'k/ K' w ^yOL. 80, K a 247 SSS^JSJA resident Pot^s Conteol Downed in Senate 18 (ff)—The aensta. today batted jpiosal to srant President Trumah . to'require indastry to pared-out ^.'commodities. ’ domn** I>ei ‘^aahdatotjr seum-.cbst-d ' The:a^t« Barkley, " Senator opposition whii______ _____ .'spedal aession of,eohgriess. ~^.r- The votii against BarkleyVam ________ ,. ^ ;.The senate ften defeated by an announced vote of 48 to 85 fr similar Barkley amendmrat which would have conferred the aame mandatory power oa the President, but have siveti.congreu aatborlty to _____ _________________orlty veto any of his ordertf within SO'days after issuance. Vbg-TUtt biU woultf authorln the PrwUteni'to ooanUt vlth iadustrr on; voluntu; asnemeDU desisned to bold prices 10 Une mder t«m- ’P0TU7 sufpen^on or tt» aaU>tnut Iblam . BuUer mated to tlve Ur. w T m niA n power to luue orders and reguUtloDsirtiieb would conlpelfU«b •cneamts. OppeMdfcrTatt ■niXt c^Tpoaad BtrUer's t o u b d - aaat on the cround It would '■elisace ttw enito nttun" of -bU bill and *1m] troIsoreraQ ............ Ttw ohloaa stld.sdopUoa would not, bellers _____________________ tJoltad States o i^ t to t>e required to buckstar bustoeas.^ . Partr U m CrMMd ^ Three setuton crotud pkrty lines ^ ta .ttw test TOte oti tb* Barklejr t.R^Ore^ Senators May Restore Some Of Cuts in Aid WASBDfOTON. Deo. lS.0Ji9'>- Ohalnnaa Btrles Biidses, N. EL, said today his senate approprlaUons .committee would rcstere at least part or the 1*8.000.000 which the house cut Irom tbr dnergenqr tor> also aid apptoprlatlon. Other toflu- eoUal BepotUleaos pi Ised their support. The bouse lata yesterday approrad b y TOlce Tota *509.000,000 Tor stop- gap aid to Prance, Italy and Austria, and *330.000,000 lor mUltary corero- ment and relief In the occupied areas. President Truman bad asked *007.000.000 lor the Suropean coun- tries and *400.000^ for addlUoaal occupation costs. Ueellar IMay Brldses said his tammittee would meet In closed sasslon. this after- ini» Dieadliiie Extehded fdr. Christmj^ DecoratiGns Besldsnti e( Wn M to-vte.plan ,t l*,7Sfflsa^«wa cbte.eotaplsta Two indtag tott bem aaia*d:bytthe Twtteth Oeotury'dub'bot.tw idsea ftOD the Ohember of Oeotietee wffl not be.named'imtll Friday. .............................. dcntial dlstrtcU and.tba business dacomtlosis. Orislaal daa«lna for district unta m d s r n i^ t to dacmUoDS 'Wu sittar .toal^u. Tba two Mdcea Jrom-tba.Twentteth Ontuqr dub I _______________ _ wish to .conplets tUatr tear* of the dty prior to so any daceraUons armnced^andUgbted'after m day nlsht may ba missed. Ko aatzy blanks art Decean^T to «ntar the eeotast. OeoorattoJa majr f o l ^ any theme. .Jodftng wui £• on tba basU et the seoeral atfoet o f daoerfttlou and el ‘ ' not be the daddlat Sereral storea tn the boloaas district h atlansaadwlQbae) ' m t« nature , of dlsplan win d .Obilstraaa deoor- -------- for two prises In th« bustnsss ........- of .tha eoDtact. Display windows may be . used for deeoratlons ta the b o s lM division. m tha homa dlrialee. deeoratlons should' be clearly vlslbla from the s ^ resanUesi U they ar«' located Inside the building: or. outdoors. Prices In.thQ borne dlrlsloa am *35 for Orst:> *U for seoond, *» for third and five awards of *1' aach. A p p a r ^ realdsnU in the block of PUlmora tint *n setting tbe pace lorOhristmu deeoratloala. AttracUva displays hare been reported at th^ realdenoa of Dr. K ank J. UcAtee, lU FUlmora; r . W. Raider, m TOlmore; Harry A. Eleock, IW TOlmoro, and R. a. *n)ff1emlre. m PUl- “lore. Other resldeotlsl anas are starting to blossom out with Ohristinaa decoraUoas. but It la expected that most persona are waiting. ostU thla week-end to ennplete dlspl^a.. U the four Judges'start their tour of the dty. M day nlgbt« » achedulad, they' may m in decoratloas which aro -------................... * - o r Sunday. pected the. group to “make soma reatoraUons.- But he declined to predict bow much. Bull Brings $3,000 At Gooding Auction GOODING, Dec. 48—Some 1,200 people, incltiding dtttle breeders from Ore«bi^ Utah and Idaho, attended the pure< bred Hereford sale at the Ernest Fields'ranch near. Goodlnjf Wednesday. The sale, first private sale of its kind in Idaho,! was sponsored by Fields and his sons and brouffht 74 head of ibred ’Hereford stock to'the auction, block. Gem Royal ir V, a.buU'that brought $8,000»-top^ ^ e day*-s sales. The Nettletoii brothers, Murphy, Ida., were the buyers. .Another bull, Gem Royal Essar V m , sold to Karl Fischter, Eagle, brought a price of |2il00. Top sellins: heUervWas Pearl Mischief X m , bought t ---------- : ---------- ------------------------- by Ernest Ehlers o f the 'Stm Valley Hops _snd Hereford ranch, Filer.- . anlmsla aired by' RupertGroup Aire Plan for ^prkenC^p Gomiicpt|p;Si^^ Inquiry Voted by floiis Senate WASHXNGTON, Dec. 18 (/FJ—The house todi« ordered an investigation o f coibnodity m ar^t ate appropriations committee decided to- seek'congresslonal action calling on Secwtaiy of Agriciu».u*«-Aii«wB( ply names of hi* traders in grain. The house under a resolution eponsoi^ by E i. August’Andresem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- will. deal, with ^ ----------' New Bill to Cut Taxes Is Introduced WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 .O/.0— Chairman Harold 1 KiwanisQii^ proposal on sale of « partko of re« senred water in American TaOa reservoir. Tbe bureau offered 3S csnsl oom- panlea the opportunity, to boy SU.000 . acr* feet of reserred space In toerlcan PfcUa reserrolr. Ibo plan Is oppoeed by. M lnid^ prajeot boosters who contend an the r v senred water should be set aside for development of new land. I b e Oommlttee of Mine has served as an advlscsy group to the bureau of reclamation for 39 years and rep- resents all the Snake river water luers from the Snake's upper reaches to wim .. Members are John Kelley, SheUey, Akhalnnan: Hynim Severson, Rigby; ~ A . S. Stanger, Idaho Tails: Ival Oos- Un. Aberdeen: Bugh Crawford, Bur- ley; Ohartfs Welterotb. Jerome: N. V. Sharp, FUer; Sph Ricks, Sugar City, and D. Loosll. Aibtco. Jon Xiee, Rigby, to secretary, tee and Kelley have served on the committee since It wascreatedas yeaii ago. Palestine Panel’s Parley Date Set liASB 6T700SSS. Dec. 1* ^ Trygve,I4e. secretary.general of the United.' Nations, annonoced. today that ha bad called a meeting of tato separate Jewish and /. ASX^VCt , iC, p e c. i t OJJ%>AB uneasy tmbe tn &• holy land ex. - tended Into Its third day today with IsoUted-cases of vlolesee accounting tor three dead Md — _ . r - * raxe body of an aged Jew and- another Jew, reported to be a N. Y . UlnioiiiBids To Join Walkout Of Telegraphers ” <H»-Tbe 7.000 CIO Western Union company employes In New York efferad to. day to Join a aaUonwlde strike of. 80.000 APL te le g r ^ workers sched- uled Dea 33 in an aDnnit wage The offer by the CIO to make the strike 100 per cant effecUve wu contained la a telegram, seat by Joseph Selly, president oC the Amer* OoomunlcaUons assocUUao (CIO), to the leaders of the three API. telegraphers’ unions. Selly urged that the unions agree n o strike together, to fight together, to settle together and to go b ^ together." tZbe API. Tel# a Commercial ' > rDelegr^ tbto week Uut they would strike at . m. S8T Dee. 33, If demands for 18-cent-an-hoMT wage increase were not met by tha company. NegoUatlons between the com- pany and the unlcns have broken down, although federal AedUtors the two gronpa to ITAKT 6TBIKK CALLED ROMS, Dec. 18 (A>>New>paper reporta aald today a general strike bad becB caSed la a third SlclUi had ap^ central .........'Jlelds tte bon. ' _________ ____fbn grade of stock behind the bull and explained the good points of the bus. VwS. a W. Hickman, bewl of tbe animal husbandry department at the University of .Idaho, gave a short talk on rbnprovement'of CatUe- in Uie narthwaat.'' He said that cattle In sontbem Idsho bsve Improved consldersbly In Uxe Isst several years. Herrit Meecham. Culdeaae ^ttle* man, and Eart Hoeg, Blidock, Dn^ were also present at the sale. Hoeg bought several head o f catUe. . A free barbecue was served to those attending and was prepared by Bill Bibb and.Jla..neIdi chefs from Oaliromla. . Wesley Fields aald that because this sale was so suceeaaful anotho one Is being planned b / Uie Vleldi ranch. Burley Okays New “S lo r Ordinance BCRLST, Dee. i W alldlng'scsle slot machine ordtnsnce was passed by the Burley dty council in special session here Wedntsday a tfit pro- viding for license fee inereasea * 1180 to 1350. The ordlnanea was latndoced at a regular 00QneU;aaetinf Uondsy. nbs new ordtnanoe teves tba U- ense fees for tbe nlekol and dloe machines at 1000 tb e —»»*<» under the present ordlnaaee. ri for- tbe 98<eDt nlscblnca raised: 9180‘ to <780. Pees for tbe 80<en^ •machines wOl be rals^ S300 to MOO, and feei for doUsr -'be tocreawd to *880. Mother Gets Four Qiildreii as Result of Habeas Goipus'Writ Ftnr-1^.beaded,' 'wen'-nan- ^ U y . u t through a tbr^boor bearing In district court tb e decision was made by judge James W. pcrter. He hiled. Uw n»et tateresU- of ihe Jess chUdren would ta.aerved by altowlng^Uiem to Uva wltb mother In Washlngtsi. Vlbo babess'eorpus bearing ww teoufht by urs, Vloetfa McBrida, ^ chan«l ‘that- ^ ,lum ar bo*- ban^ Jerry Jess.' was not providing a -ptopw h (^ !fo r tbelr ehUdraa. tha court caa do.wm'Bf* '* Jndga>Var> and mtemgent chQdretf eauM bave tbe can of both paienta. AU tbta|a being, equal, bowevtr, children. «»• peeuay oudl chlM-- with their twrther.- Judge Porter decided after Us* tanlhg to five persons taatUy, Tbsy wert .Jaa, a 'consltuetloa. werkar; bto present wUe. Fsnnle; hto .13* TMrKild SOD, Carl; Mr&'UcBtida asd-.Pollce .Chief Howard W, ail> 'W « oome-.vaea oe visitaa UoDday -wlUf Mr*..McBride >d.het amcsey, Hsny Senoit. & m tba place >lmflt fo r ehUdrea?. sald'lhe.door yasjn ocraptiht 9t tba apari* iVeUXMAlaL Tbe a ^ ---------- - an of the equlpm«Bt at imur,- farm -labar ^ supervisor, -said tCbonday; 1400 bl9nk*ts^S80 ooU and m^t- tressci and other mlscellsneros items. On See. S, MUler cooUnued. Mini* doka ootmty received all buildings at'the ci^p'trani tbe federal gov« enmient; Howard -A. Preston, chief of ^wrattcDB for. the. department of agriculture, .offered the property which was accepted-for the on-*- by D. Ik Carlaon,' of __ coun^ eomnyssiCEiers. Ibe Fann Labor Sponsoring aasoctstlon pur> cbssed tha. equipment from the ‘operatlsa Caohaaged Tbe labor camp, MUler aald, win atlnue to ba operated tbe same as it waa when-tbe 31 buUdlngs were owned by tbs government ‘nie only d l f f e r e n e a now' is tha county owns tbe buildings and the assod. aUoo tbe equipment Tbe assod* aUon win continue to administer tbe camp, and the , county win store sckne of Its equipment there.. At me meeting of tbe assoelsUon Wednesday algbt. a discussion was held oo tha labor needs of Minidoka eounty.for next Tear but no definite dedslons were reached. Plans for operating and flnandng the labor program also, were discussed, Roy D. LaRue,' association aecretaqr. Four Ships Sash To Aid of Vessel HONOLULU, Dec. IS («>)-> Iba freighter Slmoa Benson was break- ing up in beavy^mld-Paeltlc seu today with, bar cargo of water- soaked rica awaOlng against tha craeUng huU. Four vessels were --jeedlng to bar aid. Tbs Baasen^ craw ot about 45 began jettlntav tba sacked xlca and her skipper radioed he . bad turned tba stzlekan vessel headoa Into the>WBVaa In an effort to dim- inish tha bqffatlng. Tbe liberty s h lM . wKtlBia,jroop transport- was shout 2,400 mllea north-north- west of Honolulu. Idaho, U ^Oa Companies Unite 8 ^ LAKK d n r . Dee. 18 Ibe Wasatch OU Refining company and Ita atnUaU. tba Idaho Reflnins ------------ • rcoBsoUdated toto a ---- --------- under tba UUe< o f W m tcb OUvoompaay at aistock* of the house ways and means committee today hitroduced legislation .to cut personal income taxes $6,600.000,000'in 1948 and take 7»400,000 persons off the federal tax rolls. The Minnesota Republican included in his bill provisions for (1) raising personal ^ m ptions from 9600 to <600; (2)' a sliding scale of tax. cuts ranging from 80 per.cent in lower brackets and gradually smaller percental ndiictions In higher brackets; and (8) tension of community p erty dr “split tacome^’ b fits to all states. Knutson’s bUl Is not Ucketed for action’untU the regular session con- venes early next month. But Re- publicans wanted to get on record with It now to beat President Tru- Foor Blf Changes The new Knutson bUl proposes four major revisions In Inoome tsix compuUtlons for the' more'than eOMOXno.taxpaytrs: 1. An increase In peraonal e ttons from WOO to $600. T lils _____ remove an catlmated' «.000,000 P«raoaa.^rom the tax rolls and cost the govem m ^t about «3.ooo,0«3BOO In annual revenue. X A graduated cut In Indlridual iQOcna taxes ranging from 30 per oent on incomes o f $1,000 or. leas to 10 per cent on that po(w tlon of an -lndlvidualt laeoma In eaoaa «f 14,000. For tboaa wltb Ineomaa betwaen 1 1 ^ 0 and S1.S88 tbs out would be from 30 to 30 pef .Mn(: fcr.tbcat betwNa S i^ .a s d ao- per : ^ t ; ^ . on that por^ 10 per . ^ t rertefteoe;® tbrv.. ________ ■gg-.i'srt I b i s . prlnetide, bow - - - in 13 sUtes, permltit« has- -------and wife to spUt their tocome fo r : tax purposes.' in many cates, this means that thdr total tax bill wtnld be less thsn u .either ipald the Whole thing. O e n ^ ap- plication of this “spUt Income" prln-' ,dple would 'cost tba * ^ t MOO.000.000 In revenue, the benefits of which would.go largely to penons ■with Ineomes upimrd o f $8,000^. 4. An additional MOO tax exet tlon tix persm 88 or older and vooflwjom In revenue an(^ remove t o e e t lm t e d 1,400.000'fresn the Drivers Warned On Alley Use to Beat New Signs Although "no left turn** regula- tions are ahowlng favorable renUto In d o^ tow n Twin FaOs streets, PcUce Chief Howard W. Gillette said Ibunday some drivers are "de- feating their purpose" by making almllar tuma Into and from down- town alleya. - ' OlQatte said that alnce the trial- period began'on five main. Intersec- t s , tranic ^ speeded up and traffic ccogestlon h u been un- t a ^ d “to aome extent.- gan to use alleys to diwSSvS' tbe p ^ p o ^ f the lOT reguUtlons, Oil- He w n a d that left turns into and out of alien ate in tloUtkm of existing regu!aU<ms and consU- a trafflo. and danger haxard. He said clUUona wUl be given of- asklng;aot;rto be quoted .. _____ told repocten It looked to him like the*wb^ii'lBSue waa •%dead duck- forthlirMsslon. ' One of tbe moat unusual features of tha.-AOderson session with the , oommlttee members was'tbe way In- BerlbeaOanedbi Pastoir Utifees - Oyer as Of Kiw^ras Tbe Bov. R . o . Muhly w u lastalisd s 1943 presldent’of tbe T ' ~ Bwanta dub by.Marvin.____ pulil.., Klwanls district lieutenant ^ :jXieR«v.-Mr.Muhlyreplaces a 'B . Jackson aa.dub president: i - Other-1048 officers'Indudo Dr. Joseph W. Marshall, vice president; Charies B. Allen, treasurer, and Fred M. Ingraham, secretary. Herbert R . West outlined the part the Klwanls club will play, in co- operating wltb the BalvaUon Army's ObrlsUnss food drive for tbe needy. He pointed out that the Klwanls chcsal group win take part In a Sal- m o n Army's children party T ms- John Peterson and Donald Ru- dolph. Twin FaUs, and A. Amos and Jack Winkler, Buhl, were guests at the meeting. House Panel Puts Probe on Peti^o WASB»OTC»r^ Dee. ' 18 «1I9 — A hWM labor subcommittee Is In- vestlgBtlng Jamas c. PetriUo's Federatton o f‘ Musicians to^ftod. out how BJany. members actually .aaka- .tbalr .iM iic from musle. It was teamed'todv. ' inqulriea" ate being noder directtoo. Be that tbe In- T^tlon waJm^lit^bySW- anoj that new. inventloss Me^dtoladngmusldaai. , *7 l^ave aa idea that, the greater anmber o f bis mambea ^ £b^ only, part tltuTmutid^- unloa. -Tdaay o f - t o w ^ • cany t b £ ^ o o e^fv Valley Man Hurt In Bus Accident BEAVER, Utah, Dec. 18 (JPh-J. L. Wisdom, Hansen, was one of 7i passengers of a northbound Union Pacific bus injured todsy when the v6hlde struck a stalled trailer-truck on U.S. highway 91, about nine miles south of here, state troopers, reported.' Vtm ot tb^ passengers were In- jured seriously, the others were given emergency treatment and later rtieaaed to continue their iCfUDgr. Ib e driver ot <the truck told teo< w ,h e had placed flarea along the highway to wars trafno after his vehicle stalled. ------------------------- operations'in*'c. maricflts u d with the activities of indi^duala'“iii t with the purchase; or sale-of:oommbdities/r The house'acted after:the-senate'committee^ to drop ita demand that Secretary Anderson i of gram traders.' The vote eame . after a elos^ . . ^ Anderson in which the seoratary, told the conunih^U furnish the names if it intisted, bat>also would mak public. ' ^ Anderson argrued tbe committee, should not '] the demand was^iiuutionable oh 1 ^ ^ and^mcni^. Senate .approval o f .the h o^ e resolution Is noiM:u.. Chahman-Bridse8,:R., N.H.. who voted tt^lnsitt tiiac derson.supply the.names,.sald the senate wonldU^ij during..the.aftenu>6n;to adojit a reMljrtlon calling' on Ander- son for the names. . . If, the senate does approve it, the resolution would.go to the house. . ; . - . "I'bepi^'the congreas win peas tbe -Joint rtsoluUon." Bfldgaa told re- porters. nt they dont .X intend to eaS’tbe nrmnilHen after tbit ^nrst of: tbe year to see what can be done abbot ihaklng the Information puMlc.” " ' AdJoBrn Tetsen sy . .eebgress hoped to adjourn tom om w ;'B rid^ waa-recognising that the .propoaal ’ might be Ust in. tba wlitfup shuffle. ' .OaeDsewc— --------------- ‘Bridges started t o ‘tea then about ttia:-vet(s^ but B e a a t« SaltenstalC obJecmjAu^JUdgea had 1^ « t e n o ir 6 ^ 8 5 5 S r ( ^ Atonr Delay® OnU. S.. 0. agreecQ- missloD t atom. ___________ ecomlsrioa to abanden;. .'] dlsousa tbe organbatlfla -'t posed atomk) eenttol-a -' getback'toworie.ofrtq lament. auttieifibefcN'WSki ment on the baito pkv.*. MUlb'ai the congress, loalst oo bavlng the names and addresses of an traders ■innf irith the statistical Infocma- tion called for in yoar anbi Shan not permit myself. .. charged wltb shielding anyone by a. refusal to grant your request”. Tba committee served a snbpoei on AnOaraoB yesterday directing him to appear before' it with aU hifonna- lon he has cn commodity trading. Tbe group is Inquiring into i that government "Insiders'*____ profited from specuUUons la wheat and other conmiodltles.' Befers t» Chargee AndersoQ^ remarks about *UiieId« Ing" apparently was a refereno«>to lUtement by Harold E. Stassen, Republican . presidentlat hopeful, that .'Insiders"^ bave profited' by trading In commodities. Anderson stipulated that 'if eongress formally calls on'him ' (CwUii'n* mmTw t. .•) Kaiser Purchases Iron M ill in Utdh SAin* L A K B .orrr, Doc. :s OUO Henry J. Kaiser InteresU *lwpe lave tbe ironton ‘ and Sunnys: coke ovens < and blast furnace _ operation by next April.’' Jack. Ik Ashby, a Kaiser .................... today. Raiser InteresU are buyi^ the planU fo r S14SO.OOO f - isets admlnlstratloa. Tbe major, problems ot water supply, transport, power and taw materials "wUl- probably be solved by- the first ot tbe year," Ashtv declared. Ashby, a vice president et tha Kaiser , concern, said the west coast mUUonalre ladustrtaUst was buying -Blant and that — '— ------------ d operate It Hostile Russ Propagandia Gets Beyin Blame on Big 4 Failui^ ZA^NrDM. IS m-BriUsh ■Bevla said since ito aeaUt^* uH 'ooraea '<bu "eani^'oiitJtl day Russia*. ______ ____________ diulng Ute London oonferenee of the l^ fou r m in !^ ooundl had ^tea^ In;a ofei I'lo'parUelpatigD by ; eoontriea 'to , the ______________ j vlolaUag .tbe free .choloe-of ^ sUtss and to aa later. fwace'.irJa their—•— ---------—* criglnal putpoe«.jptdrafttiS;tt«atlaa to gripii with the fotsnhmlsilwi to a'peiiee iottfex«Be»' Dd "being used fcr entirely differ- St purposes.**V - ■ o.' > .*rnMre li BO l£li, Dias ereited despoadeaey .to..tbe .werid,' "T asserted. tbat;aai'iDVkBua^ ______tir BriOft^ablA edwtots.Siarthe.e - BiUionBusy -WASRlHOTOir, Osei'' i AnoUier bOllOQ.-bt * ' In 194S->-(tf-wbiai only.foar In tba appeared to be a tbe..basls-or aa ment foreoast . TbtoMtlookls: favorable, tbaa Tbe sUoaUOB)' tbe I I b e ; departmmt' . v-.~ fall-sown winter etep WM08«0;bUSh«^.0?|- Dec. 1 ccadiueofc r*-** mUd'nM I ____ ,. who* nwr -

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Page 1: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF082/PDF/1… · 'k/ K' w ^yOL. 80, Ka 247resident Pot^s SSS^JSJA Conteol Downed in Senate

'k / K'

w^yO L. 80, K a 247 SSS^JSJAresident Pot^s

Conteol Downed in Senate

18 (ff)— The aensta. today batted jpiosal t o srant President Trumah

. to 'r e q u ir e indastry to p a red -ou t ^.'commodities. ’

dom n** I>ei ‘^ aah datotjr seu m -.cb st-d ' T h e :a ^ t «B a r k le y , "

Senatoropposition w hii______ _____

.'spedal aession of,eohgriess. ~ .r-T h e votii against B ark leyV am ________ , . ^;.The senate ften defeated b y an announced vote o f 48 to 85

fr sim ilar Barkley amendmrat which would have conferred the aame mandatory pow er o a th e President, but have siveti.congreu aatborlty to_____ _________________orlty

• veto any o f his ordertf within SO'days a fter issuance.

Vbg-TUtt biU woultf authorln the PrwUteni'to ooanUt vlth iadustrr on ; vo lu n tu ; asnemeDU desisned to bold prices 10 Une mder t«m- ’P0TU7 sufpen^on or tt» aaU>tnut

I b la m . B u U er mated to tlve Ur. w T m n iA n power to luue orders and

reguUtloDsirtiieb would conlpelfU«b •c n e a m ts .OppeMdfcrTatt

■niXt c^Tpoaad BtrUer's to u b d - a a a t on the cround It would '■elisace ttw en ito nttun" o f -bU bill and *1m] •tro Iso re ra Q ............

Ttw oh loaa stld.sdopUoa would

not, bellers _____________________tJoltad States o i ^ t to t>e required to buckstar bustoeas.^

. Partr U m CrMMd Three setuton crotud pkrty lines

^ ta .ttw test TOte oti tb* Barklejr ■ “ • t.R^Ore^

Senators May Restore Some Of Cuts in Aid

WASBDfOTON. Deo. lS .0J i9 '> - Ohalnnaa Btrles Biidses, N. EL, said today his senate approprlaUons .committee would rcstere at least part or the 1*8.000.000 which the house cut Irom tb r dnergenqr tor> also aid apptoprlatlon. Other toflu- eoUal BepotUleaos piIsed their support.

The bouse lata yesterday approrad by TOlce Tota *509.000,000 Tor stop­gap aid to Prance, Italy and Austria, and *330.000,000 lor mUltary corero- ment and relief In the occupied areas. President Truman bad asked *007.000.000 lor the Suropean coun- tries and *400.000^ for addlUoaal occupation costs.

Ueellar IM a y Brldses said his tammittee would

meet In closed sasslon. this after-

in i »

Dieadliiie Extehded fdr. Christmj DecoratiGns

Besldsnti e ( W n M to -v te .p la n ,t l*,7Sfflsa^«wacbte.eotaplsta

Two indtag t o t t b e m aaia*d:bytthe T w tte th O eotury 'dub'bot.tw idsea ftOD the Ohember o f Oeotietee wffl not be.named'imtll Friday.

..............................dcntial dlstrtcU and.tba businessdacomtlosis. Orislaal daa«lna fordistrict unta m d s r n i ^ t t o

dacmUoDS 'W u s it ta r .toal^u.Tba two Mdcea Jrom-tba.Twentteth O ntuqr dub I_______________ _wish to .conplets tUatr tear* of the dty prior to so anydaceraUons armnced^andUgbted'after m d a y nlsht may ba missed. Ko aatzy blanks art Decean^T to «ntar the eeotast.

OeoorattoJa majr f o l ^ any theme. .Jodftng wui £• on tba basU et the seoeral atfoet o f daoerfttlou and el ‘ ' not be the daddlat

Sereral storea tn th e boloaas district h atlansaadwlQbae) '

m t « nature , o f dlsplan win

d .Obilstraaa deoor--------- for two prises In th« bustnsss

........- o f .tha eoDtact. Display windows may be . used for deeoratlonsta the b o s lM division.

m tha homa dlrialee. deeoratlons should' be clearly vlslbla from the s ^ resanUesi U they a r « ' located Inside the building: o r . outdoors. Prices In.thQ borne dlrlsloa a m *35 for Orst:> *U for seoond, *» for third and five awards of *1' aach.

A p p a r ^ realdsnU in the 1 » block o f PUlmora t i n t *n setting tbe pace lorOhristmu deeoratloala. AttracUva displays hare been reported at th^ realdenoa o f Dr. K a n k J . UcAtee, lU FUlmora; r . W . Raider, m TOlmore; Harry A. Eleock, IW TOlmoro, and R. a. *n)ff1emlre. m PUl- “lore.

Other resldeotlsl an a s are starting to blossom out with Ohristinaa decoraUoas. but It la expected that most persona are waiting. ostU thla week-end to ennplete dlspl^a.. U the four Judges'start their tour o f the dty. M day n lgbt« » achedulad, they' may m in decoratloas which aro -------...................* - o r Sunday.

pected the. group to “ make soma reatoraUons.- But he declined to predict bow much.

Bull Brings $3,000 At Gooding Auction

GOODING, Dec. 4 8 —Some 1,200 people, incltiding dtttle breeders from Ore«bi^ Utah and Idaho, attended the pure< bred Hereford sale a t the Ernest Fields'ranch near. Goodlnjf Wednesday. The sale, f ir s t private sale o f its kind in Idaho,! was sponsored by F ields and his sons and brouffht 74 head o f

ibred ’H ereford stock to 'th e auction, block. Gem Royal ir V , a.buU 'that brought $8,0 0 0 » -to p ^ ^ e day*-s sales.

The Nettletoii brothers, Murphy, Ida., w ere the buyers..Another bull, G em Royal Essar V m , sold to K arl Fischter,

Eagle, brought a price o f |2il00. Top sellins: heUervWasPearl Mischief X m , bought t---------- :---------- -------------------------by Ernest Ehlers o f the 'Stm Valley Hops _snd Hereford ranch, Filer.- .

anlmsla aired by'

RupertGroup Aire Plan for ^ p r k e n C ^ p

Gom iicpt|p;Si^^ Inquiry Voted by floiis SenateWASHXNGTON, Dec. 18 (/FJ— The house to d i« ordered an investigation o f coibnodity m a r^ t

ate appropriations committee decided to- seek'congresslonal action calling on Secw taiy o f Agriciu».u*«-Aii«wB( ply names o f hi* traders in grain. The house under a resolution ep o n so i^ by E i . August’Andresem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- w ill. deal, w ith ^ ----------' ‘

New Bill to Cut Taxes Is Introduced

WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 .O/.0— Chairman Harold 1

Kiw anisQii^

proposal on sale of « partko o f re« senred water in American TaOa reservoir.

Tbe bureau offered 3S csnsl oom- panlea the opportunity, to boy SU.000

. acr* feet o f reserred space In to e r lca n PfcUa reserrolr. I b o plan Is oppoeed by. M ln id ^ prajeot boosters who contend an the r v senred water should be set aside for development of new land.

I b e Oommlttee of Mine has served as an advlscsy group to the bureau o f reclamation for 39 years and rep­resents all the Snake river water luers from the Snake's upper reaches to w im

. . Members are John Kelley, SheUey, A khalnnan : Hynim Severson, Rigby; ~ A . S. Stanger, Idaho Tails: Ival Oos-

Un. Aberdeen: Bugh Crawford, Bur­ley; Ohartfs Welterotb. Jerome: N. V. Sharp, FUer; Sph Ricks, Sugar City, and D . Loosll. Aibtco. Jon Xiee, Rigby, to secretary, tee and Kelley have served on the committee since It w ascreatedas yeaii ago.

Palestine Panel’s Parley Date Set

liASB 6T700SSS. Dec. 1* ^ Trygve,I4e. secretary.general o f the United.' Nations, annonoced. today that ha bad called a meeting o f

tato separate Jewish and /.

ASX^VCt , iC, pec. it OJJ%>AB

uneasy tmbe tn &• holy land e x . - tended Into Its third day today with

IsoUted-cases o f vlolesee accounting tor three dead M d — _ . r - *

raxe body o f an aged Jew

and- another Jew, reported to be a

N. Y . UlnioiiiBids To Join Walkout Of Telegraphers

” <H»-Tbe7.000 CIO Western Union company employes In New York efferad to. day to Join a aaUonwlde strike of.80.000 APL te le g r ^ workers sched­uled D ea 33 in an aDnnit wage

The offer by the CIO to make the strike 100 per cant effecUve w u contained la a telegram, seat by Joseph Selly, president oC the Amer*

OoomunlcaUons assocUUao (CIO), to the leaders o f the three API. telegraphers’ unions.

Selly urged that the unions agree n o strike together, to fight together, to settle together and to go b ^ together."

tZbe API.Tel#

a Commercial ' > rDelegr^

tbto week Uut they would strike at . m. S8T Dee. 33, If demands for 18-cent-an-hoMT wage increase

were not met by tha company.NegoUatlons between the com­

pany and the unlcns have broken down, although federal AedUtors

the two gronpa to

ITAKT 6TBIKK CALLED ROMS, Dec. 18 (A>>New>paper

reporta aald today a general strike bad becB caSed la a third SlclUi

had a p ^ central

— .........'Jleldst te bon . '

_________ ____fbn grade of stockbehind the bull and explained the good points of the bus.• VwS. a W . Hickman, bew l of tbe animal husbandry department at the University of .Idaho, gave a short talk on rbnprovem ent'of CatUe- in Uie narthwaat.'' He said that cattle In sontbem Idsho bsve Improved consldersbly In Uxe Isst several years.

Herrit Meecham. Culdeaae ^ttle* man, and Eart Hoeg, Blidock, Dn^ were also present at th e sale. Hoeg bought several head o f catUe.. A free barbecue w as served to

those attending and was prepared by Bill Bibb and .Jla ..neId i chefs from Oaliromla. .

Wesley Fields aald that because this sale was so suceeaaful anotho one Is being planned b / Uie Vleldi ranch.

Burley Okays New “S lo r Ordinance

BCRLST, Dee. i W alldlng'scsle slot machine ordtnsnce was passed by the Burley d ty council in special session here Wedntsday a t f it pro­viding for license fee inereasea * 1180 to 1350.

The ordlnanea was la tndoced at a regular 00QneU;aaetinf Uondsy.

nbs new ordtnanoe t e v e s tba U- ense fees for tbe nlekol and d loe

machines at 1000 tbe —»»*<» under the present ordlnaaee. r i for- tbe 98<eDt nlscblnca raised: 9180‘ to <780. Pees for tbe 80<en^ •machines wOl be rals^ S300 to MOO, and feei for doUsr

- 'b e tocreawd to *880.

M other Gets Four Q iildreii as Result o f Habeas Goipus'W rit

F t n r -1 ^ .b e a d e d , ' 'w en '-n a n -

^ U y . u t through a tb r ^ b o o r bearing In district court

t b e decision was made by judge James W . pcrter. He hiled. Uw n »e t tateresU- o f ihe Jess chUdren would ta.aerved by altowlng^Uiem to Uva w ltb mother In Washlngtsi.V lbo babess'eorpus bearing w w

teou fh t by urs, Vloetfa McBrida, ^ c h a n « l ‘ that- , l u m a r bo* - ba n ^ Jerry Jess.' was not providing a -p topw h ( ^ ! f o r tbelr ehUdraa.

tha court caa do.wm'Bf* '* Jndga>Var>

and mtemgent chQdretf eauM ba ve tbe c a n of both paienta. AU tbta|a being, equal, bowevtr, children. «»• peeuay o u d l ch lM -- with their twrther.-

Judge Porter decided after Us* tanlhg to five persons taatUy, Tbsy wert .Jaa, a 'consltuetloa. werkar; bto present wUe. Fsnnle; hto .13* TMrKild SOD, Carl; M r&'UcBtida asd-.Pollce .Chief Howard W, ail>

'W « oome-.vaea oe visitaa UoDday -wlUf M r*..M cB ride

>d.het am csey, H sny Senoit. & m tba place >lmflt fo r ehUdrea?.

sald'lhe.door y a s jnocraptiht 9t tba apari* iVeU XMAlaL Tbe a ^

---------- - an o f the equlpm«Bt at

im ur,- farm -labar supervisor, -said tCbonday;

1400 bl9nk*ts^S80 ooU and m^t- tressci and other mlscellsneros items.

On See. S, MUler cooUnued. Mini* doka ootmty received all buildings at'the c i^ p 'tra n i tbe federal gov« enmient; Howard -A. Preston, chief o f ^wrattcDB for. the. department of agriculture, .offered the property which was accepted-for the o n -* -by D. Ik Carlaon,' of __coun^ eomnyssiCEiers. Ib e Fann Labor Sponsoring aasoctstlon pur> cbssed th a . equipment from the

‘operatlsa CaohaagedTbe labor camp, MUler aald, winatlnue to ba operated tbe same

as it waa when-tbe 31 buUdlngs were owned by tbs government ‘n ie only d l f f e r e n e a now' is tha county owns tbe buildings and the assod. aUoo tbe equipment Tbe assod* aUon win continue to administer tbe camp, and the , county win store sckne of Its equipment there..

At m e meeting o f tbe assoelsUon Wednesday algbt. a discussion was held oo tha labor needs o f Minidoka eounty.for next Tear but no definite dedslons were reached. Plans for operating and flnandng the labor program also, were discussed, Roy D. LaRue,' association aecretaqr.

Four Ships Sash To Aid of Vessel

HONOLULU, Dec. IS («>)-> Ib a freighter Slmoa Benson was break­ing up in beavy^mld-Paeltlc seu today with, bar cargo of water- soaked rica awaOlng against tha craeUng huU. Four vessels were --jeedlng to bar aid.

Tbs Baasen^ craw ot about 45 began je t t ln ta v tba sacked xlca and her skipper radioed he . bad turned tba stzlekan vessel headoa Into the>WBVaa In an effort to dim­inish tha bqffatlng. Tbe liberty s h l M . w KtlBia,jroop transport- was shout 2,400 mllea north-north- west of Honolulu.

Idaho, U ^ O a Companies Unite

8 ^ LAKK d n r . Dee. 18 Ib e Wasatch OU Refining company and Ita atnUaU. tba Idaho Reflnins------------ • rcoBsoUdated toto a— ------------- under tba UUe< ofW m tcb OUvoompaay at aistock*

o f the house w ays and means committee today hitroduced legislation .to cut personal income taxes $6,600.000,000'in 1948 and take 7»400,000 persons o f f the federal tax rolls.

