JOINING EFFORTS MANAGING IDEAS APPLYING … · | 3 Angel Simón, General Manager of Agbar Antoni Giró, Rector of the UPC Francisco Montero, Vice-President of CSIC Carlos Campos,

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Page 1: JOINING EFFORTS MANAGING IDEAS APPLYING … · | 3 Angel Simón, General Manager of Agbar Antoni Giró, Rector of the UPC Francisco Montero, Vice-President of CSIC Carlos Campos,



Page 2: JOINING EFFORTS MANAGING IDEAS APPLYING … · | 3 Angel Simón, General Manager of Agbar Antoni Giró, Rector of the UPC Francisco Montero, Vice-President of CSIC Carlos Campos,
Page 3: JOINING EFFORTS MANAGING IDEAS APPLYING … · | 3 Angel Simón, General Manager of Agbar Antoni Giró, Rector of the UPC Francisco Montero, Vice-President of CSIC Carlos Campos,



Page 4: JOINING EFFORTS MANAGING IDEAS APPLYING … · | 3 Angel Simón, General Manager of Agbar Antoni Giró, Rector of the UPC Francisco Montero, Vice-President of CSIC Carlos Campos,

2 | REPORT 2009

Page 5: JOINING EFFORTS MANAGING IDEAS APPLYING … · | 3 Angel Simón, General Manager of Agbar Antoni Giró, Rector of the UPC Francisco Montero, Vice-President of CSIC Carlos Campos,

www.cetaqua.com | 3

Angel Simón, General Manager of Agbar Antoni Giró, Rector of the UPC Francisco Montero, Vice-President of CSIC Carlos Campos, General Manager of CETaqua

CETaqua WATER TECHNOLOGY CENTRE1.1 Organization 1.2 Outlook, goal, mission and values 1.3 The organizational model 1.4 Facilities and laboratories

CETaqua RESEARCHES2.1 Research in CETaqua 2.2 Research lines in detail

CETaqua AND THE SCIENTIFIC WORLD 3.1 Engineering science output 3.2 Participation in technology networks

















Page 6: JOINING EFFORTS MANAGING IDEAS APPLYING … · | 3 Angel Simón, General Manager of Agbar Antoni Giró, Rector of the UPC Francisco Montero, Vice-President of CSIC Carlos Campos,

4 | REPORT 2009

Angel Simón, President of the Trust General Manager of Agbar

It is my pleasure to introduce the Cetaqua Report 2009, which gathers the activities realized by the Water Technology Center for the third year since its creation in 2007.

2009 has been a difficult year for the Spanish business sector, and water's services and technologies sector has not been an exception. All the actors of the society are convinced that our national economic model has to change to favor industry with a strong knowledge and technology component. Innovation was, is this year and will be for more people, the trendy word to transform our productive sectors.

In this uncertain context, we keep believing in the Cetaqua model, which brings companies, science and teaching closer in order to speed up the capture of technology knowledge with a global significance. A model dedicated to the internationalization, with more than an half of the project portfolio with international consortium, to the financing diversification, with an order volume of project higher than 60% of its budget.

I am sure that this model will allow it to continue to provide the value for which it was designed.

To conclude this introduction, I want to refer to the staff of Cetaqua, key element of its success. In a year marked by an increasing unemployment rate, Cetaqua continues to build and consolidate a team made up of 65 technologists, specialized in the management and the execution of important R&I projects. We can and we have to be proud of Cetaqua as an incubator of technological talents, as a pillar of development for the sector as a whole.

Current time difficulties require and represent for us an important incentive to go more deeply into the innovation. An innovation we want more productive, more profitable and more focused on resuming the path of sustainable growth. Cetaqua will dedicate its upcoming times to reach these objectives

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Antoni Giró, Vice-President of the Trust Rector of the UPC

In Cetaqua the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) has an excellent opportunity to fulfill one of its main purposes: putting its knowledge at the public service and transferring the results of its research. In the case of Cetaqua, the research is directed at optimum management of water resources, especially in a context of climate change like that we are experiencing. Hence the development of long term strategic projects is one of the challenges that must stimulate Cetaqua and the UPC even more in leading R&D&I processes in the development of technologies that facilitate the setting up of efficient processes in waste water reuse and in desalination and thereby achieve a more self-sustaining urban water cycle.

Francisco Montero, Voting Board Member of the Trust Vice-President of the CSIC

Since 2007, the CSIC, through the Institute of Environmental Diagnostics and Water Studies (IDAEA) and subsequently the Materials Science Institute of Barcelona (ICMAB), has been a member of the CETaqua Engineering Science Council and has participated jointly in projects with the applied research lines in hydrology and water quality coordinated by Cetaqua. All the projects have represented an overall financing for the CSIC of more than Euro 750,000 and have resulted in the publication of joint research papers as well as the development of various doctoral theses. The balance is clearly positive and from the CSIC it is considered that the creation of Cetaqua has signified an increase in the critical mass of scientists and technologists involved in water studies, as well as more possibilities to be present at combined calls for obtaining a greater number of competitive resources and increasing the level of scientific publications on this subject in both quality and quantity.

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Carlos Campos, Voting Board Member of the Trust General Manager of Cetaqua

This edition of the third Cetaqua Report brings 2009 to a close and opens the door to the fourth year of Cetaqua activity, a year marked by a serious crisis in the Spanish economy but which, I am sure, will provide us with new reasons for satisfaction.

The truth is that 2009 has been a year to be proud of Cetaqua. In the first place, because we have grown in a difficult context, winning new and major projects, making possible the recruiting of highly qualified scientists and project leaders. We have been capable of consolidating a team of 65 people, able to manage a budget of Euro 7.7 million in more than 50 projects in technologies of the integral water cycle. This orderly growth has gained us a place among the national and European centres of excellence in technology.

