..... -■■■-' ... ^ ............... .-'.!:'" . r'i v A - 'V - --^ ■'■■ '-^ ■ '■ ^ ~ —— ------ -— ------ ; V. ' -■" .' '..;■ '. ----- •- .............................................. :.' ’ - - j^ ---.' '.. "K------- * r - ’ rv "■'. - V t — -yv:-. . , OWiW’o.UfWfMnr#^^ \ > 4 . ■Burley^HuRtrl fayj^. j y v i i r - ; |, --------------- ;.PtltT (»ooeSon. '•■• - , ' ..• . ' Hoin$t»r ■; hitihs . T k; Wendell Jerome" ■Gcioding Hagerman 1S34 J535 ' , . p ■r^■/ :TEN CENTS. , Capitol rubble j' ' i '■— RUBBLE IN A wonianVnaihnMiin on the flrtt floor of tlie- U.S. Capitol la lifted by worken and police aftei* lin exploilon lipped through the structttre Monday. Damage wai confined to the washroom and several offices In the Immediate area of the blast (UPI) situation and terms foi'.^ the extension of the Acab-Israeli ^ase-Sre scheduled ta end this ^Sunday, diplomatic sources in t^ndbii reported. 'U PI (Jlplomatlc correspondent -^ . C:= ^^nHd e f— '- Soviet Ambassaaor3 p t _ _________ sky called dh, l^^me Minister rEdward-Heath-at-tlie-requeatjl seven days 6 week., Anyone ; entering the building after that— must 5how proper creitentials and also must sign in or out_____ AuUiprities refusedto speculate . • . on how the bomB^r planted the explo^ves. The effects of the blast"were not visible outside'the'building' damage to either the Senate or The'rest-room where the Mast took place is. located next to a~~Senat&«.wing t o b e r ^ p arid near several ,smaH-offic«s~ ___ including an- ‘ appropriations- ■^1;subcommitte6 room.- Inmediatedy above the ^est rwm on the main - floor l»--lhe Senate disbursing office. On the ; - other-slde^f.the-floor abovia^^ the. old Supreme Court chaim- . b e r., ■ Tlie Senate chamber, also on f t e ' fl(ior aliove, i« atwut 100'' feet fiuiii Uuiii^ged disbursing 'OTfirt......... - ^ Tlie west'wing of the Cipltbl, braci^ by huge bQams bqcause damaged according to Powell. He said'th'ere "appeared toTbe a serious crack 'in the wall” of the west frortt: courtroom firebombs c a rn a g e - BELFAST, Northern Ireland (UPI)—A British soldier burned'' the KrentUn. "Rie sources said similar Soviet moves were reported to have been made in P yia and-Washington. G^rge Council 'vvi'e-. ■ 'ey- to the le new U-S. United nations, to Sweden SOEDERHAMN, BURLEY — Two persons rohtFOl/sHd across the highway JUPI)—A man who. was or- -were-Jdiled Sunday-night ln_a—into^ tfie median^ through--a- ^ r e d to pay a judgment to his ToTTeaT] one-car Interstate 15accidents miles east of here in the Raft River area. Idaho State Patrolman Dean aiiDBpira3rp T n i ^ nffinflf7= said the victims are Mrs. guardrail 'and onto a county former girl friend- opened fire road which pasMs beneath the a courtroom today, killing Interstate. The auto landed on ' her, two,lawyers and the judge, its wheels, he said. Police captured the man, nuUuwav said tlie uutu uu-— wliuae niuile M t^as ndH-eteased, nd . .today when terrorists Bre- bombed his; patrol ear. Two other soldiers In the auto escaped with m'lhpr injuries. Falls, and identified a man tentatively as Leonai-d LeRoy jw«y suid tlie uunr parehtly did not hit ice, The 'Iwdies ' were ..t^Jten ^Eayd^' ■ today ttye UiUtejl StatM has ino obje^on to a opecial Big Foir mteting to spe^ Middle l ^ r - action Inrt will not conrmf Itself to a s p e ^ c date. TVoops in Belfast traded The Soviet Union, following i^ota with « <plppr tp thPi lataal^—darlaratl^ r...v,^ iioim; T.OO i.ui, . CathoUc lyjweHPsHsRofllJHarea— woUd «o^:pitf4>8ck- hiding in a idepartipent store,In early today. Later, a le^year- borders, proposed that the four thrprf' nirt vniith was taken to a U.N/ amtwssadors move their liours later,. Scores of police- hospital with gunj^t wpundsjn Mxt scheduled m e^ ig fruiii. HolioWay said* th^. - auto, driven by Mrs. Wray,. was ..traveling e ^ t on the interstate ■ttlTfin jrappgf uimy wait uut of _ if—^ k e s m a n —said , These 'Were Magic VaUeJ’s __vesls.took part in^e'seardi in l^own if he was the sniper.___ seventh and eighth traffi(>‘ '''tffi3 industrial ciCy of 15,000 The ^elwmbing took placelii deaths this year, and Cassia residents 156 miles north of Londonderry’s Roman Catholic minty's second amt.tliifd.--------- fltocWiolm.’ - ■ ------------- .-.bugsiUu 4t was not—rtMnunediate-tteclalonr s a s SAI^J^i)-South-Viet- another 4>a^ in theirJjoggM- r-^wn-effort torxnt-tKe'^ Chi MiSh siij^y frfiil™1ip’ Laos, military sources said today. The sources said the South Vietnamese infantrymra 'left' ttra bss?, called Hotel 2, bMause heavy antiaircraft fire prevented U.S, helicopten from dropping supplies or evacuating wounded. It is the -fdurtli buse^ the South.. Vietnamese' .4iave --iBanaoned under heavy Com- munist fire in aweek. Tioiar According ttrmilitary sources ^ e r e i nforc em ents were neces^ sary to meet a threat posed by an estimated seven North Vietnamese regiments and tank units operating along route 9 in^de Laos. H ie^ u th \^etna- niese operation,’ wtiidi begsn Feb. 8 and is tucked by AmericaiX'alr powo-, ha» be«n stalled about-'ie miles across the border for nearly two Lt, Gen. James W. Suther- land, commander of the 9,OiDO- man American team "which Is ' since. supporting ^the ^ontlf^'^iebia- - Allied military sources^ said mese in'the Laotian invasionr U.S. aircraft. supporting the said in Khe Sanh that the offensive to cut the H o' Oil offensive “has'not gone as well Minh Trail killed at , lea^ as we intended." However, he 542 Communists over the said it was an overall success.' Weekend, many orthem in the Major fitting has been uijdemay for more than a week ceiiii^jed around several key sqpots on Bbute 9, including Hill" 31 i^ch was overrun by Com nii^ts backed by tanks’ Hiursday and which has been the center of bitter, fighting battle for Hill 31. Hie United States alsojost another helicop- ter^-.an army yHl^Huey-shot down . in the~ lower Laotian Panhandle^!_ ,, Bush ludd the U;S.; Russian, British and French ambassa- dors could be-“helpful in some »ay” to V.U. nnHllutur GUHitar " V. Jarrilig’s PMCe ^ r t s . Detail^of the Heath-Smimov- ,.sky discusdoifis were - not discl08ed.^3ut the^plematic sources said the ambassador’s visit relieved a nisfw Kremlin; move in the Middle ^East peace maneuvering. -Itie.Iat^ Egyptian peace propq^ . and larael’arejection of demands for total troop ____ lA ra fiW " '6c<;i^I^ Siiiee the 1967 War, -formed the— initiative; the sources said— RR strike Blast site FIRE TRUCK rem abs at ttTe i c «e oniirde Me Scntfe \ j a bomb, < rlned wltb a timing'device'and platted deijite dabomte : TWDTFALLS - Members of the Twin Falls Q ty Cbiirieil wiB aiisasaroiM budget for city employes. Milar, city manager, said the.'prbpos«^ dty budget- almwg.a 16^3 per cent iaereaae in gpigidlrig fnrl971 Hesaid the ^. -------- genjsral fund budget will be’’ jn,MB.OOO:. sompai^ pendltures^f $1,553,000 during 'r a i ovwall cl^biidget thia * . without — — : -rTesenres and treasui^>-funi» ii— ^ ’ 13.779,282, Mllar sald^| In- cluding the carirydver imowita - . and bond reden^on funds, it . would reach about. $Si449.82a., - » ^^Mto^dttie ..... ^million in r^aetves to carry _. =^0^=^^ the-^acwer-^and- — wateray*tarmrfflHt«tticrcBirit«t=~7^- improvements. '• —Amonfl-malof^itenis In tfae^----- reported. (UP!) area one -fieor below the great n tv d a . No fajnrin wera— bud^ is |lW,8M*Sr^ I airport runway program,^* whid) V large amount will be federal relmbursemmt money. > TtM^abwntowirprpJeet for IgTl is 6 'u o g i ^ at. 1470,100, again . including a inajprity of ffedaral funds. 'Ihia m il 1 .covS Vtiic“ removal of c t ^ b u d utility lin^ and installation of .m F(&^ limit Stymied talks deadline iISE (UPI) — Hie House , upheld a motion by Oialrman _____ 38-28 Mondayj move to J. - CJidtbum, R-^Wpn; fbh» out of committee for that the committee be^cuae<L 0(l>er-itetas-on-4h^lengtby- evacuaiea- of 1st tJivisroifriroopsr^fho-^ oM i carrying ' their TTie artillery base 'Kfanfry walked., wounded, was located about t>ase over- ran "niursday by JJOrth Vletna- mese troops and tanks and the . weekend. Soutl;, Vietnamese military' spokesrnen in Saigon said only "Uglirt, ^Soiradic'c«S5iact” ’'was neportied over, the past 24 hours on all^btian frontSi^iRCladlng' the Hill 31 outpodt-12 .miles from -the ; Soiuth—YletnineSe border! Fidd repigrts Indicated" —tDdsy: ^ t Goenmunist -tanks— and ground forces had moyed^ . out-t)f the immediate^ ttTfcft "Sf ~ mil 31 and- tSat kmae South' , JHetaame9e_^P80ito««'f^:'iM \ ara<Pfei-3Wite .-war*. - South Vietnam Was . rushing ~1(^aOirmSJaff-Tnto— fc * o s r ^ -Tnnnrr- *»«» 1«,n«Uiiiin taA «>rae-fii^'>iuiv»d^into: th« B a tu e ''Z o n e country with Anierican air jupport jr'en.'Ill to cut tbciHp! -CansDSB IVail, the-Ooiiimif- Woinaai: tumbres £QCATKI,Ifl (IIPT)-At-dd- 'rWASfflNQTON (UF1> -RaU- rqjSd nranagemeht and unipiv flegotlators_flEgued m ore than action a bill that would limit the- u thiyil ««re agenda toijigbt lndude<,8ecot*J -«nmber^rfnon.fe8i(Jent hunters . reading of the conttflVendal. tQ;£Yft.pec.centQflhTtetarBa»rSr,Z{)^i- two hours past an emergency 12:01 a.m. .EST deadUn*- tbdjy-before-recessing talks aimed at heading ..of a- laikm] year. -Rap JMwiiM V Williams. D- <»iat6nrq said tlte e o » , Idaho Hii^way 74, an(t fe third /and finfd. reading of the Lewiston, attempted to force- .. . ^ ^ the —measure -out. of tHF mlttee wants more time to find nation of an irrigatioo district ResoBrarOTjT'feonswvHtton—out ®*»*«*“*Twlthln'the dty. Cnmmittee. But the House naents will <k>. ------------------- In oBier builiWM the uuuui!lt~ talks'were tio resume at-3 pjn. .—.Bargainers for-the nation^ railroads met with repcesenta- UvM o f the United Traiigp ly wwman apparently lost her tipn Union, tliejaaly one ot four / _ .-IBilbdi— wiMUMviiipb^truckjiatioawids ‘door to her rtMtn and fdl, Dec. 10 wfaidi has not agreed to w a g e s .will rgmrti repr^oitative. to - nor’s Conference Planning, discon Jinwrt re<tatrant tease j<Mw&ae«tb<ativ-SaBdita i^lice, identifled the .dead woman as June M.' Panie]s,'63, a restdent of the liotel. ’QiQ'' aald herJadv jras diacovgnri earlier',—bi< apparently stiflM<^ In the &ii hours o f the aesston. ,IhC..Mnfaai'wa« rgportpd tgJbe__ .-ii n" x ___iji ^ M it or not — ttwm ■irWIN F A L tS -T The fedend Insen dli^nnected at the C O r ^ W H it t d C r ^ r to t r y ^ to locate present tiaje.’nwo&erworterB * - Dvemmi iijt Twin Falls rwMpatii to_— JaclndiB-James. E: Dtdnat m m ':

newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · .....- -' ...^................— -'.!:'".r'i v A - 'V - --^ ' '-^ ' ^ ~ —— -------—

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Page 1: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · .....- -' ...^................— -'.!:'".r'i v A - 'V - --^ ' '-^ ' ^ ~ —— -------—

..... -■■■-' ... ............... .— -'.!:'" . r'i v A - 'V - -- ■ '■■'- ■ '■ ~—— ------ -— — ------■; V. ' -■" .' '..;■ '.-----• - .............................................. :.' ’ - - j ---.' '.. "K------- * r - ’ rv " ■ '. - V t — -y v :-.

. , OWiW’o.UfWfMnr#^^

\ > 4 . ■Burley^HuRtrl fayj^. jy v iir -;

|, ---------------;.PtltT (»ooeSon. '•■• - , ' ..• .' ■ Hoin$t»r ■; h it ih s . T ■ k;

Wendell Jerome" ■ • ■Gcioding Hagerman 1S34 J535 ' , .

p ■r^■/ :TEN CENTS. ,

C a p ito l rubblej'

' i '■—

RUBBLE IN A wonianVnaihnMiin on the flrtt floor of tlie - U.S. Capitol la lifted by worken and police aftei* lin exploilon lipped through the structttre Monday. Damage wai confined to the washroom and several offices In the Immediate area of the blast (UPI)

situation and terms foi'. the extension of the Acab-Israeli ^ ase-S re scheduled ta end this ^Sunday, diplomatic sources in t^ndbii reported.'U P I (Jlplomatlc correspondent

-^ . C:= ^nHdef— '- SovietAmbassaaor3 p t _ _________sky called dh, l^^me Minister


seven days 6 week., Anyone ; entering the building after that— must 5how proper creitentialsand also must sign in or out_____AuUiprities refusedto speculate . • . on how the bomB^r planted the explo^ves.■ The effects of the blast"were not visible outside'the'building'

damage to either the Senate or

T h e 'rest-room where the Mast took place is. located next to a~~Senat&«.wing t o b e r ^ p arid near several ,smaH-offic«s~

___ including an- ‘ appropriations-■^1;subcommitte6 room .-

Inmediatedy above the ^est rw m on the main - floor l»--lhe Senate disbursing office. On the ;

- other-slde^f.the-floor abovia^^ the. old Supreme Court chaim-

. b e r ., ■Tlie Senate chamber, also on

f t e ' fl(ior aliove, i« atwut 100'' feet fiuiii Uuiii^ged disbursing'OTfirt.........- ^

Tlie west'wing of the Cipltbl, braci^ by huge bQams bqcause

damaged according to Powell.He said'th'ere "appeared toTbe a serious crack 'in the wall” o f the west frortt:

c o u r tr o o m firebom bs• c a r n a g e - BELFAST, Northern Ireland

( UPI)—A British soldier burned''

the KrentUn. "Rie sources said similar Soviet moves were reported to have been made in P y ia and-Washington.

G ^ rge

Council'vvi'e-. ■

'ey- to thele new U-S.

United nations,


BURLEY — Two persons rohtFOl/sHd across the highway JU P I)—A man w ho. was or- -were-Jdiled Sunday-night ln_a—into tfie median^ through--a- ^ r e d to pay a judgment to his


one-car Interstate 15a ccid en ts miles east of here in the Raft River area.

Idaho State Patrolman DeanaiiDBpira3rp T n i^ nffinflf7=

said the victim s are Mrs.

guardrail 'and onto a county former girl friend- opened fire road which pasMs beneath the a courtroom today, killing Interstate. The auto landed on ' her, two,lawyers and the judge, its wheels, he said. Police captured the man,

nuUuwav said tlie uutu uu-— wliuae niuile Mtas ndH-eteased,

nd ..today when terrorists Bre-

bombed his; patrol ear. Two other soldiers In the auto escaped with m'lhpr injuries.

Falls, and identified

a man tentatively as Leonai-d LeRoy

jw «y suid tlie uunr parehtly did not hit ice,

The 'Iwdies ' were ..t Jten ^Eayd^' ■

today ttye UiUtejl StatM has ino obje^on to a opecial Big Foir mteting to sp e^ Middle l ^ r - action Inrt will not conrmf Itself to a s p e ^ c date.

TVoops in Belfast traded The Soviet Union, following i^ota with « <plppr tp thPi lataal^—dar laratl^

r...v,^ iioim; T.OO i.ui, . CathoUc lyjweHPsHsRofllJHarea— woUd «o^:pitf4>8ck-hiding in a idepartipent store,In early today. Later, a le^year- borders, proposed that the four

thrprf' nirt vniith was taken to a U.N/ amtwssadors m ove their liours later,. Scores of police- hospital with g u n j^ t wpundsjn M xt scheduled m e ^ ig fruiii.

HolioWay said* th^. - auto, driven by Mrs. W ray,. was

..traveling e ^ t on the interstate ■ttlTfin jrappgf uimy wait uut of

_ „ if—^ k e sm a n —said, These 'Were Magic VaUeJ’s __vesls.took part in ^ e 's e a rd i in l^own if he was the sniper.___

seventh and eighth traffi(>‘ '''tffi3 industrial ciCy of 15,000 The ^elwm bing took placelii deaths this year, and Cassia residents 156 miles north of Londonderry’s Roman Catholic

minty's second amt.tliifd.--------- fltocWiolm.’ - ■ ------------- .-.bugsiUu

4 t was not—rtMnunediate-tteclalonr


a s

S A I ^ J ^ i ) - S o u t h - V i e t -

another 4>a^ in theirJjoggM - r -^ w n -effort torxnt-tK e '^ Chi

MiSh s iij^ y frfiil™1ip’ Laos, military sources said today.

The sources said the South Vietnamese infantrymra 'le ft ' ttra bss?, called Hotel 2, bMause heavy antiaircraft fire prevented U.S, helicopten from dropping supplies or evacuating wounded. It is the -fdurtli buse the South.. Vietnamese' .4iave

--iBanaoned under heavy Com- munist fire in aweek.Tioiar

According ttrmilitary sources ^ e r e i nforc em ents were neces^ sary to meet a threat posed by an estimated seven North Vietnamese regiments and tank units operating along route 9 in^de Laos. H ie ^ u th \^etna- niese operation,’ wtiidi begsn Feb. 8 and is tucked by AmericaiX'alr powo-, ha» be«n stalled about-'ie miles across the border for nearly two

Lt, Gen. James W. Suther­land, commander of the 9,OiDO-

man American team "which Is ' since.supporting the ^ontlf^'^iebia- - Allied military sources^ said mese in 'the Laotian invasionr U.S. aircraft. supporting the said in Khe Sanh that the offensive to cut the H o ' Oil offensive “ has'not gone as well Minh Trail killed at , lea^ as we intended." However, he 542 Communists over the said it was an overall success.' Weekend, many orthem in the

Major f it t in g has been uijdemay for more than a week ceiiii^jed around several key sqpots on Bbute 9, including Hill" 31 i ^ c h was overrun by C o m n ii^ ts backed by tanks’ Hiursday and which has been the center of bitter, fighting

battle for Hill 31. Hie United States alsojost another helicop- ter^-.an army yHl^Huey-shot down . in the ~ lower Laotian Panhandle^!_ ,,

Bush ludd the U;S.; Russian, British and French ambassa­dors could be-“ helpful in some »ay” to V .U . nnHllutur GUHitar"

V. Jarrilig’s PMCe ^ r t s .Detail^of the Heath-Smimov-

,.sky discusdoifis were - not discl08ed.^3ut th e^ p lem atic sources said the ambassador’s visit relieved a nisfw Kremlin; move in the Middle East peace maneuvering.- I t ie .Ia t^ Egyptian peace

p r o p q ^ . and larael’a rejection of demands for total troop

____ l A r a f i W "'6c<;i^I^ Siiiee the 1967 War, -formed the— initiative; the sources said—

RR strike

Blast s iteFIRE TRUCK remabs at ttTe i c « e oniirde Me Scntf e \

j a bomb, <rlned wltb a timing'device'and platted deijite dabomte

: TWDTFALLS - Members of the Twin Falls Q ty Cbiirieil wiB

a i i s a s a r o i Mbudget for city employes.

Milar, city manager, said the.'prbpos«^ dty budget- almwg.a 16^3 per cent iaereaaein gpigidlrig fnrl971 Hesaid the ^.--------genjsral fund budget will be’’

jn,MB.OOO:. som pai^ —pendltures^f $1,553,000 during

' r a i ovwall c l^ b iid g e t thia *. without — — ■

: -rTesenres and treasui^>-funi» ii— ^’ 13.779,282, Mllar sald^| In­

cluding the carirydver imowita - . and bond reden^on funds, i t . would reach about. $Si449.82a., - » ^ ^ M to^ d ttie .....

^million in r^aetves to carry _ .=0 = the-^acwer-^and- —

wateray*tarmrfflHt«tticrcBirit«t=~7^- improvements. '• —Amonfl-malof^itenis In tfae^-----

reported. (UP!)area one -fieor below the great n tv d a . No fajnrin wera— b u d ^ is | lW ,8 M * S r ^

■ I airport runway program ,^*whid) V large amount will be federal relmbursemmt money. > TtM^abwntowirprpJeet for IgTl is 6 'u o g i^ at. 1470,100, again

. including a inajprity of ffedaral funds. 'Ihia m il 1 .covS Vtiic“ removal of c t^ b u d utility lin^ and installation of .m

F (& ^ lim it Stymiedtalksdeadline

iISE (UPI) — Hie House , upheld a motion by Oialrman_____ 38-28 Mondayj move to J. - CJidtbum, R-^Wpn;

fbh» out of committee for that the committee be^cuae<L 0(l>er-itetas-on-4h^lengtby-

evacuaiea- o f 1st

tJivisroifriroopsr^fho-^ oM i carrying ' their

TTie artillery base

'K fanfry walked., wounded, was located about t>ase over­ran "niursday by JJOrth Vletna- mese troops and tanks and the

. weekend.Soutl;, Vietnamese m ilitary'

spokesrnen in Saigon said only "Uglirt, ^Soiradic'c«S5iact” ’ 'was neportied over, the past 24 hours on a ll^ b tia n frontSi^iRCladlng' the Hill 31 outpodt-12 .miles from -the ; Soiuth—YletnineSe border! Fidd repigrts Indicated"

—tDdsy: ^ t Goenmunist -tanks— and ground forces had moyed^

. out-t)f the immediate^ ttTfcft "Sf ~ m il 31 and- tSat kmae South'

, JHetaam e9e_^P80ito««'f^:'iM\ ara<Pfei-3Wite .-war*.

- South Vietnam Was . rushing ~1(^aOirmSJaff-Tnto— fc * o s r ^

-T n n n r r - *»«» 1 «,n«U iiiin t a A«> rae-fii^ '> iu iv»d^ in to : th« B a t u e ' ' Z o n ecountry with Anierican air jupport jr'en.'Ill to cut tbciHp!

-CansDSB IVail, the-Ooiiimif-

Woinaai: tumbres

£QCATKI,Ifl (IIP T )-A t-dd -

' rW ASfflNQTON (UF1> -R a U - rqjSd nranagemeht and unipiv flegotlators_flEgued m ore than

action a bill that would limit the- u th iy il ««re agenda toijigbt lndude<,8ecot*J-«nmber^rfnon.fe8i(Jent hunters . reading of the conttflVendal.

tQ ;£Yft.pec.centQ flhTtetarBa»rSr,Z{)^i-

two hours past an emergency 12:01 a.m . .EST deadUn*- tbd jy-before-recessing talks aimed at heading ..of a -


year.-Rap JMwiiM V Williams. D-

<»iat6nrq said tlte e o »

, Idaho Hii^way 74, an(t fe third /and finfd. reading o f the

Lewiston, attempted to force- .. . —the —measure -o u t . o f tHF mlttee wants more time to find nation of an irrigatioo district ResoBrarOTjT'feonswvHtton—out ®*»*«*“*Twlthln'the dty.Cnmmittee. But the House naents will <k>. ------------------- In oBier builiWM the uuuui!lt~

talks'were tio resume at-3 pjn. . —.Bargainers for-the nation^

railroads met with repcesenta- UvM of the United Traiigp

ly wwman apparently lost her tipn Union, tliejaaly one ot four / _ .-IBilbdi— wiMUMviiipb^truckjiatioawids

‘door to her rtMtn and fdl, Dec. 10 wfaidi has not agreed to

w a g e s

.will rgmrti repr^oitative. to - nor’s Conference Planning, discon Jinwrt re<tatrant tease

j<Mw&ae«tb<ativ-SaBdita i^lice, identifled the .dead

woman as June M.' Panie]s,'63, a restdent of the liotel. ’QiQ'' aald herJadv jras diacovgnri

earlier',—bi<apparently stiflM<^ In the &iihours of the aesston.

,IhC..Mnfaai'wa« rgportpd tgJbe__.- ii ■ n " x___■ iji^ M it or not — ttwm

■irWIN FALtS -T The fedend Insen dli^nnected at the C O r ^ W H i t t d C r r to t r y ^ to locate present tiaje.’nwo&erworterB * - •Dvemmi

iijt Twin Falls rwMpatii to_— JaclndiB-James. E : D tdnatm m ' :

Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · .....- -' ...^................— -'.!:'".r'i v A - 'V - --^ ' '-^ ' ^ ~ —— -------—

I toJrleiid. .Cb6te7^Jeir»inev;; B @ utali8kitiqi«B ...Edf'<mrnleK— - reporting !tm:|dedicafl6n':of Stanley BaSin lhformatloiv_ - center; -

knee-de^ powder snow jfM rs .' Jack Ballard:Jsnd_M rs^_._i l^ lC ein ietV C orey-looW B g-ter-^ ;-^

untracked ski slopes;'. ' . . Sherie q>ialir ;t«lcinir ' » b<mt-TTO^

Jerome; wearing new inatchft^— ~ \ w eater and h at. . DaVe-'Arm'?

strong .having- friendly. -a^Ciation with. trees on.i ^ ' ' slopes : . . Mrs. Ray 'Moon .

■ shoveling sidewalks. . . C&uise ~ Webster learning to opei'iate new courthouse telephone system . . . Joe Brooks drjvta|C a w ^ -.frbm-police' statioii ; - - Jim White exercising bird d og .. . Mr. and.Mrs. J.W; Bftiwn ■■ being snowed vpoiv-while tisiriilg^

T-tarry-Haubei'-CMamenting- on beautiful day^ . . . and. overheard, “ And I just took my aioWlires f t ”

MOroiUJV^CUIftimtgianEvllKnlevelialtaoveraltoe ofM .mobUeatobreakaTKordbiitnoboneiasliebasfaitbepa^. j[ n 0 6 S I T 1 6 1 l

special Gallup coKaucF ed for the -magazine ra t^ (^fomiarGovMWnald HeagaiT

1 iaindng -a group of


53 per cent.“ Fully three-quarters of the'

sample feel that the systein’s ^ o s t serious failure js that

isutticieni 'Punl8hment...” -Newsweek. Said- -in4ts"cover"storyr:— '— '

_t‘Si*ty-two per'Cj^t find this fautiQK ldisturCm i^thw - the ------— 1 (^natitutiorial

E d h h D . K i n g ft _ C r y a h O s l r a n E u g e n e B e j r a r d , S t e w a r t ______ A . W . C o f f m a n

RU PE R T-E ugene-B erard, TWIN FALLS — J." F. 90, Rupert, died Saturday at Stewart, 88, 24&.3rd Ave. N., Minidoka Memorial Hospital, i died early Sunday morning in

protected.:n .srn fiiR ii -P rin ie Minis- ^

, tir., Per Bortfih’s ' opalillDTrr Almost half ,o f . those inter- small child. They settled on the, in .Epsom, Ind. -gpKe'mment fk g d tlie- cholee. -ytsffcd -tgU eve. there_ .ia—a Indian Jt o 6ryatlon at FpH Hall— He moved to .Buhl’ v ^ -histoday of resigning or'fighting a ^lational conspiracy to murder, where her pju-ents worked with family in 1915 and attmded

' no confidence mption basfed on policemen. than 30 pet the Indian .^ ency . khpols here. He worked as a,Borten’s leaking o f ‘a''confiden- cent w a n t^ i^ re authority for She attenW d - schools in ' cak-pehter and building^con- tial report on Norway’s negotia- the cop on the beat," and abQut^Blackfoot—and—the- - Collegiate. Jractor. He wocl(ed in con-tJons foT enter Ihe 'Coihmoji ;the saroeluBnber' belTCye the Institute,'Sa^t Lake Qty, Ijtah. struqtbn in Dutch HarTwr and

"“Market:' ■ ___police ahfluM mw»e atrgn jlv' She taught school in the Black- l^diak. Alaska*, for two years.

. BURLEY - Mrs. Edith D. - BUHL - Carlton MarshaU Kiog, J9, died Suod^y at Cassi'a Van Qstr tti, 59, died Saturday in MgnQrial^How^ittJ^--rr.....Boise Veterans ' Ad-;| ^ e was bonijf^eb. at jtnmistration HospltflL after a— rHe wua Uini SeBtr2.-1880,^~"Un! TWlh'Fallg~Tjlnic HospitalBuena~Vista, Colorrcomlng^ to lo n f1 1 1 n «s ^ Ffkncer-He-was-a-retlred tar- afteraWSBlnessrPortiiBTJasfIdaho with her-parrtits M a He was born March 55, 1911, m «- and-atockman. i le servetd: six months he bad made his

ig^_the.Fren(*-Army for three home with ,a 'daughter on • - ^me_to-4he ..Rimview-Dcive, Tvfrl,n' Falls

RUPF.RT — A.W.80 RupflfttiattiML Sunday at a Rupert nursing home of a long


S A IQ ^ JUPI^ - A CIAr,. trained -force o f 2,500 hill_ tribesmfjg’ in Laos'tlSsTnoved to o the Sepone area to Uock

-another-section4)f the H o-Q ii- IMfiih Trail arid backstop a

Cof&nan, Tenewed drive~into~Caos 'thousands of South Vietna reinfnrrmnpnts mllitanv-

T irw a rte rh Uct. b, i ^ , a r Sabetha, Kan. On July, 21,1913^ he married Hazel Cwtar—at- StlllwatPr,. Okla Shortly, .after-

ces said today.

The oppp'dtion 'Labor- Party ■ Intends - to iaUbmit a no confiacnd* moUon Tuesday in

' ““ “ thenpprllanJentTnTan "efrort tooust^Borten,____

.j .y. wha

supported by tlie courta.'— But U' Ih'e' poU Indicajed ^support for tpu^er-p61ice>iu)d om rt-actlon, it also favoredmnrft hiimnna prlontui — ---

foot area for sevei;«d years. In World War II he served in the - O n 'June B6, 1907, sLe waj"U:3..NaMy UK a seaw e fBT ITO

United States and settled in Born Jan.-^IT^^ 1883, = ■tn^tlrelr marriage, they mpyed to California. He Irteri moved to ’ Eagleville,. Mo., he married Rupert. She died on April 29,th¥ Rupert areV> Minnie Russell ^ ig . 19,1908, in

He married Horterise R eyn l^ Dighton, Kans. Mrs. StewartIn 1928;4n CaUfomia. She died in died Jan. 24, 1960.1953. In October. 1953. he Mr. Stewart came to Idaho

Military sources in Sdigjii said the 'I^ tia n hill-tribeMen traified,' financed and e q u ip ^

TKe Agei.Jy

Central ihteiligwce the-past yeprs—

is -< kiiuwn..10’oppose Contunon Market mem- "A bershlp, conceded -Friday tha't' Hhe deploraUe he committed a n ' ‘iiidiscretiuii— Amerl)

marriedto M.H. King.ixi.jQlAClkJand~one half years. He was a --------------------^-membe^o^thrBuhl-RiflVGlub

They moved to Burlev-lp Ii)l5 rhnptn.- mim

1968.Surviying are: -four sons*

Lo’rep Coftman, Sacramento,__ ^ l i f . ; Raymond Coffman and

------- ------------------- --------------- from Kan.sa^n 1913andclgaria~ Arthur CoTfman Jr ., both,iMev. iihe died in.Eebruary, 1964. -sagebrush on a-landiJh'^the Rupm , and Hacve^ Co.ftmM,married Maria Giraud In Elkn.

had been moved in to- blockjthe key road junction of Muong Phiiie in Laos. . , '

North-somlf^Route '? 3 and east-west Rx)ute.'9—the -axis of-


UiJComlng to Burley, the coUple majority acknowledges purchased a -v a r ie ty ^tore,

conditions In whfch was to become tha first,

Veterans of Foreign Wars, He married Jackie Smith Dee. 9, 1947, in Elko, Nev.

Surviving are three step-sons, Salmon Tk-act. He farmed there Pocatello; four dau^ters, Mrs. Raymond— -R eynier;— iLos^from^ 1914 to ^ ^ .w h e n he—Vyj:. (Juanlta)-ilammonfl andAngeles;— A uptat— ReyiilBT,—niuved tu RliiiljHrlit.- ; fe wua'a.-Wi'S'. Dill (Luulae) Laiiieii,'buUiKerrviUe, Tex.,' and Ernest' member of the ffim berly-:-W e-Dalles, Ore.; Mrs. Max Giraud, R\jpert; two step- Methodist Oiurch, .the' Kim- (Dorothy) Burton, Burley, and

__i i i ^Laos—cross at Muong Phine. Muong Phine Is ab^ t JO air

nf SpponBTand its capture would block a major -sector of the Ho Chi

by releasing the report to Arne Haugestad, the leader of the

ositlon to the (iommon ket. Borten had at first

leaking, the report.

givea..Qjy)W««iieIitiing support to propsals ' for- inorle humane treatment-and^better-ppisone^ rehabilitation..." the magazinesaid.

variety store diain. He'died In 1951.

s i ^ , Juanita Van Buhl; three brothers.


daughters, M afie Price, Heybum, ^ d Eugenia LaPore.Camas, W ash, and 15 grand- children and one ereat- -Mrs. Lavellff (Lucille) Walker, ^ n d ch ild .------------ - ............ ^ i M>t Falln; a tnn rRfy

iSerly Grange and the Pomona Mrs. George (Rpsle) Wheeler, T^ail.Cortinjimist supplies WweGrange. _______ - . -Salem, Ore.; thr^sisters'. Mrs.

^ui^ving me a dau^ter, Donna Qouse, Tacoma, Wash.; '“ Wer tJie South Vietnamese mMrs. Dora RiirrnnHh,-f;«rftm«l-.

. Lewis,main' Highway '914.

,__________ joa= Jtov -S tgw artn )F e ..~ ^ Mrs...May Lewis, . Spo>tesmens^d the guerrlUas^U n ited 'M ethod ist .Church, Bulil,uiid Hal Van"Ostran, Twin I ' j ,, u ' - ‘i j J » ' K im berly; two grandsons, Sonoma, CaUirt three brothers, ^^e operaUon Ust weekBurley; the.Evergreen C hafer Falls; fournieces; two nephews. ® Lairy-^and-Kenneth—Walker,- E d g a r -^ f fm a n i— Tacom a; ttestroyed a dozen Comhiunist

- ^ o M h e3 0E S ?a Ba WM a 'p a st and tluee gieat nephews and {V " TuMday^u^Wa»Moft^ y . boUi Twin Falls, audfi've great-—Dewey Cultnian a»d J61m matron. She was a meniber.pf one great niece. uiapei. w r y ic e s ^ } grandchildren; a (jrother, Coffman, both SUmner. Wash.,the PEO Sl.«rti»rhnnd, Trig RpfTar__ iHe.wflij.pr.eceded in riealh hy__ron d iyt^ *?♦<?

B e i j e d i c r s Magic Valiev MemoriB

Homes and Carden Club, t9ers, and was serving u historian. Daughters o f the American

-------- -^TTH m lBea- Summers, Hailey-; Mrs.

-Jim ~ W illiamsr~M rs: Jerry Reddick, Mrs: Jack Johnston

A d m l ^Susan Dofis^ Mrs. Martin P.

MartJnezTrMrs:Danna . Q ark

of thp Founders arid Patriots of America.

his parents and a brother. N ikolas Catholic .CJiurcK . by" m o ., -and two 'sisters, Ina ^ e a t^ M ^ h H i-e n . - ifiFuneral services- wlH. be • A r n ^ .^ in a l Harrison, RIdgewav. Mo„ and Funeral services are pending

conducted Tuesday at 2 p.m. at ^.Rupert LUlig Hunter, Macks Creek, Mo. at Walk'Mortuary.lfie.Bi.h1 F ir^ llnitM M^thnffiS ^.^^y.^Frien^ may_caUat__GraVe-,ld.. services- for Mr. ^ -Church-by—Revn^Glenn ^yejday at- stewart- will bp .con ducted.“ mortuary! 1'Ue.saaytnan. Burial will be in the Buhl J?,™®*" ; evening and

-Wednesday''prior to services;



Audrey M ayflow g D efendants and of by the Buhl VFW post. Friends

Wedrieiday at Ji.pjn»-4n the ,Sunset J item oria irP Sk with June lrl792. R e v, n n lh p rt R pm alB y n f.

TKOTtucky entered the Union

... and.-ivirs )lic6tfc-BoyeF^-:^ti— iteuiil>iM ‘,-Wa6e>-t'arn>tt--and—«^e~**U8»enot^^iety." __m g i ^ y n ,; M rf) Taslla ^ tCfl, SalldlaM^.aal^^,all i ^»in^ 'a^K^ iurvivmg are a son, Hermon I^ illir ia n rW ^ ./M rs . Michael Johnr-Mii,--^Ulpb—Smith-aiid E. King, Burley; three

Robert Bean, all Filer; David daughters, Mrs. John .(Ardith)^ JHogerhuis, Buhl; :Joseph - \Y-^.Th.atd»er, R e n o .^ e v tr f lm s t - ,Beard, Kimberly: C h r is to p h e r -^ tb (Dorothy) .Wilson, Saiftb Piiniips,: - W endell; Wayne Rosa, CaUf., ahd Mrs! R ich^d

may—call^^at the ^Ibertsntr

-M adale^a'' W endell; Mrs. N ettie ' K elso, "Mrs. Lydia Hep^yorth and i Mrs.' Micha'el Nash, all Jeronije:'Mrs. Janice

DicKpfapMortuaiy until 8 p.m. today and Tue^ay to noon.

^ fidating. Friends may uall ~Ht~ White Mortuary Tuesday and Wednesday until 1:45 pjn .

G . H i g g i n s '

nunham, Siguird, Utah Dismissed

M rSv^urora D. Gonzalez,

Frafjk Spencer, Shoshone.■— J )| s tn ls ^ - _

baby boy Q*awford, Mrs., _____ ________ ___ __________ _;:;J||eng(_-Jleid^ B(>dney _Kllnea,I,Jk!tsJ.eRojJSf_Hoss, Mrs. Byrd

Mrs. Milo Conde and Mrs. Edna Golay end daughter, Mrs. --B u rk s , all Jerome: Mta*JS?arvin Stanley -ITieobald, John Eddy — Boyer. H aeennan.,^d:-M rS;^ w a y a < tT - Mh ;^ ^ 3iA«t«r . i,;

Frank Ruffing and son. Wen--. -CampbeH— W t — dffOgliteP;

I Moe, -Olympia, Wash?,' ^ d 1 2 gran'ddiildren and two’ ^reat-grariddjlldjfen.

F u n era l, s^tvTces w ill. be conducted_at " 'l l - ajm . Wed-

— Funeral services ucted today In Boise


A daughter wasV>m to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Madalena, Wendell, and a son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gates, Pujlmari, Wash.

Charles L- Gosef, Daniel L.Bakin's, Mrs. RobertT3. Semple and-- Duane HanseirraD"Twirf7^ah<J evemng. Falls; Charles Taylor, Malta;Mau<Ue Curtly, Richfield; Mrs.Dorothy K._piffgess'aid Q ay A.Stone, Both iferonfjer^s. Lacy D- T ^ e e . and daughter^ Mrs,Fannie M. Joens, Mrs. Don C.

FVlends iilay call Mortuary Tuesday afternoon.

resident who (^._suEVi _ _(h ia home. of the United States From 1943

■HeTffas born Sent. 15, 1894, at to 1964 he was employed by the ^owa, afid' fit- Idaho Highwiay Department in

at Pavne “ '"«-'<<-“ xol3. He served the Twin Falls offlce.“ >e Arm5?durlhg World War . ife

W . H . S c h a r f fJ •*“

B E lI e VUE - William <Henry' Scharff, 61, Bellevue,. *7 . i ; ' '*aedofalpng-lllness^Sundayata r U n e r a l S c r V I C C S

BURLEY -& r v ic e s for Mrs.' Dorothy Co]t.,wlil be held at 2 p ^ .- . Tuesday' &t the Burley Christian Cliurch. Final rites'WUUUUULCU—41V - «ai4. WWW- ir,

nesday In the Uiiited Methodist“r 2 ! f ^ , Oiurch by Rev. George A.Trnhniiph. Final ri^es will In ^ e Jijeasaijt- V iew -€ en ^ e /y . ^nded Iowa,

Twin Falls nursing'home He was bom Se^. 1, 1909, at

Glendale, Idaho, In Blaine 76, of .pOo^ty and grew up In that

fpjjner; :^Area. From 1930 to l94flhe was^a


Hctve.a handicapped ch ild .'!» is prtjb- that she .will outlive in. aod if jhe

Pleaaant^Wew, . ^ doa^, we won* ♦<> be mo}f certolrt iKot sheis ■biTrle'd nfexi TO uj. Is this something you

, con help us'crrongS?' _____________

He married MarieN

G . X ) o n i a l d ^ p n

on Dec. 2a. 19iiT Wyo. 'They Tfioved Jerome-Wendell area,

RUPERT Donald^n, 91,.

s.___Mr,— Higgins— farim— , George operated .a retail Salem, Ore., business.

