( JJJ"' v,. lt l' JI t /

JJJ' v,. lt Or,a. I., ~A l ' JI • t fi~ ,. ,.. ,AJ · PDF fileabout 300 children meeting weekly, Some of t.beee cbil dren a groupe - ~11 in ... "TIIw roar ar.t '"""-or --Roooewl.tJ"

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( JJJ"' v,. lt Or,a. I., ~A l ' JI • t /

fi~_,. ,.. ,AJ



~ )06 - 112 .._, 19th street - I

Juliu Schets, l'reddeDt y Uy Dear Mrs , RooaeveH1 i ~~u-L

Richerd Croucup, D1t-ector

llr, SChatz and otber members of the Bpard of Trustees of the franklin D. Roosevelt Center join me i n expressing our deepes t appreciation for your kind letter of June 1 , We are very 1Jroud to use the nMI8 of your late hueband a a the n&~~~e of our oreani aation, It will be a constant inspiration to the young men and women whom we will t rain and who will carry out group work programs under our direction i n a nWJber of llew York communi t ie a, It will also be a p ersonal inopirat i on to me in dealing with the difficult p roblema that confront a new venture in ito first days,

If we have not ~llanked you before tn1s for your expression of the fittingness of the name we nave cnosen, it i s because we have been going tllroUBh a period o f organization, interrupted by tlle summer months dnring which I !lave been deeply buried in the work of directing the p rogram of an inter-rttcial ch1ldren 1a C811lp , We aleo wanted sometn1ng to aho\'1 you for our effort s so far , Tile enclosed folder gives a picmre of ~.ne kind o f work toe franklin D, Roosevelt Center h undertal<ing,

In this connection I am aure you would be interested in some of the mo dest acnievements of the past win~er and spri ng while we were stil l onl y getting organized, We carried out a trAining p r ogram a ttended by lllOre tnan ?0 young people, Some of these young people became volunteer worker!l a t Bronx IIOUae, Henry ~reet and Lincoln set~lemen\, We supplied occasional party and entertainment programs for about 1500 ch i l dren, We gave a course i n child development at t ended by 100 parents, 1\'e provided leadership service for a number of cilildren ' a lp"OUpe , totaling about 300 children meeting weekly, Some of t.beee cbil dren a groupe -~11 in~er-racial i n compositi on - carrie• tne message of our work to a oout 5000 adults i ·n a number of dance , dramati cs ond cno rus performances ,

I n relation to the great need for auch work amor~ oui city c nildren t nene facts are far frow impressive , I n fact ihe total of all t he fine work being done by all agencies i s s till far from adequat e, However, we felt t nat you would want to l.."ll()w what we are doing , And we would like to f eel t hat we have your continued intereat,

uz.=ely yours , .


I I •

ar.. JtaDa lee clll llaiDs lllrin ot the DI.Tia1on ot Clllt.al. Cooperati011, De~ ot state, baa aeut. • ftl'iolla o11;pp1np tr~ uonpApare in the otbc' -'-'iou ~Jioa cinDI -n~~pl• at tbe "f'Viou ldu!a ot ~ ar otbc'II1.M a~ ~ beiJIC pl•mwd ar Ollri'W out in tor1bate to the late Pl'eaidd IAIIII wlt. :rt 18 ~sibla to ban &ll tbeae cl1;pp1np t.nnslrted tar the Pftnlr'l1n DelaDo Rooaenlt r.Drc71 bllt I .t.boaiJI' 7ft 8dcJit be int.nated in bn1Dg • n.o«4 ot tJp1Dal ~ Uld project&.

Tb1e l1et 18 b7 liD - ~n. aul ~ DDt -1ncl.ude flftlt"1 r.oiWti) J I ban 110 taciUtiee tar col.lecUJic &ll the tacta. The De~ ~ do ao eftllt~, but I baw bMD ~ ed ~ tbat it 18 ~ a cCIIIJI].fte :r-11 ot ott1o1&1 aata &114 tribut.s ot fiOtat ... uta lllld hMd.l ot atatell.

JRGBIIl'Dl: In»-~ •• ~ .. 1.011 tor h =• to tbe late Presidezlt ~ telt 18 ool.lectiJic 1'lmd8 aDl 4ee1 pe tar a atahiJ the Aaeociat1on ot .ar.-1uo L Ul ~ Dltc t I* 1D Rosario llpODiared a Hl'ila ot l.Ht- in ,_ em hie Jr<»ii& at econc.1.c aD1 eoc1&1 NC.CAWia uct1011, hie i.DMMatioaal. pollcdM, "''lq)haeisi.Dc beth the Qoocl Jle:! &!'bar PVlioT Uld hie o~ reitca­tion ot tbe iDtc'depe• ,._ ot mtiouo, aDl at the doara ot the theater in 'lh1.oh a b~ ., np1 ..uDc wu held, at""ata eol.io1.ted ccmtributiouo ot ArpDti.Di boob to the .. eMnctou Lilln:rJ.

