g io n , a u x i l ia r y , s ^ n s ju ic d < parade, said floats have been en-

iny to tered but-that more are expected. t in p___ Jlue..sklea-grceted.:all .of-M agin .evim n

<rant, volley'Friday. and eveiyonft_hflpcd heriw.. — :— thO'weatherman-would continue to . a yli

smllo ' for. tho remainder of 'th e vtvaflki ^ week-end. A cool b ^ eze accom-

tho first s ^ o n o t the rodeo got m B fa-----T-* Tmdo-WBy-durlng tho 'aftem oonr~ |j^TO te

___ Rupert will present the second oni r V " session of Its rodeo Prlday n ight and time fl T _y final show on Sattmlay. A flreiworks and A:

' d i^ la y '^ U 'b e touched'off .'ait Lake- Andi if l t .o f Wollcott.Sunday cyenini^ th e fixrtV.______ Parades will be f e a tu r^ f t^ a l le v .ftxrtti Buhl’and Jerome Satui^y while

, .rQflopB_wUl_tttkft_ih8_ spotlight. in fJiBfi’ jGooding. Rupert and Hailey, sho- T— —. flbono-wlU havo a program durinr -A .

tho day fo; children and a fireworks i r . display In the-evening. GoodlngT ~/7% I ' . celebroUon.wlU be centered around

.. an' amateur rodeo a t B p. m. a t the Goodinr -county fairgrounds. - .The

. events are open only, to amateur. eowboys. Kent Glover will be ..the

will be presented In the aflemooa af W0Ul( .’.t “ softWl game -wlU Powe-S be played, in the m enlng profes- q„_,,

fllo jillm catU nB ^jna td jeB -illU bo -§f™ “ adUStry hgjd. The celebration will be cU- night nuuccd byLftJtreworka display. ■ ' . l^-Sti

be preBcrilid“ln” toe. afternoon and id a iK P ^irJn a softball gome 1s scheduled. Flro-' o f th< SSS’ •T O tarw lll-be:?etroff-iirH he-ove-'

cate, a _ In'conJuncUon with the celeb ri^ TO^n: in wi'ih t lo n 'a t Holley SotUKliiy' night, Bun- ‘ Bu lucUon. Ita lQft.'camlval g „ ^ tro fp e - .

^ficial'^HasS la k T E r a c ^ o f^ Sproduc- _____ _ . V___ . — ______• (Sen

X T ~ 1 \ b s s i n p a s l 8 T S ,' of one ^ ita."Vltcess of WASHIKGTON, July 3 tin-Atty.- -ddUo

Gen. Herberii Browndl, Jr.: said to- ,** Hes- day ho has “no knowledgis? of a' snake ow has secret list of communist spies which hearln ’ main- Sen. Joseph.R. McCarthy e ^ Pres- dar." a oper- ideni Trumoh received in 104S; - oensturing, - McCarthy said -Tuesday that-tha. oahyo] w. ond list contalnwl the namea of about jor—d the na- IM American dtUens who were In^ Trumc

volved In on atomic spy ring ex- posed In Canada. ‘ wherei

■ He sold the loto.Oanodlan Prime (C< I Minister MacKensle King handedr --------the-lW rto-Tnnnan-«fc:i-«nferonce- | —^i n - In IMS. and-asked-Brownell-to-aaoer- • ' tain -whether Tnnnon ever passed it '

in g g . .on_^the-justice department for In- jy ^

5 n ? i ! d m » ^ 'W ' ' ‘“ M '= » « '> r .» h lc h U n . S i 'S

public today, Brownell sald he would. rti,»ene in try to find out whether anyone In >ear<i-near-- tho jQ5tlC(r (fpiU'UilDiil Iuiuwb iIUT "nf~S, ,,, thing obout such a list. -btcotl ^ WlU McCarthy said ho will wait for nlghl' further word from Brownell before Th

^ V ltllia ’T « M a b T in M U ^ -b ? rd fe "pSJaihis senate penaaaeat iavcstiffating ..oaJasubcommltt^^ori the m atter. L____

npany'a • , •_________ .

K S a f e t y P a n e H J i s c u s

O n I i - r i g a t i o n ' D :•A A summary of Iho 'wtSc done by I Ing oa

* special' committee appointed to has oo,T n i f «Tfc with the city commission on dHves

the open irrigation lateral and dlUh funds.Sources situation hero was featured in 'tho ^ b u teled to- July, meeting of. tho Twin Foils begin-:ted by Safety, council a t tho Idaho Power open. 1jonver-' auditorium •niursday night. -_Tho. •traln--^ —After^meeUng .wlib .the.elty-com- ■e-pio^ mission .dn7tto*prob7emZtaft^ciil£

mitteo felt an educational meeting

r i ^ - and ditches was the bes“ w ay.Jo o U ^ ’

■funil-- ' He told of two meetings heid’'m TTh^ ^ dm arant_jJdghbQ rhooda--In - thf

u /fo r - d ty '’wim' tho'-R«l Crb'»*,-clty'flttl:laliud deportment, county doctor', nnd » 'A nw

neighborhood leader* tjUdng-^part.-‘n ie fiieetlngs have Indinled drills , switc

oh artificial respiration and other meettm ' £ l j ^ ■^6ataieHrffi'flr9WBE«:sa5ra eU' ^^un'aI t P ri- “ safety , p w au tlo n * -a b o u t- lh e m tc r r .•omen’s .dltdies. «pee'd;=!T,B7Hr '=Mn;-o«rtrua#--iiiBWarUir»noth»r :yod#str1 Long member:of'tho eoihmtttee, told tho ctriver I

council Reno, Nev.,-has been work- opener.

Idaho Conntlcs-

; g . . . . . , • - '. . '. 'M ta W of A ^U Bar*

i S S i Sprisi«gfrAii-^PoliBh troop9_Joined civilianB in battlingSijriyers. -it w.as reported tonight;__________la n -ra d io 's a id -a e r io u a -c la sh e s -h a v e '-o c c tir re d :!

diejTSwings-Iitttr ■End of July 4 Cel<io^the second day of'it^-annu'aI”Fourth'~()fTi day event and liniBhing~touche8-were“prUfoi ome and Buhl. — —

Ketchum arc 5ammed.with tourists and,sfg! Frenzitid activity-ls associated with the buih

ig the -------------------------- :------------------------

F a t a l i t y

Men an- At Rupert«cted. RUPERT. July 3 -T w o Burley brothen.app t- MagIn ^rimmlng-ThuiadaT'and-eank-unoooaoious-to^ i> hoped h e r i T ^ - _____ -tinue to A m eguard. M&rrlU Aaderson.-17, pulled thi o f th e v lv e fe f arUflcial resplraUon. accom- Wlnton_, pool manager, said th e boys.'

ideo got ■ v H n I W water for more than^O seconds m o o n r - |^ ^ l t e R u ^ tJ ltflT lep artm en t warcsnea-*ln

BcconoP^B only resuscitator in Rupert but th e madi ight ond time firemen arrived.-Wlnton bad rerived one Ireworks and Anderson the otiter. • ' ■.' t i Lake- — ^Anderson haa been employed-at the pool f

th e first time ho haa.had to .pu t h is tralnln{

;T,„'?**i!.° -Bow h.d bciri bmtoa.__________■y. Sho- • - . • . ,

s i Answer^Seen li. around ..... . .......................

Power-Bams— B O lS E rJuly* {/rI—;^terilit<fBtori In C o lu m b ia b a ^ i n . - t o ^ l a c e t h e 1,! w m i i r b a T b s t^ i f t h e c a n y o n a r e

imo-wiu Power company ihstdaffof the l e d ^SSaS: Snmua P . SturgiB, chlet of anny.M'b o cU-. n ig H t r '...................u v i^ S tu rg is - to ld -a -p re w .c o p fe re n c e Col L «_JW ' 3 ^ ^ ^Q0Q-acre-fM t- 6 f : n ew led flW d-C

-Idah o P o w er-com p a D y T O r e e pb p o B B :d. piro-- o f t h e h ig h H e lls c a n y o n -d « n 4 a v o re d iho-«ve- -n ie n t^ i id e r - fo rm e r -P re B W e n t |----------

Iht,” Sun- ^ u t h i added: "W otan llnd t l d a substitute storage space—bat

---- where I dori’tTtnow.” . J J lHe said Mountain sheep site

----- further ddMMtrcm r. would - be a — T f ^5 possible alternate site. polnUng out - | , it , that i t wqUd notm terfero ^ th t h o __ _r t T ' salmon run on Salmon river as BOIS

?iSil‘• i g f a powei'-^ommlsslon-has.not-yct.aflks. nL ens) i l S t 'O ed the ormy corps of engineers for site for

lts."Vlews reg id lng Idaho Power’s CoIUinb ■I—Atty.- nppUcaUon for Oxbow, Brownlee w ant-a .said to- and H d ls canyon damsltes on the- hamper 0? of a Snake river. The PPC wlU hold a Dwor es which hearing m -W ashington next Tues- that..hl te 'P re s - d a y ^ glneers

' Gemero: SturgU noted th a t Hells tensiveth a t'th a . oanyon'dam.-pioposed.by the.lntecL mldrtlo.

were in^ .Trumon, would prpvme 03 .milUon lo r Hel ring ex- rfcrt-Tt'ei: of DoOd eontror storage house-s

• ‘ w hereas-ldaho Power’s-B ro w n lw spd coi n Prime (C«atiaB*4 «b rw* s, ,j> a proje handed p ; ------------- -------1

to-asoer- z z z S o l d i Q n t z i z *HAILBY. July 3 -T ourist lacO-

Itlerat'-HaUey, Bellevue ond Ket- * ^ e l l i . , ^ chum for tho Fourth of July »hich the- colobratlon.ln Hailey Friday and

tie would. pad lltles a t Ketchum dlsap-lyono ln ^ a re d two-dovsaRo whUe those iwnm7=- 'K t Bellevue and Uailey drd~}isr

-become extinct' until Thursday *wait for night.-. Dwor11 before __ ;ni>i r MehmOnn »)11 Include a7T«rore parade; rodeo and other evwjts' « > « « «stigatlng ..oaJjflJh days. JSSdI---------- ----------------------------storage,

__ ____ site far

I P i s c n s s e s ; W 6 r k ^ i

i t i o n ' D i t c h D a n g e r sdone by I Ing on. the problem. A group wefT nted to I w collected ia0W> In .public fund salon on drives with the city matching these r* w n nddlU h funds. The-gam bling-houses-con- Thursd* I in 'tho W butea another *9.000. sho said, ib river ab in Foils begin ' a program of covering the ^ T h e \ 0 power open, laterals and.ditches. 37, Man

- Tho. council .went ahead with .23. Lew iti ' coai- pl“ns.-to-8et-*T3p-a-booth -a t the- Lewlatoi

-^teraU- —Ih o .m a K ,tn go ahcod-ylth-.thft. . . .was 10. »*do after «presentaU ver ---------r

W- ^Boveratioraanisatloo* as«uf»Mh»-s s s ^

tatlve of the newly formed..Teen- , 1 ? ? ^

f l - At“s

6d drills , switcliing the usual procedure, the d other meeting w aa jp e p e tu S th the_pro- raTww' 2IU1I hMifln«Mn it- lh e ifltcr^ A safety film dealing -with

speed. chUd safety, d riv e rs 'an d .h P * i mothsr- y»d«rtrianar~-drtvlijg:^pt»ctk»r=«Pdr told tho ctriver fnitattona vaa shown as ■'ttie. a, work- -opener..-— .. - ........... .............'

:^ o Counties-

mbwrf A^U narid rf-OlfCttUtfeM ■ _ .;

IB in ba ttllng Soviet soldlCTilhTKe Pollah^ccit ;___________havg-occurred-inthe-lart-few^aavaTwfi^TTtV

■ ~ i P M ta h

BHfntoHbong^^4 € d e b r a t io n s S

n’j urth“()fT'uly ‘cSebi otrFfla es-were prUfon~BlnBlQ“day-event8:at

ju ris ts and,sightseers for the opening ®*,d with' tho building of floats and flcata •„~ - - ' -' - peUed.

• ' . mostly


)ert Swim P ool surley brothen.BppoRntly bumped heads whQe

r»on.-17, pulled thom to safe^. Iheyirere r»»ty t^

B thaiv20 - * '• TMoaslent wananefl-Blnce that volunteer group.ha tpert but the machine was not needed. By the on bad rerived one boy by artificial inspiration' .'that 1 > ■ red rtioyed-at the pool for-two 8eatbns-bnt:thls-iras vpolet to.put his tralnlng'to serioua praottee. Sovietman, Richard B ee^ to ^ one o f t o at-1_______ I______ , - -- • ■ - ■ ■ 'Polaal

Seen m Id ah ir § ^ a m ^ t ^ a g ® ^-AJterhftto-^BtorageHipaeft-oftn-b^lowid; ia i j^ Mplace the 1,800,000'aJw tfw t' -whto eiJff canyon -d^rpJoFped^q^IdiJw' "&Sffof the federal Bovctiufiert,:M*j«^to lief of arm y .e n g in e ^ said Tlyaradar

„ conference Golumbia:Va^-'w6uld.ldse tor tb :ne^ea 'fro 6 d -C o n tM l3 tb ra» _ ^W i;3 t? S^three-ptppoBBd-^^riffSlttUnn^ on-dtan4 avoredby'the=interior.:departi young resWentJ---------- * ■ * - * > : ■ ■ ^

taniiifd Idaha Senator

Control Study-with the .......V-_ __ .-..-river as BOISE, July 3 t*-Bea. l>wot- 1 7 „

K r : ^ ' ^-yet.aflks.nI_enBlneera.Jo "work our_.«me I J neers for alte for fIo6in^ tK rt‘tn~-tbe''i|pp«r —J J I Power’s Columbia rivw bastai nrat ■WB don’t - Brownlee want-a political battle which ia on the. hamper tha -whole'development"U hold a Dworshak said In an Jnterrlew • a t Tues- that his bin to auUiori* tlja en- PAl

i.-r glneera to'spend'^aoo^ foraa ex- fwed hat Hells tensive engiheftlrig study of the IndcM Lhe.lnte^ middle. oI'_th« Snake river'imd its dayu3 milUon lor Hells canyon dam-Is-ln'* Joint il storage house-senato conf^nce comqilttee Pro Brownlw «pd-could lead to authorisation of offer: UB J> a project' next January. ' — eww

' .... . -**rhere are at least a dosenrsltes sm*-in Columbia basin—any bhe'bf ’ wfilcK^ghfTWmitlerrtJnin-Hellr =HIlie

— > fny HUiltl.pur- appOll. pose dam," tho senator said. ' Twwn

nd •■Hells iCanyon'-Tjfcs b6gged down. Praneoi Into a pollUcal oontrorersy.’’ Indc:.'

_j>wo»hafc.jald:_mapQnantslat_*.J^ g ian t'd am a t Hdls‘canyon have

hSsSS^ « goremment dam in thls-arta. ' B SDworahak said MaJ.-Oen. Sam- jomoi

icludo a '<el D. Sturgis, chief.of tha.acmy• ei5gtncOTrioTd''hln»^aay=tliM«- _were “at least-* doxex- altes which 71,9would provide, good flood control annmtstorage, Induding Mountain sheep *jhlg] site farther downstream on .Boake

-"____ ' , I .IMftieBodies Recovered feST

® LB W l^N . July y-tB-—-Bodies yje.t NtSo fund’ sports car plunged Into Clearwater ¥> • Ina these river near Lewiston were lound U e ! jcs- con'' Thursday - on the bank of &iake i said, ib river about seven t^es downstream ' ' ring the The victims were Robert Hunter,

37, Manacho. P k and Robert Bales,,„1 with .23. Lewiston. Stewart Walker,.« , NewY i.a t the- Lewtalon,-anothcr passen4^1n the Philsd -lUm-and. -car.-wtta~rescued..but hc.dlcd.ln a _AUU.,rT-rr,..-i XJWtiton tuMpllair ' TumrlTflth ----------^ I

- -— W ftr i n~T ~

‘AnrMrcT -waa-a-m»a TOTm Itt .TnggTalir' m e ^ ^ ^ S S T o d S f i T S w ’■ffe'i 'higb--er>'Mi:a-BewTU8h ' :f“At“S.e“ S ; . Of entomology.- ^

SeBnflWVshortTimrbafarBrrT-TUe warmest temt»ratoro of :<BbUi the

>rM--r6CBtdeaijnBfi$r=i^==^ '^^26


iTt^ Pollah ccupled ^ ^ ^ ^ l

It'had .been reported e a z U ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I the Soviets ware rushingms

lY ia ^ tSB -^erm im -'te rT itaiy -M irw j^^H entsrat__ _ is^occupaton pending, this')neninir ^dflS

_ _ 1 palw Neue Z e i tu iu r i^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l r \ n l number’* of the TOO tu k s " - a « ^ ^ H KJXJL In-StoUn to. .email.

-woiters’ revolt have been .the r PdHiy

, ^ t ^ e ; agniak


4epart^ y o u n r ^ x ^ tb ^ ^ ^ > » i i^ ^ ^ ^ ^ |


:oranex- fered the-.ttareB.'aj8aelat«rM at||^^^| r 'u d its day to an

Premier Joseph Uatlon of offer In no^ .^c fed fii lUiiriuil^^^W

Buiu-pw^2 down.n.” Indo-Chlna to another more ta ;« ^ ^ HZ ^ - . f B atua^,th<^^

ministration wouldB

^ wU^ a h e 'a o S S w t iJ S S ^ e i t i i ^ ^ P

m Boake jq the ease- of Jy{KChto»;^^^B

A«*Ai1 between Aranoe and thfi Ibdo.06^^^^1 C lC U QciQ states, which Cambodia.—-Bodies Viet Nam call obsolete.'htn*^"*r ~'- I— — . — .

r^ B a seb a llT O M

aiker,.4o, N ew Y ^:5 :^o io .oob 'nb= ^^^^^ |'er In tho

Page 2: K T h x e e E jm 'e d .a RussiaiK i S S i Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · He said ,hV»r'^ the bed'sldesTorthlftruck were tom- “f off, but most of tho damage

^ ^ t o r a g e t ®

zM “[Seim iff^H^r:sifiiaUe5^B

.iSt ■**“^® r^ 5 ® rd & ftb i£ _ S ]^ ^ H:1a . . . n^t'* and li«P^ !“»«?«« «cept Hit on to the BozuevBIe poweriTTlns “pretty darn welL”i t p ^ ■ Oenerkl stursU um b . ^ H

i S K r a a v n S *ocerles projects • “ana It July Jtuc doesn’t have that ins to aTiUable.” - ; ta Unfr - In.tenunB nU ng-im M ,.,^^B . And bmt7 ot kllemate ^ ^ H wr prdjecta, Oentral s t^ ”, ^ H

. ann7_porpg dr enila^^^B:g -

am to Ret toj«ther.'!J2^ Mi r i a a . a y s ~ f f iM

-Bmnaeiy. aggr R g S ^ B3 pro- MUWin_jiet_Jii_,Z mrntn? thriSSHMniitiiT^^^^H. Wed- ---------------»Twln T. F. STUDENT jotineu. "BAir'i^AKB-'orrrM^H tot the C a lv ln -P o u ld .T w la i^ S ^ ^ I — “ t i a - a i - p o M n U i l " l U a t ^ H f~pS 6} p tu e d th 6 t7tah b t r ^ ^ H amp th e .U tih B U U ^ iu ^ H i eaen noimeed TVldty ,

y s ; ojgi^bggi*

Mat V - P t r A C t *


ned to If. and '

f F O miR Y . t r a n s f e r t s n i ^ l

_ _ _ P H 0 N I J 7 7 ^ B

' Give . Our Employm^^l /eek-End We \^U b i H [DAY EVENING,rH remember to vlsIt.ouriAlii^H [ftA for all oceaslorisrW ealiti^H {IcA iuralture and aupplltt

W m m ^ S iM

VAY . . . ■


I d a h o H o i^ ^ ' H

f t e r J - a i t e l —

[ISrpr~JfM T3 U N J ^ ^ ^ B

10 Hk« a bw r. c r i s p & n d . c I e a n . U s t U ^ ^ ^ H


^ 1

B |^ p i^ e Hturt:_ "T ^ B ^ ^ ^ eries ■ of -j H||j^ia£]V!Usih.aps • '^ ^ H iiM l^ lM S 'M e rc u ry driven by Jamea ^ ^ ■ U l l n i B r d Prancli,— 3 i r ShftRiroekr

h it the rear ot » ’» tS atude- drives' by Henry C. WheeSer..

^ ^ ^ ■ H |S B u h l . . .M -W } » « le r w&a> tumlnE^ ^ M m WMlBhwi.T- aa-two-mllM-weat of-

eu ly Thursday momlDK.-the ^ ^ ■ R l l n r U t 'e .otllcers reported. ' ^ ^ H a f t e t m t y Sherltt F, 0 . Thompaon, ___^ ■ G t l a B s a ^ D r o r n a ^ ^ —^^ ■ O lc liiir .w as^ tn o o ltw r.tlito u eb a tenpe - j ^ ^ ■ H f f i f r t r a v e l e d about I SO teet before 4,„ ^ ^ H B Q A t to p p o a . in mi' irris^Udn diUJil „

o t tbo tn e n .v u hurt, he VO^ ^ B n f f i ‘?» 'ra lB er-aN ld in t-«-isU i-veat.

« fourtb-o t a mlle iouth ot ^ ^ B & i M jn b e r ly Wednesday, the rear ot &

p IntemaUooal . pickup tniclc U ^ ^ K x L lif l (v e n by Colln Oanipbell w u d am -

----------^ ^ ■ l ln ; r ^ % e i^ r lv e n - b y , R « B e r-^ t^

3. Bamberly. >yiHlfttatford told the sherltrs oince

^ ■ M R '^ r a i l e d to aee'ihe truck maUns a lioa ' ' wou]

^ ^ n R S J r a W U m Miracle, &3S Fourth nve- vlslo ^ ■ H ( X £ 9 ^ r tb , - r e p a f t« d - : t o city, police, ^^■ u B A lH irad ay -m o rn lac JilM Ohevro-

pulled avay trom the »htofltevot>^ecaad.

norm. Bo«i cWTWBra- dam-

^ ^ S l ^ t o w a c e ^ t e w a r t ; _BuW ... toW. ^ ^ ^ ^ n T S U c f l - iW ls ^ T h a r w la y —tttw noon- ^^■ H K T ftS 'W 'h lt-^no taier-T eh lele-ow ned- —Or ^ B |U < j { |P j . D . Connor In a m inor accident pUei ^ H ^ R » - S b 68bone-and--FeuH h-avenua have

sU Pifjk jrhursday jnomlng. He said appl WM Uttle daauffe to either e n l

. tn‘ «

■ ly ;|iirowitDrawa— "m

^ ^ B n]i|^ V ta lle3 ,S 70peT «on ipa ldT hursday I S i V t to watch the M ade Valley

u id the Bolaft-YankeeB, the tlreworka which followed.

^ ^ ^ ^ W n M llC wHtT^hiif n f pj«r«nni. •* *the fkm orka ahow Irom

^ ^ H H ^ c ^ v o u n d the baU park, H ar. ^ ■ B n M U C p ir ic - a n d from thalr.yarda.. .

than t ,000 person* crowded T \ ; Jayeee park betore the n lsh t U l

MTenlh tnnln«r. About 30 ' were"eount«d aeated Ih front

[FJBU>o seereboard-and many more ^ ^ ^ | ; b | m c h a M d Irom the le t tc e n t^ e ld

Howard OUiette said ^ ^ ^ P g j i l i^ ja b a b te 8.000 persoM waw *t "n^ ^ B u i | . v t f u 2id l ta n d on nearby a tnets, Al- son.

there were no Injuries or ao- litfU ^ ^ u ^ i r ^ e n t a and th in irw era nearly nor- the ^ ^ B u L fD A A b o u t a ha lt hour a tte r the dls- chlU

. Ml. ' Tay]

BKIIIm 'Is Slimed Here

Camp nr« ' Olrls havo'regU- Tt for council two-day eimv ac- iy, g

to b« lield a t the Tresby- Fort ^ port

^ H h I I i i u ^ U'L .......... tom^ H 8 ti;lliNM'd''4 t~Buohanan Bprlnff-ln tho ^HnlilH lQl>t^^^litUa -wlll not be ready for ^ H H y fliiQ Ip p ^ '.M S tio n s until lat« in the.

TBUMAN VISITS^ v T k . ^ ^ B U [ i f p N T m > N A T IO N K. S ., July S ^ B f l l H t F B i ^ a ? K t m a n ^ a - a - ^ ■ B i n a u l tour e f tha now V. N. head- ^ ■ n r n f i a ^ . b u l l d l n K B h e r« .F rid » and ^ ■MHSSdha' Uhed'iU the'sucoWia-thB ^ H R 'r r B i y t o '^ t o th e Tr. N. andASeentary-

'D i« Hammarlkiold. T h a t- r j i

•■ • - ' : ' / Mra.

B | M'. ini¥Ho8piti>i> '';'|fflH rt* lU na-houn.-at--M a«lo^V ri ^

^ H ^ f i U n l ^ o r i a i hospital are from a to 47 to 8 p. m. ice*

^ H Q b I J ----- Mor^ ■ f f l Q B U r s . Bimer Woody.-Mrs. Manuel Blali ^ H H 8 n & ^ d e f ,- 'M rf f .-K e n n e th -A m n g - ^

'Mr*. Uoyd IlMitoT M ^- ^ ^ ^ R I W £ a n d a M u lk e y ^ d Mrs. WUIUm _ ^ ^ ■ ■ H A t o s w o r t b , all T M a l s ^ : Olenn R

iTrm fti Qrrm ^ r n^l _P "* "^ ^ I ^ H l l U i i s . a a Eden; uoOand-

Filer; William J ,lIarU n .A lex> mar ^ H ? n f i n T ^ < Mrs. John Reed, in t

^ H i ^ - l i |m ‘ DISMISSED T|l|)w & M rs. Charles Daugherty. Mrs. lie-- for

CnunblUA, Mrs. OrU Cryder Jacl ■ t p l! lK to rila a tK W r~ MH.- ' Byruu-Moyea,- afc-J

W. O. Orlpt>en. Mrs. WillUm Fall ^ R I l ! Q l l ] F ^ ‘e ^ 3 E r I i t n » ~ D i m B F ^ t ^ Don

WrMC*mBlani Blach and M. A. Din- will ^ H » » a r > l , all Twin ra lU ; Mrs. Alfred MU- par) ^■ tvlH rU iSp and David Wells, both Hansen; — -■ I M W ^ Oa^cT.- Mrs. P o t ' -----

Crawfort — ^^^BjnHQniBU ClhUles Siiilt^i.'Ul Fttci'i Dnrld*

Hansen, and M a tt~ C u r t i r -----^ H w | f f i i £ i r e , Oallt. ■ tm u

: Weather ..^H m ItIIW } Ftom AP aad VP Reports ^ i.‘ H Q m i i c Macle Valley^CfiatlBned fair and ^ ' ^ B 8l} |R ^« n B -to a lfta> -» o d Satorday.-I.ow -!>- ^^K lljlla |um »«oU H ta:tonltht.betw een.ll6.and

high Satorday 00 .to 05. Twin n. ^ M { null Mia teaperstn rs a t 8 a . m. 70, a t .<H i --- " I-I I I ____

| l u pM*"----------------------u . ar ’ }<•I n — —— :— -eo. •! .M. I-.'

I | | | l ; l r Z E E E ^ “ « : •

g — ■;?._ W R I lW f f K « .

i i r

B l I I'll/i 'uiiinUi iii\'tii III■fclR fJJF f“TIi«"I«T6I oT Snake: river wasnotr ........

S u K rlday with no water paastag crcrm m - ~~ - 7 —

B m ^ W G ^ A - W E D D I N G l x lB lni i BfifiiiUsTfor eri allz pUns

■ Plates' - and P a r^ Accessories ^ R j B M ^ - - 6 «SP.*w=Malled-on-Tl^u*lS— I■ M f i l T J. HILL’S GIFT SHOP *'*'•

gvenlnga— m«>j

K e e p t h e W j l t e - Flag- '(Je=u= -.....■: .. ot-Safoty- ylng-

J8 ■ ', . - Stnes" ' "■■ I -oek,' ................. : t ' A - * a n d 'j1?8- -• ' $ ,L ' . •• pi«y.eler,. ^ X ----------— Sonling rodeot ^ t j r — — ? — ; .l . ':- '." - .p a r t j- th e - ^ 1 . . -. ■ a re C

^ R ush.aon_j_ _______ _ .. ^*«N. nnrt 1lide- ^ . riders

- N o w t w o - d a y s - w i t h o n t (C hom ^Muylir-

. he■ '. ' ' ile r .

> ligency Suggests” 7Sl b Station ^toKi.' r.T ~Advertise“MoVes r™;

W ASH IN Q TOW. Ju ly 3 (UV-Tho ^ m d Iflce le d e ra l ' com m unication^ com m ls-. rudci ng a l io n proposed a’ new h ile today th a t c ro tn

would require a pp lican ts fo r te le- ' to b' ove- vision 8 la tlo t» _ to _ ad v « U » e _ th c lr u e a k oUce. in te n tio n s - i n - new spapenr—ln —t h r oSTtl;

c iU earw here-ther-^sc tk : : a : j t 8 t j o n r r - - - r r r o w n , T h e proposed new ru le would p u t wos 30^ a -8 0 -d ay - llm it= ^ n -th e - ttm e -fo r-f l} - -bsret

Ing com peting T V applica tions. away sa id I t would occopt Inter

------- -oommenta on - th e -p ro p o sa l-tro m -ln - rldlni«niii terested pa rties u n til Aug. 10 before w ith

<««ving' n-»^ir*f|"n :---------lost-4pmed- — U r« l s r- th o - ro O -p ro p o sa l,- a n -a p - «trct< Ident pU eant to r a new T V -a ta tlpn w ould e«>,w enua h av e to ' g lv a -p u b llc .-n o tlc o -.o t-h ls , I n , sa id applica tion In a new spaper of gen-

i th e r c ra l clrcu ja t/on In th e .com m unity J “ U;in 'w h ic h h e seeks a s ta tion . T h e ^>«tj

' / notices would have tb be published ^. ___ A tJ e a s t once a week to r .tw o weeks toUmI im m ediately • following applica tion « « ! ’

w ith th e PC D . -., . - ' ByroiI r a J.T ho\conm l8s[on .w «w ld ..nb6 .ac t.o ii

a n .appllcaU on untU 30 days a t te r 5^“ *® th e f irs t nflUce Is published. No

MptedMff UTe 30-Sy*\od.° C om peting appltcan ta also would

b« requ ired , to publish .^noUce t l i t f ttim ’ th e y bad-fU ed-ftppU catlbns-w lth-the

; th e I

Divorce Is Asked Ea S "-thF€nsteHy^laim =1

-M rs. P a t ty H u d so n ,'T w in -F a lls , bt3 rf,,M filed su it fo r divorce in d is tric t i a u r t p j n j •. *“ P r id a y a g a in s t-D e ll H udson. T w in d^n t

Palls , charg ing e x t r e m e '^ e l t y . hil e r a t T h e couple w as m a n f f d ln BuM long WnRT T tT T U W IPrartE B aiiiaT JraS onnw olT M r , A l- son.’ M rs. H udson claim s h e r h u s - 38, H n a n - b and h a s s tru c k h e r various tim es, to U : ao- litflloted physical- p u n ish m en t .on child n o r- th e child , Is Jealous a n d b e a t th o Pnlrc I d ls - child once. ' • . . • stead

• M rs. H udson ,.np re»en ted -by -JJW ^ J n w Tay]or.*.i}olnt« o u t sh e ls to r te d a d l- w as.,

t t vorce action ln*Jlily. \86a , b u t on h is They ^ apology a n d p rom ise to t r e a t h e r died n n > properly, aha-d lsm la se d -th a -ao tlo n .. oX-tt; M b S he 'c la ln u h e h a s renew ed_.the 6u:

— , = _______ J f l ”■eglsi , THe wife asks th e personal proper- 9 &c- ty, some household goods and a 104B esbyw P o r t . S h e asks 1100-m onthly su p - ^ • w u ih port,- $30 costs a n d #100 to MflO a t-

tom ey fees, p lu ixna tody o t th e child.

! P I M a s r i c V a l l e y I ™1 th e - r ? • • ■ I ■- -third

F u n e r a l s . ^ ; ; ^ ; ^ m■_______ ________________-________ m ay

.„t_ • •* B tJR L E Y — F u n e ra l - services, fo r untU « r s , - A m e y - J ^ e n d c r g t a s s - » m - b c - - - , 1-, he ld a t 3:30 p m . M onday, n t th e .

?Vn,i B urley th ird w ard U )B church-w lthB l.hop L u l l . T hom p .o ti o M c M n i . P B u r la r,w lu ;b o m ade In tho B a s la •■■ cao e te ry . •_____ , • c li

>Ah* -TjgRoag =-rtIft£rar vlgu ffSr- / M rs. 6 u ^ M lssu ra -T lbb lts will be iM n

n held a t 3 p . m . M onday a t the f irs t■;.....

m ade In th e Je ro m e cemetery.

’to*« Q IS K N S P B R R I^ -F u n era l serv-Ices fo r A n thony Liarsen will be he ld w . r , M onday a t th e L D 6 church .w ith J l f l l

itnual- B ishop C a r l A nderson otriclatlDg:r . T ing- B u ria l'w lll be m a d e In th e O lenns | | M rs. P r t w c e « e t < r y . _ _ . .

l lla in \J lenn R U P ER T —F u n e ra l services for o e a n H enry J . N ordm ayer will be held a t — /

U:3U p. A M dnday- a t . t h e Good- Alex* m u m ortua ry . B u ria l will be m ade i / Reed, In' th e R u p e r t cem etery. ’ l,jj

T W IN F A U iS —F u n e ra l services / 1I. l ie .- fo r th e in fa n t son bf M r. and Mr.i. 4ry d e r Ja ck K (-E as tc ian will be conducted j{/ toyes,- a t- iiS O -ar-m -M onday i-ln -the -T w ln illUm F a lls m o rtu a ry chapel by th e Rev.naina: D onaitt—B .--B lackstone.-= ln te rm en t AD in - will be -made in S u n set M emorial yea:MU- pa rk . . _________:-------- ;----------^ the

t S t ------------- ^-------------- t £ 0 * t - * D V « T O•rford - ............ — rv « M II

riDBl.lTY*?Aftc*NAt,' BANK------- - 4 J -^ V i* 4 t^ C ^ p t« ! t# r5 in S rC B T T l^ ^

I. C«ih, btUncM «li)i othtr binVt.-inctudlnc i

I t , ObUgkUoni erf .SUlM anU p^Ullcit «ubI<i|v«lo r a n d ■ *• "Oihir ban*, noi*.. 4ti.i J.wmgf*. ...........- * - TO.and ,?.-n4i>lc--iir»mltc« 0»Dcd.«8i;tta:M.:ftanitor«^Tw in u . Olh.r ...........................--------------------

.** IJ.. TOTAL ASSETS ________-------------. .' “x ,

.* y n r U. T>«m«M tftpolu or ItutUUutii, -oTH-rimHsM • Tr. T!tn« awMlu flf IrtdlMmii. p«rtn»f*hlpi. »r

■ 1 . IXrpMlU of UdIIx] Sialo OortrDmcnt linel' 1 . I>n>o*>U ef'SuCM and pcJIlIcal «ub<il*l>lon«

■^- 1 chi«lI . . -TOTAL DKl'OSITO ......^........... ,..-

,.15 « . -Olh« llablUUM ............ -;...,H .._ . -TOTAi.TEncSiLiTrcs •— ••••■ - -

^ ■ • • CAPrTAL AOCOl

i l l r . i ' ! ^ 3 ^ ^ lT :« m T i ;^ j ;«^ E c r / .~ ~

n o w ------ ------------------------ -ri _ :---------. / MtliOllA.SI}>

^1.- Am*U pt«ls*.| or 10 >*«ur* IlkhllUlMI ■ JIUU ef’i<Uhe. Cauntr of; Twin r«Il>, u i — ] 1. L.. A. FRAZEIt, <4«ni«r of th« •bovt.ntmr'! I X li- tn it - u -th* b « t of my-fcnowl

le s I / s. I!.

j SUU «rla^ he. CMStr i)f T-Kn F>llf. mi • I B w n lofana m b ic trw b«for« m» Oiii :nd <)>i

■__I U irt:-J..«ajaflt_aa,««ktt_of rfir»ur.<i<.

SI Gelebratiori of - (7"ng- • — , |--- •;----------- -' ' —' —

HoHdayJEvenl 1;^ Sweeps A^alley isS

. {Ffm PiS» 0»«> ...* and will touch off a fireworks dls-• play.

- —Some of the leading-professional- ^ rodeo riders in the country will take MarrU

m .parUn_thc.HaUcy:coakaL.ln<Uuded .,- ■ are Olcn Hone,-Bud BurBeaa. BIU ^ e cc

Rush. Byron Wolford, B ulf Douthltt Thursi___ nnd Bob Shields. Among.the local

riders who have entered aro-IWTyl ,! (T Hobdrv and -John Williams. Kot- nftr chum: .flit* Vohrees and* Jack

Shields, Sun Valley; Ted Uhrlg and DIvore. Virgil Monk. Hailey, and Ken Put- A d«

— ' iler. Gannett. lace B;-----------T he-nag-beaM rs-for-lha-gzand . £owcaI ■ entry will Include th ree Magic Val- was fl . 'ley girls. They nre Betty Jean Clark day. 1

*S nnd Anna Clark, G annett and p u - using- --. anna Wolkor, Twin Falls. own. I 7 p f l ~~Th9~most-durable-cowboya7 e«er C..-aa«

to h it Snake river fla ts were on . . hand for.-thB-openlng night of the- -Y^»j

imis- Rupert rodeo Thursday night.. Dick ^ 1 ] Cromqulst, Logan. Dtah; turned out ^

tele- to bo the toughest and Junior 11 .t clr. M e s^ -.^ M ld ^ ^ ^ lc ..-w a fl-M o ...3

was^l^oflfn o n ^ e ^ e n ^ r- f l l- -tmrcbsek-rtdlngr-and-wfs-whlsked —

away In an ambulance. Nine events i , |-„ . ccept Inter ho filled h ls spot In the bull n -ln - rldlng.-^ouag.Meaks-bumpcdJi«ads lefore with a Brahma buU as .the animal «- -T-- lost-lts;balanee,-and-tho:cowl)oy.w»i i-ttD- atrctched_out-tcmporarlly:but walk- _ • vould e«l to tho srandstand.f. his In calf roping Thursday ' night Hen- Jim Wholey, Duncan, Okla., record-

unity ed Uie best time, 12.1 seconds. The The t l« t In cnlt roping was Buff Daugh-

t , h ^ ett, Del Monte. Calif., J3.1 seconds.S followed by Jim Whaley with 135 ;ftticn Mconds.' O ther-good^elord5^rere “ y ~ -- - Byron Wnlford, J3 second*; Weldon

RuUeiJge, 13,4. and Marvin Aiigra- m lllc rrl8. lT -n ie best-bulldogglng - ttao was 8.4 seconds, set by Carl

• 5:® Bradley, Del Monte, and Les.Jones'® made B-seconds flat. ; “ ® *

A good openlng-nlght crowd of - "firi'J about,3,600 saw the snow; according M i . i

.toatoi-dJdJd_aencral,.chalnnan.__ .IT ir j" “ “ fllxty-flve cowboys are entered fop . t

the thTce-dny:rodeo. "

I E a r I ) ^ R e s y e n t o f

l i m ^ a s s i a - S u c c u m t e SFalls, BURLEY, July 3-M rs. Amey J. Sole

Pendergrass, 88. Cassia county real- Thom dent for 73 years, died Wednesday q uart nt her home In-Burley. followlng.a ^ je^

Buhl liing illnfM --------------Oahteih-oiff Mrs. Pendergrass was bom March a i ^ L hus- 38. le u . In Waflhinstoq,-and -moved hui t

to e s , to Utah with her fomlly when a •■ XcU ■t..on child. She was married to Morbnl J. carrol t tho Fnlrchlld In UUvh and they home- ciont;

- steaded a t Basin in 1880. Ho died Satter JJW-! Jn 1007 and tho following year sh^ _ „ „ ft dl- .was..morrled- to- Mr. -Pendergrass. - in his They moved to Burley In 1920. Ho w ura C h er died on May 31. She waa a member p etion,. of-tha.LDS-church. . S*"’ %1 the 6 urvlvlng.ara-three-sons. Mclt M.' FalrchUd and Clydo A. Palrchlld.■oni^ •bottTBHlmoircttyrldffs-nnd-Jofr-M.- -5 /=^' i iMB Palrchlld. Burley: one daughter. auo! M ri.'im y.Jolley. Ogden, and many

10 a t- grandchildren and great-grandchll- dren. Seven sons preceded hor in

'"-"■I Funcrol services-wljl bo h e ld -a t j^ck-: 3:30 -pjn. Monday a t tho Burley birth .third ward LDB church with Bishop wemc

i:!!- -t*aUe Thompson ,0 tflclBllngrPriends _He_____ may call a t - th e 'P a y n o mOrtUary paren

Sunday afternoon and evejiing and and I s . for uQtu time ot services Monday. Burial and :

-will-be-mado^ntho-Baaln-cematwy.- -PalU.- t the > ------------------------ ________ • - Pun

a ParkiiSgFines 3 ;City pollcTconected »18 In bonds terme

• . j£!i;_iim tta6J5W W ng.^ur8dfli,^. ^em o f„ ‘P PosUng I I each.wero Don Grand- .t :-----

Jean. Ruth Hill. J . W. Norris. Sara , , ' .Hannah, Ed Trout. Mackey E. ^ 1,^1® Brown. Mrs. L. Jones. W. W. Prant*.

W rLrK lnsiy.-Rena Thaokar.rW. T . -.--AVarln. Mrs. Robert Blaecock. C. S. f

------- T53oncy.~MaryTAtham-Ctwor.-^-Tear — >**fyr Jean Flynn, .E. B1 Sept and W. P.wS ” »««"■ ■ " ■

a tln g :'. ____ __ — — ----------------- ----I i» n n r L « B f a i r ~

nnent A lm ott-aay-w om an-eenld-add- • — - norial years to her life simply by telllog ; . t h e im th — __________________


ONAL BANK o r TWIK TALtSif lu t* " * ' ___

AfifiKTfl(•.-inctu<Ilnc m«rv« biUnc*. ind uth............................... ................................ I a,«U.W0.T4IS.II0M. ait«l and BAi.mnlf -l ----- • 4.SU.SM.Mi i l f j ............. * siofliiw ■.CCO.M iuxk of F««l«r»l ntMrft b«ntci,_ .i.S.oaaja.. ___r |«,SU.(S ovtrtlr^fu) ...................... :.UA.MT.TSp. :taznlt>mi^ad7MxUxrfzH»MI.OO::z=SL6iSM: .

