ON THE METHOD FOR SEMI-REGULAR REMESHING PROPOSED BY IGOR GUSKOV Javier Lezama *, Mattia Natali ** *Facultad de Matem´ atica, Astronom´ ıa y F´ ısica, Universidad Nacional de C´ordoba **University of Bergen November 22nd, 2011 J. Lezama, M. Natali () SEMI-REGULAR REMESHING November 22nd, 2011 1 / 35

Javier Lezama. Matia Natali

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Whorkshop Impa Noviembre 2011

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Page 1: Javier Lezama. Matia Natali


Javier Lezama *, Mattia Natali **

*Facultad de Matematica, Astronomıa y Fısica, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba**University of Bergen

November 22nd, 2011

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Page 2: Javier Lezama. Matia Natali

1 Introduction

2 Chartification

3 Parameterization

4 Optimization

5 Resampling step

6 Conclusions

7 Restrictions

8 How it works

9 References

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Table of contents

1 Introduction

2 Chartification

3 Parameterization

4 Optimization

5 Resampling step

6 Conclusions

7 Restrictions

8 How it works

9 References

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Aim of the presentation

Imput mesh Semi-regular remeshing

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Semi-Regular mesh

easy level-of-detail management.

efficient data structures.

efficient processing algorithms.

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Semi-Regular mesh

easy level-of-detail management.

efficient data structures.

efficient processing algorithms.

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Semi-Regular mesh

easy level-of-detail management.

efficient data structures.

efficient processing algorithms.

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Semi-Regular mesh

easy level-of-detail management.

efficient data structures.

efficient processing algorithms.

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Table of contents

1 Introduction

2 Chartification

3 Parameterization

4 Optimization

5 Resampling step

6 Conclusions

7 Restrictions

8 How it works

9 References

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Table of contents

1 Introduction

2 Chartification

3 Parameterization

4 Optimization

5 Resampling step

6 Conclusions

7 Restrictions

8 How it works

9 References

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Original mesh: M = (VM ,EM ,FM) Base mesh: B = (VB ,EB ,FB).

u : VM → |B|u : |M| → |B|

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From base mesh to p-domain.

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ρb(v) = Rb(u(v))

Db = t ∈ FM : t = (v1, v2, v3), vk ∈ u−1(Ωb), k = 1, 2, 3.

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ρb(v) = Rb(u(v))

Db = t ∈ FM : t = (v1, v2, v3), vk ∈ u−1(Ωb), k = 1, 2, 3.

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How can we compute the u map?

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Table of contents

1 Introduction

2 Chartification

3 Parameterization

4 Optimization

5 Resampling step

6 Conclusions

7 Restrictions

8 How it works

9 References

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u(0) obtained from the parameterization process ( ρ = Rb u(0)).

Using u(0) for the parameterization, we would get distortion betweenadjacent patches

Courtesy of Andre Maximo

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u(0) obtained from the parameterization process ( ρ = Rb u(0)).

Using u(0) for the parameterization, we would get distortion betweenadjacent patches

Courtesy of Andre Maximo

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u(0) obtained from the parameterization process ( ρ = Rb u(0)).

Using u(0) for the parameterization, we would get distortion betweenadjacent patches

Courtesy of Andre Maximo

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u(0) obtained from the parameterization process ( ρ = Rb u(0)).

Using u(0) for the parameterization, we would get distortion betweenadjacent patches

Courtesy of Andre Maximo

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For a single base vertex b, we can consider the mappingRb u : u−1(Ωb)→ R2.

Rb(u(v)) =∑


avviRb(u(vi )),

where avvi are MVP coefficients and ω1(v) is the one-ring ofneighbors of v .

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For a single base vertex b, we can consider the mappingRb u : u−1(Ωb)→ R2.

Rb(u(v)) =∑


avviRb(u(vi )),

where avvi are MVP coefficients and ω1(v) is the one-ring ofneighbors of v .

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For a single base vertex b, we can consider the mappingRb u : u−1(Ωb)→ R2.

Rb(u(v)) =∑


avviRb(u(vi )),

where avvi are MVP coefficients and ω1(v) is the one-ring ofneighbors of v .

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For a single base vertex b, we can consider the mappingRb u : u−1(Ωb)→ R2.

Rb(u(v)) =∑


avviRb(u(vi )),

where avvi are MVP coefficients and ω1(v) is the one-ring ofneighbors of v .

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J(u) =def∑v∈Vm






avviRb(u(vi ))


where σ(v) is the area associated with the vertex v .

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J(u) =def∑v∈Vm






avviRb(u(vi ))


where σ(v) is the area associated with the vertex v .

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The parametric energy functional J(u) is then re-expressed in termsof these 2D values. At this stage, a standard optimization procedureis invoked to produce the locally optimal values for each vertex.

F (y) =∑v∈Λe


σ(v)wbk (ξ−1(y(v)))

× (ζk(y(v))−∑

v ′∈ω1(v)

avv ′ζk(y(v ′)))2

ζk(y) = Kh6

val(bk )

(Aek(y1 + iy2) + Be

k ), k = 1, 2, 3, 4.

