John Lennon Ana Aguilar English 3 Period 5 Mrs. Lecesne May 31, 2012

John Lennon - Capstone Project · 2019-09-25 · “It says here this man is John Lennon,” Nurse Dolce told everyone in the room “It can’t be, he looks nothing like him,”

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Page 1: John Lennon - Capstone Project · 2019-09-25 · “It says here this man is John Lennon,” Nurse Dolce told everyone in the room “It can’t be, he looks nothing like him,”

John Lennon

Ana Aguilar

English 3 Period 5

Mrs. Lecesne

May 31, 2012

Page 2: John Lennon - Capstone Project · 2019-09-25 · “It says here this man is John Lennon,” Nurse Dolce told everyone in the room “It can’t be, he looks nothing like him,”

The End

The hospital door swung open as two officers ran in carrying an almost lifeless body.

They ran to the stretcher and placed the man. The doctor was ready and he rolled in the stretcher

into the emergency room. All the nurses were ready to take of this poorly hurt man. The Doctor

wasted no time and ripped open the man’s shirt.

“Oh my,” he said as he saw the three deep holes into the man’s chest. “We have to act

quick people!”

“It says here this man is John Lennon,” Nurse Dolce told everyone in the room

“It can’t be, he looks nothing like him,” Nurse Jackie replied.

“Enough, we have bigger problems to worry about right here!” the Doctor told them

The doctor made an incision to the heart and hardly any blood came out. He began to cut

faster the man’s life was at stake here. Once the Doctor got to the heart, he was amazed to see it

not beating at all. He quickly stuck in his bloody glove and began to massage the heart to get it to

beat again. Over and over he massaged the broken heart in his hand. The heart seemed to be

dead. The Doctor soon realized nothing could be done, it was too late. At that instant he could

see Yoko Ono looking through the glass window. The doctor couldn’t even look at her.

“John Lennon is dead,” he told his nurses. The room got real quiet; you could hear the

blood dripping on the floor from the body. Around 11:07-11:15 John Winston Lennon was

pronounced dead

I feel like I’m missing something…I don’t feel complete. Oh John what’s this

nonsense I’m thinking about now? Where the hell am I going in life anyway? Hell

I don’t even know anymore. I just can’t find my god-damn peace. As crazy as it

is to admit I’m not happy. What do I have to do to be happy and shit?

6 Nov. 1966

God damn what a crazy day! Dunbar took me to the Indica

Gallery to see some weird exhibition something about a lot of

unfinished crap. I wasn’t in the mood, but I had nothing better to do.

I’m glad I went cause I got a kick out of the artist. She had no idea who

I was. So Dunbar took me a day before it the exhibition opened, so it

was just us 3. I don’t think she was too happy about it tho. Well, I

decided to get humorous with her. She gives me this card that says

Page 3: John Lennon - Capstone Project · 2019-09-25 · “It says here this man is John Lennon,” Nurse Dolce told everyone in the room “It can’t be, he looks nothing like him,”

‘Breathe’; in my head I’m thinking what the fuck lady? But, I smiled

at her and I got close to her face and exhaled in her face. I asked her if

that was how you do it and she just smiled. I got a kick of what I did

next tho. I go and take a bit out of this apple that was part of the

exhibit and her face was fucking priceless. If I could do it again I

would. I just told her with me biting onto this apple the price of it

would go up no doubt. I was having too, much fun I couldn’t quit now.

So I go over to this art piece called ‘Hammer a nail in’ what the hell

right? I asked her if I could hammer a nail in…Oh how my jokes crack

me up! Well, she didn’t let me. Oh but get this Dunbar tells her I’m a

millionaire and I might buy that piece. She thinks about it and says I

could hammer in a nail for 5 shillings, I laughed. I got all smooth

with her and shit and told her I would give her 5 imaginary shillings

and I’d hammer in an imaginary nail. She laughed, and at that

moment I felt that we made a connection. Crazy, I know. It felt good

and now I can’t stop thinking about her. Hell I don’t know what I’m

going to do but I think I fancy her.