.................. .......................... ^^ — — .....................

irtntnhipi. .nd o o r p M u t i iu - i .w j .B M ja « t (TDmcnt llneludinc noaul iarlntil... 9t.&:4.S1 '

(Ubdliflilont .................................... l.I«.5H,«t - r.................. ------------ --------- .. .. . ^CMhltr’i dmkt. ♦U.J- ...... JS^.... - O.M0.7* „f,............... ..-............. ,.... llO.>OO.J37>i. .—‘T— ........... .............L.....................>xt«.iM .et


l 5 S ^ ;pH»Fi4''-»tOTFir - '-~i8!oMjr.nrtunic-' - - «' i

^U -V M ’iT^L AiADO.VJS - ......IH .U l.tlf5 - -----

MtiioiiA.suA ‘ ■ ■ ■ - r 'rfUf» IlkhllUlM and for other purrww I l.lSO.dn.Mllll, UI , ■t »b0VM.mr.} Unk. A. .nlrmnly » .„ r ih«l tha ^of my ,

■ • :------------ ------ D1r»ctor» — • ; •' -■ -T?« July; U ». and T ht»by eartlfy. ___'“ ^^^LUCILIX WOLFE. NoUrr

T I M E S - N E W S . T W I N F

Sl T ^ n Fallsj^ew ii t n ^ e n Cmri ' ' X : r i t e t o

Firemen v«ro called- to the Blue Dr. an f T Xakes M eat m arket. 1037 BIub Lakes ^ u r s dC y bouJevard.-'Bt 0:38-pan .-T bursdar Uon h

•' when an Indoor incinerator a t tha througl ^ 1, market became overheated. No dam-

age resulted, firemen said. B «tan--------- ■ Mrs,

luke Marriage License* •

'the ^jSm lV’e^ l^^ W e^esd ay -an d - -foi^hei ithitt Thursday lo Edmond XeRoy Alger, - local Jerome, and Mary Darlene Bates, Re*»*

T s n n - P a n s r in r ^ 0 l I v e r :T ^ 5 a ln : and Violet M. S e U ^ . b o th J dCIk—

; and Dlroree Granted ' ' l i l i lTPut- A decree of divorce granted Wal-

lace Earl Powers trom Mrs. Mildred sand. Eowei^hg. Jurigft Jtugh A. Bakg.Val- was files-in district court Thurs- *“ ®

:iark day. Tho decree restrains Jtjjx-from ^ * p u - using tho plaintiff's name as her weew

own. Powers was rtnresented by P.

I l ife ’s Earnings t T r°; Of Woinan iJtst i-T F t ^ o ^ s S E f i i S fa S

blng 60-year^ld woman told policeeurly-headed" Bliihi

‘7 ~ “t man grabbed her purse-contalnlnir—A“d *24.000 and escaped 'In a black Magiccar.-------------- ----------------- — V f —m—Mr8.-Mso-Handler.-lnoolierenfc a t TwUx- Limes, said sho was walking home Thm s from a ,/ric'nd’a hou«,-l#.W- last Berne

Thu nlght'V hen tho robbeiy occurred. “Hiaet m eh. '?ffl.took evo7 cent i had." the Bud r

womaii cried. / en tsoI 133 K«»<ller told doteeUves the w b

cash-was. -wrapped-ln . whlta-paper. JLliU.

..glnj /.Sha.couldaot.cxBlala.whyL'a§!LWM Carl carrying the huge amount of mon'i^

■>““ £3:'S!°l M r s , _ S a t t e r w h i t e _ _ H..’

' P a i d L a s t Honor S« HANSEN.-JiilxS-PuneraJsCTvlco' “ 1 ^

■ for Mrs. Dlola Batterwhlto were __ held Fridoy lUteirioon iii th» P im

^ O S HaskeU Yadoa o f f l c ^ g j ‘ ^ T W l ey J. Solos were sung by Morton T resl- Thompson and Mrs. Gladys Bills. i

esday quartet selectioaa_wero presented _ Ing .a by Jewell Yadoi). Mrs, Hills, Lyman---------eahkrTm d-m ufflpsonrNorm a Me-ilarch Glnnla was tho accompanist ""'I j . “ torca noved HUI played organ music. .leiv a —Kflvo ■pifllbearcr8'wer5“ d5orge onl J. C arroll._2Lugene -Messncr. Paul wedn lome- cionU.H.L. Batterwhlto. J r , Charles P“ ,"^

died satterwhlte, and Dale Knox, -. ® I r ^ r - - Honorary pallbearers , were .Mark

HUI. ’Art Sexton. Frank Goodwill.Wayne Baker. Bill Muse. Leo Trip- pie, Paul Messner. Ray Shopo. El* ®?*2.

wS^S” "- f r - " " K' - Concluding services were conciuct- w n ' E T T ^ i n ^ t i ^ g ^ i v r ^ •—

H liffant Pies” " ®------------The iufatili'Kill u f« lu . and~M nr -Southild -a t jack-K .-Ea8tm andl*d BhorUy attar B. Mi lurloy birth Thuraday a t Maglo Valley Boise, fishop Memoriol h o sp ita l." ’, r* r ; _ _ riends _He la survived. In addition to-hU ‘- C ob -tUary parents,'by hla . 'g r a h d p a n i i t s . 'B e r t ' I and and Mra. Frank.EasUnan .and Mr.3urial and Mrs. R.- H . FUnn, all Twin.atary.- -PalU.— ----------------------------------—

- - Funernl servlcos wilt bt held a t .0;SO k )n . Ijbnday in the Twin Falls

R S mortuary chapel with U u R«y..Doa; ' I aid B. Blackotono ottElatlng. In - '

bonds terment will be made. In Sunset '.^SlorlRl, park.'______________ _ .

rand- -----------y“^ , u n h a n d e d ; P a p c i '^ M a lc s - -rant*. • / And Wo 'A IN T K ldd ln 'l' " ■ % 1W .T . - r -A s Always,4«amo Bogravod----- —V0 . S. _ :^eo. While You l ^ p j ______________

J . HTCL’S 'G I F T S H O P — ^' ■ —Open ^ Id a y Evenings—

\ u x o N a M s s )

• 3M.M J r

^ ^ y ^ i a t ] ^ e s j n d e p e r '= ■- Mean To^You?^

“ W e h o llT tf ic se t r u t h s 16 b e se ll a r e c r e a te d e q u a l, t h a t th e y a r e

:«»>« a t o r w ith c e r l a i i r in aU e n a b le rig] a r e L ife , L ib e r ty an d '; t h e P t

----- r From the DECLARATION OFadopted Ijy the.Contlneatal Cot

— HSntvitTtffirefllebrato^tho^^oui .oooia# . . ."Z 'Indc^ndanco.Day"^-‘....'arB.a'c6r

. --;~ ^truF -m M nm j^i:T hM ‘yetr,-^etr« ^ Uie uiher f eliuw's lUtUt tu '»fe -ay ______ C A B E E m .l_ P J R I .V ^ B A f.E L

7 7 ” ' ' ' —Mr. and Mrs. S t a ^

• ■ ; '• . • •___ 2 . " 2 6 g S e i i o n d A v e n u e N o r th

T ^ f t h s - V S k i a - ~

ij^ew s iit:B rie£ ^ „ ^7 _ £ ?

SlUB Dr. and .Mis. L. Y . Jones z em ood a i ^ T h u r ^ y from th e dm tal conren- I I > dv Uon held a t . su n VaDey Monday — ^ tha through T h urtday - l ----------------------

^ t m i s r i ^ Arkattiaa'Mrs..Berman L. Dodson h a s 're - J

turned from UtUrTloickr^ATkl^ l - t e where aba attended funetal sttvlces r S ^ -tnd- -(?^^»e^mo^he^. Mra. A. J . B u a t ^ -

Betom Hon* ' “

whero t h e l r i S ^ E S w i i R i S b ^- underwent surgery - In tho Bm- aiui

manuel bbspltaljastjreelc.

P a -c r ^ g S “ ,

f e ^ * a r r ’ w a S ia S g ' fO r*^t«m aweeks in Canada. During their ah ,

, , B sence. tho Rev. Vem Osbom .will• odnduct Sunday morning, and « re^ rt-i-m

~ — n l h g - s ^ c e s 'k thoTJnltod J4l»- I slonair c h u r ^

. . ’ «8 Jtt«o Seek* Peraalt- . _t Plans for construettoa of th rto

8- by 4-toDt storage lockera In-tha thnrih .Woods bolldtng. lll 'S M o iu tT x tm t

------ ' hall hv .W. A. Oatrandar. ItH Lln-sob- eoto avenue. E s tto ited ’ T s i l O e :

BirthsInlnir —A~daughter~-wa5 bonrP W day-a t b l ^

i t a t Twin-Fans. Daughten-were-bom* lome • H i u r ^ to Mr.. and Mra. VlnW ^ “ 5 . last Bemey and Mr. and Mrs.-Lloyd ired . Ihaet* . aU Twin Palls. Mr. and Mrs.• the Bud Taylor. Twin n m . p a r- 2 ° ” ^ ,

ents of a son bom Thursday. A aon I the was bom Tuesday te Mr. and Mrs. . ^

A IL J lM Jd fo n l.-K im b erty .r___“ fl. _ - - -------- thewsVWt tn T . F. I-,

• w ^ - 'J . W. atronks-and his grand-daughter.-Patty 'lhnsaarhoth-O ul-- «*■ «l*ter. Mrs. ^o . J . Engstrand. and daughter, T | n i Jac^ellne, MlnneapoUs^ left Thurs- a / A l day after vUltlhg With a brother 1

k . and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J • H.-O. 8tKmks.;Twln Palla.-Th0Oall------ btr

fomlans are accompanying Mrs. lU L Engstrand and her daughter to Morvl

Minneapolis after a_TlsltJn.Culver. tlgatlc were Tuesd

^ J ^ r m e r K e s i d e n t ^

S S B u y s L o c a l S t o r e S S ™anted nmnlim a n Purchase of Tt\o*Bvergreen. 147 prank

Main avenu« east, from Evergreen car tQrt J Stores. Inc.. Salt Lake a ty . Is an- Dama

noimced by Jack Red^pn, K^tchum. no boTHe transacUon was. ettoctlvo- j ^ t 4

W ednesday.-OraduaTT^odelin* Is u t s ,iftrlM planned. Th6 establlshmenfa name charffi

will be change^to Redden’s..Redden was associated with the

dwUl Sallady Hardware company hero BUl—H rJ bofore moving to Ketchum to en- Mibej

^ gago In the hardware and sporting Mabe'i ^ goods business 15 years ago. He and try dJ*•: his wife wlU mako their homo here. — —

___ -BicWoMMoI-— fSiBOISE. J u iy K ^ A rU c le s of in- I

:------- corporation w eroviled Friday for >.;Oakley MUUng'coo^any. Oakley.J( { j f t

...r w ascap lta ltted .fo r»m 000 byM ark i-Mr»r ■Sonthwqrth .—Oakleyr-^lM—Richard J-SnCafter B. MllUr-and..H, - a -Pockett, both } ^ raU ^ Boise. .

o-hU '-'Coatrel'FUes'and B a n with Globe ' ~r'M r.' -Beed Company l ^ U r t d ^ i - i d T . -------- --I'M r. • ~ ........... ............................ .:Twin- — - - --------- WB-wffl-«eHTon:»— ------■ ■--------Fafis N ew 7 .1 eu . f t.


-------1 NO DOWN PAYMENT 'e s ' • V M per month

------ W ARNER M U S IC -____5=i = & = A P P tlA N e E -= - —I 133 Shoahone North l^ o a a M l

7 N a R K S S J , i r 4 a H r : r ‘ ' S ! 9 ^________ ^ _

7 ~ ~

'■ _

ndependmce D ay ^r z r _

16 b e s e lf ev id en t, t h a t a ll m e n ’• th e y a r e endow ed b y th e i r e re - -r------e n a b le r ig h ts , t h a t a m o n g th e s ed'; t h e P u r s u i t o f H a p p in e ss .” —

lATION OF I?0>EFENDENCE. ' - itlneatal Coorreaa, Jnly 4,1778. _

o^tho^^ourth '.i-the words . . _______ _______■'....'■JB.a'constant'remlnder-of Ifa - '. --TT’.-: yey.~li5 'c e l6 b rata-by7rcgiKcnnft~------ 7 ----- -—

' z h

Mrs. StanleJ^'PhMps— •

H s . - M o r t a a i ^ ^ . = r r

Torth ■ . Phone 81 •. •

JitA-miiilaweSBrvice_— ^ ^ ---------

Solon-Deifeiids .g ^ TProfier Attack s l O n d e r ^ e n M— ■ ^A sm N O T O N . Juiy »=fl^=Bfflr t,

Joseph R. McCarthy defended Ms cuUer ^ chief tavestlgator today as-D pno- jtaiUei

ccataldananded.hls.K alp fo r .m ^ - ycncy. f*-* ing a “shocking and unwarranted ^ ^jj

a ttack against the American clergy, gtfolllrt ------ M cC arO ^~aianT -B naorT C -ar-^ r«»>"p

Matthews'controversial charge th a t g^ardt

tommunlsTappaMtus in the United bars ti“™* Btatea."' ------ Worlm

And ho declared firmly th a t his -jjurcl; permanent InvcsUgatlng subcpm- ^

• o lttM -had no Intentkm of l o o ^ parvat ' in to_d«rlcal_fubT enlon .^»n;,W ». ,a d la t ? ? : th a t got the bead of the house un- ^enu*

American acUvltles commltteo Into oonsldertble h ot water. _ /

2 ^ -But-M cOarthym ade ltp la ln ln a«Ut«n«nt th a t-h e -w o u ld -ra su t-a " . Matthews ouiter.move tha t Is ex- jjp^h peotad to come before the subcoin- S t w . next-^Tussday. . ^

B e caUed the group's whlte-halr»d >>;j® ataff director an -ouuundlng au- \ U 4

had-«Tenrtranilat*<1 tha Mrthodlat _ p j „hymnal into the Malay language.

Matthews' sUUment In the cur- r „ i ] , ren t American Mercury magaxtae

touched off thTflrsfm aJor revolt on p , j |j MeCarthVs fcuboommlttee. m a Joint r i.in a aUtement. DemocraUo Sens. John j„ o m

^ L.-McOleDanT'Arkrstuart-Symmg- ton. Mo. and Henry M. J a < ^ , Wash..-dBnianded “appropriaK-ac.- ' tlo n --It waa understood-^ey m eant M atthew s'X nU saL '

j a 8j ^ called the arUcle. a “fan- ^ Mrs. ta a tJc ^ tf a "outragsous" Indictment------of-Protestanb clergy because Mat-

thews aald. among other things, tha t - a t least 7.000-mlnlstOT were, eerv-

S3 : lM_ni.j..lC»llllto'. coi..P!ggr;—Mrs. _ ' _ . . - ■ . -Aw«

Damages Listed K In Traffic C r a s li£?all------B tm tF Y ^to ly S-Damage-Ot-WM--------

was estimated by SUte Patrolman ^ “ Marvin J. Snyder following Invea- _ _

UgaUonot an accident a t 3;65-p.m. Tuesday one and one-halt miles

* aouth of Malta on highway 308. *““ 2 -T S iano ' 'B :..ISeW ey/.y^..V l«m e:

> Wash., told Snyder the brakes on mmmm her car taUed to function, thus p r

>F6 preventing h « --a u to m o b U a -^ rarunning Into the pickup driven by F

H< Frank Corbett Leo. 63. Malta. Her Teen car t l p ^ ever on the left side. D l, an- Damage was done to the car but

lum. no bodily Injuries were received.;tlvo- Later sho was fined 110 by Pro- « J» bats Judge. Henry-W. Tueker-on-a ■ ■

charge'ot.drlvlng .without a license.

the — ~ ~ 7 T j n KOREA hero BURLEY, July 3 - P v t Clyde J. en- M l bey, son ot Mr. and Mrs. John J.

rting Mabey. Burley, has Joined an Intan- ^and try division In Korea.

- - n ia i^ jiiid sM ti^i i ^ j c u j s ^ T i c ____ g :

ILEED O M P H O T »“ • r t ‘‘ • I 'b J - W U .j - O n u . _ N , both 1 We OlTfl nflijl nttfa.B tam pa— ------

«oi>® ______ _


s- -r--------------- . ' ■ . —

le .' ■

” Brewed Wi

— • — t::------Whether-you-huy It ut yp__ — ' 7 ' favorU.e-UvernrhercVa~bci

BEER, brewed In Idaho fo and uniform flavor, Is rich

.......... ...... ^ t h one glaaa or morvyot

_ ___ ' ' ' ' w

m ® & i S l 5 r s i ™ r r r r l ^ J a . f i V S I Ms cuUer and Hugh-Nel«n lo o l^ blt pno- jtaitled as man picks up 87 la w -

rtncy-a.few _feit.Jro«.w bere to w have, toire engaged in gabfest . . . ColumblistioUInR down sidewalk. c a rr^ B that.itoi

> -B r S r ^ t « n r r r 7-N o -p a r^ - r ig n - H r s a i th» t S ^ i n g freshly r«p4U«d aeetlon of t h r peop

-sthe ; g ^ ^ ^ 7 ;:; : i i t ip b -P te k rW hsvSTCi

b ars tu rn ed backw ard on blqfcla . . . ^ t " a: W orkm en sta rting ta raise Bplsfsopal interests

t h is S S t a m w r t t l o n fo r-m o w to th e Bom « » • S ^ t e . . . J»ok -nibrpo carry ing “p re tty .oWn« oackaae . - . . Puleitrians eyelng 'C ^ -oener ,W »- m dlan^U eensed-oar.parked-onJ^ PoweM* avenuo . . . Housewives sc u r n ^ W dous ln\

In a SLvV nV 'T r a f f i c : starting - to avallablt

£ W a t e r F v e n t s S u . '

S S S E t S a a a iS slodlat_t>i«Tnt-f«>r-a..watar lasUvaljysb. _eo_ul_dA*t

" gram at the municipal svtomtng thfiSSH Dool Monday. Tuesday and^fl-n22d ^ ^ u ^o u n M 4 b y .U }« W n

3l t on p , i | . Camp Flro G irls. oouftcU. BALT ■Joint fnii>in.wlll have eharg* ot the Colvln-tJohn mogram. ___ •__ ^ the i'i^2** _.lhe municipal •ewlmmlW po l5} ^ ’ h a s been^reierved-fo t-the. araup* fw in 10 a. m. until noon each nouneec

of the three days. GlrU wUl cim-„ peto for Camp Plro honor* Men- •

day morning wl6&. Tuesday to b tdevoted tor earning, poUlwog. frog; f j =Ilsh-and -other-special-honortj-A — / ■urogram of games and race# will . ^

th ^ g r» m _ w * d n e « la y ^1__ _ motaiog.--------------------- -------- - .— — D

- Awards win be prewnted at a r council camp-fire.

" , Lifeguards-and-older Gamp Fire ri s h ^ a)lman . r e TUBNA BOMS. I

SPRINODALB. July »--Mr. and I’ P-,??; Mrs. Don Pack have relum ed to I

Idaho P^to af^r^vUlUng Mr. and

es on ■



Pro- I'on-a

In Order to Give . Ou J a Longer Week-End

CLOSED FRIDAY e v e ;Intan-__, ’ATTER.THE FOURTH rem ew liftr

> -glft.shop featiiring iifta for all oec n g . li^m p.tete.Une of offlcA iuralture

5 ™ ; - N g r t ; to ;Id a h o -P o w c i— . ■


BEERliaBr ' nl^BI

v e d W i t h S u p e r i o r I d a h o Fi

J j e y e r A B i t t e L A f t e r J o s i

a y i i -u l v o u r tm OTn^d- f »-v--p i«nlm -fff= f e n ^

:h e reV a-b cc rw i'th “^ i i l I i i c t lv O la ‘TO^^

In Idaho for wcatem'tolks'who like a beer vor. Ih rich and full bodled. yet crhb and.cle ir morvyou’Il f ind SUN-VALLEY BEER B

• tc rT a ftc r» ta a te .- rT iy rlt- to a a y ~ 6 n ^ r i ^ r i f : a '

Page 3: K T h x e e E jm 'e d .a RussiaiK i S S i Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · He said ,hV»r'^ the bed'sldesTorthlftruck were tom- “f off, but most of tho damage


p S E ^ ' l ^

^ E S 3-y^^^E^=5!5. IS:^ K . ulffltnlttxaUon U In the os ^ ■ o t dlMJcuU M d d e la te ne- . ao

to K orea » d t i ^ f W j «but under the tircum - »

^ K ^ | h a ^ d . and -tdTlfled the ^

^ K ^ S n l l S i o n in WMhtoB- > ^ B u mAde srent-progreu, and I ^ K ^ n t they-re jolng ^ u s h i

K -f£ " sss.sr ; is P s s r s “ S S * - s-

lomier Jlcpublleon Pm lden t ,« ^■ m enU oned anU-commimlJt . <u

^ H ^ p lle a tilo n f Enom oot .Im .^ ■ e mortl-lmpllcaUoasJhtto-arfi ^ K )u s 'w h e n }-ou consider tha t ^b|>*

ia t« '^K fT „i;M ner«U M ta-h* .» ld ----------^ ■ H o o re r wUl etay wlUi W» wn ^■ liU ih te r-ln -Iaw unUl Wdfty, .inn« ^HTen_Do^t»-ean-Pmnci2eo-lfiE. . p . ] ^ K n u a l Boh'emJan erove meet-^Kexecutlvca.£rofTi.nU_pyer_.the__ ;_

Then be will go to Oregon .

Hior Accidents' Hteported in I . F,^ K .-W lH o ii.J« -R iU i_ .te« t.jn -- j S °

to police Wednesday atter- rear lender-of hU

^ f t^ e k A id was damaged-while K ^ ■ la rk ed -tn - th o -l< » :b lo c lc -o f ^ H r avenue north. ^■ cdrlvenbyM rs.W lU lam P oII. ^ K c n d 'a v e n u e north, hit a Ford ;

by Shirley Scott as she out of her drlvewoy. The - '

nf Hii» ynrrl w u “ O*^ K e d , Mrs. PoU sold.^ ■ l y d a . 316 Third street nortli. ^ ■ e d to-poliee-Wednesday «ve- ^ K a t he Cfapy ^ 5

slight daAiage.

H ught Slashes 3 ■ariner Earnings o .'^ H r m , Tex.. July 3 (tf^-Texas

experiencing the worst ^ ^ B i t in the Btate'# history, reol- ^ H o mlUlon dollars less Incoi^e d a ^ ^ K t tlve months.£MflS3’'than' ! ^ ‘do ^^ H m ila r perfod of 1063,.H was d w

^ ■ u n iv e rs ity of Texas bureau of .research said 1053 farm in-

^ H r o m January through May o f ^ ■ a r WM 610 million dollars,'an ^ ■ c e n t decline.^ ■ -fo u r -y e a r -d ro u g h t-w h lc h - ^

tho southwest took a '^eavy ^

^ ■sBld lossat ^ f ra W'J 'n^

K d en fa S h if t:^ SB^raisel3%T?fost fS^^EHINOTOK, July 3 (A—Rep. from ^ ■ £ i m C D...Ida.,.r rldfty-pralaed- -stra«

Elsenhower's elevating .A S. .high compils^loner la.

to the rank of ambaasa*^

^ H u l d the change dm onstrates ^ ^ v 'e lo p ln s good relations be-

aijd.aemyinyj ad^:^ j t - ^ ■ l i e n e E sEcp is d lico n tin u o ^

post ol high 'com m lssig^ ' ^ ■ r e t u r n to normal diplomatic',

fc e a r in g S e t ~ i r^ ^ l lm J n n r y hearing for-E . V.

T yler-atreet—on -’»- — of removing mortgaged from WyomlnB wns je t

^ K n d a y when he w ai arralgnedIn justice court ^ ^

^ ^ ^ c l l was released'on his own^ ■ lance-pendtng'the-hearlngr- j

T lu and Labels. GLODE • ‘

^ ■ u l C h ris tian • P au la ■ j i o n d • C ecil Kftllowoy „»BEA5'TFR^^^^


^^^O T tgom cty-H B lena Cftrtw» tsth fin d er

Bf3"5u«.-4ifi»n«-8tiknierr H o r of the Crowd ■

H^OWiVCSt/iV/'^ ■ A t Its Most Excltln'o! )!._^ ■ o u ^ f -W o x * ^ —

^ ^ K L 4 :L C a Q o v A ^ o h a —----------

Annje" |

*: Magic,n - I-------------------- -— '• •' ■ . .........

~ — K®e y (14W K iw

» i®Ilz i s5 : / i » u_B4a llW Ctil to h ry w • _ jflj'u fiu*!^ M.

2i?2 «io6 »CDSWoT

iSP l a ‘ ";S :gs,”s•qa t U:00 JDloDtr B«!t Roundimrough » ! « Iilkho N*W1 ~ J ill V r n ^ ^vestl- irto-iCMt of ui» i»7 ' iM *oi». ,i>J

™ ed sii!

s , ■ i! s a ? i• ! 'H i j ; ■ iJO»T.mn

Uljlt BtlS C«wboys »t Iikha ralk l» Muilc Hd , U »»p; teunm.p ' M »nr^a“ !Tilands la itsH ^ r ,---------- - _ _ ‘W.m •cds“mmId., , -------------------------- ------------L__Is,eon ■ —

Fireworks,-Rodeo s»n ^Promise'Fine I

By T h e Aasoclated'TreM ------^CoMFirework*, rodeos, races, speeches, cludt

•water shows, and even a akl Jump- wresiF lng meet are on tap In Idaho Sat- sofeb

.orday as the Gem Btat« Joins the men . nation In celebrating the Fourth of RuH July.— ------- :?—---------------------— twoHif flsheitnen, the.llflh .ond be iiwhiiJ B«nfi department predicts tho best flrew

atream condltlom-of the summer.— —Th —A nd--the weather bureoii, np- mere

_ parently deciding tha t summer hoa test finally arrived In Maho. says I t nnd will be a warm, fair holiday week- bonk

TO# ~ , 0aI Some rodeos oiready are under cont<

-wayrHnircoeiir-d’Alene gets’ Its blB raclr Independence day week-end started «tam

<ve- ^ Id a y night w lth-a progrom fea- a pa: 'hev . turlng'Oov. Len Jordan as speoker.’ oWer

p -— 1- in_Sundfly_l»at_iaoes_nt^CoEiuL - v O

d ’Alene. — - • >vS Sen. Dworshnk. R., Ida., will I I

speak Saturday night in Boise Ja-jt if t* a '’“foro the American Legion puts N® I g S on a. fireworks display a t the fair- ^cct

grounds. ■ , ' I shorlworst Orangeville a torted ' paying Ita

annual tribute to the rugged early icome days of the Salmon river country- than' ^ Id ay , with Its three^day Border Ch was d»ys rodeo, stock car racing will be the

’ held nightly aoutl) of GrangevlUe. coasi -u Lewiston tradlUonally Ukes a ter.cs n in- M“t Jo_lt^::53E!h'’clty- across whlc

the river, Olarkston, wash., on In - audl _ .« n dependence doy, and Joins Its ce!e- Q{

’ bratlon. Featuring Snake River ,t»ti shlch- .days, Saturday will be .boat, races. Ame »if>air0 ^ ^ t parade and aquatic show mph

on the ;r ly e r .J l th fireworks that,' ■!.«

i’S 5 r^Bl>ecI*I.>aranonIe*- w f f l ' ^vSir oeiu’ Etubols to mark the grave of !^ ,

John Day, believed to be the only ° ° — - Jtevolutlona^—war—soldier—buried- p ~ "

, In Idaho, u . ' ' r • • In_addlllon to Hreworki nnd a___ ... boat.:parwle_on.Payettt.lake._iIc-_ ____fkQT ’ '■■1 " *>«LJ'!niplnE con- U O l its t. ,8now' w ill. b e , trucked down.-Rep. from -the mountains and-laid on a —al«d- itraw-base.-------------- ---------------------- — ^atlng . A fireworks dlspltfy will top' o f f ___

m ta , D oors . . 1 ^ ^ I l . y I 1

.Op n-ot .lt jg a j y j

S t A R T S SI^ . The Only Approved Coronation


------ - /y i th* thrilling V' . 'V ,j^ -... pomp and p 0 g «an |iy_ \ ' , • J

__ L — w lih gctual ' _jle r r > ^ ^ ^ ^ W e ih n in i te ^


l!l ^

^ - i^ l^ O U S _ C T t) W W 'J E W lg y

i. Valley Radio-Schji-— KEEP -: - l-K -m ^aat^F B

(1150 KILOCYCLES) (1210 KILO-99.7 MEG M ....„> „ii,o| a , ” j ; r . ;■' E i 'i i rK i?‘JJ ViM P * r^ ? «7llit* ■106 AlUa RoUi IlM xDltiab Sbon

Air -SUi xEddI* rUhtriM SlnilDi Aatrleans SiSO sCUrtoo UUarISO »Mr. ifwa - * - - - - - » ;00 xO»« «»«•» -raall/*»-rN«*ir .......... ............#its riB»i K»w.“ ■lU -»IM-«OBT-lieabu<l«-:-----

ioo *01)3 WorM l l lU iM m ”iW W«tura Kouadup. . 8ATUIU)>T.. .

-;00 •G“ Sd“c»nlr«t SUUoii • *iJS Drl^Ml'Edllia?*''

;I J 6'eIeeJi M«rr liOOill.Nvvitwatj. Hkiktti 10 iM Ilftw4x Deed/Ifto •niv« Iixi TaU ItM HaMr C e»v .1*0 *ThMl*r ot T M ir f t - -

U ili Tam.Joantl« ;“w / m. mL Im i5 ? ^ **“ ®'“

:oo W««i«rn lilt Paridi ■ tM sNDO Brmphonr .la tn rsT o p T in - - « im xN*wi rand*ICK) •C«Bt Abut i1( Blz..tl{tMa EdIUontJO •Tarun US U .' V. Bajrid.sigss.”.!;-" 3s;sr«' <!i.'"-o'i%‘ sa.,!* ;s:u-.“ .....

— - jS lM y T in i^ H r a i - -

lodeos^-Fishuig- - fii' i iiiejdaho Holiday ^' ^Caldweli's celebration'.*whlcli .la-

eenes, eludes a band concert, boxing and SAlump- wrestling show, Jolopy races and a A pUSat- sofeball game between business- the c

s the men and fanners.:. • • . ucts"th of Rupert's annual rodeo opened It^ Boise

two-day sEana~yriaay.'“There will' noUnI. and be ioo t races, softbaU games and Plpel:I best fireworks a t Shoshone.-_____ . ----------Th(m er;. -T h e -Ju n lo r-.O h am b erra f-C b ia - Tooii

ap- merce will sponsor a ' f l ^ n g con- whJclr hoa test for youngsters af.Ifflho Falls, jtaiuys I t nnd set off fireworks on the west of niR-eek- bonk of the Snako river. • lind

Osgood will > iv 6 'a horse-pulling under contest. Drills by riding groups,IsblB racing;-calf--wplngr'fiTwsed-pIff- arted stampede, Model T Ford mCB’ and

fea- a-parade ore among the attracttona ” ‘’'1joker.' offered a t Salmon. . » ^ ydr&- • - ■

Coeut- Company4qXarigr-[s, jii On Voice Program S

puts NEW YORK. July s 'W - d in e r a l Th.fair- ^ectrlo-company plans to,resum e locat

short wave''^roadcasts from San more; Francisco which were dropped ,^rom Junij early Voice-of America sponsorship last untry-ibrder Chester H. Lang, vice president of ourlU be the company, said several west rsn vlUe. coast universities iiavo Indicated In-es a ter.cst In thklrtg part Hh- programs, .hon'icross which wm-be-dlrected-at uhlvBrtlty -0=15 n In - audiences In the far east.cele- General Electric had operated the ton.

station. KGEI, for the Voice of ------races, America since 1M2 until the govern-

meht discontinued It Jun'o 37. ' _

V Af‘ selcet programs and adviseonly ®“ -Prcaentitlon problems.

’„ ? a I ■ - N O T I C E ! - . . 1 JJic-: __ — WXGENER_______ IS i — COPPBE-SHOP - I„n n - W I L L B E C L O S E D "

E H Q S i5 S U N D A Y !I Coronation FUm In Full Colorl ‘ ^ .•.— T UEBDAYl At Regular PrleerZT________ ^

S H n S j j f f l r a

w B m k :

Olivier / > iANK e » G * N m T I O N ^ ^ n l » - l M - f ------- —

s i ^ a m m t e -


-Schj dides - &KBI0-E = —

:,0-»9.7 MEG,) . . J.H13M TO.bCYCa^5)_ . _ . _W A T . __ . . r a iD A iL ;. ............:mq S^IUsb ' S^'HEVatilnc 7!l<t,llM hoUse KM 7100 •Om|» ana .llarrUt hold a

: S “ ' ! i : ,r i? /k L X -rUhtr BlOO Gu«t Star fOrcsti

0 UUtjr ly s llaadllti* Edition u,_

■ ” 1 " . i hi ’c,----------r - r r r — u iu k u a t ----------w r m

....... ' !S?S3S,V“Si‘-'"“Wornlac ?i»o U n k to Wak« Yoas. clalnu

.tTMti)ck • TilS •llartlB AsrenilcT 20 aciVkllty AktI.. - - T;IO HsnlDS Edition N*waa tl Edition Tits Ut»J« for BrMkfaat 'r f ih a w e ria :’ "sijo •No'^soKBBT-TOay--- ^ -nncreu t EdltloB 9U0 «8pan Patnl of clo

Oeod/ ........11:M Miuleal rootnotca - "inster C e»v ^ .......... .l f .» JUIajr Quli KUmm

. ‘’i?oe-c,M.V-K<.'r«.h»,^=^ ll»hnKtell ef BlU lilo Banka,(or Donda tures,Bmphonj . SiJO iSn£n"coMm Sl»d!o.1 rarad* 2 l«5.Fafcli»Uiur nhyUua ne ea tMs EdIUon S.-00 Una Haa CartlrU He i« V !;!SSf.?= ■

.. . t i SSi^ _______

- - - lOi s Pl*aiur«*Tlm»'

~ fiikels-Elanned— lay I" P>>rP™du<ite- K , Z Line’s Capacity{ and SAL'f LAKE c m r , July 3 (fl— and 1 ind ft A plan to Increase by SO'pcr cent Nlel Iness- the capacity of the petroleuhi prod- for th

-ucts line from Salt-Lake City to deten ed'lt^ Boise, and Pasco. Wash., was an- rates, i-wlW n o U n c 'e a - t^ ~ lv “ the—S iflfT ia e - -phont I and Pipeline'e'cxnpany.' was I• .T-The-company plans-to spem Ltl,- * C om - 700,ooortotcfroct-ihe;increaMd'ioadr —‘Hw

con- which will be accomplished by in- sen a Falls, atolllng now pumpa' ond 40 miles II any west of new line between. Adams, Ore.. to cul

lind Pasco and five 13,600 barrel The ulllng tanks a t Boise. , . slon'C■0“^ ' - —Tho-ilna-wiU-deUvor-iajOO.barrala .On-:< . of petroleum per day to BQlsa-frem c ^ P '

Solt.Lftke..Clty and,23W ) barrels ordw per d iy from Boise to^asco.-' ■ . ^ “ d‘

The company said the Une. which ‘-------- ■sciiea,iBfliieiles lii- Uie Salt-L ia y •• r V - vaUey, is needed to take-care of T\ ‘■V— Tna''ea46d*-anipmeDU-to'the--3acific- —r r : Q -m northw est,; 'southern Idaho and a i t l northern .Utah. Knod6neral Tho new pumping station will'be esume located , a t HunUngton. Ore., and ; Son more pumps will be Installed a t ,irom Juniper, Ida., and Baker, Ore.

P laat --------------------------- had iMOVE TO SHOBnONE . the li

ent of SHOSHONE, July 3 — Mr. and ©th Mrs. 0harleaTl8h and family. Bore- PranV

“ man, Mont., have moved to Sho- other 5™"*- shone. He has been employed os and 3

ogfIcu»urar'ln5tfuctbr"dt the local---------high school, replacing William Wes- Fee

ed the ton. . . . Glob«Ice of -------jvem-


i ' W a r n e r c o

___VMCTKrm ct '.-nuiNK tovt^ - -------- =

~z ~=—^O t«=«5F = S j! t^* - \ ■ B E S T P j C T l


M iauutvnccii

! j S I

=== . =FTRST=3H0FSATr=l & _= |t ------------—

■K ■ ' „ „ „ „_ ______ 1 _ - 1 _ S T A R T S S U N

^ -The^moivThe^

3 . ’T ^ j p i N - ' p A I J B r l D A H O - - - ^ ^ " -

1, H earin g s Set Gi" M f j g a ^ o ' f " ' S I ~ “ M iffingX iS d

' ............WASHlMQTON;-i;July;;3_-.(tB-jitS , « .wIM house agncultitt*-com niitteo-w in *■

hold ft lieartng next week on leglsla-; tion to crack down on perMns who **'* bo>r«* suke oiit mining clahns In national «*“« »

foresta for summer homes and tlm - io^se.’?____ ber. operations.---------------------- . the CkioH----- O halrm an^in^rd-IV -H gpeT rtr. 'eampcl

T 5 f r im d H n tro a u S a ^ o = b l ( f tW i ^ =the* committee will take testimony

_ The bill would -revcke tho lu rfaca ’p S ownership rights, of holders of the

■ Yoos. claims, which mav include im to !M1_ 20 acres. . ■■■

•kfm -Hope said th e re ,^ aa been an ' | |

of cloims w h l^ hinve "no m e rlf for “ - ' mining. T he clalnu ar« located g i 3tca - "instead -for- the eonatructlon of J U

summer homes, commercial eaiab- ll«hnHnt«'and‘ tlmllar.prlvate'.Ten-.

^a tures, or are obtained Ktlely -for the H e. J, ^iilue of the Umber on. the tnct,**

s . i s ; i n » w . ■]»]• He eald a t least 70,000 clalma have H

been filed in naUonal foresta and in ,0B Bome areas the "publlo use of forest ^ 9----------- areas-Is-being serloualy-Interfered_______ wlUi.’' • ________ ■. p „ ij , "

RateflikeBoosts--^ ■^------ Statels Phone Bill i

BOISE, July 3 liTi—State AuditorC f S ___ j|^P«.NielBon_rcported..today_that t

----- th a.bUl for.aUte-telephone« in BoiseI P I t V '< 11 be lncreased'by >M7A3 k month * V * V under-M ountain-. States Telephmie ^

3 (fl— and Telegraph j»mpany's new rates. 'Iv; 3cx cent Nielson, who is' making » survey tH : lin prod- for the state board of examiners to City to determine the effect of the now

was an- rates, said tJie bill lor stote tele- II—u a e ' ■phones ln‘^ 1 8 0 tmder the^oid'rata jfiiK was *3,779.18' a month. Under the

end-»l.- *^d, it,wjll_b« «,387.«d 'ioadr ” T liBrsnn'8y'U ^ihgrm «ie.--N eil«i by in- sen said, to determine how many,10 miles tt any, telephones can be eliminated _ IS, Ore.. to cut down, state expenses. g) barrel The Idaho public utiliUes commli- 9 0

slon'denled'M ountaln s ta tes a mll- j.borrela llon-dollar. rate Jncrcaee,„ but_tho _ A . i Isa-from company obtained-a dlstrlot court

honels order to enable i t to IntosOso rates•0 , , , pending a resludy by the PUG. A --------e which scheduled S ept 0;

Jj)eatiJ8eiiortf!d_ ~,0 and RICHFIELD, July 3 — GusUve - jl i ,

Knodel has revived word of the .iii-K . death Of his slsUr, Mrs. Anna Cham- -

r« B.?H berlaln Browlngton..70..at the home .1 »iiL< »► of her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth u ied a t srown. Melba. An early day resl-

dent of ^Ichfldd, Mrs. Brewington had made her home in Boise for .

ifE , - the last 30 years. _ CMr. and Other survivors .Include a son,.y, Boze- Frank Ohadiberlaln, Boise, and two . . . to Sho- other brothers, Ed Knodle, Rupert, oyed as and 'E m il Nnodle, Quinn, S. D. . < •he local----------------- ---------- - r r “ — -im Wes- Feed Bagler M a ^ for profit.

Globe Seed and Feed C o.-adr.

, .. ; i "



f= SS»ff^O #E R 'S==^= - s i ST PICTURES - rm

1COOPEli7 iO R E n O T l“ “ 1

>K9 C | m i J jo f ie ^ 1

:/■ fiinkSully''' ■ '■ M


CART0Q>>rPUU3 -- ■'" ‘ lEGULAR SHOW _

iRTS SUNOAY > ’ 7 ^ T h e V ^ m o s H i v i i c H ^ n

■ . • • 7'- ; ■ ' ■ - I- ' .

t Game-Reported Ihas beo- - 7 - ; rTha-tlrst-Boftbatt-Bninr ^ t ' - ^

j O I . PbIU ond Jerome chapters of the Loyal Ordor-'er Uie'Moose'at'Uio

and f I]•(DJ-jitS '■ ^ t .waa annotmced ;that.-proceed8tteo -win ^ram' the benefit danoo of the Twin B m Bn leglils. rails lodge held Saturday night T]ions who ^^1 ^ presented to Camp.Flre offl- I __naUonal «*“1» “t tl»e July M meeUng of the -711--; and tlm- lodge. The money ^11 bo used for „ ____ . the Comp Fire Olrla permanent

: = = =^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S S S S S S S

j wrtace ^ S J I | J . I .■ r r — ^ra of the ItV an

been an k J /% \ i /T ENDS ’- r N O W ^ t ^ T . m . . T ^ ^

KUon of : R o m c ""1 iWBal eaiab- invrHTIIMImte-.Tca-. :T-A-Hy-forthe |H K ? ^ 3 i r . j t b h a d f i i * l i A l le tnct,** JAGK

C A ]of forest


"— “ ^ ST 5.(sts---e-BiUit AuditorKiiy_that, - f as in Boise .•■ f y y f j f yI 'k month

“the“ n w — B i a o o - n i T ------- — Atote tele- "STOLEN IDENTITY**

trtlffDoiSiia^ukaW^rdiaaCamdob --------

b« «i387* _ide,--NeU« njw many,

J E R O B il— ■e s a m U - ^

:*-‘b55S- r A u t o - T h e a t r e - - -iiiso rates ■ . ■ , .I PUO. A — ■„ i iM-dSeptO. F R I . - S A T .

J ----------Twin BUl----- —d ^ ^ ^ h e ' MonaPteemaa

S f S THUNDERiBIRDSKennethM , «■» .. , .

_^Crazy O.rer Hones9 a son, . ' •., and two T h e -B o w e ry Boys :, Rupert,

I.,!cARTbON-.-SHORT^~ _ -It profit. ~

adr. ,= = -t- SUNDAYl A Y - ^ H J A W A T H ^

W L : ■

H W r : ' t T i i ' i u r w a y — - ^ — i

- a c r o » » - ~ - ^ ' '-'J‘ ■ the ;

^ A S f l e a n ^ n d a ^ - —

A | = t^ h and«V.v =jM-.^ = - . kneel J-.

