Parish Office: 773.486.4300 Parish Fax: 773.252.5346 School Office: 773.486.1334 School Fax: 773.486.1782 School: www.stjohnberchmans.org Church: www.sjberchmans.org 2517 Logan Boulevard Chicago, IL 60647 Masses: Monday-Friday: 8:15 a.m. Wednesday: 8:30 a.m. Saturday (Vigil): 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:15 a.m., 9:45 a.m., 11:30 a.m. (Spanish), & 6:30 p.m. Reconciliation (Confession): Saturday: 4:30 p.m. Weekdays: by Appointment A L L AR E W ELC O M E! L O VE N OT H A TE! January 12, 2020 The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

January 12, 2020 The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord...Una carta del pastor Queridos Amigos, Hoy la Iglesia celebra la fiesta del bautismo de Jesús. Este es el final oficial de la

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Page 1: January 12, 2020 The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord...Una carta del pastor Queridos Amigos, Hoy la Iglesia celebra la fiesta del bautismo de Jesús. Este es el final oficial de la

Parish Office: 773.486.4300

Parish Fax: 773.252.5346

School Office: 773.486.1334

School Fax: 773.486.1782

School: www.stjohnberchmans.org

Church: www.sjberchmans.org

2517 Logan Boulevard Chicago, IL 60647

Masses: Monday-Friday: 8:15 a.m.

Wednesday: 8:30 a.m.Saturday (Vigil): 5:00 p.m.

Sunday: 8:15 a.m., 9:45 a.m.,11:30 a.m. (Spanish), & 6:30 p.m.

Reconciliation (Confession):Saturday: 4:30 p.m.

Weekdays: by Appointment

All Are welcome! love not HAte!

January 12, 2020The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

Page 2: January 12, 2020 The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord...Una carta del pastor Queridos Amigos, Hoy la Iglesia celebra la fiesta del bautismo de Jesús. Este es el final oficial de la

The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord January 12, 2020


Our Mission:Rooted in Christ, touched by His love and mercy, the Saint John Berchmans community finds unity in its diversity, proclaims by Word, Sacrament, and service, that the Kingdom of God is at hand, and declares that all are welcome in this place.

Dear Friends,

Today the Church celebrates the feast of the Baptism of Jesus. This is the official end of the Christmas season. Tomorrow the Christmas decorations will be taken down in the Church. Most homes have already done this.

From such light and joy of the Christmas season, we return to ordinary time. It seems so drab in comparison. The mysteries of the Christmas season should make us hopeful. We’ve celebrated the Incarnation – God becoming one of us. We’ve identified with the hardships, challenges and joys of family life as we remembered the Holy Family. The mysteries of the season were celebrated each day from Christmas to the feast of the Epiphany. On the Epiphany we are reminded that God manifests Himself to us as He did to the wise men.

All has led us to the Baptism of Jesus. We might ask ourselves how did we jump from the Infant to the adult Jesus who was baptized by John in the Jordan River. It is a continuation of the great unfolding of God manifesting Himself to us by Jesus’ baptism. Most of us were infants when we were baptized. We only remember it by photos that we’ve seen. Possibly our Godparents remember us on our birthdays. The older we get the more impossible it seems that we were once babies. What has happened in the intervening years? Can we recall the moments of grace that have shaped our lives? Have we been formed by the grace of Baptism?

By being baptized Jesus is uniting Himself to us not because He has sinned but to show that He is truly part of humanity. It is the same lesson that we have been reflecting on all season. God has become one of us so as to transform us by His divinity!

How has our Baptism directed the way that we live.

A few years ago, I received a call from a young man who told me that he was entering the seminary. As part of the admissions process he was asked to bring in his Baptismal certificate. When he read it, he saw that he was baptized by me thirty four years ago! With the thousand or so Baptisms I have done I told him that all I remembered about his was that he was dressed in a white outfit!

The young man wanted to get together to meet and share his story with me. I was anxious to hear it. A few weeks later we met. He told me about his parents who had gone through a nasty divorce. He shared what it was like to be raised by a single parent. He told me about his journey of faith from falling away from the Church during college to finally making application to the seminary after a few unfulfilling career moves. Near the end of our time together he said very boldly – I have lived a Blessed life and it started at my Baptism!

