January 2015 Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 1 “A stable, independent, self-governing authority providing principled leadership to a dynamic community of caring, healthy citizens, from a secure resource base” Inside this issue 1 Introduction/Community Events 2 Ktunaxa/Recipe 3 Administration Staff Directory 4/5 Report from Councillor Anne Jimmie 6 Housing Coordinator Debbie Edge-Partington 7 Congratulations to Caytlyn Luke 8 FYI LKB Administration 9 Birthdays/Bear Hugs January (shooting) kmitxa‰titnum UPCOMING COMMUNITY EVENTS* *Subject to change without notice What: LKB Housing Policy Meeting When: January 8 th , 2015 5pm Where: LKB Gym What: LKB Chief and Council Meeting When: January 9 th and 23 rd , 2015 Where: LKB Boardroom

January (shooting) UPCOMING COMMUNITY EVENTS* …lowerkootenay.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/January-Newsletter-2015.pdfPresentations included ECDA Amendments, Parks regarding Radium

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Page 1: January (shooting) UPCOMING COMMUNITY EVENTS* …lowerkootenay.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/January-Newsletter-2015.pdfPresentations included ECDA Amendments, Parks regarding Radium

January 2015

Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 1

“A stable, independent, self-governing authority providing principled leadership to a dynamic community of

caring, healthy citizens, from a secure resource base”

Inside this issue 1 Introduction/Community Events

2 Ktunaxa/Recipe

3 Administration Staff Directory

4/5 Report from Councillor Anne Jimmie

6 Housing Coordinator Debbie Edge-Partington

7 Congratulations to Caytlyn Luke

8 FYI LKB Administration

9 Birthdays/Bear Hugs

January (shooting)


UPCOMING COMMUNITY EVENTS* *Subject to change without notice

What: LKB Housing Policy Meeting When: January 8

th, 2015 5pm

Where: LKB Gym What: LKB Chief and Council Meeting When: January 9

th and 23

rd, 2015

Where: LKB Boardroom

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January 2015

Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 2

Recipe Elk Steak Marinade

Prep Time: 5 Minutes

Cook Time: 10 Minutes Ready in 4 Hours 15 Minutes

Servings: 4

Ingredients: 3 tbsp. canola oil

2 tbsp. minced onion

1 tbsp. lemon juice 1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

1 tbsp. soy sauce 1 tbsp. garlic powder

1 ½ pounds elk steak

Directions: 1. Whisk canola oil, onion, lemon juice,

Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, garlic powder, and pepper in a bowl until

marinade is well mixed. Place elk steak in a large resealable plastic bag

and pour marinade over meat. Coat meat with marinade squeeze out

excess air, and seal bag. Marinate in

the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, turning occasionally.

2. Preheat grill for medium heat and lightly oil the grate. Drain elk steak and discard marinade.

3. Cook steaks on a preheated grill until they are beginning to firm and are

hot and slightly pink in the center, 5 minutes per side.


ku –iskaxmiti ka piƒak. I lost my spoon. ƒukatin. Take it Sukakna—n –utmini. Be careful, it is hot. –isqa qakinin kwis. pass the salt. –isqa qakinin –akuq‰u‰a‰. pass the pepper. –isqa qakinin –isi‰ –utmi laxni pass the hot sauce. Hu suki‰“ukni, qapi qapsin sukaxni. Thank you for the delicious meal. Qapsin kinƒ xa‰ –i—ku‰? What would you like to eat? Ku“umkaki‰ti‰/ka—pi coffee Kquqƒuk pop

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January 2015

Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 3

Lower Kootenay Band Administrative Staff:

Director of Operations - Keith Clement (250)428-4428Ext. 224

Director of Finance - (250)428-4428Ext. 233

Accounting & Membership Clerk - Trina Luke (250)428-4428Ext. 231

Housing Coordinator - Debbie Edge-Partington (250)428-4428Ext. 229

Administrative Assistant - Lisa Three Feathers (250)428-4428Ext. 221

Director of Education - Karen Smith (250)428-4428Ext.236

Education Support Worker - Carol Louie (250)428-4428Ext. 241

Chief and Council Office - Jason Louie (250)428-4428Ext. 235

Director of Development Services - Curtis Wullum (250)428-6394 (c)

Public Works Supervisor - Chris Luke Jr. (250)428-6245 (c)

Yellow House - Reception (250)428-4409

Home and Community Care - Donna Whitesel (250)428-4409

Social Development Worker - Sandy Wayling (250)428-4409

Alcohol & Drug Worker - Barbara Basil (250)428-4409

Maintenance - Curtis Pachal (250)428-4428

Janitor - Aileen Evans (250)428-4428

Lower Kootenay Band Chief & Council: Chief (Executive) Jason Louie (250)428-4428Ext. 235

Councillor (Lands & Resources) Anne Jimmie (250)428-4428Ext. 241

Councillor (Social Services) Mary Basil (250)428-4428

Councillor (Economic Sector) Councillor (TKL Sector) Arlene Basil (250)428-4428

Lower Kootenay Band Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9-4

Closed For Statutory Holidays

***Please Note Lower Kootenay Band Council now has an Office in the

Administrative Building!!! Check out our upcoming Newsletters for times,

dates, they are in the office, as well as their phone Extension!!!