We should also be satisfied by the success of our organizational model, with the incorporation of a new Management Team, in charge of handling the public and private Financing Programs. It has demonstrated its effectiveness in its capacity to transform ideas into projects that interest companies and authorities, at the same time as it has been able to capture high level national and European public financing, as well as business consortia interested in introducing technology to reduce operating costs, diminish risks and generate new activities.

An important milestone in 2009 has been the completion of the Strategic Research Calendar of the European Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform (WSSTP). This benchmark document has been the outcome of more than three years of collaborative work by European representatives from the industrial, scientific and academic worlds, and in which Cetaqua experts have actively participated in the different

committees (Urban Water, Agricultural Water, Industrial Water, Environmental Water). I am certain that this document will serve as a benchmark for many organizations and agencies interested in the challenges and opportunities for innovation in the water sector during the coming years.

Difficult years are still expected for R&D in companies, technology centres and research bodies, in that the shortage of resources will require optimization of their use. In this sense, in 2009, Cetaqua intensified its relations with the best European technology centres in the water sector which culminated in the constitution of the Virtual European Water Research Institute, an association founded jointly with Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC; Portugal), the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU; Norway); Sintef (Norway), IWW Zentrum Wasser (Germany) and KWR Water Research Institute (Netherlands).

In the following pages you will find still more reasons to be proud of Cetaqua, Water Technology Centre, and our contribution to position Barcelona and our country on the world map of innovation in integral water cycle technologies.

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Page 12: JOINING EFFORTS MANAGING IDEAS APPLYING … · | 3 Angel Simón, General Manager of Agbar Antoni Giró, Rector of the UPC Francisco Montero, Vice-President of CSIC Carlos Campos,

The water technology centre, Cetaqua, is an organization that integrates, manages, and conducts research projects with the aim of proposing innovative solutions to companies and businesses in the integral water cycle.

Cetaqua is a private non-profit Foundation that began its activities in January 2007 and has, as founding partners: Aguas de Barcelona (Agbar), the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and the Senior Scientific Research Council (CSIC). The novel organizational model of Cetaqua is based on the integration of the scientific, educational and business sectors with a common objective: to carry out applied research and development (R&D) and accelerate its transfer into society.


The novel organizational model of CETaqua is based on the integration of the scientific, educational and business sectors

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OutlookTo be the benchmark technology centre in the creation of knowledge and the development of technologies related with the integral water cycle at a national and international level.

GoalTo contribute to the research and development of technologies associated with the integral water cycle, enhancing synergies between the business, research and educational sectors.

Mission • To promote synergies between the different technology

centres of the sector at national, and international level.

• To create knowledge in new technologies related with the integral water cycle.

• To influence the strategic R&D&I calendars of the sector.

• To disseminate the knowledge produced in R&D&I projects.

• To undertake development and innovation projects of substantial industrial added value.

• To promote research projects with Universities and Government Research Centres.




Social Responsibility




Scientific rigor in the performance and management of the projects.

To enhance the undertaking of ambitious projects.

To work in currently important subjects in the water sector.

To be a bridge between knowledge and technology development.

To facilitate dialogue between science, technology and society in three aspects: social, economic and environmental.

To centre the effort on projects with a strong technology component.


www.cetaqua.com | 11

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The Cetaqua organizational model is based on the integration of the scientific, educational and business worlds with a common objective: to carry out specialized, quality research in the framework of the integral water cycle.

The Trust The main Cetaqua organ of governance is the Trust. Its functions are to define strategy and approve the program and the budget.


Angel Simón Grimaldos

Antoni Giró Roca

Francisco Montero de Espinosa

José Félez Gutiérrez



Lluís Mª Puiggarí Lalanza

Carlos Campos Callao

President of the Trust

Vice-President of the Trust

For Agbar



For Agbar

For Agbar

For Agbar


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Josep Dolz

Damià Barceló

Jonás de Miguel

Joan GrimaltJesús CarreraXavier ObradorsEmilio CustodioJuan de PabloJoseba QuevedoFernando RayónNarciso BerberanaPhilippe RougeAntonio MartínezLouis Lemkov



Senior Vice-President

Deputy Vice-President



For Agbar

Carlos CamposSecretary

For Agbar






For Agbar

For Agbar

For Agbar



The Engineering Science Council The Engineering Science Council (CCT) acts as the Trust advisory body. Its functions are:

• To steer the research policies and propose new lines of research and technology development.

• To provide technical counselling on the projects to carry out and to indicate financing possibilities.

• To evaluate the planned business needs.

The composition of the CCT members is the following:

Experts from the scientific world advise CETaqua on its program

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14 | REPORT 2009

The management team The General Manager, Carlos Campos Callao, is responsible for the organization, management and representation of Cetaqua.

The General Manager has six functional areas:

• Engineering Management, responsible for the direction of the six research lines of Cetaqua. The Engineering Management must assure the quality of the engineering content of the programs and an appropriate balance of the project and proposal portfolio that the centre carries out.

• financing Program Management is responsible for the detection of external financing opportunities, the preparation and submission of project proposals, control of the contracts related with the technical program and control of the administrative and legal management of the projects in course.

• Strategy and Planning, that formalizes Cetaqua strategy and follows up, plans and coordinates the processes, resources and tools necessary for the same.

• Communication, that defines and maintains the visible identity of Cetaqua and takes responsibility for creating the tools necessary to carry out the proper communication of the centre’s activities.

• Transfer, that identifies the knowledge generated in R&D&I projects worthy of being transferred to companies or the authorities.