Lutheran dliirch.Meri-lUramie S urvlvtng^e a sister, Mrs.

to the Violet R. Mid<ajcy, Bellevue, andLfl-nephewT^iis-TOrents. a brother and a sister preceded him in death.

Irma Homan will held.at 2mcmhflr nf tho P . TimaHgy lit Hn'ljR.^Fimnrjil--

-Cliapel. Final rites will be Sunset Memorial Park.

M o r e v i s i t o r s

In_____________ ..........



CHyde Johnson,


. - -T l T A l f t J-jttUi^-l

He was bom In April 1879, in- .........H e__B fflij


where~Mr. Higgins continued I business until last August.

BliUnf :....ta fa tf arid TviethoAst Qiurch-ySons wwe to Mr. m d He m arried . F lorehce Survivors Include fiis wife,

Mrs. Martin Martinez, Twin Donaldson on May 19, 1909, at E a llya nd Mr- and-Mrs.-^bcrt— PtortlandrOrer

d e a t h VALLEY; Calif. (U P I ) -A record 580,493 per-

. Graveside . f^ 4 _ ,^ ^ c e s ^ a Q n a ^ ^ t e d _ P e a t lL - - - :J Mcted-at g!'8a;TOn . ■ Natlunal JMonrarrent In 1970, an

J ’uesday at the B e llw ie increase of 26 ^ e r cent oyer netery by Rev- Donald*Nl9i59. The maln-travcl .«icaiMn at


iVtnigH-o tr^st cretited fo r thiri pTjpOM. you con actually g ^ ra n te e that your wishei will be gorrigd

Hy (^ rri«* r ~P rr Mnnlh'

( l>aiK & ^anclav )By-Mail

Fianday )

P aid iii A <l^a nrr ( lifttly A Sundav )

J Monlh . . . -3 Month<~i i ;- r r

QoodinK Memorial

two sons, George_________ . . . ------------- C eorgetowii. ~and

• He moved to .Rupert m 1913 Hallie Higgins, jSoISeTTIve ■ from Portland. Jte-retumed to gW i«. n

w ruand in 1942 and in 1965 Boise; M rs. Lawr«nce -^ movfd-to-Salem— -------- .(EllMbeUil TewsTgiSaKiiiST


-Churchr Friends may ' Bird Funeral Homer

Monday evmlng and

runa—from^OctoBSr^ through May, $ when aUTTaHonal Park S erv iee"-ir ‘ and private facilltle3-Within Ihe,

of your bank.

_^y/e should hqve a T^gora bl your wish­es and funds deposited in the trust^Wuld b#'Hi'isyabt< to uir

■a w a y { N O W F O R M O M !

6 y p nlli» .

. 82.7.->

.-97r?5 S I 4 .3 U ' S27.<M>

■ MSil ^ubixtripfions acrrpl- _ fd -pn iy 'Wheqc carrier 4sli»'c

cry-is not im iinlaiiix l,-^ ^

‘T I W E S - f l N E X S ' S ^

~ A ^itte d F lorence ,F rahm , M ri,

Rayjnond Hendrix, both ~Go6ding; ' M ary ^hTimT-

H a g e ^ a n ;_ Jaines Su tt^ . .Wendell, and

Surviving are' a son, Ralph Donaldsoni A lba^, .Ore.;' a daugbter'i’ Mrs. rath M tM , Salem; asteiMonJEMd-Bicker. llupeiT,ah'daTtiece,Hrs.. David

Mri. Rilla Garrett Bass, Boise; Mrs. Eunice nsher, San-Jose, Calif., an<i Jfiii. Imo: Wise, Aocatello; ttaree-alstars, Mr«r- Cora Goswick; Santa trm ,

Mrs.MMdows, JOng Hill.

„JH*»ttingr-Wenatcheer-WMh.; a Q ^ rMrBTMartlBraBiBirSan nephew,.Wilbert Donaldson,: Calif.,- and Mpi Inez PorUand, aiid_JlveJlgrand-^Daugharty^Nape.Califr, and »

— Yuu uil! Uling 'good judgment in your j : piqnnipg. I r it not neceuory.to place.,

g -diftlgjLwn-be put In-o.little a time, g Consideration should also be given to >;i the interest thnsC-fubdt^will'etirn while ^ * |

: l S t j B S C R l B £ B S - l a S : S 4 £ ;David

------Jp rw rv icc^ .^ n t—Paper Delivierv

r : ~

*JaiiHB cmneraU Hup ^QaySdmani Offley, and Mrs.

a u T a t^ Minidoka. I

Funeral "Mrviciex'-irtll be , conducted at2pjn.Hiursday4h Walk-Mortuary ChapeL bgr Hev. Johiuancmr, FteiJ ritM wMIbe

may- -call - at-tfte-flVittUlty W i ^ e s d i y .'.'allCTnMn: anff


r ' ' C a l L y o i i t c a r r i e r - O^niava-StidOyT JfflrrtkiN v J» >>n Mc C a v t y r -^ in e h o M

o r 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1

CTCTiW-iind i in ir a d a y ^ ^ _~ ~'--iheeHngat apjn.MondafattSe

, - - aie-a«fccd----------------- ---------- . -------- r r r~ .--------- totjrtng

Bfirs. G in e iin n n ^9mx . . ' TWOt^ M A S —T BlH’tWH

__ _ ___ M1nidolt>if aB»»<aia to~Mr,.apiL3aES ditfi will meet at^-pjn.Had^-Panf. NGv-iGan'sainan, Oakley. an^ T ^ ^ at t l» --Y “ *• Mnt Janwa rUntir- jtoyarta .wiUi a wt igM j r nNi

were torn ___ isJniriaikt

Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · .....- -' ...^................— -'.!:'".r'i v A - 'V - --^ ' '-^ ' ^ ~ —— -------—

j yion<idVr.AAiu;^l ,M9n~ •' ■ Tlm^- Iteiw.Jrwlrt-F<i|t»i tdiiito r J ;^

r l i r r ^ ^a w i r S I i § t \

W S iMt

~ ■ funding of- the ' supersonic t r a i^ r t (SST), rejecting char*

” in'iytaytr \<lriin IS, ' cause ^ B n - cancer, • disrupt animal rej^odi^ction ..and djause m elti^ 'p f the polar Ice caps as he sai'd:;was claimed by some opponents -of the

■'project.- ■, ■ ■ ' ' ■ - (instruction and flight o f two'

SST prototypes, .Volpe, said, wouia ‘Un-no way.cause harm to . our , environment," , but faUure 'to build the l,800rmile- a n -h g ^ ^ T would jeopardize America's lead in the aviation


■ on Mpgdair ' and ~ ;t4i)re«i'BW thftjjpper,- '

-JW.7?pW«rii>gs itell<r university, "nie ISU-

ikesman will be AvadaU^ in'" ~ le 8<pdent conference room of, ....................... ding froti 1

p in . to ^30 p jn . M on^y“ and' from 9 ’ aim. to noon . on’ ,-t ^Tuesday. :—

yhedule of CSl Inrhidg a.hln« i -^ a w in g from 2 to 7 pjm. today iiittamural hnslcpthatT gamp jn jh e Cai,gyy»iMBUiH>rth(HBrst^^^Byjn:7lVesday In

c s i Golden Eagles will travel to Coeur d ’Alene on* Thursday and Friday for the reg ion a l' juniorJ". college; bagkttball tQUfn'flment at North Idaho Junior College.

— Volpo -^ id-"strange" that some SST foes waht to stop prototype develop'ment anlTmlow the Riissians,

- French -and -^ ttd > -tft-d eter mine “ whether SST fleets can be put into thS air- wUHout serious damage to the earth's environment.’

— Volpe y q s a witness^or^he:^^^:^ Nixon a^inistratloni before a House appropriations subcom-

fcrallhg through'June 30 for the project at the current level of $210 million a. y jar aii^ .to

^ r o v l3 e $235 million in new money t o fund the. project in theiiscal year starting July I.

— _____ JVolpe _aiaid_u;enlighten^d_|American technology" coul3~' solve -design problertis to ,

----------Dcnduce.—an---SSTLj.^hich______ TOmpatible-.with t{ip wnrld',s

environmeht—atransport wfiich----------must tJe Built If 'this nation ot,

ours is to keep pace with the, future." -

TWIN FALLS - Dorothy Loder and Juanita Pinkston are ■ displayirrg-paintings at ,ihe niilri DpvpJnpment Center for

T F. offit;ialtfto attend meet

„T W N _F A L L S ' — Federal _________ _income tax returns'- for M r--- Mtirse will- porations operating on a registration.„The class w ill '

- ingjvhen w ll meet.

'the, , nmrt two manth a ;-Bomo 'j 1 WjiN i<7^LL!> — Mayor

calen^r-year basis are hy -^ ridea^ earE M ^ch 15 instead of the AprtI 15 toU^wing clasies'.

-tlg^ltnF flpia-ytnT

L'Jht^teDSive.-jfcixingJrlin- struction was developed on a

nil etifcoupen balow and irtiatl i6~'Nat^nwi<l• 5*rvlc*. Th«r* 'i a'rapAilaiitdtIv* m yoor o i»o ," J-

p«Di.T-ia I ■

.series_________________ _ 1 A letter from Dye stated the Xaxpay«i:s, the- Internal ^ch m g « will De made durmgme ■ FVank^Feldtman, accompanied-—m tetlng^are being held in' all Revenue Service said today. " defen^ve-driving-'^flasses to be increasingly .com plex tra ffic exiubition. jjy Qj{y Manager • Jean MUar states on recoihnvsndatlon of Corporations'^ aVe n o w , held in Hwin Falls. The classes situations requiring a con-

and^Airport- Manager Harry^—the secretary o f tran.soortatinn rw uircd to pay their taxes bV w e aimedatlmptovlnR the skill tlnuously defensive attitude,- ' ■ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WlitiaOftyplcat^iJliUnilyplCTf-

exhlbltion.The exhibition is-m ostly oil

pullUUlBtr 'wlta bUiiiB water-stnntr colors and a few pSstelsr

BERLIN (U P l)—The East -BerUfl-mwppaper Berliner Zel- tung reported that a load of coal ordered by a man named

-tho-East Clerman town of Sprem- berb was delivered to a local ^ c k bar whteh--:speclalizes in fried fish. i

•Merrick.', will ’ be in BMse "Tuesday to..attend a statcf^wide transportatldii study^ Session: -

MHar said the local.. delegation will join others from throughout the state in meeting- with Ira ’Dyei director of the O ffice ' of System s, Requirements and Information^

-.•Rip mpetin^lis callpd, hp sniri to £xpbre transportation needs in. both ^roiinrt and'- aii;.

with information gather^ to^te depositing tfiem directly witli^ any undl <diy Jilyci --------- --- -----------------^— r-used as a basis for legislation their banks.^ as they do with violation points on his driving^situations siipplOTentand: e x p e n d itu r e s to be employers’ tax returns, the IRfr record with the-state may h aw the’ c la ^ o o m discussions andrecommended to the-President said. ________ --jh ree points rem oved for^ l«vtiirp>iand the U.S. C o n g r ^

Tayjor Topi»er Ir loltnow m » f obout t h rT o ’

do W n «. JHm W Wnd^mc comj youir full <eler'bro<hur«. —O I hov» n «v«r w em 'a hoifpi»c*.

I fo r. . . t . . y<□ ' I hd.iM worn a hatrpUc* l

MIAme ..AODRti;S,.Q.TY.

900 Bott, BaunlKul.—

rond Wh^t U catT* >rmalipn,~ including


IKjS............................• .< ............ ............................V..............................STXTf............... . -rr-ZIP ■ • • - • •'■**-------- ■ r . . . ; .................- AGB . . . ' . I —

■Mllar_said_ there frorri

are fimds'available frorri "such sources said, highway planners are and the federal tax on aircraft looking to other needs many o f fuel which will be allocated for ..which have been held In'

levels. ---------- ----- - ' ■ critical Interstate work. NeedsJi'ith— com p letion - of- the . through. 1990 will be revl^wed.in

national- Interstate highway the. study sessions^,such as the-categorles in Idaho.

communilies of-^■St^min-the-near future, M il^ 'one to be held .ifl Idah.oihe sald, ;

lat chstrict Ket>ekah assetiiblyFILER — O fficers were MrS. Richard Edwards^ Filer

elected at the fifth '■ district noble grand, prelglded at the Rebeliah Assembly htld herc__bu3iness meeting, and Mrs. Ted Saturday 15 the lOOF hall, and ' Siero; andJdrstPem-Bohanan - a school of instniCtiPn was ^trrwllipprt «y<»ph»; giii«rt«i nnH conducted. -j— -------- preiaentedThHrn^tlrgiftsr .

-The school was under the These included Mrs. Grube, direction of MrS. Norma Grube, Miss HanCoCkTMPrkaret Walts, Ashton, assem bly president^ past presidenLof lARA and past and C ^ lo n • Hancock, Me$6 president o f the Rebekah Meadows* assembly president, Assembly4. IWhy Drake,

OfRcers h am ^ to Dr»‘ *’i'1? -----------jea i's (iAiiveiilion inclwte

Qara UIrich,T:halrman; Nancy Major, "first vice chairman;Ruth JCarrytpn, second vice

secretary-treasurer .■'

Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · .....- -' ...^................— -'.!:'".r'i v A - 'V - --^ ' '-^ ' ^ ~ —— -------—

Ar- ::*1'

Aten^y, Atorrt 1, 1971 - Afwe^iVettargreh, Publisher. PHONE 7 3 3 ^ 3 r

iitIGtttlOND:"Va7^^ Ah' in- .from jraekaln'B-gtailn1pftlpt7~litii -4 isp«n aB bl& _pr^ ise . in i tlie - Virginia . performance _aen/led < sh a ^ BreBtdraliial caxnv^e«: not to ref&&-but^^eifl!orc6

OfNclkl c n / 4 r id .C k ^ «y ;M «ra iM ^ ^ r M an b«ro«A u d It B U f«*udl C lr c u l« t to and. UP'., t»onu«httJ a :S «d la n .W 1W Idaho COdt/ ThutMHy l i h t f jb y dwlBnatiid a t th« day o f |K» w # « (to o < ^ lch „ - 'le o a l notice* will bepu M liH M , Kubllihad dally and 5undayi^c«p^■Satufday.-at IM Third Strt«t Wart. - ' Twin Falli^ ldaho. 83J0I, by Atopic V alley N ew ipapart, Inc. ^ te r e d a| MCond c1a»%;mari m atter April t

l » l ( .a r th e n n 'io » le * ln .T w ln Falls, Id a h o .'U J O I .u n d ^ ttre a c fo lM a r^ l, 167*.' '

NO southern ^ X 4 ^ i v ^ e l y :■ v>v trlendihip wltH Seir^HtirryA


6ai7^="Itajry' M ;“:(Scoop) MuaWe's'^ Sur- , impsj^aaUnTHsJacbsoh'ofjyaahington — en- prisliiKly, Jacltaon’a strong Vffginla'. Fot'.:.i&ofatlia,-----

u n w a v w fn ^ emphaaIff7)n'HafleHd^secuilr'^gintrDeroo<a'ats have Jt.. ree*siq>pq^frOT'the'^utfa ^.-waai produced few hurralvs from'the s d ^ g privately, tljat Scoop depenifcnt Jastsyear

<100-^late diners. .........._____Jackson Is the ohe- D m ocrat Virginia's DenTWsUbadnewsfor Jactom 's. who . coffl(3' carry tJi'e state (w ty

riUs I acal.Visit n e r j.iw i week .„ Jackson arrived in R ic ^ o n d

ted aJMUklu-4^htniifet?lsiMbln )ut still,, NfewsJieader- and

Democrat to news conferencfi, Ja|a^Jater


badnewsfor Jacicson's. who . cofflO' carry th'e state (w ty conservatives. lohe-shot brdspects (or aKalnst President Nixon in iW2. Byrd might'have shown^up to ^splayed himself

. ^ i ^ t f e n t n n r ^ f e s w t ex-. Two leiders o f “the-rpresenUy honor Jackson at Saturdays Democratic pos4lbi. . . . . . f ,i^ .^ ..» Y r ^ ^ ^ r ^ ^ h r n t p^ p rn t^ Sen, dinner had he not feared cat- appreciates the ri^

Jackson, Dinner to find a ~tliat" "trunt-runnlng Muskle is Willtam .Spnng^and form er callilJfUlIl Wine of the pafty* j,m j)!]ary,m n ^ ^•StllfnbiP qtTh Vhaf tirmiavM Dn*#lA. liKorola flt Mt. NlXOIl S QOIijc


. Christian Science Monitor.^ • “ Whi n I usea word,” said Lewis

CarroU’s Humpty-Dumpty, “ i,t, ihdans-j^ what I choose it to —

r' neither more nor less."

(angled lines at comm^patiDn aneenand demorialize bofc i»rtiea.

John Gardner, former Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, is another such revolutibhary. His

. rennttlrkable groundsweil tor'‘ -;: -Sen. Edniund Muskle of Maine. . , , .

^ But., even' more -discouraging ' — business, organized - labor.

favorite Humptv-Dumt)ty word of interest is superbrgari^®**

bound to stumble apd Ujpt Am basador William Battle lll»rals. moderatfe elements f t the pa^_<(1969 nominee for <3ovemor),' :Apart from personalities,

are hanlmtappi-* .lapksnp rtinrfiflvei', Jackso^i^Quld seem • ' . ^ B ^ e jiriJiuiife with VirgiiSa’s

. ig 'entefT conservatism than _ Miiskie': “ Muskle may -have

" , North;Carolina locked up,*'oneihlgh:^evel- Democrat here told us just befpre Jackson’s arrival. i'But remenjber this: Virginia Is ligtNoirth Carolina. We’re h o t,


people. To a hippie, revolution i^ th6 master 's lc^n '~of the coun- terctilfiire^ T o -P resid ^ t: Nixon,

He hopes that,' by sfei^ng ds a continuous, rasoned voice of protesti_to-i‘ p le ’s :iqbby ;< ;on ^ ^

rftvoliitio n is a fa ir d e s c r ip t i o n ^ m o n d a u s e . w ill Be a b le to in s is t - -1 9 7 J --R e p u b U ca n pollGieSr—B la c k -r-tr-t.

Panther? and fashion designeps-arl ,. brothers at abusing the India

rubber stretch of toe word.it is as tfive ari^happlying the

term to our tradSsno our lives to -Lremincl ourdelves by exaggeraffop

that business no longer gets done in the same old ways. By sharing the

■ word .revolution with radicals^ moderates are a<^mowledging thatc h a n g e — b re a th le s s c h a n g e — is __

— UlfeaBviL lr a d it i o n T ^ d r s c m o n t ic a , • -Gh ie a n o s

upon-priorities-t<MwBich-American money and (Mergy should be de(^cated.' Saul“' A I ® k j j> « ^ t i ir another

private-sector guerrilla — a self- styled" radical^ himself but. one whose methods are , niiore revolutionary thairhK credo. He Ureams of a breed of organizers — roving grievance comniittees who can “ sit down with the Canadian Indians on Mondayi gBhtrhelp the


that'liberal yet.” ___But U p^ ty leaders looked to

. JacJ^n, the rank-and-file were .^b^Qng—aboard the Muskie ii>kndwagon In recent weeks,

±spontaneous telephone calls Into

irM f;' Ntxo fi’s7domesti 'policy with charges that he ha I ‘ ‘filed

■ to consult people Injthe j w<»rld” about the ec would “ do anything j elected.”

But later,' in his banquet, jacksoh'ti formance was-only 0: above a catastrophe

i-TigM instinctSj^ Tuesday, be in a blue^oHar suburb■y'

to. atrocious arrangements. Scheduled to speak .^H J:30rlt- was Weil after 10 o'clock Before Jackson took" thF'tlO‘U'“ P. then, the Virginia D ^ocrati were t^esthetiarf~by~y*«.

jS'ep. -SponB’s ' and ot)ier dless musical progi'am and n 'cohgressloilaLqfflc^es from drowsy after a protracted

' - would-be Maslrie~:vo1unteers~:tocfctaih'ih<>tir Bwd-dinntf w ine^" hiye been multiplying.’ Moiieover, the Jackson who

' ‘For the first time since read a rai^Uing speech w m r»t Roosevelt,” saVs one party the JacKSOT^dynamtcaHy leader, “ MusMe may be a pounding home points to Pi;esident!al nominee who newsmen that afternoon.

GEORG6 C. TH O STESO N , M .D .■ ■ , '1

—— Neck TractiQ nW h o w ill b e the le a d e r s o f -4 h e i r f ^ i c a g o o n . W e ^ e s d a ^ i sp e n d

’70’s ? T h u r s d a y - w i t h ^ w t e - s t e e l ^ r k e f s "T h Q s e ^ h o a n t ic ip a te , a n d d ir e c t , in P it ts b u rg h , m o v e .F r id a y t o - a

tlie e n e r g ie s o f p r o t e ^ th a t l i f e th e y ^ b l a c k g iie t to T ^ tr o u b le d rby-productM .^of c h a n g e .- L 'Ih e s e a r e ju s t tlu -ee fa c b s 6 f th e

Dear Dr. Thosteson: I would troubfe can be aU evia^ by *lik,e to la iow '‘jljst what“ neck drawing the bones of the spine

- tractton*’' is for arthritic apatt sUghtljj^And I“'TBeaJTr’' changes in bones of the_jieck^iB htly)-Just enTw gh^,xsltos.«

- ontHiar r ^ Mr.s. K.H—______ pressure Qn .aom&>?t.oT P^rv??_____-:-jJiotalUarthrlti3-i^of^seriou3- ; or .other ------

; These men won’t n e ^ sa p ly hold office or even be political, In fact, they wffl—tend to ■ depoliticalize

■-iflsue&rFor-thdr aim \ViU be to talk ‘rjHe““''prbtestei^—tluwii fruiii tlie—

new revolutionaries — pragmatists...rathi^ than ideologues, problem solvers who promise' to be as various as the challtoges of the

■■'70'9-. At iimca, theii*' unorthodox, barricades and convert them to a wavs_are-bbund-to-irntater~BuI. different kind of “revolution — t o A ^ - insofar as they provide expression

y ieu^ue^rpces5J)f change. * to public wiU — insofar as they east RSTpB waaw lii uiit; soelruiderlf y ; tlje fiantically increased demands

------ ,1 upon the government — these new' "ic5- will te douig-gy~

revolutionary. In effect, his Center

aTtEategjj for opejiing it sort of hot line between a government ^nd its

, citizens before old. eva^-more-

the time, we reach the mature years, have- some arthritic

rais haalieen well by examining,

Ganges.' demAnstrated large-fiumiiers^of people.

Merely having such ctunges -d o e s n 't .— m ««n— tb»t— w e

necessarily have any pain, or ■^fficnlty im ralking-or-in ttie iise of arms-'and hands, It’s

. traction.” Often this is a rather simple pirocedure, with a pnlly

Ttinlnyaiice that can be Wtched to the,top of a dootw ayjn ien_a_ chin strap orsimilar harness is attached to ohTs'heSaTThls IrT' " tiirn-i.v.attnchftd. to. B weight, from S to 10 poiyids, which

• much as ahyon^ to prevent the old- fashioned sort of r«voiution from happening. >

C(V>yrighl 1971 Loi Angelei Time, Syndicate

seemingly just a part of aging — ^

exerts an-upwai^'pull a t the head. The real purpoM Is to

F- Sc'Sp&ie jua*-a tiny, tut apart, as well asstretch tense niiu^es,_________

There are all sorts of varieties


TH e W orst M a yorpgachm en t" -

ursuing the-ei—Nixon-Viptnnm— Viat^

everi-thcones of Tllnosaurs show that they had such chabgesUoo.

However, sometimes chang.es that ptherwise wouldn’t be of much consequence can cause secondary- troubles. Bones of . . the...joints, you see, tend prevalently used. and. perhaps gradully to flatten a bit, besides should be used moffe often than de\(eIoplng a sort of flange or it is. It will often provide relief

— outgrowth-at the , the bones.^ . _iOl!—

of this technique, depending on the^individual case, but that^the principle.'Traction is falrly>‘X __

"Wlltill — aa L% aulte^poromon- -tftis^oeeufg in the bones of the

g r a n t s f o t - s e w a g e : . - c o n s t r j i c U q n _ w o r k , - ~

I The revenue would be4i8efulK but the tax would help to discourage the usevof"throwaway containers, since distributors would find it to

they ar«, ft is.sometirifes cheaiyr to make a container fpr.beer or soda- pop whicjMhe corisurner can throw away after fie drinks the beverage.^'TROUBU: IS, it isn’t cheai^r to

-^clean up. Every bit of letter picked up costs the taxpayers a bundle — several times , as much as the discarded container cost onginally. In addition, used bottles and cans deface the countryside.- So it makes sense to us to im ^ se riiakers,' have' ^eguff pay{ng^ for

a one-cent tax on non-returnable used aliuninum cans. Not sur- .beverage CMitaliiers. Sponsors of prisingly, such cans are not usually such _^a.-i)ill— the legislature fnnnH in tho litter and trash at pica-

late it would retiun about $2 ,ic areas and along roads.

their advantage to'avoid the tax by 'usin^returnables. - ^. SOME 1BEER companies, in ■cooper&tion with alumlnuni

ones — and he will give

' fr i^ t ot their lives in the 1972 PresideAtid campaign.

Mostly, this, shows the p o o f person^ity^rdflle. of the other

-candidatesrtncjiuding-President- Nixon. None of tfieiifsb far has

—managed to. excite the lelec-

iS'aiso me case of Rep. Paul Mcdoskey, Jr., the for-

leader m ' Korea, who has called for a discussion of the "im - RepubUcan nomination.

torate.:.On the . Unfortunately Republic,

|)ther hand, and for this poor

Lindsay has


charisma — wjiiich ’ in this age weans’ he's ticulate, cl good on tell

tmndsom ar“~ ng and looks

_____ . _____jion. T^gt’s allthat ever coUldFbtf said about .^n . TpHHy anri .

for h ea^ lhes_ l^ th r e H tJ ie ^ ih^BrveB“ Which rddiate from represents is as leader of a mo ve- -“ ” y ^ uviu,to chamenge M xon fo r the ^hTs' still m ay cause^no

serious, (^{ficulty,in movement"' and no d l^ m fo r t in the spine

itself-:— ^yat-pressure-on-thesenerves can be manifested atsome remote point. There may,

. ;ioc-.-a-com m on exknple,^ besome numbness or~tingling inthe fingers or arms, when the

No.te to..i.t,.r .: you m ay not ' -have-told me~all SBout your

condition (are you JuSt recuperating from surgery, fbi- - example?) butjn gefHS-id. Mood— in th^mdne AIJiKAYS-shouli^^^



million per year, which would be deposit^ in the Pollution Control

Recycling, or re-using, is the key to cutting riown^onJitter.-------------------

before' Chappaquipdlcic' the - beaten Democ rats- to nominate T edd^ by

The Senate Appropriations Committee will convene March 8 again to hear pro and con on


better or worse, nobody could, .nobody can, hold back the dawn.'

___b)>.myJifetlme-iher-q3e< T fc

, Arthritis sufferers can be helped. t)r. Thosteson's booklet discusses many types of ar-

_ thritis and I'elated jolnt-diseasesre^ M ^ ce of the'troubir'lM 't M outlining effective^there at all, but Is reaUv^tthepoint where the nerves are ®.eopy of "How Ifoii dkn


Iff recent years, fed^sil ffans-portatiori views h av^ dged more and more toward a policy of

--refuaing to- beiwrvg-tHat. Uimrare" any people living in all that

■ wilderness b e t w ^ Chicago and The West Coast., > ‘ <

Railpax goesJntooperation-May- "T: There are threeThlS'jbi routes -frortrChicago to the-We8t,-Qne-goes- across Montana aiid the top b!

-north" Idaho "to Seattle.- One goes - through Ut^h to San Francisco. And one through southern Arizona amTNew “MexiiiO tO“E8s Angelb^

(Hamatioh.Privately, even John-XJndsay

Hipst wonder about this cu r ios state of affairs. He has steer^New York ' Into virtualbankruptcy, undermined police ___ ___ . ____ ______authoritv. m atlir-the-xellet fM arch Jfrt- TtiHSrtcair program a sordid Jokej..^developer8. ot J<ie_iaatet,-than- capltulated to the city’s lawless- ever airliner will have run out o f

rrn 'h ot sure .we "want to fly-tdrplanes ims gone jT o m 100

almost overnight.now. I don't need to fly from New York to London in-three hours and I’m not sure anybody does.

- But we’d better take out some Insurance in ease we’re wrong.

The end of' next month

getting some pressure, at the spine: I don't say “ inched” — • just under a bit-of pressure.

HiatTS often-theeiplanatjon" _ .wrnpjaints; as, - “ My. arms and hands ‘go to sleep' at

jig h t^ but thay lose-the-manb'

Goritrol arthritis” write to Dr. Thosteson in care of. thl4 newspaper enclosing 35 cents in coin and a long, self-addressed stamped envelope.

Tn gn \apparOTtly has i^itteh a new tgTthnok on how tn hecnmea Presldmtlal candidate.

All over the <»untry, mayors of both parties have.stamiied

_ Undsayjaa. tlieir candidate.

p th e p ia n o w o t ^ d [ j io t - f ly a t ; 4>oorning2speeds-Over^ -‘^pofHilated" !_arfiaS ^ J ra at"a i^ p^ e^ | ^ ^ j th a t ther p la n te w o u ld f ly ajt su b r I s o n ic - s p e ^ oveit . S e a tt le a n d ’ r C h ic a ^; tlie b o o m s o v e r s u cn tin y • i n s i g n i f i c a n t c o l l e c t i o n s«iUhiT:riTU

w, ^ d&clared that fiallui‘fr Is success.

id^hb, norili ceuipul Iduliu, Tlgiiuu'atlL ‘luU eis..e>e liliu

“Washington, you^ori’t-^ str= = * -^ - President Nixon’s - Tran-

________ aiiup‘ ~poirreport»tfaj|Uindsay show<ed4be b l ^ ^ „ fawr&ble yatlng — 81 per'"dent — a m oi^ coU eg e studenta7n9os&dl>wb0ffi''tHn be

million dollars and our SST is nnt yet off tha grnund —F l^ a l- 1972 work will cost a further $235 million. President Nixon is y t o g Congrgssf fpr the ad­ditional jnoney.J_ __________

rful*jDemopr8t^1 f f^ le t t ^ onriJlBnet'sTasgathaMe■ " ........................... ■ Hofly-fnmrNerr

i-4n-^hree-hour»r~Ti aiuiJui tatloii*' Subc6m m ittee^Fnrthgr-I-thlnkrit is entirely

oI tte - « o p . , ' ^

doll'ars'and jotis'Which other- . . -ineVitab lK T w o^ d go !

elsewhere.^— B ton-lfg», howf afford an^ further rape of our environment. I don’t want mpre noise,; I don't want m ore ttBiust potlutirig ffHfit s

Dr . Thosteson welcumia all. When such reader mail> but regrets that,

due to the tceroendous volumereceived daily, he ^ unable tp answer individqal letters. Readers’ ‘ question are in­corporated in his column whenever possible. '

ApfvopHatlons possible teat we might discover j-obt-want.our. nobody needs_tol

of the Senate-Gommlttee-^does-nbt-wj __-SST J4iJ>e .alillbarn when the as . automobiles are

and the British; and already de-eihphasizing speed already h a v ^ ,^ ^ ; i,aM,.po^er simply ,b ^ u s e it

m ore than it’s worth, the

_____V a sW a s h in g t o n ,

_ i h o s e „ i n ,n t f f lh e r n

aastovn-^— Idaho,

origin^y surfaced with the SST: -Ihere i !) "

tr a v e lin g U o t e s t a ^ ^ a w a y -ih a ll

White House .staffers have leaked <he Intelligence T that

T i 'ftWtaU WUBrtlB -CCT : _ „ ~ie&k Uati^dd, K.-Ure.,

among atheri^as a tfitnins mate next year. And that


lak'wre hedge Unit im WMT) behW^JT^Oiir »wn ^aiji^lieed -mflUon worth ’ « (—insurance, (dane-etalled out on the-ground Pslrttcularljr since thatmoney is l«< tyrar.h4raiiiHlttt-iMaiyra»a:aolng to ^ ytay = li«M c = n c it ;

^leaired=iq^.with f e d ^ I la s t y e a r th a t- l^ - p l a n e s '

o cw fn .- N ow ,

- I f h is -a d a f l i i i s ^ t i o n c o n t in u e s t o fisrget^

~tele^ajw i-andiwce that- ot dBgPB»fipn"innattonrprwcr r p e d f i fe in J h e .» \ ^amatiiin tended to dtaccuriBge~Bim »rr riwinoiiwg» « ^

Traniii>ortAtioii --Sfcretary

Nfttiwial=l f t i1 te o a d P a a a e n g e r G o fp , - th e

B iiilp n * wtii<»h te fjlH tlg mmimnni^' l o f s e r v ic e s 1i l '

a s 'a ^ r e s c u i n g the) counfary IDSm i« i l| t ia d o v e r e m -


iiU !on s«county

'.travuatiM y w a y

q u it e (to: d ie e r fD U y .

c o l l e b H o a n » na r j c a ^ ,

M r . N ix o n ’r n a EtAinerlcam pognd trooPB ^ iMiMrtan«

---- -— T Will wj^ g f e e te d IuHiiUub i m i'tT iinder'c S f f i a r

thatHBnm ploiixwnt w ill .be. loeed. But liB ttw iy ’atrain

d t r tZ ^ pliuhs are n c ^ and Thus f o r ( ^ to devdop-Oen cwan. Hxi. qnwv wUL Adapt, that new#cre similar

TfgiUBf? and s IA i;CDttttiilil initsaioIiilfrrVj^::the_eatlleBti.tireM i^-r''plaiM ;^.ve!ll all.iM 'j

“ Do ymryHiitk rf -iwl w me i o ^ lik t Oaiinf Kb^ > ’-

7 ^ .

Page 5: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · .....- -' ...^................— -'.!:'".r'i v A - 'V - --^ ' '-^ ' ^ ~ —— -------—

- i-T'■ L ■ ■ ■

/VV«a»y, Atorcii 1, IWI •Tlrftw-W^j; Twin Falls,. Idaho .3 ^

i®?V9.;0fLiSte wnfief^TWON E A l ^ - Dinlel G .-

_ ;^ e t t r t o , o t Zan Aalett and , T«rin | has the ,N&vy cotn-^

'^ S a ia m ^rom M a y ;^ ^ , . to May, 1^0. He is ho w College o f Southern l(faho, Twiir-

- K a l j s i ' - T - . • ‘r.".A sIpW wn!H>a5r i p ^ i i j a held’ .

artlllerv*- b a tt»ym a n wjith Barrery A, First%ttallon, 11th Marines, Fir^^lvlne-Division, and ^ e n faced, with raeiny ' mb'rtar, the cilatloiT-«aldr-Q>L-1Aslptt grfth ivimnlpti. rHiirPgarilfor-his own safety, tnov^d-to a dangerously e x ( )^ d vantage | point, rapidly located the major source of eriemy flre, to d te -

-airately ad}ffited'6n» of u lsp if^ l fanned ^gt)t dden^ve fire j m i^ on s ohto'^thfe.hostjie em- I plaKnient, forcing .Uie enemy

, to w ith^av. ' '. His;' brother, Lance C p l ' ' Dennis Aslkt, is home on leave* after serving 10 months in

■Vietnam with th? Marine Corps. He will report t>aclt-to-€aniih Pendleton. ' ' - ~

i i _ : ^



P r iz e s


....his firm specializes in ' ‘irrigation equipment panels-,"

- <levices-are' called..‘•There’s plen^ of these irrigation projects, voundi to judge from the orders we continue to receive;” " Withef- spoonsaid. ,\ Electrical Equipment’s two

pkntfi have -constructed and smppe^l inore than 5,000 “ rtduCed-vbltage" starters” sinbe the concept was developed'

GOODI ice, aorr of

J i a o k s

mailed ~‘ TViriN FALLS L - rJ ew -

3:itelephonf/^a«*ct<»ri«g wilt J»e roa iled^delj^red thjs weieic ia

:M fr f i c V a l| e ft Falls District liianagpr ’ fnr-

"Mountain Bell, s a id lw ^ y . '! ^ The ' new directories will

o o n t^ listings for. th0 Magic , ValleV“to'wn;%:of twin F«Us,. _

Bliss,'BuKirCairey, Castleford," ^ r-E«ton) FUeii| Goot o f t ‘

■Honistar,' Jackpot, J e ro m e , ' Ketchwn-Sun' Valley, K4m- -

, .berly-Hansen,.Murtaugh, RiOT- : |::jeld,-ShosKonft^Stanleyr-and “ ' * WmdeU. ■

1 said the new directories will carry revised service and direetory-assistance niunbers. > -Hiose numbers will be 411 for. • .directorji^asistance and 5,11 for^— repair service.' The change “frqnj ja-evious

-listings -Is , in t w p i n g ^ t f e p a ^ change to ‘ a bstJpna^unive^sal— nun?berT3lBn^toi%ose services;------TiSlHgTlWrsame nfrCTiw~iglf l l l_ ._

r^THTtsofm e-com irytM aSnM idr"

motor it is designed to but they Ve all huge and heavy. The two— 300--HP- Witherspoon is delivering to Arizona weight about 1,700 pounds each; two other smaller ones tally only about 1,000 pounds each.. A year or so ago, the Morri«)n-Knudsen Co., building an irrigation project of some sort in Venezuela, ordered a big SOMior.sepnwer starter^in . a rush l ^ i s that-aetixjth'sno^ to


^ B l gS t a r t e r

rr TAKES A LOT of egnipment-to get-a huge 30(Mior»epower elecM c motor raming; Jack WlttutqMan, prM id^t of Elec-

,tries] Eqidpment Co., Inc,, of Twtu Falls, Jtands beaide his firm’k r^oced-voltage motor starter to show the size of the equipment. Ihe firm hM built starters qp t ^ H times as big for Idaho irrigaUqn pampers. ;

fronjabombinedtUThSschoolat — ....a.- VUseck. W ^ G^ a n y .ja i^ was Kisling entertained \OCHO “ ‘ thirdin'his'clBSSr^ > . ■ pinochle club Thursday eveninir

.Hice has been stati^ed. in ^-Germany since May,.lffin^with

-to meet the needs of ever- __increasing motor size^T he— bluzing. d erices-are ^allSF-made to " “ They wanted the rig handle the motors they will deliveredin-lOdays. Wetook 12

.and figured they were lucky to get It in that time,” Wither-' spoon ia td r

,con tp l, fl-om “ sm all” 300- horsepower rigs to giant 1,500-

- Iwrsepo rter- starters - used TOT

Wnherspopn ISt Twtp Falls on Friday to deUver four more starters toatuyertv Gila Bend, Ariz.,' about 50 miles ' from

outfit," he "remlniscea- “ Th«(y have dready installed nearly M of these, nnd ara b8ginnlhg~?n,

■ct5. ' SomeDrtlje equTtgnenniWto^ J)e ordered for .the starter,- and


Valley Briefs - W innepsiisted

the 64th armored dtiHsion.

.SHOSHONE,- Pvt. Robert T. Bozzuto, son of .Mr..and Mrs. Victor Bozzuto. Shoshone, recently finished eight weeks of ^vffliSfUnfamiTTralim

■ Kl.ZLBwi«,, Waahrrin aronll uaH

pinocHe clnb Thursday evening at the Manhattan cd(e. -Prizes were won by Mrs. Ed Mathison,. Mrs^l-Eramt—Carbthers,-;-with i

TWIN FALLS - U c e n s ^ r - ^ l jn r A L L S _ Twin Falls Practical Nurses wlU meet i t Friday Night Duplicate Qub

. 7:3ftp.ni. Thursday in the Magic met at Duplicate hall with Mr .Valley. M em oria l-H ospita l

iTYl (Wrsauditorium. Mrs.___________ et.Filer, ^11 show-slldfttoti-Ionga-

M r;^a»M rS.--H.M/vW yGoff, SjfcondrMr.-ilrtdMro. K.E, KaU;

tactics and in use of the M-18 rifie, the M-60 machine gim and anti-tank weapons.

He entered ,, the-arm y last September alter receiving his 3achelor-of~SGienee^ degree at -ihF-Vntveraty dfTdaBo.“ HeT3'

other items WKe handcrafted in , his shops, Witherspoon said,

“^ e y (M-K) chartered a truck , which widted at our back 4loor

aflwrt to V eh^--------- -put-in-ni'ore new ones,” The MorriSon-'Knud^jmust have

Arizona-buver^operHtes^^i^A :-pq..ip,T.nnf-

SHOSH(»re - Officers have been nominated . foF'

________ Shoshone Rotary club.' Gilberttor over live hour^ aftiUe we Pieraen— is—nominated—for

_ ^ , witK Rogsr Maxwell,fipw It vice-president, and Francis

•' thn~d. and Mrs. L.R. Dunken — TWIN FALLS-Susan Ulsen, and Mrs. A.J. MeeJcs, fourth,

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Irwin wereRaymond OlMn, Twijc Falla, guests.haj been chosen to talt part in ___

rthe Euroilean^Coneert . S t u ^ ^ bird of Hawaii is - vpFtour as a member of the th.enene or Hawaiian goose,

being sent to Franfurt, Ger- manyr-He will be~in~<SerTHanyone and a half-years. His wifr, Linda^ the fprmer -Linda Johnson, Shoshonei - liv^ in Pocatello., Where she'-is em-

Mrs. Elva Chapman and Mrs.- Shirley Mitdwll taking pinochle prizes. . , .' ' • \

M em bers of__ppand"-StSIn brijge-ehdnnerat the Colonial \

”Housb Friday, hosted by Mrs. ‘ ^Mai:y_EHlUClUMfi"J.E. POtwr •, was a gufist. , - ---^rlzes^ won iby ;^ s .

