JffTEjV^STATE CIPHERng46/collections/interstate-cipher-no-year.pdf · Aquatic 570 Aquaint 571 Aquiduct 572 Aqueous 573 Aquose 574 Arab 575 Arabian 576 Arabic 577 Arabisn 578 Arable

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Page 4: JffTEjV^STATE CIPHERng46/collections/interstate-cipher-no-year.pdf · Aquatic 570 Aquaint 571 Aquiduct 572 Aqueous 573 Aquose 574 Arab 575 Arabian 576 Arabic 577 Arabisn 578 Arable


The following Code has been arranged for

general use of the Fruit Shippers and Jobbers of

these United States.

The names of the Jobbers and Fruit Ship-

pers who use this Code are indexed in the hack

of the book.

Additional names and corrections will be sent

you from time to time.

We would kindly ask you to put on your

letterhead, "We Use the Inter-State Cipher," so

as to encourage its general use.

While no guarantee or special recommend is

made of the parties using this Code, I am glad

to say they are considered among the best Ship-

pers and Jobbers in this country.



Price, $2.00 Minneapolis

Page 5: JffTEjV^STATE CIPHERng46/collections/interstate-cipher-no-year.pdf · Aquatic 570 Aquaint 571 Aquiduct 572 Aqueous 573 Aquose 574 Arab 575 Arabian 576 Arabic 577 Arabisn 578 Arable

Numerals and Prices

In Dollars and Cents.

It is understood where prices are implied the following

figures are in dollars and cents, pointing off

two places to the left for cents,

otherwise they stand

for numerals.

Aback i/8

Abacot ViAbacus %Abaft 14

Abandon %Abanet :;


Abase %Abash 1Abashing 1*4Abbassi I1/2

Abate 1%Abatis.. 2Abaum 2MAbbe 2Y2Abbess 2%Abbott 3Abdals 3V4Abdest 3V2Abduct 3%Abear 4Abele 4V4Abet 4V2Abhor 4 :;


Abide o

Abject 5ViAbjure 514Ablaze 5%Ablen 6Ablist 614Ablude 6V2Abluent 6%Abnet 7Aboard 7%.Abolish 71/2

Abomis 7%Aborigin 8Abound 8V4Above 8V2Abridge 8%Abroad 9Abrogate 9ViAbrook 9V2Abrupt 9 a


Abscess 10Abscind IOV2Abscond 11Absence II 1


Absolve 12

Page 6: JffTEjV^STATE CIPHERng46/collections/interstate-cipher-no-year.pdf · Aquatic 570 Aquaint 571 Aquiduct 572 Aqueous 573 Aquose 574 Arab 575 Arabian 576 Arabic 577 Arabisn 578 Arable

Numerals and J 'rices.

Absorb l'Jij

Abstain 13Absterge 1 .'.',.

Abstract 14Absurd 14' L.

Abuse 15Abusive 15 1


Abuttal 16Abysm 1


Abyss 17Acacia 1 7 1


Acaden 18Acarus 1 8} g

Acater 19Accede 19V&Accend 20Accident 21Acclaim.... 22Accoil 2:?

Accompt 24Accord 25Accost 26Account 2 7

Accoy 28Accume 29Accure 30Accursed 31Accusal 32Accus ter 33Acentric 34Acerb 35Aceric 36Acerose 37Acerra 3S

Acestis 39Acetose 4-0

Acetum 4-1

Ache 42Achean 43Achiote 44Achor 45Acifora 40Acimose 47Acolyte 4sAconite. 4'.)

Acorn 50Acoustic 51

Acquist 52Acraze 53Acrisy 54Acrita 55Acrogen 56Acrotar 57Actibe 5fi

Actions 59Actors 60Actress 61Actuate 62Aculei 63Aculon 64Acumen 65Adact 66Adage 67Adam 68Adamic 69Adapis 70Adapted 71Ad arce 72Adaunt 73Addice 74Addicted 75Addle 76Addoom 77Adduce 78Adeb 79Adenoid 80Adenos 81Adept 82Adfinem S3Adhere 84Adhibit 8§Adhil 86Adit 87Adject 88Adjoin 89Adjudge 90Adjust 91Adjute 92Admiral 93Admire 94Admit 95Admoye 96Adnata 97Adnoun 98

Page 7: JffTEjV^STATE CIPHERng46/collections/interstate-cipher-no-year.pdf · Aquatic 570 Aquaint 571 Aquiduct 572 Aqueous 573 Aquose 574 Arab 575 Arabian 576 Arabic 577 Arabisn 578 Arable

Numerals and Prices.

Adoncin 99Adonic tOOAdonis 101Adopts 102Adorn 103Adown 104Adroit 105Adulate 106Adult 107Adust . 108Ad vanct d 109Ad vene 110Advent IllAdverb 112Adverse 113Adytum 114Affront 115Affuse 116Afire 117Afloat UsAfoul 11'.)

Afresh 120Africa 121Agam is t 1 2 2Agape 123Agast 12+Agate 1 2 5

Agaze 126Aged 127Agenda 128Agile 129Agio 130Aglet 131Agmina 132Agnail..: 133Agnate 13-1

Agnelo 1,"..")

Agnome 1 36Agnus 137Agog 138Agonism 1 39Agonist 140Agony 141«Agoutv 142Agrestic 143Agrom 144Ague 145

Aguise 140Agul 147Ahigh 14-8

Ailing ....149

Aimed 150Aimer 151Aiming 152Aira 153Airling 154Aisle 155Aizoon 156Albi 157Albino 158Albion 159Albite*. 160Albora 161Albugo 162Album 163Alcade 164Alcaic 165Alcedo 166Alchemy 167Alco.....". 168Alcohol 169Alcoran 170Alcove 171Alcyonic 172Alder 173Aldine 174Aleatorv 175Aleft...." 176Alegar 177Alegge ) 78Alehoof. 17'J

Alembic 180Alembroth 181Aleppine 182Alert 183Alette 184Aleution 1 85Aleutic 186Alexiteric 1 87Alfet 188Alga 189Algarot 190Algates : 191Algebra 102

Page 8: JffTEjV^STATE CIPHERng46/collections/interstate-cipher-no-year.pdf · Aquatic 570 Aquaint 571 Aquiduct 572 Aqueous 573 Aquose 574 Arab 575 Arabian 576 Arabic 577 Arabisn 578 Arable

Numerals and Prices.

Algerian 193Algid 194Algidity 195Algifie." 196Algol 197Algology 198Algorism 1 99Algose 200Alhenna 201Alias 202Alibi 203Alicant 204Alidade 205Alien 206Alienism 207Alienor 208Aliforn 209Alimental 210Alimony 211Alioth..'. 212Aliped 213Aliquant 21 1

Aliquot 215Alitruuk 216Alizarine 21 7

Alkahest 218Alkali 219Alkaloid 220Alkanet 221Alkermes 222Allah 223Allamort 224Allantoic 225Allatrate 220Allecret 227Allertide 228AHedge 229Allegiance 230Allegoric 231Allegorv 232Allegretto 233Allemand 234Allcrion 235Alleviate 236Alley 237Alliance 238Al 1 iciencv 239

Al li gate 240Allision 241Allocate 242Allodial 243Allodium 244Allonge 245Alio 246Allopathy 247Allophanc 24SAlpha 249Alphabet 250Alphenic 251Alphonsin 252Alphos ;>53

Alpigene 254Alpia 255Alquier 256Alsician 257Alsegno 258Altaic 259Altar 260Alteritv 261Alternal 262Althea 263Altin 264Altitude 265Alto 266Altruistic 267Aludel 268Alum 269Alumina 270Alumish 271Alveary 272Alveolar 273Alveus 274Alvine 275Amacratic 276Am a dine 277Amalgam 278Amandola 279Amaranth 280Amateur 281Amative 282Amatorial 283Amaze 284Amazon 285Ambages 286

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Numerals and Prices.

Ambassador 287Amber 288Ambient 289Ambiguous 290Ambiloquv 291Ambit 292Ambition 293Ambitude 294Amble 295Amblygon 296Ambon 297Ambreate 298Ambrosia 299Ambulance 300Ambule 301Ambuscade 302Ambush 303Ambustion 304Amebeam 305Ameer 306Amel 307Amen 30SAmenage 309Amenity 310Amethvst 311Amharic 312Arnica] 313Amice 314Amidogen 315Amilot 316Amman 317Ammiral 31SAmmite 319Ammodyte 320Armonia 321Amnesty 322Amnion 323Amolition 324Amoret 325Amorosa 326Amorphism 327Amort 328Amount 329Ampelite 330Am phi 331Amphibial 332Amphide 333

Ampliance 334Amputate 335Ampyx 336Amuck 337Amulet 338Amurcous 339Amyloid 340Anabas 341Anacardic 342Anachoret 343Anaconda 344Anadem 345Anadrom 346Anaglyph 347Anagogue 34SAnagram 349Anagraph 350Anagres 351Analectic 352Analogal 353Analogue 354Analusis 355Analyst 356Analyze 357Anamese 358AnanasAnatest 360Anarch 361Anasarca 362Anastaltic 363Anastomose 364Anastomotic 365Anastrophe 366Anatase 367.anathema 36SAnathematize 369Anatifer 370Anatiferous 371Anatocism 372Anatomic 373An at omical 374Anatomist 375Anatomize 376Anntomy 377AnatronAnatropnl '



Anbury 3S0

Page 10: JffTEjV^STATE CIPHERng46/collections/interstate-cipher-no-year.pdf · Aquatic 570 Aquaint 571 Aquiduct 572 Aqueous 573 Aquose 574 Arab 575 Arabian 576 Arabic 577 Arabisn 578 Arable

Numerals and Prices.

Ancestor 381Ancestral 382Ancestress 383Anchor 384Anchorage 385Anchored 386Anchoress 387Anchorite 388Anchovy 389Anchusine 390Anchylose 391Anchylosis 302Ancient 393Ancientry 394Ancipital 395Anci pitous 396Ancle 31)7

Ancome 398Andean 399Andiron 400Andorrese 401Aneroid 402Angelic 403Angelite t04Angelot 405Angelas 406Anglican 407Anglesite 408Angling 409Angola 410Angrily 41


A ngsava 412Anguish 4-13

A 1 1 urnl a r 1 y 414Anile 41 5Aniline 416Anility 417A nimable 41 cS

Animal 110Anine 420Aninism 4-21

Animose 4-22

Anion 423Anise 42 1-

Anisette 1-25

Ankled 420Ann at 427

Annals 4-28

Anneal 4-20

Annelid 4-30

Annexion 431Annona 4-32

Annotate 4-33

Annual 434A n n uary 435Annuent 436Annular 4-37

Annulose 438Anora 439Anode 440Anodon 441Anod vne 1-42

Anoil". 443Anoint 444Anolis 445Anomia 446Anophytc 447Anopia 44SAnorzy 449Anothic 450Anotha 451Anslight 452Antaic 453Antagonis t 454Antagony 455Antalgic 456Antarctic 457Antares 458Anteal 459Antecede 4(50

Antecour 461Antedate 462Antefixes 463An telope 464Antelucar 465Antenicene 466Antennal 467Antepast 46SAntepone 460Autevert 4-70

Anthelix 471A n them 472Antheral 473\nl hered .474

Page 11: JffTEjV^STATE CIPHERng46/collections/interstate-cipher-no-year.pdf · Aquatic 570 Aquaint 571 Aquiduct 572 Aqueous 573 Aquose 574 Arab 575 Arabian 576 Arabic 577 Arabisn 578 Arable

Numerals and Prices.

Anthorism 4 7f>

Anthrax 4-76

Antiar 4-77

Antic 478Anticor 4-79

Antidote 480Antilogy 481Antimosk 482Antimonic 4-83

Antipode 4-84

Antiquatc 485Antique 486Antispast 4.S7

Antistes 488Antithetic 489Antler 490Antrorse 491Anubis 492Anvil 493Aoman 494Aorist 495Aoristic 496Aorta 497Apastron 498Apathy 499Apatite 500Apaumee 501Ape 502Apellos 503Apepsy 504Aperient 505Apert 506Apex o07A ph an i te 508Aphidian 509Aphis 510Aphonous 5 1


A phonic 512Aphorism 513A phthong 514Apiary 515Apices 516Aplom 517Apocope 518Apod 519Apodal 520

Apogean 521Apograph 5'J'J

Apollo 523Apologue 524Apophysis 525Aporime 526Aporon 527Apostasis 528Apostatieal 529Aporia 530Apostasy 531Apostate 532Apostle 533Apotome 534Apo zem 535Appall 536Apparel 537Appeal 538Appease 539Appellant 540Append 541Appendix 542Apperil 543Appetite 544A ppian 545Applaud 546Applause 547Applicate 548Appoint 549Apporter 550Appose 551Appollyon 552Appologetic 553Appologetically 554Appologist 555Apologizer 556Appraise 557Approach 55sA pprobate 559Apron 560Apropas 561Apse 562Apsidal 563Apsis 564Aptate 565Apterans 566

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10 Numerals and Prices.

Aptitude 567Apyrous 568Aquarian 569Aquatic 570Aquaint 571Aquiduct 572Aqueous 573Aquose 574Arab 575Arabian 576Arabic 577Arabisn 578Arable 579Arace 580Arachis 581Arango 582Arbalist 583Arbiter 584Arblast 585Arbor 586Arboret 587Arbuscle 588Arbute 589Arcade 590Arch 591Archaic 592Archer 593Archical 594

. Architect 595Archive 596Archon 597Arctic 598Arcuate 599Arcubus 600Arclcb 601Ardent 602Ardor 603Area 604Arefy 605Arena 606Arenose 607Areola 60SArgal 609Argean 610Argosy 611Argue 612Arima 613

Arista 614Aristocrat 615Arkite 616Armanda 617Armed 618Armenian 619Armigers 620Armeil 621Armistice 622Armlet 623Armor 624Armozeen 6°5Army 626Arnatto 627Arnica 628Arnot 629Aroma 630Aroph 631Arpent 632Arpine 633Arrack 634Arraign 635Arrant 636Arrest 637Arrogance 638Arrow (539

Arsen al 640Arsenic 641Arson 642Arterial 643Artery 64-4

Artesian 645Artifice 646Artisan 647Artist 648A sa rone 649Asbestos 650Asboline 651A scaris 652Ascidia 653Ascitan 654Ashantee 655Ashen 656Ashes 657Ashore 658Asian 659Asiatic 660

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Numerals and Prices. 11

Assinego 661Askew 662Aspen 663Asperse 664Asphalt 665Aspic 666Aspirant 667Aspirate 668Asquint 669Assagai 670Assail 671Assart 672Assassin 673Assay 67-1

Assemble 675Assessor 676Assidean 677Assignee 678Associate 679Assoil 680Assonant 681Assot 682Assuage 683Assume 684Assumpt 685Assure 686Assyrian 687Aster 688Aster sm 689Asteroid 690Asthing 691Asthma 692Astony 693Astragal 694Astringe 695Astrite 696Asturian 697Asunder 698Asvlnm 699Atabal 700Atavism ..701

Athanox 702Atheism 703Atheize 704Athwart 705Atimy 706Atlantis 707

Atlas 708Atom 709Attrite .710Attune 711At wain 712Atwist 713Aubaine 714Auberge 715*

Auction 716Austere 717AustTal 71


Austrian 719Author 720Autocrat 721Autopsy 722Autumn 723Auxetic ! 724Avalanche 725Avant 726Avarice 727Avast 728Avatar 729Avaunt 730Avener 731Avenge 732Avenue 733Averment 734Averse 735Avert 736Avid 737Avigate 738Avitors 739Avocate 740Avoke 741Avouch 742Avowant 743Awake 744Award 745Awkward 746Aw r v 747Axial 74SAxilla 749Backer 750Babble 751Baddock 752Babe 753Badlv 754

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Numerals and Prices.

Babyism 7." .">

Baboon ..7.~><>

Babyhood 7.1


Bachelor 758Backbiter 759Backstair 760Baconian 761Badger 762Backlido 763Bagman 764Badge 765Bafflle 766Bagging 767Bailiff. 768Baize 769Baker 770Balance 671Baldric 772Bale 778Balk 774Ballot 775Balloting 776Bamboo 777Band 778Bandit i 79

Balsam 780Barilla 781Barque 782Barrow 7S3Basalt 784Basil 785Basque 786Basso V s


Baste 788Bastion 789Batteau 790Battle 791

Bauble f92

Bawl 793Bayou 794Bazar 795Beacon ~- ,r>

Beadle 797Beaker r98

Beautifv 799Beau....". 800Heaver 801

Bedaub 802Bedew 803Beadroll ,S04

Beaconage so.")

Beachy 806Beamless 807Beardless 808Beardy 809Bedlam 810Bedizen 811Bedouin 812Begirt 813Behest 814Belay 815Benizon 816Beques l 817Beryl 818Be^om MilBestial 820Betel 821Betty 822Bevel 823Bevy 824Bias 825Bicker 826Bier 827Bight 82SBigamv 829Bigler 830Bigot 831Bigoted S32Bigotry 833Bijou 834Bilking 835Bilk 836Billet 837Binnacle 838Biped S39Birch 840Birth 841Birthday 842Bisect , 843Bismuth 844Bison 845Bitter 846Bitumen 847Bivalve 848

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Numernls and Prices. 13

Bivouac 849Bizarre 850Blackbird 851Blackev 852Blackjack 853Blanch 854Bland 855Blade 856Blast 857Blatant 858Blazon 859Bleak 860Blemish 861Blende 862Blest S63Blink 864Blithe 865Bloat 866Block 867Blockish 868Blonde 869Bloomy 870Blockhead 871Bloodstone 872Blotchy 873Blotless 874Bluebell 875Bluets 876Bluff 877Bluiug 878Bluish 879Blunder 880Blunt 881Blur 882Blurt 8S3Blush 884Blushv 885Bluster 886Boar 887Board S88Boarish 889Boast 890Boat 891Bloated 892Bob 893Bobbin 894Bobbinet 895

Bobolink 896Bobstay 897Bobtail*. 898Bobwig 899Boce 900Bode 901Bodefy 902Bodge 903Bodice 904Bodied 905Bodily 906Boding 907Bodkin DONBody 909Bog 910Boggy 91.1

Boggle 912Bogglish 913Boggod 914Bogrusb 915Bohea 916Bohun 917Boiar 918Boiarin 919Boil 920Bolt 921Bolero 922Boletic 923Boletus 924Bolisic 925Boll 926Bollard 927Bollin 928Bollogn 929Bolster 930Bolt 931Bolting 932Bolton 933Bolus 934Bomb 935Bombard 936Bombasin 1)37

Bambast 938Bombate 939Bombic 940Bombetic 941Bon 1)42

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14 Numerals and Prices

Bonair 9-4-3

Bonapa 944Bonaro 945Bonasus 946Bon bon 947Bonchut 948Bond 949Bonded 950Bondmaid 951Bonduc 952Bone 953Boned 954Boneset 955Bonett a 956Bonfire 957Bonify 958Bonito 959Bonrnot 960Bonne 961Bonnet 962Bonnib 963Bonten 964Bonum 965Bonus 966Bonvive 967Bonze 968Booby 959Boodle 970Book 971Booked 972Bookless 973Booley 974Boomed 975Booming 976Boon 977Boops 978Boor 979Boose 980Booser 981Boot 982Booted 983Bootleg 984Bopeep 985Borchet 986Borage 987Borax 988Border 989

Borderer 990Borduin 991Bore 992Boreal 993Borers 994Boring 995Born 996Bornite 997Borono 998Borough 999Borrels 1000Borrower 2000Boruet 3090Bosa 4000Boscage 5000Bosh 6000Bosom 7000Bosonet 8000Bosporian 9000Bosporus 10000Boss 11000Bossage 12000Bossy 13000Bosval 14000Botan 15000Botanic 16000Botanize 17000Botargo 18000Botch 19000Botchv 20000Bride.! 21000Brick 22000Bridge 23000Bridle 24000Brierv 25000B rider 26000Bridging 27000BrigT. 28000Brigadier 29000Brill -....30000

Brim 31000Brinish 32000Brink 33000Brisket 34000Bristle 35000Briton 36000Brocade 37000

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Oranges. 15

Bronze 38000Brooch 39000Brood 40000Brook 4-1000Broom 42000Brosen 43000Broth 44000

Brown 45000Browse 46000Broeite 47000Bruin 48000Bruise 49000Bruited 50000



Cabal Fancy Seedlings

Cabbage Choice Seedlings

Cabining Seconds Seedlings

Cabin Fancy Riversides

Cabined Choice Riversides

Cable Fancy Redlands

Cabling Choice Redlands

Caboose Fanc\' Colton

Cabos Choice Colton

Caburn Choice PomonasCackle Seconds PomonasCactus . Choice Duarte

Caddis Seconds Duarte

Cade Choice San Gabriel

Cadence Seconds San Gabriel

Cadet Choice San Diego

Cage Seconds Choice San Diego

Cahoot Choice Tustin and Santa AnnaCaisson Seconds Tustin and Santa AnnaCake C hoice Rivera

Calabash Seconds Rivera

Calamity Choice Los Angeles

Calamine Seconds Los Angeles

Calamus Fancy Mountain

Page 18: JffTEjV^STATE CIPHERng46/collections/interstate-cipher-no-year.pdf · Aquatic 570 Aquaint 571 Aquiduct 572 Aqueous 573 Aquose 574 Arab 575 Arabian 576 Arabic 577 Arabisn 578 Arable

1(> Otanges.

Calash Choice MountainCalcium Fancy Mexicans

Calculate Fancy Bright Floridas

Calculator Choice Bright Floridas

Calculus Fancy Florida Russett

Caldron Choice Florida Russett

Calendar Fancy Indian River

Calf" Fancy Louisiana


Caliber Fancy Riversides

Calico Choice Riversides

Calidity Fancy Redlands

Calk Choice Redlands

Calking Fancy Ontario

Caliope Choice Ontario

Callipers Seconds Ontario

Callosity Fancy PomonasCallously Choice PomonasCallow Seconds PomonasCalm Fancy Duarte

Calmly Choice Duarte

Colomel Seconds Duarte

Caloric Choice San Gabriel

Calumet Seconds San Gabriel

Calumny Choice San Diego

Calvary Seconds San Diego

Camber Choice Tustin or Santa AnnaCambial Seconds Tustin or Santa AnnaCambist Choice Los Angeles

Cambistry Seconds Los Angeles

Cam brian Fa ncy

Cambric C hoice

Camel Seconds

Cameo Fancy Florida

Camera Choice Florida

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Cameration ...Riversides

Camlet Redlands

Cammas Ontario

Cammock PomonaCamomile San Gabriel

Camp Los Angeles

Campaign Santa Anna and Tustin


Camping Fancy Sweets

Campion Choice Sweets

Camus Seconds Sweets

Canal Fancy Riverside Sweets

Canard Fancy Redland Sweets

Canary Fancy Colton Sweets

Canaster Fancv Ontario Sweets

Canceller Fancy Pomona Sweets

Cancer Fancy Duarte Sweets

Cancerate Choice San Gabriel Sweets

Candent Fancy San Deigo Sweets

Canderos Choice Santa Anna Sweets

Candidate Fancy Mountain Sweets


Candidly Fancy St. Michaels

Candidness.... Choice St. Michaels

Candle Seconds St. Michaels

Candor Fancy Riverside St. Michaels

Cand}' Fancy Redlands St. Michaels

Page 20: JffTEjV^STATE CIPHERng46/collections/interstate-cipher-no-year.pdf · Aquatic 570 Aquaint 571 Aquiduct 572 Aqueous 573 Aquose 574 Arab 575 Arabian 576 Arabic 577 Arabisn 578 Arable




Cane Fancy Ontario St. Michaels

Canicular Fancy Colton St. Michaels

Canine Choice Pomona St. Michaels

Canker Choice San Gabriel St. Michaels

Cannibal Choice Los Angeles St. Michaels

Cannon Choice Santa Anna St. Michaels

Cannonade. ...Choice St. Michaels


Cannonier Fancy Riverside Bloods

Cannonry Fancy Redland Bloods

Canoe Fancy Colton Bloods

Canonical Fancy Ontario Bloods

Canonist Fancy San Gabriel Bloods

Canopy Fancy Pomona Bloods

Canorous Fancy Santa Anna Bloods

Canteen Fancy San Diego Bloods

Canter Fancy Los Angeles Bloods

Canterbury....Fancy Mountains

Canticle Fancy Blood

ftantillate Choice Blood

Cantillated ....Seconds Blood

Cantingly Fancy Ruby Bloods


Cantonal Fancy Valencia

Cantoon Choice Valencia

Canty Fanc3' Messina

Capital Choice Messina

Capitalist Fancy Palermo

Capitally Choice Palermo

Page 21: JffTEjV^STATE CIPHERng46/collections/interstate-cipher-no-year.pdf · Aquatic 570 Aquaint 571 Aquiduct 572 Aqueous 573 Aquose 574 Arab 575 Arabian 576 Arabic 577 Arabisn 578 Arable

Lemons 19

Capitoline Fancy CataniaCapitulate Choice CataniaCapon Fancy Naples

Caponet Choice Naples

Caprice Fancy RodiCapricious Choice Rodi

Capsicum Fancy J amaicaCapsize Choice Jamaica



Capstan Messina

Capsular Messina 360 size

Capsule Messina 300 size

Captain Palerm o

Caption Palermo 360 size

Captious Palermo 300 size

Captivate Naples

Captive Naples 360 size

Captivit}- Naples 300 size

Captor Rodi

Cardamine Rodi 360 size

Cardinal Rodi 300 size

Cardoon MalagaCareen MaroiCareless Catina


C arelessly Riverside

Caress Highland and Redlands

Caricature Ontario

Page 22: JffTEjV^STATE CIPHERng46/collections/interstate-cipher-no-year.pdf · Aquatic 570 Aquaint 571 Aquiduct 572 Aqueous 573 Aquose 574 Arab 575 Arabian 576 Arabic 577 Arabisn 578 Arable

20 Sizes

Carinate Santa Paula

Carlin San Diego

Caroline California

Carman Florida


Carmolite 56s to 250s inclusive

Carmine 80s to 250s inclusive

Carrying 80s to 112s inclusive

Cart 80s to 126s inclusive

Cartel 96s to 112s inclusive

Cartesian 96s to 126s inclusive

Cartoon 96s to 150s inclusive

Cartridge 96s to 176s inclusive

Carnage 96s to 250s inclusive

Carnal 96s to 200s inclusive

Carnalist 128s to 300s inclusive

Carnalite 128s to 250s inclusive

Carnality 128s to 226s inclusive

Carnally 128s to 200s inclusive

Carnation 128s to 176s inclusive

Carney 150s to 300s inclusive

Carnify 150s to 250s inclusive

Carnival 150s to 226s inclusive

Carnosity 176s to 300s inclusive

Carnose 176s to 250s inclusive

Carol 176s to 226s inclusive

Caroling 176s to 200s inclusive

Caroon 200s to 300s inclusive

Caroteel 200s to 250s inclusive

Caroty Regular sizes as per last Circular

Carousal Usual regular sizes

Carouse Medium sizes

Carp Average sizes as they run

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Sizes 21

Carrier Mostly large sizes

Carrion Mostly small sizes

Carrom Desirable sizes

Carron \uy sizes you wish

Carrow Medium sizes preferred

Carry Large proportion, any size wantedCartulary Off sizes

Carve Regular sizes as per last circular, but in-

clined to the larger sizes

Carving Regular sizes as per last circular, but in-

clined to the smaller sizes

Carvist Three-fourths 150 to 200 sizes; balance


Cascade Mostly 176 and 200 sizes

Casement Half each 300s and 360 sizes

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Sizes may vary a few boxes but will average fairly in value as given below.

