w3 5 VOL. XIII. NO. 2679. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY . isDL PKICE 5 CENTS. THE DAILY Sustiwss (Sards. Stoertistmiitts. STcid Uifrtiscmciikj. I - KOHAtX DISTRICT. tuviav v, """vi viui uu i vi uovi j g CASTLE Australian Mail Service voiiiimstsion iVLorcnant. NEW GOODS! nudget of Iuterettinit Itvma by X. Quad. Friday evenincr. Jan. 23. ltAa THE AHLIXGTOiW Hotel St., - - Honolulu, J. U. FISHER, Pkof. Every Morning Except Sundajs, office cartwright Building, FOR SAN FRANCISCO. I and 5 o'clock.tbe locomoti Merchant Street, : Honolulu, H. I. Mr At No. 40 Merchant St. J list Received on its up trip ran off the track near fh new and fine Al steel steamship lialaula station. The tnixad r; terms: Board and Ixdging per week(aecord- - drawn by the Kauka, follow in 6 w..u4 iuvm;..fiu uuiotn m T ransient, per day f Table lWrd. r-- Z three-fourth- s of an hour, but as thA ALAMEDA" 0Ai,T p. a. ADTaTM, one w-j-- ij oo ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Ex Bark EDWARD MAY, Anirt1h" Laterf Arrivals, a very heaw - (iO()D. ol tn..l.,.i;. rain waa falling in torrent, and now quite dark, th men were obliged to HOMOLULC, II. I. tVxiiLT IIawaiiah Gazette, oue year 6 00 foreign (In- - V - ULi till II ' 'Visitors will fi 49-l- y in ?heCc0rtVibIe r"d K and afry. bein lar. Rbt, Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, wHl be doe at Honelula from Sydney and Auckland on or about Feb. 12, 1891, Payable Invariably In Advance. 8h.elf jEIardware, Mechanics' Tools J. M. DAVIDSON, abaQdou both trains,end "foot it" into Niulii. The Leslie waa cot replaced on the track until the following day, about 1 in the afternoon. No damage was dono. Kalii, a native, who takes care of Union Mill cattle, was attacked by y All Transient Advertisements muat Hot and cold water bath. le 1'repald. I 86-l-y An4 wlllleave for the abere port with malls an! CAST and SPRING STEFL pat? tpav JZ SSS- - EAGLE HOUSE Office Kaahumana Street, (In office formerly occupied by Mr. C 53-l- y Rogers). some party . nknown Snn.hv paaaencers on or aboa t tnat date. For freight or passage, having BUPJSBIOK ACCOMMODATIONS. apply to Wm. (. Irwin & Co., a w - vwmmvwuu Addbkm: HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., 48 Merchant at., Postofflce Box O. Ilonolala, H. I. ing, after dark, near Messrs. Wallace iv lvynnerslev'a oflW At PnAi,nAiin ALSO, A FULL LINK OF NUUAJfCJ AVENUE. WILLIAM C. PARKE, AQENT8. 1 ATTORNEY-A- T - LAW SHII CHANDLEEY Of the most approved kind. AND THIS FIRST-LA- SS PAMILk Hotel (situate in the most pleas- ant part of the City) continues to II and received a slash serosa his head with a cane knife. Evidently the vendetta is coming into fashion, or else some one had too much " tangle foot," alias ueand paper cin." aboard. Forty-thre- e natives worn nrrBn.i Tvrv , i , . Agent to take Acknowledgments. For Sydiiey aud Auckland. Puu WILb MANILA ROPE, ALL SIZES i iv"t. ",c wmioris 01 a home tn transienta and others. Offick No. 13 Kaahamanu Street. Hono- - And ABrrfo,l CTO 4T f iuiu, jti. i. from the Mkfet se to 4 inch' VE' G" II(E KOPE, (CtLe la,P ,Vu,Id,nS several fowi"age ,8.PeciaUy constructed for LEWERS & C00KK, (Successors to Lowers & Dickson) importer! and Iealers In Lniubcr use. Tal.l nnK.i-o..- .i ITAmhlinc nn SnrJ.. ai ixiuin lor CHARLES F. PETERSON, . rjerms $2.00 per day. f 12.00 weekly. sizes. onttiiKeinents lor inonthlv boarders. lhe new and fine Al steel steamship T. KKOUSE. Prop A FULL ASSORTMENT OF And all Kinds of Building MaterUls. Mo. 82 FOllT STREET. Honolulu. 123 1350-- y Honolulu, II. I. ij Typewriter and Notary Public. !) I MUJNUWAi" HaU's Tlow o,-- . ioiu, auu ai a Hearing before tho lohce Justice on Monday plead guilty, and paid tbeir lines with costs, thereby contributing some two hundred dollars to the Government treasury. The lawyers were quito disappointed because they could not finger some of the coin. Itev. Autrust Sorras. r Pnrt California 133-- q JOHN T. WATERH0USE, Importer and Dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Ollice with L. A. Thurston. W. F. FREAR, Ot theOoeanio steamship Company, will be due at Honolulu from Han Francisco or or about Feb. 12, 1891. . . . Twls of all eSS?, 'Sa,S,,-- 1 ELECTEICAL GOODS in great variety. ELECTRIC LIGHT and TELEPHONE GOODS. A Fine Assortment of Heed & Barton's Celebrated SilverpJated Ware! No. 85-3- 1 Queen Street. Honolnln. 79 -- ttOriieYa,t"JLjaW FEED CO., KING'S STABLES, - . LELE0, (Near O, II. & L. Co.'s Derot;, Have on Hand and For Sale, Ex Recent Arrivals: TITTT TT A m- - y-- . I vv xx-ijiXAl- Vi ACJ11, Oflice over Uiahop's Bank 105-- q T vuajUVOU evangelist, is now in Kobala,engaged in religious work among his country- men. Thursday evening, the 22d, a rid- ing party was organized and called on Messrs. Howard and James Bry- ant, at Hawi. Owing to the lateness of the hour at which the party broke up, we are lead to infer that it was a success. And will have prompt dlspatcn with malls an assengers for the above ports. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC OOMMODATIONS, apply to Win. G. Irwin & Co., Attouney and codnsellor at law, 79-- q MISS 13. LAMB, Stenographer and Type-write- r, Oflice of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street. AOKT'. Notary Public and lteal Estate Kroker. OFyica--3- G Merchant Street. H. HACKFELD & CO., Wheat Hay, Alfalfa Hay, Barley, Bran, Cracked Corn, Oat Hay, Oats, Rolled Barley, Corn, Wheat. near iub x oatomce. 103-- q Clsus Spreckels Wm, O. Irwin. CLAUS SPKECKELS & CO., BANKERS. KTALL FOR SALE BY Middlings, O. C. Meal, (Jeneral Commission Agents Honolulu Carriage Co. Cut Hay in Bags, Rice Straw, inday evening, the 23rd, invita- tions were out to a social gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ostrom. atllalana. The turkey was killed and dressed, the numerous kinds of delicious cakes, et cetera, baked, and all was ready for the guests still they came not; and why? Dame nature was again in the melting mood, and in consequence only some twelve or fifteen were present to par AT REDUCED PRICES! E. O. HALL & SON, Cor. Fort & Queen Bts., Honolnln. 79 W. E. R0WELL, HONOLULU HAWAIIAN iMLANDy IP YOU WANT A TTAfTK fin? UD 335. both telenhrtnon Qoola 1aH 139 1353-l- m All Hawaiian drivers. First aujr OI ine city promptly. .Engineer and Surveyor class Horses and Carriages. V(..v. WAV 14 4 .UCltUailb Ob. 7'J-- q Draw .Exchange en the principal parts o the world. Will recurve deposits om open account, make collections and condnct a general banking and exchangft business. Room 5, Spreckels' Block. 82--y BEAVER SALOON, JOHN NOTT, DIM0ND BLOCK, 95 and 97 KING STREET. nmlStxial Telephone No. 121. chan stTet. 3, Mer- - v ?f,f TeIePhones-Mut- ual No. 139; Bell 1345 95-- q CALL ITOR DIAMOND CKEAMEKY take of the good cheer. Those who were present say they had a good time, and we are glad of it Saturday evening, the 24th, from 7 to , occurred the second dance of the New Year, at Kaiopihi Hall. Second in number, but not in im- portance or in having a glorious good time. It was given under the auspices of The Bachelors of Ko-hala- ," which is sufficient to say that fort Ntret, Oiioslte Wilder A o.'m, a, J. NOLfE, PROPRIETOR. 18 (ifl rirst-cla- as Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee, Deaoaits bearing Interest received In their 8av lngs Department subject to published rules and regulations. 7p.q LOVE'S BAKERY No, 7S II n anna Street. vmS.ROB'r.LOVK, - . - Proprietress oaa water, uinger Ale or Milk. Open From S a.m. till 10 p.m. tjrSmokers' Requisites a Specialty. 79 BUTTER HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Pioneer Steam Steam Engines, CANDY FACTORY and BAKERY. Every Description cf Plain and Fancy tteilj'rs, Mugrar Mills, oolerh, lirasw nuu Lead Castings. n was a success in every way. There were present from a distance (com- paratively, on account of the bad state of the roads), Mrs. C. L.Wight, Miss and Mr. Archie Smithies of Mahukona, Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie and Mrs. McK.'s daughter May Alex- ander, Mrs. E. P. Low, Mies Isabel Woods, and Messrs. Palmer Woods and C. K. McGuire from Punhue, besides those who always attend our dances, thirty-on- e in all, and being equally divided as to sex there were enough and not too manv in fill fh Bread and Crackers b HORN Practical Coniectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 4 ad machinery of every description made to F BBS H jraer. Particular attention paid to ships black-- 1 imlthing. Job work executed on the shortest I "O. 71 Hotel St. Telephone 74. uot.ee. 79 I 1343 79q In lib., 21b., 31b. and 71b. Tins Finest -- Article for Warm Climates. S. FOSTER & Co. Wholesale Grocers, BOLE AGENTS. 6 and 28 California- - St., San FraneUoo. &o-- y THE ROYAL SALOON, CASTLE & COOKE, Cor. Nmiauu and Merchant Ktreetn sets. The dances consisted of polkas, Soda Crackers Saloon Bread Always on llanrt. MILK BREAD --A SPECIALTY. (aland Orders Promptly Attended to TO-- q Under the Management of wauzes, military and Scotch echo-lische- s, lances, quadrilles, etc. Mr. F. L. Leslie was thA mm. E. H. in. Woiter, Shipping and Commission Merchants missarv for the occasion. Tf nn rn Liauors. Beers. a:d lea cold beers on draught at I M POUTERS AND DKALKRS IV in enU nr bI&ha. Stoves, llauges and Uouseiieepiiig booas. of milk did "sour" on him. it. miVM. ryt aii and see u.-- g 79 GENERAL MERCHANDISE. be laid to the old Dame Nature, who CASTLE & COOKE, NEW GOODS A Fine Assortment. tried Dy Her tears to keep us all at home. A HT. AK riantation Agents, We really think Kohala is alont Life, Fire and Marine Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Wort AQcnvnn (Iaiiitiohv Life, Fire and Marine xxuxuuw I. J Insurance Agents. to awaken, after nearly two years of dullness, and if such proves to be the fact, we stand ready to apologize for anything we mav have said dfttri- - We have just received perS. 8. China, a hne selection of New Goods, comprising, one elegant Insurance Agents ! FOUNDED 1808 LONDON. 1343 HOSOLULTT, H. I. 79-- q mental to her frisky majesty. ronifai . . $ r nnn nnn Hand-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner Set AOBNTS FOR:J Anotner grand party and dance is billed for the near fnturo. hnt Assets, - $ 9,000,000 "A iUil.0 1 Ul lv JK., CASTLE & COOKE, IMPORTERS, New England Mutual Life Ins. Co? TBACTICAL A few of those fine hand-embroider- SILK: and SATIN SCREENS, EBONY FRAMES, will leave the people in blissful anti- cipation, until the event transpires, for then, you know, we will havn Having been apixihted Agents of the mrvnirrmn , - above Company we are now ready to 1 li O Jill Jl rL UMlirili . .. . ' . . iY T i. 1.- -. f I something pleasant to look forward Assorted colors and patterns of Crepe euect Anauxaucea ut tuo luncot luna ui i premium. Comer of Kin and Alakea Sts., Shipping and Commission Merchants, to, ana we want something to coun- teract the feelin tr of i?Ioom can! vum. wumiij. x.ieKni jeie-- a te uups and Saucers. A fine lot of II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS. Honolulu. H. I. by twenty-on- e rainy days in Jan 1348 112-i- i Manila Cigars and Cheroots uary. -- r- . . , , m .. , . , r.::TZ r1"""' utu PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS. Oar roads from Kanaan ontsid. S l H I K. H O H h H - rewuence, mutual. a3b' are in fair traveling condition, but 100 in a Box. Scarf Pins in great variety. Lily Bulbs. V- - "3 x it t J DEALERS IH fT" Estimates fnrnish'p.l rn ail Taoooo OF LONDON. v aianae guicn inside, tfcey are in a terrible state caused donhHpss hv of i'lunibinir and Tinsmithinc arnrt- - ks w - ivaaa A. licit OP B08TON, Mtn Fire Ins. Co, of Hartford. UNION Insurance Company FIRE AND MARINE, OF 8AN FBAKCI8CO, CAUTOBITIA. 1843 79-- q WM. G. IRWIN & COMPANY, (Limited.) Wm. G. Irwin, - President and Manager Glaus Spkeckkls, - - Vice-Preside- nt Waltir M. Giffard, - - - - - Secretary and Treasurer Theo. C. Porteb, ... Auditor the cane wagons of Kohala planta - ry-- l class workmanship and material cuaran- - XLS ta bllSned 1U. teed m all the above branches of my busi- - A few of those handy Mosquito Urns. Also, an assortment of new styles of Rattan Chairs and Tables tion, and in one section, between .... the iic ai icaauuauit; jaie?. Tita i Also, a email nlprfinr r.f TiPivroi? ln.ur.ncs effected npon every descrlpUon of C. EEEWEK & COMPANY, nrnnertf &t current rates of premium. COSTUMES. " w- - w Call earlv and. examine m Total Bam Insured In 1885 837,333,700 (Limited). assortment of New Goods. Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paid with promptitude snd liberality. The Jurlsdlc- - GENERAL MERCANTILE WING W0 CHAN & CO. No. 22 Nuuanu Street. y-- q on OI IM Jocai iiiuuuau nwuuou, ioreign cnurcli and iiaiopiki by the flatness of the country, which pre- vents all drainage. Our genial deputy sheriff is in Honolulu. There is a lull in police business. No more dog catching and shootiDg, although a few hun- dred might just as well be spared. The mills are all grinding, and putting in full time, in view of the near approach of April. When are we in this district, to realize a part of our share in the ap- propriation for road work? Kohala, Jan. 27. N. Quad. G. W. Macfarlaue & Co. BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, PLANTATION SUPPLIES, Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and numbers' Tools, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and General Sercliandise. Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugal? Wilcoi & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines, Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines UP 4 7'J-- q NOTICE. COMMISSION AGENT8. Sugar Factors and Commission Agents. AGXXTS OF THE OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO., Of San Francisco, Cal. Agents for Hawaiian Islands. 79 LEWIS & CO., LIST O" OFriOEBSi THE KAPIOLANI MATERNITY - v.. w a wiiu nj otniunijouaie paying patients. Ladies of moderate P. O. Jones. Jr President and Manager means who wish to seenrp a hnnm uarier treasurer ana secretary Wholesale and Retail Grocers, & iy . r . Alien Anaitor sonable terms. p nr HnrinnK. Win. G. Irwin & Co., (Limited) has assumed the assets and liabilities of the late firm of Wm. G. Irwin Co., and will continue the general business formerly carried on by that house. 1335-- 4t 13H-- q A well-dresse- d woman ordering of confinement, where the best of food, two dozen brass cuspidors at a DIKECTORS: tho 111 FORT STREET aucuuai.'.x, nur-jin- ana meaical skill will be provi.Kd. will please apply at the Home to Mrs. Mtlif r the Matron, who will attend to admittance, give terms or any other in- formation required. EAD THE DAILY ADVERTISER stoio in iNew lork puzzled salesman who waited upon her. turned out that they were flowcr-pot- s. It for F. O. Box 907 I Ron. 0. B. Ktshop. Hon. H. WUrhouis ' Ti-- q elephon 340. 9 U you want the latest news. Honolulu, Oct. 4, 18U0. 84-3r- u