LKB has a policy that: ‘This office is committed to a workplace where everyone is safe and is

treated with courtesy, dignity and respect. Swearing, shouting, threats or violence will not be tolerated.’

BC has a new Anti-Bullying Legislation. Effective July 1st, 2012, Worksafe BC will be accepting claims for mental

distress based on workplace bullying and harassment.

Bullying means aggressive, abusive, or hostile conduct, humiliation, intimidation, or threats which could be considered be

a reasonable person to create a negative impact on any Personnel, or produce an environment detrimental to work for any


Chief & council passed a Bullying Policy at their April 10, 2012 council meeting.

A copy will be placed on the LKB website in the near future, or you can pick up a

Copy from the front desk, or have it emailed to you. Thank you for helping to keep LKB a harassment free workplace.

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January 2015

Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 4

Report from band councillor Anne Jimmie

Ki’su’k kyukyit! Brrrrr! With Old Man Winter upon us, I’m grateful for the community members who spend two weekends to split ,

and deliver wood. In addition, a big thanks to the Band for getting the wood so that band members can, not only keep warm, but to

keep their hydro bills down during the winter months!

This will be my last report as Councillor. First, I want to acknowledge those who had faith in me four years ago. I have seen many

accomplishments and give recognition to those who rolled up their sleeves and became involved, especially at the community level.

Your participation at community meetings, Open House Events, and reviewing Policies such as the Housing and Band Custom

Election Regulations is deeply appreciated. The words: “It takes a community to raise a child” and “do what you can do for your

community and not what your community can do for you” is so true insofar as being on Band Council. My role as a Councillor has

clearly not been to do the work for the people, but to work alongside and to speak on behalf of the people at the governance level. I

have accomplished this task in my four years and I will certainly be rolling up my sleeves and being involved as a community member

in lending my support to the newly elected Chief and Council and to the rest of Council.

My report covers the period from October 1st to December 19


October 1st: attended the KKC&FSS Board meeting at Aqam. Key items: 6 month probationary review for the Executive Director

coming up. Details were outlined. Financial Statements were reviewed and approved. Policies were approved.

October 2nd

: participated in the Housing Policy Review held at the band complex.

October 9th

: attended the community meeting held at the complex. An overview of the Creston Landfill Settlement was presented as

well as an update on the Round House.

October 14th

: attended the Chief and Council meeting. Updates on land leases were presented.

October 16th

: attended the JMAC meeting held at the KNGB. Discussions included AANDC Annual Business Plan, Audit Action

Plan and updates on the Terms of Reference and Youth Agreement Stats.

October 23rd

: participated in the teleconference regarding the CAO position at the KNC level.

October 28th

: attended the Chief and Council meeting. Representatives from the CBT gave updates on CBT and went on a tour of the

Round House, as CBT is one of the funders. One of the reps will be attending the December community meeting.

October 30th

: attended the KNEC/CBT joint meeting held at the SEM. An overview of the relationship between KNC and CBT were

outlined. Discussions took place followed by “moving forward” and “next steps.”

October 31st: attended the Chief and Council “special meeting” held in the boardroom.

November 5th

: attended the KKC&FSS board meeting held at Aqam. Financial statements reviewed and approved. Updates on K

House, audit, protocol, and personnel valuation model were presented.

November 5th

: participated in the Open Forum for the ten candidates held in the gym.

November 6th

: attended the Lands and Resources meeting held at the KNGB. Presentations included ECDA Amendments, Parks

regarding Radium Hot Springs, Joint Fish Passage Paper, IMBA Process Update, Dominion Coal Blocks, and “Draft” Qatmuk

Stewardship Plan.

November 10th

: attended the Chief and Council meeting. Discussions included the water system,( ie. water testing, flushing, etc.) This

will be on the agenda for the next meeting. An update on TKL was presented. Applications for the position of Director for TKL have

been received and interview dates will be scheduled.