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Peaches 23



Causeless California Early Crawfords

Caustic California Late Crawfords

Caustically ...California Hale's EarHr

Cautel California Alexander Early

Caution California SusquehannahCautionary... California

Cautious California Salaway Fosters

Cautiously.... California Strawberry

Cavelcade California Foster

Cavalier California George's Late

Cave California SmocksCavern California Red MayCavernous California Mixon


Cavil California Orange Cling

Cavity California Lemon Cling

Caw California Crawford Cling

Caxton California McDevitt Cling

Cedar California Strawbeny Cling

Ceiling California Yellow Cling

Celebrate California McKent Cling

Celebrator California Heath Cling

Celebrity California Tuscan Cling

Celery California Honey Cling

Celestial California White Cling

Celestif3T California Cling

Celestine California Georges Late Cling

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24 Pears





Celestine Michigan Freestone

Celiac Michigan Clingstones

Celibacy MarylandCelibation Jersey

Cell Illinois

Cellar Tennessee

Cell Mississi ppi



Celtic Bartlett

Cement Bartlett MountainCemental Winter Nelles

Cemetery Eastern Buerre

Censor Beurre Clargeau

Censorius Beurre HardyCensure Glout MerceanCensus Seekel

Cent LawrenceCentage PoundCentennial BergamotCentre Clapp's Favorite

Cento Vicar

Central White DoyenneCentralize Burre Danjon

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Centrally Burre Bosc

Centuple Louise Diel

Centurial Duchesse

Centurist Bell

Centurv Howell


Cephalic Butter

Cerago Bartlett

Cerement Barrels Bartletts

Ceremony Kegs Bartletts

Cereous Baskets Bartletts

Cerosine Seckel



Certificate Half Crates Toka3's

Certify Half Crates MuscatsCessation Half Crates MalagasCesser Half Crates Black HamburgCession Half Crates Black Prince

Cestus Half Crates Purple DamascusChafe Hall Crates Blue MalvoiseChaffer Half Crates Verdelle

Chaffy Half Crates EmperorChagrin Half Crates Black MoroccoChain Half Crates Rose De PeruChaise Half Crates Black Prince

Chaldaic Half Crates Black TerraraChaldaism Half Crates Sweet WaterChaldean Half Crates Cornichon

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26 California Plums and Prunes


Chaldec Nine Pound Baskets Georgia Concords

Chaldron Xine Pound Baskets South. 111. Concords

Chalk Nine Pound Baskets Narvoo, 111. Concords

Callenge Nine Pound Baskets Mo. Valley Concords

Chamber Nine Pound Baskets Iowa Concords

Chambrel Nine Pound Baskets Ohio Concords

Chamois Nine Pound Baskets New York Concords

Chamomile. ..Nine pound Baskets Michigan Concords



Champ Gross Prunes

Champion German Prunes

Chancel French Prunes

Chancellor Fellenbcrg Prunes

Chancery Hungarian Prunes

C handelier Silver Prunes

Chandoo Tragedy Prunes

Channel Bulgarian Prunes

Chant Italian Prunes


Chantant Magnum Bonum Plums

Chanter Purple Duane Plums

Chantress Columbia Plums

Chaos Bradshaw Plums

Chap Royal Hative Plums

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California Fruits 27

Chapel Peach Plums

Chaplain Cherry Plums

Chaplet Golden Drop Plums

Chapman Yellow Egg Plums

Chapter Washington Plums

C haracter Quaekenbos Plums

Charade Kelsey Japan Plums

Charcoal Green Gage Plums

Charger Damson Plums


Chariot MoorparkCharitable Royal

Charity Hemskirke

Charlatan Peach

Charlock Blenheim

Charm French

Chirmer Pringle


Charmful California Black Tartarian

Charming California Black Republican

Charmless California White Ro\ralanne

Charnel Oregon Cherries

Chart Eastern Red 200 lb. Crates

Charter Eastern Red 24 Boxes


Chartist Strawberries 24- Quart Boxes Mississippi

Chartless Strawberries 24- Quart Boxes Tennessee

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28 Apples

Chaser Strawberries 24 Quart Boxes Illinois

Chasm Strawberries 16 Quart Boxes Michigan

Chaste Raspberries 24- Pint Boxes

Chastely. Raspberries 48 Pint Boxes


Chastise Alexander

Chastity Yellow Bell Flowers

Chatelain Spitzbergs

Chattel Pearmain

Chatty Ben Davis

Chaw Jeniton

Cheat Steel Red

Cheater Maiden Blush

C hecker Astraschan

Checkless Kings

Checkmate. ...Newtown Pippin

Cheer Pennocks

C heerful Baldwin

Cheerily Greening

Cheerless Russett

Chemical Gillflower

Chemise Wellow TwigChemist RomaniteChemistr}- Smith's Cider

Cherish Early Harvest

Cherub Early June

Chess Talman Sweets

Chest Golden Pippins

Chew 20 Ounce Pippins

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Cranberries, Bananas and Vegetables 29

CRANBERRIES.Chick Cape Cod Dark Barrels

Chicken Cape Cod Medium Barrels

Chide Wisconsin Bell and Bugle Barrels

Chief. Wisconsin Bell and Cherry Barrels

C hiefly Jersey Barrels

Child Jersey Bushel Boxes


Childhood Ship all green fruit

Childish Ship partly ripe fruit

Childly Ship "the run" from the dockChildren Ship all strict^ firsts

Chill Ship all seconds

Chilled Steamer to day, fruit too ripe for shipping

Chilly Steamer to-day, fruit excellent for shipping

Chime Next steamer is due

Chimera When is next steamer due


Chimney Choice Early RoseChina BnrbanksChink Snowflakes

Chip Peerless

Chipper Early Ohios

Chipping White PotatoesChirp Peach BlowChirper Chilli Red

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30 Vegetables

CABBAGE.Chirrup Choice California Winningstadt crated

Chisel Choice California Drumhead crated

Chisley Choice California Flat Dutch crated

Chit Choice Southern Crated

Chitchat Choice Southern Barrel

Chitter Choice Northern Crated

Chivalr\r Northern per ton.


Chloral Choice Sacked Red

Chlorate Choice Sacked Yellow

Chloric Choice Barreled Red

Chlorine Choice Barreled Yellow

Chloritic Choice Barreled Silver Skinned

Chloroform ...Bermuda Boxes

Chock Spanish Crates


Choir Dozen Wrapped Cauliflower

Choke Dozen Unwrapped Cauliflower


Choleric One-third Bushel Boxes

Choral Ten Pound Boxes

Chord Florida

Chorister BermudaChorus Green Corn per Dozen

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Beans, Peas, etc. 31

Clod Cucumbers per Dozen

Cloddy Watermelons per HundredConfuse Watermelons per Carload, counting about

Conflux Nutmegs per One HundredConform Nutmegs per Crate

Confound Wax Beans Crates

Confront String Green Beans per Crate


Conflict Choicest Bayo BeansCompare Medium Bayo BeansChowder Choicest Small White Beans

Christen Medium Small White BeansChronic Choicest Pea Beans

Circuit Medium Tea BeansCircuitous Choicest Lima BeansCircular Medium Lima Beans

Circulate Large Butter BeansCirculator Small Butter BeansCircumflex Choicest Pink BeansCircus Medium Pink BeansCistern Red Beans

Cistus Red Kidney BeansCitadel. White Kidney BeansCitation Marrow BeansCitator Choice Lady Washington BeansCitizen Medium Lady Washington BeansCity Choicest Black Eye BeansCivil Medium Black Eye BeansCivilian Choice California Dried Green BeansCivility California Yellow MustardCivilize California Crown Mustard

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32 Raisins


Clack Boxes Loose Muscatel

Claimant Boxes Loose Muscatel, 3 crown

Claimless Boxes Loose Muscatel, 2 crown

Clam Half Boxes Loose Muscatel, 3 crown

Clamber ..Half Boxes Loose Muscatel, 2 crown

Clammv Boxes London Laj'er, 3 crown

Clamor Boxes London Layer, 2 crown

Clamp Boxes London Layer, 1 crown

Clandestine. ..Half Boxes London Layer, 3 crown

Clang Half Boxes London Layer, 2 crown

Clangor Half Boxes London Layer, 1 crown

Clannish Half Boxes London Layer Raisins

Clap One-fourth Boxes London Layer, 3 crown

Clapper One-fourth Boxes London Layer, 2 crown

Claptrap One-fourth Boxes London Layer, 1 crown

Clarence Boxes London Layer, Extra Fancy

Claret Half Boxes London Layer, Extra Fancy

Clarion One-fourth BoxesLondon Layer, Ex. Fancy

Clash Boxes Seedless Sultanas, 50s

Clasp Boxes Seedless Sultanas. 20s

Class Boxes New Seedless Sultanas, 50s

Classical Boxes New Seedless Sultanas, 20s

Classic Sacks Seedless Sultanas

Classify Boxes Dried Grapes, 50s

Classman Boxes Dried Grapes, 25s

Clatter Sacks Dried Grapes

Clause Sacks Loose Muscatel

Claustral Sacks Loose Muscatel, 2 crown

Clavicle Sacks Loose Muscatel, 1 crown

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Dried Fruits 33


Clavieorn Sacks of Dried Apples, Sliced

Claw Sacks of Dried Apples, quarters

Clay Boxes of Dried Apples, sliced

Cla\-ish Boxes Evaporated Apples, sliced (50s I

Clean Boxes Evaporated Apples, (Ringes) 50s

Cleaner Boxes Evaporated Dried Peaches. Peeled

i 50s)

Cleaning Boxes Evaporated Dried Peaches, Peeled

( 25s


Cleanly Boxes Evaporated Dried Peaches, Unpeeled


Clear Boxes Evaporated Dried Peaches, Unpeeled

I 25s


Clearage Sacks Sun Dried Peaches, Halves

Clearance Sacks Sun Dried Peaches, Quartered

Clearly Sacks Sun Dried Peeled Peaches

Clearness Boxes Evaporated Dried Apricots (50s)

Cleave Boxes Evaporated Dried Apricots (25s)

Cleft Sacks Evaporated Apricots

Clem Sacks Sun Dried Apricots

Clemency Sacks California French Primes, extra


Clement Sacks California French Prunes, 50 to 60

Clementine Sacks California French Prunes, 60 to 70

Clergy Sacks California French Prunes, 70 to 80

Clergyman Sacks California French Prunes, 80 to 90

Clerical Sacks California French Prunes, 4 sizes

Clerk Sacks California French Prunes, 4-0s to 50s

Clerkless Boxes California French Primes, FancyLarge Stock

Clerkship Boxes California French Prunes, 50 to 60

Clever Boxes California French Prunes, 60 to 70

Cleverish Boxes California French Prunes, 7<> to 80

Cleverly Boxes California French Prunes, 80 to 90

Cleverness Sacks California French Primes, ungraded

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34 Buy, Buying; etc.

Clew Boxes California French Prunes, ungradedClick Sacks Evaporated Dried Tears

Clicker Sacks Sun Dried Pears

Client Boxes Evaporated Pears, sliced

Cliented Sacks Dried PlumsCliff. Boxes Dried PlumsClimate Sacks Evaporated Nectarines

Climatic Boxes Evaporated Nectarines


Climax Buy all you can for delivery in next

Climb Buy only limited amountClimber Better buy aboutClinch Don't buy over

Clincher Buy all you can get

Cling Ifyou can buy at positive bargain

Clinical What are you paying for

Clinic We cannot afford to pay over

Clink You must not lose any time buyingClinker Did you buy?

Clip Cannot buy for less

Clipper Buy onty as you want themClipping Buy very cautioush'

Cloak We (or I) recommend caution in bnyimClog He verj' conservative in buying

Cloggy Don't buy heavily

Cloister Buy only from day to dayClosely You are buying too manyCoach Buy as low as possible

Coagent You should but lower

Coagulant Try hard to buy lower

Coagulate Should be bought for about

Coalition Move quickly, others will buy them

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Sell, Selling, etc. 35

Coarsely Wire F. 0. B. prices on oranges, regular


Coarseness Wire quick lowest F. O. B. price on

Coast Shall we biry at

Coaster We think we can bu3r at

Coasting Would you advise us to buy at

Coastwise We would advise you to buy at

Coat We would not advise you to buy at

Coating Buy at 3-our discretion

Coax Shall we buy to arrive

Cob Buy to arrive

Cobble We have bought to arrive

Cobweb We cannot buy to arrive

Cock Can 3'ou duplicate last order

Cockade Telegraph order, will do our best

Cockatoo Buy for us to-day unless we can do better

by waiting a few days

Cockeral We can offer vou for

SELL, SELLING, ETC.Cockle Sell immediately

Cockne}- Do not sell at less than

Cockpit Sell at prices you nameCockroach... .Price makes loss, but sell if you can't do


Cockscomb Sell to arrive

Coction Sell for immediate shipment

Cod Advance selling price on

Coddle Nearly all sold, show good results

Codify Goods are sold F. 0. B. bu3rer's risk as


Codling We think will sell well

Coerce Use your own judgment in selling

Coercion Sell for our account

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36 Sell, Selling, etc.

Coercive Can you sell to net

Coffin At what price can yon sell

Cog Have you sold

Cogency Have sold about

Combine Have sold to net youCombless Car sold at auction will net 3^011

Combustion. ..Last shipment sold, will net youComedian Car received to-day, mostly sold at

Comedy Think will sell freely

Comely Think can sell at

Comet Cannot sell at price you nameCemetery Cannot sell at over

Comfiture Cannot sell except at a loss

Comfort Don't sell at less than quotation

Comforter Name lowest price you will sell

Comic How much shall we sell

Comical At what price will you sell

Comity Can you sell at

Command Take car, sell for our account No.

Comment Sell quick as possible

Commerce Push sales, but don't break the marketCommit Car is selling to net you invoice price

Committal Car is selling to make us a profit

Commodity ...Selling at prices that make a loss

Commodore. ..Selling at such prices makes us a big loss

Commotion ...Sell two cars

Companion.... Sell three cars

Company Sell five cars

Compart Sell ten cars

Compass Let us know quick how our stock is selling

Compassion. ..Are selling slowly

Compatible. ...Cars sold to-day at auction

Compatriot ...Cars sold to-day

Compeer We sold to-day

Compel We think we can sell at

Compend Sell for as much more than quotation as


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Sell, Selling, etc. 37

Compensate. ..Don't sell in excess of instructions

Compete Do not sell to arrive

Competence...We quote oranges F. 0. B. regular sizes

usual discount on off sizes

Competent We wish to ship in car at usual discount

off sizes, please telegraph if not satis-

factor\T for us to put in

Competitor. ...The sizes you ask for impossible to get.

Packers can't afford to sell in that wayCompile Unless already sold

Complacent ...Price given subject to immediate reply bywire

Complex Do not force sales at present, think ten-

dency is for higher prices

Complexion ...Make no further sales until you hear fromus

Compliant We can sell to arrive

Comply Was sold before your telegram was re-


Comport Do not sell until advised further

Compose Unless you can sell at

Composite Are all sold except

Composure ....Telegraph quick how many or much youhave sold

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38 Ship


Compound Ship immediately

Comprint Ship daily

Comprise Ship tri-weekly

Compromise. .Ship twice per weekCompute Ship one car this week and two each ten'

days until further orders

Comrade Ship more liberally; your brand sells onarrival

Conation Ship ot once; prospects are for good prices

Concave Have read}' to ship as soon as you receive

letter of

Conceal Ship at once; we can use another car

Concept Ship by freight

Conception. ...Ship by express

Concern Will ship by passenger train

Concert Will ship special fruit train, running onpassenger train time, the

Concise Ship by to-day's freight

Concisely Ship in ventilated car

Conclave Will ship as soon as possible

Concoct Expect to ship on

Concord We can ship immediately

Concourse If can, ship immediately

Concrete Ship car at quotations

Condemn Ship as ordered in a well ventilated ear

Condense We cannot ship at less than

Condign Ship on the

Condiment Will ship on the

Condole Cannot ship on account ofblockade

Condolence. ...Cannot ship on account of washoutCondone Cannot ship on account of strike

Condor Cannot ship on account of rain

Conduct Will ship as ordered if will accept draft

Conductor Can you ship car

Cone Can you ship immediately

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Ship 39

Confab Can you ship this weekConfeet Can you ship byConfection How soon can you ship

Confer At what price can yon ship

Conference Ship car mostly

Confess Can 3^011 ship us a car mostly

Confession Ship ear direct to

Confide ...Will ship tomorrow if possible, otherwise

Confidence Can you ship tomorrowConflict Ship this week sure

Conflux Ship next weekConform Ship latter part of this weekConfound When can you ship

Confront If weather permits will ship car

Confuse We cannot ship before

Confusion Ship car fruit as soon as possible

Congeal Ship car potatoes as quick as possible

Congee Ship car onions as quick as possible

Congenial Ship car cabbage as quick as possible

Congress Ship car every day this weekCongruity Ship car every other day this weekCongruous Ship daily until further advised

Connate Ship us by steamer leaving

Connation Ship us by steamer

Connatural. ...Ship us by rail

Connect Don't fail to ship

Connected We cannot ship before

Connectedly. ..When can you ship

Connection. ...Ship to arrive about the •

Connective Ship first car to

Connectively.Ship second car to

Connex Can ship another same price

Connexion Have orders for all can ship this weekConnexive Have orders for all can ship next weekConnivance... Shi]) in Refrigerator cars

Connive Ship in C. F. T. Refrigerator cars

Connivency. ...Ship in Goodel Refrigerator cars

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4-0 Shipping

Connivent We can ship either

Conniver Ship car to our order Notify —Conniving Will probably ship tomorrowConnotate Will have to ship from country points

Connotated ...Don't advise you to ship; plentj' here nowConnotating. .If car is loaded and must move, ship to

Connotation. .We can ship next week

Connote Divert a car so as to arrive here quick as


Connoted Ship Santa Fe Refrigerator


Dab Rush shipments forward

Dabble We advise shipping in ventilated cars

Dabster Have been delayed in shipping on account

of weather

Dace Have been delayed in shipping on account

of scarcity of cars

Dacian Give shipping instructions

Dad Will write shipping instructions

Daddy We offer for shipment to-day

Daddle Prospects for shipments are favorable

Dade Prospects for shipping are unfavorable

Dado Heavy shipments due hereNor there)

Daff. Heavy shipments going forward

Daffle Do you advise shipment

Dag Delay shipping as long as possible

Dagger Shipments already completed

Daggle Continue shipping steadily

Dagon Shipments will be much lighter for this

weekDahlia What did you do in regard to shipment ot

Daily Very light shipments going forward

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Shipping 4-1

Daint^' Shipments very light from this time onDairy Shipments will commence about

Daisy Your shipment of is delayed

Dale Shipment advised in letter of

Dally Duplicate last shipment

Dam Can you duplicate last shipment

Damask Shipments will finish about

Dame Will advise further on receipt of shipment

Damp Stop all shipments

Dampen Have written shipping instructions

Damper Have shipment traced quick

Dampish Everybody shipping to

Dampness No direct shipment yet to

Damsol We quote for immediate shipmentDamson We quote for shipment this weekDanaide We quote for shipment next weekDance Cloudy and raining, cannot ship at pres-


Dandelion Cloudy and raining, cannot ship for abouttwo days

Dander Cloudy and raining, cannot ship for aboutfour days

Dandify Cloudy and raining, cannot ship for aboutsix days

Dandle Sell five cars for shipment at onceDandruff Sell ten cars for shipment at onceDandy Sell five cars for shipment this weekDandyish Sell ten cars for shipment this weekDane Sell five cars for shipment next weekDanger Sell ten cars for shipment next weekDangerous Shipment was made as instructed

Dangle Cancel the order sent you for

Danish Divert car and cancel order sent you for

Dank Ship refrigerator car, paper and hay thecar

Danker We advise shipping refrigerator carDankish Ship via steamer

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IL' Shipped

Dannock We have shipped by steamer

Dapper Are you shipping rue anything to-day

Dapple Ship refrigerator and use your own judg-

ment as to using paper and hay

SHIPPED.Dare Shipped to-day by special train

Darie We shipped ear on the

Daring We shipped you on speeial fast train eon-

tents as follows

Daringly Have shipped you a ear; be prepared for

sameDarken Your car shipped

Darkful Shipped in orange special to-day via l'. P.

Darkish Shipped in orange speeial to-day via

Santa Fe

Darkly Shipped in orange special to-day via El


Darkness Have you shipped

Darling Must be shipped immediately

Dart Ifyou have not shipped

Darter Will have to ship from here

Dash How many ears have you shipped

Dasher We have no advices of car shipped

Dastard All orders must be shipped before the

Dateless We want shipped to-day sure

Dater Expect to have all orders shipped by

I >ative There is enroute for Arour market, shipped


Daub There is enroute for your market, shipped

tli is weekDauber We had shipped and filled your order lie-

fore your message came

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Quality and Condition 4-8

QUALITY AND CONDITION.Danbery Fancy California OrangesDanby Choice California OrangesDaughter California Seconds *

Daunt Culls

Dauntless Are bright, handsome appearing goods

Dauntlessness Quality of Crop is badly injured by

Dauphin Must be strictly choice quality

Davit Unless quality and condition is fine, do

not ship

Dawk Are not prime, but best in the market

Dawkisb Your fruit arriving too ripe, pack greener

Dawkishly Your fruit arriving too green, pack riper

Dawn Your fruit arriving entirely too green, will

never ripen and give satisfaction

Day Want only the very best that can be ob-


Daystar Quality improving

Daze If strictly fancy, sound and solid

Dazzle Your packing is slack, fill fuller

Deacon Von are packing too full, bruises the fruit

Dead Car arrived, condition fine

Deaden Car arrived, condition fair

Deadish Car arrived in very bad condition

Deadly Car arrived badly heated

Deadness Car arrived, condition good except

Deaf. Car arrived, condition fair except

Deafen Quality fine, good keeping stock

Deafly Quality must be choice and good keepers

Deal Quality is choice

Dealer A.11 good color

Dean Rather pale color

Deanery Want better quality than the last

Deanship Rather better quality than the last

Dearly Quality equal to any in the market

Debar Quality is only fair, but the best to be had

in the market

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4-4- Quality and Condition

Debark Use your own judgment in regard to


Debase Quality must be improved uponDebate Quality is strictly fine, and good keepers

Debater Quality is fine

Debauch Brand is best fruit being shipped

Debilitate Brand considered equal to anyDebilit}' Be sure condition is suitable for the trip

Debit If strictly choice, hard keeping stock

Debitor Is clean, brie lit, solid stock

Debonair Fruit is heavy and full ofjuice

Debris Is good, clean stock

Debt Stock is hard and fine quality

Debtor We are quoting newstock in finecondition

Debut We are quoting old stock, but in fine con-


Debutant Quality best have shipped this season

Decade Qualit\r excellent

Decadence Too much spongy light fruit

Decadent Fruit rough, scabby and scarred

Decamp Fruit has been badfy handled and is

bruised and decaying

Decanter Fruit has been chilled

Decapitate Nothing absolutely sound

Decay Nothing fit to ship in the original

Decease Sound in original order

Deceit Made sound and full count

Declaim Must be used right upDeclaimer Free from frost

Declare Badly specked

Declaredly Smutty, dirty fruit

Declension Windfalls, culls and poor trash

Declinate The car we offer is much abov: the aver-

age and will please you very much

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Markets 45

MARKETS.Declivity Ouote the market and give your views on

Decoct How is your market on

Decoction The market is very fair on

Decompose The market is advancing now on

Decorate The market is declining on

Decoration The market remains very steady

Decorative The market is well supplied

Decorator Market is very unsettled

Decorous Market continues very much depressed

Decorously Market has collapsed completely

Decorum Market is advancing fast

Decoy Market is weak, we think will go lower

Decree Market same as quoted yesterday

Decrepit Hold for better marketDecrepitor\r....Do not force marketDecry Market offers no encouragementDedicate Telegraph us your opinion of marketDedication Telegraph us when there is a changein the

marketDedicator Market strong at full prices

Deduce Telegraph actual condition of marketDeducible Market is everywhere firm

Deductive Home grown stock is supplying the mar-ket

Deed Market is overstocked withDeedful It is possible that the market will not de-

cline further

Deedless Every prospect of market advancingDeem The market is entirely bare of

Deep Market firm, good shipping demandDeepen Market is fairly firm

Deeph- It is probable that market won't decline

Deepness We don't think market will go lowerDeer Good stock will sell all right and make a


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U> Markets

Deface What are choice potatoes worth in yourmarket?

