
 · June 28 £1325 give your name to Brian or Julie or write your July 5 £1105 Coffee Mornings The Coffee Mornings continue to be well attended on Tuesdays from 9.30 - 11.00 am

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Page 1:  · June 28 £1325 give your name to Brian or Julie or write your July 5 £1105 Coffee Mornings The Coffee Mornings continue to be well attended on Tuesdays from 9.30 - 11.00 am


Page 2:  · June 28 £1325 give your name to Brian or Julie or write your July 5 £1105 Coffee Mornings The Coffee Mornings continue to be well attended on Tuesdays from 9.30 - 11.00 am


Contents 2

From Our Church Elder 3

What’s On? 4

Bits & Pieces 5

Children and Young People in LBC 6

Fellowship News 7

Update from Alex Saulys 8

BMS - Fiona Welsh, Partner Missionary 9

Alan Donaldson, Baptist Union of Scotland 10

Who’s Who in Lossie Baptist Church 11

“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably

more than all we ask or imagine, according to

His power that is at work within us.”

(Ephesians 3:20)

Page 3:  · June 28 £1325 give your name to Brian or Julie or write your July 5 £1105 Coffee Mornings The Coffee Mornings continue to be well attended on Tuesdays from 9.30 - 11.00 am


What’s in a promise?

Haven’t we all made them?

Haven’t we all broken some?

We all make promises. Some are of utmost importance, some maybe less so.

Those of us who are married have made several promises (vows) as part of the wedding ceremony.

If we have ever been in Court, we will have promised to tell the truth.

Politicians are regular promise makers and promise breakers!

Is it important to keep our promises? As a noun, promise means a declaration to do (or not do) something, an

assurance so of course, we should keep our promises.

God makes promises and He keeps them. We can depend on that.

It has been calculated that there are 3573 promises in the Bible. The word promise occurs over 50 times in the

King James’ version and we can be assured that God will keep every one of the 3573 promises.

Russell carter wrote the hymn “Standing on the Promises of God”. He was a Christian who succeeded in sev-

eral areas of his life. He was a star athlete in Military Academy, an excellent student who became a teacher,

then a Methodist minister, eventually studying to become a doctor. He was also a musician/songwriter.

Aged 30, he became seriously ill with a heart complaint and his fellow doctors could do no more for him.

He knelt and made a promise to God that whether he was healed or not, his life would be consecrated to God.

From then on the Word of God became alive to Carter as he stood on the promises of God for healing.

Over the next few months his health improved, his strength returned and his heart was completely healed. He

lived another 49 years.

The strange thing was he had written the hymn, “Standing on the Promises” several years before his illness but

now the words became real to him. Words he had written became a way of life for him, an integral part of

who he was.

Romans 10:9: “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised

Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

John 6:37 “All the Father gives He will come to me and whoever comes to me, I will never cast out.”

Jesus, the sinless Son of God was the fulfilment of God’s promise to send a Saviour, the Lamb

of God who would take away the sin of the world.

“Because the sinless Saviour died,

My sinful soul is counted free

For God the Just is satisfied

To look on Him and pardon me.

Are you standing on the promises of God today?

Chris Gault, Elder

For Information

The Pastor is presently on Sabbatical Leave until Saturday 15 August. During this time, any Church business

should be addressed to Church Secretary, Chris Gault - see back page for contact details.

There will only be ONE morning Service at 11.00 am until Sunday 16 August when the two morning services

will resume.

Standing on the Promises of God

Page 4:  · June 28 £1325 give your name to Brian or Julie or write your July 5 £1105 Coffee Mornings The Coffee Mornings continue to be well attended on Tuesdays from 9.30 - 11.00 am


Sat 18 July 10 am-12 noon Ladies’ Coffee Morning, Youth Café

7.00 pm Open Coffee Evening, Youth Cafe

Sat 1 - Wed 5 August Soul Survivor

Wed 5 Aug 7.30 pm Fellowship Prayer Meeting

Sun 16 Aug Pastor returns from Sabbatical - two morning services

All items for next magazine please

Tues 18 Aug 2.00 pm Ladies’ Monday Fellowship Steering Group

Sun 30 Aug Next Magazine

Please see weekly bulletin for the resumption of ministries after the holidays.