I pray that with all the struggles and challenges of life we can stay rooted in the same way. May we hear the words of the Father at Jesus’ Baptism addressed to us. “YOU ARE MY BELOVED IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED.”

The young man will be ordained a priest in two years. Please pray for him and that others may be called to the priesthood and all Church vocations.

May the New Year bring you and your families and the family of SJB many blessings.

In His Love,

Father Patrick M. Marshall

A letter from the Pastor

Father Marshall’s Musings

Page 3: January 12, 2020 The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord...Una carta del pastor Queridos Amigos, Hoy la Iglesia celebra la fiesta del bautismo de Jesús. Este es el final oficial de la

The Feast of the Baptism of the LordJanuary 12, 2020


Parish AnnouncementsParish Announcements

All are Welcome at Saint John Berchmans!If you are new to our church or just visiting, please stop and introduce yourself. We are happy to have you share in today’s celebration of the Eucharist. If you do not have a church home, we invite you to become a part of our parish family. To register as a parishioner, please contact the rectory office. Registration forms can also be found in the vestibule of the church or on our website at www.sjberchmans.org.

The Black chrisT of esquipulas

Please join us as we celebrate the Solemn feast in honor of the

Black Christ of Esquipulas at the

11:30 am Mass on Sunday, Jan. 19. A simple reception

will follow in the parish hall with tamales

from Guatemala and more. The Black Christ of

Esquipulas is an image of Jesus Crucified revered by millions of faithful in Central America that is in the

Basilica of Esquipulas in the city of the same name in Guatemala.

eVaNGeliZaTioN 102 WITH


“The heavens were opened and the voice of the Father thundered: This is my Beloved. . ., listen . . . ” (Mark 9: 7)

The baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River is the beginning of Jesus’ public life of ministry. It is also an indication of his full engagement in ministry. After the baptism of Jesus, his whole life changes. He will no longer have the occupation of carpenter as his primary focus.

During these past few months, in Evangelization 101, we have explored the meaning of the New Evangelization, we have pondered what it means to have a personal relationship with God and we’ve reflected on the depth of God. We have heard that each of us is called to discipleship and ongoing conversion. Now we move on to Evangelization 102.

Through Baptism we are given the mission of being a Priest, Prophet and King. As Priest, we are called to fully participate in the Mass and lead others to Christ and focus on strengthening our personal relationship with God. As Prophet we are called to proclaim the good news (Jesus Christ) to everyone in every place. As King we commit our time, talent and treasure to the care of the community of faith: the parish family, the local community and the world community.

Now is the time for us to more fully answer our call to discipleship here at St. John Berchmans. Our relationship with Jesus is found in our relationship with his people right here in front of us each day. Evangelization is an interior and exterior movement. In addition to focusing on our interior relationship with Jesus, as disciples, we reach out to those who have known the Gospel, but have stopped practicing their faith, we extend ourselves to those who have not heard the Gospel and we work toward the unity of Christians who proclaim Jesus as Lord of our lives. Together let’s hang on for this adventure we are called to by God through the Church. Our lives will never be the same.

2nd Collection for the Church in Latin America- Jan. 25, 26 2020

Share your faith on January 25, 26 2020. Support the Collection for the Church in Latin America. For many in Latin America and the Caribbean, a rising secular culture, difficult rural terrain, and a shortage of ministers all present obstacles to practicing the faith. Your support for the

collection provides lay leadership training, catechesis, priestly and religious formation, and other programs to share our Catholic faith with those who long hear the Good News of Christ. For more information visit www.uscch.org/latin-america.

USED SWEATER COLLECTION: JANUARY 26Did Santa bring you a new sweater for Christmas? Do you have sweaters in good condition that could be handed down to someone in need? We will be

collecting sweaters for adults and children the weekend of January 25-26. Bring your sweaters to any Mass that weekend – there will be containers in the vestibule for your hand-me-downs. Sweaters will be sorted the week of January 28 and delivered to Catholic Charities where they will be distributed to people in need of warm clothing. Thank you for planning ahead and setting aside sweaters for donation.

Page 4: January 12, 2020 The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord...Una carta del pastor Queridos Amigos, Hoy la Iglesia celebra la fiesta del bautismo de Jesús. Este es el final oficial de la

The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord January 12, 2020


Nuestra Misión:“Arraigada en Cristo y tocada por Su amor y misericordia, la comunidad de San Juan Berchmans encuentra unidad en su diversidad, proclama por medio de la palabra, Sacramento y servicio, que el Reino de Dios esta cerca y declara que todos son bienvenidos en este lugar.”