Edward Savaria, Mrs. ‘Alice Gerity and Mrs^ Francis.Bergii). ^

Mrsr~JiF. "Christensen was jM stess-to -O U R -ja d d g e -ilu t

Arthur--M ar^nr--M rs.-.'Cari achuppenles, MTsv^tay Csie a n f Mrs. Frank Shaffer.

Prizes w e i« ' won. “By M rs. Floyd “ Spraktes, Mrs. Robert


Haddock. Jats,JFlo8sie G ^ g — . and Mrs. Gdirig.'

ty o t.1- - - , U)ncert uiou-.' 'fhe Vandaleers

The office s wM be elected, plan nine concertuergui, secretary.

-^-^igatloii iji.vjeLts ill the SotitlP~west.

The equipment takes .the

TMtistactory: “ we never heard from that p r o je c f ' again ,” Witherspoon said.

i e i i i e

d f R ichfiTeld c k jbInterior■Dui'iHali

R i c h f i e l d “ -:----- dflcorattng- was Jther

Uub prog a m tliem f p by—Mrs. Jean A n n ^ . hotne estensioiUst for Lincoln County,.

len the group inet-at the le of. Mrs. Hal Ross, -jr.^

inex-^-M rs;^ '' Anna lick, club president, was

MrsX -A n n ^ t -— dispiayed patches of fabrics to work iSut decoration schemes. She also talk^ on choosing colors^

■~nWrsrR.O. Bell receive 'xh)h,jrize and- _ . ____ _

□»«>FfenSlrs. dlfen- Ross _M rsi5Qifford Xiayley.

The March 11 meeting will be at the home oT Mrs. Eugene Freeman; Twin Falls

over duties m July A film on Alaska was shown to

the group at their meeting flits-TFrahman music major, week by Dean Durfee.

Guests were Don.Q-oftv Twin Falls, and Marvin Hess,Rupert.. ^

Birthday contributions to the eye'fund were made'by Durfee and Maxwell.

'NewsMINIDOKA C O W ^ ^ ^

— :— ------Magtitf^aartowt----------. RonaldX Bench. 32, “Biirreyr

__ SIZJO, eipired safety sticker;Dfehnar R. Decki*r, 37. Burley,

- i lO .e y ired driver’s lipensC and $35.50, failurrr^to^ appear on dlatidh; Morris t . Grwnwell, 28, Hazeltonr-tl7.56r^p-sign violation, and-$2S,-6iilUFe--to appear on citation; Don M.

— -Harvisoir, - l # r Burtiexpired 'vgiicle sa fay sticker

' and Oralia' IW Garcia, W , Burley, $12.50, expired dMver’s license. i

------- Detojf“ Albertsonj^7r-Paulr-|nCa.50r >m>ir«d W e ty-rtk>h»n-

18,, BurleyTT & a ^

_ & g k r o f , l ^ P a n l , 112.50, "^ w h lc le inspection sticker ex-

piredf-George BV W a ll^ Borl^,. $17.50, failure to flag

w d Steve R. Torix, itnmier

Nobfc, 43, Rtyert

' apectioq; James-C. Robirds, -25,— ......................rrJoM-and-^ . .

0«arge bagay, 41, li^bum , I12J0, failure to display dealers

75, Paiii; -|T7 5li; h illm ' "tff regtyy v e fc ^ ; Donald L.

eipired safety sticker and JMnei,B..Miin]ng ''

__ jWPvf^.

1RREGULAIM^ l a n r - a a r nuitk'- -M H rn»-u iat«r n m -

^ T w r ir n w in r B K r -

Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · .....- -' ...^................— -'.!:'".r'i v A - 'V - --^ ' '-^ ' ^ ~ —— -------—

: inenf iDir.A federal^ i^ -ln m m e tax Jt^tum^ '( • )y lt haa teen^ilwWn, for

s ^ c e , that the total cost, o f a . Btity in a / hospital,''

— — j ------- ^-nSTtcM ,m «ym alnlalninga .

y in adyanciiuf ► . ' y e ^ , for the other 50 wieeks of

the year. ,H iseveral peopler-indudlng ,

l^e 'dependent, Ii«e together, 'add up the amount spent for ttie- “ geAwal items” such^as foM L itsnti i i^ t ; fo f 'th e ^ p i ip and A v fle by,the number of people.

taxpayer^'to . the Ijill |825 exem j^oii, ivavldiRI (lie tax­payer fu r n lt i^ bverjineJialf the su i^ rt-tnN he' part o f the y e ^ b) which the.-rdej^dw t

alive, . .

atid eith^ is under ip years of age or Is a s tu d e n t . '

In ^laddltioHi' tftfe ’ taxpayer

the actual anfptmt usied for the ‘ etanptibn foif.that'ysary ■ deaende^Vt. support-jft ■ m O a p c i i d n 3 1 n d ! t t | g ~^Itoweviff^ U rnAre. than I .support cost was divid two or mpre persons i

. contributed more f.istipport, one naay. ___ . ________, .lexem i^tioa^tfhefurnBhetoore -iioiniaa lly -^ w it t t l^ d - — - — _ than 10 per cw t of the support depeiicjency exemption •, custody" does.\not;clwljca!^*

: j ind th«F; other lo per-eent-or - HowcWsf, the ether parent 'hg‘ ..<»ntributed a more siipi^rters file a written may receive the exemption O ) .. amount of support. ";

rt-jft -mO.--a.^--A>edaltalesapnlyta nnrt^^ ine^^oegW.. 9T .... .san halt the :depen4(tney fenm ption fo r r agreem ent- *iU6cBi«8 _ lh o . idea anionig^hildrpn'‘“ lof, fd iy o rce d ’ or -exemption tO’that parmt w (2) ^

___ IS and pom 9epajraled_paraits.'The-parent' if he contributes $1,200 or more ' _-e than, half the whoEu c q ^ ^ of 'the childfor ^to t h e - r ^ i i a l ' s u p p o r t aay.daiin the the gr«ater part of the year will (regardless of the numbep- of furndiedjnora^yujm to ft* children )an^ the parient having

imposed weight restrictions'oh fl number oC MagiC'Valley-higtb- ways, due to > the spring

Tw in f a u ^ — _TheiJ4s!» highwajf

highway are r e s tr lc te d je f - fectlve: tP aihax&nijiiVBpeed^fW naieXper

breakup. hour for all traffic,in addition to“ rA -rnum ber-of—routes—ar^-the-truck-^weight—and—speed ^ s td c ie d to a n^xlmum load of restrictions. These include

Bellevue to C a r e y ie f fe ^ v ^ t 8 a.m. Monday, March 1): State ' HrgKway 24,— snosnone lb' Rupert; State Highway s27, Burley to Oakley; State High­way 46, Gooding to the junction


U t a h p a n e l .

r e c o m i n e n d s

c h a h g e s -

SALT L S K E r a T r - fU P n - The head of the CStizCTS Con­ference on State Govenmients dropped in ort the Utah Legjsla-

. - . ture ,and laid doujm. a db;en ^way 68; fflghw^--51,-,-r6«mmendat'liins^rrtmprove--

Nevadallnetothejunctlon with ' nient

SchedulesM 6 n t f iV ;:M ir c h h 1»71

A t B p .m . o n c t^ n n e l 4 — M o v ie :- - i ^ « t f i y r M » r e h ^ n r 1A t a p ;m . on c h a n n e l 2» l — M o vio

• W llth i.rlnq— w w n w n ■> - T t l l r -< W T m bvrle~ w a s ta k e n f r o m E m i l y B ro n te 's s to ry of two III s ta rre d

Scotl a n d a classic ca r. chase h lo h llQ h t th is 1747 co m e d y. Scott

---------p la yK -n o lo i= < o u »x o n ~ a ft4 s t-k n o w n -»s -^ -to v*fS — e n -^ th« — rte sa m g ^ ^ a m i M L ;---------the— F l l m F la iti— tn a ir— m e s ti5 rV "^ m o o rs . M e rle O b e ro n , L a u re n c e--------Icilows^ h i m . j i n d . - h l s - ^ r t n e r . a n O l iv ie r . D a v id N ive n a n d F lo ra

A W O L t o l d l ^ , i is they sp re a d their-, R obso n a re th e s ta rs .T-ttTTT»UBh IHe ao u l l i .....-a n d ------------— . E v e a l o s -

Highway 67 near Mountain^ H om e,, a n d __Highway— 68 .— Moxuitain Home -to Cat Creek

SuijimTt at MUepdst 133."iOther sections of state and

>~~tederal hlRhwavs re^ricted to the legal allowable weight in-

S t L l 0 U I S - M 0 7 (_____ i ' .Uoi- In.n Jerome interchange o f In- time, that thev make their 60

Larry Margolls, head of the Jeglslative analyst .^oup. which^ rated the Utah Legislature 15th among the nation last month, addressed a Joint session Friday attemnon,

Margolls suggest^ the -Utah

t r y to e lu de th e ir v ic tim * . — • E v e n in g

_________ _____ i i i t t__________2SL — N e w s . W e a th e r; Spo rts3 — N e w s . W e a th e r, S ^ t s r — News.WeafhJrTTTwrts •

- J B — T r u t h o r 'C o n s e q u e n c e s4 =1. T r u t h '6lr Consequences 7B — T h is J s Y o u r L ife6 •— N e w ly w e d G a m e .. _11 — M y T h r e e Sons

- 4:30 3SL — R ed Skelto n 8 — R e d Skelto n

- S — R e d ^ K e lt 6n ...an rr- H o r» '% L u c y '— ------------------

3 — H e r « 's L u c y '^ r — H e r e ’S L u e v ----------------

4 — Let.'s M a k e a Deal 7SL — M ls te ro o e rs

V ? — ■ B f'a a y 6 u nch 7:00

e — L a u g h -ln .2B — M a y b e r r y •3 — M a y b e r r y 11 r* M a y b e r r y . . ,7SU — -Newlywed Game5 — .'Newlywed Came - 7SL - We Care

4:00.2sl— N e w s . W e a th e r. Sports

-N e w s l W e a th e r. Spo rts S— N e w s . W eather* S po rts 2b— T r u t h o r Consequences* 4 r -T r u t h o r Consequences 7b— J u liafr— AAod S q u a d ...............11— Q re e n A c re fc

4:302s l— Ju lia ---------2b— H e e H a w 11— Hee H a w2— H ee H a w • • ___^3— ^ v l e * " Y u r h a ”7b — At o^l e— ■

men' forced their way Into R u ^ U Gittlnsi^ car Friday, beat hint and took his Tralletcontainine *14 . terchange; U.S. 30, Mountain

TnnU th . Home to King Hill and BUss to

>dlrecUons to'G ittlhs’ home so the Utah Ime; Highway 74 from

time, that they make their 60 terstate BO; .H ighw ay 25( calendar day sessions ^ to 60 Jernmp—trt the D eclo —

hat they could rob it. the junction of U.S. 93 to Twin ftittins, K T ^ d e d them over ™8hway 7 7 . ^ o to the■r(ous & “ thM . Louis streets. ‘f f

t’ed tb a house next door to 77 and a , m d U.S. 93.Nevada line to Shoshone.

OthCT recommendations made following an ^ e h s lv e stiifiy of the Utah L e^ la tu re included:.

— Power of the legislature to call Itself into special ses^on instead of a w a i^ g the preo-' gatlve of the governor, should" be had. - . •

* — AAod Squads—Moasfluid— "7sl— M ls te ro g e rs

the Hampton Avenue police -station, and told the driver to

into the driveway becaiisp.was where he Uved.-

7 8 .— AAovIe: " iJ a n s o m for a D e ad M a n "

7:302 B — D o f ls -O a y .3 — D o ris D a y

- Rggj Oamt ______ :_______4 — R e e l G a m e ' ________ .

. 5 — R e el G a m e ’ ’ . '-------11 — lAmlly _

7SL - Q u e ry• :00

•* 2SL — M o v ie . ‘ 'R d n s o m D e a dM a n "B — M o v ie " R a n s o m lo r A D e ad

-M a t t

2sl— D o n K no tts 7si— D r n s ln g b y D esign

F ir s t T u e s d a y Special 7;30

2b— A U In the F a m U y S— A ll In thp F a m ily

7st— H u n t e r S a le t y * -11—Dojj Day^

K im b e rly Rood & g o t t la n d Driwa - P H O N E 7 3 ^ ^ 6 0

--------------------------------2sl— M o v ie " W u th e rln o H e ig h ts ’ 2t)— G<en C a m p b e lt > ~ M 5 r c u s W e lb y . M .C T 7b— AAarcus W e lb y , M .D 11— M a rc u s W e lb y ; M D

" n ^ M ^ r e u r w g iB V rM .p ---------------- ^3^-AO M in u te s S pe cia l ^7sl— P e rfo rm a n c e- ------------------Tst— L e g ts ta tiv e R e po rt ,

9 :OO . /' » ; 0Q

2b— M e d ic a l C en te r -3—H e e H a w ___ r ________

LAST “2” DAYSDoor* O p e n 6 :1 5

A t 6 : 4 5 - 9 : 1 5


T A K E T H E M o u t t o ;D I N N E R A T

C A C T I J S P E T E ’ S

-n m y r rScaiw^^uffft

- S A T I R D A V ;

2B — C a ro l B u rn e tt 3 — C a r o l B u rr^e tt n — TIa?oi B u rn e H4 — M o v ie " T h e F i lm F la m M a n "

7SL — W o rld Press R e vie w ’ > T O r

-M o v ie 5— M e n at L a w — -

~ ^ t — H o lly w ood- T -V " T h c a t r e Specie! 7b— Bo ld O nes 1>— H a w e l+ F iv e -O

E L U O T TGOULD C a n d i c e


Gourmet uffet 2 “ :

2B — H a w a ii F iv e 0 - 3 C O n s m o K e

10:00 ,-W e a rttre rr-

_2b ;~ iN e w a ^ e a t h e r . S p o rts -

- 7 S L — R e a U tie s 7B — L a u g h in 11 — L a u g h in

10:002SL — N e w s. W eathj>r. Sports28 — N e w s . W M tt ie r , Spores 3 — N e w s . W e^ither, Sports 5 — N e w s . W e a th e r, Sports J_ — N e w s . W eaX hK^ S p «rT iXT, .. -

N e w s . W e a th e r, Sports 1 1 •‘-■ ‘W ^ s .^ y e a l l h e r . Spwrts

3— N e w s, yVeather, SpQrts- i r r N e w s . W e a th e r . S p o r t s ------------- --

S— N e w s , W e a th e r, Sports 7b— N e w s . W e a th e r. Sports

W e a th e r, Sports 11— N e w s , W e a th e r. Sports J F = n T 'T a ic « f T r T h ie t ' - " '

" 10 :1!0 2sl— J o h n n y Carson 7b— Jo h n n y C arso n , 4,

- fr— Joi^ Y Cer

S I M I Y : T w o B u ffe tsK v r n in * h u ( f « u n r u

rn lo rfo ir im ^ r iT r

*] F r o m « t w n in 4 p .m .:iL ,__ —

~Oncr<tf-<ht?rpr^rie!ii-^»inm er«~of ihe initrop lmiiejdflg&^jwunf pf_^thg nipst ^ ra a lile collccliojU Ljjf

fiongH you .have e ver 'heard. Backed by a ;.very ■alenled m Uiiical g ro u p - *

tU lK ^ f O T I -

A n c M M i a l i u r r r r r ^ r ^ ,

7 S L — B o ok B e a t J— ---------- T7 ------------------

2 S L — J o h n n y C a rs o n 7B — J o h n n y C arso n

- 0 J o h n n y C a r io h 3 8 — M o v i e : ' Sergeant R u tle d g e "

‘ J d c k ie -G le

2b— 40 M m u te s Special 3— W M fn u te s S|SecTaI "

C S l- 3 W R W ttatt • HiahtiO*>ta/- 1 ? 0:40 / -

“y ^ ’VWfg j m n j-w g a T'11 - ^ M l n u le e -S p ^ la l

I 11:00

-11— M o v ie : "W 4 n ch e ster 73 •10:40 /

5 — T w ilig h t Zone-U c O O ^

• ^ R e w s , W e a th e r, S p o rts .l l t J f r .

- + J 5 > i< K C * v e t t ---------------------------- t t z t a -


Eptt on U.S* 30 to Eotlland Orivr


WEDNESDAY: International Nlglit

ThTsweek ~ $ i » 9 5 Frenfh Efliiil_____

S— M o v ie 'L u n c h H o u r" J llO O

4 — N e w s , W e a th e r, Sports 7 S L — F ig u r in g It O u t

11:10 - D ic k C a v e tt

11:40 , .5 — M o v ie . -A A e et D a n n y W ilso n '

7SL — AAan to W o m a C u. ,----------T57B— “

2sl<r-Man to W o m a n.............. .... .......... 4 3 ;M -2si— M o v ie “ 633.S q u a d ro n ”


William -Cody:j a u a t A i n i w i t l



-A - ■BC S & BO ]>

.ACADPMY AWARDmffTT/i y o t t -

c a n e a r .

FRIED CHICKENm o u lh 'w a te rin g triim n'inOTT


' ^ i J t b c ^ i t a r s e r S i r i r

- T J A U S i .

tiv« Tw^« A t JzIJi X G n l h r ^ M m a M )

. ■ ■ A -

Thu w t e k e n t l . y t t n t g ~ a » v e J u M g r i S ~ S : BRAND N6W 1971 EpRITTOm ir. v . Register F r^ and^reg- ■ slerofteii^^ iitjlliK H v > fM .S :b ii.O n b 4 > c .r ~

Friday.W li;iaCjHbiCE4Hg-IU klED HAM. T O T A ST B E E r^^F R I^C iiH atE N

. ■ coM .dislie*

Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · .....- -' ...^................— -'.!:'".r'i v A - 'V - --^ ' '-^ ' ^ ~ —— -------—

s s :

■ VfoVie

pLLYWDQD- ( OjPD'^TCdu- •____ o f p j ^ s of n iv ie

-memorabilta going 'back 43 yeai:s::-and ra n ^ g " fro m - a-

'— stagecoach U) u bicycle nroiight'. .a ' t o t ^ of $384,MO , at the '

clusion iSundt ' '

DBS MOINES Iowa .PMsident Nixen. today h re e - . ‘.mjfl direct dollar tehied hls. tl_j>Ulion - - - -

I c o m m ^ y develofmeht

beneQt to;/ iSttr America b ' obvious: - In.^

rural Am s^dd '

;<^ntWTBSSSt^diosaiH!t^^' The highest price paid di

■'\ tne fom '^ ir iaae wM. for a-, hprse-drawn Are engine .'used in tire" motiQn._j|ictures.

“ Old Chicago” and “ Hello PoUy.” r -

A stagecoach used1 • “ Hie Silver Whip'* ~was'parch- - 3 sed,hy_DL GJHU klealiif the-

Los Angeles County M u^um of Natural History -fnt^i8.000—^-

Tlie bicycle Paul Newman rode-iit^Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" was sold for

- . ^,100 t(UKinters-Rosen Prpduc— tibns.. which; wBl produce the actor’s first' teleyisTon Special.

• A spokesman for the firm sa^d it wasTjpUgi^t as a p l ^ n t for .

— Newman’s.-^fer««Ioaiine;S' '- 'ward, w hose- birthday'

Saturday."- “^A-i-SS^Oot—tnodeh'of^^^'tKe^

Japanese aircraft^arrier Kaga- featured iiT'Uife.- film^ “ Tora!

Tora! Tora! ” was sold for $3,500 and-threc replicas o f-Jap ^ e zero aircraft went separately

. Tor a total of $8,800.

to.win farm state support for. hls“ ni6w American revolution.”

Nixon'is&ia^the t l . l billiqn t e ... now advocates, for r in -^ d e«eT -,,„„ — -----------

llpnriynf tO PM-MOUieS. for 'revenue sharing” co;icept‘ re- the ■ firs t ' ot a 'serii

ir^yenu^.'sliaTi^ funds and in " B|>ecial qMHng. for manp o w g ^ transportation, education and teyr-^nfbreewfenty'

women vote less" VADUZ, Uechtenstein (IJPI) w w t , ti> the . pblls-oiid

Itie-ballotlrtgLwas heavramir4IHpterirerencasfc^irfui 0ie-outo>me close; b u t ' Were. led the-way-wils t n in r - gnlv one,.‘ ^ on ea n ■‘Veaes.” only 206 vote^ kgajn.it.

_X,. presented a _ 2 4 ^ 4 « r _ c e a L S S - Increase in'Tederm f^ d s* fo r

rural comnjlmitles. • , in .a--prei)Wed-sB!eech. ta -a


rasyoota appearance a l^ at.'.] developing ’ sup^rt for his revenue glaring and govern- C/ i t i B S l a W .

- meht nHirgatilzation propoaala.___r-They face^heavy^oppoaitiQniliiP—^ ' wlITIam

country-where-womm cannot—Baixthe fliajerity-said-^^erV^ vote—Liechtenstein; • . -: between 4,000 and 5,000

By 80 votes, Uechtenstein’s Wtfinen -Who' might have been atl-niale flectorkte -Sunday^^lkidjsd :. to th<; rolls if .the

■mme<i '-dM»w w natitutteihd gnjiiiti r’g— — .awainpt aihendfnent-to permit women O m en 's suffrage p a s i^ will

i o vote in nation^ election? or have to leave politic^ up to -'hold' oM b f-th e—15-seat8-in7 their- m enfolk^or « least' ' Parliament.'The final results another 18’ months. V were 1,897 against, and l,817~ih. - ' ‘ 'R^reltable,” 'corhmented

FiilbfigfitV -------------- ^ :rr7 :.^ - vdSD tcJM rU IciteOpngress.



diairaanortbT SiaaeT oreIgn" The gdverhment sponsored'^ameBt’s president./ ‘ ‘But I do ht t(i miinter Relations CoBnnlttee, galtf-theTiroposal, all ftree political not look at ifa s-a catastrflphe,

farm bloc crl6 fci&n o f h i s SindayinrU STgrm ^ra trob p ” Parties backedntrand^aU three =«nce::on^ executive reoreanizflUon blan w^uld be a violation o t newspapers - including Uie c j^ g e d because of Jt.”which would eliminale -tha ■ thel&was-drywn ^y Congress. • w ep M y -^ gia the nation's mMDepartment tfTAgrlculture as a _ " e *a*<*‘here would be nothtag to vt)te “yes.separate agency and scatter its* “ >e C on fess could do If s<ich a . It-also was known that the " '

- ' ~ ive-accurred.-(U P I)_------ ruling hereditary ^ M > n a r < % ^ O Q Q » | ^ >newaeencles : - ------ ----------- - - Prinre Franit .ToselJ iaavorednew. agencies. - . _ giving women a voice

‘‘‘It comes fd. ^ question of wfiether-fanners. and'othersTn

uuiraLAmerlca. wantan^Agricul

in theaffairs'Of statev n,-.

The turnout Tvas heavy-^vef B fper cent oFthe men. over-IB . graduates

for needy children plans to prices, better technical a ^ s - -launchjB-mSjor-new-healUi'care—tOTcefonigcicultural problemsf

wrfder developnient' opportunl- ties in- rural communities, better schools, better roads and so on,” Nixonrsaidi

summer- cMled it was:learned


l < l r e b r a n d v i s i T s

program this Health Start, today. ■ , ' —

“ TTie emi^asls „will“ b e . on providing effective health serVl-

1 • ces to large numbers of children not presently served by' rtead Start,” said Dr. Edward F. Zigler, director of tlje . Office of Child

Jbahby bid

~TDAHO-FALLB ( U P I )V driver training instructor

t&ii tlic csr in wWcK'fie rfte ridihg'^drW??! by a student, pulled out from a pounty r (W near Jdaho Falls

w a s^ ru ck broadside by ■another vehicle ,.

BURNADETTE PevUn» ou fim ato Nqrtb Ireland civil jighU l e ^ r , said in ■ D S T H o B a fj^ w , that she Inteuda to 'Join dem on^ators against Nixon Admlnlstratioii'poU.cf«(;::Nixon is

Des Moines .to- seek nUd-westem support for revenue :-(U PI) ____, -

ment,- which ■ Start.

il(lj;Qevelop- ■ ;1 0 ^ _ H e a d

■ BOlfe6 ( UPI) -r-Wayne York, executive secretary of the Ida-

“ I think theJ^wmt theTattcr ho Education Assoclation.'said 'rirUieJtanglblerjBsultfifiMjwaidr’^ Sunday-i4he^eaclier»^«-com*------MOSCOW-H

Nixon’s text' was solely to ing to town” Friday March 5. smashed a window of an' domestic matters. He siaid dtiring the last 10 American newsmah’s-car,^n *

“ If the lessons of the past- days mass-t^cher meetings in M oscoW 'street today fn' ap- JeuaUe iiitfan - ariytliiiig,' Uiey. ■ EaaerhTd'jfli'6 precipitated flC-----------'----------------------------------------

f p Z • f • • B O IS E (U i* I) — It takes

^ «/«✓ termination to face a terminal ■- . , _ . blood disease that begins in

■>'WgH’ lchool7‘but a Bols6 man ~ ' btt'gone on to receive a bache- 4«r^^of'^rt5^gree from Boise

The pilot project will initially mvolve about' 10,000 needy ^iljjreri under 6 years old In 20 to "3i se -unchosen- eojifununi-

— T. Hunter,, director of Head ------ p.a;art Health SeiVicw.‘„ . - .

meaniriclg^a_H ead niean as power has been

concentrated more M d more in Washington, as decisidns have been increasingly been iftade by remote control, the'-'special needs c f our rural con^hnities

~oMhe~great heartland^of , more and mord have

:n either neglected^ or even

Michael R , Smithy 25, wfio~^ jgas faced Hodgkin's Usease .. ^ e he was a; teenager, re

p ar^t re ta lia te for .,dmage. cfelvedhis degree, put-w^. o n ly .. done to &viet'owned aiitomo- .be able to. see U from his hds^bilesin America.- ----------- 'pital room wall. _ / — '-

The car, belonging td>Unite3 ; 'He has been «m fin ^ to bed [

tion by the lEA executive com- mittee:8t-a-special-sesslon urday in Boise for an "Educartion-Etephasls Day” aU'fover PresS Interhational“correspon- at St. Luke's_in ^ ise . since h e ' the state called fo rn e x tF rto y , dent James 0 . Jackson, waia..completed his'sluilentteitchihg March 5. ■ park^ on a-side stree^^4 !ffe8_an^earted_h !s.Jl«tI«e;':flt_the_^ O a iitH e te lw a s -s c h a u ^ e d T ^ B o S & S ^ the Kr«niIin-tShen--^«wUot the-fall-sem ester—i n - = a sp e c if meeting of t t e ^ g k i j i . side window was shattered.-43ecentber 1970.1 ■ -,ation’s „3 5 ^ e n ib e r delegate Jackson .was visiting Soviet ilwii'iirisr

A g n e w f o r e s e e sbody in B o i^ k 9 a.m>-at Capi t^I^High^rS^opl 6n that~same

“ morning/.■ York said, “ In the last few

fHsfldaJnineaf'^jr^j^The vehicle was unoccupied.'

Nearly a score of ApierlCan owned hutbmobiles have been

^ a te Pojice dfficsr .Charles: _ ' Duke, Idaho Falls, said Norris W. Smith. 56. Idaho f SIs, was. Idlled. He said driving the

1. ■>vehicte»^«aw^Iinda b7-W oodgr= * WASHING-'fehH-tlP^>^^ice^^>Goo<leIl- in-^»)ew -York last 14, Idano i- alls, 'itie -car was H-esident Spiro T. Agnew said November, southbound on New Sweden today he foresees no White 1^6 viop.prp<ilri<y)t pnmmpnf.

■“ .This cannot be a pfiony— n e unrecognized,'''Nixorisaid. promise-,” ag ler vsaid - when' ' He ^ id changes he propped asked if the.vj/rogram would in his State oLlheJUnion-speech only spptJie^th-problenrw-bntTTah. ^^”w u ld bring about ado ndthbiK about'thfem- “ Built peaceful.American r^olution to., ' days the teachers'of this state into it is that every'Child gets return “ power to the’people.” have'literally exDl6d e d ^ ~ ex-follow4hrougir(care )7 ' They would “refresIT and - treme frustration with the very harassmrat of Soviet diplomat’s

Head Start now .offers a renew” government,he said. low proposed apprdpriatlQijs for, by militanr Jew i^ , groups inrange of social, educMional ^ d -- ‘These changes can <ive us the public schools arid the' lm- ' ' ' ' ‘ ______

‘ pre- better govemmeht thrwj^lbut pact of small increases U ilin it, longer>^uld guarantee-rTheall A m erica^ u t Ihev have tlal di.strlrt hiirigpta.fnr thi» nput MtWy ^ n'.s ' piHTt«nit In

The scM F-of artffiMd sciences IF B S e , and: BF. Louis Peck, <4 ilnhan of the art depart- mint, delivere<i Smithes diplo-

damaged '^ c e -e a r ly January nWj since He may not be able when the Sbvletsr&rigered bvrtgnttendgraduattenceremonjegj

"HCTth services to needy flChool. cfiil4r6^

_____________________________ B-presld _House purge attempt—in 1972-ed: J'Sen. .lloodell was never against any Republican sena- attacked or opposed on the

v ^ r s even if they do oppoM 'basis of his disa^eements with Li'President Nixon’s policies on a the administration. The point of

sincere basis. ' d e p ^ u re came when Sct'.In a cppyrighted interview C3oodeU triejLtd-^trtllize his

with Lucian C. Warren of the -opposttlSnTf^rtlM's strictly as- Buffalo Evening News, the vice methods of anbarra.^srng Tiiif

esident BpS ificallv exemtXed partv^and hi.s president, jinmia-

The new 'program may be—special meaning for roral year.'’-aimed at " the rbrothers and'TAmerlca,” - Nixon imld


In May.Smith lei

_ i iE a ibuthe4»egan hls^wUege^uca-

detennliiBd to-gpaduat»-ag-teacher -

School Jtoad, when ith a lte iiO ^ t b ^ m d a stop sign..

D ^ e reported, the veh icle pulled out onto U. S. 20 aiTd,' was struck broadside by an eastbound vehicle driven by Bob B; Rowland, 36, Idaho Falls.

The young girl and tw o male

sisters of youngsters akeady in ■ Head Start, or,other" ghetto-jmd rur^ children previously un- reached by standard, health services Except possibly in-'

.emergencies. ■ '

;“ I want -thoftB decisions that- affect rural Amerlc.a made b y , people who Jmow rural 'Ameri­ca. And the people who know a place best are the people who live there.”


in. Mark Ijg.tfield, R-Oreiy. tinjca, ,I Jbelieve^e contrived.: from any punitive adnjlplstra-' the oppoSitiou4t>r this purpose tlon action despite'Htitflefd's criticism of Nixon’s war policies.

’The discussion of a possiblepurge came up in connection

■ ..nttth A ^ ew 's roIe.,in.th.e defeat ~ o f - 1leipublIcffln. £harles-

^ c l i i t r l i S s l .

BQISE -( UPll - "'riie first step- in contro lliing-wirfageroin-ing has been^appproyed by th e ' t i X f C V l C X I G

c o u r t ®^OISE (UPI) - n ie chair­man of the Oonunisslon. on

-Women ?s-prngrnms—has__ tBz.

d o o o Q U A L I T Y

f A R M E Q I i l P l i l E M r l

- a measure which will require - sntjmissiairof plans tp restore

^ 'Surface mined area before min- . ■ ing permits will be issued. \

. . -R ^ V a rd G h atbumrR-AlbkMv, Hioor-sponsbr ,of the~bill7:said

: s i ^ ^ , it was annftunced Satur- — day, buFthg groupTeorganized-

to f^d-out and help solve prc^, blems ofJdaho women.' '

State Sen. Edith Miller Klein, WASHINGTON (UPI) -T h e ■ R-BoIm, turned in herresigna-

nri}iyjn- tiot>-to-G ov^6 ecil-Andru5r^>ut-

r e s id e n c y

the commis^on went on record^. J.e on the constitutionality ofi^H w ace^m inteystaatrlaw s r i S ^ ^

-Uiijlii, pLuis fui reside-ui a state lor one year ln«, lo urge women throughout area reclamation have to be before becoming eligible to vote the state to bring their pro-approved_by -the. State Landi-u,-atate-electionsr --------- — bJems-to-tb^-grouih—— — -^ a rd . - court Will hear ar— TTireeitudy committees were

He ^ d niiner^wo^d be re- gunients next term and issue a ^ ired to sutmit bonds totalmg rulin^Oh an appeal by the state

of Tennessee from a ; tower court dediion o f Aiig. 31 vrtilch

J500 per acre to insure restora­tion of a mined area.• He-noted the bill probably was not the best legislation, but there was noting on the boola at ..present to CTntrol surfacemining.-

struck down as unconstitutional that state’s residency require­ments Cor voting.-Hiirty-two, otheii^a ntC8 ha»


appointed to report" April 24 during,their next meeting. Re­ports wQTincIude those on jail conditions In UahQ. day - care;

. . c ^ t ^ and counseling n ee^ .'Named to terms extending to

July 1972 are Mrs. Mary Wat-

a .orie-year waitmg period Pftcatello; N5Jas Rosa GdfCla, ^R ep. Vernon Ravenscroft D- before newcomers are p ^ tt-^ W U d e r , and Mrs. Be»rDavtsrTuttle, said future lawmakers ted to vote. Fifteen sUtes Lewiston, j ____

_ d » i^ d try to solve mining pro- roiuire six m o n th i ;r e s i^ c y . - AppoWtecs for terms to July -^^^^geff&Tiqt-handled in t h i r m ^ 6neT.M^^ T g?5g i1 faB n »au ia F a i m__ a ire -su ch as , water pollution - m e n t ^ one requires a O^day .and Mrs. :darfcE lirlid l, Boise,

and gravel pit operations. wait. ' and Mikell'O’Donnell, I^Dcatello,

ncy cites

MliSEL-tUPl) -r The Idaho drop.Sf 7,900 Tand a 10 year th e -lo io i^ ^ yed oyer - Departm entof-Employmerit re - - average-Dfecember-^January ” 6er ’s levelT «n ft«H foii ports 197Hs a-fa«iMRy year~^BF redlfcOoinit Ji3W.-------------------- - ttirfnr-in -nutamng,-

fpllowtn^ will b « told ot Public Auction locottd

dion Roo<f c n ^ 1 1/4 mijet wett of Rupert, Idoho, or; from fturtiiy^Hiyburii 3 fnilitt~«dtt, 1 m iT r”»outh. a nd 3/4 milet eott. W otch for morkert.

WED., MARCH 3,71Sale Tme: 11.-00 U L tu ^ A tC iuck w agon

J .9 6 8 -M o 4 ««y f*fgusoi> I iOO Tfoctor, d ie t«I. w ide front «n d . power iteerinp, ry <ob, tilt wK— l.-o ll i Ke e»«H i *. ^ P3 o ettK ^ -h o w ;

new,- 1 9 ^ AAottey Ferguioo 135 Tractor, d ieM i, wide front end. mulii pow er, - ■iliryjQwef, g o o d rubber, 682 octua Lh o vrj. in pefiecttD ndifipn .' ' M5\vey FefQuion 35 Tractor, g o t ,'w id e front rfid/ 'foir ri5tber, 3 point.

hoi-6ver o n d under Ford 8 N TroctOr _Co*eAVheot4or»d Typ e TnJctor, n »e d t-n jm « w o rk r^ 'j

I B U C k , t r a c t o r & T R U C K S> T >»«h

tieeper, intpection tticker. fifth w heel..reody <o go 1957 G M C Truck. 2 ton. 4 tpeed. 2 % p e e d .^ j«h tog a«le, 16* beet bed,

f— g obd rub fae i. lurn Or¥r.-------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------------^ ^ --------------- --1949 Chevrolet Truck. 2 ton. 4 ipeed^ ipeed, good robber,' rum goodT"

1 6 'beet bed. , _

H A Y I N G & P L A N T I N G E Q U I P M E N T• 4 ^ 8 H ollond Stock Ccuiser H o y Stocker, 4 ipeed for>ford, »elf p ro ­

pelled, oil outomotic hydrouljc contrpl, o good unit.John Deere M T Boler, twine tie, P TO d fiv e ,Jofun Deere #5 M o w er. 7 fo it cot;iH C B e e } Ptbnter,V185, individuol uniti', mbunted on toot bar, with morkers

o.nd incorporolo ri. ’ ,;levQtort. \ B[. one with g o t m otor, one needt wock.

j #kn Deefe V o n Bruiil G w n>13r.'ltT-« H ><>fe;-<>w »u bbe>. -ep ero ted.^ S ith----ie#d#r-o**wlwilent..H o y C row ner, with 3 point.

G R O U N D P R E P A R I N G E Q U I P M E N T'M m w y f ergu ie n D fK r-^y ; ro m Pperofedro** rv bb err<v> -o w oy -di»c m froat;19& 8'M a'ii4y Pt6'w, f6ur‘"T6**^bbt^o~rhi, 2 w o y, ipinr>er type, wifh 3

point, trte d verylrrtie — --------- — --- --------- ----------------------------------- -----------------C fiottanooga Ptow Pocker< troil fyp«sFord Or>rBottom Plow, 2 w o y, J /4 Iwr^ . wHh 3 poirtt,

qpprftT* y«r#<.fa p .. hydroylic ty p e , o n rubber, h o t poddle wheel~^4bbder

-Sectfow Sp»< »g tiwe Ho6 SectiofvW ood K o rro w , w ^ K d r6 w b o r» f o r ^ and 2.' T 3 e c tio n Springtooth H 0fT0w7^ i l K ihree point.

con.1 E Q U I P M E N T2 IH C O ftf Row B#e< Horvetter^. tar* ty p t , oftfc ii V g b o r f one.

VBUC AUCTION' As I hav8 sold niy farm I will s«ll fhe ^ -fottowin^-locotfd 2 mile Eost of- Boi

^ n Br;Jjfrii)d e ll/-jd a h o :


S ale T im e: 1 1 :00 ^ . tii

MACHINERYT 6 r d J u b i l e e t r a c t o r ;

T O R D 9 N T R A

c o p d U i o n

« i r i n ? w i t h o v e r ^ y e r y Q O < ^

Cose Voc CbmmercidI Tradf<>r with hy-drdulic Idbder. —------- -— ,

~1956^Ford-3/4-~’ton-Pj clcop, goo d-^00— 6 - ~ . p ly-tirn , goo d condition with ifock rocks

' ■ -------- x o . ‘ • ■■■

3 point Hitch Mormon 3 row Corrugotor 3 point Hitch A<ft. Hong O n -To n d «m bi|c_-

-Fr«tno-w ith .T nftlntJiUtk

~ BoTeV, top-xondftr^C o i« Double D lM 'G ro m ftriirVilfTs««d?>r ■

- .Te rrQ cin a .fie ic»itti-3 point hi«cti


attociirnenti ond-o«-r«bk>WF 'Oovid;JfadleyjS«d« Rake on ciuol rubber

-tord.3^.Apoin.t.HitchM a>Kec.Jike-new _

C o m . M d n u r* 4 p »o d e r^ffB T'ijti^^ THay~PltCF= ■■ —

2 Cow StMk TrbtWrj goo'd

Dearborn Corn Cultivator

~ HOUSEHQIP FyRNltUREA^tigue Buffet ~ H oover A^SoJTFXtleaner with-«ttachL,3 Anffque Chairs Red Chair Swiiig Rocker

Chrbme-Kitchen Table Ipwn'Furniture I

Gun Cabin«t - Lainps^ Fruit Jdn..

Othor Household Articles

MAMA p p ro x .-30 t o n of. First and'Tl^ird C u tt in ^ l^ fa lfp ;

MISCI-poijiey IflO o m p r W elder

Stock Tcink Star 6-con C o o le r'

-Vice M M ia

2— Grqih HoppWli bottom opening _ W *^ Sprayer '||kim'p,~ barrels and 3

- poiltf hitch - - -v;.

Page 8: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · .....- -' ...^................— -'.!:'".r'i v A - 'V - --^ ' '-^ ' ^ ~ —— -------—

9 ■■ AAcwday A a r ^

X"^T)EaR"ABBYrOordaughteirmirrtod-»-miui-la*t-Bpriii(f- • of whdm We vloleBily ^ a p p r u v e d ;‘ ” imm^fthf«lv_ H«n»_liiiaKnnH lww» tn Oflt an

yefusid, so' he tore her wedding ring fjpin i w ftager literally threw her out of their'apartuenit^and took her key., ?