T he Minnesota Republican included in his bill provisions fo r (1 ) raising personal ^ m p t io n s from 9600 to <600; (2)' a sliding scale o f tax. cuts ranging from 80 per.cent in lower brackets and gradually smaller p e rce n ta l ndiictions In higher brackets; and (8 ) tension o f community p erty d r “ split tacome^’ b f its to all states.

Knutson’s bUl Is not Ucketed for action’ untU the regular session con­venes early next month. But Re­publicans wanted to get on record with It now to beat President Tru-

Foor Blf ChangesThe new Knutson bUl proposes

four major revisions In Inoome tsix compuUtlons for the' m ore 'th an eOMOXno.taxpaytrs:

1. An increase In peraonal ettons from WOO to $600. T l i l s _____remove an catlmated' «.000,000 P«raoaa.^rom the tax rolls and cost the govem m ^t about «3.ooo,0«3BOO In annual revenue.

X A graduated cut In Indlridual iQOcna taxes ranging from 30 per oent on incomes o f $1,000or. leas to 10 per cent on that po(w tlon o f an -lndlvidualt laeoma In eaoaa « f 14,000. For tboaa wltb Ineomaa betwaen 1 1 ^ 0 and S1.S88 tbs out would be from 30 to 30 pef .Mn(: fcr.tbcat betwNa S i ^ . a s d

ao- per : ^ t ; . on that p o r ^ 10 per . ^ t— re rte fte o e ;® t b r v . . ________

■ g g - .i's r tI b i s . prlnetide, bow

- - - in 13 sUtes, permltit« has--------and wife to spUt their tocomef o r : tax purposes.' in many cates, this means that thdr total tax bill wtnld be less thsn u .either

ipald the Whole thing. O e n ^ ap­plication o f this “spUt Income" prln -' ,dple would 'c o s t tba *^ t MOO.000.000 In revenue, the benefits o f which would.go largely to penons ■ with Ineomes upimrd o f $8,000 .

4. An additional MOO tax exet tlon tix p e rsm 88 or older and

vooflwjom In revenue an( remove t o e e t lm te d 1,400.000'fresn the

Drivers Warned On Alley Use to Beat New Signs

Although "no left turn** regula­tions are ahowlng favorable renUto In d o^ tow n Twin FaOs streets, PcUce Chief Howard W. Gillette said Ib u n d a y some drivers are "de­feating their purpose" by making almllar tuma Into and from down- town alleya. -' OlQatte said that alnce the trial- period began'on five main. Intersec­t s , tranic ^ speeded up and traffic ccogestlon h u been un- t a ^ d “ to aome extent.-

gan to use alleys to d iw S S v S ' tbe p ^ p o ^ f the lOT reguUtlons, Oil-

He w n a d that left turns into and out o f alien ate in tloUtkm o f existing regu!aU<ms and consU-

a trafflo. and danger haxard. He said clUUona wUl be given o f-

asklng;aot;rto be quoted . . _____told repocten It looked to him like the*wb^ii'lBSue waa •% dead duck- forthlirMsslon.' One of tbe moat unusual features o f tha.-AOderson session with the

, oommlttee members was'tbe way In-


Pastoir Utifees -Oyer asO f K iw ^ r a s

Tbe Bov. R . o . Muhly w u lastalisd s 1943 presldent’o f tbe T ' ~

Bwanta dub by.M arvin .____pulil.., Klwanls district lieutenant

:jXieR«v.-Mr.Muhlyreplaces a 'B . Jackson aa.dub president: i -

O ther-1048 officers'Indudo Dr. Joseph W . Marshall, vice president; Charies B. Allen, treasurer, and Fred M. Ingraham, secretary.

Herbert R . West outlined the part the Klwanls club will play, in co­operating wltb the BalvaUon Army's ObrlsUnss food drive for tbe needy. He pointed out that the Klwanls chcsal group win take part In a Sal­m o n Army's children party T ms-

John Peterson and Donald Ru­dolph. Twin FaUs, and A. Amos and Jack Winkler, Buhl, were guests at the meeting.

House Panel Puts Probe on Peti^o

WASB»OTC»r^ Dee. ' 18 «1I9 — A hWM labor subcommittee Is In- vestlgBtlng Jamas c . PetriUo's

Federatton o f ‘ Musicians to^ ftod . out how BJany. members actually .aaka- .tbalr .iM iic frommusle. It was team ed 'todv . '

inqulriea" ate being noder directtoo. Be that tbe In-T ^ t l o n w a J m ^ l i t ^ b y S W - an oj that new. inventlossMe^dtoladngmusldaai. ,

*7 l^ave aa idea that, the greater anmber o f bis mambea ^ £ b ^only, part tltu T m u tid ^ - unloa. -Tdaay o f - t o w ^ • “cany t b £ ^ o o e ^ f v

Valley Man Hurt In Bus Accident

BEAVER, Utah, Dec. 18 (JPh-J. L. Wisdom, Hansen, was one of 7i passengers o f a northbound Union Pacific bus injured todsy when the v6hlde struck a stalled trailer-truck on U.S. highway 91, about nine miles south of here, state troopers, reported.'

Vtm ot tb^ passengers were In­jured seriously, the others were given emergency treatment and later rtieaaed to continue their iCfUDgr.

I b e driver ot < the truck told te o < w ,h e had placed flarea along the highway to wars trafno after his vehicle stalled.

------------------------- operations'in*'c.maricflts u d w ith the activities o f indi^duala'“ iii t with the purchase; or sa le-of: oommbdities/r

The house'acted after:the-senate'committee^ to drop ita demand that Secretary Anderson i o f gram traders.' The vote eame . a fte r a e los^ . . ^ Anderson in which the seoratary, told the conunih^U furnish the names i f it intisted, bat>also would mak public. ' ^

Anderson argrued tbe committee, should not '] the demand was^iiuutionable oh 1 ^ ^ and^mcni^.

Senate .approval o f .the h o ^ e resolution Is noiM:u.. Chahman-Bridse8,:R., N .H .. w ho voted tt^lnsitt tiiac

derson.supply the.nam es,.sald the senate w on ld U ^ ijduring..the.aftenu>6n;to adojit a reMljrtlon calling' on Ander­son fo r the names. . .

If, the senate does approve it, the resolution would.go to the house. . ; . - .

"I'bepi^'the congreas win peas tbe -Joint rtsoluUon." Bfldgaa told re­porters. n t they d o n t .X intend to eaS’tbe nrmnilHen after tbit nrst of: tbe year to see what can be done abbot ihaklng the Information puMlc.” " '

AdJoBrn Tetsen sy . .eebgress hoped to adjourn tom o m w ;'B r id ^ waa-recognising that the .propoaal ’ might be Ust in . tba wlitfup shuffle. '

.OaeDsewc— ---------------

‘Bridges started t o ‘tea then about ttia:-vet(s^ but B e a a t« SaltenstalC

o b J e c m jA u ^ J U d g e a had 1 « t e n o i r 6 ^ 8 5 5 S r ( ^

Atonr Delay®

O nU . S..

0. agreecQ-missloD t atom. •

___________ecomlsrioa to abanden;. .'] dlsousa tbe organbatlfla -'t posed atomk) eenttol-a -' getback'tow orie.ofrtq la m e n t .

auttieifibefcN'WSki ment on the baito pkv.*.


the congress, loalst o o bavlng the names and addresses o f an traders ■innf irith the statistical Infocma- tion called for in yoar anbi Shan not permit m yself. . . charged wltb shielding anyone by a. refusal to grant your request”.

Tba committee served a snbpoei on AnOaraoB yesterday directing him to appear before' it with aU hifonna- lon he has c n commodity trading.

Tbe group is Inquiring into ithat government "Insiders'*____profited from specuUUons la wheat and other conmiodltles.'

Befers t» Chargee AndersoQ^ remarks about *UiieId«

Ing" apparently was a refereno«>to lUtement by Harold E. Stassen, Republican . presidentlat hopeful, that .'Insiders"^ bave profited' by trading In commodities.

Anderson stipulated that 'if eongress formally calls on 'h im '

(CwUii'n* mm T w t . . •)

Kaiser Purchases Iron M ill in Utdh

SAin* L A K B .o r rr , Doc. : s OUO Henry J. Kaiser InteresU *lwpe lave tbe ironton ‘ and Sunnys:

coke ovens < and blast furnace _ operation by next April.’' Jack. IkAshby, a Kaiser ....................today.

Raiser InteresU are b u y i^ the planU for S14SO.OOO f -

isets admlnlstratloa.Tbe major, problems ot water

supply, transport, power and taw materials "wUl- probably be solved by- the first ot tbe year," Ashtv declared.

Ashby, a vice president et tha Kaiser , concern, said the west coast mUUonalre ladustrtaUst was buying

-Blant and that — ' — ------------d operate I t

Hostile Russ Propagandia Gets Beyin Blame on Big 4 Failui^

Z A ^ N r D M . IS m -B r iU s h ■ Bevla saidsince ito aeaU t^ * uH 'ooraea '<bu

" e a n i^ 'o i i t J t lday R u s s ia * .______ ____________diulng Ute London oonferenee o f the l^ fo u r m i n ! ^ ooundl had ^tea^

In ;aofei

I'lo'parUelpatigD by ; eoontriea 't o , the

______________ j vlolaUag . tbe free. choloe-of sUtss and to aa later. fw ace '.irJa their— •— ---------— *

criglnal putpoe«.jptdrafttiS;tt«atlaa to gripii with the fotsnhmlsilwi to a'peiiee iottfex«Be»' ■ • • Dd "being used fcr entirely differ-

St purposes.**V - ■ ■ o.' >.*rnMre l i BO l£li, Dias

ereited despoadeaey .to..tbe .werid,'"Tasserted. tbat;aai'iD V k B ua^

______tir BriOft^ablAedwtots.Siarthe.e -

B iU io n B u s y

- WASRlHOTOir, Osei'' i AnoUier bOllOQ.-bt * 'In 194S->-(tf-wbiai only.foar In tba appeared to be a tbe..basls-or aa ment foreoast .

T btoM tlookls: favorable, tbaa

Tbe sUoaUOB)'tbe I

I b e ; departmmt' . v -.~ fall-sown winter etep W M 08 «0 ;bU S h «^ .0 ?| - Dec. 1 ccadiueofc r*-**

m U d 'n M I____ , .w h o* n w r -

Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF082/PDF/1… · 'k/ K' w ^yOL. 80, Ka 247resident Pot^s SSS^JSJA Conteol Downed in Senate

Vby.'" ' Masons Heire

I- C O /.iru ilt 'W tlterti w u Initalleil V 'M -w anblpru l BiMter for IMB (tf - (bVTlHn Pass AF u d AM M uoolo f loOf In . pubUe cerenumlei tutd

WednwUy la Uw Muoalo tcmpl«,: .w. S. OUrk, McrcUrr. uinouDced

Pnnk R«dfletd. dUtxlet <toputy c m d muter, w u ths InitAlUng «(• Jlcer MtUUd by CUuda Oordon. Junior atewud of Uie tn n d Jodf»

' ' o f Idaho, u iniuiuttt m anh il Olh«r ntw ottlcer* Includ* L. M.

Hall, wnlor mrden: A. B. Bobler, Junior warden; J. Ouy B »dloy, t m w n r : W . s . O lvt. seottan ': John A. Halwn. ebaplata^ H. Brlsgs. marahal; Trei W. Hudson, senior dtaoon; Travli W. McDonald,

— Jqnlor deacon, LeiUe R-BurWialter. «ealer itfward; Oarth O. Reid. ]un> lor lUward and J. P. Orr. tyler. -'Dnadui MeRae Is Immediate pa«t mutes’.

Santa at Carey Needs Snow for

: Visit by Sleigh0ARX7, Deo. la — Santo Olaiu

.win.airlTe * r n « la Oarey at 1:50 '• ;am .Tuesd*», Dee. a . Merlin a t e r .

£olt» acUns chairman of the Plumb etub. spooMTlnf the Tislt,'anQoanced Ihursday.

Sants wlD.bavo treats for all the cbUdren of ihs valley and the en- Ura eemmuttlty la Invited to be oo hoad to velcoma hlm.-H* wUl ar- Tlre to his alelgh If there U enough saov; .otbenrtse he wUl anjre by■ Irpuat.''.'

te ltnd Odrwlre u d Harold Kira- ball are In.charge.of arranianents for tho-Tlslt .In addition to the Ohrlstmu tree In ths center of town, a '

$200,IH)0 Income Voted for Couple

L ^ fD O N ; Dee. i s «V -T he b o w «C ecmmona h u approred an an-

. BOtl aUowano* of M.OOO ---------(*300.000) lo r PtlncsM *

«nd Prlttc* Philip, orer ............o f a anaQ labor bloo but with the fnpport of Prime Minister AtUee and ChaooeUor of the Exeheouer a ir Stafford Ortppa-austerlty ad­vocate.. BlsabeUi wfl] bo taxed on coa tenth of her annulty-^XXX) poun^ ( U S ^ ) - a i u ! Philip OR one fifth o f ‘ bla»3,000 pounds (*8,000). The •Tiraga- Brttoh . la

Inaitmwh as the rates Taiy under different the exact

bo pajd.by the soyal-coupie re- ' w alned uncertain pmdlnc an o f-

^ ne^ l^ dit Case t Action Due Soon

ease at acanhaU Booth. Ua«lo ▼allaj% *1oaa bandit,* U aoheduled to ba liaodled durlnc the next term etd lstilot court here. Booth, who U obaxved wltlL robberjr, U betof held lit-tha T u la PUU oounty jaU await* iBftrtaL • '

Swepit ter apodal heartnis and •rgument o f motions, the fan tens et-dlstrtot oourt hak been flnlihed. Cbarleo A. BuDes, eomrt clerk, said «nir*day.

Now fiv^ Oavr vttfiout a traffic death in our Uagie Vttttev.

m Rupert Woman FliesFromHawaii To Boise Hospital

BOISB; Dee. IB 0U9— Blanche Bansctn. Rupert, finally got back to Idaho and In doing so made one o f the longut trips on record to become a patient at BoUe’s Tstetaos bosplUL

M lu Ransom, who serred in the WAO for two yean and then became « civilian wotter at Hlckam field at

' became U1 last September.Sho w u oonflned In a hospital at Hawaii for a time, then w u flown to the Lettennaa hospital at Ban Pranelsco. She was brought to the Boise hospital by air Wednesday. Ulsa Ransom Is the daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Bert Cameron, Rupert,

Ski Club to Plan Tourney Tonight

Plnal detaUs for a aU tourney' .j be ataged Sunday at Magic Moontala will b« fonnulated at a meeting of the Maglo BU dub this evening at Tbe Sporter.

' Shennan Osgood an-oonnced Thursday.

This will be an unofficial tourna­ment and wUl feature participants from the Pocatello and Ma ‘tala Ski club, plus other_________skiers la Maglo Valley. A glaat alalom race, consisting partly of straight runs and varied gaits, will be one o f ths main events.

This unofficial contest win aerve as a practice for other scheduled meets, including, the White Stag toomament In January.and another later In th e --------

l%e Hospital._s only were avail-

--------------------.• at the Twla Pallseouaty general ho^ltaL Vteiung b o o n are from 3 to 4 and«7 • p A . .

ADMHTKD Mrs. Walter Winching. Mrs. BUss

BusselL Mrs. WUbur Williams and Mr*. Roy Andre, Twin Palls: Oar* art Howells.. Jerome; Mia. Pted Jotmsoa and John Delgrado. Rich-

^ Mr*. K. U Gibson. FhllU(«burg. Kans.

DtSMlSBED • ..Prank Judd. Patricia Ann May.

Mrs. Rbodft Nichols and Joeeshlne Dye.-Twin PalU; Waller Ported K u e r j ^ : M rt Mayme Maxwell. Jller; Mr*. p « d Oppltnger. Buhl: Mrs. Elmo Laagtlon and ion. Xden. aad Mxa. Bam Qarrlsoa. Kimberly.

WeatherW e m l t ^ t rain or snow. Uttle cbaage In teapcratore. High y«< terday « , low IS. Low this n o n - Inc t l . PrKlplUtlon .M of an laeb.

Seven More Vets Awarded Medals

Seven Maglo VaU^. veterans have -B«n awarded victory .m e d a ls through the Twin Palls army re­cruiting atatien. acoonllng to P int Lieut. O eom P. Olaxten. ofncer la charge. -

It je recipients sre Tnak Partla and Walter R. Partin, Bubli Oon- staat W. Thueson, Jerome:' Jaoon O. Bbobe. Hansen, and WllUara P. Sbapherd and.Heniy B. Hunt, Twla Pan*.

r»y p . Jensen. PUer. received the victory medil for her son, who was klOed while orfaoUve duty while In the air forces, ZJeutenant '

Hooten Inquest L i Burley Today

B TOU nf. Dec. 18 r-Inquest into tha death o f Bex B. Hootoa by elec­trocution bar* Monday night- w u ordered Wednesday by Oassla Coua* t7 Oorcaer Tcm McOuQoob.

Mr. Booton w u killed whea be reportedly picked up a live wire that bad been temporarily removed in order that tree* on souUi .Monnal avenue oould be cut.

The Inquest w m set for 3 p A . Thunday tn the Oassla county courthouse.

jkllO M I. D ee.'18-Aof. C. SIUott Smith. -47, a member of tba laeultjrof the Now Y ork ----------*------- ^of eommeroe, aco *nce for more thaa 31 Deo. 1 at his home tnN. J.. according to wo.----------------here. He w u an authority on botu* Ing and real estate.

P n fasor Smith w u b e n ta Xia-. ooln, Nebr.. and w u educated ' l a

.... .ooompanlad bia parasta ta Boise iB 1910 and to J n en a la 4»17.

After bU dtscharge from tbe armed service* ta World war I be f la w ed high w h^ l sad earoUed In the.Kebraska 'SU U tmivenlty.: Two year Uter be rettosed to Idaho a n d . enroUed . In tbe O oQ ett. of Idaho at Caldwell, recatvtng a bachelor o f arts degrae ln 1931. The same year be entered New York unlveralty.

la 1938 he Joined the faculty of tha unlvenlty. and' la' 1837 the degree o f master of business admln« Istratlm w u awarded him by. tha u^lvenltyk graduate school o< bofl« neat administration, m 19S7 Bmlth WM promoted'to associate professor aad nine yean later w u app61nted to full profcasonhlp In real estate at tbe sDhool of eommeroe.

; A member of the Now Vork reaJ estate board for 19 year*,' be had been a licensed real estate broker In New Jerser since I938; For the last, five years, he had aerved on the committee on bousing for the Community Service *ociety o f New York. Re w u also a member ofIts eommlttee on Housing.............and Jtf subcommittee o n _____ _development. He w u the author o f several books on real estate aad finance.

Per a number of yean ho had served u chairman or member of the bondholden committee for sev­eral well-known buildings. Includ­ing the Broadway Bcchonge build­ing, the Chanin building and the

three dzOdrea, MoerROfk. W yo,

er Thelma Brieman, two sons EU liott Smith, Jr., and Harry Smith, Sellemead, N. J., and hU perenU, Mr. and Mr*. Ptank H. Smith. Jerome.

Pimeral service* were held at the Reformed church In Neshaalo. N. j .

Last Rites Held For Mrs. Hamby

KIMBERC^, Dec. 18— Puneral services for Mr*. Plorence Hamby were held at a p n . Tliursday a t the Kimberly Naaarene church, wtth the Rev. W. T. Armstrong conducting the final rite*, asslited by the Rev. Carl Kinzler, BoIm .

A chorus composed of Mr*. Bill Harmonlng. Mr*. Plora M. Brown, the Rev. Mr. Armstrong and W . P.

................... a selection aocom-panled by Maty June Hills.

Pallbearera were Olenn Haimon- tng, William Hamonlng, Roy T^ke, Don McKlUep, Jean White and Ed- ward McCarty.< Jhteiment w u at Sunset Memorial park. Twin Prils.

LEAVE POft CAUrOKNlA OAKLEY. Dea 18 — Mr*. Sdlth

Orayaad Emma Bison have left for Loe Angeles. Calif., to spend a month visiting relaUvea and fflinds.

MsetIc Valley Fnnerals

^ p e l with the Rev. Mark C. Crooenberger omdatlsg. Burial will be at Sunset Memorial park wtth rituals conducted by the HoOlster Maaonlo lodge.

TW D i P A U £ -a n ves ld e rites for Joba Burke will be held at 11 a. m. n id a y at the Filer cemetery. The Rev. Mark C. Cronenberger. pastor o f the Pint Chitsttaa church, will officiate.

ducted at a p. m. Saturday at the Buhl Methodirt church by the Rev. O to Parrett. Burial win be In the Buhl cemetery.

BOHX^Rosary for Mrs. Maty------- ^Ord wUI be recited at 8

- at thtf Albertson funeral — mass will-be celebrated

At 10 a. ra. Priday at the Buhl DalhoUo church, Burial win be la the Bnhl oemsteiy.

Polio Fund Gets Early ContributionJEROME, Dec. IB -lb e first con­

tribution to the Jerome chapter o f the National Foundation for Infan­tile Paralysis fund-which w u re- celved from the Amerioui Legion auxiliary ihU w e ^ acoordlng to Vernon O. Patrick, chairman of the fund drive.

A check for ISO w u deposited at the Plrst Security bank. Since re­ceiving this contrlbutlan o t h e r memorial contributions have been received.

■ni* drive for fundi will not be launched.until Jan. is. Imt-every donation before that time will be welcomed. Patrick said. Checks are to be made out to the Jerocne ebap- ter polio fund and mailed or taken to tha Plrst Security bank for deposit.

. Divorce SoughtCharging cruelty, Pk>retne Ray

ling* In district . . 1st Myrl E. Ray.

The couple h u no children. Theyoourt S u n d a y against K

b u been employad aa aa h at the Idaho stote eaiplcv vice oftlee hire.

BMtgBSPesUiea 'H. K. Lenon. maaacer o f tha VPW

elub In Twin rw is atoca IM^ today announced reelgnatlon efftcUve Deo. S . B . O. Aadenoa win become the new maaagar.

Marriage UeenseA marrlsge license baa been Is­

sued by the Twla Palls county recorder to Oalvla R . MUler aad Arlene D. Anderson, botht Twin Palls.

have agreed upon a property eettle- ment, according to th* paper* filed by SUybom and Raybom. Tlie cou­ple w u married Dec. 19, 1941, at Elko, Nev.

B en fer I^eUday Mr. and M n. Harry etradley and

their young aon are spending the Ohristmu holidays with his mother, Mrs. Doris * . stradley, and her father, R. O..Benson. H e.U a stu­dent at Parragut college.Designs CeOege SeU

It h u been announced .by Prof. Joe Miller, director o f student ao- UrlUu at Northwestern unlveralty, Evanston. IIL, that Marilyn North, daughter of M n. Rose M .. North, h u been chosen to design aad di­rect the production < uf seta for tbe all-student musleU ebow. n V u - Mu.** one of the country's leading' college productions.

Christmas Dance For DeMolay Set' New Year’s Day

New Year'a day was the date set for the DeMolay Ohrlstmu dance at a meeting of the Twin Palls chapter Monday night. The Jerome and Buhl ehaptera o f DeMolay and the Twin Palls Job's Daughten are Invited to-attend the dance, which win be held at the Radio Rondevoo.'

New offlcen have been elected by ths group. The public Is Invited to' the InsUUaUon Mpnday, Jan. 6, at ths Masonlo temple.

Jim Munh w u elected muter councilor: Elwin Bogar, senior coun­cilor; Eddie Johnsoo. Junior coun- cilbr: Chris Jensen, senior deacon; Kerb Cowham. Junior deacon; Ar­nold CarUon, senior steward; Rich­ard Kline, Junior steward; Kenneth Pahler, scribe; Don Oliasoo, treu- urer; Jack Pierce, chaplain; Harold Craig, almoner: Skip Pierce, mar­shal; Wesley Kite. sUndard bearer; BUI Porter, orator; Herbert Briggs, fln t precetor; John Requa. second preceptor; Oeorge Jakway, third preceptor: Bob Rayburn, fourth pre­ceptor; Dick fJienflBUng. fUth p n - ceptor: Duaaa. s t t n a k . sixth pro- ceptor: Howard Smith, seventh pre­ceptor; u B. Puddy.-sentinel, anct Oene Pickett. organUt.,

Mrs. Mary Ford,79, Dies at Buhl

BVHL, Deo. 18—Mr*. Mary Jose- phlna Pord.'79, » « . Ninth avtnue. north, Buhl, died at her home at *l:i5p.m iW edn« ‘ ‘ ‘

rtended.iUnes*.- .Rosary will be recited at 8 p. m.

Thursday at tbe Albertson funeral boms chapel, aad mass wfll be held at 10 a. m. Priday at the Buhl CathoUo church with the Rev. N. P. Wlrtjfljerfer offldatlag. Burial win be in the Buhl cemetery.

Bom May 38, 1888. at Tomales, Calif., ihe w u married to David Pord at Healdsburg. Calif. They moved to Buhl from Pendleton. O n , In June of 1908. 'They have resided .here since that thne.

surviving, baskUs the husband, re two children. Mrs. Ray Ban­

bury. Buhl, and Han4d Fonl. Saa Jose, Calif.; two sisters, Mrs. Oeorge C o ^ . Santo Rosa. Calif.; and M n. Prank Smith, Venice. Calif.; and a brother, Prank Plelds, Los Angsles.

Mrs. Pord w u a member of the Buhl CathoUo church aad a charter member of the Buhl lam lt circle.

- Ur.' aadBotaa. a n tha p w o toD ao;io fa • 8 (Sm h e a M s S t o nVIA o o u a lt la c -

e o i i S 5 t a d r a ^ F a £ .£ I

ttaU WUkmt ' ' ' . . . VaUey' modal' raUroad' an-

day at aw.ghflaaoirt . . . . . ^ alaet offlean fo r a sawaad to begin work on ai model train

down to"«oa-aI|hth inch to tha fo o t All peraonsteterested ta model raltfoadlnc are urged to at*

Daughtera were b o m ____Mr. aad Mra. Bliss RusseU______Mr. and Mrs. ‘Wilbur wmiams, aQ Twla Palla. and to Mr. aad Mrs. Leo Jsakccwskl;' B u h l , and' oa

T ^ Palls, aad to4«r. aad Mr*. PredJohnsoo. Richfield. All births were at the Twin Palla county general hospital maternity heme.

Attack Fatal for Charles Pearson

BUHL, Dec. lO-Cbarlea WlUlam Pearson. M . route l, Buhl, died at his home a t 8:U pjo. Wednesday

,foUowlng a heart attack.He w u bom Nov; 39. 1891, at

Bustl*. Nebr.. a n d .w u married to Einma Reeves. Moorefleld. Nebr.. Dec. 34. Wia. •nioy .came to Buhl

- - ' sadhave farmed In this area since that time.

Surviving, bealdes Mrs. Pearson, are three soru, prank>Pearson. C u - tleford; and QalUn.and Beauford Pearson, both Buhl; two daughtera. Blrs. Vera Euterday. Rome, Ore.: and Vivian Pearson, Buhl; three sis­ters, }4r». Arthur Dunn, Orchard, Colo.; Mra. Bertha strlkland. and Mrs. Doro Scruthfleldi Ooseb, Nebr.; and his mother. Mrs. Malon Pearson, Ooteb.

Puneral services ■wlU be conducted at .3 pjn. Saturday at the Buhl MethodUt church by the Rev. Olln Parrett. Burial will be In the Buhl cemetery under dlrecUon of the Albertson funeral home.

Burley Club MeetsBtJRLBY, Dec. 18-Burley Rotary

. ub met Tuesday noon at the Na- tlonal hotel with Adonis MIelson. prudent. In charge. He w u assUU ed by John Brooks, service commit­tee chairman, and Jim Roper, who had charge o f the program.

Reports o f committees were given by Oeorge McOonlgal. winiam Plsh- er, Alson Dawson, Harold Deardorff and Emeat M. Bteelsmlth. Clyde R ou will have charge of the pro­gram next Tuesday.

with Id aa aeMw^Alons

•Upulatlon u tofllad.to. tha caaa __________ ______Uvyera aak,tha oaaa ba baani v ltb - o o t* J u r y ., Tlte ralt fo c< M U la.facoi^k-eo bebaU o f ntoiaaa WinUfflfc^H: Btt auat and unde, Mary o . and H airy W . Steffaaa, routa l,T w ta Palls, a n aamed gnaidlaaa fer tbe oourt ao> tioo by Judga James V . porter.

Aoeordlnt to-th « eompUlnt t _ ._ by Attorney Roy X. Smith, tha boy,

........ - - - - - — i js a .3 l .w a aie'ssgugeatly

Saode denlea tha anegatlorii re­garding ‘ tha tmrld*nt wbkh table plaoe on ehosbooa atrert south, near Plfth' avenue. B e Is represented by Parry, Keenan, Bobertaon and Daly.

Auto Winds up on Lawn After Crash

After Doilidlng with a panel triick, _ j automobUe driven by Mra. MU- dred Slater. 881 th ird avenue west, came to rest on a lawn at the north­west comer of Third straet and Pourth avenue west, about 7 a. m. Thursday.

The left side o f the suter _ _ w u damaged after the coUltlon with a truck owned by, CUff Qualls. Twin PaUs d ty police reported. 1C w u driven by Robert O. Adamson. 830 Locust street' City police reported two other

aocldenta-whlch. occurred Wednea- day morning.

At 11:17 a. m. automobiles driven by Prank a . Bingham. Evergreen Lodge, and R o b ^ W. McCoy. 44B Ehn street, collided on Kimberly road. Penden were dented, police

Ud.At 11:88 a. m. can driven by

Henry P. Borchardt, Rupert, and Frederick A. Demton. 338 W ublng- toa street north, 'ooUlded at the Five Points west Damage w u sUght, police nported. ,

Burley Boy Loses Foot in Chopper

B tlR lSY . Dee. 18-James Cooper. 18. son o f W. R . Cooper. Burley, lost his le ft foot at 3 pm . Wednesday afternoon when he became entan­gled in a hay c h < ^ r on a ranch near Hatelton.

*nie youth w u working on the bay machine when the accident occurred.. He w u employed by Olen Short, Burley, owner o f the machine.

He w u brought to the Cottage hospital b e n and atteiulants re­ported his condition u "fair."

Tbe biggest turkey ahoot o( the season starting at 10 ajn. Sondsy, Dec. C a t 4M Twla Palls O n

MASONS411 U u U r M uons are urged to meet i t“ ■ONIGHALL TW lN PAIiS

ap^Y, DECEMBER 19th, 1:30 P. M.^^;•U <lI^:ihe Fnneral Serrlcei o f


■, W i M , 6 ^ B leG rtip r, 8eer>^ I M h k a o I U i lw t o d j i M o . 5

„ _ , , Have Sees the Alomio Bombs ito tm ctto n Y O U <■> tl<e News Reeb• ^ Now S e« the Fun le n s lh Featura


SICXET W ITIr o s B w ro w B B t

_____ _____________taattBf . W 't e n by Uowlar loodly 'O d V .a m a ^ P t o p ia ^ g a th e r U g a n o a d ;1 M model car p « ^ tm

i.av«ona to eiBBlaa a ^ (aat- . OiiTaeentarie* ar-gtora

tag stampa oa larsa’i t a w of — Jtaaa. cards being aeat oat by tb a •tablUhmsnt . . . Bhirryeyed.......-ordering botU aoT bnne attar

I e m tn g at daaea tha..ai(bt------ ja;.; . . custooeta ganghit. - -OQtaida c f aton In eaily sa o n L _ valtl& f for doon to opaa f c n o e d a l aala . . Postmaster MOca Sbrenk vU h atack o f .............................

carda. M n. Mrs.;Oeorge D. Roberts, Mrs. C. V . Jones. M is. Oravca Blma aad Mis.' Ztvu Oata . . . And.evetbeard; O eat re- marktng. after raoelpt o f Christmas card bad needled his memory. *T knew We were g o u » mUa aoma> body."

P a r of Veterans Enlisted by Navy

.Two Maglo Vansy aavy vateraaa have reenUstad In the regular navy through the Twin ?W1* navy re­cruiting sUUon. ACMM Robert Var- m i announce Thursday.

The new enlistees Include Robert C. Orr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Vash- na l Orr, Kimberly, who signed for six years u a fireman, first elass« and Thomss C. Bruoker, son o f Mr. and Ijin. Aleo H. Brunker. Twin Pails, who enlisted for three years aa a seaman, first class..

Both men win be sent to the naval receiving staUon, San Pedro. Calif., f o r Indoctrination and assignment, Varrlll said.

Contract Is Awarded For Buhl BrochuresBUHL, Dec. IgoThe contract to

jrlnt Buhl brochures h u been let by the Chamber of Conunerce to tbe Tw in Pans -Tlmes>New* Publishing oompany for tl.000.-T h e 7W ) brochures are to be

ready for dlstribuUca jaa . IS, ber officials said.


_ tba laeraatioB H aVof.tba eharcb. '

-SMorattooB'vara tmdar. t b a ^ ^ tlqn. of aobool 'pttptto-'aad 'tha M iA jp a a a a ff , t » a ..P R w Ihoaa takuif part were

Westfan. Docothy Angel. Betty dry, Ray MnMman, Onrllla aoD. A1 Olasn, iM ia r t ObriataBaKi.. Robtn Roblnaoa. Arta Moyta,WayDa

taPtart>ea.M)^lt( I. Jack'Webetar a___WooUey.Mia. J ...

M r i Tsm TtKDllnsen. JoUaa R ann- BOeen Tarimigb. Oeca Weeks.

____ia S eU pp. PbyOia Moenar aadHarlene W rig h t,

Bishop Charles Aadrva aad Lea Heodrtctton «»oka - t o . thsi group. Ponowtag the program d a a ^ w u aaloyed.' , ,

R o x y


COMK EABLYi , Oeera Open

a« lOA



SOWGo ^ the

-.•KEENAN W YNNI D«ai HMto.1 • MW • Mato Onlian



ma^ke the best Christmas G ift your money can b u y . . . G iv* INTEHWOVEN...Give the sock most men choose for themselves.The Plan to Go for the Brands Tou Know

P ow ie s M ac k Co.

Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF082/PDF/1… · 'k/ K' w ^yOL. 80, Ka 247resident Pot^s SSS^JSJA Conteol Downed in Senate

. l..AUb0Qgb.Uw]r n J M ba safatuuy fotmd brMd;i>Bd

............... .btniid . d « i i VUai 10, and Hitfen,

T .lu ra b m Uvtng wUb Uwlr iaibar rtnet JuM.vbearbe took.ttkmx tten the.ehU dm ^iboo ' ~ temporaiT U«U“ o f - u n . uaBMt.."'Siu m i tbe p n ^ t u n . M oBilde

w en dlTorced 'AUK. to, UU. Bbe m s glvan .emtcOjr ot uu a u u n a mxia J ew w M ordertd to p v OO mODth- J j 't w Uialr iuppau

Jen made ooa .......TbeS 'ta Juturjr. U n.Uflad’ ^ ‘pat-Uu ehUdna to the homa wbUe ilte went to W uhlngton Meklnc woit. In tba meantime the re-manled.

l a ’ ^ ibe Kxuht to take the obOdren t n n ttae bome.>W ba ihe learaed tbat her biuband wanted them atu tgHed to let U n a * n them •‘tar a whUe" upon the promise o t U rt. J m to rtake care or tbem.* ;

m m ; MoBrUe u id u e and her prestat huiband hire a (our>room boQH'. on aa aerttKe ln Bbelttm, Waah. 'Al*o to-the hoiuetaold a n a li-jrear-old too of MoBtlde'a aad.'a UTe>month>-ol(I baby.

Over tbe protest ot w . U Dunn. Jess' attorney, JUdce Porter admit* tod Into evidence a letter written by the .preaenf Mrs. Jaaa. The letter

' was read alter the four youngsters were 'led from the courtRMm by B ailiff John Ihorpe.

intnxluced the letter dur- tog cross-eiamlnsUon. Ue sought

iflto refute testlmcny given by her Nltndflr ex*mlnatlon by Dunn. H ica

she tenncd Jess a “fit and proper parcD f of the ohlldren.

In the'letter written to Jess' mar­ried daughter. Lora, Mrs. Jess, how- over, described her husbwd aa'^un- tlt to care for the children," '

Uta: Jess wrote she Intended' to leave her husband. She wrote that "he drank and gambled away" his mcmey in slot machines. She wrote the children "need lomeohe to look after them."

"Z look for the law to take the children, or for the baby to be burned up when he li left alone." the letter aUted.

a Dunn took uptlon h e ( h m hooe the point the lettar was written In spite, "after an a n i e n t with bar husband." Slje sold on the stand he was a good lather., .

Jess'iuOd he.earned between MO and »60 a week. Be testified he de­sired more suitable living Quartcra

The U-yearHJid boy, Ctrl, said he had no preference as to which par­ent gave him a bomtvEe wanted to■ ..............................

■ i S S K . " * " - '

l i a r — '

i S M B h -i s z s i s . t a . -

' 'i3 ! SS22f r ' ™ "

SiwtMthiiOP *atUfU« riihi*


a p s r i f s f : , .

> •QOM fet B.Oar

tu nisbiisMI S S B S -fc .^ T ’ ,>M •rttlM UwU, Jr.