Night it All Changed

I couldn’t take it anymore; I had to give her a call.

“I fancy having a woman around, Pete, do you mind if I get one in?” I asked my best

friend Pete.

“I don’t mind at all, I’m not about to stay up another night,” he told me sounding please I

was letting him go to sleep.

“I think I’ll give Yoko a ring then.”

“So you fancy her?” I was caught off guard when he said that.

“ I don’t know, but there is something about her, I’d just like to get to know her better,

and well now is a good time to do it with the wife and all away,” I was glad I could be honest

with him cause he never judged me like all the other bastards.

“Well goodnight then, don’t have too much fun,” he told me as he headed upstairs. I went

to the phone and dialed Yoko’s number. I swear waiting for an answer was dreadful.

“Hello?” It sounded like I’ve wakened her.

Page 4: John Lennon - Capstone Project · 2019-09-25 · “It says here this man is John Lennon,” Nurse Dolce told everyone in the room “It can’t be, he looks nothing like him,”

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“Who’s this?”

“It’s John remember me? The millionaire from the exhibit who bit your apple, I was just

wondering if you want to come over for a bit,” I hated waiting for her answer, I was so fucking


“…Oh John, I’m sorry, but it’s just really late,”

“Come on Yoko, just for a while, hell I’ll pay for the cab and all, come on we’ll have a

good time please,” I wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

“Well, alright then, I’ll see you in a bit.”

About an hour later she arrived and we headed in to my studio.

“You have an amazing pace John.”

“Thanks, so I’m going to play some things for you.” I played some comedy stuff,

electronic music and other far out stuff. She was quite impressed.

“Let’s make one ourselves,” she told me, and I was all for it. Well, before I knew it, it

was almost done and we’ve come up with a song called Two Virgins. We then had an amazing

connection and well it all ended perfectly.

Page 5: John Lennon - Capstone Project · 2019-09-25 · “It says here this man is John Lennon,” Nurse Dolce told everyone in the room “It can’t be, he looks nothing like him,”


The private jet, carrying John and Yoko, tilted slightly to the left and began a slow and

steady turn. Down below the beautiful blue ocean water came into the view. The island of

Gibraltar was getting closer and closer.

“Are you ready?” John Lennon asked his soon to be wife

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” she said as she leaned in for a kiss. Both of their eyes were filled

with pure happiness. They both felt this was the best decision they’ve ever made. The cool

Mediterranean air almost whisked away Yoko’s hat and they descended from the jet. Both of

them let out a little giggle. Peter Brown was waiting for them and so was Cecil Wheeler. They

both raced down the aisle like little kids anxious to get there.

“Ready?” asked Peter

“Hell yea!” John told him

“We are gathered here in holy matrimony to bring together this man and woman’” began

Wheeler. Doves began to fly over sky. John felt it was a sign. He and Yoko stared deeply into

each other’s eyes waiting to be husband.

“John, do you take Yoko Ono as your wife? Do you promise to love, honor, and cherish

her, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others and to be faithful only to her, so long as you

both shall live?” asked Wheeler

“I do,” answered John proudly

“Yoko, do you take John Winston Lennon as your husband? Do you promise to love,

honor, and cherish him, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others and to be faithful only to

her, so long as you both shall live?”

“I do”

“With the power invested in me, I know pronounce you husband and wife, John you may

now kiss the bride!” John didn’t wait for Wheeler to finish the sentence he leaned in and kissed

his wife.

I swear to god I’m going to go insane. Too many problems are beginning to

surface. I feel as if I can never catch a fucking break! It’s always Yoko this or

Paul this. God damn I can never get peace. I can’t take it all dammit it. You

know what? Fuck it, I’m done. I’m done with the Beatles, I’m done trying.