— -Startiiro fame .^;ii .....wym-.jOur pfeblenuiShevWaats to send birth AnnpuncemeiitJt to I

out-of-town frietids,and relatives wifen.the'baby ia.bom^ but sh^ is bitter about her husband, and does'UH want hia'Dame \i, ■t6_api>ear ojj,_'the announc^ents. J beltew that-since-be'i? T ' the baby’s'father and I3 siiU her busbancTiuitil she t^ e ii 4

., steps to divorce, him tsvhich she -has not doile]. his name -TBhould“ be^on~thtf^BnfflMincena!Bnt8TTJr“ ini»y-weJiVa*^tfie.x:

gfrandparents, send out birth announcements in .order to ^ exclude his name from the_card? PleaM hurry your advice

rrrrjB-ihn^lyrigahigzatrtnn? --------- f!OMP|J6ATE&^?itMSS

. 'DEAH COMPJJCJATEb: Such “complicated (jlLesset” are not covered by my good friend. Amy, the etlouettg expert, fo your beStlxt is to uie eommon lenae. . ,

- To thoicr whom your daughter wants to send'the'news ol■ her new arrival, a personal note slwuld suffice.'|^‘r-v*-.had ii ' baby and ani bo.me .with^moOiw and "dad again,” should d«

. Jt.] An annwacement In which the father's name is de|ib> Jirately omitted WiWlA ralBe questions which would have

■ to be answered t(terr~'

DEAR ABBYrW Sarcaiffa fat ihan do about flafebinesst A woman has It easy. She can Just put on a girdle a ^ it

'helps to firm her up so she doesn't look likeVhe-is spreadJbg all over the place. I suppose a man could do the same.tlilag, but In today's society no normal man would be caught dead' in aJady^s girdle. __;

' I Med one on once apd I know it would help my looks but -1 Just.couldo’t stand the ridicule of-being called a fag. So what should I do? ■ ^ l^AT MAN

' - 7 t H^^skhQ.rdistK A T H E R lN e -M c lN T O S H FA R R , Pocatello, d vm on-

P ira te s the. intricacies o f j> ia y in g the ha rp sich o rd for a s m a ll'c ^ d ie n c e d u rin g the master c la ss-in Tw in Falls last week, ‘

M usicianDEAR

-anainri.MAN: girdles

J>RAR-ARRY;—Wthal-/in ynil rifn whpn ynii are .11 years old -and your mother still m ^ e s you take, a bath with your . 4-year-old brother? No matter how much I protest, shfe

.^ a k e s me.-I already have told h e r jo w I feel'aboijt it but jiie 'w on 't UalcnUo;:«».-“SliFTeSDCcts voui 'ODlnlofi~ko .Dlease

^Sefp^SeTAbby. / RIG '

TImes-News Staff WV<terr - TWIN T'ALLS Playing a

Karpaichord'Ts ihiich like

(and ears) of - the . artist,’ Katherine McIntosh Fyr.tpld a ;.^Oyp'orintet^sfife'dnuM at’

'an^ 'an accoirmllflheirThe classic composer sounflg'as -wllnj;HW'jri?Mi^>!rt on nnrt nn thu harpqtphnrrt as hn

the harpslchorq Wednesday..does-on the piano.

- DEAR T O ^ You don't aajr -whether yip . a ^ a boy^r..* ; girl. II-yon are a b«y, perhaps youi m'WtbecJla_trying to eonierve'faot WMter, in>wfalcb ease, I taggein yoa cool it. ISet the water —4he, protest.] If 70a are a girl, tell her that Abby said-a gitLdefervea to. have privacy when she feels she need! i t Case dismissed! Good luck.-

DEAR ABHY: Your ‘ (Confidential to M. R. in Memphis: -Manr)t.;hlQ»l^jolted a^^I~aBa~M.,.R. an<l I Uvo in Jtfemphlsv

Marry whom? Please send m e hiaJ)ame and a d d iw , . - [MEMPlftSI

"paiatihg^rtlh" an- eyeJSsh ■” a tier^master ‘class-.Thursday.

A ^ ^ o y e l ie f Y o u

K I N G O R A B M A r - N O f BE B A P

■ By Mary Sue Miile.r , -

A Lovely writes: I have heard that when your hair takes on brassy tones.after using a blorjd tint, the color

rCTO.-bo •so.tti»ed--.'HUth,,a..JMrihhir.’ ’ : .P lc a s £ .. l^ -^ r ic 3 ^ this works. I would hot Want to Nid up wi.tn^uTlT'ffrab

hair. ". ’ The Answer; .To'pVo-

jaaiml. rnVnri.sls LhC-

Mrs. Fi

cnorq wedne!r ilp l 'la t 'th e CSI Fine Arts \ Tom Clark.a.musiclan i^th a auditorium,' demonstrated the_ different taste, ■di|ptiU£MLMrs. intri.cacles o f .harpsichord—rarr'S'doIibfslfiat Jazz could 6e

i— II . group ptayedon.a fiarpsichord, with apl'ajdng for a small . 'Thursday rooming.

, iA harpsichord, though shaped ^ U ch like a piano 'and plajied

M a g ic \/d I ley Fa vorites

M R S . R O B E R T M IL iS A P * ~ 7 4 0 0 N . Lincoln, Jerom e

-^gpRnOTTKN DFASFRT H teaspoon salt

-until foamy

Mrs. BednarBeat egg whites, salt and

creme of tartar together until mixture formsjsoft peaks. Ttieo. ad(fr~

-rtrcups sugar1 iooctvtnn. i/nnilln

- A F -T e: r"ynnHp T*Hnf

dr a b in the digtionary sense. Rather it means cOnl, iacking in harsh" tones. ‘ 'D r a b b e r s , " in .shades of starlight or sil­ver droli.s for instance, ai e products that help to aehi«»v»»^-<4esirable'drab.

.-\ ■|ii:j'u~ianf‘ iill,v i-.ffCL tive drabber is used in

1 t‘ hsingle-process t i n t , ;\s per instructions on pack­ages. For sui‘0 'success, a -s-t r.a n d .t e s t mijst be

-application of colonorL

rdllihg rock'number th^t came off perfectly.

Mrs. F ^ said alsotjiat some (^mposers are working with ultra-moidemistic music that requires .dUfeeent-notatioih and- a completely unique timing sys­tem', “ in whlcji; “ you set the metroiiQgie..and then the music merely tells you how much you m ust. aceomplish— b e h w n -

-bcats.'.'. She said she was not one sound and thal^S I t? ' she pracUcef la the ultra-modern «aidT-With«piano,thearil.st haa ' musir , hiitwa.<iable-to.3HreepQff

barsresembling a l an-

. e a piand; is ^ fa r cUfferent irisfrument, M r 's -p p ln t e < l Qut’,. The strings are plucked,

- ratjier than struck, by 'a series of-small shaped wooden “ picks"

.linked to the keys.■ ♦‘WTipn ynii ilt n k(yy on this*

Instrument, there’s novariatlon'’ in the sound; there’s jusl-thR


' r o


m e d a l s - e x p e r t E N G R ' A y r N G

D i e l c M a e K i a- . OUR TROPHY SPECIAUST

-A T ^ 'O y R ^ E R V IC t--------

■ A -

-TW IN— F ^l.l.S - -XU,ara_ square■ Bednar was named .the ."bestt_JP**'i” 8yf l^ lh em .

liar” at the meeting of the oven which-hM been heated to. • Magic Joastmlstress Oub, it 400 degrees. Turn

was announced today.---------- — , . .She received the tfavelin^ night. When ready to Serve pour

trophy for table topics Ih ich ^^sh berries or fruit centered around' the^hem e-Ol_“ hftst liar."->Mrs'. Gcri Miller was guest.^

■ ^ a fe rg ^ w e te M tS -3 Ed n a r-a n d -.Mra^.Dot..MiUer, „Hiey„.bQlfa

leave five or six hours or over night;fresh berries or fruit over merineue flnri top with-whippcd- cream.

a strand of hair and judging the rtsult,

aaaea ,o m e coiar jm x ana a ^econa su ana ?esi iii wiKen. You contiriiie testing until you are satisfied, befor'6’treat-

-ing-yoiHv-At+{!e-Jw3dT------------------ --------- - ......— ^ _T o quiet a doubli^Lw o-step): «>lor proctss. tr>- a blOTd'

shade,‘0,f,.i(ujer, A-SiTvery ot'-pjiia^rlv wjish-out rihse-tem - ~ ' * ' sy s pkirg-a ’ ithotrt changirrgHhe bamc'colfir nl

any coloring mCTfjodCpnditioning treatments and a head covering' worn out

-oLxiiW s g o a long -w.-ay to protect a good color once you've jV o u V e hearcf that before? W en, it'is' trur, ‘

or mute the sounc|.^e harpsicth»ni has no such petfiils; a series of tWe. controls near the floor are usedToTlnk the two keyboards In various ways.

■There are few harpsichords in the Northwest. Mrs. Farr said. She knows of one in Boise and one in S d tT iR e ''C ity , but o ^ noneTuiywlierH e.lwi, uUiw tl>ah

' ~^erpersonal-tH8trument .jth jcb . she ■ has to tfikEr"’Wth her wherfever she gives, a concert.. The two-keytoard harpsichord, made' in Germany, sells foi* “ about j6;W)fi^^?sBe~saidr

somethingshee in a high wind,'

The harpsichord master class and concert was a r ^ e treat for Twin Falls music loverst and all> attending voiced hearty ap­preciation of Mrs. Farr’s great talent.


spoke on-the meeting theme of "famous men:''~~

The TimeH^ews will pay ■ 13. each week for Magic Valley Favorites, I f you have a ’ favorite recipe, just lyail it t<j

4he R ecipe, . DeiiartmentShoes for spring tend to focus Women's Page Editor. The

attentjon on the ankle, rather recii>e becomes the property of —i--thairthe toe. This isl'done via the Tim es-N a^ and cannot be

straps, s^dals, and lacings:.{,f;..; j'^tumed

I f l A H P L i A N C t S |

----------------- .. ... - -w.

pijie airch donee

ihw-iH 1- - . . . ScandMuiv l ^ t o ur will

Amdtican Legion Hiith Phci^g onir o/7^* ®‘ btmn*tt-window wvrfr6nii^H,:Mrs. fi; E M/tnfworfb,. Mrs. Dick.Sayer and Mh^\ liailL.JamisatU--1'here,

l r « iis beir,g pbumcd iur.:i-

pr: early-(tatruitt i o o n

Wont •nlar9«<M<)l, and wottT'

..ww-Stay os' tlhn 01 yov oral

Ouafa'niMd er 'n fn »y batk



•wi// be a buHti dinrMi’ gn<j llvm-music Jor dancing cim Tick«ttidragyailabf9.a*Jf>a'd66h ^ JmlSmSSSSSSSSSSSSSSm m

J—-TT.';. /.A

Page 9: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · .....- -' ...^................— -'.!:'".r'i v A - 'V - --^ ' '-^ ' ^ ~ —— -------—



■ TWW P M s -* Ofie Happy- ' Go-Liick)r:4^,aub has stifted

Itil yejariyTiwwHngs. acoaMlix;‘ iJftjNW- W : V the!. ;Northw«JSt Nazareiie -Kfrsr Qiaries-VM ws -iond' Hs AuxQi- ..V ‘ / V ^ " ■ . - ' Mary Jansen, daught«'nbTT(ff7f:Gfris^^

: The thrtwflrlsdinsen by five- and Mt* . Howard 3ans^.: A • AlSQ_ Partie iPatlng in:»ra;nmsessioh w u Mra- Mmual Gutierec,' Mrs.

oa ew T T U ^ a h T Mra^nSean

‘ JPdges forZHt/nAA. . MTAlAtf^Ltt. V« _t ________ i i__'' ‘ IC*. « ___ j___ .*T<l>li. i<1A .tS i..t.t.,. tL^ tm ..■'* ' . , ■ . . . L -

O f HemoirB^ Tissues l^ b jP ip t ly-R e lie v d d

, Klnaniltt :ByJje». . Pcojects, . sflaeks and ineal'p lan^ ~

beginiiera were outUn^ by Mrs

— TT-frinS-ii liT^iii-------■— -Kathy:-Capp8r^iauBKtet^^)Mltiv^-4^t^Uiwtf!IdiJ<aT-aT-HM c l ' nwumo o f , hor -Wtr-iwoludlng— beHeve Mndergartoi elaaaw - Mfgi S.B: Walkeis. Britrabtf nm UUAiuascJ- aHaMrH 'r.m[l Rnmi.<i 'Miir«iilliiu .>ni<iwwnnniTPnfnBBniTrifhnriftn«gr::?iphtwih-Mnd- otitsiac-ffctlvltlftsr^mnir hft marift n Dart of Refircshinente were servedT)y'sum camtd bv inflammation.

to Mrs.. L.W. Sandberg,'TBid dean of women, (S r r Dr.v^her hobbles arid' 5#ha ^ "I c in Idaho’s Dubllc sdwol sTOtpm? iWts. Kaihsey and Mrs. Uisho^ I ’eat^bVkiootora nn' hi't?" , withThe club members, .president of- the . Am erican-JB arE arakJW U te^consultont-incoM ributM o-t^^ ... WK y ?^ ^ -^ ^ ‘', - -co4jostesses. - . — ____ - ' r , ■

. dreds o f patients showed this ’to be true in .^ n y -e a s e s r r l ir ^ fact,; m any d octors , t h e a -

rselVB, Use Preparation H * or ^-teeomniend it fqr tljg ff fam - — Kilies: Prep^atiori H ointtnent ‘

or su p j^ ito r ie s .' ■

^ y R T I s J j ( [ ^ I l l B l M A T H E S l

’Shipment has AFollowing the Announcemenrby fK(5iaGtory tl Nationwide Feb-

- ■ ruary le, -ri Sales, Tiave far excedided prodtictron -t~ and. our Van —-__Z-:Load5~speG l-l-) PurehasetTfoi ur ..... 7 i A -

Has been D elayed over 2 week^.H[ef-e are sorhe o f the S ilver l^nniversary Specials. ' . - _

M o r e !

A V alufi_— CnTe T h is ? :2 S’ c o r o r W

with all-the advanced —^eo+ores^ listed below

An AM-FNftRadio Stereoi^ono,-H 9r" In V ijJ O a i r

P i c t i i r e - I ’u l ie W a r r i

Y o u ' w o u l d f i a y $1000nuiit [-plae«g

f o t a - u i u L ; _____ _l i k e t h i s

M'editarranedn Styling


W h ile thfey

m t i u x B T i s m A t h e s

Spanish, (^ n lem p o rary , im<l Early American. 8lylinj{ are b igh-

^ lifjlii...! in ftip nfw linptiy Curtis________ _________Mathes for 1971 . In each style Early Americaii

. you have a Super Brig;ht 2 3 "(view able diagonal) picture 2 0 ' ' ’

. CoHsoIm . . , - - • f - a P o

v U l V l D l N A T I w n r

' Onp jvill-match your Btyl£_i>f____living.

D elu xe C on so le S t e r c b ,;^ h o ic ir -o f 6;^— Walnul.-; fafifc~ Vuil ^

TVRcceplion Simijlati^ W ifb a ll thc-advarteed-features listed-D elu xe M ultip lex Kadjo. -

, _ i a p e. -and 8 - Track S a V C ^ © ^

Htiem «iidjeF=*-- Y o u c a n ^ h a v S S S t ^ v t f f i ^

jThe Vltimafefn Elem6nicsCURTI& M A T H E S

I R E E :w irH M O s rhwi

A U T O M A T fc CH ROM A CO N TR O L to m inim ize A U T o Si A T IC G A IN C O N T .fe)L (K eyed A C C iluuyiu^ic cpldr.inten.iTy ^ue to chnn>tc.» in trans-- . i r m i . in

mission. Vij ie .ma^citmmj perform ance ^nd ilepcndahllitjr. A U T O M A T IC T IN T C O N T R O L ^orJife-likc flcRh V ID E O P E A K IN G X^ONTROL, permits .adjtiiit.

m ent for tpo»t pleSsin'p'jjictrtre in all a’reis. A(l-= A lJTe M * K e :E l^ tE d H fS t5 b. 3'Stijn! IP,

H«r9'i yeurclianc* for-a complct* Horn* Entaftaln- ■' n Mi i i t em tttm r- w f a n t n i t l r p r i f r .

circCiilry wilK Inlegraled Circuit for unsurpassed ■ Pre-Set F in e T u n ln^ ;T ran sfon ner P^yi^ried, T<Trfe~perform ance._______ .' .. ’•__________ C ontrol. Custom Escutchcon with illuminated.

-C h a n n cU n d ica tor , Cu»tom -Tuner<-C«M om ^EIcc--ilor ^ id e b ’

_ _ ln addition, our Horns littartainmantjtcntar oHmrt_-yo riH |S jirM f w m w iF iT o w in O d ir t r w h S I^ ^•rt,- and a 4 tp ««d racord changa^ with diamond

Our Silver AnniversaryP rice on this •

. AUTOM ATTCTjEGATJ^STTSGr_ „__ J rb n ic ,.Cpm pon£niiZIH5

AUTd\irATlC IN ST A N T E N I ^ T A T X W E O T : ; Atnplifier. : .V . tiSciiiifB(.ACK MATRl j^COLOR 1>rCTURETUBE Y _^fn A d d i j ^ i M o t h i » V o l u w O f f y •Of the Reor-oUhe StiiiE.

Page 10: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · .....- -' ...^................— -'.!:'".r'i v A - 'V - --^ ' '-^ ' ^ ~ —— -------—

■7 T


^ e d e r a ^ - N a t io n —pW dahr^'-sUmg

<>rps==caine up from the xanka. Most tyrniB^ yti - ininw igntinri i^itiir- WMoBrs trill lose their officei-fs . of these n\eii wpcked their vvay day Into to eradi that clafap-,baw Syiday dHtI drop Into^lhe up ; fr^ second ' Ueiitenaht ed the livei o f ' t i ^ t iN n o n s ^ warriant o fficer through first lieutenant , to

: Fla; as'guesta of a « actibn lias nothing,to-do dpwdoproMt''flrini——7— -■■gith.^ g c lpltne^ lt l» one' roote. ietwin-enginircrBff6rashedrindicaltlon'of:thTSiffflffig,SSertift and' feg'^nfew • the^of- the '.'attned-iorc^ff-as' thBT': R u p t o r e t l M e r t....... '■ ■ ^ --y.__-------------- '1 • JA— : -

■l)ermanent conunissions -along the way .

‘ Coluinbia Metropolittuj?AijT)ort^ullbut-4roin—Vietnam^^>lf»— Friday afternoon. ' ; tinues. . . .

?li5ie ” B a clr ip 1965, the WAnHioflties said “H e ' . appwently was atiemptihg to Corp^ .was expanding rapidly to

So.on lit Ihp RritWi Mi»dlcal apparently was atiempung lO (-orps ;WM eipunouig rapia

jX T « i i . i)egiffling in ip e c e q i ^ -M annuallv — ■ w d erasH ed.iiv ;a .w oodeSt^^ st^tedP ih*

- 7 F b r T r y in g T h rsKansas d ty , M o.— Here is an

-------- ?.......

4965,, rupture that hasbeneflttedconiM annuallv ----- - —ana erasneu uv-B-wooaea ariai 7 *i»aldng thousands of ruptured men and

it the liriportemQC » -ne'ar the scene of a (ya^h Feb. tem porary officers out of. women in the last vear. ' " S e r v e s 3 in which four persorts died, sergeants and warrant'olflcers-.. Inconspicuous; -without feg

‘■TiMtefldofhavinBanevenln The plane was owned by one " Altogether, 5,000 meji became straps, elastic belts, body en- "out “ som etlm es^iave^ Ball -o t the victtm s,-^chard-JU tem porary-m u3t^3.-the-m ili.~ -.ctrcU ng spflhgs-oiM iarsh-pad^

--------- ---- it-bas^aused m ^ y - t o ^ l ^ -the— main;—attracton ;^ ent— afr-F4orid»

Dilettantes’stage drops

THE “ THRUST PORTION Sonthem Idaho Ftae Arts the college maintenaoce dei

- | x o ( h i c t l o a « t j ^ v e r ^ y 4 b e ^ '

as-plctiiredrremoved the.top eztnd rtn cn he auditorium proi beneath with the help qI a portal |Bt>vide an “ orchestra pit''

the stage in the.CoUfge of Jim was lowered by a crew of lent to prepafe'for this week’s

itesJtte-crfcw,_ -the portion of the stage which

r, and lowered the st^el beams crane. The lowered stage will

I the DQettantes.

Community Sales Inc.

sbfa fpr a change of scene.” \W . Mason Jones said gtti-

tudra toward^e* have changed.“ Today i t ' does, not seem

enou^ to be a faithful wife, m efficient ho«i?ekeeper and a . loving mother,” Dr. Mason JOnM-Said.— rrr— - — — ■ ' ; —

‘ A wife “ itiusl also T>e hot stuff in, hed,^ and-^-not jilst_„

bdcyMe A .

HOLLYWOOD (U P p—Paul- Mffl-ilyn Monroe’s bed from ‘ NTewman’s bicycle from the the movie “ Let?s MaSfe Love"

motion picture “ Butch Cassidy was sold for ; $850 to a New and the Sundance Kid” sold for York dealer whose identity was

■ia.lOO during the second day of not disclosed. ' ' P

sometimes, but through preg­nancy, menopause and into a

. ripe _old. age..... ‘---------- -_ “ The" more ypu db~if—thlT" goes for both men and women— the longer you- will be able .to d() it and, th.fe. ftiore you ^

• want it." br: Mason jqnes said.

>‘LOST”G o ld e n B ro w n

— Shorl-haits^hoFM ail-■fem a le^Vizslar^

1 0 'moTiths‘old brrfwn leather - cojiar

REWARD *5c a ll 7 3 3 ; « 1 0 9 -

'Tfiruft-Bocli Collar' ,TOlLETdlANItftALL

Amtiiio’ t laig9~U ■Tka'«ff)ci«Ai Woivi Mollc* indontly ttbpt-

-th* A»w—«4—wot«x_alltc. tpch flmhinq7 S r A T H A R D W A R E S T O R E S

"don.’t we huw it iiulds ao easy. 1 ~would not have believed, had I “ not tried It." .

So comfortable.— so easy‘ to wear — it could, .show you Jlie way to Joyous freedom from

'your rupture trouble.;. .yVhen you purchase this truss

on rr^SfWay. .trial, basis, you v receive a W-d5 Home Comfort' " tu s s -a s a present "for* your

f e ^ f ' w l l ftfh g r y n if Ifon p

Invention or not.Write for descriptive circular.

It’s 'fr e e . Jjjst address .Physicians . Appliance-. Com.

-panyr^069 Koch Bldg., :5i8rW. 75th St. Kansas a ty , Mo..'64U4.

" Butdfl It today^befere you lose the address.

the 20th Centuiy-Fox Studios _ /Uso. going for $650* wais the auction. Friday. ' ca ipetog u s ^ by Julie An-- A studip '^kesm an said the ^ ^ g i r i n “ SoUnd_oLMuglcJ^Jt bicycle was boi^ tras aj)i^sent"'^®as purchased by Carl Cacey,

-for—Newman's—wifer—actress—who-said he had Down In from Joanne W o^ward, whose birth’ Atlanta just to buy it. day is today..

¥ e s ’ h e c i r t

(X)u|dTiedac0 air pplatantsin six Rocky Mountain by alnipst ipOO tens per day.

' R ecently in P asadena.''C a lifo rn ia 297 m dta ris fs W s t¥ d 'C h e ^H a qnlihpt; w ith F - '^ ln ‘ '*Thp lr ra rq salnr.tod te -be-m rjm a e i it i=!t iv ^ 'r jf ~

^.Hy GILHHOBGES------------ -MANAGER, New-YdrklWets

■ In Atlanta’s .Crawford W. Long Hospital in 196a.DPCtor

specialist,- -exam ined- the elecfrocardiogfam and spoke

-Andiri amarinslyr it began to . work. 'I'had U> keep at U day after day, but as the season moved oti^we were not in last

— wer er chr ai TQed tro'm the g a s ^ in e s they had p rev ious ly ased to ChevfeFHAftth Fv3i|>-forr^'000 n iiles .

Exhaust eiV iissions w e re 'tes ted 6 y a n in d e p e n d e n t te se a rch firnn ia e jo re a n d a fte r u-sinn F-3 1.0_.WJiile not all car.s-shffiwRjjjiftd.u&tioqs^—

place. We •e winning ball pbrtant ones, ’

statistically superior'

te were — irtpgam es

Hip gnrdq T wa.q afraid I was ^ a llistT eam s. - - _

It was after a th ree-g^ e sweep against the strong

ltv> Chicago Cubs that slimmer that

- going-te hea r ------------s. "Y o u ’ve had a coronhry thrombosis, Mr. Hodges.” , -

EVen thar I -wasn’t thinking - much- beyond winning the divisidi** championship. But when we did win the (Uvision, then the pTay-«ff agft ■Atlantar^we-were^— ‘ everyone 'agreed it waawibelievable — in line for a ^ o t at the world championship.

But Just a s , ^ the spCrts writers predictktr-we lost that-

- T h e ^ d o e t ^ p n a d d e d i

Aftei; that, there wasn’t =5==a»yQ 5lljF f5ra?S ^------^ lhe^^-oy«!r--to RUbe-Wilkw"

for the rest of the season. Thfe----- duetOrs woiildn’ t evien let me

listen to the game with the — ~~.Si:aves-that evening on radio^

T O e T 6 c T 6 r s “ s a ld ^ lt ~ W H S ^

combination of things: food, rest aod'exerciBe. Y w know,

i __ the wrong kind of food — Joansaid I ate a meal just to get to <•■the deBBert.-And the-wrong Mnd of exercise — a lot of sitting around and then suddenly

_____ jun^iing up and pitching battlnapractice. And heavy smoking, psychological handicap of

..... and.jwt enough rest. “ Basic losing the first ganfie; we did. :thlng5;

1 the doctor spoke 3if '' ____""B asics," I w v “ reminded of m e tensions ^ w too7^ t&

Branch Rickey. These were the each new game, things Brandi.ATUtkey ^ Q ld ' "that becauseJM;hai(rtWrheiift^ have caUed “ the fundamen’C r ^ .S t te c k o n ly a y ^ te fo r e itw a s ^rtieii I was a youn^ >ooide a dangerous situauon tor me., learning, baseball under him. But it wasn’t really, because You had to get them right 1 knew that for me the fun- before you could expect to-be damwitals Included ray keeping

I see u lh e r Cdfs ihir h jv o a lot oi fumes from IhQ.Q^.haust. W e Ve nt^vcr had^ihai, since

_ w p »vn F -3TQ

h vd ro ca rb o n e x haus w as reduced ana ve ra g e o f 13.9% fo r ttne g rou p gs a w ho le . C a r b o i^ p n o x id e w as reduced an average 11.6%.

This j j ie a n s if afi'.cars in six R ocky M oun ta in s ta tes used F -^C T " a ir po llu tan ts , c o m p a re d to levels before F-310, w o u ld be reduced- by a lm o s t 'l,boo tons a day. " ’ . ' -

B e low a re-som e o f the peop le and the ir ca rs w ho p a rtic ipa te d in the tests. T he ir co m m e n ts are fu rthertes tim ony to the e ffe o tive o ess of'F -3 lO . 1 r ^ 3 l w « f l w O T K S .


Page 11: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · .....- -' ...^................— -'.!:'".r'i v A - 'V - --^ ' '-^ ' ^ ~ —— -------—

.TffilN FALLS-—> B iat caC.*s„ born )ilnklag bdilhd you migbt.

TtK ptM B-thffdrivw ’■ tp a hiur y — it Just 'means his ’phone’s

-jringing! ‘"TSlHnildng horn ;-^ jjo t a long- h< nk: ju^t a beep, really — is ttaifi sound of atinique new radio- -laienflfliife system for vg^elM -b£in&....................................

g; so a driver away- I know he ;i

Trt<ar;s‘ Twin FaJla offlce'~:.

^To»4|>»<^towT^;ih^^.Uke mad to grt^ ilfepUrate ; s^tchboartt— to ^incominig however;rhe just in' when

introdiKyrtn.------------I... Valley by Tel^jar, Inc., located

at Fourth Street West and Sixth

central-Office>cAnLi the offi

abei>can-.-also handle messagi^ or call the ' vehicles dlTMtlyr ' , c > said.

Itevid C ^ r .- .J d a b ft ; s ta te j- .-r o r l io S ie s V ranches andmanager tor Trf-Car; said “ We ............. ..canli»ovidfe " " ‘ '

h e g e t s b a c k t i t h e c a r .- 'S ^ :The firm's” radio receiver-

transmltter is. located atop-

the Magic an office staff

LffiestJruTirin.Ffllls.- : T e l '^ ’tf Twin F ^ ' offlCS'ls wily -<)ne of a statewide and naUpn^de ohai|i of firms qf- faring f adio-telephBna. sarviM.

calls, c o n ta ^ ___ ___ _ __provide, in effect, m office in set wili r e a c lT th e .T ^ 'ifalls TwinFaUsoDeratori-acain atjmuc-car^ witlMut . the cort o f office over a-httge-area^^-from— no-long»dirtaage- c h a r e e ^niatatainlng a fuU office staff.” - W m Ucs north of Elko clear up -^ s p e r c h a r j ^

The tel^Car ’ concept ih Twin FiOflf operator then__gaining wide... aprpptAnpa^

Bids m ay^Tsubm itted for periods of-one-to^ive-yaraTand ■:—r' ’ ‘ ' shall be subject to the . / provisions of the laws'.of the _i.- state, UabilltyJnsurance m u sT ~ E Z be provided by the bidder .. ■

■Further.details may E e^ b-. tained~by cpntactlng Sttptr

rescryes-th« right-tc! reject-any and all bids:


a service which can not only ,-serve fleets of vehicles, but can-

for areas beyond the service area of the telephone company.

The s e r v i ^ -provides

TheLpperators,-4or Jnstance, will keep a log'of messages for a- jlient while hie Is away^w ia 1car; When he retnrhs,'’ a red ' 'w/thbut any long-distancelight on his radio aet, fUppwl on by the central office, notifies hfln“ lo—ball th< office f6t messages.

A unit can be wired, also, to

T r o p h jRICHARD POyUEN, diainnan of the Goose Credc d e ^

cross conntry cyde raw, sppniorM by the Bnrley Ja)$ees next -A iu la y v J m i^ V y a e la i^ e llrs t pUce-tropbyJoJbf^ton to tta T

___largesrCasper said.There are no per-cairEHarpsT

as with other radio-telephone systems; just a flat monthly

:a»arge,v'n>e radio.units can b» p u r c h a ^ f o j„ “ about $l,t)00,” -

thrdiighout-th^^nationv^more^ ^ t!).an” l5 f t - r ^ o b i le s " are ' currently in operation ,.ln .theBoise area, and 50 are beljig utilized in the Rocatello'region, Casper said. - .; ..‘ ‘Wfe.; have abput 30 In

operation and going into

K e llw o p du i d e ~


plus a monthly chargs of p .5 0 : operation in the ne“ar future in or a - t o e - p o i^ a s e pl£m is- Twin Falls, and hope to h a v ^

‘" ' I f « " » ‘ her channel, r allowing^ b (u :4 ^ o n t h 3 . im t l l ih M l .^ -a n o t h « E j^is paid,-fhen_the charge revert^ Casper said.' —

TWIN FALLS ■ -Prometien-

— The Burley Burley, announces Richard J a a f i ^ ■ sppnsoring a 50- ■ P(iylsen, chairman of the event. mile Cross Cottfry Cycle R ace- Persons undeiHB must .submit a in the dpsfi-t Crpplt; 15 notarized pprmlRsinn-stntamrfnt

for high overfall winner. Cash plu5 .trophies will be


andlransfer of Royce Williams, plar^ personnel supervisor, Twin Falls planf Co., to Silver City

miles south of Burley on High-' signed by"-parents way 27 Sunday with prize parents' sign at

GOODING - Gov. Cecil Andrus will l>e featured speaker on April 9 the Gooding

Jayeees’ DSA dinner—In-thfr- ‘.Gooding Odd Fellows Hall, Phil 'Ihfltrt^s. committee cha irm ^ . announced today.

or have the race, time of Merchants

for first, second and . - m 6ce in three-divisionfi-tfa '

Mike R ^ , .Gooding Jaycee president, skys the District Eight Jaycee elections wilK be held April-l in Gooding seeking the president’s office.

At 8 p.m. March 12 in the Gooding Junior .High ScHooUl

_____________ ________ gym nasium ,' the ,inyrpp. iService Awards will be given to i^nsored In^tational Amateur an outstanding young farmer, jBoxinfijneet will be held witht-

. young educator and to a man- Gooding’s Dyrk Godby, son of .-—whohas-contribiiedthcfmost to 'M r. and - Mrs. Bud- Godby,.

the-«nJmunity^— ------- — — — meetingj Gene-Fullmer-^s^i

relations director, was - an nounced here tod^" b y Bill Satterfield, ’ local..- - plaht manager.

■Williams joined- Kellwood May 1, l%9. and prior tOr-tftat ti^e was affiliated with Allstate

CTefiOH .and, id^ho. He is a~ native of Idatio and a graduate

-•pf Idaho State University,

Thomas saldTrandldatesTnnst—

Pocatello.He will, .assume, his new

.. posiiioniApriL 1. m isilver (Jity.Named to (ill the vacancy in

the Twin Falls, plant is Stephen Crbtts. He Joined K e ll i^ d in February, 1970, and currently serves as plant ‘ jierM nnel supervisor at the flrm’s plant in liberty. Rfe-H ie-—wia—also— assume his ne\V position Ajp#il rlr -■ Crotts is a native of "WinstonT Salem, N.C., and a-graduate of Northwest Fdi'sjfth'Htgh SchoOl,--

^::-vHe-rec^ived hiyB.S. degree in sine^ administration _


Circle Turlev's M a^ine"aoD .. > ^ < l e r 35'years of age and years of age. tdaho and UtahPnvUpn R p n W Burled tickets ate- now on sale, bo'xers will be-in the matches.

Pizza Haven proceeds will he used for Tickets also are available forEntries a r ^ expected from scholarships for the next this event, says Don Dbubner,

B lain e :Wyoming i

,CMry sloetit.:

1 Idaho, acmrding lienspjij Jaycee

Goodihg Junior-Miss.

— — C am a.s C assia

G ooding CIrtioro-'

: J f e l 'b i u c Lincoln

>linidolta T w i n ^ a l l f t

SnowREA adm inisti'atOT speaks at Malta

stateAtonday, AAarch 1.

BOISE , (UPD—Ice jmd snow covered most major roads in Idaho today and

MA1.TA ^ David; A. Honim, Washington, D .C ., ad-^ minlstrator o f . the Rural Electrification Adminbrtratibn, was the guest speaker .Saturday^ during the 23trd annual RaR River Electric Co-Op session at

la lr '^ n fi5?w :==Raft^ '=«'-M teh School ment offlcersreconunended use Dwayne ■* Ward, AJmo,

nh onmp nf thpm. Chaltnifln Of tnC. DO&rd Of

as housing or Uidustry."A h W w example Of toe loca l-

co-op doing thli^gs In the community is . the Uistalling aoine 40 miles o f jlnes into the G oose Creek area so the fdmilies in that area can enjoy electricity," Hamll added.'

- l n » c a r p h o w e- — , be., ilemon-DAVID CASPAR. BMm miQMg^ for TeVCar,

itratet the tjdipho«ejB lt;i^di allows t ^ l ^ n e calU to b^iSdrw&IIp'on the raad liwff-Ifajnat anywh'ere fn tbeJhbudc-- VatBejTr^ compMT radio imlt in the car’t tm ik ewrie« converHOon.to the centi^ efflce, where It is linked a^a tel^pbone.iyitem

-Greenvuie, N C rH e^so served two years with the U.S., Army including one year in Vietnam. He is married to the - former

WASHINGTONIOPI) -T h e an v£upreme Court-'agp-eed today t o .. humi ^iedde the constitutionality of a Hie

I'infringement rights.” — lanimous opinion over-

S&tterfield said Williams will tlve? to unmarried persons, ^ihaiiositiom iowliehlby F . Lee— "rJ^e coui-t wilMieai-the-case

Fbi in Siler Oty. Fox ls*being «>tne tim^ next term_and vrfUpromoted to group employe relations directtir of RellwoQd’s Lai- u iiurit Group. - He is a native of Siler City and has been

follow with a written ophiion.. Twenty-five othpr states have sim ile laws.

The law, designed to punish

Turned\the 1967 conviction, of

control' '.crusader wbo openly violated the state Ja w foiest its constltutibnaUty.

The lower court found that ta, icy spots.' the. Intent o f ,the law was not prevenfhealln h a i^ d s ' but to regulate morality.

— Plununer. Ferry. roKen snow tlooi

Mica Hill, M o s ^ l o Genesee, icy spots; Whlte'bird Hill, Gran- geyille snow 0 oor; .Q -a i^ on t,

April, 1965. In his new position J ie will move to St.-Louis. Mo.i j^ ril 1." *' Court o f Appeals last July 6 as

allows contrabe—p r e ^ ibonly.tolinarrie

eptive devices to ■ by physicians.

cuments.Hamll told the, group “ their

role in the community is. as len(}gr« . '.H» - y rg« d--ttei-e&<Bfe members to develop-thc- curyal

MA — Harvard Hill, area In which they lived and in snow floor: St. Maries to Sm ^ tumJtWs wlM keep the pw ple to

The country. . ' ' '„ . As a cattle feeder himself,

n ■' suSgeMed to the localcattlementtey ^eed their cattle

State Highway 55 — to a Hnish^ product rather-than sell as fe e ^ r cattle. ,

Hapill, com plim ented the iver^Elactri<M3oi-«H on4t«-t

JEROME OiarlM Brock"- ICmiflcates-w( way. Twin Falls, p ru d en t o f ^ .Orland •thy Maglc^ Valley ~ Cliaptel ,— t i m b e r -pf ■ the

fo-e "presented C. Aiuyer, Bbise,

-board— o(-

r Mayer stressed the need for (hgiheersto'particlpate to their

-society.In <>rder to work-towarA-



D e c la m a tio n -w «m ^ i* s r e v e a le dinsight to looking forward and pi^chasing'^bmeTSlcres whidi' will be used for- iutiil-e development to the community

Idaho-Society of^-Professional Engineers, today wnounced the llcenstog o f three n e w ^ ^ e e r s in the local area.

^ ’n i e l f l o l ^ l ^ enginealn^ certificates during a dinner

day night ia Jerome. Th?y are Gene Moon, neybum.-Scensed'< a - a - g eological o nginoer ; simultanepuslyAt-alH ft states. coBtlmii«g - .we fk on the wip^ -Martto Foss, T w ^ ^ a lls ,^ 8n _Jto theaxartwjust^ven, h e ^ id , sonic tranaportnSSTT ^tanerelecm c^ w gineer, Sud George Idaho engineertog applicants About,30en^eers attended theLeRoy Baker, Twin Falla; placed-wcU^«bove-the-nationat^-SatUFday-night-dinner iheettogmedianlcal engineer. . average___ . in Woods Cafe. ~ ■

of Professional Engtoeers, and -a m em berofthe national-board of mgtoeertog examtoers. He ii Jinue to Justify the position of

lbIm a_m em ber-of-tlie-Idaho- public trust attained-by the sotiety's board of examtoers., profession.

lyU^er, ^who addressed th^ In other business M agic............. . , ' J ~ - - • - .j_

exan^ations are now givm by ,' resolution requested by the the - N a tlon a t^ — Society-JW iditogtQ n_state_aoctetyjot_

Kathleen AUrest,''RUt Rivers Karla Homan, K im b^ly; ,Anne

rlw -L ow ry ,

JEROME - t f l^ e r s of the Fourth district declam ationcontest held In Jerome Satur- H^erman and C arl^day were announced today. f l^ d e l l ; Mark Ingham,

^udents receiytog excellent N inico; Luctoda Retoke, Filer, "BUM superior At thp — a id'Hwrry'KlsBnind - -

will compete at the rei^onal J rome.cofntest slated for March 13 ta 'Excellent, Rhonda Swinstedn~

and Beva.D>wtrRobttonr Rlch-

Jenks and Alice Carey, Burley;_Bruc:e/ Stempa,_ Jfinico,^ Pat. and^ in ie Sites, WendeU.<.ji. T 5 ea rd .J ren t M w d ^ a l i and

E xcellent, Lindai, Abbott, "Tim Marra, all Burley. - — Kevin Gelllngs ahd Ttris Expo^tOry speaking — Pharris, aU Jerome; Patty superior; B ^ e Brooks, Wood

« (w r ,“ -QtJtgT7 rXHilT8r (n ^ :'T n i» r e r -R lv e r T ^Rodriques, W endell; Reeta Lois Jenkins, Jerom e.■Ward and Marcy Sears, Raft m v er ; - — Terrie: — M orleyr

‘cocccucnc;"* ivi. Larw n--and:r:

Green, Neil -7

ihp state contest >to-be—held field;. Amy Wnllln Jprome: Hngprmjin^anil ?Unrty Pptmcra, Burley, and' Susail_£st]lsi^ March 20 at Minico,/ccprding -Kathy Jonw. H ^ 'e ^ l^ : . IQin Wood River. . Mtoico.to Sandy Weigt, ^ e e c h in- Lar'agon .and W endy'Tburbw,r , Retold story — superior,' After dinner speaktog —

T V yy ginwnnnw TVni<M> y ood River: Superior. Mifce • Strikllng,._. -T r : ^ .-rg ig :S ^ ^ a --S iA e e iV -W C T l^ ;^

Schools, competing in the Kathv Gardener. Baft River. Marlene Itwntipson, aU J»t»n ^ ^ -?® tc5n m t, J «3 * Rattetaod,Sheila RyajRSwi%ecky N taidow -Jw tee; B «i Aslett, Filer; D.