JOHN NOTT, · Puu WILb MANILA ROPE, ALL SIZES i iv"t. ",c wmioris 01 a home tn Offick No. 13 Kaahamanu Street. Hono--And ABrrfo,l transienta and others. CTO 4 T f iuiu, jti. i. from

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Page 1: JOHN NOTT, · Puu WILb MANILA ROPE, ALL SIZES i iv"t. ",c wmioris 01 a home tn Offick No. 13 Kaahamanu Street. Hono--And ABrrfo,l transienta and others. CTO 4 T f iuiu, jti. i. from



VOL. XIII. NO. 2679. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY . isDL PKICE 5 CENTS.THE DAILY Sustiwss (Sards. Stoertistmiitts. STcid Uifrtiscmciikj. I -

KOHAtX DISTRICT.tuviav v, """vi viui uu i vi uovi j g CASTLE Australian Mail Servicevoiiiimstsion iVLorcnant. NEW GOODS!

nudget of Iuterettinit Itvma byX. Quad.

Friday evenincr. Jan. 23. ltAa

THE AHLIXGTOiWHotel St., - - Honolulu,

J. U. FISHER, Pkof.

Every Morning Except Sundajs, office cartwright Building,

FOR SAN FRANCISCO. I and 5 o'clock.tbe locomotiMerchant Street, : Honolulu, H. I.

MrAt No. 40 Merchant St. Jlist Received on its up trip ran off the track nearfh new and fine Al steel steamship lialaula station. The tnixad r;terms:Board and Ixdging per week(aecord- - drawn by the Kauka, follow in

6 w..u4 iuvm;..fiu uuiotn mT ransient, per day fTable lWrd. r-- Zthree-fourth- s of an hour, but as thAALAMEDA"0Ai,T p. a. ADTaTM, one w-j-- ij oo ATTORNEY - AT - LAW


Anirt1h" Laterf Arrivals, a very heaw-(iO()D.ol tn..l.,.i;.rain waa falling in torrent, and nowquite dark, th men were obliged to

HOMOLULC, II. I.tVxiiLT IIawaiiah Gazette, oue year 6 00foreign (In- - V - ULi till I I '

'Visitors will fi49-l-y

in ?heCc0rtVibIe r"d Kand afry. bein lar. Rbt,

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, wHl be doeat Honelula from Sydney and Auckland

on or about

Feb. 12, 1891,Payable Invariably In Advance.

8h.elf jEIardware,Mechanics' Tools


abaQdou both trains,end "foot it" intoNiulii. The Leslie waa cot replacedon the track until the following day,about 1 in the afternoon. No damagewas dono.

Kalii, a native, who takes care ofUnion Mill cattle, was attacked by

y All Transient Advertisements muat Hot and cold water bath.le 1'repald. I86-l-y

An4 wlllleave for the abere port with malls an! CAST and SPRING STEFL pat? tpav JZ

SSS- - EAGLE HOUSEOffice Kaahumana Street,

(In office formerly occupied by Mr. C53-l- y Rogers). some party . nknown Snn.hv

paaaencers on or aboa t tnat date.For freight or passage, having BUPJSBIOK


Wm. (. Irwin & Co.,a w - vwmmvwuu



48 Merchant at.,Postofflce Box O. Ilonolala, H. I.

ing, after dark, near Messrs. Wallaceiv lvynnerslev'a oflW At PnAi,nAiin


Of the most approved kind.ANDTHIS FIRST-LA- SS PAMILkHotel (situate in the most pleas-ant part of the City) continues toII

and received a slash serosa his headwith a cane knife. Evidently thevendetta is coming into fashion, orelse some one had too much " tanglefoot," alias ueand paper cin."aboard.

Forty-thre- e natives worn nrrBn.i

Tvrv , i , .Agent to take Acknowledgments. For Sydiiey aud Auckland. Puu WILb MANILA ROPE, ALL SIZES i iv"t. ",c wmioris 01 a home tntransienta and others.Offick No. 13 Kaahamanu Street. Hono- - And ABrrfo,l CTO 4 Tf iuiu, jti. i. from the Mkfet se to 4 inch' VE' G" II(E KOPE, (CtLe la,P ,Vu,Id,nS severalfowi"age ,8.PeciaUy constructed for

LEWERS & C00KK,(Successors to Lowers & Dickson)

importer! and Iealers In Lniubcruse. Tal.l nnK.i-o..- .i ITAmhlinc nn SnrJ..ai ixiuin lorCHARLES F. PETERSON,

.rjerms $2.00 per day. f 12.00 weekly.sizes. onttiiKeinents lor inonthlvboarders.lhe new and fine Al steel steamship T. KKOUSE. PropA FULL ASSORTMENT OF

And all Kinds of Building MaterUls.Mo. 82 FOllT STREET. Honolulu.

123 1350-- y Honolulu, II. I.ij Typewriter and Notary Public.!)I MUJNUWAi" HaU's Tlow o,--.

ioiu, auu ai a Hearing before tholohce Justice on Monday pleadguilty, and paid tbeir lines withcosts, thereby contributing some twohundred dollars to the Governmenttreasury. The lawyers were quitodisappointed because they could notfinger some of the coin.

Itev. Autrust Sorras. r Pnrt

California133-- q


Importer and Dealer In


Ollice with L. A. Thurston.


Ot theOoeanio steamship Company, will bedue at Honolulu from Han Francisco

or or about

Feb. 12, 1891.. . .

Twls of all eSS?, 'Sa,S,,-- 1


A Fine Assortment of

Heed & Barton's Celebrated SilverpJated Ware!

No. 85-3-1 Queen Street. Honolnln. 79 -- ttOriieYa,t"JLjaWFEED CO.,KING'S STABLES, - . LELE0,

(Near O, II. & L. Co.'s Derot;,

Have on Hand and For Sale,Ex Recent Arrivals:

TITTT T T A m-- y-- . I

vv xx-ijiXAl-Vi ACJ11, Oflice over Uiahop's Bank 105-- q

T vuajUVOUevangelist, is now in Kobala,engagedin religious work among his country-men.

Thursday evening, the 22d, a rid-ing party was organized and calledon Messrs. Howard and James Bry-ant, at Hawi. Owing to the latenessof the hour at which the party brokeup, we are lead to infer that it was asuccess.

And will have prompt dlspatcn with malls anassengers for the above ports.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC


Win. G. Irwin & Co.,Attouney and codnsellor at law,

79-- q

MISS 13. LAMB,Stenographer and Type-write- r,

Oflice of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street.


Notary Public and lteal EstateKroker.OFyica--3- G Merchant Street.


Wheat Hay,Alfalfa Hay,Barley,Bran,Cracked Corn,

Oat Hay,Oats,Rolled Barley,Corn,Wheat.

near iub x oatomce. 103-- q

Clsus Spreckels Wm, O. Irwin.


BANKERS.KTALL FOR SALE BY Middlings, O. C. Meal,(Jeneral Commission Agents Honolulu Carriage Co. Cut Hay in Bags, Rice Straw,

inday evening, the 23rd, invita-tions were out to a social gatheringat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ostrom.atllalana. The turkey was killedand dressed, the numerous kinds ofdelicious cakes, et cetera, baked, andall was ready for the guests stillthey came not; and why? Damenature was again in the meltingmood, and in consequence only sometwelve or fifteen were present to par

AT REDUCED PRICES!E. O. HALL & SON,Cor. Fort & Queen Bts., Honolnln. 79

W. E. R0WELL, HONOLULU HAWAIIAN iMLANDyIP YOU WANT A TTAfTKfin? UD 335. both telenhrtnon Qoola 1aH139 1353-l- mAll Hawaiian drivers. First aujr OI inecity promptly..Engineer and Surveyor class Horses and Carriages.

V(..v. WAV 14 4 .UCltUailb Ob.7'J-- q

Draw .Exchange en the principal parts o theworld.

Will recurve deposits om open account, makecollections and condnct a general banking andexchangft business.

Room 5, Spreckels' Block.82--y


nmlStxial Telephone No. 121.

chan stTet. 3, Mer--

v ?f,f TeIePhones-Mut- ual No. 139; Bell1345 95--q


take of the good cheer. Those whowere present say they had a goodtime, and we are glad of it

Saturday evening, the 24th, from 7to , occurred the second dance ofthe New Year, at Kaiopihi Hall.Second in number, but not in im-portance or in having a gloriousgood time. It was given under theauspices of The Bachelors of Ko-hala- ,"

which is sufficient to say that

fort Ntret, Oiioslte Wilder A o.'m,a, J. NOLfE, PROPRIETOR.