Everything I do never gets noticed. I’m done with all this shit.

Page 6: John Lennon - Capstone Project · 2019-09-25 · “It says here this man is John Lennon,” Nurse Dolce told everyone in the room “It can’t be, he looks nothing like him,”

What Happened?

What happened to us?

We used to be so close John

Open your eyes John

She’s ruined your life

You are not the same person

Open your eyes man

It’s all Yoko’s fault

You need to get away pal

And you can see why

Come back to me John

Yoko just does not love you

I just don’t see it

She’s not really true

She had it all planned out john

Try to understand

We miss ya buddy

We use to be so close John

What happened to us?

Dear Julian,

This is going to be one of the hardest letters I think I’m ever going

to write. I just want to get you to understand why I did the things I did.

First of all I want to apologize, I’m sorry for leaving you like I did. I’m

sorry for missing some of your birthdays, school shows, and many

Christmases. I’m sorry for not being more involved in your life. Most of

all I’m sorry for not being the dad I was supposed to be to you. Never

ever doubt the love I have for you though. You are my first son and no

Page 7: John Lennon - Capstone Project · 2019-09-25 · “It says here this man is John Lennon,” Nurse Dolce told everyone in the room “It can’t be, he looks nothing like him,”

matter what I will always love you. Please understand that your mum

and I did try to stay together, all for you, but I hope once you’re in love

you will understand why I left. It not an easy thing to do and again I’m

sorry. I just wasn’t the same person I felt I was. I felt like I needed

something new, and that’s when Yoko came along. You have no idea

how happy I am with her, I feel like I have found myself again. Be

happy for me. I finally found myself, I was struggling with finding

myself for years, so don’t think I felt because of you. Yeah I missed out

on your life and all, but I didn’t know how you were going to react to

me being there. I was scared you were going to reject me. My son I love

you and I hope you understand my reasons, I promise to be more part

of your life. We will work this out.


Your father

Last Straw

“I’m just sick of all this shit!” exclaimed John

“John, calm down, let’s talk this out, you don’t need to get out of control,” Paul told him.

“No, Paul I can’t keep up anymore, I’m sick of it all, I barely have any of my songs in

our albums, and you always compete with me, what the hell is with that anyway? I thought we

were friends!”

“Compete with you?! For god’s sake John! You and I are best friends and you know that!

I would never compete with you; we’re all in this band together.”

“All you care about is the damn band, how much money we make; all you care about is

the fame and the money!” John told him as he began to walk out.

“Whoa John, where the hell are you going? Come on lets work this out, we can’t give up

just like that” Paul told John as he followed him to the door.

“Please Paul, let him go, it’s for the best,” Yoko said.

“You stay out of this, you have no say in this conservation, you’re nothing to the Beatles

stay the fuck out of this conversation, it’s between John and me, you’re nothing to me you hear?

Nothing!” Paul yelled at Yoko

Page 8: John Lennon - Capstone Project · 2019-09-25 · “It says here this man is John Lennon,” Nurse Dolce told everyone in the room “It can’t be, he looks nothing like him,”

“Don’t fucking talk to her like that!” John shot back at Paul.

“Can’t you see John, it’s all her fault! This is what she wants; she’s an evil scheming


“Leave her fucking out of this Paul!”

“What happened to no girls in the studio?”

“Yoko’s part of me, I’ve told you many times! If you were really my friend you would


“She’s breaking us apart john! She’s just using you!”

“Paul, that’s enough, I’ve had it, the band is over.”

“Dammit John, let’s talk this out!”

“You don’t seem to understand do you? The band is fucking over! I started the band, and

I’m disbanding it.”

“John are you really going to choose her over me? You’re best friend?”

“Sorry Paul,” John said as he and Yoko walked out of the studio.

“Bloody hell!” Paul screamed to himself.