Una carta del pastor

Queridos Amigos,

Hoy la Iglesia celebra la fiesta del bautismo de Jesús. Este es el final oficial de la temporada navideña. Mañana se guardarán las decoraciones navideñas en la Iglesia. Ya han hecho esto en la mayoría de los hogares.

Después de tanta luz y alegría de la temporada navideña volvemos al tiempo ordinario. Ahora todo parece tan monótono. Los misterios de la temporada navideña nos hacen sentir ilusionados. Hemos celebrado la Encarnación - Dios se ha convertido en uno de nosotros. Nos identificamos con las dificultades, los desafíos y las alegrías de la vida familiar al recordar a la Sagrada Familia. Los misterios de la temporada se celebraron cada día desde Navidad hasta la fiesta de la Epifanía, donde se nos recuerda que Dios se nos manifiesta como lo hizo con los reyes.

Todo esto nos ha llevado al Bautismo de Jesús. Podríamos preguntarnos cómo pasamos del Niño Jesús al adulto Jesús, quien fue bautizado por Juan en el Río Jordán. Es una continuación del gran desarrollo de Dios manifestándose a nosotros por el bautismo de Jesús.

La mayoría de nosotros éramos bebés cuando fuimos bautizados. Solo lo recordamos por las fotos que hemos visto. Posiblemente nuestros padrinos nos recuerden en nuestros cumpleaños. A medida que envejecemos, parece más imposible que alguna vez fuimos bebés. ¿Qué ha pasado durante esos años? ¿Podemos recordar los momentos de bendiciones que han moldeado nuestras vidas? ¿Hemos sido formados por la bendición del bautismo?

Al ser bautizado, Jesús se está uniendo a nosotros no porque haya pecado, sino para demostrarnos que es verdaderamente parte de la humanidad. Es la misma lección que hemos estado reflexionando en toda la temporada. ¡Dios se ha convertido en uno de nosotros para transformarnos por su divinidad!

Cómo muestro bautismo ha guiado la forma en que vivimos.

Hace unos años recibí una llamada de un joven que me dijo que estaba ingresando al seminario. Como parte del proceso de admisión, se le pidió que trajera su certificado de bautismo. Cuando lo leyó, vio que yo lo había bautizado hace treinta y cuatro años. ¡Como he hecho mil ó más bautismos, le dije que todo lo que recordaba de él era que estaba vestido con un traje blanco!

Este joven deseaba reunirse conmigo para conocer y compartir su historia. Yo estaba ansioso por escucharlo. Unas semanas después nos reunimos y me contó sobre sus padres que habían pasado por un desagradable divorcio. Él compartió lo que era ser criado por un padre soltero. Me contó sobre su jornada de fe desde que se alejó de la Iglesia durante la universidad hasta que finalmente presento una solicitud al seminario después de algunos cambios de carrera insatisfactorios. Al punto de terminar nuestra reunión, valientemente me dijo: “¡He vivido una vida bendita que comenzó con mi bautismo!”

Rezo para que con todas las luchas y desafíos de la vida podamos permanecer enraizados de la misma manera. Que podamos escuchar las palabras del Padre en el bautismo de Jesús dirigidas a nosotros. “Eres mi amado en quien me he complacido.”

El joven será ordenado sacerdote en dos años. Oren por él y para que otros puedan ser llamados al sacerdocio y a todas las vocaciones eclesiásticas.

Que el Año Nuevo traiga a usted y a sus familias y a la familia de SJB muchas bendiciones.

En Su Amor,Padre Patrick M. Marshall

Reflexiones del Padre Marshall

Page 5: January 12, 2020 The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord...Una carta del pastor Queridos Amigos, Hoy la Iglesia celebra la fiesta del bautismo de Jesús. Este es el final oficial de la

The Feast of the Baptism of the LordJanuary 12, 2020


Anuncios ParroquialesTodos son Bienvenidos en San Juan Berchmans!