A1 = 1,B1 = 1/2; A2 = −1,B2 = 12 ; A3 = i ,B3 =


2 ; A4 = −i ,B4 =√


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The parametric energy functional J(u) is then re-expressed in termsof these 2D values. At this stage, a standard optimization procedureis invoked to produce the locally optimal values for each vertex.

F (y) =∑v∈Λe


σ(v)wbk (ξ−1(y(v)))

× (ζk(y(v))−∑

v ′∈ω1(v)

avv ′ζk(y(v ′)))2

ζk(y) = Kh6

val(bk )

(Aek(y1 + iy2) + Be

k ), k = 1, 2, 3, 4.

A1 = 1,B1 = 1/2; A2 = −1,B2 = 12 ; A3 = i ,B3 =


2 ; A4 = −i ,B4 =√


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The parametric energy functional J(u) is then re-expressed in termsof these 2D values. At this stage, a standard optimization procedureis invoked to produce the locally optimal values for each vertex.

F (y) =∑v∈Λe


σ(v)wbk (ξ−1(y(v)))

× (ζk(y(v))−∑

v ′∈ω1(v)

avv ′ζk(y(v ′)))2

ζk(y) = Kh6

val(bk )

(Aek(y1 + iy2) + Be

k ), k = 1, 2, 3, 4.

A1 = 1,B1 = 1/2; A2 = −1,B2 = 12 ; A3 = i ,B3 =


2 ; A4 = −i ,B4 =√


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Resampling step

Table of contents

1 Introduction

2 Chartification

3 Parameterization

4 Optimization

5 Resampling step

6 Conclusions

7 Restrictions

8 How it works

9 References

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Resampling step

The sampling stage uniformly refines the base mesh triangles to thedesired level.

Then we need to invert the mapping to construct the outputremeshes at different levels.

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Resampling step

The sampling stage uniformly refines the base mesh triangles to thedesired level.

Then we need to invert the mapping to construct the outputremeshes at different levels.

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Resampling step

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Resampling step

Example of resampled mesh.

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Resampling step

Next figure shows a failure of the algorithm to fully capture the sharpfeatures of the Fandisk model.

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Table of contents

1 Introduction

2 Chartification

3 Parameterization

4 Optimization

5 Resampling step

6 Conclusions

7 Restrictions

8 How it works

9 References

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We showed a manifold-based method for semi-regular remeshing.

The method is easy to implement and require almost no userintervention except for the choice of the base domain complexity.

The resampling does not require a meta-mesh construction, like othermethods and is simple to implement.

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We showed a manifold-based method for semi-regular remeshing.

The method is easy to implement and require almost no userintervention except for the choice of the base domain complexity.

The resampling does not require a meta-mesh construction, like othermethods and is simple to implement.

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We showed a manifold-based method for semi-regular remeshing.

The method is easy to implement and require almost no userintervention except for the choice of the base domain complexity.

The resampling does not require a meta-mesh construction, like othermethods and is simple to implement.

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Table of contents

1 Introduction

2 Chartification

3 Parameterization

4 Optimization

5 Resampling step

6 Conclusions

7 Restrictions

8 How it works

9 References

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This method is specifically targeted at the semi-regular meshconstruction, and will not work for morphing applications.

This method assumes that the input mesh is a valid triangular meshwith topological noise removed.

While this method can handle meshes with boundaries, sharp creasesare not preserved in the current implementation.

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This method is specifically targeted at the semi-regular meshconstruction, and will not work for morphing applications.

This method assumes that the input mesh is a valid triangular meshwith topological noise removed.

While this method can handle meshes with boundaries, sharp creasesare not preserved in the current implementation.

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This method is specifically targeted at the semi-regular meshconstruction, and will not work for morphing applications.

This method assumes that the input mesh is a valid triangular meshwith topological noise removed.

While this method can handle meshes with boundaries, sharp creasesare not preserved in the current implementation.

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How it works

Table of contents

1 Introduction

2 Chartification

3 Parameterization

4 Optimization

5 Resampling step

6 Conclusions

7 Restrictions

8 How it works

9 References

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Page 51: Javier Lezama. Matia Natali


Table of contents

1 Introduction

2 Chartification

3 Parameterization

4 Optimization

5 Resampling step

6 Conclusions

7 Restrictions

8 How it works

9 References

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Page 52: Javier Lezama. Matia Natali


Igor Guskov, Manifold-based approach to semi-regular remeshing.Graphical Models 69 (2007) 1-18.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1524070306000385

Sofware available at: http://www.guskov.org/trireme

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Igor Guskov, Manifold-based approach to semi-regular remeshing.Graphical Models 69 (2007) 1-18.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1524070306000385

Sofware available at: http://www.guskov.org/trireme

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Thanks, Obrigado, Merci, Takk, Grazie, Gracias =)

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