Defalcate We think market will advanceDefame Market is weak to-day

Defamous Our market is well cleaned upDefectate Demand far exceeds supply

Default Our market looks favorable

Defaulter Our market has strong upward tendency

Defeat Market is advancing every day and a car

shipped to-day is sure to show a nice

advanceDefeated Market is bare and a quick shipment or

diversion will strike a good market and

net you there aboutDefeature The prices we quote you are good until

further advice by wire

Defecate These prices are good for three days

Defecation We consider present prices lowDefect We think these prices are the lowest for

balance the season, safe time to buyDefection Present scarcity makes prices high for day

or so

Defective Receipts continue heavy but do not exceed

the demandDefectively The market is depressed at present but

think an advance more certain than a


Deluge Market overstocked and the result will be

a scarcity a week later, advise shipping


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Weather 4-7


Delusion Weather very hot

Delusive Weather hot and sultry

Delusively Weather very cold, dare not ship

Delure Weather very cold, will ship only at

buyer's risk

Delver How is state of weather

Demagogue....Will weather permit shipment

Demand As soon as weather permits

Demarch Weather very stormyDemean Weather at present too cold to risk ship-

mentDemeanor Weather is too hot to risk shipment

Demencj Weather is now mild and can ship with-

out danger

Dement Favorable weather is causing a firmer


Dementate Rainy weather stops packing

Demerge Weather very hot; will ship only at

buyer's risk

Demerit Weather is too uncertain to ship

Demise Has rained here for several days

Dernit Rained hard all dayDemitint Rained hard all night

Demitone Weather cool and pleasant

Democracy Weather clear and pleasant

Demolish Weather very cold, stop car at

Demon Weather is very cold, hold order for fur-

ther instructions

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48 ' Letters and Telegrams


Demoniac Wire any change in condition or prices

Demonn' Wire car numbers

Demonstrate..Wire lowest price F. O. B.

Dempster Your telegram received

Demulcent Your telegram received, will protect order

Demur Your telegram received too late

Demurely Unless you telegraph otherwise

Demurrer Telegraph answer; day message, it cannot


Denizen Telegraph answer, night message, if can-

not ship

Denote Telegraph answer quick; are waiting re-


Denounce Telegraph answer quick if wanted

Dense We do not understand your telegram,

please repeat

Denseness Telegraph quick if not satisfactory

Density Give particulars by telegraph

Dent See telegram for instruction of

Dental Telegraph how much will comeDentary Telegraph so can show dispatch

Dentist Telegraph price 3-011 think stock willsell at

Dentistry Telegraph amount owned by

Denude Telegraph when you will ship

Den\r Telegraph us an answer, 3'es or no, sure

Depaint Telegraph answer our expense

Depart Telegraph answer quick with instructions

Dependent Price is for immediate acceptance by tele-


Depict Telegraph your opinion of

Deplete Telegraph quick best offer

Deplorable Telegraph quick your lowest price

Deplore Write us fully all particulars

Deploy Write us at once

Deplume Your letter received, dated

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Letters and Telegrams 49

Deponent Your letter received too late

Depopulate. ...See letter for instructions of

Deport Have you received our letter of

Depose Wait letter before shipping

Deposit Wait letter before selling

Depositary We wrote you fully

Deposition We write 3-ou fully to-da}r

Depositor Telegraph me Monday at

Depot Telegraph me Tuesday at

Depravity Telegraph me Wednesday at

Deprecate Telegraph me Thursday at

Depress Telegraph me Friday at

Depressed Telegraph me Saturday at

Depression Telegraph me Sunday at

Deprive We have received your telegram of Mon-day

Depth We have received your telegram of Tues-

dayDepthless We have received your telegram of Wed-


Depute We have received your telegram of Thurs-

dayDerange We have received your telegram of FiidayDerby We have received your telegram of Satui-

dayDeride We have received your telegram of SundayDerision We have had no answer and you will

please answer immediately our tele-

gram of

Derisive Will telegraph more fully a little later

Derisory Telegraph sales on

Derivation Telegraph what you can sell at there,

quick sales

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r>o Instructions t<> Packers


Derive You must pack moreDescant You must pack less

Desertion You must pack an assortment

Desirous Solicit on consignment

Desist Pack all peaches can

Desistance Pack light on

Desk Pack all pears can

Desolate Pack all plums can

Desolation Pack all grapes can

Desolator Rush your packing

Despair You are packing too loose

Desperado Your packers are not doing good workDesperate You must watch your packing closely

Despicable Don't pack anything but first-class stock

Despicably Stop packing for

Despise Stop packing when you get through with

Despiteful Stop packing and come homeDevious Clean up everything beforeyou come homeDew You arepackingeverything, lots of trash,

will ruin our brand

Dewlap Buyall fine peaches can for delivery in next

Dexter Buy all fine pears can for delivery in next

1 exterity Buy all fine plums can for delivery in next

Dextrous Buy all fine grapes can for delivery in next

Diadem Don't think will carry

Diagonal Fruit won't carry

Diagram Crowd work, but don't work nights

Diagraph Are entirely too green

Dial Vre entirely too ripe

Dialect Can't pay over

Dialogue Wire how much will come

Diameter You should buy lower

Diamond.. You are buying too much (or many)

Diary Buy only delivered here

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Box Shipments

Diatribe You had better buy-

Dicer Buy as low as possibly can

Dictate Send all you can to-day, especially

Dictating Can you pack and ship to arrive here on

Dictation Send all spare packers to

Dictator Have bought first picking

Dictionary Buy first picking

Dido Have secured about

Diet Did you secure the

Dieting What have you secured

Diner You had better secure at once

Differed Packers left on

Difference Ought to be bought for about

Box Shipments.

Differing Ship

Difficult Ship

Diffidence Ship

Diffuse Ship

Diffusely Ship

Diffusion Ship

Diffusive Ship

Dig Ship

Digest Ship

Digested Ship

Digestible Ship

Digesting Ship

Digestion Ship

Digger' Ship

Digging Ship

Digit Ship

Dignified Ship

Dignity Ship

5 boxes

10 boxes

15 boxes

20 boxes

25 boxes

30 boxes

35 boxes

10 boxes

45 boxes

50 boxes

60 boxes

70 boxes

75 boxes

80 boxes

90 boxes

100 boxes

125 boxes

150 boxes

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Lot Numbers

Digress Ship 175 boxes

Digression Ship 200 boxes

Dilatory Ship 225 boxes

Dilemma Ship 250 boxes

Diligence Ship 275 boxes

Diligently Ship 300 boxes

Dilute Ship 325 boxes

Diluting Ship 350 boxes

Dim Ship 375 boxes

Disallow Ship 400 boxes

Disappear Ship 425 boxes

Disappoint Ship 450 boxes

Disarm Ship 475 boxes

Disarming Ship 500 boxes

Disarrange... Ship 525 boxes

Disarray Ship 550 boxes

Disaster Ship 575 boxes

Disband Ship 600 boxes

Disbanding ....Ship boxes

Lot Numbers.

Disbelief. Lot No. 1

Disburse Lot No. 2

Disbursing Lot No. 3

Discard Lot No. 4

Discarding Lot No. 5

Discern Lot No. 6

Discharge Lot Xo. 7

Disciple Lot No. 8

Disclaim Lot No. 9

Disclose Lot No. 10

Disclosing Lot No. 11

Disconnect Lot No. 12

Discord Lot No. 13

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hot Numbers 53

Discordant Lot No. 14

Discourage Lot No. 15

Discover Lot No. 16

Discovery Lot No. 17

Discredit Lot No. 18

Discreet Lot No. 19

Disdain Lot No. 20

Disdaining Lot No. 21

Disembark Lot No. 22

Disengage Lot No. 23

Disenthrall Lot No. 24Disfavor Lot No. 25

Disfigure Lot No. 26

Disgorge Lot No. 27

Disgrace Lot No. 28

Disgraceful Lot No. 29

Disgracing Lot No. 30

Disguise Lot No. 31

Disguising Lot No. 32

Disgust Lot No. 33

Dishonest Lot No. 34Dishonor Lot No- 35

Disinfect Lot No. 36

Disinherit Lot No. 37

Disinter Lot No. 38

Disjoint Lot No. 39

Dislike Lot No. 40

Dislocate Lot No. 41

Dislodge Lot No. 42

Disloyal Lot No. 43

Dismal Lot No. 44Dismantle Lot No. 45

Dismast Lot No. 46

Dismay Lot No. 47

Dismiss Lot No. 48

Dismount Lot No. 49

Disobev Lot No. 50

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54- Shipping Directions

Shipping Directions.

Disobeying Ship or shipped car 1st

Disoblige Ship or shipped car 2nd

Disorder Ship or shipped car 3d

Disown Ship or shipped car 4th

Dispel Ship or shipped car 5th

Dispense Ship or shipped car 6th

Disposing Ship or shipped car 7th

Dispute Ship or shipped car 8th

Disputing Ship or shipped car 9th

Disquiet Ship or shipped car 10th

Disregard Ship or shipped car 11th

Disrespect Ship or shipped car 12th

Disrobe Ship or shipped car 13th

Dissect Ship or shipped car 1.4-th

Dissecting Ship or shipped car 15th

Dissemble Ship or shipped car 16th

Dissembling ...Ship or shipped car 17th

Dissipate Ship or shipped car 18th

Disipation Ship or shipped car 19th

Dissolve Ship or shipped car 20th

Dissolving Ship or shipped car 21st

Distaff. Ship or shipped car 22dDistance Ship or shipped car 23rd

Distaste Ship or shipped car 24th

Distasteful Ship or shipped car 25th

Distemper Ship or shipped car 26th

Distill Ship or shipped car 27th

Distilling Ship or shipped car 28th

Distinct Ship or shipped car 29th

Distinction Ship or shipped car 30th

Distort Ship or shipped car 31st

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S /;ipping Dates 5


Shipping Dates.

Distortion Will ship car 1st

Distress Will ship car 2d

Distressing Will ship car 3d

District Will ship car 4-th

Disturb Will ship car 5th

Disturbance ...Will ship car 6th

Ditch Will ship car 7th

Divan Will ship car 8th

Dive Will ship car 9th

Divert Will ship car 10th

Diverting ... . Will ship car 11th

Dividend Will ship car 12th

Document Will ship car 13th

Dodge Will ship car 14-th

Dodging Will ship car 15thDog Will ship car 16th

Dogma Will ship car 17th

Dolce Will ship car 18thDolorous Will ship car 19thDolphin Will ship car 20thDomain Will ship car 21st

Dome Will ship car 22dDomestic Will ship car 23dDomicle Will ship car 24thDominion Will ship car 25thDomino Will ship car 26thDomineer Will ship car 27thDonation Will ship car 28thDonor Will ship car 29thDoom Will ship car 30thDooming Will ship car 31st

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56 Miscellaneous Instructions

MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTIONSDon ...Address chairman General Executive Com-


Door Do you think it advisable?

Doric Do the best you can

Dorma Use your own judgment

Dormant Wait until you hear from us

Dot Wait a few da3^s

Dotage See that car is well ventilated

Doter This stock cost us

Double Large quantities expected to arrive soon

Dough Are loading to-day

Dove If good, can use car easy

Dowdy ..If arrives in good condition it will sell will

Dowlas Consider this strictly confidential

Drabble Next special leaves

Draco We think it advisable to

Drag Would not advise

Draggle Must have few days to fill your order

Dragon Have drawn on you at

Drake No other change to report

Dream Can do better if wait few days

Dreaming We did not understand order

Dregs What is the freight rate per 100 lbs.

Dress The freight rate is per 100 lbs.

Dressing You must guarantee freight

Drift Why have you not filled order

Drifted Can you handle to advantage

I hitting All orders are filled

Drill Do not understand your

Drilling Expect to arrive

Drink Expect to leave

Drive Until you hear from us

Driving Think can now protect all orders

Drone We must have time to fill order

Drops}' Would like to have a good many

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Miscellaneous Instructions 57

Drown We have no advise of car

Drowning We are greatly disappointed

Drudge Want only fine fruit in this marketDrudging Union auction sales to-day

Drugged Auction sales to-day

Druggist Car transferred

Drugster Apples are in big demandDruid Peaches big demand, bringing fanc\- prices

Druidness Pears big demand, bringing fancy prices

Druidism Plums in big demandDrum Grapes in big demandDrummer Good fruit will bring top prices

Drumming Price bedrock, can't do better

Drummond. ...We offer for immediate acceptance

Drumstick Cars to-da\''s special train

Drunk Car fine assortment

Drunkard Want only best stock here

Drunken Send us sample of each lot here

Druse Nothing else will pay here

Dryad Don't draw, we will remit

Drying Will remit at once on receipt of goodsDryly Car refused, please take care of it

Dubbed Make your orders more explicit and posi-


Dubiet}- Have remitted to-day

Dubious Special train leaves to-day at

Dubiously We will not accept your car

Ducal Will accept your car

Ducatoon Do you limit us on price

Duchess Name price and variety

Duchy You must make prompt returns

Dink Will not do business any other wayDucking Will probably ship last tomorrowDuctile Don't send over

Dudgeon Xo advises received yet

Duds We object to selling

Duelling Put in car about

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58 Miscellaneous Instructions

Duellist Give this order the preference

Duello Make an extra effort

Duenna Think you better arrange

Duke Too much fruit going to

Dukedom Can't possibly handle at a profil

Dulcet Will you guarantee us

Dulcify How many can you use

Dulcimer Do notfail on this order

Dulcoratc Have made every effort, impossible to get

Dullard Do you want car on special leaving

Dumb If cannot handle at prices billed, reship to

Dumbness If cannot handle at invoice price, sell for

our account

Dummy Next special leaves

Dumpling. We are afraid they won't carry

Dungeon Car at your depot now; please examineand wire us condition quick

Dunnage We think prospects very encouraging

Dunned All our fruits are now in fine condition

Dunner Will try and get car on special leaving

Dunning We sent you by mistake

Dupe How many peaches can you furnishon the

Duping Special left yesterday

Duplex New York cars are

Duplicity Boston cars are

Dust Did you accept draft

Duster Will give you a fine assortment

Dusting Don't overlook our order

Dutch To get shipments started it will take


Dutiable Will load again on

Dutiful Examine car to arrive and report to us

quick condition and particulars

Duty We expect to divide commission

Dwarf Balance of the car is

Dwarfish Change destination of car No.

Dwell Shall we chanije destination of car

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Miscellaneous Instructions 50

Dweller You should have advised sooner

Dwelling We will do the best we can for youDwindle We have to provide for

Dye Will fill order on

Dyeing Arrived here on

Dyer Have arranged joint account with

Dyke Do as you think best

Dynasty All right, go ahead

Dysentery Go slow from this time on

Ead Go slow for the next

Eager We understand situation fully

Eagerly We interpret your order to be

Eagerness It will take a week to ten days to deliver

Eagle It will take about two weeks to deliver

Eagless We are having good success

Ear We think they will do better in

Earache Several of our cars now coming in

Earcap See if you can get us anyEaring We can deliver about the

Ecliptic. What do you think of future prospects

Ecstacy Can you get strictly fine

Eddy We think it best to hold good keeping


Eddying Will make handsome profit sure

Edelite Load balance of car with

Eden Oar stock is moving very fast

Edentate We prefer car about half each

Edge Our cars not in yet

Edgeless Delay- is doing us great injury

Edgewise \o other variety to be hadEdging We must have a quick answerEdible How long will you want supplies

Edict Send all you possibly can

Edifice We have received sample to-day of

Edify Hold prices firm

Edifying Buyer to assume all risk and accept as in-


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60 Terms, Drafts, etc.

Edit At this price are a positive bargain

Edited This price is bedrock

Editing Offer declined, too lowEdition Stock is now about exhausted

Editor Stock is solid, good color but rather large

Editorial .Stock is solid, good color but rather small

Educate If car refused will sell your account and

hold you for loss

Educe Notify parties in writing, send all papers


Educing Advise only limited orders here at present


Educt Will protect order for

Eduction They are extreme^ scarce

Eductor We prefer not to make an offer


Effable Sight draft to accompany B. of L.

Efface Draft at three days' sight to accompany

B. of L.

Effacing Draft at five days' sight to accompany B.


Effect Draft at 10 days' sight to accompany B.


Effected Draft at twenty days' sight to accompany

B. of L.

Effecting Draft at thirty days' sight

Effectual Draft at sixty days' sight

Efficacy Spot cash, telegraph the money

Effigy Money must be paid before shipping

Effort Terms, usual

Elaborate Net cash on receipt of goods

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Car Initials • 61

Elapse Terms, thirty days

Elapsing ...Make best terms possible

Elastic Drafts will be accepted

Elasticity Drafts are accepted

Elate Have terms fully understood

Elation Terms are F. O. B. California, buyer's

risk, California weights

Elbow Terms sight draft attached bill of lading,

three days' grace

Elderly Will ship order care our agent, see himand settle for same

Eldest We send B. of L. direct to you with draft

attached for acceptance, car shipped to

vour order and risk



Elderado A. T. & S. F.

Elect A. &P.Electant B. & O.

Electing B. & M.Elective C, M. & St. P.

Elector C, St. P., M. & 0.

Electoral C. & N. W.Electric C, R. I. & P.

Elegance C. P.

Elegy Cal. S.

Element C. B. & Q.

Elemental C, B. & 0. Fruit CarElephant C. &. G. W.Elephantine. ..C, St. P. & K. C.

Elevate Commercial Express

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62 Routing

Elevating Canadian Pacific-

Elevation Empire Line

Elf E. T. V. &G.Elfin Great Northern

Elicit G. H. cS: S. A.

Eliciting G. T.

Eligible Illinois Central

Eligibly Illinois Central Fruit Car

Eliminate L. S. cS: M. S.

Elite L. &N.Elixir Mo. Pac.

Elk M. & St. L.

Ellipse M. K. & T.

Elm M. I). T.

Elocution X. P.

Elogium National Despatch

Elongate N. Y. C. & St. L.

Elope Pennsylvania

Elopment S. F. & \V.

Eloping S. P.


Elocp^ence Ship via Shasta Route and U. P. R. R.

Elucidate Ship via Shasta Route and N. P. R. R.

Elude Ship via ShastaRoute and GreatNorthern

Eluding Ship via S. P. & T. & P. R. R.

Elusive ShipviaCal.So.andA.&P.&C.M.&St.P.Elusory Ship via S. P. & A. T. & S. F.

Elysian Ship via S. P. R. R., Sunset Route

Emaciate Ship via C. & A. R. R.

Emanate Ship via C, B. & O. R. R.

Embalm Ship via Wabash R. R.

Embank Ship via C. P. & U. P. R. R.

Embar Shi]) via T. & P. R. R.

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Routing r>3

Embargo Ship via A. & P. R. R.

Embarass Ship via C. R. I. & P. R. R.

Embase Ship via L. A. & S. G. Valley

Embassador. .Ship via B. & M. in Xeb.

Embassy Ship via Mo. Pac. R. R.

Embattle Ship via C. M., St. Paul.

Emboss Ship via C. & X. W.Embossing Ship via Cal. So.

Embower Ship via H. & St. Joe R. R.

Embrace Ship via L. S. 6c Mich. So. R. R.

Embroil Ship via St. L. & S. F.

Embryo Ship via Wabash, St. L. & Pac.

Emend Ship via C. P., U. P. & Great Xorthern.

Emerald Ship via Panhandle, C. P., U. P.

Emerge Ship via C. P., U. P. & Rock Island

Emersion Ship via C. P., V. P., C. B. <Sc 0. from

OmahaEmery Ship via C. P., U. P., C. M & St. P.

Emetic Ship via C. P., U. P. and X. W.Emigrant Ship via C. P., U. P., S. S. P. M. & O.

Emigrate Ship via C. P., U. P., WabashEminent Ship via C. P.. U. P., Mo Pac.

Emissary Ship via C. P., U. P., X. P. R. R.

Emission Ship via C. P. and D. & R. G.

Emit Ship via C. P., R. G., W. & D. and R. G.

Emitting Ship via C. P., R. G., W. & Col. MidlandEmotion Ship via C. P. and U. P. care Mont. Cen-

tral, Butte

Emperor Ship via C. P. and U. P. care Mont. Union,

Silver Bon-

Emphasis Ship via C. & G. \V.

Emphatic Ship via L. ts: X.

Empiric Ship via E. T. V. & G.

Emplead Ship via Cream and Crescent

Employ Ship via Illinois Central

Emporium Ship via Pennsylvania Kv.

Empress Ship via M. D. T.

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04- Refrigerator Curs

Enchain Ship via Star Union Line

Enchained Ship via Commercial Express

Enchant Ship via Empire Line

Enchanted Ship via B. & O.

Enchanting. ...Route from Chicago, care


Enchase A. R. T. Refrigerator

E nchasing Armour Refrigerator

Encircle B. & M. Refrigerator

Encircling C. F. T. Refrigerator

Enclose C. F. X. Refrigerator

Encompass. ...C. B. & Q. Refrigerator

Encore C. M. & St. P. Refrigerator

Encounter C. R. I. & P. Refrigerator

Encourage Canadian Pacific Refrigerator

Encroach C. & N. W. Refrigerator

Encroaching ..Goodell Refrigerator

Encumber Great Northern Refrigerator

End Hanraha n Refrigerat or

Endanger L. & N. Refrigerator

Endear M. L. T. Refrigerator

Endiate M. D. T. Refrigerator

Endeavor Santa Fe Refrigerator

Ending Wick's Patent Refrigerator

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C. F. X. Combination Cars 65

C. F. X. Combination Ventilator and Refrigerator Cars.

In telegraphing, one word covers initial and car number.