Si usted es nuevo en nuestra Iglesia o simplemente está de visita, deténgase y preséntese. Estamos contentos de poder compartir la celebración de la Eucaristía el día de hoy. Si no tiene una Iglesia, le invitamos a formar parte de nuestra familia parroquial. Para registrarse como feligrés, comuníquese con la oficina de la rectoría. Las formas de registro también se pueden encontrar en el vestíbulo de la Iglesia o en nuestra página web en www.sjberchmans.org.


DIANE MARIE “Los cielos se abrieron y la voz del Padre sonó: Este es mi Amado. . ., escuchen . . . “(Marcos 9: 7)

El bautismo de Jesús en el río Jordán es el comienzo de la vida de ministerio público de Jesús. También es una indicación de su compromiso total en el ministerio. Después del bautismo de Jesús, su vida entera cambia. Ya no tendrá la ocupación de carpintero como su enfoque principal.

Durante estos últimos meses, en Evangelización 101, hemos explorado el significado de la Nueva Evangelización, hemos reflexionado sobre lo que significa tener una relación personal profunda con Dios. Hemos escuchado que cada uno de nosotros está llamado al discipulado y a la conversión continua. Ahora pasamos a la Evangelización 102.

A través del bautismo se nos da la misión de ser Sacerdotes, Profetas y Reyes. Como Sacerdotes, estamos llamados a participar plenamente en la Misa y guiar a otros a Cristo y enfocarnos en fortalecer nuestra relación personal con Dios. Como Profetas estamos llamados a proclamar la buena nueva (Jesucristo) a todos y en todo lugar. Como Reyes, a dedicar nuestro tiempo, talento y tesoro al cuidado de la comunidad de fe: la familia parroquial, la comunidad local y la comunidad mundial.

Ahora es el momento de responder plenamente a nuestro llamado al discipulado aquí en San Juan Berchmans. Nuestra relación con Jesús se encuentra en nuestra relación con los demás aquí, frente a nosotros, todos los días. La evangelización es un movimiento interior y exterior. Además de enfocarnos en nuestra relación interior con Jesús, como discípulos, nos acercamos a aquellos que han conocido el Evangelio, pero han dejado de practicar su fe, nos extendemos a aquellos que no han escuchado el Evangelio y trabajamos con la unidad de cristianos que proclaman a Jesús como Señor de nuestras vidas. Juntos esperemos esta aventura a la que Dios nos llama a través de la Iglesia. Nuestras vidas nunca serán las mismas.

el crisTo NeGro de esquipulasÚnase a nosotros el domingo 19de enero en la Misa

de las 11:30 am mientras celebramos la solemne fiesta en honor del Cristo Negro de Esquipulas. El Cristo Negro

de Esquipulas es una imagen de

Jesús Crucificado venerado por

millones de fieles en Centroamérica,

el cual se encuentra en la Basílica de

Esquipulas en la ciudad del mismo nombre en Guatemala. Una simple recepción seguirá en el salón parroquial con tamales


2a Colecta para la Iglesia en América Latina- enero 25/26 2020

Comparta su fe el 25/26 de enero de 2020. Apoye la Colecta para la Iglesia en América Latina. Para muchos en América Latina y el Caribe, el incremento de una cultura secular, la dificultad que presentan los terrenos rurales

y la escasez de ministros, son unos obstáculos para practicar su fe. Su apoyo a la colecta proporciona capacitación para el liderazgo laico, la catequesis, la formación para sacerdotes y religiosos y otros programas para compartir nuestra fe católica con aquellos que anhelan escuchar la Buena de Cristo. Para más información visite www.uscch.org/latin-america.


¿Le trajo Santa un suéter nuevo para la Navidad? ¿Tiene suéteres en buenas condiciones que podrían ser entregados a los necesitados? Estaremos colectando

suéteres para adultos y niños el fin de semana del 25 al 26 de enero. Traiga sus suéteres a cualquier Misa ese fin de semana - habrá contenedores en el vestíbulo para sus donaciones. Los suéteres se clasificaran la semana del 28 de enero y se llevarán a Caridades Católicas donde serán distribuidos a las personas que necesitan ropa de invierno. Gracias por planear por adelantado y por sus donaciones.

Page 6: January 12, 2020 The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord...Una carta del pastor Queridos Amigos, Hoy la Iglesia celebra la fiesta del bautismo de Jesús. Este es el final oficial de la

The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord January 12, 2020



Applications are now OPEN for the 2020-2021 school year. Log on to our website and submit applications for new students and transfer students by Thursday, February 6, 2020. We had a lengthy waitlist for both preschool and kindergarten last year, and we anticipate the same enthusiasm this year.