SUNDAY 9.15 am Morning Service

10.15 - 10.45 am Tea/Coffee (except 1st Sunday of each month)

11.00 am Morning Service

Crèche/Junior Church

Bible Class

6.00 pm Evening Service

7.15 - 9.00 pm Sunday Night YF @ Lossie Baptist Church

Communion is held after the Evening Service, except on the first Sunday of the month when it is

celebrated after the 9.15 am Service at 10.15 am and again after the 11.00 am Service.

MONDAY 7.30 pm Ladies’ Monday Fellowship (Sept - Mar)

TUESDAY 9.30 am - 11.00 am Coffee Morning

Small Groups 1, 2, 4, 7 and 11 meet

WEDNESDAY 7.30 pm Fellowship Prayer Meeting (1st & 3rd Wednesdays of month)

Small Groups 6 and 12 meet

THURSDAY 6.15 - 8 pm Kids’ Church

8.30 - 10 pm Lads’ & Dads’ Football

Small Groups 5 and 10 meet

FRIDAY 9.30 - 11.30 am Little Acorns, Parent & Toddler Group

Information Please!

If you (or your group) are organising a Church event

and wish it to be publicised in the magazine, please

give details to Claire Stewart, Editor. After your

group has held an event, it would be great if you could

nominate someone to provide a short report to be pub-

lished in the magazine. As the Church grows, this is a

useful way of keeping us all in touch with each other .

It would also be helpful if ministry leaders could notify

dates of holidays etc.

Tel: 812557 or [email protected]

Church Office

The Admin Office, located at the rear of the church, is

now open on Tuesday and Friday mornings from 10.00

am – 12 noon. There is a dedicated church telephone

number: 01343 810463 with an answer phone. Please

come to the office or telephone if you have any non-

urgent queries or routine matters. At other times please

leave a message and someone will get back to you.

We also now have a letterbox in the back door so all

LBC mail can be addressed to: The Ministry Centre,

Lossiemouth Baptist Church, King Street, Lossiemouth.

IV31 6 AE

Page 5:  · June 28 £1325 give your name to Brian or Julie or write your July 5 £1105 Coffee Mornings The Coffee Mornings continue to be well attended on Tuesdays from 9.30 - 11.00 am



May 31 £1578

June 7 £1127

June 14 £1099

June 21 £1672

June 28 £1325

July 5 £1105

Coffee Mornings

The Coffee Mornings continue to be

well attended on Tuesdays from 9.30 -

11.00 am. You are assured of a warm

welcome. Come along and bring a


Donations of baking, books and bric-a-brac are

gratefully received by the Coffee Morning Team.

Ladies’ Summer Supper Night

We had over forty ladies for our Summer Pot Luck

Supper Evening on Monday 15 June at 6.30 pm.

There was no shortage of beautifully prepared food

and everyone indeed enjoyed a hearty supper.

Our after supper speaker was Margaret Bruce from

Buckie Baptist Church who spoke on our gifts and

how we use them for God’s glory.

This was a most enjoyable evening of fellowship

with many ladies joining us for the first time. There

was a real buzz in the Hall and some were most re-

luctant to leave at the end of the evening!

A big thank you to all who helped to organise this

special event, especially to our faithful and hard

working kitchen ladies.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday 7

September when the Ladies Monday Fellowship

recommences with a Supper Night at 6.30 pm.

Christmas Cantata

This year we will be presenting a Christmas Canta-

ta called “Child of Wonder”. All these songs are

brand new to us and we are planning to hold these

outreach events Friday 11th, Saturday 12th and

Sunday 13th December.

If you enjoy singing and fellowship please either

give your name to Brian or Julie or write your

name and contact details on the sheet in the Crush

Hall. Practices will be starting at the end of August

or in early September and we usually meet weekly

at a time that suits the majority of those involved.

You don’t need to be at the standard of being able

to sing solos and all we need is that you can hold a

tune, work hard on learning your parts and have

fun and fellowship with all those involved. It

would be great to have some new people along this

year to compliment and add to the team that have

been part of this now for a number of years.

Charity Shop

We will again be having the Charity Shop in

Queen Street from 7 –17 September. If you have

any items you would like to donate, please label

them clearly and do not bring them to the church

until two weeks before the event.