-aack7-Biirleyr4)OBh-Mcaoudr Rnnnle Mink. Wendell, anH HpIIa Ward. Raft

„ , , , , n Kathy Gardener, Haft River,m ^ c t event j ^ e pagerman, Black, Valley. _ ,^.cu-

''p - MlnlCTr-____ ExcalU nt,

w ^ e j d , _ j ^ ^ y ^ c ^ l e t 0tt^ Mlnic(rr~iEric-^€hristian8en .— W endellrB e^G illetrM in ioo; River, lam berly . Filer, B liss-an d , vaUey-.Paul Warr; Burley, and .Jan Bennett, Don .Cheney and r PawdsUscusalmLr^v ^ e y . _ Charlen*; Stout, KimbAly. M. Bueler, aU Oirley; T e «a BCfflerand-Valley:— -

Students who r_r.pcelv«d Excellent. Steve aiaiigman, Holllbaugh. Dlei r i eh,,::,=and_- F.TPfllffnt, K lm h rrly ana l , :iSqi«iur-JiitiirtiyTTgirting iHB-fe^TJ taft.Hiver; -Etoty Soniflctaen, Laurie' Mffii.--B!^erman. J e y n e .LoisJioner^ Wood R iver^JPat-^j«rom e; Rfch. ^ o m p s o n , - —Origiiial poetty — supBi.lor ; Chori* iipeedr:Cunnto^iM, imd' JOdj^Hall Wend^T'Nldc H tda^th', Rich- Anne Lorraine Saoith, W'endell:. Raft R im . toth l^ f e o : Kath viyav iM iW:: WpH T ^ i Jnrta Etimip . . Umr»rt--T:iilliiiuit Biitr D elri " ItaJlu SOMkiMr

-and Marilyn Brady both -^H nnum iu ^ a lo g n e ' — ~Yogtikta.' Bailesir'and Mark' Kalvin DiUer~<Ierome, and ~Bffley; Ann Pierce ahd J o y '~ g n p g j6i? TU ltiU ^ tr T ig m t r ~g a wi«W ^ — ~ T^aniy HoabeTbeiiiffl^Mmino,i?*ontgoraenf both Raft K ivefiV BuTley; P a rry Patterson . [ Excdlent. G ttiS -M ctttoA , ' Pantojaime j n q ^ l o r .

■ f - .

(- C ^ U n e Barron,

W endell; -Carol


FUer; \Su£..3rown^ Blias; ; Marina OMtii. .Jurome^^ m g -V ickie Peten onrWtaaai."


VM d DoiHlai. Wood River. jB n d ln t . CUir Hoaibongb.

iHto-w t tafc Bnrteyr San y «id,3pbinMn. Salt RIyv: ------- . _ _ fc|.iind>a>^Wanrtajl,.^a«1T M d tle A lM .T»fo5ieTBanmlpt- m ierioK.- Patty Bamateand BrtanBMtft;‘ HiBiieB;*|flnlcp;.................... ..

-io e packertnd Pat Stqtena, Minico; Paoker and — E »O ei|ii Kim SbeM nak!r_in id_lindaWood-Rivtr; liDri 'Itacr-and Andy .B dirW «)diaw ;11erT 6 BSndi^y;-CMtlatanL

6»e<;-c c r tlg ca tesLaU

V - r .... v>>—

Page 12: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · .....- -' ...^................— -'.!:'".r'i v A - 'V - --^ ' '-^ ' ^ ~ —— -------—

V™,— w _ ■! ,

A . - ,


ra)>ii’ i%'?4«

. WASinNGTPN (UPI) ->^Two iregidaUons whidraftetiiMiub^- yW s-ago this April, then C hief' burden''^lir~^ ‘r S iin c £ ^ t li l it '-

Wo t tnw ^C Tt^.;^ - ' r-"* I

I is now coining into ft^ view.In a ca se willng aga .

laws - requiring ^ y ea r ’s 'g la r in g ;■ PMiidepes^.. -tfw— wtlXai't ' "au'!." .' ‘ "n k '"

r ~ E>atfM> ctn ^ el h ai-tw _ VBdtiA lapping authorities call upon all nations to exefdse-

I liteicter contrdls liL jssiiing L' ‘ 'cotripetonoe ’" tm OOa a l M - ^ i diiiw ’ oCBcers.

to point Uie biggest ,*iger of cr 'ltic 't^ tit ships dpefSteJT" :undar tha ttwall«L;Hfl«gfc.nfm ebnvMiience.” This is the term;

— — plietmtst^Vafteirfonnd hiniself~TOily the of"thi( ,• in. a niiiiority, cautioning that Lurking -beneath'"

o rth «T M is aFe

thn ftiptomo Oourt wss'ei^uB ^ 'ihffltittiJe ut aitUHtiuiiil! ill wlilift~ ■ Jto-Tlodf tb a mu(* f broader states have im p o st residenpe

series o f challenges/ ^ \ requ irenn bhts,. includ ing- - rlir— — -outJn ih e present session o f the certaini-professlohs -or l o c ^

■ r~ court flow-presided o V w ‘ by . cupatlons or attend a state------------ Chief— Justice Warren E , supportea university^______ "

Burger. - ' ^^^IhS court^is now faced withj;Eight cases'brought to the • one o f the “ situations" W w e n '

High Court -diirectlv chi^enge ’ fbreMW. The voting cases come ,, state-imposed -waiting periods~7rom Tennessee, Z^izona,

.before a resident is permitted to Massachusetts; Minnesota,— vote. Similar lawsuits .haVe Indiana, Virginia, Vermont and

_____^ctqpp^ upjn_sixj)ther_. voting_ LAlabama. In afl but the Arizona'ijurlsdictions. Including' the case, specfal.' three-judge

District o f Columbia. f^ era l courts have struck down, - I f history repeats itself, these the residency - requirement

state laws are headed for under the “ compelling Interest"------oar^on dndgFwHinias"become testrrelled^n -lrt^B r rtelfare'

' known as the "cosmpeiUfaTv^-Ttedstem-^ — ‘—, . terest” test. • Other lawsuits h^ve a r is ^ in

■“"’“ “ IijT[he v ^ fa fe r^ d e n cy csise^ Arkansas, California,’ OMo',~„ had argued UiaFlhe Waailn^onTanfl^Wiwidn^r^' — ^-rtdetew »iB -a^-new «M ner3:iar--“ W s-

get a Job quickly, that It slrti- nialority ruling - In ,1969 were Rifled budgeting and reduced Justices V ^ a m 0 . Douglas,

The~~Ukellhood^^at~cheaters~^PotterStewartrByroirItrVQiite—T might drajv benefits from more and Thurgood’ ^ffShall, along"than one state. ^ —withlBrmeir Justice AbeTortas.------------

--------- But the courtTle,cide£l'6no-3— S in c e ^ but FortM are still on ■V,- That a state not under the ■ the bench, they have the

___cpnsitutlon's guarantee o f ' m ajority strength to strike“pqiml prntprUnn of thp laws” down voting residency —

Wthout pointing Oie Hirgfer'tt ' “given ttt aiupa orTTig-COuntry|..-any .jpi^lftA iwinrfry nr rfilri. yUcd uhder the f

idiamb(ir~of jdiipping president counu_______________ ,______________ ________ _ for a van ity of reasons .Sir. John'Nldwlson hoisted _a -including lower lahor cogts and

I Adangerslgnafw lugiM BUld flutt .umfeii, Ife.. " F ^“ five c0lllal&ns~ln the narrow Despite the present-concem

i^aters of. the (A^Qnel In three, over the latest accidents In.fact ' 'I months. InclUdiny a daneerbus both-on la w orld ..tote .and asI cdlUsion-involving oil tankers, regard the ,E^gUsh Channel'^ a p p ea r^ to stem fromJ-‘hum4n^4tself-seM<>ln_?-accldent^-have— _£aUure ,to keep the necessary beefT'dropping in recent years.-a tahdariis o f yigilnnoot^------------^ -For the -wnrlri, flCPQrding tfr —

-A n d la-a current IngUlrv into the Liverpool Underwriters* 'the-cbUlaion of two .Iiberian‘ “ Assoclation^ich^eeps tabson' . - flag tankers off the British coast such matters, a total of iSl ships

late ln J970, Inquiry chidrm w were lost to all'causes BTTBTO; 7 Sir Gordon WUmer stated: to ta ^ g 7d8,855 grow tons. This

"OneofthequestlDns.weinust was'll,0001ess tenn^e then lost

-th e owners for the general in ^ a g ^ r a t of their ships.”, ■nils responsibllltx, . he said as- quoted by Uoyd’s of London, In clud es- certifying “ the

menr.'SAdequacy“ ^ f - ' t h e “"meh-

i .

i i f i s l u r Ba Ay JTe.<:., jtoo. was m onth old Ihgr:-^a y u d it io o k r a r i f he*s-alhieek^es he-andhls-ffioiher-faMk-ln-

the warm sun. (UPI) ^ ,

across the ^ a s and through the -w orld-s v a r iou s ' w aterways- inclndes, L loyd 's noted, a

-tftorough knowledfeie of the. s^ety riUes governing transit of -tho^H5eas=Bnd==waterwa y s ,' and-

strict enforcement of those nilcE. ■ '

than the average . pre\Hous years.^ A s for the English Channel, In-

the Six and one-half years, before 1967“ - StoWL, new!!course!Lrule3_gere Jald3fll2 ^ ___

lO^shlp accfdents^n-— — the chaimel, "or an average of 15.5l»er *y«iu-. The-last>three'—

an average o f 9.6 per year.

roadway one o f the - world's busiest, if jio t the busiest. Ac- w rdinglo Lloyd’s there wefe

___ oceangoing shipstotalling 227 milUon tons sailing the world’s seaways in. 1970.

distingidsh between old and new residents. *

Speaking for the. majority, Justice^ P am -JJrenn an Jr.,. saTd the-constltiitlon requires that “ citizens be free to^ travel

—through out the length and breadth'of;oiir land uninhibited by . statutes, rules '-and

requirements if they vieW the ' situations as parallel.

Justice John M.,Harlan, In a separate dissent'ih the welfare Case, traced what he saw as the

without vM atin:g the . con ­stitution but It must show a “ compelling interest” in the result.

‘" - - j l « . t « d i t i < ^ e of, s a y ^

The t w p « e d prin^lJiShas a «)m m on Sfense relation tooperates when individuals h'a<

been ( 1) separated into iticcl^lflcattons-and (2) deprived government has

? f 8 ' right. A governing bo^y ji? ^-Jjt -- U-yt*U

Fgrm Sates (hpartmenf for com-. , n . Q U C C D ' plate adverlitino -cweraoe of .5 & o | | L iI1|^

■^uxlfarm . lo le . hnnd b ilU. I^BW ipap*LS«verdfl«L(over_3^

000 reader! in Magic Volley) advance billing. All at one spe­cial lo«^ r<itar Every sale, listed in This Farm Calendar for 10 days before sale.


' M AR CH 2 . P A U fB A N A Si NEIGHBORS 'Advcrtls«m«nti F«bruary'3S AuM io n«m ; lyla M otUrs &

Bill Moblty

- H O lO N W I C t S A lE r - - --Adv^li»*m*n^F*(mM3ry 2P'



r»mriK~fA A R C H t— '

M AYER^STATEAdvatlUam^nh MorcK 1 • A M tie n ««m W*f«rEtkrft,

Woll & M «« «n r H lh


Adv*rtiMn>anU^ofch I Au<irbhebr»: W «rt, EiUrt,

_ _WoU & ^


VERNONj9M&RNS & NEIGHBORS •• A dv«rHM m «nt: Morch \


“ J^uctionMrt: tyU


- Ady«rti*«m*nl: Mpr<(t ?- AucHon*«r«: W «rt, EiUr«,

Woll A M«t»*nfnUhM AR CH S

SHOSHONE l>ND &. C A T T L E C O r t N C .

A d v * rttM m «iif : M o rch 3 'AuctiOfWKf*: W * rt.



SALE TIM E: il^O O A .M . LUNCH O N G R O U N D S B Y : ^ I l f fH E R A N lE A C U ir W iM D E H r

U W R T f e Face YeaHing ewes open 70 head"of ewei willTlajnEs by"$Td^15 head of ewes lambing'now

__ Iheift-o re flood-biB-4hrifty^w et-w ith-V25%~tam b~crop~:_ L a m b s a ll d o c k e d & d o in g w e ll.■ 2 Block face bucks . 5 years old B 1 White lace buck _S years old 2 - Loading facilities on groundsB -------W ogjynieod^orgood mlscelloneous■ WoWersT-wi'isnches. anvils, vice, shovels, forks



-M -W o ll ft M M ««V tm ilh

MARCH.6 ^^ M A i n m T U t t i E

1957 520 John Deere Troctor1953 IHC'Supfer M Troctor __________ m , 958 John-De»fe^€oif^>or-4

1960 Tool Bor with 3 PrH. and 5 coil shanks 8'.1963 Oliver Disc orv r i^ b e r1964 IHC mower 100 '■V952 Fq rmho nd pow ^r hnii Jiyounled QiLrubber trailer 4 fw b e i' tired troiler power box mounffed . '

■ "i^VSBrjohn Deere rake L,R.B.David Bradley elevotor all puVpos^-xyi rubber 32' 196 3Too ( ba*'with 3 P.H., 1 2 'coil shanks 1962 John Deere set oulom atit markers

-V^dS-^ersm an Oitcher T 9 6 T ^ h n Dftentlr^lar^ow flex tine 3 sectioiT John Deere steel hta^frow with steel dra w b a r

. 1955 Formhand mpnure looder F 141958 Post Kole digger-XVmp with 3 P.H.I V6I John U e m iT tjy «revator>/ith gas motor 21*

—V955^urtom troil*y;g~w tW i^>9^3 Johi» Deet^ phosphote spreoder 10^ John Deere Bean<cutter


at niofbr 20 ft.^— Quarter _ ■lilnt^»ltA,»WW»den-(l<>oMH& liongoo-toower— B-- for H or M ~ Steel wtMM oroiri drill -r^-IHC >1 froiHondem dttC'—-ClieV; l5-te*rpiekup-1953-

A uctiM M n:M»»OT: tlfc'^ w Hiosphcrto Spreader. TB* ^


AwliMW alU Jt

M A I ^ 10 Omt.HUOHtS

A Mew* » ,

t_AUC|IPNEE»S:I HAROlO KLAAS ;}» -2 6 8 5 J j ^ Q U F r K 324-2269

eUMtKrigPHEyrPAUISS T O C K M E N 'S 'r e a l t y , JIEROME

324*4845' - ■nr n m ^m m f A c

5K3H,??ti,-9irg|wiy ^ -g *-gg

to th e -M o g ic -V o lle y form er r—. the pe rso n - T esp on s ib tf c f o r m o k in g this o f fe (»o n e o f A m erica 's lorgest, richest a n d m ost productive • a g r icu ltu ra la n d livestock em pires.

-This sp e c ia l ed ition o f 'ih e TiW6s-NeW5*T^llt' b e , o f trem endous tn-ter«tst -to every^farm ■ - ■ fa n y iyJ n M a g ic V alley: P ersonalitiei, feature_^ar1icieSi colorfuJ_^ictures, nev/ in n ova ­tions, m ach inery, livestock fe e d in g , harvesting, {slanting gn d o n o p p ortunity for’ fa r m ­ers to win cash prizes fpr? identifying their n e igh b o .rs~ fa 7 m s'fo p h o lo -id e n iifica tio h contest). . "

' M A C H IN E R Y E Q l

• IR R IG A T IO NJ L 4 = H


►WA . ; - ' •FARM BlilLDINi^

-< ^ O P P ilE S ^ ............. -



— • 44A R V iE S T S ^

• f a r m A U C T I0J4S '• ^ T O f c A o r '•VCTERINARY SERVICE•v e te r in a r y SUPPLIES •PRQCf e t N G -•HPRSEIN0U&TRY

liHiurEVEii YOU s tu to fjuMpror _ THISShe ^ i:

................ ~y-

• W t t i r h e f | T f i n r w ^ t e W u r f i r ^ ^ jv »t‘phpjif; 733r<W31 ttSfaVit A»k far qdy<irtitf| ._.

^ a o i l N G D A T i f e i ^ ^ i s M o n f l c i y / M a r d i 2 2 ^ n a , 1 9 7 1

Page 13: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · .....- -' ...^................— -'.!:'".r'i v A - 'V - --^ ' '-^ ' ^ ~ —— -------—

. tirneif-ftewirjjiyin.-Fans.-'Idaho ■•"»a' ...................• ' ■ . . . « . . . . , t . . . : t - . . l ........................ .1 .... l . , l . . . . . . . ■ „' ... . : .............. v , : . . . . ^ : - . . - .................. :-'.

denied the report, attributed to dfplomatic sources in 'Tripoli.

Ohter heavily, traded atocks "w TlE FB igTSSra'lrereTJuSe'

Power up H on. 125,800 sh a i^ , Flyin{( lig er dk>wn on 1P9,'500

~ 8haregrIacldieed^f -hi^ er-oii 82,000 shares, and Gulf Oii lahead % on 74,400 shares.

~i9»i M — -'SSialJfl.-iJ«3 M «V 33: . A

C n S tM t tndOT'e 1.52. Gen T i r e Ig

G «n »^ c >.70

)9 14»*. U ’ l U '-4 — U 34r 30?* iOH 30^4H •34 24^»-,24'/4. ‘97 341a 34*4 34*-j— H -304—48---- S8___58H


N E W Y O R K ( U P D — Setecred stocks on m #_N #w Y o rk Stock Exchano e.

^ « ln ( h d s ) . C6W. U » T Chg.

'Acm eA Ak 3g ' IJ a > 4 4 e " » '4 B ' 7 - ^ »Arire\i.;»ybA d m ira l Cp A ir P rd .20g A ir R ed .30b A ica n A lo n -i

A ll L u d 3.40 A lio RW 1.33 A iid Ch 1.30

-JUil^dU-UO- . Alils'Chl-'OSb ' AlcOil*' 110

A m ,30d

35 10*4 .10»« 31 -SO'3 &0>4

•M-.:22Va a V-

G ra n d U _£?rar^t W 1'. -gCfAfeP.i y

IO V ,_ G tN N e k 1.605 0 « , . O t W e»t F in .

CIWfcUn.90Jil» 't-ix

14- 44H 431^ 4 4 ««+ ’-'I'93 79K 7a»« 7flH — I H3 S .4 S 47»j 471.

,23 9 8 #*'•— '■* .S i 17'• 17 •'n93 24*» 25 4 7 ^ ..144 30'1 30'.4 - 30' j+ U

iKji 32^J 33*4—. A 2?»i 30*24*

6 UW.S6U. S6H- '787 30»*4 ?9?» 30

Mt l iZ i t ; : - ■* PoCateUoun 2i 'j w . '< Rnnert' 5 w>. w v . ^ ^ - >. Salmon«t Ml. i2'« ny,* 'I SodaSprings^ » '• “ '■ W.YeUowstone

2S27 11 .09

■ .-y -iQ .....24 -6 Tc* 17;-16:Tr.

J f t a i n i n

t h e e a s f

the mid plains eait«!Utl thr6ii|h th<i OhIo-TtiinfetMie viHevs and intolEei&tdVittWtUnitilt^ SEbwen u^tfaondttSormi in mott ol the Golf coastal ve a . (D P I) -

29»» 294 29 4— ’• Gromrnan \M 23*1 t>‘'' 13*»*- '• *' CuUM 3 80a130 38**4 27H 37>'/*— ' j O'* J _ AW 31'»• I S 1 ^ " . i r yo _______O U l f & W l . M 1 W . 2 4 > ,

A B ra n d 3-20 A B re tt 1.20 A m Car> 2.-J0 ' AmCyerrl* A m E lv c 1.70 A m E x p o rt A m H o lst .40 A H o m r i 70 A rpH osp .26 A M e tC x 1 ,4 0 '"

16‘-j 16'* 16'. J-*63‘ j 63'7- 50*2 48»1 :,49»i

"3 ■«>;; ;4iu 'w162 34'a 23^v 24'

I I 2 7 H ' 37H 27H

60 94’ i‘ 94’ a' 94<v .13 1« a 18 18H- '•.72 22*J 22'• 22*478 44>;« 43' -. 44

115 36ri 36*1 3:^44 »»66- 34 -25H 35I*- *48 y9%v 39'a 39* y-*- U50 17M 16^4 1 7 ^ f I t 161 19'j «'J 19't + 1'»51 2S»4 35U i-*- 28 -27 24' 24U+ U 138 69r« 68 4 69<»— V«.

Mpls-St. rtu l ,?7_ 13 New Orleans 76 . M

•New York ^ / 58 4i . - ^ 2— 35_

T -


C o i i t i n u e d j ^ o i d ^ h o p r i R c i p i t a t i o n

Philadelphia Portland, Ore. St. {i)U s-^ Salt Lake (Sty SatfeDiegol^^



H a m m P a p 1

; --: ,Macla » Ud .48 4 7 '« 46»> 47*1+ '•4 36 7 9 H ,2 9 'i 29‘-3-»49 4114 4Vi—m rr-* -

•»30—35 . U ■ —fU:-29U». 29't- IIHH ' a — '4

71'^ 7 P 4 — '4 31»« 32 - ’ 4 33*j 3 3 » i -

S9A4 39'a " 3 9 U - *»

25 136 2 5 1 . 2 5 > 4 --* i* ' 49*4 49 49>4* *4 8't 8'i 8’ s 16 \S^4 1S>4 .-------35XP=36X;»"


Heinz H J j Hercu le 25b

1.10.K e u b le la .lS .H e w ltl P .20 H lllo n H o tl 1 *fol

66 .2 6U 25«i 26’» + ‘■.4 68 64*-» 63'1 .-1^34Z» 34'.a 74'

38'% 37“j 3/’ « f H “:>ou n a c i .w6 ^ 3 ^ 4 3 ^ ‘4 3 H - *i So R a llw 3<2 29*4 29»^ 29W — » » S o w itP S 74

12 ^5*4 ^5*1 4 5 X4 + *7 _S p R a n d ^ l3 b8*>~i6^k 3$i% 3 5 5 4 '

3^ 49 49 49 *-8 4 4 I 4 44' 7 4 4 3 4 ^

28. 26'5 3 6 '. 2 6 » » -85 in» ii'» n*-» +

113 41'• -io’T " « n r -333 ?8»» 77’ b 28*»-f

Tuesday" low 20s. Overnl^ Uows 10 below l y gest 24 hour amount reported southeastern I d ^ this mor- . rr> . r>” 47ii M>:. 47U-Contlnuedcold.Higbsdays27to to 5 below. Probability-of, sOrfarw hHePOcitelloTiadTnTngigT-^ips-^ifg-cgnniy-and— '— ^ W i n H r M l l S M 'P v ’o>''»'":rLi-32,_oveniight— lo w * -3 -to r-J.— precipitation lOpercent-tonlght, and Ideho EiUJs, .03. flgyhee,^ very light snow or snowj^vyerar. L

Probability of precipitation 10_afldnearLzeroJCuesday* Outlook-juath^aeross thj^border^n” nor= wiere rep ort^ Jbut con^Uons T c t f t D G P C l t l i r C ^per cent ton i^t and near zero for Wednesday, Increasing ^e*'P Nevada reported .22; will become partly cloudy thia ^56 1 56»« *4

4 1 U 4 1 H -^ J 44r*r7 2 U 77»^ 7 2 ' » -

126 '75'• 2574J« 7^*-*-^

sidomdT.3D’ .905*

Wl p>vr 2.20 Im p eria l Cp IN A C p 1.40 ing R a n d 2 Inland SM 2 inspCopper 2

B M 5 20

J 6 393* . 3995 U » . U88 41’ 2 40>4 41*191 49 ' 48U .49

28>« 20«« 28*46720- 43

154 336*} 3341.4 2 'J - IJ

3 3 5 * 4 -

=^lH*WW=fc=_^fc4K,u=«ip=4itj^L.^* 75



B e a tF o o d s V Beckm .12b Jt ■

” 31 ; 33'‘.4Ti4 29^4 2 9 . ', - ’ • • 10*427'-2 2M,V H 38’ «-..


In N ickI 1.60 Ini P a p 1' } IB! li r n r "

C o rp '

Ja n tie n .60 JeM PIIot 80

•JotmMv 1.20 -iohn J n ,40a

-Jo n U o o n - .8 0-S tt-r

299 44*.• 43'4 43*4 + *5 T x P L T ,50b '} K 37»a 36W 3 f t * a f . l l ------- U l W L L S l -i*4 Mvi 55*4 .54..-± iif..--ICX!r<w..

T a ^ C o 90 TranwfT7 0 ^ 70

~STv itr:ir:S2^

for Wednesday, Tfuesday,. Outlook for Wed- clouds. ,riesday, inCr-easiinfrekiuds.-• __ _ . , -

Camas iPrairie, Hailey and ^ o p s i s : lower JVooH River Valiev: The weak cold

Totals the next 24Jhours will i)e evening with a chance of snow . :PU Jn ^.e .jre3t^isortion_and. dwwers: clearihg-tonightT-and--

- . perhaps a few hundredths at a mostly fairWDnday;—front that gpn>g In tiu- enst nortlnn. .' _______ ■-


HighLowPr.■“ z a ' i m r

46 25

r^ir pollutiojiL called Mind YojiiJII neyconcern of busifteissmen early part of this century the

bustling little city of. Dayton, Ohio, had a tr^en dou s burst of engineering genius.

In. a..a|)an ot, less than 20

V ';;p-.:j--regard^fltri^llirtlm as.a major disposal problems, ^rte totals 22 per cent-tavoiing control ay rayolutiunlad otfic^— ^. J5’ . - b r o i d e m in all areas of the excw d 100 per cent, i^th-some local Kovemmental-aKencles: “ * ® , t y p i n g , in ^ t printlrgi and -. iv . ‘. ~_.u__ . . 91 ..o , o .v i_ T register, the electric s ta rts for. «tnri. anH

antf other businesaes- H «till i s : used in many stores, even though.many big stores use . cash registers that~ ffio ' are •i'';' ramputer input terminals.. .

- -and - r-_ pr in -'

reporting a In- iro tfe in with more than one

degendefif%ujiine.<is. Inc; type^ot-pdlution^

per cent

Black&O ,88 Bo#tinrcT*o-oTtaCas .25

6 1 'v 60*1~ier n * r n t » r -k 148 44 H 42«» 4 4 ^ -^ I* 4

80 27 *4 3 7*» 37^*— ^64 28*» 27H 28*4+ *»12 3 8 '» 37*4 37?n14 13' J 13*4 13* 4 - 4

• 48 10»» lO 'i 10*«-^ ' »6 . 60*4 60*-4 60*41 ' i

111 6 5 U . 64*4 6568 »1'.4 U23 40 39' ,r t 93

Jo y M lg 1.40

KW: So lnd .3 K a n O e t :iu K a n P L i.1 .3 8 K ayse^R 60 K e lt y -H 1.3a Ker^metl JO Kennecott 2 Ke*4^Mc I ' j KIddeW 2^}i K im b C l 1-20 K k -M ^ .2 3 d

3 9 n + Vj K oppar I 60 a a u ^ - u.— Xf aMaa i .j g.

___ liU39

9 -24‘-t »4*.«x4 36’ -i 26.'«3b, 25*^ 25'»75 J4»fc >4‘ »'2 26H 26H

207 36’ 7 36'%

26*1 26'>“14'a l4'-a77'^ 27*4 - *»

-4 5 H 45*4-t42*4 43*^

The federation, surveying small businessmen of the pollution a prol

sol'd it is diminishing, -36 per I, . tiuslness forms.:. ihe;, p l r n ^ ^ driveU nation, ^ la w a i p o i ^ u « beUeved it is worsening, independent businessmen-sald >s i:;.;; S“g rp. ' rl2S

wTOi-poUution, 43 pw oent said pollutian ‘ Wfitrol _ and ' en- doj^iianraB TlJU t mprt • B e l^ e Schlr^^^Jl;;i i; Wlth pouutlon, 43 per cent said pollution C6hirol and en , „ . --------. - o o ig re ocn iriucr s uiveii-2J'. air, pollution J s the m ajor forcem ent, the independent half — 54 per cent — Isald it all office machines at-

63'. « ’r “ concern^ 30 p ^ cent in#.cated busiaessmen lean toward should be a joint effort by both temotina to use continiioiM'. 34J .-V water pollution was.their m ajor . 'del^rting the task to the“ goVerranent and businesa._ a-

The advent of tiie electronic computer using , punched 'ar< nuiOTeUc Upe .for input gave Schlrnier’s i n v e n t ' a new ,., surge. _ J ,

m«iidilwei-iaM^T^th~coitaputerii tremendoi

_mpi 1.18 — j j ,an» ■>»»>■« » ■— — uBBvo-i-ron C anP ac 3.30 *' 9 70'^ 69*4' 6 9 » : - »a • L ib b y M c N i

- C a r o P L J.4 6 _____ 38— ^ ^ - M ' 7 76«’?— ■*« l.lQQ M y 2Vj_ C i r r l e r C : « _ — c m a rre m c o '

C a t a rT r 1.30 107 47 4A H - 4 i H . T l H n tn 7 n f'T e la h e * e " ”3----------7 r “ 55^^ ’ 45^V' &S’ 7— --------

Cent I Soya 1 18 35'? 25*^ 35*4 L o e w tC 35bC e rro l.60o 63 1B»4* 17»^ 18*-4— »•» Lo neSC em V C erta in t . 80 35 78 37*4 37*4 Lw>eSG 1 24C e tm a .60 33 2 0 'j , 2 0 *i 20*>+ Lou N a th 4a

- H ! m 1 ?U r ~

fbrms depended- on a Wctlon It ■ you've eVef . M fl

.trouble with carbon paper

op«rate~-«t-^ such speeds that the

_ lai-gto and pln- wfaeel are'the only p ra c a c > l_ ^ method of .IM

fted^Ctitna r e ^ r te d lytoJm y U.S. jettiners

- — ean-appreclate'4iow difficult it.... make .the machines

w drk^thbut the paper sUp- — P t i i g -

IBie foriwMg te in a industry. Standard Itegistet’a tread and ~buttei' operation, suffer!^ with the rest of the

j>)EW YORK— rUPD^ilhe MJ h e UC877 American Broadcasting Compa

stmiiarrt-' ■n il* .Iftfprnnnn crantij i : « Riwister’s sales fell lait year

J----------com pany jh at i-kaown today aa by 8nly'one4uilt o f l -ptTBBitr-StandarCRegista' Co. and has ■ A-number of security-fimia, ■

i M linn tntlllnn a yPBr nr anglvTinn the.l » om>tet*aH h ef:


' quoted an American b a s i n e s » ^ « ^ ’‘r ^ t e ^ ^ ? « > > ^ “ ‘ TUeidrcraft Would be used by man, known only a* •‘M r„B ,.» ^ in the_ b ^ e s s ^

n T ^ T e ^ c S S f f l : aS.7 T - ^ - u T -£.“U“?yS5A£Irom.

ri7 3 2H 32H 32H M id S o U 1.07153 16* .1 6 ,1 4 '* M M M 1 8540 4 0 V i^4 0 ’ -» 40'1 M in n P M .M

M 8 « * r » H ' 3 3 » r ^ -fWtobftOt 7 40 133 $7»a 5**- 5 7 ' - . - M 6h »cb 1.10

36 210 , 307*> 20t'> + l '4 M o o o g ram 11 72'/4 i2 .22'<. “ •

-»< > -3 7 v -i’ 371^ 3 r t ;+ U "5 35’« i S U H

156 U K , 14*« 1 4H — ' «33 33“ 31»% 3 U » - r . %11 20>- 3 0 H 30’-> .15 , 17*< 12i> 12*^+ *•

137 Ift’ a 43’ i 63',1 f *-4

142 4 9 'J 57*4 5 9 '7 + 1*1 87 96H13 i r 4 20*4 20*4^

24H 24?*+ '103 103 — •

30*4 2 0 »*+ '55*4 54'^ 5 4 ^ + 'J4 33'W 3 3 '4 - '131* 13<« 13'38»» 38*4 3 8 H ^64Vi 63*4 «4 + '371 , 37 3 7 t,^K -tU 33H 33‘»^_23*/4-28 27* > 37’ - > -

ing Co.. re^ ried 'F riday Communist China is negotiating

N E W Y O R K T u P O — Salecled »tO€k* oa * ' ” * • - •Pianof »•

S a1 e»(K di) H r f l l> -L O W ^ -M T -C t io - - U . ».50a 8 73* 33K»-

DSd 24 26*4 25*4 26'^,ao a 37>4 to news said the Jted Chinese

i»% )7 ‘ +nl govemmei)t is worWng through a New York aviation-6*"

r tK P S B g fr ----------------r ------------------------ ---------------- . o ---------- _

such countries as Paki^an, pM ffi^ now^-owned by third -4tokey-and-¥ugoslavU,. ADC oountriefr:

B e ve rly E n l BrasCan Ig BO fKiy Cp 1 CiVele K 48 C l a r f C o rp Com putest

^ e o i e 2.60a D a m o n Cp D a y M ine* E q u C p 05d Fe d R e io u r F w m o n t Oil

'21**/.2>’ »^‘ i’ i5' _ j ' Identified a?j(arate Ryan ahd

itu ji' i wants to buy 80 to 120 medium n'C range Jetliners such as the 7d75«% 5 W -

supply Peking with train- believe the planned.^al wouli ing for , up to 10,000 Qiinese succeedm ech^cs, ground crewmep // -— t .-------- ')Old pOots,,ABC said. . The Cherokee Indians b e '

C ^ on '“The QBIS'-Bvening lieved the Creation took place News with. F alter,, Cronklte” ip autumn. — — ■

CBS qubted W ^ in gton sour- *>y Standard to a simple WUIon tad a |2 bqiion a year-------------------------------------------------- llttle-machlne-^for continuoua pace late\197(>i l«

handwritten sales slips in stolrea poi le..

Silccessful InvestingBy ROk}ER E . SPEAR

_ Q - I p tird Ta ^ shares of € A F Qicp. at 32. Price has dropped considerably; shbuld 1 luld or take my loa? — J i l

mpposed to yields per centor 8 ... per cent — D.P.

A -Jo h n HancockMupltfOife^ Ih s i^ c e '^Co. is a nuitually,-

resiionBiMe’ for the depresi«d.. doea-not-iaaite^Modc fo state 9F^fflF^^® 5esr^A nd-Tder11ir-CD rapeny, ttep.ugh.

heavily suhatdiariea.Tplstnbuteif and

Page 14: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · .....- -' ...^................— -'.!:'".r'i v A - 'V - --^ ' '-^ ' ^ ~ —— -------—

n I

Pnfgj^Nawi. Twirt >*IHl, idahd; gjjgtrji t ' Eagles ^ ilL liiM ^

_ PAUVI BEACH GARDENS, Nictiaus Wt a pwfeet-W rpp him a two-«Sofai lead. .' V ia: lU P L i ' __"Jfl6K WlcklBUS close U); the Kreeu 'anTtlg pa tj' ___ “J.wantedthat putt; " he aald■ game"Up -^ th f ^ -

f o u r t o w i n . I ? s 7 t < » M o n g a n d 0 « k l « y ' v s . w l H n r r ^ C ^ l j H o r ^

egMjM3Lopenipr F rid ayleariUinr - tnat ms lead was -| lun()yplttt, ^l^ t , i l ltti8^Baw ^ ^ thireatai|^-and went-oh to w in :

— i w nr.A ffni ^ ,<.|np| ipahlptWo strokM jiver hard-charging

' ' BUly Chq)6r. • ■ ■ . - — : Nibklaus.-ha'ving trouble all

- ,aay-CDntrollingJilaJong:ironaii]Q| The wind, shot a l-ovier^-par 73 ‘

- ; ^ 411e final round at the P Q ^ t " ‘ nalionaTcIuFs E ast course- foe '

-a 72Jioie total of 7-under-par------2817— ------------ ■“* .. . . ,-------yZaspSI’ r closing with a/brll-«^|

l ^ t 68 that Included a big. birdie on the last greeft," was second with .a ? .a n d Toirimy Bolt, t e a r i j^ ^ a g e out Of the

“pastT^ook th i^ “ witl

' win for lN ictous iumed Into sheer dramtnat the 17th hole after-Casper had birfied the.

• 18th,and cut Nicklatis* lead to- }ust ogfe stroke.

■ .Hiat *enable<l Nicklauis -to -tpJhasfi, cfim'btete.the stwalled.I'dQublfi:

eduig a par he becaAie eligible for when he w n the British' Ojpen- iMt

ir. the second time.eady won the U.S.

'“OUBII tl>ike and th ~. Magfprs___ , ii 'rthree times. :• __ Winner VaHev Glenns Ferfy'vt.

__ Casper made a charge at his - ° y oi«^4*-i& st KJA crown by shooting a^‘ * ' . ' ‘ “ “ "'J*’ 4-under-par 68 Sunday for a ,283 t ooding vt .wood River, b p.m.

iTbTiTthaten'abredliim^ .

a stroke ahead of surprising fwin paui «t- Bvri«/. > o '" i' :Tom mv. Bolt-.who'wUl be .53 '

l(OW osra^tBeKanasofBYU ’8“ n B m B er-oH r-for ^ihe-nhtri||rcome out-befo^^10.^ Rkh,i.,dcr.v.. p.J-"“ freshmisn in P rovo,iace Soijth- straightWeek in the latest poll', tournament at H^chiaon4

r oi>i.4*.3 -4 or-^ est.;.O regon Com munity _ - ' *■ .------ ''if Vvl-

T h u r u ia y W Tnner C a m s t Couf)tV Ooodi

Wvdnetday V a lie v vs. G Itn n s F e r r y , i :3 0 p .m .

t g a m e s starting at i p .m .) •

years old next-month.^ i t f ^who— iT'-riJn



Not'knowing tliat, Nicklaus T dm regdy i ^ t ^ ~ twfr--to- ‘ "“••charge^fort'blrdie’ *~on~the-

;.qth -*e~bad~teed<"off-wiar a safer ^3-wbod ii^tead Of a d r i v ^

‘ "liien M J walked down for my-sbMnd shot, I learned

_Jead was_onli< one stroke.l’-a Nickiau^. “ f th ou ^f'T sfio iiM ” have' u s ^ the <friyer.'

won his only majpr title,' the UJS. Open, 13 years ago, had _ _ , > his second straight 69 for a 824; | | c t o > * r i r k i i t

The victory in the prestigious. W S l C I l l W U l . ;$200,g00.toumainent was worth

Nicklaus and enabled him to . move within $2,000 of Casper, . ; . . .who got $22,000 as a consolation f 0 |2 [ l O l i H l 'V' prl*e for flnishing ^cond , in . ® • their battle for second place on MOSES LAKE. W ash.—

all-time money Ust behind Qackamus .Junior college o f Ttmold-Palm er:— ---------- -— - Oregon!took. ' '

„„„..CdU egefirO m Cbos.Bay,O fe;ln . _ -21sf •f-it'v bowliiigrBfegional tuiilbr College ..... •( ....... - i .. i.aii-ector C^u-MiTTtieah * i d Sunday tWt_host North'

tiay Mouht Hood - Cpm- mimity &Uege:Jl the^nightcap m Roiahaonlkd the scratdi gamra. WUilerhad 1939 pins for ^r*^gy-’ ?g 5 jr ° ° y ^InaesleadandPaulM illerhad theaU-eyentstandlcapJI.eadimd

Wlmers in the .'Sundainight as the Twin PaUs ' i^ttsgtjryr-IK’- ' i * there^ ond title M d the ^ Q ty Bowling Association’s 21^ • veteran Twin Falls bowler had host the in_ter«gion^ ^ t h the tournament got underway at thewinner of the 'Arizona-Utah region;—-Afbunt-HoodrI

regional spot Itist year by Blue Moimtain^ D ii_.oL J^ndteton. brings a 19-10 record Ijito the affair. Sa W. Oregon U 2ftfl on the sfeay)ti. The G q ld ^ E a gles’

Magic Bowl. -The tournament will conclude, next Sunday

the high with 672.


scratch'series total

day night's .play^ -le d - th fr-teld-in-------

Robinson’s scratdi t'otal o f 635 - handicap ! singles^ .with ,705,. led the fidd.after the first three ahead of Ed Robinson’s 683 and

, D ona Wright’s 673. AlanQtjalntance and PaiJ Miller

S t a n d i n g s■ B ig Tan

- Jack N icklaus S40.00& '• B illy Casper $73.8fOO .-T o m m y -B o l l lU .2 0 0

M Hfer B o r b ^ 16.800 G a ry P la ye r S6.BOO

,C lb b y G ilb e rt M.SOO • Dave H ill U.SOO jinrt u.soo

Je r ry H eard 14.300 ' Bob Lunn i4,300 „ -£ r ^ d -A i la r l i -U J O O .