• The General Secretariat arranges and manages those activities of a transversal nature that affect the daily operations of the centre. Included within its responsibilities are the economic and financial management, administrative matters, efficient management of the information technologies, as well as all those aspects related with human resources.

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Contribute to the research and development of technologies related with the integral water cycle, promoting synergies between the business, scientific and educational sectors

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The Cetaqua central offices are in Barcelona, in the North Campus of the UPC. The Centre also has other facilities and laboratories:

Experimental platform for membranes

Platform where studies are carried out on the variables and types of treatment to implement in the analysis process with membranes and with active carbon. It is located in the Drinking Water Treatment Plant of Sant Joan Despí.

Development and validation laboratory of integrated platforms for biological and chemical surveillance

In this laboratory located in the Sant Joan Despí Drinking Water Treatment Plant, a platform is under development for monitoring the quality control of water, with the main objectives of offering environmental indicators of the ecological state of surface waters.


CETaqua installs pilot and test plants where its projects are undertaken

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www.cetaqua.com | 17

Analysis laboratory

Cetaqua carries out experimental projects focused on the control of the water quality and conducts projects based on the environmental control of surface waters by means of passive sampling devices. A taste and odour panel is also being developed jointly with experts from Aguas de Barcelona. The laboratory is located in Collblanc, in the Aguas de Barcelona facilities.

Experimental pilot desalination plants

Cetaqua staff participates in the research tasks that are being carried out in the pilot plants installed in Prat del Llobregat. The purpose of these plants is to study seawater desalination processes. These activities are included within the CENIT project of Aguas de Barcelona in which Cetaqua participates performing research activities. In these plants processes are also investigated for recovery of minerals and the concentration of brine by electrodialysis.

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The aim of Cetaqua is to carry out engineering projects that provide solutions that resolve environmental problems in connection with integral water cycle management. The objective is to offer new methods that take respect for sustainability into account and are quickly installed, so that the public can benefit from the innovations developed.

Our 6 research lines are directly focused at achieving more sustainable management of the integral water cycle, mainly from the environmental aspect and are centred on 4 actuation domains:

1. Water in the city

2. Water in agriculture

3. Water in industry

4. Water in the environment

The Cetaqua program is at present almost exclusively centred in the first sector (water in the city). Cetaqua plans to develop projects in the other three sectors.


projects in 2009

1. Alternative resources

2. Impact of the global change

3. Efficient management of infrastructures

4. Environment and health

5. Water and energy

6. Water demand management

Euro millions in 2009 budget

The knowledge obtained from Cetaqua R&D has to be transformed into technology

Research lines

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Impact of the global change Repercussions of the global change in the water cycle and in the design of mitigation or infrastructure adaptation strategies.

Alternative resources Desalination of seawater and brackish water, reuse of regenerated water and rainwater and aquifer recharge.

Efficient management of infrastructures “Smart System” technologies; systems for locating leaks, assessment of infrastructure aging, process modelling.

Environment and health Technologies for biological and chemical control of the water quality, to assess risks for health and the environment.

Water and energy Research and development to improve the energy efficiency of the operations and energy production from biomass and other renewable sources.

Management of the water demand Knowledge of the consumers’ behaviour to adequately respond to their expectations. Impact of remote reading. Demand prediction models.

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Environment and health Water quality has been, is at the moment and will be in the future, one of our research priorities. Cetaqua has scientists working on biological and chemical control technologies of the water quality to assess the risk from emerging pollutants (pathogens, organic compounds), the environmental risk, the impact on the biodiversity. It is also carrying out various studies on perception in water taste and smell. Furthermore, Cetaqua is working in new water treatment technologies.

Water and energy The water sector has a responsibility and an opportunity in the improvement of energy efficiency and the production of renewable energy. In this sense, Cetaqua is investigating and developing technology to improve plant energy efficiency through producing energy from waste (biomass) in the form of electricity, heat or hydrogen. Renewable energy is also being studied in various projects as a transversal benefit in various water cycle activities.

Water demand management A knowledge of consumer opinion and behaviour assists in responding satisfactorily their expectations. Applied to the water sector, we have to act in this direction, maintaining a direct relationship for detecting possible problems and offering solutions. Cetaqua undertakes the study of new rating systems, the impact of remote reading, the supply/demand balance, demand prediction and the development of the water footprint and virtual water concepts.

Alternative resources Fully aware that water is a scarce asset, and at the same time a resource with a demand that grows day by day, Cetaqua has a program in the field of seawater and brackish water desalination, reuse of regenerated water and rainwater, and aquifer recharge.

Impact of the global change Cetaqua leads studies on the repercussions of the global change in the water cycle and in the design of strategies to mitigate them or to adapt the infrastructures. In this sense Cetaqua carries out research into the integrated management of water resources, prediction of the impact of the global change, measures on infrastructure adaptation to the global change and the evaluation and minimization of the carbon footprint in water cycle activities. Three European projects and the Task Force on Climate Change of the European Platform (WSSTP) are led by Cetaqua teams.

Efficient management of the infrastructures The water sector makes very intensive use of infrastructures, whether on the surface (plants, reservoirs) or buried (pipes, conduits). The regulated markets require improvements in efficiency and optimization of investments. For this reason, Cetaqua is developing technologies for “Smart Systems”, like for example systems that can locate leaks, evaluate the aging of buried infrastructures (distribution networks, sewer systems), process modelling, and integration and optimization of control systems.

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The value of CETaqua R&D is measured when the technologies developed reach the marketplace or in themselves create a new market










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Page 26: JOINING EFFORTS MANAGING IDEAS APPLYING … · | 3 Angel Simón, General Manager of Agbar Antoni Giró, Rector of the UPC Francisco Montero, Vice-President of CSIC Carlos Campos,

Cetaqua has performed 55 projects in 2009 with a global budget of Euro 7.7 million. For undertaking these projects there are 3 major sources of finance: private, national public and European public financing. Cetaqua has a strong base of commissions for technology projects from private companies and, at the same time, it undertakes projects with EC financing.

