申し込み案内 2021第3回台北ミュージックアカデミー&フェスティバル 2021 TAIPEI MUSIC ACADEMY & FESTIVAL JUL 25th - AUG 8th 2021 To say 2020 has been a difficult year is an understatement. The pandemic has badly affected the music world. Concerts, operas, entire seasons have been canceled. Musical meccas like Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall have been dark for months, and they shall remain so at least till next summer. Against this backdrop, TMAF, still in its relatively young age as it entered its second season, overcame a mountain of challeng- es and took place. It was perhaps the only festival in the world last summer to offer in person lessons, master classes, rehearsals and concerts to packed concert halls. We didn't act recklessly. We adhered to every guideline imposed by the Taiwan CDC. I feel justly proud of these TMAF accomplishments. Plans for the next TMAF is going full speed ahead. With the recent announcement of a vaccine, there is now hope for an end to this pandemic. We know the road ahead will be fraught with difficulties. There is only so much virtual or online concerts and lessons we can take without a sense of being less than satisfied. Music must come alive and be live. TMAF offers that. At the same time, we will proceed properly, again, under the guidance of the best health advice available. A stellar roster of artists has agreed to serve as faculty. A whole range of learning and performing opportunities are offered. My ideal of an immersion in inspired music making will once more be our priority. I welcome all interested students to apply. I also welcome all music lovers to attend our concerts. With an eye toward a better future, I wish everyone a healthy winter.

JUL 25th - AUG 8th 2021 2021 TAIPEI MUSIC...JUL 25th - AUG 8th 2021 To say 2020 has been a difficult year is an understatement. The pandemic has badly affected the music world. Concerts,

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  • 申し込み案内

    202 1第3回台北ミュージックアカデミー&フェスティバル


    JUL 25th - AUG 8th 2021

    To say 2020 has been a difficult year is an understatement. The pandemic has badly

    affected the music world. Concerts, operas, entire seasons have been canceled. Musical

    meccas like Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall have been dark for months, and they

    shall remain so at least till next summer. Against this backdrop, TMAF, still in its

    relatively young age as it entered its second season, overcame a mountain of challeng-

    es and took place. It was perhaps the only festival in the world last summer to offer in

    person lessons, master classes, rehearsals and concerts to packed concert halls. We

    didn't act recklessly. We adhered to every guideline imposed by the Taiwan CDC. I feel

    justly proud of these TMAF accomplishments.

    Plans for the next TMAF is going full speed ahead. With the recent announcement of

    a vaccine, there is now hope for an end to this pandemic. We know the road ahead will

    be fraught with difficulties. There is only so much virtual or online concerts and

    lessons we can take without a sense of being less than satisfied. Music must come alive

    and be live. TMAF offers that. At the same time, we will proceed properly, again, under

    the guidance of the best health advice available.

    A stellar roster of artists has agreed to serve as faculty. A whole range of learning and

    performing opportunities are offered. My ideal of an immersion in inspired music

    making will once more be our priority. I welcome all interested students to apply. I

    also welcome all music lovers to attend our concerts. With an eye toward a better

    future, I wish everyone a healthy winter.

  • 2 0 2 1 台北ミュージックアカデミー&フェスティバル

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