The rota for helpers for the shop

will shortly be available on the

notice board in the Crush hall so

please sign up if you are able to


All monies raised will go to the Extension Fund.

Further information from Georgeanne Blackwood

(Tel: 01343 812773).


Love and congratulations to Kirsty

Regan who will graduate from the Robert Gor-

don University next week with a Master of Phar-

macy degree.

Many congratulations also to Ian Campbell who

was recently awarded The Air Force Cross for

Gallantry at a ceremony in Buckingham Palace,

for courage and skill during a South Atlantic res-

cue in 2014.

Junior Church Closing Ceremony

At a family service on Sunday 28 June, the young

people were presented with books for attendance at

Crèche, Junior Church and Bible Class.

The Dawn Wood Memorial Rose Bowl was pre-

sented this year to Rhiannon Cleghorn.

Please pray for the teachers and helpers as they

enjoy a well earned rest.

Page 6:  · June 28 £1325 give your name to Brian or Julie or write your July 5 £1105 Coffee Mornings The Coffee Mornings continue to be well attended on Tuesdays from 9.30 - 11.00 am



Dads’ and Lads’ Football @ Lossie Community Centre

8.00 — 9.45 pm Open to all teenagers, young men and

the young at heart!

Sundays (during 11.00 am Service)

Junior Church 3 years — young teens

Sundays (during 11.00 am Service)

Crèche 0 — 3 years

Sundays (after Evening Service)

Youth Fellowship Year S 1 — upper teenagers


Little Acorns in the Church Hall

9.30 –11.30 am Parent & Toddler Group


Kids’ Church P3 — P7

@ the Church from 6.15 — 8 pm

Featuring messy games, singing, Bible

dramas, and loads of noise!

ROCKSTAR Holiday Club 2015

Well we plugged in our amps and turned up the volume and welcomed around 60 children to this year’s holiday club! It was such good fun and the whole team really enjoyed rocking through the week with the kids!

Gordon and I would like to thank all those who helped this year and made it another year to remember Special thanks go to the helpers in the kitchen, the tech team, the adults who joined the team daily to work alongside the children and of course, the teenagers. Holiday club would not happen if it were not for this amazing group of volunteers – you know who you are!

Kate Wakeford and Gordon Stewart

Page 7:  · June 28 £1325 give your name to Brian or Julie or write your July 5 £1105 Coffee Mornings The Coffee Mornings continue to be well attended on Tuesdays from 9.30 - 11.00 am


Crèche Rota

July 19 Anne & Margaret

July 26 Lily & Ruth

Aug 2 Lorna & Maria

Aug 9 Carol & Iphthime

Aug 16 Mel & Maureen

Aug 23 Anne & Margaret

Flower Rota

Not Available

Many thanks to Daphne Thomas, Bella

Hutcheon, Rhoda Hamilton and Catherine

Fisher who have recently provided the flowers for the


Speak to Janet Farquhar if you would like to help.

Door Rota

9.15 am 11.00 am/6.00 pm

July 19 —— J. Simmonds/B. Stewart

July 26 —— A. Reid/L.Paxton

Aug 2 —— D. Slater/J. Farquhar

Aug 9 —— G. Campbell/L Paxton

Aug 16 Maureen Garden Dennis Slater

Aug 23 John Simmonds Leonora Paterson


Our sincere sympathy, love and prayers are extended

this month to Philip and Eunice Wasteney on the

passing of Philip’s mother.

“God is close to the broken-hearted and saves those

who are crushed in spirit.”

New Members

Recently we have welcomed Bonnie McDonald, Da-

vid & Sheena Burnett into membership of the

church. We wish them every blessing as they wor-

ship and serve in our midst.

If you are interested in finding out more about

Church Membership, please speak to Pastor Rae

Mackenzie or Secretary Chris Gault.

“Commit your way unto the Lord; trust also

in Him; and He shall bring it to pass.”


Peter and Lesley wish to thank the fellowship

for their support, and to the “packing team” that

have made it possible for us to send to Dorohoi

approximately ¾ tonne of clothes, toys and toi-

letries so far this year. As well as the meals,

food bags, showers etc., that we provide at the

Centre these items help to make a big difference

to those that we help in Dorohoi, many of whom

cannot afford to buy these items. As well as

knowing God’s Love for them through receiving

help from us at the Centre, another important

aspect is that they know that people care about

them and their situations! Thank you so much.