Projects with private financing

Cetaqua performs projects with private financing that come from commissions from Agbar and R+I Alliance. The success of these projects is not only based on these directly participating companies benefiting from the results, but also in that the knowledge generated from the research reaches the public, the authorities and other entities with the objective of enhancing sustainable solutions to environmental problems.

Projects with European public financing

Cetaqua is constantly participating with other partners in International Programs with public financing: The Seventh European Framework Programme - 7FP) and the European LIFE+ Programme.

Projects with national public financing

Cetaqua also has national financing, through the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN), the Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs (MARM) and ACC1Ó, an Office of the Generalitat de Catalunya

Engineering and scientific specialization in the water cycle are factors that distinguish CETaqua and define its personality

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1 Project Financing from the 7FP of the EC

1 Project MICINN Financing

2 Projects Financing from the LIFE+ programme

1 Project FEDER Funds from ACC1Ó

1 Project MARN Financing

private financing

European public financing

national public financing



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15%L5Water and energy

L4Environment and health

L2Impact of the global change

L1Alternative resources

L3Efficient management of infrastructures

L6Water demand management








L1. Alternative resources (16%) L2. Impact of the global change (14%) L3. Efficient management of infrastructures (10%) L4. Environment and health (33%) L5. Water and energy (15%) L6. Water demand management (12%)


Own Funds (18%) R+I Alliance (65%) Catalonia (2%) Spain (11%) Europe (4%)

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The value of technology centres for companies is the provision of specialized teams for the assembly and follow-up of major projects

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Alternative Resources

The water shortage is a problem at world level and the EC has identified “considering additional water supply infrastructures” as one of the policy orientations for promoting future actions. The EC has also recently published a report in which the risks are assessed associated with the main alternative water supply sources: desalination, reuse of regenerated waters, the use of rainwater and aquifer recharge. This report concludes that these resources can be used successfully to solve water management problems although it is necessary to analyze the associated risks in detail.

Joana Tobella Line Manager Alternative Resources

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ObjectivesThe line objective is the incorporation of alternative water resources in the current water resource management systems. The availability of resources like desalination, reuse, the use of rainwater and aquifer recharge will likewise contribute to cost reduction and risk minimization.

Resources During 2009, 6 projects have been under development, carried out in collaboration with other entities like UPC, CLABSA, CSIC, ATLL, CUADLL and research centres like CIRSEE and CTM.

At the moment there are 6 scientists working for this line, besides having the collaboration of 3 engineers and scientists from Agbar and 11 scientists from the CSIC and the UPC.


735.800 €L1




Cetaqua scientistsOther scientists

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Research Aquifer recharge

The recharge of aquifers constitutes a sustainable solution to water stress and offers benefits like: an increment in the storage capacity, protection against saline intrusion, mitigation of the adverse effects of aquifer overexploitation and an additional treatment of the recharge water. Various studies have shown the capacity of Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) to eliminate organic micropollutants although the physical, chemical and biological processes that take place in the unsaturated and saturated zones are still unknown in exhaustive terms. To manage to dominate this type of treatment would allow an improvement in the quality of water percolating into the aquifers, and even the possibility of percolating water in poorer initial conditions.

Membrane and active carbon technology

Areas subject to severe water stress, like the case of the Mediterranean Arc, are decidedly backing membrane technologies. These technologies, together with other advanced treatments such as active carbon, are also keystones in the regeneration of low quality water. For this reason Cetaqua has created a specialized research centre in water treatment technologies based on membranes and active carbon whose main objective is to consolidate and advance in the understanding of these two fields. At the moment a protocol has been established and consolidated for carrying out membrane autopsies and a study has been carried out for evaluating different fouling levels with real water. The necessary instruments have also been installed for the evaluation of cleaning processes. These activities are focused on providing protocols and guidelines for optimizing the operation of membrane plants. The centre has also been equipped with instruments to reproduce different technologies (reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and microfiltration) under different configurations: planar membranes, spiral modules, hollow fibres.

Increased storage capacity, protection against saline intrusion, mitigation of the adverse effects of aquifer overexploitation and additional treatment of the recharge water

Platform specialized in water treatment technologies based on membranes and active carbon for conducting R&D&I projects

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Use of rainwater

The use of rainwater can contribute to water stress mitigation since it entails a reduction in the demand for potable water. However at the moment there is no consensus on the quality of the rainwater and the catchment, storage and treatment systems necessary for its best exploitation. There is also an open debate on the potential effects on health in the event of direct use for drinking. In this context, the objective of the projects coordinated from the line is to enhance the use of rainwater by increasing knowledge on the qualitative aspects related with the rainwater catchment, treatment and distribution systems.

Increased knowledge of the qualitative aspects related with the rainwater catchment, treatment and distribution systems, to boost the use of the same

To contribute to the reduction of costs and minimization of risks associated with the use of alternative water resources

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Impact of the Global Change

Since water is one of the resources that will be most affected by the global change (which includes climate change and other anthropogenic changes), it is necessary to enhance current knowledge in this field. The aim in this research line is, on one hand, to deepen our understanding and to calculate the contribution of the urban water cycle activities in global warming in sufficient detail and, on the other, to evaluate the impacts of the global change in the water cycle. In this way measures can be established for mitigation and compensation of emissions, as well as to define and implant medium and long term adaptation measures.