Gabardine 219Gabble 220Gabelle 221Gabion 222Gablet 223Gablock 224Gabv 225Gadder 226Gadfly 227Gaddish 228Gadling 229Gadiod 230Gadus 231Gadwall 232Gaelic 233Gaff 234Gafol 235Gage 236Gagger 237Gahnite 238Gaiety 239Gaily 240Gainable 241Gainage 242Gainful 243Gainless 244Gainpain 245Gainst 246Gairish 247Gait 248Gala 249Galantine 250Galaxy 251Galban 252Galbanum 253Gale 254Galeas 255Galenic 256Galenism 257Galenite 258Galilee 259Galiot 260

Galingale 261Galipot 262Galium 263Gallant 264Gallantly 265Gallate..". 266Gallatery 267Galleas 268Gallegan 269Galleon 270Gallery 271Gallfly 272Galliard 273Gallic an 274Gallicize 275Gallinule 276Gallon 277Galloon 278Gallop 279Galloper 280Gallopin 281Gallow 282Gallovvav 283Galoche." 284Galore 2S5Galsome 286Galvanic 287Galvanist 288Galvanize 289Gamashes 290Gambado 291Gambet 292Gambetta 293Gambier 294Gambison 295Gambit 296Gamblist 297Gambudge 298Gambol 299Game 300Gameful 301Gameless 302

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66 C. F. X. Combination Cars

Gameleg 303Gamesome 304Gamester 305Gamin 306Gammer 307Gammoning 308Gamut 309Gamueh 310Ganch 311Gander 312Gangway 313Ganglion 314Gangrene 315Gangtide 316Ganil 317Gannet 318Ganoid 319Ganoine 320Gantois 601Gantry 602Ganza 603Gaoler 604Gaper 605Garb 606Garbage 607Garbed 60SGarboil 609Garden 610Gardenia 611Gardenless 612Gardenplot 613Garfish (514

Garganey 615Gargarism 616Gargarize 617Garget 61SGargoyle 619Garland 620Garlicky 621Garment 622Garnish 623Garnishee 624( ta rn i tn re 625Garous 626Gar ran 627Garrison 628Garron 629

Garrote 630Garrulous 631Garter 632Garth (533

Gasalier 034Gascoins 635Gasconade 636Gascity 637Gaseous (53S

Gashful 639Gasket 640Gaslight 641Gasmeter 642Gasretort 643Gassing G44Gasser (545

Gastful 646Gastly 647Gastar (54s

Gastric 649Gastricism 650Gastritis 651Gastropod 652Gaswater 653Gated (554

Gateless 655Gatevein (55(5

Gatewise 657Gather 658Gaud (559

Gauded 660Gaudery 061Gaudful (562

Gaudily 663Gauge (564

Gaulish 665Gauntlet 666Gauntry 667Gavel...". 66SGavelet (569

Ga \ e 1ock (570

Gavilau (571

Gavot 672Gawby 673Gawk}* 674Gaydiang 675Gayety 676

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C. F. X. Combination Cars

Gayness G77Gazeebo 678Gazeful 679Gazelle 680Gazement 681Gazetteer 682Gazon 683Gearing 684Geason 6S5Gecko 686Geeho 687Gehenna 688Gelable 689Gelatine 690Geld 691Gelcler 692Gelding 693Gelid 694Gelidity ,

695Gemara 696Geminate 697Gemini 698Gemma 699Gemmary 700Gemmeous 701Gemmule 702Gemote 703Gemsbok 704( rend arme 705Gender 706Generable 707General 708Generant 709Generate 710Generation 71


Generator 712Generous 713Ganesis 714Genette 715Genetic 716Geneva 717Genevan 718Genial 719Geniallv 720Genio 721Genista 722Genital 723

Geniting 724Genitive 725Genius 726Genoese 727Genure 728Gentian 729Gentile 730Gently 731Gentoo 732Genuine 733Geodetic 734Geognost 735Geognosy 736Geology 737*Creomanc}- 738Geometrize 739Geoponic 740Georgic 741Geranium 742Gerant 743Gerfalcon 744Germain 745Germander 746Gerund 747Gesling 748Gestant 749Gestation 750Gest ic 751Gesture 752Gestural 753Gettable 754Getter 755Gewgaw 756Ghast 757Gheber 75SGherkin 759Ghetto 760Ghost 761Ghostless 762Ghoul 763Giambean x 764Giant 765Giantess 766Giantry 767Gianour 70SGibbe 769Gibberish 770

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68 C. F. X. Combination Cars

Gibbon 771Gibbose 772Gibcat 773Giblets 774Giddily 775Giddiness 776Giffy 777Gigantic 778Giggle 779Giglot 780Gildale 781Gillale 782Gillian 783Gilthead 784Gimcrack 785Gingal 786Gingerly 787Gingham 788Ginging 789Ginnet 790Ginseng 791Ginshop 792Gipsire 793Gipsy 794Girasol 795Giraffe 796Girdv 797Girder 798Girding 799Girdler 800Girking 11001Girlish 11002Girlhood 28300Girlond 28302Gisarm 2S304Gittern 28306Giusto 2830SGiver 28310Gizzard 28312Glabrate 28314Glabrous 28316Glacial 28318Glacier 28320Glacis 28322Gladden 28324Gladful 28326Gladiate 2S328

Gladiole 28330Gladly 28332Gladwyn 28334Glair 28336Glairine 28338Glamour 28340Glanders 28342Glans 28344Glaucine 2S346Glaucoma 2834SGlauconite 28350Glave 28352Claymore 28354Gleamy 28356Gleaner 28358Glebous 28360Gleeful 28362Gleeman 28364Glenoid 28366Gliadine 28368Glider 28370Glininglv 28372Glimmer 28374Glimpse 28376Glisten 28378Glister 28380Gloam 28382Gloaming, 28384Globard 28386Globos 28388Globular 28390Globule 28392Gloomy 28394Gloppen 28396Gloried 28398Glorifv 28400Gloss.'. 28402Glottal 28404Glout 2S406Clover 28408Glow 28410Glucina 28412Glucose 28414Gluepot 2S416Gluish 28418Glum 28420Glumous 28422

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C. F. X. Combination Cars 69

Gluteal 28424Gutton 28426Glvcerine 28428Glycol 28430Glyconic 28432Glyptic 28434Gnash 28436Gnaw 28438Goal 28440Goatee 28442Goatish 28444Gobbet 28446Gobble 28448Goblet 28450Goblin 28452Gocart 28454Godly 28456Godson 28458Goliath 28460Gondola 28462Gong 28464Goodish 28466Goose 28468Gopher 28470Goppish 28472Gordian 28474Gorge 28476Gorgon 28478Gorilla 28480Gormand 28482Goslind 28484Gospel 2S4S6Gossamer 28488Gossam 28490Gossip 28492Gothic 28494Gourd 28496Govern 28498Gowan 28500Gozzard 28502\>rab 28504Gracious 28506Gradation 28508Gradiunt 28510Graft 28512Grammar 28514Grammite 28516

Grampus 28518Granado 28520Granary 28522Granite" 28524Grandan 28526Grandee 28528Grandeur 28530Grandsire 28532Grange 28534Granitel 28536Granitoid 28538Grannv 28540Grant." 28542Granula 28544Granulous 28546Graphic 28548Grapline 28550Grapnel 28552Grapple 2S554Grasp 28556Grasping 28558Grate 28560Grateful 28562Gratify 28564Gratis" 2S566Gratuity 28568Gratulate 28570Grave 28572Gravel 2S574Gravitate 28576Gravity 28578Graylag 28580











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70 Rock Island Fruit Express

Refrigerator Cars—Rock Island Fruit Express.

In telegraphing, one word covers initial and car number.

Hachure 65000Hacket 65003Hackle 05002Hackney G5003Hackster 65004Haddock 0500.1Hades 65006Haemal 05007Hagbut 65008Haggard 65009Haggist 65010Haggler 65011Hague 65012Hatian 65013Hakot 65014Halberd 65015Halcyon 65016Halesia 65017Halibut 6501SHalicorc 65019Halidorn 65020Halitus 65021Halloo 65022Halloween 65023Halogen 65024Halloid 65025Halloscope 65026Halse 65027Halter 65028Halvard 65029Hamble 05030Hamburg 65031Hamite 65032Hamlet 65033Hammer 6503-tHammock 65035IIainose 65036Hamper 65037Hamstring 6503SHanoper 65039Handed 6504-0

Handsel 6504-1

Hanker 65042Hanover 65043Hansard 65044Harangue 65045Harass: 65046Harelip 65047Harem 65048Harlequin 65049Harlot 6505(1Harmonize 65051Harness 65052Harper 65053Harpoon 05054Harridan 05055Harrow 65056Hartwort 65057Hatchet 65058Hatred 65059Hattock 6500)0Hauberk 05001Haughtv 65062Haunch" 65063Havana 65064Havelock 65065Haven 65066Havoc 6506 i

Hawaiian 65068Hawk 65060Hawser 05070Hawthorn 65071Havtian 65072Hazard 65073Hazel 65074Healds 65075Health 65076Hearse 65077Heathen 65078Heather 65079Heaves 65080Hebate 650S1Hebraist 65082Hebrew 65083

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Rock Island Fruit Express 71

Hectic 65084Hector 65085Hodge 65086Hed on ic 05087Hegira 65088Heifer 65089Heiress 65090Heliac 65091Helicoid 65092Helicon 65093Helix 6509tHelen 65095Helmet 65096Helmage 65097Helot 65098Helonic 65099Hemal 65100Hemlock 65101Henbane 65102Hepatic 65103Heptagon 05104Herald 65105Herbage 65106Herbal 65107Herbarv 65108Herbose 65109Hercules 65110Herder 65111Heresv 05112Heretic 65113Heritage 05114Henna 65115Hermetic 05116Hermit 051 1 7

Hernial 65118Hero 05119Heroic 65120Heroism .... 65 1 2


Heronrv 05122Herring 65123Herse.." 05124Hesper 05125Hesperis 65126Hessian 05127Hibernal 65128Hickory 05129Hicknp'. 65130

Hidalgo 65131Hideous 65132Hilarit\' 65133Hillock 04134Hindoo 65135Hinge 65136Hipwort 65137Hircine 0513.SHirsute 05139Hispid 05140History 05141Holiday 65142Holland 05143Hollow 05144Holm 65145Homage 05146Honor 05147Hooded G514NHooker 05149Horatian 05150Horizon 05151Horn 05152Hornbill 05153Hornet 05154Hornito 05155Horologue 65156Horror 65157Hosanna 05 1 58Hospice 05159Hospital 05100Hostage 05161Hostess 65102Hotspur 0510.".

Houd all 65164Hound 65165Hovel 65166Howitzer 65107Howler 0510sHubbub 65169Huddle 65170Human 051 71

Humbug 05172Hummel 0^173Humorist 051 74Hunch 051 75Hunger 05176Hunter 65177

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Rock Island Fruit Express

Hurden 65178Hurdle 65171)Hydrogen 65180Hvdroid 65181Hyemal 65182Hyemate 65183Hvgeian 651 84Hyloist 6ol85Hymen 65186Hymn 65 1STHyper 65188Hvperion 65189Hvpnotic 65190Hypo 65191Hypocrite 65192Hyson 65193Hvssop 65194Hysteria 65195Iambic 65196Iambus 65197Iatric 65198Ibex 65199Ibidem 65200Icarian 65201Iceland 65202Icicle 65203Iconism 65204Icteria 65205Icteriod 65206Idalian 65207Ideate 65208Identic 65209Idiocy 65210Idiom 65211Idiot 65212Idolater 65213Idolism 65514

Idyl 65215Ignaro 65216Igneous 65217Ignoble 65218Ignomy 65219Ileum 65220Iliad 65221Illusion 65222Imbecile 65223Imbosk 65224Immerse 65225Immortal 65926Impanel 65227Impeach 65228Imperial 65229Impetus 65230Impious 65231Implex 65232Impotie 65233Impotent 65234Impulse 65235.Incage 65236Incarnate 65237Incision 65238Incisor 65239Indian 65240Indolent 65241Indrench 65242Inertia 65243Infamy 65244Infant 65245Infanta 65246Infernal 65247Infidel 65248Infidelity 65249Infinity 65250

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Passenger Fruit Cars 73

C. B. & Q. Fruit Cars.

In telegraphing, one word covers initial and car number.

Knop 40011Knotty 4-0012Knout". 40013Knower 40014Knubble 40015Knuckle 40016Knuff. 40017Knur 40018Knurrv 40019Koba." 40020

Kneeling 40000Knelt 40001Knife 40002Knight 40003Knit 40004Knitch 40005Knittle 40006Knob 40007Knobby 40008Knock 40009Knoll 40010

Chic, R. I. & Pac. Passenger Fruit Cars.

In telegraphing, one word covers initial and car number.

Kodak 16095 Kollv 16098Kofar 16096 Konite 16099Kokob 16097

Chic. & N. W. Passenger Fruit Cars.

In telegraphing, one word covers initial and car number.

Kopeck 1201 Kraal 1204Koran .....1202 Krakin 1205Kovan 1203

Chic, M. & St. Paul Passenger Fruit Cars.

In telegraphing, one word covers initial and car number.

Kumis 60(i()()

Kuril 60002Kyria 60004

Kvanite 6000GKyanize 60008

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74 C. F. 7 . Co. Refrigerator Cars

Cala. Fruit Transp. Co. C. F. T. Refrigerator Cars,

Hutchins' Patent.

In telegraphing, one word covers initial and car number.

Labefy 13000Labeled 13001Labent 13002Labial 13003Labiate 13004Labilist 13005Labor 13U06Laborer 13007Labrose 13008Lack 13009Laccie 13010Laccine 13011Lace 131)12

Lacerate 13013Lacerta 13014Lache 13015Lachry 13016Lacing 1 3 (

> 1 7

Lacked 13018Lackev 13019Lacking 13020Laconic 13021Laconism 13022Lacquer 13023Lacri 13(124

Lactage L3025Lactant 13026Lactarv 13027Lactate 1302SLacteal 13029Lactian 13030Lactie 13031Lactiue 13032Lactome 13033Lacuna 13034Lacunose 13035Lacusto 13036Ladam 13037Ladder 13038Laddie 13039Lade 13040Laden 13041

Ladkin 13042Ladle 13043Lady 13044Laggard 13045Lagger 13046Lagging 13047Lago 13048Lagoon 13049Laical 13050Laic 13051Lair 1305"2Laity 13053Lake 13054Lakelet 13055Lamanta 13056Lamb 13057Lambale 13058Lambent 13059Lambkin 13060Lamer 13061Lamed 13062Lamella 13063Lamelv 13064Lament 13065Latnentin 13066Lamia 13067Lamina 13068Laminate 13069Lamish 13070Lammas 1 3 7


Lamp 13072Lampass, 13073Lampate 13074Lam per 13075Lampic 13076Lamping 13< »77

Lampoon 1307SLamphrev 13079Lamprel 13080Lanarv 13081Lanate 13082Lance 130S3

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C. F. T. Co. Refrigerator Cars 75

Lancer 13084Lancet 130S5Lanch 13086Lancing 13087Land 13088Landam 13089Landau 13090Landed 13091Landing 13092Landlock 13093Landlord 1309-1

Landman 13095Landmark 13096Landreeve-. 13097Landslip 13098Landtax 13099Landwehr 13100Lane 13101Langrel 13102Language 13103Languet 13104Languish 13105Languor 13106Laniard 13107Laniarv 13108Laniate 13109Lanific 13110Lank 13111Lankly 13112Lanky 13113Lanner 13114Lanneret 13115Lantern 13116Lanvard 13117Laod 13118Lapdog 13119Lapel 13120Lapful 13121Lapicide 13122Lapidarv 13123Lapidate 13124Lapidify 13125Lapilli.: 13126Lapis l.'UL'T

Lapling 13128Lapped 13129

Lapper 13130Lappet 13131Lapse 13132Lapsing 13133Lapstone 13134Lapwing 13135Lapwork 13136Larboard 13137Larch 13138Lard 13139Larded 13140Larder 13141Lardon 13142Lardry 13143Lares 13144Largus 13145Largit 13146Largish 13147Largoe 13148Lariat 13149Lark 13150Larker 13151Larkspur 13152Larmier 13153Larrup 13154Lamm 13155Larva 13156Larynx 13157Larscar 13 158Lash 13159Lashed 13160Lasher 13161Lashing 13162Lasslorn 13163Lasso 13164Lastage 1310.)

Lasting 13106Latch 1310)7

Latches 13168Latchet 13169Lated 13170Lateen 13.1 71

Latencv 13172Latent" 13173Lateral 13174Lateran 13175

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76 C. F. T. Co. Refrigerator Cars

Latest 13176Lath 13177Lather 13178Latin 13179Latinize 13180Latish 13181Latitude 13182Latrant 13183Latrate 13184Latria 13185Latter 13186Lattice 13187Laud 13188Lauding 13189Laugh 13190Laughed 13191Laugher 13192Lauuee 13193Launch 13194Laund 13195Laundry 13196Laureate 13197Laurel 13198Laurin 13199Lava 13200Lave 13201Laveer 13202Lavender 13203Lavish 13204Lavalt 13205Lawful 13206Lawning 13207Lawn 13208Lawsuit 13209Laxative 13210Laxity 13211Laxly 13212Layman 13213Ljiying 13214Leadv 13215Leaf." 1321(5

Leafage 13217Leaflet 1321sLeague 13219Leak 13220Leaky 13221

Leal 13222Lean 13223Leandv 13224Leap..". 13225Leaper 13226Learn 13227Lease 13228Leash 13229Leasow 13230Leat 13231Leather 13232Leave 13233Leaven 13234Lech 13235Lecher 13236Lection 13237Lector 13238Lecture 13239Leden 13240Ledge 13241Leeward 13242Leewav 13243Leech 13244Leek 13245Leelite 13246Leer 13247Leered 13248Leese 13249Leet 13250Left 13251Legacy 13252Legal 13253Legalist 13254Legate 13255Legatee 13256Legato 13257Legend 13258Leger 13259Legged 13260Legging 13261Legible^ 13262Legion 13263Legist 13264Legless 13265Legume 13266Leisun 13267

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C. F. T. Co. Refrigerator Cars 77

Leraan 13268Leme 13269Lemma 13270Lemures 13271Lend 13272Lender 13273Length 13274Lenient 13275Lenify 13276Lenitive 13277Lenitv 13278Lennock 13279Lens 13280Lent 13281Lenten 13282Lentigo 13283Lentil 13284Lentisk 13285Lentner 13286Lentor 13287Lentons 13288Lenvov 13289Lead 13290Leaf. 13291Leonine 13292Leopold 13293Lepas 13294Leper 13295Lepid 13296Leporine 13297Leprous 13298Lere 13299Lesion 13300Lessee 13301Lessen 13302Lethal 13303Lethean 13304Leueitic 13305Levant 13306Levator 13307Levee 13308Level 13309Leven 13310Lever 13311Leverit 13312Levied 13313

Levite 13314Levitic 13315Levity 13316Levvne 13317Lewd 13318Lexical 13319Lexicon 13320Leyden 13321

able 13322ard 13323as 13324ason 13325bation 13326bbard 13327bel 13328beler 13329ber 13330berate 13331berty 13332bra 13333brary 13334cense 13335ch 13336chen 13337cit 13338ck 13339corice 13340ctor 13341ef 13342ege 13343en 1334+er 13345ru 13346roe 13347fe 1334Sft 13349fter 13350gament 13351gan 13352ght 13353ghten 13354ghter 13355ghtless 13356gmin 13357gnite 13358gnous 13359

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C. F. T. Co. Refrigerator Cars

Ligule 13360Ligurite 13361Likely 13362Lilac 133(53Lilied 13364Lily 13365Limb 13366Limbat 13367Limbic 13368Limber 13369I.imbns 13370Limed 1337JLiming 13372Limit 13373Limmer 13374Limonile 13375Limous 13376Limp 13377Limpit 13378Limsy 13379Lincoln 13380Linctus 13381Linden 13382Line L3383Lineage 13384Lineal 13385Linear 13386Linen 13387Ling 13388Linger 13389Linget 13390Lingle 13391Lingo 13392Linguist 13393Lingy 13394Lining 13395Link 13396Linean 13397Linseed 13398Linsev 13399Linstock 13400Lion 13401Lionize 13402Liplet 13403Lipped 13404Liquate 13405

Liquefy 13406Licpiid 13407Liquor 13408Lisbon 134.09Lish 13410Lisne 13411Lispe 13412Lisper 13413List 13414Listed 13415Listen 13416Lists 13417Litanv 13418Liter." 13419Literal 13420Lithage 13421Lithate 13422Lithe 13423Lithic 13424Litigant 13425Litmus 13426Litorn 13427Litotes 1342SLitter 13429Little 13430Lituite 13431Liver 13432Livery 13433Lives 13434Lizard 13435Loache 13436Loaf 13437Loafer 1343SLoam 13439Loathe 13440Loaves 13441Lobate 13442Lobbv 13443Lobe" 13444Lobed 13445Lobelia 13440Lobster 13447Local 13448Locate 13449Loch 13450Lochage 13451

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C. F. T. Refrigerator Cars 79

Lochia 134-52Lock 13453Lockup 13454Locker 13455Lockit 1345GLockist 13457Locus 1 3458Lode 13459Lodge 13460Lodger 13461Loess 13462Loffee 13463Lofty 13464Logger 13465Logic 1 3466Logman 13467Logwood 1346SLohrick 13469Loimie 13470Loin 13471Loiter 13472Loke 13473Loll 13474Lollard 13475Loller 13476Lollop 13477Lombard 13478Lomerit 13479Lomonite 13480Lomp 13481London 13482Lone 134S3Lonely 13484Long 13485Longer 13486Longest 13487Lon'ish 134S8Looby 13489Loof." 13490Loofed 13491Look 13492Looker 13493Lool 13494Loom 13495Loop 13496Loopers 13497

Loord 13498Loose 13499Loosen 13500Lope 13501Loping 13502Lopper 13503Lord 13504Lordlv 13505Lore 13506Lorel 13507Lorimer 13508Loring 13509Loripid 13510Loris 13511Lorn 13512Losel 13513Loser 13514Lote 13515Loth 13516Lotion 13517Lotted 13518Lotting 13519Lotus 13520Loud 13o21Lounge 13522Lour 13523Louse 13524Lout 13525Loutish 13526Louvar 13527Lovage 13528Love 13529Lovelv 13530Lover 13531Lowe 13532Lowerv 13533Lowest 13534Lowing 13535Lowly 13536Lown 13537Loyal 13538Lozenge 13539Lubric 1354ULucania 1 3o41LUce 13542Lucent 13543

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C. F. T. Co. Refrigerator Cars

Lueern 13544Lucid 1354-5

Lucifer 13546Lucific 13547Lucky 1354SLticre 13549Lues 13550Luff 13551Luggs 13552Luggage 13553Lull 13554Lullabv 13555Lulled." 13556Lumbago 13557Lumbal 1355SLumber 13559Lumbrice 13560Lumine 13561Lummox 13562Lump 12563Lumpen 13564Lumpish 13565Lumpy 13566Luna 13567Lunacy 13568Lunarv 13569Lunated 13570Lunatic 13571Lunch 13572

Lune 13573Lung 13574Lungis 13575Lunt 13576Lupine 13577Lurch 1357SLurdan 13579Lure 23580Lurid 13581Luring 13582Lurk 13583Lurry 13584Luscious 13585Lush 13586Lusaid 13587Lusk 13588Lusorv 13589Lust 13590Luster 13591Lustful 13592Lustral 13593Lustrous 13594Lustv 13595Lutan 13596Lute 13597Luted 13598Luther 13599Lvre 13600

Cala. Fruit Transp. Co. C. F. T. Refrigerator Cars.

Hutchins' Patent.

In telegraphing, one word coders initial and car number.

Moored 17001 Moraine 17008Moorv 17002 Moral 17009Moose 17003 Morass 17010Moot 17004 Morbid 17011

Mop 17005 Morbose 17012Mopsey 17006 Mordant 17013Mopus 17007 Mordic 17014

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C. F. T. Co. Refrigerator Cars SI

Moreen 17015Moresq 17016Morgay 1 7<)1 7

Morrice 17018Moril 17(»1 (J

Morrillon 17020Moringa 17021Morions 17022Morisco 17023Morkin 17024Mormon 17025Morning 17026Morocco 17027Morone 17028Morpheus 17029Morphine 17030Morrow 17031Morsel 17032Mortal 17033Mortgage 17034Mortgagee 17035

Mortify 17036Mortise 17037Mortpay 1703SMosaic." 17031)Moscha 17040Mosque 17041Mosquito 17042Moss 27043Mostic 17044Mote 17045Moth 17046Mother 17047Motifie 1704SMotlev 17049Motofv 17050Mottled 17051Motto 17062Mould 17053Moult 17054Moulting- 17055

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(_'. P. Freight Fruit Cars

Central Pacific Freight Fruit Cars.

In telegraphing, oneword covers initial anil car number,

Nimble 36000Nimbus 36001Ninepins 36002Ninny 36003Nippers 36004Nisan 36005Niter 36006Nitric 36007Nittv 36008Nobless 30oo!»