- ^ e U iM L u ^ n l. _ _

— - _ ;._i

ts _

’ " ^ ■ ' ■ * ~ s ta r t^ - -------- - ■ _

— ^ S U N D A Y !•' Dooa O p « »t 12i45,

(■ a ^ ^ ^ believed the h o t dog, 'whleh ■ ■ IC M . ' hM b e ^ e^a favorlto foodl t t ^ i ^ ^

» of the f l i R

= j « m ia."S-‘ NOW paying ,11 f llermanent M*C*M'»bi vKstloB-tln».nt>,*icdlj.I J S S

= SDSN'GERQTDS^ M ^ " 'W H E N 'V E T ^ m

I. ®- ItVa Tefrasblng plua e iBto'Fua' and Remsaee, Sesgt aod SllaxUyt .

Colof by TECBNlCOLORt MADK ram t . ALB

HC ” : : M L i l A M l S . - 'n U K l JERNANEK) *

m^ C A R S f f l ^ ^ . ; |

^ — -^^:--^ARE DAri l p _ _ S 3 a T ’S:MQEE_WE'-D-L; * * • AROUND FOE A.FEWBitre- - —

r :



There's Lots of Way: »«es right here atbys - - *—

Take the Fine J3RIVE-— -.-'for Instance— i -

.;----- Drive Out Eijrly i- Your Horn Loud Ai

------- ~ :-(N o .;l .o w -A sa lra t--n K r t> rJ^ - .

_ FRir icitM M .!

- PLMS: iggpgggflj]

| M ; s t a r t i n g SUNDA

----------- S a m r r i ^ ^ l N O E P E N 0 EN£

T I h is u a y is D e d i c a t e d . at H j j H ' O u r U nsw erving A lle g ia n c e

. T IO N , O U R F lA G ^ O U R W

C ^ ^ B l • • • BTOftV O y'.^siD g- ' ,• - m N D E B " ARIZONA'S t .g

• '^jlY grgR IpU B .. OUTOAWr ^

— r - .............................. . BRIN G :-A 'P IC N IC - |^ - V- - visrr ouR SNAi

:t ’wIB B I I :/ ::.X S A F E ..A N b '- ’ ' £ . K i t l S t t

■ i i i i i H

•g.'vhieh ^ j S S S j S S S B ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


—« K o ia tn u o s ( :» A i{ X i l io a i^ ^ ^ |


P L use D k i v f ^ ^ H - - C A R E F U t i V | . / ^ ^ J

irn L o u d ^ You,


NDEPENDENffi^S^^^e d i c a t e d . a n d P r o u d l y R e o f f i m ^ ^ ^ ^ f ing A lle g ia n c e to T h is O U R N A * .•lA G ^ O U R W A Y O F blFE! '

SONA-S _ tlUTIAWl TBUg ST O ay O P .O J i : ;C s ^ ^ B

Page 4: K T h x e e E jm 'e d .a RussiaiK i S S i Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · He said ,hV»r'^ the bed'sldesTorthlftruck were tom- “f off, but most of tho damage

- ■ - SITOAY,

)emonsfeati^H7G rv ie ra<pM ^ BSHOSHO^, jm, n tlO D .o n hot Tcn.meinbera ot Uu B club at a m eeU n e-n vZ j^ ^ H ■noon, a t the hocne rbbam . S r U t l c B . . a e i ^ l ^ ^ l le ^ ^ o t u t r a t ! o Q - 1 ^ 2 ^ ^ ^ H

htu*day-nl«ht'at-th(«der.'Mrs. WUilun..........................................U b~w B iai.J illg .!cft.y will hoM arldajr >t the h m e l r ^ j T ^ Hisen.T h o ^ w h o r & n ^ td . i , i« t ..v ee )( Included

OQ wag praTided by


r tu nn r.. butUr. l.r^'

•iiw.-Kln*»JnnT'i— run. turn. tlltJU;

uioiu, ti.co:IiloDJ. tT-M: MounUU SuimvT'^^ ^I

li5i.£L"».&.”. 5 V »r ^ l l C«.. drati. tn.lL ’’ey'*.' Itje.. r»p«lr.'linii?^i}!‘ ^ B teCor, hoUM r ts t .- ll9 M ,J [J ^ ^ I ItutMyr-pWlilon..- II.M:

n i i l l P i r f ' s i r ^ . mlth, tardtacr. 119.»;

‘ S H8hM<*li'» Utlll(7 farriu. W ^ B

ircrrljl«nt. i a v ; SeeU't

.raYftlenf, III.W: TS^hSi^^^l taplUl. Indent CCPMM. n u ^ H iTtr; Twin Fallt Cmalr E n S ^ ^ H iIUIIuUm ot ltuK(<aU, l u S ^ ^ B

IH .U ; ValUd Aai«nMt«Kin Urm. IU.19I UalM

ilortutrr. BtnbuUtic*

W«*d endlC4Uon tUlw end' wiTTtntr-ar4«n4'(n«iJwr#e# 4# (ollowii —'

Buhl HtrdKir. tt4

S 'i 's A r 'K 'l l iW -a *:onnelI|'. w t(u . U4.ll; Cl» V i^ ^ H

li.04l Cantlnftiul Oil C«,I4.1t: i . W. cummiw. KL

iW.4i:-i<uh» Dtpt. s u n U ^ Hd'*lw

s r r . ’i S n s ^ . i s ^ H

IIm 'o S'U4.1&I E. K. Turnir. uL

riVtr“ iT*H.Phillip MeEw«n. «•<«• Hlll«f-wM *t.-UM -M i.M a!!*J^^l"^*oX*virD«*vSi*r^BDit l lc . lu l , «M 9f MH.M tnd n r m t ww

K = ‘S S ! 8 .“S *md-wArnnt otdtnd A n U l ^ H lliarMf. —------- Treiuft ■ W. t m . U s n j ^ ^ M

LInnH far Uii UU

RolCRilloni ot

S I , “ S iS -

i r H i i i H s E ' i M

’ wilisUI.

Idkho. for thi

’ m iU C A S . Will"

s Z r - z i r s - i a j ^ M


i i j ’ l»

m i l tm ^m *nu u


.. ..C o m n U tlsa tf .P j^ K ^ :^ ^ ^ !J>]inmliilanir ,^Ro«Un. builnw*

*-^W . BTIVEM.

^ W A S H Sn n p % p - r natlaa inia W |p T < H » y«l!^- U«ly,jrt(lirUi«*et at M«reh »<-l»7».- ^EUcnhow

B l l | ^ - a r-K A iirrpA T A B t8 m - *°v * ^ « c t ~ - ~ - - ^ r - -Vf ',■ - :J_*<_ _'~ . ...

o (^ U pip*r portutaV lo S.6. MilO»nd»h(rCode.-

III",: "“SSfoSgyA’Sf'Sc™. S S 'Sm n ^ — m ito tu ia tr tr t .a .n r r .n c iK o .c i lr .__________

I ® " “TSfW'pROPOSALa • 'S S k ”i M s S H i t o r .T a l t , . s I t t l n B .o n - t h e . s l d e l ln o a In - mR still is exerblsing his influence In con- resards i nfflSlW'for moderation and common aenae. Hla- u me tij PP*1Sst-proposahlIorZthe-i6rfflga-ald. bill, aro, _r.lP|_qr «! a i : ® a t v e to . - ............... ' , ■S j lS e n io u se haa passed an authorlzatloh ai»is •w&#^re->that—would—arbltrartliF—withhold- -ingion-h UlflllS western Europe a bUllon dAlara In mill- °Ja | a a l d until the 8tx_natlonn slgnnt/iry to- ^ yffliTroiSean defense pacFall.ratify it. Only ;' The w w Germany thus far. haa. done that. . Uona foiftS ¥§!ftrunderstandinr that-forelgn policy- ^!?indc BflUttlot be wielded like adub , proposed that, qi encln ijffitidont Elscnhower'be glwn dtscretloKaryl Ha-hsi i S i ^ ' f ^ r to withhold fmids until EDO Is a rcpl-

evident expectation la that tho-Presl- be| 5 | f ^ would choose not to withhold the money, never be y H t^ o i^ ’thlnlc we should make this a com- **« M g >ry .thing,” the senator said. TiESPt» v ^ r h l » ' - v o l o e - c a r r i « » ^ e - w e l B h t - i t - a l w a y s - .aponaibu W i|4|then perhaps the senate-'wllUtrlke.Xrom- ffllR&ouae bill the “do-lt-or-elae” provision,

many foreign affalra experts believe la then in Hiyuri unlikely to accomplish Its goal, anyway. i

Wnr.n>lnTiH h n v .. r^Prlflrori| | | l a r w U l support the se^ndte's ^6 i3 1 8 .0 0 0 ,0 0 0 - triaty I fllB g n aid authorization—‘a flguri 320 mil- ^jffllMfdollara higher than the.house, bill and IflW i^ million doUars of Mr..Elsenhower’a ment. t )

W iM ls .‘important measure will be watched (Sir.w® whether these .two key senators-are0| i^Bto take :the bulk of^their GOP colleagues nUt trea

; j f e In backing It, or whether doclaive aup- no awok; :W w111 havo to come from the Democrats, «eent (|b '<?□ the housei_aepubl{cans voted 110 to 81 nhurehn

minimum bill, while Dgroo^rata voted in om

yUj& fics as thumplng_GOF 8upport-.t^an

| | H ^ knows thla sort of thing Is not calcu- ^r^iy HHM 4 ft-galn-for-thB-admlnlstratlon^he _st&- n i|H |lt needaif the Republicans are to retain Mmfr hold on congress ne?t year and on the - ^HBftldency in 1956. Positive achievements has a u;

______:______ ___ ; .{^Pi> '«li^ w i c e thelf o'wn' poUtlc4 fiit.tire is at stake ^ th e nJmWir" cases, the la^ ak ers’ grudging con- u unkie nlAWon' to thla necesslty^ls puzzling,' It was Aa ux jljIift&rMldent's-p6puJarlty,-not^thelrs,-whlch- -jros.brei Plljfflattested in the 1052 election. Politicians *" iHlsfi - . - b u t -times have aide tuk K^Kagisd. - P lltd : -tMiBwadays, jnany~aliaU6nai'law'thak'cr ap- dHMros l ^ t not oTtN riding the Presld.ent's for's j M W f i n p h a n t - 4 » a t t a l U , - b u t - o a l t r y l n g ^ ^ Jteu .fnw i R H u Into a ncuse about his own ncck.. ^ J J

BHw' COMFORT|5^a"«iplte Mrrie protests from clothing a c c o k B^Hjptniea-ovet^lhe^new-departmenb-ofTrom^ -min-whi Bfillip* order .Whl?h permits male employes to ^H»gr-'*neat shortaleeved ahirta-^thout_ tlea-

At worg*.on_hot summer days, other latmtonHgtotr agencies are -following suit. aseney c w R m e department of labor has modified its The u 5IHmiaUonB to permit such dress—but only In privUese ^W Ves which don't have u r conditioning. “"'L'"*’ nnltt n a ^ la Issulng.the s{une kind of an order P l i Bta'non-alr conditioned offices outside the u B B n itg o n . . - - 'gfa«3tBHftcordlng to old-time personnel officers. the quai iM a n d town, there never been a regula- trespnAi M H saying government eihplpyea couldn’t' b9*@t sport shirts to worfc In the summer If liliSBS' v ^ te d to. It has Juat become a tradl- iijfffl for male government workers to wear ftinuiatit lijjhigular shirt and tie. all summer. It has future. i H {|H i^some of tho boldei' employes who have the verg ‘iylEched various attempts-ovcr the _y_ea.rs_ _,soaie ,

{ j ifE S le during mshlngtonio-dog-days.------- 1i H i C n e p e r s o n n e l e x p e r t h a z a r d s , ' t h o g u e s s ,{ i j g j ^ a U i t w o u ld t a k e to g e t o f f i c i a l W t ^ h l n g - | ; ” c h t

i | ^ d - ^ l ^ f o ) i ^ e - P r q f l l d e n t i H o - = a ^ — TiTKinsome day In that ccutume. . . 'national

M B p t here ih the west, men long since Jiave ‘nt n K e n ■ the' ahackles_ of old, conventionalIHniftoess. so far as wormr-we.ither attire is i t appM

P ||g ,; |i f in a l ly is g a in in g h la freed o m . u ij <" - - ' " -Sfrtoualy.

l l p ^ : '.cbNQUEST AT’ISSUE , S '™ ‘ nNlfC se e m s a g r e a t p ity , t h a t th e re m a rk a b le ihe'-sttfci

f titijuest o f M o u n t E v e re a f o n M ay 29,'s h o u ld ’ the prot h a v e Docotne the ' s u b je c t of -cohtPO -"

iffiy In India a n r elsewhere. . . • 5S;“ v“KEne, d e b a to ,c o n c e m a th e q u e s tio n w h e th e r BfflNew Z ea lan d e r.. S ir E d m u n d H illa ry , o r executed |M c o m p a n lo n , T e n s in g , th e .. -S h e rp a 't r ib e s - lorMtry-

i | m n , f i r s t o n -E v e re s t’s su m in lt . T e n s in g J*][ M& b« was a .low Atei».ahead,:.but_expc!lb. jNBR le a d e r s s a y H illa ry le d th e ^ a y . . stackmoa}fl|a th~e~btbcr. argup^<»n» '•> T<>n.sinp in umpif ir} |M |t lz g n ~ o f~ ln d la o r .Q f- tin y_U epa l.' a n d - th i s ]M | : f e f c i ; e a l l y--faog g e d d o w n ln.:cbnfu^o~n~V-' - |H H d tX i ''c d n ^ o v s r8 te 5 'o u g h t t o ‘b e ’d ro p p e d ' ^ ' | | « ^ wl6hT-^ e -p o in tg - a t - ia s u e - r e f le c t p e tty,- -Trr if.im7||yian ututmies, mid can mily mmish-thirt l f f i ^ ^ ^ l c e n r - n c l i l D y e r a e n f o f - g G t t l n g t h e r e , or m o r e . I K a t '^ a o e s I t - m f t t te r , w h o '^ w a s f i r s t ? T h e wl | f » n t w a s t h e - p r o d p c V o f c lo s e t e a m w o r k r [SfTOc^ et j ^ t h e r c o u l d h a v f l ^ a d e i t w i t h o u t= th e o t h e r . i ;«a!ous.p: T j f e h e - n c x t - ^ h m o o i T k h d w , ^ e ’U b e l i s t e n - ' by many

t o a . h a a s l e . a b o u t . w h i c h b r a n d o f c i g a r -

ffi8ther.:.thBy .'tasted % ld er I n ^ o ’ 29.000-'atmosphere. ‘ . . n-n'ier. jo


r;WASHINGTeai—Tho-curKnt-.pMllwnent4U7-atag-= - r r = r ^latloQ In both. Britain and France glvea Dwight David ^ 1-1 (Ueenhowcr th i chance lo become the geperaUuUnp k../l,XV.idTllfiSclot w w est«m 'stm tcgy-8g tfln st-R uasla -in -r------- r -----fay th a t not even'PDB cnjoyed-arter thc defeat of

.’O 's Hitler, o r Truman after the con- * —Japan. _ Sjvia:

W Jth-Slr-W lnaU ni-Chm chlll ^ n ea r Pol Ircttrejnent and ^ m l e r .guqday-i

P realden t h a a I t In’ .hl3l T > ' Poww“ to ' 'a e v l i r - n e w - M ^ bolde.r ^

UtcUcs In tho cold w ar, a n d to In - «nrb «*»■ - th c lr -a d o p u o a by o u r - . < X

K ' . A ^ I " I K E - h I a d y T O ' A SSE nX WD IM 6EC F—" Ik e - haa been adviicd

— iuy-T».fc»f— :liy- aey e ra L tg g re « lv c ly .jn Jn a E a-« » lzJ \v « S oi itora, by experts In th e a tftte deptirVm ent a n d by h,.ripokeamcn for several fo reign gioupa Jfi a a se rt h im - S“ , ' i i leir m ore positively du ring UUa ln te rlm . I t la-posslble ^ , ,T„„ h a t n o -m a y do so In a naUonw lde ad d ress o r - ln a ' ipeclal o ie ssaze to:congrc£s:durtnff-dIscus»lon -or’ thB- pending fo re ig n ,a id JjlU. S"? ..-.iilacnliQwer h a s been Irked b v th e Europearui’ In -' ilfltence on making- a deal w U hU i® r td s , w hich ho - regards a s appeasem ent. W hereas h e lee ls th a t now , s th e tim e to apply con tinu ing prcMUro aroup.d th e *. j°°< •Im or thff-eem Tnunlst-em ptre; In xletf~qT~tHF^ ge^ ~ t~ J*rrola.'lHey a tlll Ihlhic In 'te rm s o7 p f a c e f u l 'i e lU e m e n t ' ,^ n

A U lS FOB TIGHTER ENCIBCLEMENT— Wpsh- l^ c n T ® ^lnglot>-had-been-pr«parlng-forrth»'new-«n(S-a«oond------.phase' of the cold wor oven before the antU Ruulan nhmaulhreaka rntnrirti.rt tfH h-r’Jiii»^Knii. M.w.< .............. ..aesses,- MUL the. ctUU-ln-Parls.---------- --------------------aon’t-k n o '' The White Houae had reoueated.larger.approprla- Uona for economic and mllUary aasUtance tn WeatiO ennany..lhB ..M edltm andia.area,.the. m ldd lo ..east._____i___and Indo-Ohlnn. "Ike” alma to draw Uahtcr the noose '0I.enclrclmienl.___________________ __________

Ho-ha.t. however.-met resistance from London and Dear ro t.. Paris, which feared to provoke Moscow. Indeed, tho _ Bermuda meeting would have developed Into a show-- down between these conflicting vlewpolnta. Now. aa- one who. ' never before, ••Ike" can climb Into the-drlver’a seat,- home—I.J1 If he darea. ' , , • Hansen.

RE8PONSIBILITIEB HEAVIER—Elsenhower's re - .iponslbUlly beccniea n il the heavier,--aa-hc.ap'gt'&ra-ta_____ ^>VHEIreallzo, because ot his campaign condemnation of Dear OenI hirprea6ce4s0r!r-jurrendtra-t0“lhe*Kremlln.'at-Yalta- -O n o - o f - and Potsdam. But Roosevelt and Truman were not of living 1 then In the position tha t he is for defying and chaU country la lenging Russlar-and for forcing our allies ta llk e 11, of-ataters,

FDR gave concession's In tjie far east, to S talin -at they vUlt. y«U«-ln-retum-for-thB-latter'9-ijromlie-to-6crap-hisT - '- p e ’rbBpi triat'y with Japan and attack her a fter-aerm im ys - aU the wi defeat. Mistakenly, the late President thought tha t ahone fall Russian reinforcement would bc needed. T rum an,- come'out a t Pot.idam, felt that he had to renew th a t aRrce-- over plcli ment. Then, too. both believed In Stalln'a-pledges of cation mspoBtwai coojMi allow----------- - — —:----------- ;—;------------- rtT»»-NJai

• • • lake IhetOPpORTUNIXr TO E X IllB rr tEADKRSniP— ahona fa)

But "Ike" has. no Illusions on the score of coinmu- hnnhs o nlst treachery and ,ilnl8ter,purposa>r.,CTna31y. he-hds - -trleklea - no awe of red might, and never diar'fcven before wat«r. VI recent dlscloaures of Internal wcaknea.ies. Ho has Impreaaed been prored m ore.correct In h!a estimates than Of cour Churchill or hla Biiropeon colleBRUes, fishing If

In awumlng thU new role and aelalng the oppor- ference be tunltyr-Presldent Elsenhower ■ also will exhibit the Our onlj traits which Tmdoubtedly led millions to vote for down la-tf him la.n fall—courage, determination and leadership productlvit In the war .between dletator.ihlp and demowacy. downundei Largely due lo Hla domcjtic dlfflculUes, there has ahd scare been somelconcern over the-degree of hla political:, on-the outruggedneas.—":------------------------------------- ------------------- -dnror’the'

■ • • Ifou knoTINKLING CHANDELIER—Vice P rejldenfN lxon Ho* ‘he t

has a unique reason for appreciating the trust andrc?po«Mlbimy_yhjch_jaflffih^ _____ ____beauUful crystal chnndellJr in his office reminds him or the do-nothJag. character .of-hlt.no3t ^very .lime 11 Unkle.i. ■ ■ FA.M

As the V..P. lella the story, the chandelier, which •*. . . An Vra».broucht_fromjrfanc£-by-Thomaa-Ji»xr«r»onA-oncaJ Ji*»e-tiraH ^ n g In the Pruldcntlal study. lUi tinkling disturbed • •TOR nnd he ordered that It be reinoveQ. When an ___

where It ahould'^be placed.- Rooge;^]j,*j^^- -----------

-"Put It in the xlce pre.ildenfs office. He h a i 'n o th - ’ -’LEGALing 'to do, 11 will keep him-awake."— z.--------------------- ■— •—^

FDR’a three number two men—Oarner. Wallace. Tay.pi!\rfcn.ci^r-necdc[ljniythin.r-in ifP^n th>.m «»av,.t notick i


According to word, from Washlpgton.-western stock- nMn-who-grawrcattle-and-ahee^ clH Ul^'nmionai 16f - '.ests are going to modify their demanda fol- new >lghts. liJd Vp«ifi«

At tho present time thOS< gtrw.trtti»n g«> X^»ntr-AAat*He-of-chenp'forage on the'forests. The forests, how- h 'Jh ; '^ i '« ' ever, aro In ful|-contrDl-of-th6-T7.-5."fore4t5i'fvlciria- a^ln-K lK j agency of the department of agriculture.

The forest service allows stockmen io have m zln g nJ?i«r'. efi- prlvUegea Just aa I f allows regulated timber cutting . t''* '?>’<> and • hunting and fUhlng in these publicly ott-ned SU i’’ jSlTrV are»«, • ~ . . ' ' |j?iu «/• ti■ ThoM privileges are. of neceaslty. 'subject .to fo ro t service JurUdlctlog As long aa foreatj «rw,.nnt, over- No. 4U. T- graaed to cause eroaion. as long aa stockmen keep up »the quality of their stock and as long aa'they do not p<'!< ‘h trespnAi on range not assigned to them, tho privileges hw’fi'aro continued.year after -year.-------------------------------- thiii Mttr-i

If the prrvlleEe holder sella hr^ rnnnh nr hl»- herd, u'furiiki! ? the forest service normally Is'wllllng to trarufer-tho ptrformme* gradng permit to the new owner-aometlmea with a a tlpulatlon'that fewer animala may be grasid In the' bi>i<i«r »w.1 future, beeausc-much forest-land. Is conatanUy on • yufinio»u the verge of being overgrazed._.So»ne fltockmenrhave.had grazing prlvllejea for bi>~ long-thatr-they-have-eom e-to-feet-thBt furest forago l i H r r ^ r ^ belongs to tlietn by right. They want to decide lor . Th'» »"'-v themselves how many animala to ‘grate, .They, want. ^ p i ,* id -^ grailng prlvllfl8c.i turned Into permanent lejal-rlglfla' tion to »i«rt which they could sell or leaae.or bequeath to su it ' tnetnseives, - •' an4 t« w»ivc

national .fore!st% e ^ s t w l ^ n wrote a bill which h a s - been Introduced In both houses of- congress._pppo;_ -3m

the stockmcii are .■said to be willing to-‘'compromi»e.". - , '.NOJ I f appears they would be willing {o settle for a law m thb I’Ri which-wquld allow'them-to gu Into the^ourt to chal- r^TA.■S^o^lenge-admlnistratlve-deelBlons-o^the-forasC-^ervlee'.-^------

I t Is obvlou.i that- any such "compromise" would' !friou3ly_.criDpIc,-thejforcit_aa5’lca -ia_ ihak lns-lh# - ^DuJar in, .it decisions which are nece«ary for the proper man- »l' asement of land comprising millions of acres. Under Ihe'sttfckmen’s plan, forest se.n’lce orders made for «fwr ih« fii the protectlpn of .watersheds'could be tied up In- i? '! ’'* **i‘* l«flaUftir-^y^-0Mir(r-«ulU.=J!Mflra{-«aurt»-ji;-14-«la(«ft- ?tUrSw.-if R-ould. in effect, be the final authority In the regula- . T*m r»ll«.Uon of forest?.'-' ’ ............

Forest mariagemenl policies: must be made and aecuted by ;hen trained In tha t field. To give couru 'forestry-supervUlon would, be as Incpngruoux as tn ---------i!ndow Judges with authority to say how the post ' ^ )fflce department is to be run. rtjbiKh: Jun- Therfr-cna-be-no.-''comproml!e'* alori& the-lm ertttB“ -------------noitacknioB • are proposing I f the In te rest of al] tho - i„H^nd.„ irnplp In llir fnrf«tA nrp l/t Kp prpt,rt^>^ gpj Prfl- - — i-;crvcd.—Dcnver-Eost.. ........ ............ Sup^riawad#------ ____________________________ ' ____

• -V - ; :" :7 r in is :0 F - ;c E 9 S 0 B 8 H ip ^ T - t> '

he |pg_Ani.oiiK ni(.‘~iiiiiny ftutnoi'*-llsteg ii.'t'iiiiiiitfq hy one _hujjdinc._

ir m ore Amerlciin In fo rm ation .strvlce llbrnTlc.^ over- Th* bi.ii ■CHS Is W h itta k e r C ham bers, au th o r of tlie b w t.se ll- indiviJ«»Hr itie book. "W ltnes.C- A lthough onco-U com inunlst, th la . <,buin»l .i*om icr ed ito r o f T im e ningftiine is one »f th e m o st uodenu c i.jealous.profM alonal-inm^com n^U iniLs anfl i.i acc ep te d ' ’"ST*y m any n.i .m ouw tan'dlng'-'expcrl on . ilic com m a- r.Z i* .i i ;w1st conspiracy. .Ths.illjirio T h e ro -n -T io su c h th in g ns n 'l ltU e ' th a u c h l con-

rolr-A iThrhnim m s'of“«lI‘X^lltt6t'er»iuT'worlirHeat5“ ' • - <p, m ay we expect H to include' a n o th e r be.'t-je illiig !r lte r, Jo seph M, M cC arthy?—S i l l t a k e T ribune. ruU ltlii iu ij

........... - - - .......... ii^ to n la deprethe communbt public ‘nnd of

SMALL ITEM, . . which It used:ar Pol Shota:- - stand, continue3uqday_momlng_at B.o'clock_gur. w Jn . . 'Otheral;

• the..B rethren w as-planning on m ust-be-d eteat ivlitg f u .one full week of cam p by patrlots..lO) New Meadows. The young peopls to the consUt ve worked In the fields and ^ .tion and to t d Joba-to -oam -th e neceaiai7. ■feUglour" prtni a e y : fo r ,c a m p.:-Everythlng.-.ffM. plei.w hlch Imbu

tried looking for tenta and aleep- the naUBn a t tI-baga ...- ------------ beginning and 1W o-phoned-M r.-8 mlth. and, Mr.. a-long-tlmr. lat nes but got this answer: “Well, This la the m have one, alright, but I loaned who aal^ he I to 'm y brother-in-law’s cousin.” .and carried on

L-Jonea-waa..golng-.to. use, .the .Roosevelt,..ahlel e he-had himaell.-So-you-aee-wo--treason wllh h ,vo phoned everyone'wo can think “red herring" -b uc-no -tea t3 -or-flleeplrit-bog#c convletion-of Al Pots, we've been tiounUng on this Taxi drivers . r a long time and would hate Icssly regarded

ml&s the camp because of our Amcricana. Le f r - l i c k - o ! —preparation on- one -thls-la-a-harm lall iKm, And we would take unidentified hai ch -good 'care of ■borrowed equ ip - to hare called- :nt. ' he could b«. ele<Anyone willing to lom th e a n tc n r mprumid u cu '.M phnnp. gllbly-lgnoreiTIng or Saturday' morning. 'Vou government ui n’f k n o w - how~much—we'd—ap* and -Roosevelt” eclatfl lU ' . • Truman or 6

Betty Holloway eleeted totnorr— f — ^ • » ------------ ----------idea Isr it-ls byKITTENS EDE KIDS DEPT.

:« r :P o l;s» o u .:_ _ " r --------r . ^I have three mother cab and toward—the ur-Utlena to-glve-away to some- Je who. would.glve. thcm .tt.good

_0I "Mra. Hannah Peterwn --

Ono-of-tilB-faaclnaUng-problem s •«e^ a“ d"laUr*living In this beauUful vacation . ‘ J “

unlry la how to entertain out- ,n 0 , . rt-alaters, •'furrlners.’' that U, when <naioyalty to 01

,vjall. • " ' . . to arouse In th-P erbap j-yoo conld ,(eU m e-w h y - io‘ntJnhB~ofTallU the water doesn’t go over Sho- ^ tho“ e whohone falls. These back east foUu ^om e'.001 here alU iteam efl up Whv la It thaver plclurM -they-ve « e t . In « - j j ^ ^ „ v c l Jatlon magaalnea of the falla thkt; defiant artT sl-N legare -siid -th en -w h eii-w #- •moar'gBir-CBnTtiake them ont to picnic a t Shp- j^e scenario sU hona falls a ll they see l i hugemnhs er roek ipeckled w ith B iriekiea -and -dribb le. . o f_ w e a ry . *f t h B ' ^ M r irater. Vliltora are polite but nn* ^tnpreaaed. need neriuOf course we m ight take them - i c n X h i i i / rihlng if they only knew the dlf- i" '"rence between files and' b a i t ,acta TVumanOur only^ecourse Is to take them ih r i^ o u s e c o miwn in -the canyon, show them the committeesoductlvlty of the land topside and w c c f X andiwnunder. maybe a enakt o r two. ^ ^ “X l e buid score them by meeUng a truck .houid have b

S s . ™ ™ th .m j3W the hoy can-laat standing- out b iS T and the wenuicrl -• • „ e ,j,ould havi

___ ___ __ in g ^ o _ d M tro y■ • easdry. to rout

FA.MOUS LAST LINE _ he pretended •*. . . And U's against (be law .touie.41raworkai:5------------------------------• — LE6AL_AD

GENTLEMAN IN TH E - ------ -----------------FOURTH ROW ■


^OTICK IS . THB'HTATE o jSchofil Dl»lrlel No. 411. T«ln K«ll*. VOU*A” E^*Bn

Iho. -Ill «rcrpt'>ul«d bid. .t Ui.-oKIc. ^iSpj.Int h .ith* Rupfrlnlcndtnt of S(hMli. Io(*t4d th* DUtilct Court:2: n; w i- .i- ’t-.s

>rs'K i.S te’;:' F S l r j ;*n*<—A.LA.. AlUitwc;. intj JiultoM C. complilat wllhln

E»ch‘ bld “u il“b« •c«omp>nI«J br »th* -fiirin of • ,T,(„n.u «f crxj.lt

ifii«r'« ehrck. ecrtifltd eh*ek. or su«r»n. -mTNCSS iiy hbid bond furnUh*d br » duly «uiVotlnd DUlckl Co«rt'lhl«

; r . '.a E.T. •of- th* toUI un»ual «f tli« bid BENOrT A DE^

r^Si., 411. Twin Fill.. Id.he. .nd 1* to SS-il 5* !>».» ij'. m fa o .y i- .<un« w.

S 'S ,aii, legal ad-l)<* op«nln( of lh« bidt, . .f k bid li th* *uc«*urtil bidiltr m JIII enttr ttiuci tannit-»?T»«in«ni-wii>i-— r * l* ftP P P n lU "A” School DUlrlct No. -*H. .i.d I. ^ ^ U l- C C U

Board■rant** bid bond U lo b« {oTr*ll*d to«*-"A- 9^h.«>rni.trl«l No, 4fl if IK* ' I^ O I n i l l.(ler »w»rd*d th* eontr»ct -do»» nol rr...}_,.r Into.uch >n *sr**mtRC. -Th* amount T w m F a llSiuch i(U*r>ntr. blU bond I* lo b* <on. ------------------- ----«r*d «* llqul.lilfd d*miKi;«,

;______I* of cnUclnE blilt. RERDLABrhi, w«rv mu,I bt, «UtUH -IUvln-.«- ’ Th. Bo?rt o fr. »(I«r contrarl li kw.rd.d and b* m*l i t Ihii Um* i npl.lrt-wlihrn'-4;-d«.-*Il*r-nolI(lt.. Sl,.|*n .r JlawVIn n to .U rt work. • clfrk prcMnl. Cor

1 to waiv* ill Inform.Ililti. unr »*• ■T’pravr.

b f ^ ! - 3 B a . 11. July 3. m a r - - - *'•


)r TWIN KAI.US. STATR OK II>AHOr'- TATK^Of^HEKMAN DuJAKDIN. PE- “ _ _ _.-otl«»'u h»f*br «l**n br''tS«- und.r- tv. nod E*«eulrlx «T th* »iUU of H«m»n

I dMMtcl, tg .Jihlbil Uirm wllh tk« v i,

rsr. £S'-w”?"“

In Fall*. CouW of Tm-ln r'tlli. 8ui* ‘“M-,'Idaho; Ihl. bains th.-|.l.c* flx«l for '" V

traaiacUon Trf"-th* ^>ln«.« ot tald!atid •JUB*''«. 19Sn.

- - - -.ll*h: --------

NOTICE'^O'dTddFi* U « r ^ * 9 !s ! 'nd*p*nd*nt f^hool Olitrlct 'So. SS will -ioriat«ad*BU- JIl»h . Sthool OuUdlnir 1 -'''. STIVERS, nBi.-FwriTHahwiotlhlotr-lJrat ::eo

ui'iboBlll'.ll.'i.?'* .mamD^.4iuj.u«.*c■h* bl.l. -f.if r,rh |.-j|I,lln« mmt b. . Cl.In.Ivlduallr iii’imlilr,!. Claim, for,11 pltni.sDd >i>r«-llU'alifln. mar b« th* .mont . oC Am■ Into al Ih* orilc. i,( ih*' aup*rln. and w.l^ri.n'i tmJtdent. I'fitti aiii| -|irMr '^ >-|-i~' fWWWVRTnrTn»d '»lll' hl,17 - - . --------- — : Myn«nl-Ui*r4of I <hi bill. t.p puhliflr op.n»d and Poor Fund H0,« !II at 1 :V0 p,m, Juir It. lUS. Claim. for'Wll hs.illjlrlor rcii-rvt* ili« rijhi w rej»<t proved and ».rf

oT--aH-bi'li'. ' '■■" ' • " ■ B*rmtnl .th«rn<f

AMIKKT li, SOIIOTTZ. W**J Cr.dic.Uon - Sup.rlnt«nd.nt p . Tr.a.I

altiii Julj- £. J? I. «. y t , 10. l»M T.'W. ^Uv.rt. C

............ . ■ .... . - . -

F A H ^ S r l D A H O . ' .


TO^ga^ffdrat Impudence of H im y whl^'Roosevell iman In awaggerlng about New aged to thrlTO rk after-hls brief vialt.ta-W oah- tban tho conjur ton la'depreaalng evidence ‘tha t u iuuble pollUci

communbt enemies of thla te- Mrs. Roosevel lUo <oDd of the morftl basia on tha t the public Ich It used alarming sympt□d, continue rroBT~tinitnB~ on. . O t h e r w i s e . b r a z e n , old. woo u m a n wireiy f nr w

3 t - b e 'd e t e a t 5 1 ^ ^ B ^ i « ® l office in -an y -j p a ir io ta . . lo y a l i lB H f J a iJ u l playa.henelf in the co n sU tu --v ^K !2 ? C n i '

n and to the tora.ilouTT p r t n c t . . ^ * B f f l » ' TTrdonbt ..that » .w h ic b . lm b u .e d - ^ f lH B 9 ^ do any good not

: n a U B n a l i i o ^ ^ t ^ ^ ^ i S B committed aQlTlinning and fot^^K lA lk* of American yonng Hm. ine>^ly-_a«1alnrhia la the man *“ ^^tS fTTH W y^0 aald he Uked -old Joe Qlalln by aorrow or d1 carried on In the-^ti'aditlon" of fhere U a grea osevelt..shleldlng..thB.-lmbcddedasoh with hU mockii^ anarl- of ^ l u d k d - B i u i d herring" right down to the " “P®-ivlctioB-ofAlgerrHlae.-^------- ------- ^ U ftent haa.raxi drivers are someUmea care- la My filly regarded as typical, ordlnahr “ ®,icricana. Let 11 be hoped that s-la-«-harm lesa-fIotlon.-for-the “M e n _ W ^ « i;

could be r ie c t« I^ g S i tom^o^w M cttll’*. which CTiLSufl- tt' culloua- CTnldsrii." Hif djvifiua^RriJM^ QljrisnorerihTTrrochery In Uie T ra c U c a lly Ig /ernment under both Truman a-Roosevelt- I t may-be t n i ^ i f iimnn or Stevenson "could be even thought d eted tomorrow.-Morbld ' 0.1 the ^ra Isrit-ls by no means-fantaauc.-0 flippancy, tho cocky contcmpt k n pu^M ‘ leh Rooaevclt ond Truman showed cncmlM,_Whlch w d -- th e -p a th c lic a lly -r earnestirmista pf the dem en t'w h ich ^ 8 h ty political *ht fa ir ly ;^ called the loyalljta.,•ely docs strike an approYlng-re-inse in-other persona than-eelRct- H>®. Dally-UIorli. and possibly flcUUous taxi ^ ^ “rded,“ lMk'e(

: .have..been closely- concerned- a b o u t - H - r e a r B - i n ^ e - ^ s rtreaaon under Roosevelt's patron- “tJ and laur- Under' TWraan’s. rc myself what can, be done now,er aU the revelaUons of hIdeo\ts «u«esafully senloyalty to our wonderful naUon.arouse In Uie.people a A a r .jm d , w . ^ . . ^ J L:m rng-^fr«n--cohcem edrih«udr: those who were guilty of faU- ~5 to break it up again. A lonjWhy is It that T ^ a n and EJea-c_Roosovclt to name two of. the

SSlU U C .t scenario. sUII-command a public d a forum of mighty propaganda, ille Louis Budenr, to name one tho-bravesraposutesrls-heard by “ “ Sly a small circle of people who do S ^ ^ . ^ h o i L n«ed persuading. To deserve a KStv to f iilln endly hall Irom any loyal Amerl-1 capable of undersUndlng Uie :ta. Truman should not have letJ house committee and tho sen- w ,1 .1 commllUes represented by Joe {J® ,iCarthy ond Pnl McCarran-bear 5 whole burden of proof. He th is -booljuld have pul love of-country ---.— 9ve:love.or_a_mlserablc •bandiof -'LEGAL AD!lundrels ran g ln jjro m paltryHve. ---------------------r centers to great bureaucrats In p«r'^“Joi« to crrf 3 sU le and Justice departments. Sp.^V’fun'dl''

should have been'heartily-will- m n.fer «*• ori

iry . to rout the traitors. .In.itead. pretended tha t the- condition Uay u . 1M>.



MiKiEAUACnUNIXi.__ jn»Llt_UlllX®»-lA M. 51MS, rl.AINTirK.. m«mb«n «nii^*€lEOnOK SIM.S. DBKENDAST.- * motion wa*H&-HTATEOK lD A »0,.«Bd. gixUngi _»b«l Uai:0U AUE IIBIIEBY NOTIKIEO. That a C<>U"tr JUallh u'iplsint hat b*4n' fll.i]- as.Inii von In Xf'-W) P*' nonlDUtllel Court of th* EI*»*nlh Judicial J9«. tos.lh.r w|t

lrl<t of.th* ju ta of Idaho. In and fbr for .prl«al» ear- In y.lla Cognty, br lha alov* nam.dIntlff. and m ar« h«r*by direciri lo Commlwlontr Pa]; .aar and pUad lo ..I j rompl.lnt-wimin' * .* un.t. T- j.lyj mty s in BI U4 iirvic^ uf-thi# tuAi? i "Auuimiw'"Ii>1! tni Bomw .iJ n i. _ 'u'.Lu!! iplilat wlihln'tht Urn* .i>«!lfl«d h.r*.

Ih* pUInUif »m Uk. Judftntnl lUL----Intt you at-p>ay*d:la-a.I4 oowplali.!. -.Boutina. bulnai -hl*-*i:llon-|*-|nilJtQt*d-fortli»-Tluni««r •**»« ""w r-•f-tiM

»in*Co«rt* l?"Vd yVj**n*?*)M>l c n u rw a!At.) • T. W. STIVERS. • T, snVBRS,

ClerirNOrr * BENOIT

JU .. I.. ; i . J .I , i . 10. n . w .

LEGAL /ADVERTISEMENTS S S . i i . i . E " ’,

ProceedingSrof-the - Board of County £ i .« r i . ' ; ; Commissioners {-rim*;;; fTeid . '■

rwin Falla County, Idaho 5— tMO,«: E. II.' Tti

______________ T-ln Fall.. Idaho ... Edith Whllah.ad,.

REGULAR MAY BEEStON Oepu^AM*mor”'h. Boar4 of County Comml.ironcra appolaUtiant of }|i; at.thli Umt.Dur.u.Dl to.rKm . Conr- InorapMB.-AMnae■lon.r llairklna and Talmrr and th* w i. . . i at lU.OC -k prca*nl. CommUilonor Child, abt.nt. May 11. 18H.

r »a. BT>pravrd by Ih. Uo.nl, " ~il r*c«. w .. tak.a Ihour*lf 3 rc"'«-«"li:k r!"«. *hj?"» ’

.u -*ii. Hk.B t)atil.lfl:t» o'cloek A. M. Att..lt r 11.-IMS. T, w. sTivras,

__________ L. W. HAWKINS, J _________ ^■rw. STIVEHS. CIrrk'. . . . .

• 'FalU, Idak* RBCULAB»ay 11. IMS.- , Tb* Board of

KbUULAR m'aV 'ssnSION m«mb«s*aBdu!?■h* Do.rd. of County Cofflml.«lon*ra . Qala : at thli tlm* puriuant .lo taetai. all Claim of Curtlinbm and-th. cirrk pmenl. . of tUS.T: (or aa

App.Inlm.nt af C**k - w*t apptorad and ^ ' 0 ^,.^ *''“ '’.: ‘■■<>''''‘1' Kh.rlff. nnll. In parm.nl lh.r«I Ih* IJn.rd that h* had appointed Conlrtet f -olhy W. >irrr mok'for prlton.ra m.ali. Thi. belni th* t

lil’OM per ino*lh”'S*"^ *"“* ("I j*' l'na»*cll*n M.d* • »l?KL?oo'wa."’thil'n»t>*cllr>nwom»d*, of Ih* Co-jnly Iluard. dramlai 1™'^horItatI.n ta Atttnd M**|ln«------♦*.* r . Carllot^Sh.ilff. w .. auihorltNl th. hid of MarUn alte«»l-a-9h*Ttff» 'Conv*iitlnn~to~lj« »~»n-»n-.«i,-ii>-n I at McCall Juna 14lh to Uih.-tJSa.- cultural Fair, an

['-■ L. w . HAWKINS..-W. STIVERS, Ct*rk-^ . _ ._ * T ! r d.l7v«w‘and

'ri!!^*..'*! !" -'I . it"'i'i"« ^ J " ,rnD*i*.4iiu-ui..<uatk.w»»nu.—------- .rrr <h«—hmr o r »i*hiCl.Im. Appru<ed r-r«, «a i lak.a t

lalm. for .Y U l S^urlly *HhhtM.lor June S. 18M. -aiQnl|i...t Aiinl. lOil. ............... - r '— j.i r i ii n nn III, f ull. I - -n rn ' —

r Fund Wrr.) Eradlcitlnn U l ir,’lalm. for'Wllhhnldlns Tai. tier* '.i- - -ved and otdercl drawn in - • -.