For this reason the aim is to develop procedures and tools for calculating the carbon footprint and to evaluate it together with other environmental impacts through life cycle analysis tools. The intention is also to analyze the impacts of the global change on the availability and quality of water resources and on the risk of flooding, to be able to define measures for adapting thereto.

Isabel Escaler Manager of the Global Change Impact Line

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878.100 €L2




Cetaqua scientistsOther scientists

8 14

ObjectivesThe objective of the global change program is, on one hand, to know and reduce the contribution of human activities to global warming and, on the other, to study and evaluate the impacts of the global change on water resources, proposing measures for mitigation and adaptation.

ResourcesDuring 2009, 11 projects have been undertaken, all of them carried out in collaboration with other entities like ACA, EMA, SMC, CLABSA, Labaqua, EMUASA, NWTC, Ondeo Systems, Safege, Hyds, CUADLL and research centres like JRC, WU, UPC, UPV, CIRSEE, FIC and UB.

At the moment there are 8 scientists working for this line, besides having the collaboration of 5 Agbar engineers and scientists and 9 scientists from the UPC and the UB.


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ResearchMitigation of the climate change and impact indicators

It focuses on the development of procedures and tools for evaluating the contribution of water cycle activities to climatic change by calculating the associated carbon footprint, as well as evaluating other environmental impacts by means of life analysis cycle tools.

Projects are also included to estimate and measure the direct emissions of greenhouse-effect gases in the urban water cycle processes and technologies, in those sectors where a knowledge gap has been observed.

Evaluation of the contribution of water cycle activities to climate change, and developing procedures and tools

To know the contribution of urban water cycle activities to global warming and evaluate the impacts of the global change on the water cycle

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Adaptation in water resource management

This includes the modelling of water resources in the medium to long term as a tool for planning and adapting to the global change. The aim is to evaluate the impacts of the global change on the availability and quality of water resources, so that structural and non-structural measures can be defined for adaptation of the water supply systems. These measures are analyzed taking the associated economic and environmental costs and benefits into account.

Adaptation in flood risk management

It focuses on the development of flood risk management procedures and tools that include the evaluation of the impacts of global change in the medium to long term. In this way, it is sought to improve prevention and assessment of the risk of floods when planning, evaluate the probability of the occurrence of extreme episodes under global change conditions and analyze the adaptation capability of the infrastructures and current management models, with a view to proposing improvements that allow increased resilience to floods in the future.

To evaluate global change impacts on the availability and quality of water resources, so that measures can be defined to adapt the water supply systems

Development of flood risk management procedures and tools that include evaluation of the impacts of the global change in the medium to long term

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Efficient Management of Infrastructures

The object of research into efficient infrastructure management is the improvement of performance in the whole water cycle. Therefore its scope includes the systems for impounding, transporting and distributing drinking water, the municipal drainage and watering networks, as well as the treatment plants.

The research is fuelled by scientific and technical advances in materials science, sensor technologies, telecontrol and automatic inspection, communications and economic planning. In most of these the water industry can benefit from sufficiently developed technology advances, originally intended for other industrial sectors, such as the oil industry, the electrical sector or certain military applications.

Gabriela Cembrano Manager of Efficient Management of Infrastructures Line

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558.700 €L3



ObjectivesThe management of water cycle systems is closely related with infrastructure management. Thus, the general objective of the line is to undertake R&D&I actions aimed at improving infrastructure efficiency in the aspects of enhanced useful life, minimization of risks, optimization of investment, operation and maintenance costs, including energy consumption, and reduction of the environmental impact.

ResourcesFourteen (14) projects were undertaken during 2009, all of which were carried out in collaboration with other entities like UPC (SAC, CIMNE), UB, IRTA, CSIC (IRII, IDAEA-CSIC), CIRSEE, École Central de Paris, Bristol University and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

At the moment there are 5 scientists working for this line, besides having the collaboration of 10 Agbar engineers and scientists and 10 scientists from the CSIC and the UPC.



Cetaqua scientistsOther scientists

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ResearchAnalysis and treatment of the state of the infrastructure

The object of this line of work is to discover the processes of deterioration in buried networks. In this respect, work is proceeding in inspection systems based on robots equipped with new sensors, able to deliver information on the state of the conduits. This information has to be processed by multicriteria decision support tools that allow reliable information to be obtained on the state of the network and its evolution foreseen for the coming years, the objective being to optimize investments. It is particularly important to analyze the interaction between the drinking water and the piping materials of the distribution system in order to define interaction models capable of predicting and/or assessing the impact of the different water qualities produced in water treatment plants, regarding both the pipe materials and the quality of the water delivered to the consumers.

The concept of real time monitoring in both distribution and sewerage systems signifies a change in the surveillance and the advanced control model

The object of research into efficient infrastructure management is the improvement of efficiency in the whole water cycle

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Optimization in infrastructure operation and maintenance

Water cycle systems, fundamentally treatment plants, networks and associated facilities, require operation and maintenance activities to be superbly carried out in order to achieve the service levels imposed by the clients. From this line of work the intention is to assist in upgrading these activities, offering new technologies and tools that allow the service quality to be improved, while simplifying their implementation.

The specific fields of work in progress are, on one hand, directed at improving coordination of the production, transport and distribution of the different water supply sources by means of developing decision support tools for short and medium term planning. On the other hand, the minimization of leaks is a matter which, given its importance and complexity, requires constant effort to progressively reduce these losses until achieving the ideal final objective of total water-tightness in the systems.

Application of real time monitoring and control techniques for efficient management

The development of new technologies in the field of sensors, energy supply, telecommunications, computer modelling and simulation, data handling, etc. is allowing a change in the surveillance and advanced control paradigm. The idea of real time monitoring of both distribution and sewerage networks, is becoming a reality. Different sensors distributed over the whole network will provide a great quantity of data and information that need to be compiled and interpreted in order to improve decision-taking, optimize man-hours and maintenance interventions, and improve the system’s general operation.