If you would like more information about our program, curriculum and what makes SJB the best Catholic school in Logan Square, please join us at our upcoming Open House events: Friday, January 17th 8:30am and Sunday, January 26th at 11:00am after Family Mass. Find out what it means to Learn, Grow, Share and Believe at St. John Berchmans School!

¡Conviértase en una Águila de la Escuela San Juan Berchmans!

Las solicitudes ya están ABIERTAS para el año escolar 2020-2021. Inicie un sesión en nuestra pagina web y envíe la solicitud para estudiantes nuevos y estudiantes transferidos antes del jueves 6 de febrero de 2020. El año pasado tuvimos una larga lista de espera para los estudiantes preescolares y de kindergarten, y anticipamos lo mismo este año.

Si desea obtener más información sobre nuestro programa, plan de estudios y lo que hace que SJB sea la mejor escuela católica en Logan Square, únase a nosotros en nuestros próximos eventos de puertas abiertas: viernes 17 de enero a las 8:30 a.m. y domingo 26 de enero a las 11:00 a.m. después de la Misa familiar. ¡Descubra lo que significa aprender, crecer, compartir y creer en la escuela San Juan Berchmans!

Page 7: January 12, 2020 The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord...Una carta del pastor Queridos Amigos, Hoy la Iglesia celebra la fiesta del bautismo de Jesús. Este es el final oficial de la

The Feast of the Baptism of the LordJanuary 12, 2020


ONLINE GIVING TO SJBWe now have “I Give Online” offertory cards, available in the church vestibule. Now you can participate in the act of giving and celebrate the spiritual discipline and support you’ve been providing. Pick one up before mass or take a few to put in your wallet for future Sundays, and place a card in the basket during collection. Thank you for your support! Please consider doing your donations through Give Central! It is easier, convenient, paperless, effective and it is very beneficial to SJB even when you are not here.

DONACIONES EN EL INTERNET A SJBAhora tenemos tarjetas para el ofertorio “I Give Online”, disponibles en el vestíbulo de la Iglesia. Ahora puede participar en el acto de dar y celebrar la disciplina espiritual y el apoyo que ha estado brindando. Tome una antes de la Misa o lleve algunas para guardar en su cartera y utilícelas en los próximos domingos. Deposite una tarjeta en la canasta durante la colecta ¡Gracias por su apoyo!¡Por favor considere hacer sus donaciones a través de Give Central! Es más fácil, conveniente, no papel, y es efectivo además es muy beneficioso para SJB incluso cuando usted no se encuentre aquí.


Please Pray


For the health of Victor Angulo, Mark Baker, Dan Bass, Sabine Blanc Barbier, Dennis A. Bermudez, Ivan Bermudez, Thomas Brennan, Jim Browne, Florence Brzezinski, Frank Buttitta, Antonia Calderon, Mary Ellen Chwedyk, Adriana Collado, Brian DeLeon, Eddie Díaz, Danny Doyle, Anna Duski, Edwin Duvall, Raghda Fakhoury, Heather Fidler, Evan Flores, Dennis Hanson, Colin Hayes, Jane Jones, Michael D. Jones, Helen Kadar, Amalia Leija, Hector Lorenzo, Alice Maestranzi, Olivia Maxon, Ewing Metoyer, Kay Meyer, Alex Motenko, Kathleen Dillon Narko, Sr. Margaret Ormond, Norine Ortega, Ana Ortiz, Michael Parker, Debra Parsons, Mark and Anna Rabe, Jennifer Radziewicz, Carlos Ramos, Rita Rattin, Fr. Paul Reicher, Godfrey Reszner, Orlando Reyes, Julie Rivera, Maria Rivera, Sonia Rivera, Jorge Rojas, Maria E. Rosario, Joanne C. Runner, Anastacio Salgado, Margarita Sanchez, Glydden Santiago, Celeste Schwilck, Simon Shilston, M. E. Shober, Joseph Slocki, Rosa Maria Santos, Will Sullivan, Kris Sumner, Cheryl Szucsits, Eddie Tamez, Aurora Tapia, Jorge Tapia, Marina Tinajero, Jill Tibbe, Gladys Torres, Maria Torres, Sylvia Torres, and Jason VonGerichten