Nocent 36010Nocturn 36011Nodal 36012Node 36013Noggin 36014Nomad 36015Nomble 36016Nominal 36017Nonage 36018Nonagon 36019Nonse 36020Nonplus 36021Nonsuit 36022Noodle 36023Nook 36024Noose 36025Nopal 36026

Normal 36027Norman 36028Norse 36029Norseman 36030Norther 36031Nostril 36032Nostrum 36033Notably 36034Notation 36035Notch 36036Note 36037Notional 36038Nourish 36030Novel 36040Novice 36041Noxious 36042Novau 36043Nozzle 36044Nucles 36045Nudation 36046Nude 36047Nusrget 36048Null 36049Numb 3605(1

Number 36051Numeral 36052Numeric 36053

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C. P. Freight Fruit Cars 83

Nuncial 36054Nuptial 36055Nurse 3605(5Nurture 36057Nutant 36058Nutmeg 36059Nutria 36060Nuzzle 36190Nymph 36191Odium 36192Odorate 36193Offal 36194Office 36195Officer 36196Offing 36197Offset 36198Often 36199Ogee 36200Ogle 36201Oglio 36202Ogress 36203Oiled 36204Oiler 36205Oint 36206Oisinite 36207Oker 36208Olden 36209Oldish..: 36210Oleander 36211Oliate 36212Oleic 36213Olrina 36214Olrose .-. 36215Onus 36216Onycha 36217Onyx 36218opacity 36219Opah... 36220Opake 36221Opera 36222Operant 36223Operatic 36224Operose 30225Opetide 36226Ophite 36227Opiate 36228

Opifice 36229Opine 36230Opium 36231Opossum 36232Oppone 36233Oppose 36234Oppress 36235Optable 36236Optate 36237Optic 36238Optinacy 36239Optine 36240Optimist 36241Option 36242Opulent 36243Oracle 36244Oralson 36245Oral 36246Oration 36247Orator 36248Oratrix 36249Orbate 36250Orbed 36251Orbic 36252Orbity 36253Orchal 36254Orchis 36255Ordain 36256Ordeal 36257Orderly 36258Ordinal 36259Oread 36260Orgal 36261Organ 36262Organic 36263Orgasm 36264Orgeis 36265Oriency 36266Orient 36267Orifice 36268Origin 36269Orillon 36270Oriole 36271Orion 36272Orison 36273Orlct 36274

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84 C. P. Freight Fruit Curs

Orlop 36275Ormolo 36276Ornate 36277Urology 8(5278Orphan :;<»L>71>

Orphic 36280Orpin 36281Orrach 36282Orris 362S3Orthite 36284Ortive 36285Orts 36286Orval 36287Oseule. 36288Osier 36289Osmund 36290Ospray 36291Osselet 30292Osseous 36293Ossicle 36294Ossifie 36295Ossify 36296Ostent 36297Ostler 36298Ostmen 36299Ostrich 36300Otalgia 36301Otarv 36302Otium 36303Ottar 36304Ottoman 36405Ousel 36306Ousted 36307Outcast 3630SOutdo 36309Outed 36310Outlaw 36311Outline 36312Outrage 36313Outset 36314Outvie 36315Oval 3631GOvary 36317Ovate 36318Oven 36319Ovicular 36320

Ovidian 36321Oviduct 36322Ovine 36323Ovisac 36324Ovoid 36325Ovolo 36326Owl 36327Owlet 36328Owlish 30329"wner 36380Owre 36831Oxalic 3(5882Oxfly 3(3383Oxheal 36334Oxter 36335Oxvd 3(538.0

Over 36337Ovster 36338Pabular 36339Pacer 3634-0Pacific 36341Packet 3(58 + 2

Padding 3(58.48

Paddle 8(5344Paddock 3(534-5

Padlock 36346Pa?an 36347Page 36348Pageant 30349Pagoda 36350Paint 36351Palace 36352Paladin., 36353Palatal 3(58,54

Palate 36355Pallaver 36356Pallestra 30357Palletta 86358Palfrey 36359Palilogy 36360Palish 36361Palmer 3(58(52

Palsied 3(53(58

Paludal 36364Pamper 30305Panacea 3(53.(5(5

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C. P. Freight Fruit Cars 85

Panade 36367Pandean 3636SPanic 3(5360Pannier 36370Panther 36371Papal 36372Papila 34-373Papoose 36374Parable 36375Paradox 36376Paragon 36377Parapet 36378Parch 36379Paregoric 36380Parent 36381Pariah 36382Parish 36383Parity 36384Parole 36385Parotid 36386Parquet 36387Parrot 36388Parrv 36389Parse 36390Parson 36391Partial 36392Partisan 36393Passado 36394Passage 36395Passim 36396Pastern 36397Pastil 36398Pasture 36399Patch 36400Patella 36401Patent 36402Pathos 36403Patriot 36404Patelite 36405Paucity 36406Pattern 36407Pauper 36408Pavior 36409Pawl 36410Payee 36411Pearch 36412

Peacock 36413Peak 36414Peau 36415Pearl 36416Peasant 36417Peat 36418Pebble 36419Peccant 36420Pedal 36421Pevish 36422Pekoe ...36423Pelican 36424Pellet 36425Pelvis 36426Penal 36427Penance 3642SPencil 36429Penguin 36430Pennon 36431Pension 36432Penult 36433Penury 36434Perfect 36435Perfidv 36436Peri 36437Period 36438Periwig 36439Perger 36440Pernito 36441Perplex 36442Person 36443Perspire 36444Pertain 36445Pertly 36446Pester 36447Pettal 3644SPettard 36449Petiole 36450Petrell 36451Petrious 364.12Petunia 36453Pewter 36+54Phalanx 364."..".

Pheasant 36456Phoenix 364f>7Phial 36458

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86 C. P. Passenger Fruit Cnrs

Physic 3(3459Picayune .".<; 16<


Picket 36461Picture 36462Pier 364(33Pietism 36464Pigeon 36465Piked 36466Pilfer 36467Pilgrim 36468Pillion 36461)

Pillow 3647DPillot 36471Piment 36472Pimeal 36473Pinion 3(3474

Pintle 36475Pioneer 36476Pious 36)477

Pirate 36478Pitcher 36479

Pitsaw 36480Pitman 36481Pivot 36482Placard 36483Plague 36484Plait 364S5Planish 36486Plastic 36487Plaudit 36488Plead 36489Pliant 36490Plod 36491Plover 36492Plow 36493Plug 36494Plumage 36494Plural 36495Pluvial 36496Porch 36497Pocket 36498

Central Pacific Passenger Fruit Cars.

In telegraphing, oneword covers initial and car number,

Poetrv 3(3740Poggv 36741Poise 36742Polar 36743Polemic 36744Polish 36745Polka 36746Pomade 36747Ponco 3674SPongee 36749Poniard 36)750

Pontage 36751Ponton 36752Po plin 36753Popular 36754Porous 156755

Porpoise 36756Portal 36757Portrait 36758Posset 36759Postage 3676DPostern 3(576)1

Posy 367(52Potash 36763Poteen 36764Pounce 36765Prance 36766Prawn 3(5 76 7

Pray 3676SPrayer 36769Preach 36770Precede 3(5771

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C. P. Passenger Fruit Cars 87

Precious 36772Prelate 36773I 'rem ier 36774Prepense 36775Pretext 36776Primate 3(5777Primeval 36778Primly 36779Primrose 36780Prince 36781Princess 36782Prink 36783Prior 36784Prism 36785Prisoner 36786Privacy 36787Private 36788Prize 36789Probate 36790Probe 36791Problem 36792Probos 36793Proceed 36794Process 36795Proclaim 36796Proclivity 36797Procon 3679SProcrast 36799Proctor 36800Proctivc 36801Procurer 36802Prodigal 36803Producer 36804Profane 36805Professor 36806Proffer 36807Profile 36808Profound 36809Profuse 36810Profusion 3681


Progenv .".Oxru

Progno'st 36813Progress 36814Prohibit 36815Project 36816Prolix 36817

Prolate 36818Prolific 36819Promise 36820Promissory 36821Promote...". 36822Promulge 3C>,SL'3

Prompter 36824Prone 36825Prong 36825Pronoun 36826Proof. .


Propagate..' 36828Propel 36829Propense 36830Propinc 36830Property 36831Prophecv 36832Prophet^ 36833Propitious 36834Proptlis 36835Proportion 36836Proposal 36836Propose 36837Propound 36838Propriety 36839Propulse". 36840Prosaic 36841Prosal 36842Proscribe 36842Prose 36843Prosv 36844Prosody 36845Prospect 36846Prosper 3(5847Pross 36848Prostyle 36849Protasis 36850Protean 36851Protend 36852Protest 36853Protocol 36854I^rotozo 36855Protract :>,C,s:,<\

Proud 36857Prove 36858Proverb 36859

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88 S. P. Frew-lit Fruit Cars

Province 36860Proviso 36861Provoke 36862Provost 36S63Prow 36864Prowler 36865Proxene 36866Proxime 36867Proxy 36868Pruce 36869Prude 36870Prudery 36871Pruner 36872Prurient 36873Prurigo 36874Prussian 36875Prussic 36876Prv 36877Prytany 36878Psalm..'. 36879Puberty 36880Puhes 36881Public 36882Publican 36883Publish 36884Puce 36885Pucelage 36886Puceron 36887Puck 36888Pudder 36889Puddle 36890Puff 36891Pug 36892Pugh 36893

Pule 36894Pulque 36895Pulse 36896Pulvil 36897Pumice 36898Pummel 36899Pump 36900Pumpion 36901Pumpkin 36902Pun 36903Punch 36904Puncheon 36905Puncher 36906Punctate 36907Puntillo 36908Punction 36909Punctist 36910Puncto 36011Punctuate 36912Puncture 36913Pundit 36914Pundle 36015Pundune 36916Punese 3691 t

Pung 36018Pungence 36919Putlgled 36020Punic 36921Punical 36922Punist 36923Punition 36924Punitory 36925Punk.....' 36926

Southern Pacific Freight Fruit Cars.

In telegraphing, one word covers initial and car number.

Punner 36061Punnet 36062Punster 36063Puny 36064Pupa 36065

Pupelo 36066Pupil 36067Pupilage 36068Puppit 36060Puppy 36070

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U. P. Passevgei Fruit Cars 89

I'urana 36071Puranic 36072Purveck 36073Purblind 36074Purcon 36075Pureness 36076Ptirfile 36077Purflew 36078Purgation 36079Purgative 36080Purgatorv 36081Purge 36082Purger 36083Furgery 36084Purify.. 36085Puritn 36086Purism 36087Puritan 36088Purity 36089Purl 36090Purlieu 36091Purlin 36092Purloin 36093Purpartv 36094Purple..." 36095Purplish 36096Purport 36097Purpose 36098Purprise 36099Purrer 36100Purroek 36101Purser 36102Purslane 36103

Pursual 36104Pursuant 36105Pursuit 361(16Pusulent 36107Purvey 36108Pusane 36109Pusher 36110Pushpin 36111Pussy 36112Pustule 36113Putage 36114Putanism 36115Putamen 36116Putbov 36117Putrefy 36118Putrid" 36119Putrilage 36120Puttock 3(5121

Puttv 36122Puzzle 36123Puzzolan 36124Pvenite 36125Pvebald 36126Pvgarv 36127Pygmv 3612SPylagore 36129Pyloric 36130Pvlorus 36131Pyral 36132Pyrame 36133Pyramid 36134Pvramidal 36135..." 36136

Union Pacific Passenger Fruit Cars.

In telegraphing, one word covers initial and car number.

Ouackish 32001Quackle 32002Quadra 32003Quadrant 32004Quadrate 32005

Quadrel 32006Quadric 32007Quaff 32008Quaffed 32009Quaffing 32010

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90 U. P. Fieierht Fruit Curs

Quag 32011Quaggy 32012Quabaug 32013Quade 32014Quail 32016Quaint 32016Quake 32017Quaking 32018Qualify 32019Qualm 32020Qualmish 32021Quamoc 32022Queasy 32023ijiieck 32024Oueerish 40577Queer 40582Quell 40583Quench 40584Querele 40586Querent 40589Querist 40591Querk 40593Querto 40594Ouerv 40596Quest 40597(Inestion 40599QuQuQuQuQuQuQuQuQ«QuQuQuQuQuQuQuQ«QuOil


b 40600bble 40602ck 40603cken 40604eksand 40606ckset 40608dam 4(1009

ddle 40610dnunc 40614escent 40616et 40617eting 4061Netude 4062211 40024llet 40025It 40027Ited 40628nary 40629nate 40632nch 40633

( Hiinine 40634Quinqual 40637Ouinsy 40638( juintain 40640Quintal 40042Ouintet 40643Quinzine 40644Quip 40645Quippa 40040duiriseer 41080Quirked 41081(luirpele 41082(Juirtan 4HKS3Ouitclaim 41084Ouitrent 41085Ouittable 41086Quittal 41087Quitter 41088Quiver 41089Quivive 41090Quizotic 41091Quiz 41092Ouizzer 41093( {uizzing 41094Ouob 41095Quoad 41096Ouoif 41097Quoin 41098Quook 41099Quondam 41100Quorum 41101Quota 41102Ouoted 41103Quoth 41104Quotient 41105I |uowar 41100Rabato 41107Rabbio 41108Rabbinic 41109Rabbit 41110Rabble 4-1111

Rabdal 41112Raea 41113Raccoon 41114Race 41115Raceme 41116

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U. P. Freight Fruit Cars 91

Racimous 41117Racer 41118Rach 41119Rachil 41120Rachis 41121Rachitic 41122Rackcr 4112.'!

Racket 41124Racy 4112.".

Raddle 41126Raddock 41127Radial 41128Radiant 41129Radiate 41130Radical 41131Radius 41132Radix 41133Raft 41134Raffle 41135Rafter 41136Rafting 41137Raftv 41138Ragbolt 41139Rage 41140Ragerv 41141Ragg 41142Ragged 41143Raging 41144Ragman 41145Ragout 41146Ragwork 41147Raid 41148Rail 41149Railer 41150

Raiment 41151Rainbow 4-1 152Raindeer 41153Rainy 41 1 5 I

Raip 4-1155Raise 41156Rajar 41157Ragpoot 41158Rake 41159Raker 41160Rakish 41161Rallied 41162Rallv 41163Ram 41164Ramadan 41165Ramage 41166Ramble 41167Rambler 41168Bambuse 41169Ramekin 411 7oRaments 41 171Ramify 41172Raminer 41173Rammish 41174Ramoon 41175Ramp 41176Rampage 41177Rampant 41178Rampart 41179Ram pier 41 180



Union Pacific Freight Fruit Cars.

In telegraphing, one word covers initial and car number

Ranch 40375Rancho 40376Rancid 40377Rancor 40378Rand 40379

Random 40380Randy 40381Rang' 40382Ranger 40383Ranging 40384

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92 U. I'. Freight Fruit Cnrs

Rank 40385Ranker 40386Rankle 40387Ranny 40388Ransack 40389Ransom 40390Rant 40393Ranter 40392Rantism 40393Ranula 40394Raphe 40395Raphides 40396Rapid 40397Rapier 40398Rapillo 4<>099

Rapine 404OORappee 40401Rapport 40402Rapt 40403Rapture 40404Rarefy 40405Rarely 4O4O0Rareipe 40407Rascal 40408Rascally 40400Rase....". 40410Rash 40411Rashly 40412Rasher 40413Rasorial 40414Rasp 4o41f>

Rasped 40416Rasping 40417Rasnre 4041,


Rat 40410Ratable 40420Ratafia 40421Ratan 40422Ratchy 40423Ratchet ...40424

Rated 40425Rath 40420Rather 40427Ratio 40428Ratioc 40420Ration 40430

Ratlin 40433Ratteen 40431'Rattle 40433Raucous 40434Ravage 40435Rave 40436Ravel 40437Ravlin 40438Raven 40439Ravener 40440Ravish 40441Ravisher 40442Rawhead 40443Rawhide 40444Rawish 40445Rawly 40446Ravah 40447Rayless 40448Raze 40449Razing 40450Razor 40451Reach 40452React 40453Read 40454Reading 40455Ready 40456Reak! 40457Real 40458Realger 40459Realism 40400Realist 40401Reality 404(52

Realize 40463Realm 40404Ream 4o405Reannex 40466Reap 4O407Reaper 40408Rear 40469Reason 4()470

Reasty 40471Reate' 40472Reayow 40473Rebato 40474Rebec 40475Rebel 40 170

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I'. P. Freight Fruit Cars 93

Reboil 40477Kebouiul 40478Rebuff 40479Rebuild 40480Rebuke 40481Reburv 40482Rebus". 40483Rebuttal 40484Reeall 40485Recant 40486Reeapit 40487Recapture 40488Recast 40489Recede 40490Receive 40491Recruse 40492Recess 40493Recheat 40494Recipe 40495Recital 40496Reck 40497Reckon 40498Reclaim 40499Recline 40500Reclode 40501Recluse 40502Recoast 40503Recoct 40504.

Recoil 40505Recoined 40506Recompact 40507Reconcile 40508Reconvev 40509Record.." 40510Recouch 40511Recount 4051 2

Reco urse 40513Recover 40514Recreant 40515Recruit 40516Rectify 40517Rector 4051sRectorv 40519Rectress 40520Rectum 40521Recule 40522

Recumbs 40523Recur 40524Recuse 40525Redact 40526Redan 40527Redbov 40528Redbook 40529Redbud 40530Redcoat 40531Redden 40532Reddish 40533Redeem 40534Redeemer 40535Redege 40536Redoubt 40537Redound 40538Redraft 40539Redress 40540Redroot 5054-1

Redtail 40542Redact 50543Redwing 40544Reecho 40545Reef 40540Reefer 40547Reefing 40548Reefed 40540Reek 40550Reel 4H551Reelict 40552Rt eming 40553Reenact 40554Reenter 40. ,.,5

Reeve 40556Refect 40557Refel 40558Refer 4-0550

Referee 40560Refind 40561Refiner 4050.2

Refit +0503Reflector 40564Refling 4-0505

Refloat 40566Reflow 40561Refluent 40568

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94 /'. P. Freight Fruit Cars

Reflux 40569Refoc 40570Refomen t -1•( >5 7


Reform 40572Reformado 4-0573Refoss 4C574Refresh 40575Reprint 40576Re prisal 40577Reproach 40578Reprobate 40579Reprove 40580Reprone 4*0581

Reptile 40585Republic 40587Repugn 40588Repug 40590Repulse 40592Repute 4-0595Request 40598Requiem 40601Require 40605Requital 40607Resale 40609Rescons 40612Rescribe 40613Rescript 40615Rescue 4-0019Rescuer 4-0620Research 4-0021Reseat 40623Resell 40626Resemb 4-0630Resent 4-0631Reset 40635Reshape 40636Resiege 40639Residuum 40641Resign 40648Resinous 40649Resist 40650Resolve 40651Resonant 40652Resoob 4005:;

Resort 40654Resound 40655

Resow 40050Respeak 40657Respect 40658Respire 40659Respite 40660Resplit 40660Respond 40662Response 40003Restant 40664Rested 40665Restem 40666Restful 40667Restiff 40668Restitute 40669Restive 40070Restless 40071Restoral 40672Restore 40673Restrain 40674Restrict 40675Restv 40070)Result 40077Resume 40678Resupine 40679Resurvev 40680Retail..." 40681Retain 40682Retake 40683Retard 400S4Retch 40685Retent 40686Retext 40687Retiarv 40688Reticent 40689Reticle 40690Retiform 40691Retina 40692Retinite 40693Retinoid 40694Retinue 40005Retiped 40696Retirade 40697Reverv 40698Reverse 40699Revert 40730Revest 407.".!

Page 97: JffTEjV^STATE CIPHERng46/collections/interstate-cipher-no-year.pdf · Aquatic 570 Aquaint 571 Aquiduct 572 Aqueous 573 Aquose 574 Arab 575 Arabian 576 Arabic 577 Arabisn 578 Arable

U. P. Freiffht Fruit Cars 95

Revive 40732Revict 4-0733Revie 40734Review 4-0735Revile 40736Revisal 40737Revise 40738Revisit 4073'.)

Revival 40740Revocate 40 741Revoiee 40742Revoke 40743Revolt 40744Revolute 40745Revolve 40746Revomit 40747Reward.: 40748Rewrite 40749Rex 40750Reynard 40751Rhapsodv 40752Rhein 40753Rheinish 40754Rhetor 40755Rhetoric 40756Rhetoside 40757Rhetorical 4075SRhimeo 41)7,")'.)

Rhino 40760Rhinoce 40761Rhizoma 40762Rhodian 40763Rhotize 40764Rhomb 40765Rhombus 40760Rhombie 40767Rhomboid 40 i 68Rhus 40769Rhvme 40770Rhvmist 40771Rhymie 40772Rhvthm 40773Rial 40774Rialto 40775Riant 40776Ribald 40777

Riband 4077SRibbed 40779Ribbing 40780Ribbon 40781Ribibe 40782Ribless 40783Ribwort 40784Rick 40785Rice 40786Rich 40787Richel 40788Riches 40789Richly 40790Rickets 40791Ricochet 40792Ricture 40793Riddance 40794Ridden 40795Riddle 40796Ride 40797Rider 40798Ridge 40799Ridicule 40800Ridotto 40S01Rife 40SO2Riffraff 40803Rifle 40804Rifling 4OS05Rift...T 40806Rig 40807Riget 40808Rigged 40809Rigger 40810Rujgish 40S11Rhrgle 40812Right 40S13Righten 40814Rightful 40815Rioidly 40816Riglet 40817Rigmar 40818Rignole 40819Rigorist 40820Rilievo 40821Rill 40822Rillet 40823

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96 U. P. Freight Fruit Cars

Rime 40824Rimose 40825Rimple 40826Kimv 40827Rind" 40828Rindle 40829Rinforz 40830Ring 40831Ringent 4-0832Ringer 40833Ringlet 40834Rinse 40835Rinsing 4083(3

Riot 40837Riotous 40838Riotry 40839Kip 40840Riparian 40841Ripely 40842Riphean 40843Ripieno 40844Ripper 40845Ripping 40846Ripple 40847Rippling 40848Riprap 40849Ript 40850Rise 40851Risen 40852Riser 40853Risible 40854Risse 40855Ritorn 40856Ritual 40857Rivage 40858Rival 40859Rivalry 40860Rire..." 40861Riven 40862River 40863Riverit 40864Rivet 40865Riving 40866Rivose 40867Rivulet 40868Rixation 40869

Rixdal 40870Roach 4-0871Road 40872Roadster 40873Roam 40874Roamer 40875Roar 40876Roarer 40877Roaring 40878Roary 40870Roast 40880Roaster 40881Robbed 40882Robber 40883Robbins 40884Robe 40885Robed 40886Robert 40887Robust 40888Rock 40889Rocamb 40890Roccel 40891Roche 40892Rochet 40893Rockdoe ...40804

Rocked 40N'.>r>

Rocket 40896Rocking 40897Rockoil 40808Rockv 40899Rocoa 40900Roccle 40901Rodent 40902Rodentia 40903Roebuck 40004Rogur 40905Rogueish 40906Rod 40907Roiling 40908Roint 4O0O0Roist 40010Roke 40011Role 40912Roller 40013Rolling 40014Rollick 40015

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U. P. Freight Frait Cars 9 7

Romage 40916Romaic 40917Romal 40918Roman 40919Romance 40920Romanism 40921Romanize 40922Romanist 40923Romein 40924Romish 40925Romp 40926Rom pish 40927Rompes 40928Rondo 40929Rondel 40930Roiig 40931Rorion 4(i932

Rout 40933Rood 40934Roodv 40935Root'." 40936Rook 40937Rookage 40938Room.' 4-0939

Roomage 40940Roop... 40941Roost 40942Rooster 40943Root 40944Rooter 40945Ropal 409 i6Rope 40947Roped 40948Roral 40049Roride 40950Rosarv 40951Roscoe 40952Rossil 40953Rose 40954Roseal 4(1955

Roseate 40950Roset 40957Rosier 10958Rosin 40959Ross 40960Rossil 4(i901

Rostel 40962Roster 40963Rostral 409(54Rostrale 40965Rosulate 40966R >sy 40967Rota 40968Rotarv 40969Rotate 40970Rotator 40971Rotifer 40972Rotund 40973Rouble 40974Roue 40975Rouge 40976Rough 40977Rougher 4097SRouleau 40979Roun 40980Rounce 40981Rouudlr 40982Roup 409S3Rouse 40984Rout 40985Routed 409S0Routine 40987Rove 409S8Rover 40989Row 40990Rowable 40991Rowdy 40992Rowel 40993Rowen 40994Rowlock 40995Roval 40996Royalist 40997Rome 40998Roynista 40999Rub 41000Rubbage 4-1001

Rubbed 41002Rubber 41003Rubican 41004Rubical 41005Rubird 11006Rubific H007

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98 U. I'. Freight Fruit Cars

Rubify 41008Rubico 4-1009Rubious 4-1010Ruble 4-1011Rubric 4-1012Ruby 41013Ruck 4-1014Rucked 4-1015Rudd 4lnl(;Rudder 41017Ruddle + 1018Ruddock 4-1010Ruddv 41020Rude." 41021Rudely 41022Rudera 41023Rudesbv 41024Rudiment 41(12.",

Rudolph 41026Rueda 41027Rueful 41028Rueing 41029Ruelle 41030Ruff 41031Ruffed 41032Ruffian 41033Ruffle 41034Rufous 41035Rufter 41036Rugate 41037Rugged 41038Rugin 41039Rugose 41040Ruin 41041Ruinate 41042Ruined 41043

Ruiner 41"44Ruinous 4104oRulable 41046Rule 41047Ruled 4104sRuler 41049Rulv 410.10Rumble 41051Rumni 41052Rummage 41 1 153Rumor 41054Rump 4105,")

Rumple 41056Rumpus 41057Rundle 41058Runlet 41(150Rune 41060Rung 41001Runie 41062Runnel 41063Runnet 41004Running 41065Runner 41066Runt 41067Rupee 41068Ruption 410(50Rupture 4107(1

Rural 41071Ruralist 41072Ruric 41(175

Ruse 41074Rush 41075Rusher 41076Rushing 41077Rut 41078Rye 41070

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Guodell Refrigerator and Ventilated Cars 99

Goodell Refrigerator and Ventilated Cars.

In telegraphing, one woid covers initial and car num-ber.