Contribute to a better coordination of the production, transport and distribution of the different water supply sources with a tool that includes the modelling, supervision and strategic optimization of the system

Analyze the interaction between the drinking water and the materials of the distribution system pipes in order to define interaction models capable of predicting and/or evaluating the impact of the different water qualities

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Environment and Health

The processes for treatment and purification of drinking water are subjected to increasingly stringent requirements. The priority now consists in conducting research into the identification, development, integration and validation of new materials and new technologies for these processes in order to assure: improved quality of the water produced, lower energy consumption, reduce operational risks and, lastly, the reduction of emissions and residues produced. To be able to apply these objectives process control and monitoring technologies have to be developed from the perspective of potabilization, as well as of the quality requirements in terms of water treatment, treated water outflow quality and the currents produced.

Jose Luis CortinaManager of the Environment and Health Line

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1.708.500 €L4




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10 16

ObjectivesTo provide new technology solutions in the field of processes for water treatment and quality monitoring. The fields of work include the new needs in water remineralization processes and technologies in desalination and desalobration processes, the development of new processing schemes for wastewater purification that facilitate recovery of the water resource and the material reuse of the biosolids produced.

Resources During 2009, 10 projects were undertaken in collaboration with other entities like Aigües Ter-Llobregat and Entitat Metropolitana Medi Ambient and research centres such as the UPC, CSIC, CTM, UB, UVA, GIRO, ICRA and CIRSEE.

At the moment there are 10 scientists working full time for this line, besides having the collaboration of 10 Agbar engineers and scientists and 6 scientists from the CSIC and the UPC.


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42 | REPORT 2009

ResearchRemineralization technologies and management tools for quality perception.

The incorporation of membrane processes signifies the installation of water remineralization stages requiring a series of objectives to be attained at the level of their organoleptic properties in order to provide water meeting not only the requirements regarding aspects of human health recommendations but also having the appropriate properties for consumer acceptance while assuring an appropriate balance in composition that reduces the impacts on the system materials. To be able to understand the consumer's perception requires him to be included in the decision-taking systems and for this reason predictive tools are under development obtained by statistical analysis from sociological profiles and their perception and satisfaction concerning the water.

Odour management tools

The increased integration of treatment plants inside urban areas and the complexity of the sewer systems make it necessary to establish protocols for odour management within municipal boundaries. These protocols have to incorporate the following aspects: implant prediction tools for odour emissions in facilities, consolidate knowledge of the tools and procedures for characterization of the compounds responsible for disagreeable smells and sensorial characterization of odours; to have tools for prediction of the perception of the affected populations, to know how the nuisance is perceived, and tools that assist in evaluating the perceived degree of the nuisance; to consolidate the knowledge and efficiency of the treatment and mitigation technologies for reducing odour pollution.

Optimize the energy efficiency of the processes linked with the integrated water cycle

Predictive tools are under development obtained by statistical analysis of sociological profiles and their perception and satisfaction concerning the water

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Water quality control and monitoring technologies

The research line focuses on the development and validation of line surveillance technologies (on-line, in-line and non-invasive), to contribute substantially to assuring quality control of the water in all its cycle from impoundment to the consumption point as defined in the new safety and protection model for human health and which the water safety plans define. The technologies to evaluate comprise new sensors and biosensors that provide information on physical, chemical and biological parameters. Thos of interest are the real time alerting systems that can be used to detect sudden changes in the water source quality and can provide the information necessary to put the appropriate response into practice, such as closure of the intake or changing the treatment options.

Improve the reliability of sludge management up to its final destination by increasing the quality control and management of risks associated with its disposal

To provide new technology solutions in the field of of water quality treatment and monitoring processes

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44 | REPORT 2009


Water and Energy

Energy consumption is among the major challenges facing most economic activities, and particularly the water boards. The new regulations on the environment and water quality, climate change and the carbon footprint are matters that concern our activity. On the other hand, the generation of energy from alternative sources opens up a great opportunity. The works developed in this line of research are centred on four particular areas:

· Energy efficiency, based on procedures and technologies that allow the energy consumption ratio to be improved.

· Waste-to-energy mechanisms, introducing additional technologies and processes to those existing in order to obtain energy produced from waste.

· Application of renewable energy, developing technologies that allow its partial or total use to be optimized.

· Hydrogen as energy vector. To have technology for hydrogen production by means of water electrolysis, using renewable energy. It has to allow a hydrogen distribution centre to be associated with each of the water treatment plants, and employ the oxygen in the treatment processes.

Enric LarrotchaWater and Energy Line Manager

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828.100 €L5





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7 11

ObjectivesTo contribute to environmental improvement and reduce operating costs, water sector companies need to improve the energy consumption ratio substantially, employ the waste that is produced in their activity, introduce technologies based on renewable energy and develop new business lines that are a complement to their activities.

Resources During 2009, 7 projects have been in progress, some in collaboration with other entities like Degremont, Emuasa, Olea Madrid and research centres like CIRSEE, UPC, GIRO, UVA and CSIC.

At the moment there are 7 scientists working full time for this line, besides having the collaboration of 5 Agbar engineers and 6 scientists from the CSIC, the UPC and the URV.


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46 | REPORT 2009

Research Energy efficiency

With the objective of optimizing energy consumption, both in kwh and in Euro/kWh, a program has been prepared for forming energy auditors and tools have been developed that serve as support in the performance of the audits. In this sense, an audit team has been distributed nationwide, giving support to the treatment plants to minimize energy consumptions in their facilities, drawing up action plans and evaluating the costs of these improvement actions. Furthermore, the tools simplify the performance of some energy-consumption control and optimization activities for the operators.