-‘berjvf ..1. Ih* followlni fun-li UECULAR

.-w. Uv.n. (^nt). Audlw. iwuMtcd A aunnmi iMt b

A N G L E O ttn *c l^ . ^

a b le p o U U c a l . e n c m t e s . ; . _ra. R oosevelt’s record *» «> bad .

aC.p'uS”o?'&.‘*« Residentr-WOlBB’ OT-Dpologlitag.'-tW j- — T F S v a Ix n .o ld woman. who_nev6r had •J l l .c tV ? ' i;

ise in .an y -p u b U c.c lb cU oa - T ^ ^ f f iw . ' s e a l's .h e n e if in a defiant role and Blster-ir eulea Budena for exposing Iral-

•d onbtlthat anything ever .-wm

taierlcan young m S i *to war, laTlly. -acclaimed in N ew . York■fS-WWy-TnmieS-any-darkcncd-sorrow or dread of sorrow. But Bobre U a great record of poalUve £*'S?A 5w>rmaUon which should a t le a st ,R>, =•.iib.rft«^-f.y-iii wh6~atlU -daia-to vUlUng-Mr.-anfl

S‘dan*_hai_wrltt4sa-twflU>(>okfc. — L O Mils la My Story.” - which. Iron- h a NSEN, Jully. waa tho Ulle o f an earlier ^year-o ld son cnolr by,E3eanor Roosevelt, and o ib son . recelve<5n_Wilhout_Pacc3.::_BMV„many, das.8vealne.whiera atlll publish the old woman’s alrlklngnlng _ p m pag*ni1i« and sQ dOeS —

v.r.i..d. boot.irac^cally l^o'red. In the popu- ^ u n c y — -« n

mind, thanks to Mrs. R oose-,’s uniupporled-aapcrsltms. heJfl. apprectatco.— >n thought doft-n upon. thousand kna^1 “m en without faces," Budens i e w p c u ^ t e m ta_hBforc-U s.B-itcord„ no t. eyen by two 1>ilgned as false by any o f hla t r a ^ w on U ie .mlej,_whlch. ahould hnve_aroused appAlllng warnnaUon not drugged-by evil to ‘'In Uir"pre;hly polltlcialindlsnaUon and ac- Budens puts It1. .- . trouble to readlB tcn-fo'the-m B n:-"I-m anagod- th e polnt-forthi

DoUy-Uorker from a-guarded, m ake a declaraiced, sound-proof room; I t waa from -his too-prrded, locked • and aound-proof • g u t Eleanorauso I was an.aeUve parUclpant „,j tongues 1the-wholemetwork ofxconaplracy, .in---MoOairs, awhich Uio DaUy Worker la a j^ylahly supportt3ai&.only.men.and-W omcaj)«.r:. .^.n i n . . . firtYia :ted to enter were thoso who were- -American housicesafully serving S U lln in Amerl- doi*Uesa moth

More than a few were aerving ^ n d a x d l S ’ f'-re d -u n d e rg r o u n d -a ^ ,.^ u p U jt ^ p , ^ r k - h a c lthey had come, would disappear confidence todn. A long list of loyal and S t h “ e.ceoled communists, m en . and - __________ncn. who ovu p y dlstlngtilshediC onr iH-bllslncM. professional LEGAL AD

I U iiv lUt pomiltted to appear on * * ’ * ’ler. Today, now -that I have le ft Aii«i>

pnrh’. It glvfa m g '» ril«Mr<rtly T. W. SnVEBS, ler feeling to see and hear these iple. who I know’ h iv e sworally to SU lln , fervenUy defended becularunsuspecting and patrloUc Amer- 711* ofIS. T h e'a lm of this fifth colum n m*t at thi. tim* inI of the dicUtorahlp m anlpulat- mBnb.». »nd ih* e

it 19 Uie violent deatrucUon of joint « « « <?American republic.’* «r*r waa approval

lut th is :book-iall of the strong, ■, and warranU w.r

•EGAL A D V E R -flS E M E N T S ^ "'v"i“; !i-S U - .i--------- ------------------------------------Cao. D. Barnardnlulon to credit wirranla payaUa t.o: K. Carlton, cuh'~drtilt -furplu. I.OJ ■ la . tha Curraal Clark. ,-CMb- tae*t4n*fer « t . oril.red madk aa r»!U*>Ud. TTlnUr., Ltd., fooutlna hu.Inet. wai tr«h»aeltd», until ,6l*r«. .offl** »up|-Jmatrer-~»tl)0-~n‘HW1r-r?-M. wh«n ■ bt*rfc.«ffla*-*«p»,- R - , I ”” *■ “■vl: Chalrmaa. W. STIVEItS. Cl.tk DuT.II, In.anllr

.Twin Falla. Idaho Corporation, ianlliMar U. 19sa. arti Kraal.r. wltn

. IfllOO o’clock A. J<. cor.lable fm . IT.UCUULAR HAY SESMIUN aUbl. f.*a, t;,40:

h*-'Bu*rd of County Cummli.loner. provUlon.. Jail, t

Nar.. Kmplertd -. «pSrllnB Coodi.motion waa m.da.br Comml.ilon*r Slat* Oil Co., cat

>kln> lhal Barbara II. Mann b« ap. llarrla OU Co..lint wur.. In Ih. Twin t-alli Oil Co.. C.r elCnty lltalth Unit. wlUi aalarr . . l at lu.bd..caah r*««h'.QO par month, baglanint May £1. ng A Ilaalinf CI. tng.lh.r with lertn e*nta p«r mlla lawkln... miluc*.prl>ala car ■ whil* . ui*d on .County lanilock. .Jiutic*nt«i. Th. motion waa aaeonded by Carbon Co.. courtimlwlontr Palmer and upon roll call ’owar Co.. *l*ctrl

^ Co,. *l«W clU ;^nuuieiik lu All. 110 n .*u[i| ' vmeviniT. (ri.utr

u.'i»V c” Ji?!>-iihh.*id! Ioutin*. bulnMB-:wai traaMCtad unUl Hobart D. Kara -k*ur-*f-tiM-»'«I«*k-'Pi—Ur-wh«<r-a- -IM.tf-r-Momitalir«_wa«^t.k.B U6UI 10:M <rtlock A .-«. ul. <*rvtc*. IU4.C

’ ■* L. W. UAWKINS, *uT « t5?.'’**T«*»t> _ Obalrmaa Mountain Slat*. T. W, snVBRS. Clwk ’ Mnnuin

T*lB Tall*.. Idaio p.a»er$4.*l'9i*'Ml- May^-». .1111. raealpl.; tll.K :

IIEOULA* MAY flU^ON ' ' . « S ’ IlijM l'irfH

ilarla* of *mpla9'**a In . th* W*«d Frank Pajm.r, mildle»tI*B'd«»art»«a» w«r* •*>;»• f*|. 7anf*d-Uf>. Co.»’la Allen. fUUm.n.—tJSl.OO: J, K, T PolUrTlgitk. .Ity, fUldman, lU f.H : J. W. Oim. War. c l iupplla.C. war*houi*m*n. UIC.H: T. A. laatally haarlnf. I nm fl*ldman. $220.00c )f, A. Crl.habr^ -Co., oar axMnl.ehouiman. 1100,00! Hanl rarroll, «a.i) rat.ipu, $:k. i m H ; J. D. Suala. il.ldman. wllaa.. fe*. UO.t

:sJiT^\u,s C A - a * ifo7.'.SC- :lcapi«,-A**mor, wa».«erllfl*d. Oaiary Sahullt, mll*a«*• Vl *mV *-«lnnln*. SltBdt:^ EflaUa

Carbon i *o»|*ey«« »«« <<<■«■> until leiftO o’tloek A. M. Stuart Mor'Ji'ja'*

■-....... L...'W:. HAWKINS.- 1 " ll* 0 lt f e ^ a j"w. STlVCaa, Cl.rk ™ "

h* Do*rd of County. Commi.iloaera T I ^ N a^"pub|'

g .'is S 'j '- ' "apptorad and warrant ordered dc.wt! Oil Co. c? Calif

C*onty Aadlt

IF a lr and Poor Fui^. ^* vh ^ WUU Mptiir r«. >2s"00 w«"’tb. only hid r.dv.-r," TM I ? i ^ ' “ ‘lVln ]rd. deemlaf tiila bid r*aannabl* and repair road I1U( ?* I.r.t lnU^^.rfnh^

M lSn'Su.'nf J r y b t‘‘«j*i?rt •«*'f?riMj»“i '

irisSH iS-

^ ^ n u > « la K «nl»ii.ucAnln»ttmk

.. w'i.'’.ak.n unUI 7o :o‘o V'cl^k'' aT m* " r & ' / .V ci!?!?

..W. STlVta.’'. CUrk, . m” ,. X

J"J" ' I" «V \*rv l» !'lI^ 10 ! M Velwk \ M ‘’fjl'x'on.l ‘.rvl-

UEOULAR ,MAY fiEBBION!. ’ ‘ , ^ l.ri.? ' o^tlloru i;.,.,d.or-Coualy.a«,ml..lon.M-m.t liHa --MarkTt^Srhl*..tIm .-pdr*tJim inec«.. Ctm^mlj. fi.h.r otd.rWrrChiMa-ind th*-«l*rl. rr«..nt. Com- plnvI.Von. r lo o 'lon.r* HawiilM aad ralmar aW*n(. 111,50: Al’u ' s Jaunrtim art baJ^ piaatat Do builneia Uoai* piuahit^ .

— T. “ ---FiotAY,

F i s h - P l a n t e d - ^ l D m o M ^

- G i v e r ashc . ne, s

“ S c ^ s . •i™uo» ,on hot

--------- ------- ~ . ’ th e demooatratio

: e s i d e n t s o f Buhl

3?. kn“ Mr*. R. H. Johnson and « a e n . _ughter -are-vUiUng .Uieir. .sons. T h o se .w h o rM

' s r e ^ r *

llir^BSS'Mrs. R. O . and'KriaUne Sori ,»aira Cnllf.. are vislUng hla tlon waa providet S S s r B o b l l otfmim: Pa BT.-wid- So lB B g»-M d-M n r a ^ d s and relaUvea In Buhl. ---------------------- L .R. E. Plesslnger, Albany,-Ore.,.la ,ilUng-Mr.-and-Mra.J..J.-Brona*n. _LECAL APV

- B REAKS I I I P ~ • 0" ^July W o t a n y o «

trear-old son of Mr. and Tom p„Ttoion.bson received a.broken’ hip S u n- conaL Oo, »*wcr, f

,.y niuit b. In I* iSE : “S I iSt*!,weclated. Y et we, published a co.. trf Mr.k*..f.S ^ d T o n r o r c o m i c books-m d' ?,‘i ‘S .% -o?tJn* ’-68capeiL41iemlumUneludlnKWho:. .J i i l^ k S ^ S ik ii .:ihnita by two of the most notorious. *«ihii c«.. dnm . 1»ltot8-on-Uie llst.-to a-ton of auch-rpdlllng wanUngs. mcCoV, bow* r*&t»lri“ U ie-present"criU caI -hour.".idena puts It t o t t o few w ho wlUjuble to read him.' "is it not to t$3,34: Profaaaiome polnt-forUie American olUzen to. » }*" ;.Ucc > teUr«Uon ol M.p«M.iico SK '.K .S V ,'! jm-his too-prevalent nalvette? - . nur**, m .4«: John But Eleanor speaks wlUi a thou- nd tongues In many dailies and t44.49i shotw«ira-i ^-MoOaU’s. a d e -lu x e magaHne /lahly supported by rich American •■llniH firp* by thoim n d * of’ J^cket».-Sto-diloB«. nerlcan housewives, some of them ii.i.'p'ro»liioiii. iii'i t*Uesa moUiers. wives-oc.*J(ttcr8

m en lost In Korea. And the ortr; Twia rail, indordlred figure o f -U ie Jovial •w-Y ortrhackle-ahoutB'a-vote'O f JiJi.m . nfidence to the m an who u a t T niinnr Fbtmaj

^s?!srvsssrA.-------------------------------------------------- pain farm. MJ.WiLEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS S ? ." w u * V r 'i4 ! li— i-----------• ^ IICMII Tr"i*.rD.» ilock P. U. th. Boawl adlournad .In* dl*. Mortuary, ambulant

CBOBOe CHtLM. «r*«n Dra* Co., d letli ^ ComalMlonar - Waad KradUaU.r. W. snVEItS. perk — — ' W**d EradleaUon--------------- --------- ---------- --------*nd-w*TT»ntr-or<«i

Twin Falk. Idafco ther**# *• followitJun* *, IMJ. Buhl Hardwara 1

- 10 ;H o'clock A. M. Il.4»: Btrron ServliSECULAR JUNE BW810N ■ Wm., F. Barta. lo.

ni* Baard ot County Cemmla.Ion.r. Blakl^, UL rWund,t at thi. tlm* in rwular Jun« aeaalon. aU llic:MacbIn* Co..mbati and Ih* clerk pre.eal. ' Connolly, watat. U

Joint R*p«(t Apprcead Sept.. waUr. I4.M;lolnt report of Hi* Audllor and T tn i- auppllea. Ill.7t: J'crtmt^%'M«>>* -aaltaa Appraead ' I4.‘l»’ J. W."cummCurrent Ezp.n.e elalm* w.r* approvtd Cra((* Cnavroiv cid warranU w.r* ord.r.d d/awn la pay Floyd Lilly Co..ml lh*r*of a. follow.i aaull_clib r*c«lpuV.-A.-AlU*a8.^sitiea-.r*«-.-41l.eO:Jrb* t*l.-r*fund.0. D. Barnard Co.. formi. tt.>};.J«ea tW,41; -Idaho D«p

Carlton, CB.h-rec.lpU.' IIO.K: SUlU t l .t l; Idaho Pow.rirk.,-CMh- tecelpu tenO: Cl«a Dook Idaho lloapllal Sit->r».- oftk* auppIlM. I1(,!0: . Cftxlon h*ld. t4«.0<: W. A.Inur.. Ltd., furma. SS4.47: Cloa Book jMMr Eoulpcaent Gm.-offfc* auppllea, n.STi Clo* Hook U*ndIola &tn\a.

S '»% .".Kha-fi.i's. s a ->h- r*c*rpla.- K il), ' T*L Jk Tal. Co., Ul.L.v*ra Itouflaa, wltnaM fee. t>,(0; 0 . P. tain SUUa Tal. Airalt, ln.anlly iiearlns.'^O.OO! C.'W. SIMO; II. R. Ucl.ifh,-*aah-r**elplii.-tl1,Ui-t>t)re-Teat t'hllllp—UcEwtn.-rporallon. ianllor .uppllee, S49.I0: Itlch. Miller, wasH, IM.i Kraal.r. wltnni. tl.OO: Sllu Olvcna. pair..-M.TS :■ U :i.iable fm . IT.l’)::chirlt<.aiMai..cun- Sl2l.tO:..Ua(ts..Y ibl. f.ea, t;,40: Gra>n Freah Roa.t Co.. Inr, .IM.OS. ivUlon.. Jail. t:k7S: Gem SUla Fap.r Uafle Valley Air

SrtlnE Coodi. .*4ulpfflenl. ItS-OO; i;«b Ut.OO: Sumn*r S. It* on Co., car aip.n.*, t3.il. £r*l*. liMOl n * 'Ilarrla OU Co.. car *apan»«JM.OO:. Hill U4.1* l *- ” •

rnitoek. .Jiatfc* fef..,;»3».0«f -Imperial , W*«I.R.Uabtrf.Brb»n Co.. court auppll*..-»44.»0;-Id*ho '-Wo^d-ftolmbBrteiwar Co.. *l*ctrlclty. M.Bti Idaho Powat proved' and w tm,.^el«uic»y; p a '^ . a t ^ t h e ^ ai

a S S S B i l B i E 'E31,00; Idaho llo*«ltal B.rrlo*, Dlu* Slltr,7t| If. R. U< o.a.j»Il),h.Id. Phllllp «cB**n.

.■«*rvlc*r»a4.0«:**MognUlB S u u i tSI

»lpl>; t l l . t c Marchant Calculator., th* month of Jus

x|«^aan..haaU lilualt.»ur....»lflIJi; _ _ T r a » a f .» - *r . N*»blll.- Janltn, t lll.iT : 6UU ol Llranw far Ui.

jada. aarUlled eopy, atty., M,M. KranUd t* H. J. 8Otii Elavalor C«.,’aiaTnUDan.e,’ U4,70s ta-W. r. Barta, L«aak Paim.r, mllaa«a and expen.e, lU .M ; Jarollm.k.nf*d-Uf>..Co..- court auppIlM. .llO.tO;------------------Real0. Pumphr.y, JutUca f**t. IIU.U; Ray R«.l(Rallon> ot 1 Potl.r, jgilk . f.M. M tM : Prlee Hard. Trnrlln aa D*puU

ii n:..“ r K . rIS “SiS- &.J'

>*l<. ^ '***• appQiatmanU war*■WVrf tlli;il?ri!.‘’?ny!‘l.7 tl£ ,fc. I ^jVeo’M rma'iX'mtn-fitliall. wlinef* fH. U.iO. Mlary ot 0 . E. W .

waV'tefulai'lr cov^tori.r-vjru*o7;‘*6o?o“u. * “■

y.r, oock. HM,M: TI(uw.Nn.. Publlih- wllEBEAa, b«'l,. c»r azpen.f. 1«.»trCIIfford-'niomp- adopted by Ui» Boill n‘'v** 117,0*:.TwIa alonera at Twlo 1l l^ u .ln a t Collas.. typlns. M iA . Jdaho. tor thi tnai

UandiT, • lall laundry. II.OOl of lha Twin FalU" - l N ^ P “Hi'Hw[_Ca_4iukUaUan., hnown-aath.-llat*

Talklniton. wllnaa t*e. J4.0D1 pita'; andJ*” »«>''•• VifHEREAS. eerl

5r".”33Si»“ 5r r i ' i r r.Tif**' « “•« ; Union aaeutiM aad »i

**'■ *“ >«"••• «-W l Ut»h hoaplUl. and wer« t .r_ * x p .n „ ,-» H ,« , -ralU'Countr-Hoep1.Urn Union T.lw, Co.. tolrvr.m, I,t0{ day nf May. lOUl

,.T, r’,K-7*.*. « '• Olitrlcl, plial by. Ui* mB»Sy-g.iTJ'r.tf

“H.rrt paid nb.Ionan «f Twii

K:i 1 *™T’.jb '.s .v H ;3 slf

i S f i S s S p i ^

■■ gssfflss-ila 'M itktt— prnvIiIon.;-:-m,«i^.'Andy r « J i wm ulwa «:

s - r i s « v r a « ; ‘i K '■rs.

Page 5: K T h x e e E jm 'e d .a RussiaiK i S S i Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · He said ,hV»r'^ the bed'sldesTorthlftruck were tom- “f off, but most of tho damage

^ g ^ Y 3, -1958 ; - , ■

1 1. «_Mr ^ Mri. hmue h<tnSmiDce h e l ^ ,

o r ^ l r TOl^TOtw lUJbert.CIarlc Prlps. in Jeroir

W -V tctcr-D rlp« .. -M ia a - ]........................work at.'

^ K « n - w w from lep, nt^ K h ^ o o l U> lOSl.'snd.ft* f tu d lu I

^ K . ^ r « n 4 fttlU lated wtUi B rls iU m wrvec>-«

^» ^T iirhoq> c . _E o b a rti e « ^ d u i f c s r w a u a io n i

m jh **ooL Hft ft.,Wr four y e w »nd wM xoniU. t

^ m l \ . Uie university of M»- ^t,the 6^ K w . l u t y w . p>*° ^ E ° ^ a i ! i 5 t e r - t h e l r Aug. : . . .

^ B ^ Y voodo' Tilarle D ra lu .■ m ^ a n d MTS..2L-M. ■ ^ m ^ .n d - R u w U i O U r l c 7 ^ H

of -M r..-and M rs. . H H ^ K > ^ o d , H onolulu. T . H .. W ^ M ^ ■ d i l r T 'J u I y 'irvedcUnE-in- ^ K s k e C ity LD S temple.^HtTnlns u) In fonna l open

t o u p J d d d Z . 3B^Sksbw ooaea^ ■ o f rtae gardens wm con-

Twin Polla Garden- cluu .. •,• ^■ ■ n 'd 'tK elr ftuejtS'followlnB - ^ K - r j O t e hour «t Mr». J.

home.^ ^^ ■ fa llo ry -Plstier and M rs.^ ■ u b e e nrransed the' tour of ^ K 'o f ' M n . E. -T. Cuttery, M W ^ B T p A trlc k nt^the.ColoolAl [ B | | |

r. O. KuykendoU, Mrs. | H H | and Mrs. K. P . I^lrd.

^ ^ E ^ t o r the mornlns were f l | ^ | assisted by Sharon

^ ■ u n . Outtery, Mrs. L>-ons !J5 ^ K . Kali, Mrs. Speedy, Mrs.^ H i U and Mrs. E .'0 ;a a < e r . ~ ' ^H hom as Speedy, president, —^ ■ t h s guests, who Included ^^ ■ l3 a lf trM rs rC rM .- -P T l(^ -------- (

Benson, Mrs. Orlo WU*^ K . J . M. N orfleet, M rs. E a r l _____

Prtnfc S tep h an a n d Mr*. ^fc .-a-to rm .ar.m cm bcr.aow .

^ K ^ ^ d 'a te ^ f the dub'a July *will be Jannounced

* * • y” . ” ;

B l III 111 ..........1■ n b e rs o f Club^ H b i r t Ray1,~jr.~enteruined to be po^ H n Social club Thursday a t ‘i t uei

ol Mrs. J. J . Kauffman.' fewe^ eeand white elephant prises a^ays ti

^ ■ b y M rs '. John Pastoor. Mrs. d^ys thiwas In charge of the cards,- ^

^ K n d prizes went to Mrs. printedand -Mrs. Pastoor.' ' only las!

^ ■ occkU oI » 5 Irom ttB c .n j .m l^ ^ ■ o d sale conducted during uves. ^ 7^■ loon-w iU go-to'Vihe‘ Caaip porUnt^ B j ^ w a s announced. . posed^K er«M r8.-H arryR ayI,-M rs. ^ as t^ H d e m a n . Mrs. Leslie Bpell* coovboot ^ ■ ^ M r s . W. B. Wllketfloo,

^K-raeottngM,-Ut-be±eltlrAiigr - f l ia r i 'ld ' ^ ■ n . - ^ y sm ite - . Need ;

■ e n d - S e s s i G n - S f S i .July 9—Maxine Pout- .icn^ to

^ H u U v e -d is tr ic t , secretary; ------------^ ^ ■ u iae r. QUlrict-narllatnen>^H t01xa:_B adIe-M cM urray. - l l l . - . f ,^ ■ o ih e rrf tlts ttd ea -aa jx ecU i '^■ lm -O t-ru tu re_H om cm al-. 1__\ . / ‘^ K ^ c a Monday n t the 0. V C

home a t Buhl. Mem* JEROl ^ ■ i« M "p lo n A ~ to rih e “THA' ‘S^rtbnni

to be K tR tlWs fall. j^tudy of ^ ----------. . unlted 'I■ ria n M artin i

service------------ coup le 's.

i P 5 v ^ 5 i \ j - T h e - b

were wh The

.school*, will be

‘^ B ’r ' I A ' ^ ~ v V ^ ' ^ = — ;— In-iiw ^ K i 1 \ / -V forever

^ H r '■ I ( J X y

^ K _ : I a \ ________

m L .: 'M j \ \ ____ _H 'I y\\

H W k ' 9 I «0 '— i7= y — — —

^ B ^ ic ^ . d u b s _^ ^ g l . T ft'o siq_rt-e{(ectal Re- _ > __^^^pntiiice—stdeopiniUI Tie’

* M ild color ^ ^ M r ^ w h - ^ t - f o n t r a a L. In ' -

a t back—change-oft—- ^ ^ ■ f ^ p e Q i ^ -tnTfl"use»'-jrour .-

» ie (lreM __iU.oni^ ^ ■ o u t ptneip. Be sure to ^ ^ ^ e v T i l b l e - b o t e r o — ioni — -------

mistaa* aisea ig;l i i ^ a j j i L y M d s W ---------

contrasL •^ » > - I i v e cen ts In colna for ^ ^ v - a d d 5 cfinta for each

malllnB. Bend care Tlmcs-N6w.v ' "

P-O . box 6740,^ ■ i! l^ ln t_ y o u r -n « m e .-a d - -

« l^ r «y le- n u m b e r - -

N t J | 3 t i a l : § ^ ^ | ^'QkeA/V-iil-MarryT. m a -itc tp a o n - lr D lim n c < l-J u lr -1 7 ' —13. in Jerome. . :. ...... ............11 » •«.• —M lsa-Drake-wm pleted -graduata games"— • work at,U tah Slate Agriculture col- UvlUes m lege a t Logan after finishing her ned foi ^ rtudlee ,*t southern 3daho-“ o ll?^ S S « I- of-M uc*Uonr-Bhe-Til«r-iittenaea- '5"lock^ ^ BrigHam . Young unlversltv and a « J ; «8jWd-an-L-DS-mlMlon-. (q Q r ^ t i - a g ^ t

—Eobartson. who alio completed a” • B'aml ^ mlBslon to G reat Britain, was grad- Uon. a 2 uated from, the University of Call. lUddle’j “ X o m la ,-^ Angeles, and la enrolled Ijouse. ^ a t ,th e University of Utah. - . - . L u * * * It ' ■_!___"■ ' . Engagements Re jt. I H Irk'S.


Ii'd. ^ B Hrein“ YVONNE MARIB DRAKE LYl- . < 8 ^(t:fflig r* ? ia r)T :rr7 7 L r'—It, '

I —Gare-of-Yoor-C____ ___________By ANGELO PA1

‘®- Boy*~and*g^Isi You who are In an'envTi l Junior and senler high achool-^are chanceS you capable of writing » friendly with a <1_ letter? Can you compose a note of cial gree

thanka for some kindness shown to ally, thsyou, o r a missive to a friend who Is UclpaUn

... ::getweU" prlnt«l on it. The card ih u tu ^ may be all right If you pen a-note nf

-) on It. W riting a.note or a letter Is niav hat ■ - qulte-an accomplUhment—one pot ^ L .„ , »d to be passed ovir UghUy.« t . , i t aeems to ;me th a t fewer and !„» fm- n. fewer people.take Ihe U^uble now- how dii « ^ a y s to write letter*, in olden there wi

days there were no ready-to^malf verael 35 cards,- with pictures -and verses .niribt n y ^ jjrln ted on th em -n o telephones-

only foal horses and messenger*’ to r , . i d», « carry .missives'10 friends and rela- V Uvea..^WriUng a lelter-was an-im - - -1? . .»P porU nt duty.— It-w a*-then -com - . “ ’

posed carefully ahd the penmanship was as precUe as the example* In a ®

>J* copybook. Those letUrs were filled with news—they comforted- Uie sick,

‘ soothed those who were grieving and,‘p" sEUiria-ure-'ioniinroraloved^ontT ■ ?* * " :' " ' - Need for well-wrltten letters has

not vanished with the coming of ? ^ modern Umes, but often a note Is not WTllteiTbccBusrit fs so conv'en- ,

i|: •lent to.8llp_one of those cards In n- ••. . ~ ., ■ :_____ - - _ , ' -CdMfuL

£ ;Hutchens-Bruner- a ^^VoWsB^HangBcf S rS™r JEROMS. July 3—A ceremony lU ^ k n

pertbrm'cd P^lday afternoon In the ing, wh study o t the First Christian church how ms united 'Io marriage Janice Bruner, last ou

■ d augh ter’o t TSi. and Mrs. ,B . '0 . celveU I -" Bruner, Jerome, and Adrian Hut- your pt

— ■chroar«cn" -o r ’M^.^^ma■'M^»:"'J >s3^ -hapj-a-— -O i^ Huteheng; - atoo-Jefomer— ------- »an t..te“ The Rev. Husaejmtyers read the a letter

aervlce in the presence ol the it aa m_ jouplB'B-fammBa.,.- ____ , -;— ih i jn l*' -T he-b ride-w ore 'iug reen organdy the hal

afternoon- dress.. Her aecessorlis wlll do- were white.

Tho couple attended Jerome i* w i .school*. A fte r . a honeymeon, they a'"«

' will be a t home a t the Mat SmlUi rhrthm d ranch~where-Hutchenrlsemployed.-

— —In-iOMrBo»Uand-had-one-hou»efor every three and two-thlrde pet- "'Roae sona. S e e d *

Z i—'--------- , 7,T-..itTaUAiw»L-

------ — ^^^ieautif;' ^ y o u r I

~ V o E K O (

l i a a r ato \ . ^

^ - r ^ - — i ^ L . ' ‘— r r —or . 1 V — '■

S — - Y o i j r - B d d w f rw, ' 1, ..................... ■ , ' ■■ *■ “■ 'w.

. " / ' / ■ / J -

.1- ' - ^- - 4 = e l e b r a t i o n - S e t -

brato the Fourth of July wIUi an I r t« almost alM ay schedule of evtnta '; _aaturday.. _______________ °

Boat'Hdes-wUI-be-glv<n-frwn-- 11 a. m., to a p . m , followed by;a games a l 3:30 p‘. in. Special *c- T » u U ^ I- UvlUes for the children ju e plan- vow* bef. '■r ned for 4 o'clock and hot doga ba^e ta 0

't i l S ^ “d A special fireworks display lU against.tha eanyoo-waUa-wUt-be— J e l b ^ d

i ' - Family, tlclMu'"fto Itie fclttbnt™ Mr. BrUu I- Uon. are available a t Vernon1. Riddle’s office or a t the club” read -tteid bouse. ._ .. ___ . . . •• played b:

. _______________ ___________ Mrs. B«•| " ' Mlolst. '

n t s R e v e a l e d ’ _ ^B gown of■ over I worn■ .»-amall■ alseTes.,1■ held

Jace._Ult blossoms.

— mie-n-

as best 1■ ' " ' Moore,.j I ....• ' Jr.. and-■ . ™ j j j | a | ^ ^ AfterM ,'■ " • ' * *


old Reed 1 ^ ^ - coffee a

■ •roan FIjI ^ M P r ' f f l r 11 i» th sor I■ the guei■ Lonsle? ^ — IfX ^ A L JOAN BROWN '. AfUr

. l8t»Uf e a m ris g ) ,,.; . Tetorr^i ..................... ' ■— I parks, H

csor-Chrldren— S5EL0 P A T R I'-.. r... S d ^^ N ,

In an ' envelope. Yea, U j^ ^ Iv e y ^ T ' - Th2 bire chance to send Uie printed 'w ard field -hlilly with a drawing. But It is your ape- ^ e ^ h a aof cial greeUng, written to you person- year atto ally, tha t the recipient may be an- afriu»i«

« U.„ Ju j ^1.' “Bhut up in the house.-with-an attack '' The b of “something contagious?" A card Buhl hi

“ may have come for you and you, like thU aprl ot so many^others. tore open the en- lego wit

. velope to find out the sender,' hop- member Ing for some w ltten word on lU <*ent coi How dUappoInted you were, when *** 1» P*

?«- ihere waa noUiIng but Uiat printed Methodl versel Whot a difference to your Out-ol spirit* It made when you found, not **'ng Im

7 ~. merely, a.penned.word or two..but» J«»t«r. ' «» real descrlpUve letter. Mrs. Ha“* -_That.iam f-pleasure_m ay-be.Jm t 2{?-®iSl’, " whnfa wanted by-your.grandmother,

an aunt, an uncle, o r a brother. i„S sister or oUier relaUve no longed * " 3 ^

^ living In your home town. They SSh,.3 may like- Uie drawing on the curd. - 1J and perhaps the verses, fiut what ^ :meftna-mosl-to-U»em-would'bc-4he

• note you write. Anybody can buy v-»O r a printed card, put In In 'an enve- BUKL lope, affix a.stamp and slip it in the prealden maH-box.—Dut-a-personally-wrltten- th9-8tm

j_ letter Is quite another" matter, es- ed the ' _ poolftlly_when. aa you wrltc..you-are at-the-h _ .cfltcful_lfl_m«lte-U deacripUva.-,— ^W ln n l

.• Never • mind telling them : about .. the weather, unless i t la something

—1. .verv—um iilia l__ Tn .niiaTlu. «11_Aaiii« Ti'e_n□ Whot U irreclplcHrW -a'lettei-wanta P.‘c n l ^ny Is to know what you have been do- P ^ -he Ing, why you iiappened to 'w rlte— Therhch how msny Xlsh you caught on yourer, last ouUng, what, m arks you re-G. celveU Ih ariUuneUc, how and whatIt- your parents are doing, and per- 8K 08l3^ -haps-ft-TftenUon-of'yotlr-dtifc-^ej^ t h r ^ i— YOU. Write Joinedhe a ]e lt tr”ana you wIll enJoyTIoIng sW jrigjhe it aa much aa the person te whom a t th|T— .UiB.aUalYB-la.ttddfeaaed__OaLJnlo ,Oamf* ;dy Uie hab it of letter-writing and U andsohj lis wUl-do-you-a-great-deal.oI good. •

. I ------------- ‘ EsiJJne . I* xmr child 1 iloM ehlM. i l n n t*. '

s J t e

tt- ~‘Roae Dost a n d -F e rU lli^ Olobe ■ » Seed * Feed Company.—adr. — - ■ ■

nauATiQW 1

U p C _ _ \ . . m v t y

^ - . V , , r u « B*OH_N

I.. -— r —l-A tou ii— - - = = ^- ■- - ^ ■ ■ -------- r cm -"—

BcHdwiri Acrosonic Piano Deal<

, T I M E S - I J E W S , t w i n m

5 ^ss:StoljrW eci4^“- 3lQBert-L.,brJziee.i j | ^ B

In Church Rites.m a m om lng.certm ooylJune 10

~ In-the F irstJ£ethodlat.«hunh,Pou- tello.--patrIcla. Lee Stout sksd Robert

,' -LouU—B rtiee~ ufehasfed -weddlnc^ vow* before an altar b * n k ^ with baskete of pink and white gladiolus, palm s'and lighted caodle*. .

' -*TRen>rtd6'ls'tHr<ls^hler~bf'M )^' aod-M rs. Edgar- Lee-8(out.-'Poca-

_ J f iU o ^ (O h f lJ ir£ d « rM m O B a o i£_ j>f_M n^arz3r.A .BtlM «aad.tiie.late W m S l . : Mr. Brlaee, Twin Tall*. - -~

The Rev. H. W. Hebblethiralte r read-the-marriagr-TOWtrMtisie-war ^ ■ g S

played by Patty Qtto. organist, and Mrs. Beverly OoUuit waa - the

■“ aololst. The -tapera—were lighted ■" by Edgar Lee Stout;’ Jr;. and Haz-

old Brlsee, brothers of. the-couple.-.The bride wore * chapel-length

jr- gown-of-OharitUJy“ l*ce-and-tuU o I over saUn. The fitted bodice waa ^ H | S I worn with a lace bolero styled with I ,a-sm all coU ar.and lo n g _ p o ln i^I . alaeTes..Har, veil of Illusion net-waa.I held by a Juliet u p of ChanUlly I;. Jace._trlmmed..wlUt^p«ari ..orange I ' blossoms. She carried « white Bible I * bouquet, of white rose-

I -----T tee-m ald -o f-honor-waa-Naney-YL 3 “ u^ yoiyg alsttf o f the hrtde. w j g ^ :

I as best man. T he ushers were Bill f Moore,.John Realnger. Edgar~8tcnt.

2 ' Jr.. and -Harold Brttee.'-7-^^^"= -----S After the ceremony, the newly- hj weds were honored a t a . breakfast 2^ in“ theichurch~*ocl4nTOom*,~Mr*:

old Reed,-aunta of the bride,-*poUred w ] K ‘ i ; coffee and -punch was served by I . Joan Fisher . and Jeanette CaUiey.■ - both sorority, alsters of the. bride, m 'mbm I Lois Ann Reed was In charge of I the guest book and Mrs. Robert ■ Longley arranged the glfU.'

A lterra-w edd lng -trip to Grand Teton' and YeUowatone- naUonal K d m jH

'-n parks, Mr. and Mrs; Brlsee are a t 3 H ® g home In the Student union on the ” _ .7 ..

- TdiOT-BUle-^Hego ‘c im p u irT h li ' -----MBSfall Brlsee will enter Oarrett'BlbUcal - . . . . t InsUtute and 'Mrs: Briaee will a t- ama. di tend Northwestern tudversity In 01«» N

a ' The bride is a graduatevpf Shef- grarlng: ■rd (lel^.-hlgh achool, Sheffield, Ala.>e- She has completed her sophomore n* year a t Jdaho s ta te college and la n- affiliated wlUi Alpha Chi Omega. V O W

Spurs. Octagon and the Associated p . .1■nr w omen a uiaratrcSQngii:--------------- - — D V I.ck ' The bridfegroom, a graduate e t r\iJ ,ird Buhl high school,, wa* graduated „ r v _ h ilu, UjU aprlng trcm Idaho State col- ■n- lege wlUi high, honor*. Re waa a )p. member of W uley foundation. Stu- It. dent councU and Religious councU.

len He Is pastor's assistant » t the n r a t “ ^* 2 ™•.A Methodist church In Pocatello. cnureh.,Uf Out-of-town guest* a t the wed- The b;,ot «llng Inc luM Mr*. Marguerite P . Young, '

Jester. Olymbla, Wash.; Mr. andMrs. Harold W. Reed and daughter, attended Topeka. Kans.; Jeanette -CaUiey. Mary KiBlackfoot,-and ■M rir-Hany-Briree flower-g

“ » -nnd sons, Harry and Harold, Mr. A rece; ‘Y* and Mrs. Leland Brteee, Joan Fisher a t the

and Carmen Cunningham, all Twin Menlo F1*/ FalU. . ^ sailed teS ; ' • ♦ » ‘ Uon.

S; -CbntiacrMeBting-ve- BUHL. Ju ly 3 -M ra. Merle Brown, studies Uie president, and, other new oUlcers of school { ten-the-Stmnyalde-SocIU-fclub'dbndiict- and. afM es- ed the meeting Tuesday afternoon be a t ho ore at-the-hemc otM rs.-ClUtord-3roinj; -T h e " ^

^W lnnlng-prUe*-at-cont**t*-were. -credenU Mrs. Emeat Baxter and Mrs..Merle followlni

ing Brown. verslty. IS6S _-The_next.m8eilng.wUl.be.aiainlly. H .O . Ad nt* picnic July 28 In the B uhl_clty. WrIght, Jo- park". ^b,-7 -^Thorhostesi'W as ih diarge ot'O ie' .ii 5ur P««»® -- ^ . I •'

aat P A J ix i H E L D _ _ , ' 1, 'er-. SHOSHONE. July 3 -^em b w * ef i n.> le r thif^eUiDdI*V^-rrouth--l«ItoitfsHlB' Iffi ^ Joined thoH5*pUit YouUj .fellow- riu m Rig sWp iof-4 i-p« tr-w « inM d*3^n igh t L<iuo o n a t th|i home of-'M arsha AdJUna. evai

"It and song te s t - 1||1|| aj”

- — ‘ E aU lih-«8pode--»o»-C hla*___ UO

>>»«»» »TH t •

oot BMEZE--------i w i N o s - ^ i ‘ , ' g : i - __________ :

■v>- in v K TIOATi ———-

" T l

10 Dealer’. , ■ ■'

F ^ L S , I D A S q _

t — . — - -Q y r j Q3 ~J

es.t 10 a recepUnoca- SprlnRdali> b ^ ' and-tho-^idlnc City, Callw ith ’kt'U ie Meolus. Dancing

conductcd 01 cercmo;

‘oca- gave'remi

^ t e -tan;en:.l{ous rendi

valte Dorthy H(-w ar by*Joan*nd » reading

' the aolo,^acco

Haz- guest boa■le.- O arth amngm O t-the-bitulle arrangedvaa Orvnl Hyi

wIUi - S S \ miiMen.tnted 4 W .V --^— 'Refresh'-« u - Thomas -lUllr --.I t g r A . Emma W«sge Allen. .Bible ' O tit^ f-rose- ''-V-' Mm. Ma

Mrs. Alvl.DOT- M R»_W K

1 ^ 3 1 L - I Z ^ B ssissss

“sm f S S l E 1 i ‘ ' % s l

w ' ; f i!i£ ” bl

lUred !® K tT T ^y2?=H B 8s- - -

uiey. * S e K X r : f f i B | » L . . . .— .

holda-ccobert a t Uie h(

, lA a W a i den .Rol>rand >rM > i i l l i ^ K g a a » ', ' ; - g 3 H I M poema-al

^ l l 'f e a t ire a t y S a S S f l E s B B H K f l ^ ^ led by M

s V1 a t- am ^ daoghter of Mr. and M r^

3hef- grarlag)Ala. ' * '* * Hr . Uio grad

more sUmpsorVows Exchanged j = ^

'lated i-» ___ . | -Iff—KOI— ■ —B y^onntrA aam s »”-V “

■ Calif., early -residents of Rupert, i u and James A. Affleck, Sacramente,

,.«Mr Callfn were married June 13 a t “ 'Stanford University . Memorial *— -

^ church.v t i . The bride's aunts, Mrs. H. Lloyd to p . Young, Twin Falls, and Mrs. B. T.

and Albertson. Buhl, and their fsmllies ihter attended the ceremony. Hor cOusln, - ^ M | lUiey. Mary K&y Young, Twin Falls, was .jrtiee tlow er-gtrl,- ------------ ------- - . . l A .. Mr. A reception followed the ceremony fisher a t the Marie Anlol>iette->hotel in ,Twin Menlo Park, Calif., and the couple k ^

sailed te Hawaii for a 15-day vaca- Uon. , 1 ^ ^

----- 3oU i. art_graduatM _5r..etanfor(J..I l y university. Ho plan* te conUnue his ^ xown, studies ih the Stanford university era of school of medicine in September [diict- and,-after ■Uiat-UmerthrtimisiQ’wlll - —■ rnoon be a t home a t Woodslde, ColU. - tovn:- - The'^iae.-who-reoelvid her alate -■ H -were -credenU al-of-m edieal-technlclan • — B Merle following graduate atudy a t the uni- - r -•

verslty. 1* the granddaughter of Mrs. ' '«mllv W n «nH Mnt W-c ity -W rig h t. Buhl. • t l ----- r r — --------- ■■•■•------ - ------6\

,||l| .■ .L A M E B A C K P■ C O K R E C T - IO N - Y.

na of I ^ pleasant a n d painless. • • ti

] | |b w { th * * ? ^ u m ^ m ^ u S ir itS l ' 'I lumbago; stomach and kidney

l l i - d l s o r d m ^ you-have tried — Ieverything eUe, T r r i ' a j S t r ' -------

i-bust- h » e n trT W le r iro f t« n T ( t« ^ ^ - ~ w biafter first treaU aent X

n»___ Mala North ', PhoneJSM ' | |

S r - D R ” A t M S : H A R b l N - -

II^^^^^^^JDHI^BACTOB- • " ^ '2

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^ _______________ F o r O u r B i g A


SitE______ Sb« the Advertis

in Sunday's Timei

TH « SAM________ _________ , J E R f l F J g - ^ A

^ s s ; ..." - ~: :a s :a i ' ^ a \

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7” ‘R '^ £ e p f i^ F ^ y ~ “ Bet r ■ ^ - i > l e w | y w . e 4 z . P Q i n ;

"'BPRINGDALE.-July 3-^M r,-and _.Mrs..Elmer Bowen were honored a t . a recepUnn Monday evening Injthe SprlnRdale LDS ward chapel. Bowen . and-th6-;orm cr-Jerry. Sabln, Yuba city , O aiir..'w ere~ T nsm ed-^e-3(’kt'U io Mesa.'Arls., LDS temple.'~~ ^ B B l

Dancing followed th e . program conducted by Oeorge Puce, master ot ceremoniM.'OrEd^r-OKrlstensen- gave remarks: TTartelL Christensen.

ous rendlngr'Carole-.Larson and Dorthy Horten, a duet, accompanied - by-Joan Larson;-Mrs.-Don-Norton?» reading: nnd Harlon Rlchens, % . . aolo,^accompanled by Helen. BuUer.»g fihnrflH BiArr In rha>ca.ol tha guest book and gift carriers were Oarth and Richard Bowen, brothers

^ B of-thc-brldegroom.-The gifta-were arranged by Mrs. Rudy Scholer. Mrs.Orvnl Hymns and Mm.-Henry R u - miiMen.