November 20th

: attended the KNEC meeting held at the KNGB. Discussions included the Forestry Sharing Agreement, Hunting and

Economic Initiative Fund. Budgets were also reviewed and approved for each of the Sectors and Administration.

November 25th

: attended the Chief and Council meeting. Director of Public Works gave an update on the water system. Water is

tested weekly and once a month, testing is done and sent to Health Canada. Wells are flushed every two years. Records of testing, etc.

are well kept. Deadline for Director of Finance position has been extended to December 12th

. Until position has been filled, a contract

is in place to keep the finances up to date. There will be a by-election for one Councillor Position. Nominations are scheduled for

December 15th

followed by the Open Forum on January 5/15, advanced Polling on January 12th

and Elections on January 19th


November 26th

: attended the TKL Elders Advisory held at Aqam. A request was presented that a Policy be in place with respect to

“finding human remains.” Information was given on the present procedure. Through discussion, it was decided that a policy be

“drafted.” This “draft” will then be presented to the Elders Advisory for their review and support. Finally, it will be presented to the

Sector Council for approval.

The Elders were presented with a group to discuss the Elko Project. It was made clear that is not consultation, but rather an

information sharing. Presentations were already given to some of the KNC communities. It is hoped that an option will be selected in

the early part of 2015.

Elders were asked for Ktunaxa Signage for Grave Prairie, Alexander Creek and Flathead Town site. Suggestion was made to contact

Tobacco Plains Elders for their input. Another idea was a visit in the summer time in these identified areas.

December 3rd

: attended the KKCFSS Board meeting held in Aqam. This meeting was primarily to review the valuation for the

Executive Director.

December 5th

: This was my last Lands and Resource meeting. Reviews of Old Business from the last two meetings were completed.

The remainder of this meeting was the IMBA Briefing. Sector Council reps were fully engaged throughout the presentation. Meetings

have been held at the community level for members and Chief and Council meetings.

December 8th

: attended the KKCFSS meeting specifically held to review the Valuation with the Executive Director.

December 9th

: attended the last Chief and Council meeting for this year. A briefing on IMBA was presented by a Staff member from

Lands and Resources.

December 10th

: attended the Xmas Community Dinner held at the Complex. This was well attended.

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Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 5

December 11th

: attended the Community Meeting held at the Complex. There were four presentations. A representative from the

Columbia Basin Trust gave an overview that included the history of CBT. The focus of this presentation was to gather ideas from

members on how CBT can enhance their criteria for accessing funds for projects at the community level.

Creating a Legacy: Ktunaxa Trust (revenue sharing between Band and Nation Governments) was the second presentation. A brief

outline defining what is a trust and why a trust assisted members in having their input through filling out the survey. Members are

encouraged to fill out the on-line survey at www.surveymonkey.com/s/KNC CREATING A LEGACY

Happiness Counts Survey: The representative from Creston gave a history on how this survey began. Lower Kootenay Band is one of

the sites in the Creston Valley area where members can participate in the survey either on-line or filling out the survey. If you do the

on-line, you can access your scores. The deadline for this survey is December 12/14.

The last slide presentation was Trails. A group from the town of Creston have been involved in the idea of developing trails for hiking,

biking, etc. in different locations within the valley. Ideas were shared from members. A suggestion for another meeting to have more

input from the community was made. For members that were present, support was given on the project.

The next community meeting is scheduled for March 12, 2015.

December 17-18th

: will be attending the Professional Development to be held at the Prestige Inn. This will be my last session. I will

forever cherish: challenge ideas, not people and leadership (Chief and Council) are Governors, not Managers!

In closing, May the Spirit of Christmas bring Joy and Happiness to each and every one of you and your Families!

Taxas, Anne Jimmie

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January 2015

Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 6

H o u s i n g C o o r d i n a t o r – D e b b i e E d g e - P a r t i n g t o n

T h a n k y o u a l l f o r y o u r c o o p e r a t i o n i n h o u s e i n s p e c t i o n s t h i s f a l l . T h e y a r e

n o w c o m p l e t e , a n d m a i n t e n a n c e h a s b e e n b u s y a d d r e s s i n g m a n y i s s u e s t h a t

h a v e b e e n b r o u g h t t o o u r a t t e n t i o n .