:;issar! ! S S . W . ^ | gII lU sBab-aipfav

liM sR«4l0 SiiUh liM B»n

SiU >a. V. Kkhntorm <tM ChriiUaM Cueh

TtM iWalU TbM

K T F I (FM) S c h e d u l exMBO•Uub-I<U>u> Mft


trtS Mo.1. IplSStti, M I at, LatlU* Koman

^>0 BU UtlrUanr ’ ‘ llitt ruB Jmtu)-

4ll(JCTn^BW rt* 4ilt.Uea S«m>t4«

-----C«»«« Pnlrl«■ iM iBa»i>«r Club

10 H9 tllMlUi laa Otck.« « «


lilt Sm Ui Am*rksB Waj »tOO Chrbtau* Canla SiU iNrnr* ef Uia WmU

TiOO rnddr Mutia 70V Mukal BOBi>d<n> ' I >00 It'« l>n«B TIbm

Bonds Listed In 4 Counties ffitl9MilKon

Individuals in Idaho owned «1S9,- worth of government savings

bonds on Oct 31. Harold W. EUs- wortb, state director o f the savings bead division of the treeury de­partment. said ■niursday.'T^ '—

In Twin Pills, Ooodlng. Jercme and Cassia counties are 119,743,000 worth of Individually owned bonds or about tSU for each family In tbe ares. Interest in 1047 on these bonds amounted to 1 9 4 9 ^

Income on Interest from all Idaho lAnds, the sUte dhmtor said,, smounted to tS^HXXXt In 1947. In­come from series E, P or O bonds are exempt from state Income taxes but mu»t be Included to federal tax re­turns, he said.

thorn«Jhe poymentV'ud ahlldren -siupport. -

Jess wllT-be allowM'tb ' ^ t tho . ch^dren to Washlngton. the Judgo

ruled. He may-even bring to Idaho for'reasonable visits. The Judge left open tbe posstbUl^ that Carl may return to his fatber U ihe boy should change-.hla mind. ' *

VISITS DAVOHTEB ' H A H ^ , C jc ID-Mt. u d Mir.

Ed Andrews have u their gnesta over tbe Christmas. boUdays. Mrs. Andrew's parents, Ur. and Mrs. J

Post, Libby, Uont,

vldutls Joining, tbe “bond-a-month- campalgn as a capital reserve for the buslneues and a retirement fund for tbe Individual.

‘'Hcople voluntarily submit.to pcerent.aa epUonlo

_ . tit ;po»t--ww^. — ;^.Tislng savli^s^bonds' u

He warned against plowing all profits back Into smaller enterprises for InventoiT or expansion -and urged tbe savtog of tunds for “rainy day."

During and since the war the country has bad a seUers' market but batlonal survtoya todlcate tbe trend la beginning to rwverse, be


vey Preestona has returned heme frcm Seattle, W a du 'where she spent tha last few daya.

^ p e c ia i


S E V E N p i e c e ;


Niew Club to Hold Election Sunday

meeting, ot the Plumb club at the high, school. I. j . Patterson was acting chalnnan.

A .second meeting will be held Sunday at the high school to vote on the by-laws and to'elect officers. Ih e d ob has & membership of 183

tie present time.- ^asketbaU team, coached by

Pete CenarrusB, alto Is sponsored by the club. The Carey team de- feated Arco and HalJey town teams last week. Team members are Johnny Parke. Merlin Esterholt, ^ y Baird, Henry Arrlen, Jack ^ k . Elwln Castes. Earl Bolrd, Kay Pyrah, Lou Cenam in, John Peter­sen aiul James PblUlpa. Jr.

l o o p S u p p e r P l a n n e dB U M ^ y, Dec. 18— Burley Odd

fellows, and Rebekahs have been Invited by-members o f the Buoert lodges, to attend a supper and dance to Bupert Saturday.

Plre members of the Burley lodge rere Initiated Into tbe Odd PeUow

la earloM lo ts ;’Co&aiiiM.W*dDte- 4tr MtMb bMd e f eitaatwna

M H i:ut<M ock

- Ho <^udca BtMn i m o t fa i^ but JbB cuomett.'M id » ' ear <tf food Steen Sat t)U O a- htmdred pcmd*.' A carJead.of.m lttdFslew olttred . br B . o : ■ Joo^ '.'B den, bnuglit per bundiad and two cu i o f .beUen nld by 'B ta'Sher- blai, O a n w tt, bU |3S40: ; /

Oooei steeta wen aold fOr 4M .to «TJO,'. m ediun thort.M ’item .fram g3U6.totts.76. ccomonsteers down to no SUM feeder liters <3) to ;»24M.

Prices paid for ebolcs cows were tnm >18 to t2 0 .M. good oom, |tO to *ll.n. oommon sod feeder oow i tl9 to|lS.7S sad ean n e andeotter oows 911 to • ! « * .

Allh«nah DO choice - belfers . . . . oHtfed, toad toeUera brought'from S3I t o «3<jO, medium heifers <30 to tai-76, eomxnoo heifers down, to « l (a n d fttder heUers $30 to.«3150.

8U110 sold f o r tis to 118.70 and va l fro m »17 to tJ4.78.

BondsSetforTwo Forgery Charges

DURXiSy.Dec. II ..Frank Vbughn. chirged. wtih forjery, wived prell- mlQUT hMrin« lut week and was bound overto «U*l«t court fbr trlaL Hli bond « u set it >1,SOO.

Jtke DiTis. tin chtrged' with foriery. v u t>ouDd over to'dlitrlet court after a prtUmlsuy hearing MoDd&y. Bond wu sot at IIJOO.

Cbatincej W . Platta, Jr, Bupert, wu f in ed itoo and »9 cosU toipro- bste.court h ere tnd.hta driver's llctuo w u sent to Bolu. .Wayna EKwUt. chsrscd with ' drunken drtrtog: on D ec. H, has beea'flned glOO a n d n cMta and hU bsi been impended.


<rna kr GitMa ml RMlaaistkm,C**lo«lnj 8«IT<;. Uid M»mt> iB « HrtiM)

Jn SUclt.orCMt. TMir..,non Z>aX« _ _ lU.nof*) 4t2.1M(a)?5“ ’ ----- - tUxo(«) : ja;4M(«)UW P-rk B^r. IIUesM 70.MH.

SESSSa' ffl tsSfid« at Mlliff .... . S.SHHI Aer*-tin| oCbv«unUUa tn a«0B4>


Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF082/PDF/1… · 'k/ K' w ^yOL. 80, Ka 247resident Pot^s SSS^JSJA Conteol Downed in Senate

. / S

S t i S t K T i E c rBf 1^ ■ "

3 t s

d t S- J . M

L E TS BUILD IT RIGHTI All w£o a n lnt«ruted in having Twin Falls

' county get a first class hospital will be glad - to know that counter proposals for a second

, rate affair have been put aside In favor o f a ' coinpletely-new building.

When It seemed likely that the county ' s U ^ t have difficulty in getting the kind of ’ m odem hospital it.w ants with the amount

of money recently set up by bond issue, the commissioners played with the Idea of build* Ing onto the present hospital buUdlns or

" ."•Including It as part o f some design for en­larged facUlUes.

This suggestion m et with a spontaneous reactlon->a protest which, to our way of

" thinking, was entirely justified.There are many good reasons why the

present hospital building should not be in­cluded in any plans for a new Institution to accommodate the sick.,

As th e late Dr. Benjamin Black pointed out several years ago after making a thor- ough survey o f our hospital problem, this old building is nothing more than a fire trap which has long been Inadequate as a hospital

i building. He.was one of the m ost outstanding ; hospital authorities in this coontry.

Those familiar with the Inner workings : j o f the old hospital building, know that Its

• plumbing and heating systems are worn out, ; necessitating an endleu round o f repairs.

' ; Let's build a new hospltol w ith the money* we have, so designed that It faay be enlarged ' la te r 'I f necessary, using, the old structure ' lo r h o s p ita l-p u ls e s only until such' time

. ■ as adequate laclllUcs are provided.C Thei old building may aene a real purpose : later on by .being converted into a nurses' t training school or something o f the kind, but ’ It. has outUved its usefulness already as a .ji hospltaL

W hen the taxpayers of Twin Falls county • voted lionds for a hospital, they had every ■ i reason to believe they would get a new build-

i** 1 ^ T o do otherwlM now, not only would ^ a serious mistake, but a breach of faith

: 1 fd U ftm aJorlty o f tb e taxpayers as well.. L et's hope that from here on out, we keep

>: « t e 'talnds on our one objective so far-as a ' ■ XBodem hospital is concerned.

T U C K E I^ ’S N A n O N A L

W H IR L IG IGW A a a m o T O K -^ K«pnbUe«a iMdmhip Jb tU

houa iiu nutdniy ahltted lu ttntier be utr admin- UtnUoa'*. profnuB !Jm: ild- to tlueaili,UM (top*t»p BpproprlaUotu And the I«o|.x«an pUn. -By-«tQpttDK the.Vmit* Boott-bbii^Sttt with­out u y mijor cbann, it BppurenUr,

'intcDdi to let P m l% t*X ftn u n and S «cn tu T M tfslull M ia a i tvU n . apoulbUltr for tliii Dovtl «xperl.BUDt la ton lcn poUey.

It WM, for <ninpce. th i orlslBtl Mbeme o t the Mirtln-HBllKk botrd to InsUt thtt a itaKlt Indrpendent uUnislitrmtor, or a Mmt-pubUo or* gaatutloo. handlt and samrrlse as dlftrlbuUcA o f fund% feedutd a u . terUls. But thtr fliuQr ureed to pennlt the reclpUat Borematnts to uDdertaka the job, d«fpit« vtrntan ^ tbat it mlgbt dtrert « — to

groupi aad thw rt th i.p w p o M 'e f the

TUBEATCKED—AltbouBb t n mtwhU* bolatloolit the two doufbtr John M. O h S ^ opolnU o f order ctatul up i«alnst maoy propooed br RepubUetn eoU ttfim

Acting M floor nwnaytr fo r tb« tuoM formlcn conuBlttM tn place o f the « « M a b a t e d

Ohkrles A . Efttott, be knoclud ou t tltcmpU to o n t ^ ecport o f g o o ^ la ehort npply, to f ix a i>*niw. >an

w m .r o r a iu , um w u. « t h «^ taotle* «rfreippUed to the zaora (ar-reublnc M tnball p i f "

B EACnoN«-'n>a ItepubUaiu’ rctctloD to both' Bid ..iropoMte revealed the vM om of tha White H'lTtft inffSMUon that memben vUlt £unp« durloc the lum- mer reesu to see flnt-hand evldaiee o f Menwho went abrotd wlUi tlu IntcoUon of afflmimltloa a n to c t ' all<ont aasliUnce returned to support the bUl.

the global ball. I f the p rogna succeeds lo rebuUdlns we«tem Europe sad checUng tbi spread o f com- mirnUrn, they can claim s porUon of th e c red it ' I f it falls, they can point retrcwUve ’ nnsert o f alarm” at the oppodUon sp oon n . ^

U O m A B T - 8«oretar7 Bnrder Unot adwrtlslng it. but his greatest personal , headsobe has bees the u n d o ^ o f i ^ o r Morgealhau aSiUkes o f foreign M d f ^ poUoy. ABoUier eabhut member plagull with the same problfsn U Seoretaiy idushalL

^ t e d l y , the trearoiy it taking «t«ps to rerlse a Morgeathau monetary policy In Oumany and Korea

^ goTtmment more than «50.- 000,(»a, I t la printing new oooupition currency for tue by our troops and dvlllus agvotj in boUi fonner enemy countries. D ie new plates vui not be handed over to Stalin.

Secretary Morgenthau. for somt reason, turned OTer tha plates for rolling out original ocoupaUon marka to the Ruulans, and they toUed their own In a big way. TTnder the fonnir cabinet inenber^ pt««, this Tlrtually counterfeit njeoey win Jure to be re-' deemed by the Onlted States, unltai we can find a dlplomatlo method of aToldlng It.

BONDS~-One o f Mo^enUuu'a last tc is was to stage a postwar drlTo for the public sale o f --------- -- ■

a 8l 6 b f o n . TBIBO'Dear Pot B bets:: ' .

au rta . b ^ ' Uim?oa “third*

To “m ot’ on such a slmpla 1 ^ word;

UX boss took tha c o p y . ia d ,m « U throogb.

And he sUssvd ascoed and tblrd "base,'* too. •

Hope yra

After I read your tobihoukU'aeea u r tH S r

Anyway, I laughed wltb jroo, also an ayebrev raised. ;'

And in m y scrapbook yonr per-

• • • .KITTEN FO ft XIDB O C n .

Dear Pots:Ws hare s is U ttcns-baU anfort

and half m an»->that hare n a to ^ short tails. They ara'darUngf, aM are free to anyoaa who wlU ( asd'get them.

We Utb n re miles north and three- fourths o ( a mil* vest of TUir.

5 ‘ • OUB NBW SBO ys H A V E ^ i^E N l?S l.;,• fThe Tinles-New»<4lways-atrlvlng to give- the peoj^le o f Magic Talley the kind, of news-- paperfthey want and the service, that goes

w lth .lt~ ls gratified by another demonstra­tion o f reader response.

I .tbla sfW fpaper, like all others, had Its : tnnbles^ do lin g the war and Is trying to I w k them out as rapidly as possible; One o f ‘ ,th e difficulties was carrier hoy service.

. ) In attempting to bring th is service up to ( par, we recently asked Tlmes-News readers to.glve us.a.xeport on their carrier boys. W e

I -«iked fo r « word o f praise tn all c»ses where' ; the carrier boys were deserving and for : constructive orltlcism of those youngsters• whose delivery service was not up t^ expecta-• ttons.r W ell be frank to admit there have been a : few complaints and the boys have been ; straightened out in all these Instances.: But the amazing thing, about It siu Is the : number o f sincerely enthusiastic messages : o f appreciation. Beveral hundred letters from : all parts o f Magic Valley have been sent to ; the Tlmes-News with warm congratulations• fo r our newsboys. One from a loca l apartment : building ca rr l^ the combined signatures o f : 38 tenants!

The Tlmes-News wants everyone to; that it appreciates th is . response from Its I readers. I t Is gratifying to lea m that In ; general the subscribers feel that our carriers : are doing a good Job. I t goes without saying • that the boys, too, will appreciate this whole- : hearted support from their customers.

The net result of it au probably wlU be ! even better service.

SIGNIFICANT SETTLEMENT ; AFL. craft imlons have finally come to ; terms with a company making prefabricated

• : steel houses and have signed a two-year I contract covering the United States and

.'.Canada, l U s opens the way for production o f a promised 30,000 five-room $7,ooo houses

year.',. •> - T h atprlee Is going to cheer a lo t o f people ; ub, even U 30,000 dwellings are ozdy a drop

In the bncke^.of our housing needs. And the .• agreement is otberwlse.slgnlfleant Its par- " t le s have evidently fotmd a form ula which

protects nnlott employment w ithout penallz* in g advancement o r victimizing

V the consumer.-Jit would be nice if Mr. l>etrlllo could.make

the,saoie discovery..

HOW'S THAT A G A IN f • The eensus.bureau reports that both em- . p loym ent and unemployment declined during the. m onth o^ November!

; <' .You m ay now resume your attempts to r ' understejid th e Blnsteln theory^

-Now, ,m o » 't h a n ever, there's reason, to rqoestlon Jbo^iktithenUclty o f the bureau’s

that Idaho ppptiIatlon.v ,

beea itb letto figure out,- “ *“ r o f the state-wide hous-

boQds. I t was probably the most expenslTe —nitiy and publicity campaign o f the war, e sd b r ^ h t In almost 30 bllUoa dollars. Tbs sum was not needed, but the Interest charges coit moonr and contributed to the InflaUoaary trend. .TOwiouwa

Becretaty Snyder bM used it t o retire a p p roz lm a ^ the same amount o f the pubUe debt, thus x e m o ^ It ets an inflatloaaiy factor. Save (or the use o f this source c f funds, there has been so redueUoa o f the federal mortgage slace V -J diy.

Becretagy Marshal’s chief cbore. o f . eourtie, U to .rerlse upward the prodnetlon'level In oermany. which Morgeathau songht to tr&nttorm into a postoral state. TTntU recenuy, ha has met o p p o e l U o ^ t ^ i S i ^ R ^ w ^ have tried to hold him lo the Uorgenthau f m ?

rBOPAGANDA—Taft<for.?xesldect managers have finally Identified the D e w e r - fo r -P iw ld i^ ^ p u U e eoun» of widespread pmpasanHa tnat. althougn the senator from Ohio is .tn abli and lUustrtous legislator, he could not be tltcted U b e became the AepubUean prealdentlal nominee la IMS.

Senator Taft's DUtrlet o f CoIumbU committee has reprinted and distributed tbousandi of copies oi an article written by R. A. Fonter. the political corre* spoadent a t Columbus o f 1110 Oajton Herald. As sent out by the D . O. headquirters. It U enUtled *"Taft^ Record as Vote-Oetter Is Rw) Answer to Ptopaganda Spread-by HU Enemies."

After reciting the figures of the Buckeye senator's victories eser alnce he begtn to nut for the Ohio legislature la Claclnnatl, itonter cooclxidei;

*^ut some are prone to repeat that be ca n t win If nominated, and therefore, ahould ‘confine his admirable eWorta to the DnlKd 8 Ut<* senate.’

~Who says this?”“Could it be the managers of a potential candidate

who proved he couldn’t be elected aTter having been nominated . . .t Ohio Republicans know and appre­ciate the team o f 'Bob and Martha.' The rest o f U»e country Is Just learning to know It"


m o bar against social security payments to a retired woricer If b e eama |U a monUt should be dropped. If this restriction on the federal old sie insurance was ever JustUled. It Is certainly now outdated. Men and women who step out o f their ttgulor Jobs at 69 ought not to be discouraged £rom talcing on osw employment If they can find It. EcwcloU; Is thU tme today when America Is. suffering from a shortage o f manpower.

The $18 limit on earnings of those receiving old-age beneau was written when iobs were scarce. The social security a ct was worked out In the great depres­sion years passing In IBU. In thst day It seemed desirable to protect jobs. Ttoday. when tbere are more Jobs than people to AH them, the ouUook Is entirely different. Prices have been bid up by demand otit--ITT nltlg

If the r

Dear Pot BboU:X see you have a good matket

for free cats. X have two .very cute kittens that are mosUy white with

gray spot here and there.I'd be glad to find someone who

nmld glre them a good home. Z live four miles vest, two south and a fourth of a m ile west of Jerome.

Mrs. A ael Harding


Maybe It 'was because the Wonder ,Ouy dldnt ta k e .too well to this buslneu of meandering around on his own po we«^-on his feet, that Is. (Bs does too well on an foura).

Anyway, bis grandma gave M n. Bopplegrass some dough, told her lo buy Wonder Ouy coe of these walkers with a detachable handle for Christmas. Alter considerable debate, the missus got a less ex­pensive model—without a brake.

Tha missus decided the Wonder □uy was too small to know -any­thing about Christmas, so she's t>cen letUng him use tiie walke. For about three days, everything was fine, but Uie Wonder Ouy has mastered the gadget now and Mrs. Bopplesrass says ^ ' s never quite sure where she's going to find him. Now she's wondering about a brtiie,

WalfU he learns to c ien the door..Jehimy Bopplegrass

FAMOUS LA ST LINE . . . Sore stakee a person fed

smog to ftnlsfa that ChrUtoas •hopping.



- . j of social Mcurlty payments, which are depredating as prices rln, can take on employ­ment I n s ^ of keeping Ihemtelves Mie. so th?y wont

get fm n the goremment.' they WlU be helphig.tbemselTes and everybody.

Continuance o f work after U Is vital to the haoDlnea and health of many people. Both buman and m -

OTHERS MUST BE LSD Xn t ^ course o f human eveoU. i t leneraUy nqulies

more forUtude.and detennlAiUon to pioneer a new movement whether it pertains to ecoaoale or political

^ provlni so. trui with regard to the vloe legislation which has been Imilxed In Jeroise.olty.Xathers were tha tsaders in «naoUnc dty. statutes which permitted the p e^ le to eoOect a SO per cent “ take'’ from the one*anned baxt^ls. Welscr and othtt oommunlCles which followed scdt hare alnee become the envy o f thoee aunldpallUts which legal­ised the slots on a flat Ue*"«f fee.

O f partieular Interest at the preseat Is the inclina­tion. o f tha Boise city ceandl to try and revise previous

.em vs In judgment and open up the artnue for miml- clpal coUecUon o f M per cent “take.” Slaee the “guinea pigs” have proved that the ordtaaace li workable and remuneniUve. the ’lilg broth»r*"^are {teblng for a share o f this traffic. In Boise s 'M fp n o«h t taka win net a n ^ «800,ora a y w r which U almoat enougb to i ^ t a l n the munldpal goveruneot without any pi

the.operatifs a te tetUn« Ibe S — to boalaew with soob a

n te o f conecuao for tbe Ucalte but d s aunths

. About the only regret I have ccm- cemlng my trip to England Is that I missed this - year's opening of Ssnu Clang lane cd Bollywood, boulevard.

Santa Claua lane, that's a Cham­ber of Commeroe

Ing “Happy notil . . . Dancer, Pran-1 c«r, and sweet old Saint Nick." And “Pardon-me ladjr. but Isn't tble my h e a d In y o u r , shopping bag?" {

E v e r y n i g h t they have A .h fg . pande feabirlng beautiful m o v i e stars. I guess the stars mads quite an Imprttslon co the reindeer.'

Already BanU OUus U wonylng about how he U going to gel Prancer back to the north pole. He keefv flnd l^ him on Ann Sheridan's lawn, poelng as e sUtue.

m never forget last year's parade. AU the stars were given beaaUful floats to rldo In. but the crowd gave ms the biggest applause. It was Uie first time aityone had ever traveled 30 blocks hand over hand on trolley wires.

But U]e lane Is a big success, be- csuse the stares are really crowded. Yeitetday the third floor o f one de­partment store was so packed . . . ltday, it’s the bargain basement.

Ibey are so crowded Uie floor walkers are wearing' carnations wlUi thorns.

I tried to d o some shelving this afternoon, but Z d ldnt even get a chance to teU the clerk what 2 wanted. Xvery time I opened my nwutb some woman shopper stuck a parcel In It.

It a wonderful. Jlow, on Christmas morning, I am just going to lis ua- dcr the tree and let the family open ma. '



g»y. to endlian et u 4

IcnovaBUset wbe. weDt- Z S o ‘ tba

ja r r w a r .-b s K iiT --------------------- ^eaa not be Maaiiid tor tmdcr«rtimat-<

Cba congrestlenal. anthattty.' baa been oor eoston and .oar mental baUt for•oleag'toTM lenls - __________congress that ■ *•••••••■ weiwtually tbs. mcaibtia tbsmselvea a the T b on as nrmmlttse onua-Anier- l e w aotmuas wart not sura o f tb dr ngbts and powea. Bat they a n rare now. Tbelr law ym looked thlage n p and tbsqr are on* s ^ ground.

r e ^ S v e * n iS ^ J d '* * * ^sanylsu think , the *eSstlbIuo!B limit* .the power o f the peopU but they are wrong. The people llmit ttie powers of the eoasUtutlon. They mad# It. Tbey .can .wldm or warp: It, a* tbsy ptesM.

A i present we deay oursewes thep r ^ t l c n o f law p r o ___ _______ment, even up to tha death peaalty, for membership In tbs Communist par^ or ooUaboratlon withnlsU b7 non-communUts toi------------destruction o f our government by force. There U a supenUUon that because thus far we have passed n o suoh law, we'eant.

Tliat Is Just a supersUtlon. Con­gress oould fix it op eomorrow (hat as o f a certain date all persons eon- vlctM o f such membership or such collaboration should be shot agalnkt some designated 'wall.

pleasure o f tha people o f the United SUtes expressed through their rep- reseaUUves,—well, it is our eoa- sUtuUon, Isn't Itt w e can change it.;

Remember, the purpose o f that oonsututlon is to “insure domestlo tranquility, provide ior the common defense, promote me genera] wel­fare and secure the blessings o f liberty to ourselves and our pos- tertty."

T o do that it alight b e ___to kiU a few spies and traitors.

Then, In the very first article after the preamble. It sets up our naUonal.

oftsn I _____________________that and. H M m M n'«lQr tb at_____bappss.' «boii|h.- «aa- tba«\wa^ tte M o ^ ^ a a d a l o t o f U «y e (« , 't6t all tangled up in .our trgamsnts 'aBd to g o t th u thU doounent waa writ­ten for the banaflt of tha people of tbe.lhUtedetatM, • ; .

S en* Jud|«i notaB r n a n k U u > pby .o f tbe pcewat have thoaghTtbat] to throw tbe

XU language says ‘ ’Ws. tbe peopla o f the Unlt«l StateC and t h M ^ talnly dldnt m a n B a n y Bridges, for enmple, when be was stm an alien and proven gulto o f hobnob­bing with known e n e n i« o f the na- tlon.

B e w u sot one of tha p e ^ of tb e TTaltsd States then. He was a foreigner and our ooastttuUon never 'was inteaded to “secure the blessiags o f liberty- to Uie Australians, o f whom he was one. Or to tha Aus-^ trians, of wbcm tha S sler ' boya are two.

-We' the pe^le- have the right to shoot oommunlsta «n^, if i t coma to that, we can amend our conaUU- tlon so aa to Impose that penalty re- troacUvely. But w ou ldn 'tthat be Hitlerian? Z guess It woUd, but we would be fools to deny ourselves the benefit of eray idea and measure that Bluer favored, Jnst because he favored It. H«i believed in nation­alism. So did George Washington, long before him.

Because they represent “ the peo­p le /’ both houses of congress have the right and power tn themselves to make anyone answer any quesUon bearing on any subject under In­quiry In the pubUo interest.

For refusal lo answer, the w ltneu may be kept In the commco ja il of tha Dlstriot of OolumbU untU' tha end of the seoloa or until he deddee to talk. In Uie old days, however, when aesslons were short, this might mean only a brief, punishment.

Zn ISfll congress adopted a law providing for prosecution by tbe at-' tomey general'in the federal court and a penalty of not less than $100 or more thaa t l .000 fins, an d not lees than one monUi nor more than

om.bU---Zt voQld give yea fc^iiaae.tmitto*


£ T ^ ? e o p la * e < ^ iM S g

Ibe'*Taopia" are badk or'.t a s d ^ glamorltea troa -H eO r-..- aod Daily Wortar. and Martban

doirn beta b r th lt ooamlttea .ara fnodous^enamlae o f tbe Aaertean p s o ^ and such detestable ttigratse thU Kyott wtot to throw them to the p e ^ they would be kidcad to dsath in any nelgbborbood In Uw oouatir enept a few red spots la the dty-of Hsw Torit . .

One baadleap 0 0 tbe ooamittea and U » “people* U that these hear- Ings are very .lon t and the tstl- many. In printed form, la veiy tedi­ous reading. ThU la an adraatage for the traltors-and totu:

, Ibese traltora are'moch more bar- rible than any Qulallng. Quisling wanted his oountiy to be oa tbe winning team ir ith .a pe ' were similar In manyboundaries and sovereignties over there change by the decade, and In SO years Norway's people might have merged with tha victorious Oeimaos.

But refugee Ingntes and tun - eoat immigranu that the oommlttee turned up owed the American “peo­ple" their ven U m Quiet Ameri­cans aU over, the kind who nsrer.

^ M -thntf:lB"iBDd took tbtfr -ted th a« :lte ,4 (ete .;B ot cobubun atsto.‘ T h en .T i3 t£ y M b and' yean .

S K ^

and saved .UTSS. - ■

Pj^ PgpilsPlah Yuletide Program

FAX7L. ZMe. X S -^ Christmas-pro- ram-WlU be.preeented at S p a .

-Ueeday by Paul i ^ a scbool pupUs. M n. Donna Sanford wfll m tn charge of tti* nttsslcal o f the

trnts to theClassea wHI be dismissed at boon

Wedneaday and w i l l reconvene Jan.,0..

At 700 p n . Sundat a ChrUtmaa program will be held in tha Com­munity ebttrcb. After the program tha Sunday sobool. wlU provide treats.

Lou Heller 1FIHE anii A D M '

INSURANCE <OiplMna BaOdlag I


(Horns ftomlng timln dee la Sbeshotw 1:68 p. m. Saturday, D M XUb. B os WlU meet rstamlng special on daU set by B.

SUN VALLEY STAGESj . 1. B cm m m

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.v v 'H .S i

■ ' V '


T % w s ; ^ (^JStStiM





Polar King BlanketsJust received another shipment o f our Fa­

mous Polar King- Blankets. 4 husky lbs. o f

warmth, 100% virgin wool, 6 inch satin bind­

ing, choice o f five colors. Boxed for easy wrapping.

?15.00 QUALITY

'99Domestics Mezzanine Floor


SuitsHere’s your new winter suit! Beau­

tifully proportioned to your figure

—elongated jacket and skirt, tiny

waist, rounded hips. In your choice

o f fabrics, color and individual

styling. Select your new suit here


-REG. $29.95



• Cream or Ecru Color

'Sanforized ' Shrunk

• Well TaUored• Heavy Drill

Pockets• Wide Belt Loops ‘ Zipper Fly» Size 29-36

io purchase like this. Bautiful com- 8 tubes, 8 inch speaker, built in an- ird changer, plays 10 or 12 inch ations. This would be a scoop at Jest o f the year.

$59j•, ( b a c k a g A ^



Back again in limited quan- titiefl, f a m o u s Cohaaset sheets in large 81x108 inch sizes. These are very slight irregulars o f Pequot sheets that ordinarily s e 11 fo r $8.49.

36 Hour


$ l 9 8


Novelty!**s o a p E:

• Snowman t• Santa Cla't• Anim ab i• and Otherf'

6 0

6 Cup ' Electric

Perculator^ F ast 'Action• 6 Cap Capacity

• Polished Aluminum

Revere - Cooking’

Copperware• Coi>per B ollom• Sbdoless SlecI U neJ• Llmlled QnanUtles

51 Guage 20 Denier


M isty sheer Nylon hose, new est fa ll shades.

Sllght.'lrrcgulare %2^ QnaUty

51 Guagi 15 Deniet

^ $ 1 0 9 5 $ 4 , 7 5■ ^ P u p



Famous Millay N:? COOKER61 .denier, dress,w eig h t E xcltiagp** waywinter shades, cook with prcBsarb

4 Q t .S IZ B

■Pickwick iGLASSWARE

SET• f S k o t G I u M• G I u m ; . ::;r< • . S A d l u n i ’• 8 I o i a . ' (

;4 5

Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF082/PDF/1… · 'k/ K' w ^yOL. 80, Ka 247resident Pot^s SSS^JSJA Conteol Downed in Senate

L E T S BUILD IT RIGHTI AU wbo are Interested In havlog Twin Falls

' count? get a first class hospital, will be. glad to know that counter proposals for a second rate affair have been put aside In favor o f a completely-new buUdlng.

W hen it seemed Ukely that the county m l ^ t have difficulty in getting the kind of m odem hospital it wants with the amount o f money recently set up by bond issue, the commissioners played with the idea o f build* ins onto the present hospital building or

— Including it as part o f some design for en­larged facUiUes.. This suggestion m et with a spontaneous reaction—a protMt which, to our way of t a k i n g , was entirely justilled.

T h trt are m any good reasona why th« present hospital building should not be ln> eluded in any plans for a new Institution to accommodate the sick.,

•As th e late Dr. Benjamin Black pointed out several years ago ^ t e r making a thor­ough survey o f our hospital problem, this old

'building is nothing more than a fire trap Which has long been inadequate as a hospital building. He was one of the most outstanding bospltalauthoriUes In this country. .

I t io s e . familiar with th e inner workings or the old hospital buUdlng, know that its p lu m b ln s ^ d beating systems are worn out, necessitating an endless round o f repairs.

.Let's build a new hospitial with the money we hftTB. so designed that It ioay be enlarged later u necessary, nsing the old structure Jot hospital purposes only untU such' time as adequate facilities are provided.

Tbe'-old building may s e m a reai:purpose later .on by being converted into a nurses* tealnihg schMl or something o f the kind, but It. has outlived its usefulness already as a liospltaL

W hen the taxpayers of Twin Falls county voted bonds for a hospital, they had every

a to believe they would get a new bulld- . T o do otherwise now. not only would a serious mistake, but a breach o f faith

iMth a majority, of the taxpayers as weU.. ’ Let's ;hope th at from here oh out, we keep 0^ wiintta on our one objective so far as a SD odetn'hp^tal is concerned.

I ? • b i m NBWSBOXS H A V E F;RIBN1?81 :• ’'*m e 'TfnlM -lfew s-^w ays- striving to give the people o f Magic Valley the kind, o f news­paper-they want and the service that goes with It—is gratified by another demonstra­tion o f reader xesponse.. This. afW9paper. .like all others, bad its iroubles- during the war and is trying to wpfk them out as rapidly as possible. One o f

dltfloultles was carrier boy service.. In attempting to bring this service up to par, we recent^ asked. Times-News readers t o ^ - u s a^xeport on their carrier boys. W e teked fo r a word of praise In all cases where' the carrier boys were deserving and for eonstructlvie criticism of those youngsters whose delivery service was not tip tp expecta­tions. •' W e ll be frank to admit there have been a lew eoaplalnts and the boys have been

, straightened out In a ll these instances.But the awiKKing thing.about It all is the

number of sincerely entbusiastie messages o f appreciation. .Several hundred letters from all parts of Magic Valley tiave been sent to the Times-News with warm congratulations lo r our newsboys. One from a local apartment building carried the combined signatures o f 25 tenants!

I b e Times-News wants everyone to know that It appreciates this response from its readers, it Is gratifying to learn that in general the subscribers feel that our carriers are doing a good Job. It goes without saying that the boys, too, will appreciate this whole­hearted support from their customers.

The net result of it all probably will be even better service.


S IG N inC A N T SETTLEMENT AFLi craft have finally come to

tennffWlth a company making prefabricated s t ^ houses and have signed a two>year contract covering the .United States and Canada, This opens the way for production o f a promised 80,000 five-room $7,000 houses a year. .

■ T hat price is going to cheer a lo t o f people tii . even i f 90,000 dwellings are only a drop ln-tbe .bnckel.of oiir bousing needs. And the

'• agreement Is otherwise .significant. Its par- ; bava e i ^ e n ^ found a form ula which

pzotects union employment without penallz- . Ing advuicem ent pr victimizing' .the coiwuffler.

J t wDuld.be nice If M r..fetrillo eould.make . iiide same dlscoyery.

f; HOW^ THAT AGAlNfn t e census.burean reports that both em -

and unemployment declined during . . . . .a io tN io y B m b w :.

>',Yon inay now resuine~ybur attempts to tnderstand the Einstein theory. frHqw, ,mor»^tlf»an .ever,, there’s reason, to j bureau's

-ft year ago that Idaho •popo!atlott.v: qntery jw hlcb . no one in / b ^ J a h le to figure out.

r : ; -

■'W ASnniOTOII-^nie JUpuoucw imomapja.utm houM b u n d d n lT a t im k iU t tn U fr t e tb» admin* ittn ttoot procnunlfor sld- to lUly ■ihieagh J l w ■ te p ^ p tppnpristloiu Sod t t» lo o f 'n m » M snbaU pUh. B r> ^ p (tn c tbfl..’Whlt« BoQM'MUptlBt 'w ltb- out anr Bujor cbaoff, I t appwntijr, iottndi to lit '—SocreUi7 M tnhtll u n m w ' "■poncIblUt)' for tbls. Donl meat lo forelsn pOUer.

It w u , for lu ttooo . tba ..Mhema o» the M »rtln-H»U*ck------- ,to loilit.that A Jndescsclcat •dmlnlitrttor, or a ••mt-publlo or- yn lnU op , huidl* u d n p a r lM sU (UiUlbuUoo o f fmda. food u d ns* ttfUU. But U>«T ODanr screed tel pennlt the recipient goranusenta to ,. undertake the Job. d«*plt« wsm lafi Uut U rnltbt d im t utU tuie* to communlit grmipe «Bd thwaxt the. purpoM .'e f the profrun. * » »

TH ^TENEl>-Alth0U Bli u i entwhOe bolatloBlet. the able and d ou fb ^ John M. Votrt of Ohio polau of order itand up a«ala<t mttqr ptoposed br BepQbUean ooUeacuea

Acting M noor a u n ^ for tb i hooae-ford fn ^ lalri commltU* tn pUoa of tba aced Ohatm an Charles A. Eaton, b* knocked out atteapti to p f m o t export of foodi la abort.nipplr. to fls a ee llln c 'co prices to be paid for wheab and manr oUuriugretUoiu for Uchlenlng the Intorlm aid meuure.

The leadenhlp'a ludden deeliloa eauwd many oem> plaints on the part o f tba majority, tnembenhlp. v h o were apparentlr unavara o f the usdsrljrlns porpoae. They have threatened to rebel If Uie aame tactics ar» appUed to Uie more far'reachlnc Marshall plan.

eunesUon that memben visit Europe during Um ____ster recett to tee fliat>band ertdtnce of need. U " " vh o went abroad with the Intention of mTtarHnf ammunlUoa asalnst' a l l ^ t aselitanc* returned to support the bill.

•me OOP bowei, howerer. bellere thaflt la sm «t«r polities to itep aside and let the admlnlstraUon carry the clobal ball. I f tHe program succeeds tn rebuilding western Europe and checking the spread o f com* inunism, they can claim a portion of the credIU I f It faOi, they can point retroaoUTe "fingers o f aUrm" at tba oppoelUon sponaora.

UONETAaT-Seoretair Snyder Is not adrertlslng it, but his greatest persotial > headachS h u been the imdotng of major Morgentbau mistakes o f foreign and fiscal policy. Another eablaet member pla«ued with the some probl«n Is Baeretary Marshall.