SJB STAFF CONTACTS PASTOR: Fr. Patrick Marshall, [email protected]

RESIDENT: Fr. Paul Reicher, [email protected]

PASTOR EMERITUS: Fr. William Gubbins

DEACONS: Jorge Cabrera (773) 625.2581, [email protected] Guillermo (Willie) Mendizabal, (773) 276.5502, [email protected]

DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS: Louie Russo, [email protected]



Sr. Diane Marie Collins, [email protected]

DIRECTOR OF MUSIC AND LITURGY: Michael Ruzicki, [email protected]

PARISH SECRETARY: Guille McMahon, [email protected]

PRINCIPAL: Peggy Roketenetz, [email protected]

DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS: Janet Harrison, [email protected]

DIRECTOR OF EVENTS: Claire Kenny [email protected]

SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Judy Ciukowski, [email protected]

Thank you ~ Gracias

Stewardship Report/ Informe de Administración

Sunday, December 29, 2019 Weekly

In Pew Mass Collection|Colecta 3,209.00$

Online giving at GiveCentral.org|Colecta de GiveCentral.org 2,620.19$

Sharing Parishes/ TTWCI/ Annual Catholic Appeal| Compartiendo

parroquias / TTWCI / Llamamiento católico annual2,257.20$

Operating Cost|Meta del Costo Semanal (11,457.17)$

Surplus/(Shortfall) for the week|Sobrante/(Déficit) para la semana (3,370.78)$

Christmas 6,372.00$

Weekly Attendence Report 12/29/19

5:00 PM 53

8:15 AM 66

9:45 AM 128

11:30 AM 134

6:30 PM 56

Total Sunday Attendance 437

Weekly Attendence Goal 600

Page 8: January 12, 2020 The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord...Una carta del pastor Queridos Amigos, Hoy la Iglesia celebra la fiesta del bautismo de Jesús. Este es el final oficial de la

The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord January 12, 2020


THE MISSION OF CATHOLIC CHARITIESCatholic Charities fulfills the Church’s role in the mission of charity to anyone in need by providing compassionate, competent and

professional services that strengthen and support individuals, families and communities based on the value and dignity of human life. In order to remain faithful to our mission, Catholic Charities is guided by these core values: Respect, Compassion, Competence, and Stewardship.


catholic charities of the archdiocese of chicago

Catholic Charities

Every 30 seconds someone comes to us in need of assistance.Catholic Charities serves anyone in need regardless of faith. Here are more facts about Catholic Charities:

Who are we?Helping people in need since 1917, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago is one of the largest private, not-for-profit social service agencies in the Midwest. We assist anyone in need without regard to religious, ethnic, or economic background. We strive to be efficient: 92 cents of every dollar we raise goes directly to our programs.

What do we do?Catholic Charities fulfills the Church’s role in the mission of charity by providing compassionate, competent, professional services that strengthen and support individuals, families and communities. By providing food, clothing, shelter, counseling, and other services to those in need, we bring hope to the hopeless. Our clients can access a comprehensive network of services that range from food pantries to mental health counseling, affordable housing, senior services, and everything in between. Our goal is to help each client become as self-sufficient as possible.

Where are we?We operate 158 programs from 174 locations throughout Cook and Lake counties. We are headquartered in downtown Chicago, with additional regional offices on the Southwest Side of Chicago, in Des Plaines, South Holland, Worth, Waukegan, and Cicero, which serve as hubs for our operations in the greater metropolitan area.

How do we do it?Our 2,800+ staff are well trained and dedicated to our mission. Catholic Charities also partners with nearly 250 parishes in Cook and Lake counties to bring services into communities. Catholic Charities is aided in its mission by more than 15,000 volunteers.

Catholic Charities is a member of Catholic Charities USA, the national office for 171 different Catholic Charities agencies in dioceses across the country. Catholic Charities is accredited by the Council on Accreditation.


Child Development Counseling Domestic Violence Emergency Assistance Health Care Homelessness HIV/AIDS Awareness Immigration/Naturalization Legal Assistance Maternity/Pregnancy Nutrition Refugee Resettlement Senior Services Senior Housing Substance Abuse Veterans Services

To Volunteer: (312) 655-7322To Get Help: (312) 655-7700To Donate: (312) 655-7012

Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago721 N. LaSalle StreetChicago, Illinois 60654

Sacramental Information

BapTismsContact the rectory office for a listing of the Baptisms scheduled throughout the year. At least one parent must attend a Baptism class prior to the selected date. You must be a registered and participating member of our parish for at least 3 months prior to the Baptism.