.Refreshments were served by Mrs..^ B 'Thomas -Bowen._nMj8tfdr_hy Mrs.-

Emma WorUilngton and, Mrs. Rex >Allen. . . • . ■ . . . dai■-otitiofitown'gucsU'were-M f.’tn d ' “ Omne^Er Mm. Max ChrlsUansen, Mr. and gaged io Mrs. Alvin McBride, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Lcni

B R cs_ W f« l_ M r,_ B n d _ M a^ * rte )l _l*_»_lfl8l Chrlstehsen. Harlon Rlchens and sobeoL Mi

.Chico, CalU.;. Mr. and Mrs. Leland weddlng.d

ny Johnson, Rupert, and Mrs. Ray ' i a S | Norton. Blnektoot, p . , . , .

The couple left this week for Mc^ -Tr*.tK!i“

sister bctore going to Yuba City. J ‘nner wa. E ^ jn Calif., te make their home. w r. aiw .K K j — -- - . — .- . - week. Cue

I Harrison,

b I r r r = C a l e n d a c i r i :

O B E Maglo Valley SalntpauUa club will hold a-coftce hour a t 9 a in . Monday

B B a t Uie home of Mrs. KenneUi Hod- l U f f i r a : |R |B der. Roll call will be answered with BCSa poema-about vlbleta.--The-program-B r r ' w ill'teature'a roiind table flKcusBton "m rm m iB e IM by Mrs. W. L. Ohancey,______ / V V '---------------- - hT h. ■■■IIJMW

SHOSHONE —Graduation—exer^ E f i J k U lclses will be held for members of tho -------------Guide class of the LDS primary M ~~'

_ during the Sunday, evening church ■ *MrvIce5;-“H fsr'W m U ~LarienrT)rl- -----mory president, will be In charge o t ■ ■UiQ graduaUon and Bishop W. F. ■ WSUmpson will conduct thejneetlng. ' B ^

I_____ -W-VOU^E-A-SOUTHPAW— - — ■ 5i m ^ W ell Engrave Your Paper Mate " ' A Special Wayl ter of Immediate .^ w ic e - Phone 4S8 ■• Taft., . : or Stop In . . .. < ,lupeil, J . H IL L 'S G IF T S H O P i '

“ ■ —OP®“ *^Way Evening#— mortal * J ________ ; . r -

s S i -couple k ^ J

«nlorij- ■ .>ue his ^ — • -------------

^ W a s h e rjio-wiii - —^ ^ ^ B --------r ~ — •:— :—' OutI f r ■ -7^ ^ ~ w h 0 c k r : . —5f Mrs. ■ • • • .

• —^EJecrrirwasherjrond— ' — — '■ ■. ■ other appliances

; p o ired -b y -ex p e rts .— , -----------f ' _ You- name It, we'llnless. - fix it!. , “ “ “

Is - Phone 423U S tr - ----------------- ---------------^ . -------r ^IMN^^ : H W fSrSTA 'ufo-Stipply C o r - --------^

i ' - ___ %

CHur Big Annual

* 1 i l T ^ f c y ----- ' favci

I U l T _ J!!!!


e A d v e r t i s e m e n t Fll a y s T i m e s - N e w s L b

S A ^ M -E T t

TFIC VALUES, : . ___

iTlBCIl-IRvSW - - t

r ~ : “ B e t r o t t e i r T C I ^ r - J e r o n c

clit > — "'liiiiiii ■ iliScerM r.'tn d U

njthe. Tk^^tte-aa

" r ? J jw S ii ie '^’ ■ ■ B '4 *niomas t

)gram LDB- chur>

-nS-B K a

orton? — ----- Joyoo-Bl

luUer. “Dt.th^ —For-^hec-

were Shurta woaUiers d i w and-were g r o o m ^'. Mrs. and

- PoUowln

i H H B H H B B B ^ B B tending rr^ -------— — DENA-ALLEN__;'

. . . daughter « f-M rrand 'M ti' Qulgleyi-f f r a t -OrTm6-ETAllerirBiilil,-wh®-ir«nr . and gaged te Kenneth Sayit, aon ot u -a Mrs.

I and aobeoL Mlsa Allen wHl be A atnior

> land wedding, date has been set. (Staff

,.‘Ray ----- ^ b r i d e cha„ FAMILY DINNEB HELD

slt-h ii :;zHAaERaiAN.=3uly^3 — A tim liy T f= ^= ^= r i ty dinner waa held a t the home of n

Mr. and Mrs. Leland Oreen this I------- week. Oue.>rta-Included Mrs. Oolda J

I Harrison, Alamoaa, Oolo.. and Mrs, 13 1-------- H-e-nry—Oiemmer—and-<hUdren.--------- lA urfl, Mf1,___ _______ :_________ L fO R -

~ I F o h i \

of the ___ ' ____ '

| | M 7 |

PI / F eed s-R m

J P R O Fl___!H&ucce33_olyourJh

of crations depend on Jio- i . -y p u r larm aAunals,^;

sk^: ;-~-:^"rffe-^hey3-|TSV iC r:Prah e a l th ( a n d y o u r in '

r. ' y o u r p r o f i t " 7 7 - n -------------------------th e m — I D A H - B E S T

II-------------------------- . f o r t i f i e d fe e d s a n d s u - _ . T ~ “ "T.::8Pecia lIy~“cbm p o p n d ed ---------------------------- t i ie i r "evefy ' n u t r i t io n a

' m e n u . \ -•- ;

— ^ • - = f l i e = E g g ^' favoM bIt.thoiT;i9r-Jg st-v » Q f^d -tl

d ic o te s a good dem an d fo r eggs unti

rrs> - L


5 ^ ]^ V*^^t^-*08n* irf

*niomas :N*«maa. 'O t, th e .. LDB- e h m ^ - p e t to m M d ; . . tb « 7 '.^ ^ ^ ^ B

i - ai z liiiiiiili Muiiii liiiii (Kiini ■ i i i> |i i< id ^ ^ ^ ^ B

-F*d .roaetFnds and~a~<)»a<U:i»«c>;l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B

n~ coutlo. ‘ - ' - r

-was maid ot honor. R l o h J ^ d l t e ^ ^ ^ ^ B ~ se rv ^ a* best m a n 't t t his'

Shurta wore-a navy blue d i w and ths.m other o t th e

- g ro o m ^lu e ft'daA *kIrr w l t 2 l 'C i ^ ^ ^ ^ B and white blouse..

Following the ceremony, a tion was arranged for M-guesU.'

, t e m ^ ^om .ou t

• »■ Mrs. s . O. DllUon and ^ef and Mrs. O. S. Funk^ Ur;'

'h lth - hcniu, iU 'TwIn F a l l * . ' u d ^ ^ ^ ! ^ ^ ^ ^ | Mr^. Joe Bhurtt and tamUy,

_____ bride choee a navy blue, dress wUh-aat^ilng a o c M a o a e t< ;^ ^ ^ ^ J

’ NO DbWN. FAXHBliT^^T;^^

flL M JfsiJepend on Jiow^riunalB,^y-‘and-how~L~^^

□te! eir "growth

a W .ieeds and supplements-.'' 'compounded to .meet *- y ^ u tr i t io n a F -^ a re .^ -—

Thera's Ju it one U M e r --------- you r egg prot lta -ftn d ,-th » tfl^ ^^^J

Id j^ -Best-Ft ^ ^ ^ a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B

^ s t-y f fQ f^ did fo r eggs u n til «arly w in te r. -

Page 6: K T h x e e E jm 'e d .a RussiaiK i S S i Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · He said ,hV»r'^ the bed'sldesTorthlftruck were tom- “f off, but most of tho damage

SEea^et l M a t Aly 8 • ohnnyle PGA golf tourjtaoM^Hirm ^bam -CountiT^^H

tr~wiId~sost8andii ^ B_fflcpected-to-bring S^Bk (^ ta n t B r 9 J M J a r g e t i ^ W i n i u D a i f l

Ootont, Pacat<.iu ^^ l&rsetd jm uisu^-tTzZ ^H

‘5 b .a ,rss^„^ ■!• Etchen^8un\^j£25iJ^B

7. .Ued.wiUjlM' b tS ^ :^ ‘’ H'Other top doubla

^ Anold lUegg ^S ttt l^ ^ ^ BEUsene, Ore., 93.*

Milt Sh&etrer, B tO n o ^ l A clasa B doublei with U a ^ l .. Beck. SUQ Valley, 9i..Q In dus C.,j. Ore>.waa_tap£.wmi

Ann' C}irl5ll(, Lcrfc,,t Ins in clau B too Ua^H

dtvlsloii- with -77.—’ Reno, Bhot 74 and R o tb ^ ^ l V 73. Joyce Vanalnilide^H !: Woah.. baseed 73L en'a honors.-------I Ba7 blasted 100 itn h ^ H

to win the class AA r and'ths'flrst-orthelU H ,' shooUns assodaUon^i^^H jj class championship

°. Golfers Scrawl 1; From British iBd OARNODSTiE,-

I^Three U. S. ttan-O^H ^ zen. Johnny Bulla aad

were scratched ‘Ihunto^H » British - Open boU ~ which begins here-lfa^^^l

An ortldol of Uuinri^H ^ dent.' golfs rulloir teS ^ H y aln. said oftldal

received that thU .Aa^^H would not be in tha

-----Saraign • woa~UtrBrftii^^B1993 and has alwiyi favorite ln 8 c o t l i ^ ~ ^ J


' DO YOU=j • NIORT C R A W iS n ^H

• fishinotacqji'^ H• ZJOEN8£3• FLASEUOmB't^l^l

- • -T B R IB 8 --S-----• SDN GLASSES- -• KODAK roM• .S H 0 T 0 PWB ‘«

' • WATER BAGS• CK^OAL•'fn o v E isd lahoi^ H


Green im?WESTSPOniBM O B I U E S E R ^


Jifogic Valley’s Cowboys hopo to con! ^^W allB-^or=2rthree^game~fltAnd followih ||H f lp iid » e 5 ;r ^ 9 ” 8kr-4iurloi^P^KSchul jffiSfflgilth win- Bgainst - two defeats.- ffi»r^]ph-CamUU?6xlub-8coredJ}otk.thei]: M ^ ^ fluI.Byhre was h}t_on_the loft arm am

l lp io n e Pioneer- S je a g u e -G a m e - -ftnBffhursday night, aside from the .. - uBJmaglo Valley>Bolse same, was limit- r . Sytaa~to"BlUliig8‘ 10*3 win, over tho‘” ■ ciSlSreat rails Electrics. Billings gar- , ., gyjjjfcredio hits off tha slats of three _____« 5 W M usUng”~ h l^ ^ * ^ ^ Hayaom :■.......... '•4 |9 flW tt«ro<i W e -o re o v i‘'aii»-niu ov«r- - <;— :------r j jJ ll^ e Innings* as he allowed singlew |^ m « only In the first, fourth and -x t t S ^ i h 'inninBF------ •— ..........B S 0

The’ UusUngs sewed things up their half fit the fourth with

nm«-which were - th e -resu lt mtr:----.- ifl< ,C a Don Riley's double.. Haysom* HlfrjIiiafo.bUQt'.oa,Bn error, a h it bats- 'j j |1 - | | ^ n . ^ d j t o 8les by s t a m p e r .■ ■ n g ’

Larry Staiikey homered for Great S ^ K ; Inal *taU7 In the' elghUr.' "

i'jJ S I Friday night Salt Lake Olty playa ^^ it,B U llnsi..08den.at-areat. rails . ^ ■ J j[y w pnlm ■ at .Poeat Un---- ---------

I ^ ?a fi3 s-0 ste r— - B Il l r o n d s 'o u G a m e | H ilntSfuge^'Opreiiied >Mh A The Trank Oater'ponds 'in the ■ 'WllUan nnB ageninn game refuge opened to P»w“ *' |||ffie^B«aeraI public f«S f f f l u S mpCTvlw 5or^Tl7ej^UB' ryJbent of fish and game. PUhln« «” > fi ;,raour«'are 8'a. in. to S p>-m.Lii’-SS A special creel limit of five trout t *

iglias been set on the ponds and also l i m t l S| Jffln RUbjr' reek in the refuge whereIjljtj^ishibg is limited to Juveniles. Fish- rwi*

'taoxtrs are tba same on RUey X l C S

jiViilx A crew checking the areas Wed- CJ ^ _lai^esday found 300 llshermen'in the o C O l Anvcnd'areas. lliey took more thanSIb U soo flah weighing 600 pounds. *nio BOISE.QMEh-TBnjed-lnrTrellht-from^thrce- old Jlmmjn^H)urths of a pound to two and * bllsterlnffl»ireeiIoiIf«ur'poun<U.-T?htcb“ Hm- Bolse’s-PlaIM lu U la good for new waters. About d&y to Ue

children fished on RUey creek for medallIPillBWth good luck,__ _ amateur gal llfil-''33iA_chUdi« caught 600 fish Htsleey's

900 pounds. - ’ Klskey. thl i n n a ■ i i . . , „ and Wyon

|M ’o ™ e ^ ^■It ^ M ■-------" 1 — ” '~ X V * 1 — r - — Toung-Hlsly i i J n i r e n a s ^ P i l o t p‘°n Newt^ Ken Spark

MLinB».S«ltiBke3ee»-for4h#r4stotlbe I M f ^ e e r lew e seaaon.. President MMffaairCelshman ahnoiihces. , " ffliyfLelshman told-the salt Uke TrU MHBune that Gasuwa? ia not expected j|mOF> . »_pl»yer.manager. Lelshman'* HiBtooimSiniiit c m . u hoiin ' ' ‘."•j.” - ,

^s f jW Oasaaway wlH plck up the man- ’ . “Diirgi

Friday night. The ex.bls .^ ^ 1 ^ ;* N,B®nBUBf 'uirbwirisM UtinjnBT^- - tjrO liii njlubessee. ProfssslclUM Otssaway haa had aicolorful and the seconi j^ lh ^ led 'camr. both In and out' bf series at lljWMMbaU. Be was sheriff ot hla home municipal [IliHitiunty for seveVal years and tempo- The cUn tifljlarllr ended his career at Oakland weod-ahotj y B b the Pacific Coata leasuB. The dlt:l^EBe-pU eted^-Clty.U st-yaaiUv same hour

Wee tern Intemaueinal league *The goll ^ B h d there coached Bob-Greenwood partldpate jgromd Salph Romero, both - eX' Bee - — ft prayimu.7ear,he. hau-. BOSEN-U

wUed Wenatchee In the same league. OLE EL ,1 ^ The new Bee manager served Vlth hitting Al] I jlS^vaukee' In the American asio- waipath fc

B^U oa, Ohicuo In the National The husk ^■eagUB and with FhlladelpUa In the dubbed a I'. Iftagim. -----J—------ !— iour-^ami

...................... 11— I . 1— against D(|IMfi-MiSB Key, dam of the current loth and jKTC^bletonlan favorite, Newport phlladelphi jHRratar. recently foaled a full brother American I 9b^ Octave Blake’s trotter. The sire He also t gBhBlake's-Axo^te. ' batted In v

I | - : : L: _ ^ . S t a i ^ a ih H.. Voting for the Pioneer leaguefoil'Star team U l 1 ’ l -.yarfcthe.lollowlngiiftlhtt. sendJtto Spo

IjS inflelder -■■• ^

B - - o a t^ ie r ';;- '^ '

fj Dtuity — *___ l „ .


j Catehcr __ :. ■•;-------------------------------- --

:_____ n-

Move on to lio Falls Aft( 2 0 © f B(wX t o c o n t in u e t h e i r S ^ g a m e w i n s t r e a k a

f o l lo w in g - t h e i r T h u r B d a 5^ n i g h t ^ 2 ^= v i< m l^ rS e h u I to -H in 'T K d . t h e Y n n H ^ t o f o u r s .- - . i o th . t h e I r . r u n a - l i i t h o J i r s t i r a m e . ^ L c r i - K t a r m a n d .C h a r l c y X ^ l o b l n s t o d a . d o u b ic <

■ — ----------- t o s c o r e

I r ta ^ lh h y j



of the wiou

t o ' home. Daley-at-1

- -WllUam Helnrieh. T Je w -Y S k r & ' prorca U wasn’i ^ n s l aaother M ^ndo ib fish story as be pMes. alongrtdethe »16.pocnd . bine a a tlln h e nuek U ~

'l^led^ld'B iRBQZUr'W aTEn'W ltll •«une; —rod-and reel and heavr tackle.____

-------------------------------— ------------------- Klin* lb

Jimmy Hiikey Ties for Low .Score With 69 dS™

BOISE. July 3 WJ-Slxteen-year- old Jimmy Hlskey, Pocatello, shot a blistering three under par eo onBolse's-Plantatlon-golf course T h u r s - ---------------day to Ue three Boise Valle'y l i f e r s , o .for medalist honors in the Stinker's amateur golf tournament.

Htsleey's older brother — Marlon »<Klskey. tho ’defending Idaho,-Utab —....... . -and Wyoming amateur champion— 2®^," r‘7i'“ •hot-ft-70- to-^uolify for-the-oham-' ■7m «-T»ni-pionshlp round In the tourney. ■ miiitun __

Sharing medalist Honors with ?,»i‘ ' Toung-Hlsksy were"d«6ndlng ohohi- k a c ic va i plon Newt Carter of Nampa and Tomuiio _ Ken Sparks and Oharles Bond, both .of- Boise. T hey -w lll-p lay -o ff-fo rthe-medallst title in thelr l ln t round s.*ttic------matches Friday.- • , .

Among the 33 qualifiers for the potii-n'L_...dfatnpIoiisHp round were former s*n - three-time-state-amateur-champlon- Ed Harper, Twin Palls. 70: Max Wll- BMr.m.nw'- klnson. Buhl. 71;- and J. C. Ash* worth and Dick Sheppnrd. Twin ■**'Falls, 73. York .• A 38-hole championship round will -

-Tw-pTtyM --j• W»thln«toB

D u r g a i i C o n d u c t s s S " ! :

G o I £ i n g ^ n i c =Profssslonal Joe Durgan scheduled E lf* '’'" —•

the second clinic in his summer | ‘tl'YSui7 ‘series a t 6 . p. m. Friday a t the rhiUd^iphirmunicipal course. York .

The cUnio waa to be do-oted to -wood-ehots.-Durgan said;— ■»--- riubuisn

'The dlnlcs Will continue at the same hour.pHdays-for-the-summer.- - P o l^ n - '•'Ihe golfing public is Invited, to U a U tJ ,parUdpatg in the InstrucUon. GoI£ CB 0S ^^E A D ;B llOMER DERBT

CLEVELAND, July 3 W -H ord- hitting Al Rosen is on the home run warpath for the OleveJand Indians. ,The husky t h i r d baseman has ‘dubbed a homer In cach of his lost ^ clour-^am es.—Roftcn'^four-bBgser--.,;~^J-,r-v^against Detroit Thursday-was his St-™ lOUi and put him one ahead ofPhiladelphia’s Gus Zemffl for tho r f s h M S lAmerican league lead In -home runs, J l

pBallot^big touman

•star team will be held from -July She saidadJt to Sports-Edltor.-Times'NeTsr TuesdAy;^se'

, ' Thursday. ETeaftt .s . men's p a r-

— --------------------------------- - played '41— — — —......... , —— . Countly d l

. ........“I wlUi her-bu

g e i x ^

S ) 1---------------------L ----------------------WIMBLE]

. - • —Vie Selx«——— ........ ............ .. powered D<— 1------- - Friday to wl- _— ..........................— singles tenni--------- :------------------------ ----------- e : i -----------— ----------- --------- Yhis was t

tory for an,"IT................................... r...- laftt BPVnn.y/. '-Xbe.?9-yciJ ------------------- ----------------------- lhe-1033U.-

--------------------- . .. ------------- never ■,bcldn_____ inUfiZHelcan

In thc Amt ■ . --------- -HllU. TLY..

..I iSiSJEHii ------------------------------------D riv e w a i

----------- - ------- --------------- “!------- ----------------- F

. ________ r BOISE PA! ' " ' — — I _—

to Tangle:

p)ise ^a s t r e a k a s . t h e y m o v e t o I d a h o : ^ £ | H r h t ^ 2 - 4 ) = v ic to r y ^ v e r - th o - B o i s e - = | | E g ^ P i~ t o f o u r h i t s . i n n o tc h in ir * h lB

le . L ch -K ftrp :B lng led .tQ .cen tcr..a .d o u b ic o f f t h g ' r i g h t f i e l d wall*t o s c o r e K a r p : A w a l k , t o £ I -m e r - D a l e y lo a d e d t h e 'b a s e sa rid s e t t h e s ta g e f o r J i m W U ^M- S ^ t ^ —r u n - ne n r tn g douhlfi-p la y g ro u n d ^ r> -i^ '-^ '

^chulte'fl-OV^Aand fast-t>aH and sharp curve bafned the Yanks all -evsnlng-os-the-Cowbojuhuzlsriwas able to ahuff out elghtt^lnniM and fourth'lnning- threats^ Tom -Gott garnered the first hltTOfl BehuUrl£ the fourth Inning as-he'slngled toJlBhUleW ___ ____ ________________

Magic Valley hopes to keep win- nlng as they tangle with third place Idaho F^lls Friday -trith a double-

ilayJhfty .open-ft, Uiiee;gnm<Lj»t^ w ith last-place Pocatello' a t Poca-

The wb^ over Boise placed the'Wranglers, on ly 'five ' games'behlnd' the Yanks.

After giving up two runs In-the first, losing' chucker BIll''Franco scattered^the remaining seven'hits over.seven more frames. .

Franco snuffed out a Cowboy Winntts -threat In the seventh after giving Mn. Bnrto up-tw o hits and w a l k i n g one. Hndson. M Schulte sliTgT^'to open the inning,' ~pKoto>ea^ went-to-second-on a base-on-balls — .given,to Karp-and>»rent to third o n ----- --------- -Byhre's successful bunt to the lelcof the wound. With the saeks-ioad- f t r ^ led cole flled..t0_rishtflelder Ned

Daley then h it into a double-play i / l f T j S which ended the rally. Daley drib- - bled to Franco who forced Schulte -to 'hom e. Gonsalves-relay—nipped Daley-at-flrst;----------- ----------------— •— ■ ■ —

MAGIC VALLEY i. DOISE I DalM- - ab-h o ilU uls Vall*r ~ I t i i '* «S3SJ.K ,b!!!! K.„ ii. “.5?; Mizei - s ^ r^ E s rT rrH t D o « l & • *” ■ F o r '"5

J L L l i -— - ____ -r. B yT hTouU 'a '4 :4u l Toub After losU

Doll. .... ... ................ .......000 000 000- 0 . Mises 10thU.kIc V»ll.y .... .... ......... .200 000 OOi—5 woh OHO fK

Jl—K«n>. Urhr^ B-«eott. Kllnemtn I.—CoiiMlvw. SB—D«lfine. Cotu Oi>— templed—-to

Mtile Vair*y 7. nO—FraMO I, SehuU. 4. The Dodg BO—Fran«o S. S<hutt« (. rS—Cout)r««. Lhe Mllwai T- 8 .U. A-e,»»._________________ _ a.Q

• C:, 1 « 'Thursday, aiB t a n d i n g s

- - - - —...............w I. JPcU-cir Ynnkeo 1gs!:? p.iu- - r = = g - « r . M.‘T,<ir«x-T.ni-, —vrr- — iir-T:y~ngiT—n-----th tr t tr 'ln n lmiiitun _______ — u u .548 slpated a ona.it u h . C1 .7 ---------H }o, n£»th wlUiKAcic VALLBX-------a* 41 J44 i iS Tha Only'Poeauiio ... .... ----------II 44 JM jame play*------- PACtriC COAST LBAGUB . - 'TlgCrS Whip----- :-------------- . w I. p«i.~cD 4 - 3 'to drop

.............— '"II « ' 2 U »*hind-th6 ‘Lo. at.k. 1 - _________ 4* 44 :bk a '^ T ho W a .


8ac»n..n« « .4»AmMCAH.L^cvB - y - Sklne H t-n

York ____ J: h «butout, allcci»»»iind .— 41 M J 94 s EriWno rc

port-from- hWaahlnitan -_________l( SS JOO UU only eight 1

i; :|»iiD ^ l r n ____-h h i bles by JacIMil».uv.« ,---------------s 3S .«» tv, Furillo. EralFhiiiSiihi;'— :::— r 7 » wi I RobmscN»W York 4 »4 ; 00 9 each. Clnclnnall ______1 K .44S II Tn the nn1«PK;ffi-.-::::=z=i i! SS* A . nS-------------------------- . Braves losirt

B a b e Is P l a n n i n g -

G o l £ C o m e b a c k J S j S S

S £ »noUce Friday tha t Bnbe Dldrilcson Zaharlas, griaU st of them all, Is ”coming back. ^eUa

^ r s . Zaharlas. who-recently-un-- derwent a cancer operatldS^ald “ Wfl-ln-ftni '■I'm going to lick this thing” and ^announced she will play In the Tam '0*Shanter tournament to be held D m i m L in Ohicago-laler in the summer. ” - O a U n i l l

'The greatest-women athlete of j - r ru ' _ this century returned to her Tampa I I I J. W G

■iflUTMliy WM SM \l Ijluylng goil' i iS jb o lS o idaily to strengthcn-her-less for the leads the" Natbig tournament. -jijjg yetera'

She said ahe played five holes oiBver for C T uesd»y;se> re irw ean?R ls j-anaT H WThursday. She larded a 37—one over baggers inmen's par—for the nine .holes she sam e againstplayed Al the Tampa - Oolf and u id now 'tiuC ountl7 d u b which ahe opera tes _____wiai'h er-busbfthd. George. B u K l ' W

SMxas=Captures._. ’ WimbledonEtle—- v i r * 8 d ^ ” p f f i " S l3 ; i “ 'ovc!J S S ' i i x ' ' ^ 'powered Denmark’s Kurt Nielsen ^Friday to win Uie all-England men^s ~ -»lngles tennis champlonshln 0-7. 6-3,

■This was the sixth WlUledon v li- vnnrr “lory for an.Amerlcan pUyer In the ' ,iaftt BPVnn.yfflrj-:-.-: >-.-------- j f M i n a . i:-Xbe-CT-yettr^oId.-Seixiia.Tcapmn o t ‘:he-1033 U .-8 ; DaV1s;cup:team;"had‘ — — le v er ,b e Id fe - iro n :ja m alfir-fannl* .1 U c rH e :c a 5 f t3 o ^ n _ lP 5 I ..b u tJ o a t . — I I 1 C In the, American finals a t Forest I l l l 9 < ai!ls^N_^Y..to.Franlc Scdmian of »

— mac. A S J E H A L T _ E A Y I N 6 i . p n

D r iv e w a y i — P a r k in g Lot*_ ^ ^ ..- .W « B p e d H lie ln -- ■ ' ‘ ' t \a]

Fine Finishes ™W » S |P A V I N G & A S P H A L T - _______ P H_ Phono 3030—^ I h Falls____

"" J ^7'"'

Winnm' of.the BlneilakM Coont^ cinb won Mn. Bnrtoa-Perrlne. Mrs. L. B. IlasUm and M: IlndsoD. Mrs. George Nlckson and Mrs. Howard photo.ea*t*vlni:) , .

Mize’s Piach J -Am! Double^Wins— -_ _ ' course We

For Yankees '-, Tho cvc

By The/Assodaled P re a . .fourth UmiAfter lo^insjilne ball games,' the course tha

New York Yankees. foUowing-John j-ard hole :Mize's 10th inning pinch double, T he hole'flioh one from .Uie Red Sox 8-3 a t . a No. 4 w<Boston Thursday. Friday they at- Dr. and M■templed--to—aUrt~ft'~w In “ Streak 1— ■.....against Phllad^phla. ~'’'The Dodgers. 5ne game up over S p i p f k f

the Milwaukee Braves ' following ■thclT- 8-0 :wln- ftgalnist.^the P h i j i - f t f i f T - ^ •'Thursday, aro not schedu led^M ^-. I |V I I The Braves will ^ycm pirTo . forgowithin one-»iiax-i*fne asW ey tangle / / r t • nwitaxhicinj^sri. i p i d

Yankee hurler Alllo Reynolds MT . limited the Box to six hits during - CHICAGO -thB-ltr-lnning5r-OeorBinCeir"dis- '( S ^ e r ) We slpated a one-run Yank lead in tho college Oiyit ninth wIUi a homcrun. - «'»5' to a s

Tha‘'0nly~0lhcr''AmerIcan'leagu6' 'knockout“ o game played ITiursday* saw the Chlcngo.- Wo •'ngers whip tho.Oldveland.Indians We^b, wh< 4-3-to drop tho-Tndlans-slX'garaes geles, welghibehind- tho • Ya'nJcs. — - ’...... ' -.... - v^ont

The W ash l'ng ton jP h ilade lph la

Brown, nM Ohlcwo Whlto 'Box ° W ( T n .r . c h M in t ( i - - - - - '

In the National league Car] E r- lS6-pound U' sklne' set the ''P h ils down with a to the NOA.shutout, allowing only jeven hlta. crown.

Eriklno received fine hitting sup- • The boutport from-hls-mates. -who-coHeotfld the fight betonly eight hits off three Phlladd- Bob eatterl .phia pitchers but made six for ex- Bakertra bases. They included homeruns knocked outby Pea "Wee Reese, and Gil Hodges,' « u n d of a s

Furillo. Eraklne also doubled; Reese 0 |IU IV < 1 1 an^Roblnson drove- in three runs

I n the only other echeduled-nction- / I j In the .Nation loop Thursday "the V ^ E n a U l Braves loslrto CIHclnnatl-3-1 on two c a i^ arvRedleg homeruns.___ _Httkcr..Spoki

Ted Klusiewskl’s hpmer In the the crest in C 'first, inning scored -Bobby Adams, event to who.Jiad.walkcd, ahead of him, and .Canada ch« pulled the big Redlegs’ first base- hill climb he man into a tie with Milwaukee's Baker alsc Eddie Mathews for the major league «-cublc-ind- homerun lead. George Re

Gus Bell’s belt, with the bases .45-cublc Inc >mpry In thn nlr^th qnvn him flfi SCCOnd in tt baWed-ln-and-ft deadlook-wlto-M a- Jnctjmfl-UU thews on top of tha t department, cubic experti

■ ■ ■ , , races.

Baumholtz Leads In Two-Baggers

.*T -^/stttg -Tii<y ' i --TTanlrtff Jhuriffiiy-lel BaumboltJ of the Chicago Cubs now ^ trail lea'ds the NaUonal league in'^aoublcs.

The veteran outfielder, a onetime ^ plBy«!-Jor-Ogden_|n_the_Ploncflr' ~ " league, cracked out a imlr'Xif two- baggers in Wejlneso^ night's ' - ym i» TrOiilt ffanllnnlBan^ow-HaS^l for the season.

v \v “' B U H L^^uly-'3-W ally Wlnegan

snd'-Don Blndet homered to help Buhl Merchants dump Idaho Gas, .Jerome,—0-«- Wednesd a y -n ig h t- a t- -----------—F ^ ls field. Buhl. In a ’Twin Palls V |5oftball association game. Buhl ■ • 'V —I-' scored.six runs In the first Inning. -

- Ab h e nBuhl—r ..:.:..:...:..;:.„.600'12Q-x=0'13~l~ — Id«ho-Gaa-rT^:7T:::n001-^10-0—4 - 6 - 3 —7-a—tuiunu

Walden and Binder. Nakayama yourwlfind Vance. m only I!

a i P J n m n m n n ^ a '$


-TWIN .FALLS ---------PHONE 2995 ----- - j —

5e8tB jJl-W 3m erft—^

ry club women’s best T>ril‘ r>lf toumameot »re, f latam and Mrs. Jam es Henry; .lU nd ln rc Mr*. ^ 1 ^ Howard F . Blake. Not In p lc tm ts 'M n . 1

-Ace! ....... 11 S'eatt]Harvey Pierce stepped onto .

the tec of tho long three-par A ~ j- .-H » 7 hoU-4>n ->h o municipa l - A T I g f i

course Wednesday evening andpeeled off the perfect shot. . 1 ,

Result: A hole In one. • . U U X 'The event marked only the ___

.fourth time In tho history, of the SEA’TTLEcourse that the exacting, 230- hej-ard hole has been.need. *hreo w /

T he hole In one, stroked with night,. a No. 4 wood, was witneaaed h jU W ta 'and . a Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Padco^d^-T'n “

--------- --------- ------------------------ ■ M cU sh.'s

SecoBdKEound’IK O W in I fo iv Flsheniltchi

> id e r ” W e b .b ~- CHICAGO,lJuly.J-i«-BllswortH- JW lea..' '( S ^ c r ) Webb, former Idaho S tite Shtramento college Olympic boxer, punched his Hollywood . way to a second round technical Johnson aknockout—over—Jo h n n y ^ o h n so n : Bragan;----- ;Chlcngo,-Wednesday night.

Webb, whose homo Is in Los An- acoENS TJ. geles, welghed--l«3,-John»on,-169. - •The-.-forroer - Idaho- boxer - was

awarded -the technical- knockout Bl« Al Geitt when Johnson was unable to come ” ,, •ourfor-thfl-Bccona-rouna:----------- -Oakiand-do.TE?SS'jJSSW5!SSSiSS:166-pound Utle and led-IdahoState Vto Uie NOAA intcrcolleglato boxing welbel and crown.• The bout whs a preliminary to SEALS 3, 1

•the fl8ht.befcween.Ughtheavyweight Bob eatterfleld and heavya'dght Bob Baker. Satterfield. IflOii. h5 knocked out Baker, 314, ln‘ th e -f l« t H round of a-scheduled lO-rounder.

Spokane Cyclist ' “ ^1"“ Captures Western eiSS”;. Canada Hill Climb _ —

CALGARY. Altti.. July 3 W -B ort Bttkcr.,Spokane..W ash_fIaahed^ver the crest in 0-10 seconds In the final event to capture the western v„,,,iri2. ^ Canada . championship . motorcycle hill climb here Wednwday; - T ran c l.-sc^

Baker also led- tho field in the ~ Spedal S> 45-cublc-inch race. • Ton.'Globe

George Reed, Lewiston.- won • the --------------- -45-cublc inch novice race, placed ' second In the eo-cublc-inch exnert M ercu nrnrr nnrt t.nim In »r»i«n nf fhn iRT ________ g ,cubic expert-and 60 cubic novice Harin* r“«*■ _______ _ •• — WiiCHADWICK LEAVES _ C j-v u ®

PARIS, July 3 Ifl-^Florenca Chad- *•*,wick, the only woman to ,awlm the ,EngUfh channel from both-ahorejr ^ =U w a a iy - le f t- fu r- U m sft-l& ^ in a r ' ■ ^to sta rt tralnlDg-for uiothcr chan- . , a H incl try ^ — ..................................... -

_ 1 WHAT DOjrou-KNow?- -

_ Hew much ipsfc lime muM you —*^tp«nd-ln-4h«^iTOy-R«Mrv»-l»— ......... . - S Z

yourwir ind family t l Ige 60* -

$ Only IS .d sy T ii jum m ef'c im ir mVp1u t40hounlntddiilonalRct«rve

-TznrnrerzvtiyTnT:----------- ^

—?-:pp»iblc.foryw^m.ttt?—trcTiBe sso.obo'f motei raonih------------r iO -

y forthcjettofvoutlifc! ._________ _ J___

YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS.YOU! ~ ~ T “ *** p r G E T A l l TH E FACTSI— i -

tgcIM hlKll.d at;218 3rd Avenue East

Twin Falls; Idaho , __■■' ■ ■ ----------------------- ------- J ■ ^ 0 % H

Igal^ 9 0 Tf-

B I B M I l to the gm


Groovir amiTiticii hour 'win'

a iive-unc _ B a _ th u s . course and marks—and them boUi than -an -lii he missed I the flnal.hc -—Thu gam' Blrminghan old Al Wat eQuoli^ ot OhezzI, the t o ^ the tin

!tno«raundzi jIm Perrlei

s V ^ £ « S E I R f l ^ ^ ^ ^ B i - ta is and p «ndei<-at-8t lyV Alexahd

< grade UUs I for

' > t i^ iyuneot-are, front rowi le f t to - r i th t ,- jiyjii r , Mrs. JIa lph Baeon.T«rt. Voy « 73 and a re ts 'M n . Boberf Denton. (SUff j;^o_only

.-•••.••- - jy jtc u in j -p i'.— ~ . ressed was

^ ~ ■■ 1950 chomjn Va. But Ha:

on' the'.last/ M ' /V couldn't qu

---------.wlth-4t eo-fiThis wa?

P * 1 1 I f l 13B, jeprese—- ............. ---------- T h f cutof

_ _ —_ _ • • 34-man cha

Seattle Glubs , 5:1'”™“!» ' - -m-m0 'A - n r r A l f i I ^ _ | | ' Besides A-Cl U K C l O X ,i J V r , |, falli— , K , Smith, th e lOn'16 HitsSEA’TTLE.-July 3 H^-The Seattle ISl;. •

Ralnlers- held batUng pracUce offthree Los Angeles p ltc h e rs-^u rs- Turncsa of d a y night, clubbing 'them for 18 5*empt fronhits-and , a 15-0 victory. ‘-^e me Los Angelas ...000 000 OOO-r 0 5 4 SeatUe • « 3 30x—15 16 I him wlUi tl"McLlsh. anlcer-Tihrfe-Jind-Pedeft: his crown, iEvans 'and-Ortelg. ------ • • *—r

T r J i r l rSTARS 2. SOLONS'O . . . ,

HOLLYWOOD, July 3 (iR—Harry T f t T .A 5 Flsherpltched a threc-hlttcmsaiRst- -*-v i J S i Sacramento Thursday-night as Hoi- NEW YO lywo<^ blanked the Solons 3-0 for scheduled d( Uie third etralght victory In the track and fjwle.1. -------:----------------— 1 .'Kay.Jtaly,.ShCramfcnto ...,000 000'OT5=r‘ 3 ' . 3 was postpoi Hollywood ..rrlWO'WO llx —2 6 I ' Instead, t

Johnson and Ritchey; Fisher and will parUcIBragan;---------------------------- :------and-exhlbl

' _____ , ■ Amateur Al

ACORNS % BEAVERS 3 ', S ' ^ i I L d„.'pdRTLANb, .Ore.. July_3_lffl_—. _ D an -F cn l Big Al Gettel posted his.lfith.victory the-AAU.-u of the season Thursday night as by a* mlxu] Oakland-defoaUd-Portlaod-5-3.— Tho-team n Oaldttnd .......... 004 001 000- j 9 3 July 6.