BelatedlT, the treasury la taking atepa to rovlsa a MorgenUuu monetary policy in Oermany and I to e a that may yet cost tb it gorenunent more than $360.-

enemy countries. Tba new plates will not be banded orer to atslln.

Becretazy Morgentbau. for some reason, turnedover the plates for rolling out orlgloimarks to the Russians, and tbey rolled Uielr own In a bl* way. Under tbo former cabinet member^, plaa,. this Tlrtually countorfelt money wlU have to be re* deemed by the United SUtes. unless we can find a dlpIomaUo method o f aToldlag It.

BONDS—One o f Morgenthau's last aeU was to stage a postwar drlre for the public sale of gorenunent bonds. It was probably the cnost expenslre seUlng and publicity campaign of tbe wir, and b r ^ b t In almost 30 bllUon doUan. Tbe sum was not aeoded. but tbe Interest charges cost money and contributed to the Inflationary trfndi

Becretaiy Snyder has used It to retire approxlm ai^ the same amount o f tbe public debt, thus removing It as an inflaUonaiy- factor. Bare for the use of tbls source of fimds, tbar* baa- been no reducUoa o f tbe federal mortgage slnee.V-J day.

^ t a i y . Maisbal'i chief, cbo^, of;cour»e. U to. rerls* u p i ^ tbe arodootlon level In Qennany.' Morgentbau sought t o transform Into a postoral Until reeenUy, he'baa taiet opposition from the n

o tbe Mo^entbau forxau*

noPAaAND A^Taft-for-Fresident managers have flnaUy Identified tbe Dewey*for.Presldent camp as tbe aource of wldeipread propaganda Uut, although tbe aenator trcoi O blo U - an able and Illustrious leglsUtor, he could n ot be elected If he became tbs tUpubllean presidential nominee In lOiS.

Senator l U f s District o f Columbia committee baa sprinted distributed thousands of copies o f an rtlcU written by B . A. Forster, the poUUcal oorre-

Bpondent at Columbus o f I b e Oayton Berald. As sent out by tbe X). O. headquarters, It Is entitled T a ft 'S Becord as Tota*Oetter Is Resl Answer to Propaganda Bpiead'by Bls d em ies.”

After redtlng tbe figures of tbe Buckeye senator’s fietorles eser since ha began to run for tba O blo legislature In OlncUmatl. IPorster concludes:

'^ u t some are prone to repeat tbat he can’t win i f nominated, and therefore, should ‘confine admirable efforts to tbe United 6tatca senate.'

‘'W ho says this?**“Could It be tbe managers of a potential candidate

who proved he couldn't be elected after having been nominated , . .t Ohio Republicans know and appre­ciate the team of 3 0 b and Martha.* The rest o f the country Is Just learning to know It.**


The bar against social si IS to a retiredworker If he earns s is a m on t^ ^ oS d be d n p p ^ . If this restriction on tbe federal old age Insurance waa ever JusUfled, It U certainly now outdated. Men and women who step out o f tbelr regular Jobs at S3 ought Ziot to be discouraged from taking on new

a shortage of t7^e |18 limit on earnings o f those receiving

benellts was written wben Jobs were scarce, 'n te social security act was worked out la the great deprea* alon yean pasting In 16U. In ttist day It seemed desirable to protect jobs. Today, w h a Uiere are m ore Jobs than people to HQ them, tbe ouUook la entirely different Prices have been bid up by demand ouU running supply.

If the recipients o f aoclal security payments, w blcb are depredating as prices rise, can take on employ­ment Instead of k e e p ^ themselves Idle, so tb«y w on't lose what lltUe they get from the government, tbeywUl be helping themselves and everyL._.

Continuance of work after SS b vital to Use happiness and health of many people. Both human and eco ­nomic reasons urge tbe discard of thU |1S relle.-^n)ns-

Science Monitor.

0TBEB5 MUST BE LEDIn tbe course of human events. It generally requires

more fortitude' and determlnaUoa to i>looeer a new morament whether It pertains to economic or p ^ t lca l progress: Thla belief Is prorlng so true wim regard to the vice JsglslaUoo w blcb baa been Isgalliad In Idaho, ^eraata city fatbera werv tbo leaders In enaoUng elty ftatutea which permitted tbe people to ctflect a SO per cent '‘ take" from tbe one>armtd baivUts. Welser and otber communities which followed suit have alnca become tbe envy o f those munlclpallUq which legal­ised tbe slota on a fUt.Uc«nsa fee. ^

O f particular Interest at tbe present Is tbe IncUna- -.oa c f the Boise city cooncO to try and revise prertous

.errors in Judgment and open up tbe avenue for munl« clpal collecUon o f U per cent ‘ ‘take.” Since the "guinea p lff" have proved tbat tbe ordbiance b workable and remuneraUve, the "b ig brothers" are Itching for a ■bare o f thb timfflc. in Botse a SO per oent taks will sa t around $800,000 a y«ar wblcb Is almost enough to maintain the municipal 'geremmcnt without any p rop­erty levy. Of course tbe operatota are telling tbe & oSm councU-tbat they cantistay in buslnea with aooh a rate ef collectloo for the license but sU months.'of experience b : proving thU sUtement to be false In Jerane and W eU er^ erom e North Side News.

A stis r w TBiiuit,Dear Pot Shota:; '

Well, sucss I m u ita .b e i^ 'a ito ipoa 'lh lrd"

To '-srroi" on such a alaiplii Uttt word; x

My bou took tbe oopy. rad rea dI t - " —-*• - '

Anyway. X laughed w ith- jon ; also an eyebrow ralead. '

And tn my scrapbook y m r per-tlanit quip Z placed. .

t iM L a ogh la 'T oe * * * .


We have Hx M ttena-ba lf aaion; and half manx^that hare natu^l short tails. ‘They aro' darlings, and are free to a n jw a w ho wdt < asd 'iet them.'

We live five m llu north and tbree- fourUis o ( a mile west o f TQer.

iQ>: thU,.- M a n ;

g?!ajiai£S .rej<

'.,-ltlu e fc eastern' end ear seatat faaUt for

Dear Pot Shots: •X see you have a good maricet

for free cats. 1 havo two very cut* klttsns that are m ostly white with a gray spot here end there.

I'd be flsd to find aomeooe would give them a good h oa s . I live four miles west, two aouth sad a fourUi of a mile weat o f Jeroma.

Mrs. AxD«l Hatdlag


Maybe It was becaua* tbe Wonder - didn’t take too weu to this

bU own powet^-on hla feet, that la. (Be does too wen. o n aU fours).

Anyway, h b grandma gave Mrs. Ho^Ugrass some dough, told her to buy Wonder Ouy one o f these walkers with a detachable handle for Chrbtmaa. After oonalderabl* debate. Uie missus got a less ex­pensive model—without a brake.

‘Xbs mUtus decided the Wonder Guy was too m a ll to know any­th in about Chrbtoua, ao she’s been letting him u*e the walker. For about three days, everything waa fine, but the Wonder Quy baa mastered tbe g a ^ tt now and M rs. Eopplcgrau saya yhe’s never quite sure where she’s going to find h im . Now she’s

FAMOUS L A S T U N E . . . Sore makes a person feel

smog to ftolsh that Ohrlstiaaa shopping.


BOB HOPEAbout the only regret I have con*

eemlng my trip to Cngland b that X mlised thb year'a opening of Santa Claua lane o n Bollywood boulevard.

Santa Claus lane, that’s a Cham­ber of Commerce

Ing •Bappy noei; . . . Dancer. Pran- oer, and sweet oldl Saint Nick.” And I "Pardon me lady.! but b n t thb jnyi h e a d tn y o u r i shopping bagt" ' I

beautiful m o v ieStan I guess the stars made quite an Impression on tbe reindeer.'

Already Santa Claus la wonylng about how he is going to get Prancer back to tbs north pole. Be keeps finding him on Ann Sheridan's lawn,' posing as a statue.

in never forget last year's parade. AB tbe stars were given besutlful floab to Tide in. but the crowd gave me the biggest applause. I t was tbe first time anyone had ever traveled 30 blocks hand over hand on trolley wires.

But tbe lane b a big success, be­cause the stores are really crowded. Yesterday the third floor o f one de­partment store was so packed . . . Today. It’s Uie bargain basement.

They are so crowded tbe floor walkers are wearing ' camaUons with Uwres.

I tried to do some shopping this afternoon, but I didn 't even get a chance to UU Uie clerk what 1 wanted. Every time X opened my mouUi seme woman abopper stuck a parcel In It.

I t l wcbderful. Now. on Ohzbtmas morning, I am juit going to lie un­der tbe tree and let tb e family open


»ST*T* o r BEN a. OaAT, DECXA8B).NettH k b«r«b]r slvm bs4«i«

■Ism4 AdMlsUntor at tb« bU U of B«a JL Ottr. toMMd. to lb* mdtton at •U 9«rHa« UrlBC cUlw U.t uidj HWIll to oUhlt lb«B Wllh tfc*MI7 «SB«b«n vllkla ftrar monUu tb* flni vaUIoUea of Uita soUe*. to lh«

rmUs M a t/s te t*

OO'lUWN^OIAT^r»>lh>.» 0«e. II. IS, It. J>tt. 1. l»tS

o n s nociCHoujcBs o r trb sai<.

ImM *t otfk* •( tlM cetBMBT SI lleliwS-,a

kMlaw ib«l our vnqMrijr cobm Wert <a« imittis. !• csmMw t)M Bffklr* ti tteMPUtf m4.Io txkaa«Uea wllk fwpmt

n r s K a s s s n z i s ^ i ^

rtit Dtt, 11* U .4(, ut7| Jaa i . a, 1»U

to leag'to rtdlcnle - congraw that so - ’

___________nmlttee oo' ua-Aner-lean scttrlUse were not t m of their n ibta aad p o n ts . But they are ane now. Ihalr lawyare loekad tblnga op aad tbay are o n W f groond. '.

■Xhs people o f the u n u ^ States

e m y b u th ink. tbe eonsUtutlon Itmlta tha power o f tbe people they are wrong. I t ie people Umlt . . powers of tba consUtutloa. They made It. ’Zbey -can .widen or i It, as they pleaea. .

At present we deny ounetves ibe protection of law provldlag<punlsh- ment, even up to the daatb penalty, for membetsblp In tba Coomanbt party or oollabm tlon with commu­nists by aao*ecramunbta to iw d tbe deitruotlon o f oar government by force. There b a supersUUon that because thus far we have passed no such law. we'can't.

Ihat b Just a auperaUtloiu Con> gress could fix It up tomorrow tbat as o f a certain date all persons con- vIctAl of such membetsblp or soeb c^laboraUoo should'be stet agalntt •nne d^slgnatod walL.

If there was anything In Uie ooo' stlCuUon to with thatpleasure of the people o f the United States tTrriTfiitHl through their rep* resenUUves,—wen. It b our oon- sUtuUon, bn ’t I tf w e can change It.

Remember, tbe purpose o f that constitution b to "insure domesUc tranqumty, provide for tbe commda defense, promoto the general wel> fare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves - and our pos­terity."

It) do that it might be necessary to kill a few spies and traltora.

Ihen, In the very first article after the preamble, It sets up our naUonal

, TSae.m aonW that e o ^

fecgot th at this decuaaBt w u wilt- t a for th « benefit et tbe,people e ( tba U n lt^ Btirtas. • .

Bone Judges. sotab^Ptank

. . _.j:tbebiter«&r:M ’8 M 'r p e ^ t 2t W i o i gin TOO aaaBSyto'Betloe

m w ltb tb k new ecoeetaaaeee that tS v- '-axe 'down ,biM-asr •tepeewnta- ttTer* ^ tbe I’peopieT.flCjtbe u n ^

"Ttitiir im b a ok 'U '‘^egUmeeltes 1-------------

letM ly Weeks

Of .ibiSr. tnaflbeqr,-m leanied'slow- 1s e n £ l e « ^ t ^ ' an tb»\Ua».

to ttuow the^aime ptoteeUoa'abotit aliens and enemies of our eenntqr. but that U n o o s ^ ^ .

Its languagf says ‘'We.'tba peoplethe un ited Statas.” aad that c«r*

talnly d idn 't mean Sarry Bridges, for exanmle. wben ha waa stm an alien and proven gulto of botetob- blngwlth known enemlv of tbe na­tion.

Bo was n ot ona of tbe people of (h f united States then. He waS a forelgaer'and' ear oonsUhiUon never waa Intended to "secure the blessings of liberty" to the Australians, of whom h e was one. Or to .the Aua-. trlans. o f whom the Xbler boy* are two.

•'We tlie people" have Uia right to sbool communists and. If It comes to that. w e can amend our conitUu- tlon ao aa to tanpoee th a tse^ ty r »- troacUvelr. But wouldn't that be HiUerlanT I gness It wcfuld, but we would b e fo o b to deny ourselves tbe benefit o f eveiy Idea aad measure that BiUer favored, Just because be favored It. He. beUeved tn naUon- albm. S o did Oeorge Washington,

. ecme ef the eommnabts eaw ed down htxe: fay tbit eaaaaittea.are

’ ' «< tbo ABMriean

------------- any neighborhood t o the!e o u n ^ ttD e p i^ a ^ red « » t s In tbe

One baadleap o a ttM eoomilttee aad the "people" la tbat theee beer, bics are very :Vmg end the teaU- a o a y . h i pclntad form. U very tedi­ous reading. Thla b an advantage for.the t a S ^ a n d aples;

These traitors are moeh a c r e hor­rible th«w anf Quisling. w anted.hb oount9 .to .b e oa the winning team w ith .a people who were almllar tn B »ay waya National

P ^ F n i ^ p l a ht u I e t i d e l ^ S ^ r a m

.rAUXi. Dee. Obilatmas-pn*

M n . Donna Sanford w ffl. be m ^ a rge ef tbe muilcel portion o f the

m iow lng tbe 1 IiCKloo bSDCOsori^ „ or-Sknta Claua who wlU ( t m u to-the cbUdrtn. .

OlasMS wQl te dbmlaaed at aoon Wednesday aad w i l l reconvene Jan.

At 700 pm. sundat a: Chrbtmaa rogram wlQ be bald in tba Com- umUy churcb. After the program

^ Sunday school, win provide treata.

. . . j u s e they represent *the peo­ple." both houses of coogreM havo tbe right and'powerlntbemaelvee to maks anyone answer any bearing' o n any subject u.. qulry in the pobllo Interest.

Por refusal to answer, Uw witneas may be kept la the comgico JaU of t ^ D lsM ct o f Columbia until'the end o f th e session or until he decides to talk. Xh the old days, however. , wben see stone were short, thb might mean on ly a brief punishment. I

In 1SS7' congress adopted a law I providing for preeeeutlon by the at^ < tomey goneral'ln tbe federal court - and a penalty of not leu tban SlOO or more than 11,000 fine, and not lees ooo month nor more

there diange by the decade, aad tn , 00 years Norway's people m l ^ have merged wlUi the victorious Oermana.

But refugee Isgntea and turn- . ja t fanmlgranta that the oonunlttee turned ttp owed American "peo­ple" their very l lm . Quiet Ameri­cans all orer. the kind who never

Lou HellerFIRE and A U TO



(Boas ooBilng trmln doe Is Bbeahoae tiSS p. n . Satarday, ^ Mtb, Bos wm Buet retsmlng spedal «a date set by B .


I -

RIGHT IN TIME FOR CH RISTM AS G I V IN a .. . W^rt redodn g stock fo r Inventorr and discontinulng s o n * t ................. ■ * - ..........; PRICES BLASHjED IN M ANY ira M S TO M OVEo f these boUdav items, so ar« e ios in c out I

, FA ST . . * COjME I ^ . 8EE.«‘B U Y , 'S A W 1


■ Am erican Flyer


Oompleto with track.


POPPER B y ^ p r l c e S l* ^ 8 . 9 5


It broils, it bolls. It toasts. It fries. Reg. price -t Q R $SM. NOW _______



Bed or ivory. Reg. 0 R A price. H U . M O W _


IRISH M AILReg. prlbe |1#M. ' f t Q K O n ^ S le fta t , ea. 0 * 9 9

Pint come first served


Here’s a gUt lo r all the fam ily. New 1948 model


Water Softener

Fuly automatic . . , one valve to rechatga. All white enamel. . . stream­lined design.




COREY COFFEE MAKER SETSOffering a.variety of sets at very attractive prices^ See

CmiSTM AS TREE LIGHTS____ $2.152 L ight

HALOS$1.958 L ight Christmas

WREATHS Reg. «XB6 ____ S2.2( '

Give a New

R A D I OW e.bare a larga aelao-tloa of Xmerson Radloa . . . varloas sites ahd modsla la a rang* of prices te suit aU do- aiands . . / pive that •todeat coe for tbelr

$19.96 np


ROLLER SKATESSturdy all steel, rubber cushioned . . . ban bearing wheels. ,Reg. HaONow _ $3.45


A m

Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF082/PDF/1… · 'k/ K' w ^yOL. 80, Ka 247resident Pot^s SSS^JSJA Conteol Downed in Senate

n o m b iM ttuounrat l o r ^ p M ^H w ueontloa>TloUa brio trtaa tiM

WH uslitM tn a n u c t - i m n ta lor Uu e m t I17 tbe XDa san* ^ e e oommlttM. o . Aiidenoa.

l<e^ Deoier Bertacii.' WUbur . Srown, BiU Otnjrtt w d B utU a.

* » ¥ ' ■

Women of MooseInitiate Officials

Women of Uu Moom met VHdtjr « « i t o « t t Um Uoose b in wlth Mra.

liOlttr tsd Mrs. LuTT w u h s it an o a 'f t ccDunltUe to |lx ohrlatmai bukeU for the needy funlUea of the UOOM..

An InlUatlon w u heW Jor U n .. WaJUr B. ElUott. M n. Obester G«l-

houn and Mrj. oeorge H. Lonj. Mr*. John Schwtnn. Jerome. tuesL

Mrs. Mae UeColmon fumbhed -tbe mystery box which w u received toy Mk . Paul OarlKm. Mrs, Mae Me- Calmon received the white eie;rtunt, iumUhed by Mr*. Olen Hatcher.

A Chrtetmas program will t e held ,« t tha Moote hall Dec. a ' t o r tbe members and their chUdreo. Men and women are asked to bring a gift for an exchange.

Mrs. Jake Pope. Mrs. Pnut Carlson. Mrs. Edward Carlson and U n . Mar* f u M Weaver wlU serve refreshments a t the next regular meetintv Dcc. 38.

Eden War MothersISDSS. Dec. 18 -> American War

Mothers met Ftlday afternoon In'the Presbyterian church basement with Mrs..Eaia JoDcs presiding at the budness meeting.

T be women (Ixed Ohristmoa pack­ages of wool socks for the veterans hospital , in Boise, a gUt exchange WM held and lusch w u served.

The table was decorated ta keep­ing with.the Cbrlstmu theme with holly, red candles, candy canes and centered with a Ia)ge branse bowl of fruit on a Uble doth embroidered with polnsetUu.

Mrs. Sallee and Mrs. Xvs West were guests and Mrs. B. B. Gordon Mrs. Walter UcOlahi and Mrs.' Alv* powles, Twin Palls, were present. ;

¥ » ♦ .Guest Feted- ,

KIMBBBLY, Dec. Ift-M r*.' John Mulder wU hostess TIitffBday after, noon at a dessert luncheon and bridge In honor o f her guest, Lor* ralne Pomeroy.

Quests were Mra. Don Andrews, Mrs. Deb Ziince and M n. Roy Fill- more, Baxelton: Urs. Joe Ryan. Twin Palls, and Mrs. Oerald Ridge­way, Mrs. Jack Olaibom, Jr., Mrs. B ay McKlnsUr, Jr., and Miss Pom­eroy. Prizes were won by M n. An­drews and Mrs. Pltlmore.

Marian Martin Pattern

, 9138• SIZES S. 14. li

r e sn V E AFBONAU7 bride would love a gttt o f this

piquant party aproiw-lt you can bear to give U awayi Pattern B138 Is a •Uck trick; slim waist, flared, hem. busUe-etfeet drape.

Tbla pattern.gives -perfect tit. Is easQT to 'u n . Complete, , l|hutrBted Sew. Chart shows you every step.

Pattern eiS8: sites small (H-IS). medium (16-aO), large (4 (M a ).^ a ii size, XU yards 98-lnch; % yard con- trw t.'

Send' twenty-five cents In' coin* for. this pattern to 71 "

Be« -the . wonderful new-«ea*on styles. G«t our-Marian Martin fall •Bd wtater'faablon book aow. Only

I brtnp -y o o th(s U-

. - __ -Pte* *> * pattern printed In U>e bool^ .A .S V Bsdeeip lu t u d bfC.

Legion^uXilidrY V Has f^ew Leddei'

Urs. ; D m s lu ' '.Vtta' b u b m elected prcaldot o f the. Aoerlcsn

a farm near WendeU.At. the aoxUluT' OhriMnss party

held Tuesday evezilni alt the Le­gion hall.' M a . ftolMtuon w u pre­sented with a past president's' ptn by, Mrs. Bean. U is. Beta, bu'served the Legion as Tice prttldent during tbe past moctht.

Nearly- 60 members were.present for tbe hoUdijr p n m . a lfb -w ere exchanged and retreshments, cakes In tlie shape'Of Q irutinu . trees and coffee,-wen served. The yule- tide theme' wu fbUowed In the deeoratlons o f the awUUxT room.

Ura. Orrin .A.Piil}er g%vfl a repc on welfare, wort tli^t t&e auxUlo., h u imdertaken. s u e ilio nnneunced that the annuil CUMstmas party for chUdren o f reterans will be held at 2:90 p. m. Satunloy st tba Legion hall. •

Christion Wornen Meet in KlinberlyKXMBERLY, D oc. la — Women's

council o f the ChrlaUan ctiurch met lu t week at the home o f Mrs. Noel Neer.. M n. N. W. SveorlngcQ. vice president, conHucted the business

' a In the tbsenee o f the presl-

ranged, the pngram. Mrs. Dolph Murray sans (k> solos, and Mrs. Bruce Re«juo give a deacriptlon' of Ohrlstmu In foreign lands. Mrs. Sudle Hager revleirtd her new volume of poetrr, •'Earthbonnd.'* and read 1 number of poems..; Aaststtng the hoetea- ih'servlng,

refreshmBnta vas vMr». *madf<tfd Walker. The Juuary mcoUng wUl be In the new-stxxdy rooni In the church and thtre -will be oii enter­tainment for ths younff matron's group.

G a len d ar'Mentor club vlU hold Ita annua)

children's OhrliUnaa party Saturday at the school botue.

■ ¥ 4. and .0 du b will m eet'for Its

Christmas porly a t 7:J0 p. m. FYldoy at the home o fU rs . Arthur Cordon. 186 Blue Lakes boulefird north.

¥■ 4 A Christmas dUmer snd party for

membcn of the Royal Neighbors of America and their ‘llles will be held a t 6 :S0 p . m. Friday at the lOOF hill.

'H » # club w ill hold s Christ-

party at 3 p. zn. Friday at the Y. rooms. Sants w il l be present to help distribute l ifts to the children.

Buhl HostessesBDHL. Dec. 1»— Mrs. K en Chide-

ster and Mrs. Btrton Sooner enter­tained at a luncheon last week at the Chldest«r home. Bridge j played foUowlnr t lte luncheon with prlMS going to U rs. Howard Plck- rell and M n. JTcnzay Pstrlck. Quests were Mrs. Ted Ahln, M « . Ted Pence, Mrs. Merlin Hsys, Mrs. Ro­bert Bailey. Mn. PlckreU and Mrs. Patrick.

. .«bU « tooesd^ HttB.— ki t oi T. 'StDtrtv ButsblBf bsr town. Bhe earrlM s ' Uvender orehld' with ahawef.«traeunen:on,s 'white prsyn

As'tokebs o f jentlinei^t she irorft V sM w ^ ^ y rls.; ef_th<

ehtet b«}QnvtttK to-'M rsl Oobb, Tw to-FsU*.'■ • •

Ara Saysahlda,'' T w in FkOs. sowsed l n > UAVbltM-erepe-fonsal was twfcM iioooT. ‘ Bridesmaid was Mlsako Alssaw*. slsttr o f ttta bride- groQdL She wocela. town o f pUtk taffeu and ohllfoa.:-Both ,e«n1ed

Ing headbands.- Itie bride was given In marrlace

by A. YamookSL, S l y o ^ Alxbrother o f the bridegroom, w u ____man, and Toahto Alsawa and Takao Altawa, uncles o f .tb e bridegroom were ushera.

The bridegroom’s mother wore s black afternoon dress with match­ing accessories- and s corsage of gardenias.

Preceding the ceremony ' Mrs. Caledonia Harm, sang “O Promise Me." She w u acoompanled at the organ by Mrs. Robert MiUer who also played the wedding marches. .

A reception v u held at the Bap­tist bungalow. Margaret Narlmatsee w u'ln charge ot t^e guest book and Aya H aya^da , tlie'glft'lable. Mrs. Hermion 0 . Rice and Mrs. Wanda Reed presided, at the recepUon table. The wedding cake w u served by Mrs. Max Lloyd assisted by Irene Altawa and Hldl Aliawa.

Tbe bride w u graduated from the SeatUe high school with the class of m o . She h u been employed ta Twin Falls. The bridegroom at­tended the Jerome high school and served 19 months In the army. He w u oven eu In Germany for 10 months. - •

Following a wedding trip to Sun Valley the couple wlU make their home northwest of Jerome where Altawa is engaged ta fanning.

For her goUlg a«ay outfit the bride chose a grey suit and black coat with matching accessories. Her corsage 'w u the .orchid from her bouquet.

¥ ¥ ¥

Couple Celebrate 50t.h Anniversary0LENN6 FERRY, Dec. ]S -M r.

and .Mra. L. B . Rouse. entertained at open house Monday evening In celtbra^n o f 'tb e lr golden wedding annlvdfsaiy. T b e couple w u married to Ciebura. Tex.. 50 yean ago.• A continuous stream o f guests and weUiwtshm .vlslttd Mr. and M n. House durtag ' the evening houn, and brought many gifts u tokens ' f r i e n d s h i p . Ooldennjolored

ysanthemums decorated the room and a golden cake centered the ser­ving table.

Mr. and Mrs; House have ___daughter. M n. O. P. Mayberry; one grandchild, Bob Cnwford, and one great-grandchild,- Crawford's young daughter, all olenns Ferry.

¥ ¥ ¥

Mountain ViewWENDELL, Dec. l^ U ountaln

View club met recently at t ^ home of Mrs. R . W . K ing with Mrs. Hobn- qulst as assistant hostess for a potluek dinner for membm and their husbands. The afternoon w u spent socially after M n. Lyle And­erson, president conducted a short business meeting. Flans for donating to the poUo fund were discussed, and a committee wts appointed to work on a Moimtoln View 4-H pro­ject. During the afternoon the played plnocble.

¥ ¥ . ¥

Eden PinochleEDEN, Dec. 10-Flve. tables were

at play at the pinochle party held Jut week-end by members of the Edra Grange. Mrs. Milford Jonee, high, and M n . Bertha Spear, low, received tbe prices for the women, and F. 0 . Montgomery, high, and Guy Dixon, low, for tbe men. Tlie traveling prise w u received by Mrs. Dixon.

UBS. LEO T . AIZAWA .(Album pboto-stafl engraving)

Chapter No. 40 Of Eastern Star

Installs LeadersFILER, Dee. l»-;nstalIatlon of

new offk;ers w u h d d Wednei

M ^ Nellie, McKlbben. retiring worthy ' matron, was instoUaUon officer, and M n. Virghiia Hack acted -B installing marshal.

The new offlcen are Mrs. Edith MUler. worthy matron; J. A. Miller, worthy patwn; M n. Mary Pierce, associate matron; Earl O. Walter, associate patron; M n. Evalyn Ham- merriulst. sbcrotdry; Mrs. Theo Brown, conductress; Mrs. Virginia Hack, .associate conductress; U n. Dclma KlsUer, chaplalnr M n. Jane Pierce, marshal; M n. Helen Beem. organist; Mrs. Katherine Hawley, warden, and F. M. Hudsc^ sentinel.

Star points Installed were Mrs. EUa Chase, Adoh: Sue Qlenn Bunce, Ruth: Mildred Anlnuf: Q th er ; Mts.' Barbara Cobb. Martha, and M n. Lucy Adele Ramsey, -Electa.

A H o fP E OFILER, Dec. 18 — Chapter AH

Of the PEO sisterhood met at the home of M n. R. K . DUUngham Monday afternoon for a regular meeting followed by a Ohrlstmu party. Mothen and older women of the community were guests.

The group song Christmas, carols, M n. Edward Reichert read a poem and Mrs. Qlenn Davis pUyed back­ground music. Nine guests joined the memben for -the' program. Mn. Jack Ramsey w u ...................

nvlsir; «n article and one • “ ■* 1* ; " Mrs. Everett

srtlole ta- '‘Chrtotlan Home LUe.* aa-ortlolA and three ptcturea ta “Ametlcan Borologlat and Jeweler'* and » fUte ta “sutewlde.''

~ » a m meeting wUl baJan. ae m the Idoht _____

------- »rtum under the dlrecUoo ofa O. MerrUl. Mra. UetrUl and Oorth-Beld. Jr, were guests at. the Tuesday meettag.

¥ ■ ¥ ■ ¥ .

Art Club SpeakerDescribesTravels■nie meeting Wednesday of the

MorT'-Davls Art club w u held at the home of Mrs, c . V.-Jones. Dur* tag the business meettag Mrs. ZIU Day and Laun Barber were ap­pointed to help Mrs. £ . T . Outtery and Mrs. Carl Haynle ta eompUlng the hUtory and diary of the club.

A letter w u read from Mrs. Qlenn Cochran, a member now residing at Long Beach, Calif. Mrs. W. Feamster read the poem of the month. Mrs. Day gave a program showing pic­tures and Ulustntions of her traveU through the eaitem, southern and western states.

There w u a gift exchange fol­lowed by the serving o f refreshmenU by the hostess.

* * ' *

Fete for BabyMrs. Douglu Mahoney enter-

tatoed at her home Monday ta honor of Alfred Richard Leddy, baby'son 6f M n. OrvUle Leddy.

‘Those present were Mrs. Leddy, M n. Ida Snodgrass, grandmother o f tha child; M n. Merla Hepworth, an aunt, M n. Mae Adlta Johnson. Mrs. V. E. Neyman, M n . Steve Ma­honey. Mrs. Jay lAJUenness and daughter, Mrs, Keith Amende and daughter, Mrs. Ernie Knee. M n. Florence .Kerchner and M n. Ray-

.HRS, G. S . SZXENWOOO (Staft engnvlBg)

Gi R. Ellenwood And Miss Drake

Are Wed in EastF n « R . Dec, 18- oijb marilsge

o f Oerald R. Bleawood, son o f I . and Urs. Roy EUenwood, nier, -and Audrey May Drake, WMt Qntocy, M ass, daughter of Stephen A, Drake,Houston, Tex, to-'- -- ---------Nov. a , ta Yor^

ThOM attendtag the couple Nfr. and Urs. Robert, R. Grattan, Chicago, m .

After- s brief honeymoon with the bridegroom's family, the oouple will return to the eu t coast where EUenyood ls.w im the navy.

, ---------------y U n . B e p t t t 'n m —I her o t o ^ tint wltb.thaclQh^

, f Hi aew7,eBt«taliuid , croop at Iwr bone and wia o n liA d

by U n . DtnnU Smith, Urs. lU lph B u n la f, U n . CUtk Slsamore and U n . j . - u . Mason. U n . a - - o . Stronki.wu a guert.- - .

During th» buslnm sesslaa. wit- d u ct^ to U n . J. C. Poe, president. ^ elab voted to Uve money doaa^ U o u to the Ohrlstmu «eal fund and to the ehUdren'a h on e ta Boise tor tieau during the holidays. Urs.

I J . O. Clolbotn. state radio and mo- U » ^ c t m » ‘ chairman, w u tatro-

T te thooidit for tbs w given y Mrs. Carson Peterson, who read f t Ohrlstmu story.U n . Uable Jefferls arranged the

rocrsm and Intnkluced Mrs. Qorth.;eld, who gave a dramatlo n -H »o UtUest Angel,- and — , Banning, who played two piano numbers, carols wen sung by the croup accompanied by Urs. B arv^


odist Touth Foundstloo n e t Sunday at the home of Doris and Carl Crisp. Kenneth Bishop and Roe Flatten w en leaden for the eve­ning. FDUowlng the meeting a social hour and refreshments wer* enjoyed. U r. and Urs. Lucian Shields are spoQson for the month o f Decern-

U n .J o lm n i1sti7fi

'U er/b ler, 0L „Fondiifj

ThatoL___held at the U ___AU str .kBlghto L_____antavttedtoott^V,-to bring a caanedi'to^yit

— — jn-g

w s c s t e irtceally with Ur*. A1 I ...... .Mrs. Gus Kudlao M jeaarK l'a men. Mrs. chatles OottbeBM

,ta charge of the d i n n e r . ' . ...^I Mrs. Ed Conrad waa amaoaecr.'^ Ifor a program whleb.toek tbe-ionn-L-rra

iS « ;,r'..c ff£ u d jss1 land decorations.

Tbe Uigert t o t o . ateotf-of.VHi^^

Dec. U at tbs Twin FaUs Qm-C Bveiyona Invited. Adv, .

Washington ClubFILER, Dec. 18 » Mrr. Charles

Shaft w u hostess to the W uhlng- ton bridge club Friday afternoon. Mrs. EUa Tegon w u '^ c l a l guest High score prUes went to Mrs. Flor­ence Duerlg and Mrs. J. F. OuUck, while M n. Nat Brown received low score prize. *. *■..¥

Couple ReturnsHBYBURN. Dec. 18~Mr. and Vtia.

Rodney Croft, who .were .recently married ta Oallup, N. M., relumed home Sunday. Mrs. Croft Is the former Mrs. L. Hall, Malad. They are guests o f M n. Ida Croft.

Fourth Birthday18-Becky ^ eH AZEimjN, Dec. 18 -B eck y____

w u hosteu Thursday afternoon to a number of friends of her brother BUiy on his fourth birthday anni­versary. RefreshmenU of cookies and ice cream were served bf the hostess assisted by her mother. Mrs. Elmer Pyn&

pcwil*f .«nd sale. Mix shenmlng, lusar and orMgs rini wsnbat antll light fluffr. Beat t n ta, vigor.

Stir to about '/, of Bour eals* niro. W iiR ,m o«h, a«U W o f milk.

mU floor a ju ^lutd. Fold to minuto of com flaLn and nuti. Drm from a tMipoon onto groBMd baking thm. Balu IS mln.. Of until brown. lUraov* at cnco. MafcM about 4 do*.. wai

Sego Milk...4 cans 54cFlour.........10 lbs. 1.15Oranges ............ lb, 7c


CHERRY Chocolotesj S w e e f s O r a n g e S t i c k s

•> 1 4 .0 Z . .i p j # .Jjr- S w e e t ' s T i U i l r l ^ w S oz:-




SYRUP, Gal tin

Q jo c ie tei i t m i i - s n D n c s

Page 8: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF082/PDF/1… · 'k/ K' w ^yOL. 80, Ka 247resident Pot^s SSS^JSJA Conteol Downed in Senate

i ' " V ' * I ' * ''


HEY KIDS! SANTA BE HERE SATURDAYSanta ClauB will broadcast from C. C. A^derson~G6nipaiiy 3:00 Saturda^

aftemoon.'Come in and talk to him over the air. The prograni will be ai!= a ranged by Joe Clements and broadcast over radio station KVMV.


Polar BlanketsJust received another shipment o f our Fa­

mous Polar King Blankets. 4 husky lbs. o f

warmth, 100% virgin wool, 6 inch satin bind­

ing, choice o f five colors. Boxed for easy


$15.00 QUALITY

$ y 9 9

Domestics Mezzanine Floor


• S u i ld

Here’s your new winter suit! Beau­

tifully proportioned to your figure

— elongated jacket and skirt, tiny

waist, rounded hips. In your choice

o f fabrics, color and individual

styling. Select your new suit here


REG. $29.95



• Cream or Ecru Color

• Sanforized ’ Shrunk

• Well TaUored• Heavy Drill

Pockets• Wide Belt Loops• Zipper Fly• Size 29-36

V BACKAGA|^. g : . , . .


SLIGHT I r r e g u l a r s OF p e q u o t s h e e t s

Back again in lim ited quan> tities, f a m o u s Cohasset sheets in large 81x108 In ^ sizca. These are very slight irregulars o f Pequot sheets that ordinarily s e l l for f8.49.

$ 2 6 9

36 Hour


$ | 9 8FRIDAY A N D


51 Guage 20 Denier


Misty sheer N ylon hose, newest fall shades.

Bilght.lrregnlan . $ 2 ^ Quality

$ | 0 0


• Snowman• Santa Clans• Anim als• and Others

6 0 «

51 Guage 15 Denier


Famous M illsy Nyloos in 61 denier* dress shaer weight. E xciting n e w winter shades.

$ | 9 5



100% w ooi; H, FRIDAY AND


SHOP for Exciting Values Every Day—9 A. M. to 9 P.M.


RADIO c o m b in a t io nNever before have we be^n able to offer a radio purchase like this. Bautiful com­bination Philharmonic Radio Phonograph set, 8 twbes, 8 inch speaker, built in an­tenna, no need-for, ^ r a wires. Automatic record changer, plays 10 or 12 inch records. Beautiful hand rubbed walnut combinations. This would be a scoop at ?189.00.'This special purchase makes this the best o f the year.