18 (iflrirst-cla- as Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee,

Deaoaits bearing Interest received In their 8avlngs Department subject to published rules andregulations. 7p.q

LOVE'S BAKERYNo, 7S II nanna Street.

vmS.ROB'r.LOVK, - . - Proprietress

oaa water, uinger Ale or Milk.Open From S a.m. till 10 p.m.

tjrSmokers' Requisites a Specialty. 79 BUTTERHONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Pioneer SteamSteam Engines, CANDY FACTORY and BAKERY. Every Description cf Plain and Fancytteilj'rs, Mugrar Mills, oolerh, lirasw

nuu Lead Castings.

n was a success in every way. Therewere present from a distance (com-paratively, on account of the badstate of the roads), Mrs. C. L.Wight,Miss and Mr. Archie Smithies ofMahukona, Mr. and Mrs. McKenzieand Mrs. McK.'s daughter May Alex-ander, Mrs. E. P. Low, Mies IsabelWoods, and Messrs. Palmer Woodsand C. K. McGuire from Punhue,besides those who always attend ourdances, thirty-on- e in all, and beingequally divided as to sex there wereenough and not too manv in fill fh

Bread and Crackersb HORN Practical Coniectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.4 ad machinery of every description made to

F BBS Hjraer. Particular attention paid to ships black-- 1

imlthing. Job work executed on the shortest I "O. 71 Hotel St. Telephone 74.uot.ee. 79 I

1343 79q

In lib., 21b., 31b. and 71b. Tins

Finest --Article forWarm Climates.

S. FOSTER & Co.Wholesale Grocers,


6 and 28 California-- St., San FraneUoo.&o-- y


Cor. Nmiauu and Merchant Ktreetnsets. The dances consisted of polkas,

Soda Crackers

Saloon BreadAlways on llanrt.


(aland Orders Promptly Attended toTO-- q

Under the Management ofwauzes, military and Scotch echo-lische- s,

lances, quadrilles, etc.Mr. F. L. Leslie was thA mm.

E. H. in. Woiter, Shipping and Commission Merchants

missarv for the occasion. Tf nn rnLiauors. Beers. a:d lea cold beers on draught at I M POUTERS AND DKALKRS IVin enU nr bI&ha. Stoves, llauges and Uouseiieepiiig booas. of milk did "sour" on him. it. miVM.ryt aii and see u.--g 79 GENERAL MERCHANDISE. be laid to the old Dame Nature, whoCASTLE & COOKE, NEW GOODS

A Fine Assortment.

tried Dy Her tears to keep us all athome.A HT. A K riantation Agents,

We really think Kohala is alontLife, Fire and Marine Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron WortAQcnvnn (Iaiiitiohv Life, Fire and Marine

xxuxuuw I. J Insurance Agents.to awaken, after nearly two years ofdullness, and if such proves to bethe fact, we stand ready to apologizefor anything we mav have said dfttri- -

We have just received perS. 8. China,a hne selection of New Goods,comprising, one

elegantInsurance Agents !FOUNDED 1808LONDON.

1343 HOSOLULTT, H. I. 79-- q

mental to her frisky majesty.ronifai . . $ r nnn nnn Hand-paint-ed Porcelain Dinner SetAOBNTS FOR:J Anotner grand party and dance is

billed for the near fnturo. hntAssets, - $ 9,000,000 "A iUil.0 1 Ul lv JK., CASTLE & COOKE,IMPORTERS,

New England Mutual Life Ins. Co?TBACTICAL

A few of those fine hand-embroider-


will leave the people in blissful anti-cipation, until the event transpires,for then, you know, we will havn

Having been apixihted Agents of the mrvnirrmn , -above Company we are now ready to 1 li OJill Jl rL UMlirili. .. . ' . .iY T i. 1.- -. f I something pleasant to look forwardAssorted colors and patterns of Crepeeuect Anauxaucea ut tuo luncot luna ui i

premium. Comer of Kin and Alakea Sts., Shipping and Commission Merchants, to, ana we want something to coun-teract the feelin tr of i?Ioom can!

vum. wumiij. x.ieKni jeie-- a te uupsand Saucers. A fine lot ofII. W. SCHMIDT & SONS. Honolulu. H. I. by twenty-on- e rainy days in Jan1348 112-i- i Manila Cigars and Cheroots uary.

--r- . . , , m . . , . , r.::TZ r1"""' utu PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS. Oar roads from Kanaan ontsid.S l H I K. H O H h H - rewuence, mutual. a3b'are in fair traveling condition, but

100 in a Box.

Scarf Pins in great variety.Lily Bulbs.






DEALERS IHfT" Estimates fnrnish'p.l rn ail TaooooOF LONDON. v aianae guicn inside, tfcey are in aterrible state caused donhHpss hvof i'lunibinir and Tinsmithinc arnrt-- ksw - ivaaa A. licit


Mtn Fire Ins. Co, of Hartford.

UNIONInsurance Company





Wm. G. Irwin, - President and ManagerGlaus Spkeckkls, - - Vice-Preside- nt

Waltir M. Giffard, -- - - - Secretary and Treasurer

Theo. C. Porteb, ... Auditor

the cane wagons of Kohala planta- ry-- l class workmanship and material cuaran- -XLS ta bllSned 1U. teed m all the above branches of my busi- -

A few of those handy Mosquito Urns.Also, an assortment of new styles of

Rattan Chairs and Tablestion, and in one section, between.... theiic ai icaauuauit; jaie?. Titai

Also, a email nlprfinr r.f TiPivroi?ln.ur.ncs effected npon every descrlpUon of C. EEEWEK & COMPANY,nrnnertf &t current rates of premium. COSTUMES. "w- - w

Call earlv and. examine mTotal Bam Insured In 1885 837,333,700 (Limited). assortment of New Goods.

Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paidwith promptitude snd liberality. The Jurlsdlc- - GENERAL MERCANTILE WING W0 CHAN & CO.

No. 22 Nuuanu Street.y-- q

on OI IM Jocai iiiuuuau nwuuou,

ioreign cnurcli and iiaiopiki by theflatness of the country, which pre-vents all drainage.

Our genial deputy sheriff is inHonolulu. There is a lull in policebusiness. No more dog catchingand shootiDg, although a few hun-dred might just as well be spared.

The mills are all grinding, andputting in full time, in view of thenear approach of April.

When are we in this district, torealize a part of our share in the ap-propriation for road work?

Kohala, Jan. 27. N. Quad.

G. W. Macfarlaue & Co.


PLANTATION SUPPLIES,Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and numbers' Tools,

HOUSE FURNISHING GOODSKitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and

General Sercliandise.Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugal?

Wilcoi & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jane & Sons Family MedicinesUP 4 7'J-- q


Sugar Factors and Commission Agents.


Of San Francisco, Cal.

Agents for Hawaiian Islands.79

LEWIS & CO., LIST O" OFriOEBSi THE KAPIOLANI MATERNITY- v.. w a wiiu nj otniunijouaiepaying patients. Ladies of moderateP. O. Jones. Jr President and Manager

means who wish to seenrp a hnnmuarier treasurer ana secretaryWholesale and Retail Grocers, & iy . r . Alien Anaitor sonable terms. p nr HnrinnK.

Win. G. Irwin & Co., (Limited) hasassumed the assets and liabilities of thelate firm of Wm. G. Irwin Co., and willcontinue the general business formerlycarried on by that house. 1335-- 4t 13H--q

A well-dresse- d woman orderingof confinement, where the best of food, two dozen brass cuspidors at aDIKECTORS:tho111 FORT STREET

aucuuai.'.x, nur-jin- ana meaical skill willbe provi.Kd. will please apply at the Hometo Mrs. Mtlif r the Matron, who will attendto admittance, give terms or any other in-formation required.


stoio in iNew lork puzzledsalesman who waited upon her.turned out that they wereflowcr-pot- s.

ItforF. O. Box 907 I Ron. 0. B. Ktshop. Hon. H. WUrhouis' Ti-- qelephon 340.

9 U you want the latest news.Honolulu, Oct. 4, 18U0. 84-3r- u

Page 2: JOHN NOTT, · Puu WILb MANILA ROPE, ALL SIZES i iv"t. ",c wmioris 01 a home tn Offick No. 13 Kaahamanu Street. Hono--And ABrrfo,l transienta and others. CTO 4 T f iuiu, jti. i. from


THE NEWS IN WASHINGTON A DIRGE. HuiiiQn Sales.eir., rq-iirt- l for th Funrl Crrrjor.isof Ilia lr Majty Kklaksua i only to be

rtmii on rjtUMtiofif ngTi&l j thMinister of torHn Affair.

(iOUKKEY BROWN.975 Mif;itr&f Finance. SILKS! SILKS ! SILKS!


1ST. S. SACHS',104 Fort Street, : Hoiiolnin, H. 1.

We have jost received an immense assortment of

BLACK AND C0L0BED SILKSOf every description, which we offer at Very Eow Iricvs.







Kid Gloves, - Kid Gloves!KID GLOVES, Tan Shades;MOUSQUETAINE Dressed and Undressed Kid Gloves in Tan

By virtue of the authority in mevetel by the Constitution and th- -

statates of this Kinzloai. and deeminzit essential to the promotion of justice, Ido hereby order that the regular terra ofthe Fourth Judicial Circuit to be held atNawillwili, Island of Kauai, on the firstTuesday of February, 1391, is herebypostponed until WEDNESDAY, March4, 191, at 9 o'clock a. m.

Witness my hand and the sealof the Supreme Court at Hono-- l

. lulu, this 3lst day of January,A. D. 1891.

A. F. JUDD,Chief Justice Supreme Court.

Attest:Henky Smith,

Clerk Supreme Court.2G7s-2- w


Ti e Funeral Obsequies of His lateMajesty Kalakaua, will take place fromIolani Palace, on SUNDAY, the lothinstant, at 1 1 o'clock a. h.

JAMES W. ROBERTSON,Vice-Chamberl- ain .

Iolani Palace, February 2, 1891.2678-t- d 13CO-- 2t

From and after this date all warrantsand other processes of ail the Courts ofthis Kingdom must be in the name of" LILIUOKALANI, by the Grace of God,of the Hawaiian Island, Queen."

By the Court,HENRY SMITH,

Clerk Supreme Court.Aliiolani Hale, Jan. 29. 1891. 2677-t- f

Notice is hereby given that from andafter this date all drafts on the Treasuryfor the payment of salaries of employeesof the Government must be signed by. thehead of the Department or Bureau underwhich they serve.

GODFREY BROWN,Minister of Finance.

Honolulu, H. I., Jan. 1, 1891. 2TS4-l- m


February, 1801.

rt Feb. 1st.

EVENING GLOVE, in Fawn and L hiMOUSQUETAINEtan shades.

Before making your purchases in the abovA Iin ex r i tv.SPEUT our LARGE and VARIED STOCK. '

The Popular Millinery House, 104 Fort St56-- tf


Drugs and MedicinesCHEMICALS.


Cigarettes and Tobaccos.

The Charleston Ordered to Remain in Honolulu Till Afterthe Queen's Coronation.

The following despatch detailsthe official' recognition of His Majesty's death by the United Statesauthorities at Washington, and theHawaiian Minister, as well as theaction taken by the Department ofState, and Navy Department.

Washington, January 21. Thefirst official information receivedby this Government of the deathof King Kalakaua was conveyed ina note from the Hawaiian Ministerto Secretary of State Blaine to-da- y.

The Secretary communicated thefact to the .President and subsequently replied to Minister Carterexpressing for the President deepregret that Hawaii had lost so wiseand good a sovereign, under whosebeneficent rule the people of Hawaii have prospered, and whoseefforts have been so constantly andsignally put forth to strengthenthe ties of mutual advantage be-

tween the kingdom and the UnitedStates, lie further requested theMinister to convey to the royalfamily the heartfelt sympathy thePresident feels lor their greataffliction.

There will be no further actionbv the executive until official notice shall have been given of theformal installation of Queen Lihuokalani. Instructions, however,have been sent to the general commanding the Division of the Pacificand the Admiral commanding thenaval forces on the Pacific to payfull military honors to the deadKing. Acting under these instructions, the army and navy author!ties of San Francisco have assumedcharge oi toe funeral arrangements, and the transfer of the remains to the flagship Charlestonwill be marked by the highest military honors authorized by the regulatious. The Charleston willmake the trip to Honolulu as rapidly as possible; will remain atthat point to participate in theceremonies attending the burial othe King and the coronation of hissuccessor, and will, at tne sametime, see that the interests of thiscountry are fully protected.

While the authorities at Washington are desirous of doing thehighest honors to the HawaiianGovernment in its bereavementthey are somewhat perplexed as tothe best course to pursue. Thereis no precedent to follow, as this isthe first instance where the rulerof a foreign country has died onAmerican soil. It is said, howeverthat there will be ample time forfurther action when the Government is advised of the installationof the new ruler.

Secretary Blaine said this after-noon that the United States hadlost a good friend in King Kalakaua, and would do every possiblehonor to his memory. ''Our relarions with Hawaii, be said, "areof the friendliest character, and, sofar as I am able to judge, will bo mnowise affected by the change ogovernment. I have confidence inthe friendship and good will ouueen liiuuokaiani, ana nave noreason to doubt that she will perceive the wisdom of continuing thefriendly intercourse of the twocountries."