Gettel «Td~Neal; Lint, Linde. I Welbel and Gladd. ALLST/

SEALS 3, PADRES' 2 * ' -••-SANTRA1^0IBCO^J^ly'3•«^^TheSan Francisco Seals'moved Iiito aUe -wilh San Diego for fifth place l l | > SIn J iy ^ ^ ^ t^ lo ^ C c^ t-leagtie Thurs-

San Diego ....001 000 100 0—3 13 ,1San Fran. ..,002 000 0001—3 11 1 - Sk jJ ^

Kerrigan. Benton onS Mathis:Singleton <md 'Tcraay., iW j l

The first American pugilist to ob- jtain recognlUon- as .middleweight ' / Jchamplon-W M -Tom-ChftndlcrrHe' . Toldefeated Dooney Harris in a bare t .knuckles fight In 33 rounds in San . VFrancl-sco. on7Aprll_ig, 1607. . " J

Spedal Syrup Mixed Grain 560.00 " Fc

M ercu ry O u tboofd M oto rs ■ ■

B»W7Uiln« for four boat.Sura »# lnU«l_- P1r«oo«th _E. O. Havcni.MotlKrSupply

rh.n; >4t


I Good reason wK]

makes ttie 'p^e____ s o - ____ • • .

l i r Z ll|<cA«wJlng.JLivotih o lja y . And, nothing Wki gin

9J^ . T h e r e ’s Ibe p e rfo c t_ _ _ _ ^ » e ’d »qy^Ulit e Jie ijuao .C w k^ 1--. , . J 2 r ^ - _ - p r o o f th a t Rivg, , d r in lc-bi>ay]

" 7 1 : r o 7 T ^ ^ '^ '- ^ ie n V to o .- G o rd o a V li t------;==r% i5ko |jc lvo iy-.R ,ootlm e*s.J•■ ]__ 2 anil tonlc o fpei

^ 0 % NEUHAt SPlglTS D IS T U lE ^ lt^

. _ .j ,__ : .. , ________ :______

Honors in Mi

h o u r 'w in d s ,- th e chu^Tjy._pro . ------------

C ota iS w S & s s 5 i s 3 f i J i ,

M TIT* •Ihtm bolh b j tM . f M l n .01 le» W 1 H 1

he missed a 30-fodt ^trdie putk-on SXIN'VALI Uio flnal.hole..v , • Ootant, Poca

fr>mpetitive recora;^OT the iB rte ta jn im Birmingham layout was made tv Valley and old Al WatTOUs-30-yssrt-ago. .a nd -trapehoot-eh eaua ll^ only Wednesday by Vio Henry Mi OhetH, Uie Long Island pro,- wh? bested ?h ll I took the j5^en,^^6uniwo-TDundziiualllylng^cord Jiet. by ,Ued.wiUjIl>4',Jim Perrier a t P o rtto d , Ore.. In IMS and

^ • “ A S d e r failed to the |S ? e « ? o 2 ! !grade UUs time with a pair of 78's

% h i l . ■ iwrcham plon.-dropped §?5® B un“\ sharply off hU-opening day.pa^e f '

tl“ S r o U “ “ e h .n „ o<

1950 chomplon from PortamouUo,Va. But Harper, needing two birdies on Uie-.lasf-elght-holes for a-Ue.

u. L‘With *. .This wa5 good for second place,

three strokes back. Pete Cooper ^of White Pffltis. N. Y., ffillowed with c h a ^13B, jepresenUng a pair of lO’s. ■_______■ 'The cutofr'pelnt for'maMnff-thB r T u ^ r t o , 34-m an champlotiiflllp flight, which J L I U C C J begins wlth_ two 18-hole sudden ,death rounds of match play Friday, 1 x 0 1 1 6 ^ was no. • -»-* _

Besides Alexander, notable qual- L

Smith, the PGA president, who had OABNODS180, and Lawson Little, former U.S. (m_Three UOpen and amateur champion, wiUx Johnny161- . ■ were s c ra t^

The defending champion, Jim British ■ One Turncsa of BrlMcllff. N.Y.. w m which beglniexempt from qualifying bu^he tried offldal for the medal anyhow. shooUng apair of steady 70s,;Dr 140-whldi Ued " ,n 7 aa id ofhim wlUi tho maVi figured to take „celved Uia a crown. s .m 8 n t.1 . ■ ?„ „ ,a not h

T r a c k ' T e a m F a i l s | i L “ “ S

T o L e a v e o n T i m e m m iNEW YORK, Ju ly 3 (A — The

scheduled departure Friday of a tJ. 8 ; track and field team golng-<o' Nor- ■ ■ | m u |

-Vfly.,Italy....Aust{'>a. ana • Germany M H U H U U was'postponed. h | | | H U |• Instead, tham em bers o f ^ e team ■ Q S u E Q will parU clpate'in special events and~exhlb ltlons-at -U)o-NaUonal Amateur AthleUc Union. decathlon ■■Mmmmmfik championships a t Plainfield. N. J.TOday and-Saturdoy.......... i i i . . . .........

n an P»yTl«, tivpro^ary . tr faw iriir % A jthe .^ U , said the-dday was-caused by a* mlxup over team -personnel. Tho-tcam-noR-ls scheduled.to.leave July 6. •_ _ -. - P O T l

' ••;• - - « NIGHTALLSTATE GUARANTEED . jtohini

Rebuilt Engines I g S-------TBRIBS


- S K ^ w y y ' . • - y ' • WATER • c h ^ (

' ~. Q .5 0 - . Down .m im m m -


■AS LOW AS - —— ---- .P|r»o .th ---- II.M Da«R. M.M.Banth" -ACrtC hm akt _ _ 1 I .I9 Dgwn.'ie.oa Month -A T -d t ;D«4l« .1M|-D<I»||. li.eo UenUi A L B £

Down. ia.«g u.„ui .

for fLAVOR! . ^ ^

5bn wKy Gordon’s ' ^

■...G«pJlng.JLivotfulgIajm <l.tonIe«n«___ _______ 3h ln g U k i g in qad .i9p |c m ade wilb.»tbe i«rfoct d rib k fo r voul Mainly, •

bJgb (9-fc4) . - \ \ *3d rin k io a y -a n d " " RS5•G ordoaV liqueur .nialliy m akes ■ ------- ~ f : «m o o tlm M s.^y .« m o o f year, Gordon’s - ------F ®1 ionic o fp e^ /‘ectioK.Yo^^ ow n ^

G o r d o n -


£ ‘ . ,PRID.

Page 7: K T h x e e E jm 'e d .a RussiaiK i S S i Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · He said ,hV»r'^ the bed'sldesTorthlftruck were tom- “f off, but most of tho damage

: : - -

- • 4;gii=SGU£g - “—tUim-------- “

" •= 1 lS l.. i, ,, ; ? ™ Sea Pwent V'' • • -*: s h M ^

BOWN f ' g .c o f l i r in ia l .S o a k u p _ . '? I ^ P . f “


^Bu'have'anythtng Bultable for i ^ ■ bU but the weeds?”

B g t t m p s

T O $ | | H E m j j ^ ™ ' - " - O tiT 'O

BilmaliiBlIsm — ~P.iT le lE I N lb U s C T Y M L k l D l • / -W tW 1ATI D E l l T l t T N l f l ^ i l i H 'O U 'R tIS A X 5 W6BP?r6tyBWfW *n;usrIPIO IO IRH . T l l T R E P ft W • • THATfc H H lT l Q I P i E J S M ^ r O 6 d l OWAO: f f l | | l | | ^ | H “ :

• o lu t I o n '« f lY # tU r t tW > i io T ^ - - - ; ~

CKrttGUSg i in s itfe n » le ir ~ toU ia 1 8 .0 u U a t ..................

..-..«U w a-.-------1 8 .T r l* l .............. - - - ' K ^ l ^B,BnUr*— -------a j .B o b b la — .............. - ■ - ' ’ft

B. Down: prefix addreued t i l J //ii

—I ™ ^ ^ - T O ^ g ^ £ o t- _ ~ p ^ j j

- s i . S catter Med - U / ^ ^ m

E ___..................... .......i I "v ^ b«ln«. I . . . . . eliewher#. ' - - •

-jSEDE-i' I ' - K ^ b r ic i l word

—hpn a - '**' Of doubtful rr— —~ = -MrrmfrSicf— --------------- J-

m u 4L Colleetioa oln ---------- M 4S.G l»S2torir

'~ W ^y --------saluUUon----- ■• -- --------- •1 — » “ toCaeuc . ~1 " 44.TiUeofi .

;.<S.A'^? • .- - -47.wSS“e‘‘“

- I- - t— I— -4K Conc««iini------------ — = :-.■ ■ » , .- M A J O R H O O P I J E

TO BBTtS T --rr^^^wSO-AtOM®/’'— - ( ------vJ -m k« a V ^ X '»''5U MiSHT RKJO M m


^ ^ O S H O P l^ ^ A f s i l ' l ' -CARy


t^ b l e f o r B n i» h whoBo'^garflen'*“Am

I did it, r'~ ’ ' • '■■.

I S A S PRK ID EN T O F V / ^ S I I 'NT £ 0 - C D B H 6 A S I D & G 8 M K , U . P

K C C T ,_ . M R ^ttM ISM -A S-V tX JR -------'M ... , 0A U N C E ■ _ y _

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_ : S ? Z S S J \ y 5 ^ ? ! 5 S z 1 3 - t l S

— I f iA/jn-/:n HifcA MJ .. ----^

, m § M i j


f i i M r ^

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lcj-.!irs&r.aLgt. . — —

“Mr: Squire, you.knowjh'e.experienc trade ibr anything? Well, if I don’t ge trade i t r

C A R N m t, By 1

: | ^ p

j o

“And then young Lenin said, Tathe I did it with my; little hatchet T ” ^

. '^ ^ 'i ! 9 - .^ ‘T iS ir to'the

R— i p i i i i r V^ - j r - - ^

- I* ' '* --^ S ^ b b «

j K & d f l H f l

- ByW

i U S E t o S A K E E S l j f t i l r a

. ■; / T n f c s -N E ffS ,: T W IN FAL!

- ■ - B y T v in a a M sr^ ^ “t ^"!. ' . '._1'-1__~y ' >*

3 j ' ^ s s i & A L a r ~ V ~ ~ ” T '-- " 2k -/O M T H 'FA T H E A D T * ^ X HL. - siDe.Too/ iK«r ) r - -A TmWfil&HStiOW.i -' ---

1 . . . F

I - 'JJkK^iBSta 1 "N ■

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lyi.experience-you Baid I wouldn’t,I don’t get a raise, I'll have to ^ '>

- “ • J L _ _ By DICK TU RN ER 6

T S j K - j | - T ’

g . H | P 1 - ., E- - D —

.. XT

/ ^ ^ p C - H T 3 . A ^

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■Id, T a th K , I c an n if 'te lU Hel ^ letr” ^ H -

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L -^ - E —

W IN F A L L S . ID A H O / _ . Z _ _

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C C aW M M M #' KEHlEft'g PtaTREgg C tA MBBMWroy QH> AC Hs fiTHgr

aBsig g R w e ro eruE w$ posmoujo;

A ' .I T

«nTO ^ 9\CT\JW■ W«WK>'JJ WOWTVCtWStORva■ OOWW ' . 9 0 C \ r N ’6 .

. B .

0 M l r 6- - T J

G "■_ - q l . . . - — , ~ ^ j m hS I VSbtt:,8n $urpr}sdr When-Aweclcs-i

' O ' d i d ^ ' ^ ^ p a ]p tiA ^ ;l,A fn b re

L ■ ^ F '

“ Tsr~— B —


» _ ‘/ r w 90C1 o p ^ / ^do?i^B . ( . MV9M 08' .X ^ I .T G V r r A

H t " !■ ■ w r a i R “ ? l1 i L"^^ '° ^ lIj M swreX . iiiai PE

■ 'I*'" _______feal-B:. , .E~ -D ~ mJs_ u

O' * BUrweEEABUUS'i "S CTWAgQ.E». "

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■ .' • ~- ••' ■■ '.........;'. Uii V.W.VW-.-i.-.Ci ■.' ’' —'• ■ ■— —: ---- - j g n n i

T O K !

•MASON - '■ B * g = ^ = g = 5 } W I P ^ g r ^ B t f iMOOixiE

e « O U ^ WE N t» 0 9 U M t 9 M l ^ S i K S6ie.' ■ eu>te^sees/iMyiw4861

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Page 8: K T h x e e E jm 'e d .a RussiaiK i S S i Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · He said ,hV»r'^ the bed'sldesTorthlftruck were tom- “f off, but most of tho damage



It3^ |Tyt^^

dSM cle— Ift. n>aa.**5^^^ ^ B

— '

° E r j j^ ^ «■55 -tj uRHSHBT B


— >11 iii ii ii i III i ii iiMiO»Tr 'FCRKJOtCOT

^ id

TABLES tDd— H»iBbdtv PtogV T ^ B

^ EASTpbokiim^ H

— J ““ j H O ^ ^ r e f ^ B” I ~ »I4 i»7-*£nM^^^^ B

••ROOM bc ra tt.'T v T ^^^II I I M

MOUSE In Klaibmb. IW ^ ^ B 1 , 8 lo^h ot-Cnun.M^M

or*j9SJ*PP1» 2-UKDH(>0Mriall b M M ^ H___ Good. lo»tJ^ H.HL U ^ H^M ll mbi*

"55 C A B IH n jB B A lB W ^^ H

rt“ b*-p iw iifiw ^******!^!

~1_ _ ,K.OOO -

: i ^ Tg * *—O rt r t i^ —

m T f-ROOX '•* funae*.

:»« .g-:!aM

B r a j f i i f e E E I G H T ------

S to c k s ^ . . Al l ^ l ' a W i r g R T O W A C l f A N C E - - ; ? “} J

■ j|ilp -5 iB w z Y o iu q -J ii i» - i -WH- So^tU iM M B B M . - s u u x ta to a a m lis i i l i g J " S ;

r o | s i s s * " ' ' : ^ ^ " ™ '; ” - US".,:

V jg * °“ nu ^ i S f : to » ;M

I ^ S S ’stRaliA!iJ-E-:^!;;«» ,E f M 'T S ' ' A . ; .» i p ." . t i~ . h . u - '» '~ ! ; !g ,j“

k S m -” ® " * •“ • “ •• ” ' “ ■“ * ” •■•“ ;J .k T i

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g p l i ! . , - j p | g . i ! « I l ^ ^ l r i | | i s - . — s j | M

Tm ■ J U R^ut) 4 IS htlftr*P f g j ChST * Oh“ B « Tcb a — « J -SftniK cSS sT*':" “ li 8«n R<-b »»]! S».OWOMp4i Jr9 Con Copt>«r • So® V*e‘■ a r S i ^ n ^ l S o IIH fi» PmUIo « S - « « ” ,

i l i ^ i r f i # f iHA* I c M i - l r K " « tS*C0U 8»1 ■ w g Js* " !.

Efl F & i o!S - u I UnlMi c .rii t l S »w* >It i u l ' ^ 0«n Hot ' ' >9 k Union O il' 404 StMOi S u i l i i l OU1.U. M S Unton r« lf lc 1 « C » ^ r .

i l S t i J i F S J in n i S 'l l D d M n Mot n j l U a«m*',i . ‘ S}> • .n I | ^ B . U ( % n ' ' ' 3T)« W »ranU lK »_ l()« . I ^ i h K l I H l” Nick C*" ** Aulo bl , Ib. b.r<iW .jiiD l l r l f l Knneeott e (V ‘W «t£ lM ' 44^ 400-4M

i t e - ' p s r v i | sHToi ■ fiW UM Coot Pel MH Z«nlpi CSH- Ure >1:

— ------ AMEBlCAy CTCiraTICg------------ m ^ fj f f P J a MSW YORK. Ju ly4 « V -U e l . . f t i ekaU ^p 555 .“irfn® ss ;; '‘'fas’w „.?,’; rU '- • INVMTMENT' TSUBT« „ ' I w S ’.W^ r W e <Frid*r t io t lw «*«H -r E. w .C.liiVtf UcR*b«ri« and t*a»«nr)

w P ix * -^ .. e . \ « ■- -W J* oin®j j a . ^ ; ? l : ........: . : = i ^ i \rtfW lne. IsTalAf* ...................... .. II.M

k H BU ' x5^u "? m ;' ....................- ilo*. "»•“»IM'issi: S| [ j | H n K«riton> tg_....i'.—..........—.......... — It.Ol 1 ^ 2IM W jB '-K m ton* 'SJ ......... .... .......................JI0470

i n t l H p i ' . I MO-WO

im ' stock Averajges _ S31 llraS /Itului. lUlU Utlll Blwks ,. H'l l! !S .fe S :5 S K iiji H .'B H M M WOOL M.oa*.l

H B a *h5h«: JuS^ i« .M : cS lm |U r n a e n a ! jK { j« « j^ u n ^ S [;" i■ w IB f .^^clniriekUd w ot «ooI tap! IK.(N< . UAai*! R | f i « ..,/SJJI<I:K.Komlo*l) .

ffip . —Potato and Onion,S 'fs ■•■ Fntwesl)i! iS ^ , (Orartai^-B. W. BleBotarte u i eb«« !|R yBi Oonpur, n a Bide, rteaa Mi) *»

m lT W j . H T R ^ t in o w - iD d dcMt t l « * « ttt y » « - t r » 4 ^ - . . . ^ ^ . ^.,... -8AMB n i n ' I t .n hlah. «LU le«r enA eloMI two ,M B I ^ m u v x w OKIONfl ~uui

U .U tttob. >t.M low and cIom i two

svs', » [ .Twin F ^ - -U FiI K _I4y^ tojctEiiaes_ Hi:* ■« * - - __________ — k■i ^ i l g -----TIIB 'fo liow lag T w in yallii Um .- ScS ^ sKtaSW: 'S tock p rices a re provW ed by Ibe “ £ ? i ’ ^ o l U . "Twin -TWls L ivestock C om m ission bJ>i?« X llR te J o ^ p o n y 'b s s e d on rssu lts b f - th e » » «*»

i a a « - S t « « « -------------to .W0.78. Md ov.SHK] H«UerS-______i_,»17.75 tO »18J0 weHpu

| i h § S ^ d 3 S ‘f.°"gfi= = =SIb R m B u lls ------------------ n;r.«l3T— to - .* 1 4 ^ _______BB|ti -Borsw-------------- t 3 to t 3.70I H n KOKS T0P.t35.76 i ™w y s r ..-4 ---— s ?si.. S',™;•nHlj_tJ.'.'”'* .j:"":::‘.-‘:u::rr‘:~:‘~ —»i_*zzjy vlsitln(f H K f V isitI H r .. . PANEL TO MEBT ter n« IJMait. - 9HOeHON£. July 3—A-taeetlns and f g|fi?P^TKii~-a<y-nniW^H>vwTrt---<>ni h*- jUughl EBfe»; 2uld »t 7 p. n . Tuesday at the lU Seattle flSK^ btary rooms.. A meeting of the city son, 6i Slltf * eamviU will tollftw >.t « p. m, »t Uiw daxsob, rrQi) ' ■• ' ■ t Hies ar

I I T w i n F a l l s M

yl n t .OolM be1el«r^*ll»Se®iL _;__ tU.O» .

« « ; z : ; ^ : -------------- j j i S g ; | ^ _

^ ( t!—mitit* — ifon-jtH&'_ ----

____________ :•-. .f l ^ . - »«■««.• swaooJSTZ •., , .. Z m w ®«,*A I f t jn ' aow». uDdtf 400 IW. (« » • ■4n3-l. Toot >| K . j ,(0b« d « ltr c sa l^ ) - ^

m J (UoigaeUUoRstinllln^erDplurrMUd)

ffei ~ . «7tr

^ a i • • • iO»f. QuoUdJ •lB«i«»B,^

. . '* ■ *: .* Livestocks .

„ g ^ y „ ^ „ Q g ( .Q ....... ........... a u c A 'n . s^ N T B A w t^ . J “]y ^* “ • iMt w*dt (luiiM tf clU i« h S S ^

>tMdr i» M . lower: srutieftlU bo-tnd* I f

r- ^mi«r »_<«» rfmni>rf1il itaL:atiC'"E^sis^vssfiiavsis « -

- ri.iiS isr'.iJs.’a-.sr.'Ki;.' '’s a1. ««fni>w*d' with Ih* elcM ol U il WMk Ju lr 7at

H (UuchUr ul*«( f«w hrtd » <*nu,(. choleo around 2H R». u» lo 17.00: uUIIIjr e«nt< lewliS. ---------j ! - :iec* MlftbU -tor tie week 1.4U: tiU ' CllICA

prieai ■• eempered wlU)^Ie*«-Br l u t wetk ,* ,M '(nllr alMdr: eMea No.'t-and t buUhtn 7*11«w I.

1««40 Ibe. J lJ Ii a iww around aO Ibe. O*!*, «0 wound 1*4 lb*, at S4.UI Itw heed wblU 7t:^ ehele* eow. under tOO Ibe. ,»7.00-t».«0l I- tri'-

Bheep'taUfal* fer the week U JM : com*» c u e *J tiii?r,;:ai"'.5a'.'r4a'.?.',''»£ ;m..i9 ' •P rin r 'lam b e -M .w ^ l tood-srade down ------

|_ g-K! x n c a.-s-As Si},a 1S5J?Tn!#0-ia.00: eommoo l U u J M lb. £“'^3 - ^etden down lo U.OO. wUh I m 'hlde to ««Pt

j p “ ■ . roR nA N D ^ " - -

s?S helfera nearly iteadr: uUIICr and commer-. u jy4 - -cW—ateere-and-helCera-l-OO^OO lower.f v >!,• ~ t i oowa at ilmllar decline: choke M . t ^ }j„X,t i 31.0MOS rxxl r«d eteen 30.W.S3.00: tem> 'u—',U merelal li.00.lt.00; utllltr 13.Ml>14,00! a . cMUen down to lo'.Cfan' uUlltr and ro<n- 8?V U merelal h tl lm ]1.0»-17.W: u n n tr and uVr f l cutter «7Wi 7C0..9.00 inllltr 10.00-ll.M: “ ■'U 'ealvM for week eatable «tO; i.D»4X0 u ' lowbr: rood and ehoke Taaltra end Iliht v iu a . f l - eatrei 17.00-is.00l uUllty a;<d coramerclal ,tg „ „

: s|S!f l loweri choico butrhere I M ^ Ibe. }7.H.i4 madJun .2t.M-SI.00: .bcarltr and Ilibler m;.. ? Via wdcbte U.Kk:8.Mi choice WO-CM Ib.k aowe 21.00-21.00: Ilihler Mwe U4<Mt.». . f l eiMoi for-week ial»b1e-T.«00: openfclG ate«l^ cloeert »IM.OO lower en j» ln «u aUuKhter lambe: c o ^ to prime Mrir'i!l-SO> KiVlr t l SS.M: lele ealee :o.t»«.OD| cull lo ilauih- >^ ." |, 3 ter m m S,00-4.00. , *'

; OMAHA ' nOUAIIA, Julr i U ^(U SO A )—!{<«• W fl

K ■ 1«W>-el«adr to H-h<«het-| choh^ t«0-349 . ^ ^ ^ MO*’ 2*’ * ^ ! rd o * L - ^ _

% 4o23 io * ^ f* » S ?io .« i: »tiS~^i».^<S^Mo! -Qiiic/H Cattle ««0: net eRoush-aleere-m- hel/m lS3jtra<S offered In make a mirket; uCJlltr and SuppHte

eonmerclal oowe weak) canner* and cut- Inc andn ' tare etront; te tU n ateadri canner and euppllee- a r a 7 ^ ‘? 4 t7 l f i J k r A l iT C • ' & '

ohritie eeelera 14.<^10.00. • unleae •U flheeo 7B; tleailr; choir* and prim* cludlniU natir* eprlni Utnbe 2T.0MQ: snod and «f«tt«d- choice xi.00-M.Mi cull •nd.ulllIU’ o n im tA

1.00-4.00. tona ro---------- US lA J

CinCAGO streeta tw A C o . J u l r » (urj-{Usi)A \-^ioCT » |i“ « >

'?2 4.0001 moderaulr actlre: buuher* oneren:■J5 l U t welfhU fuflr atadr but buUhe» a t „ 0 " ^ . ’H Ibe. and near er aleadr ta 2t Inwerl lowe

K“ !“ ! « • I— ™> <H.t. 1<«10 iM ifcr=taiuh»r«ztJ;7»c«2Jr‘ttwioiai~fliBtt«

fl0«s0-|b«.--2*.>0-«0l-bulk M0^70--Ita. *-_•* *- ••* £(:7S«2t.7li heavier w«l»hu. acarrr. few „'■vl loi. 270-310 1 ^ *1 »A-->i t x . t— u l« Oarmuda

» W 7 o ” : u :k ^ 2 I ; l iw e r ^ S Cf*»o • ' >*. eholea aowt 400 Um. down 10.60.3S.00; bulk

_ KS^-.a5:x«i5a^"J.t AriBc**ebolo« and vttme 17.00. the « ^ ; old

—J ctP^ i J i U ^abMnU^tU ^ U r «w » '«^ m u .T— -■t'4,004j0, outalde 1.00 paid eparlnstr!*'' ’

Cattle BOO: cajree 200: «enerallr fuHr —* 3 =“ 9; ! , otoen and helfen; Inqulrr broadcel for iT^nnco

eholea and prim* (Uere and belfer* and. dpy fna,S”M ."S irA '“,S7£5«St.fiO and M.ZS; few ealeelraod anti chpleo ■>

r> zX.cutter* (L00.10.00;. alltllr and commarclal*•» Inille 1I.M.1S.00: eommeirlal to choice mOVed---- Toalm'IOM-M.OOi IndUldual-prboa..alM eorlv-t<

UflOj euU and utllltr I.OO-H.OO. U

“ 1 . . KANSAS c i r r A n. oKANSAS o m r . Julr i .(u r) - ii« e « th a t a

* Cattle' lOOr aalm (0 | not enoHb cattle BU^Hde ottered' lo teat lb* market. . >• COPO W]

~Bntterand'Eggs-| g ?*- 1 deurte<

*rs WAW VBAMrtH/V) ^ r s t-8AM W uA C T S C O .-Ju4 '^ C V P )-ta jo lned-

hjTS’ A wadlum -A 1 0«ICCrs*°BuUefJ Grade AA M aeon 87: »r»de AM aeor« »7s «r»de fl »0 ecore »S. Norodol

• » i i k “ d ii.i5 r^ .4 iH ? * ''

_ CHICAGO-- - ■ 'P c k ndnCACO.-July I (UP)-Uve poujtrr: IVCU Market ^ ^ r u e k e . No pile*

— F l^ e ' “ *«•«:— “ • ' '‘• t • ‘“ 'Ir day a »

S ; £ ” • ^on u E s ? ; . a g ? w : a ,? i’.* i,!2 -.£K "i 5 ‘”“ ?h e per oent A and o<rr tOK onta a doian: rcc cn t

mUed lanre m tnu 00-M.» p»r cent A and Sondcn.75. S ” . J ! ? w t ■ E » u S “ i J r ,I JO r«« lpu 40iS; ilrllee M H: ch«k. M. sh o r t^ i ___ . VJrglnli

^_Jfisits Listed•25 K IK O H IL L . Ju ly S -T o m ThSBlfr M fj.

L as V e ias , Nev., and MT. and M r*, h e r dai „ Oeorgfl T hebo . Tonptnlxh. W nah , . r a

s ? v ls ltlng -M r.-and M r*.-W .-C .-8m lth.--------------V isiting M r. and Mrs. T errell P^js- r \

te r a rc h e r son. D r. Oeorge Thebo, I jng a n d fam ily , P o rtland ,. Ore.,- and ~ ------b t . .d a u 8 h ta r l^ :M r8 :::0 « rR o -V o n -P e lh r 11- S ea ttle , W ash .; Mra. L loyd A nder- O ranRe ity son, SeatU c, and Mrs. H aro ld A n- tlo n to ha. 4aTsoDr-Laa-Vega<»r-NeY.- r« « d - jg m»-

illes a n d M rs. Jessie T ubert, Sea ttle , we - - - > a n d Roi

Us Markets. 113I, J M n . I

LIVEPOULTBT Colored fowL 8 Ibe. and i r e r —_ ^ _ _ ^ i e “ " d .K a Lecbom fowlN lb., and oreJ ^ i ” Mid We

^ i i s ^ r i i ^ T r i c r Wblle' f rren _ i3 :" r :T4 (Swift and company prlcat)

« „ • r iL E iI? N^~» Su{l:;{:> • " ' . - ^ S?f w a i r c n_1 , (Swln end cwnpanr nrlca l;--______ Z. a ra Vl.5l« : • . . . • , ECGB . W helan;SJ. U s i in trade. Iirte ....................... 47o.Me = =g (fir* deaJara quoud)» ‘«lpil»e» *f. . ■ <1 ^ 0 & » rroduceie. Twin ralUi . f._ z « r n A D andc l

f e l n A * ^ ;----------------- '«7 ' ........P U e 3 ,J

0 C h ^ it

i i H t p e ^ g;; -.. . -.-Grsijyii^— ^

“ OUCACO, Julr t , « > -Whe*t“ M10t«l w 'n ^u e i tUe tried lo keep Ihetr rallr soint on the ThlUSdU':s53MS'-Kri,SR5r«is s s stde pricea from foln« up «*rr far. OCCMmmd . Reporia t* flour burln« and sood '3** city reCT>Bd nina fnr eaah'Wbrat caiUid burins which •» .. o

aiMl I.H^.4.1 oa« were «r hither (/> U lower, Shnrp ftiS5 JO h^tolIb. c*n& lower, Julr Z.7i%-K, 'anii'%nl'waa Vrlea; Il

etd is «nu a hundred poundj blxber (o -7 Heck ni]|l^ eenia lower, July 8.70. > Joseph

---------------- CASn DRAIN---------------- - huTlCTT-liU CHICAGO, July S U - h ^ h wheat nost. Runnll

y . f i r i ! '« - A T ‘Nf»'.‘V«V” '^ ‘-^ ‘" - ‘ ?hod or

nn ■ double

ii*r Wheel Jones W:„„ Julr—---XM--- .-U 4 ----- 1.00---- 1.9SU . Thft-J, f i S:;* J:S ■ ' A . u ,r .” >

Mar 3.I0U 2.10'i 2.07Te 2-07V 33 -to 4 .OtS 2.t2g ,ILKtS 2.10'.? 2-10^ RneerS.

S s ^ i a i - w i vsLK-lSg;__ oy*_____ ___________ • ■' a doublt

srs:^ ^ulr 1.S1 1.12- J.WA 1,.'»| winning ««J: .s^v -1-aju 1,S7„ I.»4<J--|.5«7 Iho-lo«

"K.JON: No. 2 yellow end mixed ll.« l| Wlnni I*- „ i ; ; , N..

n i * ^ MUeN: No.1 70140 to Stand/ir'

' - “S'i'sS'S-r'""- ' SS5‘*f'- Rra II.2* to II.JON.’ Motor;

. ________ Shqtwll

a Potatoes-rOhionsS fi------- ------------ -'CmEtco— ~ — ® m u>.00. -QiilCACO. Ju ira (Ui>l-J>otalo arrlrala AJm 183: traclc-4u: lout U. S. ehlpmanta UI. Oand Suppllte beavr for whlt«; demand Inprov. \ Jcut- ln» and. market about itcady: for rede e a u Tand euppllee lltht: demand sood: market SAN 2

Sr.";,ta. p s ™ ;.and eMtud »uk> 2.80; US conmerelal 2.80: m ent of r**e U8 fA Pontlaci 8.90-4.00; Arl. ■ The d

street iaIw OOO Ibe.)» California lon« merclnlI?*! S S iX u ^ j l iu ^ ^ i! ' ;OrcB0n'ud Onion euppllee ‘m orale; demand In- OOO-that provinc; market about aleadr. The ts th .• Ili* 2-.lo..3-lnch.-1.70-J.i0.___ • - - . - _ OVCr.Mfl

Crano and yellow eeml lobea 2 to I inchbulk »>*« * ‘■“ •i »>«l >»«" i.«*i.8j. product!

— !-------- TT— Z±I"— ! ' .. and'.to

j | Army S en t to S:~--Q«ielrRevoJt

SAIGON, In d o -C h ln n ^ ly 3_W=i ' r '^ V , , 0, Tranco' nishcd retnforcemcnto to- aM. iiwOQ Cambodia, where King Noro- h tffi-,? ^ dom-Slhsnouk 18 threatening a " ten . !l‘S .

H5-o"« convoys londtd w lth fmoush~SK -seasintd— Anitt—TnMpr=rH8eHnn-“T: «Ptthl8 and Moroccan riflemen—to

double French strenBtli In Oombodla Sn ^hnr-oice moved southward last, night nnd S'* aiao -early-tojiay from comps In Laos to- o f .l r t iJ ■■ Uie remote Jungle kingdom.

An. offlclol-spokcsman -hero said!"«» th a t Oen. Pierre LonRlade, French ^ "y*.-. Mn^iawidcrJiruCambodlfc .‘‘hds^ h Tiitile w fflflent means a t his disposal to P h i l^ cope with.any eventuality." 1

A t the same t|me, reports from PI»nom Penh, the copltol of Cam- *bodla, sold th a t 50 cadets from the ■ PHILi

p T o ^ ain iy offlcera^ichool—h n lf o r - s ^ taeu

- J deserted. ................. ... ...... ........Ing,coniFirst reports said the cadets had same-gc

rn i Jolned-lho-communl8ts,-but-Prench mir^ i officers In Pnom Penh said they <loyB.

probably were on thetr'w ay’to 'jo ln ‘The lNorodom’s forces In the northwest- brick

' A cm Jungles. stery coi — --------- • perwpns

Reports Given at "■' 4 - H r i i i T i 1 V T p i » t i n y SS f HAM3EN. Jui^ 3 - M em hlr. of

: j , a .y a l.gM < .g -.ty h .y o T O . , l UltU: ™ '* " ” leader, Mrs. Earl Barnes. ^, Barbara K lu tta -an d M argaret K p p f K lutts gav t ahort tallcs on their

„•. recent trip u> North Carolina. R uth T??j and Sanderson gave « report on • her

* trip to'Moscow where, sho took a • MOSC -Bhort-eonrCT~oH~<;H ~ Ie a a e ^ p T drcd~fl\

:__ V.lrs!nla_Pfit«rsoiuepQrlcd_on_h«, Jced._onl— T5irnrjnttTiret1W Ue?an3^afBarritr t^^loosr

Kported on her trip to Cc^ur. d ’?. to^comb.

WT Mrs. L. W. PcterBonVnsslste'd“by pervlsor, ITS. her_ daughters, Carol and Virginia, .erlng-mith.

I Grange Meets5f / Orange- Wednesday^'wrccd o p ^ I - ^JJ. tlon to th e ' Increase In -telephone ' ’ mjr *fttos.foi>^dfthe.- Mr r a n d - f t ^ fcoy(r — P o tje^ Llsh were accepted as ncw.members •

and I ^ n e y Ruberry, master, spoke C h ion. 4-H club work nnd reported on

... the Pomona...primgc.-mecllng a t Olenns Ferry last week,

- J Mra. Ralph Peterson. Boise, donat­ed an electric stove' to the Orange

.J, and .K arl Anderson, Terrell Ftostcr m and Wfctley Fink were appointed to

in-ltnll It. On the proRram were Mrs. — — —

VISITING SISTER -■ . .f i l e r ,_ July-3'~J>tr. and-M r*. -------

WoiTcn BuQer, HarrlsburR, Ore- _ .a re ^ ljl t ln g her slater, Mrs. L »

Whelan; and fon\ily.

- S P R A Y IN G -m Dandelions,' Quack and Crab O raM __■T« .S ^U -an d Shnae.tTrccs, Earwigs 1“ ^PUea, .Moths, R aachM ,-E 8 ta tes_ - - -s ; ^ P H O f r E 2 5 9 0 . r - - K to'** ----- b H M

— ■ ”b i^ 2 3 ?Lbp»slded eCTr'es and forfait wins .plaricTl

iTM eonltoued-as ihe g m em l-ru le In Johnstothe T hursdayi’ tound ot • play to th e copter o^ Tlmis^NeWi~'^olhoie league.pivZ JU hln^ according to James Porker, aaalatant ticket ta*, city recreation d i r c ^ r . ' “ 'm erit t i

‘ •1 7 ^ ° ***abldUOr-^hlgh-mrlD^^mtoh^lCjUaae -------

Blaa'•r. Hhnrp' nAdfA twn triples and James .

Johnston two£doubles. James De- JL U I WM Vrlesi-loabg-pllcHer, ahd^Tlona'Id 3 *7 Heck rapped cloublcs for the losers.

J ^ p h Broyles was the winning

>a*. Running’s Wranglers rode rough- p iie 'o f i shod over the AicUc Circle team csb forei

1 to cop a 16 to 3 ball game. Nell laged oi Satterwhlte, winning pitcher, blast- national

' ed a trtple to pace his team’s hlt^ 4,000.acri ^ UDg.--Thooias_Pnxtor:r5aaeaT-'a peraonsJ

double ,to the Wranglers'- scoring Ttie U. colutnn. Clarence Proctor collected ^ call ft

^ a..double., for. the . losers. .Ronald attempt- Jones was the losing pitcher. are bun- The-Jtmlor-Flremen Jumped Into mouhtali

ut! the winner’s circle Thursday with a of here. nC 33 to 4 win over McVey’s Blue ,i.w. v,, lO'A Racers. Dale- BojHat^ winning u% htirler, banged out a liomenin,' a laC triple and a double. Melvin Parker |L t ahd—76hn“ Carson—tilt—donblcsr 19 Michael Stowe, losing pitcher, got 5*

a double for the losers' only extrh ftn-h°ur

• la . Paul's’ Panthera’ defeated the ,;«fi Amalgamated Sugar company Wild- ^ '

caU JO tq-1. Lyle Pottos was the “ * - “ ® I, winning pltcherjand Boyd Dayley, ^ ^ ^ ^ 5 1*7 tho-loser. The Globe. Seeders de- V“ S feated Valley 1 to 0 with Jack Bol- s~ j-an l-gettlag credit for tho win.

Donald HouMT wos chorged with the ^atUIng-1- loss. ------- — r -end The Sawtooth Cougnrs edged thei.oB Junior. Bruins 10 to 17 and the A 1 - l fJ*, Moose Lodge Babers downed the•{5 Hordhltters, 10-0. _________ . _____ ."C-•ii Winning foi^elt gomes w w the JC „• Klmbevly BuUdegs ovw Bencllclal J u StandTiTd Life Insurance company; BURL]

Scvenjp Mustangs over KrengeVs sheep di Clouters; Brown Derby over Wills stock coi Motor; Mountain BUtes Unps over hogs aoli

_ • Shotwell's Utility and Twin Falls the sale— mhk-Tnd'Trust'BUcMn-fitrs-oVtriav toW1 Junior-Follce. ____________ ___ j , , ^

- « m p l o y m e n H J p —

S; On Pacific Coast ‘,1SAN PRANCISCO; July 3 (W-Em- to'$13.70

___plQymtait.ln.faclflc.coasLindualrlea n e rs .U .•h«J took a sharp upward flwlnjt of 8 3 W $M.10.•i»e persons during Moy, thd depart- f^vo h.80; m ent of labor reported today. Thoso 'b

' The department's bureau of labor brought** statistics said Industrial and com-' ^rs $34Ions merelal employment in Washington, *31 mAfi- Oregon and Collfomla rose lo 4^70,- „l«. OOO-that month. « i - *i;

The figure was a gain of 63,000 I jjj;:!Qver ^ c .p re vious.monlh,and 358.000.

iiw. .Kossorls said most of tho gains ^were attributed to greater lumber " *pro'ductlon In Oregon and California, ”

. nnd ' to seasonal ftxkl processing InWashington ind-bregon. sold lro i

AreazGets-Siaun:__ Oki™; In Polio Epidemic Motoi^ —LBNOm,-N.r0.rJuly-3-W —Cold- awarded

well' county, claiming the nation's way mol highest percantase of polio cases, m ent to mobilized hurriedly today ■ to at- flee, U. tack'the'crlppllhg-dlBeRse w lth-fnm - *lonr4Uj

^ r =Dr. William Happer, city health ^ N A l

officer. sAld the maSs'fhjectlons for “ ‘5 all children under 10 years-old wilt , ‘" a begin, "as soon as possible, maybe ‘

Sundayrbulrprobably-Monday.’.!-T hc___•

."0“ i r i f i

' - Philadaphia Is Plagued by Fire

the ■ PHILADELPHIA.'.July 3 I f l - A- o r -Wjtnef-^

ing.conlpany factory Friday in ‘the N“s '‘"„'ci lad same • general a « a which has. seen p a. u <« loh mulUple.Qlarm blazes In 13 N l .y <l«y«. ~oin The bloie gutUd tho flve.story feet, u t- brick huildlng of the Eagle Uphol-

atery company, and drove nearly '100 • ' perwpns fro m . homes In the^ sur- • JOlindlns area. One flrgmati. was .

injured. ^ ............ ........ Insectl■ A t th e h e ig h t -of tho b la ie , f ire - s e e d A

UKi tn e n w e re ' c a l le d 'to f ig h t - a tw o- ® a la rm lire w tiich .dam aged th o glass

i . "f .S - P>U '.M phl.. . , ....................^

Beetles Loosed to j g S Eat UP Goatweed :S1; a - MOSCOW. July 3 (iB-Onc hun- ' • NiflpT drcd-flvo^thousand-beeUes-W hich — #-E< h«r fced_pnly_Qn contyffgd were ttini-[\laf rt-loosr^T iFSS5i''couri^ ihu rsday ■4 ;. to combat the noxious weed^ ■ J «

"by pervlsor, sold goatweed is now'cov- erlng-much of .Latah county's farm

- C A I M V r D ' C —. ^1 i l I f l f - M- I M C —^ — - M n T w r ’m w w M ■ ■ ■

Chick lri Fish - Steaksa t • ' * Ins.lde o r O u t

It- ■ - - ^ T u r k e y D in n e r s E v e r y . 15? ; ■ 803-MAIN-AVENUE-to OPEN EVERY DAYi 7 A.M. Tl

P U M l^ ■ — REPA1R :V-PARTS :^ I • P r o n ) p t e E conom ital. . . Efi = H , . ' .'on A n y M ake

---------- : -DISTRrBUTORS^ ■ f a u b a n k s -m o r s e - poS:

'^ 1 R o g ersiJE arn i~ ^ -K im b e r ly Road . .Ttrin F a l i r - '

------- — —- — - r - ~ r ; — — : ' ~W IN F A L L S^ JT O A H q - . -

! . C i te d i n A i r i K d i--N E W YOflK. July’ s nn-Po- — - A - —lire fflT*-

to 'ged-ilown-a trmlftevloUtcr y«s-_ ---------—/■ ncrd»y--M0 f« t* o frt* i6“ictpuna. X7 _____ ^ e offenaeTVas Joel' IX Ra- _ £ .— bln- 33. who w«a-flylii*"B lightIS . plinTTTbo-'low -: over the-e lty .- -MBSCAIn Johnston pursued him Id B hell-. Srum isoile copter and forced him-to land. ' the Mesciz — gnr t ha n rairaif tratne- Jhuriday.ot ticket since the: police depart-^ PftJloUT—

*m ent~B w i flying regtilar b u u - Apache.d10 In hellcoptexs » week ago. ..Ttaetoi)in- .j. , ,‘ ' ' lA tll 'S t^

I B la 2 ® S a L ® p i n g ± = SH;f. I t o b e r l a r i d s j o f “ S i r ! “ C s 1 2 o n u a l 5 e a S S^ . 'PASADENA,_CalU, -July -*-<B»- S S r t h- One-of southern ^ o m l a ' s larg- m est forest fires in recent years ell laged out of control In Angeles it- national forest today, sweeping It? 4,000.acres and forcing hundreds of- cT m tio r .-a p e i > a n s - t o . f l « . ^ _ . , ^ ^ - - - . - nK -The U. S. forestry service sent ou t ‘’” .“ *1“ e<i B call for more llrellghtera In aa.■Id attem pt-to h a lt-th e flomea which

are burning in tho San Oabrlel ito mouhtalna, some 13 miles northeast

nlJSS.Jt View ridge toward Juniper hills, a

jcaidcntlal-ajca-acar-Pcar . Blosaom -»KnnetD ^ a t the rim of the Mojavo desert. -eremonli

T h e -flam es, driven. bV 16-mUe- £ i .aa-h«ii^wliMls,-for{iM-th*-ev»«u*-^ d S S

Uon of 300 Pasadena Qirl Scouts trom a camp near ChUao flats dur- ‘

w ing_lhe night. Other campers and CT ranchers were fleeing. 1f i' The U. S. forestiy servlca report- .display 1 'V ed tha t nearly 300 men with 16 »*Ww- _ 7* pieces of pumping equipment were •S th .