Sabring 16068Sabian 16070Sabine 16072Sable 16074Sabat 16076Saccate 16078Saccule 16080Sachel 16082Sachem 16084Sacker 16086Sacrate 16088Sacred 16090Sacrifice 16092Saeringe 16094Sadden 16096Sadder 16098Saddest 16100Saderon 16102Sadlv 16104Sadness 16106Safe 16108Safety 161Q0Safflow 16112Saffron 16114Sagacious 16116Sagapen 16118Sagathv 16120Sage...., 16122Sagelv 16124Sagene 16126Sagged 16128Sagger 16130Sagit 16132Sago 16134Sagoin 16136Sagum 16138Sagy 16140Sahlite 16142Saicc 16144Sail 16146Sailer 16148

Sailing 16150Saini 16152Saint 16154Saintly 16156Sajene 16158Saker 16160Salac 16162Salad 16164Salem 16166Salary 16168Sale 16170Salecl 16172Salgem 16174Salical 16176Salican 16178Salient 16180Salifv 16182Saligat 16184Saline 16186Salique 16188Saliva 16190Salivant 16192Salivate 16194Sal let 16196Sallied 16198Sallow 16200Sally 16202Salmag 16204Salmiac 16206Salmon 16208Saloon 16210Salop 16212Salpicon 16214Salpinx 16216Salsify 16218Saltant 16220Salted 16222Saltern 16224Saltier 16226Saltish 16228S.iltlv 16230

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LOO Goodell Refrigerator and Ventilated Cars

Salts 16232Salute 16234Salvage 16236Sal va tio n 16238Salve 1624-0Salved 1624-2Satvific 1624-4-

Salvor 16246Samara 16248Sambo 16250Samian 16252Samiel 16254Samite 16256Samlet 16258Samp 16260Sampan 16262Samphire 16264Sample 16266Samson 16268Sanable 16270Sanation 16272Sanctify 16274Sanction 16276Sanctum 16278Sand 16280Sandal 16282Sanded 16284Sanders 16286Sandiver 162S8Sanding 16290Sandish 16202Sandwich 16294Sandy 16296Sane". 16298San- 16300Sangial 16302Sanguine 16304Sanicle 16306Sanies 16308Suiitv 16310Sanjak 16312Sank 16314Sannah 16316Sanscrit 16318Santal 16320Santer 16322

Santon 16324Sapajo 16326Sapan 16328Sapient 16330Sapless 16332Sapling 16334Sapodil 16336Saponify 16338Saponin 16340Sapo.iule 16342Sapota 16344Sapped 16346Sapper 16348Sapphire 16350Sappy 16352Saraba 16354Saracen 16356Sarcasm 16358Sarcal 16360Sa rcom a 16362Sarcotic 16364.Sard 16366Sardonia 16368Sardel 16370Sardius 16372Sardonic 16374Sarigue 16376Sark 16378Sarlac 16380Sarmatic 16382Sarment 16384Saron ic 16386Sarplar 16388Sarse 16390Sartori 16302Sash 10304Sashorn 16396Sassolin 16398Sastra 16400Satan 16402Satanic 16404Sate 16400Satiate 16408Satietv 16410Satinet 16412Satire 1641 !

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A. T. & S. F. Refrigerator Cars 101

Satiric 164-16Satirist 16418Satirize 164-20Sative 16122Satrap 16424Saturant 16426Saturn 16428Sauce 16430Saucer 16432Saucily 16434Saucing 16436Saucy 16438Saul. 16440Saunter 16442Sauria 16444Saurian 16446Sausage 16448Savable 16450Savage 16452Savanna 16454Savant 16456Savin 16458Saviour 16460Savory 16462Savoy 16464Sawdust 16466Sawed 16468Sawlog 16470Sawmill 164-72

Sawney 16474

Sawpit 16476Sawset 16478Sawyer 16480Saxon 16482Scab 16484Scabby 16486Scabious 16488Scad 16490Scaglia 16492Scalado 16494Scalarv 16496Scald." 16498Scaldie 16500Scale 16o02Scalene 16504Scaler 16506Scall 16508Scallion ' 16510Scallop 16512Scalp 16514Scalpel 16516Scamble 16518Scamp 16520Scamper 16522Scan 16524Scandal 16526Scant 16528Scantle 16530Scape 16532Scaphism 16534

A. T. & S. F. Refrigerator Cars.

In telegraphing, one word covers initial and car num-ber.

Scaphite 1

Scaphoid 2Scapple 3Scapula 4Scapus 5Scara b 6

Scarf. 7

Scarifv 8

Scaring 9Scarlet 10Scarmage 11Scam 12Scarp 13Scarred 14Scams.... 15Scary 16

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L02 .1. T. iV- S. F. Refrigerator Cars

Scat 17Scutch INSeath 19Scathed 20Scathing 21Scatter 22Scaup 23Scavage 24Scelerat 25Scene 26Scenery 27Scenic 28Scent 211

Scented 30Scepter 31

Sceptic 32Schedule 33Scheelin 34Scheik 35Scheme '....36

Schemist 37Schirif. 38Schism 39Schisrna 40Schist 41Scholar 42School 43Schooner 44Schort 45Schoolite 46Sciatic 47Science 48Scient 49Scilicet 50Scillitin 51

Scimetar 52Scincoid 53Seink 54Sciolism 55Sciolist 56Scion .....57

Scioptic 58Scirrhus 59Scissile 60Scission 61Scissors 62

Scoats 63Scobs 04Scoff 65Scoffer 60Scold 67Scollop 68Scomm 69Sconce 70Scoop 71Scoopei 72Scoppet 7:


Scoplic 74Scorch 75Score 70Scored 77Scoria 78S.orify 79Scoring 80Scorious 81Scorn 82Scorned 83Scorpio 84Scoose 85Scooza 86Scot 87Scotal 88Scotch 89Scoter 90Scotia 91Scotist 92Scotomv 93Scottish 94Scoundrel 95Scour 90Scoured 97Scourge 98Scout 99Scovel 100Scow 101Scowl 102Scrabble 103Scraffle 104Scrag 105Scraggy 106Scramble 1 o 7

Scrnnet 108

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.4. T. AL" S. F. "Refrigerator Cars 103

Scrap 109Scraper 110Scraping IllScrat 112Scratch 113Scrawl 114Scrawny 115Scray..." 116Screak 1 1 7

Scream 118Screech 119Screed 120Screen 121Screw 122Scribble 123Scribe 124Scrimer 125Scrimp 126Serine 127Scringe 128Scrip 129Scrippage 130Scripture 131Scriven 132Scrog 133Scroll 134Scrotu tn 135Scrovle 136Scrub 137Scru pie 138Scrutiny 139S:ud 140Scuffle 141Scug 142Sculked 143Scull 144Scullion 145Sculp 146Sculptor 1 47Scumble 14SScum 149Scupper 1 50Scurf 151Scurvy 152Scythe 1 .">.'


Scythian 1,54

Seaape 155Seabank 156Seabar 157Seabat 158Seabea rd 159Seabeat 160Seaboard 161Seabov 162Seaeal'f 163Seacap 104Seaco al 165Seacob 166Seacoo 167Seacow 16.8

Seadevil 169Seadog 170Seaear 171Seaeel 172Seafarer 173Seafish 174Seafowl 175Seafox 176Seagage 177Seagirt 178Seagod 179Seagra ss 180Seagreeu 1 81

Seagull 182Seahare 183Seahen 184Seahog 185Seahorse 1 86Seakalc 187Seal INNSealark 189Sealike 190Sealion 191Seam 192Seamaid 193Seaman 1 9 I

Seamark 1'.).">

Se.imevv 1 96Seamoss 197Seance 198Seapad 199Seapie 200

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104- .4. T. & S. /•". Refrigerator Cars


Seaplant 201Seapool 2<>2

Seapoi-t 203Seaprv 204Sear.." 205Searcc 2<>6

Searck 207Searisk 208Searoom 209Searuff 210Seashell 211Seashore 212Seasick 213Seaside 214-

Seasni 215Seastar 216SeatSeaterm 218Seatheit" 210Seatoad 220Seatorn 221Seatossed 222Seaves 223Seavy 224-

Seaward 225Seaweed ?26Seawolf 227Seaworm 228Sebate 229Seabcsteu 230Seabundy 2!J>1

Secant..." 232Secede 233Secern 234Secess 235Sechium 236Secle 23 i

Seclode 238Seclusion 23'. >

Secret 24-0

Secre tion 24-1

Sect 242Sectarian 243Seeta r ist 244Sectary 245Scctile: 246

Section 247Sector 248Secular 249Secnnd 250Secure 251Security 252Sedan.! 253Sedate 'j:^

Sedation 255Sedative 256Sedent 257Sedge 25SSediment 25''

Sedition 260Seduce 261Seduction 262Sedulous 263Seed 264Seedcake 265Seedlip 266Seed man 267Seedy 268Seek! 269Seely 270Seesaw 271Seethe 272Segar 273Segment 274-

Segnity 275Segregate 276Seine 277Seity 27SSeizable 27'.*

Seize 280Seizure 281Sejant 2S2Sejoin 283Sekos 284Selab 285Seldom 286Select 281

Selector 288Selenic 289Selenite 290Seltzer 291

Selfish 292

Page 107: JffTEjV^STATE CIPHERng46/collections/interstate-cipher-no-year.pdf · Aquatic 570 Aquaint 571 Aquiduct 572 Aqueous 573 Aquose 574 Arab 575 Arabian 576 Arabic 577 Arabisn 578 Arable

A. T. & S. F. Refrigerator Curs 10;

Selves 293Semble 294Senary 295Senate 29fi

Senator 297Seneka 29sSenegin 299Senile 300Senior 301Senna 302Sense 303Sensific 304Sensorv 305Sentence 306Senterv 307Sentiment 308Sentinel 309Senza 310Sepal 311Separate 312Sepawn 313Sepia 314Se ]io se 315Sepoy 316Seps 317Sept 318Septa 319Septenary 320Septic...... 321Septore 322Septuary 323Sequel...'. 324Sequence 325Sequent 326Sequin 327Seraph 328Serapis 329Sere 330Serenade 331Serene 332Serf. 333Serge 334Sergeant 335Serial 336Seriate 337Series ::^s

Serin 339Seriously 340Sermon 341Serona 342Serosity 343Serotine 344Serous 345Serpent 346Serpet 347Serpego 348Serpulite 349Serrated 350Serry 35]Serum 352Serval 353Servant 354Serve 355Service 356Servient 357Servile 358Servility 359Serving' 360Servitude 361Sesam 362Sesban 363Sesqui 364Sessile 365Session 366Seton 3(57

Setose 368Settee 369Setter 370Setting 371Settle 372Setto 373Sever 374Severance 375Severe 376Severite 377Sevroga 378Servel 379Sewer 380Sewing 381Sex....: 382Sexfid 383Sexless 384

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106 .4. T. A: S. F. Refrigerator Cnrs

Sextain 385Sextant 386Sextarv 387Sextile 388Sexton 389Sextuple 390Shab 391Shack 392Shackle 393Shad 394Shade 395Shadow 396Shady 397Shaft 398Shag 399Shaggy 4-00

Shake 401Shaken 4-02

Shale 403Shallot 404Shallow 405Shalt 406Sham 4()7

Shaman t08

Shamble 409Shame 410Shammy 411Shampoo 412Shank 413Shanty 414Shape 415Shard 416Share 417Shark 418Sharp 419Shatter 420Shave 421Shaw 422Shawl +28Shawm 424Sheaf 425Sheal 420Shear. 127

Sheath t28

Sheave 429Shed 180

Shedder 431Sheen 430Sheep 433Sheet 434Shekal 485Shelf 436Shell 437Shelter 438Sheltic 439Shelve 440Shemite 441Sheol 442Sherbet 443Sheriff 444Shew 445Shide 446Shie 447Shield 448Shift 449Shill 450Shilling 451Shily 452Shim 458Shine 454Shingle 455Shimmy 456Shire 457Shirker 45SShirl 459Shirred 4(50

Shirt 461Shive 402Shiver 463Shivery 404Shoad 405Shoaling 406Shoaly 407Shoar 408Shoat 469Shock 470Shoer 471Shoetve 472Shog.. 478Shone 474Shoo 475Shook 470

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.4. T. & S. F. Refrigerator Cars 101

Shoon 4-77

Shoot 478Shop 479Shore 480Shorlite 481Short 482Shortrib 483Shorts 484Shorv 485Shot 486Shough 487Shoulder 488Shove 489Shovel 490Showy 491Showery 4-02

Sho wish 493Shrag 494Shrank 495Shrap 496Shred 497Shrew 498Shrieve 499Shrift 500Shrike 501Shrill 502Shrimp 503Shrine 504Shrink 505Shrive 506Shrivel 507Shroff 508Shroud 509Shrove 510Shrub 511Shrubbery 512Shrug 513Shrunk 514Shuck 515Shudder 516Shuffle 517Shun 518Slmrk 519Shut 520Shutter 521Shy 522

Sibyl 523Sicamore 524Siccate 525Sich 526Sick 527Sickish 528Sickle 529Sicklv 530Side.'. 531Sider 532Sideral 533Siding 534-

Siege 535Sieve 536Sift 537Sifted 53SSigh 539Sigma 540Sign 541Signal 542Signer 543Signet 544-

Sike 545Siled 546Silence 547Silent 548Silesia 549Silex 550Silica 551Silicify 552Silicle". 553Silicon 554Siling 555Silk 550Silken 557Silkv 55SSill.. 559Silly 560Silt 561Silva 562Silvan 563Sima > 564Simons 565Simper 566Simple 567Simular 568

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L08 . 1. T. LV S. F. Refrigerator Cars

Simulate 569Since 57oSincere 571Sine 57L'

Sinew 5 7 .'


Sinful 574Sing 575Single 576Sinical 577Sinister 578Sink 579Sinus 580Siphon 581Sipped 582Siquis 583Sire 584Siren 585Si ri us 586Sirloin 587Sirname 588Siro 589Sirocco 590Sirrah 591Sirt 592Sirup 593Siskit 594Siskin 595Siss 596Sister 597Sistrum 598Sisyphus 599Sited 600Sitfast 601Sithe 602Sitter 603Sitting 604Situate 605Siva GOOSizable 607Sizar 608Sized 609Size! 610Sizing 611Skad'dle 612Skaddous 61


Skaddon 014

Skain 015Skate 616Skating 017Skean 618Skeed 619Skeel 620Skeet 621Skeg 622Skein 623Skelder 624Skellum 625Skelly 626Skelp 627Skeptic 028Skerry 629Sketch 630Skew 631Skewer 632Skeyne 633Skid 634Skiff. 035Skilder 636Skillful 637Skill 638Skilled 639Skillet 640Skilliug 641Skillness 642Skills 643Skimmer 044Skimming 645Skincli 646Skinker 047Skipper 048Skippet 049Skirl 650Skirling 651Skirmish 652Skirret 653Skirrlius 054Skittish 055Skive 050Sklere 657Skolecite 658Skolopsite 659Skonce 660

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A. T. & S. /'. Reirigerator Cars 109

Skoroditc 661Skout 662Skow 663Skreed..... 664Skrimmage 665Skrimpy 666Skringe 667Skug 668Skulk 669Skulker 670Skulking 671Skunk 672Skunkbird 673Skunkish 674Sktmkweed 675Skurrv 676Skyblue 677Skycolor 67SSkyey 679Skyhigh 680Skyish 681Skylark 682Skylight 683Skysail 684Skyscraper 685Skyward 686Slab 6S7Slabber 688Slabbiness 689Slack 690Slacken 691Slackly 692Slackness 693Slade 694Slaggy 695Slak'iii 696Slambang 697Slamkin... 698Slander 699Slanderer 700Slanderous 701Slang 702Slangnus 703Slantly 704Slantwise 705Slapdash 706

Slapper 707Slapjack 70SSlapping 709Slash 710Slashed 711Slashy 712Slate 713Slating 714Slateax 715Slatter 716Slatternly 717Slaughter 718Slaughterer 719Slave 720Slavery 721Slavishly 722Slavism" 723Slavonian 724Slavonic 725Slaw 726Slaver 727Sleave 72SSleazv 729Sledge 730Sleek 731Sleekly 732Sleekness 733Sleekstone] 734Sleeper .' 735Sleepful 736Sleepily 737Sleepiness 738Sleeping 739Sketch 740Sleetiness 741Sleight 742Sleuth 743Slewed 744-

Slicking 7 15

Slidden 746Sliftered 747Slightea 748Slightly 749Slimsy 7.)0

Sli n ger 751Slink 752

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no Santa Fe Freight Fruit Cars

Slip 753Slipknot 754Sliplink 755Slipper 756Slippered 757Slip perness 758Sliprope .7.")!)

Slipshod 760Slipslop 761

Slipstring 702Slither 7C,;i

Sliver 764Sloakan 765Sloam 766Slobbery 767Slogan 76SSloom 769

Santa Fe Freight Fruit Cars

In telegraphing, one word covers initial and ear num-ber.

Slopeness 3101Sloppy 3102Slopwork 3103Slosh 3104Slothful 3105Slotted 3106Slotterlv 3107Slouch 3108Sloughv 3109Sloven 3110Slovenly 3111Slovenness 3112Slow 3113Slowly 3114Slower 3115Slub 3116Slubber 3117Slubbing 3118Sludger 3119Sludgy 3120Sluggard 3121Sluggish 3122Sluggv 3123Sluice 3124Slumber 3125Slumberei- 3126Slumberous 3127Slump 3128Slum; 3129

Slurred 3130Slushv 3131Slutchv 3132Sluttefv 3133Slutt ;sh 3134Slyness 3135Slvly 3136Smack 3137Smacking 3138Smallage 3139Smallish 3140Smallness 3141Smaltine 3142Smaraged ,.3143Smartle 3144Smatter 3145Smatterer 3146Smattering 3147Smear 3148Smeardab ..3149Smeath 3150Smectite 3151Smaller 3152Smelling 3153Smellness 3154Smelter 3155Smerlin 3156Smew 3157Smicker 3158

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Santa Fe Freight Fruit Cars 111

Smicket 3159Smickly 3160Smiddv 3161Smift... 3162Smight 3163Smilacine 3164Smirch 3165Smirk 3166Smiter 3167Smithery 3168Smithing 3169Smithy 3170Smitt 3171Smittle 3172Smitten 3173Smittlish 3174Smock 3175Smockless 3176Smoker 3177Smokilv 3178Smokv" 3179Smolder 3180Smoldrv 3181Smooch 3182Smoor 3183Smoother 3184Smoothlv 3185Smore 3186Smoueh 3187Smudge 3188Smug 3189Smuggle 3190Smugly 3191Smugness 3192Smulv 3193Smutch 3194Smutchin 3195Smuttily 3196Smuttiness 3197Smyrniot 3198Snack 3199Snacot 3200Snaffle 3201Snagged 3202Snaggv 3203Snail 3204

Snake 3205Snakish 3206Snap 3207Snapper 3208Snappish 3209Snappy 3210Snarer. 3211Snarling 3212Snarv..'.". 3213Snast 3214Snatch 3215Snatcher 3216Snath 3217Snattock 3218Snead 3219Sneaker 3220Sneaking 3221Sneaksby 3222Sneck 3223Sneer 3224Sneerer 3225Sneerful 3226Sneeze 3227Suell 3228Snet 3229Snib 3230Snick 3231Snickup 3232Snicker 3233Sniff 3234Sniffer 3235Sniffle 3236Snift 3237Snifting 3238Snig 3239Snigger 3240Sniggle 3241Snipe 3242Snipper 3243Snivel 3244Sniveler 3245Snob 3246Snobberv 3247Snobbish 3248Snobbism 3249Snod 3250

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1113 Santa Fe Freight Frnit Cars

Snook : 3251Snooze 3252Snore 3253Snort 3254Snorter 3255Snotter 3256Snotterly 3257Snout 3258Snow 3259Snowball 3260Snowbird 3201Suowding 3262Snowflakc 3263Snowless 3264Snowgoose 3265Snowplow 3266Snowshoe 3267Snowslip 3268Snub 3269Snubbing 3270Snubber 32 -


Snubnose 3272Snubpost 3273Snudge 3274Snuff 3275Snuffer 3276Snuffing 3277Snuffle. 3278Snuffy 3279Snug. 3280Sim ggery 3281Snuggify 32S2Snuggle 3283Snuggily 3284Snugness 3285Sny. 3286Snying 32S7Soak 3288Soaking 3289Soaker. 3290Soaked 3291Soakage 3292Soapnut 3293Soapsuds 3294Soa pwort '. 52 (

. >5

Soar 3296

Suave 3297Sob 3298S »bber 3299Soberize 3300Soberness 3301Soberly 3302Soberless 3303Soboles 3304Sobriety 3305Sobriquet 3306Soeage 3;

'. ( > 7

Sociable 3308Social 3309Socialism 3310Socialist 3311Sociality 3312Sociate 3313Society 3314Socinian 3315Sociology 3316Socket 3317Sockels... 331SSocle 3319Socman 3320Socom: 3321Socotrine 3322Socratic 3323Socratism 3324Socratist 3325Soda 3326Sodaash 3327Sodalite 3328Sodden 3321)

Soddv 3330Sodium 3331Sodomite 3332Sodomy 3333Soeful.." 3334Soever 3335Sofa 333(5

Sofett 3337Sof.sm 333SSofit 3339Softener 3340Softlv 3341Soil.. 3342

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S;uit;i Fe Freight Fruit Cars

S)ilure 334-3

Soiree 334-4

Sojourn 3345Sojourner 334-6

So Iceman 334-7

Solace 3348Solacious 3349Solander 3350Solania 3351Solanine 3352Solanoid 3353Solanum 3354Solarize 3355Solary 3356Soldan 3357Soldanel 335SSoldier 3359Soldieress 3360Solecism 3361Solecist 3362Solely 3363Solemn 3364Solemnize 3365Solen 3366vSolenite 3367Solenoid 3368Solere 3369Solfa 3370Solfeggio 3371Solicitant 3372Solicitor 3373Solicitous 3374Solicitress 3375Solicitude 3376'Solidare 3377Solidate 3378Solidify 3379Solidism 3380Solidity 3381Solidly 3382Solidness 3383Solifidian 3384Soliloquy 3385Soliped 3386Solitaire 338 i

Solitarian 3388

Solitude 3389Soliyagous 3390Solo 3391Solstice 3392Solstital 3393Solubility 3394Soluble..! 3395Solus 3396Solute 3397Solution 3398Solutive 3399Solvable 3400Solvency 3401Solvend 3402Solvible 3.403

Somatic 3404Somatica 1 3405Somatist 3406Somber 3407Somberly 3408Somberness 34( >9

Somerset 3410Sommeil 341 1

Somnial 3412Somnific 3413Somnipath v 3414Sonant 3415Sonata 3416Song 3417Songish 3418Songful 3419Songless 3420Songstress 3421Sonless 3422Sonnet 3423Sonnetize 34-24

Sonnish 3425Sonnite 3426Sonorific 3427Sonority 3428Sonorous 3429Sonship 3430Soocev 3431SoodeV 3432Soojee 3433Soord 3434

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114 Santa Fe Frei&hi Fruit Cars

Soorma 34 35Soote 3436Soother 3437Soothing 3438Soothsav 3430Sootish." 3440Soph 3441Sophism 3442Sophist 34-43

Sophister 3444Sophistic 34-4-5

So phistry 3446Sophomore 34-47

Sopite 3448So pit ion 3449Soporate 3450Soporose 3451Sopper 3452Sopra 3453Soprano 3 1-5 I

So r; i nee 3455So rbate 3456Soi hen t 3457Sorbie 3458Sorbite 3459Sorbition 34(50

Sorbonist 3461Sorbtree 3462Si >rcerer 3463Sorceress 3464So ureerons 3465Sorcery 3466Sordes 3467Sordid 3468Sordidly 34(5!)

Sordidness 3470Sordine 3471Sored i inn 3472So rehon 3473Sorghum .'5474

Sorites 3 J-75

Sorner 3476Sorragge 3477Sorrance 3478Sorrel 3479Sorrily 3480

Sorriness 3481Sorrow 3482Sorrowed 3483Sorrowful 3484Sortable 3485Sortal 3486Sortance 3487Sorter 3488Sortilege 3489Sortition 3490Sortment 3491Sorus 3 t92Sotadie 3493Sothic 3404Sough 3495Souled 3496Sounder 3407Sounst 340SSour 3400Source 3500So u rd e 3501Souring 3502Sourgum 3503Sourish 3504So u r i 1y 3505Sourness 3506Souse 3507Soutage 3508Souterly 3509South..! 3510Southern 3511Southing 3512Southward 3513Souvenir 3514Sovereign 3515Sovereignize 3516Sow 3517Sowing 351 8

Sowbane 3510Sowbug 3520Sowce 3521Sowans 3522Sowter 3523Soy ned 3524Sozzle 3525Spaad 3526

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Santa Fe Freight Fruit Cars 115

Space 3527Spacefill 3528Spaceless 3529Spaceline 3530Spacious 3531Spaddle 3532Spade 3533Spadeful 3534Spadiceous 3535Spaddle 3536Spadix 3537Spudo 353SSpadroon 3539Spahee 3540Spahi 354-1

Spakenet 354-2

Spall 3543Spa ncel 3544Spandrel 35 45Spang 3546Spangle 3547Spaniard 354NSpaniel 3549Spanish 3550Spank 3551Spanker 3552Spanking 3553Spanner 3554Spannew 3555Spar 3556Sparage 3557Sparagus 3558Sparble 3559Spardeck 3560Sparely 3561Spareness 3562Sparer 3563Sparger 3564Sparker 3565Sparkish 3566Sparkle 3567Sparkler 3568Sparkling 3569Sparling 3570Sparlyre 3571Spa ro id '.