Mr. Carter, tho Hawaiian Minister to the United States, eaid thisafternoon that the death of KingKalakaua will in nowise affect thepeaceful condition of affairs in Hawaii. " I can see no reason," hecontinued, " why bis death shouldcause any complications whatever.'

Mr. Carter spoke with considerable feeling with regard to thefailure of Congress to amend theMcKinley act so as to prescribethat its provisions shall not interfore with the existing "treaty relations of the United States and Hawan, and ho said he hoped thevessel which will convey the King'

i a

remains to xiawau win also carrythe news that Congress bad carriedout the President s recommendations on this subject. " I his matter," continued Mr. Carter, " undoubtedly clouded the last daysKing Kalakaua. Tho last officiacommunication I had from him wasa telegram from San Francisco lastFriday, just before the final stuporovercame him. In this telegram heinformed me that his health wasbut indifferent since his return fromtho south. He went on to urgethat I use mjr influence to have thatclause restored to its place in theMeKinley bill, and told mo to askMr. Blaine to use his best efforts ingetting what in reality everybodywanted, but what as yet has notbeen granted."

Berlin, January 20. An omin-ous coincidence is mentioned inconnection with tho court festivi-ties on Monday night, January20th, at Berlin. Emperor Williamwas to have made a speech, but hisphysicians insisted that he shouldnot, owing to his sore throat. Thiswas exactly tho first public an-nouncement made regarding thetrouble which brought about thodeath of tho late Emperor Freder-ick, and the recollection of thatfact cast no little gloom over Mon-day night's brilliant assembly. Thequestion suggested to many mindsis whether the young Kaiser hasthe beginning of the terrible com-plaint which gave him the crown at30. Tho German press dare nothint at such a thing, but Berlin isfull of whispers.

Ion." tlit y brought ocr Monarchdead

Crownierw lie his roval head,LLt'esd falls hia "centered band,Powerless now to rule the land.Awed, a nation ptands this dayFct to face with death anl clay,Kinlv presence, hitfhefl tiust,"Earth to earth and dust to du-t.- "

Favored ruler in whose lifePleasure 'e reign o'erbalanced strife,Laws and letters, mQsic, art,Travel, learning, played their part.Gracious kindness his by birth,His to know true inendship s worth,Friend or foe aside now thrust,"Earth to earth, and dust to dust."Hia a fairv "nara-ILe.- "

.Set 'neath fragrant sunset ekies,His a people trusted, tried,Worth v of hi3 love and pride.Coming years might scon have 6hownKgal greatness on his throne,Ere atfairs oi 6tate adjust."Earth to earth, and dut to dust."Eastward, through a "jroIJen gate,"Goes our Sovereign, all too lateSeeking health in friendly lands,Respite from pains' sharp demands.Welcome, honor, nil each day,Fain would lurking moDster slay,Death asserts bis cruel lust,"Earth to earth, and dust to dust."Loval hearts and hand3 fulfillOffices of love and ;O'er the swelling V estern seaBear him swift and tenderly.Sunny isles in wild amaze,Wailing lamentations raise,Sombre robes our homes encrust,"Earth to earth, and dust to dust."Grieving consort, stricken 6ore,Long her dead King will deploreNew made Queen oft drop a tear,While fair hands, in new tried 6phere,Grasping close the helm of state,Strive to keep inviolateHawaii's trust. God is just."Earth to earth, and dust to du.-t.- "

Emma L. DillinghamHonolulu, Feb. 2, 1891.

Austin B. Sperry, secretary ofthe Sperry Flour Mills, died at bisresidence at Stockton, Cal., Janu-ary 19, after an illness of about tendays.

To those who need a pleasant Tonicfor any kind of debility, we can recom-mend Clements' as the best. For saleby Hollister & Co.

2Ccru iincrtiscmcnts.


PLANTS and CURIOS.A.t --A.uction.


JLt lO o'clock, .A.. M.At my Salesrooms, I will sell at Public

Auction, a Collection of

Japanese Plants and Curios,

Ex 8. S. Oceanic, consisting of

Azalias, Camillas, Loquois, Orchids,Oranges, Kex Benonias and Ferns

Copper and Golden Pheasants,Fancy Flower Pots,

Kekimoua. Etc.; also.One Jinrickisha.

Lewis J. Levey.2670-2-t AUCTIONEER.

Notice ot Election.

A T THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THEJ- - Ewa Plantation Co., held this day, thefollowing officers were eleteed for the ensu-ing year:

C.M.Cooke PresidentJ. B. Castle Vice-Preside- nt

E. O. Tenney SecretaryJ. B. Atherton TreasurerJ. II. Paty AuditorThe above-name- d officers also constitute

the Board of Directors.E. D. TENNEY,

Secretary E. P. Co.Honolulu, Jan. 31, 1801 2o78 13-l-

Election of Officers.

IT A MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERSof the Peoples' Ice and Refrigerating

Co. held on Tuesday, Jan. 7th, the follow-ing officers were elected to take the placeof those resigned : .

President Jona. AustinVice-Preside- nt J no. S. McGrewSecretary G. P. CastleTreasurer L. C. AbiesAuditor T. W. Hobron

G. P. CASTLE,1357-- 2t 2057-3- t Secretary.

Notice of Election.

AT THE ADJOURNED MEETING OFthe Waihee Sugar Co., held this day,

the following officers were elected lor theyear :

President Z. S. 8naldingVice-Preside- nt E. D TenneySecretary J.O.CarterTreasurer P. C. JonesAuditor J. O. Carter

J. O. CARTER,Secretary Waihee Sugar Co.

Honolulu, Jan. 19, 1891. 2;8-l- m


three more loarders at inv table; terms$6 per week. V. F. REYNOLDS,

2073 lw' At Thrum's Bookstore.



ISP-Offi-ce Hocrs 8 to 10 a. m.; lto4and 7 to 9 p. M. 2J55-2-


Teacher of Banjo, Guitar k Mandolin

W Leave orders at Music DepartmentHawaiian News Co. 154-- 1 m

Furnished Rooms.

NEAT AND COSILY FURNISH- -;;; ed Rooms can be bad bv an earlv

application ai no. 4 uaruen Lane.

rpHE ADVERTISER IS THEleading daily paper of the Kingdom




By order of DR. S. O. TCCKIJR. 1 winsU at public auction, at his residence.Fort street.

On Thursday, Feb. 5 thAT lO A

(On account of departure), his Householdfurniture ana r.nect comprising:

B. W. Marbletop BureauMarbletop Center Table.Upholstered Lou ripe. Sofa,Chairs, Book fchelvea.

x FINE B. W. FOLDING BEDB. W. Office Dek,Hay Cutter, Garden Tools,Cor. Iron Rcotiug and Lumber; also

One Fine Driving Mare,Kind and a good traveler; one of the most

perfect carriage horses in the city; also

1 Top Buggy, 1 Set Single Harness

Tas. H. !M!organ.2079-t- d AUCTIONEER.

Honolulu and San Francisco Mail Service


Oceanic Steamship Co.

from San Francisco at 2 o'clock P. M


Australia Jan. 27 ... Feb. 2Zealandia Feb. 5 ... Feb. 12Australia Feb. 17 ... Feb. 24Alameda Mar. 5 ... Mar. 12Australia Mar. 17 ... Mar. 24Mariposa April 2 ... April 9Australia April 14 . . . April 21Zealandia .. .. April 30 .. MayAustralia May 12 ... MayAlameda May 28 ... June 4Australia June 9 Jane 16Mariposa June 25 ... JulyAustralia July 7 ... JulyZealandia July 23 ... JulyAustralia Aug. 4 ... Aug.Alameda Aug. 20 ... Aug. 27Australia Sept. 1 ... Sept.Mariposa Sept. 17 ... Sept. 24Australia Sept. 29 ... UctZealandia Oct. 15 ... Oct. 22Aatralia Oct. 27 ... Nov.Alameda Nov. 12 ... Nov. 19


Australia Feb. 7 .... Feb. 13Alameda Feb. 12 .... Feb. 19Australia...... Mar. 3 Mar. 10Marposa Mar. 12 Mar. 19Australia Mar. 31 .... AprilZealandia April H April 16Australia. April 2 MayAlameda At ay 7 .... May 14Australia May 2G .... JuneMariposa June 4 .... June 11Australia June 23 June 30Zealandia July 2 JulyAustralia July 21 July 28Alameda July 30 Aug.Australia Aug. 18 .... Aug. 25Mariposa Auu 27 Sept.Australia Sept. 15 .... Sept. 22Zealandia Sept. 24 Oct.Australia Oct. 13 .... Oct. 20Alameda .. Oct. 22 .... Oct. 29Australia Nov 10 Nov. 17Mariposa Nov. '9 Nov. 26Zealandia Dec. 17 .... Dec. 24


Book, News and Stationery Store.

'A Full snrmlvnf MhiittTtjibiters mia instrument nas no equal

for the price.

StaMPIKO OltriTR rAmnriginsuupureus oi patterns witn dooks oi in-struction in all kinds of Embroideryprice complete only $1.50.

A nice varietv of Tirrw-w-i- RivraChecker Board and Checkers, 25c.

Boxiko Gloves. Barf Rat.ijjBats, Gloves and Masks.

Croquet Hrtb. Lawn TkwwiSets. Irdian Clcbs, Dumb Bells.

'Sheet Music. Xovetji Priuivm.tation Books and Albums, SocietyStationery, Office Statioheby.

CTA fine supply of Gold Peks andHolders.

'Gennine Pio Skin nrl nihorPurses. The hptt lin nt Pnri Twrain tbe Islands.

THOS. G. THkUM.1330 131-- y Proprietor.

Kona Coffee and Fruit Company, L'd.

MOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATat a meeting of the subscribers of theaoove named Company held in Honolulu,Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, on January 21,1891, it was voted to accept the Charter ofIncorporation granted by the HawaiianGovernment.

Notice is further given that the limit ofsaid Charter is fifty years, and the liabilityof the stockholders limited to the amountdue and unpaid on the shares.

The following officers were elected forthe ensuing year :

Chas. L. Hopkins PresidentT. K. R. Ainalu Vice-Preside- nt

H enry Smith ... . TreasurerW. C. Achi SecretaryJohn F. Col burn Auditor

And the following were elected as Direc-tors: Henry Waterhouse, S. M. KsaukniandT. K. R Ainalu. W. C. ACHI,Secretary Kona Coffee and Fruit Company,

Limited.Jan. 21. 1891. 277-- l w 1350-4- t


A LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY FOR-bidde- nto trespass or to shoot on my

land. Kahanui, and those 1 am in chargeof, viz: Makakupaiaiki, Kapakea, Kauna-kaka- i,

Kalamaula, Naiwa. Palaau. andKaluakai, without written consent of theowners or myself.R. W. MEYER.

2j73-l- w Kalae, Molokai.


It baring pleased Almighty God tocloao the earthly career of KiDgKalakaaa on the 20th inst. inSan Francisco, California, U. S.A, We, the members of the Cab-

inet of Ilia late Slajesty, herebyProclaim, by virtue of the 22dArticle of the Constitution, HerRoyal Highness the PrincessLiliaokalani QUEEN of theHawaiian Islands, under theBtyle and title of LILIUOKA-LAN-L

Goo Preserve the Qceen.Given at Iolani Palace, this twenty- -

ninth day of January A. D.1891.

J. A. CUillllNS,Minister of Foreign Affairs.

GODFREY BROWN,Minister of Finance.

CHAS. N. SPENCER,Minister of Interior.

A. P. PETERSON,Attorney --General.

276 7t 1300 4t

It is with deep sorrow that we annoance the death of His Majesty Kingjvalakaaa, which lamented event tookplace on the 20th instant, at 2 :30 o'clockp. H.t at Kan Francisco, Cal., the causeof death being Bright's disease.

Minister of Foreign Affairs,J. A. CUMMINS.

Minister of Interior,C. N. SPENCER.

Minister of Finance,GODFREY BROWN.A ttorney-Gener- al ,

A. P. PETERSON.Iolani Palace, Honolulu, January 20th.

1891. 676-C- t 1360 4t



At a meeting of the Privy Council ofBtate, held at Iolani Palace on Thursday,Jan. 29, 1891, the following resolutionswere unanimously adopted:

After a reign longer tban that of anyother sovereign of Hawaii but one, theearthly life of oar beloved Xing, Kalakaua,was closed at 2:30 o'clock on Tuesday, th20th day of January ,1891, In Ban Francisco,California, United States of America.