.,- ' -(ratthins

I P r i c e s D i p ^ a t ^

B m - l e y V S a l e ; « f , ^ .ly; BURLEY, July 3 - : - C a t t l e and !l's Sheep dropped a t tho Burley live- Ul» stock commission sale Thursday but ®*V« r hogs sold for higher prices. During


Of the_total..366, were cattle, re d— wliltcface ateera sold for 118 to $19.60,— -iat-half«»-*I«-tO-4ie.70{-<at-Hol8tei^

steers JU to *10-30, floahy Holsteinsteers *11 to »13i0, feeder Holstein .steers *0-S0 to *13.60. fa t cows 910 Fatten

m- t o '*13.70. cutters *7 and *D.60. cari^ 'Globe Si lea Hera Jfi to-44J0-and-buUs-*13-to- —.».i » 0 UVIO. . _ _ / ^ lrt- Two hundred forty hogs were wld. " 1 I

Those between 100 and 330 pounds V / ±.i brought *35.76 to *26,80. light butch-

“>• ers *34 tq-*ag,60t^heft»r-t>utohwa- >21.50 to « 5 , sows »10.M to »31.75,- lecdcr pigs *34 to *37 nnd weanern Clnf

MOvjn During the aale 680 head of ahecp ______

•' were aucHohearrSl lambs, brought >20.50 to ' »M.70, medltim lambs *10 _ •

™ to" *30, feeder lambs *17 to »!^ fa t " . ^ ewes *4 to *5, medium ewes *3 and C, ’ conners *1 to *3.60. The five horses

sold*from *4 to- *4.60. “

:___ ^Okays j R a d i o ^ i ^\n ID /^ O FALLSr'Idaho, July 3—IC Motorola, Inc., Chlcogo,, has beenId- awardod-a-oontrcct to’-fumlsh-iwo- ^ ^n'a way mobile radlo-telephone equip- I...les, m ent to the Idaho operations of-Bt- 'flee, U. 8 . atomic energy CTmmls- . ,m-alonrlU:was-«nnounocd-today.------- -^ I — " ■' ■' = = ^ ~ ^ ~ T t^ ^NAKE'RIVER REPORT i ti,

JOLV I, lli l.K. Bacliwellen, tn a&y c'M Geeleflcal Surrey end ceeperit- For au^ e ____ Inf pertlM) ' -300 .SUtlen Dlech.-firCoi1t.'9trd.-Norm. - -Wcr e

Jackaon Lake __ SiO,820(a) 10Moran —__ —, <.«0 .d ^ E Z

^ •5K.lIrr'“I I Z I i r . J.’lJO

S " '“”EE’''!!S“’ 23r•a \ Lake WaieMt _ M.UOfa) •rder. ^ C Minidoka J4 8 __ 1,00) .......... BEAt

led- — 3:«w------ ^ 0 —r,w«' , ^rrofect. J.WO -. l .« 0 * -0 Zrr®^N S In Coodin*... 8M> Thia o

:en P A. ut«ral ...... 8$> 288 1.800 5«*13 Milner N B Canal a,720> , ’’Bllpd <Snake at Milner.... 288 iu\. . 0 and no

<a) AET»{*tf, nthet wantltle* In'aeCOTii- w*wd .1

“I ssir- LYNN OlAKDALL* “ ““*• . Plnrict Eadater '.

InaecUcldes of all kinds. GLOBE re- SEED A FEED CO:—«dr. _ _

' • Farm Loans• Olty Resident Loans L Q

J • Olty Business Bldg. Loans U . • No Appraisal Fee .M 0n- • No Commissions . ch • “Ebw In lirest.R ates.. Iiffl

^ J . E. WHITE F lu- A G C N C X ............. W i r e '^ 137 Main East _ Phene 2 « . .

Steaks - Sandwiches. _ie or Out - ~ ■ - O l • 8 E v e r y S u n d a y ! ^ O f -AVENUE-WEST—,---- r--------------iY, 7 A .? i T O 1:00 A.M.

V m m • J - • • wiiiidis

^RTS^:=“SERVICE: •. . . Efficient RepaJrsT:— ----- -—

■ny- Make r. ..r .CtrBUTpRS-^— ------ ^E - POSIONA PUMPS , ' B

Larm iS io re__^ -y°°g-ly in Falir--- . ::Phone loss'' I - - : ------

I b ^ a n s S l a r l _ i m i p

S S c f e ht^Efetei:- F o r- -WESOALEEO. W. fcCTJuIv -S ---- - -

Bouaded.ln the mountains ot WTTOE . g l ^ M ^ e r o T w ^ u c n -

. Pfchour__rcon>log^t_ p«ry~~?5rApaehe.debutaotea.’ ' ~ a- - ^ e tom.tom beating will continue , ’■ iflJtil Btmdar'when the-anatial le- 5oH?Z$f Uglous csremqny ends. S?* »K

- --fi4V an:m aaaiilddeiLTn:B :M ot(t ^ 7 ?- tepw-wer»-^«w-ptinetpala_ln_the. _jS455l- ancient; ceremonial. <nie girls are deau « _ daugW m_rf Apache -f a m 1 i 1 e a,--S IIS -J. wealthy cnougJTl<n>eitf‘thft-cost of ------ --<% feeding more than 1,000 mdlaiis and TraLtmr- Jlaltora.frtaa.cther.trJbea through.. four dW« aad nights' of feasting aniT —^ other celebration. — - -TRS3 ■ Trlbol women have been prepar- oSSfoTgiiig Ing special buckskin flnery for the " “S ’ ’)f . event for.weeks past •r- ■ .iniirin£the ceremonT. whfrii hn'n'- Oarid ci,t ors Hadiah«iehii.“ thB'trlbe*B-»Dlrl- - —— -i,-„ Itual -mother,- the girls will f» Ch bathed. _coat«d with yellow flower OK. oT a Bl pollen and their garmeinrblessed., t Aa a ellnwuc to the ceremony.-the- maidens-win run from the tepee toj. a basket flUett with eogle leathers. SITU

^ man moves it toward the cost, and kwoi'witircmetunrto~the-tepetrand-ehake -«aat_i'bi

. . ceremonial rugs to the four winds.—BoailqaJ^Uishi.theSadamtnto m ib ~

tj mountains -tonight (T-each-nlgHt' -~~*pr'trs-»: r- throughSundayastheApaehesDer- y*MiLH 1 ,d form their religious “dance of the ’’“g'*-

m<nfnteln men** and vlslUn? tribes t- display their own dancing tech- [6 n^Wes. ''PbM.*" re • Just-as.ln ^ther American com- cubtom"

mimltles, gfrfa whbM'parenta ca n t Jwr h»o. finance debutante balls will be t>U‘s'roM 1 VoWUng.fromthesldellhea. ------

• - ------ -- - nichaid- Opening Set

5 ^R 6M E rJuly :3-irihT re 'ls-surrflclent demand .for JlsJfldliUcs after S US '^ Si

id the - Jerome canning kitchen is I’arrotuj i opened on Tuesday. U will bo opened -it again on July 14 and perhaps on July ° S “,.ig "J®- ft-ank Hiunbach, a een U u y-m a a - om^rere- 5S|f. r_eM -_______ • cUStSm I

atrawocrrles, grcens'ood bcos ore ~»n~ws« ^ In aeascn. he said. Prices on cons ^ £ 2 L i) fl. «“®e aa last year, eight “ ctiw i

[j halfs, ■ . eteninge?;2 . Fatten Broilers (ha Builer war. derrfek i J Globe Seed aad F e^ ^

|t> la s s if ie d? j ----------- ' - = i = j p = ;

” I Clnasificd Department a- WILL HR ___ ‘

■” L . CLOSED-g On Saturday- j “

July 4 ••___________9 £ E J f O H ! L 4 l> s jN _ _ I , .r -BEFORE 5:00_EaPAY I CUS'in For Sunday and Monday « „

— ------ —— Papers——_____ _ ___ _ _1. ■ ________ NEV

Irr— ------ Wr ■ WAJ T-AB~RA T-B.C!

______ -

J 5 i::.-" ■ -Tnr ,'r..'g “elpTm — , 1. . m i.

" ysa«,

»• r a a / ;

: “113j MAN ‘TOl

* F ~ ~ :-------------------------- . . -

JJ |c « t-M o i.e ^ a l^: p c m r r o u rc ig n i r |t^


I F r o mO m r . f

® * N e w C a r p e t , « .] -------E a s I U a i i s . b j r J _____'

P c S u B e ” ®BROWN ^

I -yOUK B M jJW ro f.W .lTI ______ pia n o DEALER” ---------"DtrTW

' ■■■ V , . " w

C Tte i A t N O T ic i s a u s iN E iM.^11 a»i n U f tn r c U s W ^ fk e n OlUKcmLE

i_______: - - P S R S 0 N A I 3 l : ^ r °

on ' “ u d l iS J rir^ ta • »«*-TT T-tV?rw TW yirftoor »a;--.q ^^ — CT-WtBg-Hhepx-aere^-rwai aeara^. —■ - -

- = = o t ---------S T W M ^ A T H S - — — aLimi! III.'

n d aiaan a^^ aaaats^ Qrad*

" .t r a v e l — R E S O R T S ^

in. i^^ar*A?k.*Dbo«?^HT.*Tgfaralla. _ ? h o m i

^ Almm l la jJE r n i* 8 Mala Norta Pho»« « » ----------------- WMhSr


g S i S S I '■iiL Phoae 2880J. 2-nEDROOi

Ito 6illL b care.Itl my to ae. 4tl> et-Jnly or _>hone »W -~~a-p~r~trSer-m«»-taM.n. ' ' -------— •ATTJCA-CTII

■"ims.-asM "- b|6 ie=be

CUSTOM fanaloa, bal*d hay “iiacklo*. M.rlln. rnichard »lll. Phene oaao-nt. . ------

, r rc m 6u .

“ WoiL Phone 221OUSJtJH farming, plowlBS to iamiiiu- MODEItW 4

^7 "LMlie Udi. IV, weit. Sooti Park. Pbosa atatiJ. DUin- OOI8.n8. l-KOOM bo

j n r s r S F T i r r a i ^ r i H r M S s i s r ^ K -giactri. r.^ —Bn-ethtr faun ' piedBcta.—-J tw -C a rw r v n tr - n ic eim _ Pho"* '■ . ,, ■ . .rwm.,8wi

CUSTOM bar chopplDS and ftaekliw. Call y^rJ- Ph<iS . Z S o r S ; . W A N T IftT —an-ora:~Tr?t~eiiranta.'~ f'Boii« ' i2io.Tr ra a txsin

etcninn only. — • home. PI---- lU.^llAULt>l(i";n(i aucklM. Portai)!* WaNT^TO

derr^k and loader. Co anywhere. Elwla -amdl acr«Konlcek. 0W.1U. Buhl. Call 728.1

_ .......... ............... . . . . . . . . . . _HO M Ii ODSTOM BA LINO , ttlbitWALk

ST R IN O T IE work. J t

Phone 1837-NW ---------- jStl______CEOnCE HOLLOWAY. ' |


ta PEB QALLON LABOB, _Soo< PalnUtiT. Bttleh or Bpray ^

Satlatactloa Ooar«titaadPheaa leil.TV '_______


EARL HOLLOWAY ■I-----------------------------------;-------1 H(

_ — -- jl6'kfc. -wii~ CUSTOM HAY BALING

; New—Wire or S tring Tie . $3ietiE55i ^ — NEW HOEranny^AEERS— •

-Win Go Anywhere“ I l*>- MOUSE In» fre d Thieme,- Phone 03a0-Rl , 8 ^ lo^h- -t'Al^H-.OOO

f H E L P ^N T E D — FEMAL*F jiTiilV:!5 l:.Xl-KUlIiNCliU waltreu wanM. Apply iH) iiEliyo''irf In person. Scotfa cate. .' cSid l i i

WOMAN to Uke care ot 2 children. Call able at 1__ between RiSO, 121». 8BS fi»rdnnC~~~ tihnne 88i

WOMAN. II»IDa-Ti»ar-I.lBcoln-«ehool.-fCT- LOW-dows- -lU ht hoiue-o»k.-Box 3KC-IliDBfNe*e. b«lroam.

-WAMTBD.-JlWdleaiadJadU-i lIre in nice . ?«“ «*»?—. home Md do .Ilsbt booaewai fSTTJoard- • ^ S a t ^ S- end roam.-. Phone IMO-NM.

5 H E L P W A N T E D — M A L EfcXyBiaKWEO Irrlialor and- aeneral 'dow n pai

farm hand. Year.raroond lob. Slodem E ait Arei home. M»S.J2. Kowaid Duncan. Jerome.

erenca. Apply la pef»oa a t Covey • (5ofj O. A

i* H^ uTl g ^ l e n a - iara .' i.an.1. t«U.t i -areuad-ifSGr'Top wasw. Coed U ............ ...[n .Only enerfetla need apply. WrlU ■ ,' . .—— • •boa-.22-C,-Tlmaa-NevA. _____

. . '.VS/ffiST'-.i'Sra ' Cfglck adranceracnL Xolland. Punuce Well- Iwll

_ Co.. 120 Second avenoe eoiHh. - a ^_ MAN ‘TOB general hamlii-woik around

iBolor lodco and eotlt* ahoo. Meet b« .Poaaeaiioa- reliable and able to (orcle^oeal refer-'• ') •.'>'«• In panOB «t Covey'a Uo. 'P lw tifl- tor I.odfe.

en<ed and capable of hirine and tralnlns __

~~ ’ In^rrCl'^v «l»ln«*Ml*a'^baek. CLTAH t jw n d and aualiflcaUona ta bo« 21-C. ina^nlns Tl'n^a-Newe._________^ _____________ flflyfoot

I M ’l.TELEVISION IES,”. . . __________ ____________ _|2,000-iBi

Hera aoo«i. e n imlgiT~ •

railo and TV eel whkh you keep. Free _plaeament »en-l«*, For-detalla wrlU ,

.. . BOX.28.S. 3la»»4{e«<.■ ----- 1 Older h<.


' .......... ..........BOD YM EK__ .....................-'i>.......— - — ---------------------------------- _TB--a-Qf

-- ■ PO R O DEALER .

needs skilled automatlo tran s- ' s-rook mission mechanic. Also, Bear nedtn Alignment man and pointer. • •i'iSJfc'

'" S i*360 Monthly Ouaranlei

^ _____For Qtallfled Men 0 »ar w«oWrlle Box W-C. Tlmee-New* •'" '

^ -H E U *-WANTE D = ^ ^ =

r “ CiUDLlS-AOBO-coupte Xo care ^or Mm1« ' ““ •'i *

I waitw. Pliene 0»»S;TU.-nuh|— — . .I ~°0SINES5 OPPORTUNITIES" 't f ^ g n n

' . . . LUHLr.BtrYlce autlon. kkkI io u - ' ■• _ tlnn . major produeii, I'hone 2. i

, - a s s

Page 9: K T h x e e E jm 'e d .a RussiaiK i S S i Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · He said ,hV»r'^ the bed'sldesTorthlftruck were tom- “f off, but most of tho damage

Ln, .h«*40* l«' h*'’ — '-' I ,>.m. M T y to j p p

^ B?rt-r«Vt«<t _hM'

^^^r»»«- * FortH5!i


^Bss'Ti=i5F;p‘ £ 2 r2 S i;S r ■■^»iK*d. tis.»0. 11.100 , J

H c ON & LAWRENCEr««l0ir>e< . Twin Fitli t »

■ K f . & " “: ™ " « s : fm^^KlL ll» <u» (lAl>h«i bM«in«nt ulc

a E. ADAMS ^ — r—-nrrrrajti- -Ph-

^^Kjroem hoo« on Tartar ilrnt.fi>*l*> *<11 e«ni<ni u•p■^^■iTTow. f^^■Mimi.fn*) on«*h>1f >£r* on A f^^KtrSwra. -'Woaa.rtyl loMtlom-.^^Kincot •n4 full bMmtnl, ea f>H Prii-nl M.TSB. Tha« >r« buu> ^H^|.V^homn:^■JIT-IZEN-A'GENG-Y-^— —

W«t Fit* ToInU' R«<- or za-M

^^H aCTIVB tw»>Wroom bom* In^^■WMblAtton School <li>uieu Nice

Diora (n<) th* kidt will rcilt'F«l> l>«Mm«nl. runpu> room. tloiiH. launilrr '•Itn

KlKtlon ot hcmn prlcrl C 1/on 19.004 to HO.OQO . .^ ^ ■ bwim in v e s t m e n t

-COMPANYor jlT w »Xt»f # y

^ H v s SnrER FOB LESS g ^rBJ> b«ilrooau. dlnlBK tcoai. ll.3

* s ‘i ; a . ; : « ‘, r : w .«.for Mir >i »60. A**rrtfflill_ .Up<


^^^hln A>»au« Eu( Ption* UU >t-'. ■ ' *' . ‘ ...c

^WBOr /COMPAftlBOk', ■■ •• -ci brltk. ru>bt4c_ja.«^clulr* 2 ^

^ P : iLi?.?.““,-i!¥S»"“ixSS —^ ^ ■ iW n^D d -d in lnr-reon c— V i n i ' -------

^ K * « thU b o a . aal, tU.W. ^

v A tL sy ’ '

^^KiriSMt«r8uirr8<mui '^ ^ ^ V k oa i lilK^r SI6B rrcBlnca

^ fcOiraETSyTWBTERYT"” ■—Ul. two l.ri* TBontr b«rf. on.

;Hlocjdsn: Thci. »r« not Iht ” lh« mriUrv It »hr you don't

bemial h !• «3 lr*tnclr *t- -uul. CftQ.forUbl r Priced at wl^ t*rnti ihit will Inlcrat Wlh cnlr-*.ilown't»yBlMU-----

^^W'litftne-buyer!---------------»«»«lHxlir B (0ol-««a1. For I— m/ two UiJtoom ham*-

^ t " 4 r S ? S S % f i i lu ’town iBd will tl^ ^ 1 ^ - ^ ^Wutcklri It rw h«T« ■ tnllcrM e n t i s

REAL ESTATE ' . [fc^ B e r v ic e a g e n c y|^^^r”"A«ro»»-From Snn" _

--- PhaHt-M3«- ~

EAST PART ^ HAOOH heme In htirt of tood' ^

Ill!ao0 **■ ,^ ^ W - D b \ v w P A-YMZWT ----- —

f»t-bcit chKk Inlo ll NOW,'


^ B L B T A T E f o r s a l e j—uLi'"’ •V"- »P«rt- , ,

73 Ja* 'pnL.'"'”'"'"

AHB-3-^------------ 1^ •M S T Z T O K IN G AT ■ ■


^ -

- g r a v e s & SON^ in 'AvtiHnrTrta-----------I’bop, UJ Pb,

i j - .— ^ ■ ■ ■ ' ; ' “.:“ T- 7

I • I:

S farmsT p r sale

k !^ t . J » ^O..HJOO.Ic«a^ b « U w - ^ ------

"3 ? ............"•;■ I-XQQILAT THIS VAT.UEL __

h lihw ir^M mllc* {rom « lood low^ '. -Tol.1 ptlM .IIM M whUh W lod« . •

foar»roo<i>. modtrn bom«; T«nn» U k in t^ -,jCTrarUUnc»:t«rnnilPT°T«hMfi7^-~ - - - - = =

'•«» . TWIN FALLS REALTY ;E & INSURANCE <»Fatli tw Mlta At»ou. .E ttl ■ Fh»n* IJIl ____

6P E 0 IA I. L lB T lN a ^

|bM).. -A pi>rtaliuU ir.<M ;urM .a(^Ic« ' land lnla« on CUBU Prilrlt. cl«* U Falrflltd 'ooBX with ftlr Imptovtmcnta, wtl tatf'■ncnt t,|c iw,

■ v S r If >«l' • « 7i»t»r«>Uii In Vot* of iL T hftflsn on-0«n»*a-Pr»lri».-phea«- - y,"

SCHMITT * VVBIPKEY rasfi" -P h o r ie -il jh --------rO o o d ln fr ld sh © - —

------ n - .. . - . , — W(

~ 1 SEE THISWithtiieCrQp8_pnltl

• on A Iln .'jO on th* oll»d ro*d n ..r J,i._ ^ itloa...^ o a . . u d . n « ^ . _ - . . .

RAY MANN " '—— - ^ ----------- ;iJ-KJfUrXjn-coI1!------------ --------- —

Jerom e, Xdaho ___ _

— J '' ' ~ ptiII ■ »■ ■ I I .li ■i* in Balo Loaders • • ^m S " ---------B A J ^ '» I D 'O H O P P E D ^ ~ S*aRroom. H A Y ELEVATORS ^to?,*,! T ruck B ed! ^


' WELDING & REPAIR ^Tall*, -T j-«n»“»riw-tf-H«»pit»i-jni»ww-M-

1 .... «7■ ' . I I I —. j,^jr, - ALL SIZ E S ' ■ • . **

g or >a »«m. two »llw ««.t of Twin

^ r g r s . ; ; s f f i f " s : s ‘" s ." ^nott ’ ' *fin* -SOB ACRES wtll faipnnrtJ- IM Un*

»fflill_ .land. Iforthald* ----- ------- . , - i .WO.OW _1' M ACRRS. fair *«(nUmo4trB hon*.'

[ry e«mpl*U • o u U . u l l d I n n — IJW jl '■for ftrma or nncha. m* Lran SUw>

a rt. Bud M«N»»1r or Frank Paldtm^a.If w* haven't wBat.^ou 4 » t,.« * 'll act

I UW It- .............' =-' ■ .. ...C .-^ . R^binson-Ageney— —

— •- Drlv»<ln R n llm __T.l. ats • V 147 M«lfl AtST T»>lt- ■

-Conplat* IlBrftt* and auto lBiaraa<*.I“ l« V.. I ^

S f f i l ------- fA R M JM P L S M E N T S -------L .

Vwm' t|l«' * ~ ia~J CATi:]ll>lU.AIl iranor. l a ^ a t l s n i l 5US

Medtl lU-a*I(>»ropiII*d «<nblM . F*lr>' 'Hi •; .-ilald.Hotar. Phoy^lltFalrfUldTMaho.;^^

' ^ ‘~EaUd -or O b d ^ ^ ' - • ^' ... . HATPHfEHS,. . 'F^ ------ • • BALED HAY TOIOS TO

Bmoolb-aldcj. Juitil boHom comieaUa. DUC On* halt ta-a&s..lhlrd l«u.batb*r.aDd . b*i,'r,r'"r:;r».'fu.''''s.''&v;, » i

n c t ^ •» ^ * c x .^ L on the** cornvatcra.- ■' Lui..‘: - , --------- - siui#% "-..ACME ■■■■■’ j :ir^'- • — MACHINE WORKS.— ““— — - P l L t a , - I D A H O - - PHONBSI-

•For . r-- " ' ' ' « iw Sr , UI!' PH O SPH A TE s n J B ’ D R E SSE SS f “Brlcal bttla, .apuda and othjr-row crop*SiK' >&NNE£r0 0 TOUQATQRS ■'•■t, py For -ft** flowln* c o rru n t"

In'bMU. beau. *T>ui]>.*te. Ha

jPoliD' ■ . :rERauB0 NS»tw»«a »ht*la cullivator ’ .

^ for b*«U or bcaai-------- ----- - TltUCK UACg ^ A D F -n S - -----r m tz .■ z z : :z i .^ 'a } ^ z ^ 'S } ^ ^ — z r r f s ;— • 1 -------.-- -DALBO UAY F.QRKff— - -


»od.n> ' ' ' ■■■■; i' 'a and •- _ ■ - • ' .......... ... ~

*p«t» 1963_________

NEW HOLLAND Tnninu_ ~ A T JT O M A T IO _lS T R IN O -T ia . T

..' . , BALER .__ ;O nly Baled 3,700 BaleA


r = 7 ^rriMPL-BJTENT-cor-—_: y • Y o u r O liver-F arm

-IJ« In d . Ar*. South -Phona rei ga

j--------^ ^ ----------- ]: ho«Ji: MACHINERY BARGAINS —~ — ; W O R T H LO OK IN G 0 \ ^ fE S ____ _ • • r.(i pp • • pl'tUlr o»«rbau1*d- a a l Ilk* . n

>B la X—i m JOHN D E Sni u iir . neJ.l

S'SIV ?sa. ,. . _ condKlon: Full aat “ “

= l t A i i 3 i j r l i - . r . . K - S ^ S SSCS. TOl

N FAIRHELD i — ------ -----^Itaplem«nt-Co»_:— X- -551-------- Pboa. M ■ • jralrflaM.-M.k»^ L _ -------------■ > . . 1 ^

" ~IZ*ARM-IMELEMENTS----------- -eAH ^A.i..wn.bin* .UB.~;»

nrTr atf coadlUoB. A. W. >Uik«B. ■fl«*c.pt _Fall*. • - Call' ■- • - ' -- ------^ OXTX

"T= j ,... BgCr-ANO-OR^.pgPa-------fE f_ ____ «rWaTT lrt> wrrmrgg' »».™ P ortable potato “ ‘Ji.I-™- •■•:■ WASHERS'- • :.- jiSj-

PILERS, SORTERS |£J!_iv. __,_ ._f:t.tmtnator8 , : __ Ewo-Y , o iaoi™* Potato Equipment Co.

I0» IBJ- SwUl . - Phon. 179* MIS .... ' '

— p — .' ■ --------- --------------- Tium

^ N E W H O L L A N D ^

,!;a black twine - ^!S•!•*•• OAK

t,iii_ ^EULLY GUARANTEED. fflThla twine wire* th« #eal ot.the d«a

i f? ; Ju ltn iJU ti.-J cilton .:L.!ior» _ g l torlea. ...... ‘----- Eo^

Srto- ---------n— A t S 0 — ~ — = S------ Wo hove olhor makes bl twlno Twi------1 leUlns as..................

L o w a s ~ $ 9 .7 5 S"iI JPer Bold S'.'j


KlBib«Ir-Road' ■ .'Th«iir«T».W

~ HAY. GRAIN & PEEP [ T■ - I (rlMlB . Wer*l UllllBi rrle*. CS

— 4 k ,'¥ » .'S fi.“WiXl Uti-r F m lOO ;oo ton. wire tl* . , balri hay. Ph°n« »0<1, ^

im ''rineh. li.Btrm.n. .I’hnni" 2MB. ^i QriOKINUWU aaJ tnolai*** nUlos. 'Oa- Miibom'a MIIIlBi Ear»l«. Phon. o*»Wt. “ “ u{)6!cUaW fa«d Mt.ic«:~ch.ri;: ~ h.R BrowD. roul* 1. phon* »».U. Duhl, I.■■Idaho.... ——........ .1 .|,-|„tZZa grlndlns d'noiata** muinK. Tt>> nlll•' I ItT'a UllIlBi' trrlc*. Pbon* 107S-R or bae. ««7t.W loni

I VASltlll ,‘-Irrlsil«d. John I'urner. H' • 'T''i *no"hT’’'

VaRMEBS -Tnd (a«d*ni 8t*«n rolUoc Kaac . aarvic* oa rour farm or fMd lol. Rallrl

'.■ . ■ ' . _ t e ■ .. ' F E E D E R S ^suw. ■ - •.■-" i' .tPlTu 'irt :’ ..-pdround mbwd jraln •t V •• ■ flpeclal tt'lUi syrup roc

jy— ____«0-per.toiL:and-Ua— L _ .g^•, f-

raa<*.' '•. •, H?»6L0BE ,SEED^&. FEED

5— - 1. ---- -j*' ■ . •'----- 1 r'raLIVESTOCK-«;POULTRT' ™

M.>V BIFL^P, ,br..Jl.,....-M.

Waited—fiaw'carvM'. iioitum. wbu*. sm?; w S r a “;.iS a j 'S 'a > -5-^ T ZJandrChlna boar.-i-KonrMmir—T—SatM. OUCKfl. Wtli'’4*U’;or iraJ* lor. Icfhorn- TTTn’r-aod . b*nt...Phon..OJSI.na. nuhl..Idaho.---r-. .• bJ>klW|ift'-c.7w. .prlntar Aal ar. Un* ’"J BorUi. ona aaat.. WaahlBihii Bchocl. lift TJiJ

ItAtHHTa. luitjlgt atock w|in ph

I---UDl/in'UlN, flgrrnaer. Khorthan hnvr An’ . aprlnrrr hclfm. 1 -milt* 'louth. l?i' 6 LAKUB llolitrln hflfcra. fruh and '‘fh' ' ' »»rlns*rf. Uans* .vaccinated, for aala or TTuT ------ •-trade for eliwk cattle. Phene 009W4- ‘'JS

F HAUbTNG' LOAD "~ \ ^ 18— -^-W%0N9IN-HEIFERS;>- ^‘ Hav* room for mar*. 3 tnnntha oldc ^rSON

._ ■ Phono 0290-R13 ‘ele

& _ SERVICE ■ k”UaSo~U*Bed-and operittd KelilalD. .Ouerser. Jener. Ullklne Shorthora. for lit aetvlea.lt.. u tetum cbarse

____ _PHONB-T«lo rallt lHI Collect__ ...I ---PHQMB-flJtfllH ', , 7-«tt-Oelleel— -TT

d ' r — ^ I ^_..__EXPERT8.AOnEE._____ .«i,ARTIFICIAL “B R E E D IN G = ^ -

th* asraet war to herd' Improvement la !S jwith th* o< PROVED sines, i—

' ~ [ ~

’• ”* Call OLENN BEDDICK. MTrJ«OTe,’ __ or JOE IIOPJ’EH. ltS*Jl. Filer

_____ Return.Free '

^ PETS- ^ER pu?ry-' »e«r old tnal* ♦ I-reklnteae. »»7 Monroe Scr».L- jnju

■* ^ lAlVlsLY pcta. It*«l«ur*a llsalon tnrler £S!' wpiii«r-»w-Bw7-ut»-nifrii.. ■ ■ -»-r'EE5

.. dtfff, ,t»,OB patty. rbj>ne«0.NB. flood- ^—J.- - GOOD THINOS TO EAT SCa; f lwork.- hltw. uAilPfililRK irr>ra. *i T>i>nh. U-

I WANTEP TOBUY ' ~ ^M*k» —iiouiTuS r iS.''' _Si

- _ - i -

5----------- —WXNTED.TO BUy . - .n i n s 1'a ¥ «olor.d ken*, lop »>W . i>«ril«. Voul. tH TO " ^ T ^ ' *U « '

C all'}4».^U raiiaf^ DrS.! l l a i ^ a a T ' STAU1= = r UALBB H^V Jn - ti . iU li-W it. l id W

mllea «ut Bshl'oa hUbvay

“ - . - t o i l S A U O K T R A D E "

‘ iVle I. Trad^e"for pU k a^ P h o n e * m W .

n » M I S C E L L A N E O U S 'F O R -S A L t

= ! " f s-------- 'l*l/i^bLkll old -a«rtpM>«»-U* (HV bvaiU- j—

D ^k'OK VOUa corral pola and p«eU. pboa* STTC?

O lijj-o r wriu IC U llunur. Box U f.- - —llalieTi Idaho.-for-lnfor»itlen; iiV:.

OAK Ot-FlCE.-Oeak. HelUood U '. hi,'?!D •fflT..y‘..ra g f.ir ..’.iJ";ag" yS.-UL-um/- »ita i 1(11M ho d«a Uactor tbat <tM«.BaBr b ^ ^ b a . . .»* J 10ra i_ -fte«^U TOWff aadvmaa^ aU a^ e nU at

UOAT. It-toot Wolrerla*. U bp. Eyin. *o?, - rud* moUrr.-etMrlnr-■ear,-oare...wiBd> .ThAll

“ Price MOO. U nn*-to 'm po6ilbU p a r t r '—raBjC. E. nermer. (40 Jrd alreel north. fo^

■WlnO Twin Palla. Ida. • - j'TetiLUMilEB fgr eal* at barcalo ptieee a t oilll JV -

■ - k s j ' ? £ ; - s £ h \ r , ' z z r ^a> low aa 118.00 per Ibotuacd. Wendell Mill aBd-Unaber Cooipaar. Falrileld,- .

OR _ .. — r i . r - w i j r - . t a s v ' r x . ' s , ' ' . ' ^ - j1T1.W •— flale, eernce,—acteaetle t— CoroBtt ----- *

Camara CenUr. New Ph*»* Number j

------1 ' •• jD tServie*. C a m p e r s ! - F i s h e r m e n ^ 1

TbSTe S c o u t s I■ A R M Y - N A V Y .G O O D S

, . . b T ent* - T o rp s - S leep ln s B sB tl - ---------— '• -T o ld ln s C anvM Cots------ 10.65 u p p-------

n'.T P u p T(>n»a n -|j - - 0-PS UP: __L_■ ! G rub Boxes__->.i-.-.....—. 3.00

l - , ,^ ; : M m ttio B «ii-----------------OSo

*'*n„JV New and need Jeep eaa eaitt. G. I.’ water cant. foMInt ahoveli, canlMny. ~' Flrat Aid kite, meea klU, blanketa.K. Tl>> nlllowa. quilu. air maUratei. <Ub7J-R or baea. anake-blte klU. InMcl r to e ll* ^ .______ ___Ions bandied caaip a*M, batchcla.« r. H • ■

T h e H a r r y K o p p e l C o . I

uckload. ba tU rl-. Iron.. ..._ . — ,. radiator, ^co^er. ° » m . lead, j


---- f^*m*»ln*A»*Oue ' **6lLH i<!run?asd ceaapool cleaDiD*. Boto- OF

roeur aewer aervlee. R. 0 . Jaaea. 117 Weet Filer. Phan.

------ r llnla pump-1.-LlBU-cle.n«IJ.ttK- ------- - - power rooU r.-P bw Burley., 4 » .« or

; Ilaullsn 1741.M X m k'liltm - ; ;;.y .ted .^ AU> wooI e n t : _

B ° a . s ;s ; ; —^ ------- 1 .-F U R N IT U R E & A P P L IA N C E S - -------:R ^ " . c a ll C and' II AueUon_lo_a_all royr.Jur. ...—_ _ _ nlture. Phone H74.........................• l’*10n# xjvuOE aeUctiBn UMd rtfrlceraton. manr

"; __alie« and prleee. Mmlc Center. . ■**• O N ^ O N ^ ^ u a M ^ trw r. tH gio . Onar*

_ J — ^ ’ { !^^m o/‘? ii 'W * " a .m uJ®® ®*' c b o o ' WceUnsbouae refrlaerator, S».*2.' • $4 down. I l .*8 wrrk. wfiion»Hel.e^

rRlOlDAIEE ^oom ^alr condlUoner^capk- •

» o r j ^ .S itX -|^« .y-U oa.-ttM t«r-i:xcellto t tea. -----'• •- __dUIOBi'-naranitfd. i l « . Moelc CenUr.

CLOTHKa drrer: Aoe* model In Ilk. MW" -----;condlllim.- On!r-»IM.« al-C..C. A»der. -----

One eon'a. . ' r*

ek w|in Phone ll»7.

! ’• 14t;AHLY NSW WMtinshoua* •teetrle----------;• ,raa»r.—ItOO.—Electrl* r«frlferator» III.eh and ’^rhfln. 17M.J. _________________ •

^ r - .' I 1>47 MODEL KefvlBaUir. 7 cublo faet. '

Eacallent coBdlllsn. t lU . 1 mcsUi nar>

KSi- „ ..o - -a i ' ,a a f? K r r = i ;g s .“ '"” ■

r/- Utili^U WMllnihoue* refriseraior. WUl.aeil..Xor UO leea trad* In offer. Phoa*‘ ' M71«W. •■ •UNC ELBCTRIO poruble **wln( machine.

I el«Ul« poruble. IO.IO. /<AK 5*wIm ^

»l)ool.. W and ..ianeiiptlBB -- m*llre»a; Kenmor# waaher: laa cook tcove. Can 1»»

ililelB. b« ie«n 1001-S«e«Bd-aveau. weal. b*>■thora. for. J uIt »th.rse ~ ' . __

I . ^ . ". —II. 1 l . n ^ l'lnena__“Vnd klifhpi uten'Jni!' 'IM

. L lv ln « ^ m *eu.- bile eom pl^ .'d ie*

___ ,_■_ :— C a n be w e n a t ; ______________

--------- ' - - W A R B E R G - B R O S r - - - -=W AREHO O SB '

lines. L I . I. .1 I . - J L _

■ I . BUSINESS ami PK(

^ 1.... : P m E C ^■■■■ * • BABY SH O E B R O SZJN G • I

>ld'tna'ii ♦ B /CY CLE SALES & SE flV IC E ^Ul*lHi.-0r«lCTy;/«‘>ir^«t7-d»t-«a»irAT»rfc- S S t

e j L o o i r S i m o i M a - :- .. -r - -. Floot» M i t i aad rallaUhed. Plu 00»t-M, Sber

L50-f7r J>- * -U «tt« r-yr*e aaUmatee. Ph. ^^ ♦ f v r n a c b c l e w i n g __________ ^

I ktattreUM movat*L EvertOB M atuW ______ _ Faetonr. Phone SI»W.

• M O N E Y TO LO A N 5 - ^

v . s r / s ; a .n ? i i ; i" ni ' f e ^ ^ 'g g ;nsd jss ; ^

If 1 R A D I O ^ » .M U 5 I C ^ - r - - J . .rtlea Poul- UMUdhT pl*Ba:' 'Mndlt:< L«vlnt JHTI — -fer-eelle«a.--l«5 £beas=S1.JI.-: *w

> aisawar „ |im« u ti.00 per BtsBtb. CUoda {, •] --- -- 'I'.i. _llKmB’MB*te-»na FafHur . -- —tlW^ 2 1___ TRU CK S & TRAILERS = :ne*17t« U47 .BXUn^^KUW^*m tnwk. sood

jT ~L._ L-a,; I'V-'lMt tntlet.Koui..' uiwl t iuotith».-Oood-dtocoBBtj'‘PhoB*- — «r msDtb. Wl-B. • II I I . - - 1 -t.TON . CllEVROLinr; twMpe l flal

-=rsj3.'■• ».?“• 6«tv‘i u l ; S..™' a . M k.nu “ ', B« 0», i4.{t.. eo*r, rooCTVj l»wn». to. atreem-. _44.h= - r a . ■ K .i; s " 5 U r i' .' ‘.'.‘;VJ"«r.aUmoiB. aaeriilce for llti..E. E. KetUrl ir. Peal. t--n>«h._ ,V6 Ufc eolumbU'j..U» tia, now >

l i

ibla party.- —raBia frem-UOO-toH.OOOr'Alao detliti----eel north. fpt P»a American. Naahua. Aadeiton..• ta n Crulaer. Rkhardaoa and oiii.rt._.l, Sefore roo bur whr not trr Park Tnller

■|1»M per ®»*"- Klmberlr Road.dlmen.jon ----------------------------------- ----- -■falHleW- . INSULATED „„

TRUCK BODY,*1Siku; z:_Two-inche8 -inaulatiott.-- . _

- - In-wjtll»-.and ceQIhff.,. Number Aluminum outside and oidi ^ ^ ■' floor.' 8 door8.—InBide

“ I armensl6n5r7'''wlde"x rmen^ 12'rlong x 5'3" high.

Low Price3j)g ' Phono M______ ______Y0nMQ.‘aj3AIBY —, _ _t Baint - •— —— I—— 'W.65 up I V ----- 1 — -

Z■ r : :

Lr'ffl and Finance ''noalU^' ■ • Tho _


r.u‘"“- M O B I L l l H O M E S r— ■ ■ ■■* Ptom_16'_io-«' Modelfc:— —;ES.................... ■_ .BANK TERMS j„,of ------trp-To S Years To P»ynjD«. OP£N rVENIMOS AHD SUNDAIfB

307 West Addison __^Pbonc 3800 ■t-'Twla EaUa , i«4'

wool card- ■'m-w. A U TO S FOR SALEA N C ES- - — - •■------------------------ —I ro«r,Jur. ......._:_------- --- • - JIB:c,„: ; . ,BE SUREl--------^ —io. ouar- • To -Attend-The— •-—

^ ^ ' G I G A N f i e ' ^ - U S E D C A R -

■ S A L E ..........-lie CenUr. . . ..n'lilT.'TIV- ------ ---------- * t ------- •-.C.'-Aader* ---------------- —- .— ----- '■".I"! “ - - A S H W O K T H

m o t o r c o . ■ b„‘!F ’‘*1-*- - .-----------n-ii-r-------------- — ^-- --------- ;;;aflt>* Of™ EVENINfll T~---- ---

„ i ,l . HUNT FOB FORDSjsoUi nar- " •. „• mooUx. or I.OOO.mn» naUoBwld*d WmUbs. --------------- warraatj_______ '

'*1895fVwm'.Mil J 8M old5«obile n«d<.t j ir ciub_ cnrr. Phoa* heaU akltU. wblU ’aldli CH

I '.I'’' wtlla. ■ FlamlBto Red. A real >i» beauty. ____________ ^VA 5ewln< ‘ ^ 3 4 5 Speclftls FO

'■ ■ " 7^ g°i23 is'iir^ 'a i'rsr -k

■—i — »7t5 specula- -------- — -19(» CHEVROLET coup*. Dlack fls> OH

-sSSuT IM* TOIU>“Bbpw“l)*lox.-<:aoor Tr1 .' die* craea.

1»I7 CHSVBOLKT Club coup*. Nne............»*tallle *r*en flaUh.-. ,- Clllif-dl lSr -im-BTUDPAiCgft-Obaaylo.. irllh- -gj,OTwdrire.., _.. ^______ _ MITCHELLJBUNT-., - oa

)S:------ — — FORD-SAIiES------------ on...’ BUHL.10ABO ro

' ..:L L .'___ ..................... -BT' , ' . ' I' ‘ ' _. I ’DB

IS a n d P K O F E S S I O IS r A L ; ,^ . jn

R E C T O R Y I .------ *cu

re • PLVMBING & HEATING____ _ iu. Ph. aill-i Home flumBln« and lit*. Co. Phone l i tRVICE • SERVICE

y W iU tiE yriO N S F iiV tp~

I Initi^e^- v .Bthn*. L;^iJa#:'i^w~irk «»r "cu

»■ •• rYfEWBTTEfiS'••' Sales, reotala aad anvlca. - Phcrtie #fl. CH

.. ...T ■■• • •vaeoama. SIT EaJt-Ualn. Phone-rirJ. ^‘ ““™ HSTT^sJJ^-nc-srsisasrKSK:

• ’ —rmuU. 40f 4th An. EmL Phon. *0J0.

”* '■ • WATER SOFTCNEBS^ - £ 7z g. gauw w»t« i«rTW >t»«B»rs g “

^ M j gIC:^-r - _ AUTOS FO R S A tR ..