.M en's 100% wool plaid Blazer JacketST

Zipper closure, 4 . pockets, all sizes,

w ide range of colors. Saturday



UNIONSUITS ^• Famous Name

Quality ’ « ^ Q T• Sizes 36-46 ^ V /

Regular $5.95


SLIPPERS• Fella• Leather• Sherllng '

Values to $4.00

$ | o o



Keg. f 1.00 H

5 0 iPopular Lace Trim


Back again Sulotto slips. BED jackets; ;elastic- back, bra front.Bias and gore cut. All lA vIsh ly lace trimmed f*sizes. crepe b e d jackets i s -

w h i^ pink or blue.BLACK , W ^ T B


$298 *3®®■ •’ .............. ...... :■ ..... - ..... . -

• " i t <•' t -5?a .


* 1 0 2 ”?11.00 Down $10.00 Month

Here It is at last, a large capacity precision built elec­tric range In the price bracket you can afford to pay. Has all the advantages o f clean cool completely auto­matic cooking. 2 large cooking elements for top stove cooldng, large automatic oven.


REFRIGERATORS• Hermatically Sealed Unit• 5 Year tfS if Guarantee ■ Low Operating Costs• Absolute Silent Operation •H uge 7 f t Box• Deluxe Model• Large Frozen Food Storage• Finger Tip Control Door• 9 Lb. Ice Cube Capacity• Vegetable Bin in Bottom



: -.Eegular $59.95; « ' b e l u e Models : « & ^ . o r Girls Styles ':^3)0 Down IS.00 Month


$ 4 7 0 0



* 1 2 ”

• Strong Enopgh to Stand On

• Red. Tan, Bine, Green* Yellow

• New V inyl Plastic Covering

M atchins Chairs' S6.95 Each

Set or Table and 4 Chairs $5.00 Down $5.00 Month

259” PAY ONLY, $ 2 6 0 0




PYREX SETSt • Casserole I • F i t Pan

; S u e s Pan

REG. $2.45



$ 7 4 5 0

$8.00 DOWN $7.00 MONTHTh# dTBMB Of w r f girl young or rtd. * «xU r obett e t b«r own, tad thla ooe U a b«auv that vUl thrUl her w notUng eUe cculd c c ObrUtmu morning. AU cedar coutnieUan. two tnjr*. M a- teiaay, wataat or b k i^ mih.




• Beaatlfnl 5 Piece Set• Highest Quality Chrome

Plate• R esistallT op• Roller Bearing Slides• Room y Utensil Drawer• Form Fitting Seats and

Backs• Plastic Leather Uphol-

stcred• Red, bhie, g n e a w tan

Reg. ?89.95

6 Cup ' Electric(

PerculatorI Fast Action • 6 Cup Capacity I P o lish ^ Aluminum

* 1 0 ’ ®


Copperwore• Copper B ollom• Slalnles StMl lined• Limited Quantities

$ 4 ^ 5U P


T he quick uodera way. cook with pressor^

4 Q T .S IZ E


SET• t Shot .Gtaan. :• S W b e G l u M

• S C o c k u U

• S I O h^



Page 9: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF082/PDF/1… · 'k/ K' w ^yOL. 80, Ka 247resident Pot^s SSS^JSJA Conteol Downed in Senate

[oiiise taBe J&afly‘for Golfidw m H ^ Ui b , M 'im M ea a -k B A tt jM rta tite ittt A w tii

s i^ a s s s a s a s r w juSS?S.SS55M !?*“ ‘

etatU w ^ « U . «m b

a ( « ^ a 'c b u c t t o

r-i:s-S S » SK !K- »h m ,b M iiIi| U .U l d ^ tt» .

-------------------- wbtoh m t® -;pw f to. th* clta oon rM tat.

Milliar d Title Tdurniey Opens InGtyJan. 12

' Two'ehaapioaa «ad two ruimenk ' •Qpiafonner t«unuin«nt « n amoog . *ttw ( ta fo cQeiiti who hare alrtady

m «d ' entqr (or Uie. tbim u u u ti ■«wttrw w ^ ' stn l«bb nU haadieap bUUtrd toumunent Mbed> m«d (0 bectn on Jan. U. S . a . * n a r

. 'B iieken acain v U l'ipon sor and .-manage tbe touiouneat.

H ie chunptoni entered a n Trank Orecsi, vtio mm Uie UUe In 1943 and

'•gate In 1047. and M att Beglon. the winner la IMS. Rtnmei*>up to

H uty Porey and Ployd

■ ‘•Powy and B. H. Atkln«oo were .’.nmnats>up In Uia. sturgeon MiCoy

tn U40 and FlnneU last yea~' Other entrant* who will t .............the grvea elolh ^or cue* presented •wwtriiy to (|}o Vinnerand nnner>up are Howard Leland, Verl Mo»er, Tom WUwm o f Buhl. OUbert UcOuter, Soaa Oay and Johnnr Bomteln. Newcomc Ray rrlea and Tom M eny.

Bracken u ld that entries will be * op until the time of the

! b l i t h e

Sport F rontWith

--------------------JMwr pkh 'em up tad putt 'em doaa------lethlng.to think about: Pete.Blskey, t&e city peUe nmcrlBteadeat,

hu'euggMted that the city t -v t the •*—* ------ -------------- -— •-rebuild the SarmoQ ptrk swimming _rlgon oi. weather change, causing ooostant expenditure of: e l^ tuoda^

y ce p ted

- 4^Quml8 With v ' e Defeat to

Play in Garden\ j i w T0BK.'l5ec. 18 W 9 -F ou r

• teimii-rTeEae. Wsshlngtos BUU, VuihaWah andcaty College of New T o t fc -^ th a ’ oomblned record of a 'rtoin les 'and one defeat will take par . In this evening’s collegiate

' basketteU doubleheader a t MadisonSquare garden. ____

. ' .The first game <a p. m. S 8 D will mateb <64) againstwashlagton s ;a u <7*0). ‘Zbe far

' western Odugars were nmners>up to O rsg n . State-last winter in the

' northern dlflslCD o f the Paclfle eoQtereoce. * , . •

- ..iD'.tha wlndop tilt (10 p. m .) .TKt- « « ( M ) and o o m r (4 -i) wm have tt .eat-agata. The Longhorss. wln>

. B » i Of t2t9 southweirt eonference > ramia«t-a«asbn..wblpp^ OOmr M>

- M last Mtroh to taka third place In tt^. n O M champjonshlp touma-


i^attle Becomes of Detroit

DKTBOIT. Pec. IB W - H i e De», trelt TJgeiB o f the Amertcaa league ahook up their baseball farm sys> t e ^ - ilrepptng Aallju, Tex., and addhv S ea ttle ,^ a sh , and LltUe

. diffmnti John u______ snperifltcodent ef t<ieOUytM. M o. eeheels. who bM eassed oonsUenble e o a s o o a t throoghoot the nallon by taaoga* ralliig baaketball ao4 teetbalL gaaea free le the paUle. !• a, brother of Twin FalW E. O .-I ln y - Braefcea. ; . All gams* are »Uyed. bamedlately after ' seboei; ttnu leaTlag the stndeats' nlghU frM for ttsdy and also giving the of* fldals better oeatrel over atb* totler. . . •’Vnv shmld. the tax*

taia teboel i Blacken said I hte plan.The Cowboys n i . .........

trades and player transfers______blotter but cannot them of* ficlal for the lack of blanks to be filled o u t . . . They’re en route here from the headquarters of the Na* Uonal Association ot Professional Baseball Leagues.

The VFW boxing preinol(era are stm looking for 0«irtte Hansford, the Lee AagelM Ughtwelght whoee faUore to appear for a beat with Boddy Washlngtea last Batwdaly night, massed op tbelr progtaai.TOSS In a few days will be able

UtUe Hal Daideboo, the 1M7 Cowboy eatcher, shot his first doek last Sondsy. . . «Boy. that's great sport." Jie occameBled..AND TH A T8 THAT FOR NOW.

except: Just a reminder . . That outlaw basketbaU meeting will be held Sunday'afternoon In Jerome.

. Sock.A>k. .Bobart <R---------i Otad) HoUe. director of

' minor laagua clubs for the Tigers. •aM.ths changes gate Detroit 10 mi­n or league teams which they own or !»lUi:Wbleh thiy have working agree- mentK’Ba tU d'two mere would be •dd4d before the opening o t the lH».aeaBoe.tpnbab]y In claaa O or 'D . • . *■ . Aoqulsltloa o f Beattie in the Pa dfk) Coast league.. Rolfe went on. -fires Detroit two triple A minor league dubs. The other 1s Buffala

TU rd _______ __Boctos BraTeo, t ^ lo ^ ^ 'm ost valuable player, was the top liot comer guardian i^hUe Marty Marion o f the St. Ziouls Cardinals w m tbe ou tstanding...........................


CHirm^^juotnt‘ tis m II I

..... ....US. 19 .

up With a .SU marie and Marlon at M l.

Another Brave. PhU Masl. beaded

Tommy Holmes of Boston and Augle Oalaa o f Cincinnati were the three,

outfielders.‘ ion committed one error in

391 chances for a .MO mark nes was next at J88 and

Oalan third at J88.EmU (Dutch) Leonard, veteran

knuckle baU artist of the Philadel­phia PhllUce. led the pitchers with

_ u i le; >tT su iiUHrtna baUKna _

m Its m s«4 ! ! ! i i ! l!| !|!

I^^I^JR O P F IN G a r i l i . :

I'XNStJIi&tltOIf CO... s . -m .m t f m n 't t : ■' ■

iALL o f ,OFINGv

StankySets Fielding Mark

NEW'.YOTK, Dee..la («>)— JDddle

average* released

record. . . _____ ofOolalby th e , circuit

Dodger-iDiystooer r U errors In 830 the 1M7 season tor

Dg-tha matleo f M 9 i estahlisBed by Lonnie Prey of the ClneUiaaU Keds In 1»43.

Johnny Mlse, the fence>bust__ first basemsTi of the New York

..................* for thesecond straight year led In club fielding with a percentage of .979. one point higher than the marie ooapUed by the Dodgers. The red birds made the fewest errors, 138 and also made the meet 4.103 and tied Brooklyn most double plays, 1S9.



Ortiz Defends Bantam Title. InManilaMix

•MANILA, Dec. IS ( A ~ A Jut- Jawed nUplno with a knockout wal­lop that has laid away.» of hU M ring foeS 'WUl go staudng: bantam­weight champion Manuel Ortls Sat­urday night.

He U Tlrw Del Rosario, the PhO- ipincs' favorite to become the fifth

- lUpIno to win a world ' boxing champianshlp.

The betting professionals make Ortls a 3 to 1 favorite to keep his Utle.

SOBINBON DEFENDS TITLE D c m o r r , Dec. is (J))— world's

Welterweight C h a m p io n . Ray (Sugar) RoUnson end. challengcr Chuck Taylor. wh» meet In a. title fight here Friday night, onuhing the g r u ^ ^ part o f their training. Vtom now tUl the starting bd l Itv mostly rope*«klK>lng and-shadow- boxing.

a eo-U chance of lasting m ore____nine rounds. The fight 1s hilled for 18 rounds.-. '

PBOTSBTS LOVI6* PATLONDON, Dec. 18 (/P>— A labor,

member ot commons. Cedi Poole,' will protest In the houM of Friday against heavyweight Cham­pion Joe Louis being paid In Brit­ain's scarce doUani for his exhlhl- Uons here next year.

Poole announced he will ask the

______acheduM „appear in a ‘health and holiday" exhibit starting Feb..37,

NO rviDBNCie. OP rSAQD NSW TORS, Dec. 18 The

New York State Athletld f t e r a lengthy Investigation

TESt IN WEEK-ENDThat f ^ t Dropped

Jersey Jee WaleoU;dls||layM the tM t h a i ______________________the tlrrt a itf f o i ^ resnds of their fight la HadUen 8«ttare

♦ * 4 .'

Loiiis-Walcott Qose Title Go

NEW YORE, Dec. IB-Ohere.was a time not so for when it dldnt pay to bo- a heavyweight fighter. You could meet all the potential contendeiB for the. championship month after month and emerge as a pretty good puncher, but that cold, stark truth always loomed to haunt you. You still had to meet Joe l « ia » -a n d It wasn’t worth It.

MotU-BiUy Fox tight at Madison Square garden on Nov. 14 and ordered the 30th Century Sporting

Pox. a knocPhiladelphia, gave LaMotU a t>ad beaUng in their fight and forced the referee to atop the contest tn the fourth round. Becauu o f reports LamotU had not done his best, the iwww,Uii«w ordered both punea ot t a s j i o ^ held up.

T o d a y 's announcement aald nothing of Lamotta'a suspension, which prteumaWy wm remain in effect

Fight Resultsl7 Th« AmtUM fnm

Pilar high school deteatod Twin Falls high achool hi two rifle matches fired on the local 80-foot range. Ten shou prone, slow sitting -ad kneeling were tired.

The scores:

| ffifSrr 5!!p. su W i in s. oiiuoB sii Toui . * »n

zn U. PIpplHatl J. Koonu •MS R, Shamwv

" if l TW»1

TMal » . 1 ^ -

It IUmIaM . ISt.

Wblu Pltlsi. H. Y.-W«]tM Cwtkr. 1st. Mt. Vw»«o. N. T , TKO Jlaar Mo-

(alo. MtpeUM flilly Onat. IT*, On N. Jh 10*

Irmr Cl», N. J.-rrii*W PndM.

? s . rSt. r««l Juki* Buk*. Hi. Cm»4 IU»Mt. MlBB. kMk«a eat Boa Bro»>.

ISt. St. Paal. I.JUrUord. CooD. — Bms Jxk. tie.

Aocnu. C*. oaisobiUd Frank VIc m u J« . TtratoMtoB. 10. •tja. TXO Jtaour lod . S.

HUmI ru.—BSdl« CkfS. JtT. PUl*.K u SbiiOra. lU. M«« Tork.

Tmt<«, N. J ^ t u r CoHl. m . T (_ tot>, eal»elatod JmllakUr, Its. Ihtralt. S.

llifc. IM. r.11 Rlnir, Ifc




Starting aWO A. M.

SUNDAY, DEC 2^; ■ / T i ^ FbUb Gim Chib Banc* . .v: '..

J& «X !^ ..C om e!..J B T fli7 0 M c * t ,« .c o o d -C h r is ta u » B l^

one T aadtar Joey Maxim

Now that muMon U gone. Jersey Joe Walcott proved thst the once mighty champ Is definitely cn the down-grade and that the heavy­weight door is opm.

Sad as it waa to m Louls put up such a oomparaUvely bad show­ing, tho Walcott tight gave a much ne^ed shot In the arm.

It' gave encouragement to several fighters who for years-have been stymied hy the dominance o f Louis.

OUe Tandberg. Qus Lesnevich and E ca Charles look bigger now. And the promoters are ready. Their cold calcuUUons are already t a k ^ form.

With a return championshipmatch for Louis'and Walcott almost a sure thtog. the first o f the year. Jan. 9. wlU sec Tandberg-matched against Cleveland's Joey Maxim In Madison Squaro Garden. This wlU be only the beginning.

Joey Is a natural for the Tand­berg, campaign. Jersey Joe Walcott warmed up on him in his prepara­tion tor the Louis tigh t '

They fought .three times. Maxim took the t in t last year. WalcoU won both later bouts, Jn Philadel­phia and Los Angeles. The CalUor- nla dedsicn was highly debaUble, much like that ot the Louis-Wal- cou contest '

Managed by Jack Dempsey's for­mer manager, Jack Kearns, b known In the fight trade os a eutey, not. much of a puncher, but a mote than clever boxer.

Keama has kept h lnr active the entire year with eight lo-round fights in Miami. Louisville. Wheel­ing. aeveland, Chicago. Los An­geles and two in Philadelphia. Out- aide o f 'th e two losses to Walcott Maxim finished the year with all wins, three knockouts over Marty Olarfc,'Charley Roth and Clarence Jmiea. He won decisions over John Thomas, Bob P ow orth and Chick­en Joe Thomas.

Tkndberg. has been less active than Maxim, but haa looked for­midable on occasion. >

Scoring knockouu over italy^ Luigi Muslna and France'k Fran­cois Jacques h i Ooteborg; Sweden, and Austria^ Hetais Lasek tn Stock-

Thorpe Naihed on 2 All-Time TeamsCINCINNATI. Dec. is OUV-Jim

Thorpe, the gaUoptng lelt half who made footbaU. history with Car­lisle, Pan Indians, today wss named to two'all-time great,football.tesmi selected by James N. Young.'Sentor' editor of Collier’s' magadne.'" ' '

Young, In an article written, for ilth's SportsvuB

named .T horpe_____ __hls'm odem team, msde -up of play- en who have played since 1913, snd an old-time team, made up of men who played prior to 1BI3.OI4-Tlm* Tom Pol . Mmltre

-F of^n (CoIf»t.

UImItIi. , Ea«Tuii Tb«l>» ■

ifjs'-.aiv sSda'. sWiliorr (ByracuM) ..H T —Iltenr. (W. a J. iy»M — RE — MuIUf

11 (Chi.) __ QU Olwk (Colo. CoL

£ v a “____StanfoRt BDd I Lea LliU*bkl. Ftrcr Ilausbuti (IUrt»rd|

Ok^Um* c«Mch«Bi Ams* AUdu b(u


flashy, deadly shooting. Kansas SUU WUdcaU and ■ ' "ference .champion. Oklahoma Sogn- ers will open the big six Dre-senwn basketball tournament, here this afternoon In what promises to be one ot .'the best games of the meet

Each o f the conference member#— Missouri, Kansas, Iowa State, Ne­braska and Colorado-ahd th«.guest team .W ahom a A.'and M. Aggies ore scheduled to play three games In the touniahient which ends 8at» urday n ight

holm, Tandberg has looked bad only once—against the American. Joe Baksi, %\tbough Ttodberg. won


Bvetything tn Badlatsn- SiOca - Seme*


m p a Ave. E. - Pbm '48IW


TURKEYA t a Turkey Shoot to be held at the Buhl Rine and Pistol CIob*8 Indoor Range.l i& n : rata, Deeembsr^l^ 1:00 p. m .'AIm Satnday after-

M B aa< ajtsb Dm . '* , starting ^ X:te p . Bu coBliaaotaly.K ir U : U ^ t j r t i b - A ca llb « any sight - ■

'M CATIO N : B u h lJ li fle a ^ 'P is to l club^ range'intlde the Ban Park on U th S t North, Buhl. Idaho. ^

Sponrored Btfle& Pistol Club

20 Contests Include Tilts W ith Outsiders

' The 8(#gl6 Vayey b ^ t b e n ' lia a winKbel gtvsn'an; oppex«iBilt; •selnt how thsfr^ lgh seheol 'qomtets ■^dc Op agalnsfleijna u — other parts of the sute this 'week-end in a basketbaU progrm that shows 30 gams»rthree tonlght.'.U PHdajr. night;and two on Saturday

IJneu^'of Games for Area This Week-End

zilghtTheIntersectionalelashM include: T hvaday-B U ckfo^ al

Twin vans at P o e a t ^ * ' Prlday-^TwlB n b at Idaho Pans,

Blackfoot at Oeedlng, Meridian at KhBberly, Bapert at Bexbsrg,

The Bruins game WH1 officially open the Big Seven conference for Coach HsUiday's lads andshould revesl Just how much chance the have in the league title, -ncel •

Jerome Opens Season The BlacUoot game at Jerome

officially opens the for Pete Taylor's lads, whUie Kimberly, among the tavorltee-for the dlstriotclass B ........................' um M

It .Rupert can get past Rex- burg. Coach Qeorge Hays' aggrega-. tlon again will be considered a con- tender for the stste UUe. The Madi­son high team is'considered excep­tionally strong. In addltion^to Jerome. Coach Maurice d a y ton's. Pller VWildcats also win open Ihelr season>«t Shoshone against the Redskins, who nosed out the-Gooding Solons -of the Big Seven esrUv in the'week.

Big Seven O p^er PMday night Uie first Big Seven

game wm be played wlU) the Tigers opposing the Hornets-ln Oakley.

Another game' that Is certain to draw much interest will be the Glenns Feny-mdlan game at BuhL The teams are considered tlUe con­tenders In their respecUve A and B classes. . . ..

Baugh Still Good

knockout punch on Joe Louis, who

But Sammy-Baugh, also S3, has Just wound'up his 11th year as the p a n ' master, ot the Washington Redskins. And U>e records' show the thin' tron 'T exas was n

^better.. ' . •Baugh threw 3M times thU year,

completed aiO passes lor 3,938 yards. Each o f thtte figures Is a new

This brought Baugh's lifetime re­port c ^ ' in the 'NaUon&l Poolball league to ijOtt attempts, 1,203 com­pletions for 18,IM yards and for 138

; touchdowns. Esch of Uuse, too. Is a

The roots of foxglove are poison*

B nlns at PoeaUHa ' Blaekfeot at Jerema,

: PBIDAY N IQirr Eden at Shaaheaa Bntats at ldaha. raSs Brain Javew at Martavgh Blaekfoot at Ooqdlng

, Oleana Ferry, at Babl Jerome at Oakley * Baseltan^at Castletftd PUer at Bhosheae Koperi at Bexbarg ' BlaekfoM' at Oodding Bopert Javeesiat Oeolo 'Carey mt-DleMeh

Selfs to Face SHpsIioiile Five SatiirSay^ . t h e l r 'h o o o seaaoa at l t » p a .

iday.when they meet Uta t ^ sfbrottws’. Self* o f Twin lying wlth. th* RedsUns a n '

soR-Haddock.. CUney Banibaugh.. Dean Bauman, J t t n t e r W ^ ^ ^ and Joe Berrioehoa; .Byron oilikeU. OeoTge'D#olels and W a n t o ^ —aU Stan on Shoshone's crack, high school: teams'of. Uia past . .. '

Redskins op en k their season by dtfeaUng S u T ^ S ^ . boasUng such Stan as Reed'O orlnge and Claytoh'Stewart, S9-S7, ia- a game teat went: into o v e r ^ e . .

The'biggest t a r t^ a ^ t ef the sea m (tarllag at 10 BA.^ Sunday. < Dee. 31 at Uie Twln.PaOs Oaa aab. Bveryoae.lgvtted. Adv.. . .

Meridian at Kimberly BaUey at BlehfUId



KnOwiv » .

■■^'w Tbuu BrMktr> e

CMPtM U. Braath AssSm « M w 0(7. Uuh>,41.

. BUU IT. .8»riacndS MtUn.)**T5«i*tiKk C. Xtw P. 41.READ T7MES-NEWS' WANT ADS.

■ U, Brat*. sin n

PERFECT . . . . . .(or Am «uiw-Onr 4*lktoa kitcUa a>il« uwrM tiocBltl* m m . (Fm auU «n»[i>s|.

F R E D E R IC K S O rrSU( («r ta d b In -Cntm.





BELLEVUE, IDAHPBeOe'rae C h am ber o f CoBuherce

WE BEUEVE IN SI0 N S --espea8lly those about the careM'handUng o f goods and safe opetitioo ’ i^ veU des. ' The habit o f doing the jo b safely and M il is iDgnined in our J'rW N yVAr’ .peiM nnd throntf tiihiii^fsihd aqperieoc^

Haaii h Hom»'Merrk9Stirrk» th m yo» o

Foe " r w m u r ’ M o v t r a s a w q c d f c

COA’SO£//)Ar£J>1 4 7 F onrth X fe n n o

TRRBEFEAXHEBfl BBSBRVB— ’ Tirat AnwagF&MWhUdw Once 1882." T t«m < u M wUsUm tdend-. •d.^Ith^tha f ln u t

f i < t . :

GOLDEN WEDDINO, gataitarmrnd.coldia flavor from ''Qolden OraIa.*” XUs notabU whiskey with it* 60-

:r«ar backcrousd tnakae a Uiought- fcl, welcome'gifL.

JAMES E .P E P P ^ ^bottled In bond ander Ooveraneat supsrvision. Pull- bodlsd-prewar Ken­tucky Straight Oour>, ben, 6 years old.100 proof


yearse ld .E va ijrd ^

Page 10: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF082/PDF/1… · 'k/ K' w ^yOL. 80, Ka 247resident Pot^s SSS^JSJA Conteol Downed in Senate

m m'- - Slocks

, •Marketjata eiahoi ■■


- - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - —3s"jta>vi«.


s s n ^ a ^ - a s i j a ; *

Id U* (la^ heor,: ftaufan n a ta MwuX «r tb« tin* « t n U. S.

?a,.“a ,^ .5 r< £ i£ irjObl ZHUn AlrllM, An«rfm> lUcktM? > 2 s t s s i f f l a . - s r i . i i i i ;WftoJtil.

Se*lt«nd nO hand* bwd<B«4.NEW TOBK STOCKS

' NEW YORK; Dec. IB VP>—lMtt u l« :Allied etoFM — -------- ;_____ ,3 i «AlUt C btlfflen __________ _ 4014Amwlctn Alrtlnea-------------- - . 7H

MM-UMt wBBfn »d4 mlWn II evUn aa4 cobbob bxt k .-.

iis-.i'S'"’' ■" ■ulibU t.OWi tou! MOOi M>’r *

[nir nJ ’'uTn”% « t ^ <tlwHBnrtUulrbutBMtbUieiFuMmbIr ,; = s r . i . v s s . " s . ' . s a - . u s

fl&K rSANCISCO 'SAN TftANCISCO, II (ff)-(USDA) •Uco MliUf KOI U l wTi «tn> utf «Mc« U n m «d4 sUt* U Jti i«ed

!ii» !i!51.>| m iQ

American RoUlns UlUi -_________American'8nwlt.,as Refinery _ OTAmericin T d ^ T e l_________ JW «

n Tobacco B — 1.___ _ W. 34«4 . ffH4 . li%

IKtklnMn Topelto ts S tnU Fe Baldwin Locomotive Bath Iron _________

Bethlehem 8 t ^ . Boeing Aircxait _Borden O o ._____Budd Co_________California Packers

- 72% -4 1 H - lO S . m- IIH- 46U

Cerro de Pm - Cheiapeake StChiyslcr .•------Com C red-----

- 4354 _ 03- *1%

Eastern Airline* Electric Auto Electilo Auto'.,.

General electric , Genera) Poodi .Oeneral Motor - __O oodrioh------------

- DH _ 3«H

___ .. i Ib. Kr»di c«n SOMi

Bb«n »Ubl« 100: tiMdrt nfdlam Bnd t«ed if*, t ptfU U Iht. tIM i Dtdlon to «bek« r m w Ud MO-tl ^ .

WAKiAS cm rKANSAS CITT, D «. 1« -HJP)—J£«»

IJOC: wilclita e*«r KO Ita. tMO l(n>« ".......... to* 17 00. »*M .»*rtBilr.____I.KOi calm 100' toed aUscliUr•lOTT* K tm BDd fnllr «t«>d/:•nd« •U*di> (4 wMk: btlfm .■Mdfi Bitdtam BBd biralr teed itMn S4.00.J7Ml trm lota BTonr* and falfb-

tlMOO.O*: blcb^nadlsa an4 reodE a f f l t » ! s s © “i U 2 r . i i K ;

» ! . .> .u „k .

ocDtmOGDRN. Dk . It (JP)—(USOA)—Ilof* (tUbU Ml total t.lUi BMBtly U >a««r:

- « «h«k* 300.:H ha. S0.7I, practical . r»w loM haul •blpoiwit* 17.0040:

t40>H4 lb. JU t: SIO-SOO Iba. tl.7»: JOO-........... U.U; hMyl*r walthU S4.tMl:t.O»>ttJO.----- luUbb « 0 f total l.lMs«»U#anh

«Iov B<irk«t: moit aarlr aalaa aha atack •Uadr In waak: madlaa baUan It.00-Sl40

" m ee«i l«.00-tl..'«; eutUr t» ceov..... .I.O»-lt.K>i tannm 10.10 donn: nod10 <bo[«t vtalrn t).00.1 IM t l«U WadMa.;

Uw food eew( ll.e0-iaM i ona lead . — bull* t7.»; load cbolet IH lb. (lock cat's SL71.

Sha>» .alabl* 3«0: l<iUl <.(H; noUiIi Mid aarlrt aaklnt atMdr to atroni on ol. lolai teed and cbelea Irackad In a1>U(ht«r UmU U.OO-II.OO, nat.

:«ii^ KAKBAB Ctrr CBAtH'

«.»ji |S.liiii July MJ7«..... - V».7j't<i'lti'lKi*Ni.‘’ » Nolj^ r . .^ .B d »u .d « , « H . No. .

Oalas « ; le lo««r la b[«l>tri No. 2 to II41NJ No. t I1.J# to

‘ wio'nalta »(.».Kallr 14 to M.UK. nrt t:.6l is f2.7(N.Darltr m 7 .

Great Northern R*U road___ 38Ti

IK tcm atlanal Hanratef . ^tem atlona l Nickel Can . International Paper .

M 36K .- 12U

National Cash ResUter . NaUonol r 'National I

North A m e r l^ Aviation _ North American Northern Paelflo .Ohlo O tl________ _________

Packard M otor______Paramount Pictures .Penney — ___ _Pennsylvania R R ___Pure O U ____________R O A _______________ _

- 49H- 54% > 17 H- SOS . 41H- 39- 20?i

I 1414an

- n\i . aiH- 31>4- 34H-. aiH- 43- 17’ i

- IflH ..4 8S . 33U _ « l- 16!4- 20 - lOU

Twentieth CentuiT*Fox . Union Carbide —Union lO U ______________Union Paclllc ...............

_ 53H _ 13H -.>334 ...103U

PORTLAND,**^2c*'*t°OP>-»U8DA»—.iod Mlab'a ISO: lotal IJOO: acllTe. •Uadri sood tad abolea tBO-2iO Ib«. » . » : ■e«*'okelca lel II.M1 UO Ite. lUO; coed U O ^ lb. aavt ulabla S4.U-U-«*>'nod aad cbaka fa«lar pica aalablt lUO-ST.OO

<Utt]«''Ml*Bla BBd total »0> tiw aarix aal«a ■iMdl': (laar* asd bairu* llitiltad:

itaara nntold. eannrr and ntlcr .. . lI.OO.l4.O0i aema held blcbcr: binlr tood bMf cowa 11.00: n» aarlr actliball. I odd h«ad tood «<alm h .ld ____27.00: aitmna top Wadn«*day 11.00.

Rha>v ttUbla and tnul M : nominal; nM and cholta lautbtar lamba aaUbla tIJO. M.OO: nadlan and tood r*ad«n aalibit 17.0fr-lf.00: toed (WM'osotad I.H.

United Corporation------------United States Rubber Co. .U. B. Smelting___________U. B. Steel .............................

Iry. daaiand vary •9 t*w r«>«nad u i

dSlii«Bta ara tram pmi ira roIllBt bbmK.0«ea«lonal "eauh can’', aala. Varleu*

IncladlBC. faw far tutura dalltmr. 'I. B. No. t <lta A »uhad t.(M.eS: un* raabad S.4t4.7t. Ulllltr trada. »aih«l .t i- t.tK ; nnwuhad t.U-t.lt. Fractlcally no mdint *itb crawtn.

Idalmi AnrkaU U; thlpmcnl i... Markati Supplla madrrau. damand alow, dall and alaw.Track aalti .par 100 tba.i CoUrade rad

WeCUria U. & 1 alit A «.a.b«i l.U. Idaho

J3i.“ N^**mVola a'nd* M” D«MtB**RH rIvCT VBllay cobbltn No. S tinvajhad UO: pItM irlumplu U. S. 1 »l»a A tiBwa»badt.oo.

We«tem Mr Brakes ... 29?; . 33 4


NEW YORK CURB . NEW YORK. Dec. 18 W >-Am Sup ... .............................

Technicolor_____ — .-Trans L u x ___ ____ _Un GasUtah & Idaho eugar .. Utah Power St Light .

Stock AveragesCa.pllad brjnia

iDdo*.Nat abanta » D4

' r ' -lad Praa*Z . . S ^

Tbandar —_ M.l Pratlooa dar_ tl.l IW

IM <(4

•7.0WaaV ace 10 0Mestb ato__tisllTear an ___ tt.l ii? 4l1I«4T Hlib __fl.«1<47 law _ _ 114


414 11.0114

Twin Falls Markets^LTVCnOCX

Cbele^uiw^ue.110 lb*. _

Packlic asm it(bt_ (Tw» daaJira «Bot«l)


riiiKKfa 5Sott wbaat, par I

JS ls .4 !Oala. too (M. -

4Tva daakn «oot«d)Bits

Rad elerar. 100 lb*.«'>,V"sri2.ri:±* irw e d

■lAWS' Qraal K____ _ _ _

POTATOES <IW»T«adl . . .U. 8. No. 1 n Ttj 11U. 8. Na. I ______________ ■ -----------

(Oaa dtalar ratMl)Cetor«l fowl 4 Latbm toA .

f c s a : ; :

K ..n Bnv » ’i r'K?’«OL . .

S.barlar ix . ruz T.oo.

Caih «baal (Old): Bafl wblu l.Mi wblta (azcludlBt m l f.»J| whit* t.tl: watltn rad t.n.

Hard rod «lnt«ri OrdlBarji tJJ

Todv^ car racalpUi Wbaat 7S: barley I : f lw 7l,aora t| oata »{ BsUlfawl *-


IDAHO PAUIDAHO p;u.LS >t.L8, Dac. It m-BblPPlnt ■momalloB OK poUtoai (or liiabo

. . Twin FalU and-Uutlar'atellonai Olfarlnta ralh.r lUbt. w » lUbt wlra daaiand vary llahl.

- • ■ lor a«UblUh.tDar< UklBf axti '« piaaant — aala aiKl taw

Pour leaders of Americans for I>cmocratlc Action said they would have no part In a third pank

And In Los Angele«, national PCA CO'Chalrmon Robert A. Kenny tald that he favored th» Wallace boom.

Dimension In PCA ranks over the third party QuesUon fUtred Iplo the open Tuesday when tne organlia- tlon’s co-chairman. Dr. Prank King* don, candidate for the New Jersey Democratic senatorial nomination, resigned In protest.

This was followed by the resigna­tion of Bartley 0 . Crum. PCA na­tional vlee-chalnnani In San Fran­cisco.

Wallace was not available for comment,

....— SpaBUb Bimt aalaa: Ukhlns r*Hoiri'l.S0-i.<0|

^Ueonain IJ(-IJ0| UlnncaoU l.M; Ukb. jBn white bollart (M Iba.) J.OO: Ceteradob**"K

Butter and En'srs

ChMai Trlsltla 411l7Hi Ur«a B

K t il «S A »7: »0

to two ranu a dot»n lowar:No. t. 5«| No. S, U: No. S Bad 4, SU4:

•f'x**"** N»- i BBd », tl-SI: Na. i

CHICAGO L.........................MltT7 tim i taMlpto 10 track*: P'lea

W f

email-Jack* as: rrant baa------- --— BBdar II Iba. « l :

d<KKv_iSa l l .

------ (lev) com and bull* ataady:

l t^ l l .0 0 : toed lUufhUr aalia 31.00: nadlaai vradai lLOo.u.00: comiDon llM -


>■«« »«-’b *o?d a»d_ «bolc« itOOSO Ik.b * r w ukd tllu 1I.OO.W.OO: 1H.WC Iba.

~ nolblBt otNrad.

oooplcs, the DBka aa« D w bw i « ( Wfndsor aitlTe at » New Tork merle premiere. The docheaa is la aa aakle-leagtb erealof gown an^ the dnke.ln » forn ^ttlag ; tvt'

Left-Wing Group Split by Wallace Third Party Bid

NEW YORK. Dec. 18 WV-TOp levels of the Progressive OiUaens of America were split asunder todayover the question of a third..........movement with former Vie*Henry A. Wallace as its standard bearer.

The PCA recently urged. Wallace to seek the presidency on «n In­dependent ticket with these actions:

Two of the organization:! top ranking' officials quickly submitted their resignations.

New York units of the powerful

• opposition. ,

Two Valley Men Enlist for ib-ihy

Clifford D. Trowbridge, OoodlBg, and'Cecll R. Staley, Kimberly, have enlisted In the regular army through the Twin FBlU army recruiting station. P im UeuU Gebrg6 P. Clax- ton, officer in charge, said Thurs­day.

Trowbridge, a former member of the Idaho national guard In Good­ing, enlisted for five years in the corps of engineers. Staley, a veteran o f World war II, reenUsted for three yean as aetaff sergeant. Lieutenant Claxton said.

DRIVE ON TAX ACT__ IISE, Dec. 18 OlA—The state

income tax division shortly will open a “ vigorous campaign" to enforce the state income tax law. Director P. G. NelU said today.

WOOL.. YOniC. Oac. 11 bPt-EaUmatad of wool top* «*ra »0.«00 pooBda

newaalM ol

OMAHA. D»«. II UV-(U8DA)—Ile«ia uUbI* 7.004 s toul lO.OOOi actir*. fullr M lowtr, tew aarlr ■*!•* te ehlpncr* U vttt toed and cholc* barrewa and tllU >00 Iba. up lUOt. antral load* St.t3.T(. la ahlp- t>«n; 1 loa^ S7.00: tnp: lt«<tOO lb. ' — row> and flUa'U.H-3<40; tood and «!----->1.0'. I ftw 3I.UI t ^ *tasa 1

11* ••Ubla and toUl >,1001 tad *-----alroiut to U bltbart.apou up mora: bclfan *t««lr to •IroBtj fateowB ilaadr: tannan BBd «utun itrmucar: b«tl<. TMlirt. calirai •laadri alockm and faad>n onchaatad. — - (0 cbola* madlum w«l«ht fad lUara

: atdigoi BDd tDod abort tadi >t.OO : tood abort tad balfcra St.OO-r.OO: m *bort fada dowa ta >0.09: CM

eomnen and maJlumiiiooi ^ io foo .» '^ t^ ‘ » ^

•»Sbaap 4at>bla 3404: taUI t.KO: >Ia<vb-

lar lan-x actlra. ataady u> » hltbtri — 'and cbaua woola a44t-<0; nadluv__teed 1I4MI40} awa a i ^ «4t dawD.