Failing health for some months pastmade it seem advisable that he should seekto regain it by a voyage to the more bracingclimate of California, and inspired withthis hope, he left his kingdom in Novem-

ber last. The voyage and change of cir-cumstances at fir. seemed to benefit him,but at length mortal disease appeared withincreased vigor, and he sunk to sleepscarce nine days ago in a foreign land.The friendly ship which the Hawaiian peo-

ple were waiting for with expectant eyas,came this morning, bringing back, nottheir Sovereign in renewed health, but,alas, his lifeless remains. The decorationsof loyal affection preparing for his recep-- .tion are speedily changed into those ofmourning, and we meet to-da- y in the im-

pulse of a common sorrow.The reign of our departed King was

memorable as an era of remarkable andincreasing prosperity. In the seventeenyears of his reign, now closed, this nationhas made rapid strides in its material in-

dustries, education and the arts of civiliza-

tion.Hut death comes alike to King and com-

moner, and the seventh Sovereign of Ha-waii has gone to join the roll of the illus-

trious dead. We humbly bow to the willof God.Therefore be it

Resolved, That the Privy Council ofState here assembled, join with his beloved Consort, His Royal Sister and rela-

tives, and the Hawaiian people, in ex-

pressing our great sorrow at this untimelydecease of our late King

Resolved, That the foregoing preambleand resolutions be entered upon the re-

cords of the Pnvy Council and publishedin the newspapers of this city, and

Resolved, That the members of thisCouncil wear the customary mourning fora period of thirty days.

C. P. IAUKEA,6751 1300--4 Secretary.


The Court will go into full mourning forHis late Majesty Kalakaua from the dateof this notice until two weeks after thefuneral, and will wear half mourning fromthat time until the expiration of two monthsfrom the day of the funeral. Ladies willwear black with white trimmings for fullruourning.and white with black trimmingsfor half mourning.

All members of the Government and allpersons connected with the Court will wearcrape on their several uniforms.

Gentlemen being civilians will wear blacksuits and hat bands, and crape on theleft arm during the period of full mourn-ing.

All representatives of foreign countries.Consuls and commercial agents are invitedto observe the period of mourning hereinprescribed, and the public generally arerequested to show their respect for thememory of the late lamented Sovereign bywearing badges of mourning during thetime specified.

JAMES W. ROBERTSON,Vice Chamberlain.

Iolani Palace, January 30th, 1890.2070 13G0

Departmeht or Fikakce,Honolulu, 11. I., Jan. 29, 1891.)

Notice is hereby gireu that all material,

The Most Complete Stock of Photographic Supplies;

On the Islands.

; AGENCY FOR THE KODAK.Dark Room at Disposal of Amateurs.


Manufacturers of a Full Line of


Comprising all the Popular Carbonated Beverages of the Day.o

HOLLISTER & CO.. - . - 109 Fort StreetHONOLULU, II. I.



Solb Manufacturers or tbk Great Blood Tubifier


GINGER ALE,Sarsaparilla, Lemon, Cream and Plain Soda,





So. Mo. Tu. W. Tb. Ft. 8. '& LastQa'rt'r,

1 3 3 4 6 6 7 Feb. 8thNw Moon

8 9 10 11 12 13 14Feb. 15th.

15 18 17 18 10 20 21 lit Qu'rt'r.

23 23 24 25 26 27 1.8 23th'Full Moon.


I. O. O. F. Excelsior Lodge No. 1, at 7:30p. M.

Fire Police Monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m

R. of P. Uniform rank drill, at 7:30 p. uWoman's Board or Missions Meeting at

Central Union church at 2:30 p.m.



Be Just and fear not;Let all the enda thou aira'at at be

Thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's

TUESDAY. FEB. 3, 1897

.m r tj. he omciai record oi ueatns inthis city for the month of Januaryprinted in another column, showsthe total to have been 56, of whichnumber throe-fourth- s, or 42, wereIlawaiians, and of the whole 17were under 10 years of age. Ascompared with the previous fiveyears, the deaths for tho pasroontn were below tne averagewhich is 60. Tho population of thecity is set down at 23,000, for percentage calculations. Of the causesof death, 10 aro attributed to oldage, 5 to consumption, and the remuinder (except 10 unknown) areassigned to various causes.


The First Output of the Factoryat Vancouver.

Vancouver (B. C), January 19.The British Columbia Sugar .Re-

finery of Vancouver turned out thefirst sample of yellow sugar to-da- y

and will begin to-morr- manu-facturing all grades of refinedsugar.

The daily output will be 150 bar-rels. That manufactured to-da- y isan excellent quality, being muchsuperior in color,grainand strengthto some goods from refineries inEastern Canada.

The refinery, which has beenfitted up with the most approvedmachinery, has a capacity of 250barrels a day, and the building hasbeen erected with a view of addingfive additional stories and doublingthe output.

Senator Morgan, of Albama, de-

clares the seals which bear theiryoung in American waters and livetheir during certain months, aro asmuch the property of the UnitedStates when out of her waters ashis pigeons are still his when theyfly from their habitation in hisbarn to his neighbor's roof. Thisis a new view of the Behring Seacontroversy.


Engineers and Iron Founders,Office and Works, - - Esplanade, Honolulu,

MA.NTJF'ACrrTJRERS OFSugar Machinery, Irrigating Machinery, Steam Engines,

Steam boilers, Juice Tanks, Coolers, Molasses Tanks, Sugar CarsCane Care, Elevators, Conve3'ors, Furnace Fittings,

Wrought and Cast Iron Work for House Builders,Water Wheels and Gearing, Bar Iron, 'Etc.


Pelton "Water "Wheel.


MACHINERY done at MAsnvARiK"

iri4 14vSm

REPAIRS of all kinds ofRATKB and at SHORT NOTICE.

The Daily Advertiser and Weekly Gazette


A.nd Have the Largest Circnlatiou

Page 3: JOHN NOTT, · Puu WILb MANILA ROPE, ALL SIZES i iv"t. ",c wmioris 01 a home tn Offick No. 13 Kaahamanu Street. Hono--And ABrrfo,l transienta and others. CTO 4 T f iuiu, jti. i. from


tn) q5Mrti3tmt.u3Kekaha. The i.low complete weiuha 60

- j : - .Slortuary Report for the Month of JanNot a Large Attendance Present I ' "' - IP 1


Office and Mill on Alakea near Queen Street,

Doors, Sash, Blinds, Screens, Frames, Etc, EtcJ

MOULD INGS-Turn- ed and Sawed Work.

. , - 'ZZJLt- ssflES.TT . 1 .il 0xiaving securea me services oi

Superintendent, I am now prepared tojir. u. r. tfirLKY, Arcmiect ana isuuamg

furnish Designs for every description of2 W liuiiding, and will buperintend the Construction of the same.

JDTlease call and examine designs

'Prompt attention to all orders.

New Goods!--o-


Haviland China,Silver !Platedware,

Lamps, ChandeliersWM. G--. FISCHER'S

Famous Grand Active and Gol

den Anvil WroughtSteel

Cooling Ranges !

OF .AXiHi SIZK9,With Boiler and Hot Water

Attachment if desired.

Consuming one-thir-d less fuel,either wood or coal, than anyother Stove in existence.

No Brick work about it 1 '

Just a Clean Cut Stove !

Wbnoo TCatrintv rmn 1 it ina a rnnnanvnaooiiM I vtannnlav r7.




t ii i sA.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.

r. v Honolulu. ..6:15 8:45 1:45 4:30t

Airlve Honoaliall.7:15 0:49 2:40 5:28f

T.v nnnonlInll.7:45 10:51 3:51 5:50t

At lr Honolulu. . 8:40 1 1:55 4:55 6:45t

t Saturdays only. 53-- tf

Sundays excepted.

Tliea, Sun and Moon.BT O. . LTONB.


coc B aDay c 2 ,a --

9 a 3 11

!p.B p. in, a. in'Jon... a 10. 9.30 3.00 .20 6.37 6.61 0.31Tuea.. 3 11. 3.30 6. A) 6.37 8.6v! 1.30Wed... 4 11. W 10.40 4.00 6.20 6.37 6.62 2.31

Thnr.. fi 11.40 4.30 7.00 6.36 6.53 3.31a.m.'p.m

fri 0.10' 0.30 6.00 7.30 6.3 5.53 4.33Sat.... 1.00 1.30 5.40 8.00 6.3S 6.64 6.35Sou... 1.00 2.3o, 6.40 8.30 6.35 5.64 6.33

The Time Siena! for the Port is given at12 h. 0 m. 0 (miiltight) of Greenwich time, or1 h. 28 m. 34 a. r. u. ol Honolulu Observatory

timIt is Riven by the Pteam "Whistle ol the Honolulu

PlanlDZ MID. few door above the CustomIlonne. The same whittle la sounded correctly at Honolulu Mean Noon, ObservatoryMeridian, or 10 n. SI m. 26 s. of Greenwichtime.


09 as B.B


Sun. 25 30.05,29.96 79 o.oi 70, 7 NE-- S

Mon -- 6 30.01;29.93 77 0.70 76 3; N K

Tues'27,29. 98:29.87 77 0.28 C6 4j N K

Wed 2S 29.89 29.77 7s: 0.00 C2j 4 N--

Thur,29 29.80 29.72 79 0.00 81 6. N

Frt.. 30 29.94 29r0u 78 04 2 N K

Bat..! 31 S0.00l29.6D 77 0.01 7u! 9: K


AKKIVALS.Monday, Feb. 2.

. Bk Woollahra. Barneson, 59 days fromNewcastle, N S W.

Stiur Kaala, Hagland, from Kilauea.Schr Mary from Hanalei.Schr Sarah and Eliza from Koolau.

DEPAKTL'KKS.Monday, Feb. 2.

Stmr Hilhns. for Panaikou.Stmr James Makee. Macaulay, for

Karaa.Stmr Mokolii. McGregor, for Molokai

and Lanai.


Stmr Mikahala, Campbell, for Kauai at5 V m.

Stmr Waialeale, Chaney, for Nawiliwili and Koloa at 5 p m.

Stmr Claadine, Davies.for ports on Maui,atopm.

Stmr J A Cummins. Neilson, for allports in Koolau, at 9 a m.

Stmr Kaala. Hagland, for Kilauea, at5 pm.

Schr Lavinia for Kauai.Schr Kauikeaouli for Kohala.Schr Luka for Paauilo.Schr Mary for Hanalei.Schr Alika for Kona.Schr Sarah and Eliza for Koolau.

VES3EL.S IN 1'OKT.(This list does not include coasters.)

USFS Charleston, Brown, San Francisco.I' 8 S Mohican, Shepard, from Hiio.H M S Nymphe, Turner, Hilo.Am bk Coryphene, David, Nanairao.'Am schr Rose Sparks, Brandt, Jaluit,S S IShip J C Potter, Meyer, Nanaimo. B.C.Bktne S N Castle, Hubbard, San Francisco.BktMary Winkelman, Nissen, San Fran.Bkt Skagit, Robertson, Port Townsend.Am bk Chas B Kenney, Hanson, San Fran.Am bk Matilda, Swenson, Port Townsend.Am bktne Planter, F A Dow, San Fran.Am tern Emma Claudina.Maas, San Fran.Brbk Woollahra, Barneson, Newcastle.

FOREIGN VESSELS EXPECTED.Vennels. Where from. Dne.