I’m finally free. I always felt tied down to the Beatles. I hate where the band

was going anyway, it was all just going downhill. I’m glad it’s all over. Now I can

focus and Yoko and I. That’s just what I want. No more dealing with the guys

and shit. I love the sound of being free. Finally.













Page 9: John Lennon - Capstone Project · 2019-09-25 · “It says here this man is John Lennon,” Nurse Dolce told everyone in the room “It can’t be, he looks nothing like him,”








Body aching for 36 hours

Temperature rising, fever is high

Feels so damn good at first

I soon end up regretting it

I just want to get away

Thinking just a little won’t hurt

I soon realize it was wrong

This gets me nowhere in life





All to fucking much

Heroin makes it better

The pain just isn’t worth it

I want out

I’m done

I just hope I get help.

Oct. 9, 1975

Page 10: John Lennon - Capstone Project · 2019-09-25 · “It says here this man is John Lennon,” Nurse Dolce told everyone in the room “It can’t be, he looks nothing like him,”

Holy shit! I’m a god-dam father! A father! It’s so crazy! My second

son Sean was born today, on my birthday! It’s like were almost twins in

a way. I can’t believe this, I’m still in shock. My poor mother though,

she had a tough delivery. I’m so proud of her! She did an amazing job.

When she woke up she and I just cried and cried. Were so damn happy!

I can’t wait to see what the future has in store us.

Everything is so perfect. I cannot be any happier! Sean is the best thing

that has happened to me. I’m going to be the best dad in the whole

world! Gosh I’m so glad. Best day of my life. Sean makes me want to be

a better person. I need to get myself back on track, my friendships. I’m

going to be a better person.


I don’t know why John just wasn’t answering me. Where the hell were we going? All he kept

telling was to not worry about it. Well it’s 2am and we’ve been driving for about an hour. The

city lights began to disappear and the road got darker and darker. He expects me not to worry?

He’s crazy I tell ya. I suddenly started to shake, it was so shaky. Oh what the hell, he’s getting

off the road. Oh mama, he’s sure lost it now. I tried to get him to tell me where we are, but he

just keep smiling at me. I hate how he’s so sneaky! We’ve finally stopped…now he’s getting out.

Oh boy...Well might as well join him. I can tell it’s going to be a hell of an adventure. As I get

out I hear a wolf howl, the hairs on my neck literally stood up. I got goose bumps all over. I

never liked wolves. I looked and john was nowhere to be found. The piney smell made my nose

tingle. The beautiful night stars lit up the dark sky. The cool breeze made the hairs on my arms

dance. Damn it was getting cold. Where the hell was John? Dammit John. Another howl? This

one sounded real close. My heart literally stopped when I looked up to see a figure standing on

the edge of a cliff. Fucking John! I swear I’m going to kill him. Why in the world is he sitting on

an edge of a god-damn cliff!? Wait what is that? John seems to be petting a dog. Where did this

dog come from? I suddenly, come to realize that those are not dogs. They’re…wolves…wolves?!

I screamed his name so many times he didn’t look up at all!! All I could clearly see was his

bushy beard and hair move with the wind. I don’t know why but I stared to walk towards him. I

hated wolves. I felt like this certain one was threatening our friendship. Ha what am I saying? Oh

I bet John sees me now, he’s getting up. I told him we should go home. He told me he was done.

What the hell? Done with what? I told him it that wasn’t funny. JOHN! WHAT THE HELL

Page 11: John Lennon - Capstone Project · 2019-09-25 · “It says here this man is John Lennon,” Nurse Dolce told everyone in the room “It can’t be, he looks nothing like him,”

JOHN! He just jumped off the cliff with the damn wolves! He’s fucking lost his mind. I’ve never

ran so hard in my life. As I ran I literally felt the ground below shake. I get to the edge of the

cliff and look down and John is nowhere in sight. I cried for him at the top of my lungs…no

answer. Tears begin to slide down my cheek as I’ve come to realize I’ve just lost my best friend.