New Prayer Group

There is a proposal for a prayer group specifically

focussing on the persecuted church to meet early on

a Saturday Morning once a month. We would like to

gauge interest in this so , If you are interested, please

speak to Chris Gault or Andrew Gault who can give

you more details.

Lossie Youth Café Invitations

There will be a coffee evening on Saturday 18 July

starting at 7.00 pm in the Café for all who are inter-

ested in the work. Come along and maybe volunteer

to help in the Café’s ministry.

Moray Council has also offered a variety of courses

including First Aid and PVC and this evening would

be a good opportunity to collate names for anyone

within he churches who may wish to attend.

Any queries, please contact Rachel Ruth on 810190

or 07460191888.)

Ladies' Monday Fellowship: The Youth Café has

extended an invitation to a Coffee Morning on Sat-

urday 18 July from 10.00 am - 12 noon. This is an

opportunity to see round the Café and to hear more

about the work being done among the young people

in Lossiemouth. The Monday Fellowship has been

supporting the Youth Café financially for a number

of years now. Hoping to see you there!

Page 8:  · June 28 £1325 give your name to Brian or Julie or write your July 5 £1105 Coffee Mornings The Coffee Mornings continue to be well attended on Tuesdays from 9.30 - 11.00 am


Update from Alex Saulys

Hello !

Wow, its been a year since my last newsletter and so much has gone on.

I started back to work in September after a great time at home and at Soul Survivor. I started as an Area Direc-

tor for Youth-180, being given increased responsibility for administration and strategy, and still in Nicholas

Chamberlaine and Bedworth Baptist.

This year has seen me become a member of Bedworth Baptist and so a lot more involved in the life of the

church – no small part due to the fact I can now drive myself around!! We have seen a steady number of

young people coming to our youth group with an average of around 20, though at one point we were looking at

30!! It has been a great privilege again this to see God using us as He works in the lives of the young people.

One of the joys of my job has been that the work I do with the Bedworth Baptist young people, largely links in

with the work I do at Nicholas Chamberlaine. I have continued in one to one mentoring here, seeing close to

50 students over the course of the year. It is a real honour and challenge to meet one to one with the young

people and have them invite you into their lives, sharing the joys and hardships that they are going through.

Mentoring has been a lot easier for me this year, with last year’s experiences to help. Unfortunately due to

budget cuts and the strange ways schools are funded, Nicholas Chamberlaine cannot afford Youth-180 next

year. This has been really hard over the last few weeks, as I wind down the relationships that I have there.

One of my highlights this year in Nico was once again going away with the Geography Department on their

Year 8 trip. I had the joy (most of the time anyway) of looking after around 28 11-13 year old boys, while the

other male teacher was in a separate part of the building looking after 5 boys! We had a really great time away,

For a lot of the young people from poorer backgrounds, living in central England, it was their first time seeing

the sea, and trying many of the activities such as Archery, Climbing, Quad Biking, Aero Ball, Fencing, Team

Challenges and a Nightline (blindfolded obstacle course). We also had an afternoon at the beach doing some

studies. Even though I am not in Nico next year, the school really values my help with the trips and we are

hoping I will be able to continue to support them.

Perhaps the biggest highlight of the year though has been the feedback from parents and students about how

mentoring has helped them. A number of parents have contact the school to say how much the mentoring has

helped their children. There has been much disappointment that this is being discontinued.

This year, my role expanded as I took on more responsibility within Youth-180. I also started getting more

involved in the wider Trust (Sycamore Tree Trust) that Youth-180 is a part of. They needed someone for a

day a week in the coffee shop, and with my previous experience I jumped at the opportunity for a few more

hours. Little did I know what God was going to do! I started off helping the Coffee Shop manager, then started

picking up more and more of the administration and management of the coffee shop, as well as more for

Youth-180. This continued till March this year, when the Trustees announced that Youth-180’s director and

the Trust Management consultant (responsible for running the day to day activities for the Trust) were leaving.

The Trustees at this time asked me to take on a role as Operations Manager for the whole Trust.

What does my new role involve? I am still involved in Youth-180, together with one of my colleagues who

was also an area director. We oversee that ministry. However, in my new role I am responsible, under the

Trustee Board, for the running of the Trust. I support our Book Shop Manager and Coffee Shop Manager in

their roles, providing supervision and line management as well as ensuring that everything in the Trust is

working as needed.