Back& AndersonWASraNOTOK. Dec. 18 un-

Presldent Ttuman said today Secretary Anderson very properly rejected the request by the senate approprlatlom committee that oamefl of coounodlty traden furnished to It In secret at a closed session.

In a statement to his news con­ference, the President backed up Anderson’s inalitence on c onm s- Uonal leglslaUve acUon If the names are to be made public.

O u r P r i c e I s $ 1 . 1 0 P « r Ponnd



• SEGO MILK PRODUCTS CO.. ■ 'B i i . i w 'n ™ . M M ji

‘^ e a t e ” ffli-

TNn«««tni « b o . Ukt «oj:-awB around to tba k lte b a ea& Ebt«,« M o f fun BMkiDf ooeklM to Hbbc OD Uu ObrUtmu ttM and pot mtdv it* ir t«a bengtuk

jQst til* u sw l r«clp« (or-B otu oookles asd ona lo r t«Uad itngw ■nap* will do. But tha tr' ' tba t o a - u in cutttof tai lag the eookles.

If there a rest apaeUl .'Ohrlitmu

an angel-oa oardixwrd, tbaa cut U out. Whan the oooky dough is chilled and ready, nour Uw.eard- board pattern, lay H oa tb« roU«d« out dough and cut arouod wit}i « Shan knUe. Remora oartfuUy'Wlth a wide spatuU to eoolqr abnt. U large o o ^ t * are belnf mtd*. roU out ooly enough dougt^ for ooa cooto at a time. And aren when amau eookles are ba ln t'out mulla come from- roUlng out only the smallest amount o f dough and keep-

rest chiued in tb« W tig-

Bom'e of the glngertiread men wUl hang by their beads, w ith (tan. bells and angela take eaoh eookjr while It's stUl trash fram the oren asd wann and pierce it-with a skew­er or Ice pick to make a H «lneh hole. If the cookies get too eilsp before al the neceasaiy Jabbing U done they may be put back in the o m for a second to soften.

Some cooks like to maka the holes for hanging them before the cooky dough goes in the oren. llU s works out aU-right with aone types of dough, but it's best to tty it out on a few first.

Decorating has endless postlbUl- tles. Brushing the oooky dough with beaten egg white or milk before baking helpe the decoration to stay put Colored augar, aUver or colored Uoy candles, blta o f candied fruit.candied fruit,

chocolate drops.marasohlno cherries, ralsirn, dates and nuta all make wonderful decor- aUons and can be put on the cookies handwmely before baking.

For after-baking beauty treat'- ment, ttse.colored froeting and apply with a regular decorating tube, a paper cone, a paint brush or a tooth­pick. To tint the froating, mix In

shade. Small botUea o l food coloring can be bojight al the grocery market.

To color sugar, dissolve a bit of food coloring in 1 teupoon water. Sprinkle It over %, cup granulated, sugar, mix It well t « color evenly, and- spread sugar out on unglased ~iiper until dry. Coconut may be

>lortd In almllar laahlon.After they are deoorated, the pro­

fessional way to hang cookies Is to insert narrow tinsel or colored rib- bln in each cooky hole. Then the ends are Ued in a linn knot, making a loop, and’ an ornament hook or a short wire 1s put through the rib* bon' toop and attached to the tree.

Scribe Wiriis ‘Anti-Capone’

Movie DriveBy ESSKINE J0BN80N

HOLLY\^WD. (NEA)-W ell. you did it. One million, one hundred seventy-six thousand persons de- uged movie c*ar Brio Johnston with etters and peUUons protesting the fUmlng of the lUe story of Al Cspone..A fter five weeks and two dan. Johnston finally realixed America WSJ fed up with glorificatloa of notorius gangstera in moUon pic. tures and in motion picture UUes.

On J ^ t o n i recommendsUon. the board o l dlrectora of the Motion Picture Aasoclatlon o f America ap- proved changes in the film pr^ ductlon code to outlaw:

Any film dealing with the life of a notorious criminal of current or recent tlmea which'usea the name or alias of such notorious criffllnal in the film.

3. TlUea which luggest or are currently associated m the public mlsd with material, characCen or occupaUons unsuitable for the screen.

Titles ImmedUtely outlawed by the action Included "DUllnger,’' “Al

— ne.“ "Roger Touhy, Gangster," *«ta Klilers.** “ m e Capone Story."

and "Me, GangsUr," which glori­fied crime. A film based on Ca- ponet Ufe can bUU be^filmed. under the code, but; with the magic name of Capone outlawed, the punch U gone. ■

VoUar ta’ -thlBdUCtWl'ftWB'l t o ^ -

tfaa •ttm<l>BOt'>tini» •ohooU Inrolred,'bMldilr^^tiw Uotmtaln Vtew. ar*’Sbunzoek^

Brewa-eyed. geMeA-h*bea Terry Tnllof. et U w el, KIsa, haa U n ebeeen aa (he porter eUld lor tbe IN I Uareb et Disea caBsalga.te

^ money for the fight agalast lalaaUle paralysSs. Iliree-year-eld Teiry Is the yeBBgest child.erar aaleeted to peee fer the peetar. Be was strikes with poUe ta IMS, before Im had leamed ta walk. Berspid reeerery and, thoagh he aUU weara btBoes, is axpaetad tm Tegata

" ase of his legs. The IHI eanpalga et the N a ile d Fe«adatt«R ter. - * “ - - ly s l i , seeking po.mMO, will na tnm ia a n r y U lh U>


House Okays Full Probe of Mart Trading

list of hesvy trailera. of congress

(Fna pact Om >------- publlo'a list o f heithen namea o l memben shall not t>e.excluded.

In testimony to the committee, the secretajy urged aM n that con­gress approve a res<duUon calling on him to turn over the Ust. Be said that would be the "easy, better method.".. .

Vote for ReselBilea Alter Anderson had explained his

refusal .to turn over the list to the committee, siemben voted to sup­port a Joint aenate-house reaoluUoa which the aecretaiy said would re> Ueve him o f the neceaitty lor with­holding IL '

Asked whether his reasoas for withholding the formation were “legaUstle," Anderson said he does not know.

"All I kaow Is the clrcumstancea under which It was obtained." , be said. " I know o f the pledge that haa b w given to the people who fup- piled it."

Banned by LawThe Uw under which Asdersoa

gathers the informatloa from ex- < ^ g e a and brokers provides that It U not to be made pubUc.

"I assure you again." Anderson •aid, “ that aelUjer the President nor 1 have the sllg>itest objection to re leasing the Information you desire if the means are provided-lor doing so in good conscience, by dlreeUoa of tbe congress, and not under the shadow of legal doubt."

Both Feiiiuon and Chairman Bridges, R h N. H., have conUnded that Asderaon Is now legally tree to make public the Uit.

But Anderaon said the. provlsUms of the commodity exchange act, un­der which the list was com^Ied, "Impose a specific duty upon mp to keep confldentlU all such Informa- Uon obtained by the department In the admlnUtraUon of the act."

T r y to Keep Oenfidenoe""We have tried hard to keep in­

violate Cbe confldenee reposed in ua." he continued, "and' I believe that the repuUtlon of the depart­ment in this respect is unsullied. I cannot conceal my deep concern that hannftil consequences may at­tend the disclosure of names which you now request, l have suggested a way whereby, as a publio official charged with the duty of holding In- formauon in confidence. I may be enabled to disclose the Infoimatloa you request without doing violence to existing law."



SALEW e Have Buyers for AU Type Stock.


l o t o f i l t l * so o d P a t 'i l i d F M d M C atU .

T h te W e c k




7 Clyde B o t t a t ' * B an «B e3H ; ‘ W . D. '

Emergency9U8t A month altar he got hU

new lalse teeth at the 'Tetarana hospital at Boise, W. W . OhaTla lost his lower plate Wedaeaday. i

C»u tU said be left tbBin lying on tba counter in the Sport Shop. Main avenue west. - I hadat got­ten used to them yet.** tbe vet­eran declared.

Be asked the Under to'turn the toeth over to the poUoe.or mall tbem to htan in care o l ganeral dellTCty at tbe Twin Falls post-' office.

Tbe Uggeat. tsrkoy aboot et (he

Prices P a idD E A D a n d USELESS



Burglar D sd Key ' - I To Enter X k fim f

The Bobu LmnbeE.eomp*''(treet aouthV in a kMMaw

between # : » p. m, TueadajT'tadVff V tn. WjJnesday. d ty 'p oU oe '.w -^ iJ ported, lh a bttrglar caletvd W - : ? a key. they aald. ^ \

iltolen were an B nettt«ie lnfir>'.:^i oc imusteatlon radio, mo4U H7*1I..^ >

aeria l. number »4 M 0 , .and- tva •ap«aker;.numbe»a3a74S8 a n d »7 .« 0*7. value, waa e s t^ te d a t m , ' ~ '

Paul PTA MeetsPAOiU ’D M is lA -C b lW a iu pn*

«ram waa pteseated at ,ttw j « e o i . t meeting :el tba Paul FT A .'

.*nioee who toole part w o e I M M “ *• Rflii'are«wrtL"tb*v;..,

ib a B «T .K .K .| la l« .^ ^

Merrin, Joeciie Jones.. . Mai7 ' - l _ . aneaa, Balaa Bunting, Bola-Oeea:..: and Joy 8cboOeld. . ,a - ^ ‘ • ' ' -WBt^MrredloDowtaitf

nioiith a , wmM li tun of ihooiht- ' ii ii'i lessness, youSl Had a o eTldeaee.«t;; ‘ -m OEM raAILER OOMFANT. Yotw - problem Is our problem and t o aK lit' , „ yeataouraim , 7 o o rg ood irm ito iirv ')$ payment lor .$07 advice, jratt need ' . . , OTO trailer aad tntdt body builden aitwf 1980.'


Ho«vcr‘ Ocancr; Model as. with cxdi> '? '•Ivc -Pealttv* A gH stlM ’* (It ' ; bcat«...M It Mrttp*..'. Mv It dcina*). CIctna alone—

$5995 '

OeaninffToob:' » 1 8 * *

■Hi* new Hoover CytliNkr v^eaner, Medd 50 4dcant

by powerful auction. New Idea In dirt ^/ispoaal-the Dirt Ejector, .Complete.with' deanlng tools—

Sef*cf fc«r Nboytr loffay or pJbMw for e &OOW a

w tiM

Page 11: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF082/PDF/1… · 'k/ K' w ^yOL. 80, Ka 247resident Pot^s SSS^JSJA Conteol Downed in Senate

d lnotto 'tf Uii.— .ateiUnaoa ef Um second m rd .

_ r T b o m p n n of tbs f in t w u d WUltrd of ttu W«QdeU

v'.'l-.ltooM .

R - . O ^ k i c e n n a n : Ua. Keith Wort.nr«d|ft,.Mri. Vem ibm lln -

. , M O .;U n .. Jacl; Wctater uul Ur*; J,V! Jtewdl WooU«jr;tU Joome. - v; n r y i.U lk w u glTca by a « W And- V zw . AmngcfflSDU for the Bffalr ; ; ware'tmder tha dlrectloa of M athu >;;, _____________ ,

e Two Hurt as Auto : Skids on Curve

JSROBCBr X>ee. IS-'Two Twin M U ^ ^ t o o k to tba flelda tn

- tbeJr automotUe m ly _ T O u - '— pn rmtwgi Mul csctped wltb .. .

' minor Injurlea when tbe vehicle

, T Ahout 8 0 ■». m. the eutomoblle drlveo br EUner eeherblnikl

’ akldded on » curve three miles north ' ' “ o f the rlm-to-ilm bridge. The vehicle

took to tha open field and turned . over once before oomlng to » stop

•man, m puaenger in the car, were brought to the'Twln TUIi counV

----------X . boapttai for treata^t.

Directors Picked By Beet Growers

JEROME, Dec. ”1S>-L. W. Oran> dkU. Jerome, W. r. Stlispeon, Sho-

' shone, * snd Bm er Eraldns, Eden, were.eleoted to tbe board of dlrec* tors e f the. Beet Growers tsaocla* tloa tn the Jerome county eourt>

-Iwuae Wednesday ftftemoon.. ■ Holdover lUrectors are K. T. But- . ler, Ooodlnc: B u ry S. UUlez; Jer*

. « a u : 'R a lph Smith, Jerome: Bom , EakliL'jerocne. Robert Sdnuu. •Wenddl..' Repmentattvea from Ooodlng,: Jerome and Xiacoln eounUei, who

. -.w m .preaent at 'the meetlns, dls< etiased the farm labor situation

' bat raebed BO definite cooduslons. nmnber o f beets harvested In

the three counties tbU -year waa double tbe amount harvested In IMS,

'■ BToweis reported.

OCADiOHt (Of 01m»UMw«*k dvi. II >. » .»m bnrdtf

J!d M CM b. Sim la t»tw4 t* tlM •enrUM*.

« . ‘ w j t s ! U : ' s s , " g W “si a n ifeta esc Umrm* ioMrtiM.


KIDDIE KORNBR NURSERY SCHOOL win «it« for «hUd«B h r« V . ef mostk. XrtaiiW o n tot amll W


P E ^ O N A L S aPia<c»H lomUft Mifc Uni* c*nioW.CONTBACfoB !■

cf lota. WHU So« UA. TlmwWt-*. _



•U*dj InMna. Bca S12. rhoD* !«.. T-Ib r«Hi. A*h for Mr. Pl»k«.

AGENTS wkDUd. Wa (aubllib jea la th*

Red EstaW Transfers■ ' ZnfemuUlon Fornithed by

XWto FaOs Title and t e a t Company

‘ TTud r.

O l& llliKteU Ur XanaU AUImo.

_____»H «h lia .«J»e.M E S»l#14..

Oaadi Ctttu Uaair Iblrna* te Laoaard ; . U t I Stk.l h l iS

JDaadi a S. Pairita l» OharUi JL lOala-

I M i V. B. UMitv to Laan E. rWur.; n e . pt.LM ea Bimm Vbu Addition.

. v a a. baadi Brcbm U. Spaita la Uward U.II# B»a«* VI.U

■ Haa4i.inibartD.nral nVLsla a, T la • >0 M.

: w K s s - A S j r i . M . ' u f f iDadi Nortii Aotarleta Ca. la J. C -

j t a f i . s ' o t i ' i v , . ,

. SbkU. ai,Xot 1 BIk U TMb ruia.

Time Tablesr a f "

No. i t m l*«__ !!________ T>tn m m


l 3 ‘• rao isa cm .-^ONKicnoKs

Ka. t}. Idefcw. arri*ai Sbwboaa 1«»si:

BEAUTY SHOPSJ-JsaMANBHTa MXO and » « . ortt Twin

Fall* Uaidvara. Phoaa 1747. COUPbm .ad^ra baaatr aarrM V

; g . i a “ s . j a s - ' s - y i u a !Braewl BUSINESS OPPORTUNIT


1 l« Sex Ul. Jaf

SITUATIONS W A N TE D*xp*ax tn* tepDlB* and faJJIa*. OoaL,

wbm. CoBsar 4Bd SWadlaa. Pbaat II7W. .

5 s f u « n u ! i “ . a a s s . - i s ; f fH.1.S M 4a» wa. . w », BlM — *-« tnm Oacaraua u>4 fiafcl.


----------- — ! ; s i z

(Dai laaTtBf t u i . k laeal ta Watoar.

a i r !i l S S t

7b v arrirlaf^ arts pja." la'^AMr loaaL Oa tilO arrlfsl acbadtil« «>a car naa *U BoU ud eaa car «U Ooedlat.AU eUiar baxa aa tU Oeedlasr.

_ i i u __

aim VALtiT

Z t!l» a £

or aaa paalen to leaab' »oaiiB, Wdto.Boi

TttZt tcnlar. Ultlnv/Mauilat «Md aa4 Ice uiiOt witk chain aa«. Sloiasa tiaaW

S i s r s

BAVB KONST..rod*22?i;ti.“T b 2 - ^ I S fOSCAR O. OLBON. COtmUCTO*

HELP W AN TED — FEMALEtgAMTtDn ^parlaaa. b ;a a l l^ 'c1 ~

a Baaaty 8




: o r A WAY






(aolulloB. Bapki odrannmraL aiaallnt Appir Alualnom C ................. - Waahlaatoo. BoIm.

ttUMlim. M ^ a * >■ a<« M». Batlar. t.

T R A IL E R PARKoa bUhway 101 d-reoa boaaa la troal

aad I two-reon beuMa, on* cabta. •PM* foi 10 uailar hent<a. aUo »a«b bam* and altow«n. tneoma bow IIU Mr iBOaUi. Mora Is aunnwr.



ffa bava oaa of Uia Ib« and wall loca Uw citr. Slot taacbloa aad baar, aad baa a nrr rood lew ptica aad loag Ua>« aaaaos.

B IL L COUBERLY109 Mala Ava. E. Phoat l«Ma H. UBPPLEB Pboaa UI

CBOCEBTi WaO loeatad la nod r«(. daaUal aaettoa. wUI aall laaaa. tUWraa Ud atafc. Prtcad ta aaO.

HabOa Sarrloa SUtloB * UroMtr-

BEN A S P E Y , Realtor11* SEa ST. W. PBOK* til

LIVIM -----


UEATEO__ ________


«r aqulpaat. MMRl.« OR

1 a. reed (amar wrtta Bea tSA.

r s s ' s

aM> aebMl’ dktrt?' risant*. 'aqalparai and rafaraana. WriU C. W. SmlUk raou 1. TwiB ralla or tall a^ aa* sa I a l l - waat ef tkmth Patlt.



LO AN S & FINANCINGOH A t n j^ O a i^ O W I T O R .

W . C. ROBINSONlAareaa treai ludia Bid*.) ARMOLD r. CBOSl He*.

t»» Uata MTtk Paaaa Sti


CORP.Radio Bids. . Pbens cm

4% L A N D BANK LOANSLoaa «£^B**'SuU*leefc**S»-


111 1VM Ataaa* laidb IWta ruh


$5rafto OBXO BZATT. Ugr.

OMBd noar lUab^* Tmt 8Uc.

4% Long Term F A R M LOANS ■

He r*«. Ne atock. Ka aaaiatalaa. Ad-laausaa af tha Xqaltabl* Ufa. APrnOVKO^OBTaAOB LOAN*

OOOD^lmpro^^Q er M Baar Twia FaUa


Ul Loeoat aftay t 9. m. Pboaa IU7W. DUPLEX. BOW. aMdara. (all baaataaati

atakar. deabla vamai ait«Ucel laaetaaE T ; i . i : ............................

tr rOU ara ftaaseUUy abla u d lataraatadla boylt--------- - -------------- --------BttraaUiss r :





4 ROOM M ODERNBan* ea 1 acr* tnet. alaa kltabao,i s E . ' r ^ " i f a ‘s s . V " " ^iMatioa. Oa kaa--

CECIL a JONESOpatalfc Baah a TRM ' Pbeaa U4I

A VERY NICESlrUUjr ewdara. t badrooa ban* wllh (IrapUea, oU (aruaa aad la a rtrr fla* leeaUea. Uaa rwraaUea room

' F. J. BACON111 Uala X. Pboaa IliS-W . IIIMt

EXCEPTIONALHloa bo«M ea lUi A«a. Kortk. Uard- w ^ flaen. I badteoau, aeod baaanaot wllb fnraaca aad al«kar. KlaaUla bot wBUr aad Uak attacbad te faniaea. WMb la ba<«mnl. aaeleaad Uek poRb. Oiraar l«a*lnc tewa. Poaaaatloa by

' ’ \ - ? 1 2 ,0 0 0 —REESE M. W ILLIAM S

xn 8be>beaa N. Pboaa l it


boBM. (araaa. Cloaa to elv on parad road. Wall faaead wltb al<* yard. Tba prl«« la aalr

__________ _ t.aix« sarasa. WalllaiproTad plaea.

« W OO I

C. E. ADAiJStU Mala A*a. C. PboM Ul


V l-Z .8 -4 .61—NEW I badrooma. aU hardwood

floort. loTtlr IItIbv rooa. allaol tjr»* wladowa. • • - -

LABQB naau. atahar baat. cloa* neaat. lUM.tO.

S-S 0B0B00U8 aad bath. faB oaaiaat tat. buUt la IMO.

(—LOVELY saw botaa. flBbh«l imaa la baaacaaat. oil baat.

-UI.OM.CO—S-NBW baaia ea 1 aara. SatUac at



St,7M—Two.badraoa aiadara hema, full Uaaaaat. tBraac*. Corair lot. <th ATaao* Zaat. elm to icboela aad btMlBMt dliulat. Caraca. fanlaa.

laa, atlllt7 ream. ___________ _____matla at^ar baat. Urra lot. «anta. PiaaldtaUal atnat.

MjWe-Saull. «a beaia. modara < tot H br tu f<

te.eO»~A flaa la*aatffliat-i«y tt.HO dewe ea aa auapUoaal. B«w. tw^ badroeai bcoka la filar t aaiua* tba 01 loaa et li.lM at oaly «%<*pay UO BuaU>l». para>iBla. aad ooUaet «M raat aaab awBtb.



.80 ACRES: -

waiaara aniaau ‘Plica iii.Bee~w.eee *aab ' (K. iO-frnx leu oa bataaea..

J. E . WHITE AGENCY- - 117 MalBJk»*.;K_____

IM ACRES. IH »Daa fraai Jareaw. (•S?S5«‘SSr’LTSS.Sr'Sa.S2’ taS2:M ACBES. t.aillM traa) fareaa, 4. looa boBM. teed ban. Uaatlir la al> (atfa. t7.(«e.0e. U.O«eM dewa. bal>

“ I u V T i a n n

kat prigd ^yjaaraat. aeaia tarau

C. A.“"r M I N s 6 i? RealtorBaab * Tran Dtd*. Pbeaa Ml

34 ACRESt<A talla from Baat___K 3 T ^


Ib N. • , Pboaa IIU.W-

K ACRES niar Dhtrict. ( baUi. praaiara ajataa. b iBCa. tnjM .

II ACBES Saakcr FUt OlaUki wltb fair Ifflpreraaaati, Uad coed aad Uri azeallant (or waUrlac, oaa baad- lau aad ob plaa*. tllMO.Oa.

W. 0. SHtTll. Daak « Trait Btd«.HOHEY TO LOAN

70 ACRES AT P i m t It am* ef raal land aad 11 aera of raal paatara. Vaty faw wa*da or reeka. Balldlaca (air. nod wall fall watar rifbt Tbia pUea eaa par far Itaalf la oaa r—t. Priaad way toa abaap at IUO.M ptr aer*..Alao aoaa raal bora la coed beia**.

ELMER PETERSPboaa U U U er call at 1140 (tb Ar*. E.

80 A c r e s


F . C. GRAVESRadio Oldt. Pbaaa III

10 ACRES rood Uad naaaltoa dUtrlat. Ou rood t badrooa boaa, (air oaUielld- lati. da«» wall wllb praaaara pon». Prioad (or abort Uaa tSU par acra. Wo bara baraia tor Mertb aU« Uad. 14 aad l«0 acra. BUbdald. Jaroaa aad Waadall. Wa weald appraelaU piar llatlB«a aoea.

C. E. ADAMSItt Hala Ar» t . Pboa* tU


680 ACRESIrrlntad raxb, tH acra* la row era?. Two aodars booaa wltb doabla (craza.t4 (t. br tl ft. work ibop, t tnaat booaaa. Itll Watar rltbl. wllb IH abara alorara water aad 1* abara Aaarleaa Falla waUr.

CRAIG & FALES “ ‘ ‘ '^^SbSm a.iD A H O ^"-”


Good M ..................vnur>««( catcBm uvum.

r W a. pola cotrala. barr Mil.

$16,400—10 aeraa. (.room aedam bona. bara. ffraMrr, taraca, cblckaa beoaa. nllk b e ^ aboap abad. *ts.

,?18,750:^to acra, (*reea aodrni beta*, acroral rood balldlars laelodlaf 4 ^ a to . «M booj*. T»rr rood aelL

$19,600— /H acra. (-root (•ptloaaltr (laa ■EK’ iasd all watara •

?76,000— .............ttt aera.,tbra* «eod botaa*.* (la* eolballdlftci. cuod toll; tbr** tracton,

$21,000—(e acra*. aorfara hi


FARM IMfLEHBNTS»4l0BSXr0WKK WItta Kaaellaa'naS

$100.00 TRADE-IN ALLO W AN CE' On Y ou r Old

MiUdoff Maebina .







L et Ub Have Y ou r Order

N owaad «*eld tbat iprfas kaih









, ,^ 1 9 4 8 M ODEL........-D A V ID BRADLEY


AaaUlbla ia ( « B n. wtdlbi. n baa




roRO Jom i OESBB


Alao for etba tracton •398.00 and UP




WANTEOi Straw, will bal* (er iS t huaaa. Phoao 04MR1.

MlUtu SarrlM

r. Ida. Pboaa ItU.



8AVBI — « alaara- _ _ p pMltfT aad Uvataak. Call M w t.« BECXLBY

LIVESTOCK— POULTRYr o k _ 8 A ^ I .*«»ia« a^^^ aid Jem

I. e aUa aeath.

draa. Manrla Berd. Pbw* l l ( ^

lEB eewB ~a^~b*U*n, t ra a ?^

Iw t l . V « ' » S S

_____________ •

diV« birda fa r ^ r ia ta ^ Pa. •■**. J. g woi(...............

TIIRES b 2* acrrw tall So*toa ball


l a s f s j i t t iFaiaala fMM — Mala tUM


WANTED TO BUY ■L M as atoB* Jao 10 or 11 saUaa. PbaaS

d JawaUr. Tb* Jawai Be^

WANTSOi IM tb. bla ilokar. Pbeao ni-W. Twin Falla. V ~ ' Vallar “ no Sboaboa* Ea*t. Mail*

Wanted To Buy G IT R U C K S

Jerome Auto Farts. .PHONE « JEROME, IDAHO

MISC. FOR SALEaU U aad pad. ceod coadlUoa, 1 11 .00. 8 Maarka atrtac

GOOD maa’a blmlau 414 aosth Loeuitl TwIa Falla. Idaho.FOR BALEl Uaby baftr, lika acw. J. a

Wolff. M i JatkaoB.

----------aad (ga*o fatbar*. Pbaa*PooUrr Sapplr.Arablsa (ar.^d M t. axeallant’ -- W.oe. Pboaa-mttf.

at Ut Walaat. jRCs a ) laar.JobB, ’ hlcr.W in ..callaat w P - pair. Caimee. . .

■■ “ ' ' Oeod ooadlUaB.Ptaoaom Jt

rOB SALEl Olaatt* aatir barnr. Phoaa


Christmas Gifts BOX 81

E I87U




Horaart Portable CEMENT M IXER


•6148Available N ow


__________ TWIH FALL!

HEY WOA. e r o p LOOKIlAt Wbat W* ila** Tb Balt I

Oa* Botsr aceotar .ae* naall aate coaur. oa* aatall aoaitar wacea, a alactria .tvra. I eU batara. oaa^S^la,

r|fla. oa* aoantla* S S J l





•188.98 ■ '

SE A R S R O M U C K & CO.

Page 12: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF082/PDF/1… · 'k/ K' w ^yOL. 80, Ka 247resident Pot^s SSS^JSJA Conteol Downed in Senate


T 1 M B 8 -H B W 8 > T T O N T U J A W k tK tt^ -

HtM Trtno '-^ rS S .8kl BlDdlafi

. w n r w u .

. _ ._ _ » ^ l* ?OufnKS«k! O o « l« * fitl Mltlnt

Dr<?‘w«o* §Mrta • WmI »Ir1a nubt 8«ets . AI»MS nukt P«sU


IH K(Ib South fbsat It)

every da; till Chrtotmu 3 t m Uckets to Uio Orpheum anil a uekeu to the ItUbo will b« awarded u p r im In Lb« ObucUs conttft. All 70U need do to enter U to d ip » conplsta Uaa from the o u t Ouldfl wcUon and ttae balance ot the comrleu Unea (up to 0) from tny elber part of-the claMlfltd aecUoa ot the paper to raakt up a funny sequence. Taate up tb« Unei In the most bumonnti oOmblnatlon poulble and aal) It to u» Contest Editor. TlneS'News. Wlnaen.wlU be announced In Uili »tumn dally. Cali for your ticket! at the TlmesoNews offlet.


8Ur<y 8Id««>n> Blka _______ I1I.7S

U t f I«x»UT.-----------------------|l.»fim ikn with fool m t •»< Ibc .

SEU^’S' I HARDWARE it APFLIAMOElie SmowI Art. 8o«iU)


Wins 3 Uekela to see "U vlnj In a Bl* Way"

or the comlns attracUoo at the Orpheum . theater. All UckeU subjea to federal tax.

B ca fi IB TOE c tro c iO Ellrr »h ». atup Umkll piM : monl>i> oU. Iniiuir* at T*»m. ITifM ar* crhp and fr*« from wurou Inalcl* and mil. Ihli Mali/ hamlM br -17 Bit* and tpura.


wins 3 Uclcets to see “ FllBbt to Nowhere"

or the comlni attraction it the I d a h o theater. All Ucketd subject to federal Ux.

UERE IS TDE CHUCKLENo n>ml to b« without Iml vilrr • »rn coi.l Itoraiit loclrf pUsI »a>hn. irlpU rlncM, <lamp dr» : J»r»»r family cow> an<l one lloliUlti ohm >ou r> not thir*.

E X TRA SPECIAL LABOE d e l u x e sc o o t e r


m u e They U st M.CO DIAMOND


t.«w •pnial) .31 toll autvt UUli Suiidardi RtmjRfUnir Ph'lloo »»frS

BED’S TRADING POSTSboboBo South rboD. im








t « Irt A««. 8. Pboaa no


8UPPUU - KN1T.N.STITCI1- SHOPPS AcnM (na Booalor Forellur*

r th# bard t. ____-ir ihopBinc IliL

GEM o p rict surri.y




S ,'5S ,V'iSfSh






----------WOOL- 8.-----




S-U-R-P-L-XJ-S S-A-L-E-S ,



*10.93Sears Roebuck & Co.


SPECIALS 1 SOUVENIR SADDLESstamped T w la Palls. Idaho-

Resular * 6 ^NOW tlJIS






Porc.laln bo ta. ..u and p,pp,t,.


KB Wuhlntton Dun* lUJ

TOYS — TOYSSEE OtTR OIPT, ANNEX Vrw Sblpmaou ArriTiB* Dall>






QuMB of Qualltr CotarlaUC A B IN -C R A F TBEDSPREADS

iw l^a wM« »rl«t]r «( patt«rD>

V A N E N G E L B N 'S 'Famooa For r i^ Tbtnsa

- L U G G A G E - 'Hupar I'ortnat aiwl UaiMllIi • WARORODE STYLU





La41« btndbaca It.H and t : .»



*78.00M & y ELECTRIC

G«n«nl Elaetrk AulMnalJaCO FFEE MAKERS

W m i IIKATINQ UNIT IlMt turn ent watar rb**: btat call off aauwalkillr tUDdard medal tT4> i D«l»< tlO.l1



’ XSDCOXD TO ONLT |7j(S i«*«ral tTPm WlntOT


ARM 7 ‘IRAININO RIFLES r Ike Bar-foi-Chrhtaa -


See Us F or •Real Barealns.


, ...T W IK F A IX 0

i p j w •• BENDIX

Automatic: W f A S H E R S ,

...... TU'MariOtfV^.........8ATB WORKI


«1Sa rM’r t^thon.SEE ON fiiS P L A Y AT


“ .fu“ ‘s r ' 3 r

W#w*CbrlilS5ILA*‘SatoSTnL_____ __

SSI iS i'tfu i


IM HalB At. . N. PbOM XIU


sponr sujbhADULT GAMES






TwIb Fall. PhoM n


SIMMONS Electronic Blanket

SW EETS FURNITUREMl Main E. pbon. n#»

A t Harry Musgravo’s Furniture Store

n« Yo«r Cbrblmu Sboppln* In tha VUIait «r Op»onsBll7




:l :iid Ato. South rw »

KAUIO AND MUSIC:U Plano for tal*. A-l MndlUoB. AlldtlU. Klwbafiy.

UMALL OaldKIn cablntt m n i pUeo and J.«.B<h. ln.,ood cotwlltUm Phona «S.M.

ClAL baritlna on na« radtoa. rrn Yalaa. . ISS li>d aT«itw a< ion* 464.~ A U T 68 FOR SALE

I tHj^ronD tba ain'a.JKS^BTUOiBAkta M^D. (ooj era'cJitlra.Prieri rtoht. Phona OllUt.______

t » l CilEVBOLXT BtjlnwUf t doot.

JESSE M. CH ASE, INC.: « 8 h ^ * -w “ « “ ut

t. c«o4 condJllon. Prkad

..-I BTUDEDAKER 4Mloor . . . .IHI melor haaur. Coed Wrm. N»» wirlnt. Pbono III. — — '





JUS FORD aadan IMS DODOE pkkHIS l»tl FORD coach l t » PLYMOUTH aadaa■‘ 'V o S o ’ fllLE










' '« T n u t s♦ FlUt* BELIVEBY


THE TIMES-NEWS Is Featuring a

Lovely. Selection o f



GIFT STATjONERYCWnrly aad attrt^Tal; ptiaiad

. wtU Bta

Authentic Antiques Cut Glass Fine. China

t h e " u n i q u e SHOPl » UalB Etit









CAHvmo t m



I FORD panal (ii i rHTXRNATIol/At "tn«k INI CHEVROLET tncic



201 In] /






- *3346i>0 —IM7 BUICK Super Convertible

-<*$393.00 —:M7 CHEVROLET ConverUbte

. . .Super- *3S09.00 —

1M7 CHEVROLET fiedan- *3M9.00 —

m s DODGE Sedan« - *3385.00 —

m e DE SOTO 3 Door-*3343.00 —

, 1M8 CHEVROLFT 3 Door '- tIMS.OO —

1 » « FORD 3 Door<- tlMBXW —

I M CHRYSLER M m Yorker- *1848.00 —

IHl STUDEBAKSR Ootnmander- *13M i» -

m : MERCrURT Sedaa•> *1399.00 —

m i FORD Sedan- U308M —

m o PONHAO Club Oonpe

'mraslory of <w othar UuM uto^

’'^ ' - s S r v v T t b ' l i ' " ■ VGuarantee That Really .

Counts. 'VERN COGGLE . ATTTOMOBILES -803 Main ATe; South




o o M s o r AND LOOK THEM O V IR .

’ 5 s s j . “ o i “a ’? g s a r


IMI FORDlow MdaB, hmtu^ »i»4« PLYMotrra

FJcka*. hnut1N« OOOOB Fickap. ndloIKIFOKD

S 2 “i2 S .


Wa doBt* nota Drioaa en « t htro. far aata. Dal tMcatiM "a havt « *u barln* ersaniaaUoB u d an dfWln

i l £ £ ' i v S " , i A f l v £Bro.Bl.ut lot «• »U1 tnda «lU m OB aa boaaat b«aU of dUfanx* b*. t«o«n CUV. y>» Ballhar atat] yew m .flnrallTtlr <»a*hlu. mt de ** tin TM as j^ tr a r r prka es m r

la la (« M wllk tha nhlla , »hlla prorldinc ov OB<OTl«al tnMportatlOB. Wa

im CADtLLAO U IM7 PONTUO II4T BUICK SpoeUi IM7 STUDKBAXXa Itn OESOTO CWIOB «iah ««»•ItU OESOTO Cnttea lin POKTIAa tadaa S IMl CUEVaOLCT 4-4oor" .Iftt FORO *-«ier . ' .INI FORO ttaUoa.vweatin FLYMOUIHISn OUSHOBXLB cow \,

S evera l O ld e r is iodeb

M a k e Y o u r O w n . T e r m . ••

BENA m — __________ ,

< isM a tf-A :v k n a 5 t*r j; P h o M _ is a o ; - i ; '^ ;

]' i .1—LrpKSrSiat. P ^ I

nodal t eO haat. ilaifa (aor.T L M saiau iH -si& ii

RbW ltiS..t*0 3«e ifw Tw


w m .