Final Interview

Dave Sholin: Ladies and Gentlemen I am here sitting in the home of the man himself...Mr. John

Lennon and the one and only Yoko Ono! Thanks so much guys for allowing my radio crew and I

into your home

John Lennon: The pleasure is all mine. I love having guest over.

DS: So John how is it all going? You’ve had a pretty rough life man and it seems to finally be

settling down.

JL: My life is no doubt a fucking rollercoaster, I went through so many ups and downs, and it

feels amazing to finally being able to take it easy.

DS: Well you deserve it don’t you think?

JL: one hundred percent

DS: Now Yoko how is it like to be married to the most known man in the world? I bet it’s pretty

amazing. You my friend don’t have a boring life.

Yoko Ono: Oh, well I feel really blessed. I’m so lucky to have him in my life. He’s really

amazing. He and Sean make me the happiest woman on earth.

DS: Where is Sean?

JL: He’s at school right now, started kindergarten this year, he loves it.

DS: Already in school I bet time is flying!

JL: It sure is, it feels as if it were yesterday when I had a newborn in my arms. He’s growing up

so fast!

DS: Enjoy it while you can. So Double Fantasy is pretty amazing, how long did you guys work

on it? What’s the story behind it?

JL: We started in the summer, I believe and Yoko and I just wanted to record again. She and I

feel so connected when we write and record music.

YO: I feel as if this album tells the listeners our story. We love doing this and we are going to be

around for a while

JL: Mother I believe it’ll be forever. I like to think that my music is still going to be around

when I’m deep into the earth dead. I’m going to be around forever.

Page 12: John Lennon - Capstone Project · 2019-09-25 · “It says here this man is John Lennon,” Nurse Dolce told everyone in the room “It can’t be, he looks nothing like him,”

DS: Let me just say this, you guys together are incredible. I truly cannot wait to see more of you

guys. We will be right back with more with John and Yoko

I Remember

I remember my Dad teaching me how to make paper airplanes

I remember we used to watch the Muppets together

I remember that Alice, our cat, had jumped out the window after a pigeon and died

I remember that was the only time I ever saw my dad cry

I remember swimming, a lot

I remember he really enjoyed watching me swim

I remember my dad protecting me in the water

I remember that around the house he always wore a blue and white floral patterned yukata

I remember him playing guitar and us singing together

I remember that he was always so interested in teaching me how to pick up pens and other stuff

between my toes

I remember jumping on the bed a lot

I remember my dad being very upset on accidentally letting one of the wooden doors at the

Dakota slam my finger

I remember the look of his ankles and legs

I remember his face, his neck his hair, and that bump on the right side of your ankle

I remember him teaching me how to cut and eat steak

I remember him coming into my room every night to say goodnight

I remember crying a lot after he died

I remember the good times with my Dad.

Page 13: John Lennon - Capstone Project · 2019-09-25 · “It says here this man is John Lennon,” Nurse Dolce told everyone in the room “It can’t be, he looks nothing like him,”


Lead: The End- My lead is a dramatic scene. Honestly the documentary I watched on this made

me cry. It made me really emotional to hear about it all. I wanted to make the scene emotional

too. I really did try hard on this one, but last minute I wasn’t feeling it and I felt it was already

too late to change it.

Piece#1: Diary entry #1-I wanted to start where I didn’t know much about John’s life. Up till he

meet the Yoko I believe I know the basic stuff. So I stared where I didn’t know much about to

where he met Yoko. I like how they met. I felt that the best way I could get the emotions across

were through a diary entry.

Piece#2: Night It All Changed-This night was the beginning of John and Yoko’s relationship.

This nigh is significant because John realized he loved her and he dropped everything for her.

The dialogue sentence fix perfectly into this because some of quotes John actually said.

