Jillian’s escape Written and Illustra ted by

Jillian’s escape Written and Illustrated by Allison Freeman

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Page 1: Jillian’s escape Written and Illustrated by Allison Freeman

Jillian’s escape

Written and Illustrated by Allison Freeman

Page 2: Jillian’s escape Written and Illustrated by Allison Freeman

Free-man tied up publishing co.

January 2009

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This book is dedicated to all the orphans in the world who, like Jillian, were able to escape

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Once upon a time….There was a girl named Jillian who lived in an orphanage in California.

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Although the orphanage was a nice facility, and looked beautiful on the outside……

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……..Jillian could not stand the evil, horribly mean girls she was forced to live with on the inside.

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Ever since the new girl Penelope had moved in 7 years ago and made friends with Ashley, Emily, and Taylor, they had made Jillian’s life at the orphanage unbearable.

mean girls

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The only thing that made life bearable for Jillian were her 2 favorite people, her best friend Jessica, who she had known since she first moved into the orphanage, and the head mistress Miss Clavel, who had been the only mother figure that Jillian had ever known.

Bff Jessica miss clavel

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Jillian thought that she would be able to finish her last few years at the orphanage until she turned 18,

but then….

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…one day, Jillian’s friend Jessica came and told her that Penelope was talking about her badly in the dressing room to all the other girls in the


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So, Jillian decided that she would go and talk to Penelope face to face. However, that turned out to be a bad idea because when she went to go and talk to Penelope……

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Things kind of went south, and she ended up punching Penelope in the


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After a long talk with miss Clavel about how violence may have made her feel better, but didn’t actually solve anything……

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Jillian realized that she could no longer take it anymore, and had to leave. So, the next day, she told Jessica of her idea, invited her to come along, and the two of them spent the day planning how they would escape from the orphanage that night.

Of course!!

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The girls left on a dark and foggy night still not fully sure

where they were going. Nevertheless, they loaded up Miss clavel’s car, and “borrowed” it for their long journey.

(miss clavel’s “borrowed car)

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at first, all seemed to be going well. They were doing what they wanted,

and had even saved enough money to stay in nice hotels. But, best of all, they didn’t have to deal with mean old Penelope.

(the nice hotel)

(what they wanted to do)

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But then, the two girls got into a wreck.

(the girls in their “borrowed” and totaled car)

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not only did the person in the other car total their car when they hit them, but when Jillian and Jessica got out of the car to look at the damage….


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The lady from the other car got out, and started throwing coconuts at them!!! Dozens, and dozens, of coconuts were hurled at both at their heads out of nowhere!!!


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But, just when they thought that this crazy coconut chic would never stop hurling her endless supply of coconuts at them……

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…they were rescued by mute man, who came along and scooped them up into his big van. Once all three were safely down the road, mute man slipped them a piece of paper that said….

…and his van)

(mute man….

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So, after a quick discussion, the girls decided that they would take this nice, but silent man up on his offer, and ride with

him to New York.

Yayyy!! No more of

Your wrecks!!




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Jillian and Jessica’s cross country trip with their new quiet friend was going just great,


This is fun!!!

Great road trip!!!

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The three of them stopped at a Wal-Mart in Kansas. While mute man went to go and pick up a few things, Jillian and Jessica decided to go looking around.

( the store)

(the state)

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But, as the two girls were looking around, they got the

feeling that some creature had been following them for the past few aisles. Finally,

when the girls turned around…

I think some creature is following us.

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…they ran into evil creepy man. At 10 feet tall, he was the biggest, ugliest scariest creature they had ever seen in their entire lives. They backed away slowly, trying not to scare him, but once they started to turn and run, he started chasing them. The evil Creepy guy had chased Jillian and Jessica all the way to the produce department, when all of a sudden……..

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…they heard

a hollow ‘thunk’ sound. Mute

man had thrown a papaya at

the Evil Creepy Guy, and

was standing there with a

pineapple in his hand, which


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Once the three had got

back to the van, they thanked mute man for saving their life yet again, and speed for the highway.

Thank you mute man!!!

Thanks again mute man!!

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Now back on safe roads of highway 123, the trio was off to finish the last half of their trip. Once again, all was well on their quiet voyage,


Highway 123 east

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……mute man decided that he needed to stop and get some medicine for his sore vocal chords. He knew of a small herbal shop in a small town in Ohio, so he decided to stop there.

(mute mans letter)

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When Jillian and Jessica first saw the small shop, they were very scared. It was a dark, small hut that had obviously seen better days. However, when mute man saw their faces, he assured them that the store was safe, so they went in.

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When they walked in, they noticed that the lady who was helping mute man, a woman named ultima, was looking at Jillian very weirdly.

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When mute man went to the counter to go pay for his medicine, ultima reached into the sack on her shoulder, and started throwing jars full of herbs at Jillian!!

Ahhh! Not Glass!!!

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By now, Jillian was tired of her head being used for target practiced. But, just as another jar was about to her in the face, Jessica came and picked up Jillian, then mute man came, and carried them both to the van.

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…well, he would’ve carried them to the van…. except for the fact that he had parked on a hill…..and forgot to put the emergency brake on.

(where van was parked)

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So while ultima was still chasing them with the herbs, they were chasing the runaway van, which at this point, was starting to pick up speed.

(runaway van)

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But, just when they thought that things were going to get worse, they heard…..Indians?

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That’s right…Indians. apparently, when his van rolled down the hill, it rolled right into an Indian ceremonial dance. Luckily, the Indians chased ultima away, and, because the van was okay, after dinner and a few dances with the Comanche's, the trio was on their way.

Yayy!! Were okay

Mmm!! I love Indian food!!

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Now, with only a few more hours until they were in New York, Jillian and Jessica were starting to wonder what they would do once they actually got there. Neither of them knew anyone there, and they couldn’t ask to stay with mute man. They didn’t know what to do,


What do we do now??


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….they woke up from their nap, and saw that they were in front of an orphanage. Jillian and Jessica were both very lost and confused, until mute man gave them another one of his signature pieces of paper, that said..

(mute mans orphanage)

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Wowww the girls thought. They couldn’t believe that 1, the random guy they met in

California, just happened to own an orphanage, and 2, he was inviting them to live there!!! This was great!!!

Now we have a place to live!!!

How great is this!!

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So, after accepting his offer, unpacking their bags in their new room, and meeting all the new nice girls in the orphanage, Jillian and Jessica were excited about their new life, and lived

Happily ever after. (or…. at least until they turned 18)

(new nice home)

(new nice friends)

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Mute man

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Miss clavel

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Loyal retainer

Bff Jessica

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Devil figures

the Mean girls

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Creature of nightmare

Evil creepy Guy

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Battle between good and evil

Mute man


Evil creepy guy


Angry coconut chic

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The quest

The quest to the new orphanage in New York

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The magic weapon

Mute mans van

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Light vs. darkness

the new orphanage

The dark hut

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the girls left on a dark, foggy night when much was uncertain

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Haven vs. wilderness

The van was the safe haven where Jillian and Jessica could rest and recharge their batteries in between all of the bad things happening