This has been a hard step up with lots of challenges. It has been amazing to see what God has done, and con-

tinues to do. The Trust has been struggling financially for many years and this is leading to a number of chal-

lenges. I value your prayers for wisdom and discernment as I have a number of really hard decisions to make

and need to find ways to help the Trust be more financially viable and stable.

Now to the coming summer. As last year I am once again involved in Soul Survivor as their Café Manager, at

Week A in Stafford and B & C in Shepton Mallet. I am also taking some young people who will be serving on

team at each. Please pray for energy as Soul Survivor always is always a challenge for me, with most of my

time usually spent at a desk or sat down talking to young people.

I continue to appreciate you all reading what I am up to and praying for me!

Page 9:  · June 28 £1325 give your name to Brian or Julie or write your July 5 £1105 Coffee Mornings The Coffee Mornings continue to be well attended on Tuesdays from 9.30 - 11.00 am


BMS (Baptist Missionary Society)

As a church one of the missions that we support is the BMS, and our “partner missionary”, Fiona Welsh.

Fiona is from central Scotland and went to Brazil as a BMS volunteer in 2006. She trained as a long-term

worker in 2007/08 and then completed language training in Portugal before going to work with the Evangelical

Baptist Church of Angola in 2009. She spent two years working in Angola passing on project management


Fiona moved to Mozambique in the summer of 2012 to be a part of a growing BMS team working with the

Baptist Convention of Mozambique.

We will regularly put news letters from Fiona on the board in the main hall where you will also find other Mis-

sion news.

Below are some items from the last newsletter from Fiona…

“Our greatest challenge at the moment is lack of electricity. The equipment in the power station is being re-

placed over the next year so in the meantime power sharing has been implemented. This means that we have

about half of the electricity that we usually have. As electricity is needed to pump water into our tanks it can

also mean a shortage of water. We’re doing our best to keep working as normal, charging things up at every

opportunity and filling buckets with water. Thankfully the temperature should soon begin to drop from 30s to

high 20s which will make the power cuts a little more bearable.

Sadly some areas in the centre and north of Mozambique were flooded recently. BMS gave a partner grant to

allow the Baptist Convention to help a few hundred families get back on their feet. Of course with so much

water lying around there are reports of cholera and a lot of malaria so please pray for the folks that have been

displaced and for the teams that will be distributing aid and promoting basic health education.

Please also continue to pray for the political situation. The main opposition party, Renamo, still refuses to rec-

ognise the results of the October general elections, and has submitted a proposal to parliament for autonomous

regions in the provinces where it won (central and northern Mozambique). Ruling party, Frelimo, has largely

rejected this proposal. Renamo leader, Afonso Dhlakama, has been warning for several months now that if

Frelimo does not accept his proposal, ensuing civil disobedience in the centre and north of Mozambique will

make the country impossible to govern.

Another BMS project has been approved and is about to begin. A new office for AMAC will be built

(Association of Christian Lawyers in Mozambique). This will make it easier for the team of lawyers to see cli-

ents in private.

Carlos and I are continuing to make progress on the set up of Cyan Mozambique through which we hope to do

some of our educational, justice and development projects.

On a recent project visit Carlos and I were delighted to see the bumper crop of corn that Inácio had been able to

produce. It was also good to meet a few of the folks that are participating in the vegetable garden training.

Inácio presented us with clear and accurate accounts (he’d learned how to do this at the project management

training) and gave us a good update which made writing the report easy. As a result, we’ve already secured the

funding for the second year of this project. My colleague Sergio came with us and has been telling everyone

how pleased he is that BMS would support a project like this that enables a local church leader to help the com-

munity in which he lives. The crop will provide enough food for Inácio and his family to see them through to

the next harvest.

The people participating in the vegetable garden project are delighted with what they have

managed to produce on their small demonstration plots. One lady earned the equivalent of

a week’s salary from selling cabbages. Because of the time that Inácio saved by having

cattle to plough his land he has been able to minister to the folks in this community with

encouraging results. We’ll visit the project again in September and hope to find that

two more calves have been born taking the number of cows up to six. Once Inácio has

seven cows he will give cattle born to others in the community. These are subsistence

farmers who don’t have any form of income and having cattle that they can sell allows

them to survive in a crisis, such as if someone needs to go to hospital.