Bob Rosburg i4.300 F ra n k Beard S3.400

I - ' Bob C h a tlM , S3,400 Bruce D e vlin $3,400

-L a r r y Hinson 13.400

H e rb Hooper.t3.700 A rnold Pjnmer*t77700 Jo hnny M ille r t3.300 “ Bob’ Smlfh' «:300 " C huck C ou rtne y S I .703

I — H » le Irw in tl.703 '. J e r ry M cG ee 11.703

John Schroeder tl.703 T o m W eiskopf S1.703

-L a rr y W ood S1.703

69-69-70 73— 21171 73 71 M -2 8 3 7 3 -7 A 4 M » -2 B 472 A8 75 7 0 -2 1 5 71 73 68 73— 285 74 47 72 7 3 -2 8A 74 71-71 70— 284 7J 72 72 7 0 -2 8 673 71 72 71— 28^

arriveswrestling tide at Moseis Lake wins ovw North IdiihO,over4he .w eekend.jith-. Ricks - Rm thA rarHin^ demolishedCollege o f -Re*,bwrgi,.the ICAC "nrMsure Valley—a team GSI- :powerhouse, finishing second .-beat .74-73 in the last eight i f l K r m t r k T I

'CoUege of &uthem Idaho’sP w ) seconds of play recenUy-^for® Declo High the regional berth and feagles’

74 72 70 7i-r38f SchooTmatsAju*, Ghlshedseooiid coach Jerry Hale has to be aat 190 pounds and was the only little uneasy about playing the


74 71 73 1 0 -28870 7S 70 73— 288 -TTtl-74.»3~2M71 73 73 71— 288=m

w I p i pa w I pf pa10 ) 901 K 7 16 S 1726 1548 8 2 »43 7 ?eJ* 4 1725 1468 8 2 907 812 14 6 1>45 1440 7 3 8)2 775 14 A 1663 ]427 4 6 789 801 10 9 1537 1 482 1 7 831 897 8 13 1696 1632 3 7 1835 866 8 12 1705 16M

•S T 688 835- 9 ! 1 1483 1409

‘ ‘iVof^not that waj -- G ene B o rek -4 V ,3 a4 -

T e rr y 011111,304 *

; r 73 75 &y=74 71 73 71 -2 8 9

’t-70 73— i89 71 76 73 7 1 -390 73 70 75 7 2 -2 9 0 7 4 ^ 7^ 72- -291 73 73-73 74-391 73 74.71 73— 391 7274 74 71-29173 70 77 7 3 - 39174 71 73 74— 291.

____^7 1(J J't TJ’ • •75 i t 75 J i -2 9 J73 7< 75 71 - W 374 69 77 r j ~ t 9 1

(^Iden Eagle to qualify for the Cardinals for the third time—on national la to ' tlds~m oTith~ lii iheu- home cpun.

JACK NICBiJtllS TRIES TO ‘direct" biiLpatt^iM the baU J ^ e t i n g

WnrthtniTtrm .wMlnn.'"I don't know .yet if. tlie

athletic department will let him “go to the. nationals” said coadi Bill Scruggs Sunday night. “ But p an did a real fine Job and

•ves-the-trip.^^-------------------CSI's Mike (Beedon, the

k]uad'a most consistent winner over tho«eason and 8 runner-up freshmen teams—the f^st one in the conference cham - coming in tljp 58-57 shocker at

-pionships.,failed.to qualify for„O gd en against Weber S t -

BOSTON (U P I)-T he No. I (fraft dioice in the i-ecent pro selections, quarterback Jim g u nkattr made-hU f irst Bostgn appearance Siiiday aftw beinfe

cool and feent after the referee and the Cougars' Doug

witti-an 1191.to ^ . lrst~^hree, ■ doubters ~

handicap teams were George Kay and Ed Robinson, 'trith 1296;” John BUfkhart. 'and-Joe^Fix with 1276, and Ray Ross i Jim litfow with 1273.

Sterling,Jewdry led thriteam scratdi competition with 2749 pins, while'the top tjiree teams in ^ e handicap team division

“ were V allfiyr^i^afitss—with- 3043; Sterling Jewelry withCSI finished the season with

■that loss to BYU and a UtUe 3019,' and Olyiftpia B ea with 'tarnish on. its composure as admitted he ™d his ’ 2973. -sevffal o f the idayers lost their were on a-“ fishuig"expedition

- for a contract., .^ th o u ^ Plunkett was billed

the star -of-the showrit was

to n is h t

6 758 757 12 10 1591 )5*4 5 7 847 87) 10'14 1&48 i7?6 2 9 797 894 S 18 1650 1851

W estern A thletic C onfer*nc*Cenfe'rence A ll O a m e s

w 1 p ( pa w I pf ' pa-T J I a h 9 4 .J lO l 1084 15 10 2143 2193' B rig h a m Y o u n g

r 4 1051 '-969 17 09 2151 2039 Texas E l Paso 8 4 8l2 797 15 9 1634 1531 A r lio n a S t 7 5 1046 1099-15 9 2171)996- C o loradoS I 7 7 1 137 107^ )5 iP 1987 1827 W y o m in g 6 8 1068 1085 10 U 1423 1853 N e w M e a k o 3 9 853 878*3 11 1790 1698 A r u o n j 3 10 .950 1076 9 15 1989 2053

Soirtheasterrt C onference'Conference A ll-O a m e s

w I ))f ' p a - Vr I ' pf j aK e n tu ck y 14 2 1546 1773 20 4r73]77024 Tennessee 12 4 1217 1093 19. 5 1137^1294

Fbyt takes riefeqty league teams wishing to

pactlcipate in .the--city'' tour'- -nament which !»gins::to .w epk must have a representative at

Miller 500 face

M ls s ls s lp p 6 10 1380 1461 )1 13 2304 2280 A la b am a 4 11*1151 J365 J J 4 J S 0 9 19?9 G eo rgia . 4 ) 2 l l O 4 1?07 5 IB 1S88 1736

OMTARIO, C a llfs .'fU H )- Ihree^lme todlanapolla winner A.J. Foyt abot Into the lead wlth^« lapa to go to whip the


wins iriejet

tonight's 7:30 meeting In the City Hall, reminds director Chad.Browning.

A. fee of $15 Is required from each team.

the bi^ meet ln‘ the 13t¥<5llHa~ class. “ I don't think I ’ve ever '‘B licks trilTl seen so majiy outstanding

"■■CcUa M 1 0 0-"M m rsTrelghtclasrhsd^good- ^ ^rfiare of them—I think he would. have won in the class atove IM or ih e -d ta s id b w J ' _ .

-Terry ^Qeh‘mffP-ftf the Goldffi:

talking during Plunkett’s first exposure'-to ffie Patribt brass

_flnd, the Boston writers.— Noting-thflt4>Hinkett-4»adHiot' ' receiyed a ^ c i f i c offers from "'thecompeting Canadian football league. Hooper - in d i^ a «d

factory cars of Richard Petty and Buddy Baker Sunday and w ta jh p 1207,67?. Miller High t m lo o , the richest stock car « « o 'X t a t* r i i i w a , • l

On a cold and blustery daj% before ^ crowd of 78,8lflliS the S 3 y S V j l 3 y

Eagles had the highest CSI finish after Osterhout with a fourth-place standing. CSI finished the season with a 5-9 1 record in dual matches and a foUrth-place finish in the con­ference,.

Clacliamus, in ■ winning the

i C i C I K U V ,

. , _ TlffitKgR^TISRfi— _____________

^ ^ST O N T U P Ii— lasvFn^in'-more-of-a-shbrt-imnr.natUM .Ll dor and Oscar Robertson possiUy ev en -a ^ e -y ea r-con combined Sunday night to lift tract. He declined to place any the Milwaukee-Backs to a -H l- tinllar value (iri-the-tcp- single

over.the Boston Celtics. draft.



Just Started


. A H .O a

K WcberSt Montana St iflanoBoi\e St Montana

w I p r p i w I p i p i K a H s ,I t 3 >033 »01 30 5 IM 7 \631 a 5 loas 1090 U I71.9«5 I07A 7 6 1076 1039 10 n 17W l«J a

^Thopipsoh- forced Into gttK

session, beat back tired I^ A R

& 8 1013 1075 )3 13 1010 )050 5_LlD02rlO^< 7 1 6 l i » l « ) 5 ^'•-866 86( H IJ-4>94-»*06-

Nortfic n Art; 3 9 908 1046 & tfl 1804 1079 iTiChrd contefyfice title

-tOT00'n^~^ '^ K e ihlrd I r i n h n r p p r P H t l i i n . p n d

society championship,KBAR, p la j^ g three straight

games, n lpped '^e n’ Eds of Twin Falls 6(W8 In

M iksou r) V a lley C o n le V ^ c e I Co4)ference A ll O a n i M .] w I . pf pa w t pf pa

_ M7 IB 7 21W 1*« _trackfilaemir£inaLiQn.thc-close=-Ir'LOU. ; 1 ii\ n; u u m .sho by. oa u d e r ^ u ^o r a k e ,. 7 6 104J 999 17 8 3119 ) 8 ^ with three se con d sl^ . lh e wln

___arjld ie y — -6— Z - i m x i ia .-l^ U -2 0 3 1 lt t 5 L ,--------- ■ .* . , --------- , r ~ rNorth T ^ .a s 4 8 878 950 10 13 1868 )755 CaOie Oe^lte' «w x t . i t . 3 1 0 10 7J1096 914-19311910 '%KAn»4ncf sHow by th e 'tosei^ V ^

'U C L Au s tCaliforn<». ‘ W asM ngtoo

wash St Stanford

P x H t f F l g h l . Conference

w , I p f pa w10 0 7S0 646 31 9 \ 807 673 31

" 8 4 1089 lOOfl 16 5

shootinga Ii O a m e s I pf pa1 jOOi 1333 1 1873 1531 7 1928 1792 <

5 *799 809 14 )0 )934 .17^


4 6J 8 76; 886 10 ) 3 1690~lt693 8 730 8)9 13 10 1625 16093.40 881 97S 6 )8 )7$6 1907

W eti CoA>f Alhietic C wUacanceCenference 4Ut O a m e s

w I pf pa W I - *pf paM. 11.3 1103 907 20 5 31 12 174)Loyola 9 4 100) 911)4 10 1842 1783SantaClar ,8’ 5J030 99B 1 r t 4 1890 1933

I t VegAb.—Nev L»% VegA

24. May^ had 19. '*5The Burley team then came

t»ack-tS=:%|^--pf®viously un­defeated "niompson 67-69 with 6- 7 Gerald Mayer throwing 32 points. KBAR broke away from a 5348 advant^e late in the third period to post the win. F red Trenkle hit 16 for Hiompson Trucking.

San Francisco

Pfpp«?Om» &l M a ri

9- 9 1 7 '9 n n 13 1756 )7 I4 . f 7 9 ; I0t9 10 14 1914 3008

N ev R r^ o M 3 965 )186 3 33 1900 3338 Y C ^unch«i conference title

to push Thpmpaon'ahead 22-21. and the eventual champions

A t la n ta c a a tt Canierence

N o r t hp f -p¥ w 111 pf., p*

hrarotm,WaKe Porett V.rg*pia N C State M ary la n d . Cfefrypon

lb 3 )l

.7 S '

. )0 0 4 868 19_„4:j M 8 1 7 0 2 ..O w tir -H jjiiijiii.' 95a 16 7 ia 4 3 W 0 7

9 ) 7 * i 3 \ s a i u i i w a t I, 911 9S7 U i l« 7 9 5 a 9 U 9»3‘ • 7 I9 M 4 .1 3 I0 17J3 1,3 10 704 asi. V 15 1 0 0 '

way^ v e jwlnts—over iKe~

~Ti»!rluds Tiefore -Mark-3Vcnkle-and~Milt-HortoA-hit-shots that open edu gw 11-polnt lead early in the fourth 'period!

-K B A % nw er got closer-than

h n t i P t c l l i i C u t I » I N » t K A k a o cla tlw i CenfereWce A lt 6 a m » s

w I p ( pa w I . » ! P*St )0 t)85) 457 31 4Xll5l42)k

lUC Sainta fiJirKara

seven ^Jiereafter.Horton wound up with 20 while -

Miller had 19 for Thompsori. R idi Nielsen and M arcsjriit 54

district in the-«tate playoff (n JLeviatoD {

^ ^ meets the panhandle championJ L O O p and Ihom psoh'' plays the'

Pir#m«n----------K - « n d T l t a a i ,

y . f . M n k - M r * ^

I. M tm p M s 111

Hm ti Vbrk 4 2H atton 4 , Teraftffi 3 *

s u y ^ i n i o n t tbeJrest oLthe ' A r i n t t way.KBARatayed_withinontlb_


INGLEWOOD, Calif. (D PI)-^ •me Log Angeles. Lakers butsoored iUpless.Cleveland.22k:i 3 d jff i^ .a nlMHninute stretch . In the h w Sunday n i|^ and ,Jhen .l]W®d - with - tlie. CaviaiiersTrom then on entente to a KW-W victory.

of thi Ifligest ever t & i^ the

was on hand. Of course, .the Laker manajgonent was giving away free -autogrfai)

Jttlftfig . w f f h t h i

ilcn lose tfadr 60th gabie.-'- CteydiSnd hd d ja JOTijatag 1^1} leM mldwaQr'l^ug&^Ihe

ot U i^ S n t l SO * o U and -'_soQ«d^xnly-10-aod-17 poiots-

tbe flrst— two r jjM rta iL l i a A i g ^ t o d c t l f , , »> iilg e at!ialHtoe.

5 y ’l r

Page 15: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · .....- -' ...^................— -'.!:'".r'i v A - 'V - --^ ' '-^ ' ^ ~ —— -------—

i|nridivDroe dectiea> JuiDped 39" gSes to prove

when the stiate addpted its newJiibkaiied d lm ceJaw . __

Jhere . wure 114,000 final: line

gtata, 'fH mpared wtttt~173.000 marriages-:------ : \

' ' t ,— ;— ,, ' ■ ' i j j i l '■ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ” ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' V ' ” * ' ' .-V • '

s a i^ X 'U rhe adiage about

It also show how little is Icnown about divorce, sMnethlng that wouJd-Tseah,' to be a simpW^ matt o o! (acta dndiflgurta;

sigiW cant - numbers final marriage dissolutions is a doing it;£pr th^ third or .fourth totaj, probably 'swelled by_:tima. - . s. ---------per^oreri^reviousiFWH) p o o r jo

Caliibmia re ce iv e floods o l afford a divorce aAd now migrants, and wlw know .how represented by .ndahborhood many were married \rtien they l i^ i f isslM M ce felmiakimsT!^


Those . -startUn'^ about howTgncTir

estimates two’ out uf-

jv ed ? Gii!»!mM t t " w iq i i^ ' San tyahaa^lPrSOO dissolu- the .perc^tages. ot inarrieds tions la^,year^ l,QPO-were legal.

But ■ the actual, rate of divorces- officials say, 'can be more accurately represented by comparing it, not with marria­ges blit with'the ft ta , popula­tion,, d, ri^i^L-ifom 6;1 ,to 7 d iv o rce thou^d..cppula tion-

every three, mapriages wind up becariise me otii In divorce are I j ^ d on post-World War I I baby boom comparisons of the.number of; are now adults.'inarriages and the number of When the r e ^ t s of tKe WO . ^divorces in %jjy given year. census and available la t^ ___• 'ThS tr6uble here is that these ' year “ tlSSy “ah«iIdT'.ci)nfainsort of statistics compare two marriige. statistics' that wW . B R A N^fferenfgroups of people vrtth _VP divorce- B U D S

CONSTIPffTfDOf f k i i f f -v n n r C A J t i t V

latt. a Callfor- ' d iffcent . w ages. Also, ‘ K i^ l iS e H lio 'p i iS le r

W ■ B l i i u a m r n m m m


^ r K i m b e r l y Rd , H iW a y .3 0 fo s t ' .

'T w in F alh — ^

.. < :.

i ^ L U M E B U Y l N l ^ l « p t K E C * ‘ H f 7 B » ! F F E R E N C E ^ i ^

^ s p H n g

POTHOLES, U K E daffodHi, appear at the tan end of wiiiter but tB a ra A p m pnrtion to the severity of the winter. Waahtaigton and suburban streets have their iharf; This manheqnln’B hand was placed bi the hole by the photographer. (UPI) .


I)irectot*y (THxmgeliiei^e on test system^

J3R0M E — Jerome and Wendell telephone subscribers arej rem inded that a new method for obtaining directory-

effective 'tuQjy'. -------

7 \ ) f > h f f lin t p l p p h o n f i p Mf p b 6 r S

not listed in tha4«lBphon« book c a l l ^ will now have to dial 1-

CmCAGO (UPI) — United Press International and Associ­ated Press sent a new version of the emergency action notification system test to ra^ 6 and television subscriber^. tuTday in a change of procedurem ten^a to reduce me

-hood o f false-alaiiou."Jnst— orre— — agir;— s

message ordering a full-scale TIna<W1 "BWV.M"tHg

In . last week's test, . the message was transmitted direct bx>m Cheyenne Mountain, Colo., via the W 1 and AP broadcast news wires.

! transmit;- ted the test itself in a new

according to L. A. Alftin,Jerome telephone m an age, /

~ Alftin said that .the change, from dialing the operator to. [fj.g,d i ^ g 1-411 is n & e s ^ y to ^^res. "nie misfake was not

1 ^ « universal ofjjtfjaijy corrected for nearlynujhber plan for this service. ^ minutes

W & r e n t t ^ a r p - U Com- - Many radio "and televisionpanics will carry this number staUdns 'left the air. foU oShafor directory >n rffiilntlrinV--Trir-7; p ^ ^

Uloai- bacKstup up«;utlon aeaignBJ tB‘avoid a r e p ^ t ofJast_3sfeBkIfi_[^

~erroiteuus-alertg — --------The test Klfiginated at

■ e n m n ’ p m / t n ^ i J 7 > a B y . " ~ t n i r

count?;y because a Civil Defense c ff«2 ts were not taVeri over by teletype, operator chose ^he -the* Q vil Defense. Instead, the-

' apeAjfflr automatic test message.went M y to W I ion oa^UPI and. AP 'broadcast headquarters ln:Chi-

cago and AP-broadcast head­quarters in York and a conference telephone call was used to verify reception.- ^ t e i rewilpl o f Oie another

e message, telephone c a l l , was

‘ “ uff inore J a i ^ w to em ergency;— required: _ -pubUcin any w ea,“ A lfto said; ■ Jim Pecdra, UPI Broadcast

— : News Editor* and John Mine.o r . J d f e e r £ ™ vGsodated Presa^ B t ^ i T -

- w e e k ^ d w i U c a r r y - t h e i » v i s e d ^ | - K 5 r r e t e a s e s ^ ----------W easiiBiif-Tdaced— telephowservice-numbers, Alftin noted.

Newspf ~i t a x g u i d e scalls ttf a com m unications'^ty officer at the White%)use. call autBenticated the- m'essagg

in ^ -an d ih e test ’~ts broBdcflsiers.temal 'Revenue Siervice • has __________________

- fiURfcBY- — Navy- Airman r e l e ? ^ its W 1 ta i gnides for Both^services-agreed tiie-tc «t - ||tDennis ArBunn-vS^ o f Mr. and inBividuals and sm all message ~went “ without' a

—Mr«,-Albert3uniM)f Burley , is—businesses, containing i?>-tO: Mtch,” although . ' i t : m o v ^serv in fniiBDBra~B ie'~at{ack lia te infermatlnn on f^ e ra l dightly later thai^ under the

^ 'c rU T ca rH e r USS Franklin income tax. pre^usisrocediirc:p . Roosevelt Mledlterranean.

Hie crew of 4,500 commemMfllulgTH

-tou r-ot;h i^Fleet.

mcome I__ _Both booHets, Your Fed'eral

Income Ta» and-TaxJThe new method of h a n ^ g

between jnedla r'tpresentatives itagencii

It is believed the current procedure of back-up telephone

will operate fbr-,a-tim e before it is either adopted

-C a s s ia e o u N T ^

permanently or a new .system t r s e t np.

-News .Of Record "S

Maiditrate Court j yaMrerp^nrley,

no "slow moving vd iid e Q?MBp;;,-SiaFQiLiJgUjon....19. > ■ Jlirley. $12.50. no driver’ s -

U c < ^ ; Donald Cy Eckley, 18, » l lM r fiI lo w in g too

c lose; PatncK Eugene BVeeJand, Layton, Utah, $12.50 following too d o s e ; Pi

m e n i=-r^T332-

r -

Utah, H2.50. bond,'faflure toand Steven R . - ^

John son ,'29, Rupert, |12.iS0 X


( O N A P P I t O V B D C R E D i t )

j» , t 30.M. apttdlHg . j pyce

expired safety in ^ i^ io n atidcw; t ta m n C...Wajdibiirsk4; 18^ 0ak ley ,n n 2.50« e4>ired ' f M t i t J a b t y jfOclBeri

B r e a k i f j i p

■ Ito a id 'T ip d tl' braika q ; ,d n r la g ..T M "«ia t~ li^ C eaw ^

dw M W h W iM ii:. Rnpertr -|197J50. -jrecldeM ^■ g W Ite tr f tta m fc ^ - fc - irw i h i lM r f f t ln T n t ' i i * * T filir ' ' " Y --------- T -’^ - r r -------------

Page 16: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · .....- -' ...^................— -'.!:'".r'i v A - 'V - --^ ' '-^ ' ^ ~ —— -------—


■ 'V A V ♦ e i '4 ^ ^ 0 5 ^

m S T ------:4 lQ S V § 8 .4 2

— « K.7 2 4 ^ 9 7 6 3

SOUTH (D ). A in______ _

• , » J i 0 7 6• » J 8 4 J. - - -

♦ A f t U J , •' East-West vulnerable

^ es ( Xurlli Ea.st Suulb________ J . -IN .T .TaiU ■ 0 N.T'— Paiit Pn-ii:i,

__ , w.n I11 fl■want a diamond lead.”

Oswald: "I t is also note;, worthy that without guidance East would surely trj' to, get West in with a club:” .

- Jim : “ Thus the siiil pref- ■ eVence - is that->^ high card


aBit^ i w m e .h iff lfe rC T iwcr suits: a' low card iS f d n e low er.” . ■ — •

O s w a l d : ' "Unfortunately many players get to be suit- preference h a p p y . Tliby should rM lize-itiat—the-strtt

Pass Op^ninK lead"

- * Jam es Jacoby----- J tm : - - \Vtttr-inv cnted the-siiit-preferenGJPsignaUiL

preierence is omy a secona- ary convention and does not Take dway the standard-slg' nals o f high cards to show strength and. low cards to ^haw -wealtness '

Jfan: “ Also the lead' of a— Oswald;-: I f 'w a s probably

invehfed by several different people,* but thq most Jikely

'candidate is Hy Layinthal of - T r e n t o n r - N r J v ^ t — i s ^ x i = E o o ’

"3euce o r lr e y is priirrafily'to show fourth best; not that the leader' wants his partner to return the lowest suit.”

i m W t B A U B ' I M W W " - x s j i r T

x'bm'enf ion- provided- i abused," ' " •' ^

Jim ; "L et's see, if we can give specific, rules "for its

--------- --Oswald: "H ere is a hand

tfl ^illustrate the convention. South lefs East’ s queen of spades hold the first ■tricltr- blit he must win the second s p a , d e lead. At this point \\ t‘si wiiiils lu tell Ijis" part* ner fo pu< him oft lead with

.a heart, provided that', his rartrier can gain the lead". He signals by playing his king of s p a d e s . Had he

The bidding has been:

I V , DHe . You. South, hold;

* K Q 7 3 2 J f l .4 J m -* K 4 * + a ^ ~ W K a l d o y o u d o now? / '

■ A — B id tw o hearts. *^?ou a re o n y o u r w a y to gaine o r h ig h er . ^ «»-ia - y au r ow ly far c in g b id —

TO D AVS QUESTION, You do bid two hparte and ■your partner bids two spades. What do yau do now j

Answer ’T<wai ri>»' ■.

■TiXX WOMEN tW d"t^SW otI<tow «n;-Tg»y^But they also tend'to be knock•ilb.pwed. flfc roedicpej j i f ? ^ - That> why they look «► funrty when they tiry to.*kip rock* or .

, thfft’^' artf^r t0'iV'rlll0'“ « t*'* <•** _ , YOUNG LADY. IF -Vntr Tai%- nnf nf fhoim who a n Be dlJSO^bed M. p le* t«a ly '"~ pluinp.'^pn’t weai Ught:M(Dred slacks and donU lutk. iHryftW—

-TemembeT that Such' u the cbuMel o f ■. ladiey'’ . costume designer.

NUMEROUS BAVARIAN.MEN wear leather shortTTAliy soldier who har^s8T V ea -n rx in n i»y _rf member* thaty The record shows a*crew o f Gerfnan uilors, d t^ ed -out in *01<jh ledirhosen, oace w ent'asho^to 'swipi o ff the beiutiful-beach ■■ if: a . 8up tli S e a 'f »wy7Tfta mit.' kiiow_tbe‘-i ^

■considered amihal hides a great delicacy. Those natives-stole- --those pants'abjindbned ui the. sand-They stuffet^ them-With-

seaweed, boiled theiii,.brislcly,Jthd'ate thfcm Goiiiine^, please note.' , . ■ - ' ■ '

ANOT41ER APPAREL FAD ambnj"the swift:girh lately li "overalls .withouV blouses: Seems to be taRmSTnoliJ'TirstTn' rallfnrnia. unsurDnsmzlv. r And t^e cosmetics men areputting out lipsncks na>'oi;etl Ctieiiy ', ' iUawburn', ngrtannticocomm>r~pl!ieapplje7”Scented likewise—^.-And-fi^gefiui6 filed square art veiy veiy now, too Not ro-unds not pointed




OUT OUR WAY- '- M l .

OH. S R e A rlTH ^c m P U S ^ ll^AH'T L E f *] ptes PICK rms t/m e ro t them s e e m e \H O IP A CONFERENCE IN 3 SilPPlUO INTO ■]•


their chests must be 9 .'distinctive breed Hiy_er did that So did', .MU«mjjllir"Wim Xapuleuif. fuu Mtn wha -WaiiJ awtMnd imth their hands .clasped behind their backs also are » distinctive breed'maybe Prince, Phihp »oes that. So did John F Kennedy- And 'General Eisenhpwer Even- the men .who stand around . with their Hands in theu' pockets could be a distinctiye-breed—;Ukr^WiTter’^ 'C ron lS tr^ X irilirT ilrtla^ ^ ------Will Rogers Something revealing about how a man handles his hands, what? --------


-CUSTOM£R_SERVICE^^:iTr::Vi4To has th< harder job on ..■w newspa’pafT-thfr editoT ^the advefflsrng managerF- A-AUJ-----can tell you is editors nationwide live an average o f 66 5 years while ad managers live an average o f 59 '< years . Q ‘ You said a rubdown with a cake o f wet soap will quiet squeaking bedsprings I gave myself such a rubdown ltd id n t work AC5me oh .knock it 611---------q -TOO lmi. li.id Hie m oii.)>ooks . -written about him?" A. Jesus ranks No 1 No 2, Shakespeare ISlo. 3, Lincoln No. 4, Washington No 5, Napoleon

IN ANY GIVEN TOWN, if 92 per cent of the apartments are occupied, that's, all right. Art 8-per cent vacancy rate is normal But if the landlords find themselves with more empty units, they 'fret. If fewer empty units, they raise the rent U sually . OUR CHIEF PROGNOSTICATOR beheves

£ — c6ttegirBachelor degrees are on the way out He predicts the Sf standard degree of the future wdl be an Associate of Arts

certificate To be earned in two years of study AU education beyond that, he thuiks-wilHje recognized as post-graduate work < ■ _

RAPID REPLY - Yes, sur, the plural of goose is gooses, if you ’re a taijor talking about the instrument of the same naroei-

' yom' ^ ° P “ ___________ ________

Vrtur auesnons and com m enrsn re wcUamed and- usfd in PASS IT ON. \yhe'elvr possible flease jcfSJTn yvUr letters to L-M B oyd P O Bo}c 99068, Seattle. Wash 9S199

Page 17: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · .....- -' ...^................— -'.!:'".r'i v A - 'V - --^ ' '-^ ' ^ ~ —— -------—

E X P e R I 6 N C 6 0 - - B A H t V W A ! | » t ^ v * o tK ■ Iri : l « r a » J h « r d , w lt t i _ n e w . l « c U l t l c ( . . . G o a d w a g n , M n c t i t * « n d v a c a t i o n . A l v i n S m o t n y D a i r y .

7 3 3 ;7 < a . R r t « f < o g « i . B » q u l r » d .

S B C r t t a r y ' V l i h

s a l v y , - y e a r - r o ii f l d ' « v o r k ____T M u m # - t o — T r t - V « t l ) > y . - I w l f l W .t e n - C o . r .B o T T M i r ^ W w M l ^ l .

' w a n t e d : h o n e s t , u n b l t l o g * . m a r r ) M , 'm a n h i a u i m i # ia t * <

i ? M I « W I » h ; ^ i ^ i » t o . ^ f c l r w j w j / l a n d

t i n l M i l t m ^ a f h l n iiy fx it^- • t u r t . - R d l i y t i - in^U U —

, — jn e l « n c o t j r « g e c f .v c a l l .»0r p p o ln lm e n t w i t h 5 a t « « '* f a M g « r - , 3 4 . j i r

F a l l t ; t x c t l l w t lo c a t io n . J m t v Ic * b * M ; 7 S J 0 m . ,

't t . i O O w ll I o M y o u In a s a' p a r t ( i ^ ------------------------------------- ut i f u t ^ ■

II y o u a r * a g o o d m 'a n 'a a e r a n d th e T O n r n c r t s n - l o c J h e lo b , b a la n c e o L

, p a y m e n t ! 't t r a t irflll ih a n e - y o u ful|_ o w t ie r c a n b f , p a id o i ( t o l th e b u i l n M i . A l s o , r o o m to r 6 -c h a lr ■ D M U t y M l b n ^ n p t H fU ir v t l i i n n w j /

■ b a V e m e n t^ j_____ ■ . ' /

, < ^ . S . C iv i l S e r v i c e T e s t s . A A e n -w o m e n U a r id o v e r , . ', .S e c u r e

D u e tn d l ^ t i n c e I n v o lv e d , p r e s e n f N S P K S n e

4u 4 > » . ' i i i u ii i t a n l i m p a y ." y i o i i h o u r s . 'A d v a n c e m e n t . P j -e p a r a f o r y t r a in V ig a s lo n g a s ' - r e q u i r e d ; T h b u s a n d s -o f l o b s - ^ e p . E x ­p e r i e n c e . u s u a l l y - u n n e c e s s a r y . F R E E t ^ k l e t o n lo b s , s a l a r ie s ,

........* - x e q u l r e m e n t s . W r . l t e T O D A Y ,F O U N D M A L E f o o d l e . m i x pup>i(v g i v in g n a m e , 'a d d r e s s , a n d p h o n e .

Y o u d e s c r ib e . P h o n e 73 3-2 ^4 9. >i L in c o ln S e r v i c e . B o x R A 9 . c - oT i m e ' N e w s - . ' ^

o w n e r , w is h e s .to .s e l l , c a l ls 10 s t o r e . W i t e A . Z O E R B ,■j g nN e b r a s k a 49561. .

M o n e y . \M a nte,d ' 3 6

N E W B U S I N E S S In lo c a l a r e a n e e d s w o r k i n g c e p lt e I . - S e l l l n O . 'S to c k . V e r y p r o m is in g a n d p r o f i t a b le .

. W r i t e B o x ' G 19, C O T i m e s -N e w s .

j M o tic 'le s s o n s 4D

f c i l r a e t i v i ^X A l^ R A jaY D M rSlT ofN ew yprk,'has bempIcKea Wheflir

the Women's Action Program under the,Department-oJ Health, i:: ^Education and Wellare. The program wak ^ u|) to “ resolve the

frustrations” of women sntfering ser discMmin^loa. .Mrs. ------iKayden aaldJIEWjiiay 6 5 to juse “ legal authority" to require

contractors to prohibit set lilas. fDPI) " . ' ’ “

H Y P N O S I S — s to p s m o k in g , ' v y e l g h t , d e v 'b l o p ' b e t t e r s t u d y ;

— h a b i t s . . P h o n e 7 3 4 -3 B 6 i, 2 -a p .m . A /V inda y t h r u J r r l d a y .

a l c ;o h 6 l i c s a n o n y m o u s , - i w in F a l l s C o u r t h o u s e . W e d n e s d a y a t ”

E X ^ R i l S E - th e « e w w a y . R e n i e x e r c is e a n d . h e a lttt* e q u ip m e n t .


-M u V tv -'h o v.e— :« i t p e r i e n £ eh i g h p r A « i . ' r f t j t o n i p

D R U M L E S S O N S g iv e n — T r a p set o r I n d iv i d u a l d r u m '. 'B e g i n n e r s o r a d v a n c e d s lu d e m s .v ^ J J 5 1 3 4 .^

O t h e r In s tru c lld n

b o i l e r s .

, A p p l y i n p e r s o n t o :


A A 'A G t t V A L L E Y

J A m Q R [ A l H O S P I T A L


H E A V Y E Q U fP A A E N T r O P E R A T O R

t V a r n t o o p e r a t e . B u l l d o i e r S i C r u a e A s : ,.S c c .f lp e r» f

C la s s if ie d D e p a r t m e n t a t o n c e . A d v e r t i s e r s a rft e x p e c t e d to c h o c k , t t ie f i r s t I n s e r t io n . N e w s p a p e r s w in H Q t be r e s p o n s ib le fair e r r p r s a f t e r t t ie f i r s t d a y . ' '

W h ^ p h o n l n g In a C ta s s if-ie d A d a l w a y s a s X T o r t f t b v w r d ln o t o b e ‘ r e p e a t e d b a c T t t o y o u . B e c e r t a in to i h p c k th e f i r s t d a y a d a p p e a r s to m a k e s u r e it i s - r i g h t . E s p e c ia l ly c h e c k p h o rre n u m b e r a n d a d d r e s s .

T H E P U B 'L I S H E R N O F I N A N C I A L ' R E ' ^ P O N ' Si B I 1 . I T Y F O R ' IN ' D U R A T I O N O F P U. B L I C A T 1 0 N ; W R TO N G C L A S S I F I C A T I O N S , . T H E ; O M I S S I O N O F ’ C O P V ( P A R ­T I A L L Y O R G O A A P L E T E L Y ) O R - C O M P L E T E O M I S S I O N O F T H E ' T O T A L A O I N E l X H E f t — T -t t E j . , C L A S S I F I E D O R D I S P L A Y A D V E R T I S I N G S E C T I O N S O F T H E P E R . L i A B . I L I ' T Y F O R E R R O R S O R O M I S S I O N S H A L L

U N W E D M A T r E R N l T Y • c a r e . ' . d o c t o r / 'h o s p it a l a n d l i v i n g p la n In ■

• A t o u n t a in M a n o r . I n c . , P . 0 . B o x ; 210, A A o u n ta ln H o m e , Id a h o ^ 3 6 4 7 , ; P h o n e 587-5138. ‘

e x p e r ie n c e . - R e a s o n a b le , P Ic K a n d d e l i v e r y . B o x 486, B y r l e y . ' 3067.



• c a re e r ls ~ o p e n - !d -a m b l t l a u * _ n r » « n i U n iv e r s a l H e a v y

, C o n s t r u c t io n S c h o o ls / H o m 'e o f f l c e r M l a m l . F l a .

F o r In f o r m ^ t f o n W r i t * T o ;

U . H . C . S ' D e p t ' N o . ' m i ^"6627 N . E . 8 2nd A v e n u e (S u i t e aC^,

•• N 0 1 C A C e e D T H g C M fT H E A D V E R T I S E ^ O F T H A T

• 'T O R T r O 'N 'O ^ S P A C E O C C U P I E D B Y S U C H E R f t O R . C la im s fo r

— agTosrTTTO nt - o f~ ttre c o s t ,o f ( h e a d m u i » - b e m a d e -W i t h in M O d a y s o f p u b l ic a t io n . C r e d it Is a llo w e d fo r ', f irs t in s e r t io n o n l y - R e c e ip ts m u s t be p re s e n t e d , f o r c a s h r e l u n d i . -

~ O p e n l n g -u p iTew fo c a H o n s - i n - a n d - a r o u n d Id ^ h o - N e e d r e t a i l e r s o r g a n l i a t l o n s -^ c lu b s - r > lo b b e r s —a n d f r f t n t 'h U n r ^ A r f r A w ws 'i .f lw r

P le a s e P r i n t N a m e

^ S ^ 6 ~

A f . 'H ig h ', s c h o o l ' J o c a l l o n S ; -

h c p u d h b 'u t . . - I

**%»m w w n v r' t ^ M O «ilt|i excellent te rm s ..

T W I N F A L L S R E A L T Y ■• . ^ 7 3 3 3 6 S 2 . *

__ EveningsH a n e y ' 7 3 3 -4 6 0 9 '

6 f « i ) e a r l j t B i s t il l g r e i ta r n o * .3 b e d r o o m s , .3 . b a t h s , lo ts o (

— .......................... -. E x t r a s . i U . q o * ' ; , .

M O O E f t M — l u x u r i o u s l o v e t y i ' 3 I b ^ r o o r o I b a t s , . T O P lo c a t io n ,B I G r o o m s . G o o d lo a n . M a .o o o. . . ‘

9 U S h o s h o n e S t. J .

\K!4,S^,ecialst e C T ; : ; . t f t W » O G W N P A Y M E N T ' ^ c l o i e -in

4 6 T “ f 3 b e d ro o ry j — $10,500.

S H O S H O N e a c re s — B r a n d n e w 3- b ^ f d o m - i u x u r y ---------S32;000r

A C R E A G e . . ;? i - i b o n r » y , 5 b e d ro o m , b r i c k , — 135.000 . .........

- 7 3 3 - 2 3 2 2

k o l a r •' 7 3 3 . 6 a 4 8 -

' O i ^ « j C o n . n e r , ' 7 3 3 - 4 0 1 9

. r H O M E S J H o m e i o n 1 l o t . L i v e In ,th e . 3 b e d r o o m h o m e w it h f -b ig k it c h e n .' ari d r e n t t h e 2 b e d r o o m h o m e tos u p p le m e n t yb’O r 'T M y n r e n t t r - ^ H a v e g a s f u r n a c e s . O n l y 110,000.

T A Y L O R A G I H S Vl i r w i h l l mA ll 't H e ip W a n te d * ^ a d s m u s t

s ta te th e n a t u r e Of th e vwprk. ^ 'S a le i H e l p " a d s m u s t n a m e th e

nrt U . t h e .p a v iss a l a r y o r c o m m is s io n o r b o t h .

i; E v e r y e f f o r t , Is m a d e tO'- ; e t lh i in a t e fa ls e a n d m is le a d in g

a d v e r t i s i n g . A d s t h i t in • c o n v e n ie n c e o r .d is a p p o in t r e a d e r s

h a v e n o o la c e ^n thesje c o lu rftffs !

-------------------H Y P N O S I S

F o r w e ig h t ,s m o k i n V ^ n ia m e m o r y . • * P h o n e 733 0 ^ 2 0 "

c o m p a n y h a s m a n y n ^ w p r o f i t - te s te d p r o g r a m s .f o r 1971. M a n y p o p u l a r 'M e m s b e l o w n o r m a l ^ o l e s a l e p r ic e s . G iv e u s a cfTancfc,to fiitf b u r c o m p e f lf Io n ^ ^ f a c c o u n t % -

• P R I V A T E In v e s t ig a t o r 8 24 H o u r , o r g iv e .you c o m p le t e d e ta ils If y o u " s e r v i c e AM c o n f id e n t ia l . P h o n e a r e n e w to th e I n d u M r y . F o r m o r e

>33 6631 ~ n ig h t 7?3-5773. , c o m p le t e in f o r m a t io n s e n d n 'a m * ,__________ _ j________ ____________ - - -1— — * d d r e s « -a m J p h o n e n u m b e r to ;

- - f t E D U c e . e x c e s s f j u id * — w i t h F l u i d e x , *1.69 s-*; L o s e w e ig h t

V A A e m b e r ^ r f l r w m l ^ l l S ' . ------------------" ] '' ‘ " M L S " 5 e r v i c aO o n a ld T a y l o r : B m ^ ^ - 423 53 89 .6 V B N I N G S :

_ W a y i t h . ■ 4 J 3 -5 7 U

H o m a s (F o r S a U •50

C L A S S I F I E D I N D £ - X

• s a t ily w it h D e x -A D i e t , 98 c e n ts■ .A t i .o s c o , , l> u g 5 - ■

B a b y - f i i H « r s — C h H d . ^ a r *

' T U S C O N , A r i z . ( U P l ) - T h e t a l l , ; b l o d e y o u n g w o m i u i s a id *

s h e w a s u s i r i e t h e n a m e R u t h

f i g h t i n g t h a t b e g a n J a n . 2 1 . »

T h u r s d a y , . a n d ' l a s t e d t h r e e

______________________________ n i g h t s . T h e o n l y i s g u e < v a s T h a t _

G a s k i n s r i g h t n o w . t h a t s h e ” w a s s t r e e r ' T i e b p I e r e f u s e d " '

____ _ i a j f £ a t s o l d a n d t h a t s h e c a m e x l e m a n d s t h a t t h e y l e a v e a

f r o m O h i o — T O i i iK i o f t l i g - e iH jn f>as -4 h » y J i a ^

S h e l o o k e d l i k e r f h a t .s h e w a s c l a i m e d a s 4 h e i r “ p a r k , " a n d |.