Waste-to-energy processes

The works have centred on maximizing the production of biogas based on testing wastes capable of anaerobic co-digestion, maximizing the production of biogas with technologies such as thermal hydrolysis and using the bio-gas to produce electricity by means of fuel cells. In particular, in the field of co-digestion, several potentially suitable industrial wastes have been selected for use as co-substrates to add to the anaerobic digester together with the sludge produced in the purification process. The results have revealed very substantial increments in some cases for which reason they have passed to trials in pilot plants to study the treatments necessary to be able to introduce them in the industrial process.

The viability is also being studied of gasifying dry sludge to produce electric power.

Maximize biogas production with technologies like thermal hydrolysis, and use it to produce electricity and test wastes suitable for anaerobic co-digestion

Development of new operating modes and materials for renewable energy water processes

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Application of renewable energy and hydrogen generation

The application of renewable energy to the water processes requires the development of new operating modes and new materials, suitable for working with energy sources of variable and discontinuous power levels.

In the hydrogen economy scenario, the works in course aim to make use of purified water to produce H2 and O2 by electrolysis, using renewable energy. To leave the water in the conditions required by the electrolyzer is achieved by using distillation membranes fed with solar thermal energy.

Use purified water to produce H2 and O2 by electrolysis using renewable energy

Employ the waste produced and introduce alternative energy sources to help reduce operating costs

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Water Demand Management

During recent years the perception has grown that it is not possible to go on increasing the water offer as the demand increases. In this sense, the need to know how the water demand behaves and its response to certain resource-saving incentives have become important in the agendas of companies linked with the water service. The research being carried out centres around what is termed “demand management”, which comprises knowledge of both the consumer and his behaviour, the use of devices for saving and more efficient household appliances, the perception of new non conventional sources (regenerated water, rainwater or desalinated water) and, finally, the need to recover the costs of the whole water cycle.

Montserrat TermesManager of the Water Demand Management Line

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644.300 €L6




Cetaqua scientistsOther scientists

3 4

ObjectivesIn the water sector we face a twofold problem: an important contention in consumption and growing costs related with the water supply and quality. It is therefore necessary to focus research on discovering the reasons for those imbalances and to resolve them in an environment of seeking sustainability, in the broad sense.

Resources During 2009, 7 projects have been under way, carried out in collaboration with other entities and research centres like the UPC and the UB.

At the moment there are 3 scientists for this line, besides having the collaboration of 3 Agbar engineers and scientists and 1 scientist from the University of Barcelona.


Page 52: JOINING EFFORTS MANAGING IDEAS APPLYING … · | 3 Angel Simón, General Manager of Agbar Antoni Giró, Rector of the UPC Francisco Montero, Vice-President of CSIC Carlos Campos,

ResearchRating models for a new environmental and social paradigm

In recent years and within the Water Framework Directive, pressure is being applied to incorporate environmental sustainability and social fairness criteria in the water rates. This, together with the need for recovery of the water cycle costs are in the vanguard of discussion. This situation leads us to question the current rating models and their adaptation to these changes. In this scenario research is centred on the proposal of a model that incorporates this set of elements.

Review of the strong and weak points of using a double municipal network, based on the analysis of several trials taking place around the world

We are seeking a better knowledge of the consumer and his behaviour

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Double urban network for the water offer

The project carries out a review of the strong and weak points of using a double urban network starting from the analysis of several trials around the world. Questions are raised on the reasons for its construction, quality requirements, use, network planning and design, as well as its operability and management. The cases analyzed are Barcelona city and its metropolitan area, Madrid, Murcia, Alicante, Beijing, Paris, California, Sydney, Singapore and Dubai. An analysis is also being carried out of the life cycle for the Barcelona city system to assess the resulting environmental benefit

The water footprint: application to the case of the water service companies

The concept of virtual water or content in water necessary to produce a product has been growing in the different debates on water consumption. Thus, the sum of the virtual water contained in the different products that we consume comprises our water footprint. This indicator, together with the carbon footprint, allows the public to introduce the idea of sustainability into their behaviour. The project proposes how to integrate the indicator into water company activities with the objective of incorporating a series of tools that lead to a more efficient use of the resource.

Incorporation of sustainability environmental and social fairness criteria in the water rates as well as the recovery of water cycle costs

Integrating the water footprint (water content necessary to produce a product) into the activities of a water company, allows the public to incorporate the idea of sustainability in its behaviour

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Cetaqua activity is centred on research in the field of the integral water cycle. In this sense whenever a project is started, the potential channels of scientific dissemination are also activated, among which is publication in scientific journals.

In 2009, 11 articles were published in scientific journals. Through the publication of articles in scientific reviews it is possible to increase the centre’s visibility and promote potential relationships with future partners in projects.

CETaqua encourages the publication of its scientific knowledge for the purpose of consolidating its status as a centre of excellence in research and development (R&D) in the integral water cycle


scientific articles

published papers

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Working in collaboration and participation with other technology networks and platforms is an essential activity in Cetaqua, since it increases the research potential of its own groups, strengthens relations with all the agents that participate in innovation processes on a national and international scale and allows the capacities of Cetaqua to be fully employed.

Participation in these platforms and associations allows Cetaqua to influence R&D policies, and is also a way to be present in the creation of new technologies.

