JUNE 2016 N E W S L E T T E R Happy June everyone, Why open with such a bright and cheery greeting? Well, since the end of May, the weather has been picking up and the sun is shining so brightly! It is absolutely invigorating to feel the sun’s long overdue warmth on our skin. The mornings are brighter, the birds are sending us off to work with a song, and the evenings seem to last that much longer. We also cannot forget the plants that are budding and bursting into life, as they get that signal from Mother Nature. It is incredible how nature shows us the simple pleasures that we often take for granted. This is the epitome and meaning behind the term, "stop and smell the roses". The season is short so make sure to take advantage of the sights and sounds all around us. As always, this issue of the newsletter contains information that aims to help you to achieve optimal health, peak performance, and to relentlessly pursue what brings you joy. Don't believe me? Then let me give you the rundown… We begin with Dr. Jo-Anne Mina, our naturopathic doctor, as she reminds us of the effects of dehydration and tells us how to appropriately quench our thirst as things heat up outside. As a side note, let's not forget about our ‘Supplement of the Month’ segment, which features Vitamin C. We then head into an article written by our chiropractor and IPPC, Dr. Felicity Morrell, as she gives us some advice on how to protect your lower back over the summer while doing what many of us love to do - garden. Then, to round it all out we get some advice on how to enrich the soul using Focused Attention Meditation (FAM), with our own NLP and reiki practitioner and IPPC, Sarah Palumbo. Before you dig into the meat of this newsletter, we have to remind you to check out our ‘Highlights’ section which contains some great information on how we intend to help you attain life balance and self-mastery with our upcoming courses and workshops. For all the fathers out there...Happy Father's Day. If you have been holding it down, then we send you joyous cheers and good wishes! Until next time, be relentless about your pursuit for personal greatness and what brings you absolute joy! Alvin Brown CEO & Founder Manual Osteopath and Registered Massage Therapist Integrated Peak Performance Consultant Speaker and author: Journey to Personal Greatness: mind, body and soul

June 2016 - The Centre for Healing and Peak Performance · Dr. Felicity Morrell|chiropractor integrated peak performance consultant With summer weather on its way many of us are excited

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Page 1: June 2016 - The Centre for Healing and Peak Performance · Dr. Felicity Morrell|chiropractor integrated peak performance consultant With summer weather on its way many of us are excited

JUNE 2016


Happy June everyone,

Why open with such a bright and cheery greeting? Well, since the end of May, the weather has been picking up and the sun is shining so brightly! It is absolutely invigorating to feel the sun’s long overdue warmth on our skin. The mornings are brighter, the birds are sending us off to work with a song, and the evenings seem to last that much longer. We also cannot forget the plants that are budding and bursting into life, as they get that signal from Mother Nature. It is incredible how nature shows us the simple pleasures that we often take for granted. This is the epitome and meaning behind the term, "stop and smell the roses". The season is short so make sure to take advantage of the sights and sounds all around us.

As always, this issue of the newsletter contains information that aims to help you to achieve optimal health, peak performance, and to relentlessly pursue what brings you joy. Don't believe me? Then let me give you the rundown… We begin with Dr. Jo-Anne Mina, our naturopathic doctor, as she reminds us of the effects of dehydration and tells us how to appropriately quench our thirst as things heat up outside. As a side note, let's not forget about our ‘Supplement of the Month’ segment, which features Vitamin C. We then head into an article written by our chiropractor and IPPC, Dr. Felicity Morrell, as she gives us some advice on how to protect your lower back over the summer while doing what many of us love to do - garden. Then, to round it all out we get some advice on how to enrich the soul using Focused Attention Meditation (FAM), with our own NLP and reiki practitioner and IPPC, Sarah Palumbo. Before you dig into the meat of this newsletter, we have to remind you to check out our ‘Highlights’ section which contains some great information on how we intend to help you attain life balance and self-mastery with our upcoming courses and workshops.

For all the fathers out there...Happy Father's Day. If you have been holding it down, then we send you joyous cheers and good wishes!

Until next time, be relentless about your pursuit for personal greatness and what brings you absolute joy!

Alvin Brown CEO & Founder Manual Osteopath and Registered Massage Therapist Integrated Peak Performance Consultant Speaker and author: Journey to Personal Greatness: mind, body and soul

Page 2: June 2016 - The Centre for Healing and Peak Performance · Dr. Felicity Morrell|chiropractor integrated peak performance consultant With summer weather on its way many of us are excited


Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water soluble

vitamin and antioxidant.

Because it is water soluble, it

is not stored within the body,

a n d m u s t b e a c q u i re d

through the foods we eat.

Vitamin C is found in both

fruits and vegetables, but is

f o u n d i n h i g h e r

concentrations in citrus fruits.

Vitamin C is great for

tissue repair and healing, especially after injury. It

also boosts the immune system and keeps bowels



With summer being around the corner, it’s so easy for us to fall into the habit of grabbing unhealthy snacks when we’re on the road. It’s important to choose beverages (and snacks) that are free from gluten, dairy and added sugars as these can trigger inflammatory responses within the body, giving us that uncomfortable bloating, fatigue or headache symptoms.