' I -71 ■■ II*rijEUCURY cloD coupe, lUdlo, hMl*r. iwj-yir r e S i -’t a i a - S “

5 i ^ . _ S mTr

; ^ .. .- ..... ......- Q O R E M O T O R

S = : Z Z = L _ B a r g a i „ _ ^ ^• 5 2 = Galore A t '. -

I...M " Unheard Of ,

' _____ Prl'-p»lpl.t*lr%>*di ....... - • • ' . . . -^ •W , or pLYMOirra Ctob ----------- IMI

t S . . a . S . r : j “ :L -::;:zrL - tiht for eaar 47 CHEVROLET 6«Ub__,..-„IIWi'r’iKr. PaX « »0 «>= 8^ » --------------- »«»___ 4« FORO Sedaa ---------------------- :__.lilt

AI*o deal*™'----OTr emp} w-Ui« opwrt^ti'o?--■* —. Aade/ton. ailendlns the church o( their .Park TnUer

• • ------- • . R60^ . . UMO »«Hereurr.l-door. lUdlo. bealn. evar. * ■ -I drive, eeet cover*. mWSODown......... I

atiott.--. -.-'i_-.:,. -;___ _____.................. ....Uiiiif. -,-' io«,a n d c

, _________

sh. jUl-po.rWdr o c r “ -.■ 01GUARANTEED " J

V G O R E M O T O R ^

— 6 0 2 'Z - Z Z l -----MaJn-AwauolSouth— —"• _ _ ' Open EvealBta____ ~ jjjj

es ■ ■ ■ ~1-;e •' ----------------rr— — ----------1


^92® A - 1 U S E D C A R S

\ i E s r:odeifc=__ w"‘!!L*.!!I'----*T!'°V.__jmi' _»«' JMB roSD V.S CMlam tuior. FreahP y. .Mlf healer I b«w palot ... ..nlW 4'lUNDATfB bUICK Bup«- aadanetU. Radio.son hMCer,.eat«ov.ra----------|IW „„1 EaUa 1040 DOIWE 4*door. llnter. radio..... apotlisht, B.W palBt awl

I ----------------- Itll*'■?__ ______ - COMMERCIALS

" 3 1 3 "“

»e— ------ ^-r-— ^g = = = ? = s

.. C H U R C H M A N . =. _ : .,M O T O R S i: -— : —

. • ^ . JEROME------ -.----- — fiium.ir-w.aiaz----------- ■;—

?H OPEN-BUNDAYS0 . ' - . . : '.— = =

— — Q U A L I T Y - - ^ _ _

, — QK—-. - — U s e d C a r s

^ ------------- - '; n r Club_ CnEVROLEr-S-dooi aedan ........lieiSwbIM al^__CHBVnOLn 1 (es. 2xpM<3 axle I104S _______ _FORD y.doCT~7*d n ~r--•■-. __ i., i»a.

?l*ei°n*1 3 ----■■■jlJWiBer ^wr*0TjTa-2:8w i-i««R -=tm »- r—: ra catehlai PLYMOnTK Club coup* 11048 IH,

_____ _ .^DMAKM oMpo ------ tMi»Dlaek fla. CMC 8 toB.-^wd a»l» n n04g' - ' '

--------^ 1950--------- ^NP*. New CHEVROLET 4 daor aadaa ___ IllM. ClttVaOLET 4-door Sp«lal __ IlllSBTiea. ■with' -ouEVROccr wdor*«a — inw~ n»fi

OHEVStiter'tioer awlaa, PO -.11111JNT---- - onEVJtOLET | .dco» eadaaro.—Itw- ----3 ; 0HrvB0 ixrir«iVpfeira»r:::;iujF- —

FORO dHtoer m<Ub _ _ _ _ l l t w '.............. BTroim<KFiB.faloo>.a«Un-.....I104S ----

------------j ’BtnOK’aivi.ra Soiir. ajoifWZillli'■ ^ . iruiwoN eRQM_________ Lims

X . 19.61 ^OBEVSOLBT Mon WaB. PO _I1BM

"* CUEVnOLET 4*d00T ledas ' tiaie tWI WQ iuEVROLrr Bualnaaa coop*__ li:<t> pyne HI. Pt^oUTU Dalvadara _____ HIM

i iii liiF mrotNATlONAL V, ton plckop img_ _UtJ-lNTERMAT10NALJt«Jriip**dll«'s '

—..., CHEVnoLtr J-lon. &epMd -_ltl4S» rV ........... ................... , .. . . ___ . Ir4'

? 7 i . l a a z :rWlEVHOIiT'Woor awlan'— —11111" ' "

irVk «»r CltCVaOUT ladaB,- PC'-.iVsU 'CTtBTaoiigT H 6flr~i*ui>. ro-iiiM ~iw

- PhtFO*"M CHrVBOLgT Clib c o u p o i i l W.P.:-S' ----:--------- ^ -------------------- ------

—GMAC Tenhs-^ -

™ph e G EiEN- G . J E N K I N S. Chevrolet.

[ ' SAI^S-flnd'SERVICE . v-Phorte —Phono 707— ' 7 ^> J , — ' i—

- AUTOS M R S A L g ____

IMOO. ThU i . i i y ^ ^ P'«;____ • - ■ •• " . 'J llgy_a. _ m n *. »H^TORO I .f y i r ^ r . overdrir*. radl*.

• . . ~ -Can h* financed. l7II.W*aft^tK>aa. I tIM

— —r i P ■ J " * ' ‘Ml Chevrolet or Ford, r '

T T ^ ^ ^ ^ r^ n rV f io B ii.—EbflS«-oMM<:. i v "

I. ‘ ' ’ • - ■ " ,1 -iM t T rtio” U sed O ar M arket-

• 1« Upildo Down i'Come I n F o r T ho

Best P e a l.In .T o w n l

1 1 : ^ d e a n M O T O R C O . ' _ _ - - • P e r s o n a l ly ” I n d o r s e d w ti

---------«g ; U S E D C A R S1»» «UD6pN Sup«r^*’l'^^ C l B b ~

---------11« U n ^ r ib S r^ 'f tk w U ^oaT fi*• ta«R toRD '

=T«L —.......... 1141 Inalda and ouL Jeraer blue. I^ned l~ ' *

to perfetUoB. ------- —

All O ur C ars Aro - ' . R«coDditloned and Q uarazit«edl

m *nd At*. Waal Pbcrna t i liat*r. ev*r. * " . 1 , ■ " ’ ■ ' .-y l

■■■ ~ : y o « ; D o n ' t N e e d — ^ - ~

t i i d V ^ n 'd ' C O L O R E D g l a s s e s ’ ; J .

!:----------------------------- —T a S e e . I h a t —1— ^

e r “ - ^ ^'OUR c a r s’HAVE t h b '^

3 r d D im e n s io n ! ^

'O R ■'“ K 'S !”. . matla J7lv«. wbltS" « U tl? S |' 1 «

s . r s a y i i ' s i s w ’t is" " “ ■ K?.-:

_ _ »

------------ ■■. m „' I 1»J PONTIAC CblefUtB Dalo** U

door. Radio, beater, dsAl raB «. “ 'I ’S . hrd^^matk . paw *aa|.e ,v«>........ „

, . I I H 8TUBEBAKEB- Woof.. Badla. «iARS a - Uree. .

IH I FORO Sanllaer t . Radio, baaUr:

" Venr. dean. A bar a t i.-...,..|IO>|- • - uAor y r« h ■■ i S « IIM HERCUHir <-dw 7>»dto. Uater, —

overdrive. b»w eeat e o ra n .^ 4 . r—r op llsht. lom «ls««U. ■

ella. Radio. Ctaaa ....... ....... ................... I IW......... ** 1149 UWCOljl Clab cwpfc' ' ftadlo.

iS-.... ........ *. * l i l t OLOSUOBtLB aadtn in.TU iBfc' i

haalar. hrdrasatla — — 4141 JJ d § — , u»UJQBb.OIah.^o<um „ ’ ,'nOjL _

. » » ! « ■ « > .......11 IMS M ED S-door «“ «

. K E N 'S E L l f ^ O T O R - CO V - 7 ,

"....... . "OUR MOTTO I i .- ; :;r__ . _______^ W lllf Psw l Oiif Depa rfan en t ^

------- ----- — 1T« T o •nfatn t a l a „

‘ IN SERVICE - ”T- -----J - j j he Flneat -

• i n C o u t t e v ■ ~ a n d F r i e n d s h i p :

■® ;■ ..... ^~~Ygu P a n A lw ays.J!tod .O l« '- ■________________ ^^Chinglng-Ow nen Han’j------— ^ . n ie tana loealioa alae* IMS £

“ ^ « e « - N A S H - T R A D E - I N ^ - - -H3a>1ell04S ‘ 'O N H A N D V ^

----- «»»• -____ I7« ' dloTT-aUf, ^ k rtraaia^ .- -fctoaa. fc—

---- iisir — r. _ wAsn twiB ^- a aa ^ Sm -I* ^ n U O

------ —*>M* t « j h ia u r '*” * «nUh. whiu aldewall-tlrai

______ n04«- '• ■ ' Uonal.al*»alj. The llaeal

-------- w a s Y f t L i a t - J-------7;“ “I --------IllM -tnBanluToai low b 1I*M«.^0ii*l a i___ IlllS - - : « « " _ - : r r = r r r ~ r ------ u

i TTiir- n»SO-OtaJBllOHlLB-*W“aub~»*4ia,' —.po_ iii.. .’Sif, s"rx<i?TSt.,.‘' s s -.ro ._ lim - ----- aireignw-jla* III

-----! ! ' ! r UM OLDSMOan.E M an! R«dto.lMl.

........ I » » » xoatlc. V«i7 clean ------------IlOU j:

a ^ t l u ^ ^ ^ m a t l e . ._. p o _ m M «*y 11 ' I -------------------------------------i .»J_I1B 4I IWI PONTUC BHtw Straak “f " JU,'

dio. baaUr, atMUItht. hrxlraaaUeW*-----***** driv*. If* .» verr ale*B,- np^o- -n______ IJJJ4 • data ].deor MdaaeU* __— 4»«-pickop im g _ i - « ^ ,Ii-P**d 11148- -■ • yn.vW or.aarooB oolorl. -

rEES tVu"- ^ «7 f G _ iV s u • i w O T r y y m - H -top :'• c a ^ i ij; •':

_ ^ i u w ~ ' ^ ~ m a o t . 'm a n y ' m o ^ V " r ‘

.-r. ■ - U s e d - ^ f a r - D e p i r f a n M t : , . - : AI V I C E . ., :®

- : : ' r

d ,ir.. Ud'i*.a*r»-<lS4V 1— :.i. -* " - - --------affrntwaa. - tW »< aR T 0I £ a T t-lae^

oii«-oeti;ji; - v r^ -T r A i 'a n d - T V U O k iP ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H

■■— ’■ ,| -

___ __ _ b*d. ga lr U.W>_r.«a

' i ib .o « p .‘ -------- - T w iN - F A ia a '^ j^ B7 .— raift^ ----------^QtJTPMEOTrCd^^^H

:v ;v ; .'

J o w ^ e iu .. J '!.|.|... r..— blUfc I\JDJ !-■ — ~ ,- i . . ..

.a ran tM dl ' . Vi '

- : v D

“ T . 1 .■Bd— — — - -

s s E s ' : ' '

B ' ir a "— eUeallaer.

: im STiniBOAXZK• . IIU ,*ouM, wltJi aBtani^iP^^H

4. : . . . . . . tM i arUDBBAiaca W O c m S ^ ^ Hdrtsrn' ■ " «*««*«'r--=========== ^ ^B

f*»- JMI WCRCTttr Matt

d ^ ° ^ ** 111! r o u V*I

-Badla. IM«

a d lo ,W K^ w m M O T O R '^ tJ O ^ g ^ H

I — L w o « ' --------------- ------------ - — ..?.•

f e t S : p —t — j i m _ 4 t h .o f JuIT”i 5l ^ B ;pfc .fe.di» CLEABANCB '.R ^ M

J ± 2 5 5 S D O W N G Q .' i^ ^ l^ ^ H

— ,-]W O K t= ^ H

m m z- - 7 !■ I I I W I

___ ...... »ll'M ^j^ ^ '_Cny ^

:q_ = I.--?---------- ' n—

g y , ___ ;. r~rasifejtw >ggg,s^p^ ^ W

:C E -■

7 ~ ^ “TmirTtoBtTOit^reW ^^B flip .oEoprapRouc^^H

. B A E N A g b r A U i HHani___ —

>e* ms poim&d

latte.- -fctoaa_ ‘• la •satlleat '-' ’■ .'rirTiai-ft*- I , ' .' 'r.whlU aide. —'

veat«r, Zatm*.i- t iM dir«» i t u 'n :n ( o in s % q r * i ib H e k ; r je i^ H laeft u -- Ovndrire. n d U a a d 'M a ^ ^ ^ H

'WliMbor ^ mi OBKVXOLET DelmT^T^^H

•aub-««5,- d “ s a ? .5 ? s J I £ S s 2 ! a B


iT ertiblj-tin- — food-tiMi.-inir*md■Ur. iar<dra- - ___ . .> . . . ^ ^ ^ H

------- l lW INI. cnSVBOLKT S f ^i> ooiipa. »• ~ a-ira2rbiMTaIa. _ U ^ ^ H >aW«B*r* ' l i4 R IH E T a O U R 4 M M -« 4 « i i£ ^ H ----------SUW ' dio aad b a a t tfT X o U rn a iiW ^ H


iobb’.' '

’ ^ C O r

Page 10: K T h x e e E jm 'e d .a RussiaiK i S S i Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · He said ,hV»r'^ the bed'sldesTorthlftruck were tom- “f off, but most of tho damage

r " Y E S ,W e H » J— Garage-You^l

— ^L.ooking:pQ^^|a eoncretft ti i» K _ ,^Xor only (m oi. cou tm ; you can h i r e ^ ^ l t m a s low u tto th lnft down! ? o n - n f ^ H ga rage p ruerves thg y o u r c a r . . h e t p T t t n ^ ^ l te r c a r pcrIonnuc«

- . t tu . r e ^ c .v i i ] u « .Q ( .^ ^ ^ ^ H

D rlre l a • o r c»a

^ R I V S OAREFOLLT . A CCID EN T T Q ^ , H - D E A T B S .. . 3,OOOMO

~ G E E E rrS T 5 M

CLYDE Bisifl WMBER c fl

- - ■ ■ ^ T E L E P H O N E - * 850 Shoshonr 8 L -^ |

— *►— :----------- --------1

^ l » s j H

) - r e m o d e l b w

d i d w a s J e l B

^ 'o f ^ t h e .r e s M

r i t a l l , g n w

knew nirM M

r to 3 o ;t I r d f^ ~ iHW ^ E d r o x Z ^ f lZome on in ..- f l m ent plan. J


' CBBISTUN . BCtENCB. / j SOUTU I l i n M ' < IM MiBth ■noM Botlh ' . .

i j i t t a dW KboeU U ••n)> 8und*r ^ f'*”* 'obix<kuKb wrrlcM. ~Th«~'Mnp< n.m.. yoonsW l f e 3 m g „ r iS^lSTSH I E S s i v~s.a feftrI D I •pwl^TOT«Ult5ood;i»ie;*K*in sua ■■«..D kH I t«lM bsya I h««nr..tbU: ^ l - t x r ^ ? ’" 'P ■**

^ s r I SI f l K t tS i x S d to. -Ul«M u lll>*rty.’ l»4v«»-«bortI w E .TtuU Buik* fr««. but n i l (od .vrror ftronc*. i . .

s f f i ^'“ T lB ST ’^IIUHCU'Ol'rCOD p;m!^o” a15D n » * CM Qulney • tn A d jr . S«rJn*I b iK ! ' L. U> lUhllnf. pu te r n( tru*U<«.K u » ij tJB., s “b<Ut Khool. II 0»np KJrt | ^HMKI > n d Mnscm. 8 p.m.. wonhip *tul Mr-1!® K « ' aV K -h .,Clipj M ^ W th* g tftoBM*. ^ B*r

I S i . - ^y « d Tr»*li.-pMl*r inrth“ :coni

H f c : s i : “ r ‘,S2!i2Us.-f2“! vI 'm aM IV liu B C ml tb* boa* o t Fnd Troth. * P-"<- 1><!"

‘ JWlOVAirS WITNM8 . “ m llh ^n ’thm Ri'K I *lBKd«e> bsll. W Halo *y«au« «rc«t cammlu<«.S h U U ^ P ^ - W>t«hti>««r llllili mMUns ind

5 n F l i> ^ l i r u lV r l^ * 5 » e t '" D om niMthlt!**7

l l * [.•eboot? I«»on. ••Ef(«eUv« Public nnd - aiURCl

^ C i - ’ CBUBCII OF cilWST ' • ' '' ;• FH& I 9 l ^ * ' BUir H. PBllirMi). BitnUlar X aim., he

t> •■m. UlbU «lu<ly. 11 >.m. u d a p.m.. ] 1,12 a.mP i 2 2 L & - p * r o j S m . r p ‘’j i - « - d «

- - --- - ' BBVBNTB-DAY'ABVENTIST - - ‘ R«t. Fr*

jS . ' M !«0 ■n.lrd'»YtB«« rvotUi . •: . Bun<burin.

W S v f t « i ' « ^ ^ n r ' ’T»l»r*rTVW0H r ^ l «ruoon»ratrf 'C W '! n r» o r t o{ th* jrouth» con«T«.i W on (h* rr«^ W V ' B « b ^ . I p.m..-9T«uns P^>«* SatunUya II^ E - W W .- AU B a ta riy iw-lec* will b« p.m. to I :»llk^W )1 U SbMhsn* M il] brlac your lunch, mu* on Su W S s ' r ^ W«dn«<lB»j_piW.W»Un».^ C n l ' ASSEUBLY^P c o b «nth *»«nu*i f f ! * K CU r II. 6t«ph«>i. p»iUp any hour ol

-S '* .» . . .8ua4*y »ehoot. II ».m..-wor- Bt th* r«UiM tlnfl Cid^ nur*d«y. youBK. - lUtJ jU A C u rb n M M k u t o»«r »l*Uon KLtX — Cityn H H r Ju ly-e . •« <>>«< ta VitO a-m. Tb« SiU a.m;

IcUbo dlttrlcl camp siMtlnc la tar Mrvk* Wm B fumi w a-TTlIt ujiltl imi ilireuih -ja ly - •ehael'at-tl H I M V n ^ CBlop KTOuml la t mllM north of a.m.. Dibit» |M . b p a ------------ ~ .................. w{^«“ a U'M M ItBU BC H OP TBE BRBTnREK ntaday, Do> U^BW M a)B(| Thliid »T»*nn» «■<< Tinrrlh — ‘ gff lM W ^ y r rr t-B o ^ -u n 'lM P a a - .^ M ^ a y achool f»«nbly. JOilS 'u .r^ lta iu t fl if™ L :s " i;4 * y . achool. . a wonhlp; July II B.Si ot *»•h *P-™~ -worahlp. 7 p.tn. W a ^ ^L "£? I* COW pr»y«r f a l l ^ h b . » p.m. W ^. IK ! j a » « > « boUT.•I ?Sh I riRST MBTBODIBT 9l(S a.m

a r a l j ha AxlalMl»< A » U " j.tb # ^ ^ .. Dr.-F. poup rnttl;i S s f e : r u ? S J :d u u M Y f :7 l« - p .m :’uM leifl-LB oy BMQta. litO p jik italor. board mttUH B B M will Him III "Ml) (III—projaeti.'-*- “ — — — t i m B liaM U y. Uftbodbt Utn'a elub. 1>U AMi m ^ K m^ ’ elrel«-ft'o« Uia WeOS will Pourlh avi W H H ^ H clty ptric for a .pkn ie . Uthar -— X . ■ n i ' V ^ a T bund tz bk toIIo-.> .1 0 a.Ri.. i

f l l t * !i~’u ius;:,zi l l f *,rai.;'rS4i.'i“m I dI E Vr». H. U. Ilom tr. elrela I. I p.m., —

'De-dit[ jfll]M I /e r a pteal«i (ualllia e( tMnibtTa a n * .

H - -Neigh'boping—1181- ^ - G h u F c h is

N om ropr

^ f f l ’F ^ 'a d a r J . L. WW aai. ~ ~ - J u a » - iC «U H l {£ 7 ^ V m.. BW aanka. »iM p.m.. BUard a l n H I Rhto. WwtnMday rrta la r . pr«y«r rattt* violin aoli

...... ........... ..................D r. DwU V { ' ' ^BBOHB BIBLE- BATTIST City, OXCdliPH n I . lU Saat Baoond avaaua terance, V

ilii!S ii? ? !s .5 K C i^ c ^ SSS5S S i g ^ - , ■ ' l a . , : 5lliln fi hcAaTLKTORn^fllBLBiBiPTlBT. TTio otfio

t * » - ^ « i a U w l l l Kx«k. I P.tiu Fri<Uy. will W PiI j n f h r< n « * tlo « -lBa-fllM>-«tudy.------------Ih I™ 'I ''* ’ ' » » h L :P 1R8T b a p t jb t - p ree ldcnt

l ^ l . ^ ^ l j d t^ ^ '^a am oB. y F w jo ta^ th e Rev. (

'^ '■ 3 . T p .m ^ r G n r

folIo^B«*B Vb6tt^4*voUoail. _ S S l 'iw 'th ' In S : »' OWHL FIBHT WABDTiBS----- IcC rSundj

P |g b fe ^ fe S 5 :i iS ? ^ i . ,S i8orvlcc5'a

flB.-KoM DIayl’oekVotdlnaB2»™^rkt t«/u‘ —DEc'Mky MnrtMi.aoBK. 'Tralaa .Ced-Pram1 - Si:

1 p4a.-Tbortd>y. MIA. ' • BrUSll. -

—^ a m m■B i **rvleaa. 7iH p.m.. atrvletaia f - U t- B » B«r-”0 -6« o ^ n - ‘YW»-0w‘.*; j lnTe.- BEl Uao, Caralaa }lut*BtdbItri'*Mit'>'‘'Am«r«

■ H r R-BeBBl*-Cnaari a tsrr-e( lia*lon T«« ^1 1 HI t t r . J . A. SaBdara: m w lo l numbtn,WBWI ru’ -.etmwi.- -tilami m«ln. TlarU - Hn)t^

BQil VK* >*<>(<«: *on(. '■Amtrlea*'; banadio NtKi k . Jtalph Pvurmon.' I p.m. Wadnt«]ay,UM) ^ *iW pJB. nur«<Uy. Primary.

I 'f ii’ g a r d e n . Flow er S tak es a n d T re l- te«. O L O P E S E E D 'A FE E D . m4 .

I I I^ARBERiG B R O Sa^ ” | mI I | - x d N E -a ie » —

II ■ /SKl i i ••-'••' B p ^

I """

s o u r n PARK 'cnuBCEi o p m z. ......... ‘

' • .-.. -E ..C .-V n% —Malar— ----**ld-aim*r'^nday-MhMi.-']I^a.m;. wm«

•hipi (ubjKl. "A Uvlnc Sacrlfkt.” 7 B.m., yoans -paopla.‘Y~J'.tn;r»«rvkti rub>)act. ‘■Victory: In ChrUt.*^.! p.m. Monday,' clivcth^nl^M U M [.»t:{b«.parBona((..t.tun._Sy»dn»»<Ur. praytr mt t t ln r I M ^ ^ n

FIRST PBEaUVTEHIXN-i^^^:. . . Danald & DUckaUo*. BlnliUr

9143 a.m..' Sunday a<hool’ atvd farain] oollm as< dlKUuloVcroup bm«U In roomM n V r t i S r ^ i ^ u n / i i l ^ v s ^ i s ^ ^ ^park.prtenSad by a IK^Inul* ai^an con- L V -.

^ r —=£==■=

ftronct. a . p.m.'. Monday. Mn. Moffat'a ; ' .Camp Pit* smup matU at-.th* chuicb for ---------- -i . »>^Ditn«-p»rly-« Nal-So«»-J>a»i.-»t«8 ~. , ”p.m.'Comity. ISoy Bcoulj. 1 p.m. W oln^. ' >. .day, Sawlnc Clrcla. I p.m. Tburaday, board i .n( truaUM. 2 p.m. f'rlday. Mn. IHIanty'a .V 'Camp Pir* rroup. - . . -y

^IRST BAPTIST .'>SBhchon. at Ninlh n.tnun Mit- -■ ' . ' =• ■ Ray Eil(«n< Crew, pailar

... tiU-.a.m ., chureh »cboo)i nur»»ry lur*'ins-flunday^acbouUand wsnblp hou r.'11 ^ m .. ' xonhlpi Mrmon, ■'CrUtena ty

c l ty - ^ ^ - 7 :30 ;Mn. M n ^ y ^ o y ^ o u U .B«?''fVy‘* " liu th Martlniuia and CUnUmlth In charsr. a p.m. Tumday. flnanca W K m g K BcommlUra. a p.m. WodnaMUy. prayarmt«UnB and llllila atuily. 0 p.m. Wnlnn> M M B to I Id«aconca*«a mtatlnc.and beard ol deaenaa H m SayjCTm^ l n t . 7 p.m. T hurt^j^ aanlor blfb fjjgwWfci^Y


• ;'T»th*Sunda>^'aft«r'''ifl“ ^^.* a.m.. holy <ommunlon al th« rectory. •11 >12 a.m.. momlna prmyar and acraon O ther H

in tba auditorium, elly ball. fum itu rc i_ 8T. EnWARD-e CATnOUC - ' Un w ai inHoB.I|n»r Jl p . OTotla. paalar .

Rat. Fnncii A. PaUraan, aaalatant’. Sunday m u in i <, R and 10 a.m. Sumtar A’ J 15-Xffl'T.,!" S"sr;f™?“'v,a.'; AduJmaaita. I a,m. Confaaalona: tialonlay aft-

"C lap.m. to *:M p.m. CapU»m afUr JO a.m. ^m ua on Sunday er a t any othtr hour by R » U tr a t» |^ ln«nitnv InQsliy cUnca TUaday-or. sw ln ^ lllR 4Tnurvday avtnlne In tha rectory. IM Sn - ,*itnU atanuft north. 7:10 p.m. Sl<k '<-a1U ^Uiy 13 a tany hour of Iha day or nisht by ealllni poo l'w lirfaa t tha raclotr; -or phon. 9«. ; TWln Pallj- ----------IMMANUEL 1.UT1IEKAN SCCOnd aV

---- .C lty-rark-a*-city Jihrery ■ M rs. .OC«,i« a.m; and It^.m,.-trotahlp, Uia tat- CrOSS CXetar aarvka o»tr KTPl. 9i4S a.m.. Randay ~

•cheol*»*-thirrrh“anrt“LcthrrBincHMT^O‘ -Only—ona—a.m.. Ulbl* hour. »ISO p.m. .Monday. Sun. plonncd. J

' w ^ " 'b e ac<Baaday, Doy ScouU. 8:30 pjn. Thursday,. 8U~UCtloni_

■e««lwi;t ■ t»f .Hhe-M tnW hifr-ana' ^ T p T m T M l

s n S ^ i r s = ^ S £ — p!July II. Boy Scouu. t r ^ «S, btcln a Mrs. BftkC!w««k ot tamping In tha hill.. , •• j,cr oHlCC;

FIRST CHBISTIAK thC iM lniCSixth an<i. Shoahone Wcelu.

9 .«**im ‘'^imiV'«!r<;oi“ ‘Vo* ^ am A bout Wimrahlp: communion: apeclal mualc: m l. lOllCd in thmen. -Tha Upllftad-Chriil.UfU Man." 8 F irs t DhosSi?.;da“y ? '^ ; " & ‘i n . ' ’io'h'n‘i:on*“ S i-* lo?;^ to - NOXBTMip mttU with Mta. Kannalh-Uatlan. T h e prO(tynt. ItM-Mapla: convtnUon reporU will by thO RCiM s : ; t f i A . " ’' " • do p « i


~ ® e pi s X i i S j - f - A r - ' '"' -* “• J h“ sen

Dedicatioirrs"Sef^ ~.. At.Easley4tesort, H ATTCT.-July 3— 8 new b iilltl- paren ts. «in g and plunflo—a t —Enaloy—h o t ForULowinspringa wUl .be. ded ica ted- by th o lo ’lo WlIde^ho B a p tis t convention a t 1:30 Mr.T.' C a rrp.m. S a tu rday. T h e R a v . ' Otiester lowinp n H!NohKQp, town a n d c oun try p a s te r arm ed scr'T o r-the conventlon. will p reside .-Jo - — M r; • anc■ uu»-K «r]0e r-B u lt0 t-M 0n ti- f t- ll(e« - -Klffranih Fgu ard a t th e plunge. wUl play a pa ren ts , Mviolin ' aolo. i ’ _____

D r. D w lght_D odson .- S a lt ,Idxke l 8p r*yertC ity, execuUve^aecretary oJ tho coii* O lobe fltfrfew nce , w U lA e .th e m a ln -sp ea k cr. — - -O eorgo Venable. K elchum , one of ___th e contractors, will tu rn th e new - C o n tCcona ^ U o n o v e r to th e conventlun’ ..Todnv-'a n d ' t he-RcT.'T r tn n a ir Jo ln c i, m u r e - ' y «■a en tln g th e trustees, will accep t lU OOn t (T h e o th o r-co n trac to r- la- W i l l i a m ------- B ro l

O the r epeakera on th e program - “ 5 ° ° :will W Po rest R w igcr O len Briwto, - •— B r o l■^ha-Jlev.. .R ay-_Haloy, -O nsU eford . -p residen t oi o f t 'i :unveiitlon ;_ tlia , « t iRev. F ra n k M cCrary, N am pa, c h a ir - " 'n u tn of th e building M m m lttco , and < « .th e Rev. Claude W ilson. H o lle y .--- — ' |

-------r i I I I I 13TM '— S p e a E s S u n f l a ^

K lM B B R l4^_Ju ly 3 - I n th e nb - ..........senco o t ' th e ite v . W. T . A rm strong,the„R ev. and M rs . E. T . Vevig wifi de liver th e serm on a t 11 g.m. H crv»_______Ic e rS u n d o y 'a t t h e K im berly"K aza- rpriw rh in v h _ __________________________ “

U elv in R aybom , m lnlslcrlol s tu - ^:dentTTi‘U l-q > re « t^ l '= » ? = sc n n o trh t ^ W iBcplces^ a t 8 pan .' Sunday a t tho

As lAle aa IWO nearly 00 per ccn t Ia *o f th e w orld 's r u ^ r cam e from ''

/v U

' I’i

- — T f t o v f t r y n 'i i ' ' ' ---------~ 7 , - t j

- — fa ro p y /tf B S if ------------- *-n

'■■■ Ihl greolwl name" .VODKA-

, J Eldeyjy ManJSu^

____ '• '• ■ . - = : ^ m < S s 3 S

ITW ifi ■ -■ - - JTi-Mj • ' •■•

SrtKafet-'' .■"v':i4 w S trzzv-.- '»l* i® »

Other motorUtii and police officers aid William furniture crashed tbroufh a guard rail on the M

~Un was in poor condUion Friday. (Staff photo-e

Adulls’ Swim ijSageri “ Class Planned

R ^lstra tlon for adult -beglnnen c o ^ u n f ty ^ afternoon v

pool wlll be taken Monday a t the | h a T s ST w in Falls Rod Cross office, IMSccond avenue n o rth -. ....... in -the Julv■ Mrs. .Goorge Baker, local Red M o „ was Cross executive secrctaiy, states t._ ._j. »,

-only-ona-adult~b06lnp«r»-<ln«fr-Ja. -nniKlninin- planned. Approximately 30 adults lev w lirbe accepted for the clo8s.-ln-structlon will hr .glwnn-from-^Hc- renort on 1 r p . ' m. Monday through Fridoy a t i- U - the d ty pool. Persons intereated'-ln nniitmtion n wPOTimrirrtnrsnM rsnBuijnsnnSffr ’ ouT d a fii Mrs. Baker ie soon as possible a t sHowrtl col( her offices. MatUn Foss will be year’s 4-H c the instructor. The course lasta two 5^ 0 a weeks. . 2 all-da

About 000 city children nre cn- the Has .rolled in tho summer swim program. demonstratJi First phasa of the program ends jj,gtoday. Next daises begin July 13--------- <xhe- fores

T h e program Is sponsored Jointly o o o d ln c di by th e Red Cross a n d ,c ity rec rca- drounda n t tlon deportm ent.___________ : iden tify t n j

People in Hansen !!S”SS~®eport-Actraties. Slcn' onli

HANSEN. July 3—Barbara and ‘COmpanlcd- Margaret Klutta have returned from nionlca for■ V Jsitlng_ tbdi_gran(lltttiw r..:,C — a __________ :—KlutU, In Rockwell, r North 'Caro- ‘linn. ' ■ FILER., Jl

Don WUcman, son of Mr', and Mrs. Carr Wiseman, is visiting his Mac Wilkin parentsrHrTra5f-bcen stationed a t "PPolnFort-Low ifli-W aah.'=’= ^ — ------l a d la - o p e ra

Lylo W lsem an ,-M n -o f M f .- im t t i)MC, .CaHfg Mr.T.' C a rr W hcman.-_ls h o n l j^ o l - Jow lng.a jli2diiiL tgfL lrom :^utian-too-arm ed services. ' ~ __' ^ ■ i T ^ 7“’ M r ; . and_' M rB _M alco lm —s T n f i t - ^ S K f f T • r a m n ih F a l l s ;o r e ro f c 'v b l t ln g - h e r E C T i a i , pa ren ts , M r. nnd Mrs. W . O . T ysor. m m t m K

1 Sprayert and_nD itinE_Equlpm ent. IN COMFC Globe fieeil & Feed Com pany—ad. \ / />

-Gome i n air-cushi-Today------------don’t delay I u '# W o u

- — B r o k c j i 'P la tc r H c p a i r e d :‘ u in ^ o s o P la te s 'R e lln c d -■— B ro k en T e e th R e p la c e d ' lonVnnTh'";

........ —c— , _ ‘ • loa. LllE* "wa. TAVork D o n a - — il"“

----- llffih ilr.TM Vait!>^ « d " i ^ r k ^

- " F I T - R I T E " .137M West Main (upsUIra) .....

- in«onaJC ga - T » ln P .IU ----- ------------

is thc-ii

ffift j year w h en th c fam i. ' v ^ l ------ S dv s-iiu o n e voice_^


—^ ; Lm dy*navoritc-in-iobd g b o d acss . Q

~ f a v o r i te K E ( .K K A N i'a fu l 's e rv ^

a n y tim e . . ..\viili m eals fliid. b c tw i

f l i c Idaho D airym en’s A■ '• . . . rcmlncin you tha t ‘-Nattire'a'c'ntK

.- - • lu iiM t In dairy foods." Cm MORE

. ..■ t ' ~ 7 -


n Jttiiyjt a s T ru ^ ^

i aid Wllllkm J. Martin. SO,' Alexandria. L a, after ■all on the M urtaugh overpass arid overluraed UU ‘ Staff photo-engravlnc)

Hagerman Grpup —Has SpeGiaLMeet

HAGERMAM, July 7 -A special m m m m m meeting , o f., the Hagerman J J l - — Community club was held' Monday ' afternoon with" Daryl' Shelby In « '* charRC._Sn)upjlD K lnsJow.JstLta. » ' j Shari Shelby. ' I

The group volcd-to_c lUr a float ' -In-ihe July. 24 ;para({; A demon- ntmtlon was given by ChoryL^iu^ ton and Marilyn Bavenscroft on ^

■mBKinirTm*TCpricotri«>ff. joiih“ 75I=' — ■ ■ ley .. Connlc...RuEseU.. M arllyn-rRa. ------

report on 4-H camp. ■r The Ooodlng county hojne dem- ' j)n5trat-lpn.nscnt^Jfeltn_t«mprjj?ht^ - ■' showed a film qnfrecrlng. She also sHowrtl "colbr' slides" token a t ,last year’s 4-H camp and a t tho county Vfair. She announced tha t '6n Juiy 10 an all-day workshop will t>c held n t the Hagcironn Grange holl' on demonstration. Judging and model­ing..-T h e - forestry group will tour the'Gooding deaf nnd blind scnool grounds a t 7:30 p.m. Monday to Identify tre«.~A"plcnlc will follow

Following classes, refreshments were served by Kay Jensen, Dor­othy Condlt, 'Virginia Norwood anfl Ellen Konlgsfeld. Joan. Jolley ne- •emrmnnliwULlii* Prf)'ip nn hpr hnv. monica for folk dancing" -------- -

----------- ---- APPOIKTEtr*"--------T " --------------- FILER.,July 3-S/8B U .aeorge'L . ,Wlllcln,wn. son of-M r.—and-Mrs.- - Mac Wilkinson, route 1. t'llor, haa- been appointed n.n an aide to groundjaclla-operfltor.’ a t,M arch . a l r - i o r c c ._________i)ftse,. C a l i f o r n i a . _______ . - . . —•

i m m m r n m =■i.g r ra v n iT !B F W M

IN C O M F O R T A B L E -^ g j i^ ,-

ai«-cushioi ^ ^ S B Mr i l ha Blad -----'la sit* you. ___ ■at-yaur conrtnliii:^ an aHuai TTtB^Dtm*

'ahora-that-earrr'^He-Cood-Houtaka.plBB _________Stal. JmaBlna welkins or alaBdlnr all day onB on tha foamy.aoft Velttt.«<i Air Cuah- ^ Llk* "walklnB en alr"t I alio hata a ^ P lcle .lln o ot work ahaca wiih ip<elal faaturta. Ctioou from otar ISO drtv, aport. and work 'rtyka for both men and

, &ennmlfally prired. Conlart Be a t once IS f

....E . M. MOY-ES^ _ ~ ' Z ~---- -----------3SLllarriion - .

— US

T O N I G M T t .' ^ g r r ! '

ilS-is th e -iim c-of..tlie_____ _____

icn th e family so often . - _

m e voice "L e t's h.ave

^ .-tonight!" S p^m any ------ _ _

t o m any-tlificfgnt----------iac*siCB.-citgAW;.C!.xtyrr-.-r=±:r:-.--

bodaes's. C jiapse vo_i r_'_~—

l e r v ^ i t “(^Tccn.“ Good; " ^

5 aiid. betw een m eals!:

— ‘ ' li _ ■■ -....'■ '

ym.en’s Ass’n .' —! i 'a ^ i j r e :R ls n n d n c y J iij i_ _ _ l;_ _ '■

Cm MORE of them.' " ... '•

O v e r t i i r r i s - M i n e


Edward Wooz .lb e^ i:S .-b u r mentfWill-lMho crs.At the Idal ventlon h ere ;

Several oUle silnlnglined up as ap sesslodrof'the Enrry.M arsh <

-dreM.’thc.($0 < Tclix^B ttF 'l^ rotary of. tb( 7hinenit**tes7u Loughllni-pro stake-Mining cisco; Simon dentfining compa

E- Buchana

Gov.|Lcn JoD f e H u V K |K n K £ coming—addr

Prcsldehr'Hei and- general

1”C.. meetings.

M Establishec». L a, after h li Iruclc loaded with » . ^ “ hlo fei rturaed UU Thuraday Bight. >tor._______________ ^ ■ | j ^ o n o _ i a f

- MEETINO SLATED g '6SOSHONE, July 3 -O dd PdJoB-3 5 A —«»i/

lodge will hold a meeting nt 8 p. m. R A r rO W r ^ d a y a t tiie lOOIlhall.._______ SXXXX?WXX:


------------------------ i-------------- ----------------------------------STSftk

~ r 7 p ^ e ^ d n ! t J < j T o \

— u s i n g y d L C O E /

T h e y t o o k c a r e o l

i^ -th e n n -W -b q L w e w c

o f t h e d e t a i l s — \

^ -^ ^ w e^ -h a v e^ r -e rr iu c

e a s y i t w a s . " -

— “ r~ThqtV righf, Folks- . m u ch -n ccH ^T ^o your plans—cstima and we'll be glad fi

l i n i e . M e e t - . t a taytffln =Hear W )ozley:SUN VALLEV; Ida., July 3 flf)- - InIward Woolley.. ndmlnlBtrator-;Of by H. B. MattJ e J I i: B.-bureiiu.;ofJahd,. monago::. board-ot-coun entfWill-bthon<M>f-the main apeak- Layton -succ s flt the Idaho mining. Jubilee con- resigned to acntlon here July 13-l.fl. ....... .. mawhai for iB evenil'atlieridp'iovcmmciit'm jd Swohi irrwii Inlng Industry ofjWals have been w oneu , form led up a* apeakeft for-the various ng chief ..dcp sslodrof thrconvcfiUon.- Secretary Ttrltlng-Ucehi nrry.Marsh aald.-, Esmer We[doi

■esa. thc.efiO expected delegates ore lUCHFIelix^ettf~ iygr o srr,- nBslstaotjrec^- - lU CHnELT itary of the Interior for o r for cleii Prtdmor l n m l - T i « 7 u n ^ n i « n S W ^ - M » - ( B io n ,C U I - sughllnr-prosidant-ot- t h e - Homna. m.rq M..,nn i ake Mining company. Saji Pran- and Mrs. R. seo; Simon D. Strauss,, vice presi- Callf., also ai snt of American SmelUng nnd Re- C. M. and Hinlng company. New York; and ------ _:E. Buchanan, of Uie Unlveralty of -

Oov.iLcii JoWan will give the wel- . ,)ming_________nnd^.ossoclatlonrcsldehnfenry LrDay. president nd-general monager of tho Day lines, inc., Wallace, will conduct le meetings._______ _

r S A V E M O N E Y O - J Ui ON YOUR A U T O .IN S . |!---------- --------With-----------

i-FarinerSrMutual-I[ EsUblished 1 8 0 8 '. . . No mem- C[ bershlp fees . ,... Non.asseas- . ^ ••........t-able.- ' 5 A dne of hli^ o n L la ^ ^ A V = 3 .l8 J 'I .» ^ « N-9. a .J!,"'“ h1id,J!'.* t Acrtjss from Post Office 5 4 5 9 i.c

: Arrow Ins. Agency g


t O O F ^raCTEST

f i

J<jTpw_how eqsy itvv(I ^ E A S Y ^ O t e r

3 re of tfeted^tape— ve wanted and jbev Is-We're.Teally he ^odeled-ssGRer- if

r, Folks^^You'll be suTpTised iucaTeniFdelinsTW^J^rca re of -estimate your job-takc care c s glad to telt more about our ea

t a y t o n S w m i n ^ — iCassia Sheriff

| S 1 S ? M “7 a°f^i>untv^commhalooe» ._ -- - 'Z Z ^

warrell, former B urlc jL jw ll^o n . .

-"Y E S ,wJSther Weldon, office deputy. -

RICHFIELD V JSIT O TIB _-TacH riE LD ,-Juiy ^ ------- ^ L o o k

:a llf„ also are v i ^ n g . » e l r sons,3. M. and Harry Prldmore. . ■ „ jq„. ^------------no th ln ft dowr

Stirage preset y o u r c a r . .

’ ' - a : - ^

l a • or

^ R I V S OAR ' f l L ^ - ACCIDENT ■:

~ M T H l n V T i L ^ ^ I — D E A T B S.,.,3


----- ^PO PPIES— ^ r i V b lCHAMPION BTOCK W V I i f j

......... A.K.C..JIECISTEBED. l A t i i l

s .,a .”'T.‘. n . s s r ; S . S : .

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