> 5 7 2

Sparpiece 3573Sparpoil 3574Sparrow 3575Sparry 3576Sparse 3577Sparsedly 3578Sparseness 3579Sparism 35S0Sparterie 3581Spasm 35S2Spasmodic 3583Spastic 3584Spat 35S5Spatting 3586Spatangus 3587Spatha 3588Spathed 3589Spathic 3590Spathous 3591Spathose 3502Spatial 3593Spatiate. , 3594Spatter 3595Spattle 3596Spatula 3597Spatulate 3598Spavine 3599Spawl 3600Spawling 3601Spawn 3602Spawner 3603Spayade 3604Speak 3605Speak able 3606Speaker 3607Speaking 3608Speargrass 3H09Special 3610Specialist 3611Specialty 3612Specialize 3613Specie ....3(51


Specific 361 5

Spccifical 36 I 6

Specificate 361 7

Specification 3618

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IK) Santa Fe Freight Fruit Cars

Spedmen 3619Specious 3620Speciouslv 3621Speck ' 3622Speckle 3623Spectacle 3624Spec tant 3 < ; 2


Spectator 3626Speetatrix 3627Spectre 3628Spectral 3629Spectrum 3630Specular 3631Speece 3632Speechful 3633Speechless 3634Speed 3635Speedful 3636S peedily 3637Speediness 363cS

Speedy 3639Speer 3640Speight 3641Speiss 3642Spclding 3643Spelk 364-+

Speller 3645Spellful 3646Spelling 3647Spelune 3648Spencer 3649Spender 3650Sperable 3651Sperage 3652Sperate 3653Sperm 3654Sperm ary 3655Spermaceti 3656Spermatic 3(557

S permat ize 3658Spermcell 3659Spermoil 3660Spetches 3661Spew 3662Spewer 3663Sphene 3664

Sphenoid 366,-)

Spheral 3666Sphere 3667Spheric 3668Spherical 3669Spheroid 3670Spherulatc 3671Spherule 3(572Sphery 3(573

Sphincter 3(574Sphinx 3(575Spial 3(57(5

Spica 3(577

Spicated 367SSpiee 3679Spicerv 3680Spicily 36S1Spiciness 3682Spicous 3683Spicula 3684Spiculate 3685Spider 3686Soight 3687Spigot 36SSSpigurrel 3689Spike 3(590

Spikelet 3691Spilikin 3692

Spiller 3693

Spilth 3694

Spinage 3695






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Fruit Jobbers 117

Fruit Jobbers.

Tide Birmingham, Ala.

Tidy Watt <Sc Qiacopazzi

Tierce B. B. Hudson & Co.

Tiff Adler Durham & Co.—W. G.




Tigress Ammiston, Ala.

Tike F. W. Ledbetter & Co.



Tiler Montgomery, Ala.

Till Howe& Oliver

Tillage Greil Bros. & Co.—W. ('.

Tilmus S. B. Stern—Broker



Tilter Mobile, Ala.

Timbal A. G. Moore



Timely Fort Smith, Ark.

Timed John AT. Keith—BrokerTimous W. F. Latham—BrokerTincal Frank Ballinger

Tinehel Meeks & LangTinet B. Baer & Co"

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IIS Fruit Jobbers




Tinfoil Little Rock, Arkansas.

Tinned C. S. Troy Produce Corns. Co.

Tinged Bradshaw <Sc CunninghamTingent Beal Fletcher & Hughes—W. G




Tingling Pine Bluff, Arkansas.

Tinker Marsh & Atkinson. Brokers

Tinkering Penzel & Co.—W. G.

Tinkerly E. S. Taylor

Tinge Vancouver, B. C.

Tink T. W. Clark"& Co.

Tinkle Crowder & Penzer



Tint Victoria, B. C.

Tinted Cowan 6c Willson

Tiny Thomas Earl

Tip Mice & Ault, Brokers


Tippit Sacramento, Cal.

Tii-ping W. H. Wood & Co.

Tipple Gregory Bros. & Co.




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Fruit Jobbers 119

Tirade San Francisco, Cal.

Tire Wetmore Bros.

Tiring Allison Gray & Co.

Tirrit Barton Bros.

Tirewit Porter Bros. & Co.

Tisie Jurlson Fruit Co.

Tissue W. W.Jones, Brokers





Tithing Los Angeles, Cal.

Titlark W. C. Patterson c\: Co.

Title Stanley 6c HenryTitter Allen Bros.




Toast Fresno, Cal.

Tobine Hobbs & ParsonsTocsin V. P. Bladder & Co.



Tof'ore Montreal, Can.

Toft Frank Hart & TuckwellTofus J. H. Seward & Co.Toged Vipond & McBride




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1 'jo Fruit Jobbers

Toilet Toronto, Can.

Toiling V G. Gibson & Co.

Toise McWilliatns & Everist




Tolt Denver, Col.

Tomb R. J. S. Thompson,(Wholesale Broker)

green a pel Dried frails


Tombac G. G. Leibhardt Coins. Co.

Tomboy The Hansen Produce Co.

Tomcod Perry Commission Co.

Tompion L. H. Decker & Co.

Tomrig Middelswortli & Co






Tonnage Colorado Springs, Col.

Tonsil Ira J. MorseTony James Simpson



Toot Leadville, Col.

Topman L. \V. Sweitzer & Co.

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Fruit Jobbers l'_'l



Topaz Pueblo, Col.

Toper J. D. Miller & Co.

Topet Williams & Co.

Tophin Jno. Harding, Broker





Tore Trinidad, Col.

Torment J. C. Caulson & Co.




Torpent Qreely, Col.

Torped Greeley Mercantile Co.



Torrid Aspen, Col.

Torril S. B. Clark Commission Co.



Torso Hartford, Conn.Tort C. S. Brewer & Co.

Tortile J. R. Sloane & Co.



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1 22 Fruit Jobbers

Tortive Washington, D. C.

Tortoise H. L. Strange

Tortious (i. T. Wade

Torture W. S. Hoge 6c Bro.




Torvous London, Eng.

Tory W. N. WHITE & CO., Limited

(Convent Garden)


Green and Dried Fruits




Toss Atlanta, Ga.

Tossed J. F. Simmons & Co.

Tossel J. W. Phillips



Tost Hacon, Qa.

Total S. R. Jacques & Tinsley



Toties Augusta, Qa.

Totter Futeh & Co.

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Fruit fohbers 123

Tottv Chicago, III.

Toucan H. K. PRATTGeneral Eastern Agent


Southern California Fruit Exchanges

53 River Street

Touch Thacker Bros.

Touchilly E. R. Nichols & Co.

Touching Peacock & Evans

Tough William Ostag

Toughen Joseph Speis

Toupee Barnett Bros.

Tour Parker Bros.

Tourist Barnard Edwards & Co.

Tourn C. F. Love & Co.

Tournament ..B. D. Anguish

Tourney M. George & Co.

Tonse W. T. Belke & Co.

Tousle F. Newhall & Sons

Tout Earl Bros.

Tow L. A. Talcott & Co.

Towage F. Nickerson & Son

Toward M. Baker

Towel F. E. Xellis & Co.

Tower C. H. Weaver & Co.

Towered F. L. Ball & Co.

Towering Reid, Murdock & Co.—W. G.

Towery Sprague, Warner & Co.—W. G.

Towing W M. Hoyt & Co.—W. G.

Town Raggio <Sc Morrison






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124- Fruit Jobbers

Toyish Cairo, III.

Toze G. H. Jackson & Co.




Traffic Galesburg, III.

Tragedy Strecker & Comstock



Train Peoria, III.

Trait Thomas <Sc Co.

Traitor J. G. Renter & Co.

Trammel Strecker & ComstockTrammeled ....\V. H. Bonifice, Broker



Trance Springfield, III.

Tranquil \V. M. Brewer



Trapper Quincy, III.

Trapping Clark & MorganTrappist H. F. Gaitz, Broker


Trashy Indianapolis, Ind.

Trass L. F. Adams & Co.

Trave Henry Seyrup & Sons

Travis George Hitz & Co.

Travel Daggett & Co.


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Fruit Jobbers 1 L\"



Treadle Elkhart, Ind.

Treason B.J. Arisman & C<>.

Treasure Lafayette, Ind.

Treat Pottlitzer Bros. Co.

Treble Metzger <Sc Binz




Tremble Terre Haute, Ind.

Tremor C. II. Goldsmith

Trench Apman, Fassig is: Starr

Trend Warder & Graham— Brokers




Tress Fort Wayne, Ind.

Trestle Pottlitzer Bros. Co.

Trevet M. W. Fay—Broker




Triblct Burlington, la.

Tribune Copeland & Martin




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lL'i; Fruit Jobbers

Tricolor Cedar Rapids, la.

Tride Witwei Bros.

Trident Bnchannan & Co.




Triform Council Bluffs, la.

Trig Duquette <K: Co.

Trigger J. R. Snyder & Co.

Trill St. John Bros.




Trinal Davenport, la.

Trine Martin Wood & Co.

Trined E. T. Smith & Bro.



Trio Harlan, la.

Triolet G. W. Pierce


Triple Des Moines, la.





Tripod A.N. Bliss & Co.

Tripoli Todd & Crafts

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Fruit Jobbers 12'

Tripos Fiorita & Son




Trist Dubuque, la.

Trite M. M. Walker & Co.

Tritone Munz & Quirk



Trivet Keokuk, la.

Trivial W. B. Daniels


Trochel Muscatine, la.

Trochit W. H. Hoopes & SonTrod W. H. Smith & Co.



Tromp Oscaloosa, la.

Trona G. W. Godfrey <!v Co.



Troop Sioux City, la.


Wholesale BrokersGreen, Dried and Canned Fruits

NUTS A.ND RAISINSTropic Haley & Chase.

Tropical G. X. Martin

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1 28 Fruit Jobbers

Tropist Jay II. Wheeler

Trot Palmer & Co.

Trotter E. J. HathenwayTrotting Tallerton, Stetson & Co.— \V. G






Truant Waterloo, la.

Truce Fowler Bros. Co.—W. G.

Truck Smith, Lichty & Co.—W. G.

Truckle L. S. ParsonsTrudge H. AI. Reed—Broker



Trump Ottumwa, la.

Trumpet I-rcd W. Willson



Truss Red Oak, la.

Trusty... \V. A. Fisher & Co.—YY. G.


Truthful Marshalltown, la.

Trygon Letts, Fletcher <S: Co.—W. G.


Tubby McGregor, la.

Tuck Dawson cc Larabce


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Fruit jobbers 11".)

Tufa fliddleton, la.

Tuff. L. Oppil


Tug Sheldon, la.

Tugger Jewett Bros. & Co.


Tulle Mason City, la.

Tumble Letts, Spencer & Co.—W. G.

Tumbler Purely, McGregory & Co.—W. G.


Tumid Atchinson, Kan.

Tumor George & SonTump H. Hausner & Co.



Tunic Lawrence, Kan.

Tunker Poehler Mercantile Co.—W. G.



Tup Beloit, Kan.

Tupelo G. B. Southwick e\: Co.

Turban Salina, Kan.

Turbid H. D. Lee Mclbor Co.—W. G.

Turbinate Goodrich & Steele



Tureen Leavenworth, Kan.

Tart" Ryan & Richardson

Turfen W. H. Farwell

Turfy George Heary

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130 Fruit Jobbers

Turgid E. C. Dustin

Turgidity C. S. Stevens—Broker



Turkois Hutchinson, Kas.

Turmeric Hutchinson Grocery Co.



Turnrr Wichita, Kan.

Turnip Robert Williarrps


greet) at)d Dried Fraits


Turnout Wichita Produce Co.

Turpentine Wichita Produce and Cold Storage Co.

Turpeth Bryan Bros.

Turrel Billingsly & Grant

Turret J. D. McEwingTuscan A. B. Wright—Broker




Tussle Topeka, Kan.

Tussock Parkhurst Davis Co.—W. G.



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Fruit Jobbers 131

Tutrix Fort Scott, Kan.

Tutsan Isaac Stadden Grocery Co.


Tuz Twaddle.

Twibil Lexington, Ky.Twig J. H. Sistrunk


Twill Louisville, Ky.Twin Joseph Denunzio & Co.

Twinge M. DeSopo & Bro.

Twinkle J. Passalaequa & Bro.

T winner


Twirl New Orleans, La.


California ^eeq Fruity and produce


Twitch C. A. Fish & Co.—Broker






Tyke Boston, Mass.Tymbal Snow & Co.

Tympan L. W. ShermanTympanize ....Charles Lawrence <K: Co.

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1 32 Fruit Jobbers

Tympanum. ...A. and (). \Y. Mead & Co.

Tympany Connant & BeanTyny Foster Weeks & Co.

Type Curtiss & Co.

Typhoid Butler, Blet hen & Butler

Typhon Sawtelle 6e Pratt

Typhus Blake cK: Ripley

Typic Chapin Bros

Typify 15. F. Southwick

Typolite York 6c WhitneyTyran Farnum & Co.

Tyranny Spear & Co.

Tyrant A. S. Brown & Co.—Brokers


Tyrian Detroit, Mich.

Tyro William M. Heazlit & Co.—Brokers

Tythe W. C. RobbTzar Edward Read

Udal Litchenberg & Son

Ugly McDonald Bros.

Ulcer McNaughton, Walker & Co.

Ulcerate Menominee, Mich.

Ulema F. Hibbard—Broker

Ullage Saginaw, Mich.

Ulmin Skinner & Chapman—Brokers

Ulna Grand Rapids, Mich.

Ulnar Mosley Bros.

Ultimate Hinneapolis, Minn.

Ultimity A. N. RANDALL,Wholesale Broker,

(Minneapolis and St. Paul.)

Green Fruits and Produce.

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Fruit Jobbers 133



Dried Fruits, Raisins,

Nuts, Canned Goods.

Ultra H. vS. Smith & Co.

Ultraism Walters & Wagner

Ululate L. Longfellow & Bro.

Ululation E. P. Stacy & Sons

Umbel Arnott & Corbett

Umbellar The George B. Bradbury Co.

Umbellate G. A. Castle

Umber Hillman Bros.

Umbilie Potter Produce Co.

Umbles Feiber, Jordan & Co.

Umbo Paris Murton Co.

Umbonate Farmer Bros.

Umbra Ginter Commission Co.



Umbrageous ..



Umbrosity St. Paul, Minn.Umpirage A. N. Randall—Broker. (P. 0. address



Umpire Smith Fruit Co.

Unable DeCamp & Beyer

Unacted B. Presley & Co.

Unactive Smith & Austrian

Unadapted ....McGuire & MulrooneyUnadored J. B. Hoxsie

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134 Fruit Jobbers

Unadorned ..Hofjeboom & Jerrard






Unarm Duluth, Minn.

Unatoned Smith Fruit Co.




Unavailable...Smith Fruit Co.

Unavenge Arundell, Warren & Co.

Unavenued W. H. Carpenter & Co.




Unaware Crookston, Minn.

Unawed Crookston Mercantile Co.


Unbar Mankato, Minn.Unbay L. Patterson Fruit Co.



Unbid Winona, Minn.Unbind Latsch & SonUnbit J. C. Stirneman



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Fruit Jobbers 1 35

Unbow Kansas City, Ho.


Green Prilits and Produce,

t'nbreast Tanner Fruit Produce Commission Co.

Unbred B. F. Combs & Bro. Commission Co.

Unbuilt G. B. Cloon & Co.

Unburden Xunnemacher Piazza & Co.

Unclad T. W. Bradv

Unclasp McKinnej Bros.

Uncord Gus O. L. Sauer

Uncork Evans Bros.

Uncouple H. L. Xichol Fruit and Produce Co.

Uncouth P. V. Rocco Bros. Co.


ncover Ginnochio Bros. & Co.

Uncross Clements Mason Commission Co.

Unction D. E. Smeltzer & Co.

Unculled Hambliu & Bearss

Uncurl Scott Cromwell & Co.

Under Westfall Commission Co.




I ndulator


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136 Fruit Jobbers

Unearth St. Joseph, flo.

Unerring Charles E. Braddishj


Green, Dried and Canned Fruits


Uneven G. W. Chase & Son

Unfavor Ai-ena Fruit Co.

Unfed Sandusky & Co.

Unveil .Willman Mercantile Co.

Unvote C. W. Douglas & Son

Unwary ..Fisher Bros.




Upheld St. Louis, Mo.


Green, Dried and Canned Fruits,


Uprise A. S. Teasdale—Broker

Uproar E. T. Hollister—Broker

Uproot Ginnocchio Bros. & Co.

Upturn A. Cafferatta Sons & Co.

Uptwirl Gerber Fruit Co.

Urania Gunn Fruit Co.

Uranus J. H. Vogelsang Commission Co.

Urate John Gooman & Bro.

Urban Barn hart Mercantile Co.

Urchin Y. Scalzo Fruit Co.

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Fruit Jobbers 13


Urea O. Voeiker & Co.

Urged W.J. Templeman & Co.

Urgent Rose, Rulfs & Co.

Uric Paul Kwitz & Co.

Urinal John Bentzen & Sons Gardening Co.

Urith... George G. Fairham & Bro.

Ursa The Merchants Terminal Warehouse Co.






Ustion Sedalia, Mo.Usual H. L. Bauer


Usurp Joplin, no.

Usury J. M. Bates Corns. Co.


Utile Helena, Hont.

Utilize Lindsay & Co.



Utricle Butte, Mont.Utter J. E. Oppenheimer & Co.

Uverous J. F. Kelly




Vacate Great Falls, Hont.

Vacary J. T. Fox


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1 38 Fruit Jobbers

Vachery Winnipeg, flan.

Vacuity McPherson Fruit Co.

Vacuous Buchannan & Gordon—Brokers

Vacuum Omaha, Neb.



Green, Dried and Canned Fruits



Green Fruits and Produce

Yagient Branch & Co.

Vagina Rocco Bros.

Vaginal Williams & Cross

Vagous J. H. Feilbach & Co.

Vagrant George M. Ribbel

Vague Schiappacosse & Co.


Vailer. ...-


Vanity Lincoln, Neb.

Vale Hargraves Bros.

Valeidic Lasch Bros Co.

Valet R. R. Boyce—Broker


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Fruit Jobbers 139

Valiant Fargo, N. D.

Valid Vidger & Lewis


Valley Grand Forks, N. D.

Vallien Nash Bros.


Valor Albuquerque, N. 1*1.

Value Sammis & Stamm



Valved Los Vegas, N. M.Vamp Charles Ilfeld—W. G.

Vamper Hartman & Wield Com. Co.


Van Buffalo, N. Y.


Green and Dried Fruits


Vancour J. H- Gail & Co.

Vandal Potter & Williams

Vandyke Will & Jones

Vanfros Rea & Powell

Vang J. H. Seward & Co.

Vanilla William Navel

Vanish F. Brennison & SonVanity L. S. Oatman Produce Co.

Vansive Batterson & Co.

Vant Lennox & Co.

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14-1) Fruit Jobbers

Vantage J.J. White

Vapid Mackey & Williams






Varix New York City.


Wholesale Broker


Varnish E. L. Goodsel—Auctioneer

Varvels Sgobel & DayVascule Lyon Bros.

Vase John Nix & Co.

Vassal P. Ruhlman & Co.

Vast French & Co.

Vastly The Wessels Company.

Vat A. F. Young & Co.

Vatican Olivit Bros.

Vaticide Stevens, Simpson & Co.

Vault J. H. Newton

Vaulter Levi Pauling—Broker

Vaunt C. E. Jarolemon—Broker





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Fru it Jobhers 14-1

\eer :.









Veloce Rochester, N. Y.

Yelnre Rochester Fruit and Commission Co.

Velvet Smith, Perkins & Co.




Venation Newark, N. Y.

Vend C. H. Perkins & Co.



Veneer Oklahoma, Okla.

Venefeer Nunnemacher, Piazza & Co.

Yenerj' Dowden Williamson Groc. Co.


Venger Qutherie, Okla.

Yeni Xicx Halsell & Co.

Venison Coyle & Smith.


Venous Cincinnati, O.

Vent J. Leverone <!<: Co.

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142 Fruit Jobbers

Ventage F. Delsignore & Co.

Ventail Davidson & Co.

Ventanna Kushman, Wiggins & Co.

Venter Delsignore Fruit Co.

Ventiduct J. A. Baird & Co.

Ventilate Seuitti, Brown & Co.—Brokers

Ventilator Cleveland, 0.



Oreer? ar?d Dri^d pruits

Ventral W. E. Bigelow & Co.

Ventricle C. Chandler Sons

Ventricose The Kelley Co.

Ventriloquoy .Williams Bros.

Venture D. Martin & Co.

Venturing Weiner Bros.

Venturous J. J. Pitts & Co.

Venue T. S. ClymontsVenulite B. Maehler & Co.

Venus T. W. Evans—BrokerYenust L. 0. Van Epp Brokerage Co.






Verbality Dayton, 0.

Verbatim The Keifaber Co.



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Fruit Jobbers 143

Verbose Toledo, O.

Verbosity A. A. Geroe & Son

Verdant G. B. Chessie

Verdict S. S. Read & Co.





Verdurous Columbus, O.

Vereeund W. M. Fisher & Co.

Verge Murdock, Miller & Co.

Verger Evans & Turner




Verify Mansfield, O.

Verily W.J.Jackson & Co.


Verjuce Sandusky, O.

Vermeil F. E. Freeman


Vermicule. Chillicothe, O.

Veriform.. J. Amicon & Bro.


Yerniil Portland, Ore,


Wholesale Broker

California Fruits and Produce

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144 Fruit Jobbers

Vermin Levy, Spiegel & Co.

Verminate H. E. Battin & Co.

Verminous F. H. Page & Son






Veronica Philadelphia, Pa.

Versable W. J. YOUNG

Green, Dried and Canned Fruits



Wholesale Broker

Green and Pried fTraits

Versant Redfield & Son

Verse Sharp, Cox & SeamanVerseman ,.W. H. Michaels

Verser Brown & McMahonVersicle W. S. Emily

Versicular Roberts & Williams Co.

Versified A. B. Detwiler & Son

Version Edward Roberts

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Fruit Jobbers 14.

Verst William Weinert & Co.

Versus B. F. Ives & Co.

Versot George K. Halloway






Verticil Pittsburg, Pa.


Wholesale Brokers

Green and Dried Fruity

Vertigo J. II. Seward <!<; Co.

Vervain H.J. McCracken & Co.

Vervels Thomas H. McGowan & Co.

Very Iron City Produce Co.

Vesicant Sommers Bros & Co.

Vesicle L. H. Voight & Co.

Vesper... Pittsburg Produce Co.

Vespiary Grocer\- Supply Co.

Vessel Frank Wilbert & Bro.






Vestiary Erie, Pa.

Vestige Schabacker Bros.


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146 Fruit Jobbers

Vestment Providence, R. I.

Vestry Preston & BrownVesture S. Tourtellott & Sons


Vetch Aberdeen, S. D.

Veteran Jewett Bros. & Co.



Vex Sioux Falls, S. D.

Vexed B. C. MeCrossen

Vexil D. F. Smith—Broker



Vial Watertown, S. D.

Viand Park & Grant


Viatic Pierre, S. D.

Viaticum Kerman Grocery Co.


Vicar Deadwood, S. D.

Vicarage Adams Bros.


Vice Memphis, Tenn.

Viceroy Johnson <S: Ouinee

Vicety D. Canale & Co.




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Fruit Jobbers 14-1

Vicine. Nashville, Tenn.

Vicinity J.J. Hill & Co.—Brokers

Viciosity Sulzbacher Bros.

Vicious F. G. Low & Co.




Victim Chattanooga, Tenn.

Victor N. Deitzen & Co.

Victory Ashford & Co.

Victress.... W. G. Demig—Broker


Vidame Salt Lake, Utah.

Vide Hughes Fruit Produce C<>.

Videlicet Hyde Griffin Co.

Vidual Hansen Produce Co.




Viet Ogden, Utah.

View H. L. Griffen

Viewing Watson, Abbott & Barnes

Vigil Williard Kay & Co.




Vigorous Tacoma, Wash.Vile S. H. EmersonVileness Harris Bros. Co.


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148 Fruit Jobbers





Village Seattle, Wash.Villager Johnstone & Co.—BrokerVillagery Harris Bros. Co.

Villiaii Cook & Way—Brokers



Villikain Walla Walla, Wash.

Villianage tieorge Starrett & Co.



Villous Spokane, Wash.

Viminal R. N. McLA^INWholesale Broker

Green Fruits and Produce

Vitnineous H. M. Herrin & Co.

Vincitle Spokane Commission Co.




Vindictive Wheeling, W. Va.

Vineclad P. Bachman & Sons

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Fruit Jobbers 149

Vinegar Hilwaukee, Wis.Yiner Otto L. Kuhn—Rroker

Vinery A. Grossenbeck & Co.

Vineyard K. Stafford Co.

Vinny E. R. Godfrey Sons & Co.

Vinous The J. H. Nichols Co.

Vintage I. P. Tieknor & Co.

Vintner Coogan & Thompson Co.






Violence Chippewa Falls, Wis.violent Lang Fruit Co.


Volet Eau Claire, Wis.Violinist Lang Fruit Co.