Bk Charlotte Liverpool Jan 15Ship Fifeshire Liverpool Feb 25Bk Santiago New York Feb 21Bk Vivax New York May 15Bl: C O Whitmore.. Newcastle Feb 14Bk J C Pduger Bremen Feb 25S S Arnigo. Mexico Jan 27Bk Foohug Suey.... Boston Apl 7Bk H Hackfeld Liverpool June 4Tern Win Renton..Newc't(Kahului)FeblOBktne RobtSudden.Newc't(Kahului)Febl511 M S S Alameda. . .Colonies Feb 6Bk AUen Besse....B C (Kahului) ..Feb 18Brgt J D Spreckels.S F ( Kahnlui) ..Jan 281 M S S China San Francisco. .Mar 5Schr Ookk-T- i Shore. Newcastie.SSW.Feb 19Am Bk Sonoma Newcastle Feb 25Bktne John Smith. Newcastle Feb 4Bk Mauua Ala Newcastle Feb 19Ship Exporter Newcastle Feb 12Bk Newsboy Newcastle Feb 28OS S Australia... San Francisco. .Feb 3Bk Harvester S. F. (Hilo) Feb 9Ship Merom Port Wakely....Feb 25Bk S C Allen San Francisco . .Feb 15Bkt Klikitat Port Townsend. Mar 4

Bkt Amelia Port Townsend. Mar 3Bkt W H Dimcnd..San Francisco. .Feb 10Brgt Geo H D juglass . .San Fran .... Feb 15Schr Zanipa Port Gamble. . . Feb 15Bk Andrew Welch.. Newcastle(Kah) Feb 20Sn Harvester Newcastle Feb 20Bk Nicholas Thayer.San Francisco. Feb 9Un S S Monowai. . . San Francisco. Feb 12



From Maui, per stmr Clandine, Feb 1

Hon Geo Richardson. J W Kalua, L 1 Kai-arnf- i,

Mrs Hanaike, Mrs C L Hopkins.HonW White and wife, Mrs Makalua, childand nurse, H G Treadway, Hon L W PKanealii, Mrs S Nowlein, Miss B Nowleinand servant. Miss A Holmes and servant,Hon li D Walbridge, Hon W H Cornwell.D Kahaulelio, J A Kaukau, Mrs S G Wild-er. Sr. Mrs G F Wilder, Miss E K Wilder,Miss E White, C B Makee, Thos II Ever-ett, M Schelling and wife, M Kcalnha. TWolff, A Barnes, J A Palmer, J F St.-iiz.--i

and wife, Mrs Ferguson, Jus Cowui.witeand family. Rev S Nagasaki, J W David-son, Miss A Reuter, D K Kahaolihi aud 55deck passengers.

siiirrim notes.The Hawaiian brigantine Geo. H. Dou-

glass, which arrived at San Francisco fromKahului on January ISth, reported that onJanuary 10, Fred Holderman.a seaman,fell overboard. Fortunately the weatherbeing fine he was rescued. A life-uuo- y,

marked Geo. H. Douglass of Honolulu,was thrown overboard and lost.

The bark Harvester was to sail from SanFrancisco for Hilo on January 22d, andthe bark Nicholas Thayer for Honolulu onJanuary 24. The bark S. C. Allen aud bark-entin- e

W. H. Dimond were loading for thisport.

The steamer W. G. Hall arrives this "a-fternoon from windward ports.

The bark Coryphene will sail for SanFrancisco in a few days. She took in sugaryesterday from the J. A. Cummins andMikahala.

The steamer Waialeale takes the freightfor Nawlliwili, Koloa and Etele this after-noon. The Mikahala carries passengersonly to Nawiliwili. She will take a steam

'. The steamer Koala arrived February 2 1

from Kilauea with 1,900 bags sugar.; The hark Matilda is discharging her lum-ber at Messrs. A Hon &. Robinson's wharf.ihe brought 4U) bundles shingles. 20 Mlaths and 7'il,4lKi feet lumber.

The Claudine's cargo on Sunday was:6Ji5 bags sugar, 75 bags taro, 57 bags pota-toes, 65 bags corn, 45 pigs, 46 hides, 2horses and 1(J0 packages sundries.

The British clipper iron bark Woollahra.Captain Barneson, arrired on Monday af-ternoon, February 2d, 5lJ days from New-castle, N. 8. W., with 1,300 tons of coal toMessrs. Wi'.der & Co. After unloading,she will leave in ballast for Poget Sound toload lumber for Sydney. The Woollahrawas here in July, 189. The run she madefrom Newcastle to this pon on that trip,which was 34 days, has never been beatenyet. Unfavorable weather prevented herfrom making another crack run on herpresent voyage. The Woollahra has beenanchored in the stream.

The schooner Ka iloi's cargo of 3.470bags sugar eoes on board the bark John C.1 otter to-da- y.

The bark C B. Kenney has been movedout into the stream to make room for thesteamship Australia due this morning.

The bark C. O. Whitmore and barken- -tine John Smith are expected to arrive dur-ing the week with coal from Newcastle,N. S. W.

liOKN.McKENZIE In this City. February 1st,

to tne wife ot J. t . iUCKenzie, a son.


An autoharp for sale or exchange.

The Woman's Board of Missionswill meet to-da- y at the Central UnionChurch at 2:30 r. m.

The H. F. .Wichman Watch Clubhad it s regular weekly drawiner Yesterday. See list elsewhere.

An interesting summary of newsfrom our correspondent at Kohalawill be found on the first page.

The Paia Plantation on East Mauiturned out one thousand tons ofsugar during the month of January,

The resrular term of the FourthJudicial Circuit to be held at Nawili-wili, Kauai, is postponed till March4, J.8U1.

Mr. J. F. Morsran will sell onThursday, at 10 a. m., the householdfurniture of Dr. S. G. Tucker at thelatter's residence. ; .

A number of prominent Masonsare expected by the Australia; theycome from California to attend thefuneral of the late King.

The Hawaiian Hardware Companyis to the front with just the articleyon want this kind of weather theHartman Steel Wire Mat.

The Hawaiian Royal MilitaryJJand plays every day at IolaniPalace from 4 to 6 p. m.. till thefuneral takes place on the 15th.

Instead of J. B. Atherton. Vice- -President of the Ewa PlantationCompany, as stated in yesterday'sl'uann i- r V sx-- 1 ,3 T T "I X 1 - TTl Iasouct, lb DUUU1U UO U. JL. V; US lit?, V


Mr. A. Barnes, of Wailuku. Maui.leaves by the nrst steamer for China.Mr. Barnes by advice of his physician, goes to recuperate lost health,ana win be gone tor several months.

Ihe mass meeting to have beenheld yesterday evening was post- -. .3 Pi i 1 mponea aiter tne. appointment or acommittee, to meet Thursday even-ing at 7:30 o'clock at the same place.A large attendance is requested. '

Inspector General A. T. Atkinsonleft on the Kinan last week on a tourof inspection of Government Schoolson Hawaii. He travels from Koholathrough to Kona, where he will meetProf. A. A. Moore., Deoutv-Insnecto- r.

a ar s,

To-morro- at 10 o'clock a. m. L.J. Levey will sell some Japaneseplants and curios, copper and goldenpheasants, one iinrickisha and of hor

IJapanese goods. Be on hand if youwant to procure any of these, for I

there will be lots of purchasers.

'he Kahuku Plantation ComDanvhad its annual meeting Saturday,


and elected the following namedofficers for the ensuing year Alex-ander Young, President; John A.Cummins, Vico-Presiden- t; Jas. B.Castle, Treasurer; Wm. W. Hall,Secretary; C. Bolte, Auditor. These fofficers also constitute the Board otDirectors. -

A meeting was held at Wailuku,Maui, Friday evening of last week,for the purpose of drafting resolu-tions of condolence, sympathy andregret at the nation's loss. Hon.Geo.Richardson was appointed chairmanof a committee of whom Hon. R. D.Walbridge, Hon.W. H. Cornwell andMessrs. H. G. Treadway and Jj. W.P. Kanealii were the other members,to present the resolutions to theRoyal family.

.The Proposed Change.In future there will be a tri-mouth- ly

service betweon San Fran-cisco and Honolulu. The OceanicSteamship Company and the UnionSteamship Company of New Zealandhave come to an agreement bywhich the two companies are toamalgamate on the subsidy question.The Oceanic Company will ruu theAlameda and Mariposa and theUnion Company the Monowai andMararoa, between Sydney, Auckland,Honolulu and San Francisco. Allthe arrangements have not yet beenmade, but it is more, than probablethat in future there will be a fort-nightly service between the abovepoints. By the above arrangementsthe Zealandia was left out in thecold, so the Oceanic Company hasresolved to place on the Honoluluroute in conjunction with the Aus-

tralia. The two steamers will runbetween San Francisco and Hono-lulu at intervals of fourteen days.S. F. Post.

ury, 1891.The total number of deaths reported for

the month of January was 00, distributedas follows :

Under 1 year.. From 30 to 40.From 1 to 5 From 40 to 50.From 5 to 10... From 50 to GO

From Id to 20.. From GO to 70. . 11From 20 to 30.. Over 70

Males 32 I Females

Hawaiians 42 Great BritainChinese 6 United StatesPortuguese 5 Other nationalitiesJapanese 0Total 56Unattended 21

Non-Reside- nt


Bright's disease. . . 1 Typhoid fever...Beriberi . 1 Brain feverChildbirth . 1 ConvulsionsCroup . 1 ConsumptionDiarrhoea 2 ColicFever 3 DropsyDebilitv 1 HemorrhageHeart Disease . 1 InanitionInflammation.. . . 1 InjuryJaundice . 1 ! MeningetisOld Age 10 I ParalysisUnknown 10

comparative monthly mortality.Jan., 1837 58 Jan., 1890Jan., 1888 47 Jan., 1891 .50Jan., 1889 61 I


Fstimated population:All nationalities 23,000 Annual death

rate per 1000 per month 29.21Hawaiians 11,000 45.81Asiatics 5.000 14.40All other nationalities 7,000 13.00


Out- -

Wards . . 1 2 3 4 5 sideDeaths... 9 9 15 12 11 0

C. B. Reynolds,Agent Board of Health.


It is Still Sweeping Over theOld World.

London, January 20. The severity of the weather in Great Britain is increasing. There is muchsuffering among the poorer classes.From various sections of the country come accounts of cattle, and inseveral instances human beings,being frozen to death. A lady wasfound to-da- y frozen to death in arailroad carriage at one of the etations in this city.

Vienna, January 20. There is abeer and coal famine hero. Theformer cannot be brought into thecity from the breweries on accountof the snow, and the dealers refuseto sell more than 200 weight of thelatter to any one customer.

A girl of seven has been killedby hungry wolves at Dietz.

Madrid, January 20. RiversTagus and Ebro at Saragossa arecovered with ice for the first timesince 1829.

Brain workers, and all who have tostand the severe mental strain consequent on intellectual employment, findClements' Tonic invaluable. IIol- -

lister & Co. are the Aeonts for theIslands.

SPECIAI. business items.Fancy Dress Gingham 8 yardsfor $1, with a hundred patternsto choose from at Sachs' Stoke

104 Fort Street.If you are in search of a Silk orLace Dress for evening orstreet wear call at Sachs'

Store, and you will find what you want.

The latest shades in HenriettaCloth and new Plaids can befound at Sachs' Store, 104

Fort Street.

RICH AND GUARANTEEDpositively pure Ice Cream offinest flavors at only $2 per

whole gallon at the Pioneer Steam CandyFactory, Bakery and Ice Cream Parlors.

2GGG-- tf F. Horn, Proprietor.Hotel st., bet. Fort and Nnuanu.

.Tfiu StfmiTtiscmcnts.

Meeting Notice.

THE STOCKHOLDERS OF C.& Comnanv. L'td. will please take

notice that the annual meeting of theCompany will be held at its office, onQueen street, on WEDNESDAY, Feb. 4th,at 10 o'clock a. M. J. O. CARTER,

Secretary C. B. & Co.Hono'ulu, Jan. 28, 1891. 2671-- 1 w

WANTED.AND BOARD BY A YOUNGEOOM in a private fainilv. Ad

dress H., Advertiser office. 2678-4- t


Lane, containing large parlor, 2bed rooms, dining room, kitchen,and pantrv, with detached cot

tage containing bath and bedroom, largeyard and stable. This place has just beenthoroughly repaired, newly papered, andpainted inside and out and is in all respectsa3 good as new. Applv to

J. ALFRED MAGOON,2678-- 1 w Old Postoffice Building.


Is prepared to receive pupils inClassics, Mathematics and English

Literature.Soecial nrenaration for University and

Competitive Examinations.W'ror terms, etc., please applv No. 43

Emma street. 107-l- m

The Enterprise Hack Co.HAS BEENand has removed to CarriageStand No. 13. opposite the Po

lice Station. Telephone orders will receiveprompt attention and the public guaran-teed satisfaction. Wagonetts furnished ata few minute's notice.

WBell Tel. 113; Mutual Tel. 630.WALLACE JACKSON,

130-l- ni Manager.

Daily Advertiser 50c. per month.


XTOW THAT THE RAINY SEASON1 is npon us, everybody wants a Doorlat that will oe an ornament at the

front door, and wil 1 thoroughly do thework required ot it. The

Hartman Steel Wire Mat

Is just the thing. It cannot becomesoaked by rain, as is the case with fibermats, and it always keeps clean. Beimm.ide of Galvanized Wire

Tkey Cannot Rustas ao many or tne wire mats now inuse. I hey are far superior to and farmore durable than fiber or rubber. Canbe had of Ste; l Wire at


(Opposite Spreckels & Co.'s Bank,2679-t- f FORT STREET.


WATCH & CLUB!The SEVENTH Club is now beine form

ed. Come and secure a place in this Clnh.

Parties on the other islands can remitman.

The followine drew their Watches onMonday, Feb. 2d:

Club 1 Member No. 2.Clcb 2 Member No. 13.Club 3 Member No. 20.Club 4 Member No. 25.Club 5 Member No. 6.Club 6 Member No. 8.

We Have a Few More Places Open!