— V n h e r '~g a g g y . ' m i 3m a t c h e A ~ ;t e s i s t e d e f f o r t s t o r e m o v e t h e n h - p

— c l o t l i e s - w W e h ^ h B d % s e c o n d h a n d — I t w a f r t h ® - f i r s t - d i s t u t b a n c e . o f , 4 -

. s t o r e o r h a n d o u t l o o k a b o u t c o n s e q u e n c e o n o r , n e a r a

t h e i h . , S h e ^ s b n e 6 f t h e s t r e e t w U e g e o f , u f l l v e r s l t r i n t h e

e o p l e , o r “ s t r e e t f r e a k s , " w h o h i s t o r y o f A r i z o n a a n d t h e f i r s t

L i v e ^ e i r R a n g t n g ~ a i - o u n d t h e— v p a r I n t h e U n i t e d

'c a m p u s o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f S t a t e s - a n d n o t f O r t h e u s u a l

A r i z o n a t h i s w i n t e r . r e a s o n s . • -= o m o - c c u U t o ! t

A c c e s s o r ie s & R e p a ir A g e n t s -S a le s m e n W a n te d A i r c r a f t f o r S a le A n i m a l B r e e d in g A n t iq u e s . * ’

_ A ij> f * t iT t e n t i -P u u it f h g i> ~ ~^ A p a r t m e n t s -U n f u r n ls h e (T

A p p lia n c e s & H H E ^ u i p n ie r r t

s W a n f e d A o t o s f o r S a le

T l S

w a r m c l i m a t e a n d c a l m

u n i v e r s i t y a t m b s p h e r e , a l w a y s

h a s h a d i t ^ ^ a r e o f f l o a t e r s , b u t

.B a b y C h ic k s - - B a b y s m e r i H ^ h l l d

B e a u t y S a lo n < “ B n c w r ^ M o t o r S « > o t e r T “

B o a t s f o r S B o a t s W a n ;ftl| llH ln c. M . t . j r l . 1 . ______B u ^ nessj^Q ffic e R e n ta ls B u s in e s s d p p o r t u n l t ie s

_ ie 223

16*ICO 13V

71 120 lO V -

!i_ ---------------^ 0 0 •109

H o u » c s « F u r n » s h e d

H o u s e S 'U n f u r n is h e dIn s u r a n c e „ I n v e s t m e n t s


c h i ld c

7 4 ' 33

J A CCh'lls c h o o l.

■ 6647.

J I L L N u r s e r y .

1104 IQ th - A v e .



117 A b lM t t D r i v e M o u n t a in H o m e ; id a h d 83647

5W 7 1 9 0 o r S87 4451

F 0 T l~ 5 A U E T jT o w n W T“ S « W r T W w r t -p a y m e n t w i l l a s s u m e 5‘''a p e r c e n t lo a n o n a n ic e 3 b e d r o o m . 3 b a th

, h o m e . E v e r y r o o m c a r p e t e d r b u l l t - in a p p l i a n c e a n d f i r e p la c e . 733- 9128 a f t e r S o r vO e ek e n ds.

B C A U T I F U L S A N L A R U E . Ju S t .Ilk a a b ra n c C 'h e W h o m e . 3 (o v e iy b a a r o o m s . b r i c k . 2 b a t h s . b a } i a m e n t ,> f i r e p l a c e . L o v e l y

■ e x e c u t iv e h o m e . F i r s t r i m e e v e r l i l t e d . »3 o ;5 oo '-., r - . “

: h q i (TsMoC o in

C H O l C e M O N T A - V I S T A . 3 b M r b o m S i . b ric k -, f o r m a l p in in g r o o m , 2 t i a t t r r r f i r e p l a c e , a i r

I C H d l C E ' - t N C O M E p r o p e r t y . 2 — c o n d t l io n ln g . S p r in k l ih d s y s t e m , b e d f o o m 7 y i c j ^ ^ P ^ e x < s ^ ■ >j a r a g e . --------- t-m m t d ^ a t a

W I L L D O B A B Y S I T T I N G in m .y . 1 4. . I ^ a AO ■'— tn m re ^— w e e k e n d s — « n d e v e n in g s

- U g h U f t d u s | r i * i - £ q i i i p m f l n ) . ^ S _ ^ --------------C J T e -a v ^ n a b T f e . 423 5844.L l v e s t o c k -A c c e s s o r ie s ^05 ________________-------------------------------------------------------------i . i 'v e s to c k W a n t e d . . 114 v v ifl d o b a b y s i t t in g o r h o u s e w o r k inL o s t a n d F o u n d ’ - y o u r h o m e , w e e k d a y s . E x .

^ lL b lV a i> d " A 'c > c a f l6 $ '^ . ' — 5< .....— p e r te n c e tf r — R « f e r e n c e » ^ W - 3 4 S K ;' ------------- ^ ' ' ' ' ' —

o v ^ e r . 73 3-2 3 4^


15157U 9170144

M iscfiU a j^ u s tor &aie

M is c e lla n e o u s S e r v ic e M o b i fe H o m V r M o b ile H o m t f f a r k lt ig

W A P rR E S S---- — - e H 4 4 ^ W t S - V 4 V L A O S - C h l l < l . C « : e .


ir (* a r k 1»M o n e y T o L o « r ^ M o n e y W a n t e d

■ M o t o r c y c le s M U stcai In s tru m e n ts

30■ i6 -i

-C a t t i ^ r a ^ C a m p e r s c a r d o f T h a C a t t le C e m e t e r y L o t s C u t F l o w e r s

Supplys e e w h y s h e a n d t h e o t h e r s ^ e t

p e o p l e c o u l d n ’t j u s t b e l e f t

a l o n e .

1 c a m e h e r e a r o u n d t h e e n d

Authontie.<> estiniate as_ wany said^he-^was_going to.: Farm.workw«nt«<ias 200 street people, have rp»lly nnlri In F«rm» Fbr s«i«

- c p n g r e g a l e d a i l f c r t e s S M U n d ^ ^ . .

t v i i m u s T --------------- p - ~ ~

I n J a n u a r y t h e i r p r e s e n c e

I t ’s e a s y t o l i v e o f f t h e

s t r e e t s h e r e . I t ’s a n e a s y t o w n .

u n i v e r s i t y b e t w e e n Ih e A rou n d h e r e ‘ i t 's n o t ta k in g " f r e a k s " a n d th e a u th or ities . A m o n e y fr o m p e o p le p a n h a n - t o t a l - o f . 1!)i p p r c n n s « p j £ — riL'ng It s jn.st t a kin g th e i r a r r e s t e d . — th e m sui'pUl)) ite u ig iH ll in lv e r s T ty ' s t u d e f t t ^ — in ] b o u g h t c a n d y a n d -g iu iT w i l l r "

P a r i n S F A t o n n r

. F a r m S u p p lie s F a r m S eed F e r t i l ix H y a n d S ee d .

r i t H

M u s i c L e s s o n s O t h e r I n s t r u c t io nO t h e r R ie al i s t i f f i r - .....O t h e r R e n t a ls ......O t h e r L i v e s t o c k

.. O u t of T o y v n H o m e s . P e r s o n a l . ^P e t f a n d P e t S u p p lie s P q u lt r y a rtd R a b b it s R a d ^ a n d T V S e ts

V R e a l ^ s t a l e L o a n s R e ^ I E s t a t e F o r T r a d e

I. 15 I

-3 4 1»0 124 .

— 4g

4A _

c e n t e r . L l c ^ s e d , A g e s 2 ’/3 a n d U D . T ^ T O T E m A l D

•T!g.70M.. : _______ ■ S ta r V in g a t

V ^ A N T ^ D - B a b i v i m e r l t i m y A V A I L A B L EI to 4 :3 0 R o b e r t S t u a r t a r e a J}3- n u u : > l i y < j M V / ^ I L ^ D L C

' .......... .......p l o s

■G H O U P } l t 4 S . i l R A N C F . .

FAST RESULTS? 7:34 0 9 3 4

l iS lo n / A t r e m e n d o u s b u y a t S27,90C


- p M t e i S l oo n J y -^ 2 7 ; N e g o t ia b le t e r m s .

r e a l t y

*1«1 N . B l u e L a k e s 733 5S60E V E N l f ^ G S A N D S U N D A Y S

?33-3169 . . . 733 5830 . . . . 733 6531 G o r d o n L . C r o c k e t t . B r o k e r

b e d r o o m s : . . , . c o U e g * . -P h o n e M R S r - P A S K C T T 733 5 7 4 a < h o m e ) o r 7^3 B391 (o f f ic e ) K l ln k e A g e n c y .

B A B Y S IT T lN G ~ W A N ltU , flJIV .464 9tK-A ven ue" C ast. Ph'itigW w .

733 B144.

B A B Y S I T T I N G w a n t e d in m y h o m e . 343 M a d r i n . P h o n e 734 3152.,_rw

: E m p U y t w n t J ^ g » n c i » y ' 1 7

P ^ R S O N N E L S E R V t c e o f M a g ic V a ile y < 424 B l u « L a ^ . N o r t h p h o n e 7 3 3 -S S ^ .


w e i t o E J - L . 3 b a d r o o m m o r f w n . t i o m a . s m a l l d o w n - p * y m e n t

- t i i i n f r " ‘' -. . a r - ' t f r ' I t t

J a c o b s o n , R F D : N o . - ) > . U l d d M l . '• V i l l a g e . O r o d r t o . Id a t io . 474.3449 .

F O H l A L E " o R l ^ A D E 7 7 A c r e s 7 7■ r o o m h o o s « . 9 0 0 S o u th B u c h a n a n ,

i e r o m e .

4 B E D R O d M ' j a u r b r j » o l ( A c r e s , S M .5 0 0 . f=o r d e t a i ls p it o n c 7 1 3 - U U .

livingroom ' / o ro r^ it tH r n rc o rp o f t . ^1 furnoce

I fomiiy

-Museum reftects-

F o r e i g n C a r s I9iF u e l a n d W o o d . 14]

G oodf--------- 142- W O u W - h a v e - ^ — ' ' 13Q

133 94 92

--- 1A--

lo m e .. S9.*mobile home In

“■ VeiV cleon.. good “ 500. W o u ld to k.- i r o d e ^

2 bedroom 13x36 i>vi^g 'oom . diningTO d ttrc m d m o d e m k r ^ h r n . ' N e v r r o j ^

I— f iy l i t f t i .eK>ft— S in o le -c o r •

G o o d T h i n g s T o E a t - • H a y , G r a i n , a n d F e e d H e a v y E q u ip m e n tH e l p W a n t e d -------------------

-H e a t i n g E q u i p m e n t " H u m e s fui f a te------------------ -

S p e c ia l C la s s e s S p e c ia l N o t ic e s ■S p o rt lijg -G o o d s -* ^ -------- --— —S n o w m o b i le s

“ iiW irte ; T r a n s p o r t a t l o n -C a r P o o ls T f u c h s 'U t i l i t y T r a i le r s

- W A W T E D ^ a n to i r r i g a t e h a y a n dg r a i n a n d d o t r a c t o r w o r k . N ic e ' u i A r k W a n t m A

■ 144— S T -

V a c a l io n P ^ o p e ^ J y ” ■ V e e a lie w R e n ta ls

opera^H o rs e sH o t e ls a n d M o t e ls

' ~ m rW o r k W a n t e d

■ ' ■ g a r M e . L a v w n , t r e e s , s n r u b b ^_ 2 3 _ J ___ lloM^ b e d s .. .P h o n e 713.B2A 1. _

e x p a / d l n ^ M a n u f a c t u r e r J a c k G C T E W t e r L u T j r i t a r i t s a n d B u lld it > o M a l r v ; — - — ^tfe n a / c e P r o d u c t s . N e e d a m b it io u s C L T S i p M H » v h o u lm o . i 't h e r lo n g o r

rt u r e m e n fo r s e v e r a l a r e a s o f ; »l<ort H a u l f w . f^ «o lK «r t lo n

* n i n o » ,— B Y O W W E f t ' ; 1 b e d r o o m h o r l i e :’ W N E H ; J b e d r o o m h o m e , a e t e k H O U R S -S r p « I n ^ r a r ^ W * m 'o w | - ^ . | a l s S i ^ d j . S ^

- _ n g . ~ S a le s « « p W T W t,l.y l l ^ p f u l i - i bu t* ' n o t r e q u i r e d : T r a i n i n g j p r o g r a r p . E K X e i le n t C o m m is s io n s ,

n ET6flU 5 .— FT7TTUC— B tfn p f MS. W t H e -- - g i^ r ig ^ ;> h o n e -n .u m C e r . w T , H o d g e -

-7 3 3 -,

d o w n a n d a s s u m e lo W In te r e s t ■ F H A lo a n l S h o w n b y a p p o i n t m e n t D n i y . 734-3760. . ^

STOM M A N U (rE ~ H »U L IN O , Cwttam Far m lno . - Fll t f ____

: : 5 i I L A N . J u l y ( U P l ) - & m c -

• / w h ^ r e u p s t a i r s , t h ^ v o i c e o f

' C a c u s o b o o f n s t h r o u g h t h e

s c r a t c h e s o n a n o l d p h o f i o g r a p h

r e c o r d . I n '" o n e o f t h e e : d i i b i t

c a s e s t h e r e i s a ' l o c k

M o z a r t ’ s h a i r .

T h e f l o o r b o a r d s c r e a k a n d in

— R e o lg n a l M a n a g e r . P -0 . ■- ;Qt7B, D m ias,'.Texas. 75?TO.

H I g K ' P r e s l d e m s tre e t l o c a t i i n . J la r g e b M r o b m s . b a tt i a n d K i la t -g e

— k l t d i e i L w l t h b u il t In b a r , o v e n a n d ___ r a n a e T h u B r Q a r e g o - f y c e d ya i-d _

o n e c o m c r a n o l d g a s s V ) v e

h i s s e s j u s t e n o u g h h e a t f o r &■

____________ __________________________ f ’ Is

t o p c o S t ' .

n i g h t p r o g r i i m s , s o m e b e a r i n g -

p e n - a n d i n k - d r a w i n g s o f a

s ^ e t o g i v e t h e f i r s t ' n i ^ t e l - s

a h i n t o f v r t ia t w a s t o . c o m p ,

a n d a r a f t o f l e t t e r s a n d

o t _ o o r i - e s p o n ( J e n c e . /

P e r h a p s . t h e m o s t i n l s r ^ l n g

o f i h e e x h i b i t s . a c e t h e m u s i q a l

D O N M c p o w e l U c u s t o m p lo w in g .J e r o m e y

7 3 3 -5 9 7 4 M O U N T A I N * S T A G E S R E A L T Y .

i n s t n i m e r l t s . *

t h p f ir> rt s t p p j^ n lo L a

^ v is lto r“ is '- W i t h .

S c a l a M u s e u m ,

~ r t l i ^ t e d — b a c k W f l r d s - i n - ^ i n W — t o — ~ tiv ~ tti e~ m o n - .~R t v e r " C a n a f ' -c o m

a n o t h e r a g e — a n e r a w h e n p a n y , R o i « e n o . . V . J ' * ' ' "

o p e r a w a s e v e r y t h i n g ^ o m t o p a £ S i r ^ T l m » 'a n / v \arc ii < w t f o ? ' U l



r X P & R t e f i t C e O : c a p a b l e .p f h a n d l i n g ' - 4 X a c r e s . F e e d d i t c h a n d s y p h o j i (tu b e . M o d e r n h o u s e 'f u r n l s h e < f . P h o n e 423 5778. ___ _ ^ .

W A N t E O : C u s t o m p lo w in g . G r o O n d w o r k in g e q u ip m e n t . A i i P e ^ e r a o n .

' P h o n e -S 3 4 -2 2 S 3 . W e n d e l l . '

E X P E R I E N C E D Y e a r - r o u n d W o r k . H o u s e p r o v i d e d . P h o n e a f t e r 6 p . m . 4 2 3 -5 4 2 ^ . B p x .

■ 99, H a n s « f \ .

W A N T E D : L e a d g 'u i t a r p J a y e r fo r g r o u p . M u s t p l a y V a r i e t y o f m u s ic . 4 2 3 A 1 3 T ^

— V O U N G M B M I t a&~i>o - e x p e c I e n c f •


C U S T O M - W - O W I N G W e n d e d A r « a .J e r o m e , v

’ C U S T O M M a Z i ^ ^ L i i i i b r i d g e f ^ v f ^ ^


A « . R C U S T O M ^ P t r S ^ l N G a n d ; p la n t in g . P H o n e 324-4058 o r 3 24. 4855, J e r o n i ^ . ;

= A J l A A £ I g £ - 4 ^ 4 > W r o o m 7 T _ . C a r p e t e d . .$8,500. A C t R E A L T Y , 733.5217.

2 l H f e p R b O M , o a r * g e , i r r i g a t io n,d w £ fe r\ 1 7 ,000 w i t h » l ;0 0 0 d o w t iT A

5*33» : w r c e n t In t e r e s t . A C E R E A L T Y , ^ 5 2 1 7 . —

• N E W L Y c a r p e t e d o n e b e d r o o m h o u s e . C u t l e . U , .9 0 0 . A C E R E A L T Y , 733*5217. .

^ o m g e . G a s heot S 9 ,5 7 ^ , R # o !.r# o » .

L Y I W C K J C T R E A I T Y "

*10 Blue L « k « Nonti 7 > M > n .—

H i m y M a t h e r s > M 4 i 7 3

' 2 » S T 0 R V . 3 . . . b e d r o o m , f u l l b « » e m e n t , .g a s Y u m a c e . sa.OOO.

REALTY . . •633 Sloe IqW s North . 733-5336

Metsertmith. BroUer, 733*9069 ■ •733*3455- *733-4546

- •733-6^77 733-0669 VHfs. 9:00-6 00 Sot 9^i00-4.00‘ .

51O u t o f T o w n Ho'fTiAt

T W O b e d r o o mlo c a t io n , w U l t a i ie m o b i l e h o m e a t t r a d e - i n . P h o n e 7 3 3 1 1 1 0 .

u e O A L A P V E R T i S E M e K . Y . . . ------------------ - ----S e a le d P r o p o s a ls w i l l ^ received — .These Oeodllnes- a p p ly to transient or wonts ads ond

commercial ads no larger than iC^mcljes.

n e e e a a a f ^ i h e a v y e ^ u . d a t a p r o c e s s in g , o v e r 600 lo b s to c t u ) 6 s « - f r o m . .^ M D r l d - t r J i v e l

. B o ls a ; c o lle c t 342-6231.

H O M E . . G o o d o m e a s In q u i r e

- . F I L E r t . ' — bedroom h(

C a llW o r k W a n t a d 74 I - - - ’ - - ! - -

0 s e t t le e s t a t e . ; 2l o m e c o m p l e t e l V " '" '~ * “ ' " ' '

I t . « i jm « i f a a r a i i t , '

I f y o u w o n f y o U r q d - + o a p p e a r : ,

’“ o r the'■ pops to Bnwdway' t»' “^iiirfDaidJi"^’'*''"'t » l a u i « n n ■ ^ S ip tio n lo r S a lm o n R i v e r

— " r i ________________ _-• h ilt M n ^ o c o ^ ^ r n h i i f f i ***PTODosai» w i l l b e “ o p e n e d ( A d i i i i u s t ' b e > o c « i w e c L l i y d J b 3 0 . ' . ^ - ^ - S a t u r d a y )

set about lo esTaDnstu. a h o u r , -and date.-

A T T E N T I O N Y O U N G la d le s . W o r k . ■|n ttve w o r l d o f . b e a u t y , t r a ln ln o , w m ile v o U e a m r t J n i i m l i e d t ie i d o f

— n O iW ir U jn l t v : P h o n e « 3 -4 0 IW .

I N E E D M O w o r k e r s i A A a k e m o n e y • - f r o m v o u t t io m e ; F R E E d e t a i ls .

B O O K K E E P I N G ' A N D- * t T m x z - h e t n *-w o n c - -_ — ________

E x p e r ie n c e d In p a y r o l l , a n d In c o m e t a x K e t a m . A d a P uf ld y . 7 M

• . - e E ' S T - e t i V - 4 « r ♦ B w n r - T o « » l - « l ^ - s e c r * t a r U i l ; b e d r o o m s . P u l l y ( u m l s l i e d , c a r p e l , ”

ilu m l n u r

f iM d la t e - p o u e i* i o f l— C a l l D a v e L u H O f - H » r o l < t ^ K * » t = ~ : ^ = = ^

t r r w i i o e o r L A U D o f f .i c el t ) A Ii ) A H O B E A L T O U t , m

fO p p ^ u n lt ia * 30 j

L *10,700. C a l l N a d in e K o e p n ic it 733- ■ 7 7 « 7 . n r - - L A N D O P F I C B . O F -

I D A H O R E A L T O R ^ 7 3 1 0 7 1 4 . -a c r o s s -< r o n * j 4 i f s .

• c r o u f r o m S c a r s .

i x : 52

. jnutsenm dedicated to jSfeser^- -H ng-m a sn ocab U ia -oLan-a rt^orrn

-TUESDAY- P l a n s , k p e c l t l c a t l o n s , p r o p a s a l ■ fo rm s , a n d o l i w t I n lo r m a l l o n a r e o n . — .-----------f i l e : , » o r e x a m i n a t i o n a t ' l [ A d s m o ^ t t e r e c e i v e d b y 1 T ; 3 0 A . M . M o r t d a y ) -

from ^the^ihyacal -fe ttin g \D the. exhibits p n -

W T T ^ t W i i r m '

« n v e l o w t o M e t iL a rs o n ,C , H y r u m , U t a K . _________ ;

P R O D U C T I O N * > L A N T ' m ' a i n - ' „ . i e n a n c e m a n . M u s t b e e x p e r ie n c e d

In f r o e ' m a c h l n e K 7 ? i » « i r . ' * '

E X C E i - L E N T S T j y i N E S S O p .-_ ^ p o r t u n l t y In f a m o u s S a w t f t o t h . l

~ ^ n i y r r u n I n f a r m a l l o n r i f l

d ispla y date infe l liUiH?uiictp~a: -^ b y g o n e ,day^ B u t w h a t was

s t u ie d .o n a shoestring and a few o ld s o u rv m irs 6 0 ,ye g n ago

1 ■ ( A d t m i | r t W V e c e i v e d ’ B y M : 3 0 A 7 A ^ r T w e s d r : y ) —

^ l U , l a m , M T B V 'O r . S A L M O N - ----------- .R I V E R C A N A L C O M P A M Y ,^ R o u t e J

- N o . I . T w m F « n » , ti»a h O ( H o l l i s t e r ) ^A c o p y o l t t ie c o n t r a c t d o c m p e n t i T . , j , i - ,

may- be obtained from m e Salmon , ( A d s m u i t b e .r e c e iv e d b y 1 1 :3 0 A . M . W e d n e s d a y ) River Canal CompMiy"*, office or J ' ^

m a n e n t , y e a r - r o u n dT y - j r t i imill* 'm

.THURSDAY( A d s m u i t b « , r e c e i v e d

h a s s u f V i v e d l a n u m g t l i e W ^ i ; ^ ^ a \ / '" m M c m u s e u m s a s t h e onlyoiSe »i6.6#, Tue'depoijrw«m >* rMwtaed i C D I p \ A V —

t/ . t K o o n l i lB n n a i> n f .u n o n r e t u r n o f s a id d o c u m e n t s .In : I l \ I I .

lo b . - S e n d ] <1 ey p e r le n c a ' a n d i

> « l a r i r - t o - B o K - 0 - K c « — T i m e s - ' ......................... j y w W e ^ - s e e l l d r - — '

f a r m ' E Q 4 j I p M B N - T O P E R A T O R S - Y e a r - f O o n d , g o o d : w e r k m o c o n d i t i o n s , w l t ( i o p ­p o r t u n i t y f o r lo c t e a s a d r « « » n .

W a y n e P a t P a t t e r s o n , R e a l t o r , : L Y N W O O D R E A L T Y , 7 7 4 - f l J t , S t a n le y . S h o w n b y a p p o in t m e n t | o n l y .

v/AHP nw M tu ..iw .n -«fe .o « l ' In . 4 m o r t lt t s .- I n t e c e w ^ p w w i s w r i t e B o x .0 -1 7 , C O T l m e « . W w » .

K O t J S E I F a l l * . L o v e J V o w n e r i p lu s tl,}aO I n c o f , h e lp f in a n c e o * a c c a p i * u b « l a n t l » » e < l« lf y In f a r m o r h o m a . W ^ t t a - • » » F » » , - < > o - T » m « » N e » » .

.“ W b m e s J o Be A m o v e d3 H O M E S > O n e i 4 b a d r a o m .4 :M o r y -

U O T S . S O 'k U S ' . L o c a t i o n , 4 th A < w « u e _ > ^ e s t ^ . S h o r t w r t e s r r t t t ^ Ha^.'siaiVaTr". i ^

s tu c c on lc M 'y .

o m r f : .p o fh - w i l l, ____ : G o r d o n L . C r o t l u t t ,

A M G I C V A u C e y R E A L T Y , 73a- S S «0 , a m f t lt n e .

O i e i c a . Ia v a i l a b l e ' 16 6 u i r « r f H i t

tV l a e . l

= * B f i - E S T A T E S B i v i C E -

( t A M C H .

H o u s e , G o o d tM a y f a k e h o M a m ■

M R S . P A S K E T T 7 S 9 W (ofncaV K ^ M j

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t W i n - F a i i s . :■■

rdrm* For5<>l*.•ItOA'CRESOP Sou«i»lde lahdi.RpcK'

fre4 . Lbm i G o od tta te of: cu ltlyaH oJT. A c ^

•» ; R ^ l v r > ' ^ o o m - h O H W

. '5 2 .■ f a ^ y y r i j t o l # .5 2 . : h m i t K r S a l« - : - s 5

S A C '^ ; T A p ^ o M m a W yacrci. H«vburn;'SSXCOO., Potilbl*

- w b ^ M M m X ^ ir«u b 4 lv M «: in-30 . ^ r d . t r » c t » . t 7 8 , « 7 I O r

H / i^ G E R M A N V S L L E V ~it'jiciwr^r)niriinT>«Bt''o»'»vitir.-

■ ■ ' ■ ' ■ ■ ■ n 'tio m e '

i R ^ s f ta h d 'W in i 4 0 t h a r « s s t lOlrtliltf B I U i -C l ly lf ltn l* v

li' I , b s d ts o m h O ( » i » -w H n -



': ' W * ,4a; -S . b»droom o m e .

iPhon* <M-3a?3.G o o d c o n d itio n .

^ —1 , " d i l r y ^ a r m in M e r t d la n --F o K B O f o

- .too a c re d a ir y , ( a r m - I n M a g id ' V a l lt y .a r e a . <kKM l_ 3 ' - “ «(roonf1

h o m e , good sealed sta n ch io n m ilk barrt. la rg e to a lin g »H * d a n d o i j t - b u ild ln g v -H e a d g a ie o n (M a e »r -»M --.

- M l . . . , Ririhnrto, R oute a.

jB r l n W e E : : r - 9 < ^ J b e d ro o m ♦iorni-n m > e f w )« ‘b u * T # «w iM »= '^ * * »»*

loc a B o n . A ; re a l - buy, a l >i«» ;C00r -

j s e j j j a l ia v e . j ' j i n i ' 4 0 ' s p r t i e d a t ' IM M M Q W M h r e a l U n i h o m e s . T ) ) e ; e p i 'o p e f l le i a r e a ll l o c a t A I n 't h e

o r X a s e r m a r ' V a l l e y .

i^B«atE«tnta3EM JjtQ d> . 53

, , b ^ d r e o m iijh o u ^ e b a r n s .o V o K i m a f ^ v • l&O a c re s 5 ^

, iiO uiiw• W ill 'c a r r v - . '.t'l,

- N E A R T w in ' 80 a cre s , 3 b ed ro cm ' l>ome. t a r n s . - 60 c u lt iv a t e d ,-n e w

■1 ' carpet.;, w ill tra<|le for' honrt*. Je ro m e ; S27..WO. ’

. --------.f t S t -A C R e S --^ o u t h O f -H a z e H o n rcattle o r ro w crop^. '* bedroon^

ho m e. l U m ile ’ sp rtn W er «,lines t infc'lotJed. 130 a cre s h a V ' ^03 a cre s

pastu re , c:owr-Low,*$i32.ooo p ric e - ' -W d e rc e n t d o w a , o w ne r w i i r c a r r y . - 7i .H A M L b }> VP-3 ■■M A W R C f e .. ,J

r e a l t o r (H a ro ld s A g e n c y ) 422 M a in A v t n u e N o r lh 733-5532.

' Ev& nlnos 733 78W o f 8>^S^35.

m M E

E ) i :C E l .L E N T d u p ie x a n d house on to' a cre s in ■ Go odinfl, T r a d e (o r d a ir y ( i f m . W 7 j7 S 5^,_ -.

^ G E M S T A T E R E A L T Y -- M !) 53~

S » l . 9 -


M 0 f t H 5: T r 0 M E s r. “ PoWerecJ Jjy Dodge ■‘• lO W EST PRICED IN " '.

T H E V A lie V ,

' 733-5045


17,000 w ith Sl.OOO ^ w n and te rm s .Phohe.324.-5384.

- _________ _____C I T Y L O T S In T w in F a l ls . N e w so b -

d ivision* Prestifle a re a . Pt)one 7.33- ?,4JS, 7 3 3 0 7 0 7

SHOP i :


H & W/ Trailer Sales

6 ; BiUt U y -

D E A N F E N S - T F K f i i A K B r i ' S

J— a 't e w a y


4 R o d M a p a r t m e n t . (Irep .lace; . c a l-p e tln g . P r iv a t e e n tra n c e . No.

s m o itln e O f c h ild re n .-*125. 7M -413t .after « p .n i . o r S u n d a y s .

S T U D I O A P A R T M E N T . - n ic e l y , ■rinVnrjit f r i . E nc e lle a l lo c a tio n . Al|

_ L i t m H » s p a id e xcepLnflht.'b .A & 'J.'JL .

^ a a n , 733 t3iS0 J n o o y . . m « 1 i TBH V;.E a r l , 473-5459 t o o B Im t La ites N o rth 733-9M7

V E R Y g o o d J e r o m e ,

.Hay and pasture-

« J A C R E S betw een J d ro m e and T w in FallsN w itl> .S..i£dj3 o m ’h o m e . J 6,000i-te rm s ^--------------j —

______lr o o m 7 b f 4 c k ^ ^ > v e lv -c a r tw t e d 'l iv lh g rd o m .’ L a r g e itit Chen a nd d in in g a re a w ith patio dapr. N ic e bath , ,t u l i tin ishejl basMmui\r ] g g i p z M y ~ r a f a g ~ " peted ta tn H y , pUJs 3 .b e d ro o m t,- G a ra g e / 'd itc h w a V r , c o rra is . Call - -

W E S T E R N R E A L T Y C O .

.444 M A IM S Q U T H ' . .733-2365

- Don Svollof^ 733 7616

MT w i r K ^ l l s . .N 'e w 3 faejlpoom h o pie .

C& N ReAL^SjATE3J4 4800 ■ . W t So. L in M in

iergm e , Idaho

- N o v » y 4 n - G t i t f f w a y -


1 9 7 0 -T R A V A L E Z E ietH o u te i— Unfurt\ished 74

F O R R E N T : S M A L L H C f U S E . " In q u ire a t . 900 R o b e rts o n , B u h l.

- I d a h o . -— » - — .— - ----------

S u f tn « « t F r o p « r ly -

C o m m iK C • . .• A S P i f C I A L l

F e i d t m w R e a lto rs '

1Z56. ^ R e g v d n rl> c $ 5 6 S 5 ^ Q 0 ^While in the Value Corner/

$ 5 1 0 0 , 0 0

( ! P f E c i r r F r r s T

160 ACRES Good fields, .149 sharesof water. Parnay t*ome with ol! furnace-T and -iirepiace. .Only *38.500, good term s_^

IH O R H E R E A L T Y886-2071. Shoshone

Ann W ilton. W SinJgU. ^^6 i?4 r7-------- --Thni^nc .M intnngh 432 ? ! ^ )

~l3O“ A C i? ^ s ~ = ^ ~ H « V ~ a n t r -i r a s t u r 0 - fIv"esToc n £h“ N Ic e " 'T -W ^ h o m e a n d g b o d -c o rra ls . S53«QQQ, ..

17S A C R E S — R o w c ro p fa rm . V e r / cle ^n a nd In g o o d s tM e of cu ltiv a tio n . Good h o m e a nd lm-» p ro v e m e h ls . $75,000.

20 A C R & S — Bean and’ p a s J u r e - g ro 'u n d . '3 . b e d r o o m .' h o m e , fli^eplace. 2 bathS. Has d a iry faeuitles. t27.000.

su ita b ib (o r diesel re p a ir shop or b U ^ h e s s L a rg e — drivt? in d o o r - H e jt e d witt» office. 733 2680, 733 21.40. or la te . - .

C d r n p « r s

" V O L K S W A G E N C A M P E R B U S , 1969. full pop.4op« S leeps 4. Has

f r jd g e . ffesh w a te r , e tc . 23 m ile s • p e r g a l lo n ..15,000 a ctu al m ile s , lik e

~ ^ f w p r i t ^ ~ c p d a Y .

W e C a r r y :► . M a rle tte Kit Ta m m o fa c k

TfO ve lpre . R o o d fu n n e r, Te rry

O p e n , 7 dpy* a 'W eeW E y e rim g i by A p p o in tm e n T 733 ? 4 lO B lo k « (3* A d d t»o n fvvin fp tU

Cattien>an's and D u c k d e ligh t. 160 A c re s a p p ro x im a te ly . 3'P g\iruw fVWu m e<r o w r rSnake 5 i y ^ r S6B.OOO.f ro n ta g e .'

■ ^FELDTM AN - REALTORS : .S iT S b o a h o n e S t.-N .

DRYDEIm A lib N L -Y 405 South L in co ln ' -J g rofwpi l<loho

" , 324,5232: /R a y A s s e n d ru p 324 4832R og ^ -B ra v w r^ — S34-2604

☆ ☆

.....B U S IN E S SD I R E C T O R Y * *

A L U M I N U M p ic k u p c o ve r-s rie ll for n a r r o w -b o x . 6 ' ’3' b ed . %?5. Phone 734-3106.

- ^ A L L C A M P T R A I L E R tor 2. S225 S e a / f i j ie w J r a lle r c o u r t , K lm b e rty , s p ^ e N p ._ ^ f Pho ne 423 41l2.

P f C K U P * C A M P E R with, 8 ' box.'733- 4457-or. 760 A s h . T w in F a lls .

^ --------------------------------------0 : -------------- ------- --------B U Y T H E B E S T . A ll m o d e ls 1970 T r a v e l Queen c a m p e rs . N o w in s to c k . S p o rts rp a n L o d g e . 1000 S p r ln g s » 'H a g e rrn a n , Idalio

■ * fro trry c 'o w l i r i i w d T T t r a n y — s e T v t c e s n j v a i la b le

M agic Valhey Businesses. Check with our Business ' S Directory when you're in n^ed of service. The (irm<

■ below 6ffer the fJtrest in-service dttd..qunlity"products,—


Check with one ortd se^!


O N E Q W t Y - IN TR O D U C rO ftV PRICE

J 971 P R O W L E R J 8’ coma.. T d , v o ca tio n tfoiler. ' d o u b le tion. b ig bu tone |<pc^v batteryo fc e v iO n «\

LIST $ 2,995 . N O W S2 ,77'7C o m p le te lv serviced.

U S E D T R A lt E R IB S r 0 9 5

~ U 5 E b "TR Al I t R“ ^ T '

-------- 1 9 7 1 C A M P E f t ^ A B S ,


E L E C T R I C . 836 W a ln u t St 3677 o r I f r w a n S Y ^ r 733-4776

M O i l t - B H O M E T f t A N S P C y T j W b

oW ned. In s u re ^!,c a rrie r. Lo c a l ah.d long d istan ce . 7J3 3773.'


W IL K I N S ‘ T R A IL E R S A L 'E S

- ? ^ - 0 O -M o wGooding 934 9961

’ A n d e r s o h '5 S rn a ll A p p H a n c p R e p a irs . 627 M a in A ve riu e W e st. Pho ne -^33 I7 i4 . **

PHONET 3 3 ^ 0 9 3 J -

S A N P ft O f t A V E L

G r a v « l m a t e r ia ls . & G r a v e l . 837-4804.'

A P P L I A N C E S E R N ^ iC B ^

Ja E f I r i'g E R a t 6~R & r ‘~w aVt^e>s: dryers, ranges. Reasonable rates

- 30 yeaf-s experience<<rCail Del Shurnway. 733-6167.

“S £ T R E- T«oge^,~w *V »ee^r*<Jryer-* --*/t^-N *»- A o o lia n c f R e p a ir------733

Fil«r Avenue West ,

F O R S A L E : S m ith S an d H a b e r m a n ...

SA W y S H A R P E I ^ I N O

S H A N E^5-Sltort>en Ing-S»f V1 c e r-*43 5th Avenue Norttj, 733 ^454. .

• 5 6 ) ^ B R S E J T

MobiU Hornet1 0 '.X 55' B e lm o n t, 2 bedro o'm . Ncf

re aso n ab le o ffer re fu se d 734 3035 ' afte(;,.<4.:30 w e e k d a y s .

1969 F le etw o o d — 64x13 8 ’ e x p a n d b . ^ T h r e e ^ e d r o o m . c a rp e te d . 471 E a s t

A v e n u e B, W e nd e ll 536 2558

1968. 18* S B L F - C O N T A J N d O — Roadrunnw —T-raueL.aJ„J[iajieL.

M any 11 A9A9 9344200 after p m

BunrcH E RiN d

Presco tt M o b ile B u tch e rin g C a ttle and Sheep

- P h o n e T T J 7191 o r 4214921

/ ' ................. ■KIMBERLY KUSTOM KUTTINQ..tonijna

1 5 'U IU H U U IS e w e r lin e s a n d s e p t ic - ta n k c ie a n in g , A lso ^ a ll Typ e s of ejii,-

_ ^ flvS tio n 733 2541 o r 733-2509. - - l - i n v s n AA/^cQxr.Ai>L4 f.L _co nQ irinn— P n n n e ^ ^ 3 07T7 o r f U ' 1803.

1 F O R S A L E - 8 ft X 47 ft V e n ru ra m o b ile h o m e . (u rn is h e d . v e r y good

~ condtTton a n d x t c a n C o n ta ct E T , Jo h n so n . B u rle y , Id ah o 678 7483 after 5 ‘00 p m ‘ ' .

A new add itio n to“7 h e G a te w a y T r a ile r C en te r sales staff is K eith S t a M r . a w e ll V n o w n person f r o m ^ the B u rle y R u p e rt a rea ^K elth syouid like to -in vite a ll of nis frie nd s In to look o v e r the tine. «ie»ec»56n Of m o b u o n o m c s . tra v c t

G.oteway'Trailer Center' Ri. kp at Agdison’ '

MV : ' a B 6 R d 6 k - : « t » n i * i d - ! , ' ; d u p i » x L ^ t « » t » r a itid - • a n it a t lo n f f l h i l l t n ^ ; 7 A d u l t » - o n l y . » t -4 J2 A v e n O a

E a « t ;. 7 3 3 - i l W . ■ ■

'p E U R c fo X rT T rro iff ,, .............utimies;-inqulrB'at '.277 ■J.eHer’ioh. 733^ 0777 -------------------------------------------

h o u s e ? c a l l . Q u U i c K

3 .R O O M S a n d b a t h , s to v e ,- re fr ig e r a to r , w a te r a rid 'i^nlfa^tio n furnishp<ti g lA a n - 733 8352. —

73H ouw t— Forriifh«<J.W OM EM CAW r

1 m S B o & M N E W L V lu m is h e d .' $8T O ® u lt s o r i l .y . no pets. R e fe re n ­ces re q u ire d . Pho ne 733 2386 .

r B E D R O O M In H a g e rm a n , 5 0 m - • ■ fu rn is h e d , dr.a p est.ca rp et,^

Couple 185. Refffrervfe4pe 837-4787;

. W om en think 'air yo 'wOfnen msTi

own paneling

As low X's . $ 2 .9 9 ^ h S e t

. K rndy iQ hang dojors, bath­room paneling of /t^uced- prices.


.-Frigidaire.*- *C u s f b m lt n p e r ia l - *

-Port&ble- DlsJiwasJer ?

RApoSsessed, front looding, *- cutting' b o o rd -to p , 1 yeor *

Tired of loolcing at fhot run d °yffli!gitcl!en.‘7?pgrkrit"up ~~

warfonty.R Eg UrAlf^399.9S

: u C A M w a i i r r in r a irv No -vnung'-xowplesJ1U b^-^hliccen.

' Y e a r lease w ith deposit ^33•"T384:----- -------------l A E i i L D U P L E X . 2 b e d ro o m , b u ilt -in

s to ve 'a iV d -o ve n *95. No pets 22^R ic h a rd s o n D r iv e . T w in F a lls . 326-

T J T 7 T -------------------------

■FOR R E N T y r ^ e a r o o m nouse w im full baseftieol a n d s m a ll airreage 03S 5 2 # a r E d ^

1 2 4 B f u e la k e s ’ B l v d . S .


uowntowrt - Twin-Foils 733-7111

Jto o n w — B p o r^ o n d Room 7 6

H O U S E K C e P I N G r o o m s . S3S —M e n O n ly , 222 Six\h A v e n u ^ E a s t .

' Pho ne 733 9792.

Ccrplure Room' . ♦Radionce with owr

DRAPES **«-k..


C U S T O Ml a b o r f r e e

f R O M ^ 2 ” Yx L

C H O O S E FROM O U R G LA M O K O U S ' ■ ’

[S E L E C T IO N S . ' 'F m e d e c o f o t o r c o lo f t »n f l o r o l i , t te ntc t . o b t tf o c t t , p ro v in c io li P a y on ly o y r low, fa b ric p_rice» *tbr p re c n e nu^nber of inches QCtuolly u ie d . ^► G U A ftA N Tfe O -W O X K M fA N S H JP --------- -' S " B O T T O M W M • ^*<• W fIG H T E O = t iN f O i .U N U N fD

S lo r

Downtown Twin.FtjIls

W E 6 D l N G I N O

’ -■ equipm e nt

Jo h n D e e re 2010 C ra w le r .d o z e r-' u m r ..................... n

do ei

j O 040 s c ra o e r . 15.000 ■ C r a w l s w ith

S W E D D I N G ^ L A rg e .' s e le c t io i l i ^ . table cloths,,', etc.