Vidone Eau Claire Claire Grocery Co.


Vipeine Ashland, Wis.Vipeious L. K. Cochrane Co.Virag. C. N. Cramer & Co.


Virelaj La Crosse, Wis.Virant

J. C. BurnsVirgate Lamb & Beckel



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150 Fruit Jobbers

Virgin Galveston, Tex.

Virginal Galveston Fruit Co.

Virgo T. Ratto

Viridity Cannon Commission Co.



Virtu Dallas, Tex.

visual McClellan & Co.

Green, Dried and Canned Fruits


Virtually M. D. Carlington & Co.

Virtue A. De Stefano & Co.




Virulent Houston, Tex.

virusH. F. LUMM


Green Fruits and Promtce

Vis T. H. Thompson tS: Co.

Visage D. G, Rosenfield & Co.

Visard S. Bongio & Co.

Visavis H. T. Keller—Broker




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Fruit Jobbers 1 5 1



Viscount Fort Worth, Tex.

Viscous (iarlington & Montgomery


Vice San Antonio, Tex.

Visnu Hensell & Nicholson-Brokers

Visible C. M. Aitkin

Visibly G. B. Boero


Vision Austin, Tex.

Visional K. Bertran & Co.

Visit Wayland & Crizer—W. <>.



Visitor Denison, Tex.

Vista Hibbard Bros.


Visne Sherman, Tex.

Visnomy A. L. Williams—Broker



'ista Waco, Tex.

Visual M. D. Garlington & Sous

Vital M. A. CooperVitality Oliver & Co.—Brokers



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lo2 Fruit Jobbers

Vitious Texarkana, Tex.

Yitreovis Texas Produce Co.


Nitrify Gainsville, Tex.

\'itriol Tyler & SimpsonVitope Wapples & Platter


Vivace Weatherford, Tex.

Vivary C. D. Harnett & Co.

Vive Coleman & Lysajjlit


Vives Laredo, Tex.

Vivid Villegas & Bro.


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California Orange Glowers 153


Vivify Riverside

Vixen W. A. Perry, Chairman Executive HoardSouthern California Fruit Exchanges

Viz \. H. Xaftzger

Vizard S. C. Evans, Jr.

Vizier George Frost

Vocable R. W. MeachamVocal T. H. B. ChamblinVocalic M. J. Daniels

Vocation Aberdeen Keith

Vocative J. H. WrightVogue H. A. YYestbrook

Voice D. W. McLeodVoid J. B. CrawfordVoidance A. P. JohnsonVoider Matthew GageVoiding C. W. CravenVoidness J. E. Cutter

Voiture George CrawfordVolant C. W. Finch

Volatile G. W. Ferris

Volcanic Oscar FordVolcanist James HewitsonVolcano H. Wolsey HutsouVole S. La RueVolee George F. ParmelyVolery Riverside Orange Co.Volitation D. C. TwogoodVolition V J. TwogoodVolitive J. H. RoeVolley Thomas BakewellVolt....! J. O. Brown

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154 Fruit Shippers

Telegraphic Code Address Yolta

Seattyert) C a Hferi">i a proit


In [886 Southern California produced 160,000boxes of oranges; this year, [894, it is estimated at

2,500,000 boxes; a gain of over 1 5 to 1 in 8 years.

The yield during these years has never failed,

and as the results have been made known, it has

been the means of bringing to these valleys peoplefrom every clime, of wealth, culture and business

tact, who have built them homes of taste and ele-

gance, and in the congenial sunlit clime of flowersand fruit they have watched, with no little inter*

est. their growing orchards.

It has been an age of wonderful develop-ment of the unbounded resources of Cali-fornia Soil.

To-day the fruit growers bend their energies to

a no less important task— the packing and market-ing of their own fruits, and they are fully awaketo the fact that to properly market their largeincrease, demands harmonious action, uni-form methods, proper regulation, wide dis-tribution and personal systematic work,and with this end in view they have established

the Southern California Fruit Exchanges,with Headquarters at Riverside, and their aimto so conduct their business as to give everyoneinterested in the industry fair and honorable pro-

tection, and to this end they invite the hearty co-

operation of every Fruit Jobber in these UnitedStates.

Southern California Fruit Exchanges

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California Oran°e Growers 155

Volte D. P. ChapmanVolti B. B. Barney

Volnbilr W. P. Lett

Volubly Henry Raley

Volume E. W. Holmes

Volunteer E. F. Kingman

Volute G. W. Garcelon

Volution W. P. Russell

Vomica J. Van De Grift






Vortex Colton

Vortical Earl F. Van Lewcn

Votaress James Barnhill

Votary A. S. Fox

Vote ,...W. C. Fuller

Voter M. Archibald

Voting A. T. Atkins


Vouch Highlands

Vouchsafe L. C. Waite

Vow William H. Randall

Vowel A. S. Hawley

Vower W. P. Rogers

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156 Fruit Shippers

Telegraphic Code Address Voyage

Is composed of a number of local Packing Associations

and takes in the Entire Valley, scarcely a prominent

grower being outside the Exchange.

It owns and controls about 3,000 car loads of as

fine Oranges as can be grown on the Pacific Coast,

and has every variety, so that cars of any description

can be made up from its excellent fruit on short notice.

Large quantities of Lemons are also shipped fromRiverside and the Exchange can safely promise to the

Fruit Jobbers as fine a quality and as good keepers as

the world affords.

Our Exchange will work with and through the

Southern California Fruit Exchanges, whose Head-quarters are located in our city, and our aim will be to

so select and pack our fruits that they will merit the

favors of the Fruit Jobbers, and we hope to so conduct

our business as to encourage and protect our every

mutual interest. Come and see us, correspond with us,

and send us \ our orders.


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Calitornin Orange Growers 157




Vulcano Ontario

Vulgar W. E. Collins

Vulgarism C. E. HarwoodVulgate Dr. HyerVulnerate G. S. Barrett

Vulpine L. S. Dyar




Wad PomonaWadding P.J. Dreher

Waddle Dr. Nesbitt

Wade Dr. Nichols

Wader P. O'ConnorWading F. J. Smith

Wadsett E. C. Kimball

Wady H. H. Wheeler

Wafer E. Parsons

Waffle Seth Richards

Waft C. E. White

Wattage Palmer& Co.-Brokers



Wag....^ Covina

Wage S. A. Overhaltzer

Wager Robert Baldridge

Wages James Baldridge

Waggel Col. Geo. Rhorer

Waggish M. Baldridge

Waggle A. J. Wilkins

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158 Fruit Shippers

Telegraphic Code Address Wagon


San Bernardino


Fruit Exchange

Embraces the choicest orange lands in Southern

California, and includes the rich uplands of HIGH-

LANDS, situated among the foothills of the San Ber

n-ardino range of mountains ; the teeming groves of

REULANDS; the old orchards of Mission ; the new

settlement of MOUND CITY, with its young orchards

of orange and lemon ; RIALTO, the semi-tropic colony ;



Colton Terrace Groves, situated in the center of the

district. The district contains at the present time

nea-ily 10,000 acres planted to orange and lemon.

The high altitude, the inland heat, the freedom from

insect pests have made the oranges of this district re-

nowned for their sweetness, weight, fine texture and

beautiful appearance.

The central office ot the exchange is Colton, Cal.

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California Orange Growers 159




Waif Monrovia

Fail C. 0. MONROE & CO.

Fruit evpcl Ve^et&bl* 5bipperWailful Mrs. j. H. Mills

Wailing A. Stedman




Wainscot AlhambraWair F. 0. Story

Waist George S. PattonWaistband A. C. WeeksWaister S. Richardson

Wait Santa Paula

Waiting X. W. Blancliard




Wake San FernandoWakeful John Bird




Walk AueheimWall W. M. McFadden

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160 Fruit Shippers

Is organized by the co-operation of the following

local associations, viz:

The Azusa Covina-Glendova I A. C. 6. 1 Citrus Association

The Glaremont. Cal. Fruit Growers' Association

The Kingsley Association, Pomona

The Old Settlement Association, Pomona

The Ontario Fruit Exchange

and is sole agent for the fruit of these Associations. These

Oranges are grown along the south slope of the Sierre

Madre Mountains, at an elevation of from 1,000 to

2,000 feet above sea level, in a district unexcelled in

soil and climate for the production of the finest grades

ofcitrus fruits. The packages will be stamped with a

Br»r?«l or Trade A\arK

combining the names of the district and local Associa-

tion, similar to the above design. Send your orders for

Oranges direct to the Exchange and you will get just

what you order. Correspondence solicited.



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California. Fruit Growers 161




Walnut Rivera

Walrus T. L. Gooch




Warapee Tustin

Wampum H. K. Snow

Wan Dr. Wall

Wand S. Tustin






Want Lamanda Park

Wanton L. H. Titus




Wapacut William Stevenson

Waped James Craig



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t-62 Fruit Shippers

Telegraphic C^de Address Wapp

Duarte Fruit Exghange

mm frrnrtr. Cal.

The district comprised in this Exchange

lies along the Duarte, Monrovia and- Sierra

Madre foot-hills of the Sierra Madre range.

It is well known to the fruit trade for many

years as a producer of the finer grades of

California oranges, of the Navel, Seedling and

all other established varieties. For texture,.

sweetness and flavor, as well as for carrying

<iuality, they are unsurpassed, and they have

always held the highest (/notations in the San

Francisco market.

The fruit of this brand is guaranteed of

the highest standard of "Fancy" and "Choice"

and to be packed and shipped in the best style


The orange crop of the district is below the

average in quantity, but unusually fine in

(/utility. Prices will conform to those cstab~

lished from time to time by the Southern Cali-

fornia Fruit Exchanges.

Duarte Fruit Exchange

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California Fruit Growers 163

W'appe Pasadena

Wapper Pasadena Fruit Grow-ers Association

War C.. C. ThompsonWarble C. DaneWarbling J. R. Clark




Wardship San Gabriel

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164- Fruit Shipper*

Telegraphic Code Address Ware


Fruit ExchangeEmbracing following local associations

Anaheim Fruit Association

Brookshurst Ranch Co.

Orange Fruit Association

Placentia Fruit Grower's Association

Tustin Fruit Grower's Association

Villa Park Orange Association


Or&pqes apcl LernopsNavels SeedlingsMediterranean Sweets LisbonMalta Bloods EurekaLate Valentias Villa Francais

Tangerinesoffice orange, Cal.

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California Green and Dried Fruits 165

Warehouse A. B. ChapmanWareless J. De Barth Shorb

Warely J. M. Sanborn




Warine San Diego

Waring E. P. Fowler

Wark F. H. Hyatt

Warlike E. F. Beard




Warn Glendale

Warp Judge Ross

Warran 1: Cap. Thorns





Was San Francisco Co.

Wash Porter Bros. & Co.

Wasp Allison, Gray & Co.

Wassail C. W. Pike





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lm. Fruit Shippers

Telegraphic Code Address Watchword

San Diego County, Cal.Produces Oranges, Peaches, Apricots,

Olives, Raisins and all other kinds of

fruit known to - ...SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA

But her Specialty is


For color, keeping qualities, thinness of rind, scarcityof seeds and quantity of good juice, they are not excelled

by any country in the state or anycountry in the world.

Lemon growers of this county received as manyawards at the World's Fair as did those of all othercounties of California combined.

Order San Diego Lemons packed by the


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California Deciduous Fruits lf>7


Water Vacaville

Wattle California Fruit Ass'n

Waul Vaca Valley Fruit Growers' Assoc.

Wave T. H. BuckinghamWax J. M. Bassford

Waylaid J. A. Webster

Waylay 0. Garlisch

Wayward James? Blake

Waywode W. J. Dobbins

Wayworn J. W. Gates

We W. M. Gates

Weak W. B. Parker

Weakling F. H. Buck-

Weakness F. B. McKevittWeal \. McKevittWealden E. R. ThurberWealth L. W. Buck






Wearisb New Castle

Weary Co-operativeFruit As-


Weasand George I). Kellogg

Weasel W.J. Willson & Son


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168 Fruit Shippers

Telegraphic C od e Ad d ress Weave




FERNANDO, which is situated in the San FernandoValley, is one of the coming orange and lemon dis-

tricts, and has some fine Navel orange orchards.

GLENDALE, which is one of the noted foot hill orange

districts, where some of the finest orange orchards

in Southern California are located.

PASADENA, crown of the valley that runs from the

mountains into San Gabriel Valley, where all kinds

of fine fruit grows.

RIVERA, this is an old orange district and is a part

of the famous Los Nietos walnut country, which

stands at the head for fine walnuts and has somefine orange orchards.

ALHAMBR A, which is a part of the noted San Gabriel

Valley, has a large and fine lot of oranges.

VERNONDALE, which is near Los Angeles City, is

one of the oldest orange districts.

DOWNEY, with its large, 3-oung orchards, is one of

our shipping points.

General Offices at Los Angeles, Cal.

110 South Main Street, Grand Opera House Block

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California Deciduous Fruits 169




Wedding San Jose


Heavy Shippers of Dried Fruits

Wedlock J. Z. Anderson

Wednesday R. S. Gushing

Wee S. I. Roper

Weed J. D. Howell

Weedless W. W. Cozzens

Week J. H. Fleckenger

Weakly W. E. Ward & Co.

Weel Joseph CannyWeen ...J. F. Gillman






Weet San Lorenzo

Weetles E. T. CraneWeever C. S. KingWeevil H. W. MeekWeezel C. W. HathcwayWeft J. B. Marlin

Weigh E. 0. Webb




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170 California Deciduous Fruits

Welcome HaywardsWeld Knox Bros.

Wold C. WintonWelding John Webster

Welfare W. Lawrence




Well Santa Clara

Welt A. Block

Welter A. H. Wood






Wenny Winters

Went J. E. Keid

Wept R. B. Sackett & Co.

Were .H. SeamanWer t Briggs Bro s


Werth G. W. Thissill

Wesil G. W. Henaloy

West R. R. McGuffen

Westward A. A. Prescott



Wetness .Wrights

Wex E. F. AdamsWey James Taylor

Whack D. M. Lawrence

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Calitorma Deciduous Fruits 171

Whale J.S. Fowler

Whaul Wright Bros.

Whame D. C. Furley

Whang W. H. Aitkin



Wharfage Florin

What Florin Co-OperativeFruit Co.

Wheal L. M. Landsborugh

Wheat J. Rutter

Wheevle W. M. Reid

Wheel Thomas Taylor

Wheely W. W. SwayzeWheeze D. Finch

Whelk L. W. Slansfield

Whelm (George Butler



Whence PenrynWhere Pattee Sett Co.

Wherefore Penryn Fruit Co.

Whereness Co-Operative Fruit CoWherret P. W. Butler

Wherry L. D. Butts

Whet F. B. Fitch

Wheather Files Bros.

Whethering J. E. French

Whetstone A. P. Hall

Whetted William Barton

Whetter 0. R. OwensWhetting F. Palmer



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171' California Deciduous Fruits

Wheyey ColomaWheyish Coloma Fruit Ass.

Which William Nichols

Whiff John Crocker

Whiffle A. Peterson

Whiffler C. P. Younk



Whiggery Place ville

Whiggish Placeville Fruit Co.

While E. W. WhitmerWhilere Dr. E. N. MegloneWhiling J. L. Waymouth



Whimbrel ReddingWhimper Fruit Growers Ass.

Whimpering ....


Whimsey riarysville

Whimsical J. B. Wilkie

Whin R. C. Kells

Whinchat H. P. Stabler

Whine J.J. Pratt

Winner C. E. Williams

Whining Abbott ,!<: Phillips




Whip NapaWhipped S. M. Tool

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Ca liforma AImonds— 1 1 Vi Inuts 173




Whipt Chico

Whir Gen. J. Bid well

Whirl JohnGuill

Whirligig E. T. Reynolds




CALIFORNIA ALMONDS.Whirlwind Webster Treat, Davisville

Whirring A. T. Hatch, Suisun

Whisk Jackson Bros., WoodlandWhisker


CALIFORNIA WALNUTS.Whisky Max Nebelung, Anehein

Whisper ! R. H. Gilman, Anehein



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17-t California Vegetable and Raisin Shippers


Whistle \V. C. Patterson & Co., Los Angles

Whistled Stanley & Henr\-, Los Angeles

Whistler Allen Bros., Los Angeles

Whistly Piatt Judson Fruit Co., Los Angeles

Whit W. H. Wood & Co., Sacramento

White Gregory Bros., Sacramento

Whitewood. ...Allison, Gray & Co., San Francisco

Whited.. Judson Fruit Co., San Francisco

Whitele\- Barton Bros., San Francisco

Whiten Wetmore Bros., San Francisco







Whitster California State Raisin Growers' Associa-

tion; C. H. Norris, Pres.; Wm. Harvey,









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California Olive Oil— Oregon Fruits 175















Whoso Ellwood Cooper, Santa Barabra

Whur Frank A. Kimball, San Diego

Whurt Bowen & Goudge, PomonaWhy E. E. Goodrich, Santa Clara

Whynot J. C. Gray, Oraville

Wi George T. Hooper, Sonoma


Wick H. E. Battin & Co., Portland, Ore.

Wicked F. H. Page & Son, Portland, Ore.

Wickedly Snake River Fruit Growers' Asso., Wa WaWai, Ore.

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1 7<> Washington Fruits—Apple Shippers


Wicker deorge Starrett & Co., Walla Walla,Wash.












Wield Springer & Tnbbs, Moravia, X. Y.

Wife Mason & Son, East Bloomfield, X. Y.

Wifeless E. T. Wilder, Canandaigna, X. Y.

Wig R. A. Mather, Canandaigua, X. Y.

Wight E. Smith & Son. Geneva, N. Y.

Wightly Dorsey & Co., Geneva, X. Y.

Wigwam Dillman Bros., Geneva, X. Y.

Wild J. S.Jordan, Lyons. X. Y.

Will W. H. Deady, Lyons, X. Y.

Willow Loomis & Woodruff, Yictor, X. Y.

Wily Humphreys & Holdridge, Honeye Falls

X. Y.

Wimble W. B. Keen, Le Roy, X. Y.

Win Ferrin Bros. & Co.. Rochester, X. Y.

Wince D. C. Blair, Havana, X. Y.

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Apple Shippei s

Wind G. W. Ferguson & Son, Lockport, N. Y.

Wine H. C. Hoog & Son, Lockport, N. Y.

Wing Ives & Son, Medina, N. Y.

Winnow S. C. Bowen, Medina, N. Y.






Wire Ryan & Richardson, Leavenworth Kans.

Wireing George Heary, Leavenworth, Kans.

Wiry W. H. Farwell, Leavenworth, Kans.

Wis G. W. Chase & Son, St. Joseph, Mo.Wisdom Sandusky & Co., St. Joseph, Mo.Wise Chas. Willman & Sons, St. Joseph, Mo.Wish C. Thorp, Weston, Mo.Wisj) Moser Mclb. Co., Amazonia, Mo.

Wist H. P.Stanley Sons, Chicago Apple PackersWistful F. Nickerson & Son, Chicago Apple


Wistit F. E. Nellis & Co., Chicago Apple Packers

Wit Earl Bros., Chicago Apple Packers






Within Mosley Bros., Grand Rapids, Mich.

Witless ..Becker Bros., Fenton, Mich.

Witling G. E. Howes, Battle Creek, Mich.

Witness J. Mikesell & Co., Charlotte, Mich.

Witnessing W. R. Pierce, Charlotte, Mich.

Wive H. E. Battin & Co., Portland, Orcgi n

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1 7s Concord Grape Shippers

Wizard P. H. Page <K: Son, Portland. Oregon

Woad D. L. Simmons, Colburne, Ont.

Woden James Cochrane, Colburne, Ont.

Woe W B. Kettenhonse, Jordan, Ont.

Woful Tighe & Stringer, Chatham, Ont.

Woft A.J. Green, Essex Center, Ontario

Wold ..A. G. Gibson & Co., Toronto, CanadaWolf M. C. Williams & Everist, Toronto, Can.

Wolvish C. H. Towsley, Glenwood, Iowa

Woman Ben McCoy, Oskaloosa, Iowa







Wo,lyChauta,uqua & N. E. Grape Uni



2,000 Car Loads Well Packed Fancy Fruit

Euclid Lake Shore Grape Union


The Largest Stopping Association in the State

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Cranberry Shippers—Banana Shippers 1 79

Wootz Niagara Grape Co., Lockport, X. V.

Word Central New York Grape Union , Renn-YanWore Baxter & Sons, Narvoo, 111.

Work C. H. Towslev, Glenwood, Iowa







Worst A. D. Makepeace, West Barnstable, Mass.

Wort C. K. Crowell, Dennis Port, Mass.

Worth J. B. Tuttle, Harwick, Mass.

Worthy E. Small, Harwiek, Mass.

Wot [ones & Heald Sandwich, Mass.

Would Curtis & Co., Boston, Mass.

Wound Titus Bros., New YorkWove French & Co., New YorkWoven Thacker Bros., Chicago

Wox H. P. Stanleys Sons, Chicago





Wrasse J. L. Phipps & Co., New Orleans

Weak Maccheca Bros., New Orleans

Wreath \. Caron & Co., New Orleans

Wreck Weinberger & Co., New Orleans

Wren S. Oteri, New Orleans

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ISO liana na Shippers

Wrench C. A. Fish & Co., New Orleans

Wrenching Wessels & Co., New York

Wrest Richardson & Co., New YorkWrig E. R. Nichols & Co., Chicago







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Fruit Auctions 1S1

xebes Reliable Fruit Auctions

Xerotes E. L. Goodsell, Auctioneer, New York

Xiphoid Snow & Co., Auctioneers, Boston

Xylite Philadelphia Auction Co., Philadelphia

Xyst Chicago Fruit Auction Co. Chicago

Xyster Thacker Bros. Fruit Auctioneers, Chicago

Yacht Southwater Street Fruit & Produce

Auction Co., Chicago

Yager Twin City Auction Co., Minneapolis

Yahoo Twin City Auction Co., St. Paul

Yak The Cleveland Fruit Auction Co., Cleve-


Yam Buffalo Fruit Auction Co., Buffalo

Yankee The Montreal Fruit Auction Co., Mon-treal

Yap Pittsburg Fruit Auction Co., Pittsburg

Yard Baltimore Fruit Auction Co., Baltimore

Yarely..". The Merchants Fruit Auction Co., KansasCity

Yarn Denver Fruit Auction Co.

Yarr W. N. White & Co., Limited, Fruit Auc-

tioneers, Covent Garden, London

Vaugh St. Louis Fruit Auction Co.

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1N2 Reliable Fruit fournnls

Reliable Fruit Trade, and Commercial paper1


Yaulp California Fruit Grower, San Francisco,

B. N. Rowley, Editor.

Yawl Fruit Trade Journal, New York, Isaac

Tuck, Editor.

Ye Riverside Press, Rherside, Cal., E.J.

Holmes, Editor.

Yead Commercial Bulletin, Minneapolis, Minn.,

A. S. Jones, Editor.

Yearn Philadelphia Grocer and Fruit Trade Bul-

letin, Philadelphia, M. V. Hartrauft,




Every Fruit Grower, Shipper and Fruit Jobber

should subscribe for these reliable papers.. They

will give you information that should be in the hands

of every man interested in the fruit industry.


Yel1Indian River Orange Growers' Asso,


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Index to Cipher.

Apples 28

A. T. & S. F. Refrigerators 101

A. T. & S. F. Fruit Freight Cars 110Apricots 27Bananas 29

Buy, Buying 34Box Shipmen ts 51

Cherries 27

California Grapes 25Cranberries 29

C. F. X. Refrigerators 65C. F. T. Refrigerators 74

C, B. &Q. Fruit Cars 73

C, R. I. & P. Fruit Cars 73

C, R. I. & P. Refrigerators 70

C. &N. W. Fruit Cars 73

C, M. & St. P. Fruit Car? 73

C. P. Freight Fruit Cars 82

C. P. Passenger Fruit Cars 86Car Initials 01

Dried Fruits: 33Goodell Refrigerators 99

Instructions to Packers 50Indian River Oranges 182

Lemons 1 9

Lot Numbers 52

Letters and Telegrams 4S

Markets 45

Miscellaneous Instructions 56Numerals and Prices 3

Oranges 15

Pears 24

Peaches _'.'.

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Hums and Prunes 2<">

Quality and Condition 4-3

Kaisins 32

Refrigerator Cars (>4

outing 64

'.es Oranges, Lemons 20

. ra wberri es 27

Sell, Selling 33

Ship 3S

Shipping 40

Shipped 42

Shipping Dates 54

S. P. Freight Fri.it Cars 88

Terms 60

U. P. Passenger Fruit Cars 89

U. P. Freight Fruit Cars 91

Vegetables 2'J

Index to Jobbers and Shippers.

Banana Shippers 1 13*

California Green and Dried Fruit Shippers 131!

" Almond Shippers 1 73

Olive " 171

Walnut " 17.'!

Raisin " 174-

" Vegetable " 174-

Cranberry Shippers 170

Concord Grape Shippers 178

Fruit Jobbers .' 152

Orange Growers and Shippers 152

Oregon Fruit Shippers 175

Reliable Auctions 181

Reliable Commercial Papers 182

Washington Fruits t76

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