Give these non-inflammatory smoothies a try, whether you are at home, at the cottage or on the road. If you’re feeling creative and adventurous you can always add in a scoop of protein powder for that added protein boost. Throw the ingredients all into a blender and enjoy!


• ½ frozen banana (6 slices) • 1/3 cup frozen blueberries • ½ cup coconut milk or almond milk • ½ cup water


• ½ frozen banana (6 slices) • 1 tbsp. nut butter (sunflower, pumpkin) • 1 tsp. pure cacao powder (no dairy, no sugar) • ½ cup almond milk • ½ cup water


• 1/3 cup pineapple • 3 strawberries • ½ cup coconut milk • ½ cup water • Dash of pure vanilla extract

Always remember to consult with your healthcare practitioner before beginning

any new supplement regimen.

QUENCHING YOUR THIRST Dr. Jo-Anne Mina | naturopathic doctor

Page 3: June 2016 - The Centre for Healing and Peak Performance · Dr. Felicity Morrell|chiropractor integrated peak performance consultant With summer weather on its way many of us are excited


Dr. Felicity Morrell|chiropractor integrated peak performance consultant

With summer weather on its way many of us are excited to get out in our gardens. Gardening is a great way to get some physical activity in the summer months while enjoying the outdoors; however it can often lead to back pain. For those of us living in Southern Ontario the guideline indicates that it is safe to start planting most things after May 24th. Therefore, without further ado here are some helpful tips to keep your back healthy while out in the garden.


Our mid-summer months can get hot and humid and staying hydrated is essential. Keeping the body hydrated makes it easier for the heart to pump blood through the blood vessels to the muscles, which in turn helps the muscles work more effectively.


Before you start your gardening set aside at least 10-15 minutes to warm up and stretch your muscles. Gentle stretching can help protect against injury. A gentle stretch should be felt and held for at least 30 seconds. Ensure that the stretch is not painful; avoid straining or jerking the body. For help on what stretches to perform ask your treating doctor or therapist.


Kneel instead of bending in the garden. Bending over can put a lot of strain on our back. When kneeling in the garden you still want to protect your knees, in areas with a harder surface knee pads or a mat are recommended.


It is vital to lift properly to protect your back especially when lifting heavier loads such as sod or garden waste bags. Proper lifting technique is listed below.

1. Stand approximately shoulder width apart and get close to the load you are going to lift.

2. Check the weight of what you are lifting before you pick of the load completely. When lifting make sure to keep your knees bent and your back straight. Use your leg and arm muscles to lift the weight, not your back!

3. Avoid twisting your back, pivot instead, especially with heavier items.

4. Don’t rush. When putting heavy items down slowly lower them by bending at the knees again. If you have been bending or kneeling for a long time, avoid lifting anything heavy immediately afterwards. Also, do not lift heavy loads above your waist.


Switching between heavier and lighter tasks can reduce the strain on our backs. If you have more heavy jobs than light make sure you take frequent breaks. If you do experience back pain following gardening give it 2-3 days and if it is still causing discomfort book in with one of our integrated peak performance consultants at the clinic.

Page 4: June 2016 - The Centre for Healing and Peak Performance · Dr. Felicity Morrell|chiropractor integrated peak performance consultant With summer weather on its way many of us are excited

FOCUSED ATTENTION MEDITATION integrated peak performance consultant

Sarah J Palumbo| peak performance coach speaker energy & brain repatterning practitioner reiki therapist

What it’s all about and how it can potentially help you!

Each week we have a topic of discussion that is related to every day living, for example, life balance. In our group discussion, you have the opportunity to share your idea of what life balance means to you, to take note of what is working for you and be open and receptive to the suggestions that can make this experience even better. This is what you would focus on during the meditation. Keep in mind that your idea of life balance probably differs from mine. No two lives, families, experiences are exact, so what may work for you may not work for others and visa versa.

The next step is training your mind to focus upon that which you are choosing to put your full attention on - The vision of what you really want and all the details of that experience. This is where you tap into that “child-like awe” and belief that anything is possible and there are no limitations.

The beauty of the brain is that it cannot decipher real from fake, and is unable to focus on two thoughts simultaneously. The more real our vision, the stronger the nervous system fires. When practicing your visualization of your desired state and experience, you are literally creating new neurological pathways in the brain. Once these pathways are created and you are aligned with what it is you want, you will be set up to experience more of the same. This is so empowering because it provides you with an alternate route with choice and options. Here is where possibility and potential exist and where change is possible.

Stay tuned for more information regarding meditation in our next newsletter issue.

Join us at TCHPP to either begin or continue your meditation practice

Saturdays from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm with Sarah J Palumbo as your guide

It is always interesting to see and hear the reactions I get when I ask people about meditation. We all have some kind of idea, either through a previous experience or from things we have heard, that have shaped our beliefs about meditation. Like most things, there are many different styles of meditation out there and they all serve a purpose in some form. The goal is to explore and find the one that best suits you, your wants and needs.