Page 13: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF082/PDF/1… · 'k/ K' w ^yOL. 80, Ka 247resident Pot^s SSS^JSJA Conteol Downed in Senate
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m im w B M j. vUb.MOMttwt udU M lw .cn tM

p e r o a u « a a * e b. ot’jaaUor Iton i:_______________'h m dni|ip«d M.'ffloch: u^'U. p«r ■ «*0t. 1 •

• OB tha ottatr b«ad;'itoi« a u lu f « k p dat o at that r a n doHur o l w m h llh it t t m l i i t ]«r,'Uktleiit> tall th46 M r .- to d /V ts . JobB Q. PobUc * n M l a i n o n for laM to thalr GhrMssM itMpBlvc.' •' ' BtkplA oonsiodUlM cSrt rwHstoed

. « t ftbout tb«'BUb«*l«TU.'i>bUe Inz* t o r 'I te m t e n iaemaMI m im cb

UBoe . tojn a n movlav t u t T&a -rU ih lo r . toys lUrted •bent, mid-

NoremlWj w d mctuiz*«tB btU m atoeks win b« oluutiud bcfon ObilitznM Itx tplta o f u t KTUBCt price taunua o f 10 per.euit .JXinr B uictunti

throofl) ths tMn^Juweret, tod «(• p«ct th it 1M7 « in CO down M a leading rear de«plt« ttw d u k ihad- e n e u t tv inflated doUara. S '’ A large chain department store reported ttaat 'tb e Obrlitmu nub opened up on Deo. 8 and that ao far

p between IS and ao per ___ ____ laat year, wbloh vaa an■n.Mmu htyh

A drug 4tore operator reported tbat Obila&naa buying tben la off ibree to four per cent, but he's atm looking for Uu aUver lining. Els theory during the pre«Obn>tmaa daya U that iboppeis lUTe been lulled Into a feeling of being In.a

. land of plenty beeauM aieretaandlae I la m on plentirul. Being . Epical : ' Americana, tbey mar be waiting un« ;

til tbe laat minute.. Bdudty of Items In prerloua years had caufced ■ eren ■ the most dyed>ln<the-vool ’ procratUnatare to do their cauist- i

Hospital Ucense Requests Urged |

BOtS^ Dec. 18 (AV>BoQ>ltaIa. Imatemltr and nursing homee and , ■imiur institutions operating in thefU te were urged today by L. J . ■ Peterson, admlnlstratlTe dlrKtor of the Idaho department of publlohealth, to submit application for 'prorUlonal license before Jan. 1, '1M8. <

Petenon aald the 1M7 seuloo o f >the state legislature passed laws re^ ■

g the of such Instltu-' I

*Tbe law defines a boepltal aa a facility for the diagnosis, treatment or care* {o r not less than 34 hours in any week o f two of more non­related persona aolfexlng. from. Ill­ness. dlseiM, Injurr. d e fo^ t^ , or requiring care because of old ace,*^

. ■ he aald. • • . •:,Application blanka were aent to

an auoh losUtutMrJn October. 4 t presebt only about half « ( iba hoa- pltals, m atem l^ a n d ' suntng hom u In the state have subnlttetf the InfarmatloD necessary for a U* cense, be eald.

No fee la required for the license.


B » - t a w t o r ; MU:----------------------styla demt-y tiit fenrtrtna ssaK55SS3f£;

tSt!S3‘S5SSStoga DOW iax* iM lfw ■ tlat\fUta aatwuhtBiUB


aildt R.-' Oabdrcu' 0 n lM 8t4tM dep> sty. OB the ttaltad^KattCBa atcmlo enargy cxwnmlsslon;. m dletn] that HoaHarmlgbt aeoM d t f ohann ho- oUad'-aad aign a;tr5ty<ntUng up worid atomlo enerv-eentroL

Russia ao far .has zatused-to ac­cept siieh • broad; tnaty,'Vblcb la faTorad by the D .-a ; and nlna other eattons on the 13-' ' ‘ sloQ.Bheiias

^Insd bsf abottf __________________a g « IW Deeaiber.'nuaa'ebqnM rHt- tut toanda wflL Jost about' laval dtf

mentb* aa eonpsiiwl to Jatt jm r . • r.' • i

Jawdi7. aales,. daOnltalr • an • tedl-

AldtDt. ttila .yaw iB^oocmtvicthtg the tandatey-.towud;loaTlo( sbopr ptaig nnta.tba laat^a^Bto vaa'.tba y $ a a u v t a t « i » ^ ^ t e a o d by

paatftfd y '

outlawing o f tha atomle bomb,'with ooQtnls. to;t>e set op after further nsgotlatlona wtaieh. aoms'.df'— * - said conld go o n for-yaaia. ‘

Osbom outUned-hU Tlewi cn tha

_____ n & a d V - 't o 4 t f ^ W : h l ib t o t h e r r S T p W ^ ' ^ hathought-wii a bmidti e r 4 d elotlUng

' got tiuuad'. •<biBiS*<biteaded tha


a k n ^ forcMUaa fllitts troBx.'dn'. •da to Ueiloo^-^TibtuaBip t o .b « -v « t « a M Intb both...........

OUmax. xsoa.bubHa'-lD'IUsr on a few days iWt S t .tbi pr«rttt Pwks home. B e Utl for. tetUnd,Ore, to Tim r ^ n s . ' . •

t w ^ R qhU an d tbi’maJorltjr, to a newaooofm noa.. • •

•pprorad by tba 'ctvH >*<” lnlttTatlm ••

It U the aeooad'aaeb-aptma to be approred. Xba; flnrtr-waa «ram -WaiUngton to Loa A&geiea %nd now •-I being marked.- r

The border .to bord«r’xaute.'to.ba known as -Skyway n ,- ,th e , acanay aald. will iM a «0-mlle wlda'mazkad akywty from Pemhlna.'. M! .D ., to X*redo and Browns»llle« De*.--.

Eutem .aiid w e c tm , altenuUlva routes, tha cItU aeiotuuUos admin-

i^yehue up' WABBUid TOW. Dae. U («>-Tiia assodatln 'of' Ainetioaa nUnadi said t o ^ advanoa t«p6Ha<from majcr eanlara'lndlealo. railroad tratlng’ xeTenttea In^Morembar In- etaased I9.per eant.oim.tha.ear-

inspondlngmoath a m r,ago.

Grain Shbrta^ Ban Isfiequested

WAaBmOTON.- Dec. 1« Wi'..— Rep. Norblad, It..; Ore.. asked Seo. retarr o f Agzlcultura Anderson to guard against any cepetU laa^ 'lM t jrear^ grain abortage In tlw- PadOe northwest. '. -A t the tim e.of; ti» pm lpua

ahortages." Korblad wrote Anderson, n h e grain had been shipped out of our area and oar prodncera want assurance thit tbare wlU ba 'no rep- Itltton o f these shipmenU that win deplete the supplies Jn'our area,.''

B e asked that the agriculture department make. Inventorlea. and draw a deflnlCa plan to provide for — -auate grain suppUes'for'dairy,

Itrr and llrestlek growers in the

Page 15: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF082/PDF/1… · 'k/ K' w ^yOL. 80, Ka 247resident Pot^s SSS^JSJA Conteol Downed in Senate

b le m s

i *In Reich'Plah' ' Br X tf. BOttOtTS; Jit.v: S vw «ip ) A m mt-'rat U B iW 8UUI. m em t (o ""MM— wwWrn Qeniuay (or Uu -M Suaover Surope. 1< Uotd wtih t«fl DTDbla&i which itqulro cm TiI

: 'BtAOMrailnc-t'ow prevent the of Gvman mnnile over

' ptrtlti"", ^ how to » : » ( ; « rreoeh■ Icua o l iwurtral m uiarloi. .

, .The Oeman poUUciJ p v tin■ w iu ' p»rUdp«l« In Uie pro*

n ■ « « th*t Vitr wUl be

ari.™“s.“ ssi,5^m ■ prorWowU joremment con*

■ BtUuW tepfcrtUinL. Ctatlow (tfttementi br Fteocb of* fld t li *uyyeit lh »t an Amlo*Araer* Sean'Vnoeb mutaal defeiue tm tr mar b* their price for mener of ttow oocupetl^ o f wertMD Oarmny.' CaoUnnttton o f the four<i»irer e o ^ couneU In Berlin U w e thing

11000 to coaTlnee the Oer- ^ IS S ^ th ft 6it*bUibment of oa KdmlnletnUre body for western

' doei not couUloU fomuland final acceptance of t permanent dlTldoo between the weetem and

tone*. The aUes can be J ^ S lS l 10 « I K » tta Idea that the door It belns kept open f'"-

eoopersUon In unUlntl o f Qermany vhenerer that becomee

rate, the 17. & and Brttalii « & with the aece^tjr not enlT o f r'T<"r InduiUr of wettem S L .n T to im n le m e n t the Muehall Idaa which B uula U determined to wrect, but al*o o f getUn* out f ^ under the trr------------------------- *"

Pfdiestine Problem IMsposejl <)>I Blit Not Settled, Edson Av^rs

aow sbara in tuppwtlitg^elr nnea They can be expected to move ahead la Oennaoy. if neeessaiy, without too regerd for the opinion of & public which, after all. repreaenta » defeated enemy.

But the French posllloa, precMd. cbuld proye very embtr- naaing. The American campaign Is

. eoadtuted as one to help Baropt. not M one to d ^ e Rtu- aU. A trl'power treaty would be taken by the Russians as directed ■ytn«». them. I t would have the tfieoTof closing the very door which am«rtr«n pollcv U designed to keep

iwtiU not be bro^ a n o u ^ to stand as m lly represent*

Uooal American reftaU to b e ^ e tied t » in treaties which o lfh t In* vein m automatically In wars of other pooplei making. By making A fou r*^ m r treaty IflcluOlBg Btu* cU . which we have offered to do, tb4 U. 8 . would be acting merely to prwerrt the fmlta o f the Tlctoiy orer O e r »a « r -> «n s m ^ . that. we would n ot bare to fight the same war over again.

Oq tba other hand, there has boen ft crowing feeling In f&aa cir* d e l that. slnc« the great powers •ra mifM* <o keep such a peace «ren U i f were made, the D. & ■hould icek more help In. Us an* aouneed poUcy o f holding a world< v ide defense Una against ths com- Uaatton of Buaalan Imperial expan< •loB and eommunUt rerolutloo.

7>aDce might get. farther. with American |WUio ' opinion U she would apand bar treaty idea into • jvoposaJ for m worid-wlde pact against any igrasslca.


a t o r n Brent and Janet Michaels v treTnarrled her# yesterday by BBpcrior Court Judge Be&ry o. X w . Xt wU tba fourth marriage for Bretit. The bride, a San Fran- daco girl, gave her age as 37. Brent placed bla at 4S. Brent was formerly BjarHed to Rutb Chatterton. Oon* atance Worth and Ann Shtddaa. •ctrceaea.



I****" 5®'* A*_____________________________ Thetssse may bate been disposed of. Jt haa by o o means beenaetUed.

The V. M. had four possible eota*Uona. Let th e Jewa run Pales­t in e . l^ t the,Arabs r n n It'l Partition. Do no* thing at aU.

Since the BriU Uh had decided to puU out In IMS, the last choice _

Oxi have meant * -J .« » le war. Neither the Arabs n « the Jewa were wlUlng to Jet. the others run things, and they w o u l^ cooperata on a Jointly omtroUed sUte. So parUUon won. Not because It was tha beet soluUon. Xt was the onlv ona left.

Uaay predictions that partlUoo wlU lead to war are now being d l^ counted by responilble pfflclal^ They say American oU Intertats wlU not be damaged. Tiit Arabs want to seU tbelr olL They have to sell for V. 8. dolltrs, because in loday-s world thst's the only money that will buy anyUilw..

DUorden and guemila fl| between Jew and Arab are exi . to die down. Chls lighting Is with knives, rifles and pUtols. machine guns. People killed thl# way are Just us dead u when mowed down by tanks, bombi or heavy arUUery. But they may be countad by the thoui- ands. Instead of the hundreds of

; thousands.Tba U.. 8. Joint chiefs of sUff

wjcprcased fear that Russia, which backed parUUon. wlU take the Ini* tlatlve and move troops Into Pales* Una in case dlsordera get worse. ThU has been dlscouated. however.

Istd to take iait action In •aa invasion of P>1(*Uob. I f -------Jswa Jtart emlgraUni t o P a la a ^ , watch out.

in the U. N. goicrftl iuepsbly,sate for reerv'----------*-----------I brigidB 04

j duty ID PaOi-— -------------irsarlooffleaa. The V. N. eom< CO. asslfned U idioinliter xieu-

tral JerussIRn and cnrerwa the economlo unity o f Arab and Jewish Mates la PiletHzie. Ii jnade u p of representaUres o f BoUrU. Osacho* Slovakia, Denmark. p»nama,.......... j. How fut •n:lntt—

:tlorcem ud be recruited____ ____ inolea of those countries,and how eifeetlve it.would be. Is uncerUln.

A Otecta bstt«]lon might erent*ually be wlUuira.ws. But If Ru«alaa---------erer got Into Palestine, bow_____ they ever bt «oU«o out?Nobody else wotUd ttnr.tbe Psles* tine police iot>oUD]etf Amaricaa Jewa would be wOUm to eallat. In a strlotly Jiwlsti anny.. But, ftasuminc tn these little deUUs cfta be taktn cmre of. Utlooad PaltiUaa lUU b u lu gest teat shesd. In proving it can provide a bomelamd for the Jewish people.

laiioa or K O.ooo^m and^^iboo Arabs.! ) ! « Ataba an said to be there by choice, because Ibsr make a better Uvlni thftn tn the Arab states. 80 they o f (a n o problem, unlaaa the.............r t driving thim out to make.............r more Jew. B ut how f u tcan the homeland abK tb tinml* grants?

The MTual 'thouisnd who tried to run the Brltlah bloclude and are now held on Oyprua. presuznably have first chance. Betolnd them In Surope are a diUIIod d i^U ced Jews, ctomoring to get la.

Zionist Ittdera hire adioitted that no mors Uun 30QM) t o (OOMO can be absorbed In' the next lira years.

But this may be too optimistic an aivraisal. Soviet Russia U known to want domination over tba Moalem countries, from Turksy to Pakistan. So far they have made no headway.

Arab rulers probably fear commu­nists worse than they fear the Jews.

In the event the Arab Is------countries mobUlta aa army t o ____the Jews out of Paleitlae by force. It Is an issue for the'U. N. security council. Russia Is moit conveniently situated and it has the men mobll-


Perfeot means fUwIen. A radla* tor r e p a M here ti oae .that has been ■ carefully. palMtaldngly re­paired o r reeored by a skilled machaale M d th»n PROPERLY tasted ter that It 1s returned to you tn a condition to function PERFBOTLT.

Complete flteeketn e w r £ d ia t o b 8

For HIS Gift..., • Key Chains • Watch Chains

• Tie Holders and Bars ■ Cufflinks » Billfolds

Serving Masle y«U «7 . SinM 1910 K < * V p n a ^ S L ^ TW D f F A L L S ,

C e i i s d i

TradePi W m f i e E ^

HAVANA, b « . I I g w e ^fti .commlttee o f tba Bavuui 't n ^

lart Bight to eaae__________ — jenaorablp ntla tjyinstructing suboommlttee chairmen to make "iuD informittve sute« menU“ after each meeting of tbelr groups.

The decision wais taken a fttf <Un bate on the BritUh.lnsplred regula* uon empowering aabeommittee chairmen to edit or censor.news r«* leases on tbelr bodies* acUvlUea.

Previous to .ad^tloQ /of 'censer*Up, United Nationa aU ff reporters

.^ d attended subcommittee ' ] ings and given immediate *Drietlngs' to newspapermen.

Blnce the start of the oooference Nov. 21, the general presa has been excluded from meetings o f the aub^ com m lttm whicb are dotar.most of the work toward a charter for an lntifTn*tt""** trade erganltatloa.

natka Ust night be '‘moatw 'recanmended” .that tbe — .........assembly .ratify an agreemeat .wlth tb e Vaited sutea for teaslag U mil*, Itatr H ies because “a dasb for a premaey between ' ....... -

A xm m M , Ala.,'Deo, u Xlrat eonfarcDee c o what atonle ~ ergy aad tbe new radleaotin.atr can do for •

'm e land of PalasUae; in lii cat* ural sUte, Is mountain aa4 desert. T o prepare laad for new ooloolsta costs more than t«,000 an, acra.

What hsppena wben tba laad glvsn to the Jewish state, bolda all tbs popuUtlon it oaa support? Who takes the responsibUlty for pushing back tbe unnatural boimdartes of this crasUy geriTmanderad new na* tiOD? Whst happens if the Arab portions are absorbed by TTazu* Jordan other selghborlng Arab sUtea? Will aaotber ; artitlon have to be carved out la aaotber 10 or 30 years? What happeaa to tbe halt mUllon or more Jew l^ DP's la Europe who can’t get bi7 Will It be up to the V. 6 . to admit them?

lhase are Just a few o f the factors which Indicate that all the cheering over the U. K.’s great accomplish* ment may be a tilt premature.

T lu United sutea and Panama algned an agreement a week ago tor tba leasing of -U defense Idles and aa air base oo Panamanian aoU to the United SUtes for defense of the Pabama canal, but tbe.asacm- ^ has not yet ratified tbe pact.

Merchant Marine Build-up Sought

WA8KINOTON. Dec. W WV^ma OlO appealed to President Truman, oongrcsa and federal agencies to build up the merchant marine, which the labor leaders aald U now a "fUth raU" shipping fleet

phuip Murray, CIO president, said that Great. Britain, Sweden, Denmark and Russia bavr out* atripped this nation In coostnt~‘ *~~

today and nm s . (or three

90 statee__________The mforaation win be prlnd*

pany on wbat tba radioactive atcms caa teach edentlsta aad farmen about bow plans grow and bow tbe air and ttw. aoO aid in producing good crops 'Xb* yield tA fans cropa

Murray, holding a new conference with the heads o f the Marine and Shipbuilding Workers and the Na* tlonal Maritime union, declared that the American merchant marine h u dwindled to 1,800 ships, only a few hundred more than at the start of World war II.


pise customs bureau received a report lotUy that two Americans and la puipmo seamen on the small motor veaw Hooskag have t>een deUlned by Netherlands Indies authorities, on northeastern Celebes, since lu t month. Mature o( the charges. If any. was not known.


• o d d -------------

“ S n f f i lo w ; p c j u : i o ^faimara were not aooeimMd..taQt iiwaa todkatad tbamnatai a t »U< a btobil. pIna a

MOTIB STAB^a rATBBB'SncS' h o u jT w o o d , Dec.

at Bollywood Preabyterlaa

tbe chemical cbaages daring crop productloo. are expected to am acme of tbcae ponies.

It is also possible that the food Taluea o f cnpa may be Improved r both fflfn

C M W i l l

[QUICKER' i s ' s i a r *

F O L E Y ’ S S S & ! i ; ~ <


Beanty Arts Academy

Everythliig a man could wish' fd r-la hero in Alexander’s now and we’vo got hl&.number— wo. know what he’d liko fo r Alexander's have been lervtng mens’ needs for over 50 years, and saving them money.

Just Make a l is t From These Selections and Come in Now.

SUITS and TOPCOATS $35.00 to $65.00

For Casual WearSPOKT COATS

Plain White & Fancies in

DRESS SHIRTS$ 2 .7 5 t » $ 4 .5 0

S'WEATEBSIn A ll Popular Stylca

$3.45 to $8.95

PAJAMASF o r HlB Sleeping Com fort

SPECIAL VALUESin the Main Floor Men’s store

120 Pairs Wool SoxIn B light Irregulars. Shorties, elastic tops In plain shades. These ^ 7 J J l J are good Irregulars made by one o f our best mills. All sizes 10 to 12. J

18 Sport JacketsL oafer style jackets. AU wool in plain shades o f light brown. Sizes small, medium and large. Sold regular $8.90 to $22.85, to clean up

96 Pairs Jersey GlovesA Jersey glove bought from supply depot, made fo r the army. W hite but slightly soiled but good weight with long knot cu ff and treated to make more water repellent Sold S ic regular 1o clean up

2 Pairs .

GIFT SUGGESTIONS. . . for that man o f importance

SPORT SHIRTSA nice asortment' o f sport ahlrta that make a fine Ohrlat*

■ TTM rlfl—In plain shades of tao. malse and blue. Also pattenu In small, medium and larfe. * '

$ 2 . 9 8 to S 6 . 4 5

White T-Shirts

69c S1.98

MEN’S RIDING BREECHESMen’s forest green button riding breeches. Cotton corduroy twill stock­m an button pockets, double seat and knee. Q n AK Size SO to 40. Shorts, regulars and longs-------------------------------



H eavy weight white cotton knot' “ Sweat” Bhirts. Slight Ir- C l M gularf. All sizes 86 to 4 6 ® * * * ^

MITTENSHorse hide unlink mittens. leather pull straps, made fo r <&i O Q U. S. N a v y ______________•

WOOL L IN E R S ____________ J..87C

Jnrt Unpacked Best.Qualit; All Leather,

ROipiOSJ u s tin tim e'for your. U st minute g ift Bhop> p in g « . • T h u e ar« made o f-fin e quality

— - S 4 . 9 5 : - * ,

Page 16: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF082/PDF/1… · 'k/ K' w ^yOL. 80, Ka 247resident Pot^s SSS^JSJA Conteol Downed in Senate

_________11* It ptrfiltiy-tobfm., ^-«CrT«A 7 b «y won n sfy uiiplarM, t* .___OQt the Uetpi at Um-.toUTi tallbt^-

:. an ten n a at B n n tm paint alilprtrditil«Btle CTUM. w bleh^oH Bt

beHn to «tnla u U lUti a «Q»> un t**w tw T tt.'■ wuCthat tomt down oa » iiba oMTj nU. sad not bmk It'.

And to <bow vba t pezfoct eaatm tb « e p m lo n l u n cn Uw doot tnma o f itM l and iakle, ibMt did Jtut tb a ^ vttb a hok% a fi.

After Mtfinf a wy-Vaa lU b o ( coo- cn te and MmI late tba,alr, tbe op- e a t o n lo v e n d ttw blodc teaUr « tha etg..Ttwn Uwy M Md » down «Tsr ao Uttia aus»^Jittt to break the aben Init not tixa yolk.

‘metsr<dca>t7pocTaneeoat «3 W ,- 000 and took tbies ysaia to build. Prom tba eonoreta deck to the m - eraton atop tbe ea s la ia U 3M feet.’ , . ..

■ in # aafT bttflt a m « j .nlng -ffiola at B im tan point navy yard ao tlut battle .craft could be moTod is under tbe glaat piece « (

U. P. Announces Personnel Shifts, New Ashby Aide

alstant to the president o f Unloa PaeUlo railroad wlUi beadquarten at Omaha was annftiitiPfMt bare Tuei« day by Pres. O . P. Ashby.

fibumway mores Into newly-cre­ated position rrom general superln*

Xtendent of transportation, a — ‘ 4|uie bas held for over two years.

' Succeeding Shumway will be A. D. Hanson, general sui>eHntendent at Salt l4ke City, said an annou znent by P. J. l ^ c b , operating Tlee president.

Other appointments V. .W. Smltto, superintendent of

the Loa Angeles division, aa i eral superlnlendent. at Salt 1 City. . *' D. P. Wengert. assistant superln* tendent at Las Vegas, Nev., to sue* cced Smith, as superintendent of the Los Angeles division.

W . B. Orocme,* trainmaster at Salt Lake City, to succeed Wengert as assistant superintendent at tas Vegas.' -

O. A. Cunningham, trainmaster at Las Vegss,.to be assistant super­intendent of tbe Idaho division at Pocatello.


Uom Prentiss, Ir, 68, lawyer, flnan> cler and former U. 8 . comptroller o f the currency, died yesterday In an ambulance en route to a hospi­tal. He underwent a major opera­tion about three weeks ago and was recovering when he fell, suffering a bemoTThsge, associates said.

.gvthey we S t a t e s .

bought by the United





l ^ - a a l d b t t i b y Ihaized Oooa 8d-

:'"7ou ^ m t what you look like, •ad bus-IWDd £ p i his glamor tba. wUe

will no J o n sv ttalnk she baa tbe freedom to be aloppy, and they.botb

.Xdm9nd..-.wbo. opm tes a 'glitter btit *;bouse o f beBoty” on ly 'a 10- karat stoM'a throw from Fifth ave­nue, believes the aw a g e American ;hushand Is about aa> glamcrous as a'sheep do f-w ltb mange..*7teally It la him that Is tbe whole

mUtake," continued the Sgyptlan. ;r ; f be.wouW get a bold of hkn-

seU.and.become a glamor boy, tbe

Timber Fire Loss Held Light in ’47

BOISE, Dog. 18 ,C«>-Plre losses i su t« owned.timber land In 1M«

were comparatively light, Stanton Beady, .sUte forester, sild today. Out o f tbe 860,000 acres of sUte- owned timber-land, only 4,M« acres were burned.'-of which 118 acres were o f commercial timber.

'Ready attrUmted tbe light fire loss td the short f i n season, explaining that late spring rains and ^ y fan: rains had cut the period of severe hazard to about so days— fran. the m id d le o f July to the middle o f August.

Of tbe S37 forest fires during the year, 148 were caused by Ughtniny, 44 by railroads, eight by campers, 90 Ijr sm ^er^ 33 by d?brls burners, three by incendiary, four by lumber­ing interesU. S3 by ' ”

Cancer Training School at Burley

BOIBS, Dec. 18 UV-Four training schools for members of tbe Idaho division of tbe American Cancer so­ciety will be held during January and February, Leo J. Falk, Boise, president of the state cancer organ­isation, said today. . . ’ ' •

C sncer..cB )^ l leaders from ev­ery county In the state will attend.

Schools wlU be held In BurleyJan. 33. and 34.

gown befon- simstng the. s beauty be U wedded to.

01 their Tolces,'* Bdmood went “A husband can make the Toloa glamorous by speaktng very slowly. Then bis wocds bave thought be­hind them.

'■^>eak distinctly. Don't give the woman the chaace to say,'What dkl you say, dearV She will have lost the interest, and you win be an­noyed.*'. Soma other Bdmond tips en bow

to keep a glamor bammerloek oo your better half:

“Most men go to the barixr and say, *Oimme tbe works.' That mtaios the barber always decides bow they look. I f the barber is a glamorous man himself, you're' bokay. But bow many barbers are glamoroust

"Don't let tbe hair grow from the nose. ‘M m it. Trim the eye' brows too.

"Pay attention to the mustache. A tall man should wear a French mustache. A writer or a serious man should wear a heavier mustache^ a la Clemenceau. Never wear a I waxed, turned up muiUche—It Is like tbe cheap vlUaln."

Bdmond is also explicit on how wives can help keep down divorces.

"American women are too sure of themseivea.'' he said. *They should bo thinking always of their beauty, then they would keep the mouth abut. There is nothing like a woman TwiiV4ny becsute tbe mouthts open."

Man Had Brick In His Stomach

For Ten YearsOne man recently sUted that for

10 years he felt like he had a brick In his stcmach. This feeling was due to the lump of undigested food he always bad inside of him. He was weak, worn out, headachy, swollen with gas and terribly constipated. Recently he started takhig BROTH* ER TO tl'S MEDIOIMS and says the feeling like a brick in his stomach disappeared the second day. Bowels are regular now, gas and headaches are gone and he feels like a man.

BROTHER TOM'S MEDICTNE contains S Great Herbs; they' cleonso bowels, clear gas from stomach, acts on ‘and as a diuretic on kidneys. Mlser- able people soon feel different aU over. So don't go on suffcringl Get BROTHER TOM’S MEDICINE. Sold here in Twin-Palls by Trol- inger's Pharmacy.—Adv.

SHIRTS and SHORTSA Ijo B. V . D . E toi-S Ido SK6rl« to a godd'assortment o f patterns . . . and B. V . D. undershirt# to go w ith them.


pajaff losNaturally, yoa want pajamas tHat are colorful. free-and>«aay*fltUng. Tbat'a what you g«t in these «upe>comfortU>]e •"B.V. D." p ^ a m a »-^ t with ektm eleeplnff room, and Iota o f beautiful ttylel . ' Laundry.tested fabrics approved non-Bhrialda» washabllity. Get set for a good night’a•leep (or • midnight anack) today!


endiola^ N ' S SHOP

B ^ u t ifu l Styles jx»r E v e ry W o m an - A t Penney^s T h r i f t G if t P ric e s !


Glamour! Beautyl Comfortl The reasons w hy these slip­pers will m ake gift-W ts.with her on Christmas‘m orning! Choose'"'a color to match her prettiest robe->black, royal

' blue, wine, red, light blue or pink. In women's sizes: 4 to 0«

F o r (he Man on Y our L is t! Cute and W arm !ROMEO SLIPPERS BUNNY SUPi^ERS


3.98 1 .0 0Comfort plus servlcel Colt

. leather upper, elasUo side gore, rubber heel, neotlte stltchdown sole. Brown. 6 to

1.19They love to put them on and keep them onl Cuddly buntiy slippers in fu rr y - warm ahearllng lamb. Red.


They stay on l Children's feet will be well protected and comforUble. Pelt u p p e r cushion s o le .. 7-3 sixes. Red with blue trim.

Holiday Hostesses L ove T h ese !'

JFestive Tea Aprons 1.29

Bright plaids and lovely floral patterns o f fin e 30 sq . percale— at Penney’s g ift -th r ift price! Gay ric-rac o r eyelet trimming 1


C h e^ 'or flon l de^gB plastic, so prao* Ucal and useful. 6taln>reaUtant, water* proof!Clever nsw styles__ 1.59

F or the Glamoroos Lady on Y o o r L is t . . .

JERSEY HOUSECOATS• New Siylcs!• Gay Colors

W s i a . 9.91) ’ All SizesBeautiful floral-prlnled rayon Jersey bousecosU , . , the .most glamorous gUt of an for your lovely l ^ | Zlpper>frant and wraparound styles—aQ designed for feminine flattery with long, flowing skirts, pretty nifflings and soft shirred accentol m ten glorious colon : and sizes U to

Lovely Crepe Housecoats.... .4.98

Glamorous ' QoUted Satin


i3 ;5 bGleaming rayon slipper aatlna . . . . garnished with luxurious quilting and One embroidery. Lovely floral designs of wine and blue on white. U-30.

aiiTtpiSh trTMuiut*

,Shell 1» With lUt (t tn u ^ y Ltlgn^ 4 piece dt^er,sel*uid‘ *U;llfe i 'for ye«n! Gleuiuiw oeti] £^es b|t.e Nyloa brittle bitufi. OOW.J ■ -

»Ued mtasr. , , ' '

B E A lO T IitiR A Y O N G O im Sw a w a r A i u w *

T h r i f t r G i i ^ S

J U t ^ n S T B E K K b Y E m

G Irb tUyoD Veeto u id P aula :

Page 17: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF082/PDF/1… · 'k/ K' w ^yOL. 80, Ka 247resident Pot^s SSS^JSJA Conteol Downed in Senate

Holiday Pleas Banned

^^S T i£S iS iS ;^S !±SI w 'h e n e '.x o r ’ OtaiUtmM w u r*>

- fluuu4 to(U]rt>7 0 r.M*dclCD« X)on< mUr. cMtenan o f mo KUho su ta mUo advtooiT oeundL . T iU ecU weUan mtut be ttat

BiMt Important tu tor to Iw eon» ■tdered.” s b r n M . *^ a a n Mklnf tbat parenti and M a d i of paUenU to raOUe that azir IntcmipUon la t to treattnfnt prociam bcinr carried out mlgbt meaa a Mrioni dtfajr In

s Obrtotmu iiolldajr Itdons. Xxpexl*nc« gained m _____p c ^ € M tn ^ t o p r o w that wlM M fif cply • («w haf beto tramely bad oa t h t morale •theii'’ ,

Bhu that QUTMf couldao»>bo ipared to aooompanr patlenU Jwxne to coDtlsoa treataeata. 0&a •too d («d ttie expanH Inroivtd in trawferrlns tbe Mtlanta from tha boapital to their aea» ior the boU« dars.

Roosevelt’s Son Against 3rd Party

• WASKXNOTOW, D«>. IB (ff> -

(her would have no part In any third patty moremtnt.

'Tormatlon o f » third party to |M9 wonid innira tba t l a e ^ o f ariactlanaiT Uo] Ikn ," aald a i. . i « U t « s « i ( ilinad bf WlUon W ^ tt. saUoaal cbalnaani X«on RendersoQ. ohalrmah of th* ■xecuUTe eomaltt«e. and Vice Chairmen Franklin D. RooMTdt. ir , >nd Hubert H. Bumpnrey.


S J ^ c e s H d a i wl i^ M o n i^ b m e i^

^ M & B ^ b e r e for UraTAbtda L.;

A quartet cen«oa«d of K n . Bar*;

aoQ and a trio coapou d o f Dartone WaUord, Z.U17 BanMn and Zx>u1m Bannm. saas aeraral aeltetlona.

Mrs. Sari Sppert, Mr*. Vemard OoRutock, Mr*. Can Oaaaon. Mr*. Lee Green. Mia. Maniflald Waet and M n . uem y Rlckert were In eharre o f the flowen.

Pallbearers were Andrew Mello* bert*. ftlchard Parker, Dtibert Park­er. Clyde Oenti7 . Oeorve 0uUiran and Ira Kent. •

Burial waa made In tha Rupert MOtatery.

Labor Act Test ToBePostooned

WAeaXKOTON, Dec. f« (ff» — A three>iud|e fadara] court ha» poet' poned unUl feb , 9 • hearlnf orltl' nally achaduUd for Prtday on a ma-

kgal tart of tha Taft'HarUey U -

•nte n it , fUad by tha 010 oatloo- al marlllma union, attaicka tha eoa- eUtutionaiity of tha law*a prorlilooa requlrlnt unioni to file nciM on* munlit oaUu and flnaaelal reperta.

The court ordered tha haarlM Mtponed at the union'# raquatt.


s s a r u r . ^ f r J K . ' i i s : ! ’ . ; s

FALLS. lUAHO. AH£ >K t o r OllDlNANCB ^


\UttSSM\nj “ J s f e ”•hJi-l R ?ik tbToicr k.

etUiv wiiS*«{SiU»N M*4«. wli—r s s /r iA ? 4S* A "&“snUlMd W th* •Dtiwtor.

Of Uu iBlUtl Ile«n«« tm eoU«Ud. u mbert pnrU*]. tl)* Cll7 (hatl coIiKt (or •nd on Q| Um 8UU a( t<Uh». tbi n a •( PA m r u d ih« fsrUurttun ie tIU.OO pn yn r tor and sD KCklt «f Twin rail* CeaBtf. l<Ub«i nvrtt«d, krw tr that If tl» lleraM U

® T ,a c\ ;sw s sinf.r.'; a r r 4 K . ' S 5 . ' ' j r ' s : » ^«r cater kl( eoBtnl. er ptnalt w oih«r MTM Mfcir Ulu tu •slknM Cltr

P€T*ei) aalhortud t . wjui. op«a, or r»-'S 0( UotiiM lUnpS!SS%&°a t. ThM Ordtau

3• C“T e‘ T»l«

-Sliqp‘U!3’ '3!.V_______________

;s s “s»:i s r t? i a \ n r a M i s . “r a ' a . ‘ s i r

Js,“ss | r 5 £ ^ 5 5 » a ^ ^

rs i.-J i”.

. — t OrdtauM* Vo. I ll b*.—---- - _ u « b«r«t9 b. UBMidtd fcr, tbMto Bwtka It. M follow*!

...................... - - - t e( tbU e

li& TRelief At Ust ForYour Cough

r (orthvlib ^ the Imvum o(

_____________ : s c s - i » “ « ” i :tt..on!lnW Mam pUr I j

N o w . . .

You Can

Give Her ^ h . O € 6 with these Gift Certificates

1. A handfiome certifleata printed on bank safety •• paper redeemable f o r its face value fo r any kind --------o f footw ear she desires.

; 0 A transparent plastic case containing a minlatura ,£»m sh oe 'to put a t her tree on Christmas morning.

- - “ AND=^AT NO EXTRA COST ’ ' “

J ^ u J L o n \

i T a i b d ^ B i ^ Two 9d ^ I$ In CftliifKnua

out in an aRoW'ih^adVpattam,pointing to tha xtooobi w oa high Mhool, were found yesterday aftar kcti o f Tandalltm which, bnmed two o f the ubool buUdtaca' aad

™ufor two week! haa been workln* with local offlcen tzyln# to cf*rti tha Taadali.

I lia dynamlta ttleki wara ' ar- ranced In an obvloua wanUng near the main building.

The aehoot waa broken into during Jie H»aak*glrlng holldyi. A atrong- box. which nonnally c&talned atu> dent funds, w u smashed but had contained nothing. The vandals

- ' Ink and oil over books and

president,Anyone ...

o f the MUc tha Urns o f -L oDtU Ncrr.jl,

------------- --- ta a a m 'o a a d i i . ' ^ 'tiipmm et a UhruT.' aaaoeJatMi ocoTOtlcp^aipBawffd patnX tf ,

. . . . . . atlOD daalrad by. p n .aaat or pasi acmbata U avaOahla trom the Mentaiy,

the rifle club tn tha rew e f tba school was destroyed by f in . with • loss of >0^ .

aac. l i a buUdlag which housed

K y O t fk tW m B a :CLOSED

VntU AbeH W m



Oomplatawlth BaircoV Shampoo and Wava

IDAHO Barber & Beanty

SHOP PHONE 424Toe i^ipototinanta





and for the many who have asked . . . and for all o f you last minute ihbppers. . . we have just received the following;:

w e


Coffee Tables $14.95GlaBB tops,

beautiful finish

u n g .


HOPE CHESTS$35.95Cedar

Lined .