Please remember and pray for Fiona and the work that she is doing in Mozambique.

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Community Food Moray

Moray Food Bank has been set up to help those locally in need of emergency food items and the church will

support this initiative. A collection box has been placed in the Crush Hall.

Donated items must be non-perishable (dried or tinned), in date and not high in salt, sugar or saturated fat.

Suggested foods include:

Milk (UHT or powdered) Sugar (500g) Fruit juice (carton)

Pasta, Pasta Sauces Tomatoes (tinned) Sponge Pudding (tinned)

Rice Pudding (tinned) Rice Tea Bags

Meat/Fish (tinned) Fruit (tinned) Instant Mash Potato

Biscuits Snack Bars Instant Coffee

Soup Cereals Jam

Shopping Online?

Do you shop online? If so, you could raise money for the Centre of Hope, Dorohoi, Romania at the same time.

Centre of Hope is now registered with “easyfundraising”. There are 2,000 online shopping companies regis-

tered - just register with http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/centreofhope and then access companies

like Amazon, Jessops, M&S, John Lewis, eBay, and raise money for the Centre as you shop. Thank you.

From Alan Donaldson, General Director, Baptist Union of Scotland

Here I am, writing this editorial in the International Mission Centre, Birmingham, the training centre for BMS

World Mission. Soon I will meet with 20 other Baptist mission leaders to discuss the issues of small declining

churches, and how we might see many of them rebirthed in the coming years.

I anticipate hearing stories fro rural Asia and Welsh valleys, the southern counties, and I will be sharing stories

from Scotland. Through SKYPE I will be joined by Rev Ian Macfarlane, Rev George Mackenzie and Rev Bob

Baxter to tell the stories of what God is doing in Oban, Hawick and Motherwell, just 3 of many encouraging

examples of churches that have experienced a new lease of life in the past 5 years.

I am completely convinced that we are seeing the first fruits of a greater harvest in Scotland. I continue to pray

not only for individual church growth, but for springs of living water to overflow from our churches into other

churches and unreached communities, particularly amongst Scotland’s poorest communities.

I am equally convinced that future fruitfulness will be dependent on a recovery, not only of the theology, but

the practise of the priesthood of all believers. Each of us is called to be a witness. Through a combination of

our being, doing and saying, we all have the opportunity to play a part in holistically proclaiming a gospel of

reconciliation, transformation, hope, and opportunity.

Within this month’s “Connect” you will read about our “Step Out” teams and their summer mission pro-

gramme. These teenagers will live together and love one another through tensions, trials, spiritual attacks and

human weakness. They will seek to serve the churches and communities where we place them: supporting

child care, encouraging teenagers into a new lifestyle, engaging in community cleanup and other practical min-

istry. They will encourage and challenge those who work with them and who receive their care. They will also

proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to those whose hearts are open to receive. They will speak of the im-

pact Christ has made in their own lives, share stories about others and teach directly from the Bible.

In reading their stories, maybe we can hear God speak to us, reminding us that his mission needs witnesses,

priests who will pray for neighbours, family, colleagues and friends. God needs witnesses who will serve those

same people with grace and without expectation of reward, who will stand up against injustice and proclaim

righteousness, who will give a reason for the hope we have and say what we believe.

The Priesthood of all Believers

“Future fruitfulness will be dependent on a recovery, not only of the theology, but the practise of the priest-

hood of all believers.”

Alan Donaldson

To read the rest of the “Connect” magazine, go to the Baptist Union of Scotland’s website.

Page 11:  · June 28 £1325 give your name to Brian or Julie or write your July 5 £1105 Coffee Mornings The Coffee Mornings continue to be well attended on Tuesdays from 9.30 - 11.00 am


ELDER: Chris Gault (Tel: 813103)

DEACONS: Peter Butcher (Tel: 810748)

Mark Easton

Andrew Gault (Tel: 813258)

Brian Gray (Tel: 01340820587) Chris Holloway (Tel: 830651)

Sandy McLeod (Tel: 813130)

Alistair McQuaker (Tel: 547030)

John Paterson (Tel: 814447)

Andrew Reid (Tel: 830735)