DOT-Parti- es livine outside of Hnnol nlndesiring to join one of the Clubs can maketneir payments by mail.

8p"'These watches are cased in snlirl 14Jtarat Gold, with fane full leweled WalthamMovements, and are warranted to he m- -curate lime ntces.

K373 It H. F. WICHMAN, Prop.


Pri Red Sat Salmon !

In Barrels, ex Bark Electra,

a Lots to Suit -:- - At Low Prices!

c. BREWER & CO.2G02-l-m


prices in feed andlabor, we the undersign-ed, from and after this

date, shall charge on all general merchan-dise, carted from any steamer arrivingfrom San Francisco, the rate of fif tv cents(50 cents) per ton, as per bills of lading.All carting from sailing vessels at the rateof forty (40) cents per ton.

Signed: Hustace, llobertson & Hitch-cock; E. Peck & Co.; Marcus R. Colburn;City Drayine Co., W. F. Sharratt; M. N.Sanders; J. W. McGuire.

Honolulu, Jan. 1, 1801. 2654-l- m


THE UNDERSIGNED HAS THISonened a retail store t Nn 78

Nuuanu street, for the purpose of selling


ailorins: and Dressmaking Department

WONG HOP CHANG.Aug. 21. 1890. 45-- q

Election of Officers.

T THE ANNUAL MEETING OFthe Hawaiian Agricultural Company,

eld this day, the following persons wereelected officers for the current year:

Hon. Chas. U. Bishop PresidentMr. Sam'l C. Allen Vice-Preside- nt

Mr. P. C. Jones TreasurerMr. J. O. Carter SecretaryMr. Tom May Auditor


Hon. Chas. R. Bishop, Mr. Sam'l C. AI--en, Mr. P. C. Jones and Mr. Chas M.

Cooke. J. O. CARTER,Secretary H. A. Co.

Honolulu , Jan . 15, 1891. 2664-l- m

NOTICE.FROM AND AFTERthis date we will not beresponsible for anyfreicht after same has

been landed. Parties to whom freight isconsigned must be at the landing to receivetheir freight

WILDER'S STEAMSHIP CO.Honolulu. Sept. 5.1K90. H2 q



and JEWELER,Hotel St., - - - Under the Arlington.

Mqdkrate Prices ! 120-- q

Pianos For lient.


COMPANY. 79-- q

Committee of Thirteen Appointed.

Owinr to the inclemency of theweather not very many people turned out to the mass meeting held yesterday evening at KaumakapiliChurch vestry.

Mr. W. R. Castle was appointedchairman, with Messrs. W. C. Achiarid I. D. Iaea secretaries. Themeeting was opened with prayer byRev. J. Waiamau, Chaplain duringthe late session of the Legislature.

Mr. Castle then stated object ofthe meeting. There is no occasionso solemn and important as that ofthe death of a sovereign and thechange in sovereignty. The meetingwas for the purpose of expressingfeelings of sorrow and condolencefor the Royal family; our heartfeltthanks for the people and for thegovernment that has done so muchto honor our late King in life, andfor the care and the return of thebody ; our object is to draw up resolutions to express our sympathy, regret and thanks to those who deeplymourn the loss and who have doneso much for our late King

Mr. J. W. Kawainui, editor of thePae Aina, read a set of resolutions innative; Hon. Antone Rosa read thesame in English.

1 Hon. Samuel Parker then addressed the assemblage. He thoughtthe matter of great importance, andior mat reason moved tnat a committee of twelve six Hawaiians, sixAmericans be appointed to draw upa set of resolutions

Hon. L. W. P. Kanealii moved anamendment that the committeeconsist of thirteen members.

Mr. Kawainui thought the resoluHons already offered were sufficientto cover the subject, new words maybe added, but all the points or ideaswere in tne resolutions iusi-re- aa

He moved that they be acted uponMr. x . 0. Testa was tnen ap

pointed interpreter.Mr. J. K. Kahookano seconded the

motion to amend Mr. Parker's motion on the appointment of a committee to draft resolutions. He thoughtthat separate resolutions shouldbe drawn np for the Queen and theQueen Dowager, and for the Unitedbtates Government and the Charleston's officers. Mr. Parker acceptedthe amendment to his motion

vHon. A. Rosa thought the mattershould be postponed till a largernumber of people would meet. Thequestion was one of national import-ance, and a larger audience shouldbe assembled to show their regard tothe American people for their kind- -

ness. JtLe thought that the Australiawould bring more news in regard tothe matter, and there would be moreto be considered. There should beseparate resolutions- - All deeply feltthe debt to America, and it is proper

have a larger assemblageMr. Kawainui's motion was put to

a vote and lost. The motion to ap-point a committee of thirteen to draftresolutions was carried.

Mr. Kanealii suggested that thecommittee be chosen from represen-tatives of the different islands.

The following committee was thenappointed: Hon. Samuel Parker,Hon. A. Rosa, Hon. J. L. Kaulukou,Hon. John Ena, Mr. J. F. Colburn,Mr. M. P. Robinson, Hon.W .G.Irwin,Hon. H. A. Widemann, Hon. E. C.Macfarlane, Hon. H. Waterhouse,Mr. Alex. Young, Mr. W. O. Smith,

Mr. Smith addressed the assem-blage and impressed upon thosepresent the fact that they shouldmake it generally known that themeeting to be held at the same placeand time on Thursday should belargely attended. He spoke of howSan Francisco turned out in thou-sands to pay their respects andthought we ought to do all that couldbe done to show how their kindattentions were appreciated.

The meeting then adjourned untilThursday at the same time and place.

'j.ne weeKiy uazette.The Hawaiian Gazette, a ten page

edition, is . puDiisnea this morning.It contains a complete account of thelate King's illness, death, funeralservices at San Francisco, the transfer of the remains on board the U. S.S. Chaileston to Honolulu; proces-sion to the Palace, etc.; editorials;all of the latest local news from theIslands; the trial of D.M.Crowleyvs. the Gazette Company; census ofHonolulu; several communications,etc. As orders for this issue havebeen coming for several days past,an extra edition has been run off tosupply the deiaand.

frcnj SluDcrtiscnicnts.


chanee for a Guitar Address G, thisoffice. 2079-- H

Notice of Election.

AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OFthe Kahuku Plantation Company, held

this morning, the following ofhcers wereed for the ensuing year:Alexander Young PresidentJohn A. Cummins Vice-Preside- nt

Jas. B. Castle TreasurerWin. W. Hall SecretaryC. Bolte AuditorThese officers constitute the Board of

Directors. WM. W. HALL,Secretary K. P. Co.

Honolulu, Jan. 31, 1891. 13U-2- t 2079-l- w

13. PETERSEN133 Fort Street.

Fresh Fruits and Potatoes by every Stmr.from San Francisco; the best'in

the market.A fine Stock of Havana Cigars, Tobacco.Orders for Groceries promptly filled.

Cash sales small profits. 2(J77-3in- u


Opp. Spreckels' Bank, - - Fort Street, Honolulu,

v k a w

before placing your orders elsewhere.153--q

New Goods!




- Bargains!

Honolulu.ro-- q

1 Wcstermaycr Grand !



Bargains! -:


THE PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., I'D.,Beg to announce that in consequence of extensive repairs to their building,

they are Removing tneir Stock of Goods to the

McINERN Y BLOCK.SXT Daring removal, in order to save expense of handling, fl

Their Entire Stock is Offered at Reduced Rates!


Persons requiring anything in their line will find this a specially favoi

able opportunity.

ISTew Goods, ISTew GoodsHave lately been received and fresh invoices are on the way.




2 Westermayer Pianos v



79 13-- q

Sale by

Kine nnd Bethel Struts.

The Weekly Gazette and Daily Advertiser


Page 4: JOHN NOTT, · Puu WILb MANILA ROPE, ALL SIZES i iv"t. ",c wmioris 01 a home tn Offick No. 13 Kaahamanu Street. Hono--And ABrrfo,l transienta and others. CTO 4 T f iuiu, jti. i. from

m. Willi .WIHWPI m Hi WMwre, j--- " i, ' ' - J&r-- .1

JLrii.-'r- j will :X


futu Uiir:rtisrmrnts. STOtfJF SAMOA. New ccrttscintwis. Sowttstmtiils.

An Old Claim for Damages onWin. G. Irwin & Company, J. L. MEYER,THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE Rp Vapor Enp THEO

Are adapted for Puuipine. Electric

Practical Hcuse and


No. 130 Fort St.,2651- -


Toys, Dolls, MusicalFULL LINE OF

BLACK HOSIERY, C. . P. t- - D. P. CORSETS, Etc., Etc.



Mv line Of fine enctd in morn thannew and desirable in the line of .

JEWELEY andEspecially handsome this vear are the

handsomely mounted as pansies. daisies, forgetuuiu iis ore wuni as in u cij as mey were last season.A large lot of all sizes on hand, and to arrive on the 12th inst.Hair ornaments in eold and silver: handsome RnrklM hMtntifnl TtUm

pins. Rings, Ear-ring- s, Lockets.Diamonds and precious stonet in-- every conceivable style.

NOVELTIES! NOVELTIES!In this line I have an especially fine lot of desirable goods.Have also added a line of FINE LEATHER GOODS.As they are entirely new and of the finest Leather onlv. T tk nlamre in

offering them on their merits alone.They comprise Pocket Books, Purses, Pocket Books and Card Cases Combined,

Note Books, Bill Books, Calendar Tablets, Card Cases, Cigar and Cigarette Cases,6tC f tCaa. 6tC

In Watches I carry a very laree stock, from a nlain case tn an lWt raisedand diamond inlaid, of the well-know- n

umjiuuu, uwiuum u auu ow is b. aii aoiu on s guarantee.1 also call your attention to my

HAWAIIAN SPOOHSTS,Pronounced by all to be the best article of

uiitewise me uoar s i usk escent uottle. ot only handsome, but useful as well.Call and see them. You will like them.In all other lines Clocks, Silverware, etc. my stock ia very complete.

the Islands.Pabkersburg, W. Va., January

19. Judge Chapin of Clarkcsburghhas just been allowed 860,000 bythe United States Government. Aclaim for 8200,000 was tiled duringthe administration of Fillmore,and has been pending ever 6ince.Chapin was United States Commercial Agent atSamoa.and during thestorm on the island goods, vesselsand warehouses were lost to theamount of damages asked. Ex.

Concerning Hawaii.At a meeting of the San Francisco

Chamber of Commerce, January 21,.ai. uv.u,..vu D i

construction of the Nicaragua canalwas adopted, as was a memorialfavoring the passage of the Shippingbill now before Congress.

" The Australian and tiawaiiancable question came up for discussion next, and tne report 01 tne com-mittee on the subject was unanimously

madopted by. the Chamber.

m . .

The report fully set lortn tneadvantazes that would follow thelaying of an American cable betweenthose points."

On January 20th word was received at London that the recentlyopened Parliament House of Japanhas been destroyed by nre.

Carrie JDane Chapman Catt saidin her recent speech at the sufiragoconvention in Des Moines: 'Butisn't so easv to cet a husband.There are no enough men to goaround at least decent ones.Ther are a great many thousand- -

dollar women now. They can't beexpected to nearly 10-ce- nt men.


Carpenter and Painter

Contractor, Builder and Jobber,

Furniture and Cabinet Maker, etc.

Chinese Employment Office,

No. 39 King Street.

Mutual Telephone 670; Bell Tel.awm y



All Aboard for Waialua andWay Stations !

TRAINS LEAVING HONOLULUStation at 1:45 P. h. on

MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS will carry Passengers, Mail andSmall Packages for Waialua.

Transfer will be made at Pearl City toWhite's Pi neer Express, which will commence to run Monday morning, Dec. 29th.

tXt" Single tickets from Honolulu toWaialua can be bought at Honolulu Railway station tor 6 round trip tickets b.

The Pioneer Express will leave Waialuain time to connect witn the passenger tramleaving Pearl City for Honolulu at 4:15p.m., on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS andSATURDAYS, arriving at Honolulu Station at 4:5o f. M.

This new line will start for the first timefrom Waialua on Tuesday, Dec. 30, 1890.

B. F. DILLINGHAM,153-l- m General-Manag- er O. L. & R. Co.

Kedward & Howell,

Contractors & Builders-

Brick, Stone and Wooden BuildingEstimates Given.

Jobbing Promptly Attended to.76 KING STREET.

Bell Telephone No. 3. P. O. Box 4Jt115-3m-y


WATC HMAKERKing Street, next Geo. Lincoln's.

Cheapest and best place to get your Watchor viocK iepaireu in a urst-cias-s

manner.Repairs to Musical Instruments;

Fine Mechanical Work;

Electroplating and Gilding.

0 All work warranted for twelvemonths. 154-lr- u


Boston Line of Packets.