BauTiZosPóngase en contacto con la oficina de la rectoría para obtener una lista de los bautismos programados durante todo el año. Por lo menos un padre debe asistir a una clase del bautismo antes de la fecha seleccionada. Usted debe estar registrado como miembro de nuestra parroquia y participando por lo menos 3 meses antes del bautismo.

More news....legion of mary The Legion of Mary is a lay Catholic organization whose

members are giving service to the Church on a voluntary basis in almost every country. One of the many Legion of Mary communities meets here at SJB in St. Joseph Chapel every Wednesdays at 6:30pm (time subject to change) Please call Celsa Baez at (773) 252-1204 or email [email protected], join us! All are welcome!

legión de maríaLa Legión de María es una organización católica laica

cuyos miembros están prestando servicio a la Iglesia de forma voluntaria en casi todos los países. Una de las muchas comunidades de la Legión de María se reúne aquí en SJB todos los miércoles a las 6:30pm (algunas veces el horario cambia) Por favor llamar a Celsa al (773) 252-1204 o correo electrónico [email protected] ¡Acompáñenos! ¡Todos son bienvenidos!

ministry to the sick If anyone who is ill, needs Holy Communion brought to their

home or knows someone else who does, please contact the rectory with the person’s namemand phone number. Someone from the parish Ministers of the Sick will contact them.

ministerio a los enfermosSi alguien está enfermo, y necesita que le lleven la Sagrada

Comunión a su hogar o conoce a alguien que la necesite, comuníquese con la rectoría con el nombre de la persona y número de teléfono. Alguno de los ministros parroquiales de los enfermos se comunicará con ellos.

WheN Was The lasT Time You felT God’s mercY?The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is available

every Saturday at 4:30 p.m. Confessions are always available by appointment. Please contact the rectory office to make arrangements.

cuÁNdo fue la ÚlTima VeZ que siNTiÓ la misericordia de dios?

El Sacramento de la Reconciliación (Confesión) está disponible todos los sábados a las 4:30 p.m. Las confesiones están siempre disponibles por cita. Por favor, póngase en contacto con la rectoría para hacer arreglos.

Page 9: January 12, 2020 The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord...Una carta del pastor Queridos Amigos, Hoy la Iglesia celebra la fiesta del bautismo de Jesús. Este es el final oficial de la

The Feast of the Baptism of the LordJanuary 12, 2020


BapTism of The lordSATURDAY, January 11IS 42:1-4, 6-7 2nd ACTS 10:34-38 Gospel MT 3:13-17Is 42, 1-4. 6-7 2a Hch 10, 34-38 Evangelio Mt 3, 13-17 5:00 PM JOHN PARIZEK Celebrant: Fr. Patrick Marshall Commentator: Andrew Bui Lectors: Theresa Bui EMHC: Raghda Fakhoury, Janelle Reynolds Altar Servers: James Bui, Evelyn Chalcraft, Charlotte Reynolds

sUNDAY, January 12 8:15 AM +TESSA KAY WILHELM Celebrant: Fr. Kevin Birmingham Commentator: Anthony Logan Lector: Joseph Barletta EMHC: Fabiola Guerrero, Pedro Guerrero, Aaron Seret Altar Servers: Charlie Figueroa, Alejandro Morales Tigtig, Rheanna Rojas

9:45 AM THE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION STUDENTS Celebrant: Fr. Patrick Marshall Commentator: John Swinford Lectors: David Dvorak EMHC: Diane Collins, Joyana Dvorak, Allison Phillips Altar Servers: Brenden Amil, Oscar Craig, Elena Ham

11:30 AM +MARÍA ACEVEDO +WILLIE DELGADO +SERGIO VALDEZ LA SALUD DE EDDIE DIAZ Celebrant: Fr. Paul Reicher Diácono/Homilista: Jorge Cabrera Comentarista/Peticiones: Alice Vila Lectores: Wilmer Ramirez, Wanda Reyes MESC: Rosa Rodriguez y Rosaura Diaz, Adriana Medina y Wanda Reyes Monaguillos: Anthony Hernandez, Isabella Ibarra, Kevin Perez 6:30 PM THE PEOPLE OF ST. JOHN BERCHMANS PARISH Celebrant: Fr. Patrick Marshall Commentator: Jocelyn Guerra Lector: Tessa Brinkman EMHC: Orlando Guerra, Chris Murphy, Phillip Ramirez Altar Servers: Natalia Guerra, Rebecca Guerra, Steven Reyes

