Just Good Business by Kelley McElhaney The Strategic Guide to Aligning CSR and Brands

JUst Good Business - CSR and Brabd Strategy

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Just Good Business

by Kelley McElhaney

The Strategic Guide to Aligning CSR and Brands

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What To Do On A Monday Morning

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The Importance of Planning

A Plan can:

1. Guide you to the right decision

2. Proactive not Reactive

3. Positive Impact

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8 Steps To Making A Plan

Step 1 - Select a point Person – CSR Manager Accountability Efficiency Communication

Step 2 – CSR Current Assessment (Internal) Assess past and present CSR operations Map them to core competencies and objectives Look for gaps

Miss opportunities Vulnerabilities

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Market Research and Team

Step 3 – External Analysis Issues of Industry Best Practices Most Spectacular failures Find the Sweet spot

Step 4 - Create a Team From all parts of the business

Step 5 – Build a Strategic Plan Brainstorm Clear goals Realistic

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Sell The Plan

Step 6 - Get everyone on board

Step 7 – Measure, Report Communicate

Step 8 - Tell your CSR story components

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7 Steps To Mitigating Risk

CSR - Risk are High

Companies are held accountable for:

What they do

And what they commit to

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Don’t Jump the Gun

Step 1 – Plan1. Develop substance

2. Develop a Plan

3. Communicate

Step 2 – Simple Consistent Message

Easy for Consumer to understand

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Cont’d Step 3 – Start Small and

Focused Small wins and low hanging

baskets Early Success

Step 4 – Persevere Stick to the plan eve if its tough

Step 5 – Engage Critics Respond Be transparent Welcoming

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Measure Smart

‘In God We Trust, All Others Bring Data.’

Quote by W.E.Deming

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Smart Measuring

Don’t try to measure everything

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Metrics and CSR

Few Metrics and Few Topics

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What Metrics? Input

Eg Employees time, Money given away

Company E.g Sales Growth, New

Market entrance

Social and Environmental Few Plastic bags Decrease in Energy use

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Focused And Simple

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CSR Is Essential A good CSR report can add value to your

business through:

Brand Leverage

Attraction of talent

Direct Communication with Customers

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CSR - A Must Have Essential to All businesses


Customers demand it.

Competitors are doing it.

Governments demand it.

Employees demand it.

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The Bond of Trust

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‘The only Thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men and women to do nothing’

Edmund Burke

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What You Should Do On A Monday Morning