Mark Wakeford (Tel: 813963)


Maureen Donaldson Anne Gault

Kate McKenzie Leonora Paterson

Irene Rose Claire Stewart

Margo Thomson

PASTORAL CARE GROUP: Leader: Andrew Gault (Tel: 813258)

MAGAZINE: Claire Stewart Editor (Tel: 812557) email: [email protected]

COFFEE MORNING: Anne Gault (Tel: 813103)

EVANGELISM & MISSION TEAM: Co-ordinator: Peter Butcher (Tel: 810748)

Evangelism: Andrew Gault

World Mission: Christian Aid: Margaret Mackenzie

Compassion: Monday Fellowship

BMS Secretary: Margaret Mackenzie Birthday Scheme: Karen McSheffrey

SMALL GROUP LEADERS: Coordinator: Andrew Reid (Tel: 830735)

Group 1 Rae Mackenzie Group 2 Ann Regan (Tel: 813612)

Group 3

Group 4 Caroline Forster (Tel: 814096) Group 5 Jo McQuaker (Tel: 547030)

Group 6 John Simmonds & Sandy McLeod Group 7 Peter & Lesley Butcher (Tel: 810748)

Group 8 Judith Patterson (Tel: 810336)

Group 9 Angela Stewart (Tel: 815105)

Group 10 Chr is Gault (Tel: 813103)

Group 11 Kate Wakeford

Group 12 Matthew Payne (Tel: 07825082877) Group 13 Matthew Payne

Group 14 Tom Clark

SUN YOUTH FELLOWSHIP (S1 up): Michelle Mackenzie (Tel: 812062)

Gordon Stewart Matthew Payne

Erica Stewart Lauren Harper

TECHNICAL TEAM: Neil Millward (Tel: 831363)

Lizanne Fraser Patrick Millward

Chris Holloway Mike Pole

Jonathan & Marian Smith

PRAISE TEAM: Worship Coordinator:

Brian Gray (Tel: 01340820587)

Brian Gray/Peter Butcher /Claire Stewart Piano

Kate McKenzie/Julie Gray/Diane Laing Lauren Harper/Lissa Rowan/David Leitch Vocals

Kenny Owens/Joel Robinson/Matt Payne

Hannah Trotman Guitar

Greg Patterson/Craig Rowan Drums

Mandie Cooper/Suzanne Gilbert Woodwind

Carol Jack Strings

KIDS’ CHURCH (P3 - P7): Andy Peacock (Tel: 812144) Kate Wakeford (Tel: 813963)


JUNIOR CHURCH (Pre-school - Teens): Judith Patterson (Tel: 810336)

CRÈCHE (0-3 years): Carol Reid (Tel: 830735)

Lily Mulholland (Tel: 813787)

WEBSITE: Neil Millward (Tel: 831363) email: [email protected]

CHURCH FLOWER ROTA: Janet Farquhar (Tel: 813697)

LITTLE ACORNS: Vicky Holloway (Tel: 830651) Helen MacNaughton LADS’ & DADS’ FOOTBALL:

Matthew Payne

Greg Paterson (Tel: 810336)

Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG):

Chris Gault (Tel: 813103)

Page 12:  · June 28 £1325 give your name to Brian or Julie or write your July 5 £1105 Coffee Mornings The Coffee Mornings continue to be well attended on Tuesdays from 9.30 - 11.00 am


Pastor: Rev Rae Mackenzie

Tel: 01343 812062

E-mail: [email protected]

Secretary: Mr Chris Gault

Tel: 01343 813103

E-mail: [email protected]

Treasurer: Mr Alistair McQuaker

Tel: 01343 547030

E-mail: [email protected]

Family & Children’s Co-ordinator:

Mrs Kate Wakeford

Tel: 01343 813963

Mob: 07729496744

E-Mail:[email protected]

Youth Worker: Mr Matthew Payne

Mob: 07825082877

E-Mail:[email protected]

Church Administrator:

Mrs. Lesley Butcher

Tel: 01343 810748

Church Office: The Ministry Centre

Lossiemouth Baptist Church

King Street


IV31 6AE

Tel: 01343 810463

E-Mail:[email protected]

The Church Office is open from 10.00 am - 12 noon each Tuesday and Friday.

Non urgent messages left on the telephone answering machine will be dealt with promptly.