Piece#3: Cynthia tells all-I wanted to show the reader Cynthia’s side of the story. I wanted to

get into her shoes and see what it was like, so I did an interview with her and I stepped into her

shoes. This one was the longest one I worked on. I’m really proud of how it turned out.

Piece#4: Wedding-This Dramatic scene is not my favorite, this is honestly my least favorite

piece in the paper. Now looking back at it I just feel like I didn’t quite capture the moment of

they’re wedding. I’m not good at detail and all that.

Piece#5:What Happened?-I wrote this haiku about Paul seeing how he and John’s friendship

was going because of Yoko. I wanted to foreshadow that the end of the Beatles was coming up. I

had fun writing this haiku. I really like stepping into other people’s shoes to evaluate the


Piece#6:Letter to Julian- John had a long struggle with his relationship with Julian, his first

son. I wanted to write a letter for this to show how John felt about it. He really did try to mend

the relationship, but I don’t think it ended up working out. John focused a lot of himself on


Piece#7: Last Straw- This is the moment the Beatles came to an end. My dialogue sequence

captures the tension and how it all played out. I had to cuss to show John’s anger. It really all

came out on Paul blaming Yoko and John being just sick of it all. Everyone would always say

that Yoko was a bad person and I never understood until I did my research on my paper. This

one is defiantly one of my favorites

Piece#8:.HATE-this unpunctuated poem shows how John wanted some privacy. He just wanted

a normal life and he was tired of all questions about the Beatles reunion. He basically spent the

rest of his life trying to get out of the Beatle mania

Piece#9: HEROIN-I wrote this object poem to show how John struggled with drugs. He really

did want to quit and he actually ended up quitting because he and Yoko wanted to have a baby.

Heroin did really have those side effects on them and he would also hallucinate

Page 14: John Lennon - Capstone Project · 2019-09-25 · “It says here this man is John Lennon,” Nurse Dolce told everyone in the room “It can’t be, he looks nothing like him,”

Piece#10:Diary Entry#2- this is when Sean was born. I wanted to shows John’s happiness and I

thought what better way to do that than another diary entry. He literally did cry. He would call

Yoko ‘Woman’ that’s why I referred to her as ‘woman’

Piece#11:Falling-This is a dream sequence. It was Paul dreaming, so it’s from his point of view.

I wanted the dream to represent how he lost his best friend John. Yoko represents the wolf John

runs off with. Paul felt threaten by Yoko like he did with the wolf.

Piece#12:final interview-On the day John Lennon died he gave his last interview to the radio

host in my paper. I wanted to show the sense that john was finally happy and settling down in his

life, when his life was taken. When I want people to read this I want them to feel how unfair it

was that John got taken from the world like that. It just wasn’t fair.

Piece#13:I remember-This is an object poem. I got all those lines form my primary source. On

the very end there is a section and it’s called SEAN RMEMEBERS. It’s about 6 pages and Sean

talks about his dad and what he remembered=s from him. I just noticed I have 13 pieces. Lucky

number 13. I feel like I need to add more, but it’s really late right now and I can’t keep my eyes

open any longer. This genre was literally written the night before the paper was due, but I’m

proud of this one.

Blending pieces: Internal monologues- I chose to do these as my blending pieces to show what

John might have thought as he entered new stages in his life. Honestly I did my blending pieces

last. I feel really bad, I know I could have done something way better.

Page 15: John Lennon - Capstone Project · 2019-09-25 · “It says here this man is John Lennon,” Nurse Dolce told everyone in the room “It can’t be, he looks nothing like him,”

Works Consultant

Conord, Bruce W. Pop Culture Legends John Lennon. Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 1994.

Norman, Philip. John Lennon The Life. New York City: HarperCollins, 2008.

Shotton, Pete, and Nicholas Schaffner. John Lennon In My Life. New York City: Stein And Day,


Solt, Andrew, dir. Imagine: John Lennon. 1988. Documentary.

Waldman, Michael, dir. The Day John Lennon Died . 2010. Documentary.