R E B U I L T K I R B Y S P E C I A L . . c o m p le te lv la c t o ry retAiHt< neW ^

: g u a fa h te ie . a t t a c h M e n f s > a r e ^ a va ila b le . . . re g u la r <99.95 r ^ w ^ lust %79.9i. W e S ervice and re p a ir « a ll m a k e » of v a t u u m s . V A C U U M ^ C L E A N E R S of Idaho, c o m e r of ^

^F .a s!. 711 "

rria l E q u ip rn e n t.

B u tc h e n n o 543 S833

’ $ IC K R O O M ^ U l f M E N T

’ i ^ l O S ^ l T A L . b e d s , w h e e l c h a i r s . : , e x e r c i s i n g e q u ip m e n t co n

va le s c e o l^ a id s ‘ B u y m e o r rent m e C h o lo s to m y a p p lia n c e s for s a le ..K in g s b u ry 's M e d ic * ! C e n te r.

■■■■ --------- - f i n



-C e n te r. 733 6574.


Clean with steam Extract din out ipstead o< soaking it in deepec— dale DAVIS CARPETCLEANING 733 3361

C H O fc O P R A C T O R

ALMiA HARDIN - Chif Opr actor, 157 North Washington, Twm Falls Phone 733 4741.


sale. C r O w le y P h a r m a c v . 733 9971.

S P H A Y I N t i

D O R M A N T S P R A Y I N G , la w n re ju v e n a tio n and fe rt.illia tlo n , root fe e d in g , s y s te m ic --rte e d ln g and s p ra y in g . •. G fe M S P R A Y I N G T E R V ^ < £ E

- 733 4206


1971A CAD EM 1, • ' r e Y ^ s C T U S E !

1 '4 ' X 6 4 L

AS LO W AS'de/iver<|d & sef-up locally^


- Single ond Double Wide\

3 1 /4 Milet W e it of V^e^t 5 Pomti O p en 9 -^ . unletj by Odvo'nce

oppcintfnent Phone 733 6 M 1

■ 1839 ftri •■ 734 3 4 4 0 Tw in F o lh O p t* '' "7 do y^ 9 tA

ELLIO TT'S1 1 1 O v e r la n d Awe , B yfle y . Id a h o

■7 ; ^ * P hone 6 W -5 5 8 5

b o b l^ o u ilo n —5o|p* Repfe\entotive

W D ; ^

1970C U S T O M S C H U L T

7 0 * 1 4 ' w tth t ip r o o m

3 ^ B c d r o o m i

O nJLY 1 L E F Tw o s s u . 7 9 5 :^

NOW M 1,695N O TR A D E PLE^tSE '

9353- Pree e sl»m a le s

^ V .E R G H E E N ^ S H b U B T R I M M I N G

O U A L M f T e^ a n d e x p e r ie n c e d Trrm nnefs TTie '^ iesf 'io b To r the least m o n e y F re e estim ated 733 3169

A a i r v A i i F YShrubbery >wr T R -E E . S E R V I C E ] e stim a te s.

T R A S K ■* a A f t B A O E r S E R V I C E

P A R K & A N D S O N S — 733-4441. C o m m e r c i a l a n d r e s id e n t ia l h a urin tf — c o n t a tT w rs '— ~s|>ec^e^


FHA APPROVED HOME ^ 3 BedroQrn • 2 Full Baths * Fw rr^Tsh e d

.* Full Carpeting .Delivered

b S f t f H O M F S

"T h e D e a le r The .. - M Oiit E x p e rie n ce ”S in g le W id e t a n d Double*W *de»

3 M / 4 rpilei W e if of W e it 5 .P o »n tj O p e n 9 -6 . unle%t b y advene®

a p p o in tm e n t Phone 7 3 3 -6 1 4 1

Repair Dress all doMS Magic Valley Doll C)inic. 360 Blue Lakes. North. 734-1»04, , I


K O N t C E K T f t E E S E R V I C E .

R e m o v in g .. Fn*tt estim ates'. Pho ne 7 ^ d5i8 o r 733-5940. ____ L

1 8 3 9 K sm berly Rd

7 3 4 3 4 < D .

T w in F o lli ^

A p a r lm a n tt— F u rn ithed 70

F o r R E N T : S m a ll house. fh.q»J'«;« /^900 R o b e rts o n . Buh*^, Id ah o .

i ; ; o ^ t i m « n t * ~

w ho sto le g a lv a n iz e d steel F e b r u a r y t 6. T w o of th e s f oa m a rk e d w ith re d p a in t- PhoRe t 5514 o r 825 5143,

I C rS B D T R A C T O M O T I V E Shovel L o a d e r. 1 y a rd b u c k e t. A lso good s u p p ly , of u s e d N e w H o lla n d H a y s t a c k e r s . T W J N F A L L jS T P A C T O R &. I M P L E M E N T . 2030 K .im b e riv Ro»<t 7*n 8A«7

w a n t T O T R A D E : 15’ beet bed for spud b u lk -b e d . Pho ne 324 2166.

Cn 1/Ylar fashion pattera;",.N o. R-340 ' - ,

Sizes 10-16 (New Sizing) - "

Aovely dress features high roll collar and sliort cuffed .. Attocherl b,.|t iiiW n ns over bdek liu u ei und liV ~

v e rte j pleots fall below belt at front.

10. 1 2 ^"14, 16, SizlB 14 takes 4 yards of 44 inch fabric.

~ y^tnnrfnrf^ hofl^~mens»rements Tor siie .14 o re:36, Waist 27, Hips 38 (N E W SIZINGl

Send $1.00 plus 18 cents for postage and handling;' cash, check or miShey order. Add ,$1.25 if you wish N E W AUSTINE LA MAR PATTERN BOOIC #5— complete New selection of High fashion designs. Send to AU STIN E LA M AR Eashion P,ot«erns, timtej.News, Box 1615, G .P .O .New York N . Y. IQ OO l.’ Please print your full'ftame, a d d ‘ ress, ZIP C O D E , Pottern Number and Siie.

f X b r ic h e a d o u a r t e r s

S ^ W I N t t - M A C H I f i E S * - n e w a n d _ * _ u se d . s e r v ic e _ im _ a iJ - -J > > * k * * - -t r -

- L o m pie te sto ck .01 i - i R -E -T - C -H la to -ic i. P a tte rn s and notions, * S K I N N E R ’S S E W I N G S H O P P S , *

~ S » v .O n -S I » o o p ln g C y t a r -----------!-------- ^

. j ie d tra c to rs . U s « a p a r l i af^^W o* d is c o u n ts . 713-6293.

M O N i T O H ; 14 h o le d o u b le disl<,-or»ln~ d r i l l , seeder a tta c h m e n t, t S outh.

W est 6 f H a n s e n . P h o n e <a-S973,

F a b r ic s , n o tto n j, p a f t w n l . (an f o u r ; t r im s , s e w ing a id s , a w i lots

« .of tu w w -h o w . S pecia lize in ta V ln s - « f n « a s u r , e m * n t ^ s , - . p a t , l * x j i

---------------------------- - fJrt

S C H I F F ^ E R batlatv-

H A V L O A D E R . - - «

a lte ra tio n s a nd Httlnios.' A co m * p lete b rid a l d e p a rtm e n t. B e o u r « g u e s t, c e m e fn a n d b ro w s * i r a u n i r —

*300, O p pe l w h ip p e r m a d e Into s tra w s h re d d e r, m eta l tlal|s *100,

C H A T T I N D I T C H E R to r A l e . T h re e • p o in t h o o liu p . n e a r ly nffW, Phone

------------- -

Sew Clety Fabirlcs

^ ^ ^ P W E ^ W 7 t t ^ ^ ^ r e g C E -

Rooflf^g, p a in tin g a nd h o m e re p a ir . - Cffiwpt>trngmi.Yn>iffT»ni ngt ,'Put

yo<?rseff in good ha nd s. P ro m p t rM l'^ b le s e rv ic e . S43-S656..

TER R in C BUYSOajGctod-EquiptDent

r . V A C U U M C 4 .E A M E R » - W A N T


All Electric

o m p 5 5 T j7 3 3 i ^ t .

^ U S E D .T R A C T ORS— ARVlAll 5«0 Ot«Ml~

l , - : f A R M m T 5 0 ‘| JS S I----------- '

1 - r .> A R M A tt" M " -

T ^ I g H TTTTIitU t

t — J O H N o e E R E JJ O K «^ « l ,

V ^ E O F F E R

— O TH E K e q u i p m e n t —— i r K W IA N E E Roller Horro-# ------- --

5 €VfR Al-U *ed 5 ' S ^U #o av-W *o ^-. H o rro w s. ^

. T — 1 r A U lS C H A lM E R S D iic H a rro w

' r ^n ^ ’T v e R S M A N T O r W g rruw

V W u e i:a k e « S hoppff>g-C «nterrN eN t* ^ to B o ttre y 's . ' . '

* _____ ■ , . ’ ' '

t - -------------

^ •ASSQRTMCNTU - — - ^ c > lr


- * f r i n g e s

-^ i-B R A ID E S

nlihings 61 ^ jTe flu ta rtro m w ^;

H O U ^ ^ Se,rv.Call ouL24LhoOr onsweKM sarvwe. Th« b^J.wrliiir will

■ b*.hotifi«il to ca.ll )?6u. I r

L E i Q i d i i :

H om e a l: ' p


, ? -w a y p*o<*«

- :d E M EQUIPMENT INC._ r 'Jw ih Fans, 733,7272 — Buhl, 543-43?? .

■ cr«i5t,«r»m.J33-ajW --------------------iTW*irt^i.tTi3-5i57^.JJtoggLitetiBnJ 'j l -J W - ••

» _ g !.y.etol..s S ho p p in j C o ^l< r - in c lu d in g k n it i : 7 3* 4 1* t,^ -

■esied -e v e ry * d o y r ^ o t 's w h y they * molcellHcuExm ing with fine~fobtte ;r*“ g o o d patterns cfnd * attraClSv** frini ;u i id ^a c^so rie s fo u n d ’ byv

co|umn tor all sewing-meeds. ^

Page 19: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · .....- -' ...^................— -'.!:'".r'i v A - 'V - --^ ' '-^ ' ^ ~ —— -------—

w.:— ;■■! ,-t ; .... ■.■..■;. .,.^ .V..V .-.. : r n : ;

t w n » i « i t i « i i h i

. » r )!d e <or < ;»ttji

n-wtiMt tifw . a p' llflon .-:»35P

1 H C '.M _P f lV * r l ) » o » « d

e S r t? ?^W »S i

--------- -------.----------------D.tr actif--V N «*d ».- *om > -vnorK-bU-'runtT^+fM ,' r a ^ 14'X ‘ ]0 'ru t> b c r. (2 0 0 .'Phone

■" • ,,_^.7 i3.,o ^. ■.;- .-- j . .

~ 7 w i e B u y r » i i. ■ / /■ K in d t o ( I B M fa rm m a c n tn c ry .

„ 'M O L V N E i n < M A C H I N E R Y , ! 19>8, , ' p io ra l A v e ., r3 J-7 3 il7 .. : / ” t

FOft SAL'S; Super C Inttrriotlohal. ;o o o d -condition. > pton# .jja -w a .

INTERNATiONAl;— duals w d cat). u>u

-------- 4-.^ u r s . Phone

H w » m ; » a < l i a a o d t V . S « l » I M K ^ n w 'M r W a n H K t - 4 4 ^ '- '

A te P d a y ; M ardfi^^ T w l t i ; » ^ A ^

j j l ^ & ; M ^ l i > ; . : -.v, ’ .■ a o o '■ A ^ d » f e r 'S j i i l » . - - ' . ' " ■ '■ ^ 7 ^ -

'h e in u t; , .B x £ ^ ir « n t r e t f r r ^ -

« A R e C H t S T N U T HINNV m a re . - Sitll 6r w ill t r a da >Bf ' g a o d -p la n o>..

" i ~ -U v> »td tk A c c w f f i « i I

-Mi.xeR- - - s a lts -a n d S c r v l c i ’.. , '

• S C H R O E O E R 'S •• • ■’' A O B I C U L T U R A L . s a l e s . . 326-

' '

l . b i a c k -gR i ..allquaraHl WtCsQN-l

■ y : ':liiii;iwnaiwyHpllotw W-tMa. Ur-............. -------- .i-iiii. . I". ................... ......... •■.. ■■ • - ' ’ ..........

■p p o d t t i l n f l f T O ' E o r 1 3 J

c a n d l e d ; EGGS. Back .-.acres — K S? E lllib eth Bty^J;-^^;


^ X n t i q u M > V 3 9

P^t« «in«< K»li g iip p ll»» 1 IQ

f O O C iE , GROOMING, stud ser- ............................... ■6k « jt . . .W im r ^Kennels;-. West 'Redcap corner, K|m))«-lv. iJJ-5104;

:7 n -ti7 S -.

WiLt: SELL'ON osnstgnmmt or will ■^uy anyttilngo* walue, Kimberly ‘ Auction Cente<‘ r-W«s»-M*otoe_

-itr i-t . « i . 5VW. ■ ■-

WILL BUY direct Auction your ■■(urnltu ^ appllancet-oddV'a, ends.■ Sn^k^nft.lvw

Copper. & a ts , Aluminum. Radiators; B aH erles.'E lc..

power sleerlng-bukes, autdmatrc transmission,,gbodcondltlo'n. **50.734.2031.

a b a r g a j n -'SPECIAL'!


NVW Rubber

— ^ V e — '

I I I a c h i n e r y

AKC -iS^GISTEEED ' toy poi)dle .pupplBC While ^ Apricot ■— Sllver'.VPhOne.?3JeaiB: A lso slud 5 e r v i c « .> - _• •■; .. ,,

lU and A ven jjeS oytti

.Buildih(i M a l 4 t r i a l i _ . 14ii&

•B^AUTIFU-t s e rm ^ n S h .........

53«.2] 44;| Wendell

________BUtBbred— -male'C w m a n ^ e p t ie r d puppies.- P h o n e

akC p u p p ie s . 10 Breeds. Variety puppies, sni'alf laroe , M AC'S

KENNELS, Wendell,-S34J 3 ir.Of

‘ - r .Dining Tables • Roll .Top. I

,Bras».B eds - Qtlna CKJsets • Baby.Stuff.. , 703..40K V r '- '^ H * V e S - 'U R N ITU RE ,

SALLY.'S AN'flQUEST, 436-SMO.dtriino ta b le s , ! ^ B R A M I C , T I L E S A L E

Enough Ceram ic'.Tile , Trim, Adhejive.and Gr'o'ol for a 5' 1u6 b ock. ,'. V , ; _$6BJC

Round“n u t c lje s , d ish es;.-, w a s h , s ta n d s ,

pth e r lU rn ltureV ' ' ,

O L D M A I D S T W e 're fresh o.ut.. P «te JbhhstoiiT, .304 South y/ashlrutlon

..[A ir (Jo rt R o a d ). -7 3 3 j3 4 J ..

icrlflce t 1 W . Phone 543 4« 47.

■ l9« o 6 'D G & D A hT iG ood«ondltlon . ..P h on e 733-192B.

1959. CH EVR;OL'Ef, C O R V E T T C , new m o to r , clulch and*' lea n - snilsslon. Phope 8JS-5485, Eden.

19M VOLKSWAGEN, 20,060 m l l « Also 19M Coryell* with luogage

. rJCKi.lov«mlleage,J ow ner. Phone _ 7334925 days or 733-0457 evenjnfls

D O . I T Y O U H S E L F

iwarding, ttud service* 7j 3-1195>.

H o y , G ra in a n d F— d ' Uvfs.tq^k W a n te d ^

f a r m e E "

\ \ 4

..XLUSTOM S tE A M gra in ro llln q ' . fiidbile — 'fyi6! » u « r W H a 5iwrrr

423»seaP/ K im berly.

h a y . IDAHO A L F A L F A . PRODUCTS. If^C.'Just north of T T ir S o o a r P B C t o r y ;-P h o n e '7 ^ > 8 7 r -

.T w in F:aU». r.

O A T S ^ F b R j S A L E ^ ^ n e . 334-2166.

FOR SALE — Cprrar bedding - Wood chips a r ’ shayings. .Gaorgr

' Clark. S49-56S3 or Dennis Clark, 543-5473/ " ■■

..RAtslCHERSO s S E tt :


f or prom pi pickuft of dead jant dnTmolucall

733 -68'35 • C O U E C T -.......• ’

G O O D I N G . , 9 3 4 .S 4 I4 -'"

ID A H O HIDE A N D • T A U O W t O . ^

•1947 H O N D A T r a i l 90."' G o od ' 19«7 . T r a v W Q u ee n p IcV up carffpei-; J O ',

'5HA’KER,-J0SgU- reSS-th a n :l -y e « r . SMITXV'S HANDY AN DY, Phone 73? 03?4. •

IM’p R b V E V o 't i^ k r t lh W wim FortnlFa counter top ^ n jT J n i” 4* and 4' X- -5' sheets. .39 certi!

-sq u a re topV. -Good ;-^ re ifI6W Panel ltr tn «ro c lr trJ 9^centrsquore-

fo o );

CAPRI TILE CO;344 F illm ore

'S n o W m o b H o i - 160

• O M C R u p e rt . Idaho. 436-3^76.

“ BTOKS- ♦ ru F x ^ n i FTS OLD_SMOBTtES

L E O R I C E M O T O R S — G o o d ing , ld a h a ._ .

B l - C O W P L Y 733-5U 2. •

b u i l d i n g ; 5UTT"

| E o r«n S «M

d ^ A U T I F U L S E E D . F irs t ye a r out •;of c e r t H l e J t2 . 232-4042 P o c a ie l l o r + ^ ^ E E D Q U E E N D r y e r , tim e d and_ a * An / 41tIrkrtaHcfor W e r s n s r

H I G H A L T I T U D E c e rtifie d Husset seed p o ta to e s ..*2:35 ..-*2.50 C w t^ s o r le d r c a ir d e H v e r . 4SB:5772br iS T ^

'4J32, N e w d a lh , Idah o:

A n i m a l B n c d i n g 100

A R t l H l C l A L B r e e d l n a f o a b s g re a t p ro v e n s ire s . n a t lo n .'s h lp h e s U Y p e

Ko d u c tlo n -jlre s . A lso a ir B re e d s o t ef a v a ila b le . B u h l,

. J e ro m e ; '324 2452; Shoshone, 884- , 7587; B u r le y , 478-9253,-'H A ia t o n ,


S E L E C T sires, lu c o rp b ra f e d .. A ll b r e ^ ^ i l a l r y , b a a f. W a lte r Leltch,,

C c i H l a . .102,15 Y O U N G A N G U S co w " to Stbr^- . C f lm n g .tA M a r r h Phnf\y, .U6.266A

■ id a lL s _________

F O R . : S A L E ; ' -O ne ' ' 2 -y e a r -o ld re g is te re d , r e d . shdrt ho rn b u ll. Phorte 536-2400. . v

N E W A N D U S E D a p p lia nc es. H a ll -o f M usic arid* A p p jU n c a r 7^>49Z1>

flutom ahc c y c le , re con d ition ed an^ guaranteed/ $7.8 at Cain's 733- 7111. ■ .

• O S H D '"W S S H e R Fa ?S d d r y e r s .se lectlona . M a t c h in g p a Jr

-j .Q u a ra n tB td '- b y _o u r -S e r v ic e ~ 0 B p 5 r T m e n r . P rrc e s ~ tff ig T n — a r

»39.95. S L A C K E R 'S A P P L I A N C E A N D F U R N I T U R E .

N E W " 1 0 "c iib lc ^T6 6 f -------------------t W T W --------------

refflfiei'a t6fs , 7TV35T" t W T W — F A L L S L A * B O ir ,C E N T e ? T 7 3 y 7 4 0 i . ‘

Furniture A H H G o b d f 1 27

(t H IN A e u F B O A W S r u n n n l ^ e d .various sHes a n o^ oile ts .-B an n er

. 'Furniture, 733-1421. . , :

5 PIECE 'dinette, grey And blue. — chrome,- i t r W ; at-CaJn'r 733 -7 H 1.

: C U $ T 0 M " P A l N T l N G 7-C a r57 -t ru c k 4 , -p 4 c K u p S f - d e n t s : - r e m o v e d -

• re a s o n a b ly . T r a c J o r S ) t r a i l e r - bdu se . P ho ne 4;3n5634. ..

U S E D S T E A M clea n ers for' sale, h ig h p r e s s u r e , ^ w a s h e r ^ c a f f

.'Specia lized. E p u i p m ^ t , 733-2026 . d a y s o r evienlngs.^ “

n r r ant: >3 po s - w eeki B a n n e r F u rn itu re / phorte


W E R E B U I L D h y d ra u lic jac k s at A b b o t t 's . A u fo S u p p iV . 305 Shosnone St. South.--------- — ‘

B E D D A V E N O S . S ilg h tty irre g u la r -< o y « i r s - P a c t o r y s a y s : ^Sell “ » t '

.p is c o u n t." V ' p e r -c e n V -n y lo n - c o v e rs ; ch d lce of dblQfS- R e g u la r W 9.95V. N o w »7 9 .9 5 r— B A N N ^ a . -

- F p v m T x j H E . r i T J T j r r -----------------------

9 K 12 L I N O L E U M rug«> asso H e d . p a t t e r n s . .U .9 5 . B A N N E R F .U R -

N I T U R E r T w in F a l ls . 733^1421 '

B R A K ^ S y O E S ; ' D is c k^rakes. B R A K E ” A N D P E T R O L E U M P R O D U C T S . 213 Wh A ve n u e W eSf.

C L E A R A N (;eI All rem aining 1971 Polaris at cost. CU RT'S POLARIS

.SA L E S^ 2BI_tJ^j!Va5hinQlon. 734-

.3383.,.:..^ .^ ,.,

W E S T E N D SNOW JE T Sales. Castieford, 4daKo. P h one'537-4569. t'few and used snow machines for sale.

i T ^ T E M S P EL “ O s c d e a r s - & - P T c ) r o p s

N e w a n d Usftd

r H O J s L D M :

H ^ t s F o r S a l e 169

14 x 'b.boat -L ife seats, o a rs -a n d fop. Phone 7ll,fliVlS

r j a d b r y In b o a rd .. N e w tire s on *

MUST SECLI W . fdrward and reverse, trailer/ S695-. 733.3159 or •733-5768. '

197) NEW ARIVIvJ^S... F.lh'erform , .B n d -51dewi9d ac_boh ts. Evlnriide-

and Mer.cury m otors. BUD AND M A R K 'S . Y o « r E v ln ru d e an d "' MercUry Dealer^ Lakes


W E T R A D E - O P E t l ^ ^ N D A Y S

M I L L E R ^ t J G N P A ’S A t E S

4 2 3 -5 1 7 ^



FRESH'or Springer cow s or helters. Guaranteed. Buy or trade for

■ Clyde

■G oud b a b y a nd p a s tu re ca lve s for . s a in A ll kinds. P h o n e 3i 4 4 U 3 or

324.403a, Je ro rjje ..:-' ................. =

10 B LA C 4C - B A L c Y COWS. 31^ big --------A n g u s c o w s , 37 C alves on g ro u o d .„ _ :Q t h e t _ 4 .x o »a -d o ie j in . -H J U 4 S 2 £ L ^

100 to 150 H o lstelh h e ifers x)n h a n d .H olstein h elfir a n T f t r n w o

-r -w a y « f r f J t t » n « # r O r t * 4 Q * o > ¥ ! ^C o w s In sure d a g a t n s t -d e r t h i- AHh e if er s f lu a r e n t e e d E U & & » ^ HUGHES. 33> 2i l 5. JerSmF

short-horn cows.* Pt>one-32 *Jt371r w e e k d a y i. .--t • ,

flHftPD Ar* n n t £ f __..and sum m er rates..C lose in. 733-

B3?6 after 6,

.R E G IS T E R E D AN G US'bul.i,- T t


W A ^ O T r . a nd*^ C O f t A L - n a u g a hyde- i r m ch a ir, $22 eac h at C a in 's 733

T U R Q U O IS E N A U G A H Y D E SfiA!i0■ couch w ith W a ln u t fra m e w ith

attached la m ^ table , (78 at -C ain's■ 7 3 3 J 1 H .. . ' ^ ■

M A G N U S e le ctric o rg a n , coffee ta B le -a n d 2 e nd - tables. B a b y ju m p e r.a n d infaAt seal. 43^ 4288,

•Ft<e M IUM3 PA i p fui round dinina, tab>BS — roll lop desks — Brass Beds ,— Oiina .c lo se ts — baby


FURNITURE U PH OLSTERY. ^T^e . estfmates, plcK>up and deliverv . ~• Phone. JacK Calton.7 33»7803.>-----------

..:^?ALNUT-DOUBI F hfri with..hoxand.m aittress. a ll fo r 159795*

North..7S3 614«.

S I A N D - U R c ru s h e d < a rp e t w lth -o u r ------- .s la i..l£ a il£ r_Q n ly_S l2 5 D . E h ^ n e ? 3l „ _____new HOST tl^antng — Cleans , withoOt w a t^ . Rent n^iachine > 1.;

- WILSON.-B'ATE^S."Tw in Patt 'and ■ :Je fiD m e .'’ ' '* ----------- .................

TWEfTSXONTiN^)^^ >L rneVai skms. bindings. Size 10' sD b6ots. Phone

M E X lC A ri’ ^ R A M E S . .priced low; Art M a r l, 117 Shosh one St W ednesday-Sunday,” 1-5 p.m .T-

YQU SAVED and slaved for wail to wall carpet. Keep it new with Blue Lustre. Rent eiectri? sham pooer

'S I . Greenawalt's.

Wiifi B lue L u s tre . Kent e le c tr ic s h a m p o o er S I. K re n g e l's > Ja rd -

M U FFi-£R& -.lnstaU ed w hile - you . w aif. C o m p ile 'm u f ffe r ^ r v lc e .

incTuding cusTom d o ^ li foY car*' a n d -p lck op * ; "^A»«OTT^S~ A U TQ -

SU PPLY, 305 Shoshone St. South.

■ELOlN'^ EIe^trJc, Battery Alarhi

V U S T J17.77 a t P E N > :Y -W i s e -p r u O r LYMW ouo-'tTO K pm .g c c n tgf.;

BU.Y - Sell — TrtSe. Carnefa Cenlert Mall o i music.

■CAfiPET nOLL.EH e - “ : S : S - L - E .

B uhl.

f=O R 'SA L E ; 30 heaii-O f > lw elord— s T b C ir c o w s -T -P h o n e r*3

« t r r -

12' j i l 5 '7 " G O L D S H A G ''1~l?eg: $T3 r,50 . .' : . Deon-Olson S:X J Q—

C A L V E S, B a b y a nd g ra ss c a lv e s , a ll k in d s.

Va w e st, south o f K im b e r ly . 423 5124. or 423-510^.48 & B C attle .

C H / tTR O L A IS ^ ^ A T T L E S A L t S

sep rn g ' 3U heacL 2 days, all. purebred —A A A R C H . 10 schedule . . .Sale^ fe m a le shov^ In A .M . R a fifle .B u ll Show In P .M ..100 fe m a le s sell 6 :3 0 P . M . ' J H A R U W 'i n10 classic bulls sell 10 A.M.37S r in o e bulta sell 10:30,/^.M.. f t ^ breakfast — luncti O a ss ic open show XiO.head Mairch »-9—Send for catalog "Complete a h ow --^ Sale prpgram

30»-459-7641 — 459-0155E V E N T S AT-fCALDVyELL

” H O L S T E IN H E IF C R C A L V E S ______

■ H P R LTO rA -a R OS.------------ ' R o o t i T ^ " ^ ----------

Chippewa F all*, WlsoMum O tn ce: , Jl5 w i 1#J

- T a a a . ^ : .

12' « 15'.O R A h J Q F W E E D ~ ' R eg . $ 149.50 . . ; . . i 74 .95

- R « 9 . . . m 5,3 2 .

- I 3 ' » 38'? '>0 « l

Reg. S335.39 . . . . . J 22 5.06 12'x lO 'G R 6Er'l S H A G ' ' . * Reg. S I 29.75 . . . . $ 86 .55

SPECIAL 1 Roll O nly. 100% Nylon

GREEN TWEED ' n4 *4.9S:iq:Vi^- N O W $ 2 ,9 9

B A N N E R " " ', 733-142J

■Ktisical Iwat.x iw M i — ‘^>M "

s h a m p o q e T wTtT> T o m ^ a f t io nv a c u y m .” p j jm n u r e .

p re ssu re .

-Rupert * •

t y p e 'T .b o ile r, tow

JUU 4 ^a3Sj

-C ^ i^ .a . copy in your car, ther*e might be a tim e when ih ii'D bok ' could save.ypur life.

O U T D O O R S U R V IV A L .■ .S K IL L S

U »-o rdM iracle Hoi' Springs. Buffi? Idaho.

M ii^ la n «o iM W anlad 141.W A N T E ^ D T O B U Y ; . A m e r l c a r i -

F ly e r to y t r a ln j . P ho n e 734.14M.

O L D C O IN S — B o u g h t a n d M l d , Box ear. T w in F a i ls , ida n o .

Truckt" 1 9 6

C hjR Y SL E B Starcraft boai H a r ley -D a v /d son


b o a ts a n d m o to r s , its. C a m p e r tra ile rs

m o t o r c y c le s . t M P t r C M ^ t W --------a r

B f c A U T t F U L 14' C re s t iln e r w ith -45 H._P M e r c u r y d o u bl-e ta n k s , c o n v e rtib le top, side la d d er. 2 sets


C H frC 'I^M h e tu H -H n e o t C u ito m ^ u H t - - 'B o a t s - at -C e n iu r y A u t o - M a c h in e

before you b u y . Y o u w ili be' su r- p rtse u ana g ia d ~vou~dto :''C e n t A u l o m o t l v e M a a h in e , A d d is o n ftva nn y W est, 733 W W f

. K A t ^ A U - G K

-MOTORSDnive A i in te i sa ve a l o t i

---------- ( ^ D l t ^ G ---------------------------------------


M o t o j 'c y c l e f 180

B R I D G E S T O N E 100 T A U C , Good c o n d itio n . AAa.ke o tte r . P (io re 3 J . 3067.

T r u c k s 196

3065, hopns o r e vfn irtB S.

■.^ j ) T O H C O g r . . 7 . i b V b ~Cam el ^ -D o o r Stdqn.. Big ''6-*' ep gine , autom otic Iro n im ittio n

' '6 6 M ERCURY . . . $1195Porkfone 4 -O o o r B re e ze w o y Se- d o n , V 0 en gin e , outom otic t r a m - m i i t i o n , p o w e r t f e e r in g a n d

“ brcOcei, tJ w o y ^ow *r le b t , t o c l o ^ ■ a ir . C le a n

F O R S A L E : 1957 F o r d ton p ic k u p.

IV / I D O U U E V A N , V , UW m H H . - v y ig r-Tr»de7=543ci«a5.: Breni-^- — -

JgAg-tflE.VRQLET I tfln,.wmi aocKr y r % ,n.a ,Y .nLV .u & -i__i lu i i i .T T r n ir a c k s . M M O : F ^ o n e ^ 4 2783

r o r f ^ G A L C ; 1970 a ^ r d -'E x p lm e r"*Tton p ic k u p .c o n d itio n . \ _

^^^h o nF-e vcn in S S , 73/T305:

8300 m ile s . E x ce lle n t c o n d itio n . U n d e r f u lP w a rra n ty ,

W A N T E D T O t n A O & rb e d »fo r jo o d U * beet bed. Phone

F o r S n l « _2o a)967 F A L C O N . 3 d o o f ^ ^ c y l in d e r . In

good c o nd itio n .* P h o n e 733 7949.

G O O D 19&3 4 d o o r F o rd G a iax ie . S290, C a s h , p h o n e 733 -8404,.

S M E L B Y M U S T A N 6 . Duel 4- - .b a r ^ ^ L -c i r b ^ W a n t to trade foe

o r 1070-V o lk s w a g e n ^ 4 2 3 -S 3 il: m a t t e r -» .p .m

Ideal tof. co llege stu de n t! Phone betw een 8 and 5,

1948 J E E P , M E Y a l T O P . E x ce lle n t ru n n in g a m d it io n . WOO. Phone 733- 6443. ‘evenlftgs.

F O R , - ^ L E ; m 2 *Falcon. station - w a g o n . Pt>one 4LJ5-5M5. "

NEW Yamaha pianos; Used p la n o i;'. - vtM guitars and am plifiers, k l h

stereo record iplayers. Warner Music. 131' Shoshone Nortti^

O a o a Z 3 £ L £ O t I O N o t - v s e d Hammond Oroaris Xm as trade^j


- f 9 6 9 i F Q R O - F r t 0 0 -

N EW -SPIN ET platiS. M »5i Special U M .-

— benctr;—tunedf> used


ReguiW lyIA c lu d )i»c ^

^ - . ^ <w g4f k U i>o»y*360^i^,ou*ttm o tiCr’ro d ip ^T»o fb w m p M i';^ -ta n « p o in t, 7 9 ,0 0 0 o c tu o l m B et. E^'tra S h a rp .

^ -tt»re d > -^ arantBwyr—r i ^ O rand piano'. - 'E x ce llen t

BROWN'S MUSIC AND FUft^-»• M IT IIO P * • ---------- --------


U S E D C O L O R ' T e le v lt lo n * . S 1 » ! » 5

N^69i=ORp~f - l OQ . / . : : : r :Tv . : ,$T595~ * . lo n g w ide b o x, *340' V 8 ;^ »* p i»d ? T o d io . - -raor b y m p f , 6 tS 0 »1 6 ftf»t. y?iOQOoctwol mtfe» •

1967 D O D G t : . : . . ; . ; • ; .V . $1595. w ide box, y S ; outom otic, cuttotn co t^ reof _

W «s t C o o ftm irro n / 3 -to n e ^ i n t . «xcenent rvlbber. .T -

i9 7 m > R 0 F^ioo . . . r : ^ . $33^— VSejawfOfPoHc. rod?o, lo ng w t<^ b e g ^ f ^ r bum per^ -

P p r S o U I4 < > . * B K » i l o i U « w l > o r S ^ ' ' '


- jUqufdating private conection, complete sett, typ« coins, Canadians^ cojffs o lw orid ^ -G i^ teleciioh of dollars,

— « tin».O doijfla W)d.p»h#r 0|U.c<Mti» br.)roMn*ltjcIri

--groi^chtldr>n.^^i'gW «H w >i»iw « n H o r ^ fufarei.:

• ,___ I I M LOCUST ;' (C ornpr.i ilm»ittl' » nJ AMuxtn)^

9tOOa.iii.-to3iOOp.m. . SAT0TKJir,:50HDW»aD MdN^

11 y S8*h 4 i^ r c h l i K,-1, ■■ trf» ft dbalti


'6 5 PLYM O U TH . . . . S 995,Bd^^ocudo. V8 er>gini>.’ outomoticIrontmjssion. pow er steering.

'6 6 F O R D . . . . . . . $1225Colo xie 300 2 door ho rdtop. 35^ V -8 . engine, oiitemotic troninii(>

i n i iyeT-:-.4^ « « r i n g .. b ro k e r.-; ,

________ ;_________ ■_y pew er ife erin ^niJ 'T 'i tory oiriconditioning.

, , , '6 7 M ER CU RY . . . . $ 1 6 6 0 tij. .Monterey 4 door^, Msr.dtop, V<8

tronimitiion; ond brokVi7' f o c ’

-1269 5 r t - f P Y g l F P _ _ _ . -

e n g in r/ oufomolic t'ahinrnhttyrr----------- — __ountry itdno nw a^O Tfpp o L r * ,eerino a n d \ b , o k . ^ * o . : - - S 'lory oir'. E«!fo nice fo c B ry Oir-condjt.on.oo, one ow n-

- J ^ 9-D 0 D G E . . . V - $ 2 9 9 0 -CKo rger RT, V-8 engine, outomot-

tfontfnTi^on, ppwer tteerioo

^68<Pli;)SM QBtL£___ S 2625.

o n d b ro k e i. foctofy o iA C o m f it io n ^ '-ing. __■

P8 Luxury Sedon, full pow er, ^oc* »ory *oir €pnditioning. yJnvl to o.

"TIT^TTSenrig wKeel/ one owner.

......... ' 6 9 - CAPRICE ^ . _ - S 2 7 9 5 - _’ 6 5 C M R Y S I E R . . $ 1 2 5 0 C h e y r o k f -i -d o o i--h o f d t o p . 350300 4 door hordtop. V-8 engine, V -B engine, outomotic tron&mis- outonttttic-tt*qh«wittioo. » p o w e r p o w . r tta e r ir ig . .p o w e r .steering ohd broket, extro clean. broket, foctory oir-<ondTtiontftg,

•xtro ih o rp .

i : = S T 6 8 5 rC o u g o r, 2 89 V>8 engine, 3 speed'

'6 8 CH R YSLER '. . $ 2 995 JTow n and C cu nlr, ,l « ,o n w o o o n . SS 'm^lalo 2 d o o r ho rdlop . 327 383 V -8 ' . - .g m t . ouiamolic Vrat-i- ' ' ® » " « " “ • ° ‘''om ot,c Iro n tm ,.- m l . l i c n , p o w , . . ( . . r i n g o n d •■<>". P <»«er « « n n , / o n d b r o U l . b ro i; .. , lo tte ry oV-conditionino, O ' 'f > " d . t io n l n g , . ,n y l


' 6 9 D A T 5 U N . . . - . $ ) 4 4 54 d o o r tadon. big engine, outd*

trn n ia iiiin n wh.tfkat-4ffl>eoti, mee.

' i7 B l)IC K . . . . . . $2290-(iectro 2 25 4 d o o r hOrdtop.

'p p wu V l m i t p r y a i r i co w ..............•Jitro go o d th ro u g h o u L -

^68CHRYSIER . . . $J9£5,N ew port 4 Door Sedon V8 en ' '

-ftirte, oytom otic trowmrision. j>ow- l.e r (feerrng o r ^ btoiies.

'67 DAl?T G T . . . , $1695_ ^ 0 o v H o rd to p . '27 3 ' v a . f i i -

->g>n«rOvfon»oti€ tron»m*U4on.• 1ii<*.

o n ^ m p s o y i G K U P s ,'63 C H IV R b lE TJ/ Z -To n " ^ I / 2 - W

1969 P O N flA C F IR E B IR D *2 doof hordfop^ V»

4 ^p e e d tronsmiswon. co b high corrtfMr.

/ -• -V

_ s t e e r i n g , p o y v e r b r a k a s / r a d i o , h e a t ?

e r , a i r c o n d i t i o n i n g . .

"iy«!)6 LH tV K U LK r« i P e R - S P O R T 7 2 ' d o 6 r h a r d t o p , b u c k ­

e t s e a t s , r o d i o , h e a t e r , c o n s o l e ' . . . m 9719A9VO LK SW AG EN T

s p e e d - t r a n s m i s s i o n , e x c e l l e n t , i o p

" C o n d i t i o n . .

i.1.966 m e r c u r y ;4 DoorV-8 Siigine/outomatic transmission, ^ power steering, power disc bim l^s. 3> i:adio, heoterrairconditioniftff".“ . -----------

■496 4 C H E V R O I-FT RFI AIRH t - d o o « ' r - V - f l « . B 'n o i n e , w i t h - o v e r d r i v e ,

r a d i o . . . * ...........................

1963 BUICKC EiECcTRA :2 door hardtop, fully equipped

Stotionwagon, 3 seaf; radio, power steering', Automatic transnii^-

V-8 mgiite.-' oirto^atK.' trantmisiiont^i p o w f isl— rinflrTddio. h«ot«r, p o w w -

Page 20: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · .....- -' ...^................— -'.!:'".r'i v A - 'V - --^ ' '-^ ' ^ ~ —— -------—

r. ■

t w o t o r t h e

piftcEq^dNi~-r -r_t«s*r.f.' ^ '


l'> tvrt> oT O T T ch A d | j^ a n ced ^


Thew lighVeig^lr-s^orli ■Cooti fn o iiUjUid orouo * wf labrici. h o ie 2 button

^ M. .M-.M M M M m w - W W m

_ InduJei new '3'0,000. mile'.-:—tininas . . . a,d|ml b roM- ..jpo ^ front Wheel bear-


4 Whaetf ..bci^M4lrabs.

E x tra C h o rg * lo t K iU , Sftols. O ru m T u rn ln q i r N « c « » t a f y

cclorful uU^lion »frf foncV" poMero^ 7»©0 . a lo n Q i. SHOCK ABSORBERS

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J 33-77 77

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and wheel cylmdert

“ i

^ M a te ria ls a n d Labor In c ju d e d S ta te Inspection. StqtiQh N o ; 1 2 1 7

P hone for A p p o in t m e n t ^ ^ 3 - 9 6 8 0w tin c % i§

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^ o f t C a r ^ '&. Pickup* ftitolled


: - A W O T r S■li305 Shoshone St. South T w in Falli, Phone 733-2049* ............ . • - .{

s price a n d the paneling ) t i t < "

with theto.'iFit all y ou r ni^eds

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R E G r $ 5 . 9 1 ♦

f s jd ^ i^ S ^I m l n u l . . o i r , , ( S h . l b y ' . .on A d d i „ n

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— u is c o n u n u e a ^

■n it it i t ’

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“s l i g M r y ^ i r r e g u l d ^

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JE A N S♦ « G $3.98 . . sF eCIAL

SPECIAL* m e n s c o v e »i a U s .* « f O , S 7 V 7 s p e c i a l

f l f t V R I Kt f n i n s

* ; l*1ain» aiW -(vinte<fpaHerns. Heovy cotlon h^metpijn. .Twrific

. Ul>holn«>fyrdrop|0». bedtf^reo^t-ahd to y tiw e o r. W ater

r ~r»pell«nt, doroble press. 47-48 inches wide. -

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DOWNIOWisL y* * J vst o f f ih e E ast e n d o f fhre M all

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