In 2009 Cetaqua actively participated with the following technology networks:

Experts from CETaqua actively participate in scientific technology networks


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58 | REPORT 2009

To position Cetaqua as a reference centre in the water sector and as an integrated and competitive company has been one of the missions in this third year of Cetaqua’s existence. During 2009 the maximum dissemination of its activities, projects and results obtained has been carried out

Our challenge is to assure proper communication of CETaqua activities and projects to the objective public



project websites

newsletter Inside Cetaqua

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Controlling the information and handling it intelligently and productively has served to reveal us worldwide and connect us with experts from other centres, entities, universities and public authorities.

The communication tools that Cetaqua uses for reporting and disseminating its activities are:

• The web page (www.cetaqua.com) to which there is an average of monthly accesses

• The web pages that are developed for the projects with external subsidy: · Biocell (www.life-biocell.eu) · Waterchange (www.life-waterchange.eu) · Vieco (www.proyectovieco.com)

• The INSIDE newsletter that is published quarterly and mailed to more than 1800 subscribers

• Short Twitter communiqués (www.twitter.com/cetaqua)

• The material published in hardcopy, like the report and the leaflet, have been useful and effective tools for making our activities reach the target audience (stands, trade fairs, congresses, etc.)

• The internal blogs of the research lines have been one more communication tool and have allowed a new channel to be opened for the exchange of information and experiences among Cetaqua scientists.

Another communication channel has been the active participation of cetaqua experts in conferences and seminars, spreading knowledge of our centre’s expertise. In total more than 40 forums have been attended in the main events of national and international prestige (congresses and seminars), with the objective of identifying the latest trends in the water sector.

TABLE 9 1. www.cetaqua.com2. www.life-biocell.eu3. www.life-waterchange.eu4. www.proyectovieco.com5. www.twitter.com/cetaqua

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The successful performance of research projects lies in knowledge being finally transferred to the public, the authorities and other entities with the objective of promoting sustainable solutions to environmental problems.

The transmission of know-how, scientific knowledge and/or technology and implementation of the results produced are the essential pillars on which any research centre must stand, and Cetaqua as a Centre of Excellency in the study of the Integral Water Cycle considers the application of the knowledge produced to be vital.

The actions to promote technology transfer in Cetaqua stress the identification and evaluation of the R&D&I project portfolio potential based on a knowledge of the sector’s needs, adaptation of the knowledge produced to facilitate its use by the addressees and support to industrialization projects, with the aim of promoting the development and commercialization of the results generated by the research.

Promote what we know how to do and transform our knowledge into new products and services for others is the challenge faced by the CETaqua scientific team

Maintain the R&D&I Project Portfolio

Identification of end receivers

R&D&I Result Evaluations

Reuse Projects

Application of technologies in the marketplace

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Technical transfer activities measure their success in the number of R&D projects reaching industry

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66 | REPORT 2009


Orders for projects 4.130.133 Eur

Commissions, subsidies and other revenues 574.701 Eur

Agbar donation 3.030.000 Eur

Total revenues 7.734.833 Eur


Fixed 415.719 Eur

Current (cash, banks and debtors) 3.653.843 Eur

Total assets 4.069.562 Eur


Personnel 1.654.776 Eur

Operations 1.380.976 Eur

Subcontracting for projects 4.699.081 Eur

Total expenses 7.734.833 Eur


Net worth 885.816 Eur

Short term creditors 3.183.746 Eur

Total liabilities 4.069.562 Eur

Annual Accounts 2009 Balance Sheet

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68 | REPORT 2009

ACA Agència Catalana de l’Aigua http://aca-web.gencat.cat

ACC1Ó Agència de la Generalitat de Catalunya http://www.acc10.cat/ACC1O/cat

AEDyR Asociación Española de Desalación y Reutilización http://www.aedyr.es

ATLL Aigües Ter Llobregat http://www.atll.cat

CIRSEE Centre International de Recherche Sur l'Eau et l'Environnement de Suez Environnement http://www.cirsee.fr

CLABSA Clavegueram de Barcelona, S.A. http://www.clabsa.es

CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas http://www.csic.es

CTM Centre Tecnològic de Manresa http://www.ctm.com.es

CUADLL Comunitat d’Usuaris d’Aigües del Delta del Llobregat http://www.cuadll.org

LIfE+ http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life

EMUASA Empresa Municipal de Aguas y Saneamiento de Murcia, S.A. http://www.emuasa.es

EMA Entitat de Medi Ambient de l’Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona http://www.amb.cat/web/emma

GIRO Centre Tecnològic de Gestió Integral de Residus Orgànics http://www.giroct.net

hyds http://www.hyds.es

ICRA Institut Català de Recerca de l'Aigua http://www.icra.cat

ICTA Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals http://icta.uab.cat

ICMAB Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona http://www.icmab.es

IDAEA Instituto de Diagnóstico Ambiental y Estudios del Agua http://www.idaea.csic.es

IRTA Institut de Recerca i Tecnología Agroalimentàries http://www.irta.es

IWA Internacional Water Association http://www.iwahq.org

IWW Zentrum Wasser http://www.iww-online.de

KWR Watercycle Research Institute http://www.kwrwater.nl

Labaqua http://www.labaqua.com

LNEC Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil http://www.lnec.pt

MICINN Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación http://www.micinn.es

MARM Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino http://www.marm.es

NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology http://www.ntnu.no

WSSTP Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform http://www.wsstp.eu

PTE-EE Plataforma Tecnológica Española de Eficiencia Energética http://www.pte-ee.org

R+i Alliance http://www.ri-alliance.com

Safege http://www.safege.com

Sintef http://www.sintef.no

UB Universitat de Barcelona http://www.ub.edu

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign http://illinois.edu

UPC Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya http://www.upc.edu

UPV Universitat Politènica de València http://www.upv.es

VEWRI Virtual European Water Research Institute

7fP European Framework Programme http://ec.europa.eu/research/fp7