COMING!One more shipment o f

those 7-W ay Silk Shade Floor Lamps

at $13.95Phene your ordeta now. I



$62.50 $69.50 $79.50

..J ^ o m e

^ V E

F IX E FUKNiTlJiUE251 MAIN AVENUE EAST PHONE 12954 Floors of Fine Fnmltm — 5— Elevator Sorlee to E y ^ Floor

Mr. I. Biderman, Hupler’s Fuf Stylist,Wm PRESENT these VALUES

Other fine furs$149 to $1500


j r w iN P A L i f iL

Page 18: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF082/PDF/1… · 'k/ K' w ^yOL. 80, Ka 247resident Pot^s SSS^JSJA Conteol Downed in Senate

- 1 Urn «ip cf«lan m n .** S e u te r t mV't■' b » ipMsb ■( tWumttt'BMM

otinr of Dm ABwtMa >b«m Q ffdcnU os. l t 9 t m U t b m to m

■ ‘ A IcMeolac o{ forties <004 sM(to «iut tba i*eamBo«.e< nnpM Unu oeuid brlag about ooad l t ^ ■kaUM to tboM tn tbs rw n loUov* lac ttit flat World imr antf In ttit

. <itiirwiieao{ttwio%'’ bONl<L BtMirtBff rmtwB

Itifl UUUIMOUUX to • membtr of » HUU ■ffTlcnltnn mboonmiUtt wUeb to roaldne • itudy of knc* ■l i ^ i Um ^ l g drtton to b* pro-

Hi Ml4 hto' *^07 eoncluilflw” foUowUf fXtoailTo bMrten — U}» cotmivy br t&o mibeoeBnlNi ciudads *

amrmm 'tw rn to bums s & ' ® i r s s . “ 4ssncfDttotod betmn 'Cftw4*% d a T S * w i i r a n t . O u td i to td (Up 110 tarpliH pUaM. eqolr^ wllHitma aad ■nuinaiUea. u H • w o u ir ot uwmd mUatrj •qutpmot* ■ •

win*t For th* Umn^to tntun

nuit beltf rut to ttw pbuea or Um luUoQil turn protnua irtUeb ban PTOTBd worthwhile.” Biicb u the tvlco fupport v\tn, wbUa worUof out idluttinnto to lit now ooiuttUoofi BM(«M rortuitr

8. "An adcqtuta progrem ot rt> storiot tiu XertUlty of tht «oU to tlu a«t importast dnito ta«k to ■wuro the futura of afrleulturi la thU country."

3. "An a«ziotdtur»l aconomy. ol abundant production to both eeoao* alc«U7 aound and noceiwy aa'tha baila of tbe loai'tom ^>n for Anertean agrleulture."

4. Continued roaearcb la acrt* eulturo to aiiaatUl to daralop mw plut and crop varliUai. om KlwtUlo breedlnf of Itmtoek aad iacreaiod productton.

Slayers’ Nemesis, Commits Suicide

LOKDON. Dae. W Vn-9\t Bar* nard 8pUsbur7i 10, fo rm a patholo-. sUt for the BrlUsh hocna offlM who

s to tha vaUowatiiin any other crij-__. tor in SrltUh htotorjr, wu touno diad Uit nlfht la hto iaborat In liondoa unlvanttjr ooUase.Dr. R. WUiOoa. medloal offloar ^ tWraraitr qoUeia boapltal, lald

LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTSm A ^ ^ aoB oa '^^ ^ a^ , »».

«»U « i« «1»*n hr tli« BB4<r>•l(a«4 Ajalnhtnter of tk« bu i* •( Dykul U «U»uur, diai^ tJ. ta ^ (Mlion

. DttMl SMfmWr U.' fDMbki

Laml) Feeding To Be Lowest

For 18 YearslOIBB, Dae. II WhUaOi Itaed.

lDi in tba unltod BUtaa tbto tar wia ba tba loweat itaoa JIM retu 'o f airtoulturo aooaomtota hcrfi. The atouthtar o f Umba oonUnned q u iu -h lih ^ reUtioa to the itoa of tha tomb crop durlac the pHt four msntbs. radudnr tba numbar of }amba avaiiabla for foedUw. they Nld. lo addltloa. tha tamb crop in tha waatam autaa w m u p n oeot tota than last year.. A raduetioD in the nuabar of cat-

tla tn wtnto' faodlnt atoo to for- aaan. Durtng Kovanbar tba move* mint of feeder o a ^ into, maraitha oom balk waa much, amaner

are at a P«w blgh for neant yiara and wet waatbar la Idaho baa te- suited In slow s&lna for tombe, they aald. A daralopmaat, acoo*ontota aald. tnvolvaa an earJy»ora« meat of '‘warmad«up"' or half>fat

fonia paelma. ooalt'

BBTUKH ntO»l TIttPumrv. Dec. 16>«Mr. and Mia. B. B. Oooeh aad thetr aoo. Oail. hare returned from a lOnisy itay in ealt UU- City, Otah.

' Tba U n m t (artoy aheol at ttu saaaea atartUv at 10 m s. 8«sday, Dee. t l at tbe Twla reOs Obb Cleb. - rone iBvltad. Adr.

MUGHONS.Watch tbto eolunn daUy for newa of Made vaiim run anetloea and for tha data their Uitlnta wll apoaar In tha Tlmaa.N««i. Check &tir adi for locattoa and all necessary tafermatton.


.BoOenbeek * BMl«Bb«k, Aaeto.

Do Our Labor Laws Mean Anything?

The '^t-Hartley law, as most of us now un* deratand, was deaiined to control abuses Iw or­ganized labor, such as Insistence upon “dosed shop contracts and secondary boycotts.

As we pointed out in a previous statement, we have a letter from Fred A. Hartley, Jr., co- author o f the Taft-Hartley act, In which he brands the local Meat Cutt^’ strilce as bein* in violation of this now federal law in several respects.

The Meat Cutters Union of the American Federation of Labor np doubt ia familiar with the violations involved, becauso to all appear­ances ita plans have been carefully laid to "or- ffanize" Twin Falls.

The persistence with which our places of business are belnff picketed is further evidence ' that the Meat Cutters have plenty of support . from the outside.

In other words, it's a determined battle to , establish "closed shop” unlonisra hereabcuts,

in spito of the Taft-Hartley law or anything else.

-That, as we have explained before, is the main issue because we have stood ready at all > tiroes to elffn contracts coverlns wages and hours. We have objected only to the “closed shop” provision which the union Insists It must have before It will -agree to anything. That would mean that only members of ^ e union would be permitted to work in our meat de­partments, and that some'of those employees ■ now working In these departments would be' forced to quit unless they accepted union mem­bership.

A ll o f w hich raises, to our way o f thinking, the very logical question:


---------We-think-it Is not-only our-Amerlcan privi-------iege, but also our responsibility as Americans, to find out^to our small little way If labor unions have the special right to ignore oar fed­eral laws.

ABLON BASTIAN* Five Polnta Store H. H. STOKES, 0. P. Skana Stores WAYNE STOKES, Custom Packing Co;

rB^'U X'Uijit

wtfki oasif«iioe* ' twt n lfbt alterSuuw tbiwSuY tlttTtotama- tiona i> in cfimmMiricbta. ' ' '

f » mmbar ccanuaaioa. ita - dar UM eminoaaahlp Of Mra. v n a k -

8 & £ s s r & fW j !s . i s ;tova nsicn U appren the declara-

oow t of***.. ........

S“A S T “ “r U h U in d a to.«»om «4i,

ttu *ia propeaed fora4optlm lQ^UiaO.».ua.bodyand aa each 'tmA\ ban only a moral Wndbi tent, Tba eeranant wouk ba ueftmA by V. N. nambera 1 ^ ' vtduaOjr sad totiU be legiUy bind 1^, w MCh mUod vb)eb.r«Uflad

•nn two dntta a t«ry u d wtn dMa. **bai o C boaaa TUbta." They e»- tabUibia aeul nihts and .froa- doou fo r aU peraeu rafanileaa of r»ea,'inc. xwioMUtr or raUHoo.

v ism$K. l*-Kra. Ka(« . .

Bbeimta. DenTer. Oolo.. Mrs. Luey tC enli, HutcUoson. Kans.. arrtT#! *aen •mxindiy for a .vlaltat Um bom* ©f thtir broUjar. nu«

FtitTroni^E .Turkey

p o m o , ' c o ie ;-ba & 'tiB vPhrX fUaiM'baro tarM'a.”<ln into aw S ‘^ 'tJ jt% teb T O ot

tba.*VUl bote].'wit)i ameiEa'^pourlBi fr e ^ 'a a oven in vtUoD a turfcay waa ' reatunc. Tuo ■rtaaasef, aald

T hey <Ud-rt|ht back t o Ui» fira beuae whtra Uity f o o ^ the torkay'a bum s vtro only akin deep. They p ^ t where U wouM do the moat

P. a - A later alarm iX the Whit­man hotel prored to ba only aireaea tlf^ __________ ^

Enipp’s Request Fo rU .S ,liw y e r Given Opjrosition

NUSRNBSRO, Oarmasy. Deo. II < « — The Anertean pweacuUon aikad a 0 . & mUttary Mbuaal to dm7 tbi meUon o f Alfred Kritpp

JCrupp, haad of the Xiupp arma- m int works, who to on trial with 11 olhera, had asked tb i tribunal to p e r ^ t hlm to hare Bari OanoU ot^H ayward. Oalit.. for bto defense

la hli moUoQ, K ru n aouaht. 'in the InlcresU ot e .fe ir trM > to be ptrmJUed to have a lawyar who to i T O l^ w lt^^ . e . court prooedure

Tba.trtbunU haa tho <tuestlon under waatdenUon and probably WlU MDounce Ito Cectolon Alday.

PiUiX8,‘Deo; ltf(«>v^ted policy and . tbe' gorartawVraneb Pramlar‘ Robert; BoL___wep attacked by. two^eenauntot leadera Toeaday.mcbt'aiy* maaa toeeUne In — --------------

per, said Uia Vraneb ptofi* *wlU never be a people-of atavea.**He deacribedaa nrtterty wroof. those who think .that’ • saw Mu­nich wUl ba as easy to tmpoaa oo the

ifM iday ra the serratcerranta of the naal »

iit. The doUar to sutMtuted'^Se maA They say .*yea‘. Instead of


at S p. m. oec.,23.

DR. GEO, P. 8CB0LER, o . o .

O FToairnuiT Vtonal Anatyato-Contaet Lanaei phme SMS ' H i Mtola N.

Twta ruto


O E N £ B A I,® E U C T a iC



WABHM ALL YOUR DltHKB-llie G-S AotocDatle DUbwuber wubc* sU you dUbw, gisiswue, lUverwtiebMO, sod pan la t few elauttt. Slaply pm* tbe coattoi bu aod let (be dUbwuber do the mt — ntomatlaUy, You dbbea wiU be brtlHilaUr and spetklios deaa - widf mtataeaofgtcasa. .BItrOlU OP OARBAOB-.llieDliMMell.declaaedftt resdy InitaUsdoo la (be G-B Electtk Uak, tbrads eU food wute sad fiotbei It down tbe dnln. Yog css 6 ^ eboot

Come InAnd Lfit Ua Show' Yon Thew Remarkable fiintm


DISPOSALLI t m SCRAPS n* DOWN THE DRAINT l u lectxicalif operated Diipoaall ihcedi all food w t o —lodndlng bonet-4oto fine partielea, iriildi aie caxrled down tlie drain and oot Qif tile boms /aaiwri/rfWy, YottC aiiJc la ahraTa citanl i

NOMORIOARMQKX% cn are bo gaibage c o n t a in Ot gasGage Odon ia die IHs{>oaaU

kicdi^ Tbe .waata li gooa before It c u s j ^


DETWEILERS; . P h o n e 809Opposite Postoffic ,',......

‘ \ ■ ■ ' I- . ■

Yule PrORi^rSIat^;'.school

___« ‘unity ^uOi____________ _> A lai«a. daoecmted.OhilrimM tree and Uie anlTal .of 8eat»,0iaiia wm be the maht attraeUooa of tba eran- lni.

stmaa treat and prctram a y.haU Ohrtotmaa are .,.'

DAVQBTBII BORN . ... oAr s y . Deo. i ^ u r . and M ii

Nathtn Ooatea Jure reeatred word


PHONE 415•r 2491.H after « m.

COLONIAL CONCRETESUi Btreel BaoUi — Twtai Pells . a. w. Klu, BCr*

OAXUnr, Dee, I f—A-'fwy f - bORV'^< Ur*- * 4 ' ]M1 mona. p d t e n . '^ ^ ^ ^ ^

To SAVINGiAa yon know RISBR.CAIN is flnt of- an an appliance atore . . , cahTinf only R limited number of 1U»b .«x . cept at Chrialmaa time. We won f ' carry this line of merchandlia ovar, < . . . all must move now . *, out ihejr, go before Christmas. Limited quas-

s bat—



Genuine “Lund”C 1 ^ I f Complete with d I V i d BindinKS.5 f t Regular Price $7.95 N0W......$4.995% f t Regular Price $8.95 NOW..$5.996 f t Regular Price $9.9i5 NOW_...$6.99

FLOOR LAMP$Satin shades cqm pleta '^ ili.' globes. • • '■

S W L S J 6 . 9 &

Ride & PedalC A R S

Large all ateel sport style cars. . . For boys 8 to 10& . 6 0 S 1 5 - 0 0

Chkltt DrivenTRICYCLES

Heavier, better, faster, safer. Ideal for the be­tween bike age.& ...... S19*95

4 Place Bets ofCROQUET

Complete aeta an hardwood.’< each baUa, mallito. Set baa

S 4 .9 8


CROQUET SETSHere'a a real hardwood 4 place set <CQ Q Q at a buy. R e«. M J 9 --------------------- O O . I /O

DUMP TRUCKS fHeavy cast atael body and fraffla. rubber tU m Ideal for the smaU boy. C Q Q Q : Beg. WM - ......... - ---------- a O e W J'

and B etter Home DECORATIONS

HALOS .........99 cREG. (LOO

8 Candle Mantle DisplayBeauUful—use for years. Q A Regular price ----------------------------O A .0 5 7

ETerytblac coca . or better I

ANGEL HALOS99cRetr. OM eaob

special1 . 9 9

Larte. lUumlnated. R «f. $2M

F IR E P L A C E ... .$ 6 .4 9



SCENE■ Musical------------

& _ $6.99

yeua. Ceme Is see tbto anyway. YotfQ be tb d IM at their beanty. ,

UGHTSTRINGS8 GLOBE aeries,R eg. $1.89, N O W _7 GLOBE parallel ,R eg. 12.95, NOW~J 20 GLOBS'0Dt5ide, '. ' i c V q n 'f R eg. 19.86 NOW. -.^:;

MUSICAL SANTA SLEIGHS’ j sm o_____ _ _ _ S 7 ^ :

MUSICAL CHURCHBe*.- ----------------- r.i.r- r r . ^ S 4 e 9 f t '

Large W hile Dlaminated: ; -

Christmas Tree.' - ^

R e fc « t B O - -______ $ i § . 9 9 ;


Page 19: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF082/PDF/1… · 'k/ K' w ^yOL. 80, Ka 247resident Pot^s SSS^JSJA Conteol Downed in Senate
Page 20: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF082/PDF/1… · 'k/ K' w ^yOL. 80, Ka 247resident Pot^s SSS^JSJA Conteol Downed in Senate

' ^TnnSB-NEWB. Twm FAZXa I


; tuny. Uietr cm -to (tu ittve a o n o . r . . w u h ,

t b * b o u H t r « r d a r « ^Ml iv* project!.

A B t u the •oUsoc.of A nMlnttoa T«riUB*teiueh«T«7.**1 Tould Uka (0 end once u d (or

■n Boras n ld . n iw Xngufnt chargw that xveUmaUon ii^ te U «lU > aoi return to tha fcm iu n en t the looneT apmt for tbelr coaiatnic* Uon. Tli« c u m trequently.la mad« t liU -M are wasting moncr on luoh pnjecta and I feel eartaln that a atudy ot tbe payout features will ahov that theae i^ e e t s will r«tum to tb« gorem m at tbe coat of their oonatntctloa.'* - -

Cbalnnan Juueo. la^ of ttaa house subeomtslttee co loterlor ap> proprlaUoos said be plaooed to de* fend before tbe bovse Increased aupplementel aparoprlatlozia for (our western reolamatloo projeeta.'

Jeoaeo^. * comqtlttee Increased presidential reqocsU of tUJTBMO for tne Columbia basin, the Central valler. Colorado>Blf ’rbompson and DaTUdanpreJeeU to t»t»S9M0 and tba .Mtloa w u upheld by the full hous4 approprlaUons committee.

Tbe mcoey, Jensen said, la nee* eesaty to prerent the projects closing down before the end of thd fiscal

. year next Juna 30.Jensen said he believed 'the com>

mUt«e's stand will be upheld by tbe house.

New Stamps FaU ToMeetApproval

SANTA MONIOA. Calif.. Dec. « vCffV-Those new JSverslades national

J u a » commemoraUTe stamps a r e t a k i n g no hit here. Postmaster

PhlUp T. BUI rehictantly decided today.

Figuring to give his patrons & break. BUI laid in. !00,000 ot the new three centers. But ever since he’s been taking a lot o f Joshing by. eustomen asking why they should help publicise Hortda.

Today a, woman who had bought 300 at them eaUed up anddemanded her money back.


. . ; Now la chart* «t » VBmed ooamaad for'tbe Caribbeas da. fenae system anDonaeed by tbe

'V . B. Jelni ehlcfs e( staft

you think I'm going to send Ohrlst- mas oards adm tltlng norld& an over the country?’*

wm her to b ilag -’em back

“Belshazzar” Feast Told by Illinois Solon

WASBINaTON, Dee. I t (AV-Rep. Arends. R , HI, told the bouse Charles Ktckinsn “ picked up the check" for a “Belshasar feast" when he resigned as chairman of the emergeocy food ' conservation committee. *• Saying Luckman gave a farewell

dinner for himself and lOO. asaocl- ates, Arends recited this menu:

nrhe dinner began with cooktaUs -X generous. c u ^ . Than came shrimp cocktalti fried oysters, crab, shrimp and lobster gumbo, curried chicken, roast turkey, baked ham, roast beef, string beans an gratln. fried apple rings, pickled walnut*. oeleiT, oUvss. pickles, mixed green aalad, rye roUs. assorted tee creams, assorted finger roUs, coffee.

“ Think of that kind of s (east by le Bovenunent preachan o f eonser-

vatlon. when the president

u w iw iiii^ o r ^

^^ laahb’s'^iUms

__ ___________________ • Chau-____Oommnee that ''U tah tn building ita. «t»«U ,notcenpetltlve w ltb.yoara.”' Be etplalned that the VUh *ln-

dustilat . scUvlty fa and wUI ceo« tlnna to be In the aplrlt o f earaitt eooperatlos. O or acUvtty eoople* menta yoare." -

The mayor said th « youth of tbe land is enUUed to see Important ehangea In the akyUnea oftour cities and that It la nmfahr t o ^ t h that all tbe Im portu t clvle structures ihould be W yeaia 6W."

Be tauded the efforU of Idaho In "making the lowly tuber one of Amerlca’a fnost respected Items ot — “ — « n j oQB whlcb. In point

Y » : :tohandla.the.poU to as one of the most vital ttema o t food on a - Uty as well as quality basis."

Olade spoke a t the annual lostal* Utlon of the Chamber of Commeree officers. Walter & Wagstaff w u InsttUled as president .

Medical License Exams Postpcned

BOISE, Dec. 16 («V -6 U (« medi­cal and chiropody examinations. — DsUy scheduled for Jan. IJ. 13

U, have.been postponed unUl Jaa 10. 90 and 21, Mrs. Ettella S. MuUlner, sUU director of occupa- tiona] Uceiues, said today.'

Sbe explained the change was neoeataty because n o hotel accom­modations were available here for the 30 applicants the earUer week because of the naUonal livestock

Mventlon. ’She said several appUcinU for the

medical examination are In the aervlce and Oov. 0 . A. Robins wlU Intercede with military auUtorltlea In an effort to have their leaves furloughs changed it necessary.

Trophy PresentedWABBIKOTON. Z>ec. U OP) ^

President T^mtan yesterday pn> sented the Robert J. poUler aviation trophy to Lewis A. Rodert, chief of flight research at the Cleveland. O. laboratoiT of the NaUonal Advisory

congress for power to reestablish a co lo i^ OPA than we ' '

In wartime.".had

Tha biggest . IsricBy sbeot e f tba

■ Everyone Invited. Adr.

At his office In Cambridge, I____ _Luckman declined comment on Arend^ speech.




Open 7 D ays a Week803 Main Ave. West

PORTLAND, Ora. Dail I IW V -

J o h a ra told poUoe.- . « t t r d a . mawled money. . -

T U In the aama'taustneas myseU,". Johnson 'aaid ha re­plied.

.at the u v em washroom. Johnson tasuted.

PpUoe said Johnson Is a cess­pool and vault, oootraetor.

Wild Coyote Head Tested for Rabies

BOISE. Dec. » aUt*department of publltf health tested for rabies the head o f a wad coyote found In the haUway of the old Barber achoolhouse, new usM aa a residence._ Dr. A. P. Schneider. sUto Teter- Inarlan. said-M ary SaUors. occu­pant of the house. Saturday a fu r- n w reported that the.cooroU had “had a O f In the haUway ot her home. She simmioned men trosn the adjaecnt lumber yard and they shot the animal.

Dr. Schneider said no one waa bit­ten by the coyote, but testa wara being conducted for rabies. The tesU -reexpeeted to be completed today.

The old Barber achM U about aU mUea east of here.

Submarine Under Water Two Weeks

WA8BINOTOK. See. AoAmerican submarfaie remained un­der water o ff Now England reoenU ly for “ ft couple of weeka- and could have aUyed there much long­er, Rear Adm. Charles W. atyler n - vealed today.

The craft w u equipped with a •'snorkel*' or breather tube, coplod from captured Oerman U«boata.

Committee (or AtrmuUca.Rodert received the award (or hla

work In developing a beat method of protactlng aircraft from let.


P H O N E i S ? i 5 S a E

3 5 4 T o o ° n u u ,

Earth :^ s e s Goniet^iPai^^

BSRKSLBr, OaUfn'Dee. 1«Tba earth missed tbe taO o ( th t nnr com et IMT-N by many m Olko mllaa at ita-cloaeat approach batMah Deo. 2 aod Deo. « , or . Lelaad' X. Oim- nlngham. .Xlatverslty .ot OaU(«o>« w tnoom er nported. '

m worfclac out oibli oakulatlona on the strange sky visitor Dr. Otm- nlnghsm (ound tbat tba eqntet -waa neareat the sun oo Dee. X,<slx days prior to lu discovery, and at that time probably w u more brtUlant than Venus, at present tha tarlght- u t atar tn the evening sky.

itJL closeness to the sun pj eveoted lU detecUon at. that tlmt, deaptU Its brUUancy. It oould not b«- eb- aerred untu It mored a Uttla out o(

Une.w bei«lkeou)dbo.a____M O & c almost at th t m a .^ : . .

The cenet oow ia n d r ia i awar y d win ^ ly b ia o i jy thw ofh a»-

^,0^ briSS?ttm tL Bortehemisphere but (or aavoal s lfh ti wu^vlslbla to the naked eye tram •outh o( the eqwalor.

Burglars Obtain 20 Sides of Beef

; P P ™ . Deo. 1» - (^ u r g la r a , ■^mled In effor^ to break Into a 1,000-pound safs. didn't go away «mpty handed from a west Colfax •iTOUe market. '

They mada away with so atdae o( berf. 10 quarters o f real, aeren bam< and SO tu rk m Marlon Xachio, the praprtetor, t ^ poUce todar.

VIB ITB IN R SntJSN- nSTBURN. Dec. lS-.Mrs.' Xrda M e o w . W^st Point. Oaltf, U Tlstt- Ing at the heme ef Mra. Oora Saud- aen here.

Q f(

group, ansounoed U - Bevard said- th« ohain

be fuesu at tlie 'a m m a l'U ^ .M .. Day banquet at Tolsaf Ckla^ 'JIn.l ^ t a ^ Inoluded^thTSldw eatu ^ U o D m i -Nebraaka. Oeknde, Wyoming.. .Tllah, . Uoataaa. : New Meiloo, N o r t h ' . D a k ^ Booth D a ^ Kanasis. Oklahoma, Uls-

1 0 ^ nuaols, Mhmeeota. Wlsoonsto, Michigan, and

B O N N IE ^I STEAM BATH & I I M ASSAGE I I c a te W a lg ifs n s n u m e w l

a r t :

“Att.WorkX___’ r a n x u t i w i L w i n M y - J

. f a o N B ; M 6 i M 'K y

Corns in, kVdV

SBPsnrsesBut A


“ D O N A lO w 4 M ia iY ”

«O Ifbaq



16*mm. M ovt*

P l t O J E C T O R

17.95tV » a besQtyt Fiatst-ceestnfr tien, esay.te operate. AO

• • -trtstaotril^eir oietot. "Take* 400 ftet ef flfao. TWenrrlters Usted.

rwefra W t H 0# w e A m,8 .7 5 -



BICYCLES-Ali TypesC«t your yoiuffsttt one of Ibese fine brcydks— a gift thai will really be appreciated. As low as

,|6 dowji.,_; •

fOm • / Scnla^t Mprf 7hHlHng Gifttf

M O VIE W X___T oqH asst sU y o v (avor- l t « oartoea cbaraotsra among tbsss films. Also thrltu^ Westexnst 100 fee* •ads.


Aftar Ih * rod«e •n|oy E A R IY TIMES

tkn-pin s e tWoadaifol toallty , . . aB pins are bu d reck aspla.

'mmmimsm.Far Aon 3 la S

TRAILERTRYK▲ bsndsoma 'mOca* wltb Ita own dstacbaUa trailer . . . a Obrlstmss gift yoar cblld. win aerer (orgrtt Trike b u strtaea. Inch front wbsel, ball bearlags and ssml'pnenmatle tlrea.

U alu^mna with baU baailag wheel and poaetur*. proof tire.

toty M att r«rmi

New low PrInI W as 62.9S



m m m m mSlx^Unlt


A realboyttthU lovprtee; -Has a m lisU e looomoUT«.V '. tender. gBndeta, eattle e a r .' wl thalldlttc doors, tank car .

. and .oabecae. UO lachM . t oral track. Ttaasfermer to* eluded. . :



J /

CODE .F ifths-49P ints-50

lees UMnit Mmmmm . Oa Ymt Old M

1 ft tepa la pettablaa. Operates house current or

Law JU 9.U A WMk

B A B YActually Maya. Keya ar* ' numbered a n d ' lattered.-' Music sheet included.


f^fu U 'bod ied

S T E E L W A G O NJL grand toy for a M or boy. StasL palsted brtgb* ged. B ra i baa nbbsr ttreal.




T if« *(o n » ie»M go ■

only 19.950asrt wblta plaatlo and . .


"M sssssayia:

________ ..tfeatarseasto.matle tsIbbo ooatrol aad bnlll'la loop antenna, r ive tBbeehubMlagceettSer.

C h tblin iu B o n n 9 AM U> S PJV.


K B H T U C K y STIRAIgHr BOURSPN- ^ T t iG T w ^ r i ^ F y t a V M - a S ' l t r M f

B A R L Y t i m e s D IS T IL L K R Y C O M m i r v '^ L O U I S V l i .L 'C ^ k E N f u 'c K Y - 410 MAIN AVBm jE SOUTH

Page 21: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF082/PDF/1… · 'k/ K' w ^yOL. 80, Ka 247resident Pot^s SSS^JSJA Conteol Downed in Senate

ifr>'-i->-,iaouixwiiAjD. Deo. It OJ»-ZaM

» o t » deuch Uita « w

‘ 1/ iA M if Uw^ene Oxtj ’V»k»” •*«* to «Up. hs come* op, quick

V :«lU i in oU iv z . '0 . camio itrlp ’'; 'e r ; .p e e k « t .ta u u ln e .. .o r in 1 ; 4 , '« r a d lo ihow.

'- ' ' '•'•Buni j M « f Cut •: •TUivbdaf i^prtM J o r • dM d m u i bM «adle« po«lbUlU«fc And BlMlster t u m«de cote of idotMy lor a n y a irtdov KDd t b m ebUdiCD.' AIio htawlf. B**! Tie*-

. ' ' B nddeol of *Zuie Ony. Xne.'*^' - -Aad I’m pmldenl or TWeplctu

. - n » f « » n»w p - - .> (tnetien inM to put a n y n »t«r W

M n a moTlM, oa tba ndlot. u d la telOTlilon.- \ -B efon SMlnstr tot Uoslod up .. « U b Iba Orajr tunUr iw had • • 'iilett puUtiblai buslneu In .:M«w Torit. But ba w u » Zruitratod

Stutod Oenle Strip > e o 1 deddcd to itw t a S u e

-Orajr comie itrlp,” tw Mid. ‘“ King . o f tbO' Royal-UouDtod.* J got to

toocb with aw y.’ A a d .r re btm Btixsd up with him or bU pro^ny

, m r ilnee. Xt*« bees 18 yean sow.'* ' • E e wotked vltb tiu famous auUier for sight yean>-aDd didn't meet him

Tber did all their builaou hgr talepbose o> airmail or telegraph,

n oame out to Bollywood doeena . at tlaat (o ^ him." Sleslnger

nm t ho was always off acme- ,«h o i« fishing . . . InD ah lU . . . or Australia.‘That w u one of .thoso fteak aoddenU you hear abouU A t l*a « , I Jlko to think U was -*

< oldentaL'*aieeingor’s Job of posthumous pro­

motion isn't too tough. Partly be> oauM Orey turned out a aountaln-

' «Qt pUo of m noTtls. short stories, . ^ msg«tine articles. And 47 of tliem aro stUl snpublUhed.

^•sss&ssa-sstfumld pep tip-tlM ’ lM ng rooorObrtstmaa motslBg. T t e t M M------tor m o t o t b o a t 't h a t « e e t l a O ' o i i « lo t « M 't o i r a In t l » Cylli-. ^ib .on flashlight batttrtaa. Tbaw

c^^Bg^te^iasp'la 'tbe bathtub. As a whole. Uwiiidb. Jho toy* ibis

year a n ! praoUeal aa^idncatloDai

S e ^ l s

" l a i 7 B W r t m « w i i t o Saato a « v has sa iU a t an ttw geeds ball Odlrer. Daoglaa Howar«,^ai» 9, ua 9 f Ut. and M ri. C. Warner B «a rd , Twin Fans, 1 ^ g>*M_at — - -• ----------- - -• - —e ef the wanders o f t

showing Douglas bow U worta L — - - — --------------- - — - — - - - - ------eaaera. Hra. D n ea n was pnrlessly aa aetreas-modd fer.a Colorado fU n i adTsrtUlng parpeeea. (Btaft ^Mto-«wraTtBg)

taiom, rplar ach6U” ;deskraad othar slaiytiUogs for pro aebool children who wish to' emulato tbo older obll- d n n . leather. bowgkl and eowboy Teata and ebapa, doU walkers e a ^ ^ l o o f hauuag » 34>lneh doQ. puU teri that ju m v w and down or aren play a xylophone, when drawn along the floor, and nearly aaythlog else within reason, ■

•xusre are minlatnra golf clubs with a real profestlonal whip to tbem that n ight even eona in handy for the old man. to do a UtUe prao- tleo putting a m u d the house; and. of couiM. dolls and stuffed animals o f ' all alztt. shape* asd wbat hare you.

_ ae« were avallablo through* out the war and ware popular for long winter evalnga of rationed g u . t h ^ dropped off in popularity, last year, but they're back again in .new fonna this year.

A sd for those heroic .aouls who place the happiness o f the Uttie I tota abore their own peace o f mind, drums with lots of volume guaran­teed are a good etanffliy agsJa this year.

Kids Today Have to Be Smart To Fathom Toys, Writer Fiads

' Plays PresentedU M 'iY . Dec. 18 — ‘Two one-act

• to ?* i? * th o * * * » iM * b ^ "^ e r the •aponsorshlp of the MIA.. . TlJ* Bee ai?e Olrls presented “ The

. Balnbow. Seekers.- “ih e Rescue.* -jlajr early Mormon

■ - er history, slio w u presented. ;a Baker w u the director.

y feet is diameter and 300


■ l(OTI«* hk«to*V | i»,tU l.a SMSt ^ «eaMnlu Loea) 8rmmt» Ian

By JOHN BB08NANTC9ls&d may stin be a little girl

and ,b07 land, but the kids these

smart boy not to h a n g ------------------chrlitmss morning when the little tlkca stsk shooting Questions about eleotroslo propulsion locomoUvet. Chinese pusle sets, chemistry asd mlcroacoplo equipment asd buUdlng

araphemalla that would f .........censed engineer a workout.A ramble through some o f Twin

Palls' toy departments shows that St. Nick U going to be better heeled than any thne befcre tha war wbes he makes his aimual run this Christmas, n the youthful facts aren't, shining, It won't be because

____________ _ _ th*i.S i in r A '& s . ’S.r!..;:'!!

- ■ a ?

, ,s?S !a '5s*csT& !f:-”:.*s

:^ '@ t£ V a w . iT-ii. It. iw .

5?to5V5H5r5t uw ^kul£ S S ' ; j r ‘ . n

i!23J' nwU lA tb« pklaUK^wU^^ } a ^ n l

hr plUnUIfa ccM»Ulat. pIttaUrt H «b . ot' 4«fmdaat on lb* irOBsd* el 4wrUoa. WltsM mr k*M and Um Mai of uM

ShMel Ceort thta Ith dar e( S«etnbtr, • U4».

c. A. DULi.ea.______ Ckik o( Uh Dlaukt Court.&UYOOH w. sum

m sm sH mm M Ym si& pf

production department didn't do „ best ito make up for the times durlsg the war and after when Sanu Claus had to unload some synthetic toys Just to make a abow- !nr.

Beside* the electrto trains that belch real smoke (synchronUed with train speed. It says here), pro­duce “choo choo" sound effects, have block signals and semaphores and which go forward, rererse. and. of course, stop, there are other gifts that should provide folks with' some­thing to do OQ OhrUtmu Biorobig while the klda watch,

The newsman to solve parts c ale set, made iand other piect.............................toBether and then come apart Just

when the right combination te tried. After a time be decided U w u Just kid stuff sad. w est o s to asother part of the set is which you Jug­gle a small box around trying to get four capsules reprtsentlng radio I tubes to fall into four holM' end-

to put the radio

With this Is osB hand, he punched the release on a toy Jaek-ln*the«box. recalling that In hU boyhood t " usually didn't work. Svldently, Jack-in-the-box department haa bees dolsg some research, however. M a wild looking creature Jump^ out and refused to be shoved back is with one hand. After getting rid o f the radio tube pusle, the writer finally succeeded in getUhg the jack back Is the box by pushing on his head with one hand and locking (he Ud with other practically sim­ultaneously.

Thereafter, he steered a wide course'around the chemistry

. BICTCtlSEverything for

the Cyclist


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Now! Purex introduces...

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And to PROVE it Purex offers this amazing

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^ Get thU potkage lor one centGiveonepackageareoJtiialVWashg^i e s t d i s h e s . W a s h y o u r p r e c i o u s n y lo n s ,u n d i ^ f lu f f y w o o le n s . • .

W a t e h h o w TREND diB B olvea i n s t a n t l y -

. ^ ^ J . T r y T R E N D . Y o u r g r o c e r h a s i t .

Hiirry.v. Umitad Tinna Onlyl: -niU Offer good 0 ^ la Twin y *n » and tld n iV .'

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HOT'ara Immnotlom we'an.nn Toii vffl • P lin in t h b y e a r w h n It’ s i iu r a lm p «r > U n t t u • n r t o g l v . lU U o l lU litjr .

THE "PERFECT'1. Moor* Battar EoHng — en d BaKar tM n g I a . SImptifiM M M l-naim Ino m d Pi«|MnHe«i » . M nsa Savinga In Tim*, Pood and M aiwyi Thrill het» thrill the -whol* ftnUjr thlt Ouistmaa iHth HARDH R-Fr^i-tterpw^ •feet” gifti Join the thoattnds^.liid^ £smUlM 'who Mt b t t ^ lir * better, entehiln betttt btcaoia ^ef ihli. ns«inl, ecooomJ freeurt Enjojr farorite (oodi— with original flcroe and £(oi«o t ^ t io - t h « jrear'radad. ia And out o f aeasoe. pUnniag wofrieij *aT« trips, tim«,mooe7i pwrent wa»t*...j

HARDER-Freex holds an abundant ceserrt wppljr.oir dsdicr,' meats, fowl, game, fish, garden fresh TCgetables, frnit, k » cream, ic»' cob««. pr»<ooked meals->readf for g }csts •m m m m m ft m(&«'

HARDER-Freex gire* you e r e r ^ g — largt capadtr; bsiuh Irea»Basket^ adjustable Dhriders for easy-find o r g a ^ t lo o , 8«1^ Balaaetag lid , Positrta Catch and maaf other fissoutt tbu m«ui lastiog sadsftcrion and dependable opm tioa. Mad* by.'iyier Rx- tote Coiporatleo o f I'flles.Mkfalgaa—leaden.for m iat jtu a la th* foodrtefrigetatioa fieldl A M U ftr imwudtsM iM m ‘



Y o u r s w i t h t h ( G t n t r o l E l e c t r i c A u t o m a t i c B l o n k e t l

Enjoy ibe best la e W e i eomfort. Boy a C«tsetia Elwtrle Auomatle Blsakat. asd d lice w a MW world ol cosy lUeplai wmatb. ■nmastleally Balati{aod>-Bl|te •fter Bl|}it->at lU Ja«wl|bt usperstaro

' ’ xbort*. • C-E Atteautlfl Blsnkrt f « tU 70S tUep In. CbooM Iroa throo »od«I» sBd few l o T ^ color*.

0«B*t .wa!t! Udca n m thst lUs wiatM yoo-n iIoq» «nidbtnri>«d . . . no ®ofe » U w t e Blfhtt . . . ao M ia pUlag aa.anxa Uuikets, daring sH iba aoraul b

AVAILAIll IN T H Ili MOBItSiTw!i».b*d Om<ORtrol

W l n r i 6 l n d « ^ $39.89

P eob lsM Oaa^

n « AtttomaOc Blstfal k tanfanr mrnds f aMM rigid Ccswd XUoHe

im Jarit, « a i b apprvMd Vr / U ad vy rW X«bera(ari«,/ae. II if

c « t f M Mt&able isMTtanhuttamM l*wa«fariag.

♦73 by l « M m $ 5 2^ 3



DETWitlliRISO p p o ^ P o ^ f f i c e - ^FJlone^8(l9.