IMPORTERS WILL PLEASEtake notice that the fine


Capt. W. L. Josskitct,Will be laid on the berth in Boston to leavefor this port on March 15, 1891, if suffi-cient inducement offers.

"For further particulars apply to



&d CO


141 Days from Liverpool I


New Goods

Anchors, Chains,Cocoa Mats, Kettles,

Sauce Pans, Fry Fans,Bedsteads,

Fence Wire,Sheathing Metal,

Roofing Iron,Cane Knive,


Bole Leather Trunks,White Lead, Red Lead,Boiled Linseed Oil,Castor Oil, Belting,Coal Tar, Water Tanks,Fire Brick, Red Brick, Alum,Red Ochre, Fire Clay,Bags, Twine,Filter Cloth,

Soap, Groceries,Boots and Shoes,

Perfumery, Flags,Rope Brushes,

Croquet Sets,Dressing Cascti,


Bridles, Felts, Whips, Spurs,Blankets, Sheeting,Dry Goods, Merinos.Shawls, Handkerchiefs,Victoria Lawns,Mosquito Netting, Leggings,Laces, Ribbons, Hats, Helmets.Velvets, Embroidered Dress,

Flannel,Basket Trunks,

Picnic Hampers,Rugs, Mats, Carpets,

Clothing, Tweeds,Ginghams,

. Hosiery,Scarfs,

Suitings in latest'styles,Underwear, Braces,Sofa Pillows.Gloves, Flouncing,Embroidery. Curtains,Table Napkins,Table Cloths,Water-proo- f Coats,Artificial Flowers.Dust Cloaks,Pajama Suits,Fine Hosiery Silk, Lisle, Cotton,

Dinner Sets,Tea Sets,

Desert Sets,Fancy Crockery,

Common Crockery,Wedgewood War,


Wicker Ware, Fancy Chairs,Hammocks, Tables, Baskets.Umbrella Stands,Decanters,Salad Bowls,Mush Sets,Flower Pots,Filters,Etc., Etc., Etc.

Theo.H. Davies&Co




Boxes, Dressing Sets

mmnlsta thfa u. mr,A .a.J... .u:

SILYERWAREDin mfnrl nolrlaroa aithAv in anlitairA nr

-me-nots, chrysanthemums, etc., etc.

. -

makes of Howard, Waltham, Elgin, Dueber,

Hawaiian manufacture to send abroad.

Fort Street.lS4-l- m

Horses Keut.


FOR SALE:Utallions of Various Breeds,

Mares with or without FoalHorses Tor any Purpose.


A Skilful BREAKER and TRAINEEis employed on the Ranch.

Satisfaction is guaranteed in BreakingJ f r nauu x raining norses.

1SENBEEG,62-l- y

LINCOLN,cttit tw tup mmn .a

w) A j ti i. : i t ,

at au is worm aoing wen.

public for past favors,remain respectfully yours,






Compounds and Eoofing


Felt Steam Pipe Covering, all sizes.


"Wool Dust,Bone Meal,

Fish Guano.-- ALSO


Hish Grade Chemical Cane Manure.


Cocksfoot, Eye Grass and Clovers.


Falrbank Canning Co.'s Corned

Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins.


Baldwin Locomotives!

The undersigned having been appointedoole Agents for tne Hawaiian islands


Baldwin Locomotives

From the Works of

Bumham, Parry, Williams & Co.,

Philadelphia, Penn.,Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive orders for these engines, of anysize and style.

The Baldwin Locomotivr Wokks arenow manufacturing a style of Locomotive particularly adopted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently beenreceived at these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in furnishing PlantationAgents and Managers with particulars ofsame.

The superiority of these Locomotives.over all other makes is not only knownhere but is acknowledged throughout theUnited states.

WM. G. IEWIN & Cw,Sou Agents for Hawaiian Islands.


THERISDONIron and Locomotive Works,

Corner of Bl and Howard Street,

San Francisco California

W. B. TAYLOB PresidentB. S. MOORE Superintendent

Builders of Steam Machinery

In U It. bnnobea.Steamboat, Steamablp. Land Engine, ft Boiler. ,

High Pressure or Compound.8TEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete,

with bulls ot wood. Iron or composite.OBDINABY ENGINES compounded when

STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con-structed with reference to the trade in whichthey are to be employed. Speed, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed.

9CGAB MILLS and Sugar Making Machinerymade after the most approved plans. Also, allBoiler Iron Work connected therewith.

WATEB PIPE, of Boiler 01 (Sheet Iron, of an;sice, made in suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets rolled, punched and packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on theground.

HYDBAUL10 BIVETING, Boiler Work and WaterPipes made by this establishment, riveted byhydraulic riveting machinery, that quality ofwork belnu far superior to hand work.

SHIP WOBE, Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the PacificCoast of the Heine 8afety Boiler.

PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation orcity works' purposes, built with the celebratedDavy Valve Motion, superior to any otheipump.

JOHN DYER Honolulu13m Boom No. 3. upstairs. Sprockets Block

SUN NAM SING,No. lOO Nuuanu Street;

Begs to call the attention of the public totheir large and well selected Stock of

Japanese Groods,Suitable for this market, which will twsold at lowest prices. 49-l- y

Big G hasgtvn univer-salOarMlm satisfaction in the

TO 6 DATS. ' cure of Gonorrhoea andkOMSuiotun. Gleet. T prescribe it and

feel sale in recommend-ingnr4oly bytfas it to all sufferers.

Ohio. viw u rnujr., 9J.UU.TraJ Sold bv Drufteista.

HOLLI8TER & Co., Wholesale Agents.Bkbsob, Smith & Co., Wholesale Agents


Lighting, running Elevators. Harvesting and Thrashing Machines. PrintingPresses, Boot and bhoe Machinery, Circu- -cular, Jig and Band Saws, Hoisting, Mill,and Mining Machinery. Coffee Mills andRoasters, Polishing and FanninpMachines,Ventilating Apparatus, Emery Wheels,Etc., in fact, everywhere Dower is needed.

No Boiler, No Fire. No Stoam,No Coal, No Ashes,

No Engineer, No Explosion.NO DANGER

Started Instantly Without Even aMatch

Always Ready to give out its Full Power.

Cost to Run:About One Cent per Horse-pow- er per


The above Engine cn be seen inoperation at any time at the Meat Marketof Jos. Tinker, Nuuanu street

Information in regard to the cost,running, etc. will be turmshed on application to

' JOS. TINKER, Nuuanu St.,

102-- q Sole Agent Hawaiian Islands.

City Meat- - Market


Practical Butcher,AND MAKEB OF THK

Celebrated Cambridge Fork Sausage

Made by the very best Machinery andcannot be equalled. iis

Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal and Porki

is of the finest quality.

All orders entrusted to his care are delivered with cleanness and dispatch withina ramus ot tnree miles 01 tne city. My

Corned Beef asd Pickled Tongues

Are a Specialty and need no comment.My Celebrated


Are the BEST in the Islands.Upwards of half a ton a week sold.

Don't forget the address:'i i


(Opposite Queen Emma Hall.)

mxru. a. ino connection with anyoiner AiarKet. 120-- q


AT ouk


6 fi?SSix (Hew Styles) FISCHER and SCIURBEET

(New York Mke)

PIANOS!Just received direct from the Factory.

We will sell them at Prices that defy competition, on

Easy Monthly Installments!

AWCall early and get first choice. Alsoa new line ot

Plush Piano Scarfs and Piano Stools.


79-- q



from one to an entire set inserted on ffold, silver, allum- -inum and rubber bases.

Crown and bridge work a specialty. Topersons wearing rubber plates which are aconstant source of irritation to themouth and throat, we would recommendour Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper-ations performed in accordance with thelaiest improvements in aenta science.Teeth extracted without pain by the use ofjwurous uxiue uas.

Hotel street, Tregloan prem131-- q

Steam Book and Job


46 Merchant Street.

Is prepared to do all kinds of Commer-cial and Legal Work, correctly

and with dispatch.

Saving Lately Received a Very Complete

Stock of all the Finer Grades of

Flat Papers of every size,


Fine White and Colored Cards.

And also having added to our formervery large assortment, about eighty fonts

of the

Finest Job Type anl Ornaments

From the most celebrated Foundries ofthe United States, and employing

only experienced and tasty work-men, we are prepared to turn

out at very short notice :

Letter Heads,Bill Heads,

Circulars,Note Heads.

Statements.Bills of Lading;

Contracts,Mortgage Blanks,

Leases, Bonds,Shipping Contracts,

Calendars,Blank Checks

Steel-plat- e Wedding-- Cards,Stock Certificates,Business Cards,Milk Checks.Meal Tickets,Bank Checks,

Plantation Orders,Receipts, Prom. Notes,

Marriage Certificates,Diplomas. '

Catalogues,Blotting Pad u

Druggists LableMJCnvelopes.iall sizes;

.Shipping Receipts,- Ball Programmes,

Theatre Programmes

And in fact everything which a First. class Office can do, and

At Bed-roc-k Prices I

Gazette ; Book and -- Job

46 Merchant Street.


HawAn. Much , 1888. tBlsdon Iron and Locomotive Works. Ban Jrtraa

eisoo.Qantlemea Ws have nsed two of yonr

Filter Presses thiissason. Theare convenient, easily handled and are workingentirely to our satisfaction. I can recommendno Improvement on them.

Very respectfully yours.(slgnso) A. Moobi,

Manager Paaahan Plantatioa.

HzmiA, Sept. 38, 1889,iOBK DTKB. Agent Risdon Iron Works

Honolulu.Dbab Sib: Please ship us one of yonr SO

Compartment Filter Presses. 340 square feetsurface, same as the one supplied us last season,which I am pleased to say has given us entiresatisfaction. Yours truly,

OKO. K. EWART,Manager fleela Agricultural Co.

These Presses are made extra heavy forhigh pressures, occupies a floor a pace of 1 1 a4 ft., and presents a filtering surrace of 240square feet. A limited number In stock lcHonolulu and are sold at very low prices.

Rlsdon Iron 4 I.oeo. Works.Ran Francisco.

tor particulars enquire ofJOHN DYEB Honolulu

Boom No. S Sprockets' Block:79 1343 W. o. IRWIN ft Co., Agents.


109 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu.

Employment Agent.First-clas- s Cooks and family help a

specialty. $my

LSiUETUi la adrer-f- c


Patent wAELASTIC Spr . ;iThe assuranceTRUSS,

is VlfivD that we are fWoffering the B V

ir ww TrnulalheWerld..vThis Celebrated Appli-- &

nrhaa hean axtAnaivplvVfor fnfLit Ttpim Anil hut

Badleallr Cared thouajXaada efcun of Raptnre! This is anWKlortrte Tnwe (the only aaccessfal onr$kiTer invented); has no Iron Hoop or Stel3pnngsauoniis,ana Dfineriaiuc,cui do wornwith mm and comfort Nicatand Day. It's a perfret retainer I or farther particulars oIniMi Mnrt c. in stamps for Pamphlet Ho. 1 antREM CMOt'D tbatDr.Pierce'seBilM ElectriU L III L If lD L I18 Trasses contain our Fr i Tate N I gnature) exactly like that ehown at sou of ibtpel vertlaeaneiaa. Beware of inferior imitationsAddress;

MAGNETIC ELASTIC TRUSS COMPANY,904 ftaerasaaeato tit., Sam Francisco, CaJ


.Pedigrees of all


The following Fine AninraU vill atanrlfor Service at the Ranch, Waialae:Well-bre- d Stallion. " MARIN"."

Norman Stallion' CAPTAIN GROWL."

Thoroughbred 8U1."MIDNIGHT."Two Native Stallions

TILIAOAO" and ' FRANK.A Well-bre- d Kentucky JACK.

IPATJTj IR.1314-l- y


tr&ctnr. Ann m nnw hattar ntuno7 7 iiviutu vu uu anj .uu Bil svuiub Ul WUIKarvnertjiiniri s to contr&rt.invnr anv ntliar .loan svf wn.v ki.- - . jri- - a a "J vijij v. nvi uniunin liU Ulfl UBUC, IIIthe same good and workmanlike manner as heretofore ; having curtailed my shopexpenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and all kinds of work appertain- -"6 uuuujuji i- auc way uo enbrusuju wj my care. i am enaDied to dothe same at very low rates, to suit the extremely dull times, and at the same time

u"'s iu uiiuu mat w 11at ib worm uoingThanking the



Groceries, Provisions and FeedBAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STRXSTS.

Ooods received by eyry packet from i be Kastera States and Euro free b CJlforateproduce by erery steamer. All orders taithfnlly att-- B to, and Goods dellYed to any part of Vb.

- - - frtia

Tlie Weekly Gazette and Daily P. C. Advertiser