MONDAY, January 13 – Weekday (First week in Ordinary Time)1 SM 1:1-8 Gospel MK 1:14-20 1 Sm 1, 1-8 Evangelio Mc 1, 14-20 8:15 AM +JORGE VERA MORALES Celebrant: Fr. Michal Lewon

TUESDAY, January 14 - Weekday 1 SM 1:9-20 Gospel MK 1:21-28Español 1 Sm 1, 9-20 Evangelio Mc 1, 21-28 8:15 AM +ENCARNACION AND ISIDRO ANGULO Celebrant: Fr. Brian Bricker

WEDNESDAY, January 15 – Weekday 1 SM 3:1-10, 19-20 Gospel MK 1:29-39Español 1 Sm 3, 1-10. 19-20 Evangelio Mc 1, 29-39 8:30 AM DRS. ALFONSO AND LOU DIVINA TIU Celebrant: Fr. Patrick Marshall

THURSDAY, January 16 – Weekday 1 SM 4:1-11 Gospel MK 1:40-45Español 1 Sm 4, 1-11 Evangelio Mc 1, 40-45 8:15 AM - LOUIE RUSSO Celebrant: Fr. Paul Reicher

FRIDAY, January 17 – Saint Anthony Abbot 1 SM 8:4-7, 10-22A Gospel MK 2:1-121 Sm 8, 4-7. 10-22 Evangelio Mc 2, 1-12 8:15AM- AN INTENTION OF THANKSGIVING TO ST. JUDE Celebrant: Fr. Paul Reicher

secoNd suNdaY iN ordiNarY Time SATURDAY, January 18IS 49:3, 5-6 2nd 1COR 1:1-3 Gospel JN 1:29-34Is 49, 3. 5-6 2a 1 Co 1, 1-3 Evangelio Jn 1, 29-34 5:00 PM OUR CHICAGO POLICE OFFICERS ROBERT BREZINSKI’S BIRTHDAY ON 1-7-20 Celebrant: Fr. Patrick Marshall Commentator: Jeff Pitcock Lectors: Olga Perez EMHC: Jennifer Goodwin, Janelle Reynolds Altar Servers: Addison Pitcock, Hayley Pitcock, Charlotte Reynolds

sUNDAY, January 19 8:15 AM +NANCY KOSIBA KOSTER +ADELINE WOZNY Celebrant: Fr. Paul Reicher Commentator: Patricia Harris Lector: Anna Wozny-Ramirez EMHC: Krystyna Bielarz, Allison Phillips, Aaron Seret Altar Servers: Tristan Calderon, Charlie Figueroa, Lilijana Santiago

9:45 AM THE ALTAR SERVERS Celebrant: Fr. Patrick Marshall Commentator: Jennifer Marnul Lectors: Martha Ibarra EMHC: Joe Glunz, Lynette Losacco, Jeremy O’Keefe Altar Servers: Caitlyn Glunz, Ellie Glunz, Alejandro Morales Tigtig

11:30 AM +MARÍA ACEVEDO +RAQUEL M. CASTRO JESUS RAMON DIAZ LA SALUD DE ANNA Y MARK RABE Celebrant: Fr. Kevin Birmingham Diácono/Homilista: Guillermo Mendizábal Comentarista/Peticiones: Maria Mendizabal Lectores: Wanda Reyes, Wilmer Ramires MESC: Guadalupe Pantoja y Manuel Cerrillo, Armando y Maria E Salgado Monaguillos: Anthony Hernandez, Daniel Hernandez, Kevin Perez 6:30 PM THE PEOPLE OF ST. JOHN BERCHMANS PARISH Celebrant: Fr. Paul Reicher Commentator: Rochelle Therrien Lector: Andrew Erskine EMHC: Mark Dombrowski, Raghda Fakhoury, Chris Murphy Altar Servers: Paloma Mclean, Steven Reyes, Elena Woodburn