I remember when meditation was first suggested to me as a means of managing the stress, tension, and anxiety I was experiencing. I initially scoffed at the idea and thought meditation would mean sitting in a room with other people, chanting and doing who knows what else. I thought, so you just sit there, chant, and your life changes? Yeah right! I also remember having the belief that meditation might work for other people, but it would not work for me. Does this sound familiar?

Before I began meditation, I did not realize that there was an actual process I would have to learn and grow through, as I committed to the practice. Yes, meditation, like everything else we do, is a practice. When you practice meditation regularly, you actually experience a paradigm shift in your day-to-day living and reality. You may notice that you are able to manage stress more efficiently and effectively, along with many other benefits. Meditation is a tool that helps contribute to living a happier, healthier, and more present lifestyle.

I want to take this opportunity to share with you some key points regarding meditation - the process we teach and the practice here at TCHPP - so that you have a clearer picture of what it is and are open to the possibility of joining us in our ongoing Saturday classes. Learn how easy it can be for you to integrate this into your daily routine and feel better, look better and perform better in all areas of your life. Experience the magic of meditation!

This is not your typical meditation program. The Focused Attention Meditation (FAM) style that we practice here at TCHPP is about empowering your healing journey and regaining your inherent personal potential, through the mastery of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. We achieve this goal by way of discussion, breath work, mental focusing exercises, and mastering the art of visualization.

Page 5: June 2016 - The Centre for Healing and Peak Performance · Dr. Felicity Morrell|chiropractor integrated peak performance consultant With summer weather on its way many of us are excited


Are you on the road to mediocrity, or are you on track to personal greatness? To guide your search for your personal power, Alvin Brown partners with you along the journey. He provides a blueprint for the path to life balance and self-mastery in Journey to Personal Greatness. By learning how to integrate mind, body, and soul, you will discover that you have the energy and power to make ''whatever you affect that much better when you leave.'' Health, family, career-you can have them all. Journey to Personal Greatness will teach you how to balance the six life essences: mental, emotional, physical, chemical, material, and spiritual. In practical and simple steps, Brown leads you through the process to achieve and maintain peace and balance. Leave behind the fast-paced treadmill of life, and step onto the track of life change. Lose the mediocrity mindset, and find personal greatness.

Highlights TCHPP has ongoing programs that have been

designed to keep you moving towards your full


Mark it in your calendars… TCHPP will be manning a booth at the Toronto ProShow again this year! Stop by to check out how we can help you achieve peak performance!

Journey to Personal Greatness: mind, body & soul and Journal to Personal Greatness are both available for purchase at TCHPP.

Books and journals are $20.00 each or both for $35.00 (including HST).

Page 6: June 2016 - The Centre for Healing and Peak Performance · Dr. Felicity Morrell|chiropractor integrated peak performance consultant With summer weather on its way many of us are excited

Connect with us…

HighlightsTCHPP has ongoing programs that have been

designed to keep you moving towards your full


tchpp.com journeytopersonalgreatness.com

Be sure to check out TCHPP’s YouTube Channel for insights from our very own Alvin Brown

Happy Father’s Day!

Check out some of our pics from the Fouad Abiad Championship, May 14 2016. We have to give a shout out to the M.C., Mr. Alvin Brown, and give a big congratulations to all of our clients who competed!

Page 7: June 2016 - The Centre for Healing and Peak Performance · Dr. Felicity Morrell|chiropractor integrated peak performance consultant With summer weather on its way many of us are excited

Dear Alvin,

On behalf of Stantec Consulting’s Toronto office, I would like to extend heartfelt thanks for your presentation to our staff on the topic of Time Management, on April 29, 2016.

The feedback received has been extremely positive. Your talk was inspiring, thought provoking and energizing. Your openness to share your personal story moved us and helped us relate and comprehend how using the tools you shared with us, we are each capable of achieving personal greatness. Clarity, courage, commitment and consistency are essential to life/time management.

Your presentation was informative, relevant and stimulating. The subject matter you presented was easy to understand and, enjoyed by staff in attendance, as can be attested by the testimonials below:

“Alvin’s presentation was inspiring and genuine. I liked how he expressed that when he was younger he thought the most important thing and the one hardest to achieve was to be strong physically,but as he has matured he now realizes the hardest things in life are to forgive and be kind to others.”- Ivana R.

“I was glad I had the opportunity to attend Alvin Brown’s amazing presentation. The exercises he requested us to complete made me aware of the things that are really important in my life and now I have the tools to be able to better manage my time.”- Isabella D-N.“I really enjoyed Alvin’s presentation – it came at the perfect time as it resonated with a lot of things I am personally going through and I will use the new found information to help me through and I will use the new found information to help me through this time.”-Barbara J

HighlightsTCHPP has ongoing programs that have been

designed to keep you moving towards your full


Check out what people are saying about TCHPP’s Lunch and Learns…

For more information about our Lunch and Learns call us today at 905 420 4325 or email our Client Care Representative at [email protected]