T h o s e o f y o u t h a t a r e b u r n i n g w o o d p l e a s e b e r e m i n d e d t h a t y o u s h o u l d

h a v e a 4 f o o t w a l k w a y a r o u n d y o u r u n i t . I t i s a f i r e h a z a r d t o h a v e

c o m b u s t i b l e s l e a n i n g a g a i n s t u n i t s o r s i t t i n g u n d e r y o u r s t o v e p i p e s . A l l

f u r n a c e s s h o u l d h a v e c l e a r a c c e s s i n c a s e o f a s u d d e n e v e n s o t h a t

e m e r g e n c y c r e w s c a n r e s p o n d , t h i s i n c l u d e s o u t e r d o o r w a y s a n d c l e a r

p a t h w a y s t o y o u r h o m e . S l e e p i n g q u a r t e r s a r e n o t p e r m i t t e d i n t h e s a m e

r o o m a s t h e f u r n a c e u n i t . I n t h e e v e n t o f a c h i m n e y f i r e , D O N O T U S E

W A T E R T O S U R P R E S S T H E F I R E ! ! W a t e r c a n c a u s e s t e a m e x p l o s i o n t h a t

c a u s e s a t h e r m a l s h o c k t o t h e u n i t , i t a l s o h a s t h e p o t e n t i a l t o c a u s e h a r m

t o t h e p e r s o n p u t t i n g o u t t h e f i r e . I n s t e a d , u s e a B O X O F B A K I N G S O D A ,

s p r i n k l e d h e a v i l y , a n d c l o s e t h e a i r v e n t t o t h e u n i t . P l e a s e c a l l H o u s i n g

C o o r d i n a t o r i f y o u a r e c o n c e r n e d o r h a v i n g p r o b l e m s w i t h y o u r f u r n a c e .

W a t c h f o r t h e H o u s i n g P o l i c y D r a f t t h a t w i l l s o o n b e p o s t e d i n t h e L K B

w e b i t e a n d f a c e b o o k . I w i l l a l s o h a v e s o m e p r i n t e d o f f t o p i c k u p a t L K B

o f f i c e . I f y o u h a v e a n y i d e a s o r c o n c e r n s p l e a s e c a l l o r c o m e i n a n d s e e m e

a n y t i m e . T h e n e x t H o u s i n g P o l i c y m e e t i n g i s s e t f o r J a n u a r y 8 t h , 2 0 1 5 a t

5 p m i n t h e L K B G y m . .

W i s h i n g y o u a n d y o u r f a m i l y a v e r y M e r r y C h r i s t m a s .

D e b b i e E d g e - P a r t i n g t o n

H o u s i n g C o o r d i n a t o r

2 5 0 - 4 2 8 - 4 4 2 8 e x t . 2 2 9

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Congratulations to Caytlyn

on her 1st Whitetail Buck were so proud of you.

Way to go, Good Job……..

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January 2015

Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 8

F O R Y O U R I N F O R M A T I O N ~ L K B A d m i n i s t r a t i o n


Starting February 1st,2015 the revised

Gym/Kitchen Facilities Form will be in

effect. This includes rental of gym, kitchen,

boardroom, and Ball Field Facilities. If you

have any questions please contact Lisa

Three Feathers, Administrative Assistant


Thank You.

COMMUNITY PHOTOS WANTED FOR THE WEBSITE. EITHER COME IN TO SCAN OR SEND VIA EMAIL TO [email protected] Please be reminded that you will have to sign a photo release waiver form.

Please obey all posted

speed limits for the

safety of all community



Please be advised if you see someone that is not a

community member using our garbage dumpsters

to alert the Administration Office. We need to

alert the authorities as these dumpsters are for the

sole use of Lower Kootenay Band Community





Please join the LKB mailing list

Don’t forget to stop by the LKB

Office to check out our Message

Board. It is always updated. Copies

can be made at your request!

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January 2015

Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 9

Sports News

If anyone would like to submit a sports column with

various community or any other sports news i.e.

NHL, MLB etc, please feel free to send your news

to me at [email protected]


Ki’suk akunmaktitnis Erin Abraham

Hayden Abraham-Becker

Ashley Basil

Delores Basil

James Basil

Leona Basil

Henrik Dekker

Isaac Dekker

John Dekker

Alizae George

Dominic George

Debra Hagerud

Arrow Louie

Zolton Patko

Laura Phypers

Michael Phypers

Michael White

Toniena White

Sorry if anyone was missed

Bear hugs to everyone that helped out for the December LKB Community Xmas Dinner, it was delicious!!!!! Bear hugs to Arlene Basil and Anne Jimmie, thank you for all your years of dedication as Band Councillors, you will be missed. Bear hugs to Treena Blackmore for your generosity during my time of crisis! Bear hugs to all Parents and Staff for the wonderful job on the Yaqan Nukiy School Christmas Concert, Way to go!



Submissions to the monthly newsletter need to be

submitted by the last week of the month. This can be done

by emailing [email protected] . If you would

like this newsletter emailed to you, just email us with your

preferred email address. Submissions that are seen as

offensive or prepared to discredit another will not be