l!RAZILs The •.&.eeociated De1"•" ( Diarioa .&.eoo1.lldo. ) sponsared a c z•1 en to baw el t ) aohoala in rtflrT &tete llaed tar Roos...,lt, ec.e ot 1lb1oh are old echoola with a ll8lf - aDl -

ot 1lh1ch - - aoboo1a ar. in ... -I 11'0'4* ot t-.. e] I ) schools (aooardiJII to 7llf :1.aten cl 1pp1 np, tacllnl. 1J11i vw Ill'• _. otbe:r ott1o:l&la han eo Di2Red aobools in ~. _. the creat air bua at Natal, AD&p6JJ.., s ... ,...., capcava, S.butUo Jtobo, :rarta­leu, Buruti Al.all'&, Yalta JIM: • , Balw, Ul4 tio 4e .JIPMfroJ in sao


IJO.Uo, tho •~~orte• :r&U.roK nation o! tbo Centr.J. ~ o! Bru1l """ r........,S tbo R-lt statiODJ 8&o ~ a pl•rm1nc & -= in otom ..,. - am ooui<1oriJ11 tbo ....,bl._ ot a ~ 1111:!.­.,.,..sit,. to be -tar a-...u, nth ~l:r tne -­or:r.....s, b7 do!;r, ~.and oarreopon!._ ooar-, am b7 ~ ..... open to tho publioJ in Rio~ J~, tho Sooat7 or n-t...sa or-­rloa u rnoinl hDIII !rr • Roooewlt J'wndatioD - tbo ...tioal .... :l&l rehobUitatioa or orlppl.M, eopeo:l&ll;r 'f1Dtl..o o! pol' ;alita.

CIIIIE • Tlla Oovw ~ P'OI' c oo4 to l'llrt that tbo m.u..a--. 'ri.oD .-o! tbo ~oaa ~ be ooll.ecl tbo Roooewl.t 1!1P­~ ( CUI1no Roooewl.t ) .

COSTA RIC.l• Tlla c._. """"" -..:~;r to - tbo lcto ITeaident an boa:A:a:t) cit.i.MD ot eo.ta Rica, aDd ec.e ....,_.. :s:a"OJ nad to .- tbU _. to Jll'e. a-lt am all tbdr oMJ • .. , 1n1t. IIIII' olippinp do DOt •- oleorl;r wmt bappouocl to tbU --~ a-­wlt'o ~t ._. m 1 '<mol;r .....uoclin tbo bello o! ColliP'Me, in - io tho eqai'f&lallt. o! tbo ~tie> Qallcoioo o! our ~.

lll:lWXJh lh Qld.to tho o&Dt.aoal OOIIDCU u to ....n a t nth hDIII ra1Md b7 popular oraboorlptj.oa, am pac. tbo nat• ~ nth the otholr borC>M or tba -....., inol11111nc CC>l-, lk>l.i_., oto1 aloo in Qld.to, tbo - o! - CUltwo bold • opoc1al -iDI o! .ito jur1cll.oal am ooa:l&l ~-·to~ tbo -:ll>illlt,. or •J. 11D:!.TW'Ml Coda or tbo J11cbt- or -, • am tbo !irot top1.a ._. "TIIw roar ar.t '"""- or --Roooewl.tJ" in c-, a ~tal buUt nth tbo a14 o! OU1ce o! -..... J.Ua1ro - to -of ito- tbo- o! 'liilobl..licto, IJDoolD, 01111 a-ltJ iD _,., tho D<Jr'tborD -.o1poll.t,. o! ota'l8lo aotal>liobocl a bwe Roooewlt TllaOtor to ~ .tUoo - tbo oult..-.1 ~ o! tbo .a-iC>OO, ao wall ao ,... raalo &boat tbo UUI.tod Statoe, tbo UUI.tod *t101lo, oto., uQcl tbo COOI'<iiDatiOID ~ttoe to 001111 !Uoo, IUI<I tba Clbl.iroell ot tbo Qld.to o I J. J. coardiaotioa c.-~.-, IL'lll"u. r . ~. pG"tiaipat­"" iD tbo -oatioa --..woo.

<JU.miMALI.: Tho 111J!1.tr7 ot l'llblic IIMJ.tb IUI<I J.ooiotaaoa boo llOIIIOC1 a boopital !rr a-lt.

JIII:Xll)(); Tlla Wca'illoro 1 Z.U.V,., at tbo Mez1aaa SUI< lll.ll., iD Mez1.oo Cit,. ( 'OII1oh boo S,ooo- ), .. ,._ I tbo aoou ... lt L1.­'brc7 OD JilT 1, lla:1.oo1a lAbeR" DQ-, .S.t.b ' 1 .-1~ .JAi *'•• ~ inC .no, <~Nt.c:ll7, -.1 ot1'1o1al Na~pdti.GD of lloc:leftal.t.•• .tr' 'Mp to Mez1.oo.

~i~l ~;l•li~~"9 E: HFfi!I~U ti t'!U ~~ J . . h~~~l;~~~: l IJi isi " I ;-~~~J H I~ lg!lia&D·~r ~ ~ ~~~~p~i ~ ~~l~-~~~Q ~

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I! J'! ifl~:;"a§h~! !ihl·i!r .. rae.ail--- .. • · ~i~f! ~- ~~h {iii 11

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~~;I~_ lit; l f! i::1 h'· ~

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